Argentina and the Great Depression Despina Pavlidis IB HOA Period 3

Argentina and the Great Depression Despina Pavlidis IB HOA Period 3

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Page 1: Argentina and the Great Depression Despina Pavlidis IB HOA Period 3

Argentina and the Great Depression

Despina PavlidisIB HOA Period 3

Page 2: Argentina and the Great Depression Despina Pavlidis IB HOA Period 3

Before the Great Depression

● 1913: world’s 10th wealthiest nation● Specialized production in beef and wheat

o mainly exports to Great Britain

● Educated workforceo mostly European immigrants

● 1916: Radical Party - Hipólito Yrigoyeno 1st period of democracy to represent the

urban/industrial classes

Page 3: Argentina and the Great Depression Despina Pavlidis IB HOA Period 3

During the Great Depression

● 1929: beef and wheat exports drop by 40%● 1930: Yrigoyen overthrown by military coup● 1933: Roca-Runciman Agreement

o guaranteed Argentina a fixed share in British meat market

o eliminated tariffs on Argentine cerealso preferential import duties for British goods

● Protectionist policieso exchange control, high import duties, import licences

Page 4: Argentina and the Great Depression Despina Pavlidis IB HOA Period 3

Argentine Fiscal Policy

Page 5: Argentina and the Great Depression Despina Pavlidis IB HOA Period 3

Bibliography ● http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/30/us-argentina-debt-chronology-idUSK

BN0FZ23N20140730● http://www.webcitation.org/63mlJ3cS8● http://www.ssc.wisc.edu/~munia/475/Presentations/Argentinabrief_history.pdf● http://www.econ.uba.ar/www/departamentos/economia/nuevo/files/pubs/rozen
