December 2007 CAE Paint Engineer Department DIVISION : 65303 Area Calculation – E Coats / Primer and Top coats Môgan Codandamourty

Area Calculation - E Coats and Topcoats

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December 2007 CAE Paint Engineer Department DIVISION : 65303Area Calculation E Coats / Primer and o! coats"#$an Codandamourt%2December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303&' E coats area calculationa. Introductionb. CAD data preparationc. Area Calculationd. Calculation checking(' Primer and o! coats area calculationa. Introductionb. CAD data preparationc. Outside area calculationd. Inside area calculationPlan3December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303a.Introductionarget! describe the E"Coats Area calculation method #or Catia $%.&a' Estimated time (reali)ation* ! + da,-e.uire /no0ledge! 1eginner le2el on Catia $% and 3D3 Paint Process and the de#inition o# the bod, #or the Electro Deposing Coating.&' E)coats area calculation4December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303&' E)coats area calculationb. CAD data preparationCatia V5 ParametersTaskbar -> OptionsInfrastructure -> Nodes CustomizationSending GDG Composition to Catia!In 3D35 deacti2ate the 2isuali)ation mode in the C&I pre#erences o# the 6orkbench Options -> Change Preferences -> CMI Preferenceshen Right click on the composition -> !pand Multiple "e#els$ction -> To Catia or $dd To CatiaAdd 78O7 0ith the Configure buttonsThis task allow the user to see the GDG designation in the constructiontree932%December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303&' E)coats area calculationb.CAD data preparationComposition cleaning:ide these #ollo0ing sur#ace and parts (double click on*!" 1olts and scre0s !" Assembled parts !;December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303&' E)coats area calculationb.CAD data preparation Composition cleaning:ide doubled part or doubled sur#ace5 but do not hide the flanges !Doubled part

December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303&' E)coats area calculationb.CAD data preparation Cleaning of the part file?elect the entire 2ehicle 0ith the mouse!dit -> Cop)hen *ile -> Ne+' -> Partdit -> Paste &pecial -> $s Result Deletion of the part bod):ide the %eometrical set&elect e2er, part bod) e'cept the top one Check i# theses part bod) are element that has not to be taken into account in the sur#ace calculation(nuts and scre0s5 assembled part@*. hen delete them.ADecember 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303c. Area calculation Join the surfaces?elect all the remaining sur#aces in the %eometrical setsClick on ,oinDeacti2ate check conne!it) Area calculation?elect the last ,oin created in the construction treeClick on Measure Inertia&' E)coats area calculationI# there are still part bod)5 it 0ill be necessar, to handle them alone (0ith the same tool Measure Inertia*.N-: The surfaces hae no thicknessThe solids !"od#$ hae a thickness90December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303d. Calculation checkingConersion of the Catia V5 file*ile -> &a#e as?a2e) the #ile into .stp 5then .model 5and .igs.=ike be#ore use Measure Inertia Conersion into %wrl*ile -> &a#e as?a2e the #ile into .+rl.Open the .+rl #ile 0ith $is2ie0-ight click on the element then properties&' E)coats area calculation295A099December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303(' Primer and o! coats area calculationa. Introductionarget! Describe a Primer and op Coats area Calculation 0ith Catia $%.&a' estimated time (reali)ation* ! B 9h30 #or a part 2ehicle (e'! December 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303b.Area Calculation ! Outside ConeArea calculation: ,nd su"*+oneClick on Measure InertiaClick on the last created ,oinick the 1eep measure bo'(' Primer and o! coats area calculation9ADecember 2007CAE Paint EngineerDIVISION : 65303c.Area Calculation ! Inside ConeSurface decomposition/ide all outside )one sur#aces&ho+ the geometrical set(s* o# the inside )one5 then hide the not painted elementsSplit of the surface !G(-.PPC e&pectations$Create the cutting plan 0ith the Offset from plane option