Garcia Fritz | ARCH 242: Building History II | Fall 2017 | DoArch | South Dakota State University 01 ARCH 242: BUILDING HISTORY II HISTORY OF THE PROFESSION: RENAISSANCE & BAROQUE ARCHITECTURE ARCH 242 | S01 | Building History II | Department of Architecture South Dakota State University | 2 Credits | F. 10:00AM – 11:50AM Crothers Engineering Hall, Room 0307 | Fall 2017 Jessica Garcia Fritz, Assistant Professor [email protected] Architecture, Math, & Engineering, Room 0368 Office Hours Tu. & Th. 3:00PM-5:00PM Jared Nurnberger, Graduate Assistant [email protected] Office Hours TBD https://doarchrenaissance2017.wordpress.com ARCH 242: Building History II employs the study of architecture through the frame of history emphasizing building as a professional and disciplinary practice. The course focuses on the historical study of the genesis of the profession across time and cultures in Renaissance and Baroque Italy (1350-1650) (course catalog). In this course, we explore the history of the profession and discipline through the role of the architect during the Renaissance and Baroque era. We further focus on how the architect came into being as well as how the role of the architect evolved. Furthermore, we will push seeing and interpreting architecture as a contextual representation of the society and the culture it stems from. - Understand history as a cultural construct. - Assess the changing role of the architect and the profession throughout history. - Evaluate and write about the elements that comprise Renaissance & Baroque Architecture. - Understand how historic architecture provides a framework for how architecture is interpreted today. - Compare and Contrast the architecture of the Renaissance and Baroque periods. Course Information Contact Information Course website Course Description Learning Objectives F. BRUNELLESCHI L.B. ALBERTI G. DA SANGALLO D. BRAMANTE M.L.B. SIMONI A. PALLADIO G.B. DA VIGNOLA C. MADERNO G.L. BERNINI F. BORROMINI

ARCH 242: BUILDING HISTORY II · PDF fileARCH 242: Building History II employs the study of architecture ... A. PALLADIO G.B. DA VIGNOLA C. MADERNO G.L. BERNINI F. BORROMINI. Garcia

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Page 1: ARCH 242: BUILDING HISTORY II · PDF fileARCH 242: Building History II employs the study of architecture ... A. PALLADIO G.B. DA VIGNOLA C. MADERNO G.L. BERNINI F. BORROMINI. Garcia

Garcia Fritz | ARCH 242: Building History II | Fall 2017 | DoArch | South Dakota State University 01


ARCH 242 | S01 | Bui ld ing Histor y II | Depar tment of Archi tecture South Dakota State Univers i ty | 2 Credi ts | F. 10 :00AM – 11 :50AMCrothers Engineer ing Hal l , Room 0307 | Fa l l 2017

Jess ica Garc ia Fr i tz , Ass is tant Professorjess ica .g arc ia- f r i [email protected] tecture, Math, & Engineer ing , Room 0368Off ice Hours Tu. & Th. 3 :00PM-5:00PM

Jared Nurnberger, Graduate Ass is tantjared [email protected] te.eduOff ice Hours TBD

https ://doarchrena issance2017.wordpress.com

ARCH 242: Bu i ld ing His t o r y I I emp loy s th e s tudy o f a r ch i t e c tu r e th r ough th e f rame o f h i s t o r y emphas iz ing bu i ld ing a s a p r o f e s s i ona l and d i s c i p l inar y p ra c t i c e . The c our s e f o cu s e s on th e h i s t o r i ca l s tudy o f th e g en e s i s o f th e p r o f e s s i on a c r o s s t ime and cu l tu r e s in Rena i s san c e and Bar oque I ta l y (1350-1650) (course cata log) .

In th is course, we explore the h is tor y of the profess ion and d isc ip l ine through the ro le of the archi tect dur ing the Renaissance and Baroque era . We fur ther focus on how the archi tect came into be ing as wel l as how the ro le of the archi tect evolved. Fur ther more, we wi l l push see ing and interpret ing archi tecture as a contextua l representat ion of the soc ie ty and the cu l ture i t s tems from.

- Understand h is tor y as a cu l tura l constr uct .- Assess the changing ro le of the archi tect and the profess ion throughout h is tor y.- Eva luate and wr i te about the e lements that comprise Renaissance & Baroque Archi tecture.- Understand how his tor ic archi tecture provides a f ramework for how archi tecture i s interpreted today.- Compare and Contrast the archi tecture of the Renaissance and Baroque per iods.

Course Infor mation

Contact Infor mation

Course website

Course Descript ion

Lear ning Objectives



Page 2: ARCH 242: BUILDING HISTORY II · PDF fileARCH 242: Building History II employs the study of architecture ... A. PALLADIO G.B. DA VIGNOLA C. MADERNO G.L. BERNINI F. BORROMINI. Garcia

Garcia Fritz | ARCH 242: Building History II | Fall 2017 | DoArch | South Dakota State University 02


- How did the ro le of the archi tect and the profess ion emerge and evolve?- How does cu l ture p lay a ro le in the evolut ion of the archi tect?- How does one interpret archi tectura l e lements f rom the Renaissance & Baroque per iods?- How does th is cyc le in archi tectura l h is tor y compare to today?

The Depar tment of Archi tecture (DoArch) must demonstrate that each g raduate possesses the knowledge and sk i l l s def ined by the cr i ter ia be low. The knowledge and sk i l l s def ined here represent those required to prepare g raduates for the path to internship, examinat ion, and l icensure and to engage in re la ted f ie lds. The Depar tment must provide s tudent work as ev idence that i t s g raduates have sat i s f ied each cr i ter ion. The 2014 NAAB Cond i t i on s f o r Ac c r ed i ta t i on , inc luding a fu l l descr ipt ion of Student Perfor mance Cr i ter ia , can be found at http://www.naab.org/ . The cr i ter ia encompass two leve ls of accompl ishment :

- Understanding: The capac i ty to c lass i fy, compare, summarize, expla in , and/or interpret infor mat ion.- Abi l i ty : Prof ic iency in us ing spec i f ic infor mat ion to accompl ish a task , cor rect ly se lect ing the appropr ia te infor mat ion, and accurate ly apply ing i t to the so lut ion of a spec i f ic problem, whi le a l so d is t inguish ing the effects of i t s implementat ion. Student Perfor mance Cr i ter ia are organized into rea lms to more eas i ly understand the re la t ionships between each cr i ter ion.

Realm A: Cri t ical Thinking and Representat ion: Graduates f rom NAAB-accredi ted prog rams must be able to bui ld abstract re la t ionships and understand the impact of ideas based on the s tudy and ana lys i s of mul t ip le theoret ica l , soc ia l , pol i t ica l , economic, cu l tura l , and environmenta l contexts. Graduates must a l so be able to use a d iverse range of sk i l l s to th ink about and convey archi tectura l ideas, inc luding wr i t ing , invest ig at ing , speaking , drawing , and model ing.

Realm B: Bui lding Practices, Technical Ski l ls , and Knowledge. Graduates f rom NAAB-accredi ted prog rams must be able to comprehend the technica l aspects of des ign , sys tems, and mater ia l s and be able to apply that comprehens ion to archi tectura l so lut ions. In addi t ion, the impact of such dec is ions on the environment must be wel l cons idered .

Realm C: Integrated Architectural Solutions. Graduates f rom NAAB-accredi ted prog rams must be able to demonstrate that they have the abi l i ty to synthes ize a wide range of var iab les into an integ rated des ign so lut ion.

Realm D: Professional Practice. Graduates f rom NAAB-accredi ted prog rams must understand bus iness pr inc ip les for the pract ice of archi tecture, inc luding management , advocacy, and the need to act lega l ly, e th ica l ly, and cr i t ica l ly for the good of the c l ient , soc ie ty, and the publ ic.

This course depends pr imar i ly on lecture and some discuss ion in order to cover the course mater ia l . Each week, s tudents wi l l be required to read the ass igned text . Both required and recommended texts wi l l be posted weekly on the c lass web s i te. Readings should be completed for the d iscuss ion they are l i s ted for. Readings wi l l be addressed dur ing c lass and mater ia l f rom required readings may be inc luded in the mid-semester or f ina l exams.

Al l readings, except for the required text wi l l be made ava i lab le on the course webs i te one week before they are to be d iscussed. Readings l i s ted in the sy l labus are subject to change or may be added to. Br ig gs Librar y offers var ious archi tectura l mater ia l s v ia the i r onl ine cata log and by request . The required text for th is course i s the fo l lowing :

Rowe, Col in and Satkowski , Leon. I ta l i an Ar ch i t e c tu r e o f th e 16th Cen tur y . New York: Pr inceton Archi tecture Press. 2002.

King , Ross. Brune l l e s ch i ’s Dome : How th e Rena i s san c e Gen iu s Re inv en t ed Ar ch i t e c tu r e . New York: Penguin Group. 2002.

Sal ient Questions

NAAB Criter ia

Class Requirements

Required Readings

Suggested Readings

Page 3: ARCH 242: BUILDING HISTORY II · PDF fileARCH 242: Building History II employs the study of architecture ... A. PALLADIO G.B. DA VIGNOLA C. MADERNO G.L. BERNINI F. BORROMINI. Garcia

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Fina l g rades wi l l be g iven based on the fo l lowing combinat ion of ass ignments and exams:

Readings & Par t ic ipat ion in Discuss ion: 10%Exposi t ion on Perspect ive : 15%Exposi t ion on Propor t ion: 15%Midter m Exam: 30%Fina l Exam: 30%Tota l 100%

Both Expos i t ions wi l l be ass igned in accordance wi th the schedule. Midter m and Fina l Exams wi l l cons is t of s l ide ident i f icat ion as wel l as shor t answer or essay quest ions. Ass ignments are due on the day and t ime indicated . Three percent (3%) wi l l be subtracted per day for la te ass ignments.

A Exce l lent (90% - 100%)Except iona l perfor mance ; s t rongly exceeding the requirements of the course, showing s t rong academic in i t ia t ive and independent resourcefu lness.

B Good (80% - 89%)Perfor mance above the nor m; accurate, complete, and beyond the minimum requirements of the course ; work demonstrates marked prog ress and in i t ia t ive.

C Average (70% - 79%)Sat i s factor y/adequate work ; adequate ly meets minimum requirements and demonstrates sa t i s factor y comprehens ion, communicat ion sk i l l s, and effor t ; demonstrates l i t t le in i t ia t ive to invest ig ate the problem without substant ia l prodding of the instr uctor ; work shows l i t t le improvement .

D Infer ior (60% - 69%)Unsat i s factor y/ infer ior work ; unsat i s factor i ly meets minimum requirements and demonstrates minimum comprehens ion, communicat ion sk i l l s, and effor t , a t an infer ior leve l ; in i t ia t ive lack ing ; improvement not not iceable.

F Fa i l ing (59% and be low)Does not meet minimum requirements ; fa i l s to adequate ly demonstrate comprehens ion or communicat ion sk i l l s.

*No pluses or minuses wi l l be g iven in th is course.

SDSU Wri t ing Center | www.sdstate.edu/wri t ingcenter | Br ig gs Librar y 103 | 605.688.6559 The SDSU Wri t ing Center i s a f ree ser v ice for s tudents. The Center ’s goa l i s to he lp s tudents deve lop wr i t ing s t ra teg ies. Whi le s tudents are ab le to rece ive he lp wi th edi t ing and proofreading s t ra teg ies, the center does not ed i t , proofread or wr i te for the s tudent . Sess ions are made by appointment and genera l ly las t for ty-f ive (45) minutes.

S tudy Blue | www.studyblue.com Study Blue i s an onl ine s tudy p la t for m that a l lows s tudents to create e lectronic f lashcards. The bas ic p la t for m is f ree and i t a l lows s tudents to create and customize f lashcards by adding text , images, and audio.

The fo l lowing dates are key dates for the SDSU Fal l 2017 semester.

Week 01 M. 08/21 Star t Date/Instr uct ion Begins

Week 02 Th. 08/31 Last day to drop or add c lasses & adjust f ina l fees

F. 09/01 “W” g rade beg ins

Evaluation Procedures

Grading Criter ia


Universi ty Key Dates

Page 4: ARCH 242: BUILDING HISTORY II · PDF fileARCH 242: Building History II employs the study of architecture ... A. PALLADIO G.B. DA VIGNOLA C. MADERNO G.L. BERNINI F. BORROMINI. Garcia

Garcia Fritz | ARCH 242: Building History II | Fall 2017 | DoArch | South Dakota State University 04


Week 03 M. 09/04 No Class - Labor Day Hol iday

F. 09/08 Last day to submit a g rad . appl icat ion for Fa l l 2017

Week 08 M. 10/09 No Class - Nat ive Amer ican Day Hol iday

F. 10/13 F i rs t ha l f Fa l l Ter m ends

Week 09 W. 10/18 Def ic iency repor ts due on WebAdvisor by midnight

Week 11 F. 11/03 Last day to drop a course

Week 12 F. 11/10 No Class - Veterans ’ Day Hol iday Obser ved

Week 14 W.-Su. 11/22-26 No Class - Thanksg iv ing Recess

Week 16 W. 12/06 No Class - F ina l Exam Preparat ion

Week 16-17 Th. -W. 12/07-13* Fina l Exams

Week 18 M. 12/18 Grades due on WebAdvisor by midnight

*December 13 - off ic ia l g raduat ion date noted on t ranscr ipt Note : There i s no Fa l l 2017 Commencement Ceremony

Section 1 : Rise of the ArchitectWeek One | 08 .25Lecture : Or ig ins of Renaissance & Baroque Archi tectura l His tor yDiscuss ion: Introduct ion

Week Two | 09 .01Lecture : F i l ippo Br unel leschiDiscuss ion: Eisenman, Peter. “Fame as the Avatar of His tor y.” In Per sp e c ta . New York: MIT Press, 2005. pp. 164-171. * Reading on Websi teExposit ion on Perspective issued

Week Three | 09 .08Lecture : Leon Bat t i s ta Alber t iDiscuss ion: Garber, Richard . “Alber t i ’s Paradigm.” Arch i t e c tu ra l Des i gn 79 .2 (2009) : 88-93 . Aver y Index to Archi tectura l Per iodica ls. Web. 21 Aug. 2014. * Reading on Websi te

Week Four | 09 .15AIASD Convent ion - No Class

Week Five | 09 .22Lecture : Giu l iano da Sanga l loDiscuss ion: Rowe, Col in & Satkowski , Leon. I ta l i an Ar ch i t e c tu r e o f th e 16th Cen tur y . New York: Pr inceton Archi tectura l Press, 2002. Chapter 1-2 .Exposit ion on Perspective due

Week S ix | 09 .29Lecture : Donato BramanteDiscuss ion: Rowe, Col in & Satkowski , Leon. I ta l i an Ar ch i t e c tu r e o f th e 16th Cen tur y . New York: Pr inceton Archi tectura l Press, 2002. Chapter 3-4 .

Prel iminar y Schedule

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Week Seven | 10 .06Midter m Exam* Expos i t ion on Perspect ive eva luat ion returned

Week Eight | 10 .13Lecture : Michelange lo d i Lodovico Buonar rot i S imoniDiscuss ion: Rowe, Col in & Satkowski , Leon. I ta l i an Ar ch i t e c tu r e o f th e 16th Cen tur y . New York: Pr inceton Archi tectura l Press, 2002. Chapters 6-7 .

Section 2: Evolution of the ArchitectWeek Nine | 10 .20Lecture : Andrea Pa l lad ioDiscuss ion: Wit tkower, Rudolf. “5 . Pa l lad io and the Problem of Har monic Propor t ions.” Jour na l o f th e Warbur g and Cour tau ld In s t i tu t e s . Vol .8 , 1945. pp 68-89 .* Reading on Websi te** Midter m Exam eva luat ion returned

Week Ten | 10 .27Lecture : Car lo Maderno & Giacomo Barozz i da VignolaDiscuss ion: Wit tkower, Rudolf. “5 . Pa l lad io and the Problem of Har monic Propor t ions.” Jour na l o f th e Warbur g and Cour tau ld In s t i tu t e s . Vol .8 , 1945. pp 89-106. * Reading on Websi teExposit ion on Propor t ion issued Week Eleven | 11 .03Lecture : Gian Lorenzo Bernin iDiscuss ion: Rowe, Col in . “The Mathemat ics of the Idea l Vi l l a .” In The Mathemat i c s o f th e Id ea l Vi l l a and Othe r Essay s . New York: MIT Press, 1976. pp 2-27 .* Reading on Websi te

Week Twelve | 11 .10Veteran’s Day Obser ved- No Class

Week Thir teen | 11 .17Lecture : Francesco Bor rominiDiscuss ion: Rowe, Col in & Satkowski , Leon. I ta l i an Ar ch i t e c tu r e o f th e 16th Cen tur y . New York: Pr inceton Archi tectura l Press, 2002. Chapter 8-9 .Exposit ion on Propor t ion due

Week Four teen | 11 .24Thanksg iv ing Recess - No Class

Week Fif teen | 12 .01 Lecture : Beyond the Renaissance & BaroqueDiscuss ion: Rowe, Co l in & Satkowski , Leon . I ta l i an Ar ch i t e c tu r e o f th e 16th Cen tur y . New York: Pr inceton Archi tectura l Press, 2002. Chapter 10-11 .

Week S ixteen & Week Seventeen | TBDFinal Exam* Expos i t ion on Propor t ion eva luat ion returned

Enrol l ing in a DoArch course i s a contract for par t ic ipat ion in a profess iona l and inte l lectua l educat ion. DoArch, “ i s obl ig ated to encourage i t s pr imar y const i tuents, the s tudents, to meet the i r respons ib i l i t ies to themselves, the i r fami l ies, c lassmates, ins tr uctors, and the taxpayers and donors who suppor t h igher educat ion in South Dakota .”* DoArch courses are perfor mat ive in nature and enta i l a h igh leve l of co l laborat ion and d iscuss ion. Students who fa i l in a t tendance wi l l no longer be able to a t tend the course. S tudents who fa i l in a t tendance in s tudios are no longer par t of the cohor t and wi l l move out of the s tudio before the next c lass meet ing. * (SDSU Pol icy and Procedure Manual 2 :5 “Class Attendance”)

Failure in Attendance

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Ever y instr uctor in the depar tment wi l l assess and record at tendance. Attendance assessment i s measured in “Str ikes” . In th is assessment there are four s ta tes of da i ly a t tendance :

a) Present - (no str ike) In c lass for the fu l l meet ing per iod.

b) Excused Absence - (no str ike) Making up for ass ignments or missed coursework i s the respons ib i l i ty of the s tudent , not the instr uctor. Excused absences are :

1- Off ic ia l ly represent ing the Univers i ty“Appr opr ia t e san c t i on ed a c t i v i t i e s in c lude : Co l l eg ia t e c lub spo r t s and c ompe t i t i on s ; Con f e r en c e s and workshops r e c ogn iz ed by th e Uni v e r s i t y no t r e l a t ed t o a cademi c s ; Commi tmen t s on b eha l f o f th e Uni v e r s i t y (S tuden t s ’ Asso c ia t i on , Band , Cho i r , e t c . ) ; In t e r c o l l eg ia t e a th l e t i c s ; and Pr o f e s s i ona l a c t i v i t i e s r e c ogn iz ed by th e Uni v e r s i t y r e l a t ed t o a cademi c s (p r o f e s s i ona l c on f e r en c e a t t endanc e , e t c . )”* “Studen t s mus t p r e s en t th e c omp l e t ed appr ov ed t r i p abs en c e ca rd t o th e f a cu l t y member ONE WEEK pr i o r t o th e t r i p o r e v en t t o ha v e an o f f i c i a l excus ed abs en c e . Facu l t y member s a r e no t r equ i r ed t o honor in c omp l e t e o r l a t e ca rd s . Absen c e s f o r t r i p s o r a c t i v i t i e s w i l l no t b e appr ov ed dur ing f ina l s w e ek .”*

2- Student-Athlet ics “ i . No s tuden t -a th l e t e may b e abs en t f r om mor e than t en (10) c l a s s s e s s i on s ( in c lud ing r equ i r ed l abo ra t o r y s e s s i on s ) o f a g i v en c our s e in a s emes t e r . i i . Ath l e t i c excus ed ab s en c e s w i l l no t b e appr ov ed dur ing f ina l examina t i on p e r i od w i th th e exc e p t i on o f r equ i r ed c on f e r en c e o r NCAA ac t i v i t i e s . i i i . In th e in t e r e s t o f sa f e t y f o r s tuden t -a th l e t e s and s ta f f , m i s s ed c l a s s - t ime r e su l t in g f r om t ra v e l d e lay s a s s o c ia t ed w i th in c l emen t w ea th e r w i l l b e excus ed .”* “Studen t s mus t p r e s en t th e c omp l e t ed appr ov ed t r i p abs en c e ca rd t o th e f a cu l t y member ONE WEEK pr i o r t o th e t r i p o r e v en t t o ha v e an o f f i c i a l excus ed abs en c e . Facu l t y member s a r e no t r equ i r ed t o honor in c omp l e t e o r l a t e ca rd s . Absen c e s f o r t r i p s o r a c t i v i t i e s w i l l no t b e appr ov ed dur ing f ina l s w e ek .”*

3- Heal th Issue Medica l reasons or i l lness requir ing consecut ive, mul t ip le absences. I f a s tudent i s s ick , then they must s tay home. Students who have had a fever in the 24 hours before a c lass meet ing should not a t tend the sess ion. Infor m the ins tr uctor as soon as poss ib le about i l lnesses or acc idents. Ver i f icat ion may, in some instances, be required .

*Special Note on Excused Absences: “…shou ld excus ed abs en c e s b e exc e s s i v e , th e f a cu l t y member may r e c ommend w i thdrawa l f r om th e c our s e ( s ) o r award an in c omp l e t e g rade .”

c) Tardy - (hal f -str ike) Late ar r iva l / ear ly depar ture (15 minutes or more) counts as a ha l f s t r ike. Making up for ass ignments or missed coursework i s the respons ib i l i ty of the s tudent , not the instr uctor.

d) Missing - ( ful l s tr ike) Not present and not excused. Making up for ass ignments or missed coursework i s the respons ib i l i ty of the s tudent , not the instr uctor. S tr ikes are accr ued due to tard iness or miss ing scheduled c lass meet ings. Once a s tudent accr ues enough s t r ikes the course assessment i s lowered a le t ter g rade. Once a s tudent accr ues the next s t r ike they fa i l the course. - ARCH 352, 451 , 452 , 551 , 552 , 651 , 652 : on 4th s t r ike, lose a le t ter g rade ; on 5th s t r ike, fa i l the course. - ARCH 251, 252 , 351 : on 4th s t r ike, lose a le t ter g rade ; on 5th s t r ike, fa i l the course. - Non-studio, once a week class meetings: on 2nd str ike, lose a let ter g rade; on 3rd str ike, fai l the course. - Non-studio, twice a week c lass meet ings : on 3rd s t r ike, lose a le t ter g rade ; on 4th s t r ike, fa i l the course.

Attendance Pol icy

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The Univers i ty has a c lear expectat ion for academic integ r i ty and does not to lerate academic d ishonesty. Univers i ty Pol icy 2 :4 sets for th the def in i t ions of academic d ishonesty, which inc ludes but i s not l imi ted to, cheat ing , p lag iar i sm, fabr icat ion, fac i l i ta t ing academic d ishonesty, misrepresentat ion, and other for ms of d ishonesty re la t ing to academics. The pol icy and i t s procedures a l so set for th how charges of academic d ishonesty are handled at the Univers i ty. Academic Dishonesty i s s t r ic t ly proscr ibed and i f found may resu l t in s tudent d isc ip l ine up to and inc luding d ismissa l f rom the Univers i ty.

Freedom in Learning. Students are respons ib le for learn ing the content of any course of s tudy in which they are enrol led . Under Board of Regents and Univers i ty pol icy, s tudent academic perfor mance sha l l be eva luated so le ly on an academic bas is and s tudents should be f ree to take reasoned except ion to the data or v iews offered in any courses of s tudy. Students who be l ieve that an academic eva luat ion i s unre la ted to academic s tandards but i s re la ted instead to judgment of the i r personal opin ion or conduct should f i rs t contact the instr uctor of the course. I f the s tudent remains unsat i s f ied , the s tudent may contact the depar tment head and/or dean of the col lege which offers the c lass to in i t ia te a rev iew of the eva luat ion.

Any s tudent who fee ls s/he may need an accommodat ion based on the impact of a d isabi l i ty should contact Nancy Har tenhoff-Crooks, Coordinator of Disabi l i ty Ser v ices (605-688-4504 or Fax , 605-688-4987) to pr ivate ly d iscuss your spec i f ic needs. The Off ice of Disabi l i ty Ser v ices i s located in room 065 of the Student Union.

Students wi l l conduct themselves in a manner that promotes learn ing. Disr upt ive behavior and d isrespectfu l a t t i tudes wi l l not be to lerated .

In th is c lass, people of a l l e thnic i t ies, gender ident i t ies, re l ig ions, ages, sexua l or ientat ions, d isabi l i t ies, soc ioeconomic backg rounds, reg ions, and nat iona l i t ies are s t rongly encouraged to share the i r perspect ives and exper iences. Over the course of the semester, p lease honor the uniqueness of your fe l low c lassmates and refra in f rom personal a t tacks or demeaning comments of any k ind. I f you fee l your d i f ferences may in some way i so la te you from South Dakota State Univers i ty ’s community or i f you have any spec i f ic accommodat ions, p lease speak wi th me about your concerns and what we can do together to he lp you become an act ive and engaged member of our c lass and community.

The use of laptops in the c lassroom is not per mit ted . P lease br ing a sketchbook and a pen or penci l for note tak ing.

The use of ce l lu lar phones in the c lassroom is not per mit ted . Phones must be turned off.

Veterans and Act ive Duty Mi l i tar y Personnel wi th spec ia l c i rcumstances (e.g. , upcoming deployments, dr i l l requirements, d isabi l i t ies, and other qua l i fy ing needs) are welcome and encouraged to communicate these, in advance i f poss ib le, to the instr uctor in order to address a t tendance requirements or other act ions in accordance wi th SDBOR and Univers i ty pol ic ies and procedures.

Per SDBOR pol icy 4 :41 , ch i ldren are not a l lowed in work areas, ha l lways, l ibrar ies, lounges, areas ad jacent to c lassrooms, laborator ies, or off ices except under br ief or except iona l c i rcumstances dur ing the s tandards working hours. As a genera l r u le, s tudents should not br ing chi ldren to c lass, however, i f an emergency s i tuat ion occurs except ions can be made wi th pr ior approva l of the facul ty member.

AcademicHonesty Pol icy

Freedom in Lear ning


ADA Statement

Student Conduct

Diversi ty & Inclusion

Laptop Usage

Cel lular Phone Pol icy

Veterans & Active Duty

Mil i tar y Personnel

Children in Class