Arch 102 mid term portfolio (CCSF)

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Kyi Kyi Cho Arch 102 (mid-term portfolio) Instructor - Amily Huang City College of San Francisco (Fall 2013)

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Page 1: Arch 102 mid term portfolio (CCSF)
Page 2: Arch 102 mid term portfolio (CCSF)


1. Kites: A Connection between Earth and Heaven 01 2. Case Study 1: The Golden Moon Pavilion 023. Case Study 2: The Opposite of All Those Things 034. Case Study 3: Little Shining Man 045. Iteration 1: The Hanging Moon 056. Iteration 2: The Moon and the Stars 06 7. Iteration 3: Connection of the Path of the Stars 078. Iteration 4: Connection of the Moon and the Stars 08-109. Transformation Iterations 11 10. Narrative 12

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Kites:A Connection between Earth and Heaven

What is kite and how does it strengthen to people? Well, kite is just a wind driven machine in general and its body is made up of the framework and the outer covering to catch the wind. However kites can be used for recreation, art, power ac-tivities and military applications. The types and functions of kites become different depend on the particular places.

What makes a kite fly? Obviously, the right material usages and the wind make a kite fly. There are four forces (grav-ity, lift, thrust and d rag) that affect a kite while it is flying. These all forces come to the towing point (center of pressure) to make it flies.

Case Study I: The Golden Moon Pavilion

LEAD’s Fiery Golden Moon PavilionLocation and usages :Mid-Autumn Festival at Lee Kum Kee Lantern Wonderland in Hong KongArchitects :Kristof Crolla and Adam FingrutMaterials :steel, bamboo, fabrics, LED lightsInspiration :Chinese lantern and the moonSpecification :To express the feeling to love and passion from the Moon Goddess The geodesic dome echoes the spherical shape of the moon to give the message of reunion and gathering. It also references the legend of the Moon Goddess of Immor-tality, whose love for her husband. The geometric sheets of fabrics give the aspect of texture and repetitive structure. It serves as an inviting public event space and a remarkable visual experience for festival. 01 02

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Case Study II: The Opposite of All Those Things

The Opposite of All Those ThingsArtists :Heather and Ivan MorisonMaterials :Ripstop fabric and carbon fibre 263x330x440cmInspiration :the structure of rock from US desert town of Quartzsite, ArizonaSpecification :To express the opposite aspects of stone The sculpture based on geometric structure by collaborating with Kite related idea. This three-dimensional kite structure accomplishes the essence of the shape of rocks, but physically they are opposite: large, lightweight structures and designed to fly. But it gives the heavy looking feeling and trapping with the frames of kite. It broaches the issue of gravity and special perception at the same time.

Case Study III: Little Shining Man

Little Shining ManArtists :Heather and Ivan MorisonMaterials :Carbon-fibre rods, a hand-made composite fabric (yacht sails), rapid-prototyped nylon connectorsInspiration :the structure of rock from US desert town of Quartzsite, ArizonaSpecification :The visual impact and the reality The sculpture based on the tetra kites of Alexander Graham Bell. Even though it perform as a heavy, un-flyable cubic mass, it is able to fly freely and steadily beac-uase of lightweight materials and the symmetry of the module and composition. It has the repetative and spacial quality with layers.


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Iteration 1: The Hanging Moon

The triangular part of the kite breaks through the air. While it flies, the semi-circle part is going to hang from the upper part of the kite, and it achieves the aspect of the moon. The choice of materials makes the translu-cent quality to show the frame works of the kite.

(inspiration form “The Golden Moon Pa-vilion”)


Bass Wood and Basal WoodOrigami paper Bubble-wrap plastic

The starting point to represent as the moon.(The demonstration of full and half moon.)

bottom view of the kite in detail (Left)Side view of the kite in detail (Right)

Site view or the kite (Left)orthographic (bottom) view of the kite (Right)

Iteration 2 : The Moon and the Stars

The iteration seems like there are two layers. It actually has 3 layers. Three layers are conected each other and it claims the continuity system. The transluent and transparent quali-ty have been demonstrated at the same time. The waving patten has geomet-rically connected and create a layer. The tail part try to develop the idea of creating moon shape. Materials: Bass and Basal woodTracing paper ropeForm Board Plastic

Orthographic Bottom View Right Side View

Left Side View Close-up view of Back

Front View Detail of Waving Pattern

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Demonstration of 3 layers; transpar-ent, translucent and waving layers. The translucent layer casts the shad-ow of the waving pattern and creating the fascinating geometry shapes. The strings are geometrically connecting at the outer part of the kite in both side and in the inner side, they are connecting ramdomly. It gives the dif-feent affection for this iteration.


Bass Wood and Basal WoodTracing PaperPlasticStrings

Front View Details in Waving system

Side View Close-up (side) View

Iteration 3: Connection of the Path of the Stars

Top View Bottom View

When it comes to my fourth iteration, I takes the good points from my previ-ous iterations and I build my kite for final review. It has the curvilinear shape to maintain the moon shape. It also has the spacial quality that pro-voke the interlocking space. The upper part of the kite keeps the eyes to go through the line and ends up in the middle two layers by signifying the connectivity quality.


Bass Wood and Basal WoodTracing PaperPlasticStrings

Opening Space (Close-up) Details in Waving

Side View Back View

Iteration 4: Connection of the Moon and The Stars (review)

Top View Bottom View


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It attains the same shape as the fourth iteration (review) model. It has the hierachy composition and the waving system is more geometric com-pared to my review model. Most of the gap spaces are cover with the tracing paper and plastic to create the specif-ic spatial quality. It comes with the fascinating waving system to create waving pattern layers of the kite. The back part of the waving system keeps the parabola shape and makes the con-nection between the front and back part of the moon (curvilinear shape).

Details of Waving System Left View (Close-up)

Waving Pattern (Left Side) Waving Pattern(Right,Back)

Iteration 4: Connection of the Moon and the Stars (final)

Waving Pattern (Back) Waving Pattern (front)

Iteration 4: Plan and Sections

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Tranformation Iterations Narrative Being a human, we all face the difficult situations in our life. It shows that life is not simple, but dy-namic. When we face such kinds of dynamic situation, we need to find our right path of life to pursue our goal. It might be easy to find the right way in the day time because we can see clearly everything in our destina-tion. But how would we do at night when we cannot see clearly everything. At that time we have to make the connection with our nature things, the moon and the stars. We can regard these as the light house that shows our way at night time. When we lost at night, we can find the polar star and know directly where the north is. By this way we can get the right path to go forward. How-ever knowing the location of the stars is not enough to find the way, we also need the light to brighten-up our track. Therfore the moon and the stars come up together to lighten up our route when we lost. Since the kite is also the connection between earth, people and universe, I follow the inspiration of the moon and the stars. My kite acoomplish the idea of leading the right way like the moon and the stars.

- The inspiration comes from the Golden Moon Pavilion.- There are two shapes of moon in the first study model.

- Desided to change the shape of the moon and found that building.- The roof maintains the shape of the moon.- Got the idea to make the shpe of the moon.

- I changed my moon concept and I went to the path of the stars in the universe.- The weaving patterns point out the connections of the stars.

- I got an idea of combining both stars and moon together.

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