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ARBURG host computer system (ALS)

Active information for efficient production

Page 2: ARBURG host computer system (ALS)

www.arburg.com · 09/20172

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At a glance

Practical production management: Starting with the simple connection of I/O modules, the modular

ALS offers all options for an efficient production organisation.

With the ARBURG host computer sys-tem (ALS), you have at your disposal a standard-setting high-performance, modular fine-planning tool for your injection moulding production. Tried and proven in practice, this Manufac-turing Execution System (MES) provides all the features required in a modern, efficient and cost-effective production organisation. With hundreds of systems already installed, ARBURG has a wealth of experience. This experience flows into the continuous advancement of ALS on an ongoing basis. Here also, “Made by ARBURG – Made in Germa-ny” stands for quality and our familiar future-proof technology.

1 Practical production management

ALS is the central tool for the reliable and cost-effective organisation of your injection moulding production. The possibilities for integrating your machine fleet are virtually unlimited: from the simple connection with I/O modules via standardised interfaces for all makes of injection moulding machine through to the host computer interface for ALLROUNDERs. A wide range of modules (overview on the next page) which can be combined as required allow you to perform each individual task with ease. Because your chosen configuration can be expanded at any time, you can be sure of coping with future demands.

2 Immediate reliable information

An efficient information management sys-tem continuously provides you with current online information on your production – centrally and worldwide. Feedback and key figures relating to machines, ongoing or-ders, shifts and production quality are con-tinuously available. This means maximum transparency, wherever, whenever and however you need it: on PC workstations, info screens in production or on smart-phones and tablets. This active information therefore permits you to analyse and make decisions at all times. Set-up operations, as well as mould and machine maintenance can be optimally performed. This is also supported by the central management of all setting data.

Immediate reliable information: Retrieve key figures

anywhere and on any chosen electronic platform.

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Fine planning: optimum utilisation of available


Automatic archiving: effortless, reliable docu-


3 Fine planning

The special features of injection moulding production, such as machines of different capacities or defective cavities, make relia-ble detailed planning too complex for con-ventional ERP, PPS or PDA control stations. You need ALS to enable you to complete such tasks interactively.On the basis of on-line data, you can optimise batch running times, reduce start-up processes as well as set-up times and downtimes when chang-ing orders. Higher machine capacity utilisa-tion coupled with higher production and product quality enhances delivery reliability. You use an efficient and cost-effective pro-duction organisation with which you achieve significant time and cost savings.

4 Automatic archiving

With ALS, you can dispense with the time-consuming manual recording of your machine and operating data. Entry errors are therefore reliably prevented. In addition to highly reliable information, you have more time for value-adding activities such as production planning. ALS helps you identify potential for improvement and carry out tar-geted optimisation measures. Additional benefit: the continuous and long-term doc-umentation makes audits and certifications significantly easier.

5 Simple implementation

We offer you individual consulting to help you devise the ALS system solution to meet your needs. Installation and on-site support with the implementation through to the comprehensive training of your employees and administrators are provided as a matter of course. This is the only way to achieve a simple, trouble-free system implementation, immediately ensuring high acceptance in the company along with the required added value. This means that your investment pays off from the start and yields the fastest pos-sible return.

Easy implementation: rapid system introduction

through professional support.

Data acquisition per machine/day:No manual data entry required (- 15 min.)Downtime per machine/day:Malfunctions detected immediately (- 3 min.)Set-up time per order:Online transfer of data records (- 6 min.)Potential savings per year

250 working days/10 set-up operations per day

Business example: injection moulding production with 20 machines

Production time 250 hours

250 hours 500 hours



1,250 hours

250 hours

1,500 hours

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At a glance

Information centre609/01 Base Core module for data acquisi-tion, production overview and mould management610/06 Remote Remote maintenance via Internet connection610/20 Mobile production Mobile MDE or PDA terminal610/21 Mobile monitoring Production in-formation on mobile devices610/22 Info for individual info screens in production610/27 Mobile maintenance Mainte-nance and service terminal for mobile devices611/0x I/O modules Connection of any machines and workstations via signals611/08 Web I/O condition Recording of ambient conditions611/09 Web I/O alarms Output devices for central alarm signalling611/11, 14 ALLROUNDER interfaces Connectors for ALLROUNDERs with SELOGICA611/15 Energy visualisation interface Licenses for connecting up to 10 Econ sens3 devices612/xx Machine interfaces Connectors

for injection moulding machines and protocols of various manufacturers612/21 Device Connector Data recording of systems via network612/22 OPC UA connector Data acquisi-tion via OPC UA613/01, 613/05 Clients for PC worksta-tions, laptops etc.613/20, 21 Terminal for order messages or mould provision

Documentation/archiving610/01 Reports Order, item, mould and machine-based evaluation, data export610/08 Progression Display of events such as machine status, shift change and cavity change610/10 Set-up log Daily back-up of SELOGICA set-up log610/12 Documents Linking of documents with orders, programs, maintenance and much more.610/14 Data warehouse Save states and events in separate database610/15 Production log Permanent archiv-ing of process parameters610/19 Events archiveLong-term archiving of event data (alarms, downtimes etc.) in

separate database610/25 Energy visualisation Acquisition and documentation of energy data

Production/resource management610/03 Orders Order planning, graphic planning chart, schedule monitoring610/05 ERP interface Linking with ERP, adoption of order data, ongoing feedback610/11 Maintenance Maintenance plans, monitoring, due dates, documentation610/13 Groupware E-mail feedback in the event of faults or maintenance, cyclical reports610/16 Production variants Material plan-ning of alternative moulds, taking account of machine performance 610/17 Resource conflict Monitoring of moulds for double assignment610/18 MES interface Data exchange with production management systems610/23 Batch Documentation of batch changes in order logging610/24 Material staging interface Data exchange with systems for material provisioning610/26 Maintenance verification Verification of maintenance tasks

Practical production management: The individual modules of the ALS can be freely combined

and eliminate the need for separate programs e.g. for maintenance.

Functional module

Interface module

Required module

Dependent module

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Quality assurance610/02 Programs Program management and transfer between machine and ALS610/04 Quality Statistical process control (SPC) via actual process values, process sig-nals, interface to quality assurance systems610/09 Programs plus Parameter lists, full text search, program comparison for

ALLROUNDERs with SELOGICA control systems












Set-up log610/10





ALLROUNDERInterfaces611/11, 14



I/0 Modules611/0x



Base 609/01













Terminal613/20, 21

Mobile Maintenance


Clients613/01, 05

Mobile Monitoring


Mobile Production










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Powerful information centre

1 Integrating all machines

For ARBURG, “all” really means all! Regard-less of the manufacturer, year of construc-tion and production process, all the injec-tion moulding machines and production systems can be integrated in the high-per-formance ALS information centre. The fol-lowing options are available:• Multi-function terminals for older

machines and manual workstations• I/O modules for simple connection

of any machines and systems• Standardised interfaces for

injection moulding machines of all makes• Host computer interface for ALLROUNDERsThe SELOGICA machine control system in-teracts optimally with ALS, if e.g. direct ac-cess to screen pages, direct recording of fault causes, exchange of setting data or comparison with the order list are involved.

Flexible and rapid response to pro-duction requirements is the order of the day. The powerful ARBURG host computer system (ALS) provides you with real-time access to your produc-tion data, worldwide across all your locations, even enabling remote main-tenance. A direct flow of information is ensured through connection to your company-wide production planning system (PPS) or enterprise resource planning system (ERP). You benefit from complete vertical integration from the machine through to material planning, purchasing and sales.


Further information: SELOGICA control system brochure



















Record data everywhere: multi-function terminals

also integrate manual workstations.



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2 Central data acquisition

ALS enables the central management of part, mould and material master data. This enables you to perform real-time produc-tion planning down to the minute through the online recording of order statuses, ma-chine states, process parameters and alarm messages. With this precise information, you are able to quickly and flexibly respond to the constantly changing requirements. Optimum cost-efficiency in production is

thus ensured throughout. The combination of machine and production data acquisition (MDA and PDA) allows you to make target/actual comparisons to optimise processes and reduce set-up times. All occurring events are immediately registered via con-tinuous status monitoring.

3 Comprehensive data provision

Constantly up-to-date production data ben-efits your planning system. Order data is adopted by the planning system, feedback on order progress is provided by ALS. You can choose where, when, how and which information is made available to you: from the smartphone to the flatscreen. This re-sults in fewer internal queries regarding the status of production orders.

Central data acquisition

Comprehensive data provision



Integrating all machines


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Preventive quality assurance

1 Convenient archiving of

setting dataALS facilitates the fast retrieval of the rele-vant data for a certain production combina-tion, such as machine/peripheral/mould/ma-terial. As well as the setting data, setting logs and the corresponding screen pages can be archived simply and reliably.

Furthermore, the creation of parameter overviews from archived setting data is just as quick and easy as the direct comparison between two data records with detailed in-dication of potential differences. Documen-tation of the settings can thus easily be achieved during a batch or a running order.

Know-how is virtually priceless. Conse-quently, you should treat your setting data with the greatest of care. The ARBURG host computer system (ALS) provides you with secure collection and archiving of your important data. Only the most recent, optimised and approved change status reaches your machine; the possibility of outdated setting data being used is excluded. Dis-kettes and memory cards are a thing of the past. You receive fully reproducible product quality and minimise com-plaints. Excellent conditions for success-ful audits and certifications.

Convenient archiving of setting data


Central access: optimised and approved setting


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2 Active improvement of

product qualityThe quality of your production is traceable thanks to the monitoring and documenta-tion of changes in the production process, through the recording of actual process values. The product-specific management of reference values and tolerance bands for the current actual values contributes towards

increased production and product quality. Warnings can be output with regard to im-minent quality deviations. You can then re-spond quickly and proactively, without hav-ing to interrupt production.

3 Verifiable process quality

You can provide evidence of the quality of your production process through the or-der-specific archiving of the actual process values. Detailed long-term analyses, statisti-cal evaluations and proof of process capabil-ity, for example according to ISO TS 16949, can be implemented. Furthermore, close net-working with quality assurance systems is possible.

Active improvement of product quality


Verifiable process quality


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Efficient production and resource management

1 Central order management

Your order planning prompts the provision of the necessary setting data, the relevant mould and the required material. The setting data is transmitted directly to the machine when pro-duction of the order commences. You ensure a high degree of integration, interaction and automation of your production facility while ensuring intelligent production.

2 Machine capacity planning

By planning your machine capacity down to the last minute via ALS, you achieve com-prehensive time and cost savings: perfect utilisation of available capacities, precise in-formation on the relevant manpower re-quirements, minimisation of set-up times and also the co-ordination of necessary in-terruptions in production – all of this is made possible by ALS. The special features of injection moulding production such as

The clearly structured order planning and monitoring via the ARBURG host computer system (ALS) enables efficient production management. The direct assignment of orders to machines and the creation of order queues via the planning tables ensure a high degree of planning reliability. The proactive fine planning and co-ordination of machine allocation, order situation, production deadlines and unit volumes as well as maintenance work lend transparency to even the most complex production requirements. You are able to manage the available production resources relia-bly and with ease. For ARBURG, smooth, automatic data exchange with plan-ning systems such as SAP is a matter of course.

Machine capacity planning

Reliable delivery

Maximisation of availability

Central order management

Ideal for unmanned shifts: active, instant

feedback via e-mail.

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family moulds, defective cavities, mould in-serts, master moulds, additional peripherals or machines with different performance can be incorporated into the fine planning. Tar-geted information exchange also supports departments such as warehousing, mould making or service in organising their operations.

3 Reliable delivery

The current scheduling status at a glance: fast and specific order clarification with ac-tive display of bottlenecks and potential de-livery delays means you can provide infor-mation on an ad hoc basis. Countermeas-ures can be implemented in good time and production and delivery deadlines can be reliably met. This preventive processing of orders ensures a high degree of customer satisfaction.

4 Maximisation of availability

With ALS, you can centrally manage and document your maintenance orders for moulds, machines and peripherals. The con-tinuous monitoring of due dates and auto-matic reminders for forthcoming work via text message, e-mail or info screen protect you from unscheduled machine downtimes. In this way, you secure your production quality in the long term through preventive maintenance.





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Comprehensive documentation and archiving

1 Continuous data recording

ALS offers you long-term documentation, which is reliable and requires no effort on your part: Of production sequences with re-cording of all relevant events. Of order pro-gression with documentation of all events during production of the order, including batch monitoring in the form of an order log. Of parameter changes with recording of all trends and developments in compari-son with the specified setting data. These

measures ensure your production opera-tions are more transparent. ALS therefore provides you with an ideal basis for compre-hensive complaints management and seam-less quality documentation with regard to all your customers. You are ideally equipped for certifications according to GMP, FDA, ISO TS 16949 and ISO 9001.

Ensure ongoing production optimisa-tion through the continuous identi-fication of potential improvements. Well-founded information forms the basis for professional decisions. This well-founded information is provided by the ARBURG host computer system (ALS) – with all the important key data and statistics, you are always right up-to-date.The fact that the recorded data is pre-sented in a clearly structured manner “at the touch of a button” makes ALS all the more attractive.A significant benefit is that the available data can also be used during the decision-making process relating to capital invest-ments. Knowledge has always been preferable to speculation.


Well-founded information: data evaluation at the

press of a button.

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2 Targeted analysis

Targeted analyses become child’s play. Whether the productivity of machines and moulds or the cost-effectiveness of orders and articles are under examination, the ALS modular production management system helps you complete this with a high degree of clarity. For this purpose, a large selection of predefined reports is available.

Moreover, data exchange for the further processing of recorded production data us-ing standard software tools is of course al-ways possible. This allows even highly spe-cific evaluations to be made simply, quickly and reliably.

3 Central document networking

ALS provides fast access to production-re-lated documents, such as work instructions, test schedules, parts lists and drawings. Through direct linking to master data, set-ting data and orders, the current availability of documents and the absence of paper-work, you receive an efficient information management system. Comprehensive and always centrally available.

Continuous recording of data

Targeted analysis

Central document networking



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Application examples

Individual info screens: free selection from various widgets provides for on-site


1 Creating transparency

From smartphone through to large flatscreen in production: with ALS, you can configure customised info screens – browser-based and completely platform-independent. Depend-ing on the location and purpose of use, any number of different info screens can be combined, e.g. for alarms as a machine con-trol station, for increased reject rates as a quality chart or for orders as a production overview. In addition, a wide range of graphic design options allows you to present the collated information in your corporate design.

2 Access to all locations

ALS is the ideal tool to help you retrieve all important production data for your world-wide locations. A standard network connec-tion is all you need to be able access fault messages, downtime causes, production progress, key figures such as OEE, availabil-ity and quality rate at the “touch of a but-ton”. And not only for ALLROUNDER injec-tion moulding machines, but for all produc-tion systems. However, remote access via ALS is also a useful service tool. Quick assis-tance from ARBURG Customer Service is therefore instantly available to you.

ALS offers a wide variety of functions to enable you to implement your spe-cific requirements for an efficient and cost-effective production organisation. Thanks to the flexible, modular concept, precise adaptation to different applica-tions is comprehensively ensured. This may involve quantity recording, simple connection to I/O modules, detailed fine planning of available capacities or management of the mould store. And you can be sure of one thing: ALS con-siderably simplifies your data handling and allows you to optimise your pro-duction in a targeted manner, including time and cost saving.

Worldwide networking:

ALS is available in numerous languages.

ALS modules in use:• Web I/O alarms• Info• Progression

ALS modules in use:• Mobile• Programs• Reports

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Interactive checklists:

a useful aid so that nothing is forgotten.

Validated processes: production release via

handheld unit.

Automatic mould provision list: direct feedback

via touch terminal.

3 Coordinating maintenance

With ALS, you can document the mainte-nance history of machines, moulds, periph-erals and other equipment in the long term and extremely reliably. Shot counts, operat-ing hours, set-up processes etc. are deter-mined automatically and directly recorded. Due dates for maintenance work are con-stantly monitored – you receive advance warning in good time via text message or e-mail. In addition, ALS supports you in the performance and documentation of mainte-nance work, e.g. instructions, checklists, re-ports or electronic signatures can be stored.

4 Optimise set-up processes

Even at the order planning stage, ALS takes account of the storage location and availa-bility, including master moulds, inserts and accessories. Current provision lists are automatically generated. Mould management, a touch terminal for stock movements and scanner support are also provided. Moulds can therefore be provided particularly quickly and efficiently.ALS transfers the data record of the next or-der online to the SELOGICA machine con-troller. Set-up personnel are therefore pro-vided with the mould and data record in good time at the machine and can start the set-up immediately.

5 GMP-compliant documentation

On the basis of a central machine control, you can use ALS to define production com-binations (e.g. machine-peripher-al-mould-material) for order planning. This means that there is only one validated data record for each production combina-tion. You can control production release via user identification with an RFID card and an ACTUAL-TARGET comparison via a scan. ALS then offers you GMP-compliant process documentation at virtually no extra cost: from the continuous logging of process pa-rameters via seamless batch tracking through to long-term archiving of set-up logs and recalibrations.

ALS modules in use:• Terminal• Programs• Orders• Reports

ALS modules in use:• Maintenance• Groupware• Documents

ALS modules in use:• Mobile• Programs• Orders• Quality• Set-up log• Batch

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© 2017 ARBURG GmbH + Co KGThe brochure is protected by copyright. Any utilisation, which is not expressly permitted under copyright legislation, requires the previous approval of ARBURG.

All data and technical information have been compiled with great care. However we accept no responsibility for correctness. Individual illustrations and information may deviate from the actual delivery condition of the machine. The relevant valid operating instructions are applicable for the installation and operation of the machine.


Arthur-Hehl-Strasse · 72290 Lossburg · Tel.: +49 7446 33-0 · www.arburg.com · E-Mail: [email protected]

With locations in Europe: Germany, Belgium, Denmark, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Czech Republic, Turkey,

Hungary | Asia: People’s Republic of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates | America: Brazil, Mexico, USA

For more information, please go to www.arburg.com.






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DIN EN ISO 9001 + 14001 + 50001 certified