Acknowledgement All praise and gratitude be to Allah, salutations and prayers upon the Prophet Muhammad sollahu ‘alaihi wa sallam. By the blessing and showering of love from the Almighty Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, the publication of this textbook has been made possible. This book which is designed for the Al-Quran and Islamic Learning (AQIL) Programme is a joint effort by MUIS, Private Islamic Education Net (PIENet), Darul Quran Singapura and teachers from the Quranic Teachers Recognition Scheme (QTRS). The purpose of this book is to provide a basic Islamic Education Module to be used in Quran learning classes at home or in schools. It also serves as an alternative platform to ensure that ever Muslim child in Singapore gains excess to Fardhu Ain learning apart from learning Quran. An expression of gratitude is duly extended to all parties involved and with special mention of MUIS for providing the financial grants that made this project possible. A warm appreciation and thanks to the people from Darul Quran Singapura and Masjid Kampung Siglap for the dedication and tireless effort in producing this book. May the blessings and rewards of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala be unto all. Ameen.


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All praise and gratitude be to Allah, salutations and prayers upon the Prophet Muhammad sollahu alaihi wa sallam.

By the blessing and showering of love from the Almighty Allah subhanahu wa taala, the publication of this textbook has been made possible.

This book which is designed for the Al-Quran and Islamic Learning (AQIL) Programme is a joint effort by MUIS, Private Islamic Education Net (PIENet), Darul Quran Singapura and teachers from the Quranic Teachers Recognition Scheme (QTRS). The purpose of this book is to provide a basic Islamic Education Module to be used in Quran learning classes at home or in schools. It also serves as an alternative platform to ensure that ever Muslim child in Singapore gains excess to Fardhu Ain learning apart from learning Quran.

An expression of gratitude is duly extended to all parties involved and with special mention of MUIS for providing the financial grants that made this project possible. A warm appreciation and thanks to the people from Darul Quran Singapura and Masjid Kampung Siglap for the dedication and tireless effort in producing this book. May the blessings and rewards of Allah subhanahu wa taala be unto all. Ameen.


Respected Asatizah,

In the effort to develop the religiosity of the self, heart and mind of the Muslim community in Singapore, Islamic education is the cornerstone and key thrust of it all. This is so because we want to ensure that when every single Muslim child says the Syahadah, he or she does it with devotion, realization and utmost conviction. This is true based upon the ayah 108 in Surah Yusuf which means:

Say [O Prophet]: "This is my way: Resting upon conscious insight accessible to reason, I am calling [you all] unto God - I and they who follow me." And [say:] "Limitless is God in His glory; and I am not one of those who ascribe divinity to aught beside Him!"

The appreciation of the Deen has to start with the understanding of the basics deeds in living religiously such as performing the Sholah, fasting in Ramadhan and etc. Verily if a Muslim protects himself from doing Syirik, and he then commits himself to establish the Sholah, do the fasting and Zakah. These deeds would in turn be the keys which will allow him to open the doors of Allah Jannah. This is consequentially how the Prophet has described in a hadith narrated by al-Thabrani which means:

Worship your master, establish your five daily Sholah, perform your one month fasting, fulfill the Zakah of your wealth and obey those who made in charge amongst you, verily you will enter the Jannah of your master.

In addition to the importance of knowledge of the Fardh Ain, the Singapore Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS) has gathered that there is a great demand to provide every Muslim child with the needed Islamic education in a more comprehensive manner. In one research, MUIS found that only 40% of Muslim children in Singapore attended structured religious education classes. This clearly shows that there exist a huge opportunity for every religious teacher to extend their role in the education of the future generation.

For that said purpose, the Al-Quran and Islamic Learning (AQIL) curriculum and programme was developed. This development is part of MUIS effort together with the religious teachers in Singapore to ensure every Muslim child, through all available platforms, which includes Quran learning classes, gains an exposure to the basis of Fardh Ain that will unlock the pathway to Jannah.

I would like to extend my thanks to each teacher who was involved in delivering this programme. May this small contribution be regarded as an effort to uphold the Words of Allah in this small land of Singapore. This effort is part of a concerted one to ensure no Muslim child will miss the opportunity to know the basis of Fardh Ain.

I would like to share my appreciation to the teachers in the Quranic Teachers Recognition Scheme (QTRS) who have gone through the required training that will assist them to share this programme effectively. This effectiveness clearly demonstrates, as I strongly believe, the teachers sincerity to pass on the Deen of Allah.

May this effort be given the highest of reward by Allah subhanahu wa taala on the day we meet Him. May Allah bless the efforts of the asatizah and make this contribution of yours a part of the beneficial knowledge that brings the pleasure of Allah unto you.

Ustaz Irwan Hadi b Md Shuhaimy Office of Mufti Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura

Allah the Master of the Worlds


When we open the Quran, we will find on the first page the first surah of the Quran which is surah al-Fatihah.

Al-Fatihah means the opening.

This name is suitable with its location as the first surah of the Quran and every recitation of the Quran begins with it.

Surah al-Fatihah is truly a remarkable surah for it contains a lot of lessons for us. Among the main lessons contained in this surah is the explanation of the Pillars of Faith or Arkan al-Iman.

Have you learnt surah al-Fatihah by heart with the correct recitation?

Arkan al-Iman (The Pillars of Faith)

There are six items is the Pillars of faith. These items are mentioned clearly one by one in the famous Hadith of Jibril. Every Muslim must accept and believe in all the items in the Pillars of Faith. Those six items are as follow:

1. Believe in Allah2. Believe in the Angels (Malaikah)3. Believe in the revealed books of Allah4. Believe in the Prophets5. Believe in day of Resurrection6. Believe in the predestination by Allah of all things, both the (seemingly) good and the (seemingly) bad.

What is the Hadith of Jibril?

It is an event where the angel Jibril alaihisalam came and meet the Prophet Muhammad sollahu alai wa sallam and asked him five questions. This event is witnessed by the Shahabah (companions) of the Prophet.

All the items in the Pillars of Faith are mentioned in surah al-Fatihah in a very unique manner. To get the answers to that, you will need to observe very closely all ayah (verses) in surah al-Fatihah. Insha Allah, this book will help you know the all those items in the following lessons.

Allah begins surah al-Fatihah with the word Al-Hamdu. Al-Hamdu means praise and gratitude. This is so because every time we say Alhamdulillah, it means we are praising Allah and are thankful to Him at the same time.

We are thankful to Allah because He has created everything in this world. Everything that was created on this earth is for the benefit of humans. For that reason, it is very appropriate for us to praise Him and be thankful to Him by saying Alhamdulillah.

When we say Alhamdulillah, it is in fact we are doing Tasbih of Allah. Tasbih means to say that Allah is free of all that is incomplete and flawed. It is because Allah the Almighty is the Most Perfect, free from all that is deficient.

In this ayah, Allah wants us to be His slaves who not only is thankful for all the blessings He has given, but He wants us at the same time to praise for all His magnificent creations. Everything happens with His unlimited knowledge and wisdom.

For He is Rabb al-Alamin; the Master of the Worlds

When we say Alhamdulillah, it means we praise Allah and thank Him at the same time. In this ayah, we find the first and last pillar of Faith which is: Believe in Allah and Believe in the predestination by Allah of all things, both the (seemingly) good and the (seemingly) bad.To believe in Allah requires us to believe that Allah is perfect and free from all that is deficient and Allah is nothing like His creations that are ever incomplete and dependent.

In His perfection, Allah has perfected the creation of this world and He is the one who owns it and everything in it. That is the meaning of Rabb; the one who owns.

The other pillar of Faith that is mentioned in this ayah is to believe is the predestination of Allah. To believe in this means that everything that happens in this world, whether it is good and bad, happens accurately based on the unlimited knowledge and perfect wisdom of Allah.

As the ones who believe in Allah, we accept and greet everything that happens by saying Alhamdulillah like how the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam has taught us.

Uswatun Hasanah

Aisyah r.a. said:

When Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wa sallam sees something that he likes, he would say, Alhamdulillah, with His blessings the good deeds are perfected. And when he sees something that he dislikes he would say, Alhamdulillah for all that happens.

Narrated by Ibnu Majah

Lets increase our deeds by saying a lot of Alhamdulillah

My Learning Dictionary

Surah A collection of ayah that are grouped together

Basmalah The ayah Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Uswatun Good example

Hadis (sunnah) Every saying, action and acknowledgment of the Prophet s.a.w.

Qadha dan Qadar The predestination by Allah of all things, both the (seemingly) good and the (seemingly) bad.

Alhamdulillah All praise and gratitutde is only for Allah

Allah Truly Loves His Slaves


If a rich man presents you a house that is fully equipped with all the furniture; sofa, beds, lights refrigerator, television set etc. What would you say of that man?

We will be so ecstatic beyond words. We feel that this person is the kindest person and that he really loves us.

Now look at all the creations around us. Let us stop and ponder. All things were already present when we were born! Everything was there and ready.

Look around you.

The sun, earth, sky, rain, grass, mountains, and all other creations are truly beneficial to us beyond comprehension.

Who created them all? Subhanallah, how kind and loving Allah is towards us with all these creations. Everything Allah created is for the purpose to make our life in this world to be at ease and tranquil.

Al-Quran as a guide

Have you ever participated in a jungle trekking activity?

Usually, the person in charge will give you a list of items to bring for this activity:

1. Bag2. Food3. Flash light4. Map5. Compass

Why is a map and compass very important for this trekking activity?

A map and compass will assist you to find your direction to reach your destination safely. It is certainly of great help if you were to lose your way during trekking.

Well, Allah has created us in live in this world for only a period of time. Our life in this world is like a journey. For us to go through this journey safely and not get lost, Allah has given all of us a guide. This guide is the Quran. Through the Quran Allah wants us to reach our destination and not lose our way.

Allah has showed us the way and made it easy for us. He did not leave us to find the way on our own or lose our way. For He, Allah, truly loves slaves.

This book of guidance, the Quran, was revealed (given) to Prophet Muhammad through the very trustworthy angel Jibril alaihis salam.

Your Attention Please!

There are four books that were revealed to the Prophets:

1. TauratNabi Musa alaihis salam2. ZaburNabi Daud alaihis salam3. InjilNabi Isa alaihis salam4. Al-QuranNabi Muhammad sollallahu alai wa sallam

Now it becomes an option for us to accept the guidance that Allah has given so that we will be safe in our journey and arrive safely at our destination.

We must believe in the Quran as mentioned in the pillar of Iman. And the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad through the angel Jibrail. This aspect of Iman is mentioned by Allah in surah Al-Syuara ayat 192 and 193:

Verily this is a Revelation from the Lord of the Worlds. With it came down the spirit of Faith and Truth

Angels as messengers of Allah

In the effort to have Iman in Allah, we must also believe or have Iman, in the Angels. This is because through the angel Jibrail we receive the Quran from Allah the Almighty. This fact is explained by Allah in the first ayah of surah Fathir:

Praise be to Allah, Who created (out of nothing) the heavens and the earth, Who made the angels, messengers with wings,- two, or three, or four (pairs): He adds to Creation as He pleases: for Allah has power over all things.

From the above ayah we understand that Allah has created angels as messengers who deliver the wahy (revelation) to all prophets and messengers of Allah.

The specific angel who was given the responsibility to deliver the wahy is Jibrail alaihi salam. And among the tasks that the angels are given to by Allah is protect the mukmin (believer) from any adversity, to make prayers (dua) for them and to ask forgiveness from Allah for the mukmin (believer).

For the deeds mention that is done by the angels for the mukmin, it is really appropriate for us to say Alhamdulillah and be grateful to Him for the countless blessings.

Your Attention Please!

There are 10 specific angels whom we must believe in and each of them is given a special task.

No.Name of AngelTask

1. JibrailTo deliver the Wahy

2. MikailTo deliver the Rizq (Sustenance)

3. IsrafilTo sound the Trumpet on the Day of Judgement

4. IzrailTo take the souls (ruh) upon death

5. MunkarTo ask the dead in the grave of their deeds

6. Nakir

7. RaqibTo record the deeds of human

8. Atid

9. MalikTo guard the gates of Hell

10. RidhwanTo guard the gates of Paradise

My Learning Dictionary

Al-Quran The book of guidance revealed to Prophet Muhmmad for all mankind.

Malaikat A being created by Allah from light and given a specific task.

Nabi A man chosen by Allah from the people to receive the Wahy.

s.a.w Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

s.w.t Subhanahu wa taala

a.s Alaihissalam

The Good Will Be Rewarded Accordingly

Imam al-Bukhary once narrated about a man that taken the lives of 99 persons, and he eventually made it 100.Where are the rights of all the 100 dead innocent lives? How will their justice be served? However, that man eventually repented sincerely to Allah from his evil deeds. His repentance was accepted by Allah and he finally died with the pleasure of Allah and entered Paradise. Justice is served by the Allah the Almighty. How?

Imagine if someone steals and then ran away with all the wealth. He evaded the authorities and avoided being caught, then went on to live indefinitely with the stolen wealth. Who is going take action on him for his bad deeds in this dunya (world)?

For justice to be served there must come a time where all the actions of man will be judged accordingly. For those were treated unjustly or oppressed in this dunya and not given their rights of were abused of it will be compensated thoroughly. Those who have done well will be rewarded with good, and those who have done evil will be given their appropriate reward. This awaited time is the Day of Judgment.

The Need for the Day of Judgment

Allah has given us countless blessing in this world. For that, we must always be grateful for all these blessings. We must also use these blessings in the best way possible to solely attain Allahs pleasure.

He who is grateful to Allah in this world will always strive to fulfill what Allah asks and refrain from what He prohibited. For he who is ungrateful and disobey Allah, will be judged fairly on the Day of Judgment. The Day of Judgment serves as a reminder to everybody so as to protect one from doing the deeds that will bring upon him the displeasure of Allah. Those whom Allah is displeased with, will not be rewarded handsomely.

Verily, this ayah in surah al-Fatihah clearly explains the need for The Day of Judgment as one of the pillars in Arkanul Iman.

This unique ayah then goes on to explain that it is Allah alone who completely owns the commands on the Day of Judgment. He is alone the Master of that day. Sometimes, in this world, when someone is caught for stealing, he can muster his way out from being jailed by an act of cheating or the like. He can get away scot-free. On the Day of Judgment, he will not be able to do that either by himself or by the help of others from the judgment of Allah. He will be dealt with fairly by the Allah The Most Just to receive his appropriate sentence.

Do you know?

First sound of the Trumpet The world ends Second sound of the Trumpet Life in the Hereafter begins The day of Account in the Mahsyar Jannah (Paradise) of Jahannam (Hellfire)

Uswatun Hasanah

Rasulullah s.a.w said in a hadith:

Whoever memorised the first 10 ayah from surah al-Kahf will be protected from the evils of Dajjal.

My Learning Dictionary

AkhirahA world where we will be after death

Insaf To understand something and be aware of it

TaubahAsking forgiveness for a sin from Allah with determination in not repeating it

Redha Willing/Pleased

ZalimNot putting something in its proper place

We Choose To Be Your Slave

You alone we worship (enslave ourselves) and (unto) You alone we seek help

This part of surah al-Fatihah symbolizes our confession towards Allah that we ready and willing to be the slave of Allah.

Why are we willing to be the slave of Allah?

In the last lesson we know for sure that Allah s.w.t is most kind, gracious and merciful, and Allah really loves us by giving us countless blessing in this world even long before we were born. All these blessings were created for the benefit and pleasure of us humans. If these blessing are taken away or not created, life will definitely be difficult for human.

Look at ayah 71 of surah al-Qasas and think about it. Allah says,

Say: Did you not see? If Allah were to make the day perpetual over you to the Day of Judgment, what god is there other than Allah, who can give you a night in which you can rest? Will you not then see?

We now know and realize how magnificent and important the creations of Allah are in life. Verily these creations are part of the countless blessings that Allah has favoured us with. Without doubt, as an act of gratitude and thanks to Allah for these blessings, we wholeheartedly and willing submit ourselves to Allah as His slaves. For this is because, there is no one who is more loving, gracious and kind other that Allah; Master of the worlds.

The word (Nabudu), in Arabic does not only mean to enslave ourselves, it also carries the meaning to worship or to perform Ibadah. For that, every time when we say this word, it means that we enslave ourselves to Allah and we worship Him, and to Him alone.

Verily, all our deeds like Sholat, fasting, reading the Quran, giving Sadaqah and all good deeds are done for Allahs pleasure only.

Usawatun Hasanah

Aishah r.a. said: Rasulullah s.a.w. would stand in Sholah until his feet were swollen. Aishah that asked, O Messenger of Allah, why are you doing that since Allah has forgiven all your wrong doings? The Messenger replied: Should I not be slave who is most grateful!

Narrated by Muslim

Let us do more of the sunnah Sholah

You might ask to why we need to do good deeds.

Doing a good deed (Amal Sholeh) is a sign of gratitude for the blessings that Allah has favoured on us. The number of blessing Allah has given is a lot. In fact the number of blessings is countless.

It is because we are thankful to Allah for all the blessings and because we truly love Allah for that, we are willing to be His slaves and worship Him.

It is also because that He, Allah, is the Lord or the Master of the worlds and to His slaves. He is not like any other master for is He is truly the Most Kind, Loving and Gracious Master. He is not a master who likes to punish or is vengeful. A good and grateful slave to Allah for all the blessings He has favoured upon, must, without doubt, follow and listen to the commands of Allah. The act of doing good deeds like sholah, fasting or helping the needy is truly a sign of ones obedience to Allah.

It is correct for us whom us given these countless blessings and favours from Allah defy and disobey Him in what he commands?

Allahs Rule Has No Boundary

We must believe that Allah is the only One who has absolute rule and power for us to rely on or ask help from. When do we ask for Allahs help and when do we need of rely on Him?

As the slave of Allah, we need Allahs help and rely on Him all the time because He is the Master of the Worlds and He has absolute power and control over everything.

Nonetheless, as a Mukmin or the one who believe in Allah, we must also work hard and strive to achieve in life. Every effort towards this achievement must be accompanied by the belief that He is the one who guides and facilitate all efforts. This is true so that we remained constantly guided and being blessed always. This is the characteristics of a true Mukmin.

For Allah has absolute control over all things in life.

My Learning Dictionary

Qiymah The end of the world or time. No one knows when it will happen.

Syukr To be grateful to Allah in sayings and deeds for all the blessings He has given.

Ibdah Any act of saying or physical deeds done solely for the pleasure of Allah.

Guide us upon the Straight Path

Show us the straight path, the path of those on whom You has bestowed Your Grace unto them, no (the path of) those who has incurred your wrath, and who are lost.

This last part of srah al-Ftihah is actually a du that we ask from Allah to always guide us upon the straight path and to be on the path of truth. To make a du is an act of ibdah that is commanded by Allah.

Allah says in srah Ghfir yah 60 which means:

And your Master says: "Call on Me; I will answer your (du).

The straight path that is mentioned in srah al-Ftihah is called al-Shirth al-Mustaqm. It is the path the leads us to the true goal in life. It is the path that is not crooked that diverts from the actual direction.

Our life in this world is like a journey that leads us to a destination. To reach the destination, we must choose the right path that leads to it.

Our destination is to reach the Firdaus (Paradise) or Jannah of Allah. Allah has prepared these Jannah for those who has Imn and does good deeds. The path that leads us to these Jannah is al-Shirth al-Mustaqm.

What is the meaning of al-Shirth al-Mustaqm ?

al-Shirth al-Mustaqm is the teachings of Islam that are explained by the Qurn, for the Qurn is the guide from Allah to all human.

With the guidance of Qurn that Allah has given to all, we therefore must carry out what the Qurn tells us so that we arrive at our desired destination safely.

The path walked on by the Prophets

Allah explains in yah 69 in srah an-Nis that the al-Shirth al-Mustaqm is the path that was walked on by those who were blessed by Allah. They are from amongst the Prophets and the righteous people.

This last yah explains yet another pillar of mn that is to believe in the prophets of Allah. The prophets of Allah are our role model and the best examples in life to follow by.

The two other groups mentioned in this yah as well that are not on the al-Shirth al-Mustaqm are those whom have incurred the wrath of Allah and are lost. They are such because they have disobeyed and did not follow Allah commands.

Ma Allah protects and not makes us from those two groups. Amn!

Your Attention Please!

There are 25 Prophets in the Qurn who we must know.

1. Adam a.s 2. Idris a.s 3. Nuh a.s 4. Hud a.s 5. Sholeh a.s 6. Ibrahim a.s 7. Luth a.s 8. Ismail a.s 9. Ishaq a.s 10. Yakub a.s 11. Yusuf a.s 12. Ayub a.s 13. Suaeb a.s 14. Musa a.s 15. Harun a.s 16. Zulkifli a.s 17. Daud a.s 18. Sulaiman a.s 19. Ilyas a.s 20. Ilyasa a.s 21. Yunus a.s 22. Zakariya a.s 23. Yahya a.s 24. Isa a.s 25. Muhammad s.a.w

Guard Strictly Your Sholh

The Sholh is a very important act of Ibdah in Islam. This is so because when the Qurn mentions about people who were granted Jannah; among their main deeds were guarding the Sholh. Among the yah that mention about these people are yah 1 & 2 from srah al-Muminn.

To perform and establish the Sholh is the second item in the Pillar of Islam. The Sholh is the proof of ones commitment to Islam. A Muslim is known through the Sholh that he does.

Do you still remember the hadth of Jibrl in the previous lesson? Apart from The Pillars Iman that was mentioned, the hadth also mentioned the Pillars of Islam.

Why is the Sholh a very important deed in Islam?

Firstly, the Sholh is a very special ibdah compared to the other deeds. Prophet Muhammad received the command to perform the five daily Sholh directly from Allah on the historical night of Isr and Mirj.

You Asked For It!

What Is the Night of Isr and Mirj?

The Night of Isr and Mirj is a miracle and gift of Allah given specially to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. On the 27th of Rajab, Prophet Muhammad travelled at night from Makkah to Baitulmaqdis in Palestine. The Prophet was then made to ascend by Allah to the skies above till he reached the seventh sky to receive the command on the Sholh directly from Allah.

The Prophet was shown many great signs of Allah during this journey. All these events happened in just one night. The Prophet then returned to Makkah from this miraculous journey before the break of morning.

Secondly, In the Sholh we read srah al-Ftihah in every rakah . Among the contents of this srah is that we ask Allah to constantly guide us upon the straight path and not to deviate from the truth.

Thirdly, the Sholh is the continuous deed of the Prophets. Among the commands of Allah to the Prophets is to establish the Sholh. The yah ini srah al-Anbiy explains:

And We made them leaders, guiding (men) by Our Command, and We sent them inspiration to do good deeds, to establish regular prayers, and to practise regular charity; and they constantly served Us (and Us only).

With the three reasons given above, it clearly shows us the importance of the Sholh in Islam.

With that, as a grateful slave to the blessings of Allah, we must sincerely guard the Sholh and perform it with the utmost care. This is in line with what Allah says in srah al-Baqarah yah 238 which means:

Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers (Sholh), especially the Middle Prayer (Sholh); and stand before Allah in a devout (frame of mind).

If you want to meet someone important, like the president for example, you will definitely make the preparations before you attend that meeting. You will most certainly ensure you attend that meeting by following the stated dress code or other requirement as well.

So if you want to meet the Master who has control of all the worlds is it not befitting for you to follow the guidelines stated as well. These guidelines are related to cleanliness of the self and proper clothing.

Before we begin the Sholh, we must ensure that we are free from the major and minor Hadath (state of impurity).

1) Hadath Akbar (Major State of Impurity): is a state of impurity when happens requires the individual to perform the obligatory ghusl (bath). The items that cause Hadath Akbar are:i. Ejaculation ii. Having sex/sexual intercourseiii. Menstruationiv. Giving birthv. Death.

2)Hadath Ashghar (Minor State of Impurity): are items when happens require the individual to cleanse himself and take the wudh. These items are as follows:i. Passing motion (defecate) or urineii. Fart ingiii. Touching between men and women who are not mahramiv. Touching of the genitals with the palm of the handv. Become unconsciousvi. Sleeping etc

Do You Know?

In the beginning, Allah has commanded His Prophet with 50 daily Sholh. By the grace and kindness of Allah, it was reduced to only 5 daily Sholh after the Prophet beseeched His Master to reduce it as a mercy to His slaves. Even though it 5 in number but it is 50 in reward.

If someone is in Hadath Akbar, he needs to perform the obligatory ghusl by making sure that his whole body is completely bathed. To clean Hadath Ashghar is first to get rid of the najis (impurity) attached to the body, if any, and then to perform the wudh.

You Asked For It!

Types if Najis (Impurity)

1. Najis Mughallazah : is the impurity of swine(pig) and dog.

2. Najis Mukhaffafah : is the urine of a baby boy under the age of two years old who has not feed on anything else except his mothers breast milk.

3. Najis Mutawassitah : is all other impurities not categorized as Najis Mughallazah or Najis Mughallazah like impurities of human and animal origin.

Performing the Wudh : Step by Step

1. Wash your hands (palm area): Say Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim and wash your hands 3 times by criss-crossing between the fingers.

2. Wash your mouth and nose: Rinse your mouth and insert water in your nose (Istinsyq) with your right hand blow the water out of your nose (Istinthr). Repeat this action 3 times.

Say the niyyah in your heart. The pronunciation of niyyah is as follows

3. Wash your face 3 times. The border of the face is from the end of one ear to the other horizontally and from the tip where the hair grows on the forehead to the chin.

4. Wash your hands 3 times. Wash both your hands beginning with your right hand from the tip of the fingers until your elbow. Make sure it is thoroughly washed by criss-crossing between the fingers.

5. Rub your head with water. Rub part of your head using your right hand from the front all the way to the back and to the front again. Repeat this action 3 times.

6. Wash your ears. Wash your ears by inserting your index finger into your ear and using your thumb to wash the back part.

7. Wash your feet 3 times. Wash both your feet beginning with your right foot from the tip of the toes until your ankle. Make sure it is thoroughly washed by criss-crossing between the toes.

8. Read the du after Wudh. Read the following du:

When someone is clean from both state of Hadath Akbar and Hadath Ashghar, he can then perform the Sholh.

How To Perform The Sholh

1. Face the Qiblah (the direction of Kabah in Makkah). Pronounce the niyyah.

I shall perform the two rakah of Subh prayer sincerely for Allah.

2. Takbratul Ihrm. After you have said the niyyah, raise both your hands in line with your ears and say the Takbratul Ihrm.

Allah is the Greatest.

3. Stand and read srah al-Ftihah. Put both hands between your chest and your navel. Put your right hand on top of your left hand. (Refer to illustration)

Look at the place of sujd. Begin by reading the du al-Iftith and followed by reading srah al-Ftihah.

Then read any srah from the Qurn or a number of yah of your choice.

4. Ruku (Bow down). Say the Takbr and then do the Ruku. Place both hands on your knees. (Refer to illustration)

Read the recitation for Ruku slowly. Read three times.

Glory be to my Master The Most Supreme with His Praise and Thanks

5. Itidl. After that, raise from your Ruku and stand while saying:

Allah listens to the one who praised and thanked Him. Our master only for you is the Praises and Thanks!

6. Sujd (prostration). Then, say the Takbr and do the Sujd. Put your forehead and nose on the place of Sujd (Refer to illustration).

Read the recitation of Sujd slowly. Read three times.

Glory be to my Master The Most High with His Praise and Thanks

7. Sitting between two Sujd. Then, raise from your Sujd while saying the Takbr. Then read the following recitation.

Then do another Sujd for the second time and read the same recitation in the first Sujd.

Note : To this point of action done signifies the completion of one rakah. Then rise from your Sujd and stand again to begin the next rakah.

8. First Tahiyyt / Tasyahhud. After you have finished the second rakah as you were taught in the process before this, sit again to read the first Tasyahhud. (Refer to illustration).

The recitation is as follows.

When reading the Syahdah, raise your index finger and continue reading to the end. (Refer to illustration).

9. Final Tahiyyt / Tasyahhud. When you have finished the final rakah, sit again after your final Sujd to read the Final Tahiyyt / Tasyahhud.

The recitation is as follows.

When reading the Syahdah, raise your index finger and continue reading to the end. (Refer to illustration).

10. To give Salm. When you have finished reading the final Tahiyyt / Tasyahhud turn your head to the right and say the Salm, then turn your head to the left and say the Salm to end your Sholh.

Every complete rakah in Sholh must follow the above steps according to the number of rakah for a particular Sholh.

Allah has commanded us to guard strictly our five daily Sholh. We cannot neglect these 5 Sholh in what every situation.

You Asked For It!

The five daily obligatory Sholh and the number of rakah for each Sholh:

1. Subh: 2 rakah2. Dzhur: 4 rakah3. Asr : 4 rakah4. Maghrib: 3 rakah5. Isy: 4 rakah

In normal circumstances we perform our Sholh in ideal manner by standing in Sholh. Nonetheless, there are times, where we can sit or lie down when we perform our Sholh. That would be if we are sick or the situation does not permit us to stand. There are other situations as well where we can shorten (Qasr) the number of rakah of a Sholh or combine (Jama) two Sholh at one time.

To conclude, Sholh is the only way for us to communicate with Allah. When a person performs Sholh with full concentration and sincerity, he will gain the attention of Allah.

When the Prophet is facing with difficulties, he will perform the Sholh. The Sholh is in fact the most enjoying activity for the Prophet.

Uswatan Hasanah

Huzaifah bin Yaman once mentioned that the Prophet s.a.w. when faced with situations of worry and sorrow will perform the Sholh. (Narrated by Ahmad and Abu Daud)

Get up, go and perform the Sholh!

The Rukn (Pillar) of Sholh

1. Niyyah2. Qiym (Standing)3. Takbratul Ihrm.4. Reading srah al-Ftihah5. Ruku (Bow down) with Thumannah6. Itidl with Thumannah7. Sujd (prostration) with Thumannah8. Sitting between two Sujd9. Reading the Final Tahiyyt / Tasyahhud.10. Sitting to read the Final Tahiyyt / Tasyahhud.11. Read the Sholh (du) upon the Prophet12. Give the first Salm13. Doing in sequence (Tartb): Doing what it first followed by the next accordingly.

My Learning Dictionary

Syahdah Testimony/To be witness

Ramadhn The ninth month in the Islamic calendar where Muslims fast

Niyyah Intention

Haji To do pilgrimage to Makkah

Baitullh The house of Allah: the Kabah

HadathA state of impurity that prohibits a person from doing the Sholh

Wudh Taking ablution to cleanse oneself for a minor Hadath

Mahram A male or female in the family who are not permitted to be married with in Islam e.g. brother, sister, uncle, aunty

Haid Menstrual blood

Nifs Blood discharged after giving birth

Istinsyq Inserting water into the nose

IstinthrBlowing water from the nose

Qasar To shorten a obligatory four rakah Sholh to two rakah with conditions

Jama To perform two obligatory Sholh at one time.

Itidl To stand after Ruku

Thumannah With a pause (slowly)

To Fast Is Good For You

Allah Subhanahu Wa Taala says in srah al-Baqarah yah 183:

O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that you may (learn) self-restraint (Taqw).

The yah above explains that Allah has commanded the Muslims to fast. This act of fasting is in fact not something new that we are commanded with. This act of fasting was carried out by Muslim ummah (people) long long ago. The ummah of previous Prophets before Prophet Muhammad like the ummah of Isa, Musa, Daud and Nuh were all commanded to fast.

Fasting means to prevent oneself from eating and drinking, and all that invalidate the fast beginning from the break of Fajr (Subh Sholh) until sunset (Maghrib). For someone to attain the full rewards of fasting, he must prevent himself from doing all that is bad. This includes all deeds and sayings.

Items that invalidate Fasting:

1. Eating and drinking on purpose2. Inserting an object to an open organ3. Vomiting on purpose4. Being intoxicated or fainting the whole day5. Being insane6. Riddah (Leave the religion of Islam)7. Ejaculation on purpose8. Breaking of fast before time9. Menstruation10. Having intercourse during the day

There are a lot of benefits in fasting. From these benefits are: it makes to body healthy. This aspect was explained by the Prophet in a hadth narrated by Imam Bukhari which means:

Fasting is a shield.

Fasting acts as a shield against all that causes harm to ones state of health and faith (mn). The goal of fasting is to develop the person to be a good and god-fearing Muslim.

A good and god-fearing Muslim is someone who has a good relation with Allah. What this means is that he fulfil all that Allah has commanded, in the best possible manner, and refrain for doing what Allah prohibits. Fasting is truly a sign of ones mn and Taqw

To be granted guidance from Allah and attain success like those whom Allah has favoured unto them, we walk in their footsteps by fulfilling Allah command, and amongst those is fasting.

Uswatun Hasanah

Abu Hurairah has narrated in a hadth where the Prophet said which means:

"Fasting is a shield (or a screen or a shelter). So, the person observing fasting should avoid sexual relation with his wife and should not behave foolishly and impudently, and if somebody fights with him or abuses him, he should tell him twice, 'I am fasting." The Prophet added, "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, the smell coming out from the mouth of a fasting person is better in the sight of Allah than the smell of musk. (Allah says about the fasting person), 'He has left his food, drink and desires for My sake. The fast is for Me. So I will reward (the fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times."

Strengthen Your mn By Fasting!

My Learning Dictionary

Taqwa Be careful, conscious

Fajr The crack of dawn.

Riwayat A story or report passed on through generations

To Give Is Better Than To Receive

When we read the second srah in the Qurn which is srah al-Baqarah we will Allahs saying which is as follows:

Alif. Lm. Mm. That is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah; Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them.

In the yah above, Allah explains that the Qurn is surely guidance for those who fear Him. He then goes on to elaborate some of the characteristics of those god-fearing people, which are:

Have mn in Allah and everything that is mentioned in the six pillars of mn which are captured in the word al-Ghayb (The Unseen and Unknown)

Perform with steadfast the Sholh and continuously doing so wholeheartedly.

To give or spend part of the rizq (benefits) that Allah has bestowed upon, like wealth, energy and time to those who are in need.

After we have discussed on the topic of Sholh and Shiym (Fasting), another very important act that we must do is to give help and assistance to those who are in need.

This very important because we humans live in together in a community and Islam really cares about the well being of a community. In order for a community to live in harmony, it becomes a necessity for those who are in need to be cared of and not to be ignored.

The Prophet s.a.w. has illustrated in a hadth that a Muslim ummah is like a complete unit that relies on one another. The Prophet mentioned in that hadth narrated by Imam Muslim which means:

The Mumin to another is like one body, when one part of it is ill, the whole body feels the illness and will stay awake.

The obligation to give Zakh in Islam symbolizes the assistance from the privileged to the needy in a community.

To help those in need is an inborn character of a good person. Allah has promised an abundant reward for those who are in constant help to the needy. For that, Muslims should be generous and not be stingy and mean.

Helping those in need does not come only in giving out cash or money. We can assist them is a lot of ways. For example:

If you have additional cash or under-utilised items we can help them by giving the items and donating to the needy people or to people who are affected by disasters like earthquake, typhoon or massive floods.

If you are young and energetic, you can help in humanitarian work or social and welfare efforts in the masjid (mosque), old folks home or orphanages.

If we are limited by monetary or physical wealth, we can still assist in contribution of good ideas and suggestions that can alleviate the lives of the needy in any way possible.

By helping others, we will gain benefits for ourselves if we are in need of any assistance in future. The difference is that, Allah will facilitate in that assistance. Now observe closely the meaning of the following hadth!

Uswatun Hasanah

"A Muslim is a brother of (another) Muslim, he neither wrongs him nor does hand him over to one who does him wrong. If anyone fulfills his brother's needs, Allah will fulfill his needs if one relieves a Muslim of his troubles, Allah will relieve his troubles on the Day of Resurrection and if anyone covers up a Muslim (his sins), Allah will cover him up (his sins) on the Resurrection Day".

Narrated by Bukhary and Muslim

Lets make helping one another a part of our lives.

Types of Zakh

a) Zakh al-Fithr (Fitrah): Zakh al-Fithr is a type of Zakh that is paid in the month of Ramadhn beginning on the 1st of Ramadhn until the morning of 1st Syawwl before the Ed prayer is performed.

b) Zakh al-Ml: is a Zakh on wealth that a Muslim gives out if his personal wealth meets the nishb (sum in total) in a Hijri year. The amount given is 2.5% out of the total wealth.

Obligatory Conditions For Zakh

1. Islam: Zakh is only stipulated on Muslims

2. Free (Not a slave)

3. Complete ownership of wealth.

4. Fulfilment of nishb (sum in total). A nishb refers to the minimum quantity of wealth owned that determines the need to pay or not. If a persons wealth owned is less than the nishb, he does not need to pay Zakh.

5. Fulfilment of Haul (Cycle). The total wealth must be owned completely in a whole Hijri year.

The First House For bdah

Allah says in srah li Imrn yah 96 and 97:

The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, Allah stands not in need of any of His creatures.

The Hajj that is performed in Makkah is the culmination in the act of Ibdah for Muslims. The Hajj has a very close relation with Prophet Ibrhm and his son Prophet Isml. Prophet Ibrhm was commanded by Allah to bring his family: his wife and son who was still a baby, to Makkah. At that time, Mkkah was still a barren land. This great journey and sacrifice by the blessed family of Prophet Ibrhm is recorded in the Qurn in srah Ibrhm yah 37:

O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in a valley without cultivation, by Your Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may establish regular Prayer: so fill the hearts of some among men with love towards them, and feed them with fruits: so that they may give thanks.

When this blessed family reached Makkah, Prophet Ibrhm was commanded to leave his wife and his infant son in Makkah and return to Palestine to continue his responsibility as the messenger of Allah. Before Prophet Ibrhm left for Palestine, he made special du which Allah has preserved it in srah al-Baqarah yah 126 which means:

And remember Abraham said: "My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and feed its people with fruits,-such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day." He said: "(Yes), and such as reject Faith,-for a while will I grant them their pleasure, but will soon drive them to the torment of Fire,- an evil destination (indeed)!"

Allah granted Prophet Ibrhms request and from that day onwards, Makkah transformed from a barren piece of land and flourished to be prosperous city.

After a period of time, Prophet Ibrhms then came again to Makkah and build the Kabah together with his son Isml. Allah says in Baqarah yah 127 which means:

And remember Ibrhm and Isml raised the foundations of the House (With this prayer): "Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us: For You are the All-Hearing, the All-knowing.

When the Kabah was completed, Prophet Ibrhm again left Makkah which by now was a thriving city and returned to Palestine. Like the previous time, before leaving Prophet Ibrhm again made a du which you can find it in srah Ibrhm yah 35.

And remember when Abraham said: "O my Lord! Make this city one of peace and security: and preserve me and my sons from worshipping idols.

In performing the Hajj, we are reminded of the great sacrifices that were made by Prophet Ibrhm and his family. All these deeds in obeying Allahs commands is a clear demonstration of Prophet Ibrhm gratitude to Allah for all His blessings and favours. This is a true sign of a Mumin.

Prophet Ibrhm is truly a role model for all Mumin. For his all sacrifices done, we now enjoy the blessed city of Makkah. The task to build the Kabah is a tremendous honour for Prophet Ibrhm, because He is from those whom Allah has favoured upon as mentioned in srah al-Ftihah . His acts and teachings are guidance to all mankind.

For those who seek the bounty in khirah and success both in Duny and khirah, the Prophets are the true role models. Follow their path and you will be guided.

Uswatun Hasanah

Lets make the intention to perform the Hajj.