1 Unit 6 Packet c. 1900 – Present NAME : _______________________________________________ Note: Keep this packet until the end of the year so you can study it!

APWH Unit 6 Packet - monicafreeman.weebly.commonicafreeman.weebly.com/.../8/5/9/5/85950796/apwh_unit_6_packet.pdf3 Key Concept 6.1 Science and the Environment I. Researchers made rapid

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Unit 6 Packet c. 1900 – Present

NAME : _______________________________________________

Note: Keep this packet until the end of the year so you can study it!



Dates Event Location(s) 1914 • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand, start of WWI Austria-Hungary 1915 • end of Ottoman Empire; creation of secular republic of Turkey Eastern

Europe/Turkey 1917 • Russian Revolutions: Romanov Dynasty ended, USSR created

under Lenin Russia

1918-1919 • Influenza epidemic • Treaty of Versailles ends WWI • League of Nations created

1929 • Stock market crash, start of US Great Depression US 1931 • Global economic depression

• Japan invades Manchuria Eastern Asia

1937 • Japan invades China • Non-Aggression Pact signed

Japan Europe

1939 • German blitzkrieg in Poland Poland 1941 • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor, US enters WWII Hawaii/US 1945 • Axis Powers surrender, end of WWII

• Start of Cold War Europe

1947 • Partition of India and Pakistan India/Pakistan 1948 • Arab-Israel conflict & creation of Israel as nation-state Middle East 1949 • Chinese Communist Revolution China 1950 – 1953 • Korean War, division of Korean peninsula Koreas 1956 • De-Stalinization of USSR USSR 1957 • Launch of Sputnik

• Ghana first African country to gain independence USSR Africa

1959 • Cuban Revolution Cuba 1962 • Cuban Missile Crisis Cuba/US 1975 – 1979 • Cambodian Genocide Cambodia 1989 • Tiananmen Square protests China 1990 • Namibia gains independence Namibia 1991 • Soviet Union dissolves

• First Persian Gulf War Soviet Union/Russia Middle East

1994 • NAFTA formed • Rwandan Genocide • First open-race elections in South Africa

Canada, US, Mexico Rwanda South Africa

1999 • European Union (EU) formed Europe 2001 • World Trade Center attacks New York City 2003 • US invasion of Iraq Iraq (Middle East)

Note: These are not the only major events to know!


Key Concept 6.1 Science and the Environment

I. Researchers made rapid advances in science that spread throughout the world, assisted by the development of new technology.

A. New modes of communication and transportation reduced the problem of geographic distance.

B. The Green Revolution produced food for the earth’s growing population as it spread chemically and genetically

enhanced forms of agriculture. Define Green Revolution: ______________________________________________________________________

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Examples of practices or inventions that enhanced agriculture:

1) chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides 2) advanced irrigation/land management

3) seed hybridization/genetically-modified organisms

Choose one of the examples listed above in order to complete the chart below. Be sure to identify which example you chose: # ______

How has this practice/invention been beneficial? How can this practice/invention be harmful?

C. Medical innovations increased the ability of humans to survive and live longer lives. Examples include the Polio

vaccine, antibiotics, and the artificial heart. Which innovation do you think has had a greater impact: antibiotics or the artificial heart? Choose a side and

explain your reasoning. ________________________________________________________________________




D. Energy technologies including the use of petroleum and nuclear power raised productivity and increased the

production of material goods. Name one downside to using petroleum and/or nuclear power: _________________________________________





II. During the period of unprecedented global population expansion, humans fundamentally changed their relationship with the environment.

A. As human activity contributed to deforestation, desertification, and increased consumption of the world’s supply

of fresh water and clean air, humans competed over these and other resources more intensely than before.

Term Definition Give a specific example where it happened/is happening


Act of mass clearing of trees


“process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought,

deforestation, or inappropriate agriculture”

B. The release of greenhouse gases and other pollutants into the atmosphere contributed to debates about nature and

causes of climate change.

III. Disease, scientific innovations, and conflict led to demographic shifts.

A. Diseases – such as malaria, tuberculosis, and cholera – associated with poverty persisted. Explain how poverty is related to the existence/spread of diseases: ______________________________________



There were also new diseases that emerged that were a threat to human survival.

Where was the disease outbreak located? 1918 Influenza pandemic



In addition, changing lifestyles and increased longevity led to a higher incidence of certain diseases.

What does the above statement mean? ____________________________________________________________


B. More effective forms of birth control gave women greater control over fertility and transformed sexual practices.


C. Improved military technology and new tactics led to increased levels of wartime casualties.

How was this military technology used to improve warfare?


Tanks were used to scale difficult terrain and added protection to soldiers who ventured into enemy territory. They were also armed with heavy weaponry and could be used to kill the enemy or destroy the surroundings.


Atomic Bomb

Define/explain what this military tactic involves AND when it was used

Trench Warfare


Intended to damage an area using fire-starting agents instead of just dropping bombs. This started during World War I, but was more commonly used in World War II.

Date Death

Toll/Casualties Give a brief overview of what happened

Nanjing (Nanking)




About 25,000 –


Allied forces firebombed this German city even though there was little/no military base there. The goal was to hurt the German economy and morale by targeting civilians.




Key Concept 6.2 Global Conflicts and Their Consequences

I. Europe dominated the global political order at the beginning of the 20th century, but both land-based and transoceanic empires gave way to new states by the century’s end.

A. The older, land-based Ottoman, Russian, and Qing empires collapsed due to a combination of internal and

external factors.

Identify at least one reason that led to the collapse of these governments:

Ottoman Empire

Russian Empire

Qing Dynasty in


B. Some colonies negotiated their independence such as India from the British Empire and French West Africa.

C. Some colonies achieved independence through armed struggle such as Algeria and Vietnam from the French

Empire and Angola from the Portuguese Empire.

II. Emerging ideologies of anti-imperialism contributed to the dissolution of empires and the restructuring of states.

A. Nationalist leaders and parties in Asia and Africa challenged imperial rule.

Location How did the group/person challenge imperial rule?

Indian National




B. Regional, religious, and ethnic movements challenged both colonial rule and inherited imperial boundaries.

Who was Muhammad Ali Jinnah and why is he significant? ___________________________________________


C. Transnational movements sought to unite people across national boundaries.

What methods did one or both of the movements use to try to unite people? Pan-Arabism

and Pan-Africanism


D. Movements to redistribute land and resources developed within states in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, sometimes advocating communism and socialism.

III. Political changes were accompanied by major demographic and social consequences.

A. The redrawing of old colonial boundaries led to population displacement and resettlements.

What was the Partition of India and Pakistan? ______________________________________________________



B. The migration of former colonial subjects to imperial metropoles (the former colonizing country, usually major

cities) maintained cultural and economic ties between the colony and metropole even after the dissolution of empires. Examples include South Asians moving to Britain, Algerians moving to France, and Filipinos moving to the US.

C. The proliferation of conflicts led to the Holocaust during World War II and other forms of genocide or ethnic

violence. Choose one of the following examples to complete the chart below: Armenians in Turkey during/after WWI, Cambodia during 1970s, Tutsi in Rwanda in 1990s

Date (years): Location:





IV. Military conflicts occurred on an unprecedented scale.

A. Define Total War: ____________________________________________________________________________


Explain why World War I can be considered a turning point in world history:




Would you consider the World Wars to be total wars? Explain your reasoning. ____________________________




Explain how each ideology obligated their peoples to mobilize/organize and wage war during the World Wars.

Ideology How do these ideologies encourage the need for warfare?




Communism has a large emphasis on farming, which means there’s a great need for land to cultivate food. Therefore, communists feel the need to take land from others in order to meet this demand.

In addition to employing certain ideologies, governments also used various strategies like speeches and art to intensify nationalism.


Type of Media: Audience:

Define propaganda: _________________________________________________________________________________



Type of Media: Audience:


Type of Media: Audience:


B. The sources of global conflict in the first half of the century varied and included imperialist expansion by European powers and Japan, competition for resources, and the economic crisis engendered by the Great Depression.

C. The global balance of economic power shifted after the end of WWII and rapidly evolved into the Cold War. The

US and Soviet Union emerged as superpowers, which led to ideological struggles between capitalism and communism throughout the globe.

Color the map below based on which countries supported the US and capitalism during the Cold War and which countries supported the Soviet Union and communism. (This means you’ll need 2 colors or 2 symbols!)

D. The Cold War produced new military alliances, including NATO and the Warsaw Pact, and promoted proxy wars in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

Define/explain each alliance


Warsaw Pact

What is a proxy war? __________________________________________________________________________




V. Although conflict dominated much of the 20th century, many individuals and groups –including states – opposed this trend. Some individuals and groups, however, intensified these conflicts.

A. Groups and individuals challenged the many wars of the century, and some promoted the practice of nonviolence

as a way to bring about political change.


Date (year) 1937

What is this piece’s goal or purpose?


The Burning Monk

Date (year) 1963

What were they protesting against? South Vietnams’ Pro-Catholic policies and

anti-Buddhist laws How does the event represent a challenge to war? This monk sacrificed his life instead of provoking fighting/violence between




Date (year) 1869 – 1948

Date (year) 1918 – 2013

What was he protesting against?

What was he protesting against?


B. Groups and individuals opposed and promoted alternatives to the existing economic, political, and social orders.

What was the cause of each of the movements/protests? What were the goals?

Non-Aligned Movement

Made up of 120 countries who do not want to be friends or enemies with major groups of countries; these countries wish to remain neutral.

Anti-Apartheid Movement in South


Tiananmen Square Protests

C. Militaries and militarized states often responded to the proliferation of conflicts in ways that further intensified

conflict. Define military dictatorship: ____________________________________________________________________


D. More movements used violence against civilians to achieve political aims by identifying TWO groups, explaining

their methods of violence, and the outcomes of such violence.

Date (years): Location:

Group Name:

Irish Republican Army (IRA)




Date (years): Location:

Group Name:






Key Concept 6.3 New Conceptualizations of Global Economy, Society, and Culture

I. States responded in a variety of ways to the economic challenges of the 20th century.

A. In the communist states of the Soviet Union and China, governments controlled their national economies. Complete the chart below about these examples of communist governments controlling their economies: Five Year Plans Great Leap Forward



There were a series of 13 plans, lasting in 5 year increments from

1928 – 1991

1958 – 1962

Explain its purpose

B. At the beginning of the 20th century in the United States and parts of Europe, governments played a minimal role

in their national economies. With the onset of the Great Depression, however, governments began to take a more active role in economic life.

Complete the chart below about an example of a government taking a more active role in economics. New Deal


Dates 1933 – 1939/41

What were some things

the New Deal did to help

improve the economy?

C. In newly independent states after World War II, governments often took on a strong role in guiding economic life

to promote development.


Person in charge


What did he


Nasser promoted economic development, modernization reforms, Arab unity, and breaking down the practice and effects of imperialism.


D. In a trend accelerated by the end of the Cold War, many governments encouraged free market economic policies and promoted economic liberalization in the late 20th century.

Country Who led these reforms and policies?

United States




II. States, communities, and individuals became increasingly interdependent, a process facilitated by the

growth of institutions of global governance.

A. New international organizations formed to maintain world peace and to facilitate international cooperation.

What year was this created?

What’s the goal or purpose of this organization?

League of Nations

United Nations (UN)


Criminal Court

2002 “to ensure that crimes against humanity and mass atrocities do not occur with impunity”

B. Changing economic institutions and regional trade agreements reflected the spread of principles and practices

associated with free market economics throughout the world. List at least 1 thing that this institution promotes and/or does to encourage a free market.

International Monetary

Fund (IMF)

The IMF lends money to any qualifying country in order to promote economic growth, investment, and a steady supply of jobs.

North American Free Trade Agreement


(Options for people who led the reforms: Deng Xiaoping, Ronald Reagan, Pinochet, Margaret Thatcher)


C. Movements throughout the world protested the inequality of environmental and economic consequences of global integration. Choose one of the following examples and explain what it is trying to accomplish: Greenpeace, Green Belt Movement in Kenya, or Earth Day.



III. People conceptualized society and culture in new ways; rights-based discourses challenged old assumptions about race, class, gender, and religion. In much of the world, access to education, as we as participation in new political and professional roles, became more inclusive in terms of race, class, and gender.

Examples of this include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, global feminism movements, the US Civil Rights Act of 1965, the end of apartheid, and the breakdown of the caste system in India.

IV. Popular and consumer culture became more global.

How are the Olympics and/or World Cup soccer examples of global culture? ____________________________________



Key Vocabulary Adolf Hitler Zionism Allied Powers AIDS Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Developing world Bolsheviks European Union Central powers Feminist movements Chiang Kai-Shek Globalization Fascism Global warming Great Depression International Monetary Fund Great War (World War I) Ayatollah Khomeini League of Nations Nelson Mandela Mass consumption Nongovernmental organizations Mass culture Silicon Valley Benito Mussolini Supranational organizations Nazis Tiananmen Square protests New Deal Truth commissions Nonviolent Resistance World Bank Joseph Stalin Al Qaeda Mohandas Gandhi North Atlantic Treaty Organization Apartheid Prague Spring Arab-Israeli War Second World Axis Powers Sexual Revolution Berlin Wall Superpowers (talking about countries, not heroes!) Fidel Castro Third World Civil Rights Movement Vietnam War Cold War Warsaw Pact Decolonization First World Holocaust Martin Luther King Jr. Korean War Mao Zedong Neocolonialism