Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban By Jessika Bouvier (originally by J.K. Rowling) It was a cloudy and chilly Wednesday when Harry woke up, opening his eyes to see a grey sky and his best friend Ron eating chocolate on the windowsill. Harry attempted to rub the sleep from his eyes, and let out a yawn. He quickly slipped on his glasses and hopped out of bed, walking towards the bathroom as he asked Ron about their plans that day. “Anything exciting going on today?” hollered Harry from the bathroom, his tooth brush hanging half way out of his mouth. Ron looked up from his chocolates to reply. “Actually, Dumbledore made an announcement this morning that all Hogwarts students should report to the Great Hall this morning, even if we are ill, injured, or whatever,” The red head seemed bored with the idea, but he shrugged and yelled back to Harry, “I don’t really care as long as I get to eat my chocolate while they talk.” Harry snickered from inside the bathroom, tossing his toothbrush down and running his fingers through his messy black hair. He quickly ran to his wardrobe and pulled out his Hogwarts uniform, throwing it over his pajamas in a rush of excitement. “I want to know what all the fuss is about, let’s go!” he declared, waving his hand as a gesture for Ron to follow him. The clumsy ginger stuffed his chocolates into his robe pockets, adjusted his Gryffindor tie and stumbled out of the door after Harry.

APUSH Harry potter

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban By Jessika Bouvier (originally by J.K. Rowling)

 It  was  a  cloudy  and  chilly  Wednesday  when  Harry  woke  up,  opening  his  

eyes  to  see  a  grey  sky  and  his  best  friend  Ron  eating  chocolate  on  the  windowsill.    Harry  attempted  to  rub  the  sleep  from  his  eyes,  and  let  out  a  yawn.  He  quickly  slipped  on  his  glasses  and  hopped  out  of  bed,  walking  towards  the  bathroom  as  he  asked  Ron  about  their  plans  that  day.  

“Anything  exciting  going  on  today?”  hollered  Harry  from  the  bathroom,  his  tooth  brush  hanging  half  way  out  of  his  mouth.  Ron  looked  up  from  his  chocolates  to  reply.  

“Actually,  Dumbledore  made  an  announcement  this  morning  that  all  Hogwarts  students  should  report  to  the  Great  Hall  this  morning,  even  if  we  are  ill,  injured,  or  whatever,”  The  red  head  seemed  bored  with  the  idea,  but  he  shrugged  and  yelled  back  to  Harry,  “I  don’t  really  care  as  long  as  I  get  to  eat  my  chocolate  while  they  talk.”  

Harry  snickered  from  inside  the  bathroom,  tossing  his  toothbrush  down  and  running  his  fingers  through  his  messy  black  hair.  He  quickly  ran  to  his  wardrobe  and  pulled  out  his  Hogwarts  uniform,  throwing  it  over  his  pajamas  in  a  rush  of  excitement.  “I  want  to  know  what  all  the  fuss  is  about,  let’s  go!”  he  declared,  waving  his  hand  as  a  gesture  for  Ron  to  follow  him.  The  clumsy  ginger  stuffed  his  chocolates  into  his  robe  pockets,  adjusted  his  Gryffindor  tie  and  stumbled  out  of  the  door  after  Harry.  

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It  seemed  that  the  entire  population  of  Hogwarts  gathered  in  the  Great  Hall.  No  student  wandered  aimlessly  through  the  corridors  as  they  waited  for  morning  classes  to  begin,  but  instead  all  sat  patient  and  still  with  their  houses,  quietly  munching  on  breakfast  and  chattering  curiously  about  what  the  importance  of  this  “meeting”  was.  Some  jokingly  guessed  that  He  Who  Shall  Not  Be  Named  had  invaded  the  school  and  was  going  to  take  them  all  hostage,  but  none  joked  too  loudly,  afraid  that  a  teacher  might  hear  them.  

Ron  and  Harry  ran  into  the  Great  Hall  to  find  Hermione,  their  best  friend,  and  Ginny,  Ron’s  younger  sister,  sitting  at  the  Gryffindor  table  talking  over  bowls  of  oatmeal  and  slices  of  buttered  toast.  Ron  eagerly  sat  down  and  began  stuffing  his  face  with  food,  while  Harry  took  a  moment  to  greet  both  girls  before  gathering  his  breakfast.  

“Hello  Harry,”  chirped  Hermione,  her  frizzy  brown  hair  bouncing  as  she  giggled  at  him.  Ginny  gave  a  similar  reply,  smiling  warmly  and  winking  at  him.  Ron  mumbled  a  “good  morning”  to  them  through  a  mouth  full  of  pancakes.  Before  Hermione  or  Ginny  could  scold  him,  however,  Dumbledore  suddenly  stood  at  the  front  of  the  Great  Hall,  clearing  his  throat  loudly  enough  to  catch  the  attention  of  all  people  in  the  immediate  area.  Every  pair  of  eyes  turned  towards  him  curiously,  watching  his  every  word.  All  of  them  wondered  what  this  meeting  was  about.  

 “Good  morning,”  started  Dumbledore,  his  voice  both  calm  and  demanding  

of  attention,  “I  hope  you  all  slept  well.”  A  few  heads  in  the  audience  bobbed,  but  no  one  spoke.  

“I  stand  before  you  this  morning  to  tell  you  that  Hogwarts  recently  adopted  to  apply  fifteen  of  the  U.S.  Amendments  to  the  rules  of  Hogwarts.  This  decision  was  made  in  order  to  control  bullying  and  unfairness  amongst  teachers  and  students  alike,  and  we  hope  that  the  installment  of  these  new  rules  will  help  control  the  problems  at  Hogwarts,”  Dumbledore’s  voice  remained  even,  those  his  eyes  widened  slightly  at  the  whispers  coming  from  the  students  in  the  Great  Hall.  

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Deciding  to  leave  them  to  their  own,  Dumbledore  concluded  by  saying:  “The  amendments  can  be  found  hanging  around  Hogwarts,  as  well  as  in  each  of  the  classrooms.  You  are  within  your  rights,  under  these  amendments,  to  refuse  or  object  to  certain  violations  of  your  personal  rights.  If  you  have  any  problems,  please  report  them  to  Madam  McGonagall  or  myself,”  with  that  Dumbledore  and  the  other  teachers  filed  out  of  the  Great  Hall,  which  signaled  that  the  students  should  leave  and  head  to  their  first  class  of  the  day.    

Harry,  Ron,  and  Hermione  all  talked  with  excitement  about  the  new  amendments  as  they  walked  to  Potions,  and  were  brainstorming  different  ways  to  get  away  with  things  by  using  the  amendments.  Their  first  opportunity  presented  itself  when  Professor  Snape,  in  the  middle  of  class,  told  Ron  that  because  he  had  been  caught  talking  in  class  would  have  to  spend  twelve  hours  picking  off  the  rotted  leaves  of  the  meat-­‐eating  flowers  in  the  Herbology  ward.  Ron  exclaimed  that  that  was  cruel  and  unusual  punishment  for  an  exceptionally  minor  mistake  on  Ron’s  part,  and  he  was  protected  under  the  8th  amendment.  Snape  grumbled  and  complained,  but  eventually  agreed  that  Ron  was  correct.  Before  Ron  and  his  friends  could  celebrate,  however,  Snape  just  told  him  that  detention  after  school  hours  would  serve  just  as  well,  glaring  at  Ron  with  a  mean  smile.  

Harry  was  beginning  to  wonder  about  the  negative  effects  of  the  amendments  on  the  school  when  in  the  middle  of  Defense  of  the  Dark  Arts  class,  Hermione  pulled  out  her  wand  to  magically  solve  a  difficult  problem  on  her  paper.  Their  professor,  Remus  Lupin,  immediately  stopped  her  and  told  her  to  put  it  away,  declaring  that  it  was  too  dangerous  to  have  out  in  class  without  permission,  and  that  she  could  not  draw  weapons  without  asking  first.  Hermione  immediately  defended  herself  by  pointing  to  the  2nd  amendment,  and  told  Professor  Lupin  that  she  was  allowed  to  have  it.  Unmoved,  Lupin  swept  past  Hermione  and  picked  up  her  wand,  and  scolded  her,  telling  her  that  there  was  an  exception  to  that  amendment  in  school  classrooms  and  government  buildings.  Hermione  was  upset  and  pouted,  but  eventually  got  her  wand  back  at  the  end  of  class  because  they  were  working  on  confronting  Boggarts,  which  were  simulations  of  their  greatest  fears.  When  Neville’s  Boggart,  a  giant  spider,  appeared,  he  fainted  and  fell  to  the  floor.  When  he  awoke  a  minute  later,  he  got  up  on  his  knees  and  began  to  pray.  The  other  students  gave  him  weird  looks,  which  upset  him.    

“I  have  the  freedom  of  religion  under  the  1st  amendment,  leave  me  alone!”  he  screamed,  his  face  red  with  embarrassment.  The  other  students  did  not  want  to  argue  with  the  authority  of  these  new  amendments,  so  they  simply  turned  their  backs  and  ignored  him.  

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Harry,  Ron,  and  Hermione  walked  outside  to  find  their  next  class,  Care  of  Magical  Creatures,  which  was  taught  by  Hagrid,  the  Hogwarts  groundskeeper  and  their  favorite  staff  member.  They  could  not  find  the  class  sitting  outside  of  Hagrid’s  hut,  so  they  started  to  search  around,  hoping  that  Hagrid  wouldn’t  count  them  tardy  to  class.  It  took  a  while  to  find  them,  but  eventually  Hermione  spotted  Hagrid’s  gigantic  height  amongst  the  trees  and  saw  the  rest  of  their  classmates  standing  in  front  of  him.  He  held  in  his  hand  the  leash  of  a  strong  and  beautiful  Hippogriff,  a  hybrid  between  an  eagle  and  a  horse.    As  they  approached  they  saw  Draco  Malfoy,  their  biggest  enemy  and  meanest  bully  at  Hogwarts,  walk  aggressively  towards  the  hippogriff.  He  whipped  his  arm  out  as  if  to  pet  it  forcefully,  but  the  hippogriff  drew  away  from  him  and  clipped  him  with  one  of  his  

claws,  leaving  a  bloody  gash  to  form  on  his  shoulder.  Draco  immediately  took  this  opportunity  to  get  back  at  Hagrid  and  began  to  yell  at  him  and  threaten  to  tell  Dumbledore  that  he  ordered  the  animal  to  attack  him.  Baffled,  Hagrid  shook  his  head  and  told  Malfoy  not  to  lie,  but  instead  to  go  to  the  nurse’s  office  and  get  medical  help.  Harry  and  Ron  ran  ahead  of  Hermione  and  push  through  the  crowd  of  students  in  time  to  here  Malfoy  demand  Hagrid  to  become  his  slave.  

“Why,  Mr.  Malfoy,  haven’t  yeh  got  any  manners?”  Hagrid  grumbled,  his  words  mushy  underneath  his  bushy  

beard,  “the  13th  amendment  protects  me  and  all  others  from  yeh  wrath,  Mr.  Malfoy.  I  can’t  be  no  slave  er’  yers.”  Draco’s  face  grew  red  with  rage.  

“Fine!  If  you  can’t  be  my  slave,  then  you  have  to  house  my  friends  and  I,  and  our  dementor  soldiers  to  protect  us  from  your  evil!”  Draco  huffed  and  puffed  at  him,  daring  Hagrid  to  challenge  him.  Hagrid  simply  laughed.  

“The  3rd  amendment  counters  yer  proposal,  Mr.  Malfoy,”  Draco  began  to  sweat  from  anger,  but  Hagrid  quickly  spoke  again,  “somebody  get  Malfoy  to  the  nurse,  please  and  thanks.”    

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A  group  of  massive  boys  helped  Draco  up  and  carried  him  towards  Hogwarts  castle,  ignoring  his  whimpers  and  cries  about  the  pain  in  his  shoulder.  Hagrid  dismissed  the  class,  telling  them  to  head  inside  early  so  that  he  could  find  Dumbledore  and  speak  to  him.  Harry,  Hermione,  and  Ron  considered  going  after  him  and  asking  if  he  needed  assistance,  but  decided  that  Hagrid  should  probably  handle  a  serious  matter  like  this  on  his  own.  As  they  turned  to  head  inside,  Crabbe  and  Goyle,  Draco  Malfoy’s  best  friends  and  partners  in  crime  stopped  them.  Ron  and  Harry  immediately  told  Hermione  to  go  inside,  afraid  that  they  would  hurt  her.  Hermione  nodded  and  promised  to  return  with  help,  and  turned  to  flee  towards  the  castle.    

“What  do  you  want?”  asked  Harry  cautiously,  looking  at  the  angry  faces  of  Goyle  and  Crabbe.  

“We’re  gonna  beat  your  brains  out!”  exclaimed  Crabbe,  cracking  his  knuckles  and  rolling  his  neck.  Goyle  stood  ready  beside  him,  hands  clenched.  

“Why  would  you  do  that?”  asked  Ron,  staring  wide-­‐eyed  at  Goyle’s  massive  body  looming  over  his.  He  and  Harry  would  have  no  chance  against  the  two  bullies.  

“Because  it’s  fun,”  cackled  Crabbe,  “and  because  no  amendments  can  save  you  now!”  Crabbe  and  Goyle  began  closing  in  on  the  two  smaller  boys  when  a  voice  from  the  top  of  the  hill  interrupted  them.  

“Actually,  the  9th  amendment  protects  all  personal  rights  not  specifically  mentioned  in  the  other  amendments,  so  technically,  you  could  get  in  a  lot  of  trouble  for  beating  them  up!”  screamed  Hermione  from  the  top  of  her  lungs.  Crabbe  and  Goyle  glanced  at  each  other  in  thought,  and  before  they  knew  it,  Harry  and  Ron  had  run  half  way  up  the  hill  to  Hermione.  Crabbe  and  Goyle  attempted  to  go  after  them,  but  quickly  realized  they  were  much  too  fast.  They  gave  up  and  were  beginning  to  walk  in  the  other  direction  when  Madam  McGonagall’s  voice  erupted  in  all  of  their  ears,  declaring  that  all  students  must  report  to  the  loading  docks  with  their  permission  slips  in  order  to  go  on  the  field  trip  to  Hogsmeade.  Harry  realized  that  he  had  forgotten  to  get  his  permission  slip  signed  and  tried  to  sneak  on  with  Ron  and  Hermione,  but  was  caught  by  Professor  Flitwick.  The  stubby  professor  ordered  Harry  to  go  back  to  the  castle  and  stay  there  until  the  rest  of  the  students  and  teachers  returned.  He  thought  about  attempting  another  escape,  but  decided  against  it  and  turned  to  go  inside.  Before  he  could  get  too  far  though,  Fred  and  George,  identical  twin  brothers  and  older  brothers  of  Ron  and  Ginny,  stopped  him  and  told  him  they  had  a  surprise  for  him.  They  handed  him  the  Marauder’s  Map,  a  secret  map  that  showed  the  names  of  everyone  person  in  Hogwarts  and  where  

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they  were  located.  They  told  him  to  use  it  with  his  invisibility  cloak  and  to  have  fun,  because  he  would  be  able  to  get  away  with  anything.    

“But,”  interrupted  George  as  Fred  was  telling  Harry  of  whom  to  spy  on,  “be  careful,  because  if  a  teacher  catches  you  in  another  person’s  room  without  a  search  warrant,  they  can  arrest  you  under  violation  of  the  4th  amendment.”  Harry  nodded  and  told  them  not  to  worry.  The  twins  quickly  boarded  the  train  after  patting  Harry  on  the  back,  and  Harry  took  off  towards  his  room  to  find  his  invisibility  cloak.  After  he  found  it  and  put  it  on,  he  began  to  wander  the  hallways  of  Hogwarts,  wondering  what  the  professors  were  like  when  no  students  were  around  to  watch  them.  He  stumbled  upon  Dumbledore  and  Hagrid  talking  quietly  in  the  hallway,  and  Harry  realized  that  Hagrid  was  in  tears.  He  tried  to  be  as  quiet  as  a  mouse,  and  crept  up  near  them  in  order  to  hear  what  they  were  saying  better.  

“Don’t  worry  Hagrid.  Even  though  Mr.  Malfoy  will  be  able  to  try  you  in  court  does  not  mean  that  you  will  be  found  guilty.  Plus,  under  the  6th  amendment  you  have  the  right  to  a  fair  trial  by  jury,  and  if  you  are  found  innocent  Mr.  Malfoy  cannot  charge  you  or  Buckbeak  again  because  of  the  5th  amendment,”  Hagrid  seemed  unconvinced  because  he  was  still  crying,  so  Dumbledore  continued,  “Just  the  other  day  Snape  was  incorrectly  charged  with  stealing  Madam  Pomfrey’s  owl,  and  he  got  a  jury  even  though  it  was  a  civil  case  under  the  7th  amendment,  and  he  wasn’t  even  found  guilty!  I’m  sure  you’ll  be  fine  Hagrid,  you  shouldn’t  worry  so  much,”  Hagrid  nodded  weakly,  and  quietly  told  Dumbledore  that  he  would  pack  up  his  things  for  his  trip  to  the  court  house  in  Diagon  Alley.  Harry  scurried  out  of  the  hallway  as  he  heard  Dumbledore  wish  Hagrid  good  luck.    

Harry  was  very  upset  about  the  possibility  of  Hagrid  having  to  go  to  prison,  so  he  decided  to  snoop  around  in  some  dorms  for  a  little  while  to  cheer  him  up.  He  hoped  that  he  would  find  some  funny  objects  hidden  in  students’  rooms  that  could  take  his  mind  off  of  things.  He  thought  that  it  would  be  interesting  to  visit  Draco  Malfoy’s  dorm  since  Malfoy  was  probably  stuck  in  the  healing  ward.  As  Harry  approached  the  Slytherin  dungeons,  he  heard  muffled  laughing  and  familiar  voices  down  a  secluded  hallway.  When  he  turned  down  the  hall,  he  found  Blaise  Zambini  and  Theodore  Nott,  two  of  Draco’s  acquaintances,  sipping  alcohol  in  the  dark.  Harry  immediately  threw  off  his  invisibility  cloak  and  cast  a  spell  that  would  light  up  the  room.  His  presence  startled  Blaise  and  Theodore,  who  shied  away  from  the  light.  

“The  18th  amendment  prohibits  consumption  of  alcohol!”  Harry  exclaimed  in  a  hushed  voice,  “What  do  you  think  you’re  doing?”  

Blaise  was  unimpressed.  “Maybe  so,  Potter,  but  the  21st  amendment  repealed  it,”  he  laughed,  sneering  at  Harry,  hoping  to  embarrass  him.  Harry  shook  his  head  in  fury.  

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“It  doesn’t  matter!  You’re  both  under  the  legal  drinking  age  for  wizards,”  stated  Harry,  shaking  his  fists  in  the  air,  “I’m  going  to  tell  Dumbledore  what  I’ve  caught  you  doing.”  

In  a  flurry  of  motion  Harry  sped  out  of  the  dungeons,  racing  through  the  halls  with  invisibility  cloak  in  his  hand  and  the  Marauders’  Map  in  his  robe  pocket.  He  ran  through  the  Hogwarts  hallways  for  what  seemed  like  ages,  unable  to  find  Dumbledore  or  any  other  teachers  to  tell  about  his  mishap  with  Blaise  and  Theodore.  After  running  for  a  little  while  longer,  Harry  decided  to  give  up  since  he  knew  that  all  of  the  students  would  be  returning  from  Hogsmeade  very  soon.  He  retired  to  his  room  until  Ron  and  Hermione  came  to  get  him  after  their  return.  

Upon  arriving,  Harry  told  Ron  and  Hermione  about  the  conversation  he  overheard  between  Dumbledore  and  Hagrid.  Hermione  immediately  became  upset,  while  Ron  sat  shocked  and  stuffed  his  face  with  chips  as  he  thought  of  what  to  say.  They  spent  the  next  few  hours  trying  to  think  of  ways  to  help  Hagrid  until  they  had  discovered  it  was  close  to  dinnertime,  and  headed  out  towards  the  Great  Hall.  

The  Great  Hall  was  packed  much  like  it  had  been  that  morning,  with  students  sitting  patiently  on  the  benches  and  talking  quietly  with  their  friends.  However,  the  air  at  this  gathering  seemed  more  relaxed,  which  made  the  trio  of  friends  feel  better.  The  professors  and  Headmaster  Dumbledore  eventually  filed  in  and  sat  down  in  their  elevated  seats.  Before  long,  Dumbledore  cleared  his  throat  to  get  the  attention  of  everyone  in  the  Great  Hall.  

“Students,”  his  voice  bounced  off  of  the  walls,  “aside  from  eating,  we  have  gathered  you  all  here  to  discuss  your  feelings  on  the  new  amendments.  If  anyone  has  any  objections  to  making  these  a  permanent  part  of  Hogwarts,  please  speak  now.”  Immediately  Draco  Malfoy’s  hand  shot  up.  Without  waiting  to  be  called  on,  Malfoy  stood  up  and  tugged  at  his  tie.  

“Excuse  me,  sir?  I  object  to  these  amendments.  I  find  them  to  be  even  more  unfair  than  the  previous  rules,”  his  voice  was  coated  with  arrogance,  “  and  the  10th  amendment  even  says  that  the  ‘government’  should  not  have  too  much  control,”  Malfoy  said,  smirking  with  confidence.  

Dumbledore  responded  calmly,  with  no  hint  of  anger,  “Mr.  Malfoy,  I  understand  your  point.  Although  you  are  slightly  incorrect  on  the  interpretation  of  the  amendment,  what  you  say  is  partially  true  and  is  applicable.  Therefore,  we  shall  have  a  vote.  Each  student  will  vote  whether  or  not  to  keep  or  discard  the  amendments.”  All  of  the  students  in  the  Great  Hall  began  to  whisper  in  curiosity.  

“That’s  perfectly  fine,”  declared  Malfoy,  as  if  he  had  a  say  at  all,  “but  only  pureblood  males  should  be  able  to  vote,  since  that’s  whom  the  amendments  were  written  by.”  

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“Nice  try,  Mr.  Malfoy,”  interjected  Professor  McGonagall,  “the  15th  and  19th  amendments  declare  that  voting  is  a  privilege  held  by  all  blood  types  (races)  as  well  as  woman.  You  may  sit  down  now.”  Malfoy  sent  her  a  rude  glare,  but  did  as  he  was  told.  

Within  a  few  minutes  the  ballots  had  been  magically  handed  out  and  all  of  the  students  had  written  down  their  answers.  With  a  wave  of  his  wand,  Dumbledore  gathered  all  of  the  ballots  and  magically  tallied  them  until  he  got  the  final  result.  

“The  overwhelming  majority  have  voted  yes,  that  Hogwarts  should  make  the  amendments  a  permanent  part  of  our  rules,”  said  Dumbledore  with  a  hint  of  a  smile  in  his  voice.  

The  students  exploded  in  cheers,  and  Harry,  Hermione,  and  Ron  all  hugged  each  other  with  excitement.  The  amendments  would  forever  protect  them  from  the  bullying  and  misfortune  that  had  previously  made  their  school  miserable.  All  was  well.  

 Link  to  Harry  Potter  and  the  Prisoner  of  Azkaban  trailer:    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4mpOY0KWsM    Link  to  biography  of  J.K.  Rowling:  http://www.jkrowling.com/en_GB/#/about-­‐jk-­‐rowling/    Link  to  background  on  conflict  between  Harry  Potter  and  Draco  Malfoy,  see  

“Harry  Potter”  section:  http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Draco_Malfoy    Sites:  Draco  Malfoy  picture:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draco_Malfoy  Albus  Dumbledore  picture:  


Fred  &  George  Weasley  picture:  http://autymn.buzznet.com/user/polls/211751/hp-­‐countdown-­‐13-­‐days-­‐best/  

Buckbeak  picture:  http://images.wikia.com/harrypotter/images/4/45/Buckbeak_Malfoy.png