VOL. XX. No. 28 *v MANASSAS. VA-. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 4.'. 1914. ONE DOLLAR A YE/1; APS S U F m a C ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi M«n>M»i WS Give To Forward To Enthiitwirtic M o a e r Lery To RUM $75,000,000 la RcTcwie I>eU]rcMi By Of V^ Lh an audience thiii«rowded CoUectors of Revenue all over the Opera House. Manassas gave the country are findio^ it a task .itB stamp of approval Tuesday to supply tbe demand for the ni^rjt to ibe wide spread move- stamps tbmi must now go On meT)t of this counCr>' and this many documents and a few eom- state in sending^ reijef tu ihe little irjodities in order to relieve tbe kingdom of Belgium, iyidgc J. United States of tbe stringency .-JLX Btl^atfflB Jtrgfeid^.^ as chair- that h>g «ne«r tK,«..gi. r^m^ man of the meeting that was (^ of tbe tariff duties because of called by Lieut. George C. Round, the war. Commiasiofier Osboom the local re|»esentatioo of Cokiod has issued an order that dkould H. M. Boyldn, the chairman of allay the fear« of all those who ilie Stale Belgian Belief Cuumis-~have iipwi matitoiift pllt^^^^^r^'^jy sM>n The eig^hth congreaskMia] stamps because of the scaici^y. district chairman, CoL A. D. The order sent oat is M follows: Brodiett, of Alexandria, was in- "DaUe all special tax return troduced and delivered a foreefal November 30 oiUil yoo ate able speech on the subjects <rf the b> handle applicatioos iHomptiy. campaign. JudgeThontoD touch- unless you have infonnation that ed carefuOy and eleariy (Hi the no effort was made to file same cause for which the meeting was prior to that date. If unaUe to called. He was fallowed by supply donands for docnraoitazT Lieutouuat Bound who made a stamps for bilb of ladiBS, permit report as to the organiratino of ahipmoits to s o fwwaid, have ihe relief fund enmrnfasiop for record kept, and affix or caaed LMMiuaiuy:——• MANASSAS: NEW TOWN HALL I *^^^""^yAT?K^.!^^^ OF SUCCESS raeenreo. noiujr 4 atampa T ADDaESB BY E f l ^ a r n a B g : T«Ilwmd».' A strong appeal intohned with rsBPUXBKT AMD ooSHBTSca excelient illastrati(»s was made ^^ .^ TAXED by Eldo-L N. a Bcihm, <rf Be->^j[^to^,q,g,^it3j|f ,nj broo Seminary, Nokeinlle. H n t i m « in a <fiffetcqt fomi. The selectioDS from the BiUe made United States now his address strong in its pveaen- jta^lf _ totibn oTlfe duty of tho8c~at . n d i httle over a century ago It tioas at peace to tender aid to ^rent to itmt itself beeane the the starving peo|^ who have mw, been made to fed the devasta- ^ Uoder the faeidnc rf tionsofwar. The 8peechfl| w « e moditiasrequiiBig this stamp tax intenxuDgled with musical a e l ( i b | ^ , , g ^ ntieka as perfinaety, tion8inwluch%.andMra.Roopi, lair dyo; tooth pevdec and of ^^aatem C^kx^ f^«<^B>»'vaadiBe.antBbetaxedao»««^ith /(oaear Profeaaat Boyer, a9d.tbe «£ g ^ai^ fy, C M * five ManaiBasHighSdnOtlgHiWed.„iiii price. SOT-ooMMiTHtHJ APKHWi^. x _ T h e PoDawn mmpaily—wiBfCaiy, ier have to pay a tax of <ne cent far 244io«r That Manassas will soon have jthe eonvenienee of both day and nifl^t eleetne service, which wiO be plaeed at a nt» consistent «ntfa the standard in effect in other towns, was the substance of a discuasioo by the Town Telb What a Boy Can Do RaiMgCon—Pnre F—ay in < (•T IX BOYS' ^Council a^ its regular monthly t*MUble. 1 believe! shall have meeting, held in the Pedples Na- * bigger job writing • story of tional Bank buikiing Monday ^^ ^**^ t^»n the work itself, night, with Mayor W. Hill Brown ^^ ' ^ ^ ^^ ^^st that I had wujuEB a. nuaa OOawoOiKtMT.) My expenenee in raising an acre of corn in tbe Boys' Corn Club during the year has been interesting, pleasant and I hppe nrPMiiitiy ««H r, p »^*-^f^r taxes on ^Alexaoadria. orBatkrcaraeicet^ tfe ftiH: pointed fay LioiteBaat Boond for " ^ Qiewing gum carries a tax -and of fimr ecnts -far W l Be Ready (or Ckoc^aacy AlKNt 1.1915 fAdWYTPSTAiT its largeat mdnstry in aptam- ,» . the new When pi^ in t^ieaatioa the p l ^ t will tarn out high grade caa£es Mr. L 1 " money: . «utth. .The puhlie ^nt^ pay tojaot kaowa County fhairmaa. Hon. Geoise the tdijgnmhcongiaHieBeaw cent jpaay wiO be«itt C Round; secretary. Boa. C J. extra far eveiy mess^ie s » t in is believed that it wfll be Meetze, and treaEoer. Mr. G. addilian t» the regular tofti jearly date. Mr. OiKy has Raymoiid Batdiffe Tetephooe toU assgi ii for J view a partner n ^ wffl b^ Ocooiioan distzkt—Camimu, which Ae legaiar chaise is J5 active interest m the eooqiaoy. Tys<m:Janney; L.. Ledman. Mn. centB or more will be taxed a Coihin Tboc^ison. M. T. Glasa- «eat eadi. cock, Sherwood StonneU, Ttmm Ammiberof official doeumCTts j for tbe an"*ii«f^ trade. M. Barbee and WiUiam.Cbite, ~ >B^ « loomissary noCei; eatifi-]Su Weaver who Dumfries diatxiet—diaiiman. eates, eoBtracta. property iasnr-1 with the new eampany^ it is re- George M. Ratefiffe^ Lather Mer- •»<». eonveyanees. bonds, eertifi-1 ported, wiO also be with the chant. Claries P^BaOey^MiSLE. f*Xtis of indehtedBeaSi sales wi W. G. Keys. Mrs. C E. Oarke stodc and produce exdianges far|for the property was ^l^OOQ. and Qnrfes Leary. future delivery, powers ef attar-; Tins owhided the-let adieam« Coles <fistcict—Chairraan. Jas. ^ey, freight and express receipts jthe factory praper. the fssr Luck; J.M.Effieott.SsawelX^of«e. aote protests and foreign pesseft-Istory bride atnietare and the B. W. Starke. Mrs. & W. Betaar ger tiduta. have varying stnap equipment which .eml»aeeB aB jind Mrs. R. R. HayesL taxes levied upon them. aeeessary ma^iaery for candy BrentsviUe district—Chairman. There are already in existence making. A delay occurng la L K. H. Beahm; W. fi. Hooker, naee November l.eertain specific: August preveMed Mr. CkiQy from L A. Miller. Miss Mary Saook, taxes paJd^a a s h oa wines. pi|^«g the piaatHnto opecMioa Miss Edna Mifler, Cedi Sadth liqpnrsami tofaaeeo, aad oa bank- at timt tiaie whidi wooU have KAJTHmk H v t A t ^boek i a . ^ hmTlv tte «f a stand pipe ahOe oat fapjB «.<Ujjght (TKea, aoa «f Mr. DenabO'Ni tions oo his hands md aroM Wed- After faavaig &at aid admaiated bat i t h y amgeaas of Ce^wper. Mr. sn O'Keil was placed en tzwa No. in 42 «rf the Soitthen Bdway aad earned to his home i« Na 716 Oaeea atzeet; Alexaadria. The blow nficted two deep lb. O'NeB's head.- brake his «wnsr hsae aad tat aad BQined faetii atan aad haadL EBs cqa- ^ i o B v l a l e a s t crHieal i s s o i o w ••d it ]asfaeeaaeeesaBrT.toad- derk. Coundlmen C R. C. John- son. E. R Conner, a E. Nash. Albert Spdden. WOL M. Wheder. T. F. Colenum and R. & Hynson present and ConncaliaaB&.Aithnr Etrand absent This serviee will enable a nioa- ber of firms to nake use of the electricity for power purposes aad the eleetnficatiuo of Manas- sas wffl be complete, ft was de- cided by the Coondl that for the frartaga «t- little trouble in ael*'^*'"^ U^ eurfBUt the weatTOu it whJl Ihe three-hofie" bifl fior just what is eoiwtmed will be rendered ^td not the flat rateofooeddiar. Ifaconsoaer than the flat rate for L ooaaeefeBd-then h e pay for the amoaat used. . *«y^ to use the cnneat in the middle of the month wiU aot be required to psy a^oUar if he has not coa- BMd that yminntu - to DSHBCT nJUItB. '^ Tbe PohGe Uti^ies committee BHaspeiit with the M^tyar aad the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll- udthen- eoa^tioB. aad wffl to thfCoanril at its a la the the KSLl.i:aESKMES iag oo their fiadinga. .btfaeJiath. rent wOl he exteaded to theliaata <^ the eerpmaliua with theprivi- legeof thoeeoJttddeof the baits to use the serviee by payil« aU miaBBed far. aad polesL Aa the Soirth Railway far the fa^yi^ of water maiasimderthe right of way of theraiwiar spot for I went straight to the east end of the old field where two streams ma togetlMr. Ilis qiot had not been cultivated poe- sibty since the red mea cultivated torn in a very rade way. This plaoe was levd and would slight- iy overflow during big rains and the ground would be left richer eadi time. I was sure tiiis spo*: wooki groweom. Itwasplowed in Jaaoary. Then I left it by hen I VinS'toeth hairow. t gave two good hamwiags, then I' ready; to pfamt \ I seieeted pure Boone Cooitfy white com for seed, mid gsed the good^old Deermg Afaont:: eaoogh to piaat the crop. For femr the crews weald puO the com up, I took mie-famth pint <rf mirits tmpealiae with one-hidf wrtarmid anxed it dried it beface ir**-*^ edra eaBe-ap^%«a aad I d o a t beBeviB the cn»ws pBHed l y BMM t t a a ima... ilaaW M ttsfc. Mr, Cnnr doOsat like Uajwuiline It have made the eafc-^ far they dida*t injure it. ttuMlred add phoqihate. of geuaJ. the niii ftfl aad the have with die of the poles that have too ekee to the 8PCK TRACK TO roWKK BOaSB. fast I raa the sptti-tooth bam^ over it, aad wfaea the com grew to be about ax iades higfa, I gave «t a good cuitivatiaa with, the doidile cultivator aad thea let it go several weeks kmgcr and cultivated itagam the saaie way. Itwasaooa toofaBsefeoheeiAi- vated w ^ the doable edtiv^iar, thee I let it go. By the throagh fifteim ieet tdL wry few. if any. Tofa^Ktatethet«aspmt«ioa^i!?^« «i«?i?^. t arid A W. Long. ekeaa.—The f. meirt expects to Gaineni&e diilcict^ GeoTre G. Tyler; C D aXSark- Tra^OOO.OOO in son, Eugene Keyaer. Chaiies S. ins the McDonald. WOl Shirley, H. Cave, the gowim- reeeive abopt revenue dor- year to okakeap Oy Agents af Hcrl After iUbess <rf coal to the electric pla^t a traek.L2B0£Betai lei«th,faranch- \ag off from the mmn track of theSotrthera of ivuv over aeveral (haafin^ coal ia this one item of It ^tere wen _ _ atalka ^stt did not have-an- oathem. Aboyeoolddoairigte com. huthoweoutdbeciait? I eoidAi't reach some of the-eais oa the largest stalks. It looked more to me like young trees thaa coca. Papa and the hired mea cat it. They said % vcas the bigest eom they ever saw. ]r~ laada mo feel aiy father rnageora. Bej Miss Mikhed EweU aad Mas MerdnatsinvtciBityof Lots Glaflsooek. sas £boold aead to the l a t e r a l r^^^T X<ana«(iq^« district—Chairssaa. Bcvenne Boreau. is the Treasury " ^ A. ft.SiMlah-: WestwoodHutch- DepartmoO. Washiogtoa. D. C. ison. PoweU M. Metz. MrL M. ^or their Sappty of revcaae Barbour.lMisslM. Rixey. Mrs. B <»wiw. D. Wemich. Mrs. SeUen Smith. =—^--.-:..---.=::=. Miss Mamie Lynch. Mrs. Rose L. of districts as to what is besL Rjce. Mrs. Samod Swartz. Mia. Where neighborhood sabseriptiop M. EL Dogaa, Mrs. lease Conner, papers are not resorted to. it is Mrs. Anna Ifaiiair and Mrs. soggested that collections might Andrew E November 28L The wastperfonned by the Rev. & a. G»eeae,«f«avalry church. Tbe bride by her sister-iit-law. Mia. ward Jordan, of at € e'dodr oa Mrs. Greene iajaries mafaOaad years, id her death, the widow irf the late Rev. W. W, ^Greene, aa Iwho. forak..c««:. wvuHMKcri Ed- of s ebareh ia Church Creek. Md.' a^l Tbe funeral toek place at Quvrh C^cde on Wedaeaday Mrs. Greene A Tcashitioa of bo Mr. A k r t Speidea for his c&rts ia taflway far npoa by the-CoaaciL aatfl the ISth of Deeoaber. Miss Clark, of Orange. ._^„. u, r F i,..^ "^fc^^rfivivedty foar _ _ eoB- be taken npin the churches, where ~: _ ^ J T T ° ; *', 8*^™^**. J t e b e ^Marshall. _Mra. peMHMr Wefl, I managed to get it basked by the fifteenth ot No- and I «ot abont eisrhty aad^jMie-fanrth hnnhrls Thi^ doea pretty wefl for a boy's first triaL M' father hangs up hie aays. "the iMys idayscaa do awr i to make better fanners I ifacers." He aaki " I raised eighty bushds of com on tni>utors are requested todepodt the pastor spproves. All funds m the banks. dioold be m the heads of tbe I; !i- understood that aH clergy- treasurer by January L, Idla. r^f-. and school teachers are to be The diairmaa of each district hss rik-or^ido members of the ooBBm^ asthority ta add to his committee i e. In case *DS one named eda audi persons as he deemsadviss- liO. act, tbe person named is re- ble. Aeknowledgeraents wfll be ..nested to secure some one who made atttklf in the MANASSAS vn >: fo. -\5 to tbe best metaod JO(.~KJ)IAL. ' cr>:;fT^-nr funds, th* cofnmtt- ^^^eral ooi«>red C}ta«T.f fiave ' < oMi;. mill have to extrcist ...:^ exprea»e<l a Ccsire to contnbut* .r r.i-T d»«rretior and ludge a.vLr and u>€> na> do so uirougti their M » Jordan is the daughter of :^eS^ f < « H . » w — Mrs. Tbe groom had for his best man Wilhs. Mrs. B. J. li^i^i^-..^ all his brother. Mr. CarroU S. Shir- of Washnwtoa; Mrs. Ftaaccs ley. of Washington, who is the Breaseale. of Manaasaft, and one aoB of Mr. G. W. St^Hm, ef SOB. Mr. Thomas E Gr«sae.^rf WaterfaTL Toe yoj ng couple are Washingtoa. Her atother was very popular aitd their miiii^i 'thr iate Mrs. TliaiiiHt Otas, of was;, while not a surprise, very I Famville. ^^I^ ^ i ^ * - T n « * • * [ „ m « of bad in his hfe. but if ^BHK— a ^ P - d farPriaee WB- j I can do it be «m too." I wffl "T^ .^ irfcBawlwin tke i ^ again next year, aad if the rtft^ 0t tfc«. fiHiw^t «•*• *•!•"— SUB shines snd tbe rma fkUs. I •f>»>«xu>4ue: beSeve I caa do bettw. Hurrah »»-2ifor the boys <rf the tweatieth J^j! century. L m ] Plowing prcMjTKt 8 k o o n fl.OB l.W<H«rruiiUi|[4wic» "7 . .. . ,m G««yf C. J" A. W SiscWr. . B. ¥. HeetM Henr) Rsbp Rwr pieaaiug to their many fncrnds. Mr. Shirley i? a meicDer oLihfi. Masonic frsT/rrrty and well known \r.'r.'^i:n tae com.Tianity. HP is as.s-r^iat'xi »-itr. tn^ firm ol .•orlan .X: Jorcan. of rtanasTket. .\ixe( a .-vnort4np^ao«ith Mr. and Mrs. Sruriegr will . CAgn o r TUANK3L iUD. «»*> W e desire to ?hank the many fneruii of oar $»«. immt» E. Ranaidue. for their kindneae in oar sad and oark boar, also for be at hooe at t the many Sowoa. S. I His MOTHEK ij«) FAIHBL Mc " If» R-xey Mr» Sartor , Mrs A « Saades ..;. Hiw f~t--rm LioB H»-«M^ Kaben ! Mr. n d Mn. J«ia Lcbots I Total to date LSSiHii ni» t em JSi\ ISO peutxir a a c phcwfihatF ' . S 0»t-«<giKii b«ialw4 M ' .SlCohjvatinf tvire. « '; Ctitunc eorm, 12 " ^0*Mi«owm.^ l.«S i.«e 1 no l-Oft i.a» i-a> .V*t profit WiU>«»» :. rrx - ..- •

APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB

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Page 1: APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB

VOL. XX. No. 28




M«n>M»i W S Give To Forward To Enthiitwirtic

M o a e r Lery To R U M $75,000,000 la RcTcwie I>eU]rcMi By


V Lh an audience thiii«rowded CoUectors of Revenue all over the Opera House. Manassas gave the country are findio^ it a task

.itB stamp of approval Tuesday to supply tbe demand for the ni^rjt to ibe wide spread move- stamps tbmi must now go On meT)t of this counCr>' and this many documents and a few eom-state in sending^ reijef tu ihe little irjodities in order to relieve tbe kingdom of Belgium, iyidgc J. United States of tbe stringency

.-JLX Btl^atfflB Jtrgfeid . as chair- that h>g «ne«r tK,«..gi. r ^ m ^ man of the meeting that was (^ of tbe tariff duties because of called by Lieut. George C. Round, the war. Commiasiofier Osboom the local re|»esentatioo of Cokiod has issued an order that dkould H. M. Boyldn, the chairman of allay the fear« of all those who ilie Stale Belgian Belief Cuumis-~have iipwi matitoiift pllt ^^^ r ' jy sM>n The eig^hth congreaskMia] stamps because of the scaici^y. district chairman, CoL A. D. The order sent oat is M follows: Brodiett, of Alexandria, was in- "DaUe all special tax return troduced and delivered a foreefal November 30 oiUil yoo ate able speech on the subjects <rf the b> handle applicatioos iHomptiy. campaign. JudgeThontoD touch- unless you have infonnation that ed carefuOy and eleariy (Hi the no effort was made to file same cause for which the meeting was prior to that date. If unaUe to called. He was fallowed by supply donands for docnraoitazT Lieutouuat Bound who made a stamps for bilb of ladiBS, permit report as to the organiratino of ahipmoits to s o fwwaid, have ihe relief fund enmrnfasiop for record kept, and affix or caaed LMMiuaiuy:——•


raeenreo. noiujr

4 atampa T

ADDaESB BY Efl^arnaBg: T«Ilwmd».' A strong appeal intohned with rsBPUXBKT AMD ooSHBTSca

excelient illastrati(»s was made ^ .^ TAXED

by Eldo-L N. a Bcihm, <rf Be ->^j [^ to^ ,q ,g ,^ i t3 j | f , n j broo Seminary, Nokeinlle. H n t i m « in a <fiffetcqt fomi. The selectioDS from the BiUe made United States now his address strong in its pveaen- jta^lf _ totibn o T l f e duty of tho8c~at . n d i httle over a century ago It tioas at peace to tender aid to ^rent to itmt itself beeane the the starving p e o | ^ who have mw, been made to fed the devasta- ^ Uoder the faeidnc rf tionsofwar. The 8peechfl| w « e moditiasrequiiBig this stamp tax intenxuDgled with musical a e l ( i b | ^ , , g ^ n t i e k a as perfinaety, tion8inwluch%.andMra.Roopi, la ir d y o ; tooth pevdec and of ^^aatem C^kx^ f^«<^B>»'vaadiBe.antBbetaxedao»««^ith

/(oaear Profeaaat Boyer, a9d.tbe «£ g ^ai^ fy, C M * five ManaiBasHighSdnOtlgHiWed.„i i i i price.

SOT-ooMMiTHtHJ APKHWi^. x_The PoDawn mmpaily—wiBfCaiy, ier have to pay a tax of <ne cent far


That Manassas will soon have jthe eonvenienee of both day and nifl^t eleetne service, which wiO be plaeed at a nt» consistent «ntfa the standard in effect in other towns, was the substance of a discuasioo by the Town

Telb What a Boy Can Do RaiMgCon—Pnre

F—ay in <

(•T IX B O Y S '

^Council a its regular monthly t*MUble. 1 believe! shall have meeting, held in the Pedples Na- * bigger job writing • story of tional Bank buikiing Monday ^^ ^**^ t^»n the work itself, night, with Mayor W. Hill Brown ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^^ ^^st that I had

wujuEB a. nuaa OOawoOiKtMT.)

My expenenee in raising an acre of corn in tbe Boys' Corn Club during the year has been interesting, pleasant and I hppe

nrPMiiitiy ««H r, p »^*-^f^r

taxes on

^Alexaoadria. orBatkrcarae ice t^ t f e ftiH:

pointed fay LioiteBaat Boond for " ^ Qiewing gum carries a tax -and of fimr ecnts -far

W l Be Ready (or Ckoc^aacy AlKNt 1.1915


its largeat mdnstry in aptam-

,» . the new

When pi^ in t^ieaatioa the p l ^ t will tarn out high grade caa£es

Mr. L

1 "

money: . «utth. .The puhlie ^nt^ pay tojaot kaowa County fhairmaa. Hon. Geoise the tdijgnmhcongiaHieBeaw cent jpaay wiO be«itt

C Round; secretary. Boa. C J. extra far eveiy mess^ie s » t in is believed that i t wfll be Meetze, and treaEoer. Mr. G. addilian t» the regular tofti jearly date. Mr. OiKy has Raymoiid Batdiffe Tetephooe toU assgi ii for J view a partner n ^ wffl b ^

Ocooiioan distzkt—Camimu, which A e legaiar chaise is J5 active interest m the eooqiaoy. Tys<m:Janney; L.. Ledman. Mn. centB or more will be taxed a Coihin Tboc^ison. M. T. Glasa- «eat eadi. cock, Sherwood StonneU, Ttmm Ammiberof official doeumCTts j for tbe an"*ii«f^ trade. M. Barbee and WiUiam.Cbite, ~ > B ^ « loomissary noCei; eatifi-]Su Weaver who

Dumfries diatxiet—diaiiman. eates, eoBtracta. property iasnr-1 with the new eampany^ it is re-George M. Ratefiffe^ Lather Mer- •»<». eonveyanees. bonds, eertifi-1 ported, wiO also be with the chant. Claries P^BaOey^MiSLE. f*Xtis of indehtedBeaSi sales wi W. G. Keys. Mrs. C E. Oarke stodc and produce exdianges far|for the property was l OOQ. and Qnrfes Leary. future delivery, powers e f attar-; Tins owhided the-let ad ieam«

Coles <fistcict—Chairraan. Jas. ^ey, freight and express receipts jthe factory praper. the fssr Luck; J.M.Effieott.SsawelX^of«e. aote protests and foreign pesseft-Istory bride atnietare and the B. W. Starke. Mrs. & W. Betaar ger tiduta. have varying s tnap equipment which .eml»aeeB aB

jind Mrs. R. R. HayesL taxes levied upon them. aeeessary ma^iaery for candy BrentsviUe district—Chairman. There are already in existence making. A delay occurng la

L K. H. Beahm; W. fi. Hooker, naee November l.eertain specific: August preveMed Mr. CkiQy from L A. Miller. Miss Mary Saook, taxes paJd^a a s h oa wines. p i | ^ « g the piaatHnto opecMioa Miss Edna Mifler, Cedi Sadth liqpnrsami tofaaeeo, aad oa bank- at timt tiaie whidi wooU have

KAJTHmk H v t At

^boek i a . ^ h m T l v tte «f a stand pipe ahOe oat fapjB «.<Ujjght (TKea, aoa «f Mr. DenabO'Ni

tions oo his hands m d aroM Wed-

After faavaig &at aid admaiated bat i t h y amgeaas of Ce^wper. Mr.

sn O'Keil was placed en tzwa No. in 42 «rf the Soitthen B d w a y aad

earned to his home i« N a 716 Oaeea atzeet; Alexaadria. The blow nf ic ted two deep lb. O'NeB's head.- brake his «wnsr hsae aad tat aad BQined faetii a tan aad haadL EBs cqa-^ i o B v l a l e a s t crHieal i s s o i o w • • d it ]asfaeeaaeeesaBrT.toad-

derk. Coundlmen C R. C. John­son. E. R Conner, a E. Nash. Albert Spdden. WOL M. Wheder. T. F. Colenum and R. & Hynson present and ConncaliaaB&.Aithnr Etrand absent

This serviee will enable a nioa-ber of firms to nake use of the electricity for power purposes aad the eleetnficatiuo of Manas­sas wffl be complete, ft was de­cided by the Coondl that for the frartaga «t-

little trouble in ael*'^*'"^

U^ eurfBUt the weatTOu it whJl Ihe three-hofie" bifl fior just what i s eoiwtmed will be rendered ^td not the flat rateofooeddiar. I faconsoaer

than the flat rate for L ooaaeefeBd-then h e

pay for the amoaat used. . *«y^

to use the cnneat in the middle of the month wiU aot be required to psy a^oUar if he has not coa-

BMd that yminntu -t o DSHBCT nJUItB. ' ^

Tbe PohGe Ut i^ies committee BHaspeiit with the M tyar aad

the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. l ioa. the

to the fuDffll-u d t h e n -

eoa^tioB. aad wffl to thfCoanril at its a

l a the



iag oo their fiadinga. .btfaeJiath.

rent wOl he exteaded to theliaata <^ the eerpmaliua with theprivi-legeof thoeeoJttddeof the ba i t s to use the serviee by payil« aU

miaBBed far. aad polesL Aa

the Soirth Railway far the fa^yi^ of water maiasimderthe right of way of theraiwiar

spot for I went straight to the east end of the old field where two streams m a togetlMr. I l i s qiot had not been cultivated poe-sibty since the red mea cultivated torn in a very rade way. This plaoe was levd and would slight-iy overflow during big rains and the ground would be left richer eadi time. I was sure tiiis spo*: wooki groweom. Itwasplowed in Jaaoary. Then I left it b y

hen I

VinS'toeth hairow. t gave two good hamwiags, then I ' ready; to pfamt \

I seieeted pure Boone Cooitfy white com for seed, mid gsed the good^old Deermg Afaont:: eaoogh to piaat the crop. For femr the crews weald puO the com up, I took mie-famth pint <rf mirits tmpealiae with one-hidf

wrtarmid anxed it

dried it beface i r**-*^ edra eaBe-ap^%«a aad I d o a t beBeviB the cn»ws pBHed l y BMM t t a a ima... ilaaW M ttsfc. Mr, Cnnr doOsat like Uajwuiline It have made the eafc-

far they dida*t injure it. ttuMlred

add phoqihate. of g e u a J .

the n i i i ftfl aad the

have with die

of the poles that have too ekee to the 8PCK TRACK TO roWKK BOaSB.

fas t I raa the sptti-tooth b a m ^

over it, aad wfaea the com grew to be about a x i a d e s higfa, I gave «t a good cuitivatiaa with, the doidile cultivator aad thea let it go several weeks kmgcr and cultivated itagam the saaie way. I twasaooa toofaBsefeoheeiAi-vated w ^ the doable edtiv^iar, thee I let it go.

By the throagh

fifteim iee t tdL wry few. if any.

T o f a ^ K t a t e t h e t « a s p m t « i o a ^ i ! ? ^ « « i « ? i ? ^ .

t arid A W. Long. ekeaa.—The f. meirt expects to Gaineni&e d i i l c i c t^

GeoTre G. Tyler; C D aXSark- Tra OOO.OOO in son, Eugene Keyaer. Chaiies S. ins the McDonald. WOl Shirley, H. Cave, the

gowim-reeeive abopt revenue dor-

year to okakeap

O y A g e n t s af Hcrl

After iUbess

<rf coal to the electric pla^t a traek.L2B0£Betai lei«th,faranch-\ag off from the mmn track of theSotrthera

of i v u v over

aeveral (haafin^ coal ia this one item

of It ^tere wen _ _ atalka ^stt did not have-an-oathem. Aboyeoolddoairigte

com. huthoweoutdbec ia i t? I eoidAi't reach some of the-eais oa the largest stalks. It looked more to me like young trees thaa coca. Papa and the hired mea cat it. They said % vcas the bigest eom they ever saw. ]r~ laada mo feel aiy father r n a g e o r a . B e j

Miss Mikhed EweU aad Mas MerdnatsinvtciBityof Lots Glaflsooek. sas £boold aead to the l a t e r a l r^^^T

X<ana«(iq « district—Chairssaa. Bcvenne Boreau. is the Treasury " ^ ™ A. ft.SiMlah-: WestwoodHutch- DepartmoO. Washiogtoa. D. C . ison. PoweU M. Metz. MrL M. ^or their Sappty of revcaae Barbour.lMisslM. Rixey. Mrs. B <»wiw. D. Wemich. Mrs. SeUen Smith. = — ^ - - . - : . . - - - . = : : = . Miss Mamie Lynch. Mrs. Rose L. of districts as to what is besL Rjce. Mrs. Samod Swartz. Mia. Where neighborhood sabseriptiop M. EL Dogaa, Mrs. lease Conner, papers are not resorted to. it is Mrs. Anna Ifaiiair and Mrs. soggested that collections might Andrew E

November 28L The wastperfonned by the Rev. & a . G»eeae,«f«avalry church. Tbe bride by her sister-iit-law. Mia. ward Jordan, of

at € e'dodr oa Mrs. Greene

iajaries mafaOaad

years, id her death,

the widow irf the late Rev. W. W, ^Greene, aa Iwho. forak. .c««: . wvuHMKcri

Ed- of s ebareh ia Church Creek. Md.' a ^ l Tbe funeral toek place at

Quvrh C^cde on Wedaeaday Mrs. Greene

A Tcashitioa of bo Mr. A k r t Speidea for

his c&rts ia taflway

far npoa by the-CoaaciL

aatfl the ISth of Deeoaber.

Miss Clark, of Orange.

. _ ^ „ . u , r F i , . . ^ " ^ f c ^ ^ r f i v i v e d t y foar _ _ eoB- be taken npin the churches, where ~ : _ ^ J T T ° ; *', 8*^™^**. J tebe ^Marshall. _Mra.


Wefl, I managed to get it basked by the fifteenth ot No-

and I «ot abont eisrhty aad^jMie-fanrth hnnhrls Thi^ doea pretty wefl for a boy's first triaL M' father hangs up hie

aays. "the iMys idayscaa do awr i to make better fanners I i facers ." He aaki " I raised eighty bushds of com on

tni>utors are requested todepodt the pastor spproves. All funds m the banks. dioold be m the heads of tbe

I; !i- understood that aH clergy- treasurer by January L, Idla. r f-. and school teachers are to be The diairmaa of each district hss rik-or ido members of the ooBBm^ asthority ta add to his committee i e. In case *DS one named eda audi persons as he deemsadviss-liO. act, tbe person named is re- ble. Aeknowledgeraents wfll be ..nested to secure some one who made atttklf in the MANASSAS

vn >: fo. -\5 to tbe best metaod JO(.~KJ)IAL.

' cr>:;fT -nr funds, th* cofnmtt- ^^^eral ooi«>red C}ta«T.f fiave ' < oMi;. mill have to extrcist ...: exprea»e<l a Ccsire to contnbut* .r r.i-T d»«rretior and ludge a.vLr and u>€> na> do so uirougti their

M » Jordan is the daughter of : ^ e S ^ f < « H . » w — Mrs.

Tbe groom had for his best man Wilhs. Mrs. B. J. li^i^i^-..^ all his brother. Mr. CarroU S. Shir- of Washnwtoa; Mrs. Ftaaccs ley. of Washington, who is the Breaseale. of Manaasaft, and one aoB of Mr. G. W. St^Hm, ef SOB. Mr. Thomas E Gr«sae.^rf WaterfaTL Toe yoj ng couple are Washingtoa. Her atother was very popular aitd their m i i i i ^ i 'thr iate Mrs. TliaiiiHt Otas, of was;, while not a surprise, very I Famville.

^ ^ I ^ ^ i ^ * - T n « * • * [ „ m « of bad in his hfe. but if ^BHK— a ^ P - d farPriaee WB- j I can do it be «m too." I wffl

" T ^ . ^ irfcBawlwin tke i ^ again next year, aad if the rtft^ 0t tfc«. fiHiw^t «•*• *•!•"— SUB shines snd tbe rma fkUs. I •f>»>«xu>4ue: beSeve I caa do bettw. Hurrah

»»-2ifor the boys <rf the tweatieth J^j! century. L m ] Plowing prcMjTKt 8 koon fl.OB l.W<H«rruiiUi|[4wic» "7 . .. . , m

G««yf C. J" A. W SiscWr. .

B. ¥ . HeetM Henr) Rsbp Rwr

pieaaiug to their many fncrnds. Mr. Shirley i? a meicDer oLihfi.

Masonic frsT/rrrty and well known \r.'r.'^i:n tae com.Tianity. HP is as.s-r iat'xi »-itr. tn^ firm ol .•orlan .X: Jorcan. of rtanasTket. .\ixe( a .-vnort4np^ao«ith Mr. and Mrs. Sruriegr will

. C A g n o r TUANK3L iUD. «»*>

W e desire to ?hank the many fneruii of oar $»«. immt» E. Ranaidue. for their kindneae in oar sad and oark boar, also for

be at hooe at t the many Sowoa. S. I His MOTHEK ij«) F A I H B L

M c

" I f » R-xey Mr» Sartor

, Mrs A « Saades . . ; . Hiw f~t--rm LioB H»-«M Kaben

! Mr. n d Mn. J« ia Lcbots

I Total to date

LSSiHii ni» t em JSi\ ISO peutxir a a c phcwfihatF

' . S 0»t-«<giKii b«ialw4 M ' . S l C o h j v a t i n f tv ire . « . £ '; Ctitunc eorm, 12 "

^ 0 * M i « o w m . ^

l.«S i.«e 1 no




.V*t profit

W i U > « » » :. rrx - ..- •

Page 2: APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB

IWBODY WORK? B l ' f - f T i T H H ^ ' »

-IMiedj workB but father,

TWy patwjniif shops aixl storea. And spend tht L>lc maji'Apft^

S i e wife, shtj rejid« the aovynk. His children g id the t«wa.

Instead of helping: h i a idoo^, Ttity put Lbe old man down.

\'..>-^^y u » A c K..t f . t h ^

T.. wade t h t

- ^ V

ieiier .tarsia " f « BjgjnES HfNDER S U M S ish^t It dpun 1 axefl a Man whul

_j_di4»,i"' lkja.-jy||i^fu^ & he sfez4ri ' 'opeuin the rnale^' i wated a lo(^g

itww & a Hole bunch nv peewit I kum ID thar & a k>t uv um wux a

^fuMin it ^gntmiJB bcfc— thay I kouldint git to the winder to male

He tries to meet the rent. He turns in every doUar

And keeps back not a cent. I'btry grab hu hard-ramM w^ges.

And think it sbouid be inore. Then h>e them to the tiwatre

Ami the big departzaent store.

Nobody works but father, WiMstlter sick or well.

Just keeps kostiioK risht akn^ And his timblres nerer tefl.

His family have a good old time, O B style and pleautte beat.

They'll stick to poor old fad>er| As loag as he has a cent.

Nobody works but father, R f f lafy, BiiiCTabis sltiai

-H there parseU & when thay did

I Poor tyiMi^bi Leads to Many

Evib !f Not Immwfiately CorpectedL

open that windw the fokes crowded up in a roe to gk there \

I male & jest aa i got thar doun { I went that pesky winder agin &. \ the trane fur mi pakkidge wuz! dun gawn afore i ewer got it wade i axed a, wcKnan awaitin' thar ef thay had to sfaet doun awl | the winders &, brake up awl the ^ • • j • •, . - „ ^_ 1 u eyes are nopelessly diseased are biznessevry time a male bag',, kum io A she Sex well thay doo it awi the same eonyway ft she

Has written a song aboat fathn-, oftjfs •V€.fyoowy woncs bvt BUB.

Bat the t n t h ot the matter k, Tbeir foily is itm bit l)9ad.

They'll live and sponge oe father

M a n y peop le th ink but i i i i l e of the uutiawjuwotaai tif bad t'yeg" unless blindness, or very sure eyes are threatened or present. Such conditions are terrible, but j they do not threaten the people or btate as much as otiter eye i diseases that are not apparently | pitiable.

People who are blind or whose

' THE ISVfSt w ^ H 9 t

Kunn Smi^ $:. (Bxi 8TH ST. ANDPEKNX. A\^ :

vuz good A mad. Vercy trooly yores



usually tiaken care of in institu tions and do n< become a menace to the public. But school-children whose eyes look a!l right, but who have certain diseases or de-; feeta that lemiet sludy and edu-

N«body works bat father. It must be lus daily strife.

To aeeumalate a fortune ' And a poiiey on his Ufe,

To keep tiwtn while he's living. And deny tlKm nary a- red.

And after handing in his checks. Still keep them while he's dead.

F. R. S.

cation a hardship, may become a dang«* to other people. A school-child, boTB w i ^ an undetected cataract, or very near-sighted, so

Juliuf Augustine l iertz died NOVMD ber 18 at his borne, near Nokesville.

Mr. Mertr was bom in Saxon;, Ger;_LthatifiCannflt.aee ^ ^ T ^ ^ J l S B . and moved tothis'^^ j ^ ^ j ^ ^ i ^ ^ eoaatxy m 1867. He was a member of , , . , the Lutheran chunk. He leaves a beOMnes dJSCOaraged widow, six daughters and two sons—

W i Ytir BMM Have a Victor-Victrola This Chriiitnias? IT IS THE -GIFT IDEAL"

KECAISK you alone not onl> get the benefit of t i e gift, but your whole family iirid your fiiendt may enjov it at the same time. WE MAKE IT £ A S Y fur^'ou to own these machines. Write or call in person and let Ui> teil vou of our plan. WHEN YOU PUECUASE OF US, we deUver the machine to your city.

Get The Habit or using KANN'S SEALED RBG-O K f S . then you wiil use no oliiers. Our records are all fresh, and you are the tirsl to play them; therefore, g«t-tii.g FULBJ VALUE for your mcney.

I Victrola Park>rs—Fourth Fkxtr


ViiitH WiilM !• TLs

Mrs. E. F. CodliffandMrB. E. E. C a n ^ beU, of New Yflrit City; Mt«. E. Ten-tbery, at Atfamtie a t y ; Mrs. F. J. Montagne, of Seattle, Waahingtoo; Mrs. H. C. Hegden, <rf Portland. Ore., and Miss Hilda Mertx and Mr. Henry J. Kerts, of NokeariUe. and Mr. H. E. M o t s , of Neiw Y«(k Oty .

Weep not that thy toils are over. Weep Bot that thy r»r*, in yyi^

Journal«C O B a V n t H«ii^

The-following letter was re­ceived by THE JOURNAL with a nom de plume signed to i t It is printed in full and is aeJf expla-

UiMi giiiiiii mi. may ie»l a» erintfy. When oar e is done,

— - n r t k e o l r a yield with gtadaejl^ ~ Onr father him to keep And rejoice in'^the sweet i He givetii his loved oae .slee^

natory; "~ """ Deer Mr. edditer i wnz to yore

town tuther sa&dy to sea mi ku£-zen whut livB thar & Uke^som uther Litterary tomista i- Hav konkloodid to rite oat fnr-yore paper & fur toSddyfi&Eadgtryfi yore memiy teedSta Saa timat-vashuns i nuod. ~" ~

i went to wiu^ uX 9ore^Saai^ Skools & whea i past theeamder by the poast offiss i seen a hale lot uv men'with seegars ia there mouth & nuBC Papa's auder thei'e arms a goin off different ways. t wuz putty ni di!»er tiae afor-.

Peaceful be Ijiy shunber. Peaceful in tliy grxve ao knr, Tfaon no more wHl joia ear number. Thou noBigwrc

class and with his

school-life. A child with far­sight, «• astigmatisra. or some muscular defect of the eyes, by which, when he studies his eyes pain and he saff^^s from headache will eonta'aot a dislike for books, study aod educati<Hi, and will petiiaps be pmssbed CH* k ^ after school for something for

Yet •gaon DM Bope to meet Owe, Wben tiie dqr of Sf« is fled. When in fceaven withjoys togreiBt tbee. Where no-itoewdi tiBwis are

CallDrt bMk the dew-d^svted . Ao^ored safely wfaere Ytarawace «'ea-, O B tlte bolder luid w e itithm. StMta to meet to part ao mare. When we leave t U i v o r l i af dbaace, J O e a - v e i o r r e (Ua w«tU of eai«^ We'akaS Bad oar B ^ m g l 0 ^ M J TTI imrrsfliH's aiw fail

BT A naDO), D . M , &

M S O U m P l i S OF REgPECi;^

thay opend the Son^ Skool but then twant noboddy that hardljr. thay kepp kumade in tell sko6l klozed. i d i d d ^ sea B^ moi but jess a few & s iq^hten i^ toald me when i axed Imn aboiit it that the mail monbets or thac church mocely «tade to home sundys to reed the fgwatin papers, & Then i remembered them fel iers i seenattiie pwBjUtfias.

that Nite i went to ateetxA it after it wnz of a it the peepie frum the ktmtry went to get in there fixes to ga booae sua m there hawses WBE tamed hiee in the lot &aid«raind the tnaser & bakkin strops Jb driym Mnes wjz onhooked ft i axed a man whut seamed tO be was ov the c h urch offesetft—a steiwhard or deekin or SRBpin whar ia the w^ridid cnny boddjr kum-fnmr to doo a meen kvwdowB tridc like

W a n s A S , It haa pleased M V H«a< }y Father te take away froa~t

t»acti ctuidren, their educatiooal {HPogreas emfaamtffied-er-ahBest stopped by reason of unccHreefed physical defects, aooo aeqaire a kMUthing for edao^ioD and idl thmt edoeatkm icptcacuts, and, the seeds of idleness and irre-spoasibOity bong sown, may de-vdciTTntD rriminahi and depc^

No flig^ of mcy is re­quired to tnasform soch dnl-dren into die aoa-tiapportiBg "ne'tr do w ^ " die waaderiag andmoukci^ tramp, or the idle |Jeaauiie-Jedmig and 1fai£i^ proa^ste. that holder edocstkai nieaa a

•Sat a^hooL - McBMi, bad jraodatqp and fa«d>-

Vjctor-Victrola VI, oak cabinet $25 00

Your Chotoe of Reecstis to the value of 4 SO

Total 9sasa Payable $£k.00 at purdiaae;

H M m o o t U y .

its, drinking, g , steafing. morder. and the gaBow»

TWH is piet»«i—It ganbe proved by eh-serr^ioB and stidsdes. \^at

ftiend. kiid eo-wwfcer, Mrs. Macxv. the wife of Mr. S . DL and . W B E K E A S . 9 y 4 b e 4e^fa, the Metho­

dist lAardi of <Snoesvtlie has lost' a coansteDt member, the Waaaaa's |Gs-anonary saeiety a faitMM varicer and the eommanity astSta m t t e paniring away of ooe whose diqiaatioa was so Aoertfd aad helpfiil aad iriMse charac­ter was 80 rich HI aO t ^ ciiriMiaa vir-taes. T h e i e f a r e , ^ it

RBSOLVES, Thi^ whtie we bow i s aohwasBwi to the win of Him w * " , ^ . doeih ^ tfamgs well, yet we reidise < "^ that onr society, the cfaoreh aad the CTWHannity isas wnttaified a great loss.

SESOLTKD. That w e extend ear sm-cere syaapattay to ber hoAmad and family, that a copy of theae reaoiataens be sent to ber husband, to the e s o i ^ papers for pabiicatioa aod tlMt tiMW M

• t h e n u m i t e a ^ t f a e s s a e t y . t<?amf7DE ALLEM, .

Mas. BtOEKT UHATB, Mas. J o n Rra>.

r. ^. C O M , Oommattee.

that & he sed ttrnj dfiUft harlo kum from nowkv we no wh»


the eriowial courts, the r^ionna-tories, die j a b and priaona, and bow often do yoo find lawbreak-« s from the ranks of tiae edo-cated. Some, it is tme axe nat-oral erimini^ die offspring ei criminal parents, hat even here a^K moat havebeen a beginmng, proceeding some geaeradona hade po^iaps from some ances­tor who was de|nv«d of propeir trttmag, edoeation. poaaifaty hgr

eyes. The great mass at criminals, however are not born ofLaoAoi, bat become ao throogh tsoetatioas and lade of a eahi-vating and eenoUing edoeation. which is. ci coarse, praetaeally impossible if bad eyes or any other defects i»«vent a saitable edocatifm. Edoeataan Is one ot * the'greatest bomen to

pti^'^Pf-sential that oar ^Idren of the

G M *


thay ar awt rile A «eel aCGend'tzr Them thay ar boys what bkmgs tr sum uv the h y ^ bedded famblys in this town A there mammys doaat no no mo aboat , ,m fk*T. . A . — - n „ . _K~»» l. — • People ?f Maaaaaaa who sulTer with um tnan a dawg aoea aboat her: weak kidoeysand badbaA«wantakid-" yejie oold pfqi. he art this '°f>^'^. ****"?**

by williog tei pie. Here's!

for is hacked

-rn . . , , . i Dean's Kjteev Pifla Thinghaabeaagomea forweaka the ki teeyaeiaj, aod & its don Ueen broak op saas ov ' = " - - - -the kuBtry peepul I'Tvm kaaaain to nite meetin at awL

i Wait aroon pex mawnin by s pl«i/-/. thmr A »i»wvjr i a m j Hfe did i Heer sieh koasia as a white man wnz a dooin ft i badd«)t irawn noways fnnn thar tell i Heam a'k^ea a kosBin te beet the tian Jt i axed A feller standin ciocc aj ef Jiiat wihT agin avk .\ h e s e d O y e s a i B m y i t B i ^ n i i « r o t a b s « . Rattsf fuBstirt their use

:r., .^a . .* inte & then he Looked 1"^ ^ ^ a- -• : ..rfefi whut doo yoo apetef he 'V ;: iidfin a t

, VViri.%1 la i^nd A pskk idg ie

Charles D^ Fately, Manaasas, Va., says: *'It was wonderfal hew Dsaa's Kidaey n S s acted in my ease. I nerrer

^tad aaiithu metScine da aadi thonmgh wock. I coaldn't work oo aceeont «f a lame aad painful bsKk. The pama rtarted ia the oeoter of ssy back and worked arosnd. wSft ms s4w>_^Nomat-ter how careful I was, I corida't Kft c»-

IbcsiLjpy b«ek was se weak. A friend

edoeated. and that bad eyes, or vug otfaa physical or mental de­fects, flboold be detected and eorrected, in order t h ^ the ac-qoirenicnt al an edacatioa may become aa ea^ and possible. ^

Left 103

iDs airf

Two boxes

Aui^ Minme Harris died «a the 19di of November at tfaeadvaneed, i«e (rf ainety-diree, at her home on the Wanrcnton pfte, near Cob Ron bridge.. B^ewethe war.sbe belonged to Capt. John Lee, who lived OB the Sodley road, not Car from fiiie Stone iiouse. and was weltimowa in those daya. —She had seven childreS; six"o whoaa are living, and ia additioa

fteftMS tiviaggrand-cUMMaaad great grand-children. A u n t

Victor-Victrola X, SMhogany or oak &]ish . .|75<lfi_ _Zflnr Chnire o'

Your Cboiee vt Reeords to the value of 10 00

' SDO extra aeef ies ; reeord fannh and Vic torvtemdaOmm. . . . 2 W

. Total .<87 00 Payable f7.«e at porehase; | 7 .W

Vietor-Vietrela XJ. oak or mahoga fioiA..<100 00

' Recocds to the value of 10 00

900 Extra Needks; ree-O d hiMsh and Vi^er ixeoni alliina . . . . . . . 2 OS

T B t a l . . . . . . . « U 2 M PsyaUe $]&00 a t pozdiaae;

MfMrlindiliaBiaD&es we nfl IM a futaiat tkaf Acf Mt alkrMl, bA • cthf UiJiM dratfad-taitrei vi umd zk al pmtk d strak, iriA sk Areii l i » ebe it ]m kMw iifct is wSag U badk IB ckftes • AK mf ?

See the Guarantee and ftice Tickrt on the Sleeve


I ' got another box. practicafiy cured tutT*

PnceSOc. »talid«>«iers. Dor't simply , _, , , iu k for s kKWy remedy g*t DoanV M m m e w a s a regtarkabki w o m a n .

. j KAiey Piii".-the same that Mr. Fately a n d t h o o g b m w d o c a t e d . bad t h e * j e s t a s i , j ^d. Foster - Milhoni Co r ;o bav i t B«<Th"u;.Ji_i.

Props.. l:;-*-2t

STMnous inaitncra of a Virginia gentle woman of the okk-n type-


It is not literaUy true, as has been said, that THE JOURNAL does job woric for nothing, but it is vary nearly true. Our prices are so low diat it is not t b ^ wondered diat the above idea gained credence. Try us and.£nd out- :: :^-:^ n

t w Q


< : ^ r ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ' C ^ ^ ^ ^

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f' •-




.J' .7 ^ ^ ..J -


t jiVerad at OM timH tiSwMt at Maoawaa. Vur^ inU, as Second

fcVEj^ipNE A S A N T A ciAi«« There wii'l not be "a cajVtured Sanu Ciaus '

travelling, to the Belgian^ if Virginia c ^ help i t Instead there wilj l)e..thC'UsaDds of Santa. Claii&''

their way to make,glad the hearts of the. on


^ !fl> (;eri:.o«r] l a t * f«»rtl»fir«t mmjrtior u x l TweMr-fivc Carta f i r ^ K h L-u:;- F.uai.c- l.jbcrmi Oinooant* to YMrtjr Advr r t i . en i

Ah iroTti« i f t h j n k i , iorma) wnliitirmm. obiuiar} Botaen u t h w U»i> tha uei !-! dimtfa MKHm. a n t all matter of a s advcrtiuBc c t u u m c t n -fttM-rfirectto «r l i i^i 1 ^ > . w M fce p t i U M n ^ at the t a w of T««BCr-4«e Cents a s


peupie uf LhB 8lfft<? Stnckfen countr>^ when the state ship saite. Eveiy child and every grown person can help in being a Santa Claus.

^ A WORD TO POSTMASTERS The regulations of the post office d^jartment

require that if the postmaster is unable to deliver a publication to a subscriber he must notify the publishers of any cause that prevetj^ the delivery of the matter such as death or removal of r^si-

idence. In some instances, THE JOURNAL, has

THE LONE WOMAN Desolate and (^pressed she fell on the steps

exhausted. S rrdid and wretched, a woman of | not been delivered to its subscriber for one of the world a the world decreed she must be, shej these reasons. It k n-ft thf rnliry nf liii laid there on thFhard stx>ne sobbing. Pity? No paper to keep on its circulation list subscribere one had pity for her; like a weed she felt her place in the world was to be erushed under the foot of Vice afld then to be cast aside."

who never see a copy and it will not be done. This is unfair to t l» subscriber, the advertiser and to THE JOURNAL. It is requested, therefore.

At was a Igrrihiy empty fqoling to icnow ebetthat a w>iice be aenl tju liiis had no soul. Destined to be forever without one master is unable to deliver the copies to theper-it was useless to strive to live a life of purity. I sons to whom they are addressed. Society r^:arded her as an outcast and, even tiie priests at the temple had turned their backs on her when she craved repentance.

Cringing with a new born fear—a fear that had dogged her footsteps jance ahe had heaid of Him—she turned and looked down on the Outer Court of The Temple. Already it was rapidly fiilii^ with the Gentiles although the sun had scarcely cleared the tip of theM«mtof Olives with il& golden rays.—^They faad^^mts^tQ be ted in prayer birJHiiErat:tiK third hoar. Once only she had faeardr|Iis ame bat she ooukl iiever f<»-

Jesus—oh! how iMuitifnily.it seemed to

temple would torn on h a ; He inigfat have |^ty

A number of complaints have also been re­ceived from subscribers that their copies of THE JOURNAL have not been giv^i to them when cali.^ was made for the n&il. A new^aaper is ^ T r i uiMier postal regulations and is paid tot as any mail is. It is therefore:, mail and should be t^t f f ! lifi Rllfh '——


ft irnot ^ t « i ^rift the tbeurists canlfe eop-sadered sexiously by the man whose work is of a Radical nature but when they do expteas a theory that will vrask w<eU in iHw:tice it is gen-

a(Hindisaherq»eateditseviKaltirae& iFmi»^ «ra3^a~goqd t£i^~ t? at l e a S give it some Sariocr. aart nitriianw thoiMli iln pwaate-rf tlir ^hougiit Adam Saiith, in his wipck, "IlieW^aHii

and at least hear her. Stowij she decmded <iie steps that led fnnn the castle to the |3Bpie ^ B

-witfa tlie fear^odk>wnig heir. He must hdp her to fill tihat awfol em ityaeaB that had oome into her lifeL - -'-^ -~ ' •- y------

I^amng oe^r to a crowd tiuit was moch ]arv:er ^thacuaU theoOiaaaiieJieBitatedand tratOiiii i^

rawed faer face. It was He It mast be He wfaoae name she bad go oftm-wy^.^^ g*^Tiiiinc yonder amidst the crowd.

"Away T^ef^aae and wc^sao. Haw dares't.ciieadr«wj«rJialoltim yonder."

The soond <rf the wixds eat hor'heart S i e fdl aohbiag, rea^xing that a g a i n ^ nto^ torn to the <^ life—it was atteiessC And he who had ^(dffin, standiBg over bar w ^ a stone a|>lifted, ah! Ae kHi^him;iite.toQ, had^ni^ied her ond^-foot and now woukl ]ikk h«- sade.

Befoane tbe rai»dfy gathoi i^ dx>wd he would -betray her! A n d t t e n — t ^ wouid stoae ho^ to

deatK! _ TremUiqg she heard the vord& fall in aeeosa-

tiMi open harl l ike a dream h seemed as if aomeqne was kzteehng neirfia- on Iht gnund. ScMneooe apiPTtwsd t/> h«. wwiHng />« ^^ grmnd. W I S it htf death senteacK? _

Tlien, JemrfuLatJint, f^frH^yiwrf-to a^ither ^leak. It was not ibe voke oi an accoso-, it was His voice..

'"Se'liiatrsi witbdQCsm aran^ ^09, let him first cast a stone at her." 1

^What conJOhgTmean—JhoaewowKa«»«ft and yet so accasiqg—she .had never heard n y -ooe speiyk fike that :

Agaia-she knew aea>eone knelt baade her and again wroteon the gnamd. llkai, a gentle hand seemed to raise hor from the pitiful poeitioa. Fearful no k>nger at heart but at His presence, she scarcely tiftod herefes to W^ face. Akme He stood looking stood kipkmgOB her with eom-passioo and tenderness. AH of her aecnsen had slunk away with each bearing a paug in Us OQB-scienoe.

of Natiooa,^ writ present day idea of scientiSe famuDgwas origi' nated, toadies on a theme thatsfaouki be £ooa for thsugfat to the farina. It is, in ^dbstanoe, !ypriaH?ang in fanmi^ S^ tits, of oourse, is not iiAended to mean anyrachianciesasfing-fanmngormoshrooiacahnre. Tfaaseaieabq^ m their daas but the ! y!<-H ifm\g tigferg to the avi^age fanner. —fliis writing will be.: uotfaiutf "Mny t*aa the(«yif a iHactacal iliostratkm is not [uotod^ Cto another page of THE JODRKAL is an aitide

Peiwatory (m UaUti States P ^ S ^


TUa bank has been designated- a dcpoMlory for Poatal Saving* by the Treasurer of the United States. Moneys deposited with the 1*0^.. BUiater are redeposited b«re by the

for Unde Saat it is good for you.

S i i A U : ACrniiHTa wi: i<- />afpp

Thelbtioiial B a ^ of Manassas

BJ ml u

iiPRANCt IS iH»RoresaoN •My depend on this and tke

s g

EMabiiibed in 1S78

FIRE TESTED^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ T ^ T R M ) MILLIONS

tUme peo|4e ac urt your fires-^-iio New York sharpers^ It wilj pay you to talk it ov^r ami get omr n^es n n



writtfen in &aak and <dear stjrle o£ how a boy, by studying his wwk and devt^ing his time to hri^^ ing it iq> to the h^hest standard, WM tiAe to produce a "bumper" crop of com. In otha-words he devoted Us atteitkm to making the land do its best to prodope the greatest resalts; In the i ir&se he^iurtes, "The boys tbne days can do mare and are gmng to make better farm-ecB tfaaniher fstfaers," he s^aikes the key note of what this agn B witneaaggr—It


only in bnanesB and in prof esaaonal life but in faraEiffig too, i t has bwcome neeeaaary for one -to be a ^tedali^ in tete to faeasnceeas. Ifabtqr can do whaflBs Tfanassanwy <iid,tbealt not to be hard Sor a man to be a farming. f • ,

Some of the facts that lead one tolieleive the avowMm faimcr is far


than fix- pro6t are soauned ]q> in« ftf thii efhiaidiitify. The. a com i^anter, a jEMper and binder, a hay xake, pbwsk fauTows and munerooB otfae-pieeee of diinery that are necessary OQ a farm t&^ is de-

i i irPMi'^ illii

voted to varied interests eats a ^ hc^ in the profits and this does not take in eonsideation the depreciatieB lesuHIag from the wear and tMC. These are some of the £actB Adai^ Smith too^ea on so pertinently. Another way of capressii^ it tersely k that if a man is gmng to be a gndn fanner he afioukl be that and devote UsiHwle

Tbcne lips moved again and she heard Him say I ***°"8** and energies towards getdng the l a ^ ^

unto her.'Woroah.irtWeirethoae thine accosers,;*^^*******'""*^ If a famsM is going in hath III III iMJiiiiniiil thssT — - - - ifer dailying let -lug^ Itaew dairying Aaaaa-a-Ja.

'Couhi she condemn them? It was He alone''=*^ " " ^ J ^ his Jawwkdgefrrf that branch to ^^he thought thatcoukl accuse and not ^hC^In'^**^ *** ^»^ The ^™it f«*Tns o^ ww Yotk,the almost a whisper she answered Him, "No man, | P««* <»«*»»'^ *> ^ o'X ia* ^ « n e 3 « ^ ^ird." i fomia, the Albenarie region of Viigina and the [ What a relief to her soul and mind, the fear grain farms of the .\lberta region are the best ifi-cmnded her'no longer, and into her B«it had examplesof specialization in the vanoi:s branches

•p»mg a m-w fulincas aa He ratswj a pnnecuii^ of a iM-'ulture. -ft is the otct nW^storr r.*i eTting'

I m h Meats Our Specialty

We any tke best hes if Cnocries » i 1labmlw§ - d l biiff^lk cidi, l ^ av iter 4m •


in sacks $1.75 WtyFoed $LCO. Mmi %IJ»

- $1J80 _ ^ * j » T f t « f c j • • • > « * • • • • « > • • • • • • • • « • • * • • • • • • » • - • • • • • ^ X J O T ^



ha CO^c-i r\. c- - "Ne> Kf>r the g-reat st part of the af>llar and nouuav? It re-


1 cone nv.re. irt^ row ?<:•• n. r.c-»:iv. »«a«»<i»04»a»i;ittii;;ccci::^r.-:rr?*"n»cnaacacaco<ii

Page 4: APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB


—Christmas 20 days off.

" - UraaiUrU next I'ueaday.

Mr. F. M. Swartz, fomerly; , —The steam whistle of the of Bret *., 'tiai«iifc» moved yn eleetrwr . -TS'^IIIIHae blown at hisiarin recentij* purchased near a. m. and 6 p. m. to start and

I Nokesville. Mr. F. R. Owens is stop the wheels of irKJustry of occupying the place vacated by i Manassas aeeordinjr to thf wish

iMr. Swartz? " ~

; TO HOyjJIG INSTmiTElr Farmwi WanVTeet at Wood-

bridge Decenaber 18 Speak-of the Council. Arraii^*'lu-nts : in« on Dairymg Promi»ed.

—Court wifl hold in regrular] —Two bushels of wheat were, session on Monday next, Decern-1 too much for the diminutive pony [ her 7. belonifing to Mr. W. W. Davies

."isrirtawm^'^na ntrty|^^jj^j^ yesterday after eating navii' moyed into thfir new tiomei-.^.. ^ . / . • —r — " M ' ^11 such a hearty repast,

on Mam street. .? «~-

aim tjoing nmdc tc use Mf wjimtie! for warning oi fires. The signal

—Dr. Vivian V. Gillum has opened a dental office in life Hibbs k Giddisgs building.

—Mr. T. B. Whedbee has moved into'the house form wly occupied | # Mr. Karl J. AUSUB.

—Mr. Victor Emerson Ukw of Mr. P TT

son-m-Lynch, is very

ill in the Alexandria hospital.

—The Prince William County pMatma,' Conference will be held in the ^raee M. E. CHtirch at 2 Pr-«>»-4aext Monday.

—There will be a social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Ran­dall, on Main street, Friday even-tng , December 11, beginnings at 8 o'clock, for the benefit of the M. E. Sunday School.

— Mr. George Lareon has pur­chased the interest in the second-luuKl furniture~l>u8rneBs~bek>ng-ing to Mr. Karl J. Austin and will move next wdek into his new store on Centre street

-Sixty-six acres of land, near Bristow. belonging to Mr. W O

will either be a number of short or long blasts. '•

A recital Temple

BY C. H. VARBORUUGH, JR. (Director M«n«>i«»gAi{rw4tufaiSciiooi)

The next Farmers' Institute is was given at the to be held at Woodbridge on Fri-

School of Music last day, December 18, at the farm of Thursday with the following uk-iMr. Corbin Thompson, who is ing part: Margaret Cornwell^ vice-president of the F»rm.ers' Betsy Payne, Clement Cornw«U, 44«*ititute of Northern Virginia, Gladys Wine, Martha Rexrode, j from Occoquan district. Mary Giddings. "Lillian Wheeter, I All arrangements for this meet-Elizabeth Pope. Elizabeth 0'Neil, jinghave been left entirely to Mr. Rose Rice, Muriel JLarkin andj Thompson and hi* co-workars Catherine Weir. I from Woodbridge and Occoquan.

I<lJs^ supposed, however, there


-Through the C. ^ Moetze I Realty Co.. 56 acres of land was! * ' " ^ * '"^ ^*"^ meeting with sold for Mr. C. H. Wise to Mr B }8«^«™1 speakers on dairying P. Snyder, of Spokane, Washing-1 ^°P"^- ^'^- Thompson promisee ton. The price paid was $2 100 ^° ° ^ ® ^^ occasion an enjoya-cash. Until improvements can be | '® '*"* !°' ^^^ members of the completed Mf < nyHpr «rin I nccupy

Farmers' Institute. It is I h 3 ^ a treat wETcb the

' farmers of this locality can not I very well miss to visit Mr.Thomp­son's farm on this occasion as bis farm, dairy bams, herd and equip­ment are among the finest and best equipped in the entire state.

Negotiations are under way with the general mana^fer of the R. F. & P. and W. S. RaUways to hftvp t.hp nff/wTwvm friiin whifb

acquainted \vkh our Bank Account P l a n - learn the details and actual working of th is i>yi>tematic method for protecting your income. When you know w h a t the plan is like make a note of your objectiojis to i t ; a sk yourself in what w a y it will retard your progress or harm your present chance of success. On tl ie other side of the page make a note of the advantages , tnere are m a n y of t h « n btit no te these fout*t t h e safety of your money; better k n o w -Ifidgp of corxecLJ^jiainess habits; closer association with thrif ty peo­ple : increase of credit. N o w as a conservative, practical man w h o wants to g e t ahead put the m a t t e r squarely up to your bet ter j u d g ­ment. Your account will be -W^

—A cement sidewalk, to be ttted as a dde entrance to the new To.wn Sail, has been ad^ed to the specifications.

—Miss Rowena Leith, the lit­tle daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Leith, who has been quite ill, is much improved.

—TheieonditicHi of MissMaymie btooio'fl um wMiea wao ti»3lioii' in alighting fnun a carriage is rep(Hrted to be imptYmng,

Wissler, were sold to Mr. G. M. Shoemaker at a price understood to be $2,800. The C. J. Meetze Realty ComiMny closed the deal.

—The death of a Dr. Vineberg as reported in some newspapers is Uie Dr. A. Vineberg, known in Maj^ssas as an oculist who visit hereNuiite frequently, but ac-cordingN|to other preas reporta. toiD doeiaoed ia Dr. 0 . V. Viiw*

—Lai'geeument atorage builrter hold ttODe and cemoit are being erected for Brown & -fiooff at their plant OB Cen1>« street

—Mr. W- J. Jasper and family, who have been living on the Rixey famii hare returaed^ their proporty near Bockhall.

berg, pf\Hyattsvill6, Md.

—The Bull Ruq Council, N a iAmeneanir

observed Thahkagi^ng by ser­vices on Sunday in ffir-M^nassias BaptistChoreh. Bev. fo/B. L. Quaries preached a aesioon on "Caesar's Claims." Mr. S. W. Co^Esey CMHed ' t h e -national COIOTS. — - . '•——

—Elder C. W. VaugK'is to preach at ^ Uie bome of MnC George W. J<dmsoGL. Saturday at 11:30 a. m. «I^Sandayat lla< m.

—The Home Missionary S o c k ^ of Grace. HE..£.ChB]sh.^lriB. meet at Qfie bmae of I fW iL 8. Williams;^niff9day,Mpee. ^ at 3 p. m. ^ *^> :-->. i-.' * .

-FVank Jackson, near 'the Stone Quarry, has moved with his family toCostsviiie,PlL,where he will live with hia am Jidin B. Jackson.

— 'Beveriey of Graustark" ^dll appear at the Opera Hoose on TUESDAY. Deeember a This is the correct date and none other is RIGHT.' - /

-Mr. S. & Gallehde and fam-ib' are to move next week frooi Quarry road to Uie pn^ierty <n Centreville road'. reeentliE'^^nr-chased by Mr. € a l M a e i -

—Rev. J. F. Burks will con­duct services at Trud^ EpiseoiMd Church next Suadsy at 11 a. n . and at St, Aime's Memorial ChaQel,N<Aesvilie,at 8p.ni. * -

—The trial of Lloyd StevNu for sttiiiBiig. William A ^ at

fore Justice WSiMB prisoner costs.

I2.8B and

—Dr. W.L. S t evaaasd familjf. of Centreville, have moved mto Manassas aii« will uccuiiy rtHmw with DrrStsvcM' aoB-ii£4aw and daughter, Mr. and Mr& Bryan G<wxlon.

—Tboe will be a social tonight at the Oper« Hoose, given by tlw Maaaasaa Adult Bi'ble ClMa of the GrMie M: E. Quirdk,Sontli. All membaavseorfiaHy invited to attend.

A lecture on tbe "History of Fairfax County" was delivered by the Hon. George C Round. la.st night to thfi tduci children St CnttOB

— " b takes I'HB JoiHtNAl, to sell tilings," sa idoneoft^nsera of our business.locals thid past week, and it wa9 an uascdidted comi^ifl i^t' i f yoa have sonse-thing you want to adl CM- to imy advertise «i tite buunKras loedi Q^umn of T&ii JouKKAL. im^'^ will do it for you.

—After winmng stmie hen's heartTB ipwrffflBBg^aif i t a i g before the hatchet on Thanksgiv ing day when Mr. T.' M. feigaeiU

the Joe Lewis property. Mr. Meetze obtained a purchaser and sold the farm in one day.

— Miss Fannie E. S. Heck, sis­ter of Professer Heck, of the University of Virginia, and knon^n all over the south as the presi­dent of the W. M. U. of the S. B. C, and author of the teict, "Rpyal Servicfifi." h<M heen rriti» OUIy lU ac l Rds^iUl m Kich-mond Her condition, althou«^ soioim, is showing signs of im-.

—Christmas is coming and so is "Beverley of Graustarit" That ia. it is promised for ne<t Tues­day night in tiie Opoa House. Advance notices of thi^ djramati-aation «g . Goonge Daii Mc-Ootchetm's' novel promise that Mjnnwaw «ffl"^6~tapeatadHl»~a Ugh class {xodnctkm of .tills drama. The play was postiiiMfied amm time ago because df jHneps in the company. •.^' •

—'An entotkinment of «[^;and 4nmttr will be givte i t ' ^ ^ Cathan»n sdiod house oiT'the evoi i i^/^f SiUxirday, December 5. at 7:90 p. m. Mra. Besne May

fhe arrwnplirdiiedaoOT-.


The Peoples NatJonal Bank OF MANASSAS, VA.

DUS^S UMoqu&h about three o'clock, stop for Alexandria pas­sengers in ord«- that the farmers of Manassas can get home on the 6:12 train. Every member of the Farmers' Institute is earnest­ly requested apd' urged to be present at tills meetiog as it Inds fair to be <me of tiie^nioet 'soc-' cesaful during the year.


Q _ & I L : ^ ^ I ^

of Canpva, decided to have this bird for dinner. Where tiie extra heart came from no one' knows tot it is a fact that there were tmi heaHsin this rooster.

- The ladies having d a r g e of the Trinity P. £ . ehnrvfa Bazav met today at 2 p. m. in the M. L G. boikling to diseoss prepara­tions for the Bazaar which wiU be hdd Mondiv. The <^)ening o f ' t h e court, oeearin^r qa HaA day. pinmuses to make this one of tiie best bazaars ever h d d

—A "blow out'?- in im auto-mobiie tire caused a machine which Mr. Henry Leary was op­erating to overturn last Saturday night, near Oeeoqoan. pinioning Mr. Leary beneath ^ e car. He WM cut and b r a j ^ about ti>e

tionist and impersonator. oflUeh-mood. wiU fnrnudi the t^^niuz.

Ti»e~lMi&~ Hr!, Leary i the son of ifr. W. H. Lsiry. ot BoekhalL

P y your water and-tight iaUs by the lOtfa of this month. THE JOUSNAL calls the attrition of its readers to this and especi-

by that date a penalty of fifty coits ia to be added The bills should be paid to Jaa. E. Nebni. treasurer, m ihe Peoples Bank bmldiog. ..

—Nothing eeold ife more ae-e^itaUe for a Christmas gift than a sobaeription toTBB Jooft-NAL. "ntere-are a aomber of people who would be glad to keep in tooch with Manassas and there

trf fnn fhrftrm and irr nasi a wiM be served fnun 2 p. m^^Ad-miMion. 15 and 25 eeots.

—Manassas Chapto-, XJnit«|d E^u^ters of the Confedoaey, met Wednesday aiftenioon in the^^pter room. Mrs. J. B. T. Thornton preaded Mrs. Mar­garet Barbour was appointed chairman of a committee t o c t ^ lect f unds to be sent at Chiistittas to the S<d<lienr Heme in Rtel^. mond:- Kr&t; . M. Larkin and Mrs. Albot Spdden wore ap?. pmnted. a committee to arrange for the ofaservaaee of Lee's fantb-day en Jtmatar 19.

—A hand car and a dogentarsd

At a meeting of the School Trustee Eket<»«l Board, held in Manassas on Monday, NoveaU>er 30, Ifr. James Luck, Jr.; of In-d^jiendent Hill, was elected eehool t n t i s t e ^ Coles district for the term endin^August 31,1917. and Mr. T. R. Caliper, of Hick ory Grave, fa Gainesville'district, to fill the unexpi i^ ti>m} of A e

Utc Mr. Humphrey Howdersheil, which ends AuRUSt 3 ^ 1915.

The following lesbiuUuna were

into the fact<ws that caused Mr. N. B. Horfey, of Jfan^affait, to

Ing on the Southern Railway. The d o ^ in questic^ ambled

hand car opented'by Mr. Hen-sley also came amWng along. The reaah was, both ediided

WHEBSAS, The pe(4>fe aod aebooia of Gwneayitie district and Prince WiOiam county hlvre lost a kmg and fiutUnl friend in the death of Mr. Hooiptirey HowdeiaheU. Therefore, be it

RESOL.VBD, That we hereby put on reeotd oar nncere appraeiatioa of his kMig and oaefnl aervices to the sdwob, his h i ^ and pare character, his gentle kin<Hy dispoaitioo, and withal hia exen-{daryiifeaa a Christiaji gentleman.

RBS(».vsa> farther. H u t a copy at Aeae resi^tiana be aent to lite he-, nared family and pohiiiihed fai ead» of the eooaty papers.

' THOB. H . hum, OiainBaB. A. A. Hoorr, G*o. G. T T L B , d s A .


The following \f*i^ hwH bflffP by Rt. Rev. Robot

GiMson, Biah<^ of Virginia: "To the Cleixy of tiie, rtitrmifa

ally to the fact tiiat if net paid «ad^he dog^weO that deea.nat matter bat the hand car jumped the track. Mr. H e n d ^ sustained idigfat injuries that ineapadtated him for a few daya.

- T h e Riflrht Reverend D. J. O'Coaaell. D. D., confirmed a large class at All Saints Catholic church yesterday morning. A large congregation thronged the tittle chorcfa. The biabtm de*

i*nnf hj^M^ — » ^* »i V liver»d an address to the eandi-i» note oetter way of them bear^ j . » „ - > c ~ /» ^- » . nf thi»,- f>L«»i. *kl»*u___JV^_J °**** oefope oonflrmatimi. The of their fnenda thanthroogfa THB i • • ^ ^ ^^, ^ ^ XwrvwA? TiuB. »<w :«. • ^ » i c t B uegBu wnn soiy mass at AWKfAL. Then toe. rt » a | „ . . , , ^ w . _ . ^ ^ ^ <!on-m..

-S.^S i . .the a s , b ,r tbd . , | . iU , U „ d * . ^ « a » on it ' i u ' l T ^ ^ T ^ ^ ^ ^ ' t ^ ^ l

L e t theaa h a v e a

The chiidron always enjoy taking pictares—it adds.to the pleasures of the day's outing; besides, taking them is clean, educational fun.

W i d i every Kodak or Brownie pur-

cbaaecT—a 6r«e, year's subscriptMNi

t o ' % e d a k e i y , ' ' a flMathly 1

j for the aauOeor photogim|A«r.

D owe ll's Ph a r m a c y •THE RQCALL STORE


^' Col. John S. Moeby. the famous be mailed free of charge so as to' Photographer, after the ..airy leader, and a celebrmtk>n reach the person addressed o n i f ^ T * ^ f ^ tiie pictoire of tiie

^ this f.vent by his men was to Christmas day at the same time i ^^ °^ and » part of the congre^ , e t..,-. r .Id at th? Mosby as the first issue of tbe subscrip-18*^" <>" < « «f 'he church.

:. UashmKton but because tion will be received. Subscripr 1 ~ ^ in rnt family it has tions leceived from now on will

• V 'nefl be attended to caref jliy. .Subscribe for

'$LO<.i the jaiar^::. THE JOUR.SAL


^ ^rginia.3oothernVfrgiala and We^ Virginia:

"Dear Brethren: On Novem­ber 11th the *'~H<wt.Bnr lgpi#fi?paf — Education Society met at the aemioary. Of that 90**iety you know the Bishop of Virginia is president, and the Bev. P. P. Phillips is secretary.

"The meeting was especially called because o{ tbe argent nec­essities 0* the society. 'Ciese will be inor« fuOy set fcrtii in a letter whicb is to IMow tin no-ti<^

"Meantime, the Bishop of Vir­ginia hereby requeats the clergy of Virginia, Soutbera Vtrgima and West Virginia to preach ser-moos on the third Sunday in Ad­vent (December 13) on the sub­ject of '"nie Ministry." and asks in tbe name of the Education Society, that the offering on tiiat Q, , , „ ,. . _

day be for the society. . Wc M¥C a tull Ime of TeTTa Cotta Pipe, Patent Plaster LUDC,

urg^'y^""'^""""^^^'"^ Brick, Sand, Stone, Lombcr, Mifl Work, Gaivamzed Roofing

n OFF —

• \

Ommit,-*a»tUmt riK.l

Name It! Lehigh's the Apswer

Kame any form tA eonstrnctiav- that yoa colitnnplate bvOdinc and WKirm gyr^jen tUk amwtt—Lekigk Pinri—f Ctmeml ComertU.

It U •ooHMlni forbonie«rtKl<Tr«Ik», fmce posts, (rmte», poeeW*. twrns, ciloa, feedut^troofti*, cmrdca fDmitat>e aarf a hoodrod other ibrma of buikluig.

_ ^ <*• ^ J^Hfk foH it — it WiU im«r»mm im ttrmifU m it #rjjw o«ir. E«ck year a LHIM^ ttnctare kaa gnmJur power to wttteUi^ tbe, .aar and U»r rf t»ie cieacota. It it a ««anntea t^iiM. dcprMiatioa aad apkcep.

We tare Ldiigh on hand. We ha^ a lot of ««r«'«ti«<i. fnr e«cr«*e iMiiAig yM oorW to kMw. AA •§ todaj. For tba Mat

> M

Page 5: APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB

THE M A N A S S A S JOURNAL, F R I D A V . D E C E M B E R A mu ..•-sv V -^r-^ •

Has not mterferred with our getting the services of OLD SANTA CLAUS again this year. We have a full supply of all kinds of Toys—even more than you will find in the big department storesihis year^for they wCTe unable to get all of theirs^—We wilHiave special prices on Nuts, Candies and Oranges. Be sure to come to see us early—we will save you money. We mention a few of tlie articles in our line: —


TacyiJ^J^Dd cars, sledv clesks, £uIJdes wagQns sh flies, games of all itinds, tree ornaments, Cjiri lmas post cards, doll fiimiture, air rifles and every othep iniaginable toy—all on display and ready for your^pection. We have^plenty of room to put away your

Joys now and keep them till Chfisfmas. ft will, be better for you as.well as ourselves to make youi sdcctjona now while the stock is full and you would have plenty of time to go over the line and pick out what you want and put it away.

CHINA FOR CHRISTMAS.—We have one whole room full of toys and china for Xmas. The handsomest you ever saw-lamps, berry bowls and sets, water sets, pitchers, figures, ornaments, salad bowls, cake plates, cups and saucers, and a million other useful thmgs that you will see when you come.

We have purchased the largest line of Fire Works this year in our history and vou loiow that s ^ going some,'

"Everything on Earth to £at^ ccmqmsing the best on the mai^et of Nuts of alkkmds, forty different kinds of Candy, Raisins, Figs, Dates, MincevMeat, Cocoanuts, Cranberries, CeTeiy, Oysters, Turkey. Give us a calU-we ha^^ the goods---the prices M e rights

rJTHL BURKE & COMPANY I ' s _ _ i „ ^ L, , •_ ;: _jt- . . . .-• • ' . • • . ', ^ • • - V ; • • - _ ' ' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

ABOUT PEOPLE WE KNOW Iff. F. M. Osboroe. of Ha#iiuu«> 4(«^ was t» town this w « e k . -

Mr. C«ri Hansboroaeb, of Gr^enwi^ was JB town W<^g»v Jngton.andilE.Thoma8 fiaUinger.

: Mrs. W. A. Newman was a Wasbiitflrton viatw darioir the we«k.

Messrs. C. J. Sharpe aod Jack Gray, of Gaincsnile, were .town •i8it(»9 Wednesday.

.Miss Eupbenia Adwnscm. of Sali^Miry, Md., is viatins her motho-, Mrs. W. J. Adamson.

Mrs. G. B. Bresnahan.of Wadfa-~ ingtou, i s iise gnest of Mr. anv

Mrs. C. K Nash, of Choreh street

MastCT Haww Ihtyjes «iated his grandparents, Mr. a i ^ Mr?.

Tli. ¥. Tompkins, test week ill WasfaingtOB.

Hon. C. J. Meetze has ' ^ his home this wedc as a gaeet Mr. C R. R. CuiiU, *a aOHMS ot


I •

Stafford coanty. -

Mrs. Hany Brooke Griffith, of Washington, is tha gasst <rf Miss

_^I<^)1? Wgliama,in her boatejn Prescott aT«iue.

Mr. aod Mrs. Albert CaUow and Miss Laora Tarenner, of Catons-vilie, Md., were recent guests of Mrs. S t o u t Beaven.

Mn. E. N. Gtbaon. of Upper-TiUe, aod Mrs. ?mi Baed. of Washington, are koests of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. H^BSOIL

Mrs. George H. Swith, Mwwos Rath and Charlotte Smith and Miss EUeanor Jones were Wash­ington visitors Saturday.

J i r s , C. A. S. Hopkins it the guest of her son and daaghter-tn-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. Manriee Hoi^ina. in Washington.

Mr. John A. Nicd, formerly of Manassas and now living ta Wa^tttgton, was in town en a business trip Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Rorabaujfh ^ni their grand daughter. Miss A--lie Rorabaagh. visited Mr.

,.-.t;i li> ranaug , in Hoilofield,

Miss Maude Studds, of Wash

of Alexaadru. were reeent guests of Mr. «iid Mrs. G. a Alien.

Sara Donohoe, wtM>'is teaching at Meetze, Fauquier county, spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs, L M. Dtmohoe.

Mr. and Mrs. Norveil Larkin, who have been visiting Mrs. Xisr-kin's parents, Capt and Mrs. J. lELHexrelUuiverotomedto Wash­ington.

-Mim Raiph—Dwsey, -who- has beoi with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lewis, for sevend mtmtha, left -fsi—Wi^tHgtOB T u e a ^ .

Miss Lucy May Buck and Miss Glasscock, of A^^tewvill^ will be w ^ - e n d guests of MitfrBuek's parepte. Dr. and Mrs. Riy . Buck,

Mrs. J. F. Sdeeman. of Wash-ingttm. spent last wedc w i A rid-atives here.

Mr. John Clarke made a busi­ness trip toOceoquan Monday. " Mr. Walt^Strobertaad sister, Mrs. J. F. Milstiead, of Boadley. v i a ^ their mother. Mrs. A. M. ^ d d ) a t , of Washington, whs has been very ill f<Mr the past twoi week&

Mr. and Mrs.Rymal ind dmifi^-ter, of Canada, who are mottning to Florida, idiere they will be for tbeLiicHttfir. «p«mt, tnrday night at this town.

Miss Puiline Carter, who is a

The youi% sons of Mr. Allison A. Hoeffv John Bowling and Alii-S A J L ic.« «eze. in WnlnnctoB.: for a week end visit iritk their ^mde, Mr. Don BswIiBg.

Miss Lallian Ijghtner, oi Hay-. market, who has been visiting the Misses Bean, at Catlett. was the guest this week of Miss Emiiy J. Johnson, at Ctovo- HilL

After a week's visit in Wash-ingtMi with their friends and r ^ . i^ves Mrs. C E. Brmwner and her giandson. Master Charles VoUmei; have rebaned to "The Pines."

Miss Ida Camper, of Nasmis, Oran^ «oanty. who has been visiting in Washingtoo. is now the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C a n ^ . m their haine on West street.


The taOowiug is the TOH of hiaor of the Beuiett adio^ MKIWIWM, fer No-

Eifiara GRAMLS — Dorotb; foandt, aisa]>etfa Lwrkin, Aoart IC&WMUI, Bsw Uoaeabtxger, Iman. Wiflte, Jack LjmivBurice Stieete, Beniia Stode and Wilmer Kliae.

Ss.vitNTU GRADE — BOOIUIB A/res, Waxsen Cotemaa. JOMS iuper, Fred SheA, Charles 'Rinaser, Leen Watcn^ VHatred Young. Lilla Aahbj. Gladys Jtiimaoa, Lanier Moraa, LBliaa Wbeekr and Jearie Weir.

SiXTB GSAOB—Katberioe 4jrt«a,Cetia BeayrB^Caroline ^cachkjr.. Sa<Se. Hix-


SOB.- Byrtle gjnefaeioe, iiiMao Larkin, Beaiab Whttmer; Bcrklcgr SiBbre7,Biee

^ . . . , _ , , „ n - i . o . v , •<i'*~. Kelph LaTMB. Marriaaieaiid Student of Manassas High Sgbool, BOTW^ w^fcw. spent Thanksgiving with her , ^ ^ GMS^-J^ M.rchaat. parents. . - -

Messrs. Paul Clarke and Jim Alexander motored to F<»estburg Sunday and were guests for the day of the MiitwMi niinw-

Mr. Fewell Athey, of MaB»: spent tho week-oid with Mr.

D. Carter, of. tins place. K v J m i M r s : S£^X:Gu¥elSve

todayior a three weeks' vistt-te

Mr. M. E. Lyach, Manassas High School graduate aod mana­ger of the Catb<^}c University football team^ returned Monday from Boston, where the Univer­sity team played imst week.

Mr p^^ M'^ * - Hawkins and daughter. Mrs. Laura Mont-rief and son Henr*". of Wa.-hing-ton. and Miss Mattie Matthew, of Su?T-.,nc- fluent Thanksgiving

friends in New York, Waslmtf-to&and Baltimoce.'

Mrs. Miade Windsor, of n p ^ MinnieviBe, spent laM FMday with her owther and Mrs. A. Hintoo.

Mr and Mr*. Hwyfwd and Mir tie soff wei« r e e ^ guasts (rf Mrs. Alice Hintoa.

Messrs. Joe Fisher and S. Davis, of BaWmgre, were guests of MIM Blanche Dane and Miss Stella Alexander Sunday.

flfTB GBAOK-Jadc Stew»rt PayM, CairistiDe Bcat^l^, Helen CoimaB, Grace Frye. Hope Fleiiw«. Geoicia Haxrea, Elisabetlt Pope, Martha Kezmde S U M X

FbmcTB GSAPa^fMiabetfc CanveO, O n s Scxrade. Ataa LeMfonC Alfisoa Hoeg, Paul Btranf. ga>»t Geotye Lsfkia.

TBDm Gstna Cerieton Athey,-neat CocnweU, Tom F sUdy, BeMMtt gnewibtrgir, Gqy WUtner, Aiiee Breedea. Eva Breedea. £ste6e Cent-w^TEBSt Diekeoa, KMk r-fiiiilii , S«M Kee. KaMie 9»am, MMAS Wei-iley aad Aiiee Wood jatdL

P B I K A B T Ga&os — Lola Hizaeo. Tbelam Goede. Vasina Gieca. OBe Griffith, Ardoth KraiM. Cfaiateee Bemttru, Etti Ciaic; Ebsaheth Cele-man, GfantsM Bryaat. Tlietaa Brraat, Fl«^ Ri.ii»>ir v i . y , i - ""ikiiyh—. Sara Brown. Brerett EaMw^, Harioa Brawhtaa. Hawes DsTiaa, Mary Arrii«-too, WHiard Craaa. Saby Athey,'BOF:^ nard Craaa, {^en^ Wandywl,

MissMinnieBodmer«Dd Masto* Fent<m'£iUer ^^entseyeral d a ^ of last week in Front Royal:

Miss Rebecca Garrett, of Fair­fax, and Miss Virginia BfSl, of Wasfaington.were guests at "Bell Haven" f w Thanksgiving.

Mrs. J. C. McDonaM. MrsiTom Smith and small saii,viated Mrs. Wesley White, in Washii«ton, for a few day? last week.

Wearegfaid to state that Mrs. J. P. South, who was threatened with hkMd poisoD'from an in­fected finger, is moeh improved.

Messrs. Carroll and Herman Shir i^ H>ent l^ankagiviBg day at "Oakshade." _

Mr. and Mrs. S. R. O v k c w h o have beea inkioK relatives m the oeighborfaood. have ifetoraed to Indian Head.-Md. M n . R B .

aeromBapiad thqaas far


••'WHhlB^luih" Miss Maspie Boots, of Aiexan-

dria; speiA the week-«iid w i t i 4 ^ » t a ^ the moMii.

Mrs. AUee Hinton, who hasj been SKk for the past t wo weeks, i Cvumm, Bobbie Weir. J. is dightly improving. ? * ? . ?!*'***^' ^ " ^ Dtterbeek,

n i r -n^^L J _ ; » w lG»rtma<i Baker. Floyd Sheak. DCMM There wiU be services at Min-| grfcer. R«u>ie SprtokUcIibit Altai,

nieviile Baptist ehorcfa on^Sctur'! Jabaa Recter. HorL:e Adaanea. War-day and Sunday, December 5 and , re" Rooeebefirer, Edgar Ar«y. Harry 6, at 11 a. m.. by Elder A. J. Gar-! Rezrode. Paul Atbey. Elnwr Moddima, hind, of Ha^erstown. ila^aret CoroweU, Artlwr M"^'""" i

Mr. Charles Emery ancTfamily Nellie WhitoMr, A«bby Lewis, Lona

Hal l ." • •'

Misses Ethel and Rose Peake, of Alezaadria; Mias Mary Lee Chapwan, of Waafaingtcm. «M1 Maa Kitty Wattas, of Redar> town, were guests of Mrs. Howard Bcil OB Sunday bwt.

Mr. and Mis. Kibler u id Mr. Pentoa Foley, vi Marshall, guests at "P(4)larHai"for days of last week.

Miaa y.»lla IT^ya, ^f

and Mr. Mayhngh Biyant, <tf Wasl^ngtoii, were guesta of Mis. 6 . H. Dowm. a t Woobaj. h

' '- —a-

Mr. and<4lr8. S. E. Smpaon gave to th«r daughter, Mrs. D. T. Robinson, a weddii^ tappet oa Thursday evening last and a reception Thursday night Quite a large number were present Many pieces of stiver and o t b » useful pree&its w&re presoite^ to the young b r i ^ who is a vea^ popular and also at&aetive young lady of Manassast and the groom a v o y industrious and intiHigent man of Manassas, ^ e y have a host of 6 ia ida that extend inucb! joy and h ^ ^ n e s s JQ thnr fiBtm« hfe.

The table was beautifully deco­rated wi& many kinds of fruits, feecream and cake were a^ved. The most attractive tiling on the-taUe was the handacmiely deco­rated wedding cake that Mr. J. M.Bellhaksd. It was decorated wirh wwWing balla and initiahof the bride and gioom wiA tiba

E X E C U T O R ' S N O T I C E .

M A.:ri..,; . Tf-a, M l

spent last Sunday with Mrs. Wheat and family, of Dumfries.

Since purchasing a thorouj?h-bred night dop from Scotland. Messrs. John and Paul Clarke Vw,,-n ^niirrht tViirtv ODOSSumS. ..viracir.i'- t .* , :> pour d,-. C.

Todd, Ni«k Lewis. Betsy Payne, Wj^ liaifi Lewis, Ruth Randell, Paul Kinche-loe. Madeline McCoy. Wilmer Jasper. Heien Mo^ucn. G«.rg-e Joknivm. Fred Henstpy, Howlinjf Hooff. P«ai Henxlofi. Cari Unffith. La<ry Laricm. Treva Hol­ler. K...O 1.-.; .>mrj{a: du-ns

Frooi the ladiahapoUa Newa.

After cleaning out a chicken coop in Birmingham, Ala., the chick^i thief left the foHowIng note: "Lord, have mercv on my A., persors ^ iet.ted

. . - ' Richard L, i h, iips im-<' S6nl, how many cbidi.a»i)utve I: forwrtanri ? stole, l"st mght and the night i *''f'r?"\^^;.r:"^

** *" i ana Ih'ise ha-v .ng i j before, coming back tonight and i aece ient"? .-.-at--I get twenty-five more; remember, j P"*P*'''>' ' '"-':/;; •

»Bd and alto Mr. aod Mrs J. M. Bell w f i S was very erefitable and oijoyed byafl. Music was fun^died by Meaara. D. P . BcO, S l^aoi i and RonnsoD. Avcty sweut sotowaa rendered by Miss Msry BeO. after which tihe bride's cake waa cut

The l>ride was gowned in a beaotifiil lank satin gown, trim­med with sQver banding, girdle To maun anu snppers^mu cap to matdi. She carried a beautiful bunch of roses and carnations. The outK>f-town guests were Mrs. James Payne, with her s<«. James Howard, daughter Theress and Miss Miy Walters, all of Nokes-vilie. All returned to their homes at B late hoar. S. K S.

Page 6: APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB

rnvmASfASSXS^^UUmtXlirFfaDKY, DECEMBER 4, 1914

•1 I I I I I I I I

r HOGS. GAtTO^dR | |EN~ : WHICH?

; Cmirtrnar f « m i V I M M I>I»« Mmf

• 11 n 111111- >-; -T »H£ ' aiiin .cawsawpnoN. • ' R»d CroM Pewtrful

Than Liv*. Ctoek. wtih rm-w aiiit Jrtocii i—Of w w « g t o b

by . -w' n f.i<u] „,r< ur ut«u Both Of 'I U W M H I I I U i p n i m | |) .u Oiuw B M I

"'Ulciili.'aii U n u k i u s a rigor-uua effort to .'stamp out' hog ctioiera. Qog i ar« nu'rketabl*,"

PetTla to tlie d t l u o * o f bis »t>t« ID a recent proclaroatluu ea l l lu f ft>r ro-operatton In the antl-tnber-culosta eamiMlsn. "Mlctilgaii la making a vlgoroua edort to "stamp out* tubarcolOBla ID cat­tle CattJa are marketable. W h j a o i mak« a streQuooa effort to 'MtHrap out* tuberculoaia lo men, women aad cblJdreaT H u m a n

[~T»eTiig» "ar •" prioeleMC''

Red Croaa Christmaa Sea l s *t* a meunk for e v e r f B u u . w o m a a and c'blld ID the Unltad Btatas to haTe a attar* In "atamplna

70U I oot" tabercoloals . H a r a boufftit r o w i b a r a t

m i l l 11 M i i i i i i m I I >i>

, tK>otli at Ihi' aniUti niu<>. "Uf wife 1> ' I dyiun n i t b ('oiisiiri.iitiuD," he aald In •

I hiiHkj > ol<'«' "fiu we ain't g o t mucb aoun^.. .Uettt i iat . i to . Otti^af. worK *Mt ahp did wuiu m< to b a ; Ore of them seuU Slif Ha.v* If abe can take a wtuii'k HI euuBuuifitlou afore abe die* sbtf'll rvtn thaler, an' I gueaa abe vUL" H f u'itMMl btk e;rea with bis C o c k l e * aad reac-bed for (he package of aeal* wbtr-b the pretty at tendaot bad put up (or b l u

"Where do you ll»e?" aald the richly - r-f-dwaaod womau, WIH) had baan an fa>H-'

tereaied lutetier ro the abubby man'a brief aTur;, He g a r e an addreaa b> one of the pouraat—tenemant tMoaa neltrtiborbowda.

"I naa gHug to buy a few sea l s far

'' • 0¥ VALL'ABLb- '

REAL ESTATE l.udmt -^Uil- Uy v ir tw of ir-'liwj mf- trust I _ _

e l f cu le j on l!,r' J-i ..(av ! \'L-\,r'^iiry , \-'\ I, : 0M., tjv i;,-(jrx'' -auyi\. .11.J lii.l, i.x-'.rilej iii I lie ' ^ J

Cement, Lime^ Hair, ^


• * < Craaa »aala Matpad Her to O i WsH.

She w a s real pretty and so full of fnii tha t the dtuiples were a l w a y s • b o w l B g la ttx round, rad cheeks. Her «yea were b ig and brown, and b«r nnt coJorad hair oarled naturally In little flnglafta o v e r her forehead and ears. S h e w a ^ jus t e ighteen when # e flrat met her and ao neat and at tract lre ttdt one wjjfliiLtMnjL s h e bekinged to the well to d o class o f working people, but w h e n w e fo i lowt^ her to her home one day w e confronted s tart l ing (acta.

In ht!l i h w k a ••»•. Ilim Itnmt,-

my little gtrl." said the w o m a n , "bnt your wife'a denire ^o get a whack at conaum|>tlon bna nhown me w h a t I ahoold do Pteaae g ive me $60 worth, mlaa. Tell your wife ahe whacked anmptlon harder than abe ezp«ct«d.'


MECHANICS MAGAZINE For Father and Son AND ALL THE FAMILY T w o and a half million readei-s lind it of absorbing interest Everyi lung in it is Writtmn S o You C a n Uttdarstand It ¥ m *ai WU.OnO Wpl«# imrr mAnfh" wlUiout aivinK premiums and have no solicitors. Any •Ufwadealer will show you a copy; or write the publuher for free aampie — a postal will do.


Popular M a c h a n i c s Masaxlt ia • No. anohlaan A«a>, CHtCACO

I if You 0 « Net Sealer

o r oaoati ira] Inward fever, the high •pifita' were a pT{lfdT"antHo&"to^ptS~ less condltloBa, and the big brown e y w

H e w Muah Do You Li Buy Red Ci

Sappoae. you were a father o ( • fUB-lly o ( three children earning $8 a day a n d you were taken aick with tubercn-loais. W h a t would i t coat yon to get wel l , and w b a t would It h s v e cost yon to have d o n e your share to preTent t h i s diseaMe f som s tr ik ing y o o i S a r a a r e a few leading I t e m s of azpensa: BU monttw' U a a t m w t Ui Mnltariura tHK « Car*, tamlty of four, arW p«r woek

for »|K momha IM <t " a ia Ml sla itliswt • —

per day

Total t n i W

«aw only aqaalor wtM» they wera no . I •^ ' '^• . ' ^ ^ " **'"'*' * •« !* _ ^ ? - , ? ? ? '

opon a tyiNWTltlnf macbtna or c K w d peiateta i iuy to inf r t a w but an toiaplnary t>rlsfat ona.

The room we ente i«d w a s a general Uii i ig R | « w . used «!M aa an eat ing , cooking and slaeplnp apartment . Th$re w a s but o&o bed. a o t T Bet ty h a d t o s leep in It w i t h her mother, w h o waa

sat w h e r e It woatd be eMiTaaiaatly near the bed. wblcfa piaeed U by the atoTe, w h M e tbelr food w a s cooked . TbejofiSbK. w h o i ras eufferlnc la an adTan^ed s t a g e of tuberriiloBta, d i d n o t . (Ike cold al«. and her i iaaruloas de-m a n d s caus<>d Betty to keep t k e doer aud w i n d o w s dpaed.

"Well s i iht A e e r f n l Betty , w i t k a laugh, "that iMi*t ao bed a s not karflCT any w i n d o w s ' e r doora t». cieae, la I t ? T b i n g s might be worse."

"JBdnltely s i i t n a " a e l d tta- W ^ One. 'You m i g h t e r e n take a not ion t o stuff the tr lndowe and dodra i l q l i r a j ^ to cut o a t irhi^ w:Mm~c«mm l a throuKh the rraclta."

—Hed Cross (^hiialuias BeaM. arttfc their

aial. "An ounce af prevention" to the

proper eara ot tho body A itudy of sbrne literattir* on the

prvviMiuuii.Al luberculoala.

—At a Oiiuuii Uuurt for the CuuBty at fytoce William, Virj2;iDia, held tft ihe Court House thereof, on Friday, the 18th day of Novem­ber, 1914.

Present: Honorable J. B. T. Thorn foil. Judge, Ril t ieU. Oreenwood )

T». >• IK CmjicgBT Francis R Greenwood )

Thi«; tbe 13th day of NoTember, 1H14, the complainant, Bitt e M.' Oreenwood, by ber coansel, presented to the court her petition, v««>fied by affidavit, asking for an ordar of pabLicstion g a i n s t the aefeudant, FianciB R. Oreenwood, aud it appearing to tbe ooait that the object of this gait is to otrtain a divorce a'meaea et thoro for the jlaintiBE on Maiiiiuuiiilaut

nimv* uwi uj f wiiw •<"'ftiiiw raw .„ I>eral HaA .So l50. ai jjui .e :,Vil, lu »eruV« ii, lilt) hoUier of a i-.eruiii iiole dj-.-oritxxi lu ilie naiii trust il,.ed ihi- )jii'niful (,| tin- nui\'. ot ll'UO.IK) ami jQieieBt, defa ill tianiij^ ivvti made i« the psytnent of the Bmn of monev so secured, at the dirtx;tion of the preseui holder of the aaiU uote, (he undemigued truBtee »h»ll offer for nJe, at public aucliou, to the highest biUiier, for cash, at the fruut do«r of the court houne of Pnoee Williain couutv, on

Monday, December 7, 1914 court rfay, at IJ o'cloc)v noou, the following real eutaie. to wii:

wyuK *eo )}eiu^ situate on the Ifaiiattsaa and Occoquaii road, in saiii county, aud bounded by the lands of Jackson Payne, Beacb. Beavers and otherB, aod containing'

115 ACR£S. more or leaa, and bein^ the same land which w»« oon»eye<i to the said George Sutlyak by f.ucien R. Kevs and wife by deed dated Febmarv 1, l » l l The reeorxU of said county show a prior lien on this land in favor of L. R. Keys for f OOO.OO. The amount due, if there remains auything due on such faior lien, will be announced on day of sale and tbe \»BA will be aulil subjeiH U n n e h prior lien.

O. BAYKOMD RATCUT™, Trustee. JOHN K£«I.I.>J, Auctioneer.

•» 10-JO SiNCLim & Son, Attorneys.

*** * [ qient. tbe same tn h« madg cole matrimonii upon the expiration of the necessary period of time, aad it farther ap­pearing irom said affidavit that the said respoadent is no: a resident of this Slate,

hkb can .be securad fHa^of charge . . .

The stopping of all badUy axceasas A timely examination by a doctor . . The pareUuK of tOO Red Croaa

Baais as year share to the general pranMitlva <MBt»t»10ga • m a l i a f ' t a -

^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • > • • * >


Total ^ H o w m i c b do yon foaef

... M *

mother died the BcttTsV

Buv yo^r

cheery mcsuage of beffe. g a r e a c h a n c e to gel well aftet^-ber-

fn It worth wtalWr to^aave

bare UMtay. - \ ?

S E A L ON EACH SOLE. "Am I usfuR B M Croaa CbristiDai

B'als?" reltenititd a g o o d ' a a t n t M old cohtilrT a.s lio ln«)k^ up from tbe s b e e h ' n i l s if-p^ilrinl; to the person w h o st'KKl I't.ii lilirit tlie ^ o o m - a y of the Ht-tl,- sh :> anil who ba^l askod the qoee t'ID r ;.'tiij|:y "1 don't know of t b e m What arc tbey (or?" be a^ked

Whpfi toM t h a t . t h e little attckera were ^n>!n3 so ld all « w w t h e United St.ites to ri!:4e tnonev to prereat tuber-<ralofiia tbf '-<>bl)ler^b^«nie re i lcfere«re<l

"Now. I call that- a good cauae." be Jn .wied "T don't write any lettera. a o i I (' n t ="rd :iny CbrLttisias parkagea There"? just m e ' a n d lb*' <rfd Woman |p?t 1 I .in't B9e 'my aeaia that w a y . but I'll tr-Il ynn bow I oiB oaa tbem. I -K-ri stick a <^n oa i h * ae le it every nhne 1 » p ' ' .

RED C R O S S S E A L S l > e c A 6 A 9 f r T U B E R C U L O S I S Ri(«rC.

'• Won ld-fft-« ;nd yonr work bad e tarted •flfr* ye:.in< um." w»» Q M . eo ivment of an Ariauntf <-onstimptiveti> wri t ing . tbe other day to Dr. H o y t E . r>earholt e«-a r s f t r e aeerctary of t b e . ' W I a e o w l a . Aatl-tuii«r<-nleAi<< aswoctattou.' Part o f t b ^ letter followA: '

" F l o e -trprk. oM cbap! That daereaaa in tbe death raf<> tteeaam a remarkable ga in to BBS. I bad net egpec ted Juonfta

bat that his last known place of abode or residence was 6il3 North Central Aveime, Baltimore, Maryland, and that frqia said affidavit anid ihe sheriff's return on the pro-ceaa duly itaned against ssid reeposdent to answer tbe IMU filed in this eansa^^hat the aaid respondent haa not and cannot be n d within: the jariadictioa ot this State; it ia, therefore, ordered by the court that-this order bt poUicaUan-faaAndlhaaamaJaJiet^ t>y granted that


REAL ESTATE Under and b y v i r t u e of a deed o f

t n i a t e x e c u t e d S e p t e m b e r 6, 1909, by Wra. J. Churchvtl le and othere, and

« J» u^ a divo™. a via- ^ ^ ] E ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ¥ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Patent Plaster, bnck, I Sewer Pipe, Roofing | t fHUrSTOetillf AYS HAND 5?





benef ic iary t h e r e i n n a m e d the p a y m e n t of the s u m of $400,00 and intereet , and d e f a u l t h a v i n g been m a d e in the pay­m e n t 6 f t h e ibdhey . secared , the under­s i z e d t r u s t e e , a t t h e directioD o f the

inst tbe said defendant, and the aaid Franois B. Ore«>wood do

appear within ,^fleen days after doe poWca-tion of this order and do what is necessary to protect hta interests, and that this order jii^OoMished for f<<nr anctessive weeks, oiioe a week, in the MtKASsaa Jotmx.L, a weekly uewsfsper published in Priiiee Willf

'oiaii^, (hat a o o ^ o f this order be' posted by tbe clerk of this coart at the front door of this court, boose aa reqaired by law, and that ha, the said clerk, do send to tbe s a i d , rpopoadaat, bf registeiwd ;iniul, a oopf o f 1 ' this pahlicatioo sddrnse3 to Fraoeis B. Orswiwocd, at the aforeaaid last know^ adr dreas. J.. E. HKRRELL, Oerk.

B T B. E HKIKEU., Dspdty. _, Ai^bg—Te^ta:

a s soon a s that. I have a l w a y a laotrbed at thA Hntli»rtH«>« w h o .•lalmed that tu ten years a mat- of^.tutierruxmfai would

Jhe a s rare a s atie eir amatlpoz la today^ T b e had work of centnriea c a a o o t bf. n a n o n e la tvn ' y e a n and so I n u r r e l

a t yoar Won'terfnl |»rnRr<>aa. I trust tbe errors In atutlstlfit. | ( any . a r e aH-lii your favpr Tou Inspire m e . W e a l d t o God yonr work had started fifty y e a n ai!<r Probably t b e a tbe dtaeaea woDid b a r e mlaaed me."

T h e letter conta ined a cbeek (or Bed Croea Seals, (rom t h e aala o f wbfcHi tbe ent i re support o f tbe Wiaonndn work li 'dertTed. Every seeJ y o u buy W a bid-Mt in tbe Ogbt a e a i a a t tabvectil^aliL

said beneficiary, sha l l se l l b y w^y o f publ ic auct ion , t o t b e Ucfaest bidUw, f o r cash , in t h e v i l l a g e of-GflinesTflte,

iblic auct ion , t o t b e hkffae^ bi h, in t h e v i l l a g e ^

P r i n c e Wi l l iam c o u n t y , o o

Monday, Novonbar 30, 1914 a t about 11 o 'c lock a . . m . , the fo l lowing descr ibed real ^ a t e f j , tn wtl-

A i l that , c er ta in t r a c t or patvel o f land ly ing and b e i n g s i t u a t e in Gainea-vi l le Magi s ter ia l D i s t r i c t , said county , and bounded on t h e aontfa by the War-renton turnpike , on t b e w e s t by a lane b e t w e e n the proper ty h e r e described and t h e land former ly owned by Oor-

Temple School of Music MANASSAS, VA.


Rodera M e ^ ofT^eCdtDre (FREE VOICE TRIAL)

Special Piano Course for young bemnnere from five to nine years of ^ Classes in Piano, Harmony, Ear Training, Histoiy ofMiwic. ^Teacher Training class for piano stu­dents « ^ wish to become teachere. - —

ne l ius B lackburn , on t h e ncNrtfa by'Perry and on t h e e a s t 1 ^ J a m e e BotMnaon, and b e i n g tbe s a m e M o p e r f y that w a a c o n v e y e d to t h e la te E n o c h CbarrirvOIe b r E . E . Mered i th , a s s k ^ e e o f C. E. •Q^wij^ Bankrupt , by d e e d da ted Mar«b

547, o f t h e land vecorde o f aaid <

-—J. E. H E n n E L L . Clerlr, B T R E . tintULL, Deputy.

Tnnairffiw D i v m , p-<t— ll . i iO.4t

P B B S I P S H T Wt4]«eM 0»«— R E B CROCS a E A L « .

.Ks an eipreeeliwi i>f hie tn tawet 15" thp r e d rroaa Seal a a d Aan- taberea »—*« ^'ampaluB l^t.<ld«iBl WIlieB—re o.ntiT wrote to tbe Nat>aaal Aaeocia t! .n For the snody a a d PreTef l t loo 'of TatH>r<-nlos1s»

"May 1 not take thta occaaloa to aa fTvsa i« you my dtH^t imi' i i ' i i lb UK" wor'K of the Vattooal Ant) tnbermkMhi RMO' u<rton and lay bnpe that Its work 1» cT'^«Ihg la ' e S e i e B c y and e x t e a i from rear to .TearT May ! ao t p a r t i m lurlT oTprrss my In t e r m ta. tfte Re*?' <-r:n« C b r t s t n u s fteal. wbooe s A p haf ixH'n the maana of r a M a a fuada (be the wrtrkT

"It scftna tt> B e ttMt tbls in a par d' ni::rt.r Inte leat lag and acaslMe w a y of euahl ina ( ^ p<o»ta .0t (he c o o a trr tn g i v e tMa grsat week ibe i r aai^ port' - — —;-•

S A N T A C L A U S K A « T U S C H C U -L 0 8 I S .

On ( brttatioaa e v e ntUo Dorothy, poa •<»ia«1 ot Cbe w h a o p i a c eoogh . waa d. ioe w m e faacy wboefMac fiir COM-pi :,y that h«d ' o — . j

-•DoT'^ihf -leer.- tbe motber aaM •• '>n r: mt Woji e o u f b l n g or S a a t a C ^ -t i n t V^ome Tf he hears ftm fwigr.'int b e l J b e afraid tn rome In."

": abotild i r r e i __ n m iiln repHad. I ~ TTtnc foi l (amiUaWty wtth otodara

r, - s ea l - r " H a ' a f o t *



In eflfect Nov. 22. m4. •ch«-dMle fignrss pnbliahed aa inf-^rmatioi.

and are not gneranleSS: ^


EJten. wbo Is aereq y e a r a ' o l d aad Urea out tn S a n s a a Cftyv c a m e boiae rroaa acbocd tbe other day wtth a red, g i c e n and wbite "sobacrlptiua c a r f t b a teacber hed givtu ber. Her taotber bad seen suaM>tblng about R e d Croaa Baale hi O e paper, butC d t S t k n e w }aat w b a t It w a s an a b o u t

'X>b.'' aald tbe seTsa-yaar-oid proad-ly, **doa't yuD k n o w ? Tbey nae the

t o take care o f eicfc f b i k s - a i e k

t a k e care of 'eaiselTea. T b e inoney tbejr cat -from the Santy O a o a aeala f o e a to n i » a ^boe^tal for theae (OIka. AmA ttaiy pay dnrtnia and nnraaa to

people bow to cat wt i l a a d how

a b o u t Jt^ B t t . Xbia 4iapac talla.'

TntiwiLeavoMaiiMutB — fioiknra . SOUTHBOUND. '

No. U—Daily lo&l, StitS a. m. Oeltfen couoeotioB at Charlottrsfille daily eMepfr aan'U} u> C . « O. for OofdenaTilla and U e h moad. "?•'"

So. 1 3 - D a i l y tkrongh train. I f c l 7 a . ' a i . , > iD atop at ManaaasH on fls^.

Vo. 17—Eieopl ~ uoiSD to Warreaton, 0 : l i p. m ' flo. I S r - l ^ i l y local for W a m a t o a , Cbar-I ottM'Tii le aad way atotiona, 4<44 p. m. Phll-iBsn Peilor Car to Warreatoe. *

Jfe. 41—Daily tkroagh t i a u v 10:46 p , B ._ thHia to let off panaenj{era"&o» " ' - - ' - " ^ vnd> .Uaxaadria and to ta^a or potats at wbich aebedoled to stop.

"NOBTHBODND. ^ o . 18—Except 9Bada7, local I n a iTar

~ Kft m J!o. 16—Daily throojg^ t n i a batw^n

Charlotteaville. Warreatoe, Wiajaaaa Hid WaaUngtoD, 9:05 a. m. Pnlhsaa Pador Warrenfaa to Waafai'iRttai

No - • "•"_ ' ^ " ingtoa. 10:50 a. m

T h e n Ellen's motfaer read the foMat t h a t awall d e a g b t e r bad beoHKbt homa. teniBir how o f t m tabarealoels eaa b e prereated. a a d arbee ahe ha ^ • b e algaed the card for a Mberal

ho t o U y e n Baata T's^i* ->a-,' •••' - m J o s l s T ^

roc t"f Tnt^aTTTdoete i^ary C b r t a t m a a f '

« 4 < i i n n i i M i i i i i M i i < i H aOhW iW& CIKM» f S M .

_ Pew people taTe a a y vmotfi-Xltm at tbe a iacnl tada of the Red CrossjCbristataa Seal Caaa-palga. B e t e are a f e w I c a t a a that wtl) abow w h a t a -glfantie thOraiBennbia la Already l U . -OOft.flOO sea l s b a r * baaa pctotad • s d pracUraity tfeit ent ire o i ^ ber d ia tmiMed to a g e a t s l a al-Bioat every s t a t e la tbe t intoa.

Probably 15.000.000 amre wffl be needed. A d v e r t M a c etrcalaia, poatera carda. etc.. to tbe nam-bep af-aeTcral odltlon. bave )>C«B uiStrlD^ABd. i t n es t imated fiiat tbe army of patd and ro lnoteer workers eoga^pd In «oHinc w a l a

i Bi iaihtw well u\m tr<".niy T B * '

i>ooH . • . l i i e n i a l i i x - A n d piihitHtt donax

.PoUaiaa i ^ d w Cmr No. 10—ftuly, local. 2:10 p, '

at Orange with C. A 0 . S a i i M y t n » Rith (aoad tad Gcwdooafitle.

( ia. 28—Daily, 7:6!) p. a . loeal timia be­tween RarTiaoabarg, Maaaaaaa aod^Wa^. iag>oB

.So. 44—Daily tbroagh t n i a batwaaa Ma aaaaaaad Waaaia^iton, 7:10 p. a .

i io 36—Daily dirosgb tnaa, iwaihii aad «eef»i<|t osza for Waabi^loa aad Haw Tock 1 0 : » p. a . , alops oa S ^ .


No. 4S>—l>aily local for Harriaoabarg aad ialeriDediate poiata, 9:30 a a

No. 21—Daily •looal to HarrisoabarK. »: tnt *

E B. COATMA.V, V a i . HABDWTCK. Paaa. T i « S a Kv'! B. T. CART. Gea. Paaa. A«t. C. W . WESTBUBY, Gen Agaat ,


— eooaty , t b r e e . a c r e s e o B v e y e d by t h e a u d

CawrebTiHe t o M a r y £ . TfaeratMi. T E R M S O P S A L E : - C A S H .

A, W . Sniinf.AiB, i T n a t a e ^ — 1(WS s a l e »

L. B . P A T T I E , A n r a o n e e r . F O S T T O I W O . - T h e abtwe

poetponed to l 9 l 4 . 4 t » > a ' c l o c k a . ^


^ w^^ ^ contract for the Edison Maastk Etectric Lfeht Bulbs. The

irk/ Edisdh Mazda, assures yon of quatity-

and g^uineness. J - « , » - . - • - . - % •


Mann MM, Virgiiua J e w c ^ aad Opticiali • ^

Having determinetodevflfeejiaJC.i_. whole time to theKeaTBBtate an<r Insurance business, we herdi)> solicit all property for sale and request those having property tja list the same <nth us proraDtlyi

W « p r o a i s c t o (Ual f a M y witb aO ami w i n g i r a t h e b o s i a a a ^ a a r best atteatibai

C. J. MEETZE & CO. .v«.

In -the Ciiaoit Coart ibr' Priace William Cooaty, ViTgioia,tbe I M i dav of Ifovaafaac. 1»14. la tbe iJierk's O S M of said ( J ^ n T i i

I Idt l iaa l . . Deu^Mrn • s . ^ H CaasoasT

William K. Dearborn \ This, tbe IStfa day of NDTcmber. 1914. tbe

ooopiainaot, l i l l ian L. Dearborn, by oo m-ael,_filed.bBr application in writiiut, t-«etber WUU be? t u m u l t , KAtlug that said-dSfawh-ant, William K Dearboru, waa a JOB-ran dent of tbe state of Virginia, aakia^ for aa order of poUicatioD. wMcb appiicatioD stated

Wall Paper! We are keeping up our stock of wall paper and can supply you with any-

FLOUR . Makes more good bread to the sack than

o«tmary flours. Absolutely pure-and un- — doctored-neyer bleached. Famed for its

- goodness. Try a sack..


and Oofer l e a f F«eds

aad tbe Ian known piace of abode or resi-ot « i d deiWidaBt, aad it appeariag

tbat tbe object of aaid anit i s to obtain for tbe plaintiff a tbrorce a riacale nMtnmonii, on the groonda of wilfal desertion aad ahaodooment for a panod.«f oTer tbree yeara witboat iDtemiptioii.aad it farther appear­iag from aaid afidavit aad appiicatioa that tbe aaid defeodaiit ia a ooo-residept of tbe sttte'of Virgiaia. and tbat bis last kaowo ^ae« of abode or reatdeaoa waa RroitsTitte,' rriaee William Cooaty, Viraiaia, and4b«t tbe ptoceaa haa been Only retaraed bv tbe s b s n f with tbe leeara of "Not an iababitant of hia had i wick"; it ia. therefore ordered tbat this order of pablioatioa he and the astne ia hereby granted aad aotered agtinsl tbe aaid defenUaat. aod it w fnnikcr ordered that tbe aaid Williaai B. Dearborn do appear

P. and Ufla. M y . within fifteen days aher dae pafalicatioa of — "*—"- • •—^ f-jj^ order and do what is aeceosarv to pro

tect hia intereata; aad tbat ihia order hr pabusaan fui voar swoBeaarve weeks in Tllf Mil Mxi Joraau., a aewayaper pobiished and circotating in tbe aferasaiJ ononty: thit a cooy of the same h* seat, by ngiatered mail, to the aaid defendai t at hi* last known place of abode or reaidao. e aa bereiobefore stated, aad tbat a oopr oF ihia order )e poa«ad at the front door ot ifaiaooart howae. by the derk. aa required bv law

J E, HE' iRELI . . Clerk, A. Cupj—leale^ l ! -va-4f J !. ffEKRKi.L. Clrrk. [

, . ed to the camr'nleT) aromin's to -•. I «ereral bnndred thoosanil •loliara f

H I M t n > I I I I H M l I I I I I I t i

vny ime'

Foote^sWaUPaDer Hoosf f ^ f ^

Ma^sa^TftftsMo:;^ W S \ T H E T Proprietor

, F' lmitom asd all kiada a!

A, V

LANSBTmaH & BBO. 420.26 Seventh SL, Waalunctom D. C

Tku Store is Sptea^idly Prepared to Meet Year Every FaU and Wtoter Denand wkh High C U M J ^ W

"•erehandke in Each Departmoit

• ^ F^^^Mi M a BC as^ offer aalteftea YT^ ~ wlwa *Dhiaa*d to'^lf^^M.irZu ^^Z g"** " ^ q * that wW p n m thdr

^ • ~ « ' » ,*°*'j**f^' Co»*». Suita, Dr«aaea, MiUinery, Outer

• ^ w T ' u ^ " ^ i ^ ! ^ ^ ? » ^ ****** P^'idin, of WkKL Luabervk A Bro. taioy a ReptrtatiMi

ttat Repreaorfs tk* B«at ArhirTfimcnt d Ftfty.foar Yean of MctdkaiK&aic:

/AjJOTeMi«n a Fimuabmca and other laKlraii H ^ wita which this b<iain«a« is aaaociated are

•koantitlcd to jroor fuHert eonndct^ •tiM«t tUi tiaw. -

Vary •p^ciml attawtton u calltxl to oar prMant collection ol Ar Natdlj,^ L requiramentj and acc«uone ik . ^ - l . ^ ^ - , . _ , utatiTii abewit » • • ' ' " ' , , ' • c « » « l l>«*ore t b w j t i a a n J udlbiuak of t b T t J aad •bll <rffer«d at pre war prices.

Yoar Mail Ord. i will bare .^ur a . M - » t AM»«f,„n af>d h* F i l l ^ !,« Eitam-. • i.>p f » ^ V . ,ch wf M«,n!«,n , (. omp^trnt i t . f f .

Page 7: APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB

1 ^ . Th,



old stone church aTBrentsvi 11 what memories it brings,

many years so long: gi>'>f -^i ^ time's most rapici wings

acrt-d wsillii agStrcry. orr painted ciiar

i . i . i i 111 \UvJ^ * '='J md lust, to


nifm'-iry wti dear.

ilt-jiL vuue.s of the choir, which m r / liif i-iiurch once rang,

Ab till-. vk ith truc-devoti<fo God's praises sweetly aang,

i bfein tu iieur them once ag&in just as in (Jays-of y o n ,

I'erhaps it is an e«ho from the far off heavenly shore.

jupabte to be present, he chose Idol. Eidmurtd-BeJ-keley, "the old­est <ikti-„:3l*il#^ving Cprd&i-

I erate" to take his place upon the roster.

No fitter choice could have been made, in theHgrht of the~Eaicyon past, or of the momenteous pres-

j\^x^ti± LJL:J^\

J ust I saw the yonder by the altar young ,bride kneel.

And ptigtrtifer truth to hiiu wlw> waa to-. bring her woe or weal;

Above her swung the wedding bell of lilies pure and w h i t ^

Whose fragrance seemed The promise >f > lila maat fair and brighk.

m But ere time's cold and froety breath

the lilies' beauty chilled, Death's cruel, icy fingers her loving

heart had stilled, And just beneath the wedding bell

-• wheiw t»te her vows wara aiadai 'Mid breaking hearts and blinding tears

her lifeleas form waa laid.

Since that sad hour the Old Stone Church to me will ever seem

A mausoleum for dead hopes and love's bright shattered dream,

'Tis hard for as to understand life's sorrow, g^ef and pain.

And yet, some day, God will, in love, these DQysterieB expsatn.

Ah! life is but a tragedy of broken hopes and fears.

Dim iluj 'ttu fall s i lawghjaiy^ ijMiit^ 'tis full of 't*ari

The only way to guide our fe«t along the dabloas_way, * ~ ~

Is found in Him who is the Light, the Life, the Truth, the Way.

The Old Stone Church at BrentsviUe, how many prayers you've heard,

-jSithin your walla haw maayaoala have listened to His word?

How many -heurts now still in death

And fed ppoa His flesh and blood, the mystic bread and wine.

And when the grand arefaangel, with <»e foot OB the shore.

And one upon the Bea shall ezy H u t .u.4diae riiall be no more,

Th« Old Stone Cbuesh at Brentsvifle a migfaty host will bring - 'V-.r^*

"wi&~^gtad, trnqipbun aonga their Savior and their King.


. No orator, of past or present "vintage," could have rendered a gem of speech more truly fitted to the occasion.

Simple in language, concise in statement, breathing Anoerican patriotism in every sentence, and delivered with that easy grace of the reah old Virginian, it thrilled and enraptured all who heard or read it.

(Here followed Colonel Berke­ley's address, which was given in.THB JOURNAL of October 23.)

HUCJtt lSar~ffie~8^iHMyT5ia" story of this .splendid old nona­genarian Virginian. May his "Evening of Life," be free

from all strife Till his "summons" cornea down from I

above— And, may that same life with $hoi«e

blessings be rife Till he reachee that Region of Ijtve. Nov. 6, 1914. BY A VuetNiAN.

T^^ Carloads of = B u g g i e s =

PricM fnm $45.80 t« $100.00

r ^ >;

We have just received one car rgari iTf niirr RJIJIMJII nuyrpy and one cario^ of the famous Haydocks—each made of the very best material available, bought ii) the white wood and painted aa per our instructions.

Also all kinds of




•It. will ba wnrth your whil> to


inspect our stock.

F. A. Cockrell & Co. : Mnnwmia, Vn.

GOODY Not ouly n flisl'^iTst'


Department of Agriculture TeD* Stock Owners to Watch for '

Quarftntine Impoatera.

Reporta are now bieginning to come in to the Agriculture De­partment from several of the states quarantined for the foot and mouth disease that persons who have no connection whatso­ever with the department are atr tempting: to pass thenselves ok as Fedjgral inspectora. There Mpe-

The way to make two blades of grass grown where one does now:

jLMlJihf rplfhmtpii MnmfBuim _ . Liime fp

PrentaviUe, May 9, 1914.

Prakoa CoL Edmund Borhabr.

(From the VidabHZg Ber»U)

To THE HERALD: Nearly half a century, T have

been faatiliar with the g reat statesmen, warriors and citizens of Virginia (the Mothorof Presi­dents, and of notable m«i)-and she has even now some who rank with those tiiat have gone f(«-ever, save in the- annals of. tory^ -.

Woodi greatest livii^ Virginian, ' f the present regime, and Col. Edmund Berkeley, of. Prince William county-(in his" ninetieth year of,

several possible mo^ves that might account for the existence of these imposters. In the out­break of 1906, there; were in-stances of men whor ublained m<mey from creduh>aB victkns ^ho believ^ j^at in this way tfey w6ald oocape the iueuuvigF


saviiig--but a saving in up-keep as well. "When you phi 5moot mate­rials into your building you are using the best to be had. We guaran­tee that. We never de­viate from our standard.

Whether you know - quality or not, yuu T!an—

put it down as a cer-tauity that what comes from our yards and mfll ia absolutely right.

BOtGlANO;!^ ferrecl Seed Potatoes

i czx •J

W.A.SMOOT&CO. (I .N coRpoaanso)

Lbmber Mill Work ALKXAWDHIA, VA. •



Teiegr^ph and Tele* phmic Pulea ami Piliiiy— for wKiVh w^ p*y /•«ak

" l ; lYNCa t CO., I , M»—••»», Virfima J

1 Tb« DBIIMI StelM Agricultarml D«partaaa' ' >HB«I thair Tar • ( InupxctlaB aad Ap proTiU on VTVjr nefc 9t 8KKO POTATOES

< PBj«ka**a Wnm i. BOL.<iIANO * SOS.

lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been sold in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, aftd out pro­duced them all. and the reason for it is because it a>ntains Mag­nesium and Oxide of Iron in right proportion to Calcium Carixmate, and the United States Agricul­tural Department in Year Book 1901, page 161, states that Mi^?-! nesium is absolutely necessary to plant growth -and nothing ^Ise will take its place. Send orders to W. T. Thomasson, Hamusas, Va.. or direct to us and same will have prompt attention. — — —

Udmslma^Se^ he. ience of qouantine and <tinnf«c-tion. ThU is, of oqurse. livery simple f<mn of ext/atiaa. An­other motive may be the^sale of some qaaefc remedy for therdfe ease.

Stock owners can protect them-selves very easily against-this fraud, ,ior there is BO specific ^ remedy for the foot and mouth disease, ^ n e e the germ has never been isolated, it has nevor been possible as yet to find any serum that would^act eitho- as a cure or i»eventive, and the public may be quite certain that anyone who says that he is an wnployee of the Department of Agricul­ture, and at the same time at-



CLYDE MILL This well known nulling

institution, recently re-built and set in first class condi­tion, is now being operated by a miller of years' of' ex-puiiuuiuu. Tilt Fluui buiiiR made at this mill, Fancy and Straight grade, is giving sat­isfaction wherevec used, ani is niHdly attracting new cus­tomers. It is made of the very best wh(at and guaran-teeapure and heialthy. Bran, Hidalihgs and other feed for sale. Water ground Meal, mluieof No. 1 com, constant-ly en sale, and is second l o none. All orders promptly filled and delivered to n urb> meEchants if desired.

Flione messages to the naill [ reeaive prompt attatitjon.

Beat mariiet prices paid for



-CBRTIFJCAT» OF^^iVAUTT^ TU* it to etrtiff that I haoi

ekargt of all th* S**d PoUUott groan* for J. Bolfimo h Sou, durimf tkitt growimf tfiou. / kaoo b*m xoUit tktm nac* AfrU MM; looUd aftt* lilt fUctimg of tM*ir ttod aitd Hut tTNtm af fii mmt tww aim .kadi


tempts to sell or even recommend anything of the sort, is simply an

hali; hearty vigor) is'the mosr "npos^r. For this reason 8tQc4 ^ jj( distinguished survivor of that old

time period, so filled with figure^ that shed blood fw the h<H3<M- and glory of their mother state.

The "raisoBT d'etre^ of thJsjot*"^****-sketch can be found in the cd-


of October 23, Just past An "unusual"celebration" took

place upon that day, on the bat-tlefield known to the history of ^het;s^t civil war—as the battle

'"of second "Bull Run.'' Veteran* of the Union and Confederate armies gathered there to erect a bronze tablet (based upon a gi­gantic granite boulder quarried in Massachusetts) in tributal memory of CoL Fletcher Webster — so'ifof the "fame-wreathed" statesman and orator, Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts—the coionel of the 12th Massachusetts regiment, killed while engaged in mortal combat with the 8th Virjfinia, of whichCotonel Berke­ley was then major. ~ * (k)vernor Stuart, -present in-, cumbent of that chair of office! that all Vir^inianA have r^^afded ' the highest seat of honor on the i tow^triB4 «lebe; in Hx oldeij days, had been invited to deliver tfic •Addrg.'m of Wpltv>m>-' to the assemblage of vete U f Kathered together on the .file | braU-a f-\>i)l, uti- flittiit^j; hni tit

DINING TABLES Boy One For ChrHtmas

SubUsntial five-t^ dmioK^tables |&2& to $8.60. Excelteit yaluea in Pwkit^

Tabtes, 911.86 to *13.75

xMwnePB-ate wat'aed not to Allow strangers to visit their stock or attempt any demonstrations of so-caUefhcuFes. l^ injectkiks M-

There is. moreover, very great danger thaT^yich peo{^ nu^rt^ dissemmat^ tll^ dtiieajw. It f s v well known fact that the germs can be carried on clothing. In infected territory, therefore, i i is quite possible that a man who has come in contact with stricken anipials may bring the diaea^ to a perfectly heal^y herd. Tliis also accounts for moch of the spread of hog cholera.

The- department therefore, recommenos all farmers to keep their animals from contact with all save those who have definite business with them. ~""


* * * — * * * f c * f kAtt>hftimta,t^ tf^ Paii i -1«M Extraetioa of Tee(


M. I. € . BuikKwg. Manassas. Va.

CHAS. E. nsHca a CLEVELAND n s i m

M A N A S S A S . VA.

ekmrgo of th* tprayimg 4mri»g tk» grombig natom. Thoro wtu notkmg,l plaaltd bmt th* Mry bott »*UcHd>} t**d, a»d uotkimg kat fr«m Uft tm-'* do— to hao* tkem rigkt. Tho crop it turn boimg k^rvottoi. amd tko rt-tmitt of my vmrk ar* wtort tatiifae-tvty. Wt an H&VUtmf tUif Iktfi lorg»*t crop* ovor gromm <* Aroo$-' tock CowUg, ifaJM', and of tkt jhutti qvaRty, froo from aiqr dwMM a%d\ tnu to uamo. I tfomt tamu (tuM t«T Watkkuum. D. a.. ^aUk tkt Sorti-l emUmrol Board htforo etmmg »«rr* and tkoir idoat of proimomg FIRST" CLA8B SSBD km>« boom earritd otui to tko Uttor for J. Bolgiano & So».l

ISignod) a. R. SIBBY, J PUmt Potkologitt.

U14. Pruqmt UU,

Bell's Bread Better Than Ever Get it at your fro* cer'a. Accept no other. We guar< ant— it b»»l> m QUANTITY aiMi QUALITY .-. Let ua do your baldng.

wa wm. WNW iSS^*-*^ 1 ^ Hon Boi.oiAiro'8 rKBraoT sicxo


TrtsB-OSDbWr Enola* Norcros* . Gold Cola Snow Red BUM ^ Tnwt B n M ' PlDckr Bamaora

Bolflauo^-Pw*^,—:; perity

Pride of the S»«t|h £arl7 Oblcts White BUaa Tborousbbndir CnJWB "JBllttil Enrl7 New QnccB* GnrlT Nortbera Clark's No. 1 Beantr of HcbroB SpakUns'a No. 4


For Fanners, 'Market Oardetiera ac.'' TrmAtia Write fui juui copy at ums?- • Later prtcea win be mneb h ls l i« . -tf ram iMcal Merchant cannot aupply yon w l f S^f tano'r Perfect Seed . Po«atae»—wil? U oixaei and mo nUl taU | « « wkere ru MB aaetli* thaa.

JUtM Ktfiy sx ' Boae biatKa B a d e j Whtfe ttoS B ^ y Boaad Six

Weffka Eariy I«Mig Six

W e e k a ^ BeaderaoD Bovee Sir Walter BaWlgb Green Moontalaa

~ ^ i i W New. loHler; IWUte ElepbadCa' Empire Bute Bartr Fortime State of Maloe Barlr HarTeat

Bnrbank SeedHOi Paritan or Pola Dakota Rose American Glantit Dew Diopa


1 0 0 T a a t s ITatoHlafc. i Tim'-



Marble, &aoke aodaffl l y s of CeactoqiH


vmxH a iiaHTii* CO S Washington'^ _ Leac&ng Su»>e

—Fo» Cimui, Glaaa, ""Mverwar^ Etc

Our stnreffiaey in ^e_f9ikni!Jng nnes has be«s recognixed for yesta.

Dependable qtialities, ewlasiTeiv 4owe«t prieee for THE BBST.

- .^atliac Sitranrara—^ -FiMat Plated Wav*

ChmaTaMaaiaaa TaUa Giaaaw««

\_ Ridk Cat Ghaa ToOatSata Bnuui aiad C o l l a r Waraa Cfcafiag Diahaa

txaarDors^ Pariarl aapa KitaJiaa Ulaarthr


Special CfarMtma^New Year Hobday round trip tickets on sale via Southern Railway and con­nections from all points in Vir-ginit.. limited to return January 6,1915. Datesof sale December 13 to 25, December 31, 1914, and January 1, idlo. For detailed information,Pullman reservation, etc.. call on nearest agent or communicate with C. W. West-burv. peneral assent. 705 15th street N' W.. Washir^trton. D. C.

Prince William, Purity and other braocb. Groceries and Pferr-sions. All kinds of Ground Feed, Grains and - Hay. Phone jroor Orders—Goods delivered at Yovr Door. Highest price paid for Country Produce in exchange tat Goods.

CHA&LFISIlER&SOlf 1-19 MaaaaaacVa.

»iflLTOJBJCAB-gJ:Fte4eAiy_. ia largely a qtatien ttt the afcHhaf 1 repair maa. adjaated narer M tinkers.

complicated aad like aa anto «r avi

nicai; •booM




D U U N t l G p i n E 1216 F St anTia-J-fg G StT.

W A S K I W G T O W , P : C /

, L. X>HNSO||. , Vi.-:

I1.M. D A N U L Va.


REASONABLE PRICES Properly cased and equipped

Willi MHWMliw mpr

Strictly Fresh

Lowest Posabie Prices-Fair, i ^ D e a l i B i awl OMTteon TreatiMit

fheae atie tfctf cMHJ&tot prti^

<Uve JB e a oalt and try tiheoii onrt.' -•

HiiM P«<; P«ifrL(j«b^ try PrcAree in bchage for


Askas t6 sed j w i f Ifcir Syfc B P * ~

It shows many of Rich's fashions for men, women and children and yon can buy from it with every aa suranee of satisfactioa.


TcMbe FSI,C«. I M : — Wiitonw/i. Ci

Seasonat>|.e Fam Inqrlemeafe^fc


We make a specialty of pueli work and guarantee .satisfar-tioB. Appointments raad*^ on short notice For priee

Our repair aarriMia qniek aiNfeiBeieDt. of avr :"k"

""'^^snCaJTS f

NOW ia tSe time to plan on t ^ fall prnning and aprajring at tbe orcdhanla^

MOW is the time ta plaea order* for fan orchard piantinga. <

WE prune, apray and bore appJe and pead) trees for t«n centa a piece. opL

WE take onlers for. and plant the bast apple and peach treea — priie winner*.

LET a* call and fpve yoo an eetinate on the work, it will cost vou nothing, it can aiake yoar orcharda pay.

Buroau of Foreatoi*, Tree Sur* Ceooa and Orckaniiats

1»?-f?— »t. N.W., Waaliaagta«.D. C

•«r madnnieaia aa azpart. Ko dalaya »o ti^ittec-AII v«A gsanMtMd. Conasltatioaa


mtwE RAMBlMi. * M.COT

aiANASSAS. v a

(hhrersity oi Virpnr iTTlaUai«TVti,Tii»

ettert. Sciance. Law. Medicine. Enfiaaariaf LOAlT yi ;w!i ' ; A V A T I A » t p

•" • •« i j •»<* "J—ill' iiy atndeeu flO.W eoata to Virgim* atadeata ia tW

OaOafia. Saad for cala^acw-HO WARP WI>f?ro\.:i»(»i*Ta*a,

C%aiie<t<sTibe, V«

IkdmanVStudio W « M i ^ l

Bring or send yo*ir Kodak Wcw^

4tKi)S£B L. Boons. ^"Vli^*^ fnalliit. 1 ViaaljAiint-^f »»7F?4»PIBLD. OaafclaeT ^

FRSr NATIONAL B M - 'HsiGwATHif DwposrromT or TH


Fam lac&iOenr. •Ainra teBsaU


SorAai CiraSi aiii SMTM

apMial DriU for aeedi^ CHnacM Qovettn Com. BbkCoKhntm, WkMwial SO* Fillers, CUSBM and Stean Eaitets, iMricaa RaU Feadal, Aaaricu Stad Fence Pasts,


Tte mod^adexeiopi TbiBestiCFAUIWAGIRS;

aad tsnabaats.

W« will take ake pteasare in maiUng thia BwllaMw upon reqoeat, aad

quoting pricea on any 9arm S«p> pMao leqaired. Write ua.

TIE ilFLUENT CO., • I3R L Mafai St., - Richmond. Va.


DOUGLASS STCAKT PTOirjH •QaatlBa « t » « to an bm»i»€«». i« l a . . . . ,

c>wdiBcc»ll«rtlamthreaahM<tJM craftedatataaj t^rompt »Bd »aliaf>irl<-)rt »ad Xaxav*. I BaanehtruaOed tot aaj raaaoi^abl


Page 8: APS SUFmaC ggLaJUB^WAR TAX CAUSES [AWOJi I *^^^^yAT?K ...eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · the ConaeB'sattonwy, Mc. Thos. fl. lioa. the to the fuDffll-udthen-eoa^tioB

KaptMt Pastor Erftertamir'

c . , . . • ' f - - . - . - - ._ _ _

Sunru fa.ud Funny •Side^ MMJ^ MiJini«-Lofe^ Ak>m&.-^»f>jy - ^ r rj:;;;iSi^rrt;i in Conuci s'^BIt^hiiigrnuy yf Mr. J o s e p i r t ! *

N6»,emtiei 'U by Kev. W. T.Hall. iFioreDce ar;d •*nie of .Mr. E. D. ^"yflKUjr- of TSftlrtua^'TBapIig^ Monrte, die^ "Ndv^mber 13. a r h e r

churth kicftfnrjnd, ' T b e Rich home n e a r Gfftnesvilte. 'Tirfr irt' .'!;! Iiurr)->r!St," was ar splendidjMorris was . for miny ydirs , a

• ^ member of the Methodist church lat Gainesvilie. J o r v«> r« shf

^ * * ^ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i 4 f ^ i n f c f

m*rntminttd th» homo for hor father; she was a devoted bisier. Her tnarriedlftfe, b e ^ n l n g r i f a y 20th of this year, though 50 brief, was very happy. By her uni form kiodDesK, by her friendly disposi­tion, by her many excellencies, she ead^Lced herself to the com-muaity at Jargre. The funeral aeryjce wag eondi^gted at her home by her pastor on St^nday aftemooB, November 15. The interment wa? at the Greenwich

W. P. C. C.

AOAOS AMD 4tfA«C^ . {

wandcrfu! vaiu«- uf pond r u a ^

iiiiinM.tlm liMii IMIII i miiifc im ^ ruurf. ^


fjiut »r Ueraumy ties tbr Ki-em Huaauui cmjiljic. wUtb its ''u.iU^, 000 Boldien ready for acuve seivk-e ttcaiust Ciertuauv ba« tuiidtjred by tbe worw ru^ds in Europe If tbe rtjautii ariiij uf the czMT had been j.ble to uiuvt as quickl.r aa thv Oeruiaa ft>rc-e« ipored J the &erujiuia wooW not have tieeo ctoiuorim at the KMeH of Parte, but wuaU

* have tiecn e j |£ucd in a. ti't ajid ^ death BtniKKt* aixwod Ibe furtU-

ratloDK of KerlUi. Tb^pe is a Ifitaoo lu thia that

all tialkjus KbODid heed. AJuns tbt ttHiblesoue Mezlc&ii border of Uie L'Dtted States, where to

4 aiirriUfma art UfciJy to «e«tr M

i>uccess as shown by an appreda-__tive hoase an<;| wtisfactftry tirket

receipts. For nearly t w o bours, the attdienee T»*- children and grroarn-ups waa delighted by Mr. Hail's i n i n ^ a U e reo<leriaK of stories and songs of oid.


—The Bethel Dramatic Club of the Bethel High Scbod wiU pre-aent "Hazel A d a m s , " a drama

nvE torn A LWE FBurr msEK-

Lost. — A heavyT puld band r !ig. Libera! reward to hnder .Mrs. W. . \ , Lipt^omb. Mair, iitrwMt., .Mftiiitiioooi l\i Hi

in three acts a t t ^ hfgh school on the m«rht of I>eotea>er 19. The cast comprises Miss Glass-

i any time. tbei« shooM be a ay*-tem of flue, broad. mlUtary hl^b-wars. aioac wbieb troopa migpt be Dored aMaOy mad apee^Ur at a a ; tiiBe.--8oatlterB Oooa Boadb >.

For Reiit. - F i v e nice, iiewl:.

Kood cistern; over store rjoiii ui. Maig s t r e e t Rent verv n.-asujia-ble. Apply to :R. B. "SpririKei, South Main sL,M.afia-.sa.s. 12-^-if

Foi Rent.—Lar^rt- store rtx>m With iwo rcx>ms aiLached, ait new­ly paf>ered and pointed and wired for electric l ights if desired. ' Kent $20.«> App;y to E. B. ^ Spnnkel, South Main street. Ma- i nassas. Va. L2-4-tf I

Pbr Sale. " 4 0 0 acres of piiie, oak and hickory timber. Large \

• q u a n t i t j o f very fine white-oak. , > B e t w e o i t w o railroad '

lUcHfeiuHftttees at Lowt L a r ^ a t o c t o f A 4 b e r y l D i r e c t a n d * infhr(

^ i r» f>y f ty f»T fTTf I f f >yfyft%

Your Home Will Be Safely Wired For E3ectridty If Done By Us

and close to both. i Gainesville. Va.

stations C. N. Grove,


I £ ;r»WB^HoeS have a full line of terra cotter pipe and patent I

! H m ' q - — — — tt^rr-

(hr Work Carries the Boari of —Ikdemkn Affnmi

s. c. 6RAVe.e) RO

Mr. _Mari<Ki Hutchiscm speot Thaoksgiving at his home here.

Mr. Winston White, of Brook­lyn, is visiting his fa t i i^ , Mr. J.

Miss Mary Walters, of Wadj-i- tr. spent the w e e k - e e 4 v k h her cousins, the Misais -Loeiae and Nellie Rector.

-Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Price have taken a house in H a y a a r k e t ' M e r e they will spend tl ie next two months.

Miss .Mary Wise aoonCr. James' \^ ; -se ha ve rented their home heare t j Mr. a B. Saodera. and wiH -pend t h e winter j n A k x u i d r a L

Bi-;hop J. p . O ' C W I P A of Biah.

mond, was tike g o e ^ t la s vi Mrs. McGill and the MiBtes .McGiil at their teme near iSt^^ market. "

Mr. . Thomas Piercer, of Fred­ericksburg-, was tile reeent gotist vf her Jatber, Mr. A n d r e # Lowe.

eoek as Haaei Adams, an adopted i « e . « ^ SIIMW a* daaghter; Miaa Back as Ghk>e, a j i . P< negro maid; Mias Re^noids. who ' '"'*" * ^ '*«• •"•<* aaitatjaa

P r a t t experienced elec-will wire your house with

workmanship that carries the ap­proval of the Bdard of Under­writers. Lighting fixtures that will enhance tbe beauty of your

will take tbe o a r t e f Mrs. Adams M ^ »*» P««« y»r^ «^«« £ a Bouaa f a m i s h i n g will be furnished at H . « r 7 w J ™ ! L ^ T ^ "' *^''™*' ^ ^ ' ^ c « « ™ t e c tae . . ^ the lowest prices. Will be glad Hazel s foster, mother; Mr. R. C . ; fdnt <a <Hn jMmipmi rt»a^ mmt.. tm to g ive a &«e est imate S C Haydon. a s Mr. Adams, the fos- j »««? puta of t w «t.te w« Oad «•- Pratt, Peoples Bank buildine! ter f« t i«»; Mr. C/Gkrtis^. a s , ^ " ^ - ^ i ^ ' u f ^ T l L ^ I l g L l r ^ ' ' " ^ ^ ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ 11-27-tf Basil Nortbcote. a villain; Mr. J . ' 1, wed — ' , ^ar Sale.—Two jmie bred fox Keys, in the douUt^^^iart of I ^'^'^ or au. tke conatrncttoo rtwuta

4Uteic J0I1B Est^ltrook, Hazel's lover; Mr. A . CHaseodc, as Jt>e. a negro bat leraad Mr. ThoinasShepherd. as Mowe. Joe ' s negro "pal". Ttfe proceeds wil l g o towards paying f a r a i H a n a T h e doors will open j at 7:30 p. m.

hound pupi»eB, five months old. " ' an far wudi V. B r»n^v^

Edmonds & Win M A N A S S A S . VIRGINIA


Henry K. Field & G>., Lnber, Sngies , Latk, Doors,

Blinds and BuSkfing Material

ftw»d«ttoa a r t AMlOen « e ftiSea^ *** ^ * ^ ~ ™ * ^ ^^ *»»'-at tbe aidet Th. ^.*h f^w^t-^ ^ 1 keys, fine stock. F.A.Lewia.27-4t •honldcra «bo«M be w ^ eonpact a ^ j Manunoth & « » z e t o r k ^ S f « -

iS f f i . ' * '^ ! !^ !^ 1:^^:1^ Wa «. i* . aaJe DeKvery from 10th to 15th ^ ^ , i ^ S : f « l ^ ^ ° r ! S 2 ' < » ' ^ > « « » ' » - ^r^ from vigor.

Steele, S o d l ^ road, M a n a ^ a s . V>- l l -27-3t


Messrs. JT L. l i n a w e a v c r and Norman Dodd, of Maiias8es.wei^ :.: Rev. J. W. - f t tTa last week.' -Mr. Dodd s p e n t . U t a n k s g i v i ^ ^ith Mr. Floyd M-Blffl .

-Mr. Clay Wood has moved to : - e Wmely farm..

Mr. Lambert of Dayton, Va. , -. ..< moved to the Newton Z d r s r ee to ran the f a n s for Ifr .

'.r, Rhodes. . * Rev. R. L. Brifl. of t h e U. B.

rurcK, son of Eev. 'J . W. feill, ' -c^F gone toPlea8astoa,Nebraska,

take a charge in the Nebraska

Kor ijale.—240-egig A e u b a t w ; Mrs. E . C. Laaiea. N o k ^ r m e , Va. l l -27-4t-*

$150 reward for arrest and oon-victkai o f party « • parties who set fire to m y booae, near- Buck


Oflke: N o . 115 N . UnioD S t r e ^ Fladiofy: N a 111 N . Lee Street. A L C X A N O f l t A . V A

hall, oa Sunday ramung. Novem­ber L W.A-BnrdineASon . 27-2t

l ight iog q « t e a L -llireeSOO-can-dlepQwer and 2 250-auMilepower U g t o . complete w i t h ' t a a k and wizin?. Everything in fitM» g?>wpp. Cost fI5^ Qmek to ready bayer f inrgS. Apply at JooaairALaffiefe-

A D. Brill, of ^ Boekinghal^ nty. spent p n t of bist_jDeek

•h his parents at t h e U. B. i''sonage.

Tr<ere will be a QBarteriy von-. nee at the U. BL ( ^ r e h n e x t

^ Jay. D e c T : — T — = i he school at Adeo is proKres-

: >: r.icely with Mr. S a i d s

Wood's Poultry

Pooitrjr iuakkg\praaM8esto be one of the beat BMMWjr crops -lor ^»he»e.

aatton siMHld be graded to the Cd Corat aad coipatted wWi the •^ti ike 0raviti aad thes «pnad iafcr abo« fear iaciMa tbirk is tfea eorter aod two and a kalf laebes, mt tfee^de. eabt^b-saad cr kwitflatbea added te make tte fnvei '•btaOT weO.' TUa is mixed witti tbe gravel witta a

FbrSale. -tieoa

Jt's Alw •Hi I LUCK i^hen you can save numey

See what $25 wifl do for you in DMuJe-to-measure Clotfaes. You will

atODe-fou this offiee.

gcnorator Apply a t

11-20 4t

be astounded at the ekyanc^ and quality of the fabricsand the remark^

Otarodehoted Be Ploai t ty F « o ^ " iT i i f i i l to A e ~

W e snnd . mix and sack aB oar Hoflyfarook Pocdtor f o o d a and- '

onlir wlioae-'lite far J

pure Write i

For Sale.—l%ree aUres and ' o o e e o } t , s i x m a ^ h s o i d . Cheap for cash. A . & Carr, B^istow, Va. n-2d-3t

._ . ^ ^ I - -\ f o r Sale.—One l i h(H«epower harrow aad tbe layer thea •Priskle* gasofiae e n g i n e T ^ d a s ^ w ai>d rolied tfll a e U Aaeaer taycr «C t h^T^t-A^^^,^^ as new, mvel is then .pnmi ^rer the n ^ ^ ^ t ^ M ^ ^ Aomot^ « d t t « t e d t h e « « e w , . 1 1 . - » * | g ^ ^ * ^ « * * * * * 11 4 J^* fi a grareled snrfare artcMi * - ^ - t t i ' " ^ " ^ II-13-tf

i± bKimm MA t ate rmttr waul For Sale .—About 8 or 10 tons aod a half iaehea tMe* at t«a,ef dxHCe k o a e h ^ . Api^y to .«d tf t*e tx^ hi e f a j ^ a T Milfotd MiUsL Bristow. i T i a - t f

i u t for yean Apples for S a l e . - A t 'Forest' _• * a n n . o o e m i l e e e t o f Brents-

vffle. iiJo. 1 hamd'picked winter a w i e s 40 cent s per bushd a t

111 the' agte uc jwniMg i orefaard. Saaiplea o n rwjtuea Taads of tbe de^rtmest of acrtesftBre ' L. F. Bargamin. 11-6-tf

3 -

A. Joint a I aiiii iiaiii leetcd—biiau.li—tbt' ag i t .

a a a the pobBr beattb aerTiee. far th» a « i af *

Svcci feodaand

-= Heiringtonaa

W I L S O N - M A S S O L E T T E .

^ . W . WOOD «r SONS.

of roada «*d the OMitieriala. There ia

• t a s d j iocreaatBg tendeacy - [ y e t or elaTe a v r e n a c M B Ito <

in Wednesday, November 25, '' ° Naomi Madisoa M»pnif<li I :. l e h t e r of Mr. and Mm L. EL 1

Massolette, of Catlett became! - bride of Mr. L ^ d y L. W i k o n , '

. X erf Catlett. The eeremocyj ^:.s performed at high noon by] fiev. J, Jafaon Ringw. pastor of

hoTT.e o f Dr: and Mrs! E. I L C o l -vin. »2S B street. S. W.,Washing-;i>r. in tbe presence of only the relatives and intimate friends of tne contracting parties. " "

r.ie bnde was beconunjrly at-: -ed in a stiit of Russian brown .• • y nkt ana iovea to match,and

^AiliOif a hbuw«—faowiuet - o f c^rysartiiumunis and maiden h»*T ;-»>rB* Xfte only jewelry a i"! WS8 a na-rtisome necklace. S C •'t rtf tKo

faalliifciitoart 1 Finlidraery.

boOetia. jaat kmmed, Wbi ^ advaatacea mA mutiak the

fintaaalSeal Difll for r iaTioni.

Wlfcwlaa S t , f.A * * — Fnfiaii.

FieUFeaGi^ i^^ Steel Feaoe tmtx, "«<<ao»Via dev^opmest ia '


, j g MgiEmrr M^ >

_ For Rent.—House, a t o a t e d j u s t atfilMIe*. ef ««Tir t uibor hTthe « i i l Z ^ ^ ^ * * ' ^ i ° * ' * <»CUpWf b y •tnMtiaa of roada » d the pMaaiaaia' ^^- Henry Roberta. Barn, c o m

boose, s h e i b . ice house a^d 3 i acres of land. Posncsnion g i v e p on orbef tggTDeer L D. J. Ar-

For Sale —Yaariino' Hnlm-ziin bull, registered. weS^ grown and

'Twuiy for service; good individoal \ and breeding. Meiboame Ekairv ^ GaiBesviliei. Va. l l - < 8 t ' i

Mr. Ira C. Beid has been em- < pk>yea aa g a m e warden of the P<»-tner estate , aad wiU see that all t r e s p a s s o a and haaters will be proseented. Tbe Portner Realty C a lO-aO-St i

Winter robes and horse blanfc-eiA at Ai^i^jn'w m.30 . t f i

. — ^aiih t h e n v e ^ a t a r

T W rorpaae oT the >atac stady ia «• detcnriae the cMdMoH aad aethote hy wUeb aMat aatisfart««7 naaaita aa* oMaiaed aad the Hacf alowc irhte^ l a v m e u e o f a aMy be laaaguiated. etadiea w«f« besBB-'is<-«lacado darlar the tatter fmrt of AmfiafL aad VMta are beiiia otade to raapa ia Otah.-Wyoialat. idalM. Orn;oa aad Waah-

Later on tbe i—diwi wlR ^ to Michisaa. Ittanla. ffew Tat«.

* • • — J t e e t j . — n i M i i l * . — N a i t h — n * -For S a l e . - F i v e h. p. engine

and boiler. Good running order guaranteed. T. :i. Russell. Ca-Dova. Va. 9 S - t f

' A BOMaiMT tbst oacht t v lip _ P'tatt.i (wBtebed rmm the poWV read H tfce adTettiMtay poater. Whether BcrtprDT<e text ar aorttoa aaie nr pateat laaWlrliw ptM^ard. It baa • « ri*M<e «a SahAr laod. It l« p»11 ale bwnfae!* «>-craachlDc on oo- camana prar^rtr. i t la the rirM aad'ttatr n1 tbp m M oi-er-eeer tn mooTe *H sac* t m c p a n d ^ matter aad ere* tbe prlrate c M a ^ wflj i* protw^«e*T the lawi ttt ataat MKW If h^ r*r»f»«i>y ejeeta aart eicaa frntr thp pui>IV~ bliebiraT The Mtrar. ttKinc nniMnre in eay form ahooM aat be tnterate^ i tenc the faat]'> raadi.—

Wood and We alwajrs k e ^ a supphr on hand. Coid weathor is here­to stay« ; r __: :

IhiYk Brodia^s ke and Fad Coopaay I t X T U S S A S . V A .

GEO. D. BAKEB •a LjcesMd

The Journal -** Art. wua CirrTaonaa .HiXAaun

Proayt al«MiULni pymmah .00