Join us on our Easter Egg Hunt at Mea- dowview park for a ni- ce day in the sun and huting for eggs! If you havent already check out our Mini Minds workshop for a time of learning, with school-readiness focu- sed activities, crafts, and games! Great for children ages 1-5. Yoga class every Thursdays from 10am- 11am. Whether you re an expert or beginner, the class welcomes all! Ask us about our stamp cards! Attend 8 events at our site to receive a prize. April Calendar Main Li ne: 916-394-630 0 Fax Line: 916-394-6325 2 251 Florin Rd, Ste 158 Sac ramento 9582 2 National Child Abuse Prevention Month recognizes the importance of families and communities working togeth- er to prevent child abuse and neglect and promotes the social and emotional well-being of children and families. During the month of April and throughout the year, com- munities are encouraged to increase awareness and provide education and support to families through re- sources and strategies to prevent child abuse and ne- glect. Each year, the White House and many states is- sue proclamations to raise awareness and to encourage communities to take steps to improve the well-being of children. Source: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/ preventing/preventionmonth/about/ Meadowview Family Resource Center

April Calendar - kidshome.org...les en sangre se vuelvan DEMASIADOS AIDIOS, lo que hace que nuestros cuerpos tengan un sistema inmunológico más débil. Junto con un sistema in-munitario

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Page 1: April Calendar - kidshome.org...les en sangre se vuelvan DEMASIADOS AIDIOS, lo que hace que nuestros cuerpos tengan un sistema inmunológico más débil. Junto con un sistema in-munitario

Jo in us on our Easter

Egg Hunt at Mea-

dowview park for a n i -

ce day in the sun and

hut ing for eggs!

If you haven’t already

check out our Mini

Minds workshop for a

time of learning, with

school-readiness focu-

sed activities, crafts,

and games! Great for

children ages 1-5.

Yoga c lass



f rom 10am -

11am. W hether you ’ re an expert or

beginner, the c lass welcomes a l l !

Ask us about our s tamp cards! At tend

8 events a t our s i te to rece ive a

pr ize.

Apri l Calendar Main L ine : 916-394-6300

Fax L ine : 916-394-6325

2251 F l o r in Rd , S t e 158 Sac ramen t o 95822

National Child Abuse Prevention Month recognizes the

importance of families and communities working togeth-

er to prevent child abuse and neglect and promotes the

social and emotional well-being of children and families.

During the month of April and throughout the year, com-

munities are encouraged to increase awareness and

provide education and support to families through re-

sources and strategies to prevent child abuse and ne-

glect. Each year, the White House and many states is-

sue proclamations to raise awareness and to encourage

communities to take steps to improve the well-being of

children. Source: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/


Meadowview Family Resource Center

Page 2: April Calendar - kidshome.org...les en sangre se vuelvan DEMASIADOS AIDIOS, lo que hace que nuestros cuerpos tengan un sistema inmunológico más débil. Junto con un sistema in-munitario

Meadowview Family Resource Center: April/Abril

April’s Health topic is: Eating less animal


This month we would like to continue the

efforts of shifting to a more nutrient filled

diet with less consumption of animal prod-

ucts and more consumption of natural


Why should we limit our animal products consumption when possible?

The standard American diet consist of high consumptions of red meats,

processed meats (hot dogs, sausage, ham, bacon, salami etc.), pre-

packaged foods, butter, fried foods, high-fat dairy products, eggs, pota-

toes, artificially sweetened drinks, and lots of salt with minimal intake of

fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains. A diet rich in animal

products and processed meats causes our blood levels to become TOO

ACIDIC causing our bodies to have a weaker immune system. Along with a

weaker immune system we become predisposed to weakened bones, in-

creased body inflammation, lack of energy, higher levels of yeast, digestive

difficulties, bad body odor, increased chances of cavities, altered mood,

inconsistent weight, unclear skin (acne, eczema, rash), heart related dis-

eases, cancers, and an increased mortality rate.

Your diet has great potential to harm or heal; the body requires a balance

so it does not become too acidic and can function properly and fight to

prevent disease.

How to make your body less acidic?

You can consume higher portions of unprocessed fruits, vegetables, nuts,

legumes and whole-grain foods and you can minimize the consumption of

animal products and processed foods. By doing these two things you will

be in control over what you put in your body and less worried about high

intake of sugar, sodium, processed foods, and animal products. It is im-

El tema de salud de Abril es: Comer menos pro-ductos de origen animal.

Este mes nos gustaría continuar los esfuerzos de cambiar a una dieta más nutriente con menos consumo de productos animales y más consumo de alimentos naturales.

¿Por qué deberíamos limitar nuestro consumo de productos animales cuando sea posible?

La dieta estadounidense estándar consiste en altos consumos de carnes rojas, carnes procesadas (salchichas, jamón, tocino, salami, etc.), alimentos preenva-sados, mantequilla, alimentos fritos, productos lácteos con alto contenido de grasa, huevos, papas, artificialmente. Bebidas endulzadas y mucha sal con una ingesta mínima de frutas, verduras, nueces, legumbres y granos enteros. Una dieta rica en productos animales y carnes procesadas hace que nuestros nive-les en sangre se vuelvan DEMASIADOS ACIDICOS, lo que hace que nuestros cuerpos tengan un sistema inmunológico más débil. Junto con un sistema in-munitario más débil, estamos predispuestos a tener huesos debilitados, au-mento de la inflamación del cuerpo, falta de energía, niveles más altos de leva-dura, dificultades digestivas, mal olor corporal, aumento de las posibilidades de caries, estado de ánimo alterado, peso inconsistente, piel poco clara (acné, eccema, ronchas) enfermedades relacionadas con el corazón, cánceres y un aumento en la tasa de mortalidad.

Su dieta tiene un gran potencial para dañar o sanar; el cuerpo necesita un equilibrio para que no se vuelva demasiado ácido y pueda funcionar correc-tamente y luchar para prevenir enfermedades ¿Cómo hacer que tu cuerpo sea menos ácido?

Puede consumir porciones más altas de frutas, vegetales, nueces, legumbres y alimentos integrales sin procesar y puede minimizar el consumo de productos de origen animal y alimentos procesados. Al hacer estas dos cosas, tendrá con-trol sobre lo que pone en su cuerpo y estará menos preocupado por el alto consumo de azúcar, sodio, alimentos procesados y productos animales. Es importante encontrar el equilibrio para sentirse mejor en general.

¡No olvides mantenerte siempre hidratado con agua!

Hands are Not for Hitting (Ages 0- 5)

It’s never too soon for children to learn that violence is never

okay, hands can do many good things, and everyone is ca-

pable of positive, loving actions.

In this bright, inviting, durable board book, simple words and

full-color illustrations teach these important concepts in ways

even very young children can understand.

Lauren’s Kingdom by Lauren Book (Ages 4-8)

Includes one of Lauren’s Kids’ Safer, Smarter Kids activities, encouraging children to establish a “Trusted Triangle,” three

grown-up buddies they can go to when they feel unsafe, sad, or just not quite right. Lauren is afraid of the bigger, stronger nanny’s touching and becomes quiet and sad. But, with the help of her friend Rodney, Lauren finds the courage to use her voice. Together, they learn an important lesson for chil-dren everywhere: If you’re choking back tears and your heart’s filled with fears…you know very well, it’s OK to tell.

I Said No! A Kid to Kid Guide to Keeping Private Parts Private.

By Zack and Kimberly King (Ages 5- 10)

We created I Said No! A kid-to-kid guide to keeping private parts

private to include definitions, scenarios, strategies, and help

kids identify their feelings in a kid-friendly, but clear way. Helping

kids practice what to Think, Say, and Do- took us down a path of

generating real life scenarios kids may encounter. I Said

No! really encourages all sorts of communication on the topic

without shame, guilt or uncomfortable feelings. Also covered in I

Said No is the difficult challenge of Telling. Children are encour-

aged to tell and know that it is never their fault.

Don't Hurt Laurie! by Willo Davis Roberts (6th – 8

th grade)

About a girl who is physically and emotionally abused by her mother, Annabelle. Laurie has a stepbrother and stepsister, and Annabelle never hurts them. Laurie's stepfather and his mother also have no idea what is happening. Laurie is afraid to tell anybody, because she is certain that no one will believe her. If no one believes her, then Annabelle's abuse will worsen.

Books Worth Reading This Month

Page 3: April Calendar - kidshome.org...les en sangre se vuelvan DEMASIADOS AIDIOS, lo que hace que nuestros cuerpos tengan un sistema inmunológico más débil. Junto con un sistema in-munitario

Monday/ Lunes Tuesday / Martes Wednesday/ Miercoles

Thursday/ Jueves Friday/ Viernes Saturday/ Sábado

1 2 3 4 5 6

ESL Class 9am-10am

Woodbine Elemen-tary

2500 52nd Ave

Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300


Sacramento Self-Help Housing

By appointment, please call

916-394-6336 Zumba

10 am– 11 am

8 9 10 11 12 13

ESL Class 9am-10am

Woodbine Elemen-tary

2500 52nd Ave

Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Hearing and Vision Screening 10am-4pm

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300

Yoga Class 10am-11am

Zumba 10 am– 11 am Kids Can Cook


Car Seat Safety Class 1-2 English 2-3 Spanish


15 16 17 18 19 20


Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300

Yoga Class 10am-11am Mini Minds 11am-12pm

MPAP 6pm-8pm

Zumba 10 am –11 am

Movie Night 4:30pm-6:30pm

Egg Hunt Meadowview Park

7760 24th St, Sacramen-to, CA 95832 11am-1pm

22 23 24 25 26 27

ESL Class 9am-10am

Woodbine Elemen-tary

2500 52nd Ave

Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Zumba 10 am –11 am

Aced It Tutoring By appointment,

please call 916.394.6300

Yoga Class 10am-11am Mini Minds 11am-12pm

MPAP 6pm-8pm

Zumba 10 am –11 am Glow Up Day


29 30 ESL Class

9am-10am Woodbine Elemen-

tary 2500 52nd Ave

Grupo M.A.M.A.S. 10 am–11:30pm

Afro Caribbean Dance Class


Page 4: April Calendar - kidshome.org...les en sangre se vuelvan DEMASIADOS AIDIOS, lo que hace que nuestros cuerpos tengan un sistema inmunológico más débil. Junto con un sistema in-munitario

Recognized by Sacramento County Child Protective Services as approved parenting classes for parents with children ages zero (pregnant) to 12-


For More Information Call:

Meadowview Family Resource Center

2251 Florin Rd. Ste. 158 Sacramento CA,


Nurturing Parenting Program Infant Toddler Preschool (NPP-ITP), Nurturing Parenting Program School Age (NPP-SA), Making Parenting

a Pleasure (MPAP), NPP Fathers (Fathers Inc.)

These Parenting Workshops are recognized by Sacramento County Child Protective Services as approved parenting classes for parents with chil-

dren ages zero (pregnant) to 12-years-old.

Consolidando el Programa de Crianza de los Hijos (NPP), Haga de la Paternidad Un Placer (MPAP), NPP padres (Padres Inc.)

El Programa de Crianza Para Padres y Haga de la Paternidad son reconocidos por los servicios de protección infantil Condado Sacramento ap-

robado clases para padres para padres con hijos edades (embarazada) de cero a 5 años de edad.


Come and join us for our ZUMBA CLASS loaded with red-hot dance steps pulsating Latin rhythms and easy to follow routines. / Venga y únete a

nosotros para nuestra clase de ZUMBA cargado con pasos de baile que pulsa los ritmos y fácil de seguir rutinas.

Teen Success

Weekly support group for young women who are teen parents or pregnant and under the age of 18 (Closed Group). Contact Angel Basha with

Planned Parenthood at (916) 325-1712, [email protected] for more information.

Sacramento Self-Help Housing

Get assistance with housing issues such as discrimination, evictions, rent increases, repair refusal, housing location. Walk-ins are welcomed, but

appointments are preferred. Reciba asistencia para alquilinos con evicciones, discriminación, reparaciones, búsqueda de casa. Contact Angie at


Kids Can Cook / Los niños pueden cocinar

Families are invited to a new cooking lab where parents and children learn to follow a recipe, shop smart, and get nutrition information. Families

will create a meal and eat it together! / Familias están invitadas a una nueva laboratorio de cocinar donde padres e hijos aprenderán a seguir una

receta, hacer compras inteligentes, y recibirán información acerca de nutrición. ¡Familias crearan y comerán una comida juntos!

Safe Sleep Baby

There are ways parents and caregivers can reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related causes of infant

death. Learn how to create a safe sleep environment for your baby and receive a free portable crib. (English Only)

ESL/ Aprendiendo Ingles

Every Monday at Woodbine Elementary School, join us for beginners English sessions. Tutoring sessions available as support. Call 916-394-6322 for more

information. Cada Lunes en la escuela de Woodbine, acompaña nos por sesiones de Ingles básico. Sesiones de tutoria disponible como apoyo. Llame al 916-394-

6322 para mas información.

Afro-Carribbean Dance Class

This class is for beginners as well as the advanced. We will be dancing to Latin Hip-Hop in a comfortable and supportive environment. Don't be

afraid to sway your hips, make faces and get into your groove!!!

Aced It Tutoring

Children ages 6-17 come receive help with after school homework. No homework, No problem… come to read, journal or Craft quitely with



Join us on Thursdays for a relaxing session of yoga. All skill levels are welcome.

Mini Minds

Join us for a time of learning, with school-readiness focused activities, crafts, Reading corner and games! Great for children ages 1-5.

Grupo M.A.M.A.S.

Un groupo de apoyo donde nos divertimos con arte, manualidades & personas amables. MAMAS significa—Motivacion, Apoyo, Manualidades,

Amistad, Socializacion. Esperamos ver te pronto!
