“Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” Genesis 1:26 (The Message) ChristPresbyterianChurch 530 Tuscarawas St. West Canton, Ohio 44702 April 22, 2018 Godspoke:

April 22, 2018 Earth Day - images.acswebnetworks.comimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2647/April222018EarthDay.pdf · For Brother Wind, whose clouds and breezes blow across the land. For

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Page 1: April 22, 2018 Earth Day - images.acswebnetworks.comimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2647/April222018EarthDay.pdf · For Brother Wind, whose clouds and breezes blow across the land. For

“Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the cattle, And, yes, Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” Genesis 1:26 (The Message)

Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas St. West Canton, Ohio 44702

April 22, 2018

God spoke:

Page 2: April 22, 2018 Earth Day - images.acswebnetworks.comimages.acswebnetworks.com/1/2647/April222018EarthDay.pdf · For Brother Wind, whose clouds and breezes blow across the land. For

The Order for Morning Worship

4th Sunday of Eastertide

Earth Day, April 22, 2018

10:30 am

Please silence all electronic devices prior to the service.

Large print copies of the hymns and orders of worship are available in the narthex or from an usher.

*At these moments, we invite worshipers to stand in body or spirit.

WELCOME and WORSHIP NOTES *HYMN IN PROCESSION No. 32 “I Sing the Mighty Power of God” PRAYER OF ADORATION (From St. Thomas Episcopal Church, Medina, Washington.)

One: Blessed be the Lord God, Author of all Creation. ALL: Glory to God forever and ever. One: God of unchangeable power, when you fashioned the world, the morning stars sang together and the host of heaven shouted for joy: Open our souls to the wonders of creation and teach us to manage faithfully the riches of this good earth, to the honor of your glorious name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. ALL: Amen.


One: We give you thanks and praise, O God of creation, for the grandeur of all that you have made, saying ALL: We thank you, God. For the healing waters of creation, which bring pleasure and health, purity and life, We thank you, God. For the richness of the good Earth that brings forth fruits and flowers, a pleasure to taste and a joy to behold, We thank you, God. For the soaring birds of the air, the crawling creatures on the Earth, the gliding fishes in the seas, for all creatures great and small with whom we share this precious web of life, We thank you, God. For the invigorating sunlight of day, the deepening mystery of night, the wonder of the stars, and the call of the unknown in the universe, We thank you, God. From heedless misuse and dishonoring of the wonders of your hand, Good Lord deliver us. From squandering resources, abusing our companion species, and polluting the habitat we all share, Good Lord deliver us. From the folly of imagining ourselves free from the fate of your whole creation, Good Lord deliver us.


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For the courage and wisdom to confess how little we have cared for your gifts, Strengthen us, O Spirit. For the conviction that you have called us to love and restore the Earth, Strengthen us, O Spirit. For repentance and the determination to begin our stewardship anew, Strengthen us, O Spirit. O merciful Creator, your hand is open wide to satisfy the needs of every living creature: Make us always thankful for your loving providence; and grant that we, remembering the account that we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of your good gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever, AMEN.

*HYMN OF RESPONSE No. 10 (stanza 1) LASST UNS ERFREUEN Children are now invited to come to the chancel steps for the message.

Sing Glory to the Name of God, Psalm 29 whose holy splendor shines abroad. Alleluia. Enthroned above the crashing waves, the God of grace and glory saves. Alleluia, alleluia . . .


Children come forward for the Children’s Message. After the prayer, children in Kindergarten—7th grade may go to the Chapel for Kids’ Church and children ages 3—5 may go downstairs for Kids’ Church.

All children are to be picked up in the lower level. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION


Genesis 1:29-31 Pew Bible, p. 1

UNISON PRAYER: Almighty God, you have called us to tend and keep the garden of your creation. Give us wisdom and reverence for all your plants and animals who share this planet with us and whose lives make possible our own. Help us to remember that they too love the sweetness of life and join with us in giving you praise.

Hymn No. 713 (seated) “Touch the Earth Lightly”

The choir alone sings stanzas 1 & 2. The congregation joins in singing stanzas 3 & 4.


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Psalm 19:1-4 & Psalm 24:1-2 & Psalm 148:1-10

UNISON PRAYER: Creator God, you make all things and weave them together in an intricate tapestry of life. Teach us to respect the fragile balance of life and to care for all the gifts of your creation. Guide by your wisdom those who have power and authority, that, by the decisions they make, life may be cherished and a good and fruitful Earth may continue to show your glory and sing your praises.

*Hymn No. 17 (Psalm 148) “Sing Praise to God, You Heavens!”

Stanza 1 sung by all — Stanza 2 sung by LOW voices (men) Stanza 3 sung by HIGH voices (women) — Stanza 4 sung by all. EARTH STEWARDSHIP FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF HEBREW PROPHETS

Micah 6:6-8 Pew Bible, p. 757 Meditation Rev. David deVries Anthem “What Does the Lord Require?” Erik Routley; arr., Todd Wilson

What does the Lord require For praise and offering? What sacrifice desire, Or tribute bid you bring? Do justly; love mercy; Walk humbly with your God.

Rulers of earth, give ear! Should you not justice know? Will God your pleading hear, While crime and cruelty grow? Do justly; love mercy; Walk humbly with your God.

Still down the ages ring the prophet’s stern commands. To merchant, worker, king he brings God’s high demands. Do justly; love mercy; Walk humbly with your God.

How shall our life fulfill God’s law so hard and high? Let Christ endue our will With grace to fortify. Then justly, in mercy, We’ll humbly walk with God. – Albert F. Bayly, 1982


Matthew 5:1-12 Pew Bible, p. 785 Meditation Rev. Michael Wallace


I Corinthians 10:23-26 Pew Bible, p. 932 Romans 8:18-25 Pew Bible, p. 919 Meditation Rev. David deVries Hymn No. 764 (sung by the choir) “For the Troubles and the Sufferings”

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Reading Excerpts from Chief Seattle’s Letter to the President of the USA, 1852 *Hymn No. 21 “Many and Great, O God, Are Thy Works”

PRAYER Genesis 9, Genesis 17, and Deuteronomy 30 (From the National Council of Churches [NCC] Earth Day Sunday 2002 resource packet,

“Caring for Creation: Making the World Safe for Children.”)

Gracious God, your amazing love extends through all time and space, to all parts of your creation, which you created and called good. You made a covenant with Noah and his family, putting a rainbow in the sky to symbolize your promise of love and blessing to every living creature, and to all successive generations. You made a covenant with Abraham and Sarah, blessing them and their descendants throughout the generations. You made a covenant with Moses and the Israelite people to all generations, giving them the ten commandments and challenging them to choose life. In Jesus, you invite us to enter into a new covenant, in communion with all who seek to be faithful to you. As people of faith, we are called into covenant. Your covenant of faithfulness and love extends to the whole creation. We pray for the healing of the earth, that present and future generations may enjoy the fruits of creation, and continue to glorify and praise you. Hymn No. 715 (remaining seated, sung by all) “The Earth Belongs to God Alone” Hymn No. 22 (remaining seated) “God of the Sparrow”

The choir sings stanzas 1 – 4; the congregation joins in singing 5 & 6. A LITANY OF THE LORD’S PRAYER

(From Limestone Presbyterian Church, “The Lord’s Prayer and Creation Care: A Litany of Confession .” Written by Revs. Bruce and Carolyn Gillette.)

ALL: Loving God, we remember that Jesus taught us to pray saying, “Our Father…” ONE: You created us, you made this world, and you called your creation very good. Yet often we forget that you are our loving Parent who continues to bless your world.

ALL: Jesus told us that you are “…in heaven…” ONE: Yet we fail to live in awe of you. We take you for granted, and we don’t see the awesome beauty of the world you have made.

ALL: We pray, “Hallowed be your name…” ONE: We confess that our reverence for you does not always lead us to care reverently for your earth, sky and sea.

ALL: We pray, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…” ONE: We confess that we often put our own interests first, exploiting your creation, and living for our own convenience and self-interest.

ALL: We pray, “Give us today our daily bread.” ONE: We confess that we consume more than our share of the world’s resources, while billions go hungry every day and your whole creation suffers.

ALL: We pray, “Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” ONE: We confess that we see these words only in spiritual terms, while the Bible is filled with teachings about economic justice and creation care.

ALL: We pray, “Save us from the time of trial.”


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ONE: We confess that we see these words only in spiritual terms, while the Bible is filled with teachings about economic justice and creation care.

ALL: We pray, “Save us from the time of trial.” ONE: Help us to resist the temptations of spending more, using more, acquiring more, and wasting more.

ALL: We pray, “Deliver us from evil…” ONE: Free us from greed and self-centeredness that separate us from you and others.

ALL: We pray, “For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and forever.” ONE: Help us to know that in caring for your wonderful world, we are working for your kingdom, being good stewards of your creative power, and giving you glory.

ALL: We pray, “Amen.” ONE: We end our prayers with “Amen,” a word that means “let it be so.” We know we can be faithful disciples by your grace. Amen!


Offertory Sentences: As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life. – I Timothy 6:17-19

Offertory Anthem “The Canticle of Brother Sun” Grayston Ives

Most High, Omnipotent Lord, all praise, all honour and glory be given to Thee, to Thee alone most High all praise belong. Be praised O Lord for all thy works. For Brother Sun, whose brightness makes the light by which we see. For Sister Moon, whose beams were formed to shine so clear and bright. For Brother Wind, whose clouds and breezes blow across the land. For Sister Water, so precious, humble, lowly, chaste and pure. Be praised O Lord for all thy works. Be praised my Lord for Brother Fire, whose flames and light illuminate the night. Be praised my Lord, for Sister Earth, for grass and plants and flowers and all our food. Be praised my Lord for all they love bestowed on us. Bless those who walk the way of peace, in quiet to live. By Thee O Lord Most High they shall be crowned. Be praised O heavenly Lord, all praise and blessing and glory be given to you, with humblest thanks for all he’s given you. Amen. – Francis of Assisi

*Hymn of Dedication No. 708 SCHUMANN

1. We give thee but thine own, whate'er the gift may be; all that we have is thine alone, a trust, O Lord, from thee.

2. May we thy bounties thus as stewards true receive, and gladly, as thou blessest us, to thee our firstfruits give.


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*Unison Prayer of Dedication (by Tanya Marcovna Barnett)

All good gifts come from you, dear God, and you reveal glimpses of your grace through them. Thank you for inviting us to be partners with you in caring for your creation. We offer these gifts now, knowing that they come first from you, then from other members of your family of creation, then from us. Bless these symbols of our awareness that we depend upon you and your creation for all that we call “ours.” Please accept these gifts and our desire to be your partners. In Your name, Amen.


Being Christ’s Church — Living Our Faith

(Please sign the Friendship Pad found in your pew and return it toward the center aisle, noting names of those with whom you are worshiping.)

*HYMN IN PROCESSION No. 757 “Today We All Are Called to Be Disciples” *CHARGE AND BENEDICTION ORGAN VOLUNTARY “Canticle of the Sun” from St. Francis Suite Richard Purvis

For anyone wishing confidential individual prayer, immediately following the service

a member of the Stephen Ministry will be available in the Chapel.


TODAY After the 10:30 service



Immediately following worship we

gather in Westminster Hall and then

break up into teams, gather trash bags

and rubber gloves, pick a “territory,”

then head out to clean up our nearby

downtown Canton neighborhood.

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The flowers in the Chancel vases are given in celebration of my granddaughter, Mishka Banfield’s Birthday, from Becky Banfield.

The Cathedral Hour today is made possible through the generous donations from

members and friends of Christ Presbyterian Church.

Liturgist: Carol Orin

Acolytes: Ali de Vries (Crucifer), Riley Hudson (Acolyte), Emily Hudson (Acolyte),

Eva Burdeshaw (Bible Bearer)

Acolyte Master: Katie Norton

Scripture Readings for Sunday, April 29:

Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8

Consider: What is your deepest desire? Jesus says that “whatever you wish . . . it will

be done for you” (John 15:7). Spend time in the next days asking yourself at evermore

profound levels what you most devoutly wish for in this life and the next. Then ask for


Westminster Class April 15—June 17 at 9:15am: A new course has begun and will

continue thru June 17, titled: The Mountain Top View: What Jesus Wants Us to See.

The course will be taught by John David Geib and Zev Rosenberg. Learners will explore

The Sermon on the Mount as a teaching in itself as well as the conclusions of the historic



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Christ Church is hosting this international cooking class and fellowship event.

We will welcome a cook from Central America who will teach us how to make several dishes native to their country. Then we’ll all gather around the

table to eat and fellowship. Space is limited to 12 on a first come, first served basis.

Register TODAY!

The Common Table Sunday, April 29, 2018

3:00-6:00 p.m. Suggested donation is $30 (covers supplies and honoraria;

remaining funds will be donated

to Canton’s “Welcoming the Stranger” Ministry”)

Congregational Greeting

Cards: As an outreach to our

congregational family, we will

have cards each week in

Cloister Hall on a podium for

the “family” to sign. Please stop

in Cloister Hall and sign the

cards this week for:

Jack Morris

(Happy Birthday)

Simon Looking Elk

(Thinking of You)

Bev Badger

(Thinking of You)

We continue our collection of Box Tops for Education. Last school year our congregation helped Allen School take its only field trip. Thank you! This year, let’s help them take two field trips. Please examine your purchases, especially from the grocery store, for the little coupons and cut them out and turn them into the collection plate. You are welcome to put them into a pew envelope marked Box Tops. It doesn’t take much of your time to bring joy to an Allen School student.

Most people

need a will or

trust, and

when you make



Christ Church.

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TAG Tuesday Afternoon Group Tuesday, May 15

The TAG season wraps up on Tuesday, May 15 with an entertaining musical performance featuring Gibbs Music Intern Mario Buchanan on the recently repaired and restored Steinway piano in Westminster Hall. He will be accompanied by two very accomplished vocalists, Jean Burnquist and Joe Orin in a show of “Old Favorites”. Their program will range from Broadway numbers to popular songs that people can join in. There also might be some appearances by other members of the staff in singing! The TAG chefs will again prepare one of their delicious homemade meals. Plan to gather at 11:30 for a time of fellowship and greeting friends, followed by a meditation at 11:45, and lunch at noon. The program will begin at approximately 12:45 pm. The cost is only $7.00. TAG will start up again with a new season of programs beginning Tuesday, October 16, 2018.


Daily Grace

CPC Rhythms of Worship and Discipleship

The Week of April 22, 2018

Using Sunday’s Order of Worship, we enter into

worship and prayer every day of the week. We worship together . . .


The Call to Worship

The Prayer of Adoration (Followed by silence)

The Prayer of Confession (Followed by silence)

The Assurance of Pardon

Scripture Readings — Worship texts for Sunday, April 29:

Monday: Acts 8:26-40 Thursday: John 15:1-8

Tuesday: Psalm 22:25-31 Friday: Acts 8:26-40

Wednesday: 1 John 4:7-21 Saturday: Psalm 22:25-31

Silent Meditation and Prayer

(Listening for God’s voice in Scripture and silence)

Prayers of the People

(Lifting others before God)

Prayer of Dedication

Becoming Familiar With Holy Scripture

If you wish to become more familiar with the Bible and the best known

stories of scripture, read The Hall of Fame of Faith (Hebrews 11).

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8:00 am Worship Service—Chapel

9:15 am Sunday School Classes

10:15 am-11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) – Room L4

10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary

10:45 am Kids’ Church

11:45 am Earth Day Clean Up

12:00-1:30 pm New Members’ Class—Parlor

4:00 pm Mission West Meeting—Parlor

5:00-8:00 pm 2nd Mile Book Club—Westminster Hall Monday

10:00 am Staff Meeting Tuesday

9:30 am Bible Study—Parlor

5:00 pm Spirit & Space Meeting @ Kathy Kettlewell’s Home Wednesday

8:00-10:45 am Food Ministry Thursday 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study—Westminster Hall

7:15 pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal Sunday, April 29

8:00 am Worship Service—Chapel

9:15 am Sunday School Classes

10:15 am-11:30 am Infant Nursery (ages 0-2) – Room L4

10:30 am Worship Service – Sanctuary

10:45 am Kids’ Church

12:00-1:30 pm New Members’ Class—Parlor

3:00-6:00 pm Common Table—Westminster Hall/Kitchen

5:00-7:00 pm Youth Group

Christ Presbyterian Church 530 Tuscarawas Street West

Canton, Ohio 44702 330-456-8113 cantoncpc.org

[email protected]

A reminder . . . Either at home or on the road, you can listen to the 10:30 service on

WHLO 640 AM, or log on your computer to www.640whlo.com

To be added to the Tydings email list or to submit an article for Tydings, please email [email protected]

no later than Wednesday, May 16.

The deadline for submitting articles for the weekly Order of Worship is Tuesday. Please submit your

articles to Caryn no later than 5:00pm. Thank you!

Christ Presbyterian Church Staff Ministers: The People of Christ Church

Senior Pastor: Rev. David de Vries

Associate Pastor: Rev. Michael Wallace

Parish Associate: Rev. Dr. Eldon Trubee

Director of Music & Organist: David J. Kienzle

Gibbs Music Intern: Mario Buchanan

Director of Children’s and Family Ministries: Jennifer George

Pastor and Director of Camp Wakonda: Rev. Benjamin George

Business Administrator/Assistant Treasurer: Donald Weltlich

Financial Assistant/Secretary: Diane Nave

Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor/Secretary: Caryn Smith

Custodians: Kurt A. Gottschick & Ron Pelger

Sound Technician: Brian Ohler

Mission Co-Worker in Thailand: Esther Wakeman

Elders of

Christ Presbyterian


Kevin Anderson

Alice Bailey

Shawn Campbell

Nancy Irving

Jerry Norton

Edith Ophardt

Carol Orin

Bert Smith

Byrdie Stocker

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Sunday, May 20 @ 6:00 pm Tom Trenney with the Chancel Choir and YOU

Singing Great Hymns of Our Faith

In the last year of his life, our fellow sojourner, Jim

Ke�lewell, was researching and wri�ng par�cularly about

Methodist hymnody. He had a life-long love for the

hymns of our faith and always sang with enthusiasm and

sincerity. He took seriously every word of every poem-

hymn sung in worship, and he would o#en discuss some

of the theological details with his worshiping friends.

This Hymn Fes�val, presented in his memory, will have a theme invi�ng us to answer God’s

call to “do jus�ce, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.” The bulk of the

selec�ons will be old favorites such as:

“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee” – “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”

“Leaning on the Everlas�ng Arms” – “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”

“How Firm a Founda�on”

Also included will be some of the new favorites of Christ Church worshipers:

“Can�cle of the Turning” (“My Soul Cries Out”)

“For Everyone Born”

“Will You Come and Follow Me?” (“The Summons”)

You will be drawn into these hymns by the manner in which Tom Trenney shares his passion

as a pastoral musician, composer, conductor, organist, pianist, and teacher. This will be an

evening of great music and profound spiritual renewal.

Mission West Fundraiser Sunday,

May 6


Please join Mission West on Sunday, May 6 for the best

Salad Bar in Canton! Your dona�on will help us provide

healthy breakfasts and lunches to the children who join us

this summer for physical and spiritual nourishment.