Journal of Algebra 255 (2002) 489–515 www.academicpress.com Approximation of versal deformations Brian Conrad a,and A.J. de Jong b a Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA b Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA Received 5 January 2002 Communicated by J.T. Stafford Keywords: Artin approximation; Versal deformations; Excellence 1. Introduction In Artin’s work on algebraic spaces and algebraic stacks [A2,A3], a crucial ingredient is the use of his approximation theorem to prove the algebraizability of formal deformations under quite general conditions. The algebraizability result is given in [A2, Theorem 1.6], and we recall the statement now (using standard terminology to be recalled later). Theorem 1.1 (Artin). Let S be a scheme locally of finite type over a field or excellent Dedekind domain, and F a contravariant functor, locally of finite presentation, from the category of S -schemes to the category of sets. Let κ be an O S -field of finite type, and ξ 0 F(κ) an element. Assume that there exists a complete local noetherian O S -algebra ( A, m) with residue field κ and an element ξ F( A) lifting ξ 0 F(κ) such that ξ is an effective versal deformation of ξ 0 . Then there exists a finite type S -scheme X, a closed point x X with residue field κ , an element ξ F (X) lifting ξ 0 F(κ) = F(k(x)), and an This work was partially supported by the NSF and was partially conducted by the authors for the Clay Mathematics Institute. The authors would like to thank M. Artin for helpful conversations. * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Conrad), [email protected] (A.J. de Jong). 0021-8693/02/$ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved. PII:S0021-8693(02)00144-8

Approximation of versal deformations

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Journal of Algebra 255 (2002) 489–515


Approximation of versal deformations

Brian Conrada,∗ and A.J. de Jongb

a Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USAb Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Received 5 January 2002

Communicated by J.T. Stafford

Keywords: Artin approximation; Versal deformations; Excellence

1. Introduction

In Artin’s work on algebraic spaces and algebraic stacks [A2,A3], a crucialingredient is the use of his approximation theorem to prove the algebraizabilityof formal deformations under quite general conditions. The algebraizability resultis given in [A2, Theorem 1.6], and we recall the statement now (using standardterminology to be recalled later).

Theorem 1.1 (Artin). Let S be a scheme locally of finite type over a fieldor excellent Dedekind domain, and F a contravariant functor, locally of finitepresentation, from the category of S-schemes to the category of sets. Let κ bean OS -field of finite type, and ξ0 ∈ F(κ) an element. Assume that there exists acomplete local noetherian OS-algebra (A,m) with residue field κ and an elementξ ∈ F(A) lifting ξ0 ∈ F(κ) such that ξ is an effective versal deformation of ξ0.

Then there exists a finite type S-scheme X, a closed point x ∈ X withresidue field κ , an element ξ ∈ F(X) lifting ξ0 ∈ F(κ) = F(k(x)), and an

This work was partially supported by the NSF and was partially conducted by the authors for theClay Mathematics Institute. The authors would like to thank M. Artin for helpful conversations.

* Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (B. Conrad), [email protected] (A.J. de Jong).

0021-8693/02/$ – see front matter 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.PII: S0021-8693(02)00144-8

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OS-isomorphism σ : OX,x A such that F(σ)(ξ) and ξ coincide in F(A/mn+1)

for all n 0. The isomorphism σ is unique if ξ is an effective universaldeformation of ξ0.

Remark 1.2. For a schemeS, anOS -field of finite type is a fieldκ equipped witha finite type map Spec(κ)→ S. WhenS is locally noetherian, this is equivalent tosaying thatκ is a finite extension of the residue fieldk(s) at a locally closed points ∈ S (see Lemma 2.1).

Whereas the techniques in [A3] are extremely conceptual and easy to digest,these methods ultimately depend upon Theorem 1.1, whose proof in [A2](together with its clarification in [A3, Appendix]) is quite intricate and hard to“grasp.” Moreover, there are two ways in which the proof of this result uses thehypothesis (harmless in practice) thatS is locally of finite type over a field orexcellent Dedekind domain. First, this condition is needed in Artin’s original formof his approximation theorem [A1]. Second, and perhaps more seriously (in viewof Popescu’s subsequent proof of the Artin approximation theorem for arbitraryexcellent rings), the detailed analysis in the proof of Theorem 1.1 uses very specialproperties of fields and Dedekind domains (such as the structure theorem formodules over a discrete valuation ring).

The restriction to base schemes locally of finite type over a field or excellentDedekind domain in Artin’s form of his approximation theorem is also the sourceof the restriction to finite extensionsκ of residue fields atlocally closed pointsof S (see Remark 1.2), rather than at general points ofS, when algebraizingformal deformations as in Theorem 1.1. Since arbitrary localization preserves theproperty of excellence but tends to destroy the property of a map being (locally) offinite type, if one can work in the more general context of excellent base schemesthen one can also hope to get algebraization results over arbitrary points ofS.

In this note, we present a proof of Theorem 1.1 withS permitted to be anarbitrary excellent scheme andκ permitted to be a finite extension ofκ(s) foran arbitrary points ∈ S (but of course the pointx ∈ X as in Theorem 1.1 canonly be taken to be closed if and only ifκ is of finite type overOS ). In fact,we shall prove a “groupoid” generalization analogous to [A3, Corollary 3.2]; seeTheorem 1.5. As a consequence, the entirety of [A3] is valid as written for anarbitrary excellent base schemeS. The central technical ingredient we need is thefollowing remarkable result of Popescu.

Theorem 1.3 (Popescu).Let A be a noetherian ring and B a noetherian A-algebra. Then the map A→ B is a regular morphism if and only if B is a directlimit of smooth A-algebras.

Remark 1.4. Recall that a morphismf :X → Y of locally noetherian schemesis said to beregular if it is flat, all (locally noetherian!) fiber schemesXy are

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regular, and such regularity is preserved under finite extension of the residue field(i.e.,Xy ×κ(y) k is regular for any finite extension fieldk/κ(y) for anyy ∈ Y ).

For commutative rings one makes the same definition using the correspondingaffine schemes.

The most important example of Theorem 1.3 for our purposes is the case whereA→ B is the natural map from an excellent local ring to its completion (in whichcase regularity of the map is part of the definition of excellence). Popescu’s proofis presented in [P1,P2,P3], and we refer the reader to [Sw] for a self-containedand clearly written technical exposition of the proof of Theorem 1.3 which takesinto account various subsequent simplifications, and to [Sp] for a proof of aslightly stronger result than Popescu’s (but proceeding along related lines). Notethat although [Sw] only claims to get a filtered colimit rather than an ordinarydirect limit, one can get ordinary direct limits in the main conclusion by usingan easy modification of theproof of “(ii) ⇒ (iii)” in [L, Theorem 1.2] (replacingthe use of finite free modules with the use of smooth algebras); we leave thedetails as an exercise for the reader and we refer to [Bou, Chapter X, Section 1.6]for the general context for such arguments. We prefer to use this stronger formof Popescu’s theorem since it is psychologically simpler to understand and thecondition of a functor being locally of finite presentation is typically expressed interms of behavior with respect to direct limits (rather than more general limits);cf. [EGA, IV3, 8.14.2].

Since the henselization of an excellent local ringA is excellent [EGA, IV4,18.7.3], it follows immediately from Popescu’s theorem applied toA→ A thatthe Artin approximation theorem is valid for any excellent local ringA, not justthose essentially of finite type over a field or excellent Dedekind domain. Quiteamusingly, the use of Popescu’s theorem in the proof of Theorem 1.1 over anexcellent base has the effect of removing the Artin approximation theorem fromthe proof! However the approximation theorem is necessary when consideringproperties of algebraizations such as “uniqueness” (as we shall see in the proof ofTheorem 5.3).

The proof of Theorem 1.3 is intricate and technical, so one could perhapsrightly say that the input we require is more complicated than Artin’s proof ofTheorem 1.1. However, thestatement of Theorem 1.3 is something which is veryeasy to internalize (e.g., the proof of the “if” direction is elementary), so we thinkit is of some interest that one can use this result to give a methodologically simplerproof of Theorem 1.1 which moreover is valid over any excellent base.

In order to give the statement of our main result, we introduce some notation.LetS be a scheme andF be a category cofibered in groupoids over the category ofS-schemes. In practice, this roughly means thatF(T ) (for a variableS-schemeT )is a category of geometric structures overT which behave well with respect tobase change. For example,F could be a contravariant set-valued functor (viewedas a category with only identity map morphisms), orF(T ) could be the category

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of stableT -curves of a fixed genus or abelianT -schemes of a fixed relativedimension endowed with a polarization of a fixed degree.

For eachS-schemeT we assume that the categoryF(T ) has a set ofisomorphism class representatives, so it makes sense to define the contravariantset-valued functorF with F(T ) denoting the set of isomorphism classes ofobjects inF(T). The reader who does not like to work with categories (co)fiberedin groupoids can think about the special case in whichF is just a contravariant set-valued functor (soF(T )= F(T ) is a small category in which the only morphismsare identity morphisms).

If κ is anOS -field (i.e., a field equipped with a morphism Spec(κ)→ S), wesay thatκ is residually finite (overS) if [κ : k(s)]<∞, wheres is the image ofSpec(κ)→ S. Note thats ∈ S can be arbitrary. Here is the main result of thispaper.

Theorem 1.5. With the notation introduced above, assume that S is excellent.Also assume that F is locally of finite presentation (see (2.1)), satisfies theSchlessinger–Rim criteria (see Definition 2.5), and the natural map of sets

F(B)→ lim←−F(B/mn+1



has dense image for all complete local noetherian OS-algebras (B,mB) withB/mB residually finite over S.

For any residually finite OS-field κ and any object ξ0 in F(κ), any formalversal deformation of ξ0 is algebraizable (i.e., there exists an (X,x) as inTheorem 1.1 for our F , though with x a closed point if and only if s ∈ S is alocally closed point).

Remark 1.6. If F is instead only cofibered in groupoids over the full subcategoryof locally noetherianS-schemes, the proof of Theorem 1.5 goes through withoutchange. If we only assume the denseness of the image of (1.1) whenB/mB

is a finite typeOS -field, then the conclusion of the theorem requires the extracondition thatκ be a finite typeOS -field. For mostF which arise in interestingmoduli problems, the map (1.1) is even bijective.

Remark 1.7. The referee called our attention to the existence of work [PR] byPopescu and Roczen from 1988 in which they assert a result which is essentiallyTheorem 1.5 for set-valuedF (though the restriction to suchF is not essentialfor their method). Their strategy is strikingly similar to ours, but their proofappears to be incomplete, roughly corresponding to the fact that they have noresult analogous to our Theorem 3.2. More specifically, whereas we need to makeapproximations in a smooth algebra in a direct limit process, the proof of [PR,Theorem 1.2] only makes an approximation in the direct limit object itself andthen argues that a certain mapg :A → D∧ of complete local noetherian ringsis an isomorphism because it is so modulo squares of the maximal ideal. This

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only works if one knows the source and target rings forg have the same Hilbertseries (i.e.,nth order artinian quotients having the same length for alln). But thereseems to be no reason to expect such an equality of Hilbert series to automaticallyhold in the generality suggested by the proof of [PR, Theorem 1.2], and we haveto argue with a refinement of the Artin–Rees lemma in order to ensure suchequality.

We illustrate the gap in the proof of [PR, Theorem 1.2] with a simpleexample (using the notation from that proof). LetB = k be a field,A = k[x],andA = k[x] its x-adic completion. LetF be the functor represented byAon the category ofk-algebras. We letξ0 ∈ F(k) correspond tox → 0 and letξ ∈ F(k[x]) correspond to the natural mapA→ A which is an algebraization ofthe universal deformation ofξ0. We will now see that attempting to algebraize(A, ξ0) following the method of proof of [PR, Theorem 1.2] need not work.SinceA is already a formal power series ring overk, the first step is to applyTheorem 1.3 to expressA as a direct limit of smoothk-algebras and to bringdown ξ through some stage of the direct limit. In general one cannot expectthe smooth algebras in Theorem 1.3 to be subalgebras to the direct limit, soin our example we consider the smoothk-algebraC = k[x, t] equipped withthe k-map f :C → A defined byx → x and t → 0. Note thatt ∈ C mapsto a generator of the kernel(0) of the (trivial) presentation ofA as a quotientof k[x].

The obvious mapA → C (defined byx → x) is an elementη ∈ F(C) forwhich ξ = F(f )(η). We approximate the mapf by the mapfn :C → k[x] de-fined byx → x andt → xn, and consider the Artin local ringDn = k[x]/fn(t)=k[x]/xn. The pointηn ∈ F(Dn) induced byF(fn)(η) is just the natural quo-tient mapk[x] → k[x]/xn. The mapA → D = D induced by specializing thealgebraized universal deformationξ ∈ F(A) to the deformationηn ∈ F(D) isthe natural surjection, and this is not an isomorphism no matter how large wemake n (to makefn closely approximatef ). This shows that the argumentin [PR] (which would use the above procedure, even withn = 2) is incom-plete, regardless of how accurately one tries approximatef by an “algebraic”map. From the point of view of our proof of Theorem 1.5, the problem inthis example is that although the base change of theC-linear presentation dia-gram


C C/(t − xn) 0

byC→A does recover a presentation



A 0

ofA= k[x], the “matrix entry”t−xn in the presentation is not at all small relativeto the(x, t)-adic topology onC.

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Since Theorem 1.5 renders the entirety of [A3] valid over any excellent baseschemeS at all, as an immediate consequence it follows that Artin’s proof of thenecessary and sufficient criterion for anS-stack to be a locally finite type algebraicS-stack, given forS locally of finite type over a field or excellent Dedekinddomain in [LM, Corollary 10.11], is valid for any excellent base schemeS at all.

In another direction, one can ask about étale-local uniqueness of algebraiza-tions of a given formal versal deformation. This has an affirmative answer undera mild “full faithfulness” hypothesis onF (exactly analogous to [A2, 1.7]), soone frequently has a well-defined notion of “henselized algebraization.” If oneassumes in addition thatF is formally Deligne–Mumford (see Definition 5.5), itthen makes sense to ask whether AutF(κ)(ξ0) acts naturally on the henselized alge-braization of a minimal formal versal deformation. See Theorem 5.3 and Theorem5.7 for precise affirmative statements along these lines. Assuming in addition thatAutF(κ)(ξ0) is finite, one can even construct algebraizations to which the actionof this group descends (without needing to henselize); this is formulated moreprecisely in Theorem 5.8.

1.1. Notation

If B is a ring andr is a non-negative integer, we denote byB⊕r a finite freeB-module of rankr (with specified basis). Ifϕ :M → N is aB-linear map ofB-modules, we denote by im(ϕ) the image module ofϕ.

If C is a category andX is an object inC, we will sometimes denote this factby writingX ∈ C. This should not cause any confusion.

If S is a scheme andF is a category cofibered in groupoids over the category ofS-schemes, for an affine schemeU overS we may sometimes writeF(A) ratherthanF(U), whereA=OU(U). Also, we will writeF to denote the contravariantset-valued functor defined by lettingF(T ) denote the set of isomorphism classesof objects in the groupoidF(T ).

2. General nonsense on deformations

We are concerned with the problem of approximating formal deformations bystructures defined over “algebraic” rings (relative to a base). Such problems are oflocal nature (over the base) and hence only involve structures defined over affinebase schemes, so there is no serious loss of generality in immediately focusing onfunctors of rings rather than functors of schemes. However, it is conceptually a bitclearer (and more geometric in spirit) to work “globally” at the start and brieflypostpone the passage to the case of an affine base. In this section, we collect basicgeneralities along these lines for ease of reference later. The expert reader canskip ahead to Section 3.

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Let S be a locally noetherian scheme. Following Artin, we define the categoryof OS-algebras to be the category of ringsA equipped with a morphismSpec(A)→ S, and we say that anOS -algebraA is of finite type if the morphismSpec(A)→ S is of finite type. For example, we have the basic and well-knownlemma.

Lemma 2.1. Let κ be an OS -algebra which is a field, and let s ∈ S be the imageof Spec(κ)→ S. Then κ is of finite type as an OS -algebra if and only if [κ : k(s)]is finite and s is a locally closed point in S (i.e., for sufficiently small open U in Saround s, the point s is closed in U ).

The example of the generic point of the spectrum of a discrete valuation ringshows that we cannot replace “locally closed” by “closed” in this lemma.

Since the property of being excellent (unlike the property of being of finitetype) behaves well with respect to arbitrary localization, for our purposes it isconvenient to work with a more general notion than finite typeOS -field (thoughsuch extra generality will be harmless, since all arguments we give ultimatelywork with a singleκ that is fixed throughout the discussion).

Definition 2.2. We shall say that anOS-field κ is residually finite (overS) if theimage points of Spec(κ)→ S is such that the degree[κ : k(s)] is finite.

This notion certainly includes allOS-fields of finite type, but it allowss ∈ S tobe arbitrary.

Definition 2.3. For an OS-field κ lying over s ∈ S, we defineCS(κ) to bethe category of complete local noetherianOS-algebrasA equipped with anisomorphismA/mA κ over OS . We defineCS(κ) to be the full subcategoryof artinian objects.

For the convenience of the reader, we now review some deformation-theoreticterminology. LetF be a category cofibered in groupoids over the category ofS-schemes. Ifπ :B ′ B is a surjection ofOS -algebras andξ is an object inthe groupoidF(B), then we define adeformation of ξ to B ′ to be a pair (ξ ′, ι)whereξ ′ is an object inF(B ′) and ι is an isomorphism fromF(π)(ξ ′) to ξ inF(B). The deformation groupoidFξ (B ′) is a subcategory ofF(B ′) defined in anevident manner (i.e., one keeps track of and demands compatibility with theι’stoo). We will often suppress the mention ofι in the notation if no confusion islikely, but it is sometimes important to explicitly keep track of such extra data.The corresponding set-valued functor of isomorphism classes will be denotedFξ0 rather than the more accurateFξ0 (we will have no need to consider thedeformation theory ofF , except of course whenF is set-valued, so there is norisk of confusion with the notationFξ0).

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If κ is an OS -field and ξ0 is an object inF(κ), we define the formaldeformation groupoidFξ0 on CS(κ) by declaringFξ0(C) to be the category ofprojective systems(ξn, ιn) with each(ξn, ιn) ∈ Fξ0(C/mn+1

C ).For a pair(A,a) with A ∈ CS(κ) anda ∈ Fξ0(A), as well as a pair(C, (ξn))

with C in CS(κ) and(ξn) in Fξ0(C), we define

HomFξ0(ξ, a)

def= lim−→ HomFξ0 (ξn, a),

where HomFξ0 (ξn, a) denotes the set of pairs(h,ψ) where

h :C/mn+1C →A

is a map inCS(κ) andψ :F(h)(ξn)→ a is an isomorphism inFξ0(A).

Definition 2.4. We say thatξ = (ξn) ∈ Fξ0(C) is a formal versal deformation ofξ0 if, for any surjectionπ :A′ A in CS(κ) and any morphism

h :a′ → a

from a′ ∈ Fξ0(A′) to a ∈ Fξ0(A) overπ , the natural map of sets

h (·) : HomFξ0(ξ, a′)→ HomFξ0

(ξ, a)

is surjective.

Our aim is to study the deformation theory of an objectξ0 ∈ F(κ), whereκ is aresidually finiteOS -field andF is a “reasonable” category cofibered in groupoidsover S. We make two hypotheses onF which are nearly always satisfied inpractice:

• F is locally of finite presentation overS. That is, for any directed systemAiof OS-algebras with direct limitA, the natural transformation of categories

lim−→F(Ai)→ F(A) (2.1)

is fully faithful and essentially surjective. This means that every object inF(A) is isomorphic to the image of an object in someF(Ai), and for any twoobjectsxi, yi in F(Ai) with corresponding induced objectsxi′ , yi′ in F(Ai′)(for all i ′ i) andx, y in F(A), the natural map of sets

lim−→ HomF(Ai′ )(xi′, yi′)→ HomF(A)(x, y)

is a bijection.• For any complete local noetherianOS -algebra(B,mB)with B/mB residually

finite overS, and anyξ0 ∈ F(B/mB), the natural map of sets

Fξ0(B)→ lim←−Fξ0(B/mn+1



has dense image.

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The first of these two conditions is satisfied by nearly allF ’s which arise“in nature” [EGA, IV3, Section 8ff]. The second condition is a very weakapproximation hypothesis which, in practice, is nearly always an immediateconsequence of Grothendieck’s Existence Theorem for formal schemes [EGA,III 1, Section 5] and typically holds without restriction on the residue field ofB.Often (2.2) is even bijective. Note that these two hypotheses onF are preservedif we restrictF to the category ofS′-schemes for anS-schemeS′ → S whichinduces finite residue field extensions at all points (e.g.,S′ is locally quasi-finite overS or, what is of more interest,S′ = Spec(OS,s) for somes ∈ S). Thedenseness condition in (2.2) is only to be used as a device to ensure the effectivityof formal versal deformations. As usual in deformation theory, forξ0 ∈ F(κ) wewill be particularly interested in the groupoidsFξ0(A) for A in CS(κ).

Definition 2.5. Let κ be a residually finiteOS -field andξ0 an object inF(κ). Wesay thatF satisfies the Schlessinger–Rim criteria at ξ0 if:

• Fξ0 overCS(κ) is semi-homogeneous in the sense of [SGA7, Exp VI, 1.16],which implies that the setFξ0(κ[ε]) admits a natural structure ofκ-vectorspace;

• dimκ F ξ0(κ[ε]) <∞.

We say thatF satisfies the Schlessinger–Rim criteria if these two propertieshold for any residually finiteOS -field κ and any objectξ0 in F(κ).

The Schlessinger–Rim criteria onF at ξ0 are essentially just a groupoidversion of the classical Schlessinger criteria, also allowing for the possibilitythat [κ : k(s)]> 1. In [SGA7, Exp VI, 1.11, 1.20], Rim adapts the techniques in[Sch] to prove that the Schlessinger–Rim criteria forF at ξ0 are sufficient for theexistence and (non-canonical) uniqueness of aminimal versal formal deformationξ ∈ Fξ0(C) of ξ0. Whenκ = k(s), or more generallyκ is separable overk(s),minimality of (C, ξ) is exactly the condition that the natural map of sets

ξ : HomCS(κ)(C,κ[ε]) → Fξ0


be bijective. Whenκ is allowed to be inseparable overk(s), minimality involvesa technical condition onk(s)-derivations ofκ ; we refer to [SGA7, Exp VI,1.19(2)] for the precise definition in general (Rim’sΛ andK ′ are ourOS,s andκ ,respectively, the derivationD in Rim’s definition of minimality must be requiredto beΛ-linear, and the mapγ in [SGA7, Exp VI, 1.18(2)] isK ′-linear). For ourpurposes, the only role of Definition 2.5 will be to allow us to apply results ofRim from [SGA7, Exp VI], so it is not necessary to provide the precise generaldefinitions of semi-homogeneity or minimality here.

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Remark 2.6. When κ is allowed to be inseparable overk(s), the existence ofthe ring S with properties as asserted in the proof of [SGA7, Exp VI, 1.20]appears to require further justification than is given there. One can use a theoremof Grothendieck’s on formal smoothness [EGA, OIV , 19.7.2] to reduce to thecaseΛ=K, and then induction on the inseparable degree via a slightly involvedargument with exact sequences of modules of differentials takes care of the rest.

Definition 2.7. ForC in CS(κ) we say that an objectξ in Fξ0(C) is aneffectiveversal deformation of ξ0 if the objectξ induced byξ in Fξ0(C) is a formal versaldeformation. If moreoverξ is minimal, we say thatξ is aminimal effective versaldeformation.

It is unreasonable to expect the existence of effective versal deformationsunless one assumes that the maps (2.2) have dense image. In order to relateeffective and formal versal deformations, we recall a standard lemma.

Lemma 2.8. Let k be a residually finite OS -field, and ξ0 an object in F(κ).Assume there exists a C in CS(κ) and a (ξn) ∈ Fξ0(C) which is a formal versaldeformation of ξ0. If (2.2) has dense image, then there exists an effective versaldeformation in Fξ0(C) which induces (ξn).

Proof. See the discussion in [A2] following [A2, (1.4)]. Briefly, one first usesthe denseness of the image of (2.2) to find someξ in Fξ0(C) whose image inFξ0(C/m

2C) is isomorphic toξ1. Versality then gives rise to a mapϕ :C → C

which induces the identity onC/m2C and for whichFξ0(ϕ)((ξn)) is isomorphic

to the objectξ in Fξ0(C) induced byξ . Any such mapϕ must be surjective, andthen even an automorphism, from which the lemma follows by using the objectFξ0(ϕ

−1)(ξ) in Fξ0(C). By Lemma 2.8, we may begin the task of algebraizing a given formal versal

deformation ofξ0 ∈ F(κ) by at least assuming it to be effective. Alternatively, asin Theorem 1.1, we can simply suppose we are magically given such an effectiveversal deformation and abandon the hypothesis that (2.2) have dense image.

To be precise, we fix a residually finiteOS-field κ and an objectξ0 in F(κ),and we fix a pair(C, ξC) whereC ∈ CS(κ) and ξC ∈ Fξ0(C) is an effectiveversal deformation ofξ0. We want to algebraize (C, ξC), which means weseek afinite type OS -algebraB equipped with residue fieldκ at some pointp ∈ Spec(B) and an objectξB ∈ F(B) such that there is anOS-isomorphismBp C respecting residue field identifications withκ and carryingξB to an objectin F(C) isomorphic toξC .

Note that it suffices to work withB ’s which are local and essentially finite typeoverOS , sinceξB can then always be “smeared out” over a finite typeOS -algebra(asF is locally of finite presentation). In such a local ring situation we will speak

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of “local algebraizations” to avoid abuse of terminology (as algebraizations aresupposed to be of finite type overS); the distinction is minor sinceF is locallyof finite presentation. We will carry out a construction of a local algebraization(B, ξB) under the hypothesis thatS is excellent.

Since these approximation problems only depend on a neighborhood ofs in S,and even just depend on situations over the excellent affine scheme Spec(OS,s) inwhich s is a closed point, there is no loss of generality in now passing to fiberedcategories over a category of rings and assuming thats is a closed point in anaffine S (cf. Lemma 2.1). We shall adopt this point of view from now on.

3. Some algebra

We need a couple of elementary lemmas which center on the Artin–Reeslemma. The main point is to control the constant which arises in the Artin–Reeslemma when one approximates a given linear map by other linear maps.

LetA be a noetherian ring andm an ideal inA. In subsequent applicationsAwill be a complete local ring andm will be its maximal ideal, but we do not needsuch conditions here. By the Artin–Rees lemma, if

X :A⊕r1 →A⊕r2

is a map of finite freeA-modules, then there exists a non-negative integerc suchthat

X(A⊕r1) ∩ m

nA⊕r2 ⊆X(mn−cA⊕r1) (3.1)

for all n c. We summarize this situation by saying “c works for (X,m) in theArtin–Rees lemma.” Note that we can always increase such ac without affectingthat it “works.” Of course, we could avoid mentioning explicit bases of finite freemodules (and could even work with finite locally free modules), but it simplifiesthe exposition to use matrix and vector notation and this is harmless for thesubsequent applications.

Lemma 3.1. Let A be a noetherian ring and m an ideal in A. Let

A⊕r0 YA⊕r1 X

A⊕r2 (3.2)

be an exact complex of finite free A-modules. Let c work for both (Y,m) and(X,m) in the Artin–Rees lemma. Consider a pair of matrices Y ′ and X′ such that

A⊕r0 Y ′A⊕r1 X′

A⊕r2 (3.3)

is a complex and such that

Y = Y ′ modmc+1, X =X′ modmc+1.

Then we have the following conclusions:

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1. The sameconstant c works for (X′,m) in the Artin–Rees lemma.2. The complex (3.3) is exact; i.e., ker(X′)= im(Y ′).

Later on we will be interested in such diagrams withr2 = 1, in which case (3.2)will arise from a presentation of a quotient algebra ofA. The focus of interest willthen be on showing that we can “deform”X toX′ without changing the constantwhich works in the Artin–Rees lemma. Keeping track of an Artin–Rees constantfor Y is what enables one to get such precise control forX′. The second part ofthe lemma will never be used in what follows.

Proof. By localizing, we may assume thatA is local. The casem = A is trivial,so we may assume that m lies inside of the maximal ideal ofA. In particular, allfiniteA-modules arem-adically separated.

We begin by proving the first part of the lemma. Fixn c and an integer- 0.Choose a vectora ∈ m-A⊕r1 such that

X′(a) ∈ mnA⊕r2.

We will show by descending induction on- thatX′(a) = X′(α) for someα ∈mn−cA⊕r1, thereby obtaining thatc works for(X′,m) in the Artin–Rees lemma.

If - n− c there is nothing to show, so we may assume- < n− c. We willfind an elementY ′(b) which differs froma by an element ofm-+1A⊕r1. Once thisis done, we can replacea with a−Y ′(b) without affectingX′(a) but increasing-by 1 in the process, so the first part of the lemma would follow.

Note that

X(a)=X′(a)+ (X−X′)(a) ∈ (mn + mc+1+-)A⊕r2 = mc+1+-A⊕r2

since- < n − c. Sincec works in the Artin–Rees lemma for(X,m), by usingn= c+ 1+ - in (3.1) we get

a ∈m-+1A⊕r1 + ker(X)=m-+1A⊕r1 + im(Y )

since ker(X)= im(Y ) by the exactness of (3.2). In other words,

a = Y (b)+ a1

for someb ∈A⊕r0 and somea1 ∈m-+1A⊕r1. Writing this as

Y (b)= a − a1 ∈ m-A⊕r1

and recalling thatc works in the Artin–Rees lemma for(Y,m), we can choosebso that

b ∈ mmax0,-−cA⊕r0.

In particular, sinceY ≡ Y ′ modmc+1 we conclude that

(Y − Y ′)(b) ∈ m-+1A⊕r1

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by treating separately the cases- > c and- c. Thus,

a = Y (b)+ a1 = Y ′(b)+ (Y − Y ′)(b)+ a1

with the last two addends inm-+1A⊕r1. If we replacea with a − Y ′(b), then theimageX′(a) is unaffected but- goes up by 1. This completes the proof of the firstpart of the lemma, but since the method of proof only involves subtracting offwell-chosen elements in the image ofY ′ at every step, we get the slightly strongerconclusion:

X′−1(mnA⊕r2) ⊆ im(Y ′)+ m

n−cA⊕r1. (3.4)

This holds for alln c.Now we use them-adic separatedness of finiteA-modules. Forming intersec-

tions of (3.4) over alln c, we get

ker(X′)=X′−1(0)=X′−1( ⋂nc



(im(Y ′)+ mn−cA⊕r1)

= im(Y ′)⊆ ker(X′),

the final inclusion because (3.3) is a complex. This gives the assertion that thecomplex formed byY ′ andX′ is exact.

With A andm as above, we define the graded noetherian ring



and for anyA-moduleM we define the graded Grm(A)-module



The control on the constant in the Artin–Rees lemma from Lemma 3.1 is used toprove the following theorem.

Theorem 3.2. LetX,X′, Y,Y ′ be as in Lemma 3.1. There is a unique isomorphismof graded Grm(A)-modules


) Grm(coker(X′)


as quotients of Grm(A⊕r2). When r2 = 1, so the images of X and X′ are idealsin A, then the isomorphism (3.5) is one of graded Grm(A)-algebras.

In later applications we will be in cases withr2 = 1. The importance ofTheorem 3.2 will then be that “slightly” modifying the relations in anA-algebraquotient ofA will not affect the associated graded algebra of its maximal-adiccompletion as an algebra over the residue field. This uniform control at all levels

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of the maximal-adic filtration is the means by which we will be able to concludethat certain “algebraic” structures recover given formal structures upon passageto completions (see the use of (4.13) to prove that (4.15) is an isomorphism).

Although the main theorem in [Eis] gives a result quite similar in appearance toTheorem 3.2, the torsion condition on homology in that theorem seems to render[Eis] inapplicable in our present situation. More specifically, one might try toapply [Eis] to our situation modulomt for t = 1,2, . . . , but then the order ofapproximation arising from [Eis] would a priori depend ont . It may be possiblevia Lemma 3.1(1) (which does not seem to follow from [Eis]) to use [Eis] to proveTheorem 3.2, but this would require unwinding the role of the Artin–Rees lemmain a lot of spectral sequences and so at best seems likely to be more technical andlonger than the arguments we give (if such an alternative argument can be found).

Proof. For anyn 0 we have


) =⊕n0

mnA⊕r2/(mn+1A⊕r2 + mnA⊕r2 ∩ im(X)


and likewise forX′ replacingX. Thus, what we need to show is

mn+1A⊕r2 + mnA⊕r2 ∩ im(X)= mn+1A⊕r2 + mnA⊕r2 ∩ im(X′) (3.6)

for all n 0. If n c (with c as in Lemma 3.1) then the hypothesisX ≡X′ modmc+1 yields (3.6). Thus, we can (and do) now focus our attention on caseswith n > c.

Sincec works in the Artin–Rees lemma for(X,m), we see that

mnA⊕r2 ∩ im(X)⊆X(mn−cA⊕r1).

But c also works in the Artin–Rees lemma for(Y,m), and hence for(X′,m) too(by the first part of Lemma 3.1), so

mnA⊕r2 ∩ im(X′)⊆X′(mn−cA⊕r1).Whena ∈ mn−cA⊕r1 we have

(X−X′)(a) ∈ mc+1mn−cA⊕r2 = mn+1A⊕r2,(the addition/subtraction of which is therefore harmless for detecting membershipin either side of (3.6)) and hence for sucha we trivially have

X(a) ∈ mnA⊕r2 ⇔ X′(a) ∈ m

nA⊕r2.Putting these observations together, we get (3.6) forn > c.

4. Approximation for groupoids

We are now ready to give the proof of Theorem 1.5. Before starting the proof,we should remark that the proof of [A3, Corollary 3.2] asserts that the special case

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of Theorem 1.5 forS as in Theorem 1.1 and finite typeOS-fieldsk follows purelyformally from the statement of the “set-valued” analogue Theorem 1.1 applied tothe set-valued functorF . This seems not quite accurate: we need to keep track ofisomorphisms when algebraizing a given formal deformation, and hence passingto F in the algebraization process appears to cause too much loss of information.Partly for this reason, we need to work throughout with stacks fibered in groupoidsrather than with set-valued functors in order to prove Theorem 1.5.

As we explained at the end of Section 2, there is no loss of generality inrestricting to a category fibered in groupoids over a category of rings rather thana category cofibered in groupoids over a category of schemes. More specifically,we let R be anexcellent ring andF a category fibered in groupoids over thecategory ofR-algebras. We assume thatF is locally of finite presentation. Wepick a complete local noetherianR-algebraC with residue fieldκ = κ(C) offinite degree over the residue fieldk = R/m at amaximal idealm of R, and weassume that we are givenξC ∈ F(C) which is an effective versal deformation of

ξ0def= ξC modmC ∈ F(κ).

Our aim is to “local-algebraize” the pair(C, ξC) in the sense discussed at the endof Section 2.

Since the residue fieldκ of C is finite over the residue fieldk = R/m at amaximal ideal ofR, we can find anR-algebra map

ϕ :R[t1, . . . , ts] → C

such thatm′ def= ϕ−1(mC) is a maximal ideal ofR[t1, . . . , ts ] and the natural localmap

Adef= R[t1, . . . , ts ]∧m′ →C (4.1)

is surjective. Define

B =R[t1, . . . , ts ]m′,

soA is the maximal-adic completion ofB. We choose a free resolution of theA-moduleC

A⊕r0 YA⊕r1 X

A C (4.2)

where the last map sends 1→ 1. We are going to use Popescu’s Theorem 1.3 toapproximate this “completed” situation using essentially finite typeB-algebras(which are of course also essentially finite typeR-algebras). The isomorphism inTheorem 3.2 will provide adequate control on maximal-adic filtrations to ensurethat our essentially finite type analogue of (4.2) does in fact recover(C, ξC) uponcompletion.

SinceR is excellent, soB is an excellent local ring, the mapB → B = A isa regular morphism. Thus, by Theorem 1.3 we can write

A lim−→Bλ (4.3)

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for a directed systemBλ of essentiallysmooth localB-algebras (i.e., eachBλis a local ring at a point on a smoothB-scheme, with all transition maps local aswell). Note that all ring homomorphisms

B Bλ Bλ′ A C

are not only local but even induce isomorphisms on residue fields (sinceB → C

induces an isomorphism on residue fields, asA= B and (4.1) is surjective).Applying standard direct limit arguments to (4.2) with the help of (4.3), for

a sufficiently largeλ0 we can find matricesYλ0 andXλ0 over Bλ0 inducingacomplex Bλ0-linear maps




Xλ0 Bλ0 (4.4)

which recovers the first two maps in (4.2) upon applying the extension of scalarsBλ0 →A. Forλ λ0 we define




XλBλ (4.5)

to be the extension of scalars of (4.4) byBλ0 → Bλ, so the first two maps in thediagram (4.2) constitute the direct limit of the diagrams (4.5) overλ λ0. In whatfollows, we implicitly suppose all subscriptsλ satisfyλ λ0.

The cokernels

Cλ = coker(Xλ) (4.6)

form a directed system ofBλ-algebras over the directed systemBλ, compatiblewith base changes byBλ → Bλ′ for λ′ λ. Moreover, since the right-hand mapin (4.2) sends 1→ 1, we have a natural map of lim−→Bλ = B-algebras

lim−→Cλ →C

which is visibly an isomorphism. SinceF is locally of finite presentation, we cantherefore find a largeλ1 and an object

ξλ1 ∈ F(Cλ1)

admitting a mapξλ1 → ξC overCλ1 → C.Recalling thatA = B, we have the following commutative diagram of local

maps of local rings:


B Bλ1





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where the two right horizontal maps are surjections (cf. (4.1) and (4.6)) andthe right-most vertical map underlies a mapξλ1 → ξ . In particular, we have acommutative diagram of completions

A= B



jA (4.8)

Moreover, sinceA→ C is surjective andB → A is an isomorphism, it followsthat the maximal ideal ofB generates that ofC, so the commutativity of (4.7)shows that the maximal ideal ofCλ1 generates that ofC. We will use the notationn for the “common” maximal ideal ofCλ1 andC.

Lemma 4.1. There exist y1, . . . , yr ∈ Bλ1 such that there is an isomorphism

Bλ1 A[y1, . . . , yr]

compatible with (4.8). In particular, this isomorphism respects the R-algebrastructures on both sides.

Proof. This follows from the fact thatA = B and the local mapB → Bλ1 isessentially smooth with trivial residue field extension (cf. proof of [EGA, IV4,17.5.3]).

Now fix a large integerN 2 (to be determined later using the Artin–Reeslemma for (4.2)) and considerx1, . . . , xr ∈ Bλ1 such that

xi ≡ yi modmN


for all i. We write

Bλ1 = Bλ1/(x1, . . . , xr )

and we defineBλ1-linear mapsXλ1, Y λ1 accordingly by using (4.5) forλ = λ1.By Lemma 4.1 and (4.9), sinceN 2 we see that the natural map

ψ :A= B → B∧λ1

Bλ1/(x1, . . . , xr)A[y1, . . . , yr ]/(x1, . . . , xr) (4.10)

induced by passage to the completion onB →Bλ1 is an isomorphism.Sinceψ is an isomorphism, it follows that the mapB → Bλ1 is essentially

étale [EGA, IV4, 17.6.3]. In addition, we see with the help of Lemma 4.1 and(4.9) thatψ has the following crucial property: for allb ∈ Bλ1 A[y1, . . . , yr ],

j (b)−ψ−1(b) ∈ mNA ,

whereb= b mod(x1, . . . , xr ) ∈ B∧λ1

.Consequently, the matrices

X′ def= ψ−1(X∧λ1

), Y ′ def= ψ−1(Y∧



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yield anA-linear complex

A⊕r0 Y ′A⊕r1 X′

A C′ (4.11)

(with 1 → 1 on the right) which is congruent to (4.2) modulomNA .

Let us write


def= Cλ1/(x1, . . . , xr )= coker(Xλ1 :B⊕r1

λ1→ Bλ1


Beware thatCλ1 is “uncompleted”, so it has noA-algebra structure. As we notedbefore Lemma 4.1,Cλ1 andC have the “same” maximal idealn. This notation“n” will also be used for the maximal ideal of the quotientCλ1 of Cλ1. Using theB =A-algebra isomorphism


C′ def= coker(X′) (4.12)

defined via the isomorphismψ , by Theorem 3.2 we obtain a gradedR/m-algebraisomorphism

Grn Cλ1 Grn C (4.13)

if we takeN in (4.9) to be large enough (dependingonly on the Artin–Rees lemmafor the matricesX andY in (4.2) to make (4.11) sufficiently congruent to (4.2)).In particular, forevery non-negative integeri, theith graded pieces of the gradedR/m-algebras in (4.13) have thesame (finite) dimension overR/m.

Let ξλ1 ∈ F(Cλ1) be the object obtained fromξλ1 ∈ F(Cλ1) via the quotientmapCλ1 → Cλ1. Passing to the quotient of the isomorphism (4.10) by theN thpowers of the maximal ideals and using (4.12), we have an identification asCλ1-algebras between

C/nN = coker(X)mod mNA coker(X′) modmN



Cλ1/nN = coker




That is, we get anR-algebra isomorphismC/nN Cλ1/nN which makes the


Cλ1 C C/nN

Cλ1 Cλ1/nN


commute. In particular, the pushfowardξ∧λ1

∈ F(C∧λ1) of ξλ1 ∈ F(Cλ1) is a defor-

mation ofξ0 ∈ F(κ).The hypothesis that(C, ξC) is an effective versal deformation ofξ0 implies

that there is a local map of localR-algebras (respecting the residue fieldκ)

σ :C→ C∧λ1


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which lifts the right-hand column of (4.14) and is such thatF(σ)(ξC) and ξ∧λ1

are isomorphic inFξ0(C∧λ1). SinceN 2 andσ is an isomorphism moduloN th

powers of the maximal ideals, it follows thatσ is at leastsurjective. But recallfrom our above analysis of (4.13) and additivity of length that the quotientsC/nM

andCλ1/nM have the same finiteR-length for eachM 1. Hence, anyR-linear

surjection between these must be an isomorphism. It follows that theR-algebrasurjectionσ must be an isomorphism. The pair(Cλ1, ξλ1) is the desired localalgebraization of the initial pair(C, ξC). This completes the proof of Theorem 1.5(note that one can only getx ∈X in Theorem 1.5 to be a closed point preciselywhenκ is of finite type overOS).

5. Some properties of algebraizations

There are two additional questions one can ask concerning Theorem 1.5:

• Is the algebraization of a given formal versal deformation étale-locallyunique?

• If so, does the group AutF(κ)(ξ0) canonically act on the “henselization” of analgebraization in the minimal versal case?

We will make these questions precise in a moment. It scarcely makes sense tothink about either of these questions unless the natural transformation

F(B)→ F(B

) def= lim←−F(B/mn+1



is faithful for every local noetherianOS -algebra(B,mB) with residually finiteB/mB , and is fully faithful whenB is also complete; the right side of (5.1)denotes the evident groupoid of projective systems. In practice, the faithfulnessfor noetherian localB and the full faithfulness for complete noetherian localB follow from fpqc descent theory (see [EGA, IV2, Section 2.5–2.6] and[BLR, Section 6.1]) for Spec(B)→ Spec(B) and Grothendieck’s formal GAGAtheorems [EGA, III1, Section 5] overB. Note that such full faithfulness in thecomplete case ensures that if(B1, ξ1) and (B2, ξ2) are effective minimal versaldeformations ofξ0, then there exists an isomorphismB1 B2 in CS(κ) and acompatible isomorphismξ1 ξ2. This is immediate from the (non-canonical)uniqueness of minimal formal versal deformations. Thus, it is meaningful to askabout “uniqueness” for algebraizations of minimal formal versal deformations, ormore generally of a fixed formal versal deformation.

Definition 5.1. We say thatF is formally faithful if (5.1) if faithful for localnoetherianOS -algebrasB with residually finite residue fieldB/mB and is fullyfaithful for such completeB.

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Definition 5.2. If (C1, ξC1) and (C2, ξC2

) are two local algebraizations of aneffective versal deformation(C, ξC) of ξ0 we say that they arestrictly étale-locally isomorphic if they become isomorphic upon pullback to some commonlocal-étale extension of theCj ’s with trivial residue field extension onκ .

SinceF is locally of finite presentation, it is easy to see that Definition 5.2 isequivalent to the analogous property for (non-local) algebraizations in terms ofordinary (residually trivial) étale neighborhoods of the base point. In more canon-ical terms, Definition 5.2 demands the existence of anOS-algebra isomorphism

Ch1 Ch

2 (5.2)

of henselizations which lifts the identity on the residue fieldκ and lies under anisomorphism betweenξC1

andξC2as deformations ofξ0. Here is the affirmative

result concerning the existence of such an isomorphism (this is essentially just[A2, 1.7] adapted to our setting):

Theorem 5.3. Under the hypotheses of Theorem 1.5, assume also that F isformally faithful. Choose a residually finite OS -field κ and an object ξ0 in F(κ). If(ξC1

,C1) and (ξC2,C2) are two algebraizations of an effective versal deformation

(C, ξC) of ξ0, then an isomorphism as in (5.2) exists.

Remark 5.4. This theorem permits us to speak of a “henselized algebraization”of a fixed formal versal deformation, though such data is only unique up to non-canonical isomorphism in general.

Proof. SinceF is formally faithful, so (5.1) is fully faithful for completeB, thealgebraization property implies that the isomorphismsC C∧

j carry ξC over to

an object inFξ0(C∧j ) which is isomorphic to the pushfowardξ∧

Cof ξCj in Fξ0(C

∧j )

(and not just its pushfoward inFξ0(C∧j )).

Artin’s use of “ξC → ξ∧Cj

” to construct the desired isomorphism (5.2) in the

proof of [A2, 1.7] carries over essentially verbatim to the present setting of anarbitrary excellent base. Although [A2] only works with set-valued functors ratherthan fibered categories, the argument in [A2, pp. 32-33] adapts easily to the caseof our locally finitely presented fibered categoryF . The only step requiring aslight modification is where Artin appeals to the Artin approximation theorem: weneed to use Popescu’s Theorem 1.3 to provide the required generalization of Artinapproximation to our present setting of an arbitrary excellent base scheme (ratherthan one locally of finite type over a field or excellent Dedekind domain).

We now turn to the other question raised above: can we make automorphismsof ξ0 naturally act on the “henselized algebraization” of a formal versal

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deformation, at least when the corresponding formal versal deformation isminimal and the deformation functorFξ0 is “set- valued” (even whenF is not)?

For example, letS = Spec(Zsh(2)) be a strict henselization of Spec(Z(2)) with

residue fieldκ = F2 at the closed point, letE be a supersingular elliptic curveover κ , and let the elliptic curveE → Spec(B) be a local algebraization ofa universal deformation ofE/κ . The data(Bh,E/Bh) is uniquely unique (asinfinitesimal deformations of elliptic curves admit no non-trivial automorphisms,or in more fancy terms the moduli stack of elliptic curves is Deligne–Mumford).Does the action of the order 24 groupΓ = Aut(E/κ) extend to an action ofΓ onthe pair(Bh,E/Bh). The main issue here is to determine when “twisting” a versaldeformation by an automorphism at the residue field level does not destroy theversality property.

In order that one get satisfactory answers, we need to assume (in addition tothe above running hypotheses, including formal faithfulness ofF ) that on the fullsubcategoryCS(κ) of Artin local objects inCS(κ), the automorphism functors ofobjects classified byF are formally unramified. That is, for an objectA in CS(κ)and an objectξ in F(A) which inducesξ0 in F(κ), we suppose that the naturalmap of groups

AutF(A)(ξ)→ AutF(κ)(ξ0) (5.3)

is injective. This injectivity arises in the context of Deligne–Mumford stacks, sowe make the following definition.

Definition 5.5. We say thatF is formally Deligne–Mumford at ξ0 when the map(5.3) is injective for every artinian deformationξ of ξ0 overCS(κ).

Note that the injectivity of (5.3) is just a condition for Artin localA in CS(κ),and the conjunction of (5.1) being faithful and (5.3) being injective makes theFξ0 into a “set-valued” functor on the category local noetherianOS -algebras withresidue fieldκ .

Remark 5.6. In Definition 5.5, we do not require AutF(κ)(ξ0) to be finite.

Suppose now thatF is formally Deligne–Mumford atξ0, so Fξ0 is “set-valued.” Let (B, ξ) be a local algebraization of a formal versal deformation(C, (ξn)) of ξ0. If we pass to the structure(Bh, ξh) over the henselization ofB,then the étale-local uniqueness of algebraizations (as in Theorem 5.3) and thefact thatFξ0 is “set-valued” ensure that the henselized data(Bh, ξh) is uniqueup to unique isomorphism as a deformation ofξ0. We will therefore refer to thepair (Bh, ξh) as thehenselized algebraization of the formal versal deformation(C, (ξn)) of ξ0. It is reasonable to now ask the following question:

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Does there exist an action of the abstract group

Γξ0def= AutF(κ)(ξ0)

on the pair(Bh, ξh) lifting the action ofΓξ0 on ξ0 (so in particular,Γξ0 acts ontheOS -algebraBh in a manner which lifts the identity on its residue fieldκ)?

The fact that (5.1) is faithful and (5.3) is injective ensures the uniqueness of suchan action if it exists. The answer to the existence part of the above general liftingquestion is affirmative in theminimal case.

Theorem 5.7. Let S be an excellent scheme and let F , κ , and ξ0 be as inTheorem 1.5. Assume that F is formally faithful and also that F is formallyDeligne–Mumford at ξ0. Let (B, ξ) be a henselized algebraization of a minimalformal versal deformation of ξ0. Then there is a unique action of the groupΓξ0 = AutF(κ)(ξ0) on (B, ξ) lifting its action on ξ0.

As an example, ifξ0 is a polarized abelian variety or stable marked curve overa field, then its finite automorphism group canonically acts on any henselizedalgebraization of a universal formal deformation. Of course, this action isgenerally non-trivial on the henselian local base ring underlying such a henselizedalgebraization.

Proof. Due to the uniqueness (up to unique isomorphism) of henselized alge-braizations of formal versal deformations ofξ0, we claim that the problem isreally one of making an action on minimalformal versal deformations. Namely,if ι : ξmodmB ξ0 is the implicit identification ofξ as a deformation ofξ0 andσ is anF(κ)-automorphism ofξ0, then we will useminimality to show that anymap

ϕσ : B → B (5.4)

in CS(κ) carrying the minimal formal versal deformation(B, ξ , ι) to the formaldeformation(B, ξ , σ ι) is anisomorphism of rings.

Grant for a moment that theϕσ ’s are isomorphisms. The isomorphismϕσ isuniquely determined, as our hypotheses onF force the triple(B, ξ , ι) to haveno non-trivial automorphisms. If we did not have the isomorphism condition onthe ϕσ ’s, then we would have no link with automorphisms and hence would notbe able to establish uniqueness of theϕσ ’s (which is required to prove purelyformally that ϕσ and ϕσ−1 are inverses to each other). Via theisomorphism ϕσwe can view(B, ξ, σ ι) as a henselized algebraization of the formal versaldeformation(B, ξ , ι) corresponding to(B, ξ, ι). This could not be done withoutthe crutch of having available an inverse toϕσ .

By Theorem 5.3, we then conclude that there is anOS -algebraisomorphism ϕσfrom (B, ξ, ι) to (B, ξ, σ ι) which lifts the identity onκ andσ onξ0 ∈ F(κ). The

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formal Deligne–Mumford property ofF at ξ0 implies that such an isomorphismϕσ is unique, and the formal faithfulness ofF ensures thatϕσ inducesϕσ . Theisomorphismsϕσ clearly provide the asserted unique action ofΓξ0.

A natural idea for proving thatϕσ is an isomorphism is to show thatϕσ−1

is an inverse. However, since we do not know a priori that(B, ξ , σ ι) is aminimal formal versal deformation (at least not before knowing thatϕσ is anisomorphism), it appears difficult to show directly that the compositesϕσ ϕσ−1

andϕσ−1 ϕσ are the identity onB. For this reason, it seems necessary to analyzethe situation more carefully.

We have reduced ourselves to a general (and no doubt well-known) fact fromdeformation theory “with residue field extension”. Here is the general setup. LetΛ be a complete local noetherian ring with residue fieldk (such asOS,s above),κa finite extension field ofk, andCΛ(κ) the category of complete local noetherianΛ-algebras with residue fieldκ . Let F be a category fibered in groupoids overthe full subcategoryCΛ(κ) of artinian objects. Letξ0 be an object inF(κ) andsuppose thatF satisfies the Schlessinger–Rim criteria atξ0 as in Definition 2.5,so a minimal formal versal deformation(C, (ξn)) of ξ0 exists. Let(ξ ′

n) in F (C)be an object such that

• there is an abstract isomorphismι : ξ1 ξ ′1 in F(C/m2

C); we donot assumethis to be a map inFξ0(C/m

2C) (think of the caseσ = 1 above);

• we are given some map

ϕ :C→ C (5.5)

in CΛ(κ) carrying(ξn) over to(ξ ′n) butnot necessarily respectingι1.

For example,ϕ might be a map such thatF(ϕ) respects some given structures offormal deformation ofξ0, while F(ι1) might not respect this same deformationstructure. This is exactly the situation arising above withι andσ ι, with (5.4)arising in the role of (5.5), so it suffices to show that (5.5)must be an isomorphism.

It suffices to check merely surjectivity of the localΛ-algebra mapϕ, andfor this we immediately reduce to the caseΛ = k because the characterizingproperties of minimal formal versal deformations make it evident that formationof such deformations respects replacingΛ by a non-zero quotient (such ask).We just have to check surjectivity ofϕ as an endomorphism ofC = C/m2

C . Wecan view(C, ξ1) as a “minimal” formal versal deformation ofξ0 in the categoryCk,2(κ) of finite local k-algebras with residue fieldκ and square zero maximalideal. Thus, it is enough to consider the following claim.

Let B be an object inCk,2(κ) and ξ an object inF(B). If there existsa surjection

π :C→ B (5.6)

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in Ck,2(κ) carryingξ1 over to someξ , then we claim thatany morphism

π ′ :C→ B (5.7)

in Ck,2(κ) carryingξ1 over toξ must be a surjection. This is applied above bytakingB = C, ξ = ξ ′

1, andπ the identity endomorphism ofC (and using theaxiomatized isomorphism betweenξ1 andξ ′

1 in F(C) to make the identity maponC “carry” ξ1 over toξ ′

1).By using aκ-basis of the finite-dimensionalκ-vector spacemB , we reduce the

verification of the surjectivity ofπ ′ to the case where the Artin local ringB haslength 2. Thus, the only way thatπ ′ canfail to be surjective is ifπ ′ kills mC , inwhich case viaπ ′ the k-algebraB acquires a compatible structure ofκ-algebra(respecting residue field identifications withκ), soB κ[ε] in Ck,2(κ) andπ ′ isexactly the composite of the canonicalk-algebra maps

C κ → κ[ε].Thus,ξ in the categoryF(κ[ε]) is isomorphic toF(π ′)(ξ1), which in turn isisomorphic to thetrivial deformation of theF(κ)-object

ξ1 ξ0 modmC.

We conclude that thesurjection (5.6) in Ck,2(κ) sends the objectξ1 in Fξ0(C)to the trivial point in the tangent spacetFξ0 = Fξ0(κ[ε]). Note that thek-algebrasurjection (5.6) toB = κ[ε] is exactly determined by anon-zero κ-linear map


/mC → κ · ε, (5.8)

so we just have to show that such a non-zero map cannot induce a map (5.6)which sendsξ1 to the trivial deformation intFξ0. This is essentially the contentof the minimality hypothesis on(ξn), but in order to check this in the presenceof possible inseparability in the field extensionκ/k it seems necessary to recalla couple of facts from theconstruction of minimal formal versal deformations in[SGA7, VI, 1.20] rather than to just argue purely in terms of (uni)versal properties.

Since minimal formal versal deformations are unique up to non-canonicalisomorphism when they exist, and(C, (ξn)) only matters for our purposes upto non-canonical isomorphism, it is legitimate for us to replace this abstract pairwith any specific construction of such a minimal deformation. Using the canonicalisomorphism


/mC Ω1



the construction of (C, (ξn)) in the proof of [SGA7, VI, 1.20] (which rests onthe Schlessinger–Rim criteria atξ0 as in Definition 2.5) provides the existenceof a certain finite-dimensionalκ-vector spaceH (whose dual is a subspace oftFξ0

complementary to an “explicit”κ-subspace defined usingΩ1κ/k) and also the

existence of a surjection

C κ[H ] (5.9)

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in Ck,2(κ) takingξ1 to someθ1 with the following two properties satisfied:

• the inducedκ-linear map


/mC →Ω1

κ[H ]/k/H (5.10)

is anisomorphism;• for any morphismκ[H ] → κ[ε] in Ck,2(κ) which isnon-zero onH (andnot

necessarilyκ-linear), the induced map ofκ-vector spaces

Fξ0(κ[H ])→ Fξ0(κ[ε])= tFξ0(5.11)

doesnot send the isomorphism class ofθ1 to the zero element (i.e., theisomorphism class of the trivial deformation ofξ0).

Due to the isomorphism in (5.10) and the characterization of the surjectiveπ

in (5.6) in terms of a nonzero map (5.8), we conclude thatπ must factor throughthe surjection (5.9) inducing (5.10), soπ induces asurjective map

κ[H ] κ[ε] (5.12)

in Ck,2(κ) such that the correspondingκ-vector space map

Fξ0(κ[H ])→ Fξ0(κ[ε])= tFξ0

kills θ1. Thus, by the general property described for (5.11), the surjective map(5.12) mustkill H and hence (5.12) induces ak-algebra (but not necessarilyκ-linear) surjection κ → κ[ε]. A comparison offinite (non-zero)k-vector spacedimensions ofκ andκ[ε] implies that no such surjection can exist. That is, (5.7)had to be surjective after all.

We conclude by addressing the natural question of whether we can bring aΓ -action on a henselization down to the level of aΓ -action on a residually trivialétale neighborhood. More specifically, we prove the following theorem.

Theorem 5.8. With notation and hypotheses as in Theorem 5.7, let (X,x; ξ) be analgebraization of a minimal formal versal deformation of ξ0. Assume also that thegroup Γξ0 is finite. Then after passing to a residually trivial étale neighborhoodof x ∈X, there exists an action of Γξ0 on the algebraization which lifts the actionon ξ0.

Proof. We may assumeS = Spec(R) is affine andX = Spec(B) is affine of finitetype overS, with x = p ∈ Spec(B) a prime ideal, so (by Theorem 5.7) the basechange of our algebraization to the henselized local ringBh

p admits aΓξ0-actionlifting that onξ0. We wish to “smear out” this action from the henselization downto some residually trivial étale neighborhood ofx ∈X.

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Let y1, . . . , yn ∈ B be R-algebra generators. For each 1 i n, considerthe conjugatesγ (yi) ∈ Bh

p for γ ∈ Γξ0. Define si,j to be thej th symmetric

polynomial in theγ (yi)’s. There are finitely many elementssi,j in Bhp, and let

A be theR-subalgebra ofBhp generated by thesij ’s. ClearlyA is Γξ0-invariant.

If we replaceB with a sufficiently large étale neighborhood ofp contained inBh

p which contains the finitely manysij ’s, we lose the property of the oldyi ’sgeneratingB, but we get ourselves to a situation whereB is quasi-finite over anR-subalgebraA which is invariant underΓξ0. Renaming asp the evident prime idealof our modifiedB (coming from the maximal ideal of our unchanged henselizedalgebraization ring), letq be the contraction of this prime toA.

There is a naturally induced mapAhq → Bh

p which we claim isfinite. SinceSpec(B) is quasi-finite over Spec(A), it follows that B ⊗A A

hq is quasi-finite

over the henselian localAhq. By the structure theorem for quasi-finite separated

schemes over a henselian local base [EGA, IV4, 18.5.11], it follows that thereis a unique local connected component of Spec(B ⊗A A

hq) which is finite over

Spec(Ahq) and contains the unique prime overp. This local component is visibly

residually trivial and ind-local-étale over Spec(Bp), yet it is also henselian(being finite over Spec(Ah

q)). Hence, this component is uniquely (over Spec(B))

isomorphic to Spec(Bhp) as a scheme over Spec(Ah

q) (so indeedBhp isAh

q-finite).With Bh

p now seen to be finite over aΓξ0-invariant R-subalgebraAhq,

we use standard direct limit arguments (working over residually trivial étaleneighborhoods ofq ∈ Spec(A)) to make a base change by such a sufficiently largeneighborhood to get to the case in whichB is finite over aΓξ0-invariant finite typeR-subalgebraA and

Bhp B ⊗A A


Since F is locally of finite presentation, we can now run through standarddirect limit arguments one more time to bring theΓξ0-action on the henselizedalgebraizationBh

p down to an action overB ⊗A A′ for a sufficiently large

residually finite étale neighborhood Spec(A′) of q ∈ Spec(A). This gives whatwe wanted.


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