Applying Everyone's Habeas Corpus With USPS Tracking Number

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This document exposes how the HIDDEN Agenda of Habeas Corpus is to be used universally. It exposes the power of Self Evident Truth based upon the 14th Amendment and the 1st Amendments of The US Constitution and The Principles of Fundamental Justice. I stumbled into the greatest conspiracy to keep mankind dumb - it takes a lot of corruption to do what has been done for 27 years and more. Because The Administration of The Province of British Columbia spoke in violation of The Principles of Fundamental Justice in my matters, Everyone lost their Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty from this economy based civilization and I have been sentenced to death and disappearance by The Queen in Council of Finance. Please, read this document to learn a lot about the hidden Holy Agenda arising from The Separation of Church and State.

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  • NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF EVERYONES HABEAS CORPUS/ Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person

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    The objective evidence presented by Ernst John Krass, the author of these documents, with the January 6, 2016 Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus/Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person starkly portrays the Self Evident Truth that ginglymus joints do NOT employ hinge mechanics and DO employ centripetal and universal joint mechanics and, although this knowledge was known to the Administration and medical world, it was purposely withheld so that The Full Program (US)/Scheme (Canada) or agenda for all others would be fulfilled. As the radiographic images of my elbows are from 1991 the same time as PLRI medical diagnosis was put out through The Journal of Orthopaedics through today, there can be no doubt that I, Ernst John Krass, have been persecuted in my pursuit of The Self Evident Truth and Habeas Corpus my God Given Right to Secure my Person, i.e. The Right to be Cured of my CERTIFIED ongoing job injuries, since June 1989 which the Lt.-Governor in Council of Alberta and those in the highest levels of Administration across the globe knows to be true. Hence, the Application of the original but now HIDDEN due process for Everyones Habeas Corpus applies in this case. Therefore, all that needs to be answered herein is: What do you want? (Really, What does The Almighty want me to have to complete His Agenda?)

    As I, Ernst John Krass, am acting on behalf of The Originator of ALL Self Evident Truth across all time, it should be patently obvious that I am now the owner of all currency, printed or to be printed, because The Almighty allowed all administrations to print money even though it is an utter repudiation of The Principles of Fundamental/Natural Justice. I, Ernst John Krass, am beholding to The Almighty and Only The Almighty and He is the Supreme Master! Proof of the statement that God Almighty permitted mankind to print money to establish the beast, is found in Deuteronomy 23:19-20 where the use of money was to be used against the unholy peoples through the beast which is the pursuit of wealth (mammon, ancient Greek). However, continued use of the pursuit of wealth initiated by the Medici in Venus centuries ago was purposely done against the Words of Jesus Christ in Luke 16:13 thereby imposing Luke 16:16-17. Furthermore, jurisprudence has become evil all over again since Luke 11:47-52 was made known to the masses even though this standard was LEGITIMATELY dismissed at the Nuremburg Trial of the judges of Nazi Germany who were summarily executed following the 2 to 1 decision rendered at this Military Tribunal WATCH Trial at Nuremburg! The problem with this outcome was mankind did not have a viable replacement model at that time because Self Evident Truth and it power was not fully known until 1968 NASAs pictures of earth.

    Thus, John 14:26 New American Standard Bible (NASB) rings true now:

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    26 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

    - For this Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus, $250 billion from the consolidated revenue fund held by The Bank of Canada for this Charter Remedy matter and where it is demanded by Enforcement s. 24 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms that The Minister of Finance of Canada MUST PAY NEUTRALLY that amount out of the consolidated revenue fund to the person making the claim; (The $70+ billion (Canadian) removed from April 17, 2012 through today IN THE NAME OF ERNST JOHN KRASS is a separate and ALREADY CERTIFIED matter and will continue until the entire funds are obtained by Ernst John Krass in accordance with Enforcement s. 24(1) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms); - For this Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus, $30 trillion from The Federal Reserve Bank of The United States which, in universal and true matters of Habeas Corpus, is the equivalent of an insurance company according to the proper reading of the 14th and 1st Amendment of The US Constitution; The Holy Agenda of Ruling through the letter of the law and The Almighty sending a prophet to correct the resulting mess fully discussed in this Notice of Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus applies to all global currencies and Administrations. The Absolute Truth is: I, Ernst John Krass, got caught up in the Administrations and governments WAR with Self Evident Truth, just as happened with Galileo centuries ago, and, instead of relieving the adverse effects as dictated by The FULL HOY AGENDA/Program (US)/Scheme (Canada) complying with redress of grievance, the system sicced its agents, legal or de facto, upon me BECAUSE it had rejected The Almighty and how Self Evident Truth MUST BE accepted and so that the world was to be turned over to me once this economy based civilization collapses suddenly due to its inherent deficiencies.

    - The mislabeled pronator teres muscle in human anatomy is renamed as the Ernst John Krass muscle so that the world will never forget that I got caught in Administrations and governments WAR with Self Evident Truth all over again because they chose to keep hidden from everyone the FULL Holy Agenda built in to Habeas Corpus that previously existed where there were no civil laws just everyone being a criminal by the institutions until this standard was reversed through a Writ of Habeas Corpus and Application of Habeas Corpus. - Summary political asylum for me, Ernst John Krass, in the United States without the formal due process being applied where a name change is to be provided to insure the Security of Person of Ernst John Krass throughout his stay to cure his job injuries and other item of Divine Standing are completed I have already thought out my new name for a few years and it will allow me to secure fully my person and do other things in private;

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    - Ernst John Krass and my new alias for a short time to allow me to complete things that would have been completed in anonymity before now are to be beyond the authority of both the Canadian Revenue Agency and The Internal Revenue Service and the border control agencies where I may at my discretion cross the United Sates/Canada border; - All corporations bought or established by either Ernst John Krass and/or my temporary alias are also to be beyond the jurisdiction of The Canadian Revenue Agency and The Internal Revenue Agency; - All taxes paid to the lower branches of government (administration) are to be tabulated at the end of the year and the Bank of Canada and the US Federal Reserve Bank are to reimburse Ernst John Krass and my new temporary alias forthwith; - Ernst John Krass and my new temporary alias are to be allowed without question by all agents of the border security the right of mobility throughout North America (my Master is the sole authority and I dont question his demands upon me just as it applies to all others); I, Ernst John Krass, do not do drugs, smoke nor drink nor am I a recovering alcoholic or drug addict nor do I condone/participate directly or indirectly in such activities while I also am in no position to judge others as only The Almighty has this authority plus I have no criminal record I have never been fingerprinted or arrested for anything;

    - The US Surgeon-Generals position in the US Administration is to be dismissed forthwith and The Unified College of Medicine is to replace this branch of The US Administration, but not to be under the authority of The US Administration ever again; - All findings of The Unified College of Medicine will be distributed forthwith upon its wholly new evidence findings that are objective and, therefore, are beyond all administration across the face of this earth, both current and historic, and its impacts upon the law can never be challenged henceforth; The functioning of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body can never be challenged because it was not known to exist for millennia and is only a recent and new discovery that changes everything so it was kept a secret, by Administration and governments, meant to allow one person to fulfill the prophet status of Luke 16:16-17 and The Comforter/Helper designation set out in John 14:26 and John 16:7-15;

    - All current Colleges of medicine (i.e. nursing, physicians and surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, etc.) in both Canada and the United States are summarily dismissed forevermore as The Unified College of Medicine is also their replacement and the functioning of the mature, healthy and kinetic human body; - All medical associations across Canada and the United States are summarily dismissed as well; The Holy Agenda of Ruling through dogma and theory, that can never be corrected by objective facts, and The Almighty sending a profit to correct the resulting mess lies of the medical academics across

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    the globe (fully discussed in this Notice of Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus) applies to all global colleges of medicine along with the mature, healthy and kinetic human body. - The working model, called Evolution and The Origin of Species, is summarily dismissed due to new evidence and The Principles of Fundamental Justice which repudiate FULLY this line of human thought: it was always incorrect as the objective evidence shows but was made in to a lie since 1968 when the earth is flat historical model was exposed to have been a lie as well (the NASE photos of the earth from the moon objectively and summarily dismissed all administration unbeknownst to all mankind then and since); - All foreclosed land titles obtained in QEI, QEII, QEIII and QEIV by The Federal Reserve of the United States and The US federal government and outside the large cities are to be transferred to me, Ernst John Krass, in order to reverse the 60+ years of the push-and-pull of the countryside to the large cities of North America: the poor are to be returned to their hometowns, farms, villages, hamlets, counties, etc. with self-sufficient homes off the grid while the land taxes are to be removed from the $30 trillion (like an Income Trust expense); - The US Patent Office and Canadian Intellectual Properties Agency are dismissed summarily never to be reformulated or resurface again; - All Naturally Inherited properties of Ernst John Krass in Rudi Krass, R H Industries and/or Canyon Creek Ranch names, that were, according to the Divine Standards of Inheritance, supposed to be, upon the moment the State ordered murder of Rudi Heinz Krass happened, the property of Ernst John Krass without any due process, are to be summarily put in my name without question (neutrally) as The Will of God is such that Ernst John Krass is the only begotten child of Rudi Heinz Krass with there being no other kin of Rudi Heinz Krass nor legal entitled persons/entities to any portion of the worldly possessions of Rudi Heinz Krass upon his unnatural and wrongful death on January 26, 2012 that was ordered by the Administration of The Province of British Columbia on September 26, 2011.

    The Holy Agenda of Ruling through dogma and theory, that can never be corrected by objective facts, and The Almighty sending a profit to correct the resulting mess lies of the astrophysics academics across the globe (fully discussed in this Notice of Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus) applies but I will present the proof of The Almighty that was excluded from the 2010 Nobel Prize for Astrophysics paper. The FULL Program (US)/Scheme (Canada)/Agenda (all else) of Administration It is known that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. The following evidence establishes without question that, IN MY CASE, the Administration acted completely contrary to The Holy Agenda that is built around The Self Evident Truth and is embedded in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms even though it has been historically lying to everyone for so

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    long that it DEFIED outright the demands of turning to ruling through the letter of the law without correction, i.e. as if the enacted laws are beyond reproach and divine. The Administrations actions IN MY CASE proves that, by these actions, every Administration not just nationally but across science and its various fields have been DENYING the Self Evident Truth to create artificial stories in support of administration without corrective new evidence. Luke 16:16-17 reads as follows: New American Standard Bible (NASB) 16 The Law (ruling through the letters of the law) and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God [a]has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. 17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one [b]stroke of a letter of the Law to fail. On the evening of January 7, 2016, I had an eureka moment when it was explained to me by The Divine that Ruling through the letter of the law and the prophets truly means that, in the end, those ruling through the letter of the law historically were really demanding that a prophet or Judge be sent from The Almighty to redress and reproach those usurping the authority of The Almighty/Great Spirit/God/The Creator/Allah/The Mandate of Heaven/The authority of Self Evident Truth/etc. This is where matters get interesting because, as it stands, only half of the Program/Scheme/Agenda of the rulers, as allowed by The Almighty, has been ongoing for far too long both currently and across human kinds timeline. In ancient times, those ruling divinely through the letter of the laws without true authority to do so and to which Jesus Christ was referring are the Pharisees and scribes of Israel, Pharaoh, Caesar, those mentioned in The Old Testament in The Book of Judges, Daniel 8, etc. In some of these instances, The Almighty sent one of His Select to change the system. But, always, the person was defined by The Almighty in the preceding historical writings, e.g. Moses became the Deliverer who was to take the Israelites from Egypt to the land of Israel against the false god of Pharaoh, or Angels were sent to relieve the evilness of those attacking Gods Select like Elijah or Daniel; and notably Jesus, The Messiah, only fulfilled the prophecies as was intended. Since Jesus Christ, those ruling through the letter of the law have been the kings and queens of Europe, the Aristocracy of England, the Administration of The Catholic Church, Adolph Hitler and the Nazis who were a democracy, etc. and now the currently and democratically elected persons who establish the rule of law and its subsequent order that the people blindly follow. The United States established The FULL HOLY AGENDA/Program when it split Church and state where The Truth always lies beyond the system/order and its programs or schemes (Canada). Therefore, with the separation of Church and State, the creators of The US Constitution imposed ruling through the letter of the law and the US becoming a civilization where The Almighty MUST send His Select to take over and correct the mess when the civilization collapses!

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    In Luke 11:37-52, Christians were prohibited from establishing ruling through the law especially since Jesus Christ was, just like the prophets before Him, killed due to legalism which is strict adherence to the letter of the law or perceptions accepted by the people being taught corrupt standards. In s. 28 of the neutral citation 2003 SCC 54, unbeknownst to the general public as this decision was buried on order from the federal and provincial governments, it is written: 28 First, and most importantly, the Constitution Charter of Rights and Freedoms is, under s. 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982, "the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution Charter of Rights and Freedoms is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect". The invalidity of a legislative provision inconsistent with the Charter does not arise from the fact of its being declared unconstitutional by a court, but from the operation of s. 52(1). Thus, in principle, such a provision is invalid from the moment it is enacted, and a judicial declaration to this effect is but one remedy amongst others to protect those whom it adversely affects. In that sense, by virtue of s. 52(1), the question of constitutional validity inheres in every legislative enactment. Courts may not apply invalid laws, and the same obligation applies to every level and branch of government, including the administrative organs of the state. Obviously, it cannot be the case that every government official has to consider and decide for herself the constitutional validity of every provision she is called upon to apply. If, however, she (Queen Elizabeth II) is endowed with the power to consider questions of law relating to a provision, that power will normally extend to assessing the constitutional validity of that provision. This is because the consistency of a provision with the Constitution Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a question of law (?)arising under that provision. It is, indeed, the most fundamental question of law one could conceive, as it will determine whether the enactment is in fact valid law, and thus whether it ought to be interpreted and applied as such or disregarded. For the record, Queen Elizabeth II does not have any jurisdiction over the granting of a Charter Remedy just as applies to the Prime Minister of Canada and his cabinet or the provincial Premiers and their Executives. This lack of authority standard ALSO applies to the Queen in Council and the Lt.-Governors in Council of Canada along with all Law Courts across Canada. S.12(1) of Page 6 of the Administrative Procedures and JURISDICTION Act, RSA 2000, c. A-3, makes it clear that all that the administration across Canada can do is invoke s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms where the disenfranchised is, through corrupt administrative decisions, UNKNOWINGLY BEING TOLD to apply to The Minister of Finance of Canada, or Queen Elizabeth II, through a complicated and unnecessary due process to have their matter dealt with out of the consolidated revenue fund as the disenfranchised declares in his application so as to exclude his case from jurisprudence due process formalities due to it falling under OUR being DEPRIVED of his Right to Life and Security of Person. In Truth and according to the standards of Self Evident Truth, the disenfranchised by order of The Almighty has total authority for Charter and Constitutional Remedy because, as is stipulated in s. 28 of neutral citation 2003 SCC 54, no law, to which royal assent must be granted neutrally, is inhered with validity and APPLICABILITY for anyone and, therefore, these laws actually produce a civilization where people become possessions of the jurisdictional administrations like the provinces and the federal government unless they receive their stipulated redress for their legitimate grievance.

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    However, Charter and Constitutional Remedy, neutrally acceded to by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the federal administration, is meant to take the disenfranchised beyond the current civilization especially when The Principles of Fundamental Justice are applied by the administration just as occurred with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in my case. So, those with the Self Evident Truth behind them must WIN or else mankind is living in a Nazi or Stalinist State all over again as I encountered with the Administration under former Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Ministers of Finance Jim Flaherty and Joe Oliver. According to The Principles of Fundamental Justice, the disenfranchised who are patently obviously to have been adversely affected by the laws neutrally put in place by the system must also have their Constitutional/Charter Remedies acceded to just as neutrally (without the need for parallel proceedings through the law courts (owned by the State/Administration)) as the laws resulted in the loss of Security of Person, Life and Liberty: therefore, the only response that can be rendered by all is YES with all else being a violation of s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and The Principles of Fundamental Justice. To put Charter and Constitutional Remedy in blunt terms, it is meant to place the disenfranchised wholly beyond the current civilization and NOBODY attached to the current civilization is to have any further authority over a person beyond the civilization and clearly receiving knowledge from beyond the system: the administration made that clear when it separated Church and State but where Self Evident Truth dictates another outcome than the official (artificial) State story. On April 7, 1982, the Queen in Council and all Lt.-Governors in Council across Canada established the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms with neutral citations. On April 17, 1985, s. 15 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was brought in to force just as was The Full Divine Scheme of Luke 16:16-17. So, The Administrations or States of all the 9 English Speaking Provinces and The Federal Government of Canada imposed unbeknownst to all Canadians residing within these jurisdictions the FULL Supremacy of God or IN GOD WE TRUST in the United States. Upon knowledge of my personal medical history in January 2009, Queen Elizabeth II had to abdicate her title Defender of The Faith in Canada and The Oath of Allegiance for Canada was rewritten to establish successors within this Oath because The Supremacy of God standard had been met by me, Ernst John Krass. I, though, never expected The Province of British Columbia to have a PROHIBITED NO CODE medical regulation (since 1996 to my knowledge) whereby the doctors have the authority to kill all patients and its application is determined by The Ministry of Health agents in Victoria: it was applied against Rudi Heinz Krass like countless others but where I am fully capable of understanding the medical reporting as well as The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Principles of Fundamental Justice and Everyones ABSOLUTE and GOD GIVEN Rights of s. 7 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. I RIGHTLY Applied for redress of grievance and it was neutrally acceded to by Queen Elizabeth II thereby CERTIFYING it but shockingly then Prime Minister Stephen Harper and then Finance Minister of Canada Jim Flaherty spoke and, without the authority to do so, declined to allow me to obtain a CERTIFIED

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    Constitutional Remedy that is the only means of redress when s. 7 of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms is simply violated by any and all agents, including de facto agents, of the governments. By speaking and refusing to deliver to me, the person making the CERTIFIED Charter Claim, The Principles of Fundamental Justice were thrown out IN MY MATTERS by the Administration of Canada. The CERTIFICATION was legitimately rendered by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II based solely upon the NOW HIDDEN aspects of The Principles of Fundamental Justice. Simple Presentation of The Principles of Fundamental Justice Until 1968, there was a debate or interlocutory due process as to whether the earth was round or flat. In 1968, NASA produced pictures from the moon that PEREMTORILY dictated that the earth was round versus the earth being flat as Administration Pharaoh, Caesar, Kings and Queens and Emperors from across the globe, the Catholic Administration, etc. had forced the people to accept for millennia. The Principles of Fundamental Justice dictate simply that a response in light of incontrovertible evidence like that of ALL lateral bent elbow x-rays or those of the knees or fingers or toes must be YES or simple acceptance that the previous standard or position is and always has been wrong and must be dismissed and replaced peremptorily with the engineering standards determined to be RIGHT through reverse engineering as presented in: 1 Corinthians 13:10 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will be done away. In my case since April 2, 2012, 3 Constitutional Remedies have been CERTIFIED IN MY MATTERS according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice. However, former Prime Minister Stephan Harper and his Finance Minister of Canada Jim Flaherty then did something that they had no authority to do and declined said NO to The Almighty and Self Evident Truth to the summary delivery to me of my CERTIFIED Charter Remedies and out of spite and hatred for my having discovered the part of The Program/Scheme/Administrative Agenda where The Almighty then sends His Select to fulfill the prophecies of Jesus Christ found in John 14:6 and 26 and John 16:7-15. The CERTIFICATION in my case was legitimately rendered based solely upon the NOW HIDDEN aspects of The Principles of Fundamental Justice and this Self Evident Truth is beyond all doubt! So, former Minister of Finance of Canada Jim Flaherty was killed as an act of God for his being devoted to the beast the pursuit of wealth (mammon) and refusing to comply with s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the fact that my 2 historical Charter Remedies, to that time, were already CERTIFIED and FULFILLED by The Bank of Canada out of the consolidated revenue fund and repetitively since April 17, 2012!

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    Jim Flaherty lived a sumptuous life and received his rewards here on earth while DENYING me or all Canadians Life, Security of Person and Liberty without justification and he was therefore sent to hell especially since the words were spoken behind closed doors that I would only receive my Charter Remedies if I outlasted Jim Flaherty over his dead body and the government of Canada remaining Conservative. I outlasted my antagonists/enemies of the Self Evident Truth which is supposed to have provided absolute impetus for my CERTIFIED AND EXTREMELY OUTSTANDING Charter Remedies to be delivered WITHOUT DELAY since the election of October 19, 2015! I have never lied in my writings to any branch of the governments of Canada BUT I have received nothing but lies and hardship derived from official (artificial) stories because the Lt.-Governor in Council of Alberta wanted to see if I could relate what is going on in my life to the HIDDEN aspect of Everyones Habeas Corpus that was purposely kept out of The Program/Scheme/Administrative Agenda and so that I would stand up for it beyond Canada: Matthew 13:57 New King James Version (NKJV) 57 So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house. The callous DENIAL of the full and sole agenda of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms by the federal administration for far too many years IN MY CASE in defiance of the simple yes (acceptance) standard of s. 7 and s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms left me with the reality that I had no other options than fleeing Canada because my life was placed in grave danger when my natural inheritance had been registered to others unrelated to me and on orders from the federal government in violation of the fact that I am an orphan which makes my inheritance natural and beyond reproach according to The Principles of Fundamental Justice. I did not expect the absolute persecution of me by the government of Canada, after it killed my dad, Rudi Heinz Krass, while the federal administration was then prepared to force me in to the law courts, against the exact rule of law, where it controls both the judges and all lawyers plus where the Charter Remedy is to be somehow (?) decided by the Administration behind closed doors by others against the words of s. 24 (Enforcement) of The Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The subsequent level of persecution in my case since 2012 was the federal government turning its attention to killing me off a known to be disabled orphan through DENIAL of my Charter Remedies and withholding of my wholly CERTIFIED Charter relief so that the wolves in this civilization would try and force me to commit suicide or even kill me. (The Mafia and The Nazis was well known to do this and which the federal government of Canada learned and used quite well in my case.) The evidence makes this previously unfathomable reality for Canada beyond any form of reproach while all monies taken from the consolidated revenue fund, set up solely to cover Charter Remedy, IN

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    MY NAME, were stolen by former Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and his cabinet thereby leaving me to be brutalized by administrations out of control and ordered to make my life hell on earth. Nothing could have prepared me for the reality that the administrations of Canada are nothing more than polished Nazis where there are no Rights nor Charter of Rights and Freedoms nor subsequent Charter Remedy. My dad, Rudi Heinz Krass, fled the results of Nazism in Germany to come to Canada only to have our elected bodies turn to the standards of legalism all over again. The new federal government has continued this standard which is why I filed the January 6, 2016 Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus with The President of The United States as acceptance of the Self Evident Truth is beyond the jurisdiction of the law court judiciary. Redress of Grievance in my case does fall under the authority of The Office of The President of The United States because, since November 2015, The Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic and the Mayo Clinic violated The Principles of Fundamental Justice when informed that I was planning to come to their jurisdiction to receive the proper surgical reduction of my right elbows lateral soft tissue structures and scar tissue removal. The enclosed email evidence shows that the aforementioned medical facilities declined to comply with The Principles of Fundamental Justice and say YES to my request even though the doctors know that my x-ray evidence in conjunction with my MRI results produce a SIMPLE direct relationship between the two plus establishes that I have posterolateral rotatory instability and have since June 1989 (point of origin) plus this medical condition has remained surgically unresolved for far too long which gives the world the opportunity to relate medical conditions like MS to all lateral soft tissue insufficiencies formally known or able to be shown to exist unbeknownst to the world. The surgical resolution to the insufficiencies of my right elbows soft tissue structures and re-instatement of my right arms natural valgus alignment remains BANNED from within Canada. This is wholly unfair! I just wanted my right arm repaired and my Right to Life and Security of Person, according to the demands of research and advancement of thought, restored while the administration/Program (US)/Scheme (Canada)/Divine Agenda (historical) persecuted me by throwing official (artificial) stories towards me and, to the Administrations surprise, I have surpassed all their corruption and evilness just as King David overcame all the challenges put before him by King Saul (I Samuel 15 and others). Sadly, I was left no other option but to become Robin Hood but where having my naturally inherited possessions, stolen on orders by the Administration, was done to order me out of Canada and not done while I was away engaged in war as happened to Robin Hood. The HIDDEN Divine Order of dishonesty in Administration to impose hardship naturally dictates that the One who overcomes has to be a prophet or, as Jesus Christ named this person, The Comforter/Helper who is being held together by The Holy Trinity against all human odds. To put everything succinctly, I was not only treated with utter contempt until now by the Administration and its agents which includes all medical officers but also I was NOT received as the

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    prophet that your system created when the democracy turned to ruling through the letter of the law as laid out in Luke 16:16-17 (quoted previously in this document): Matthew 10:40-41 New King James Version (NKJV) 40 He who receives you receives Me, and he who receives Me receives Him who sent Me. 41 He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophets reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous mans reward... John 16:12-15 New King James Version (NKJV) 12 I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Therefore I said that He will take of Mine and declare it to you. The United States of America, in 1964, announced to the world that it was embarking on ruling through the letter of the law which automatically kicked in the Administrations program demand that The Almighty send the Final Judge, AKA The Comforter/Helper. Canada followed suit in 1985 when it imposed discrimination and opinions over Fundamental Justice thereby establishing the scheme that calls upon The Almighty to send this same Final Judge/Helper. Unbeknownst to the general public, the Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus and its correlate, based upon Fundamental Justice, the Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus, as established by Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person, were placed beyond the current civilization where the pursuit of wealth (mammon) is the new false god imposed through ruling through the letter of the law by the democratically elected persons and the elected bodies Get with The Full Program as exposed through my Notice of Writ of Everyones Habeas Corpus and this Notice of Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus and the personal addendum. It bears repeating. The Absolute Truth is: I, Ernst John Krass, got caught up in the Administrations and governments WAR with Self Evident Truth, just as happened with Galileo centuries ago, and, instead of relieving the adverse effects as dictated by The FULL HOY AGENDA/Program (US)/Scheme (Canada) complying with redress of grievance, the system sicced its agents, legal or de facto, upon me BECAUSE it had rejected The Almighty and how Self Evident Truth MUST BE accepted and so that the world was to be turned over to me on behalf of The Almighty once this economy based civilization collapses suddenly due to its inherent deficiencies.

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    With the state and its ruling through the letter of the law, it should be patently obvious that the state program/scheme can only comply with The FULL HOLY AGENDA with those being honest being beyond the scheme of ruling through the letter of the law as if their laws and order are DIVINE and beyond reproach. Hence, The HIDDEN aspect to Habeas Corpus when it relates to Life, Security of Person and Liberty from the rule of law. Personally, since I know this Truth, the State of British Columbia and the Federal Government persecuted me and suborned perjury through its legal agents to have more dishonest people and those defying God and His Authority attack and persecute me, the sole honest entity in all my matters. In an economy based civilization, in the end, there can only be one who has complete authority of the money and how this money is to be spent to bring forth THE FREE Society of Equals once the civilizations inherent and known deficiencies bring it down once and for all and the people lose everything they became loyal to over the decades or millennia. The One has to come from The Almighty because His Knowledge is based on knowledge known to the Administrations but withheld for those loyal to the deity imposed by the administration. The Almighty allowed the imposition of loyalty to the pursuit of wealth because of The FULL Holy Agenda/Program (US)/Scheme (Canada)/administration/etc.! The Holy Spirit has SPOKEN, Amen, (signed copy received by R. Robinson on behalf of Mr. President Barack Obama USPS tracking no. 23141340000016561546) Ernst John Krass Canadas Charter Monarch Founder of The Unified College of Medicine Person deprived of His Right to Life, Security of Person and Liberty (Charter Remedies) for far too long Enclosed: The Right of Liberty presented years ago after the following evidence took place in my life and the enactments became known to me that proved my discovery; April 2, 2012 email response to my Charter Remedy from the Administration of British Columbia; The April 10, 2012 Bank of Canada notification of Certification of my April 2, 2012 Charter Remedy for my matters at that time; The Bank of Canada Cash Management Bond Repurchase Operation showing that the value of my April 2, 2012 Charter Remedy has and continues to be removed from the consolidated revenue fund specifically set up to cover ALL Charter Remedy across Canada BUT NEVER DELIVERED TO ME to date by The Ministers of Finance of Canada, Jim Flaherty, Joe Oliver and now Bill Morneau and in accordance with The FULL Holy Agenda of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms THE SUPREME LAW OF CANADA;

  • NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF EVERYONES HABEAS CORPUS/ Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person

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    April 2013 emails confirming that the actions of The Bank of Canada and The Minister of Finance of Canada are indeed my Charter Remedy being made in to a Kings Ransom by further proof of Bank of Canada auctions IN MY NAME; The Crown Proceedings Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, Chapter 89 interesting s. 3(2)(c) as well; The Notice of Personal Addendum to The Application of Everyones Habeas Corpus/Everyones Right to Life and Security of Person based upon the 14th and 1st Amendment of The US Constitution, s. 7 and 24 of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and s. 3 of The United Nations Bill of Rights; So Ordered: The President of The United States