SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK --- --- --- --- --_ ..,- --- --- ----_- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- x LISA STEGLICH, individually and as parent and natural guardian : of ALEXANDER HERLIHY, infant, RIC CHERWIN, individually and as parent and natural guardian of MARLEY CHERWIN, infant, CAROL BARKER, individually and as parent and natural guardian of OMARI BROWN, infant, GINA DEMETRIUS, individually and as parent and natural guardian of SEBASTIAN DEMETRIUS, KIMBERLY JARNOT, individually: and as parent and natural guardian of MARGARET THOMAS, infant, NYDIA JORDAN, individually and as parent and natural guardian of HARRY D. JORDAN, infant, KAVERY KAUL, individually nd as parent and natural guardian of ASHOK KAUL, : infant, RUBEN and GERALDINE LOPEZ, individually and as parents and natural guardians of SHANE LOPEZ, infan , MADELINE OLMEDA, indiv dually and as parent a d natural guardian of CRISTINA JULLIA CRUZ, infant, LAZARA QUINONES, individually and as parent and natural guardian of DORIS ALCANTARA, infant, and MARILYNN SARJEANT, individually and as parent and natural guardian of ALIY A CLUNIE, infant, Petitioners, -against- THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY SCHO L DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK a/k/a THE PANEL FOR EDUCATIONAL POLICY, THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, and DENNIS M. WALCOTT, as Chancellor-Designate of the City School District of the City of New York, Respondents. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index No. 104300111 lAS Part 12 (Feinman, J. ) APPENDIX TO PETITIONERS' MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN OPPOSITION TO INTERVENORS' MOTION TO DISMISS P HI LL IPS N IZER LLP 666 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10103 (212) 977-9700 Attorney for Petitioners Of Counsel : Jon Schuyler Brooks Paul A. Victor Marc Andrew Landis Meagan Zapo tocky 1146861.1

Appendix to Petitioners' Memorandum of Law in Opposition to Intervenors' Motion to Dismiss

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'May 28, 2010

,Introduced by 'COMMITTEE, ON RULES (at ,req~est of M. of A. Nolan,Silver, Benjamin, Bing, Camara, Clark, Espaillat, Galef, Gottfried,Hikind, ,Hoyt, Jeffries, Morelle, Powell) -- (at request of the Gover-nor) read once an'! referred to the Committee on 'Education

AN ACT to amend ~he education law; in relation to charter schoois

The Peop~~, 9f the,state Qf New York, ,rep~sentad,in Sen~te a n d AS~em-

bly, do enact as follows: '

1 Section '1. Subdivision l' of section 2851 of the education law, as2 added by chapter 4 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read,as follows:3 ' 1, An application 'to establish a charter school may be' submitted' by4 teachers, parents, school 'administrators, community residents or any5 combination thereof. 'Such application may be filed in conjunction ~ith6 a 'college, university, museum, educational institution, not-for-profit7 c or por at ion ' exem pt fr om ta xa tio n u nd er p ar agr ap h 3 of eubaect.Lon (c) o,f8 section SOl of the internai revenue code or for-profit busin~ss or9 corporate entity , authorized to do business-in New , York state. PrOvide a

,10 howeve~ for-profit: business or cozporatEi 'engtiea sha~l not be 9l~g:l.bl.e,11 to' 's~lIlit:· "an appl..ica:tion to e8tablish .. charter achool pu;r:rruant to'12 s'ubdivision nine-a, 9£ section t:wenty-eigh~ hundred fifty-two of t:lU.s

13 'art:i~le, or operata 'or ,manage a oharter sabool for ,a oharter issued

14 pu,rsuant' to IJUhdj,viaion rune:"'&of seotion twenty-eight lp,mdred'fifty-two

15 o.f"·thi'srtie!"" Fol': chart,ex schools ~stabli5 h~d in conj unct.Lon with a

16 fQ~-p.rofiti::lu.siness or c or po ra te e nt it y; the char'tar sh~a,1. ,1. specify the'17 extent of tne enti,ty's p<I:i-ticipa·tion in t he ~ an ag em e. nt ' an cl op er at , io n o flB. the school.19 § 2 . ' Pa ra qr ap h (e), of SOOdivisi<)n 2 of section 2851 of the education20 law, as added by chapter'4 of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as21 follows:', '22 (c) The proposed governance strUGture of the schooJ., Lncludinga list

23 of members of the initial board of, t rustees, a descriptio.n ,of the quaJi-

24 ficat10ns, terms a n d method of appointment or election . Q f truEtees, the

25 organizational , structure of the school, a. pl:"ocedu;re£01: conduoting an d26 pub~icizing ~onthly board of trustee meetings at each charter schoo~,

EXPLANATION--~atter in italigs (underscored) is new; m~tter in brackets, [-] is old law to .be am i tted.


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1 and the processes to be followed by the , school to promote parental and,2' staff involvement in school go~ernance.

3 '§ 3. Paragraph (v) of subdivision 2'of, section 2851 of the education4 law, as added by chapter 4 of the-laws of 199B, is amended to read as

5 follows: ,6 [v) A code _ of ethics for the charter school, setting forth for'the7 guIdance,of its' trustees/' officers and employees, the' standards of8 conduct e~pected, of them inoluding 8 tanda~ds ~~th, r es pe ot t o d is plo s~ e9 of c on fl io ts o f ; i, nt er el lt :agarding a.nymatter brought ba.fo~e the, board

10 of trustees. ,11 § 4. P ar ag ra ph ( p) o f , su bd iv is io n 2 o f ' se ct io n 2651 o f t he , e du ca ti on12 law, as added by chapter 4 of the laws -of 199B, is' amended to read, as1'3 foilow,$':14 (p) The term, of the pr9Posed charter, which shall not exceed five,IS years_;'provided qowever, in", the QaSa o f < ;I ba ,r ta :s :; sssueq pursuant to16 '8UbdL,,~sion: nino-a - Of seotion. twenty-eight hwlcb;Qd fifty-twQ ,of this '17 Artiole"the term.of RbebP;-~ char.tar'shall Jl,ot w.:ceed fiva year,.. in18 w hi ch i ns tr oo t: i. onis p~ovided to PUPils plus the peri9d cOmmIlIl.,cif)9 with

19 the e£:feotive date oE the charter and endi-ng with t;he openiQg of the2 ,0 sgpo<;tlfor instruot;:i.op..' " , ' ' ,21 '§ 5. Subdivision 3 of' section 2851 of the educatn.on ,law" as added by22 chapter 4 of the laws of 199~, paragraph (a)' as ~~ended, by section 6- of23 ' part B, o f c ha pt er 57 of the laws of 2008,' i s a me nd ed to. ~ead as follows:24, 3'. An applicant shall submit the application toa charter entity, for25 _a pp rov al . F or p ur po se :a of t hi s a rt ic le , a c ha rt er .,e nt -i t- ys ha 'l lb e:26 ( al T he ,b oa rd o f ' ,e du ca ti on o f a s ch oo l d is tr ict . e .l iq ib le for an appor-27 tio~ent of aid under'subdivision four of section thi-;rty-sixhundred two28 of this chapter, provided that a board of education shall not approve an29 'applioation for a school to be operated outside the school district's30 'geographic boundaries and further provided that in a city having a popu-31 l at i' on o f o ne , m il li on ' or more, the chancellor, of any such city school32 'distric~ shall be the charter entity established by this paragraphF ' ,33 (b) The board of 'trustees of the state university of New York) or34 '(c) The_ board of regents.35 The board C i J f 'regents shall be the only entity authorized to issue a

36 ,charter pursuant to this article. Notwithstanding any provision of this37 subdivision to the contrary, an application for the conversion of an38 e xi st in 9 p ub li c 's ch oo l t o, a charter school shall be submitted to, and39 may ,only be approved by, the charter entity set forth in'paragraph (a)40 of'thi's subdivision.' [Any) Notwi~stand.ing' ~y law, rule or regulation41 to the contrary, any such application for conve~sion shall be consistent42 with this section- but shall not be Rubt~.Qj<_ to the pr2Q !!§.spursuan ~ to43 s ub di vi si on , n in , ~- afiJf s ~Q ti on t we nt y- ei gh t: h un dr ed f:j.fty-two of this44 a~tiole, and'the charter entity shall require that the parents or quard-45 ians of a majority of the students then enrolled, in the existing public46 s ch oo l v ot e In favor of converting the school to a c ha rt er s ch oo l.47 §6. Subdivision 4 of section 2651 of the'education la~, is'amended by46 adding a n ew paragraph (e) t o read as f ollows: '49 (al The me~ by whioh the o ha r~ er , s c ho ol w il l ~eet or exoeed an~ol~-50 ment and retention targets as pi:;esoribedby ,tila board of regant9 O~ th.e

51 .board of truste.es of the, stlata uniVersity o:ffNew York .a8- applicable, of

52- s tu de nt s , wi th 'd ia ab il .i ti es , E ng li sh l an gu ag e l ea :r ne ~B , a nd s tu de nt s w ho,53 a ra , e l i gi bl e a pp li oa nt s for ~e free and rsduoed p~ice lunch program54 whioh , shall be considered'by the oharter entity prior to approving such

,; 55 ~ter, school' 9 applioation for x-enewaL Wb'e:rJ,ev~loPinqsudb targets «

56 the 'boru:d',ofr"genta and the board of t+Vi?tOltilS of tha state university'

" .

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1 of NewYorkaha12 erisnre (1)' that such ertrQll~ent targets -aDa cQmparable

? to the IiInro.U~ent :f'igurQEl Of such ,oatggoiiail of atud.ents attending the

3 pi,m.lio sa:p.oblS.within t;1).esohool di!1'triot, or in ~ aity.· ~Chool dJisq:ict4 j_p a oity h av ir ig ~ P Cl P9 ~a ti 9D of on.emill:!,qn o.l jmore iqh~b:i,tants, thQ'

5 aomm.uni.i;:yf\chooJ; di.i!pt-riot., .in wbich t:h,£\ chex1:.er B_ohqolis lodatt'ild; omd'

6 (:2:) that ;!Iuai1etehtion bu::gata ara coiDparabllil'to ,the rate of retention

7, of .sucb.oategor.ies of students, attending tbe-BUhl.io sohools ·'lti.tbin the

8 soh90i' dis~rict, or in a ci,t1" sanclol diB,tri~1; it:l a oitY,having" IIpopu.-

9 l~t±on of one millio~ or more i~abita~ts, the' 'community 'school

10 ~striot. in whioh the proposed ohart8~ sohool would ba 1~cat8d,

11 , § 7. Subdivision 1 o f section 2852 ,of the education law, as amendedby

12 section 2 of part 0-2 of chapter 57 of the laws of· 2007, is amendedto

13 read a.i; 'follows:, .

14 . 1. '1 \ c:har,ter entity that receives an application for app_roval. of -a

15 chart.er school snal+' act on aa'ch request received ,prior to JulyfLrl!t of

16. a c-;:llend.ar· year' on or before January ,first of t.he succeeding calendar

17 year, and -a'proposed' ohaj:"i:erbetween the applicant and the charter ent1~

18' ty. resultlnq -from such application, :thall ,be executed on' or"be'foJ:e Feb.tQ'-'19 ary' f_irst of 'such succeedi.ng year. Nothing in I:his s-ubdivision


20 construed to prevent 8mharter entity from r.eceivlng or .acting Upon an

21 applic~i:ion at 4ny time. This subdivision 8hal~ not apply to app~ioa-

22 tiooa thatal:Q- subDU.tted·PHsuant to pubd;!.:Il'is:l.on-nine-a of th.ia:·seation.

23 §a, 'Subd;l.vbiOn S of section 2852 of the education law, as added by2,4 chapter 4 of the laws of 1.9';16,is amended:to read as tollows:

25 5. Uponappzovaf of 'qn application by a charter entity,' the appHc.ant

2,6 end charter ent.ity abell enter into a prClposed agree.ment allowing the

2? applical1ts to org,anioze and opecate a charter school, Suc:hwritten aqree-

28 roent, , known as the charter, shall include ( , , - 1 the information required

29 ,by ~\JbdivisiOn two of section twenty-eight hundred .fJ,ft:y-one- of this

30 article, as modi;eil;ldor suppJ,emented during- the ",pproval pJ:ocess, (p) .in

31 t:h,e'caSB of gbarte..:-! to be issued pursuapt to' aubdivlsi6n mne.-a af'thie

32 section,' information regu:l.":-Qd by such subdivision. (c:) any other teDnB

33 or cpnditio~s requ1Xed by applicable laws, rules and regulations, and

34 (-tor] (d) any' other terms oX'conditions, not inconsistent with'1aw, .

35 agreed upon by the applicant and t,he charter entity. In' addition, .the

36' charter shall 'include the ,specific commitments of the charter entity37 relating to its obligations toooversee and supervi'se the charter school.

38 Wi,thin five days 'after entering into a proposeq charter, the charteX'

39 entity other than the board of, regents shalL submit to the board of

40 . regents a copy of the charter, the application and supporting documenta-

41 tion for final approval and issuance by the board of regents i~ .accord-·

42 ance with subdivisions five-a and five-b of' this section.

43 § 9. Subdivision 5-a of secti~n 2852 of the education law, as amentled

44 by section 2 of part 0-2 of chapter 57 of the laws of 2007, is amended

45 to 'read as follows:

4'6 5-a. Uponreceipt of a proposed cl'larter submitted by a chartez:: ent~ty,

~7 the board :of regents 'shall review such proposed cbarter in ,accordance

48 with the standar,ds set forth in subdivision two of this section, and any

49 other appliaable specifioations requ1red by this artiQla. The board of

50 regents' shall either (a) approve and issue the charter as proposed by'51 the, charter entity' or (b) return the proposed charter to the ~harter

52 entity for reconsideration with the writtert comments and recommendations53 of the board of'reqents. If ~he 'board of regents fails to act on such

54 proposed charter within ninety days of its submission to the board of

55 regents in accordance 'with the previous'sentellce; the proposed ctia'rter


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1 shall be deemed· to ha~e be~n ap~roved and issued by the board of regents2, at the expiration of such perio~.

3 S 10. 'Intentionally omitted. .',4 S .1L Subdivision·9 of section 2852 of the education law, as amended5 by section 2 of part '0-2 o f c ha ~t er 57 of the laws of 2007, is amended6 ,to read as follows:, ;7 9; The total number of charters issued pursuant to. this article shallg not. exceed [i:wo) f9ur hundred s~xty. Ca) One hundred of such charters9 ~hall b~,issued on the recommendation of the c~arter entity described in'10 paragraph (b) of subdivision three of sectlon twen~y-eight hundred11 fifty-one of this article~,-andll_jQl one hundred of such charters shall12 be issued oh the recommendation of, the other charter entities set forth13 in subdivision three of secti~n twenty-eight hundred fifty-one of this14 articlEd, p:z:ooided, the!:l.;(0) u~ to fifty of the additional charters15 auth9rized to be issu~d by the' q hapter of the laws of two thousand seven' ,16, ,which amended 'this subdivision :effective July first, two thousand seven17, shall be reserved for a city. s c~ool. distr.ict of a city having ~ popq-18 lation of one million or more; ,(d), o ne h un ~r ad th~rty qparters shal~ be

19 i~sl.ledby tb,e board of regents PI,1rsuant to a . ' o9l11Pat:i.tive )?ro08sE! in20 accordance with ~~vis;on QJ,ne-a of this 8.eot;.i.~n, provide~ that no21 lIIore than fiftY-saven of Sloh oha:rt:.ers shall. be arBltad to a abarl:$r for22 i ! I . sohool ~o be located in § oitY having a papula.tics of' one JIlilJ.i.on....Qr.

23 lItO'rill; ( 1 £ 1 ) one hWldrQd t:,hirty:~rtl9rasbe:ll 'beo :J,ssu.ad;by t.be boaJ:idof

24 regl"nts on the raQOlllDlendatior), 0'11"!:he boa~ of trustees o,f tha state

25 Wlivarfrlty o.t! NewYork pUJ:§ua.nt to a COIIIS?QtEi.t.j.VIiII prooess ;i,Q aooordano~26 with..subdiVision nirie-a of this jsaotion. provided' that no more than

27 .f;if:l<Y'-88venf such _oharte;J;i§a' 811 be ranted to a ahaJ:tar for a achool.

·28 to'be located in a city having populil.t!an of one lIlilli.'on o r more. The29 'f<;lilureof any body to issue th~ r eg ul at io n.i aq th ori ze d p ur su an t t o· thh'30 article shall not [e££acI:J ~~ tbeautnodty o f a charter entity to3l propose a ~ha:rter' :t'o the ,b~ard of i~gents or tne b!,)arcif reqents •32 authority to , grant such charter.: 'A capversion of ao', e xi, st in g p ub li c33 school to a. charter school :or the renewal or extension of a charter34 shall not be counted toward the :numericai limits estab~ished' by. this35 subdivision." . .

36 S' 12. Section 2852 of the ;education law is ~ended QY adding a new,37 subdivision 9-a tQ read as fo1l9ws:38 9-a. (a) Tbci. bOaN of r:&gents :is hereby authori2led and direot:eQ a,

39 ;~sue two hunclr~ 'suty, chartEirs pursuant to a comp.ti.~VQ rBquel!llt for40 p-'COposals .,?xoce:as. ' ': , . ' .

41 ,(1) CO~Qnoing on A'uauat. f,irii1f..HO t:houaand ton, the boa~d of rlOlgW)ir.If'42 and ·t;h.. board of t~taQ8 of t.lul sat.e lUliyarlfity of' NaN IOl:;k shall e~

43 iS~l.lea r~est· for proPo8al~ i~ aooordance witb this subdivi.sio~ and

44 this sul:lparag;raph:' · . i ,45 , (1) Each request fo:e.,pr,opo~a18 to be issQad 'by the bOIl.l;'do:f regenta46 and the board of trdsteas of t,h(;j state universi't;y of New,York on August

47 .f~r8t,two thou~and ten ahal+ b~ for a maximumof.thirty-two charters to

48 b~ issued for cbarter schoo1s ~c~ w ou ld c om me nc e in~tructional. opera-

49 . t~on by the September of ,*8 ne~~. oa.lendar year.50 (2) ,EachraguGst £cr proposals t:.oA A issued by the hoard of_ regents

51 and ~~eboa.;d,of trustees Of th.;J state :UnivElJ::s.ity:of Ne w YorlF on Januliry

52 f:i.rst, ~o ~ouBancl slaven aha$. be for a maximUm.Q~ thi.J:ty-~eEil char-53ters to be is'sued for ollart:orsdhools whic;:hwould. OOmD1eDce instructional.' -

54 op'er~t.1on.by the SeptGmbfil:r:f thI!;! n~t; C:al.e~~ YEJar. , ' ,, 55 (3) 'Ep..ch. :z:9gUest forpl:Oposa;Lsl toea .i:ssu.ed·y the h05U:cl of. regapts

56 Mel tha' bgarg of t ru st S9S 9' t:bel state' .l,l1'liyorsity ,?f Ne W Yorlc on JNNY'Y.

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f.i.rllt I ,tWo tboi,tsand twa.!va shjllJ. be for a ~illl.WI1. of" thirty-two charters,

to _he isauad for ch:u:te-r s,abooJ.s Which !,ould co_enos insbiuotiooal

C?~;,ation by t;he Sept~e,r of the next oalen$l:' ye!lr,(4) Each requa,at fO,r proposals to ~e issued by tb~ bqard, of 'r,~9~n1:~

~d the boar~ of tru~tQes of ~B state university of NewYork on Sep~-

'bar first. two thousand ,thirteen ehall bs for 11 maxilll.\Ul!f th.irty-three

chart:et:'s to be iss'Usd ri:. rohar ter sghools wbiob would. oonUnaaoa inst:rUo-

~on~;L oper~tion by t h " ,9l\\ptWliberof the caxt calam;l;.tr yel;U;.',

(.i,.i) Notnr:LtliabmdiDg the p,rovisions of nl.ausEi~ one, two" three an4foUr of subpax'sg;r:aph (i) of'thi!! par,agraph, i:f' f",wer ohartersa:r;e. i"suad.

than were 'l:'agtiested. .i.n the request for proposlUs, the' d:i.fferanoa may be

addsd to tha number of MJ'lrters reguQsted in.the request fo'x 'p:r;op~

in the suace!Bdl.ngyear. " "

, (i,;i.i) The l:io'llrd of' regents' shall _,lte ~ daterDIi~ti~n to iss1l& a Qhar-

ter p~'suant to a ,request. for proposals no later than ,December t:lU:-rtY-f'irst of seab year.

,{b) !fhBboard of J:;'ilIgeJitsand the: board of· trust-eou. of tha stata

~vel:'sity oE New York shall each develop spcq reqpose for proposals in

,Ij. l!IBIUle.rha.,t. faoilit'ates . 1 1 . thoughtfu1.X-Elv:i.ewof ol'ta:ct,ar 8ohoo~ ,~_p.tloa-:t;,ion~, oonsid ..-rs 1:1;0 deJllalld£o~ .ol:up:tar sohoo;t.s bY 'tPtiI c,Om.Di.ili).:i:ty"nd.seeks to looate ab8:rtal;'oohools in it regi.on Ole req:f.ons wharBlthere may

be ·tt ~aQk of alternatives and acgess to chartersCmools - would p.:r;pvida

nev al.tiArnat:Lvas wi thin 'thQ local publ;Looducation, sys tam. that woul.d ., offar the graatal!it eduoat.:l.onaJ.ban9·fit to students,. .Jwpl~aatiDns liI,hall

ba ayal.uated in aacorda#olill with tho oribQr;i.a and ¢bl.a.otives conta.i,ned ,wi thin aJ;'Qgueat for l?roposal's, !lIhEl board of regent!!!. and the "bOard of

tru.stees 0 : 1 : ' the.' s~ate· unl,versitY of -NaW York shall not consider ;my

app,l.;Loatiotl(i whioh do not ri.gorously demol1o-suata tha~ t:h_ayhav~ lIlet the

fol.lowing orit6r:i.a:(i)t:hatthe p:r9possad gh!p:tBr school· WQuldmila'!:.'r exqeerl eQl:'gliment

and re-te-ntion ta,rqets. M presczoi.b1iW. by the bo•.rd of l:'~ants' or th9

,board off trustees of the state·-u.n:i.versi,t~ of NWYork. 'as appl'igablth ~

stu.d.an'bl wi t:h .disab:l.li t1aa, Englisl:l ,langti'ag-e laa.rn~ru, and atudants who8.~a eli.qib~tI 8Ppli.Can~ 'feD:< the free and rElducQ<!'prj.Qe lunch p~:cam.Wfi...n. developing Bouch t8rget:.a.. the . board of r'aqantll and tbe 90ll.r9. oft:c'Ils'!:IulB of '!:he state unive;r;siW of NawYork. 8h~sura (l)t:ha.t: sugh.enrol1t..-mt. targets are comparable' to the enl:'ollm.ant figures 'of suah

oate90r~e8 of students at:tending' the publio aohoQ;Lswithin the Soh,901'distriot, OJ:: ,in a oity "chool distriot ~ a gj,ty having a. population ofam mil.lioXl 01' 1II0re iMean.ts, 'the Qolltlllun:i.1:ych.oo~ dia~;lct •. in. whichthEl proposQd charter sohaol would be located;' and (i) that ~

ratan,tion tarqatsp1:;B cci!!lPal;;ablet9 the :ra.te of :t"tlI~on"Qf' such ca.te'-

gqr:i.es ,of studentlil att&nd±ng the. publiq sohools wi.thin the sohoold:i..str-i.ot, or ih a o;i.ty sohool distriot :in a. ciLty having a population of

one m.illion or 1110:8 inhabitants,. the QOlD.llluni t.y 'school di'lltdot-,. In wbich

the proposed charter school wouid be located: a n d ,(.i.i) that ,the app.+,icant has oonduoted publio outraach, in ~onfo:rmity

w:i.th a thoro~gh and ~aninqtul publio review p~ooes~,presQribed by the

board of regents and the board of trustfiles of the state ~ivli'rsity of'New'i(9:ck. to ,solioit aolJll li.unity :inPUt regarding the proposed chartAr

school and to address oo~ents r.Elce!ved from the, tmpaoted 90~unity

concerning ~e educa,tional, and pl:C!grammatic naed8 of students, ,(0) The board of regents and the board of ~stees 9f the state

university of NewYor.k shall grant priority 'based on a sooring rubric to

those .....!!EEJ,iaationa 'that bast. dBlllonstrat~ how tbav will aqhigv~

fall,owing opjacitive.B. and any Bdc!..:Ltio.<1d: obi acti ....s :the board ofd.9"nt:a


























3233 '3435











52 '53



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.A. 1 131 0 7.'

1 ja) Upon the approval.of a charter bY.. the board of regents, ' t he board2 of regents shall in.corporate the chart;er school as 'an education cozpo-

3 ration for 'a term not to exceed five years, providad hpwever in the case4 of oha.rtaJ;'s l;SSU4gI.9.pqp,Buant ~o ~ubdiviBi~n. nin,e-aC?f 1[199tiOntwenty:"5 eight hun9red fif~-twq. ~f this artic~e ~e ~ard of'regents sh~l~G inco~rate the Qharter school a. an education oorporation for a te~7 nQ·t to exceed five years in whioh instruotion i8 proVided ·l0.2....D.upilsiu,!,

8 .the .period cOlDDleno:i,pg with the effective dat,e of the. o ha rb er a nd enciing~ with ·the opening o~ the sohool fOr anatraotion. Such certificate of

10 incorporation shall not modify. or limi~ any terms pf t he c ha rt er11 approved by the beard of regents. Upon approval of an application' to12 renew a charter, th~ board o f regents shall extend the· c ertificate of13 i nc or po ra ti on f or a term not to exceed five years. Upon termination or14 non renewal ·of the charter of'a charter school pursuant to section twen-15 .ty-eight 'hundred fifty~five of this art~cle, the certificate of incorpo-16 ration of the charter. school shall be revoked by the' -boar-d of regents17 pursuant to section .two hundred nineteen. of thi's c hapter, . p rovided thatl~ compliance with the notice· and hea~ing 'requirements of. such section19 twenty-eight hun~red fifty-five ot this article shall be deemed to20 sa~isfy ihe notice and hearing requirements of sucn section two hundred2 1 nineteen .. It shall' b e the duty of the trustees of the charter school to22 . obtain. federal tax-exempt status no. later than one 'ye'ar following23 approval of' a .charter school by the board of regents. For purposes .of24 t hi s a rt ic le , ~ ·c e· rt if .i .c at ef in c: or po ra ti qn " ' sh al l m ea n t he p ro vi Si on al25 charter issued by the board of regents to 'form the charter school as ·an26 educational corporation pursuant to 'sections two hundred sixteen .and two21 hundred seventeen of this chapter.28 . § 14 •. Paragraph (b-l') o ~ s Ub di vi sl on 1 o f s ec ti on 2853 of the educa-.29 tion' law, as added by chapter 4 of the laws of 1~98, fs ~ended to read30 as follows: . ,31 . Cb,:"l) An e du ca ti on c or po ra ti on o pe ra t~ ng a charter school shall ,(not:]

32 be authoriz~d to operate more than one scbool or house any grade at more33 than 'one site, provided "that a charter·musu De issued for each such34 'additional school or s;i:te in adoo~ae with the r!!lqUi:rements. for- the.35 :Lssuanoe of a ohar-mr pursuant; to this article and that _db auch-adcH..

36tion",l soboo.l ora,ibaBba.H· oount:. 'as a cll."rte:r; issued tiw:'I9Uant to 8ubdi~37 _V:Lsi.onpine of section t~~.1ght h W )d rG d f :l .£ tv -t woof this fU"t.icl,a;

38. a nd p ro vl ,c le di!urther that:

39 (AI ~ charter ~chool may operate ~n more than one building at a sinqle40 site; and . . ..

41 (8) a. charter school which provides instruction to its students at42 different locations for a portion of their school day ~hall be deemed to43 be. operating at a single sit:e·. .44 S 15. Paragraph (a) of.subdivision 3 of section 2853' of the education45 law, as ·amended by section 4 of p'art 0 -2 cif chapter 57 of tne 1a~s of46 2007, is ame~de~ and. five new 'paragraphs (a~ll, (a-2 ), (a-3)., (a-4) and47 (a-5) are added to read as fallows:48· 'Ca) A charter school may be located in part of an existing public·49 5c~ool building, in space provided on a private work site, in a public50 building or in.any other .suitable location. Provided, however, before a51 charter school may be located in part of an existing public school

52 building, the charter entity shall provide notice to the parents or53 guardians of the students then enrolled in the ~xisting sqhool building54 and shall hold' a public hearing for purposes of discussing the location55 Qf the charter school.·A charter school may own, lease or rent its

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A, 11310 8

1 space ~ [Po,,"ptc!Lposes of ~ocal 2l01iing, ll!d\ci aaa Ze9'11a Lion and bl:lildiug

2 C o d e ecmp1:i!!<lica, a OOd%'Le:cdedlc'ol shall be daiJmed a iaeupUbl:io:l school: ' I

3 . (a-I) (i) !i:or abartqrljl iru.uad ~suant to aubd.i,yi.s,ion Qiila-a of''4 ae~t:;i.on,~w!3nty-Q~gh.t,bJ.l1lCu-ElQ'~fty":;~o of this art:i,ola +-QO.atgdoutaida a,

5 city ~,chool diat:.:ri~i. : i , . l } ' B. Qity ~":i.ng a pOP'L\la1;ion'of. 'oRe iIli..ll.ion oX"

6 mor... inhabi tanta. the department ",hal.l aperove pllilnBand spElo.:if.i.oationa

7 ang ;i.,asge og.X'tifice:tIjl!!I ~ypangy f:oraucm, chaX't&lx-!loboe;).!,! Such QhaF-

8 t;ar B,ohoo.laahal;!..comply w;th all ~J?artmeIlt health, SBnJ.ta;y, and. safa-

9 ty ,,"aqui~~anta appl.i'~.. to faoi.ll t;ias ~dshallbe b:eeatiad the ii_a

10 ~I!I other publio ·schools f!or p.W:posea of locu IIlO4ing,(, ~and.WI" regu-

Illation a n d buildinIjJ code oOl1!pl.illn.oe.Provided however. that the depa:tt-

12 llulInt shali boil au'tho-rizQdto grMt speclf:i:c exempt.ions £~omthe ragu.ir$-13 mant.B of, this p~ag'l:'apbto abarter sabool~ qpon a showing t:Ilat

14 c.olUp,li~~e wi.til suoh.requixement.s Il%:O~tes ~x: l , lmi:.ilJa Qoonomiq hardship or

15 that SOJII.Q' othaJ:' gopd, cause exiata that me,kallo~pli~<\ll!!l with, tQ:i,s para-

16 g:raph fllCu_ely impractioal, A, demonstrated effort to overcome the stat-

17ed obstaolos mpat:.be providQ~~ ,

18 '. (ii) In..a aity« liah901 district, in, a oity w;l.th a p.opulation of one

1'91!lillion ox ~0"i!3 t all charters authori:r:ed to be ii.ssu.q~by ~Q ofuiptar of20 t:hel,aws o£; two ,thousand ten wh:l:oh WD,9flded;h±s sUbdiviL'l~on..1m),1 be

21 obligated to oomply with tho d.eparbn$rlt's heAth. safety and sanitary

22x- ...guirQt!J,antsappl:l:C9l:l1e tofaa;Uities to the Same extant al) non-chartar

23 p,mlio' sohoola' in ~ch a c;::j.t:y ."c~ool diat:.rict.

24 (i:I.-2) I > , . charte,r sooo01 ·sh...l. be del!mled .a nOnp'Uhlio sqhoo1 f:or purp9sas

25 of l.ooal zoning. land. gSa regulation and bui.1<li.nq oode aoDlplianoa:if it26 has been aranted an e>Uimptionby the dapartmept:. pursuant, to parawaph27 (a-1) of 'blds aubdivi.!l~onor if .itB aharteX' ",;1.8 not iasued pursuant ·to

28 subdivision n~e-a 'o~ section twenty-eight hundred fifty-~wo of this29 ,~ticlQ,,30 (a-3) (1) Befora a oha:rtar sobopl maybe located or cO-located ji.n an

31 exristing .public ~Chool bui.td:ing 'in a . oity sab.ooi ,d:I,striot .in a.city

32 having a population of anD.mil~on'Qr more ~itanta, th e ohanoellor'

33 shal! i~.ent:L:fywhi.ch publio school buiLdings maybe !'!Ubject to looatipn

34 or oo-loaation" provide the rati.onala a,s 1::0 why BUM putiloi.osohool'

3 5 builc:lin~, id<ilntifiad fa,,"1,Qoat'ion or go-loaation an d a haJ .l . ma ke a ll

36 ..ucb :!.nfo;r;::m.tion pub1:i.aly available, insiludinq rill thQ city 'bDard's37 'o£fioial. internet webpite. In addition, :the changellor shaLl provide

38 ¥iQfill?pread.notice ot: such ·info:r:.na'tion inoluding 1::0 the ao_unity 'super--

39 '~n:t;andantt 'community, dJ.str;Lct ed)laation cQunCiil and. tha eohool-~.sQd

40 '!!!MA9'perit tam, _After a p1Jblie sahool buUding 'has bean sal.Qotadfo'r'841 .preposQd location' or co-l.oottt:;lon, the ananoal.l.or s1)sll AAvel.opn build-42 .tnguS6ge,~n aooordange with this paragraph.43 (2)' 'rhe btrl.ldJ,ng8~'1e ,plan shall be developed by' the enanoallorfor4 4 oa01;l 'safl,oolthat has been dafinit±vely' idanti.tie1 :l for a location or

45 co'-locatdon.' ~e buDding u,sage p1sn sha~l inQl.ude. but need not:. b~'46 lim.ited to. the follo,",ing info:rmation: . " .

47 CA) the actual allocat~on and, sharil).qo f c la , ss :c oo mana administrative

48 aPaoe between tha charter and, non-c::hartar sah,ools;

49 (B) a proposal' for the Qoll~orative usage of Bh~~d resources and

50 spaces between the ohart.er sWeol and. the non-oha:cter 8choea.s., including,

51 bu.t not lim±toci to, "cafeterias. lilira:d.es. qymnasitlIll's and recrQat10na,1

52 spaces,· inc~uding playgrounds which assuras equitable aooess to suchS3 facilities i n a s~mi~ar manner and a t r ea so na bl e times "to non-oharter54 sohool students as p~oviaed to charter school a~udenta;

55 ill_jUstif:i.oation of the feasih~lity Of tl'le proposed, al1g.cat;i.ons and

56 sehedules set forth inolausea (A) 'and (8) of this lIubparagx-ai>band hOw


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A. 11310 . "

1 suoh: proposed a110cat.1ona' and shared usage 1i'o~ld ~&SIlJ.t in an ",qui tab1e

2 and aomparable use of s uc h p Ub li c. sohoo1 building;' .

3. (0) bu;i..ll#.ng sE!fe1;:y and ,SIilrnp=ity;4 . (E) 0OJ!!f!:\I.mieatioq ITt;-a-t;egias to be uo~d by th~ Cl9,-lqoatfld §loJ:lool,sl and

5 (i') oo:U;.tbor~.ti"e deoisi9n-maki:q.gElt::r:a'tegiaE! to ba us~d by t;l!~ oo-la-

'6 gated 1'1000018 'including the Qstabl.isbnUilJlt ot a .!Ih~ed space COllIDl±ttee

1 pur;osuani: to par¥u:aph (a-fou~) of this subdivision. .

S' (3) A bui.ldi.ng \1,sage plan devel,opa_d by the otal!llloellor ~ a900~danoe

9 with 'blUs' para~ph shall. be inoluqadwi1:h.i+l ~'11 adl1cat:;~na.l impaot

10 .5tat~.t:. required bY , paragzaph (h) of aubdiv:l.ai.on. tw o-a . o f! ,seotion11 twan1:y-;r'.iva hundred nin.ety-h of this' title. and be' sabject to trn.12' requirements of sUbdiviaion tHo-a gf BUgh seotion ~1Qr to approval kY. 13 tho bOax-i ; l Qf GdueatioQ, pursuant 'hi> parag'l:.apb, h o f !Jubdi,via4,_on- <m~ of

1 '4 oeptioQ twvn:t;y-fi.ve hJ.Dl<u;sdn:Ll"\.etY"'gIf this tit:l.a~15 (4) A' bu:l,l..!Hng .UI;I&g9 p.l.an develaPEld by the. oha.qoellor in a",oor$nce

16 w:tth. tlti.s par~graph' may bg reVised, a~d such rev.i,:,ion ",ball rowi;z;o board

'11 of educat:i.on approval. oon.tatun'!: 'with the reau:i.reJllents pu.z:lnIsnt to

18 ~Ubdi.vision Bavan o f section twenty-five hun~ed ninety-g of this title,

19 ' (5) ~e ~u4ding ·usage ~an shal.l be ~d8 publicl.y avail<iQla by the20 ¢Jan9al1qr I inc,l.ud:illg via t:-h.eoi:y bpard' s Qffl:cia~ internet "'~Bi te,

21 ,&8C'" a cOPY shall. al-so. be filed Idth the c.ity board. tb~ iD1l?aoted commu-22 nity distriot edpcati.on c.ounci,l.; OOjQmUrU.tybol'l~, do_unity suParin'ben-

23 de.nt, and. B.ohool.,basQc:lm.llJ'lage""l!Il;lt:amn,

24 (a-4) In a . aity .'*001. ~stri.o:t. ina, oj,ty hav~g apop~latiOfl .of one25 '_mill.ion or 1110:=0 )..'ohlJbitantq( a shared spaaa aommitt_ 'shall be estab-

26 l,.i.shed· in Baoh PUblio sOOool hw;~dil'l,g ih which anti or :!!!pta clwxter

',27, 8cboo~s are located or CQ-located within a pUblio BCnool building with

28 n'on-'charte.e publ.:i.o 8chools , '\I!h~ ~ha~d lWac;:a 00_1 ttee' shall be

29 CP!ilpri~ad 9f the prinoipal., a t."achek, and a parant of eAChoo~locat:ed,30 sdlool: Such' oomm:ltteg shall .conduct rgguly maQt::ings. !It; l-ea-l!Jt' foUr

,31 times per 'school' year. to 'J:eYi.w i;mp~_ontal:.1on'of the pu.ildiAq 'usage32 eLM dgvelqped pursua;nt: to~pb Csl.-:t:l:!q!"') of thu auhdi:ir:la:i.on.,

33 (09-5.)No'tw:i.hstand;Lng ~' prov;isiofl to t:lllil oontrary, in a 01t;y. school34 d.:i.-litriot;,,:i.n" city b a v ; ; , . n q (I. popqJ.at;.io\l of CIne~~ioq' Qll mOJ:Q.inh;abit,-

35 Ants. the daterm:i.nation to locate ot.._gg-looate a, g}j?,rtGr aohool w:i.~ .ll

36 . publio lIIaboo1 bui.lding and the iJ!n;olemehtitian Q~ and 'OOlllpU-'Mcewith the37 buJ..ld;i.ng,usaga plan davol.opad pursuant to paragraph (-a-thrill;') o£ this

38' 'sUbcU.vision tha~: has paen approved. by th" board of aduaa.tion of such

39 city. sdhool: distri.at pursuant to paxag'l:aph (h) of .a-ubdivision ono' of

40 seotion bran:t'y.,.fiye hundred n.iruJty-g ,of ~ titJia and after aati.sfYinq

41 the reguh;ementa "0.£ subdivision. two-a. of §§9tion twenty~five hundred

42 ~y-.h 'Of this t.i,t1e may be. apppaled to thQ aO!!l'llci.ssioQ<;>J;pUrsuant to

43 8Qction ~Ele' hWldred. ten 0: £ this ohapt~r. Provided ;r'uJ:'thE!_J:,the

44 ,revision of a buil.di%)..g usage pl.an approved by the boa~:d 0·£ education45 con81~t wi1: ;J) , tho ~i;rQl\l;mts pw::ouant to subdiyision' oavan . of

46 sedtion twenty-fi ....§hundred ni.netv-:g of this ti~l.e maYalso be appeal ad

47 to the commissioner on d:!e grounds that BUoh reri.sion fa:ils to InQQt the

48 "t:-s:ndards set foxth inolausQ ('S) of 'subpaFa.p;apb two of paragraph (a-3)

49 o£ tbis s,ubdivis;i.on. Ei'cl'll.oWing. petition .forRuohappaal' pursuant to

50 this paragraph. such qity school. district shall have tan' days to

51 respond, i'he petition JIlu.etbe 'dismissed, adiudioated or disposed ~

52 . the COlIIlIlissionm:within 'tan days of the reCeipt of -the' city school5'3 district Is responSQ. , '

~4 § 16. Subdivision 3 of section 2B~j3of the education law is amended by ,55 a ddl ng ,a ne w p~r agr aph (d) to r ea d' as f ol lo ws :


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Page 10 o f 16

" A. 11310, 10

1 Cd) Notwi.thstanding' any other' provision to the o on tr ar y, i n a 'city2 sohool d;istrict in a city having a population of one million O~ more

3 'i nh ab it an t~ 1 t he c ha nge li o~ m u~ t' fi r~ ~ a ut ho ri ze i n w ri ti ng -a ny ~ ro po sa ~4 ,capi,tC!ol,Jll.provpantsOJ::fao;i.lity up,grliidesn 'e:xc!i~sf fiVE!~ousand5 doliars, rQgar41Qs~ of the source o f funding, made to ~co~oda~ the6 ,co":looation of a o ha rt er s oh oo l w it hi n a pub~ic sohool building. Forany such improvements or u~es that have been approved by the D han-ce~lD r, capital i~pr~vaaentB or facility upgrades sh~l be m~d9 in an

a mo un t e qu al .: to t he e xp en di tur~ o f t he c ha l: te r s ch oOl . fo r e ac h n o~ -o ha r-t;er public;; s~ool wi~in the publio school quildi.ng. For ~y capitalimprove lllent s'r faoj,.l.ity upgrades in 'excess ,of five thousana. _dol~ax:at1M!,thaVG b'.en approved by the ahano,ellQ;r;', ;oagru:dlel!lsf the source gff~ding, lIla,de ina D ~tar sohool that i. al,ready DO":j.ooatad.,;,1~in 'a'p~l;ia 'sohoo;1 b..,u.lding,matohi.ng'oapital ~~OVaJhm¢:JI "or faoi1:Lf;yUW" ~"de f;lsha l.l,be~de in an amo~t eq\l~ to th,e' IiIxpilI1C#t;Qre of thechartar sohool for 'esah- non-ohar'tEir public aohooi wibhin the pUblio!fQhool building wi th:i.n th.N>Qmonths. ot: such i,mprovamEm.t:s 0';; U~1!1ra:M5, ,

§17. Paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 of section 2854 o f the education

law, as amendad by chapter 267 of the laws of ,2005, is amended to readas follows:

(c) A charter school shall be subja'C,t'o the financial audits" the'audit procedures, and the audit requirements set forth in the charterand shall be subject to audits o f t he ' c om pt ro ll er [aa a.e £o...U. !LasaoUon tali" by taiXae of ta.. 9611.%.1~unicipa1 1atfJ of the s i; a~ e of N ewYork at hie Dr her d.isc:r;ation.uch procedures and standards, shall bec on si st en t ~ i~ h g en er al ly a cc ep te d, a cc ou nt in g a nd a ud it s ta nd ar ds . I nd e-pendent fiscal audits shall be required at least once annually.S 18. Subdivisi,on 1 of section 2854 of the education law is amended by

adding it new paragraph (f) to read as follows: , '(f) A' cliartGlX aohool. shall .be subject to the prov.iaiona pC seati.ons

eight bundJ; oad.ei<lbt ht!ndJ;-eQ aDa, eight huni :b:od' tl!o,'aiqbl: 'hundred

tbJ;ee. a: i. qh t hu nd re d .f ou r, eight hundred fOlg-a. eight hundrod five,eight hundred ~ive-a, eight hun~ad flve-b and eight h~.d six of thegeneral ,muni,oipal.·aw t;o the sue extan I: s \l oh s e c ti on s a pp ly to, liIahooldistriots; ,

§ 19. paraqraph (b) of subdivision 2 of section 2854 of the educationlaw, 'as amended by section' ,5 of pa rt -,0-2 o f c ha pte r 57 of the laws of2007, is amendea to read as follows:(0) Any child who is qualified under the laws of this a,tate for admis-

,sion to a public school is qualified for admission to 'a c ha rt er s ch oo L.A pp lio at :. io ns£ or a dm iss io n t o a c ha rt er s ch oo l s ha l. l b E ! s ub mi t; ta d o n a

uniform ,appl.ioation form oreated by the_~partment and shall be RadQ

ava ilab :1, eby a. charter sohool in language iii p ra do mi na ta ly . .kep ~n thecommuni~ 'in which' .\loh charter sabool is looated. The school shallenroll each eligible" student who submits a timely appl,1cation by thefirst day of April each year, unless the number of applications exceedsthe capacity of the grade leveL or building., In such cases,' studentsshall be, accepted from among applicants by a random selection process,provided, however, that an enrollment pr~ference shall be provided topupils returning to the charter sch901 in the second or any subsequentyear of operati'o'nand pupils residing in the school district in which

the charter school is located, and siblings of pupils already enrolledin the charter school, ~he oommissioner shall establish regulationa torequire tPat' the random selection process conduoted pursuant to ~Bp ar ag ra ph b e performed in a transparent and equitable manne:J:' n d tor'egqi%:B·that the time and, Mee of. the'randotll 801edti.on pr9cass .bR






1' 4
























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A. 11310 ' 11

1 'Publ.ici",adiii a . manner oona.il:ltent:ith the ':QgUirementa o£ geation Orie

4 hundred foi,ir of the public officers law and be opCln to the public.: For

3 , the purposes of , this pa'r-agraphand paragraph (a) of this subdivision,4 the school district ~n which the c~arter school ; 8 located shall mean,S for',the city school district ·of the city of New York, the oommunity6 district in which the charter school is located.7' § 20" Paragraph (8) ,of subdivision 2 of section 2854 of the education8 law, 'as amended by section 5 'ofpart 0-2 of'chapter 57 of the laws of9 2007, is amended to read a's follows: '"10 (a ) A charter school shall be nonsectarian in its programs, , adm1 ssic;m11 poliCies, emPloyment practices, and all other operations and 'shall not

.12 charge ,tuition or fees; provided that a charter school may require the13 payment Of. fees on the same basis and to the same extent as other public14 schools. A, charter school shall not di'scriminate against any student,15 employee or any other person on the basis of ethnicity, national origin,16 qender, "or disability or any other ground'that would be unlawful if'done17 by a scho'ol. 'Admission of students shall' not be limited on the basis of1 B 'intelleetual ability, measures of achievement or ,aptitude" athletic

19 ability, disability, race, ,creed, gender, national orIgin, religion, or20 ancestry; provided, howe,ver, that nothing in this article ,shall be21 construed to prevent the establishment of a single~sex charter school or22 ' a c ;ha rte r s cho ol d es ign ed t o p 'ro vid e e xpa nde d le arn ing o ppo rtu nit 'i es fo r23 students at-risk o'f academic failure or stUdQnts ,with di.llaQil:l,t;e.nd24 Englis~ language learners; and provided, further, t~at ~he charter2,5 schooi shall demonstrate .good faith efforts t;o'attract and retain a26 c om par abl e o r g re at er e nr ol lm ent , of students with dis.abilities [end

27 l:illoit:ed].L Enqlish (p:oEioiebb] lanqUAQO learn.~8,. and students !tho are,2 8 e li gi bl e, ~p pl ic an ~B for the free and reduced prioe 1~9h prograa when29 ,compared to the enrollment figures for s'uch stUdents in th'e school30', dipt:dct in which the, c ha rt er s ch oo l' i s l oc at ed . A charter shall not be31 issued to any school t ha t w oul d ~e wholly or in part under the control3? or directio~ df any religious denomination, or in which any'denom!na-33 tional tenet or doctrine would be taught. "34 'S 21. Subdiv.isiQn 1, o f s ec tio n 2855 of the education law" as added by35 chapter 4' of the laws of 1998, is amended to read as follows":. "

36 ' "1. The charter' entity, or the board of regents, may terminate a c':har-37 t,e,r'pon any of the following grounds: ' ,'38 (a)'When a charter schoo~'s outcome on student assessment measures39 adopted by the boa~d of regents falls b~low the level that would allow40 the commissioner to revoke the registration of another public school,41 and student achieveme~t on such measures has not shown impr~vement over42 ' the p re ced ing t hr ee s chO Ol ye ars [~ l. i.'43 (b)'Serious violations of law;44 (c) Material and' substantial violation of the cha~ter, including45 , fiscal mismanagement; (~]46 , (d) W hen the, p ublic ~mpl;;'ymen, t;elations b oard makes a determination47 that the eharter school demonstrates a pract~ce and pattern of egregious48 and intentional'violations o~ subdivision one of section two hundred49 nine-a of the civil service law involving inte~ference with or discrimi-5 0 "nation against employee rights under article fourteen of the c~vilSl se'rvice law[,,:,,]L..2I;

52 (e)R ep ea te d f ai lu re

toco mpl y w ith

therequirement to meat or


5 3 ~rolr.ent and,retention targetS of 8tudsnt~ with d ie ab il it ie s. E ng li sbS4 lan~ag~ le~rs, and ~tudents, who are Q1iq~le app1ioants for the free'

55 and r ed uc ed p :d a! illuncb p:r:osn:alll pgl:suant 'to'ta:rgatee etabliBhe d by !;:llli!

S6 bOard o f xe ge nta o~ tha 92al::d :Qf -,trustees of tho state \In:iversj.j;;yfNe.w

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A. 11310 l~

1 '!t'ork, as applicable, 'l?rovidect, hONover, ;i.f no crrounds fo r te~inatinq a

2cha;'tars,;-e as,tabli'ahed pu:r..-uant to this section other tha.n, ,purauan't; ,to

3 tp.is p~agraph, and the ohuter 'school -gli'lmon1l'trat;es j;J;Jat i~ );las 1I!.8p,B

4 extensive efforta to ,recruit aRQ I':~tain Sl.Iq,n students, inc:luci;ng

5 outrQach to parents 'and f8Jlli.l.ies inhe s ur ro un di ng c om mu ni ti es , wid~l.y

. 6 publj,ci:z:ing, the lotte;ry: for syoh 800001. and effo.Ji'ts to acadQlllica11y

7 IJUPPOd eu~- aty.dents .in BUab oharte;t" S ch oo l; . .hen 'the oba;:ter ent:ity o~8 board of regants llI.ay,;,~tain suah charter. '

9 ,'§ 22. Subdivision 2 of s ect io n 2857 of thel e ducation ·law, as' amended10 b y' s ec ti on 7 of part 0-2 o f c ha pt :e r 57 of the laws of 2007, i s a me nd ed11 to read as follows:12 2. Each charter school shall submit to the charter entity and to the13 board of regents an annual report. Such report shall be'is~~ed no later14 than' t he' first day of August of each year for the preceding school year,15 and ..hal.! be..made pUblJ..c:i.lyvailabJ:e by ~1-1ch date and sJ;l~l.lbe pasted on1~ ,the ohart.u aghoc:, i·swE!bEd.ta. The annual report shall be in auch form17 as ~hall be prescribed by the commissione~ and shall' include at least18 t he f ol lo wi ng c O' :l lp on en ts :

i9 (a),~ charter school report card, which shall include measures of the20 comparative academic .and fiscal performance of the school, as prescribed21 by the commissioher in regulations adopted for such purpose. Such meas~22 urea shall include, ·but n9t be l.imi'tedto, graduation rates, dropol.lt23 rates, performance, of students ~n Btanda~dized tests, coll.ege entry24 rates,. total spending per pupil and administrative spending per pupil.25, Such measures shall be presented in a format that is easily comparable26 to, sim:t.larpublic' sChools. In addition, the charter school shall ensure27' that 'such information is eas'ily accessible to the community inoludjl.ng

28 making it publ~oly avail~l.a by t:ansaitting it to local naw~paper8 of29" gener'!ll. ci,roulation 'and I!lak:l,ngit available for dis.t:ibut.ion II.tboard. of. 30 trustee meeting's.

,31 (b) 'discussion of the p,,",ogressade towards ach:Levement o~ the goalsJ.2 set forth in the charter.' . '33 (c), a certified financial statement setting forth, by appropriate34 cateqories, the revenu~s and expenditures for the preceding school year,35 including a copy of the .lIiostecent independent fiscal audit of the

.36 school a n d -any" Ilud.it.oonduoted by t he Q 9a wu ol .l a: c of t:hestate Qf Ne H37 YO:Ck.

38 § 2 3 . s ub di vi si on 2 o f s ec ti or i 2857 of ~he education law, . as 'amended39. by'section twenty-two of this act, is amended to read as follows:40 ,2. Each. charter school shall su~it to th~ charter entity and to the41 board. of regents an annual report. Such report shall be issued no later42 than' the first day of August of each year for the preceding school 'year43 and shall be ma~e publicly available by such date apd shall be posted on44 the charter s.chool's website" The annual repo.rt shall be -in such, form45 as shal.l be prescribed by the commissioner and shall include at:least46 the follow~nq components: , .47 (a) a cbar,ter school report card, which shall include meaaurea of the48 comparative'academic and fiscal performance of the school, as prescribed49 by the commissioner in regulations adopted for such purpose. Such meas-50 ures shall- include, but,not be limited to, graduation rates, dropout51 'rates, performance of students on. standardized tests, college entry

52 rate's, total spending per pupil and administrative spending per pupil.53 Such measures shall be presented in a format that is easily comparable5~' to similar pUblic schools. I~ addition, .the charter school shall ensure55 that such information is easily accessible to the community including5 6 makin~ it publicly available by, transm~tting it to'local newspapers of

, h ttp ://n ys lr s.s ta te.n y.u slNY SLB.D <? llb stf rm e.c gi? QUERYTY PE=S PECIA L+&SES SYR= 2 .. , 6 12 /2 01 0

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A. 11310 13

1 g en era l c ir cul ati on a nd r na' kin gi t av ail abl e fo r . di str ibu tio riat b oar d o f2 trustee meetings.

3 '(b) discussion of the progress made towards achievement of'the goals4 set forth in the pharter.5 (c) a certified financial statement setting forth, by appropriate6 categories, ·the revenues and expenditures for ~he preceding 'school year, '7 including 'a copy of the most recent independent fiscal audit of the8' school and any audit conducted by the comptroller of the state :of New9' York.10 (1:1) "efqrts ta)tel:J by the ohar-te:r; sohool :i'l1, tb.<a QlU.at,inqsal;lool-ye"Ir,

11 ..nd a plan far efforts to be taken' in the sUClceeding school year. to

12 meet or ~eeed enrallmont and retlAAtion g,rgets set by tbe'bqard 0.£

13 regents or thebqal:d. of tru.sbl<loil <,If t!l~ Ifta.ta: un;lversity of New.York, as

1 4 ~ pp l? -aa ple ,..0£ stude.nta wit;h diallb±liti.~B r gngH.oh languagq l!!an&OO:;B;,

15 and. st,udents lfhl!l. are ,e1."9'ibI8iPPlioant!lfor the :-fraa and r.clucedpricQ16 lunoh 'p:.:-oqr$.lllea t:ahUllIh.dp\!):'Bl,l,a,nt to p!.raqr-a,ph (a) of aubdiv:isd.ol 'l . fouX'1 7 o £ a eo tio ntW &n ty -o: iqh t hundred U ftl y-on e of ·tld.s artiCJ~o.18 S 24. Subdivision 3 of.section 2857 of the education law is amended by

19 ·adding.a new paragraph (a-1) to read as fo4ows c .20 . (a-1) A l;i.stincluding 1:h.eQ _ u m b e . r of ah;u:tar sqhoola al.o5~,ddU.ri.n9' tbQ

2 1 :e_rcl"cedinqear, and a brig£" -dwliI.o.:tiptionof the ,z;;8asono tbe%efor inalud-.22 ing, but not limited to, non-renewa;L of. the charter ali'revocation of..Jobg

'23 chart:e.F; .

24 § 25. Section 2857 of the educat~on law is amended by adding a new2 5 's ub di v if \1 on 5 to read as fol'lows: .26 6, The l::ioal:'df reg en t.s shall. on an annual basis review and make27 ~lable to school di_triate best adugational praotioes employed by

28 charter sOh901s.

29 § 2 6 • .P ara qra ph ( a) .o f s ub div isi on' 15 o f se ct: l, on .2 590 -hof t he ' ed uc a-30 tion law" as'amended by ohapter 345 of the laws of 2009, is amended 'to31- read as follows:32 (a) establishing a parents' as'sociation ' or a parent-teachers' associ-33 ation in each pUblio school under the chancellor's jurisdiction; and34 ensuring that the districts and chartar schools located with~q the'ai~35, dllltrict do the same; the chancellor shall ensure that meetirtgs of such

3 6 .p ar en ts ' a sa oc ia ti on s o .r pa re nt -t ea ch er -s .' as so ci at io ns s ha ll c om pl y, w it h37 section fqur hundred·fourteen of ~his chapter; .'38 ·S 27. Severabil-i"tyclause. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdi-39 vision, section or part of this act shall be adjudged by any court of40 competent jurisdiction to be inva~id, such judgment shall not affect,41 impair, or invalidate the remainder thereof, but shall be' confined in42 its operation to the clause, sentence, paragraph, aubd1vision, section

. '43 or part thereof directly involved in the controversy in which such jud9-'.44 ment shall have been· r endered. It is hereby declared to be the intent of45 the legislature that this act would have been enacted even if such46 invalid provisions had not been included herein.47 § 2 8. This act shall take effect 'inirnedlately;rovided, however" that,48 sections six, nineteen,· twenty-one and twenty-three of this act shall49 take effect January 1, 2011; provided, further, however that the amend-50 ~ m ents to paragraph (a) of subdivision 15 of section' 2590-h of the eduea-51 .tion law made by section twenty-six of this act '. hall not affect the

52 expiration of such section and shall expire therewith. .

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NEW YO RK STATE ASSEM BLYMEMORANDUM IN SU PPO RT O F L EG ISL AT IONsubmitted in accordance with AsSembly Rule ill, Sec l(t)


SPONSOR: Ru les (S ilv er)


An,act to a~end the ~ducation law, in relation ~o char~er schools


To provide for the issuance of additional charters through a n~w compet-itive request for proposals process developed by the board of regents

and thebdard

of'trustees of. the state university of New York and to.. establish enhanced transparency and'accountability measures for theoperation and management of charter schools.


This legis'l~tion provides for the' establishment of a new pzocasa to ,issue charters. The board of regents and the Board of Trus~ees of theState University of New Yo,rk (SUNY Trustees) are each authorized todevelop a.request fpr proposals process for 260 new charters that,provides for thoughtful·review of charter applications and ensures thatgro wt.h :i n .char ter . scho ols is tar get ed, pl ann ed, an d qea r.e ~ tow ard h igh-_performance standards. One hundred thirty of 'the new charters. would be'issued' on the recommendation of the' SONY Trustee's, of which no more than57 may be for charter schools located in New York City. Of the addi- 'tional , 1 3 Q ~harters issued by the board of regents, no more than 5 7 may:

be for charter schools to be located in New York City. Tne first requestfor propos'als pursuant to this process will be issued by August 1, 2010for a maximum of 32 charte~s for each the board of regents and the SONYtrustees. The board of regents and the SONY trustees must issue a newrequest for, proposals on January 1, 2011, f or 3 3" ch ar t' er s e ac h, on Janu-ar y I, 2012, fo r 32 charters each, and on January 1, 2 01 3 for' 3 3 cnarterseach. .

Charter schools will have to meet enrollment.and retention targets ofstudents'with disabilities, English ~anguage learners (ELLs), andstudent~ eligible for the free ,and reduced price lunch program (FRPLs)and. u ndergo a rigorous public review process. A repeated failure to meetenrollment and retention, targets could be grounds .for revocati9n of acharter.

The board 0 - ; : regents and the SUNY Trustees must. develop a scoring rubric

to grant priority to· a pplications th~t best demonstrate several objec-tives, including increasing student achievement and decreaging student~chievement gaps, increasing high school graduatiOn rates and focusing

',on se~ving specific high'school student populations, focusing on thea ca de mi c a ch ie ve me nt o f m id dl e s ch oo l s tu de nt s, . ut :i ,. li dn g' hi ghq ua li ty ·assessments, .using local instructional systems, partnerinq with lowperforming public schools to share b~st educational practice,s, demon-

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strating the management and leadership techniques to operate a thrivinq,financiallY.viable charter school, and demonstrating the support of theschool·district in which the proposed charter school will be located.

New procedures are enacted· for co-locations of charter schools in publicschool buildings in New York City. The chance·llor would be requIred todevelop f J : bund~ng usage plan for each co-located charter school, which.would includ~ information such as the actual allocation and sharing 6fclassroom and administrative space, a proposal for· t he collaboraliveusage of share~ resources, building safety, and communication and colla-borative decision-making. strategies. An expedi~ed appeal may be made .regarding the. d etermination to locate or co-locate a charte~ school in apublic school bu~lding and the implemElntation of and compliance· with thebuilding usage pl~n. In addition, capital improvement$ or facility .upgrades ·in·.exce.ssof $5,000 made to a co-located charter school will.require a matching capital improvement in the co-located non-charterp ub lic s cho ol s.

In addition to establ~shing· a new standardized charter issuance process,certain· changes to the management and operation of charter schools will

apply to charters issued pursuant to the request for proposals process,such as prohibiting for-profit corporations or en~ities from applyingfor, ~anaging or operating any new charter schools, requiring StateEducation Department (SED)" a pproval of plans and specifications and .compli"ance with SED · facility health, sanitary, llnd safety requirements.In ~ddition, the term of charters iBsue~ will be comprised of uP. to.fivei ns tru ct ion al y ea rs.

Several new·m~asures are enacted to ensure greater accountability andtransparency. Charter schools will be. subjeot to audits of the stat!!comptroller, .and any comptroller audits must be included in· the c,hiu:'ter.school's annual report. In addition, the oharter school annual report,which currently includes ·academic data, ~ financial state.ments, and thecharter school report card, must be made ~ore ·widely and publicl~ ava!l~able. A new. component is added t.!l th e an nu al re por t, req ui .ri ng .l l} foD ll a-tion on the .charter school'~ efforts taken during the current year, anda plan fo~ subsequent years; to meet or· exceed enrollment and retention

targets of students with disabilities, ELLs, and FRPLs. The board ofregent's annual report is also expanded to require a list of charter·schools that closed i"the previous year·and the reasons for theclosure. The board of regents is also required to arinually review and

.make available to school distri9ts the best practices employed ·by char-t er sc hoo ls .

. .Charter schools will be subject to the provisions ~f· th e g en er al m un ic i-pal.law regarding code of ethics, including disclosure of interest, tothe same extent·,as all public school districts. In addition, a charterschool's· board of trustees must establish a prOcess for monthly boardmeetin9~ held a~ the,charter school. .

In addition, changes ~re made to the charter schOOl law to provide thatapplicants may propose to establish schools to specifically servestudents who are in need of special assistance and· support, such as

student·s with disabilities· and English language learners.

SED is required to develop a uniform· application form for studentsapplying to charter schools that wil.L have to be made available by the".charter school in· t he la"nguages predominantly spoken in the commuDitywhere the charter school is located. In addition, the commissioner of

e d u c a t i o n i s r e q u i r e d to i s s u e r e g U l a t i o n s to ensure that tHe enrollment

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New York State

Legislative Annual


Published by

New York Legislative Service, Inc.

15Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038


(212) 962-2826

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Governor's Program Memorandum #269

I ,i'

Charter Schools!

Cbapter 101

A .1 13 10 R ule s

Amen ds § §2 8 5J -2 8 55 , 2857, & 2590 , Educa ti on Law, generally. Th e purpo se o f

this bill is to p ro vid e f or th e is sua nce o f a dditio na l ch arte rs th ro ug h a ne w c om pe titiv ereques t fo r pro po sals pro ces s develo ped by th e B oard o f R egents and th e B oa rd o f Trus-

tees o f the State U nivers ity o f N ew Y ork and to establish enh anced transparency anda cc ou nta billty m ea su re s f or th e o pe ra tio n a nd m an ag em en t o f c ha rte r s ch o ols .

Th is l eg is la t ion provides fo r th e es ta blish ment o f a new pro ces s to is sue ch arters.

The Board of Regents and the Board of Trustees o f th e Sta te Univers ity o f New Y ork

( SUNY T ru stee s) a re each a uth or ize d to d ev elo p a r eq ues t f or pr opo sa ls pr oc es s fo r 2 60

n ew c ha rter s th at pr ovid es f or th ou gh tfu l re vie w o f ch ar te r a pp lic atio ns a nd e ns ure s th at

g ro w th in c ha rte r s ch o ols is ta r ge te d, p la nn ed , a nd g ea r ed tow a rd h ig h -p er fo rma n ce stan-

da rds . O ne h undred th irty o f th e new ch arters w ould be is sued o n th e reco mm enda tio n o fth e S UN Y T rus tees , o f w hich no m ore th an 57 m ay be for c ha rte r s ch o ols lo ca te d in N ew

Y ork C ity. O f th e additio na l 1 30 ch arters iss ued by th e B oard o f R egents , no m ore th an

57 m ay be fo r ch arter s ch oo ls to be lo cated inN ew Y ork C ity. Th e firs t request fo r pro -

p os als p urs ua nt to th is p ro ce ss win b e is s ue d by August 1 ,2010 for II maximum of 32

ch arters fo r each th e B oa rd o f R egents a nd th e S UN Y trus tees. Th e B oa rd o f R egents a nd

the SUN Y trustees m ust issue a new request for propo sa ls on Janua ry I, 201 1, fo r 33

charters each, o n Janua ry 1 ,201 2 for 3 2 ch arters each , and on January 1 ,2013 fo r 33

c h ar te rs e ac h .

C ha rte r s ch oo ls w ill h ave to m eet en ro llm ent a nd r ete ntio n ta rg ets o f s tu den ts w ith

d is abilitie s, E nglis h la ngu age lea rne rs ( EL Ls ), a nd s tud ents e ligib le f or th e f re e a nd re -

IT his b ill w a s in tr od uc ed , p as se d, a nd s ig ne d in o ne d ay . It p as s ed t he A s sembl y 93-42, an dInecSenate 45·14 , with d eba te s . See Assemb ly debate tnmsorip ts , , s -28- IO, 71 j l llges . See Sen-at r ; d ebo t e t rnn sc r ip ll i, 5 - 2S· 10, 2 4 p age s . . See 5~2S·1OPress 'ReleasCiSfrom tb e Gove rn o r, t heI ' d ' C MaYIlE., thQ A~~~ _i:nbly,nd. the Senate; See th e C ity o f N ew Y ork O ffice o f the MarorM.f l I l rC l l 'undrlm fir. S,IPPClI ' f , .lIIId t i l l ) NYs . U nit ed T ea ¢ he rs ' ,OPPOII lS Ml1TllrJl'lI'iI/II/J!. Sell NewY or k T im es articles "More S~"nI li ny fo r Cha r te r Schoo ls InDeba te O v er Exponsio r i" 5-26-10; ,"D ea l N ea r to A ppr ove C ha rter P la n f or S ch oo ls " !i.2 8-W ; "N YS V otes to D oub le C ha rte rSohools '" 5-29-\0. AlloT thls material isavili1l1ble in the 'NYLS Leg is la t iv e HiS/DI , ' . lOla

C . /OJ . a va il ab le o n ly f rom New Yo rk L eg is la ti ve S er vi ce , I nc .Race to tile Top's l egi s la t ive h i s tory :(first stage)1 1·25 -09 - N YC M a yo r B lo om be rg p ro po se s s eve n s tep s to b e ta ke n to win f ede r al mon ie s ;1 -1 2·1 0 • G o ve rn or P ate rs on s en ds le tte r to L eg is la tu re u rg in g imm ed ia te p as sa ge o f G o ve r-n o r' s P ro g ram B il l # 2 14 :\ ·1 6 -1 0 - th e L egi sl at ur e p ro p os es t he ir own l eg is la ti on (S . 6468 fA .9SS8) ; 1 -1 7 -1 0 - Gove rn o rc alls f or a S pe cia l S es sio n; 1 -1 S -1 0 - n o b ill is p as se d.( second st age) :4 -3 0·1 0 - S en ate Intr od uce s S .7 67 8; 5 ·3 ·1 0 - S .7 67 8 p as ses S en ate w ith 91 p age s o f de ba tet ra ns c rip ts . T h is e ar li er m a te ri al , a nd mo re , I s a va il ab le i n t he NYLS L e gi sl at iv e H i st or y. 2 0 1 0C ./P J - f , . io/ , £ef:j ll/ativIJMaltw/uf.Se e aiso .NYC )nd~ndent Budget Off iCe Fi sca l Brief. Feb I:l1r u;y2-01 0, Compa r in g t he L e ve l

of Puf i l ic Suppor t ,· Chart er SUlloo/s versus' T radl ti ana l Pub l i» S chool s, 9 pa ge s. c am pa ig n fo rFjs,u1 Equlty., ET. AL. - allairu~- T he S tn te o f N ew York, Et Al,., B lie f o f Ami cu s Curiae

NYS CI I ( i ;~(e r S fJ l loo l~ .Asaoc l il l io l l , 61 pagc4i. Al l oNh~-l1bo'i 'e a re a va ila ble f rom N ew York

Legisla tive Service, Inc. .

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duced price lunch program (FRPLs) and undergo a rigorous public review process. A

repeated failure to meet enrollment and retention targets could be grounds for revocation

of a charter.

The Board of Regents and the SUNY Trustees must develop a scoring rubric to

grant priority to applications that best demonstrate several objectives, including increas-

ing student achievement and decreasing student achievement gaps, increasing high schoolgraduation rates and focusing on serving specific high school student populations, focus-

ing on the academic achievement of middle school students, utilizing high quality as-

sessments, using local instructional systems, partnering with low performing public

schools to share best educat ional practices, demonstrating the management and leader-

ship techniques to operate a thriving, financially viable charter school, and demonstrating

the support of the school district in which the proposed char ter school wil l be located.

New procedures are enacted for co-locations of charter schools in public school

buildings in New York City. The chancellor would be required to develop a building

usage plan for each co-located charter school, which would include information such as

the actual allocation and sharing of classroom and administrative space, a proposal for the

collaborative usage of shared resources, building safety. and communication and collabo-

rative decision-making strategies. An expedited appeal may be made regarding the de-termination to locate or co-locate a charter school in a public school building and the

implementation of and compliance with the building usage plan. In addit ion, capital im-

provements or facility upgrades in excess of $5,000 made to a co-located charter school

will require a matching capita l improvement in the co-located non-charter public schools.

In addition to establishing a new standardized charter issuance process, certain

changes to the management and operation of charter schools will apply to charters issued

pursuant to the request for proposals process, such as prohibiting for-profit corporations

or entit ies from applying for, managing or operating any new charter schools, requiring

State Education Department (SED) approval of plans and specifications and compliance

wi th SED faci lity health, sanitary, and safety requi rements. In addit ion, the term of char-

ters issued wi ll be comprised of up to five instruct ional years.

Several new measures are enacted to ensure greater accountabil ity and transparency.

Charter schools win be subject to audits of the state comptroller, and any comptroller

audits must be included in the charter school's annual report. In addition, the charter

school annual report, which current ly includes academic data, financial statements, and

the charter school report card, must be made more widely and publicly available. A new

component is added to the annual report, requiring information on the charter school's

efforts taken during the current year, and a plan for subsequent years; to meet or exceed

enrollment and retention targets of students with disabilities, ELLs, and FRPLs. The

Board of Regents' annual report is also expanded to require a list of charter schools that

closed in the previous year and the reasons for the closure. The Board of Regents is also

required to annual ly review and make available to school dist ricts the best practices em-

ployed by charter schools.

Charter schools will be subject to the provisions of the general municipal law re-

garding code of ethics, including disclosure of interest, to the same extent as all public

school districts. In addition, a charter school's board of t rustees must establi sh a process

for monthly board meetings held at the charter school.

In addition, changes are made to the charter school law to provide that applicants

may propose to establish schools to specifically serve students who are in need of special

assis tance and support, such as students with disabil it ies and English language learners .

SED is requi red to develop a uniform applicat ion form for students applying to char-

ter schools that will have to be made available by the charter school in the languagespredominantly spoken in the community where the charter school is located. In addition,

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th e co mm is sio ner o f e duc atio n Is r eq uire d to is su e r egu la tio ns to en su re th at th e e nr oll-

m ent lo ttery is conducted in an equitable manner and tha t the time and location o f th e

lo tte ry is p ub lic iz ed in a m an ne r that is o ons is tea t w ith th e o pen m ee tin gs L aw .

I n 1 99 8, th e L eg ls la un ee pp re ee d a c om pr eh im siv t c ha rte r 8 ~Jj oD lla w 2. a nd s ev er al

m od if ica tio ns w ere m ade to th e la w in 20.Q73•In r evi ew i ng -t h e impac ts o f this legislation,th ere h ave been ins ta nces o f succes ses , but a reas o f co ncern h ave a ls o been raised. T his

legislatio n s eeks to pro vide fo r a n ew c ha rte r issuance process. and address issues o f

C on ce rn re ga rd in g th e o per atio n a nd m an ag em en t o f ch ar te r s ch oo ls , a s w ell a s e na ctin g

s ev er al n ew enh a nc ed t ra ns pa re nc y a nd a cc o un ta bi lit y m e as ur es .

This bill w ould m ake N ew Y ork m ore co mpetitive fo r a dditio na l federal funding

a va ila ble in th e R ace to th e To p gra nt pursuant to th e A merican R eco very and R einves t-

m en t A ct o f 2 0.0 .9 .

M em ora nd um o f A ss em bly R ule s C ommittee

C h ar te r S ch o ols : SUNY Trustees

Chapter 10.24

AIl311 Rules

Amends §2852 (as proposed in A. 11310. Chapter 101) . Education Law. T he pu r-

po se o f th is bill is to p ro vid e f or a te ch nic al c la rif ic atio n r eg ar din g th e a pp ro va L a nd is su -

a nc e p ro ce ss f or c ha rte rs .

T his b ill w ou ld p ro vide fo r a cla rif ica tio n to th e a ppr ova l and issuance p ro ce ss f or

ch ar te rs to b e is su ed pur sua nt to th e co mpetitiv e r eq ue st f or pr opo sa ls es ta blis hed pur su-

a nt to A .1 13 1 O . This bill w ou ld e ns ure th at th e board o f tr us te es o f th e s ta te U niver sity o f

N ew Y ork ( SU NY Trustees ) retain th e existing po wers in th ese s ectio ns, w hich pro vide

fo r a process by w hich applications recommended by the SUNY Trustees sha ll be

deem ed a ppro ved and iss ued, prio r to pas sa ge o f A .IB IO and th e crea tio n o f th e request

fo r p ro po sa ls pr oc es s. T his pr ov is io n w ould pr ov id e th at c ha rter s w o uld be a ppr ove d a nd

is sue d in a m anne r th at m ain ta ins a nd p ro te cts th e in de pen de nce th at th e S UNY T ru stee s

have hi s tor i ca l ly had in t he c h ar te rin g p ro ce ss .

M em orandum o f A ssemblyw oman Cath erine T. Nolan

Teacher IPr in c ip a l Ev al ua ti ons

C hapter 1 03 $

1Se'~L.1998, Chapter 4.

J See L , .20 ,07Chop tc r 57 .~ th is b if lw a s m t r o d u c e d . pa ssed, Dod s i gned, ill one day. Itpassed fhe As~t:inbly llZ·9,andpassed tb e Senate unanimously, with debates. Sel) Assembly debate t L ' ; ! I l S C . r i p t s , 5-28-10, J

p ag es . ' As s el li bl ywompn No ln n e :c pl ni ns t he b ill , S ee S en ate d eb a te t ra n sc r ip ts . 5-28-\0; 5pal l .c~. See.5.:.28-1() PlesS Re lea se s f r om t li e Assembly, a nd t he S en ate . All metedalls available

it ! th.c Nn S L e g / .f IG / f V I 1 f IJ . s /Q l y . ·. 2 0 If) C . I O J , ! lv a l1~b Jeo i ll y f r om New York L .J gi s laH l ie Se r-vice,Inc.

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A113to Rules (Nolan) Same as S 7990 OPPENHEIMER

Governor Program # 269Education Law

TITLE ....Relates to the establishment, organization, and administration of charter schools

05/28/10 referred to education

05/28/10 reported referred to rules

05/28/10 reported

05/28/10 rules report cal.59

05/2811 0 ordered to third reading rules ca1.59

05/2811 0 message of necessity - 3 day message

05/2811 0 passed assembly

05/28/10 delivered to senate


05/28/10 SUBSTITUTED FOR S7990

05/28/10 3RD READING CAL.665



05/28/10 delivered to governor

05/28/10 signed chap.IOt

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A11310 Rules (Silver) Same as S 7990 OPPENHEIN.lER

05 /28 /10 A1l310 AssemblyVote Yes: 93 No: 42

ER Abbate Yes Alessi No Alfano Yes AmedareYes Arroyo Ye s Aubry ER Bacalles Yes Ball

No Barclay ER Barra No Barron Yes Benedetto

Yes Benjamin Ye s Bing Ye s Boyland Yes Boyle

No Brennan Ye s Brodsky Ye s Brook-Krasny ER Burling

No Butler Yes Cahill No Calhoun Ye s Camara

Yes Canestrari Ye s Carrozza Yes Castelli Ye s Castro

ER Christensen Ye s Clark Yes Colton No Conte

ER Cook Yes Corwin Yes Crespo No Crouch

Yes Cusick Ye s Cymbrowitz Yes DelMonte Yes DenDekker

Ye s Destito No Dinowitz No Duprey Ye s Englebright

ER Errigo Yes Espaillat Yes Farrell Yes FieldsNo Finch Yes Fitzpatrick Yes Gabryszak Yes Galef

ER Gantt Yes Gianaris Yes Gibson Yes Giglio

No Glick No Gordon Yes Gottfried No Gunther A

Ye s Hawley No Hayes ER Heastie Ye s Hevesi

Yes Hikind Yes Hooper Yes Hoyt Ye s Hyer-Spencer

Yes Jacobs No Jaffee Yes Jeffries Yes John

Yes Jordan Yes Kavanagh Ye s Kellner No Kolb

No Koon Yes Lancman No Latimer Ye s Lavine

Ye s Lento! No Lifton Yes LopezP ER Lopez V

Ye s Lupardo ER Magee Ye s MagnareUi No Maisel

Yes Markey Yes Mayersohn Yes McDonough No McEnenyYe s McKevitt Yes Meng No Miller J Ye s MillerM

Ye s Millman No Molinaro No Montesano Yes Morelle

Ye s Murray Yes Nolan No Oaks Yes O'Donnell

No O'Mara No Ortiz No Parment Yes Paulin

Ye s Peoples-Stokes Yes Perry Ye s Pheffer Yes Powell

No Pretlow Yes Quinn No Rabbitt No Raia

No Ramos No Reilich No Reilly No RiveraJ

ER RiveraN ER Rivera P No Robinson Yes Rosenthal

No Russell No Saladino Ye s Sayward Yes Scarborough

Ye s Schimel Yes Schimminger Ye s Schroeder No Scozzafava

Ye s Skartados Yes Spano Ye sStirpe

Ye sSweeney

Yes Tedisco No Thiele Ye s Titone Ye s Titus

Yes Tobacco Yes Towns No Townsend ER Weinstein

Ye s Weisenberg Yes Weprin Yes Wright Yes Zebrowski K

Ye s Mr. Speaker

W L l L S t J a f E v1l ~es$ o t ~ W t t f e _ .

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A11310 Rules (Silver) Same as S 7990 OPPENHEIMER

OS/28/10 A11310 Senate Vote Aye: 45 Nay: 14

Aye Adams Aye Addabbo Aye Alesi Aye Aubertine

Aye Bonacic Aye Breslin Aye DeFrancisco Aye DiazAye Dilan Aye Duane Aye Espada Nay Farley

Nay Flanagan Aye Foley Aye Fuschillo Nay Golden

Nay Griffo Aye Hannon Aye Hassell-Thompson Aye Huntley

Aye Johnson C Nay Johnson 0 Aye Klein Aye Krueger

Aye Kruger Aye Lanza Nay Larkin Nay LaValle

Aye Leibell Nay Libous Aye Little Aye Marcellino

Nay Maziarz Nay McDonald Aye Montgomery Exc Morahan

Nay Nozzolio Aye Onorato Aye Oppenheimer Nay Padavan

Aye Parker Aye Peralta Aye Perkins Aye Ranzenhofer

Aye Robach Nay Saland Aye Sampson Aye Savino

Aye Schneiderman Aye Serrano Exc Seward Aye Skelos

Aye Smith Aye Squadron Aye Stachowski Aye Stavisky

Aye Stewart-Cousins Aye Thoinpson Aye Valesky Aye Volker

Exc Winner Nay Young

~ G \ L S N O ' T r ~ ~4 f t t ~ e s r fot&a~.

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A N A C T to a rne nd 'the e d uc a tio n la w in, re la tio n to c ha rte r s cho o ls


, ,T o p ro vid e forthe is s ua nc e o f a d d itio na l c ha rte rs thro ugh a ne w .co mp etitive re qu e s t fo r p ro po sa ls p ro ce ss d e ve lo pe d b y the b o ard o f re ge n ts a n dthe b oa rd o f tru ste es o f the s ta te un ive rs ity qf N ew Y ork a n d- to e s ta b lishe n ha nc ed tra n sp are nc y a nd a c co unta bflityrne as ure e fo r the o p e ra tio n a ndrna na qe m e nt o f c ha rte r s c ho o ls . ' . . '

Summary ,of Provisions:

. ,

This le gis la tio n p ro vid es fo r the e s ta b lis hm ent o f a ne w p ro ce ss to iss uechar ters. The board-of r~ g.e n ts a nd th ,e b oa rd o f tru ste es o f the s ta te u nlve rs lty o fN eY " Y o rk (S UN Y Tru ste es ) are e a c h a utho nze d to d e ve lo p a re que s t fo rp ro p o sa ls p ro ce ss fo r 260 (le w c ha rte rs tha t p ro vid es fo r tho ughtfu l re vie w o fc ha rte r a pp lic atio ns a n d e ns ure s tha t gro wth in c ha rte r sc ho o ls is ta rge te d,'p la nn ed , a nd , ge are d to wa rd h igh-p erfo rm an ce s ta n da rd s. O ne hun dre d thir ty o f 'the n ew , c ha rte rs w ou ld b e iss ue d o n the ' re co m me nd atio n o f the S UN Y T ru ste es ,o f w h ip h no m o re tha n 57 m a y b e fo r c h;u te r s cho o ls lo c a te d in N e w . Y ork C ity. "O f t he . a d d it io n a l 130 c ha rte rs iss u e d b y the b o a rd o f re ge n ts , n o m o re tha n 57m ay b e fo r c ha rte r s cho o ls to b e lo c a te d ln N e w Y o rk C ity . . The firs t re que s t fo rp ro po sa ls p urs ua nt to th is p ro ce s s w ill b e is su e d b y A u gu st 1 , 2010 fo r a 'm ax im um o f ~ '2 c ha rte rs fo r e a c h the b o ard o f re ge n ts a n d the S U N Y trus te e s .

The b o a rd o f re ge nts a n d the S U N Y tru s te e s m u st is s ue a ne w re qu e s t fo rp ro po sa ls o n Ja nu a ry " 2011, fo r 33 c ha rte rs e ac h, o n Ja n ua ry 1,2012 fo r 32c ha rte rs e a c h, a n d o n Ja n ua ry 1 , 2013 fo r 33 cha rte rs e a c h, , '

.Char ter schoels w ill ha ve to m e e t e n ro llm e nt a nd re te n tio n ta rge t! ;> o f ,s tu de nts w ith d is ab ilitie s, E ng lis h 'la ngu age le arn ers (E lls ): a nd 's tu de nts e lig ib le ,

fo r the fre e a n d re d u c e d p rice lu nc h p ro gra m (FR P L$) a nd un d e rgo a rigo ro usp ub llc re vle w p ro ce ss , A re p ea te d fa ilu re to m ee t e nro llm en t a n d re te n tio n '

ta rqe ts c o u ld b e gro u nC ls , fo r re vo c a tio n o f a .c ha rte r, ,

'The b o ard o f re ge nts a nd the S U N Y Trus te e s m u s t d e ve lo p a s co rin gru bric to gra nt p rio rity to a pp lic atio ns tha t b es t d em o ns tra te s eve ra l' o bje ctive s,In clu din g in cre as in g s tu de nt a chie ve me nt a nd d ec re as in g s tu de nt a ch ie ve me nt

g ap s , ln c re a sin q h i g h s cho o l gra du atio n ra te s a nd fo cu sin g 'o n s erv in g s p ec ific,high s cho o l s tu de nt p o p ula tio ns , fo cus ing o n the a c ad em ic a c hie ve m ent o fm id dl,e s cho o l s tu de nts , u tiliz in g h lgh qu ality a ss es sm en ts , u sin g lo ca l. .. . ~. . ' .'


, "

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, .

in stru ctio na l.s ys te ms , p artn erln g w ith lo w p erfo nn in g p ub lic s cho o ls to s ha re b es te du ca tio n al p ra ctic es ,. d em o ns tra tln q the m an age me nt a nd le ad ers hipte chn iqu es to o p era te a thrivin g, fin an cia lly via ble c ha rte r s cho o l, a nd

d em on stra tin g the s up p ort o f the s cho o l d is tric t in .w hic h the p ro p os ed c ha rte rs cho o l w ill b e to c ate d,

N e w p ro ce d ure s a re e na c te d fo r c o- lo ca tio ns o f c ha rte r scho ols in p ub licscho ol b u ild ings in N e w Y ork C ity. The cha nce llo r w o uld b e re qu ire d to d e ve lo p .. a b uild in g u sa ge p la n fo r e ac h c o- lo ca te d c ha rte r s cho o l, w hic h w ou ld in clu de

in fo rm atio n such a s the a c tua l a llo ca tio n a nd s ha ring o f c la s sro om a nda dm ln is tra tiv e s p ac e, a . pro p o sa l fo r th e c o jla bo ra tlve ' u sa ge a f s ha re d re so urc es ,b uild in g s afe ty , a nd c o rn rriu n ic a tlo n a nd . c o lla bo ra tiv e d e cls lo n -m a kln g s tra te gie s ."A n e x pe d ite d a p pe a l m a y b e m ad e re ga rd ing the d e te rm lna tio n to lo ca te o r co -lo ca te a cha rte r sc ho ol in a publ lc s c ho o l b u ild in g a nd the im p le me nta tio n o f a ndco mp l i a nce with the b uiL~ jn g u sa ge p la n. .ln a dd itio n, c ap ita l im p ro ve me nts o r

, fa cility u p gra de s in e xc es s9 f $5,000 m a d e to a c o- lo c ate d. c ha rte r s ch oo l w illre qu ire a m atc hin g c ap ita l im p ro ve me nt in the c o- lo ca te d n on -c ha rte r p ub lic '


. In a d d itio n t o establ ish ing a n ew s ta nd ard ize d c ha rte r is su an ce 'p ro ce ss ,c e rta in c ha n ge s to the m an age me nt a nd o p era tio n ofcharter s c ho o ls w in a p p ly -toc ha rte rs is su ed p urs ua nt .to the re qu es t fo r p ro p os als process, s uch a s

, p r ohib iti(lgfo r-p ro fit c o rp o ra tlc ns o re ntiU es fro m a p 'p lyin g for, m an agin g o ro p era tin tj"a ny n ew c ha rte r s cho o ls , re qu irI ng State E du ca tio n D ep a rtm en t (S ED )a pp ro va l o f p la ns and sp.eci f i ca t ions; a r ic ! c o m p l la n c e with SEI;> fa cility he alth, .s an ita ry, a nd s afe ty re qu lre me nts .Tn .a dd itio n, the te rm o f c ha rte rs is su ed w i!1 b e .compr ised o f up to f iv e l ns t ru c ti o n a l ye a rs . . . " .

S eve ra l n ew m ea su re s a re 'e na cte d to ~ n su re gre ate r a cc ou nta bility a ndtra ns pa re nc y. C ha rte r s cho o ls w ill b e s ub je ct to a ud its o f the s ta te c om p tro lle r,

a nd a ny' c om p tro lle r a ud its m us t b eln clu de d in the c ha rte r-s cho o l's a nn ua lre p o rt, 'I n a dd itio n , th e c ha rte rs cho o l a nn ua l repor t , W h ic h cu rr en t! y in c lu d esa ca d e mi c data , f in anc ia l s ta te m en ts , a nd the cha rte r s cho o l re po rt c ard , rm is tb e -m ad e m o re w id e ly a nd p ub lic ly a va ila b le . A ne w co mp on e nt is a d d e d to the'.a nn ua l re p ort, r~ qu irln g 'I nfo rm atio n o n the c ha rte r s o ho cts e ffC !rts b ike ln d !.Jrin g .. he c urr~ nt .ye .a r, an d a p la n fo r 's ub se qu en t ye ars , to m ee t o r e xc ee d e nro llm en ta n~ re te ntio n ' t a r g e t s o f s tu d e nt s wit~ d isa b llitie s , E lls , a n d ,FR P ls . The b o ardo f re ge nt's a nnua l re p o rt is a lso e x pa n de d to ' r e qu ire a lis t o f c ha tte r s cho o ls tha tc lo se d in the p re vlo as ye a r a n d the re a so ns 'fo r the c lo sure . The b o ard o fre ge nts is .a ls o re qu ire '~ to a nn ua lly re vie w a nd m ake a va ila ble to s cho o l d is tr ic tsthe b e s t p ra c tice s e m p lo ye d b y cha rte r sc ho o ls . . . .

. C ha rte r sc ho ols w il! b e s ub je c t to the p ro vis io ns o f the g~ ne ra l m un lc ip al

la w re ga rd in g c od e o f e thic s, in clu din g d is clo su re o f in te re st, to the s am e e x te n ta s a ll p ub lic s cho o l d is tric ts . Ih a dd itio n, a c ha rte r s cho o l's b oa rd o ttru ste esmust establ ish a. p ro c es s fo r m o nth·,y..b oa rd m ee tin gs "he ld a t tlie c ha rte r s cho o l.


. ,

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In addition, changes are made to the charter school law to provide that

applicants may propose to establish schools to specifically serve' students who

... are in need of special assistance and support, such as students with disabilities'

and English language learners.

. '.SED is required to develop a 'uniform application form for students

applying to charter schools that will have to be made available by the charter

school in the languages predominantly spoken in the community where the

charter school is located. In addition, the commissioner of education is,required

to issue regulations to ensure that the enrollment lottery is conducted 'jn an

equitable manner and that the time and location of the lottery is publicized in a

m~nn~r that is consistent with the open meetings law. ....

existing, Law:

Under Article 5 ,6 of the' Education Law, rules governing charter schools are

specified, including the total number of charters belnqissued, the process bywhich they are issued, the duration of such charters and various other

requirements to establishing and operating charter schools.

Statement in Support:

In 1998, the Legislature approved a comprehensive charter school law,

and several mOdifications were made to the law in 2007. In reviewing the

impacts of this legislation, there have been instances of successes, but areas of

concern have also been raised. This legislation 'seeks to provide f o r . a new

charter issuance process, and address issues' of concern regarding the operation .

and management of charter schools, 'as well as enacting several new enhanced

transparency and accountabllity measures ..

Budget Implications;

This bill would make New York more cornpetltlvefor additional federal

funding available In the Race to the Top grant pursuant to the American

, Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 20Q9.

Effective Date:

. Immediately, provided that sections 6, 19, 21 and 23 shall take effect on

January 1, 2011.


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strating the management and leadership techniques to operate a thriving,financially viable charter school, and demonstrating the support of theschool district in which the proposed charter school will be located.

New procedures are enacted for co· locations of charter schools in publicschool buildings in New York City. The chancellor would be required todevelop a building usage plan for each co-located charter school, whichwould include infor.mation such'as the actual allocation and sharing ofolassroom and admdnistrative space, a proposal for the collaborativeusage of shared resources, building safety, and oommunication and oolla-b or at iv e d ec is io n-m ak in g s tr at eg ie s. An expedited appeal may be maderegarding the deter.mination to locate or co-locate a charter school in apublic school building and the implementation of and compliance with thebuilding usage plan. Xn addition, capital improvements or facilityupgrades in excess of $5,0 00 made to a co· located charter school willrequire a matching capital improvement in the co-located non-charterp ub li c s oh oo l, s0", •

In addition to establishing a new standardized charter issuance process,certain changes to the management and operation of charter schools will

apply to charters issued pursuant to the request for proposals process,such as prohibiting for-profit corporations or entities from applyingfor, managing or operating any new charter schools, requiring StateEducation D epar~ent (SED ) approval of plans and specifications andcompliance with SED facility health, sanitary, and safety requirements.In addition, the ter.m o f charters issued will be oomprised of up to fivei ns tr uc ti on al y ea rs .

Several new measures are enacted to ensure greater accountability andtransparency. Charter schools will be subject to audits of the statecomptroller, and any comptroller audits must be included in the charterschool's annual report. In addition, the charter school annual report,which currently inoludes academic data, finanoial statements, and thecharter school report card, must be.made more widely and publicly avail-able. A new component is added to the annual report, requiring informa-

tion on the oharter school's efforts taken during the,.current year, anda plan for subsequent yearsl to meet or exceed enrollment and retentiontargets of students with disabilities, ELLs, and FRPLs. rhe board ofregent's annual report is also expanded to require a list of charterschools that closed in the previous year and the reasons for theclosure. The board of regents is also required to annually review andmake available to school districts the best practices employed by char-t er s ch oo ls .

Charter schools will be subject to the provisions of the general munici-pal law regarding code of ethics, including disclosure of interest, tothe same extent as all public school districts. In addition, a charterschool's board of trustees must establish a process for monthly boardmeetings held at the charter school.

In addition. changes are made to the charter school law to provide that

applicants may propose to establish schools to specifically servestudents who are in need of special assistanoe and support, such asstudents with disabilities and English language learners.

SED is required to develop a uniform application form for students


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applying to charter schools that will have to be made available by thecharter school in the languages predominantly spoken in the communitywhere the charter school is located. In addition, the commissioner ofeducation is required to issue regulations to ensure that the enrollmentlottery is conducted in an equitable manner and that the time andlocation of the lottery is publioized in a manner that is consistentwith the open meetings law.


U nd er A rt ic le 56 of the Education Law, rules governing charter sohoolsare specified, including the total number of charters being issued, theprocess by which they are issued, the duration of s uo h c ha rt er s andvarious other requirements to establishing and operating charterschools.


In 1998, the Legislature approved a comprehensive charter school law,and several modifications were made to the law in 2007. In reviewing the

impacts of this legislation, there have been instances of successes, butareas of concern have also been raised. This legislation seeks toprovide for a new charter issuance process, and address issues ofconcern regarding the operation and management of charter schools, aswell as enacting several new enhanced transparency and accountabilitymeasures.


This bill would make New York more competitive for additional federalfunding available in the Race to the Top grant pursuant to the AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.


Imm~diately, provided that sections 6, 1 9, 21 and 2 3 shall take effecton January 1, 2 011.


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MICAlt C, ~BER.DIrector




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1 1 , W.,b la J1 lln " . ... u~j \lllOIIY. f(w1IvdllUl0

( 5 1 1 ) 4 4 7 o S 0 0

. A.1131 0 - by Committe» o n R ules - at th e re qu es t o rM . o fA.Nolan aDd th e GovernorS.7~90 - byM. ors. Oppr:oheiroer

AN ACT to am en d th e c :dUC lltio n l aw , in r ela tio n to c ha r te r s ch o ol s

REASONS~O~SnP~ORTThis bmresponds to P:rcsidc:nt Q bllll)a 'SMU f or high qu: all ty c banC r p \l bUo schooJs lU 0. critica l co mpo ncut o f th o

. f~Qnd lUIQO to , W I)TtJp oompctitiOl\ 1 : 1 ) ' P>C p:m~ g tioDl :2 0,0 t o 46'O·the IJ,lIIJlberofavailablf: cbert~. By Ufdng th e

Cl).p to 10% of all p ub lio s ch oo ls in ' lhe St :a . te. , tbe : leg"wation will cDBbla New York to qualify fo~ t h e xnax iInuxaD.umber ot : point!: rl:latl1ld to c ha .r ta r s c ho o ls and thcmby bolster ou r Round 2 appl io a ti on (o r up fQ 5700 lJli11iOD.

50% o f any gta)lt received by Ncw York w ould go to tbl!! S~e B du qa ,tio n D ep ar tm en t ~ hnplmncnt program~

outlinod fu t h o S ta te 's applicatioD, m ad 50% w ou ld b tl a Uo e:a ted to Joo~l school d is tr ic ts b a s ed U P D D Title I s fUdohtcwo1h;gellt , to bel p . s uppo rt eflbItS t o imp ro ve student pcrf'onnaucc. New Yodc State wu a tb:lalist, bu t :t\ot a'Winner, inRoUnd 1.

lhdc,PePdl' lnt rc;s l' lI l rohlias· : tept:ot~y f O U l l d tha t New YOJ'k C i. ty 's o h lu :t« s ol \o ~ 11 !: rama:dcally ou tper t' onn non-ehareer l1t :bQQl! i s~ in1 J tlIo 1I1Xnc::xnfx o f s tu de nts . A recent stlldy by a t as e. a rc h t ro up at Slanfol'd TJll,bJctSity, whichhA d proviousIy o ll.Ue d out WO(UCII:!l5CS: in eblU'tr::r schools Il.l\tio nw ld t:. Id en~ od N 'o w Y or k's gtot;p of obW :crs c' hoo ls a s ab~ t: ol l. . In a JmJ"3.I)' io, 2010 cdl tod Jl ,l . The Naw Yor hT i~ ~llui!$l".d 4"why I1haf'ter sO/lools in New

Yoyk City are (Jurper:forming charier'S e!M/.W!tcft:" a s w ell O .$ 1h edrlocal l'tradifjo1la/~school COUlltorparts." "NewYor k C lf )' ha s ,(1 r .(gorous mecJian ism fo, .. / ic(Swing chartlW aJI WBII (lof $(1'07Ir o ver sig ht 0 1puformQllce. The cityalso givos Q/larlar oporaloys jY4(1 space. t l nd pYO'IIidu thil,m. w i th adJn i n i sl r at ll lt J 3l1pporl so that they can more

eas~'Y 8~'p aitd ¥lJ11H.iwgrm: i comply WlJ~1s,larl!! o.n'd/.:dera/ et i I l .C lJ tu, ( t laW. rhifi o7J'IIir01l1Mnt hilS been a mag72 etfo r slr ong.o ,p er a(Qr rlb at I s~ e. oeM tr~td a1most 1l1ceparia/u in DtlJflf stalt:8/' -

Tho lc ;g is la don woul d. a ls o e na o t $ i8 ni ~c l. Ur t: rc{orms to mcreage t ile accountabil ity ~d ~ p~ CJl.oy o fN l!lw Yo rk'sclm rter sch oo ls a nd ensure thiit charter lI ah oo lS re ClU ie I UI d S C[V ~ Gpc¢lu.1e dUcut iOXl s ru.dents , ;EngHsh languagetBa :r n cr s ' (BLL), and s~d l' .n fs In,need in proPOrliOIIS t ha t r ef le ot t&. c~ com rn um :t lc s. 'I bis l eg ls la ti ou woul d 0.1$0

I no re a~ c p t\(mili! lin pu t a nd t n mSl 'a r eMY I I X o tl .l l, doo.loolllioD. dcoisiODS III1dprovide fo r tQatahiag capital m.veSlDlenl$

f or o o -Ic ea te d n o n- cb or te r schools." .

A ccordingly, th e M ayo r urges th e Cattiest po s si bl e f a vo t ab lo considoratiOD o f th is p ro po sa l b y th e L og is la ru rc .

Rcspcc ; tfu lly submit ted, .


DirectorSW : s 12 8/1 0

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A. 11310 (RUles)

STATEMEN?-, OF' ozeosmox,

Th is legl$ hni( )n w ould m or c th an do uble t l : J . e n ll ll lb cr o f c h ar te r s ch oo ls inN ew Y ork state withoutp rov id in g m~a ni ng fu 1 r~ronn o f cbancr s ch Do l opcrarloDJ in~ a reas o f .BaDoun tl lb ll it )' . equi ty an d

f~c:ss. Inaddition this btUd4~ .not-~ovidfl n cc es ~- pr otC 4 tio l' lS B .gW lls tth«a 'ln lsr . o f . llOWCI: .~lIud,n us us e Q fp ub llc fU nd ~, orprotectiOQ of'PlIl(crit IU\d shldcnt r . l g h ' lS . Not only woul(Ut sigrut'illantty Jl1cr~Me

p re ss ur e o n lo ca l pm~ c:r ty CAXIl3Ipl.\Iticalady indlsf!idS l ik e Albuny ;md' Bblf idQ Ihs.t attl already ntun,leO

wlth chatter schaob, bu t this P lOp o sl l1 w o ul d b e t he la rg es t UD fU J:I dl :c lm a nd ate i n c d) lc ll ll o) l in roccDthjstoK}' . nus legisli1 tion amounts to a 10llg te rm f ir la ncia l U ab iU ty f or lo ca l s c:b .o Dldisbiel' in t he pur sui t

o f a non. r ecun -i n.g. ODe time graul. "I" ,

In New York s t o . t c . W e oll\TCDllyhave 1 40 ahartt:r t o h O < l I $ opa,rllting in '2009-10, ~g l \boUl44,OOO

kids; Ttadi.lio~ pubtie. ,d!oo!ssant 5530 :anilion dlls yr:ar rn o qa rter s ch oo ls 'V in theirtuitiOll pay.tn~ts.

Tuitio;a paymc:ots OOIl)!I5; , ;u;n : a combinn iiQI ;I . o f ~ t~ lI .t Id l oc al d oU8tS' ,lQ. t ho ;ZOOg..lO $ obml l y oa r, a L t n O . ' l t

SO l 'c rcCD t o r $263 t:Ili.lIloncwnc f r ol ll io c al . r cVCI i\ )C lor property tuas.·· ,

Iitbe s tate letfsla tllr c: ra is es th e o hB rter ca p to 4 60 w e will nlorc t . b D A d ou ble th e n um bc :r o f' scllools, an d

f ii s: ni fi candy Inc rea s e th e n umbe r o f s tu de nts a n d o v or al l. c o st sL O la xpa y= -lf s ah oo ls i% t.$ rem a,ll1 .

co nsistent, N ew York W ill have 1 4S,O oo Id ds In olLa.ttes::cbool& ~d taXpaYCQiwill bl!o sl!tldir!g n billionto a~~ 5chool$'pcr ':fcar. Iftha I:UsW a ~ s ah oo ls 1 l{ 1I& ,m Ua rly llttn"'b 1J.( td . r O U l ln ~ u s la te - lh is

w ould add an a dc lilio ua l $ 1 b ilU on co st t c ) Pt'op~ (IIXp.yel',f pcI' )fur. nisi s a n ovCl' il ll lne tea sc ine cs ts w h ic b is morc t ha r llw lc e the va lue o f R ace c, ~th,c Top, 0 ODe·b.) :Q~,Want. ' , B e J o J C I t l1a OIIp isacidrcssed, the I~ W must be ; fixed to provide:

FAmNESS ltO :R S T UJ }.E N 'X S - L ov ellb o p l< ly ia g f ield to e ns ur e; clI ar ter o pe ra tQ rs s er ve l h t : : tllme

population BS r egu la r p l1b li c s choO lS, m c : l u d h : a g ~tudenl$ W lthdisilbllitb:S, 5lUdc:nts who uc,Bng li sbl anguage lC il l' llOtS .! » lds tUdmts mos t illDud,. FOimfll iS in rMOlIrCC8 JP~JJili cbnrlol' Scl).ool1ilodlrlg

~"n )l () t c ome a t tb~ expeose o,fneigbborhood pJlblle.lSe.hoo'ls. UD.der tbepl;'o\!isl~»$ 0 ' tbb bUl, pllblicschOOl rli$~ctl: Dod loc~ p~opertrbxPJIY~" will continue to , l\OlAldcrthe bu.-dell of p*y\nZ for tile

creaCion ot: 2& 0 a d cl lr io n al $ cho o l$ .

FAJR lII':S SS 'i'·o n. S Ca :OOX .S - £.nsure~ sc-boolJ art rwly tW i d cd , n ot d i3 a d\l ~t eg «l or pcnllllZ,cilbyan influx o f neW op et at ot S' . E vCi )' c h il d £hou ld bave a q ua li ty l 'u bUe educa ti on ~Il" s.fe I I lIdhca1~(eBmi~g el)v i l; 'oDm~I)t, wl \cthcr they a ttend a dmrtoer schoo l o r a rc~publjo scheo l, W e must offerrcJieU o dtic& m d comil'llm.i.tysi::bool diliitrlc;ts ; Jlt nd )' o ve r S :l tu l" atc :' dwitb chartClr KlloIJil>. 'tbb bO I

fails to a ddress tlee iSSQI! o f o Ycrs atu ra tiO D in liD)' mChDi~d1. t l way.

FAlRNl::SS FOIt TAXPAYERS -Not a n charter $Qhoo'lIlarc Dr~tcd e qu al . "Ch a rto r co~olt'ate" is

figb.~g tooth aD d D.lln to a vo fd p ro hlb ld oD $- CUl oounJd: oflZlter lC:lt that a ll o tber pv.bUc sohoC)1sAdhel;'e to . Tbji b tU dtu:snot p.rolUllIt $U.@ . b - a :s : 1 l$ ' b y tb'llrtllf $ctiool boards. IGds must como peCore



.'. ' . ... I

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Statement from Governor David A. Paterson

• by N ew Y ork S ta te O ffic e o f th e G ove rn or

ALBANY, NY (05/28/2010)(readMedia)-- III am extremely pleased that an agreement has beenreached to lift the cap on charter schools, and am confident that this legislation will greatly

increase our competitiveness in the second round of Race to the Top. Agreement on this measure

signals recognition by all of our State's leaders that for the sake of our children, our schools and

our economy, we cannot afford to let these critical education dollars slip away.

"Race to the Top provides an unprecedented opportunity to reform our schools and challenge aneducational status quo that is failing too many children. I would like to thank Senate Conference

Leader John Sampson, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Mayor Michael Bloomberg for not

only acknowledging the importance of passing this legislation, but the importance of ensuring

our children have access to quality education. I look forward to working with the State Education

Department to create a competitive application that will secure these critical dollars for the futureour children. II

## I I

Additional news available at www.ny.gov/govemor 1High resolution images available at

www.ny.gov/govemor/mediaimages 1password: paterson 1New York State 1Executive Chamber

[email protected] 1212.681.4640 1518.474.8418

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NEW YORK, NY 10007


No. 235





"The agreement to raise the cap on charter schools in New York State from 200 to 460 is

not just great news for the 40,000 plus children currently on waiting lists - it's also good newsfor all 1.1 million New York City students. Charter schools elevate the quality of our entire

public education system by increasing competition and challenging all of our schools to do a

better job for our kids, and that's the most important thing.

"This bill also accomplishes other important things. For one, it boosts our chances of

getting $700 million in 'Race to the Top' federal funds. The application deadline for 'Race to the

Top' is next Tuesday, and the charter cap is one reason why New York State missed out in the

first round. With our schools facing big budget cuts this year, we simply can't afford to leave

hundreds of millions of dollars for education sitting on the table.

"By working together, we preserved the key components of the nation's most successful

system of charter schools. Both SUNY and the Regents will have 130 charters to issue under this

agreement. We also preserved the City's role as a 'charter entity', maintaining the City's abilityto endorse charter applications for the Regents' consideration and expanding this process to

SUNY. Furthermore, these charters are open to every community in the state and City, with no

insidious 'Iocal caps'; And perhaps most important: we preserved the ability of the City to give

charter students, parents and teachers that most precious of resources in New York: space.

"Raising the cap on charter schools has been a top legislative priority for our

Administration. In 2002, New York City only had 17 charter schools. Today, we have 99 - by

this fall we'll have 125. Charter schools have been an important part of our efforts to turn around

a once broken school system and close the racial achievement gap because 9 0 percent of charter

school students are black and Hispanic. Last year, charter school students outperformed their

peers in the rest of the school system by nine percentage points on the State's Reading and Math


"This legislation is the product of weeks of negotiations. Itis not a perfect bill, but it is

critically important that the Senate pass this legislation so we can submit the best possible 'Race

to the Top' application and give parents better school choices. We want to thank the Assembly

for passing this critical legislation - particularly Speaker Shelly Silver and Education Committee

Chair Cathy Nolan."

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- 30-

Stu Loeser/Jessica Scaperotti (Mayor)

David Cantor (DOE)


(212) 788-2958

(212) 374-5141

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N ew s R ele as e

A s s e m b l y S p e a k e r S h e l d o n S i l v e rFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:

May 2B, 2010

Assembly Approves Sweeping Education Reforms to

Support New York State's Application for Race to the

Top Funding

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Sliver and Education Committee Chair Catherine Nolan todayannounced the passage of legislation to reform the state's charter school system.

The legislation (A.11310) would raise the cap on charter schools from 200 to 460, helping toensure that New York State will have one of the nation's most competitive applications forfederal funding under the Race to the Top (RTTT) grant program In time for the June 1 deadline.This measure, In conjunction with a strong teacher evaluation system authorized earlier in theweek and funding for long-term assessment of student achievement, will help ensure that NewYork State receives maximum RTTT funding.

"These sweeping reforms will help put an end to divisive fighting over school space and give ameaningful voice in the process to traditional public school parents," said Silver (D-Manhattan)."The legislation also increases transparency by giving the State Comptroller auditing power over

charter schools, while ensuring that they enroll and retain children with special needs. Thismeasure will undoubtedly encourage the creation of more successful charter schools in New

York State."

"This bill will allow New York State to submit a competitive application for federal Race to theTop funding and Increase our chances at receiving up to $700 million for our schools," saidNolan (D-Queens). "I would like to thank New York State Board of Regents Chancellor MerrylTisch, New York State Education Commissioner· David Steiner and Senior DeputyCommissioner John King for their leadership, cooperation and hard work."

The legislation creates a new request for proposals process for the creation of 260 new charterschools. The new system favors applications which best respond to certain Race to the Topobjectives such as increasing high school graduation rates and addressing student achievementgaps in reading/language arts and mathematics. Requests for proposals for new charter schoolswould be issued by the Board of Regents and SUNY trustees after undergoing a public review


In addition, the legislation would:

• Institute a four-year period over which the 260 new charter schools would be created;

• Prohibit for-profit organizations from operating or managing any new charter schools;

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• Ensure that charter schools serve more children with disabilities, English languagelearners and free- and reduced-price lunch program participants;

• Require the chancellor to develop building usage plans for fair allocation and usage of


• Require matching capital improvements to the traditional public school portion of abuilding when such an improvement is made In excess of $5,000 to the co-locatedcharter school;

• Authorize the State Comptroller to audit charter schools at his or her discretion; and

• Increase accountability by new disclosure and ethics provisions.

The Assembly also passed legislation today that would provide financial support for a statelongitudinal data system to measure long-term student achievement (A.11309). Earlier thisweek, the Assembly passed legislation enhancing the statewide evaluation system for teachersand principals (A.11171).

New York State Assembly

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Strengthening NY's Educational System: Senate

Passes Legislation To Ensure High Performing

Charter Schools, Improve Teacher Evaluation To

Improve "Race To The Top" Score

P o ste d b y the N Y S S en ate M ajo rIty P re ss o n Frid ay, M ay 28 th, 201 0

Working to improve New York's score inthe Race to the Top, the Senate Democratic Majority

passed legislation (87990, 87991, 88001) to increase the charter school cap, improve teacher

evaluation, and invest in date tracking systems. Combined with the increased cap and oversight

of charter schools, the educational reforms passed by the Senate move New York one step closer

to winning in the Race to the Top.

"Nothing is more important than investing in our children and our future by improving our scorefor Race to the Top. Raising the charter cap, reforming charter schools, improving teacher

evaluation, and investing in tracking educational outcomes will give New York the points we

need to win," said Senate Majority Conference Leader John L. Sampson.

Sampson continued, "1want to thank my friend and colleague, Senator Bill Perkins for his

valuable insight, bold leadership of crucial charter school hearings, and absolute dedication to

shaping the debate on charters to increase transparency, oversight, and educational opportunities

for our children. 1congratulate Senator Suzi Oppenheimer, Chair of the Senate's Education

Committee, for her role in making this important reform package possible. And I also want to

thank Governor Paterson, Speaker Silver, Mayor Bloomberg, Chancellor Tisch, Commissioner

Steiner, and our partners in labor and the charter movement for working together to deliver forNew York's children."

"Few things incite such passion as the education of our children," Senate President Pro Tempore

Malcolm A. Smith said. "Raising the charter school cap will put New York ina more

competitive position to receive the much needed $700 million in federal Race to the Top

funding. This legislation gives us the unique opportunity to offer parents educational

opportunities for their children they might not otherwise have."

"1 am very pleased that we were able to reach agreement on reforms that will allow New York to

submit a very competitive application for Race to the Top funding," said Senator Suzi

Oppenheimer (D-Mamaroneck), lead sponsor oftoday's bills. "More importantly, it is my hopethat these reforms will spur innovation in education, address the achievement gap, and better

prepare our teachers and students for the challenges of the 21st century."

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''We took a giant step forward today toward the goal of ensuring a quality education for all

students," Senator Bill Perkins (D-Harlem) said. "Because of the reforms we instituted, New

York has an inside track in the Race to the Top, a race with a $700 million purse that will help

pay for the education of every child in school today."

Charter School Legislation Summary:


• Raises the cap on charter schools from 200 to 460 to be shared between the State University

of New York (130) and the Board of Regents (130) through an RFP process.

• Applicants must meet the established enrollment and retention targets of students with

disabilities and English language learners;

• Demonstrate a commitment to address the student achievement gap in reading/language arts

and mathematics; and

• Share best practices and innovations with low-performing public schools, among other RFP


Enrollment of Students with Disabilities, ELLs, and FRPLs:

• Charters must meet or exceed enrollment and retention targets for students with. disabilities,

ELLs, and FFPLs.

• Charters must demonstrate at the time of renewal how they will meet those requirements,

with repeated failure to meet those targets serving as cause for revocation of the charter.

• Authorizes the establishment of charter schools dedicated to serving students with disabilities

and ELLs.

Oversight and Accountability:

• Increased oversight of charter schools applies to their financial, operational and management

programs, including the disclosure of conflicts of interest and the conducting and publicizing

of monthly board' of trustee meetings.

• Authorization of a State Comptroller audit.

• Requires the enrollment lottery process comply with the open meetings law and the

submission of a uniform application created by the Commissioner in the predominant

language in the community inwhich the charter is located.

• Charter schools would be subject to SED approval and required to meet SED health and

safety requirements to the same extent as public schools.

• The five year term for charters would be comprised of five instructional years, and parentassociations are to be established in New York City charters.


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• Before co-location is permitted in a public school building, the Chancellor is required to

provide notice and identify buildings where any charter may be co-located, including the

rationale for the co-location selection.

• After co-location is selected, the Chancellor must develop a publically available building

usage plan comprised of the actual allocation and sharing of classroom and administrative

space; a proposal for the collaborative usage of shared resources; ajustification of how the

shared usage results in an equitable manner; and safety and security information.

• Requires the creation of a shared-space committee consisting of the principals, teacher

representatives, and parents.

• Any capital improvement or facility upgrade to a co-located charter school in excess of

$5,000 requires a matching capital improvement or facility upgrade in the non-charter public



• For-profit organizations are prohibited from applying for or operating any of the newly

authorized charter schools.

• Those for-profit organizations already in existence have right of renewal to continue the

management and operation of their current charter schools.

Teacher Evaluation Legislation Summary:

• Alters the teacher and principal evaluation system based in New York.

• The new system would use a four-tier annual review that is based in part on student

performance data and would have an expedited tenured teacher disciplinary hearing process

for those who consistently have the lowest scores on their evaluations.

• 40% of such performance evaluations would be based on student performance measures.

• The 40% student performance measure is divided between performance on state standardized

tests and locally-designed student performance measures, which may include student

portfolios, culminating projects, or other student work.

Data Systems Legislation Summary:

• Provides $20.4 million to strength New York's pre-kindergarten through higher education

student data system.• Systems already inplace provide the ability to track enrollment and assessment data for

students in P-12 public schools.


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• This appropriation will provide the ability to match teachers with their students, to connect

the P-12 data system with the data systems of SUNY and CUNY, and to fully analyze and

use the data collected in order to improve student achievement.

Educational Partnership Organizations (EPOs):

• Authorizes school districts to contract with Educational Partnership Organizations (EPOs)

to assist inthe turnaround of failing schools.

• An EPO is defined as a non-profit organization with a proven record of success in

intervening inlow performing schools, as determined by the Commissioner of SED.

• This legislation would be helpful not only in securing additional points in the Race to the Top

application process, but also would allow school districts more options to comply with new

federal Title I regulations.




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.Dea l Near""

. 1 0 .Apprcoe.


For S chools

The leglslatfon :would have tobe .avproved in the state Senatean d recel.ve the backln'g " O f 'Go~..Dil\( id A. P aterso n. T his m on th ,the Senate passed lts awn blU toincrea~e the cap on charterschools, but that version Includedfewer restrict ions than detrac-tors of charter schools hadpushed for. . .

: With the June 1 deadlin~ for. the competitive federal' grantmoney known as Race to the Toplooming, state education officials

were eager to ensure that boththe Senate and the governorwould Illgn onthe deal as well.The measure belng considered

by tlle Assllmbly would prQhlbltj ~y neW cha rter school from be;I ingoperated for ~rofi~ at!houg.,Itwould allQW tbase tha t alreadyexIBtto reJ:rutinopen.The' bID would also allow the

state comptroller to audIt charterschools, a move Ukelyto draw irefrom some charter Bchoo"advo-cates. . .,. In New York City, where mostcharter Sdlool~ sbarea, bUildingwith a tliaditJonl.llpiibllc school;any m'ajot Impl'ovemenIJ mlideto a charter school would alsohave to be made to the plibUcsc11001under the leg1Hlatl.onbeiIlgcqnsidered by the Assel 'nbly.

'The charter schools cau'ld beauthorized by either. the StateBoard of Regents or the StateUniversity. ofNew York. But offi-cials were uncertatn whether theschqols chancellor, Joel I. lOein.would continue to be able to au-thorize charter schools inthe city.as he has done for the past sev-eralyears. .In an effort to soothe long-

standing disputes between char-ter schoo ls and the traditionalpublic schoQIs they share spacewith. the legislation would also

r eq u lr e schools to se,t up bUi. ld i llgcou n cn s to mOnitor conflict.But It was unclear' how such

coun~ would be different fromslmllar committees already Inplace at schools InNew YorkCity.


New york CityOfficialsand theState Assembly reached 'a tenta-tive deal late Thursday to morethan double the number of char-ter schools, i! - move that officialshope will give the state a betterchance at receiving $700 millionin federal grant money. ,If. approved, the. measure

'would raise the number of char-ter schonla by up to 26 0 over fourrear!3, bdnlJln,15the totalnumber1 1 ' \ the S~1tte to 460, according ·toofficials who had been briefed onth e legIslation but spoke on thecgnd,tlon of anonymity becausethe language of the bll l was stiUb e ~ g .drafted: InNew Yorlt C i J . Y ;th e number o f charter schoolswould be capped at just morethan 200, double the current num-ber. ' .

The deal came a r t e r days o f n e -gotiations that. divided charterschool advocates. and city offi-cials on one side, and the teach-ers' union and the Assembly onthe other. Several members o f theAssembly, including the speaker,Sheldon SlIver, have been critiCalofcharter schools, which are pub- .llcly financed but privately run,'The final details of the legisla-

t ion were being worked out lateThursday, with a vote not ex-

pected until early Friday morn-ing. Officials from the city and :the State Assembly decUned tocomment.

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.~ .N E W Y O R K S T A T E .

, V O T E S T O · D O U B t E - .". I' •


. .The·vote I'lndedd~ C l f m t i u 1 s en eg otia tio ns ': b eMe'e n clla ftet.school ~ d Y O , c a t e , s a n d city o f f i~ .c1aJ.~ oil ol'l~side a n a -the teach.e'r$' union! ! ~~:ihe.Asgefl)6Iy onthe-other. SeVe1'wn'l~bcrs oftile·.1.etjsJa~ \~r~ !:J~~ ud(n ii}tl,spe~

~ e r ., ,? f t h e ASq~I1lQ!1j;:'Shelc!.onSU':1 Y ~ i ' ~~~IlV.e J : i ~ e i J . : . : 'Tltl,cal. o f ' the·· ij (ovrth .ot c)Jarte,scl\ools,-.which: . 8l 'e , Ubli.' ·I;~fln· . . ed b ' .{ "P .. , . . . . . . r . . , ' . 1 I J l 9 . , yl!1 private-:

'lrull····-,·'·',··,', ..-;" ,I · _:Ac!'~ ~~ ttl~~o uirtty,~ra tes 'havebeen ;~OllXed:into alrenng·. ~~ife d uc a u~ . n lawS' til q,llaiUy t J) r t lJ e~ derRl ed il eo tiO I l g ra nt c cimpeU·tlon knoWn a s Rae!;'! to ' the Top,. Many sl~es ,have- : I i lereased

! 'the' number of charter schools,Olle o f the ways to improve-theirch an ces o f. W J nn in g the 'Did, an d

th e v ote on Fnd~ .camtlat vlJ:tll'a l ! ¥ t n e ' nth hoor. 1 U e s d a y IIIthedeadline for f b . e '!lex!: round of~Race to the:rop B . P .J l. l i 91 tl 'o !ls ." "Itt a no th er ef fo ft:· to improV'e

. ' N ew Y ork~ s chances, the s t a t eS en ate a pp ro ved a .ilep ara t.e billon Pliday t o t l. e. te ac be l' e va Iu a-t i O i ! s . t o s tu dent s' perfonnance

. o n s ta n d a ., d iz e d tests, a s oth.m's~te9_nave done, i , tlle',ASsemblyvoted C o r th e m ea sU reea rlf er th is

' .week, ...

· New ' Yo"k COul d' e li ta ln $ 70 0~on from.th~ gan,t p-ool,mortay tl)l'it would bUm!: .th e lm-, pact 'o fs tate budget cuts and per-

Con' ti J: 1ued t in Page ~O


·Hoping to Wi'p Grant '~~

$700 Million - Cap

to In~reaSe to 4~O


The New: Yo rk Legi s la f u re ; vet-: ed o n F rtd ity to m or e U illin 1b ub le' the number of.chartei!i'lcl\ools·inthe state, -handing Mllyor Mi·· chael ~"13I00tnberg' a sig¢flcant· victory tharhe aq.d educatloJ1;pt~f ic la ls , ho p e will gtve the stal:e ~

· c h a nc e o f' rec¢vtng $ 7 0 0 . i D 1 I llq n.infederal graiiun.olleY. '. ',:

', Tb~.measUre w'odld '[$e t;ij~

, m a .X i n ; i u m . Dumbe r : .o f . c,b.· s c h o a ls 1 9 , , ,~ O ' f ;' {l I1 ) ", tp e ' c. ur r~ t .·~o~,celUijg ~~e ij tat~.l:1as all:n.os~ "· rea ohed, T tLe .l .nc r: e~~ . wou td b ! ! ..phased In 'ov~[ t1 '!~~ne~t ~ l l u ryears; with more ~1~,6~ expect:

· e d to o p ~ n e ach y , e 8 . ! " : ' ; ' - . ' . ", In N~"(Yor~~C'tY,,Jh~U1l\tle(of' ehartee. scliobl~;,:w.ould.·be''.~llpped~p14:he·~itY.hBSaln!.os~., lOO .now ;'''. ::" . :.,',. '. . .

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Hoping for F ed era l A ic! , New,' York ' VO te s

T o Raise Cap o n Charter Schools to '460



haps avert some of the thousandsof teacher layoffs that are ex-pected this year, '

In New York City, both CityHall 'and the teachers' union,which has opposed the growth ofcharter schools, nltltnately fbundenough to l ike 11 1th~ ieglsliltioij,Althougb mor e ch ar ter s cb co la

w t !1 b e created" the b il l i n ereasedo vers igh t o f the s cl io o ts a nil add"ed regUJatl,Onli on how. they are.famed and operated.

In a statement; Mr. Blool1lberg,an enthusiastic. supporter, otcharter echoots, cau!:loned ~ n a twhile "it is not a pallect bll~~it"preserved the key aomp,onentsof tile nation's mos tsuc~s~fulsystem ofcharter schools." 'The bill, which Gov, David A.

Paterson is expected to slgn, barsthe opeping of any for-profitcharter schools: opponents oftheschools s a y such operations, ca nle~d to abuses. Existil1g for-profitschools could remam.open.Much of th e deliberatlnna ean-

tered,on creatjng space for char-ter schools In New York City. Mr.Bloomberg and his schools chan-,

cellar, Joel I.Kl.eln, have allowed'dozens of c hll l' te r s ct lC <lJ ij tomov e ln tn buUdll;lgsused b y t ra-ditional public schools, otten en-raglng teachers Rlld.· parentsthero'

A b I D di'afted in' J!Ul~ary to·ln.crease,tho number' o f ch ar terschoots would llave required theconsent of parents at traditionalschools ~e[ore any charter schoolcould move In.,. That bill never came to a vote.The bill that was passed on Fri-day requires tha~ such sharedschools set up buDding councilstoallaca te space and moillto.[o o n m c t , BlIt ~liosecouncDs wou ld"n,9t I l a v e 'veto power over

t h echanceUor's dec1sion$, AQY im-provements worth more than$5,000 to IINew York C I t Y charter~choQI'sspa(!~wO\lldalso have tobe,Qi'lideto the publIc school thatshares the building,

The blU also allows the statecomptroUer to audit' charterschools, which charter school ad-vocates had resisted.The bill Imposes, for the first.

time, II limit. 01 1 the number of,charters In New York City. Arlditgives the state' - the Board ofRegents or the S_tateUniversitYof New York, which both author-ize charters - the power to de-.clde • Vibleh ,neighborhoods otdemographics t h e new schoolswould serve;Under current procedures,

NewYodeCity o[ficln1sbave beeneffectively able to decide wherecharters should go, leading tocomplaints that some ne1ghbor=hoods, 'Uke Harlem, had become

The b ill increase s

o fJersightand rulesout new for-p rofit '


sqtui'ated with them,"These sweeping reforms will

help .put an end to,'divlSlvefight·ir~, over scbool spaee and gIve Itm e 1 l .r ! l J 1 g f U l volqe in tbe Pl'oC¢'SSto trad(~ona1 pubric s c ! 1 ! lO I ' par-ents," Mr. Silver said'in a state-niellt. "This measure wlII un-doubtedly encourage the creationof more succeSsful 'cparterschools in New YorkState!'After negodations that lasted

througn the night, . the bill passedin the AssemblY.by a yote of 91 to43, and In W e Senate by 4ij t915.Wachers', '·I.jolons,around the I

country. and thelr ~sln.'stateleglslatures ' have fought theg ro Wth 'o f charter schools -whose teachers generally are notunionized - saying th~ take re-sources from tralUtionill publicschools without improving stu-dents' education.

But supporters o f the schoolssay the freedom from many reg-ulations and union work ruleshaS allowed charters the flexibil-i t Y to innovate and raise t i l e per-formance of mostly poor, urbanstudents whose n~igh!J(ll'h09ds cn o ots h av e not served themwell, ' '

.The w eE :ks lea dlnrr u p to thevote were filledwith feverish'iob-~ylng byteacl' \e l' s ' un iens, and byth e citya n d . ch a rt er Ilchool advo-cates; backed by we.altby hedgefund managera, oh ' the other side;

N~ everyone was pleased w 1 t J lthebiU. .

The ,sr:.atewJde.eachers' unionsaid:tbat the measure dlf.lnetgofar enough, . to limit charter

sc,~oolsin sOn)eparts oftbe state.Ana Pete r Murghy, the policy

director ofthe New YorkCharterSe,hools Association, called theprocess of negotiat ing the bill,which was writ ten in the w e ehours of the morning, ,'~govern-ance' at itS worst:' and said thebill ba nned for-profit charter.school operators "for, no soundreason," ,One major criticism of charter

schools is that they have not en-

rolled the students who struggletbe most, The hll! passed' FridayW m,regulr~ th(jm to anrou\ aad t < lretain, students who 8J 'C ' .stillleamm g '.Ehglisn. havediSabili,·ties '0 r receive ffee 01' reduced-price lunchl!s; ln "compllf;aI11e"ntimbers t o their local sctioel dis-tricts. It was unclear' how suchrules wQuldbe enforced,"The Ideawas wJ:iat'reforms do

we aeed so that charters servethe neediest kids," said MichaelMulgrew, the presldent of thec.lty teachers' union, 'the, UnitedFederatioti ofTeachers.

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1 S EN AT OR G OL DE N: Thank you,

2 Mr. president.

3 I rise today to speak of this

4 charter school bill. And had we not studied

5 this bill, the Assembly Speaker had mentioned

6 last time when I put my bill out to raise the

7 cap to 460, he said the ink wasn't even dry

a yet. And that took three days to age. This

9 bill took no time to age.

10 And we found a ton of mistakes in

11 this bill, one leaving SUNY out of being one

12 of the agents that would be authorizing

13 charter schools. Another one with a cap of

14 2013. It took us 12 years to get 174 schools

15 done. How many more schools do you think we

16 would have got done by 2013? It will take us

17 20 before we get another 150 schools done.

1 a So we found a lot of mistakes in

19 this bill. And then we find out that they

20 left the for-profits out of this. could you

21 imagine what we see going on in Harlem, where

22 we had all of these great charter schools

23 doing great work, that the public school

24 system had to go out and find marketing

25 companies to bring in marketers to see how

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1 they could market their product to make

2 education better for children, to be able to

3 do after-schools programs and morning and

4 weekend programs and raise the level of all

5 the children in our public school system,

6 parochial system and our charter school system

7 and our private school system.

8 And that's what this was all about,

9 is t rying to get our children the best

10 education that they can get. Ladies and

11 gentlemen, where do you get a corporation that

12 wants to open up right in the City of New














York? We've got to beg some companies to come

in and we've got to give them all sorts of tax

incentives. These companies, these charter

schools, when they came in, they paid taxes.

They hire hundreds of employees. And guess

what? They pay real estate taxes, they pay

employee taxes, they generate the economics in

our communities.

And here we are today throwing out

the for-profits in a charter school bill.

What a backward way to go. And we're trying

to get money from the federal government on a

Race to the Top? This is not a race to the

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1 top, ladies and gentlemen. This is slowing

2 progress down. And we shouldn'thave done

3 this.

4 Ladies and gentlemen,it may be

5 $700 million. I doubt that we get --


7 SenatorGolden,how do you vote?

8 SENATOR GOLDEN: I will be voting

9 no on this bill.


11 SenatorGolden to be recorded in the negative.

12 SenatorSaland,to explain his

13 vote.

14 SENATOR SALAND: Thank you,

15 Mr. President.

16 On more than one occasion I have

17 stood up and prefaced my remarksby saying I

18 certainly welcome the idea of competitionin

19 any venue, and educationwould be includedas

20 among any venue.

21 My concern with this bill, as the

22 prior bills, is that charterschoolsare a

23 ~ero-sumgame. And as we all know, there'sno

24 additional funding to speak of. And the money

25 basically follows the student,includingthe

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1 real property tax, that goes from one district

2 to another in some of these instances.

3 And I have implored this house to

4 try and provide an element of local control so

5 that in fact we can do what some 40 percent of

6 the other states that have charter schools do,

7 which is have some local input in these

8 ·decisions. And I just want to call your

9 attention to the fact that the scoring rubric

10 for Race to the Top actually provides a

11 priority for those applications that

12 demonstrate local school district support.

13 This bill, however, goes on to say

14 in part -- and I'm looking at page 5 -- in

15 order to deal to ,deal with the saturation

16 problem, which certainly is a problem for

17 certain districts -- that those who charter

16 in this case, the Board of Regents, until this








bill is amended should seek to locate

charter schools in a region or regions where

there may be a lack of alternatives and access

to charter schools would provide new

alternatives within the local public education


I fear what that means,

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1 thank certain people who have worked very,

2 very hard on this. And so I want to

3 specifically thank Chancellor Meryl Tisch and

4 the Board of Regents and the Department of Ed,

5 State Department, and Commissioner David

6 Steiner, who I understand is with us in the

7 gallery, for their leadership and very, very

8 hard work.

9 This has been an immense challenge

10 for the teacher organizations that have come

11 forth and helped and the charter school groups

12 who have helped.

13 And as you know, a few weeks ago I

14 voted against the charter cap going to 460 in

15 the bill that was before us. And I did that

16 because I said that there was absolutely no

17 way that I could Bee any accountability or any

18 transparency in the bill that would let us

19 have confidence that people are doing the

20 things they're supposed to be doing.

21 So now we have that in this bill.

22 We will be able to see where there are

23 conflicts of interest on the board of

24 trustees. We are going to have the

25 Comptroller audit these various charter

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1 schools.

2 We were also concerned about the

3 underservedpopulation,and specificallythat

4 is mentioned here. So we have enrollment

5 targets that have to be met and retention of

6 students that are not being well served

7 because they're English-languagelearners or

8 because theY're disabled or because they are

9 poorer children.

10 The co-location,which I mentioned

11 a couple of weeks ago, also is handled well in

12 this bill.

13 And the only thing that's left out

14 which had me very concerned,and still does,

15 is the saturation piece.


17 Senator Oppenheimer,how do you vote?


19 vote yes.



21 Senator Oppenheimerto be recorded in the

22 affirmative.

23 Senator Perkins.

24 SENATOR PERKINS: Thank you,

25 Mr. Chair. I just want to take a moment to

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1 explain my vote.

2 I first want to commend all sides

3 for the hard work that everyone put into this

4 issue in arriving at this moment.

S Obviously, nothing is more

6 important to me than the education of all of

7 our children. And as I've expressed in the

a past and as my hearings have revealed, there

9 are real challenges, real concerns regarding

10 transparency and accountability of the charter

11 schools, their accessibility for special ed

12 and non-English-speaking students as well as

13 children in shelters.

14 And favoritism of charters over the

15 traditional public schools is a major concern.

16 They serve a small percentage of our children

17 at the expense of public schools that serve

1 a 90 percent of public school families.

19 I have said that this bill makes

20 important progress in providing independent

21 auditing, making the charter schools more

22 accountable and open, and advances New York

23 State's efforts in the Race to the Top, at a

24 time when people are struggling and our budget

25 situation is worse than ever.

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1 schools -- I certainly do -- whether or not

2 you support reforming our education system,

3 this was really and always should have been

4 about submitting the most competitive

5 application for Race to the Top.

6 Regardless of the fact of whether

7 or not money is restored from the budget,

8 which I hope it is, for education, this is

9 certainly $300 million, maybe $700 million in

10 education funding that improves our public

11 school system. And for New York not to be

12 able to put in the most competitive

13 application by raising the cap on charters

14 and by the way, holding charters accountable

15 to the parents, to the teachers is something

16 that's very, very important.

17 So I'm finally hopeful, even though

18 we're approaching the deadline very, very

19 quickly, that this legislation that we did

20 here today will ensure that we're at least

21 competitive and we get our fair share of

22 federal dollars for education here in New York

23 State.

24 I vote yes, Mr. President.


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1 Thank you, Senator.

2 Senator Klein to be recorded in the

3 affirmative.

4 Senator Huntley, to explain her

5 vote.





everyone realizes I am definitely a public

school parent. For years I've supported

9 public schools.

10 I have many people in my district,
















my constituents, who are charter parents. I

met with them, and I feel that parents have

rights and choices where they want to send

their children. When my children were

attending school, I wanted the right to send

them wherever I wanted to, and I did have that

right. So therefore, I am going to support


But I must say this. When we come

to the table anytime to negotiate on charters,

to negotiate any educational problem that we

have in the Senate, I would like very much to

Bay we should include other organizations that

are involved in education, such as District

Council 37. They playa large role in my

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1 district, and I think they too should be at

2 the table.

3 Thank you.


5 Senator Huntley to be recorded in the

6 affirmative.

? Senator Ddaz,'to explain his vote.

8 SENATOR DIAZ: Thank you,

9 Mr. President. Just to explain that I am

10 excited about this bill.

11 And all we wanted was to increase










the charter schools from 200 to 460. In my

district, charter schools are a godsend, a

blessing from heaven. So I'm a supporter of

charter schools.

I would like to express my

appreciation to the Governor, Governor

Paterson. He never give up. Never give up.

He said now we want to increase it, and he

stood firm. And today we can say we have

21 increased charter schools from 200 to 460.

22 And those many children that were waiting and

23 parents that were praying so they could have

24 an opportunity, today I can go back to ~y

25 district and say I did it for you, I voted for

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1 you, we got it, we fought it, praise God,

2 praise be the Lord.

3 Okay, thank you very much. I am

4 voting yes. I am voting si. Thank you.


6 Senator Diaz to be recorded in the

7 affirmative.

S Senator Smith, to explain his vote.

9 SENATOR SMITH: Yes, thank you

10 very much, Mr. President.

11 Let me thank all my colleagues --

12 Senator Suzi Oppenheimer, who sponsored the

13 bill; our leader, Senator Sampson, for his

14 effort and for his work. Also, I want to

15 thank Commissioner Steiner, who I know is in

16 the room, and also Meryl Tisch, for their

17 work. But I also want to thank the staff,

18 Kathy Grainger and the Education staff as

19 well, who did a lot of work.

20 What we are allowing at this point

21 is what is crucial to us with regard to Race

22 to the Top. But keep in mind that 90 percent

23 of that $700 million or whatever we receive,

24 being optimistic, goes to the public school

25 system.

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1 This is about charter schools being

2 available and having choice for parents. It's

3 a good day for our parents. Just as we did

4 with the Parks Department, we understand that,

5 we recognize what's important to the people of

6 the state. And today we made it very clear to

7 them that we are capable and have the ability

8 to do the right thing.

9 So I'll be voting aye. Thank you.


11 Senator Smith to be recorded in the

12 affirmative.

13 Senator Sampson, to close.

14 SENATOR SAMPSON: Thank you very

15 much, Mr. President.

16 I just want to first of all let

17 everyone know, nothing is more important than

18 the investment in our children and improving

19 their opportunities to receive this Race to

20 the Top funding. Raising the charter cap,

21 reforming charter schools, improving teacher

22 evaluation, and investing in tracking

23 educational outcomes will give us the needed

24 points to not only be in the running but to

25 hopefully win.

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And I really want to thank the

chair of Education, Suzi Oppenheimer, for her

leadership to making sure that we are in the

running. And I want to thank you very much.

5 I also want to thank and

6 congratulate all of my colleagues for their

7 clear focus and direction and for their

8 investment in our children.

9 I also want to take time to thank

10 the Governor for his commitment and

11 dedication, Speaker Silver, Mayor Bloomberg.

12 Chancellor Tisch, thank you very much for your

13 commitment and your dedication. Also

14 Commissioner Steiner, thank you very much.

15 And all our partners in the labor movement and

16 in the charter school movement.









But one particular person I really

want to thank, and that is my friend and my

colleague Senator Perkins for his valuable

insight, his bold leadership of crucial

charter school hearings, and absolute

dedication in Shaping the debate on charters

to increase transparency, oversight,

educational opportunity for our children. He

25 brought it all home, and he allowed all the

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partners to get into the room to get this

thing done.

So I want to thank you very much,

because I know you took a lot of heat with

respect to this, Senator Perkins. And if you

6 did not lay the framework, I don't know if we

7 would have been at this place today. So I

8 want to thank you very much.

9 But once again, Mr. President, I

want to thank all my colleagues. We are not

only in the running [ but I believe we have an

excellent opportunity to make sure we win Race

to the Top.

Thank you very much.


Senator Sampson to be r~corded in the


Senator Adams, to close.

20 Mr. President.







I too will be voting aye. But I

just wanted to pause for a moment and join

Leader Senator Sampson in just acknowledging

Senator Perkins and Senator Velmanette

Montgomery, because they kept us in line

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1 around this issue. And again, they took a lot

2 of heat for it.

3 And those of us who support

4 educational opportunities for parents, those

5 of us who support charter schools or public

6 schools, I just really want to thank you,

7 Senator Perkins and senator Montgomery, for

8 making us realize we've got to ask the tough

9 questions.

10 And again, it just goes to show you,

11 why it's so important to have diversity not

12 only in the makeup of our conference but in














the philosophy of our conference. We're not a

monolithic state, so we're not going to all be

in line. But if we come together and look at

those tough questions to come up with tough

answers, we can find solutions for our

children and ensure they can be on the right

road of education.

I will be voting aye. And I thank

you also, Senator Johnson, for your work

around this issue as well. I will be voting



Senator Adams to be recorded in the

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3 O.


(The Secretary called the roll.)

THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59. Nays,

5 The bill is passed.

6 The secretary will continue to

7 read.

8 THE SECRETARY: Calendar Number

9 667,substituted earlier today by the Assembly

10 Committee on Rules, Assembly Print Number

11 11311, an act to amend the Education Law.


13 Read the last section.

14 THE SECRETARY: Section 2. This

15 act shall take effect on the same date and in

16 the same manner as a chapter of the Laws of

17 2010.


19 Debate is closed. The Secretary will ring the

20 bells.

21 Call the roll.

22 (The Secretary called the roll.)


24 Senator Saland, to explain his vote.

25 SENATOR SALAND: Thank you,

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1 Mr. president.

2 Mr. President, I didn't have the

3 opportunity to complete my remarks earlier.

4 And all I would like to say, this is one of

5 the compliance pieces for Race to the Top, and

6 we have this slavish if not orgasmic pursuit

7 of Race to the Top money. I just want to

8 somehow or other make this a little more

9 sobering.

10 Understand that were we fortunate

11 enough to get the $700 million, it will be

12 payable over four years. Seventy percent of

13 it goes to Title I schools; any number of

14 school districts will not be eligible for this

15 funding. That would amount to probably less

16 than 1 percent of what the state spends on

17 education, and overall probably a little more

18 than 3/10 of 1 percent what we spend statewide

19 for all.

20 So this is not manna from heaven

21 that somehow or other is going to miraculously

22 rescue us. And every single editorial that I

23 have seen has talked about $700 million.

24 There's not going to be $700 million delivered

25 to our doorstep, even if we succeed. So I

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1 cities of Albany and Buffalo.

2 And so I am going to be working in

3 the direction of putting in a stand-alonebill

4 on that subject,because they need relief and

5 we must offer it to them.

6 I also felt that the for-profit

7 charters were valuable to us. And I had

8 suggested that we put in the same percentage

9 that we now have going forward,which would be

10 about 10 percent of all new charters.

11 I feel that if we had the oversight

12 of the Comptrollerdoing the audits, I think

13 we can keep a close eye on them.

14 And lastly, I want to congratulate

15 the courage thatNYSUT and UFT had in the

16 changing of the evaluation for teachers. It

17 is a big step forward, and it will be a big

18 improvement. And it took a lot of courage and

19 vision for the unions to do that. So I

20 congratulatethem.

21 I'll be voting aye.


23 Senator Oppenheimerwill be recorded in the

24 affirmative.

25 Announce the results.

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2 o .


THE SECRETARY: Ayes, 59. Nays,

4 The bill is passed.

5 Senator Klein, that completes the

6 reading of the controversial supplemental

7 ca~endar.

8 SENATOR KLEIN: Mr; President, is

9 there any further business at the de'sk?


11 Senator Klein, the desk is clear.

12 SENATOR KLEIN: There being no

13 further business, Mr. President, I move that

14 we adjourn at the call of the Temporary

15 President, intervening days to be legislative

16 days.


18 There being no further business to come before

19 the Senate on motion, the Senate stands

20 adjourned at the call of the Temporary

21 President, intervening days being legislative

22 days.

23 (Whereupon, at 3:32 p.m., the

24 Senate adjourned.)