APPENDIX D County Dropout and Graduation Statistics This appendix provides dropout and graduation data for the 2003–04 school year for each of the 39 counties of the state. There are seven sets of data in this appendix: D1 Dropout Rates for All Grades Combined D2 Dropout Rates by Grade D3 Dropout Rates by Race/Ethnicity D4 Dropout Rates by Program & Gender D5 Graduation Rates Based on Dropout and Completion Rates D6 Graduation Rates – On-Time and Extended D7 On-Time Graduation Rates for Student Groups D8 Extended Graduation Rates for Student Groups

APPENDIX D County Dropout and Graduation … Dropout and Graduation Statistics ... Thurston 12640 137491 49 305 3.9% ... Garfield 36 0370.0% 140 0 0.0% 2.7% 46 1 2.2% 159 2 1.3%

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County Dropout and Graduation Statistics

This appendix provides dropout and graduation data for the 2003–04 school year for each of the 39 counties of the state. There are seven sets of data in this appendix:

D1 Dropout Rates for All Grades Combined D2 Dropout Rates by Grade D3 Dropout Rates by Race/Ethnicity D4 Dropout Rates by Program & Gender D5 Graduation Rates Based on Dropout and Completion Rates D6 Graduation Rates – On-Time and Extended D7 On-Time Graduation Rates for Student Groups D8 Extended Graduation Rates for Student Groups






Adams 5.8%290601039 31

Asotin 6.8%554761117 17

Benton 5.8%229295759929 317

Chelan 7.8%119243003858 157

Clallam 4.6%31381473219 78

Clark 4.8%478121103521649 436

Columbia 4.1%508196 3

Cowlitz 6.7%129533625431 180

Douglas 3.4%1217692007 40

Ferry 5.2%10018343 8

Franklin 10.0%208373213195 76

Garfield 1.3%002159 2

Grant 7.3%12673765155 243

Grays Harbor 7.4%77453014042 179

Island 4.0%6091212993 52

Jefferson 3.2%145371168 18

King 4.4%2037258345278260 1157

Kitsap 5.2%2105568913149 424

Kittitas 3.9%346591501 19

Klickitat 4.9%230571172 34

Lewis 7.7%20223294287 125

Lincoln 2.1%4114657 9

Mason 8.1%150102192695 59

Okanogan 7.5%66291642185 69

Pacific 17.2%143822511461 26

Pend Oreille 4.6%24329627 2

Pierce 7.1%155578277338851 1140

San Juan 3.1%5220644 13

Skagit 9.4%218845666048 264

Skamania 5.4%61122405 5

Snohomish 6.4%1317110211032968 683

Spokane 4.5%249174106823522 645

Stevens 5.1%48121062066 46

Thurston 3.9%3054949112640 137

Wahkiakum 4.8%508166 3

Walla Walla 5.3%4531482802 100

Whatcom 5.5%146344778642 297

Whitman 1.6%151241489 8

Yakima 10.7%71648148113777 717

STATE TOTALS 315,514 18,365 1,441 9,1057,819 5.8%

Dropout Rates for All Grades Combined D-1 1

NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total, Grades 9-12

Adams 5.6%132327.2%6.1%4.2% 191711 263280264 5.8%601039

Asotin 11.3%332928.0%3.6%3.8% 231010 286276263 6.8%761117

Benton 8.9%21624144.4%5.5%4.4% 103133123 235323972765 5.8%5759929

Chelan 5.8%549357.2%6.6%11.5% 7264110 999970954 7.8%3003858

Clallam 5.4%376915.0%3.7%4.4% 412940 828791909 4.6%1473219

Clark 9.3%44848255.7%3.8%1.1% 31320866 551655185790 4.8%103521649

Columbia 5.2%35810.0%0.0%2.1% 401 405048 4.1%8196

Cowlitz 5.6%64113911.0%5.4%4.6% 1547371 140313411548 6.7%3625431

Douglas 8.4%394662.6%2.0%1.3% 13107 497495549 3.4%692007

Ferry 4.3%3701.3%7.1%7.0% 177 7598100 5.2%18343

Franklin 4.0%174276.6%13.0%12.2% 48115141 7258861157 10.0%3213195

Garfield 2.2%1462.7%0.0%0.0% 100 374036 1.3%2159

Grant 4.0%4812038.0%8.0%8.8% 99104125 123612941422 7.3%3765155

Grays Harbor 5.7%518938.3%6.1%9.2% 8862100 105410131082 7.4%3014042

Island 4.2%286644.1%2.9%5.0% 322239 782760787 4.0%1212993

Jefferson 3.0%82666.3%1.0%2.3% 1937 301291310 3.2%371168

King 5.2%914175524.9%3.9%3.8% 938782818 192141998621508 4.4%345278260

Kitsap 8.2%25230666.0%4.7%2.2% 20515973 340333603320 5.2%68913149

Kittitas 4.0%143526.7%1.6%3.6% 24615 359379411 3.9%591501

Klickitat 7.2%212914.0%3.8%4.4% 111114 274291316 4.9%571172

Lewis 6.0%599857.8%6.4%10.1% 8070120 102410901188 7.7%3294287

Lincoln 2.7%51842.1%1.8%1.8% 333 144164165 2.1%14657

Mason 11.3%7465710.9%6.5%4.3% 704530 645692701 8.1%2192695

Okanogan 4.8%2246111.8%6.7%6.1% 693835 584566574 7.5%1642185

Pacific 20.7%6229920.1%18.7%10.1% 737739 363411388 17.2%2511461

Pend Oreille 10.8%161484.5%2.1%1.7% 733 156144179 4.6%29627

Pierce 6.3%49378027.8%8.8%5.6% 707931642 90791056211408 7.1%277338851

San Juan 5.3%81512.7%3.4%1.2% 462 148175170 3.1%20644

Skagit 7.7%9912869.4%10.9%9.1% 136177154 145416241684 9.4%5666048

Skamania 8.4%8954.8%4.8%4.0% 554 105104101 5.4%22405

Snohomish 7.5%53571248.0%5.4%5.1% 638465472 802285809242 6.4%211032968

Dropout Rates by Grade D-2 1

NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Total, Grades 9-12

Spokane 3.3%17552865.6%4.4%4.7% 328267298 584660226368 4.5%106823522

Stevens 4.5%224938.3%4.7%3.0% 442416 529513531 5.1%1062066

Thurston 5.9%16928415.0%3.0%2.0% 1599667 319132263382 3.9%49112640

Wahkiakum 4.7%24315.0%2.1%3.6% 312 204756 4.8%8166

Walla Walla 8.4%576824.6%5.1%3.1% 323722 693721706 5.3%1482802

Whatcom 6.2%10817485.6%5.0%5.5% 118110141 210122092584 5.5%4778642

Whitman 3.0%113701.4%0.5%1.6% 526 365368386 1.6%241489

Yakima 5.2%14227159.2%10.9%15.3% 298389652 323235624268 10.7%148113777

STATE TOTALS 87,620 4,486 5.1% 81,296 4,561 5.6% 77,346 4,987 6.4% 69,252 4,331 6.3% 315,514 18,365 5.8%

Dropout Rates by Grade D-2 2

NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


American Indian Asian/Pac Is Black Hispanic White

Adams 3.0%134317.6%0.0%33.3%0.0% 46010 602231

Asotin 6.5%67103518.2%7.7%10.0%4.0% 6111 33131025

Benton 4.6%360782111.2%9.4%2.4%15.1% 17318618 1543191253119

Chelan 5.8%159275012.7%27.3%2.1%19.6% 128319 1004114746

Clallam 3.9%103263615.3%3.8%1.2%7.3% 181124 1182686330

Clark 4.5%840185998.3%7.3%2.6%11.6% 91452831 10936141074267

Columbia 3.9%61535.4%NA0.0%0.0% 2000 37024

Cowlitz 6.4%30146859.2%9.1%4.1%8.1% 266522 28366122273

Douglas 2.8%3914045.4%0.0%0.0%4.2% 29001 54292824

Ferry 4.1%102410.0%0.0%0.0%9.4% 0008 81885

Franklin 4.9%54110812.8%15.1%4.7%31.6% 2421636 18981066419

Garfield 1.4%21420.0%NA0.0%0.0% 0000 50102

Grant 5.6%17030499.3%12.9%7.0%13.7% 1658528 17686271205

Grays Harbor 7.0%227322211.6%11.8%2.9%9.4% 256439 21551140413

Island 4.4%10924544.6%2.1%1.3%3.4% 5241 1099630429

Jefferson 3.0%3210579.1%9.5%3.0%0.0% 2210 22213335

King 3.5%1833516558.4%8.7%3.2%10.2% 470636386124 56237308121881217

Kitsap 5.0%527105206.8%7.4%3.3%12.4% 31394051 4595291220411

Kittitas 3.9%5213284.6%0.0%0.0%6.7% 5002 108171830

Klickitat 4.5%419144.4%0.0%0.0%14.8% 7009 16092761

Lewis 6.5%237366414.9%23.7%10.0%10.3% 47231010 3169710097

Lincoln 2.0%125960.0%12.5%0.0%2.9% 0101 138535

Mason 7.9%177224311.2%11.5%3.5%10.2% 153321 1342686206

Okanogan 5.7%8615009.3%0.0%3.4%15.8% 360141 387929260

Pacific 14.4%157109223.6%53.4%11.1%15.8% 3539812 148737276

Pend Oreille 4.4%2556510.0%0.0%0.0%7.9% 1003 1021238

Pierce 6.1%16802746811.1%11.1%6.4%11.3% 242483230124 2179434036191099

San Juan 3.2%195940.0%0.0%0.0%11.1% 0001 261149

Skagit 7.8%374478116.1%23.6%2.6%18.2% 14617425 90572151137

Skamania 5.8%213650.0%50.0%0.0%0.0% 0100 102622

Snohomish 6.0%16162672210.4%9.7%4.4%13.8% 1818812296 17339082783698

Dropout Rates by Race/Ethnicity D-3 1

NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


American Indian Asian/Pac Is Black Hispanic White

Spokane 4.1%868211499.4%9.3%3.4%12.0% 52582169 555624619575

Stevens 3.8%62164910.8%4.2%2.1%12.3% 41138 372447309

Thurston 3.9%387100465.3%5.1%2.0%6.6% 34292219 6435671092289

Wahkiakum 4.8%71470.0%0.0%14.3%0.0% 0010 9172

Walla Walla 4.5%9320746.8%10.0%8.9%25.0% 43345 633304520

Whatcom 4.9%34871368.1%6.3%2.5%14.5% 467967 571112361462

Whitman 1.6%2113222.3%0.0%1.3%5.9% 1011 43287717

Yakima 8.7%552634311.8%21.0%2.7%18.4% 745395139 6308186183756

STATE TOTALS 8,703 1,046 12.0% 25,016 928 3.7% 16,242 1,575 9.7% 30,290 3,099 10.2% 234,660 11,687 5.0%

Dropout Rates by Race/Ethnicity D-3 2

NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


Limited English Special Education Low Income Female Male

Adams 5.2%275186.3%4.8%7.2%4.7% 3326610 52154683212

Asotin 8.0%465765.6%7.9%12.4%0.0% 3025190 5413151535

Benton 6.7%33750644.9%6.4%7.9%12.0% 2381289535 486519901206291

Chelan 8.7%16819256.8%6.3%8.4%8.1% 132422322 1933670273271

Clallam 5.6%9316753.5%5.1%3.1%28.0% 54391114 154477336150

Clark 5.2%569110524.4%5.5%4.3%8.1% 4662649647 1059747972250583

Columbia 4.3%4933.9%NA5.6%NA 4010 1030180

Cowlitz 7.5%20927885.8%10.6%8.4%14.3% 1531924210 2643181250370

Douglas 4.4%4510322.5%3.3%4.8%5.4% 241696 975488186111

Ferry 4.3%81856.3%4.3%3.6%NA 10610 158140280

Franklin 9.5%157165710.7%11.8%3.6%13.5% 16423211103 15381970302762

Garfield 2.4%2830.0%1.8%5.6%0.0% 0110 7655181

Grant 8.1%21426416.4%3.3%5.9%7.1% 162562521 25141680425294

Grays Harbor 7.3%15321107.7%8.3%6.9%8.8% 148136293 1932163541934

Island 4.4%6615163.7%3.6%4.8%2.9% 554111 147711023034

Jefferson 2.8%176043.6%1.9%5.3%0.0% 20460 5642151144

King 4.9%1979401563.9%4.6%5.9%7.1% 1473908458371 381041956677955251

Kitsap 5.7%37967124.8%8.2%7.8%2.9% 310146893 643717731135104

Kittitas 2.9%227695.1%2.1%2.3%0.0% 37620 732288871

Klickitat 6.5%385823.2%2.4%5.0%2.6% 19962 59037112178

Lewis 10.0%22922935.0%6.8%4.8%14.3% 100130177 1994191035849

Lincoln 2.1%73402.2%4.3%0.0%NA 7700 317163320

Mason 8.9%12313867.3%10.9%9.8%0.0% 96108290 13099892977

Okanogan 8.0%8911097.0%4.5%6.9%8.4% 75351410 1076771204119

Pacific 21.8%1958959.9%27.9%20.7%2.5% 56219421 56678620340

Pend Oreille 4.2%133085.0%1.6%16.3%NA 16480 319255490

Pierce 7.8%1537197336.5%11.2%10.8%9.9% 1236108045540 1911896194215404

San Juan 3.7%123292.5%0.0%0.0%0.0% 8000 315129421

Skagit 10.3%31630718.4%9.2%11.0%2.5% 250242669 29772624598367

Skamania 6.4%142194.3%2.9%6.7%0.0% 8330 186105452

Snohomish 7.2%1206168335.6%5.8%7.4%9.6% 90435726891 1613561653634952

Dropout Rates by Program and Gender D-4 1

NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


NetServed Dropouts


Limited English Special Education Low Income Female Male

Spokane 4.8%574119144.3%5.4%4.4%4.2% 4943209112 1160859632058286

Stevens 5.9%6310744.3%2.1%5.9%13.3% 4315112 99271818815

Thurston 4.3%28266063.5%5.1%2.2%0.0% 209137310 60342706144179

Wahkiakum 6.0%61003.0%4.1%6.3%NA 2210 6649160

Walla Walla 5.9%8514454.6%10.5%3.0%0.0% 633420 13573246782

Whatcom 6.1%26943974.9%3.8%5.3%3.1% 20875436 42451952814191

Whitman 1.6%127621.7%2.8%1.5%0.0% 12920 7273181319

Yakima 11.3%795702310.2%7.6%11.1%9.1% 686477133144 6754628112011584

STATE TOTALS 12,343 970 7.9% 31,300 2,157 6.9% 81,021 5,494 6.8% 153,939 8,005 5.2% 161,575 10,360 6.4%

Dropout Rates by Program and Gender D-4 2

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Dropout Rates

Net Gr12Enrollment

# NotCompleted

Grade 12Continuing Rate


Graduation Rate





Adams 21.2%73.8%6.0%142325.6%7.2%6.1%4.2% 5.0%

Asotin 24.4%64.2%13.4%3929211.3%8.0%3.6%3.8% 11.4%

Benton 21.4%70.2%9.7%23524148.9%4.4%5.5%4.4% 8.4%

Chelan 27.8%63.1%11.9%1119355.8%7.2%6.6%11.5% 9.1%

Clallam 17.2%72.2%12.2%846915.4%5.0%3.7%4.4% 10.6%

Clark 18.6%69.9%12.8%61648259.3%5.7%3.8%1.1% 11.5%

Columbia 16.4%80.5%3.4%2585.2%10.0%0.0%2.1% 3.0%

Cowlitz 24.2%61.2%18.2%20711395.6%11.0%5.4%4.6% 14.6%

Douglas 13.7%78.2%8.6%404668.4%2.6%2.0%1.3% 8.1%

Ferry 18.4%77.9%4.3%3704.3%1.3%7.1%7.0% 3.7%

Franklin 31.5%58.0%14.8%634274.0%6.6%13.0%12.2% 10.5%

Garfield 4.8%91.0%4.3%2462.2%2.7%0.0%0.0% 4.2%

Grant 25.9%66.1%10.4%12512034.0%8.0%8.0%8.8% 8.0%

Grays Harbor 26.4%62.0%14.9%1338935.7%8.3%6.1%9.2% 11.6%

Island 15.2%79.1%6.5%436644.2%4.1%2.9%5.0% 5.7%

Jefferson 12.1%74.3%15.0%402663.0%6.3%1.0%2.3% 13.6%

King 16.7%74.6%9.9%1741175525.2%4.9%3.9%3.8% 8.7%

Kitsap 19.6%73.9%7.4%22630668.2%6.0%4.7%2.2% 6.5%

Kittitas 15.0%80.4%5.1%183524.0%6.7%1.6%3.6% 4.5%

Klickitat 18.1%67.9%15.8%462917.2%4.0%3.8%4.4% 14.0%

Lewis 27.1%64.8%10.5%1039856.0%7.8%6.4%10.1% 8.1%

Lincoln 8.2%91.3%0.5%11842.7%2.1%1.8%1.8% 0.5%

Mason 29.2%60.6%12.8%8465711.3%10.9%6.5%4.3% 10.2%

Okanogan 26.4%70.0%4.6%214614.8%11.8%6.7%6.1% 3.5%

Pacific 53.7%43.9%4.0%1229920.7%20.1%18.7%10.1% 2.3%

Pend Oreille 18.0%79.5%2.7%414810.8%4.5%2.1%1.7% 2.5%

Pierce 25.7%66.6%9.7%75978026.3%7.8%8.8%5.6% 7.7%

San Juan 12.1%79.9%8.6%131515.3%2.7%3.4%1.2% 8.0%

Skagit 32.3%59.1%11.8%15212867.7%9.4%10.9%9.1% 8.7%

Graduation Rates Based on Dropout and Continuing Rates D-5 1

Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12

Dropout Rates

Net Gr12Enrollment

# NotCompleted

Grade 12Continuing Rate


Graduation Rate





Skamania 20.3%62.3%20.0%19958.4%4.8%4.8%4.0% 17.4%

Snohomish 23.6%66.8%11.6%82771247.5%8.0%5.4%5.1% 9.6%

Spokane 16.9%77.7%6.4%33752863.3%5.6%4.4%4.7% 5.5%

Stevens 19.0%72.9%9.5%474934.5%8.3%4.7%3.0% 8.1%

Thurston 15.0%72.7%13.6%38728415.9%5.0%3.0%2.0% 12.3%

Wahkiakum 23.5%72.8%4.7%2434.7%15.0%2.1%3.6% 3.7%

Walla Walla 19.7%70.8%10.9%746828.4%4.6%5.1%3.1% 9.5%

Whatcom 20.4%74.4%6.1%10617486.2%5.6%5.0%5.5% 5.1%

Whitman 6.3%90.3%3.5%133703.0%1.4%0.5%1.6% 3.4%

Yakima 35.1%58.7%9.1%24627155.2%9.2%10.9%15.3% 6.2%

STATE TOTALS 5.1% 5.6% 6.4% 6.3% 69,252 6,995 10.1% 70.1% 21.5% 8.5%

Graduation Rates Based on Dropout and Continuing Rates D-5 2

Number ofOntime


Number ofLate






Adams 205 7 76.3%73.8%Asotin 220 20 70.1%64.2%Benton 1963 68 72.6%70.2%Chelan 770 68 68.7%63.1%Clallam 570 48 78.3%72.2%Clark 3761 288 75.3%69.9%Columbia 53 2 83.6%80.5%Cowlitz 868 35 63.7%61.2%Douglas 387 41 86.5%78.2%Ferry 64 1 79.1%77.9%Franklin 347 42 65.0%58.0%Garfield 43 0 91.0%91.0%Grant 1030 80 71.2%66.1%Grays Harbor 709 31 64.7%62.0%Island 593 30 83.1%79.1%Jefferson 218 11 78.0%74.3%King 14897 967 79.5%74.6%Kitsap 2588 183 79.1%73.9%Kittitas 320 5 81.7%80.4%Klickitat 224 8 70.4%67.9%Lewis 823 29 67.1%64.8%Lincoln 178 3 92.8%91.3%Mason 499 42 65.7%60.6%Okanogan 418 12 72.1%70.0%Pacific 225 9 45.7%43.9%Pend Oreille 128 5 82.6%79.5%Pierce 6550 463 71.3%66.6%San Juan 130 2 81.2%79.9%Skagit 1035 84 63.9%59.1%Skamania 68 1 63.2%62.3%Snohomish 5762 349 70.9%66.8%Spokane 4774 143 80.0%77.7%Stevens 424 19 76.2%72.9%Thurston 2285 112 76.2%72.7%Wahkiakum 39 2 76.5%72.8%Walla Walla 551 49 77.1%70.8%Whatcom 1534 73 78.0%74.4%Whitman 346 9 92.7%90.3%Yakima 2327 127 61.9%58.7%

STATE TOTALS 57,926 70.1% 74.3%3,468

Graduation Rates - On-time and Extended D-6 1



Asian/Pac Is Black Hispanic White



LowIncome Females Males

Adams 73.8% 75.1%41.9%68.6%87.3%64.9%100.0%0.0%NA 73.5%74.3%

Asotin 64.2% 52.7%37.9%100.0%65.8%35.0%40.0%66.7%66.7% 62.4%66.2%

Benton 70.2% 59.7%52.0%35.8%75.0%49.2%58.8%83.3%46.3% 65.7%75.1%

Chelan 63.1% 75.5%55.4%54.6%71.0%46.0%10.0%83.3%30.8% 58.4%67.8%

Clallam 72.2% 62.3%58.7%14.4%75.9%32.6%67.5%81.8%55.8% 67.2%78.0%

Clark 69.9% 59.1%51.9%57.6%71.3%54.8%55.6%77.4%33.2% 67.0%72.8%

Columbia 80.5% NA50.0%NA83.0%69.1%NANA100.0% 78.5%80.9%

Cowlitz 61.2% 42.2%36.2%33.2%62.7%51.9%42.5%64.7%47.8% 58.7%64.1%

Douglas 78.2% 73.6%65.6%74.8%84.5%62.0%100.0%75.0%50.0% 74.8%81.9%

Ferry 77.9% 82.6%83.3%NA81.4%NANA100.0%64.8% 82.8%74.7%

Franklin 58.0% 52.0%49.7%48.5%74.2%49.8%34.4%82.5%0.0% 57.4%58.2%

Garfield 91.0% 85.9%83.3%100.0%89.8%100.0%NA100.0%100.0% 86.2%96.0%

Grant 66.1% 78.5%66.1%67.2%72.6%58.4%38.9%68.5%47.4% 63.5%68.8%

Grays Harbor 62.0% 48.7%44.7%65.5%64.7%50.5%53.8%88.0%43.6% 61.7%62.1%

Island 79.1% 70.3%76.1%68.6%77.7%76.3%80.5%90.8%88.9% 76.4%81.6%

Jefferson 74.3% 64.5%60.5%NA75.2%38.3%48.0%66.7%83.3% 72.3%77.3%

King 74.6% 67.8%49.6%60.2%79.3%55.9%53.1%79.8%50.1% 71.0%78.4%

Kitsap 73.9% 58.8%54.9%79.0%74.6%69.3%68.3%82.4%45.7% 71.4%76.5%

Kittitas 80.4% 86.7%81.4%100.0%80.9%71.2%100.0%100.0%85.7% 84.5%76.0%

Klickitat 67.9% 63.0%66.8%55.1%70.5%58.0%50.0%87.5%41.2% 62.4%73.5%

Lewis 64.8% 73.0%71.1%42.2%71.1%39.5%7.1%54.5%37.4% 54.3%78.5%

Lincoln 91.3% 83.1%87.5%NA92.3%100.0%0.0%NA88.9% 91.1%91.5%

Mason 60.6% 44.1%45.5%100.0%60.9%50.0%36.8%82.9%55.4% 56.9%64.3%

Okanogan 70.0% 75.4%64.2%69.1%76.8%62.2%100.0%91.7%44.4% 67.3%73.0%

Pacific 43.9% 20.7%33.2%75.0%51.1%23.9%0.0%53.1%43.7% 33.6%64.5%

Pend Oreille 79.5% 80.7%31.0%NA80.6%83.3%NA100.0%56.5% 82.1%77.8%

Pierce 66.6% 52.6%48.8%54.0%70.1%50.4%55.2%69.3%54.2% 63.5%69.8%

San Juan 79.9% 100.0%88.9%NA78.9%100.0%NA100.0%0.0% 76.4%83.9%

Skagit 59.1% 60.6%45.9%62.9%64.2%39.0%17.0%83.1%34.5% 55.2%63.0%

On-time Graduation Rates for Student Groups D-7 1



Asian/Pac Is Black Hispanic White



LowIncome Females Males

Skamania 62.3% 13.4%37.5%NA63.7%66.7%0.0%100.0%0.0% 51.5%75.5%

Snohomish 66.8% 56.8%49.5%43.8%68.1%50.0%56.0%76.1%39.5% 62.4%71.4%

Spokane 77.7% 75.7%70.2%79.0%79.2%61.9%60.9%82.3%56.9% 76.6%78.7%

Stevens 72.9% 86.9%65.5%37.5%81.2%57.7%83.3%80.8%35.5% 69.4%76.8%

Thurston 72.7% 57.8%65.1%60.0%73.5%60.5%65.4%80.8%57.9% 66.7%79.0%

Wahkiakum 72.8% 88.4%NANA74.6%75.0%NA0.0%NA 67.8%79.5%

Walla Walla 70.8% 56.1%83.9%60.0%74.7%60.8%67.5%70.5%21.4% 68.8%73.2%

Whatcom 74.4% 67.4%58.0%64.6%76.7%64.2%70.4%86.7%49.3% 71.8%77.2%

Whitman 90.3% 88.6%83.3%100.0%90.6%87.5%100.0%83.8%75.0% 88.8%91.7%

Yakima 58.7% 64.0%56.7%60.5%66.0%54.1%38.0%88.7%37.3% 55.8%61.7%

STATE TOTALS 70.1% 47.2% 78.0% 53.9% 54.0% 73.6% 57.8% 53.3% 62.3% 73.6% 66.6%

On-time Graduation Rates for Student Groups D-7 2



Asian/Pac Is Black Hispanic White



Low-Income Females Males

Adams 76.3% 79.8%41.9%75.4%89.0%68.0%100.0%0.0%NA 77.0%75.8%

Asotin 70.1% 64.8%45.9%100.0%71.8%35.0%40.0%66.7%77.8% 66.1%74.5%

Benton 72.6% 64.1%57.1%37.2%77.3%51.2%62.3%83.3%60.5% 68.7%76.9%

Chelan 68.7% 80.0%67.3%63.9%75.2%55.8%10.0%83.3%30.8% 65.3%72.2%

Clallam 78.3% 69.0%73.4%19.1%80.9%40.1%112.5%81.8%70.0% 73.4%83.9%

Clark 75.3% 66.4%66.0%64.3%76.6%63.6%60.5%80.4%40.6% 73.1%77.5%

Columbia 83.6% NA75.0%NA84.8%77.8%NANA100.0% 83.4%83.1%

Cowlitz 63.7% 46.5%53.2%66.4%65.0%59.8%42.5%64.7%50.9% 61.7%65.8%

Douglas 86.5% 79.4%82.0%99.7%92.2%71.5%200.0%75.0%66.7% 82.7%90.6%

Ferry 79.1% 82.6%83.3%NA81.4%NANA100.0%68.2% 82.8%76.6%

Franklin 65.0% 63.8%64.3%63.2%77.4%61.3%41.3%82.5%0.0% 66.0%63.8%

Garfield 91.0% 85.9%83.3%100.0%89.8%100.0%NA100.0%100.0% 86.2%96.0%

Grant 71.2% 92.2%73.9%76.8%77.0%65.5%42.5%75.8%49.4% 68.7%73.9%

Grays Harbor 64.7% 55.2%52.8%65.5%67.0%55.0%64.6%88.0%48.3% 65.4%63.9%

Island 83.1% 75.0%87.5%80.0%81.7%82.6%80.5%95.1%88.9% 81.3%84.8%

Jefferson 78.0% 70.3%80.7%NA79.0%76.6%48.0%66.7%83.3% 77.1%79.6%

King 79.5% 75.0%62.5%72.0%83.3%63.6%61.8%84.3%58.6% 76.5%82.6%

Kitsap 79.1% 69.3%69.6%105.3%79.7%76.7%73.1%87.9%51.1% 77.7%80.6%

Kittitas 81.7% 86.7%81.4%100.0%82.0%74.6%100.0%100.0%85.7% 85.7%77.3%

Klickitat 70.4% 67.5%74.7%61.2%72.4%67.2%50.0%87.5%41.2% 65.0%75.9%

Lewis 67.1% 74.8%72.4%42.2%73.3%44.3%7.1%58.8%39.8% 56.9%80.4%

Lincoln 92.8% 86.0%87.5%NA93.4%100.0%0.0%NA88.9% 93.1%92.6%

Mason 65.7% 51.4%61.4%133.3%66.8%52.2%36.8%86.5%55.4% 63.1%68.3%

Okanogan 72.1% 78.2%73.4%69.1%78.5%64.9%100.0%114.6%45.9% 70.0%74.3%

Pacific 45.7% 21.8%34.5%75.0%53.0%26.1%0.0%59.0%43.7% 35.8%65.1%

Pend Oreille 82.6% 88.3%46.4%NA83.4%83.3%NA100.0%67.8% 83.3%83.2%

Pierce 71.3% 59.6%61.1%60.0%74.3%58.4%60.3%75.7%59.9% 68.9%73.8%

Extended Graduation Rates for Student Groups D-8 1



Asian/Pac Is Black Hispanic White



Low-Income Females Males

San Juan 81.2% 100.0%88.9%NA80.3%100.0%NA100.0%0.0% 77.4%85.3%

Skagit 63.9% 64.9%54.6%78.7%68.6%45.2%25.5%88.0%45.3% 61.1%66.7%

Skamania 63.2% 13.4%37.5%NA63.7%100.0%0.0%100.0%0.0% 53.2%75.5%

Snohomish 70.9% 62.2%61.6%52.9%72.0%53.7%61.0%81.2%45.5% 66.8%75.1%

Spokane 80.0% 78.6%84.1%79.0%81.5%64.5%61.8%85.9%60.6% 79.4%80.6%

Stevens 76.2% 93.3%68.0%50.0%84.8%63.5%83.3%92.3%36.4% 73.9%78.6%

Thurston 76.2% 63.0%71.2%60.0%76.9%66.2%68.8%84.1%64.2% 70.7%82.1%

Wahkiakum 76.5% 88.4%NANA78.8%75.0%NA0.0%NA 70.7%84.5%

Walla Walla 77.1% 60.0%90.3%60.0%81.5%65.6%84.4%77.6%21.4% 75.2%79.3%

Whatcom 78.0% 70.0%66.4%67.6%80.3%69.4%70.4%87.9%52.9% 75.0%81.0%

Whitman 92.7% 93.7%95.8%100.0%92.6%112.5%100.0%83.8%75.0% 90.5%94.7%

Yakima 61.9% 69.6%63.4%66.7%67.9%58.8%42.0%88.7%41.9% 59.6%64.4%

STATE TOTALS 74.3% 52.6% 82.6% 60.2% 60.0% 77.4% 67.7% 64.6% 68.4% 77.3% 71.4%

Extended Graduation Rates for Student Groups D-8 2