10/15/14 Appendix A (Project Specifications) 5 Year Enduro Special Use Permit (2014-2018) Proposed Action Issue a 5 year special use permit for three annual enduro events Issue a 5 year special use permit to hold an enduro event for three separate Motorcycle Groups: The Oakland Motorcycle Club, Valley Climbers Motorcycle Club, and Richmond Rambeler's Motorcycle Club. The events will be held on the Grindstone Ranger District in the Stonyford OHV area. Each event is a one day organized motorcycle Enduro that consists of approximately 400 participants and approximately 250 spectators at a maximum. Participants (motorcyclists) will ride on designated existing trails and roads that have been flagged and identified on the event course map. The course will change each year for each event and will not exceed 120 miles Activities Timed Event All riders start one minute apart and ride at a set miles per hour, in order to arrive at each checkpoint without going over or under the amount of time designated to reach the secret checkpoint locations. As participants pass through a checkpoint, a crewmember will write the time on each rider's scorecard. Staging Area The staging area will be located at the Nail Track OHV play area. The staging area will be used for participants to sign up for the event. Fueling Stops At all fueling stops an 8' X 10' fuel containment berm will be used. Design Features: All Resources: • Contact the District Planning Officer at least 30 days prior to each enduro event and supply the Planning Officer with dates and maps of the events for the particular year in which the event will take place. This is for the purpose of hydrology and archaeology monitoring. Botany: • Vehicles must remain on designated roads and trails. • Event sponsors should direct all participants to properly clean all vehicles prior to arriving on Forest to reduce the threat of invasive speicies being carried on Forest. •Avoid crossing or parking on any weed-infested areas. Page 1of5 Final Appendix A 5 Year Special Use Permit

Appendix A (Project Specifications)a123.g.akamai.net/7/123/11558/abc123/forestservic... · 2014. 10. 16. · 10/15/14 Appendix A (Project Specifications) 5 Year Enduro Special Use

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  • 10/15/14

    Appendix A (Project Specifications)

    5 Year Enduro Special Use Permit (2014-2018)

    Proposed Action

    Issue a 5 year special use permit for three annual enduro events Issue a 5 year special use permit to hold an enduro event for three separate Motorcycle Groups: The Oakland Motorcycle Club, Valley Climbers Motorcycle Club, and Richmond Rambeler's Motorcycle Club. The events will be held on the Grindstone Ranger District in the Stonyford OHV area. Each event is a one day organized motorcycle Enduro that consists of approximately 400 participants and approximately 250 spectators at a maximum. Participants (motorcyclists) will ride on designated existing trails and roads that have been flagged and identified on the event course map. The course will change each year for each event and will not exceed 120 miles

    Activities Timed Event All riders start one minute apart and ride at a set miles per hour, in order to arrive at each checkpoint without going over or under the amount of time designated to reach the secret checkpoint locations. As participants pass through a checkpoint, a crewmember will write the time on each rider's scorecard.

    Staging Area The staging area will be located at the Nail Track OHV play area. The staging area will be used for participants to sign up for the event.

    Fueling Stops At all fueling stops an 8' X 10' fuel containment berm will be used.

    Design Features: All Resources:

    • Contact the District Planning Officer at least 30 days prior to each enduro event and supply the Planning Officer with dates and maps of the events for the particular year in which the event will take place. This is for the purpose of hydrology and archaeology monitoring.

    Botany: • Vehicles must remain on designated roads and trails. • Event sponsors should direct all participants to properly clean all vehicles prior to arriving on

    Forest to reduce the threat of invasive speicies being carried on Forest. •Avoid crossing or parking on any weed-infested areas.

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    5 Year Special Use Permit

  • 10/15/14

    Hydrology: The following BMPs based on RS FSH 2509 .22 - Soil and Water Conservation Handbook Chapter 10 - should be implemented when completing the proposed activities:

    Table 1. Hydrology BMPs

    BMP# Title

    2.11 Servicing and Re-fueling Equipment

    4.4 Control of Sanitation Facilities

    4.5 Control of Solid Waste Disposal

    4.7.3 Watercourse Crossings

    4.7.5 Monitoring

    4.7.6 Maintenance and Operations

    4.7.7 Wet-weather operations

    Additional Instructions

    Fueling areas should be located at least 300 feet from surface water such as streams, springs, wetlands and ponds. Contact the District Hydrologist on site selection if questions arise.

    Refueling pads with berms will be used at these sites.

    Portable toilets (if used) should be located in an area that minimizes the possibility of water contamination.

    Have enough trash receptacles available for the number of people, and be located to minimize the possibility of water contamination.

    Maintain or install, if needed, cross drainages at crossings to prevent water and sediment from being channeled directly into watercourses. This is to be based on monitoring of trails before and after Enduro events. Locate cut-off waterbreaks as close as possible to the crossing without being hydrologically connected to the watercourse.

    Conduct G-Y-R Trail Condition Monitoring as described in Revised OHV Trail Monitoring Form (GYR Form) and Training Guide, USDA-Forest Service, Pacific SW Region, July 30, 2004, to identify enduro trails and watercourse crossings in need of maintenance and to prioritize maintenance activities.

    To prevent or minimize discharges of sediment into watercourses and water bodies by maintaining enduro OHV trails and associated drainage structures. This is to be based on monitoring of trails before and after Enduro events

    To prevent or minimize the discharge of sediment into water bodies by closing OHV trails to enduro event traffic when soil strength is low and trail

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    5 Year Special Use Permit

  • 10/15/14

    BMP# Title Additional lnstructions

    treads and drainage structures are susceptible to damage. To manage the potential for sediment delivery from OHV use when soils are wet, the Forest Service will use its authority under 36 CFR Section 261 to close designated OHV trails and areas to vehicular travel.

    7.7 Management by Closure to Use The Forests rain closure policy will be in effect. Trails should be closed after significant rain has fallen and poses a risk for resource damage. Trails will be opened back up when the risk of resource damage has passed.

    Travel Management Policy Vehicles are required to stay on designated motorized routes at all times.

    • If 2 or more inches of rain is measured at the Stonyford Work Station in a 24-hr period before an event, or if the Forest Hydrologist and Forest Line Officer determines that cumulative rainfall has created wet road and trail conditions that could be damaged by the event, the event may be cancelled or postponed for a later date when there has not been measurable precipitation in a 48 hour period.

    •Fueling areas would be located a minimum of 300 feet away from any streamcourse (wet or dry), creeks, seeps, springs, meadows, ponds, etc. Any unauthorized motorcycle travel within 300 feet of the riparian zone, on other than a designated OHV trail may result in a citation being issued for resource damage (contact the District Hydrologist on site selection if questions arise).

    • All fueling areas would be contained by a fuel containment berm.

    Table 2 of this appendix lists trails and stream crossings prioritized for monitoring in regards to pre and post Enduro events.

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    5 Year Special Use Permit

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    Wildlife: • If an enduro event is cancelled and made up at a later date and proposed to take place

    between February 1st and July 31st the following trails would not be available for use:

    85303 - between junctions with 8S304 and 17N02 85304 85308 85309 85310 85312 85319 8534S 853S4 853S6 MS between junctions with 16Nl3 and 16N2S MS between its junction with 17N02 and junction with 16Nl 7 MIO - between junctions with 8S306 and 8S34S 16N18 16N42 17N26 17N69 below junction with 8S319 17N89

    Trail and Road Stipulations:

    Trail 40: A segment of this trail will not be used for an enduro event until resource concerns are addressed (see project map).

    Trail 32 Reroute: If implementation for trail 32 reroute is completed before the expiration of the 5 year special use permit, the trail reroute would be available for use during the enduro events.

    Trail 32 on Private Property: A portion of this trail crosses private property and is currently closed. This segment of trail should not be used unless the private landowners in the area give permission for OHV travel.

    County Road 42: The county road is currently restricted to street legal vehicles. The segment of road illustrated in the project map can be used for enduro events only if and when the State designates this segment to allow non-street legal vehicles.

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    S Year Special Use Permit

  • Final 10-09-14

    Table 2. Trail list and stream crossings that should be prioritized for trail monitoring pre and post Enduro events.


    Trail 01

    Trail 04

    Trail 21

    Trail 21

    Trail 06

    Trail 06

    Trail 06

    Trail 10

    Road M10

    Road 17N84

    Trail 38

    Trail 39

    Road17N22 Trail 40

    Trail 40

    Trail 06A

    Trail 09

    Trail 15

    Trail 20

    Trail 21

    Trail 27

    Trail 28

    Trail 50

    Stream Notes

    Little Stony Moderate burn severity near Road 42

    Little Stony Possible Flows with fall/winter Precipitation

    Little Sullivan Goulding Association Soil at Crossing

    Sullivan Moderate burn severity at crossing

    Unnamed Goulding Association Soil at crossing - below Trail 12 intersection Possible Flows with fall/winter Precipitation

    SF Little Stony Goulding Association Soil at crossing - below Trail 12 intersection

    SF Little Stony Goulding Association Soil at crossing - below Trail 06A intersection

    n/a Hasn't been monitored in the past 3 years

    Drainage out of Letts Lake Goulding Association Soil at road crossing - Culvert

    Mill Moderate burn severity at road crossing

    Unnamed tributary to Mill Moderate burn severity at road crossing

    Unnamed tributary to Mill Moderate burn severity at road crossing

    Mill Creek There are two crossings within 100 feet at this location only one crossing is needed

    Unnamed tributary to Mill Just downstream of Road17N22 I Trail 40

    n/a 95% of this trail is rated very severe off trail erosion rating

    n/a Overall Yellow rating in the last two years

    n/a Over 900 feet of trail is located within 50 feet of intermittent or perennial surface water

    n/a 29% of trail in high burn severity

    n/a 1100 feet of trail is located within 50 feet of intermittent or perennial surface water

    n/a Large number of miles in noncompliant

    n/a Yellow rating for full length last year

    n/a Half of length in noncompliant over 3 years

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    5 Year Special Use Permit