Apollo 13, Paths of Glory and Other Great Leaders of Our Time, Past and Present Leadership: Lessons Learned Team Omega: Annette Baker, Team Leader with devoted team members: Myra Rodgers Alan Soskel

Apollo 13 , Paths of Glory and Other G reat Leaders of Our Time, Past and Present

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Team Omega : Annette Baker, Team Leader with devoted team members: Myra Rodgers Alan Soskel. Leadership: Lessons Learned. Apollo 13 , Paths of Glory and Other G reat Leaders of Our Time, Past and Present. Leadership: Lessons Learned. Winston Churchill. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Apollo 13, Paths of Glory and Other Great Leaders of Our Time, Past and Present

Leadership: Lessons LearnedTeam Omega:Annette Baker, Team Leaderwith devoted team members: Myra RodgersAlan Soskel

Leadership: Lessons Learned

Winston Churchill

Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.JOHN C. MAXWELL, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader; a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves."Eleanor Roosevelt

Apollo 13

A primer in leadership2They all had honorable, selfless, and ethical characters. They were all able to inspire teams to accomplish the impossible. They trained their people as a team, developing team spirit and cohesiveness.They were all excellent communicators, keeping team informed, ensuring tasks were understood.tThey all took responsibility for their actions, as well as their teams actions. They did not blame others when things went wrong.They earned respect of their subordinates via legitimate and referent power. They all set excellent examples and were good role models.They were all technically proficient (not necessarily experts ex. Flight Director Kranz).They all made sound and timely decisions based on information gathered from their subordinates.765431

Leadership QualitiesThe Apollo 13 leaders, Jim Lovell, Gene Kranz, Deke Slayton and Ken Mattingly all displayed similar leadership qualities. All team members were highly motivated by their drive for perfection, success and pride in country. These leaders displayed the following qualities/traits:

Apollo 13

A primer in leadershipLeadership Qualities Train your people as a teamAnticipate each others movesKnow each others thoughts Positive OutcomesCohesive team that acts as a single entityQuick, decisive effective decisionsJim Lovell earned unequivocal respect and loyalty, knew his team, developed cohesiveness.Gene Kranz took advice from team, brainstormed for best alternatives, made best decisions, took total responsibility, threw procedures out the window.Ken Mattingly led by example, inspired team members, encouraged ingenuity, broke down procedural barriers.Apollo 13

A primer in leadershipChange & ConflictProblem solvingFlight Director Gene Kranz

Non-Programmed Decisions

Interactive Brainstorming

Delegate,Alternatives,Identify,Evaluate,Select,ImplementAbove all Kranz remained cool, calm and collected, inspiring the same in his team. Lets stay cool people, was one of his first comments after initial assessment of the problem. He maintained sense of calm when chaos was breaking out.Next Kranz recognized his teammates were the experts, not him. Get your support teams in here. Anyone that you think can help out. He showed utmost confidence in their knowledge and ability. Kranz then brought total focus to the problem Lets work the problem. Let's not make things worse by guessing, and Let's look at this thing from a... um, from a standpoint of status. What do we got on the spacecraft that's good? To solve the problems Kranz was willing to throw out all procedures and listen to all alternatives. He knew it was imperative to adapt to the mission complications very quickly. "Forget the flight plan. From this point on, we are improvising a new mission.Now Kranz had to encourage instant creativeness. "I don't care what anything was designed to do. I care what it can do. His team knew Kranz would take responsibility for all consequences, thus liberating them to throw out preconceptions and identify all possible alternatives. Kranz gathered as much information as possible within time limits, and then made quick decisions based on that information.Finally, throughout the crisis, Kranz showed total commitment and confidence that no challenge is insurmountable We've never lost an American in space, we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option.Apollo 13

A primer in leadershipChange & ConflictProblem solvingCommander James Lovell

Respected team leader

Cool as a cucumber under stress

Led by exampleThe most important conflict and problem solving trait Lovell displayed was being extremely calm under duress. When engine # 5 shut down near the beginning of the mission, Lovell calmly stated Looks like we've had our glitch for this mission and then when the oxygen tank blew Lovell infamously said, both calmly and deliberately, Houston, weve had a problem.Equally important, Lovell gained the total respect and loyalty of the crew. Lovell led training and developed the team to the point that the crew could anticipate each others thoughts and actions.Lovell made tough decisions and took responsibility for them. It was his decision to bump Mattingly and then he spoke to Mattingly and took responsibility for the decision.Lovell also covered for his team with a buck stops here mentality. When Swigert made a mistake in the simulator Lovell covered for him and showed confidence in him. When Haise made a mistake calculating CO2 consumption, Lovell characteristically shrugged it off.Throughout the crisis Lovell used humor and elicited humor from the crew to relieve tension. When Lovell asked Haise to confirm he was hungry, Haise came back with I could eat the ass out of a dead rhinoceros.There were several times when the crew had to complete complex tasks in very short periods of time. Lovell took the lead and calmly led them through the procedures. During the frantic final burn, Lovell delegated assignments, yelled out instructions, and led the crew as they maintained a sort of frantic calm. This was teamwork at its finest.Paths of GloryMission: Win this war at any cost! Tactical GoalA tactical goal emphasizes actions required to achieve strategic goals.

General Mireau calculates that over half the men will be casualties in the suicidal charge.

Naturally men are gonna have to be killed, possibly a lot of them.Strategic GoalOperational Goal321

Leadership & ManagementA strategic goal focuses on broad and general interests.

General Broulard first proposes taking the Ant Hill, a key position and fortified enemy stronghold.

Ive come to see you about something big.Operational goals stress the motivation and guidance of the workforce.

A stunned Colonel Dax agrees to the impossible plan in order to stay close to his men and follow orders.

If any soldiers in the world can take it, well take the Ant Hill.7Bureaucratic Management TheoryMax Webers scientific, management by office, theory emphasizes dividing organizations into hierarchies and establishing strong lines of authority and control.

Paths of Glory:Top-down, military unit with a very clear hierarchy.Stresses the importance of structure and protocol.Decisions are made by those with power and rank.Too much authority can be devastating. Unbridled power along with complete disregard for others - bad combination.Demonstrates the effects of unchecked ambition.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. -- Lord Acton, British historian.Paths of Glory

Leadership & ManagementLikerts Management SystemPaths of Glory

Paths of GloryBroulard and Mireau meet in an elegant palatial chateau to discuss top-secret military maneuvers.

Mireau calls the men miserable cowards for not advancing.

Mireau: They were ordered to attack. It was their duty to obey that order.

According to Broulard, . . . troops are like children. . . One way to maintain discipline is to shoot a man now and then. Exploitive/Authoritative (S1)All responsibility lies in the hands of the upper echelon.

Superiors lack trust or respect for their workforce.

Autocratic styleDecisions are imposed upon subordinates.

Motivation is based on threats.

Theory X: Managements role is to coerce, control, and threaten.Leadership & ManagementPassing the BuckPaths of Glory

An organizations culture includes customs and ethics, along with written and unwritten rules regarding policies, procedures, protocol and conduct. When the culture doesnt allow for mistakes, scapegoating can occur.

Scapegoating: A management practice in which a lower staff member is blamed for the mistakes of senior executives, often due to a lack of accountability in upper management.

Other motives behind scapegoating: To support professed personal moral value by lessening feelings of guilt over ones own responsibility for a blunder. To uphold alleged personal control by obtaining a clear explanation for a mistake that otherwise seems unfathomable.Mireau sacrifices three innocent enlisted soldiers to cover for his errors in judgment. General MireauRoget selects Corporal Paris for the firing squad because Paris knows he is a murderer and a coward.Lieutenant Roget3General Broulard protects his own reputation by setting up Mireau to be the disgraced scapegoat.General Broulard21Superiors assign blame down the chain of command to hide their own incompetence and shirk responsibility:Leadership & ManagementHersey-BlanchardSituationalLeadership Theory

Leadership TheoriesS-1 Telling: unidirectional flow of information S-2 Selling: leader attempts to convince groupS-3 Participating: leader shares decision makingS-4 Delegating: parcel out tasks to team members Leadership styles stem from four basic behaviorsPermutations of competency-committmentMaturity levels of the groupM-1: basic incompetence or unwillingness in doing taskM-2: inability to do the task but willing to do soM-3: competent to do task but do not think they canM-4: the group is ready, willing, able to do the taskD1 - Low competence and low commitmentD2 - Low competence and high commitmentD3 - High competence and low/variable commitmentD4 - High competence and high commitmentApollo 13Leadership:S-3 and S-4Paths of GloryLeadership:strictly S-1Apollo 13Crew: D-4Paths of GloryTroops: D3Apollo 13Crew: M-4Paths of GloryTroops: M3SimilaritiesLevels of Leadership

is of utmost importanceLevel 1 leadership is entry levelpeople follow you because they have to. Paths of Glory: Every officer in the movie demonstrated this leadership, from the sergeant to the general.

Apollo 13: Gene Kranz demonstrated this as the Flight Operations Chief, the NASA physician was in charge of the astronauts health and Jim Lovell was in charge of Apollo 13.Level 2 leadership is accomplished by people wanting to follow you.Paths of Glory: The troops trusted Colonel Dax so they followed his orders.

Apollo 13: The NASA crew members respected Gene Kranz, and the Apollo 13 crew respected Jim Lovell. Their subordinates wanted to follow them.Level 3 leadership happens when people follow because of what you have done for the organization.Paths of Glory: Colonel Dax had demonstrated integrity by fighting for the welfare of his troops; in return, he gained their respect and trust.

Apollo 13: Gene Kranz had demonstrated he was a capable manager who could make good decisions under pressure. Jim Lovell had earned his position on the Apollo 13 crew through years of training and performance measures. Level 1Position Level 3ProductionLevel 2PermissionLeadership Theories

is of utmost importanceSimilaritiesLevels of Leadership, ctd.Level 4 leadership is accomplished when people follow you because of what you have done for them..Paths of Glory: After volunteering to be counsel for the defendants, the men knew Colonel Dax believed in them and was willing to fight for them.

Apollo 13: All of NASA knew of the disappointment that Ken Mattingly suffered after being bumped from the mission, but when he persevered for hours to find a solution for the safe return of Apollo 13, NASA realized his goal was always a successful mission,. This respect earned him a spot on future missions.Level 5 leadership is the pinnaclepeople follow you because of who you are and what you represent..Paths of Glory: Colonel Dax had demonstrated his integrity and moral values on and off the battlefield, and his troops held him in the highest regard.

Apollo 13: Both Gene Kranz and Jim Lovell demonstrated calm expert management under crisis without resorting to blame and despairand all of the nation was witness to these acts of grace, strength and intelligence. Level 4People Development Level 5Pinnacle Leadership Theories13SimilaritiesManagement Roles by Mintzberg

is of utmost importanceApollo 13: Jim Lovell worked directly with the crew members.

Paths of Glory: Colonel Dax worked directly with the troops. Interpersonal Role: Working directly with other people.Apollo 13: Gene Kranz received information from various teams and relayed it to upper management and/or other teams.

Paths of Glory: General Mireau received information from General Broulard and relayed it to other officers.Informational Role: Receiving important information and disseminating it to appropriate people.Apollo 13: Gene Kranz determined the strategy NASA would use to bring Apollo 13 back home safely.

Paths of Glory: General Broulard ordered the mission to take over the Anthill which ultimately sacrificed the lives of many troops.Decisional Role: Making decisions that affect other people.123Management TheoriesEMPOWERMENT: Unleashing Real Potential

is of utmost importancePaths of Glory: PowerlessAbsolute trust and mutual accountability.Training gave the team the knowledge and skills to succeed.Teamwork and creativity were encouraged. Adapted to change.Improvised.Warmth and personal regard apparent among the team.Gene Kranz kept his cool and stayed committed to solving the problem.Officers showed disdain for the soldiers.Superiors put their own glory and ambition above the needs of others.Lack of esprit de corps no group spirit.The enlisted men received little reward for achievement.The soldiers were helpless with no input in the decisions that controlled their destiny.Motivation by fear and threat of bodily harm.Manipulation. Apollo 13: A Powerful TeamA Teamwork PrimerWhat makes a great team?

A team is a group of individuals, all working together for a common purpose. The individuals comprising a team ideally should have common goals, common objectives and more or less think on the same lines.

There are 4 stages of team building (given normal conditions and adequate time): Forming, storming, norming, performing12Characteristics of an effective team:Principled leadership.Clear, elevating goal, understood by all, with unified commitment. Defined schedules, realistic deadlines.Results-driven structure. Quality oriented.Competent members with creative solutions.Willing to take risks.Organized, logical decision making.Team members that:Listen well.Take initiative to get things done.Trust judgment of other team members.

is of utmost importanceA great saga of teamwork & leadership at its finest.Apollo 13Apollo 13Apollo 13Paths of GlorySeveral levels of teams:Houston Ground ControlEngineering project teamsAstronaut crew led by Jim Lovell1

These teams all had the same qualities, forged by their own personalities, extensive training, and loyalty to each other.Strong leadership at all levelsCommitted and optimistic: Failure is not an optionWith all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour.Worked well under pressureProper resources were gatheredStrong focus (obviously!)Able to change & improviseResourceful, creative, great problem solversCohesive, anticipated each otherImplicit trust in one anotherTeamwork exemplifiedThe highly autocratic leadership style in the French Army did not allow for team building or independent thinking. However, Col. Daxs men did form a very limited team based on only a few characteristics:Strong leaderRespect for & subordinate to leaderCommitment, goal and focus in this case - stay aliveTeam traits that were missing:CommunicationTrustExternal supportThis team literally held the lives of the Apollo 13 crew in their hands. If they did not successfully accomplish their project within minutes the crew would run out of oxygen. Resulting device was dubbed the mailbox.Worked with limited resourcesPerformed under extreme stress and time limitationNot so much!Paths of GloryCO2 ScrubbersLed by pilot Ken Matttingly, this team also faced a life or death deadline to reduce power levels before the crew began re-entry.Mattingly led by exampleTeam displayed great out-of-the-box thinking2Re-entry power consumption levelsA Teamwork PrimerConflict ResolutionThree Levels of Group Conflict

is of utmost importanceEvent-based conflict is relatively simple and short-lived and has resulted from either mismatched goals or competitive strategies.Communicative-affective conflict is contentious and involves a longer shared history of conflict; members heavily invested in relationship, conflict and outcome.Identity-based conflict is based upon threats to the four pillars of human identitybelonging, competency, continuity between past, present and future and transcendent values and meaning.Conflict Resolution

Paths of GloryCommunicative-Affective footerCol. Dax does not agree with the mission ordered by Gen. Mireau in less than 24 hours.Event-based Gen. Mireau ordered the radio dispatcher to deliver the order to shoot at the troops who refused to advance.Identity-basedThere is misunderstanding regarding takeover of the Anthill.OutcomeConflictOutcomeGen. Broulard does not agree with Gen. Mireaus objections to the missionmore time needed, high casualty count and low troop morale.

Resolution is usually resolved through dialogue and compromise.

OutcomeGen. Mireau would not compromise and ordered the mission be carried out.

Resolution is usually resolved through communication that results in reformulation of understanding.The radio dispatcher refused to carry out the order unless it was submitted in writing since it was controversial.

Resolution typically demands third party intervention.

19Conflict Resolution

Apollo 13Jack Swigert was ordered to stir the tanks which resulted in setting off alarms and ultimately aborting the mission.Communicative-AffectiveEvent-basedApollo 13 crew is informed they will not be able to reach the moon, which they thought would be their identity and destiny.Identity-basedNASAs physician would not allow Ken Mattingly to fly due to the possibility that he might have measles.

Resolution: Jim Lovell broke the news to Ken Mattingly in a team meeting factually and regretfully. Ken accepted the decision obligingly with disappointment..

Dialogue was used for conflict resolution.Resolution: Jim Lovell focused on protecting the Odyssey from flying debris and mediates conflict when Fred Haise blames Jack Swigert for destroying their mission.

Mediated communication reformulates under- standing of events and strengthens team bond.Resolution: Jim Lovell helped the crew to refocus their disappointment to resolve for a safe return home.

Third party intervention shifts dynamic of conflict to collaboration.ConflictOutcome


OutcomeHandling Things Differently

Apollo 13Problem: Oxygen tank #2 failed to empty properly in the countdown to launch, and a quick fix was put in place to work around the problem.

What would we do different?Stop the launch and replace the tank. Design a better system for parts selection and checking.Refuse to compromise on safety. Design systems so that internal components could be monitored.Paths of GloryProblem: Lack of strategic planning and very poor tactical planning with a rush to implementation.

What would we do different? Decide strategically if the Anthill takeover mission was necessary.Brainstorm for more creative, effective tactical decisions.Solicit input from Colonel Dax and other key personnel.Build camaraderie through communication and participation.Explore use of non-traditional tactics.20/20 HindsightReferencesAmazon. (n.d.). Churchills finest hour. [Audio File]. Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com

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