APPENDIX NON VIOLENCE MOVEMENT: UNARMED STRUGGLE In this book, the author has tried to theorize the new concept. That is theory of Revolutionary class struggle for emancipation of working class and other toiling masses in form of non-violent movement or unarmed struggle. The theory of Ahimsa or Non- violence and its methodology was created and developed from history of Indian mass struggle. This was from ancient time and relevant till today. It is the uniqueness of Indian history. So, author has tried to fuse Marxian revolutionary class struggle and Non-violence methodology for revolutionary social change for future Neo-socialism as a transition path for communism. Now, we have to say some truth about Non-violence struggle. Though M.K.Gandhi’s methodology of non-violent struggle was the main stream of prolonged Indian freedom struggle but this freedom struggle was not always in non-violent from. In long history of freedom struggle, many insurrections like peasants struggle, Sipahi mutiny (first Independent war of India----Karl Marx) were not through non-violent form. Moreover, the terrorist revolutionary forces had tried to free India by armed struggle in the era of 20 th century of Indian National Freedom Struggle. Apart from this, the two massive struggles were very important in the history of Indian Freedom Struggle which shook’s whole of India and catalyzed British Imperialism to be ready for negotiation of power transfer by collaborating with Indian Capitalist Class. Among these two, one was war for Independence against British imperialism by I.N.A (Azad Hind Fouj) under the leadership of great patriot Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, another was Indian Naval Revolt. These two great struggles occurred


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NON VIOLENCE MOVEMENT: UNARMED STRUGGLEIn this book, the author has tried to theorize the new concept. That is theory of Revolutionary class struggle for emancipation of working class and other toiling masses in form of non-violent movement or unarmed struggle. The theory of Ahimsa or Non-violence and its methodology was created and developed from history of Indian mass struggle. This was from ancient time and relevant till today. It is the uniqueness of Indian history. So, author has tried to fuse Marxian revolutionary class struggle and Non-violence methodology for revolutionary social change for future Neo-socialism as a transition path for communism. Now, we have to say some truth about Non-violence struggle.Though M.K.Gandhis methodology of non-violent struggle was the main stream of prolonged Indian freedom struggle but this freedom struggle was not always in non-violent from. In long history of freedom struggle, many insurrections like peasants struggle, Sipahi mutiny (first Independent war of India----Karl Marx) were not through non-violent form. Moreover, the terrorist revolutionary forces had tried to free India by armed struggle in the era of 20th century of Indian National Freedom Struggle. Apart from this, the two massive struggles were very important in the history of Indian Freedom Struggle which shooks whole of India and catalyzed British Imperialism to be ready for negotiation of power transfer by collaborating with Indian Capitalist Class. Among these two, one was war for Independence against British imperialism by I.N.A (Azad Hind Fouj) under the leadership of great patriot Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, another was Indian Naval Revolt. These two great struggles occurred through armed struggle. Author has great respect and honor to these entire armed struggles and for them who have given their lives for cause of liberation for their country. But for changing social condition and in global nuclear age, author has shown more confidence on non violent class struggle. Moreover, we have to say very important few words in this context. Mr. M.K.Gandhis tried every time all those movements for freedom struggle by non-violent way (i.e. non cooperation, civil disobedience, hunger strike, etc.). But in this relation the incidence of Chouri Choura where a non violent struggle becomes violent after severe oppression of imperialist police and state apparatus. Mr. M.K.Gandhi had withdrawn this movement at the torrent of mass upheaval. Tremendous debate was created among most of the freedom fighter and peoples of India. It was very painful feelings for most of the people who were struggling for Indian Independence. After few years in 1942, when M.K.Gandhi became more uncompromising to British ruler and gave the call of Quit India through non violent struggle. This mass movement was so massive that it takes the shape of revolution. This was greatest mass upheaval in the history of Indian Freedom Struggle. In the face of severe repression, this massive freedom struggle could not stay in non-violent path and it turns into violent nature. They uprooted Railway tracks, cutting Telegraph lines, burning post offices, even capturing police stations. By this way, freedom loving peoples of India fought against the cruel British Imperialist force. This was very natural reaction of people. Though there was no preplanned preparation to combat this oppression in the mind of M.K.Gandhi and his follower leaders, so maximum suffering was taken by common people and low ranked leaders who fought courageously for freedom. This struggle shows that hegemony of concept of independence established among most of the strata of peoples of India for an independent sovereign national state.After getting freed from jail, Mr. M.K.Gandhi did not oppose or blamed this violent nature of peoples reaction. He indicated that it was a very natural reaction of people against severe repression of British Ruler.So far in world history, there is no so called revolution for political, social and economic changes had occurred in genuine non-violent path. This truth is not unknown to the author. But there are major shift of character of peoples struggle late 20th and early 21st century. The gravity and strength of unarmed struggle (in other words non-violent struggle -----David Hardiman in some issues of EPW of 2013) became more popular among masses in different countries of this globe. Terrorism was created by imperialist force under the leadership of US imperialism. Now in this era of globalization and post globalization, oppressor ruler had got good opportunity to crash any mass movement and revolutionary struggle by stamping it as terrorist or separationist , when these movements turns into violent nature. Imperialist force and capitalist ruler are changing their strategies to crash mass struggle & revolutionary struggle by new tactics.At present their strategy is to crash and eradicate terrorism. Though terrorism is reality today but imperialist force and capitalist masking themselves with anti-terrorist stand and popularizes them as pro people ruler. But in reality they are crushing peoples outrage for revolutionary change for new society which is devoid of class oppression and exploitation. Co relating all these facts, revolutionary activist and leaders shall have to rethink their own strategy and tactics to fight against oppressor class. This is non violent methodology through which mass struggle and class struggle should be continued till revolutionary phase to come under the leadership of working class. These class struggles will be directed by communist revolutionary till that day comes when they shall be leaders of all types of toiling masses, making working class as hegemonies leader of all different oppressed people by forming greater alliances of proletariat with other toiling masses. At the same time, communist revolutionary became representative of majority of toiling people and they shall reflect the aspiration of freedom, rights, social justice, and equality and peace. So by this way communist revolutionaries shall become Modern Prince------ Antonio Gramsci and established them as regulator and leader of continuous revolution for changing this society to class less. Communist society through transition phase of new democratic socialism. In this long journey of revolutionary path, there shall be many mass movement and class struggle and oppressors will also take their action to crash this struggle, provocation to take wrong path. Communist revolutionary should show their sympathy and honor to the people for their reactions. they have to restrain them from taking misguided path and organizing people against repression of oppressor bruiting class and state apparatus. So, communist revolutionary should fix their mind for ideology on non-violent class struggle for emancipation of human society. In this book, author has appealed to political thinkers, writers, and struggling people for organizing mass movements and class struggle in peaceful and non-violent form. This is a prolong path of struggle to reach the goal of New Democratic Socialism. This does not mean peaceful transition of one system (Capitalist order) to another system (Socialist order). From the discussion of this book, some of our comrade may come to simplified conclusion that author is dreaming for peaceful revolution directing others for the same. But the authors view is not like that. It is indisputable that Ruling and Oppressor class never give up their power in peaceful manner. They remove their so called democratic and humanist mask and show their ferocious face of sharp tooth and nail in different stages of revolution. To combat this, people also reacted accordingly. This is the lesson of history. Though communist revolution wants for peaceful revolution, reasonable ruling oppressor class never transfer their power in the hands of toiling people. In spite of all these facts, the question of seizure of power, communist revolutionaries should guide masses to develop class struggle and mass movements in phases of revolutionary social change. In that phase of revolution, peoples struggle either will be non-violent or violent in form which will depend upon the ruling class action, that is, their violence, terror and oppression to the people for combating this, how struggling class and people will take their steps. This question can only be answered taking lesson from mass movement and class struggle, people leaded revolution shall determine final strategy and tactics of Revolutionary Struggle.