TEMPEIATUUS _ .... M<>" 2!> 71 3fI Mo,. '1J 71 .. Mc>r. 2S 71 43 M<>,. 29 eo 42 MoI.30 n u Mc>r.31 13 43 ltV. I aa .., ,Friday. April 3. ARGUS' atomic ml!l!lUe blastll off froul the USS Xorton Sound at tC'8ts conducted e.rly IlI",L "'all, llOmcwhere In the South Fa. elfl ... Not t1ireell.)· in,-oh·ed In anti· I'('fI(';(8rch, Arrus test .. elari. fl ..d under.otandinl of the phtnom. ('na fundamental to antl-mlhile prog....m,. The nuclear heads ... touetH!d off at .n allilude flf SOt ha,·jnlt been carried IntI> -pace b)' .. three-<otaa:e roekel __ enenli.Uy a I'ClIoe&rCll te!lt ,·ehie.1& but modiraed for tIoe!ie test.,,- Teatll ...... re ...ndueted by ARPA. "'Ith the A.rmed Fof'CoCS Spedal Weaponli pl"Ojeet ....d nine ..)- Iihlp$, University Grants Certificates to Three Station Employees Three Station employeell have re. cently completed,the required work for their Certificate in Public Ad. ministration awarded by Public Admlnlltratlon ExteMlon, Unlver. slty of California, RecipienU are Thoma. \V. Head. Transportation Div la lon, Public W0rks Department: F, Louise Kluzek, Mllnagement An- alyst, Test and Re. beeca E. Wise, Librarian, Technical Information Dcpartment. The Certificate Program In Pub lic Admlnilltratlon Includes both Introductory and advanced eourses In the specialized area, of adminls· tration, personnel. and fiscal man- agement; a.s well 8ll broad back ground courses appropriate for an')'one In gO"ernment lICrvice. PartieipanUi .... ho complete a planned prog-ram of ei.ght eoUI"lltS with a grade of Me:' or better In each course are .warded eerti!!- eate.-. Special arrangements ",'Cre made by the Station with Public Admln- Istr.tlon Extenllion, Berkeley, .... hereby extellllion COUM!l"S com_ pleted in ElItenslon, Lo, Ana:ele.-, would be accepted In ful. flllment of ecrtlticat(' requiremenLL T Winds NOTS Article An article about NOTS--Home of Sidewinder and IU technlc.1 faclll- tin I. featured In the March Issue of Traid Wind.-, a nation"Uy dl,. trlbuted publication of the Trald Corporation. Carl. Elmer, Editor of Trald Winds. wu formerly em· ployed at NOTS for leveral ye...... T ...ld u concerned with the lao test devek)pmfllUl In the flelda ot pbotocnPhlc and recordin&' devlcn and u located In Encino, Califomla.. \l;; 5l;::-- __ I *" Family Service Agency Presents Besser A ,vard to Dr. Max Dubin Pa.lnt-'l"p The Palnt·Up area of the pro- trraDl haa been the most pr1'doml· nant; lZ:i tenanU bll'·(' I'('(]Ul'*ted paint and 630 gallofllll of paint wiD be Iuued for p.inting fence.s, ear· pO!U. prale.. and patios. Thi.- a e.tlmated to cO"er 126,000 square During th(' remaining three da).. of the Clean-Up campaign, It u hoped that tenantll who have not ueed the traah plck·up .-crvice .-up- piled by the Public Work.- Dcpart- ment will do 80 by eaUing EXL 7l:lOO durin&, regular working hours today and before 9:30 a,m. Saturday and Sunday. NOTS Appreciation Day Slated April 11 NOTS Apprcclatlon Day, sched- uled for Saturday, April 11, has been planned by the Indisn Wells Valley Merchants Association and widely .-uppor-ted by Ridgecrest merchants in appreciation of the IUPPOrt palronage gl"en by China L..e.ke residenu. During the .-pedal evenL approx- i --------------- Imately ZOO frce awards will be pre· .-ented to holder.- ot Station pa.s.s- ('a. Each gilt award will have are· tall value In excess of $10. Many uore.. ha\·e off('red more than one prize, .-everal of which have a value of nearly $:10, NOTS Appreciation Day I.- .Illo aimed at better acquainting resi· dentll of the area with the larJ"e variety of r-etall ... rvice.- eonven· lently a\'Illlable In RidgecresL In addition to the prize .ward" many uceptlonal VaJlIClI will be offered to all patroM of the area (n eommunity·\1\id(' bargain aale. U. S. NllIvllIl Ordnlllnc:e Test Stllltion, Chinlll Lake, CllIlifornia Eu,ene Conley Stockholm'. Royll1 Opera HOUR_ He appears frequently as I"t'IUlar cuest artiJ:t on leading radio .nd te:lcvlsion program.-. .-ueh .. "'Voice of Firestone:' and "'Cavalcade 01 Sta...." Residents May File For School Trustees Board Vacancies An election will be held Tuesday, },fay 19, to fill vacanclc.. on the China Lake Elementary and Kern County High School and Junior College District Board of Tru.-le('l, Polb will be open from 7 a.m, to 7 p.m. In the multi-use room of the Burroughs building. Two vacancies exillt on thc Elementary Board, Incumbent Eal'l Lo\'e ha.- rellled; however, Dr. New. ton Ward III not running for re- eleCtion. One member will be elected for the Kern COunty High School lind Junior College Dilltrlct Board ot Trustees In May. Incumbent Glenn Bultman. appointed last year to complete the term of WlIIi.m Bald- ",-in. ha.- filed for candidacy. Rnldenu of China Lake duir- ing to m(' lUI candldatl'* for either Board may the nee_ry forms at the office of Dr. Earl ),lurray, Superintendent of 5o;:hool... ThOH tiling must do to in time for- tbeir petitions to reach the 01- flce of the Kern County Superin· tendent of School.- not later than April 17, ROCKETEER Budd 00U,. E41tor W. mllJl ........ 1"'_ o"loy busl>ol of Irvth bI- co.n. II happ,,.. 1<. <onto:ft 0 f_ II'"C>;'" c>f thcoff. -D.on S'c>nlly Concert Season Closes Tuesday With Stellar Conley·Conner Presentation Metropolitan Opera stars. soprano Nadi.ne Conner and Indian Wells VOlney residents attending last night's din... tcnor Eugene Conley. will appropriately conclude the 1958- ncr meeting of the Desert Area Family Service Agency; J9 NOTS Civic Concert Season. Tuesday. April 7, at the witnessed the second presentation of the Sylvia Besser Station Theatre, Wll1ter, Mis. Conner waa. for thrC'" Award. Dr. Max Dubin was given the Award in recogni- )·cor.. soprano lIOlot.-t In the per. fonnance of Bach'. "SL )ol.thew tion of his outstanding service in the field of mental healdi Paulon" with the New York Phil- in the Valley, while serving as President of the Agency", harmonic. The California-born .. ing. Board of Directors. Kaml'r, membe,..;blp nomlnatlOal ('r ha.- appeared with NelllOn Eddy The Award, a b-nse pl"'ue, With and Dr. Arlo ]dueller, .....ards. on the "Summer Kraft Mu.-Ie .... ..... on TV, and more recently .... Ith the certificate eommendin, the .-ur· NBC S)'mphony on the "U.s. Steel geon lor hI.- work with the Agency, One of her rnos:t favored was presented by H. G. WilllOn. recordinp I.- the complete opera Each year, the name of the Indl. '·Han.sel and Gretel." vidual or gr0up receiving the Award u engraved on the plaque, Conley's IIctual \'olce training be· and a certificate I.- pruented to the gan after hit high .-chool gradua· reeiplenL It WIUI named .fter the tion; however, he had aung In ,lee clubs and chun:h choln, and had first awardee, Mra. Sylvia Beuer, who received thl.- recognition In had general mUllcal .-tudy financed I September, 1957, by the ".-alc of egg.- laid by chick. ens he railled hlmllelf." He has .-ung In fUlfillment of hi. dcalre to ltee with the Handel-Hadyn Society In morc adequate mcntal health fn- the "Messiah;" the Boston Apollo I D _'_'_'_ .. _'_"" __ b_ill 1 clilliu come to thl.- area, Dr. Dubin Club; and a.- lIOlolst for the Com- affiliated himself with thc Agency monwealth (English) Symphony. CI UC . last year and wal electcd Pre.-ldent Following a year with a radio .tA- ean. p ampalgn of the Board of Dlrectorl In 1958, tlon In Detroit, Mlehlran, hc was Under his guidance and Influence, fealured on his own radio .. how, P R t d the Agency hili grown from a part- ''NBC Prellentll Eugene Conley:' rogress epor e timc operation to an organlzalion .-erving the need.- of the entire area Invitation.-to ling In Europe .-oon Durlno- the fl,..;t half of the Sta- .. on a permanent, full-time .-cale. followed and Conley was the tint lIon'a Clean.Up, Fix-Up, Paint-Up American .-Ince 1939 to appear at \Veek, March 28 through April:l, Maintaining con.tant acllvlty to promote th(' Family Service faclll- go"ernml'nt lUIsllltance was ren· dered to relIidentli In hauling away ties offered to loeal rcaldentll, Dr. truh and debris from 1M! housing Dubin h .. presented lecture' to 10- unlU and numerou.- public areas. cal clubil and A compara- In addition. ten front fencn were th'e newcomer to the eommunlty, he has been extremely active In 10- remo"ed .t tenants' requelt. ac· cal affair-. H(' I .. a member of Ro- eordlna: to a report from LUjg) W. R. Ladder, Head of tbe Com. tary International and the Presl- munlty Facilities Divillion, Code dent of the NOTS Hebrew T('mple. 700, Publle Works Department. Dr. Dubin, F AC.s., and .-urgcon .t the Drummond Medical F1I-t;"p Center In Ridrecl"l'St. reeeived hili In the Fix-Up area. the Public Doctor of Medicine derree In IN3. \Vorks Department h.. handled 30 His profeulonal experience h •• rl:'quntll for minor fence repair since ineluded .-urgleal poIU at Oak lumber; l'i2O linear feet of 4x4 red- Ridge, Tenne.-.ee; Hanford Enri- wood poIU and 120 linear feet 01 neerlnr Work.-, Manhattan Engl- Z .-: f nrlng('rI ",·m be Issued to neerlnr District; Beverly Hospital tenants. Forty-live rolls of roofinr in Kauachu.-ettll; Beth brael Hos- paper for ftpair of garage, earport BolJton, .nd on (h(' Newton. and patio roor. wlll be illllUed to \\'eU(',ley Hc.pltal, Newton, Mau. 1:1 te:nants. Stallon Honor1'd For cooperation extended the Agency by NOTS, Certific.te of Appr«lation presented to the Sta- tion WlUI aceepted by Cdr. Robert Jones, Station Chaplain. Aeknowled,('mc.ntll of aMiiiOtance ....ere al!>O made to the United Fund, Communlt.)' Council, \\'omen's Aux- mar.)' 01 the Conunlnloned 1\t-, UOnJ ctub. Communlt.)· \\'0- men',- (,1ub, China lAke I'TA and tb.e Ealltern Kern Coulll.)' I'T.A-, Slnl'cd out for ber special contri- bution to the llUe«n of the Alene)- WIUI Charlotte B ... itman. The newly e.lected Board 01 01- rectOr1l was introduced to the u- .-emblage prior to Dr, William B. Beach'.- dllleOurse entltled "Parental Influ('nce on Child 8chavlor." Board office,..; are: Cdr, Sidney Brook .. president; Earle Kirkbride, vice prelldent; Pam Jacobsen, .ecreUlry Rnd Evelyn Glatt, treasurer. Committee Chairmen ilelected to further the Family Service agcncy for the coming year are: Billie Hlse, public relatlons and publicity; Jean Hazelton, hoapltallty and ar- rangemenu; Evelyn Glatt, budget; Darwin Howl', perllOnnel; Edith Vol. XV. No. 13 Personnel To Present Papers In Boston r Mass. NOTS pe..-onnel from the Chem- lury Dlvillion, Re.careh Dcpart- ment, ""111 ... nt pape", at tbe National Meetinr of the Amerlc.n Ch('mleal Soci('t)' to be held In SolIton, Mus., April :;-10. Pape,..; to be pre.-cnted are: "Re· action of Oecaborane and Pyridine" by Nell R. Fctter and Lohr A. Burkardt; "IlIOpropyl Radical Re- actloM, III. Reactlon.- with H)'· drogen Atonu" by C. A. Hcller and Alvin S. Gordon, "Dccompo.ition or Coball Am- mine Azide." by Taylor B. Joyner and H. Verhoek; "Guide Lines for Interlaboratory Testing Program" by Raymond H, Pierson lind Edward A. Fay; and ''Compu- tation or Complleated Equilibria on a High Speed Digital Computer" by Donald S. Villars. Nadine Conner Curtaln-lIm(', at 8:1:1 p.m" will be the beginning or an evenlnr of the fine.-t In mu.-Ie, .ung by voices ('n- thu.lllItieally received by audiences the world over. Henry Jackson will provide plano accompaniment for Min Conner and Conl('y. The program ..... ilI In· c1ude selectloM from "La Bohem(':' "M a dam Butterfl)':' "Faust," and other operatic worka. Both Conley and MJ$I Conner are American·born and trained artiJ:U. Be!o\'ed aa one of the MetropoU· tan Opera Company'.- uetlar 60- pranos. Nadine Conner Is known for her appea... ncn on radio and tele. vitlo", .. \1\'ell as for her eoneert .-tage .-inging. M. recitalist or as a lIOloitL .he u equally able. Her ,,,Ice I ••ald to ha\'(' the lights and .parkle of eolo ... tu .... combined with the .-Ilky warmth of lyric 60- p ... no. and there .re few who pro- iect .nd foeWl tonn .. well as she. Under the direction of Bruno Pilot Plant To Get Test Sta nd Expected to be operational late thll ')'ear " the new static thnJllt rocket e",lne teu stand to be built for use by Propulsion Dc- "elopment Department. The te.. t .. tand will accommodate rocket ('nrinee with up to one mil- lion pound.. tbrulll and I. planned primarily for the evaluation and of .-olld fuel rocket en,lne... The fadllty·.- bay II to be 3:i feet 10"&, and 30 fC'Ct wide. Apdl 3. 195'1; Friday, Gf'Orre i\L .,. "',)1)' pial form is all tlon of the money needed for- a building to house the recreation facilitiel offered to Valley residenW Of e"el')' age by the Oouncil. It ill expected th.t the campaign ... 111 become an annual ev('nL Anyone living \\'ithin the con- fin" of the Indian Wella Valley ma,. file at a candidate. Station re.-identll may obtain necessary form.- and pIl)' their $1 flIing fee from Tillie Mayberry, an.)' weck day from 3:30 to :1:30 p.m. in the Oommunlty Council office of the Credit Union building. Hucek Seeks Title of Honorary Mayor First China Lak(' emplo)'ee to file u a candidate for Honorary .Mayor of the Indian Well, Valle)' I.- George M. Hucek_ eo.t Engineer in the Public Work. Dcpartment. SponM)red by the nvv Recrea- tion Council, one of the United Fund member agencies, the HOll· orary Mayor campaign is a. fund· rabing program lo provide a por. 80UUNG TOUIL,"t:l' \\'11'o"N"t:RS-Capl. \\'. W. 1I011i§ler pre!ICnts t .... pb)' to Ted Krw;.e, hl!;:h In leam, douMe8 .. nd 5ingles. Other ,,1n_ U. to r.) &re: GOnion Zurn .nd Rob O ....en$. doubles winne... : 1)&, .. O:I,id... n. ,-ice-pre!lldenl of the China Lake Ro"'ling AtiOeiallon; Geclrt. Wright. and t:no t Oit"de, hi,hCOlI all-e..... nUi ROCKETEER ,THE SeaBees ChIIlR Lake SeaBee Company 11-Z .... iII hold their annual drlll meeting thl..... eekend. April" and :I, at the SeaBee Hut. lllldies Golf Assn. Members or the L..e.dle. Golf A.- soclatlon ....111 meet Tucsday, April 7, at 11:30 a.m, at the Golf Club House. ThOle mecting are asked to bring their own box lunche.-. (Citizens ,Committee A meeting of the Citlzell.l Com- mittee for Educatlonal Policy wlll be held In the Burrough. High School Library next Thumay, April 9 at 9 p.nt. followlna: the PI'A meet· lnr· The committee will continue to d1.-eua the "Conant Report'" blUed on James Conant'.- book '"'Mle Am- erican High School Today." Similar committee- are fonnln .. throu,hout the nation to ..tud)' edu- cational problems. AAUW Study Group The American Auoclatlon of Unl- venlty \\'omen race relation.- and Integration .-tudy group wlll meet April 8 at 8 p.m.. at the home of Alice Zilmer, 701-B Lexington. Jim Sim•. prCllident of the Indlun \Vells Vallcy chapter of the National Association for the Advuncemcnt or Colored People will .peak. lUjg) Tom Tate Wins Speech 'Confab Lt. 01") Tom Tate of the China Lake Toastmauers Club No. was winner of the Toastmastel'li Area .. Spoeceh OonteU held .t The Hideaway lut Wednesday night. Speaking In competition with Toutmasterl from the Ridgecrest Toastma.ster1l Club No. 899 and China Lake Toastmastertl Club No. ll63. Tate'. winning of the local .peech conte"" earM him the right to reprellent Area" at the District 1Z Speech Contest to be held In Lane..ter on April 26. \\111 Compete At Lancaster, Tate will eompete with .-peakerl r-epresenting eight areu eompollled of 32 ClubL Tate, who u head of the Navy ELOQI:E:"ro"CE REWAIIOED--Lt. (Jt:) TlHtl Tale (right), winner of the Station'. eontreet division of Pub· A ..... of Speoee.h (;ont('",1 1,. ..ontr.... lulated h.)· TOliL!illllhlU of the e\"Cnlne IIc Work .. p"e a .peeoch entiUe:'l "At Fo.... ler. Tate ... ill lhe Chin.. La.ke Toa"tmulers at the "DeRn In ""hich he Districl Conl",l 10 he- held In '..anea,.t..r April K. atreNed the exodus of people from I _ the .mog-Iaden and traffic ten,lon Loll Angelu to desert areas for rec· Kern Desert BPW ro.U,.-.. ' th, PO'" ... ..i,t oltcred by the land of little rain. Hid \B N h' T. "PPO" hb ... im tho< m",,- 0 osses ig t polltan people are moving to the de.-crt, he pointed out that Penn "Bosses NI,ht" aponllOred b)' the Phillip., a building contractor, con- Kcrn Dcscrt Buslnea.. and Prof e.- ItrucU o\'er 1,000 home. a )'ear In .-Ional Women last Wednl"llda)' at the duert areas. Tate furthu cit- the Hideaway in Ridgecrelt found ed thc growing communities of Hes- a goodly number of Station "boSll· An InsurRncc policy guarllnteed perla, Mountain View, Edward' 1''-'' present as honored gue'le of to reducc the potcntlal dangcr of Estates, California City, and Salton women Station cmployee. belonging an automobllc accidcnt-to provide Cit)·, as examples. lo the BPW Club. protection aga In.- t your- being Tate I.- the newly elected presi- Although a first with the local thrown lhrough the windshield and dent of Toastmasters Club 8:13. The club, It Is traditional within the to protect your child, or children, following oltlcers will serve with Federation to dedicate one dinner from being pitchL'<i Inlo the dash- him for thc new year: meeting a year to acqualntlng the board If your car hits another head- Olhl'r- Ne ... OfficPnI employcrl of the worklni' ...omen on; to prcvenl punclures of thc rib Dr. Will Shaw, educational vice_ with the club objectlve.- nnd pur- eagc and back If you are slung pruldent; AI Christman, adminis- POSel. againsl an inside door whcn )'our tratlon vice-president; K l' r mit Gcorgya EllI.-, lit vlcc-pruidcnt car overturns-unge has proven Clcmans, secretary; William Norris, and program chairman for the that this policy docs mlnlmil.e au- tre.. urer, and Ed Sopke, .gt.·at- event, aelected two IP!'ake,..; to dis- tomobile accident InJudu and thallsrm.. CUIS .-ubjecLs of vltallntere.t to the It docs save lives. Runner-up in the Area Speech "bosses," all leading cltisen.- In the f'or about $30 )·ou fIllIY buy th" Contest was Robert Fowler of the community, as: well lU to the club lite-I<8"il11: eo'·cn.It" Ilro\'lded by Ridgecre.t Club .-peaking on a cur_ Sately Belt" ;n )-our ellr. rent e'·ent.. topic: MO ur W('"t Ber· Dan C. Cherrier, Planning Direc- The Cornell Un"·enlty Medical lin Forcu Should Not Be Reduced," tor of th(' Kern County Planning Collegc's auto crash Injury resellrcb Commiasion .-pok(' on the need tor project, which has .tudled mora bl"' ttl th nt p than 20,000 accident reporl..-, .tates :0:: ue:::rw:y toe g:: that widespread use of uat belts eral planmngand zonlngordlnanen would ha\·e Sll\'ed at least 19,000 of 111 Ridgecrest.. When appro\'ed by the n('arly 40,000 !i\'es 1000t In auto- I the Commiuion, ordlnanc8 ar(' mobilc accldenu during 1957. enforeed to pmerve property val- Cornell's studie.- are confirmed by Desert Art League uu In the community. the results of similar ",'ork by tb. The Desert Art Leacue will meet Ruth Brown, AMlllant Chief Air Foree, the U. S. Public H('alth n('xt 1londay, April 6, at the An- l.lortgage Credit Examiner from the' &rvlee and other a .. endes eon· chorage at 8 p.m. B')'-law ratifica- office of the Dlr«tor of Federal cerned '11th traffic .-afety. Caliror- lion and a discuulon ot plall.l for HOl1$ing Adminl tration in t.o. An- nia and New York ha'·e ordered all periodic exhlbitll at the Community geles. diJiCWUllng the technlcalltle.- official State vebiclc.-. Including Center ""1Il be undertaken. Eliza- Im-oh'ed In FHA financing In one- those oper.ted by police units, to beth AndenGn wlU dillCuu compo- indl1$try tOWIl.l. be equipped with ofety beltll. and .ition In Iand.scaPn and three films During the di.scuuion concerning b.a'·e ordered that these belt.. b. wlll be .-hown. the Ridgecrest .tatWl In this re- utili:r.ed at all times. NROC 11_1 spect. Vic EIIi., one of the present. and prominent civic leader, Ern.... t George, Station Infonna. supplied pertinent information on tion Speclal"t. .... \11 dillCUlI!I '·Publie the communily'.- crowth. RelalioM In th(' Military Estab- S('C(lnd .-ur"'ey " being com- Ilshment M at n ext Wednesda)".- plied for to the Fede ... l meetlnr of the Na\'al Reser...e Ord- Housing Admln"tratlon to qualir), nance Company, beg-Inning at 7:30 Ridgecrest for he old. p.m_ In Room 1001, Michebon Lab- the lut aun·ey report .-ub- oratory. mitled to FHA three .)'eara: ago. pment .how that Ridge- erut h .. built $I million worth of commercial building.- and that con' 'K,' 'l,' 'M' Military Now ditiona are continually Improving:' Obtlllining New DecllIls Kern Del:crt BP\V members were Military perllQnnel Iut delighted to learn thal lotrs. Brown name.- begin with the lettera: K, r.... I.- a I5-)'ear member of the Crea- and M, who own automobile.- mu,t centa-c.nada BP\V Club In Mont_ regl.-ter with the Trtlffic Control rOlle, c.llfornla. . Office at the Main Gate before April Club President. Gayle Undley, 10 to obtain new green bordered announced thc annual meetlng for dec a I.- required for admluion eleetlon of officers for the coming through the Station's gates. )'ear will be held Wednesday, Allr1l8, I 50 Will Graduate From Night School More than :l6 nudenu will receiv(' their diplomu from Burrough.- Ev_ ening High School in June, accord- inc to W. J. ShortL prlnclpll1. Thi.- will be the largnt a:raduatlng clau .. Ince the E\'ening High School ....a. etltabli."hed ten yeu.- ago. All .tudenu eligible for June graduation are asked to contact the Adult Education Office, ElIL 72019, in order to make .. ure that .11 re- qulremenU for gradlllllion are be· ing fulfilled. Aviation Supply Setting Record NAF Rescues Downed Air Force Pilot PU.oT ItESCl't:-Georwe AFB pilot Capt. ",obo R.. Niemela (IeCOnd from left) I" pldured In front of tbe NAY hel_plc, which picked him up :e ...ile" north of .... ke 1Jlabella last f'rida)' .nernooD. Xlemela baled out at hi!> F-I.tC St.,-filhler at l5,_ feet WMR .. oecurred .Uu mid-air rdHllnjt' opeNtion§ were completed abo,"" lhe lsIlbella a ...... OC-tl.. n, In I,", plc:lure IL to r.) are: LCd ... \\'all Ucnninl. pilot of the -,1.. cralt; U. Gilbert Madi!loOR. NAY I"IIM Se"leon autl LCd ... C. ... _.plc, an durlo&: tbe 'copter meblo NOTS Personnel MllIY Apply Before April 9 For OUlllrtermllln VaC:llInc:y AppllcatloM wlll be accepted un- til Thuma)'. April 9, for the posi- tion of Quarterman (Metalworking Shopt). from NOTS emplO)·eca tier,'- Ing under c.rcer or c.rcer-Condl- tional appointmenu who meet the required quallfleatlont. Journc)'man Wclde,..;, or Sheetmetal Worke,..; who ha"e had a minimum of one year of .-u- perviAory experience of the .-pecific ',.,rldle. listed In AnnCL No. NOTS IV.-6(Ml) m.y appl)'. Competlto,..; ... 111 be ... ted on a "ritlen tcsL ('xperlence and traln- tng and an 0 ... 1 Intervle...'. To apply, flIe card Form NAV. EXOS 4lMAB and Standard Form 67 with the Detached Repreaenta- th'e, Board of Ex.mlner1l UNO, China Lakc, Both Form. mun be VOlitmarked. or received, prior to Community Council Reports ... Election of new precinct direcwrs and general com- e J t (7 .. t munity topics were discussed !f J'f.rd at the March 24 meeting of the Community Council. JoAnne Milburn ""at elecled t;:o rcllrl.'llCM Precinct No.1. Frank De- Leon. Preelnct No.9, !lnd Zi:>lman \V. HohRIlBhelt, Precinct No. 10. A IlropoSL'd revision of Communi_ ty Coullcil b)'-Iaws Is being pre· Ilared b)' Ed LaHocca and copiu "ill b(' dlslrlbutl'd to the Dlrectorll for discuSlllon at the next meeting. Effort Is b<'lng made to obtain an FM booster licenlle for Laurel Mount>!.in. The Rldgc<:ren Chamber of CommerCE! Is cooperating wit:l the Council In trying to overeomc tht' obstaelea InvolVed. \f1trgaret Egbert announced her "-""gnat Ion u Rerordlng Secn·tar)· and Director from Precinct No.8 due to hl'r husband', acceptanct' of a poIIillon with Acro·Neutronic.1, In('., In Glendale. Various traHie problems are an- Udpaled when the new Burroug:lll High School open.- nut fall. :Mr. iFolry. Dlnrlcl Hi,hwa)' Engineer, will be Invited to China Lake to d""'lIU the .-ituatlon with .. rou ... AOCF STATUs...-supply Department's A'iallon D"·I.!llon men (L to r.) K. L U • .)·den. Alit: Co \'. "'·.Il>;, AKC: LCdr. 1'"_ L. Dh-I..loll pol"t with pride to the .c... at.lus of the AOCP board _':LI'1I that no .Ireraft for NAF or \'X-5 'a!t out .f eomml.Yifln fflr "'c'k •f perb. EnlerinJ Ute third ... of Rrfl tllS lhe Jroup hu lfUpperted .1 ,..Ireran of K different 1)1Jr">, ranglnl from hell('oOple"- en,ll. to the jelL

Apdl ROCKETEER - chinalakealumni.org · 'I'HOJ.~CT ARGUS' atomic ml!l!lUe ... Technical Information ... ''NBCPrellentll Eugene Conley:' rogress epor e timc operation to an organlzalion

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TEMPEIATUUS_....M<>" 2!> 71 3fIMo,. '1J 71 ..Mc>r. 2S 71 43M<>,. 29 eo 42MoI.30 n uMc>r.31 13 43ltV. I aa ..,

,Friday. April 3. 195~

'I'HOJ.~CT ARGUS' atomic ml!l!lUeblastll off froul the USS XortonSound at tC'8ts conducted e.rly IlI",L"'all, llOmcwhere In the South Fa.elfl ... Not t1ireell.)· in,-oh·ed In anti·rni,,~ilfl I'('fI(';(8rch, Arrus test.. elari.fl ..d under.otandinl of the phtnom.('na fundamental to antl-mlhileprog....m,. The nuclear heads ...~retouetH!d off at .n allilude flf SOtm;I~, ha,·jnlt been carried IntI>-pace b)' .. ~7-foot-lonr three-<otaa:eroekel__enenli.Uy a I'ClIoe&rCll te!lt,·ehie.1& but modiraed for tIoe!ie test.,,­Teatll ......re ...ndueted by ARPA."'Ith the A.rmed Fof'CoCS SpedalWeaponli pl"Ojeet ....d nine ~\.-.,..)­Iihlp$,

University GrantsCertificates to ThreeStation Employees

Three Station employeell have re.cently completed,the required workfor their Certificate in Public Ad.ministration awarded by PublicAdmlnlltratlon ExteMlon, Unlver.slty of California,

RecipienU are Thoma. \V. Bo~'d.

Head. Transportation D i v la lon,Public W 0 r k s Department: F,Louise Kluzek, Mllnagement An­alyst, Test ~partment; and Re.beeca E. Wise, Librarian, TechnicalInformation Dcpartment.

The Certificate Program In Pub•lic Admlnilltratlon Includes bothIntroductory and advanced eoursesIn the specialized area, of adminls·tration, personnel. and fiscal man­agement; a.s well 8ll broad background courses appropriate foran')'one In gO"ernment lICrvice.

PartieipanUi ....ho complete aplanned prog-ram of ei.ght eoUI"lltSwith a grade of Me:' or better Ineach course are .warded eerti!!­eate.-.

Special arrangements ",'Cre madeby the Station with Public Admln­Istr.tlon Extenllion, Berkeley,....hereby extellllion COUM!l"S com_pleted in Un"-e~ity ElItenslon, Lo,Ana:ele.-, would be accepted In ful.flllment of ecrtlticat(' requiremenLL

Tr~id Winds Periodjc~1

Fe~tures NOTS ArticleAn article about NOTS--Home of

Sidewinder and IU technlc.1 faclll­tin I. featured In the March Issueof Traid Wind.-, a nation"Uy dl,.trlbuted publication of the TraldCorporation. Carl. Elmer, Editorof Trald Winds. wu formerly em·ployed at NOTS for leveral ye......

T ...ld u concerned with the laotest devek)pmfllUl In the flelda otpbotocnPhlc lutrwnen~tion andrecordin&' devlcn and u located InEncino, Califomla..

\l;; 5l;::-- __

I *"

Family Service Agency PresentsBesser A,vard to Dr. Max Dubin

Pa.lnt-'l"pThe Palnt·Up area of the pro­

trraDl haa been the most pr1'doml·nant; lZ:i tenanU bll'·(' I'('(]Ul'*tedpaint and 630 gallofllll of paint wiDbe Iuued for p.inting fence.s, ear·pO!U. prale.. and patios. Thi.- ae.tlmated to cO"er 126,000 squaref~L

During th(' remaining three da)..of the Clean-Up campaign, It uhoped that tenantll who have notueed the traah plck·up .-crvice .-up­piled by the Public Work.- Dcpart­ment will do 80 by eaUing EXL7l:lOO durin&, regular working hourstoday and before 9:30 a,m. Saturdayand Sunday.

NOTS AppreciationDay Slated April 11

NOTS Apprcclatlon Day, sched­uled for Saturday, April 11, hasbeen planned by the Indisn WellsValley Merchants Association andwidely .-uppor-ted by Ridgecrestmerchants in appreciation of theIUPPOrt palronage gl"en by ChinaL..e.ke residenu.

During the .-pedal evenL approx- i--------------­Imately ZOO frce awards will be pre·.-ented to holder.- ot Station pa.s.s­('a. Each gilt award will have are·tall value In excess of $10. Manyuore.. ha\·e off('red more than oneprize, .-everal of which have a valueof nearly $:10,

NOTS Appreciation Day I.- .Illoaimed at better acquainting resi·dentll of the area with the larJ"evariety of r-etall ...rvice.- eonven·lently a\'Illlable In RidgecresL

In addition to the prize .ward"many uceptlonal VaJlIClI will beoffered to all patroM of the area(n • eommunity·\1\id(' bargain aale.

U. S. NllIvllIl Ordnlllnc:e Test Stllltion, Chinlll Lake, CllIlifornia

Eu,ene Conley

Stockholm'. Royll1 Opera HOUR_ Heappears frequently as • I"t'IUlarcuest artiJ:t on leading radio .ndte:lcvlsion program.-. .-ueh .. "'Voiceof Firestone:' and "'Cavalcade 01Sta...."

Residents May FileFor School TrusteesBoard Vacancies

An election will be held Tuesday,},fay 19, to fill vacanclc.. on theChina Lake Elementary and KernCounty High School and JuniorCollege District Board of Tru.-le('l,Polb will be open from 7 a.m, to 7p.m. In the multi-use room of theBurroughs building.

Two vacancies exillt on thcElementary Board, Incumbent Eal'lLo\'e ha.- rellled; however, Dr. New.ton Ward III not running for re­eleCtion.

One member will be elected forthe Kern COunty High School lindJunior College Dilltrlct Board otTrustees In May. Incumbent GlennBultman. appointed last year tocomplete the term of WlIIi.m Bald­",-in. ha.- filed for candidacy.

Rnldenu of China Lake duir­ing to m(' lUI candldatl'* for eitherBoard may ob~ln the nee_ryforms at the office of Dr. Earl),lurray, Superintendent of 5o;:hool...ThOH tiling must do to in timefor- tbeir petitions to reach the 01­flce of the Kern County Superin·tendent of School.- not later thanApril 17,

ROCKETEERBudd 00U,. E41tor

W. mllJl ........1"'_ o"loy •busl>ol of Irvth bI­co.n. II happ,,..

1<. <onto:ft 0 f_II'"C>;'" c>f thcoff.

-D.on S'c>nlly

Concert Season Closes Tuesday WithStellar Conley·Conner Presentation

Metropolitan Opera stars. soprano Nadi.ne Conner and Indian Wells VOlney residents attending last night's din...tcnor Eugene Conley. will appropriately conclude the 1958- ncr meeting of the Desert Area Family Service Agency;J9 NOTS Civic Concert Season. Tuesday. April 7, at the witnessed the second presentation of the Sylvia BesserStation Theatre, Wll1ter, Mis. Conner waa. for thrC'" Award. Dr. Max Dubin was given the Award in recogni-

)·cor.. soprano lIOlot.-t In the per.fonnance of Bach'. "SL )ol.thew tion of his outstanding service in the field of mental healdiPaulon" with the New York Phil- in the Valley, while serving as President of the Agency",harmonic. The California-born .. ing. Board of Directors. Kaml'r, membe,..;blp nomlnatlOal('r ha.- appeared with NelllOn Eddy The Award, a b-nse pl"'ue, With and Dr. Arlo ]dueller, .....ards.on the "Summer Kraft Mu.-Ie Hll1l~ .... .....on TV, and more recently ....Ith the • certificate eommendin, the .-ur·NBC S)'mphony on the "U.s. Steel geon lor hI.- work with the Agency,Hour.~ One of her rnos:t favored was presented by H. G. WilllOn.recordinp I.- the complete opera Each year, the name of the Indl.'·Han.sel and Gretel." vidual or g r 0 u p receiving the

Award u engraved on the plaque,Conley's IIctual \'olce training be·and a certificate I.- pruented to thegan after hit high .-chool gradua·reeiplenL It WIUI named .fter thetion; however, he had aung In ,lee

clubs and chun:h choln, and had first awardee, Mra. Sylvia Beuer,who received thl.- recognition Inhad general mUllcal .-tudy financed ISeptember, 1957,by the ".-alc of egg.- laid by chick.

ens he railled hlmllelf." He has .-ung In fUlfillment of hi. dcalre to lteewith the Handel-Hadyn Society In morc adequate mcntal health fn-the "Messiah;" the Boston Apollo I D_'_'_'_.._'_""__b_ill

1clilliu come to thl.- area, Dr. Dubin

Club; and a.- lIOlolst for the Com- affiliated himself with thc Agencymonwealth (English) Symphony. CI U C . last year and wal electcd Pre.-ldentFollowing a year with a radio .tA- ean. p ampalgn of the Board of Dlrectorl In 1958,tlon In Detroit, Mlehlran, hc was Under his guidance and Influence,fealured on his own radio ..how, P R t d the Agency hili grown from a part-''NBC Prellentll Eugene Conley:' rogress epor e timc operation to an organlzalion

.-erving the need.- of the entire areaInvitation.-to ling In Europe .-oon Durlno- the fl,..;t half of the Sta-.. on a permanent, full-time .-cale.followed and Conley was the tint lIon'a Clean.Up, Fix-Up, Paint-Up

American .-Ince 1939 to appear at \Veek, March 28 through April:l, Maintaining con.tant acllvlty topromote th(' Family Service faclll­go"ernml'nt lUIsllltance was ren·

dered to relIidentli In hauling away ties offered to loeal rcaldentll, Dr.truh and debris from 1M! housing Dubin h.. presented lecture' to 10­unlU and numerou.- public areas. cal clubil and grou~ A compara­In addition. ten front fencn were th'e newcomer to the eommunlty,

he has been extremely active In 10­remo"ed .t tenants' requelt. ac· cal affair-. H(' I.. a member of Ro­eordlna: to a report from LUjg)W. R. Ladder, Head of tbe Com. tary International and the Presl­munlty Facilities Divillion, Code dent of the NOTS Hebrew T('mple.700, Publle Works Department. Dr. Dubin, F AC.s., D.A.B.s~ and

.-urgcon .t the Drummond MedicalF1I-t;"p Center In Ridrecl"l'St. reeeived hili

In the Fix-Up area. the Public Doctor of Medicine derree In IN3.\Vorks Department h.. handled 30 His profeulonal experience h ••rl:'quntll for minor fence repair since ineluded .-urgleal poIU at Oaklumber; l'i2O linear feet of 4 x 4 red- Ridge, Tenne.-.ee; Hanford Enri­wood poIU and 120 linear feet 01 neerlnr Work.-, Manhattan Engl­Z .-: f nrlng('rI ",·m be Issued to neerlnr District; Beverly Hospitaltenants. Forty-live rolls of roofinr in Kauachu.-ettll; Beth brael Hos-paper for ftpair of garage, earport pi~1, BolJton, .nd on (h(' Newton.and patio roor. wlll be illllUed to \\'eU(',ley Hc.pltal, Newton, Mau.1:1 te:nants. Stallon Honor1'd

For cooperation extended theAgency by NOTS, • Certific.te ofAppr«lation presented to the Sta­tion WlUI aceepted by Cdr. Robert"Q~ Jones, Station Chaplain.

Aeknowled,('mc.ntll of aMiiiOtance....ere al!>O made to the United Fund,Communlt.)' Council, \\'omen's Aux­mar.)' 01 the Conunlnloned Olfi~n

1\t-, UOnJ ctub. Communlt.)· \\'0­men',- (,1ub, China lAke I'TA andtb.e Ealltern Kern Coulll.)' I'T.A-,Slnl'cd out for ber special contri­bution to the llUe«n of the Alene)­WIUI Charlotte B...itman.

The newly e.lected Board 01 01­rectOr1l was introduced to the u­.-emblage prior to Dr, William B.Beach'.- dllleOurse entltled "ParentalInflu('nce on Child 8chavlor." Boardoffice,..; are: Cdr, Sidney Brook..president; Earle Kirkbride, viceprelldent; Pam Jacobsen, .ecreUlryRnd Evelyn Glatt, treasurer.

Committee Chairmen ilelected tofurther the Family Service agcncyfor the coming year are: BillieHlse, public relatlons and publicity;Jean Hazelton, hoapltallty and ar­rangemenu; Evelyn Glatt, budget;Darwin Howl', perllOnnel; Edith

Vol. XV. No. 13

~esearch PersonnelTo Present PapersIn Boston r Mass.

NOTS pe..-onnel from the Chem­lury Dlvillion, Re.careh Dcpart­ment, ""111 p~...nt pape", at tbel~h National Meetinr of theAmerlc.n Ch('mleal Soci('t)' to beheld In SolIton, Mus., April :;-10.

Pape,..; to be pre.-cnted are: "Re·action of Oecaborane and Pyridine"by Nell R. Fctter and Lohr A.Burkardt; "IlIOpropyl Radical Re­actloM, III. Reactlon.- with H)'·drogen Atonu" by C. A. Hcller andAlvin S. Gordon,

"Dccompo.ition or Coball Am­mine Azide." by Taylor B. Joynerand r~rank H. Verhoek; "GuideLines for Interlaboratory TestingProgram" by Raymond H, Piersonlind Edward A. Fay; and ''Compu­tation or Complleated Equilibriaon a High Speed Digital Computer"by Donald S. Villars.

Nadine Conner

Curtaln-lIm(', at 8:1:1 p.m" will bethe beginning or an evenlnr of thefine.-t In mu.-Ie, .ung by voices ('n­thu.lllItieally received by audiencesthe world over.

Henry Jackson will provide planoaccompaniment for Min Connerand Conl('y. The program ..... ilI In·c1ude selectloM from "La Bohem(':'"'Carmen,~ "M a dam Butterfl)':'"Faust," and other operatic worka.

Both Conley and MJ$I Conner areAmerican·born and trained artiJ:U.

Be!o\'ed aa one of the MetropoU·tan Opera Company'.- uetlar 60­

pranos. Nadine Conner Is known forher appea...ncn on radio and tele.vitlo", .. \1\'ell as for her eoneert.-tage .-inging. M. recitalist or asa lIOloitL .he u equally able. Her,,,Ice I••ald to ha\'(' the lights and.parkle of • eolo...tu.... combinedwith the .-Ilky warmth of • lyric 60­

p ...no. and there .re few who pro­iect .nd foeWl tonn .. well as she.

Under the direction of Bruno

Pilot Plant To Get~ocketTest Sta nd

Expected to be operational latethll ')'ear " the new static thnJlltrocket e",lne teu stand to bebuilt for use by Propulsion Dc­"elopment Department.

The te.. t .. tand will accommodaterocket ('nrinee with up to one mil­lion pound.. tbrulll and I. plannedprimarily for the evaluation andde\~lopment of .-olld fuel rocketen,lne...

The fadllty·.- bay II to be 3:i feet10"&, and 30 fC'Ct wide.

Apdl 3. 195'1;Friday,

Gf'Orre i\L lIu~k

.,. "',)1)' pial form is all wet!~

tlon of the money needed for- abuilding to house the recreationfacilitiel offered to Valley residenWOf e"el')' age by the Oouncil. It illexpected th.t the campaign ...111become an annual ev('nL

Anyone living \\'ithin the con­fin" of the Indian Wella Valleyma,. file at a candidate. Stationre.-identll may obtain necessaryform.- and pIl)' their $1 flIing feefrom Tillie Mayberry, an.)' weckday from 3:30 to :1:30 p.m. in theOommunlty Council office of theCredit Union building.

Hucek Seeks Title ofHonorary Mayor

First China Lak(' emplo)'ee tofile u a candidate for Honorary.Mayor of the Indian Well, Valle)' I.­George M. Hucek_ eo.t Engineer inthe Public Work. Dcpartment.

SponM)red by the nvv Recrea­tion Council, one of the UnitedFund member agencies, the HOll·orary Mayor campaign is a. fund·rabing program lo provide a por.

80UUNG TOUIL,"t:l' \\'11'o"N"t:RS-Capl. \\'. W. 1I011i§ler pre!ICnts t ....pb)' to Ted Krw;.e, hl!;:h aco~r In leam, douMe8 ..nd 5ingles. Other ,,1n_n.e~ U. to r.) &re: GOnion Zurn .nd Rob O....en$. doubles winne...: 1)&,..

O:I,id...n. ,-ice-pre!lldenl of the China Lake Ro"'ling AtiOeiallon; Geclrt.Wright. &ingl~ ~·hlaer. and t:no t Oit"de, hi,hCOlI all-e.....nUi _~r


SeaBeesChIIlR Lake SeaBee Company 11-Z

.... iII hold their annual drlll meetingthl.....eekend. April" and :I, at theSeaBee Hut.

lllldies Golf Assn.Members or the L..e.dle. Golf A.­

soclatlon ....111 meet Tucsday, April7, at 11:30 a.m, at the Golf ClubHouse. ThOle mecting are asked tobring their own box lunche.-.

(Citizens ,CommitteeA meeting of the Citlzell.l Com­

mittee for Educatlonal Policy wlllbe held In the Burrough. HighSchool Library next Thumay, April9 at 9 p.nt. followlna: the PI'A meet·lnr·

The committee will continue tod1.-eua the "Conant Report'" blUedon James Conant'.- book '"'Mle Am­erican High School Today."

Similar committee- are fonnln..throu,hout the nation to ..tud)' edu­cational problems.

AAUW Study GroupThe American Auoclatlon of Unl­

venlty \\'omen race relation.- andIntegration .-tudy group wlll meetWedne8d~', April 8 at 8 p.m.. atthe home of Alice Zilmer, 701-BLexington. Jim Sim•. prCllident ofthe Indlun \Vells Vallcy chapter ofthe National Association for theAdvuncemcnt or Colored People will.peak.

lUjg) Tom TateWins Speech'Confab

Lt. 01") Tom Tate of the ChinaLake Toastmauers Club No. ~was winner of the Toastmastel'liArea .. Spoeceh OonteU held .t TheHideaway lut Wednesday night.

Speaking In competition withToutmasterl from the RidgecrestToastma.ster1l Club No. 899 andChina Lake Toastmastertl Club No.ll63. Tate'. winning of the local.peech conte"" earM him the rightto reprellent Area" at the District1Z Speech Contest to be held InLane..ter on April 26.

\\111 CompeteAt Lancaster, Tate will eompete

with .-peakerl r-epresenting eightareu eompollled of 32 Toastmaste~

ClubLTate, who u head of the Navy ELOQI:E:"ro"CE REWAIIOED--Lt. (Jt:) TlHtl Tale (right), winner of the

Station'. eontreet division of Pub· A..... of Speoee.h (;ont('",1 1,. ..ontr.... lulated h.)· TOliL!illllhlU of the e\"CnlneIIc Work.. p"e a .peeoch entiUe:'l "At Fo....ler. Tate ... ill rep~nl lhe Chin.. La.ke Toa"tmulers at the"DeRn Recreatlon,~ In ""hich he Districl ~h Conl",l 10 he- held In '..anea,.t.. r April K.atreNed the exodus of people from I~::::::~:::':::=::-.::::::=...:::.:=-=:::.=.::::=:::.~:::-=-.:::~ _the .mog-Iaden and traffic ten,lon

Loll Angelu to desert areas for rec· Kern Desert BPWro.U,.-..' th, PO'" ... ..i,toltcred by the land of little rain. Hid \B N h'

T. "PPO" hb ...im tho< m",,- 0 osses ig tpolltan people are moving to thede.-crt, he pointed out that Penn "Bosses NI,ht" aponllOred b)' thePhillip., a building contractor, con- Kcrn Dcscrt Buslnea.. and Profe.­ItrucU o\'er 1,000 home. a )'ear In .-Ional Women last Wednl"llda)' atthe duert areas. Tate furthu cit- the Hideaway in Ridgecrelt founded thc growing communities of Hes- a goodly number of Station "boSll·

An InsurRncc policy guarllnteed perla, Mountain View, Edward' 1''-'' present as honored gue'le ofto reducc the potcntlal dangcr of Estates, California City, and Salton women Station cmployee. belongingan automobllc accidcnt-to provide Cit)·, as examples. lo the BPW Club.protection a g a In.- t your- being Tate I.- the newly elected presi- Although a first with the localthrown lhrough the windshield and dent of Toastmasters Club 8:13. The club, It Is traditional within theto protect your child, or children, following oltlcers will serve with Federation to dedicate one dinnerfrom being pitchL'<i Inlo the dash- him for thc new year: meeting a year to acqualntlng theboard If your car hits another head- Olhl'r- Ne... OfficPnI employcrl of the worklni' ...omenon; to prcvenl punclures of thc rib Dr. Will Shaw, educational vice_ with the club objectlve.- nnd pur-eagc and back If you are slung pruldent; AI Christman, adminis- POSel.againsl an inside door whcn )'our tratlon vice-president; K l' r mit Gcorgya EllI.-, lit vlcc-pruidcntcar overturns-unge has proven Clcmans, secretary; William Norris, and program chairman for thethat this policy docs mlnlmil.e au- tre..urer, and Ed Sopke, .gt.·at- event, aelected two IP!'ake,..; to dis­tomobile accident InJudu and thallsrm.. CUIS .-ubjecLs of vltallntere.t to theIt docs save lives. Runner-up in the Area Speech "bosses," all leading cltisen.- In the

f'or about $30 )·ou fIllIY buy th" Contest was Robert Fowler of the community, as: well lU to the clublite-I<8"il11: eo'·cn.It" Ilro\'lded by Ridgecre.t Club .-peaking on a cur_ membe~.

Sately Belt" ;n )-our ellr. rent e'·ent.. topic: MO ur W('"t Ber· Dan C. Cherrier, Planning Direc-The Cornell Un"·enlty Medical lin Forcu Should Not Be Reduced," tor of th(' Kern County Planning

Collegc's auto crash Injury resellrcb Commiasion .-pok(' on the need tor

project, which has .tudled mora ~MING ~V~Nr~ bl"' ttl th nt pthan 20,000 accident reporl..-, .tates ~ r~t :0::ue:::rw:y toee::~~"h g::that widespread use of uat belts eral planmngand zonlngordlnanenwould ha\·e Sll\'ed at least 19,000 of 111 Ridgecrest.. When appro\'ed bythe n('arly 40,000 !i\'es 1000t In auto- ;::c;::~-=::..o;:;.._c;::,-,c.;.::.-,-,=Ithe Commiuion, ordlnanc8 ar('mobilc accldenu during 1957. enforeed to pmerve property val-

Cornell's studie.- are confirmed by Desert Art League uu In the community.the results of similar ",'ork by tb. The Desert Art Leacue will meet Ruth Brown, AMlllant ChiefAir Foree, the U. S. Public H('alth n('xt 1londay, April 6, at the An- l.lortgage Credit Examiner from the'&rvlee and other a..endes eon· chorage at 8 p.m. B')'-law ratifica- office of the Dlr«tor of Federalcerned '11th traffic .-afety. Caliror- lion and a discuulon ot plall.l for HOl1$ing Adminl tration in t.o. An­nia and New York ha'·e ordered all periodic exhlbitll at the Community geles. diJiCWUllng the technlcalltle.­official State vebiclc.-. Including Center ""1Il be undertaken. Eliza- Im-oh'ed In FHA financing In one­those oper.ted by police units, to beth AndenGn wlU dillCuu compo- indl1$try tOWIl.l.be equipped with ofety beltll. and .ition In Iand.scaPn and three films During the di.scuuion concerningb.a'·e ordered that these belt.. b. wlll be .-hown. the Ridgecrest .tatWl In this re-utili:r.ed at all times. NROC 11_1 spect. Vic EIIi., one of the "~~

present. and prominent civic leader,Ern.... t George, Station Infonna. supplied pertinent information on

tion Speclal"t. ....\11 dillCUlI!I '·Publie the communily'.- crowth.RelalioM In th(' Military Estab- ~A S('C(lnd .-ur"'ey " being com­Ilshment

Mat n ext Wednesda)".- plied for .ubmit~1 to the Fede ...l

meetlnr of the Na\'al Reser...e Ord- Housing Admln"tratlon to qualir),nance Company, beg-Inning at 7:30 Ridgecrest for tlnancinr,~ he old.p.m_ In Room 1001, Michebon Lab- ~Since the lut aun·ey report .-ub­oratory. mitled to FHA three .)'eara: ago.

pment .-~tl.-tlc.- .how that Ridge-erut h .. built $I million worth ofcommercial building.- and that con' 'K,' 'l,' 'M' Military Nowditiona are continually Improving:' Obtlllining New DecllIls

Kern Del:crt BP\V members were Military perllQnnel wh~ Iutdelighted to learn thal lotrs. Brown name.- begin with the lettera: K, r....I.- a I5-)'ear member of the Crea- and M, who own automobile.- mu,tcenta-c.nada BP\V Club In Mont_ regl.-ter with the Trtlffic ControlrOlle, c.llfornla. . Office at the Main Gate before April

Club President. Gayle Undley, 10 to obtain new green borderedannounced thc annual meetlng for dec a I.- required for admluioneleetlon of officers for the coming through the Station's gates.)'ear will be held Wednesday, Allr1l8, I

50 Will GraduateFrom Night School

More than :l6 nudenu will receiv('their diplomu from Burrough.- Ev_ening High School in June, accord­inc to W. J. ShortL prlnclpll1. Thi.­will be the largnt a:raduatlng clau..Ince the E\'ening High School ....a.etltabli."hed ten yeu.- ago.

All .tudenu eligible for Junegraduation are asked to contact theAdult Education Office, ElIL 72019,in order to make ..ure that .11 re­qulremenU for gradlllllion are be·ing fulfilled.

Aviation Supply Setting Record

NAF Rescues Downed Air Force Pilot

PU.oT ItESCl't:-Georwe AFB pilot Capt. ",obo R.. Niemela (IeCOnd fromleft) I" pldured In front of tbe NAY hel_plc, which picked him up :e...ile" north of ....ke 1Jlabella last f'rida)' .nernooD. Xlemela baled outat hi!> F-I.tC St.,-filhler at l5,_ feet WMR .. nan~out oecurred .Uumid-air rdHllnjt' opeNtion§ were completed abo,"" lhe lsIlbella a ......OC-tl..n, In I,", plc:lure IL to r.) are: LCd... \\'all Ucnninl. pilot of the-,1.. cralt; U. Gilbert Madi!loOR. NAY I"IIM Se"leon autl LCd... C. ..._.plc, an ~n"er durlo&: tbe 'copter meblo

NOTS Personnel MllIYApply Before April 9For OUlllrtermllln VaC:llInc:y

AppllcatloM wlll be accepted un­til Thuma)'. April 9, for the posi­tion of Quarterman (MetalworkingShopt). from NOTS emplO)·eca tier,'­Ing under c.rcer or c.rcer-Condl­tional appointmenu who meet therequired quallfleatlont.

Journc)'man Wclde,..;, Me~bmlth,or Sheetmetal Worke,..; who ha"ehad a minimum of one year of .-u­perviAory experience of the .-pecific',.,rldle. listed In AnnCL No. NOTSIV.-6(Ml) m.y appl)'.

Competlto,..; ...111 be ... ted on a"ritlen tcsL ('xperlence and traln­tng and an 0...1 Intervle...'.

To apply, flIe card Form NAV.EXOS 4lMAB and Standard Form67 with the Detached Repreaenta­th'e, Board of Ex.mlner1l UNO,China Lakc, Both Form. mun beVOlitmarked. or received, prior to

Community Council Reports ...Election of new precinct

direcwrs and general com- e J t (7 ..tmunity topics were discussed c)a~e !f J'f.rdat the March 24 meeting ofthe Community Council.

JoAnne Milburn ""at elecled t;:orcllrl.'llCM Precinct No.1. Frank De­Leon. Preelnct No.9, !lnd Zi:>lman\V. HohRIlBhelt, Precinct No. 10.

A IlropoSL'd revision of Communi_ty Coullcil b)'-Iaws Is being pre·Ilared b)' Ed LaHocca and copiu"ill b(' dlslrlbutl'd to the Dlrectorllfor discuSlllon at the next meeting.

Effort Is b<'lng made to obtainan FM booster licenlle for LaurelMount>!.in. The Rldgc<:ren Chamberof CommerCE! Is cooperating wit:lthe Council In trying to overeomctht' obstaelea InvolVed.

\f1trgaret Egbert announced her"-""gnat Ion u Rerordlng Secn·tar)·and Director from Precinct No.8due to hl'r husband', acceptanct' ofa poIIillon with Acro·Neutronic.1,In('., In Glendale.

Various traHie problems are an­Udpaled when the new Burroug:lllHigh School open.- nut fall. :Mr.iFolry. Dlnrlcl Hi,hwa)' Engineer,will be Invited to China Lake tod""'lIU the .-ituatlon with citl~n·,.


7.t~.«) AOCF STATUs...-supply Department's A'iallon D"·I.!llon men (Lto r.) K. L U• .)·den. Alit: Co \'. "'·.Il>;, AKC: LCdr. 1'"_ L. lIall~n, Dh-I...lollOfli~r, pol"t with pride to the .c... at.lus of the AOCP board ~'hkh

_':LI'1I that no .Ireraft for NAF or \'X-5 'a!t out .f eomml.Yifln fflr "'c'k• f perb. EnlerinJ Ute third ...-~k of Rrfl tllS lhe Jroup hu lfUpperted.1 ,..Ireran of K different 1)1Jr">, ranglnl from hell('oOple"- prop-drh~n

en,ll. to the la~t jelL

Page Three

Budget Head Leaves


PromgllonsMrs. Jeanne A. Strllman. P2.502,

(rom purchasing agent, CS-.5 to GS­6. and Leo R. .Brennan, P709, from!planner and estimator (publloworks). Step 3, to supervisol)' faci.lities mainlenance .peclalist, GS·]1.

ESC Sets D~nce DateThe ESO dance will be held June

13 at the Huntington·Sheraton. ac·cording to Dance Chairman RobertRlbelln. The theme wlll be Japan­elle .Commlttee ehalrmen are Mar.garet Kaa, P19143; Ida Davis.(P807; Sally Tompkins. Pl29; IvarLemaire, P8083. and U. R. Jack­llon, P2.503•

John Southwell, ,Jr.

A NOTS employee of thirteenyears. John \V. SOuth.....ell. Jr.•leaves today to accept a position ofBudget Officer at the Naval Ordn­ance Laboratory. Conona. PrevlollS­ly employed at NOTS China Lake,John has headed the budget branc!lof Underwater Ordnance Depart·ment for the pallt six years.

A farewell luncheon in his hon­or was held al noon yesterday atRancho HlIIcrest.

Southwell entered fedcral ser­vice B.'l a CAF-2 In 1944. Rapid pro­motions followed until his prelentposition at NOL Ccrona as a GS-12.

For his outstanding performanceIn developing blldget operations hewas awarded the Navy's SuslalnedSllpcrior Performance Award in


Eml Yamasaki, 1'8082. Third rolV (I. to r.) are: EdithAlIs.rd,·cc, 1'80t4; Est.her Alles, P1M; Sue Burt,P9OO6; Mabel Quinn. 1'5:)1; Pe«g)' Hlg«lns. l'3lJ; Fran,Johnlion, P50S; Arline Lockridge, P80U; WinnieHa,'ne-s, 1'84»3; /Hebel DrelI8ler. P193: Julia Kinard,P8006; Ida. Da\·I". 1'807; \flrjtlnln Cortese, Pt9. Kotpresent were: Ga)'le Lake. P1OO1; lnarloll l\JeCread~',

P659; I'al Connor, P8027i i\lina Fortuna, P8O-I; Dor.oth)' Bowman. 1'808: Helen Hahll, P80lW; Sollhle Le\·.enthal, Pl90t; /Hary Mahan. Pl!l16; l\lart)· Palrlek,PS09I; Louille \Veslerman. P55t"; Iv)' Otscone. )'801:,Jennie Oshiro, P8023i lHntilda Pollock, P8Oll9: :Sa·dine nolJhl>lon. 1'80901; Palsy Sando\..:!, 1'8093; E,·e·1.)"11 lHeDonald, PS09, and &rniee !Uorri§on, PMII.Behind eo·er,· 8ucces§ful man Is bls secretar,·.

oceanographic r-t!cordlng. as nced­ed. Provide t.echnical supervi.9ion ofup to " Electronic Mechanics. B.'J reoquil'ed to carry out dlllles.

Eleetronle Mechanic, Code PS891.Operale and maintain electronicinstrumentation. under lupervlslonof a senior Electronic Technician..Work will cover areas of landlineand telerecordlng. landllne and ra­dio timing. clOlIed circuit television,rldar and end Instrument ope.rationand calibration. Duty will be atLong Beach with part time at SanClemente Island.

Contact 1l1uine John, Ext. 103/lOt.

New Station FilmSet For Showing

The mOllt recent rilm describingthe Station's 1V0rk and miJl.sion."U.s. Naval Ordnance Test Station_New Frontiers In Ordnance," Is'Jeheduled for showing at NOTSPasadena on April 8 and 9. at Z p.m.and again at 2:30 p.m. on both day.i,In the Bllilding 7 confcrence room.

Offices are asked to stagger al­tcndance so that all personnel mayhave an opportllnity to see the film.

The mo\·ie. IVhich is 20 minutes Inlength. Includes both China Lakeand Pasadena activities.

Waller D. S)'berg

A recent recipient of a federalgovernment twenly-year pin i~

"'alter D. Syberg. an ordnance in­llpcctor (expcrlmental) of the En­gineering Department. Quality En.gineering Dlviaion.

Before coming to NOTS. Syber,J:'\VB! employed at Terminal IslandNavy Yard. He has been with NO'rSfor nine years.

He has also served two hitches.in the U.s. Navy-on "everythingfrom a battleship to a ,ubmarine."

Secretaries Relieve Professional Personnel of Time.Consuming Details

20·Year Pin Recipientr


nober~ E. Gr.t.ttOll

Robert E. Gratton recenUy re­ceived two service pins-one forfive years lervicc at NOTS. and theother representing twenly )'ears..... ith the federal government.

Gratton, a scnior electronic en·gineer. Is employed in UOO's Tor­pedo f)c"elopment Division in thetorpedo design branch.

Prior to joining NOTS. he waswitb the \Veather BUl'@au and CivilAeronautical Administralion In\-Vashington. D.C. His radar stormwarning network for tornado de­tection i~ still in WIC and led to hiabeing Iillted in "Who's Who In theMidwest" and alao In "Who's Whoin the South and Sollthwc!t."

Chernis~ (Ph)'slcal), 65-9;1"D No.2~881'1. Code 1'8(17. Preparation ornew fllCI formulations for torpedopropubion and the measurementand evaluation of their physleal andchemical propenlel. These Includeviscosity. stability, density andrheology In general. Thermodyna­mic calculallons on variOUS com­bUllion procesaes will alao be re­quired from time to time.

Eleetronle Technlelan (lnslnl'mentatioll), 6So9. I'D Ko. S6033.Coo'" 1'309. Responllible for altera­tion. Improvement, operatlOll. main­tenance and repair of PCM radiotiming system. and an}' sllbsequenttiming systems. Required to workin other af1!'as of rangc electronicinSlrumenlation. such aa landllneand free flight telemetering. radarand automalie plotting board. and

FOOTIULL SECHETAUIES - Iklit'\"ln~ IiClenllstsaud engioeeJ11 of mall)' tlme-eonsumlng admlnis!ra­th'e details, these P,,"dena lIC4lretarie>l function Inthe background to eue the \\":1" for IHofuslonat per.sonnet 10 carr" 0'\ relletlreh ami dll\"elopment of mod­ern weapon,. for our XaQ'. Foolhlllll-etlretaries scated(I. to r.) are: Su...n Guerriero, P.09-&; \'irKini.....ne,J>8012: Bllrbara Leisge. 1'3503: Hallle \\'llli8Cllle!er,1':!502; Dorolh)' KentlL.lI, 1~807; l\lal')' I(a)', P805:E\'el}'O T"ler, Pl092. Seiland row (I. to r.) nre: Oi)'m­pia. Tokuda.. 1'8lJij7; Shirlc,· l..ieberman, P4509; Pe«gyJuckiion. 1'5:)IS; Agnes AndeniOIl. P6S9; Fa"e De­JOllekhcuc. P8067; ,Jeannine "·olre. P807; 8&11)'Tompkins. PI29: Verna Kal,al, P7091l; \Vilma Roney,1'.09; Bernice Jones. 1'809; l\large Johnston, )'802:

s.."""1....., G.n..ol En.in_. 05-13. I'{)

21775. Cod. aOO2. Thil p<>oilioo lnvolvo. lhe...mmoriUlllon and .."I""lion or IOch~lcoi

"dmlni>l,oli.@. fioco!. <>pe."lIon OM pkln­n;n; in/.,..m"';..n. cOOl"dino'o' Ih. "'......ta_

tion of plo l"" f.... lo'iil"e, "M "dminl._I... ,i.. ",opa I., fevi ...... l""hnlCClI ptOl/r<I'"

pia", .ubm;"ed by ,pgnl.on, divi.;"" ~".10 d i.....doquocy "M OCC....oc, 0/ pkln.ning I' 0 biIlOl·monpOW.' o~d o...oli do-porlm.n!QI flnol'lCi,,1 ".pecI. 'I..", ..nd c...",d'nol.. lta,n,"II 01 "dmini.I... 'iv. "nd IKh­n; ...1 "".oon",,1.

S.."""i_, Gont<ol E"",'n_. (;5-13. '02.,... Cod. 3011. 0 1"" p.oi.<' pion ..p'ovid. 'ochnl<ol lioi.on <110 ..g@ncl.. u.i"ll'" p.op...i"" 10 U'e the trockl. Spoci/, Ie"obj""live•• do'a ,1Iq"i.e....nts. 1@0l .. nd ,,01·""lion ""..ot<lu,e.. C..nduci .e"'. anol,...o'u;,. "ne! ....1....1. Ie" I..Ioni<l..... All...<010 ond oUlhoti••••POndi..... 01 p,..l"'"lund...nd ",epar. co.1 ..limol.. "nd "'...1"'" bvdgoll.s.."""i_, Go.......1 Engl_, GS-13. I'{)

21733, Cod. 3O~1. Heod. P'OIKIO 8,ol'lCh. 'Ifu.. hol""'i",, Oi.I n .. t R"nd.burg Wa.Io. Promotlonaa..pon.ibl. I... "Io i"ll. 'o....""'i"" "nc! ...porling I.., ond 1""'''''' ",_"m, on in- Op ortunl'tl'eSliu.nc<I I f 1..110. "nd ",oioctlie.. AI. P!tocti"", "'OII."m. I.......hlclo tIM ..niQu.!. ..:..: _

loclllli.. 0.. bell ."hed. <lnd ",Igi""'i"llnew I ....niq.....s..,....i_, Mochonlc..1 r""i..... (o.d_none.). 0$..13. 1'026121. Coo. «121. "I/>On­,lbI. f.... dov.lopmonl of _ .... m",••ochl.,.,. ,,,idod ml..ile _. ly.I.",.. f._conceptl_ thl 10 '_'_nlol ",od""'i""10 pelnl ........e 1 ""'1 COlInlUlnc. pa.... I..E""l.....i"ll Oop,. ConII"",. 0' CG'IIull.. nr...bon .,11'", "Ioced In .......lc. ond IOClic,,1u.e. T I.. 01 I....nlcal dl'oction ClCCUO"'...ho-n '110 pon goo. Into pllol product;"",I,orn Ihl. poinl on. Cod. 402 'etoin. On i .....1....., i.. lhe ......pon In 0 .:o<>.ult"'i•• UI­paC;I,.

fil ...p"lic..lI..n for ohov. POIlllon....l.hfo_ HOl'Cock. '.oon",1 'Ida.. ._ 34,h,. 7UI4 b, A".il 10. '959.

_ .......<01 f""i ....... GS·' oM GS.ll.Cod.~S'. hpO,i.l'IC. In m.ign. ot ....101 po."momloclwing "nd produelion de.i.n. or"' t d..illn ... ilh o.pO'ionco In .IeeIH,-m ni ...1 li.ld.

fil. opplicOli"" f", obov. PO.I'i ..n ...ilhWondo 'ull..l. ' .......,.1 .Idg.......... al •h •. 71641 br A",lI 10. 19~9.

They Also ServedNo job Is too big or too small for

the Marine Barracks pcI'llOnnel.Lt. V. C. Pedel"3en and his staff

ensured a fun-packed Easter EggHunt llponsorcd by the Navy WivesClub for the children of enlistedmen on Satllrday before Easter.

Regulations RequireDogs Be Inoculated

Your pet. you, your children and>'our neighbol'l!, are In danger If ra·bies inoculations have not been giv­en to household pets.

Anyone of the 21 China Lakepeople bitten by dogs so far lhi~

)·"ar, might have been blUen by arabid dog. The consequences couldha\'e been horrible. Il's a mattcr ofleU-protection to have YOllr dog orcat vaccinated-i.f ~'our dog doesbite som_ne nner IntK:ulation.)'ou11 know there'l no danKer ofrabi!'8 transmittal.

During the first three month~ of19.59, only 700 of the 1200 or morlldogs on the Stalion, ha"e been in­oculated. Only onc infected animalmay. In time. C8UllC a rabies epi­demic. Rabies Is an acute, rapidlyfatal. paralytic vims infectioncommunicated through a auscepti­ble - or non-Inoculated - animalthrough an open .....Ollnd, such as abite.

Kern Ccunty Ordinances andSlation regulations require that alldogs on the Station be vaccinatedagainst rabies and licensed each)·car.

Failure to vacclnate and license)'our animal is consider-t!d a misde,meanor and Is puniahable by a finenot to exceed $500, or six monthsin jail. or bolh.

Anyone bilten by a dog llhollldbe checked Immediately by his doc"tor. lnform Security (Ext. 72288) sothat the dog may be confined. Ifthe animal must be killed to pre­vent further attacks. it Should notbe ahot through the head. sincethe brain wlll have to be tested andmust be In good condition.

Protect your entire family-makesure your dog or cat received anannual anti-rabies Inoculation. andthat the animal wears a tag show­Ing proof of vaccination.

Insurance 'Premiums ,DuePESA hUiurance polle)'-holdel'8

hlu'c until Monda)', April 13 toPll)' April premium,. The office,located on thl' flr&t deck of theHousing Building will be Ollen un­til .5:t:) p.m. toeb,,)·, on April 6 andon April 18. A twenty-fh'e centlate charge will be made for pay­llIf'nts reeeh'ed after the eto!!ingdate.



Sport SlantsBy "OIiuek" tlMcolti

Athletic Director



4.·.········.·.···.·····Onb' JleNon~ eurrentl)· emplored

on this Station rna)' allllt)· for th{'following IlOslllon" :lnd up-tO-dateForm 58 ,hould be l!iubmitted whenappl~·ing.

Cl..k-S.._oplo.... 05-312-3. '0 12731_1.Cod. 6.501. [email protected] lor maki"" opPOin'­....nTo..."'..... i"ll 1M ,.1'1'100.,.. ,ok,,,,, "ndtronoc,ibi"ll Ioll~.., .01' 1•••" .. flll"ll "lid""sc.llo""",. c1@l"ic,,1 .

hu.'ory (GMT). G5-3l1", po 26301. Coclo~nl. P.......... I "nd I.~ CO"'OC"....vi_ing and compOli"" , .......l>C"'donc•• abo10ining ond p pa';ng 'nl",mo"on 1T1""m1.....,•• of i""•• ,edtnl...1 ,epcwl ",Ie.filln\! "M Ie";"" up Ill mil<. d""I .

(j.d,.."c f n. I , (I ..." .......nlol;on),0S4,j.12. '0 31662-1. C'"'" .»6. De ..ood "",.Iop<nenl of In,"......nl"'i..n ar:-Ojecl bo.i., do.i.n. dov.lapmon..... anoly­lit ..n '1>0<101 problem. ("", on " ",,,ioelba.i,}, I«"niaol 1i..1..... ,,"" ••pre"''''.. 'i.....,"nd ""'.'-0..' ..I lunl", ""'lI1 I.

11.."",,;c Scionll" (In.."' n'.lion}. OS·1312.11. PO 31669·1, Coo.- .»6. InclHTlbenl_k. "'Inc.....!!, .... " ptoioct bo.l....llk ' ..lpoonoibllili•• r<lngi"ll I,..... the ",e>pot-al ondp..limino., stud, pho.. 1....""lIh ""'.........l.. ,i..... Dull•• Incluelo deol.n ..nd dov.l"",_nl, onolVli. ond lechniaol c......dinoll.....

filo .pplic.,I..n I obove- _ilion. willoMildrad leek. 1' 1 Ildsl.••oam 26. bl.12723 by A",i1 10. 1951'.

Clerk (GMT). GS4, '0 2"'3. Cod. )071.D"'i.. lnclud. lyping ..I ",.",......ndum•• oW·ci"i ''''.e'p<on<Hoc•• 1«lInic,,1 ..pottl (NAV.ORO. TPI. TMI. p'.pa.alion 01 dol" lor .hip­.....nl ... <O""OC'''''. "nil lIO....,,1 lKt..ori .. ldu'lo•••uch 01 tlm.kHpo-r ond .....p';..ni.t.

Frid.y, April 3, 1959

The Commander'll Trophy Bo.....l­Ing League play ended last weekwith the NOTS team winning thechamplonllhip. Membenl of the win­ning team and their averages areJoe Dale, 172; George \Vargo, 170;Ray Radcliff, 168: JlUlles Allen. 163;Arnold Franz, 160: Donald \Valker,162, and Walter Rhode.a, 168. Indi­vidual trophlel wlll be awarded toeaeh member of the team.

Trophies will also be awarded toNAF for lhe high team three-game5Crle.a (2637l. Ken Vollmerl, NAF.will be awarded a lrophy for thehIgh. Individual three-game 6Crics(636). Fred Tripp, VX-lI, won a tro-

. llhy for the highest Individual game(268): George Wargo. NOTS. wonhis trophy for being the most im­proved military bo..... ler on the Sta.tion. George carried a 147 averagelast year and wound up wilh a 170avcrage for this sea.son.

The American Bowling CongressIs also awarding patchel to eachmember of the winning team. pluss patch to Robert Dausch, Gltru-6l,for bowling three Identical gamesIn the same series. George \Vargoalso reeeived a belt buckle for themoet Improved bowler from ABC.

Commander's Troph,· StandingsTeam \\'on LostNOTS _.38 10NAF ..._...._~__._. ~ 13Gl'tW-2,5 __....__~ 24 24VX-li _._.... .._....... 22 26:r.1CGMTU .._. 19 29:MArine Barracks __... 19 29

'G1oW-61 ~.._ 11 37Baseball

Captain J. G. Baker, MCGMTU.manager of the Station blUleballteam. Is tltllI looking for !JOme In­fielders and outfielders for his ballclub. Practice lIClllllons are heldeach aftemoon from 4:30 to 6 p.m.and on Satllrdays from 10 a.m. to12 noon at Schoeffel Field.

Intramurall'olle)'ballApriI7-NAF vs. GMU-2S, 6 p.m.April 7-NOTS Vll. AOD-2, 7 p.m.April 7-MCGMTU v•. M.B" 8 p.m.April 9--AOD-l VII. Per.• 6 p.m.April 9--AOD-2 Vll. MCGMTU. 7 p.m.April 9--GMU-26 VII- NOTS, 8 p.m.

Burrough, Relll.)·>lThe Annllal Burroughs Relays

will be held at Kelly Field Satur.da)·. April 4th at 12:00 noon. Schoolsparl!cipatlng are Lone Pine, Bishop,Barstow. Trona, Palmdale, BigPine, Victor VlI.lley and Bllrroughs.AdmiSSion ill 7.5 cents for adults.

\"olle,'ball StandingsTeom \\'onNAF _.. .._.._.._ _6

Engineering .._ .._ _.__ ..6

.~~-~...::~==::::::=::=:=~-=:CMU-2.5 _ .._ _.. 4'MCGMTU _._. _..3AOD·l _ ... .._.._ __.2

Ch'l!Ian Personnel _._._1NOTS _._ .._.._ _0

Marine BarraeluJ ..._..._ ..0

Friday, Apr;! 3, 1959

Rocketeer DeadlinesNews, Tuesday. 4:30 p.m.Photoa, Tuc:M!.ay, 11:30 a.m.



~"'"U.s. NAVAL 0I.0NANC!mT n.TION

Chines L..,,-. C..lif.Capl.i" W. W. Holllol", USN

Sl"'..... eomm........

''''''d Clot! ldilw/'hill,. W..I. .....-. fd/l-.(;I.nl'lOl ,",0""" S"'fl W,l""

II. l. l,I... ,,"3 n full ". ,".N/'ho' plo .

Art ill"""OI;On 10, TecltnlC01I l..fo<..",1or1lO.,...,_nl.

Offlu. H..u,ing S..lldi"lll 3~T.Io"""..... 713S<l. 71''', non

'ASADENAGorlo Loh __._._~. .~ C<>rI"._nd.nt

'honor hl."2Sho.~n. A.. E.•I..d<. D. Sanehat.


/'rinl"" _~1, loy Hubbard Pflnll""...""..",..t. Collf.• willo .._ ..",i,,"d fund. I.. _plione....i,Io NAVEXOS 1'-3,.

The lock._, ,...1........_d ""c.. Pf...$<I.vlc. mo .... la1. All oro ..ffid.., U.S. H....,1''''"'''' ..nle.. o',,",wi...ptelfled.


Center office.I~AF·r Club Semi

Two dances are lIeheduled on theRAFT Club agcnda for the montb.of April. The HApril Showers"Dance tonight haa "The ConstelhlHtiOruil" playing a request retUJ'n enHgagement. The decorallng commit.tee has done a splendid job In dee.orating the Club with novel flowerarrangemenl.s and gaily fctlloonedumbrellas (not guaranteed to keepoft the raindrops). Salurda~·. April2.5. will be the "Blrthda)' Party"Dance night with music by theRAFT Club's own musical combo,A note to Club membel'll-dancingat both events \\111 be from 8:SOp.m. until 11:30 p.m.

Dance cl8.llse~ on Wcdnesds)' e\'e­Illng are now at a later and moreconvenient time. Le.sons will beconducted from 8 p.m. to 9 p.rn.Anrone wishing to learn the basicdance step!> or the very lat~t InCha-Cha or "what have you" comein on \Vednesdsy evening and retwith thc dancing.

Pool tournamcnts arc held every:Monday night; table glUlle. onTuesday; Ping-Pong tourneys onThursday, and on Friday, there 15always music for th03C who wl.hto dance. Ping-Pong and Pooltournament winners for last weekwcre Mel Holden and Norman Carr.For all those wanting something toeat. lhe Snack Bar opens at ,5 p.m.and remains open until Club clos­Ing time, which Is 10 p.m. durIngthe week and 11 p.m. on Salurdaynight.

China Lake .'jlm Societ)·"The Young and the Damned"

will be the next Film Soclcly shoW.Ing lo be held at the CommunityCenter on April 6 and 7 at 8 p.rn.at the Community Center. This isa Mexiean film of 1951, a savaged ram a of jll\'enlle dclinquencyfilmed with stunning realism_ Thefilm examines the outaklrts of Mex.ieo City where adolescent gangsfight each other out of fear, hate,lawlelltlness and hungcr. This show­Ing also Includcs a short subject.

nOSltlll0lld 60ld !\lIne ToursIn April. Rosamond will hold

tours to the gold country In thi~

Southern Kcrn County area. Oneof thc state'a oldest gold mlnel, theTropico, Is open to visitors the )'eararound for the second ~·ear. Vlsl·tors may dig their own gold.

N"lltiOlUlI Orange ShowThe 44lh Nallonal Orange Show

will be held In San Bernardino fromA!>ril 23lhrough Ma)' 3. This South·ern California springtime spcc:taclewill feature continuous frt"e suigeentertainmcnt, rodeo. gcm and min­erai show. jalopy and midget autoraces, world's largest model rail.road. mighty quarter·mldget races,tropical fish and bird show andwaler skiing. In addition to the In~

triguing exhibits fashioned largelyof oranges. S)lcc:ial admission tick·ets will be availablo at lhe Com.·munit)· Center office.

AP•. 1

API. 11

...,.. '·10


NOTS Civi< Con'''1B,iSp",.

Nodi ... Co"'.... ond f~.... Conl.y


II:" o.m....-.1<011 d;..<lI, n-om lho

.ock.,_ oHl...Mond .., I....o"lillo f,ido,

KRCK 11360)7,20 ".m. 12::1'0 p.m. .:3.5 1'.""

M..nd .., ......."lillo f,id",

..........lINH"OUN oun IN DU....NGO" (7. Min.)

Geoo-g& Monlg_orySHOtTS, "PuPl), r"I." (7 Min.I

"Wild aili H'clr.ok" ClIop'''' No. 13 (18 M,~J


MAlINU"'''''d.., .nd Sund.., _ 1 , .....


TODAY A'•. 3"flur MAN INTO S''''Cf'' (n Min.)

Mo"holl Thomp....... Mc>,klloncllSclenc..ficlion. Novy le.1 pll.., ,.. lui. ,ock.

or pia", in'O 'P<l<' ond lincl. weird ...." ..._U. d...I. (0";. hopponltll/. occur on eo,,10...Ioon h••ell....n••

SIiOUS, "f;•.....-ork. f... froedorn" (9 Mln.l"Th. Wilde"," tU M,n.)


(76 iol1n.lJ(>l,n <:0"011. Co,;n"" Calvol

W..to.n. CCllll. wo.. OM ",,,,,n.,, .lIngleod '" hl.od g.." '0""" InlO 1M f<CIY. W.oil·",d@r W;,•• Cf&<l·' ............ooc a. i.....lo.y!"'c..."00'00.." g"I.,.,..

SHOR1S, ·'Bu.yb:<ly 8M.~ {71,1,;"_1"P~"ocriy M"rn,,,od" (I! M n.)




B..ddy Ho.1Un...",,1 II..., 01 " "V070bonc!" Gorm"n

.hophord dOg. PO$.."ocl 01 humon 'I....Ullo.ond undo..."nd;ng, ond 0 lomb.

SHaUS. "S!>Hdy Gort... I.... 11 MJn.l"Wild &;11 Hick""" Chop'o, No. 12 (IB Min.)

fVfNlNG"IT'S GU...T TO If YOUNO" (78 M'n.j

Jol1n MIll•. Cedi Po,k...Comody. Hi""" 'lIO<ho, I. devoled I:> 3

B'.-Iloch. s..e'hcwon OM Bo"elhcN... H.l/OI. In 0 I"'" "lid i••a ••" b, hi••,lIdon...10," 01 tr.. ,:, in ,hi, I'g'" ..",y.

SHORTS, "G"f"OUM Cope<." (9 M,nJ"H",.; ..• Noune:!" (16 Min.)

" ......••.....•.••...•..........•.•.•.......... '•~W.fuda<j).o.UuJ

EI~ VI:CVI:4.TI(),...~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••••••••• R•••••••

By ]tln Com, Rtcrutit)n Dirtclor

Don Ricardo and his NBC orchestra will plar for theadult Station dance on Saturdar. April II. Dancing willbegin at 9 p.m.

Reservations are not required butwill be taken for group, of clghtor more to Insure adequate sealingarrangemcnts for largc groups. Callthe Community Center office, Ext.72010. lor reser-·ations.

Cbli-Cha Le"!MlnsFor more dancing fun learn the

Cha-Cha! Lessons will begin onTuc&day, April 14 Ilt 8:30 a.m. atlhe Anchorage. The class will beheld for five wcc:ks and will cost$6 for ch'i!ians, $2..50 for military.Register now at the Community

........,..." ..........


WEDNESDAY ""1.•..LONELYHE....1S" (102 Min.)

M..nlg.........y (I,h, Robe'l lyOn. M"no to,0",,,.... S,"', 01 0 ..n"hve y....ng ""lI .

Iol.ad by pubh....r· • ....10. wh.. I, 0 "'·p .....ed by h;. ,eoder'. p,obl.",. d.spl,. lhobo..·• c,ni,;"n. Cornpl.,. c!,......hco-a""'1T In,k.me.

iSHOl!T, "Unlroined 5«>1" (7 Min.)

MarchTrdffic Vio.lations

"OI~OA" (10' Mln.la"o Ha\'WO'",h. Glenn f",d

o...mo, y"",ng ...rnt<IC.......ork. lor ....lno(>pot",o. In Sou.Io Ame.i.... Ow.... brl"".bock " ne...... :1....ho i. on old 110m...IIh. """..lc"n OM .pa,'" 11,1 ' ...0 10IIg' ond" ......id ...",bol

SHORT, "Meg",,'1 Homec:oml"ll" (1 MJn.)


-------------1 SAW.DAY

'l'uesCIayAlkoll A....I. (/Itod.1 Airpla....), _h, H..bb,

Shop••,dl/BCt..I. 7 p .....

MUW. "'''' Communi., C.nNt, 7:30 p.m.AlIa' $0<1..,. SI. Ann'•• 4th. Knl.IoI. of Co­

llII'nb... Holl•• p.m.Amootlcon t ..l_, hi " .... 3d......Tl.... r..

"I..n H..II. 7,30 p.m."-ic..n l"'..n A..... hI, 3d. leg'..n H..n.

7:)0 p.m.CAP, l..,...k..n Sq. 12 (S...lo..), 2d ond 4110.

l..\,ok A"_I•• p.m.Comm it, C....neil. 2d ond ~IIo, C""""unll,

C.n'-. 7,)0 p.m.f"'bI.... Cl..b. 101. 3d. flk. lodllO•• p.m.fi,.fl.M........n.••'h. Com. C.nl•• 7,30 p.m.Moo>o. hI. 3d. MooM Holl, • p.m.",...,hlni.l.. Inl'l ".n.. "'2. hI ..ncI 3d. C_

munity C.nl.'. 7,:10 p.m.00.1. Gordon Cl..b••,10, '_...lion IIdg.•

llldsJea..1 Covnt, rOl•• ',30 ...m.W......n of 110. Moo... 2d ond ~Ih. Moo..

H..II•• 1'.""

"'ec1nesda,.....1.,... & p,oI"...i"",,1 W......n. 2d. ~,Io,. p.m.CAl'. Chi"" toh Sq••• (Cod."l. eoell. ....

, ...."" HI.... Ildli. S<l. 7,1.5 p.m." ..fililol... ".n., .Ih. C..m. C.nl.... 1,)ll 1'.....I"'" W_n· 2d••'h, C..unt, .Id'il..

Ridgoct..,. 7:30 p .

IWV Spor" Ccw Club. 2d. C...... Cif•• p.m.Jun..... Ardot<,. _h. $7-1 .<>wo. ,,:Ill p.m.Nfff, 101. Co""" ..nlty Cut 7,)0 p.m.Mooonic lodllO••...,h. "' k r....pl•• 7 p.m.N.OC 11·1. 2d••'h 1001. Mich. loll,

7:)0 p.m.W......n·. H",mon, SI......, oo<h, """'-.......

• p.m.

ThunidllYAI..._ Sq•• fit. f. ''''7Ih. _h. 100..

1001. Micholoon tob, • p.m.Cho•• CluI>. _h. ......hot..... 7 p.m.Go_I Done........,10. Com. C.nl", • p.m.0...1 Devil., oo<h. J....... Mo...... Sclo...l, 7 p.m.Elk•• _h. flh locIlIO, • p.h.100f, lot ond 3d. Co....., ,Id••• p.m.Lodi....I C..h....b.... 2d. kC H..II. 7,30 p.m.PT ('.." ..u.".l. 2d. Cof" ... i ..... 7:30 p.m.a ".. M;dllO' A...... 2nd ond .'h, Co.........

nil, C.n''', 7,30 p.m.S.... i.,., 3d. Am. l ..lon H.. II. 6,30 p.m.Scolli.Io ait 2d. C....nl' 'Id~. 7,30 p.m.T..c"I_.I N... '53••och. C.O. Club. ".,

p.m.T ,....., N... 899••...,11. Hilkowoy. 7 p.m.ro "';." Club. 2d ..ncl ~Ih. pia.. o' .....

n_need. 6:30 p.m.VfW. 2d ..nd 41h. VfW H.. II. 7,30 p.m.

Frida".oItek..Io 1odg. (N.... t2l. hI ond 3d. C....niJ

Sldll.•• p.m.S i.....•• A..n.• 101. Sup""ia",'. H..I. 11:30

0 .

Dru~k 'drivlng'.__.._ .._ ..,_ _... ::Speeding ..._ _ _..__.._.._.._ _. $I

Hit and run _._ _ _ _..._.. .. 1Reckles~ driving _ 1Running stop sign __ 3Driving on barricaded street ._.. 1megal parking ...._.._.._..._.. _. 20Defective \'ehlcles ,.__._.._..__ 6No operalOrs license __.... ._... 1

SUN.·MON. A'" .5-6"TIlE YOUNG L...NO" (90 Mi...1

P~t W.. ,"". Y.o~c,e ero'1,)W,,"·.n. Tu.",~; •• ,~:.. when A ,icon

_________________ 1 ~nt. YG\l~1 """~;,on du-;~. po"~.i n "'0'pt<;oc!.

SHOR:TS, ·'0ui•• of I!',e E~~i." ne M'n.l


Wha6 :J)oing.~~~

,Clip and SavePublished once a month as a com­

munit)· ser\·lce.

Mona.,.AFGf. 2d. Communi', C.n'.,. 7 .......,...n Chemitol Sod.ty. lot.• 1' .

CAP. In,ol...n Sq. 12 (Cod."l. ,0,10. In,...k"'n AkPOrt, 7 1'.....

CPO Wi... Club. 2d. CPO Club•• 1'.....

Chino Lok. ao...m.n. ~,Io, Ar,Io..., Hut, 57·1ao_. 7:30 1'."'.

Communil, W......n·. Club. hi. M..IoocII.1CIou«Io $o<iol Holi. Rid';l"''''. I p.m.

OAV. C"""I... 13'. h'. C I' IldsJ.• 7:30 1'.....

OAV A..... 2d•• '10, C n'y II.... 7 1'.....0._. Arl t"'I1"', 101 0 .... 3rd. Mdoof.,.,7:30 p.m.

£o.'-n Sl... 2d, ~IIo. Mlnonlc T.mpl••• p.m.Ju..101 Rlfl. CIvI>. ~11t. VfW HoU. 6:30p.m.No,ionol Soi__•. 3d. COM. 6 1'.""

N.v, W ..... hi, 3d, N"., Wi... ClubloOllJe,7:30 p.m.

0........ Club. 2d. C C.nl... 7:30 p.m.'ockho..nd.....clo••ock nd H..I. 7 p.m.'.N. Clull. ~tlo. Co......unil, C.nlilr•• p.m.SpUSQS.....och. H..I II•• 1'."'.Supen-ilOl" A...., hI.. S""'''IOI'. Hul.' p.m.

•.. -........

What Has NATO Accomplished?This six-point sun'e)' measures the path the Organiu.tion has tuv·

tied since its inception:

• The Alli;lnce has fulfilled its primary objel;:til'c: pcace has beenpreserved in Europe and on the North American contintnt, ;lnd the6Ccurity of the membet statts has been assured.

• Soviet expansion westward has been halted. Not one ~quare inchof territory in Europc has fallen under Soviet domination since theiignature of the Treat}'.

• The Tuat)' has been instrumental in setting up a unified defense,y~tem, which lias thus far provided effecti\'e prorction to the membersof the Alliance.

• Despite the butden imposed by their militarr obligations, the COun­tries of the Alliance h3ve increased their economit: prosperity and raisedth~ir st~ndard of living.

• The member countries hne developed a sptem of remarkablyc1~ and effective politi,;al cooperation in connection ""ith problems.rising out of their relations with the Soviet bloc.

-. They have laid the foundations of increased cooperHion In theeconomic, 5'ienti£ic and technical fields.


.The North Arbnric Tre~tr Orginiz:nion (NATO), cornerstone of

U.S. mi!'tary and foreign polie)' toward Europe, wiU celcbnte its 10thanniversary tomorrow, April 4, with the North Atlanrit Council meet·ing in Washington to commemorate the day.

The Council is compost'd of foreign ministers of the 15 NATOcountries-ehuter members Canada, Belgium, Denmark. Funce, Ire­bnd, Italy. Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norw:ay Portugal, the Unit­ed Kingdom and the United SC,l.IeS, with Gree" and Turkc)· joining thealli,loce in 19S2 and West German)', in 19H-and is the supreme 1\1­

thoriry of the alliance.Formed in 1949, ag1inst a background of increasing world-wide

Communist aggression, the crc:.trion of NATO did not violate an)' ofthe principles of the United Nnions nor did it require that a membernation sacrifice an)' of its narional sovereignty.

Primarily a military alliance, in real purpo!iC is pea,e, nOt war. Themembers have pledged that each will regard an armed attack upon anyone of them a~ an armed attack upon all.

The military task for,e of NATO is to defend a line which runshalfway across the ""orld, from the Aleutians to the Middle East. InEurope, the line strt"tches for 1,000 miles from tlie northfrn tip ofNorway to the eastern edge of Turkey.

To date, all commanders-in-chief of the Organization have beenU.S. generals. The first was Gen. Dwight D. EiSt'nhower, follo~'fd, byGen. Malthew Ridgwa)', Gfn. Alfrl.'d GruClllher and Gen. bum Nor­iud, prC$Cnt commander.

Headquarters of NATO are at Paris and occupanc), of the perma·nfnt buildings is expected during 1919.

The Military Committee is the senior military authority in NATOand reports directly to the Council, l;:omposed of the Chiffs-of-St.affof the member countries. The Military Committee has an uecutlvebody and a working agency called the "Standing Grou~" co~prising

representatives of the military chids of Francf, the Umtfd Kmgdomand the Uniled States.

It is at thl."SC higher levels that various national policies .ue har­monized so as to produce a NATO policy al;:cepnble to all members.Th~ policies art" then handed down to the major NATO commands,all of equal status. The four commands are the European Command,the Atlantic Ocean Command, the Channel Committee and ChannelCommand and the Can;lda-U.S. Regional Planning Group.

AltTlSTS_OF_TUE_IUO:-"il'H_I-'eatured at the Station Ubrar)' durin;­the month or April will be a llpeth" uhlblt or l!ict'.ller)" del!ii~n and an.forms alltloclated "'lIh pia,' production. Nancy /He-Io,', lI\Centl painter, andAlan Fou!le. !>«ne dt$iJner. di"pla,' IICener)' for ","bll To A SmallPllInet" sehedllied for tua)' I and 2. Other art contriblltlon!! will be an oil

, painting b)' /Uan-In Saeknt:ln. a l)()Sh'r de>litn h)' 6Mlee AUan•• ",tatuedeslgll b,' '..ang and AgfiC') E"k~ and numerOll." photo, b,' Bud 8e,\\""II.
