7/23/2019 APACC for Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/apacc-for-accreditation-and-certification-of-tvet-institutions-in-the-asia 1/12 APACC for Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel  Acting President, APACC and  Officer-in-Charge, CPSC  ADB, Manila, 1-2 Dec 2015

APACC for Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region

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Page 1: APACC for Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region

7/23/2019 APACC for Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region

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APACC for Accreditation and

Certification of TVET Institutionsin the Asia Pacific Region

Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel

 Acting President, APACC and

 Officer-in-Charge, CPSC

 ADB, Manila, 1-2 Dec 2015

Page 2: APACC for Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions in the Asia Pacific Region

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Boston Consulting Group analysis – ratio of working-age to total population kept constant 

Thailand  ASEAN


Potential Surplus Working Age Population 2020(millions):

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Regional $o5ilit, of

6or4force and 7ualifications


Recognition of 7ualit,

7ualit, I+*rove+ent


Regional 8et6or4 of 

7ualit,-assured Institutions

E+*lo,er 9 Pu5lic


7ualit,-assured 9




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Goverence and $anage+ent

Teaching 9 :earning

-acult, 9 'taff 

Research 9 Develo*+entE%tension; Consultanc, 9 :in4ages


'u**ort to 'tudents




(ron)e 'ilver Gold

Institutional Accreditation


Source: APACC

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'elf-'tud, 5,

A**licant Institution

E%a+ination 9 Anal,sis

5, APACC on 'elf-'tud,

of A**licant Institution

>n-'ite Visit 5,

APACC on A**licant


Evaluation 9


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Pre-accreditation Process


on-site !isit"

#!aluation outco$e

The APACC ra+e6or4?

Accreditation 9 Certification Process

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Criteria %eightedP#ints

&' (#)ernance and Manage*ent 50

&&' +eaching and earning 120

&&&' aclt. and Staff /0

&' Research and De)el#*ent 50

' Etensi#n, C#nsltanc. andin"ages


&' Res#rces 110

&&' S#rt t# Stdents 50

  +#tal 500

The APACC ra+e6or4?Criteria 9 Pointing ',ste+

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3  Accredited f#r ,ears'

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3  Accredited f#r #,ears'

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3  Accredited f#r ,ears'

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The APACC ra+e6or4?

Evaluation 9 A6ard ',ste+

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# Accredited TVET Institutions


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Rec#**endati#ns fr#* the 1st OnSite isit

&*r#)e*ents #!ser)ed dring theReaccreditati#n

#r*late a aclt. De)el#*entP#lic.'

aclt. and staff de)el#*ent##rtnities are r#erl. a)ailed andare i*le*ented acc#rding t# theneed assess*ent sr)e. and faclt.de)el#*ent #lic.' 40 target isachie)ed'

Strengthen C#nsltanc. and in"agesasects #f C#nstrcti#n C#llege'

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 A s.ste* f#r tracer stdies *st !ede)el#ed? sch stdies *st al:a.s!e c#ndcted f#r @alit. i*r#)e*ent'

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Thank You

Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel

 Acting President, APACC and Officer-in-Charge,