1 AP Chemistry Summer Assignment Welcome to college chemistry! Below is the full summer assignment with extra practice. If you want more information or help, see my website www.mrwestfieldsclass.yolasite.com Assignment: Things to buy: Lab Notebook: Lab Notebook 100 Carbonless Pages Spiral Bound; by Barbakam (Author) (about $18 on Amazon). Note: If you have a carbonless notebook from another AP science class you can use that if there are at least 50 pages left. Classroom Materials: 3” 3-ring binder, paper, scientific calculator, writing utensils. Things to Study and Practice: Take the three naming practice quizzes sometime near the start of school. Score yourself with the supplied answers. If you scored highly, then you will be ready to take the naming quiz we will have on the second day of school. Use the provided periodic table as a reference. If you want to improve your score, see my website for more practice and help. There is nothing to submit to me for the summer assignment. Just be ready for the quiz as there will be no re-takes. Again, welcome to our class. Please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions. During the school year, I will check this e-mail address regularly. During the summer, I plan on not checking e-mail often. Mr. Westfield SEE BELOW FOR EXTRA PRACTICE AND INFORMATION. SEE WEBSITE FOR VIDEO HELP.

AP Chemistry Summer Assignmentmrwestfieldsclass.yolasite.com/resources/AP_Chemistry/AP_Chem... · Water loosely attaches to many ionic compounds. Example: CuSO 4.5H 2 O ... Pb(OH)

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AP Chemistry Summer Assignment

Welcome to college chemistry!

Below is the full summer assignment with extra practice. If you want more information or help,

see my website www.mrwestfieldsclass.yolasite.com


Things to buy:

Lab Notebook: Lab Notebook 100 Carbonless Pages Spiral Bound; by Barbakam

(Author) (about $18 on Amazon). Note: If you have a carbonless notebook from

another AP science class you can use that if there are at least 50 pages left.

Classroom Materials: 3” 3-ring binder, paper, scientific calculator, writing utensils.

Things to Study and Practice:

Take the three naming practice quizzes sometime near the start of school. Score

yourself with the supplied answers. If you scored highly, then you will be ready to

take the naming quiz we will have on the second day of school. Use the provided

periodic table as a reference.

If you want to improve your score, see my website for more practice and help.

There is nothing to submit to me for the summer assignment. Just be ready for the

quiz as there will be no re-takes.

Again, welcome to our class. Please contact me at [email protected] if you

have any questions. During the school year, I will check this e-mail address regularly. During the

summer, I plan on not checking e-mail often.

Mr. Westfield




Nomenclature (Naming) Practice

Instructions: Use the material provided below to review naming.

Notes: This is for a REVIEW and will not tell you how to name. If you need help to understand

any of this, you can go to my website or use other materials to help. You can also send me an

email if you have specific questions.



Common Element/Symbol List

NOTE: Spelling counts. Capitalization counts on symbols. In a symbol, the first letter is

ALWAYS a capital letter. If the symbol has two letters, the second is ALWAYS a lower case


Hydrogen H

Helium He

Lithium Li

Beryllium Be

Boron B

Carbon C

Nitrogen N

Oxygen O

Fluorine F

Neon Ne

Sodium Na

Magnesium Mg (NOT Manganese!)

Aluminum Al

Silicon Si

Phosphorous P

Sulfur S (Sulphur is British spelling)

Chlorine Cl

Argon Ar

Potassium K

Calcium Ca

Scandium Sc

Titanium Ti

Vanadium V

Chromium Cr

Manganese Mn (not Magnesium!)

Iron Fe

Cobalt Co (not CO)

Nickel Ni

Copper Cu

Zinc Zn

Gallium Ga

Germanium Ge

Arsenic As

Selenium Se

Bromine Br

Krypton Kr

Rubidium Rb

Strontium Sr

Yttrium Y

Zirconium Zr

Palladium Pd

Silver Ag

Cadmium Cd

Tin Sn

Antimony Sb

Tellurium Te

Iodine I

Xenon Xe

Cesium Cs

Barium Ba

Tungsten W

Platinum Pt

Gold Au

Mercury Hg

Thallium Tl

Lead Pb

Bismuth Bi

Radon Rn

Radium Ra

Uranium U


Polyatomic Ion List for AP Chemistry Some Rules:

-ite is one less oxygen than the –ate {ex: nitrate (NO3-) to nitrite (NO2


Hypo- is one less oxygen than the –ite {ex: chlorite (ClO2-) to hypochlorite (ClO-)}

Per- is one more oxygen than the –ate {ex: chlorate (ClO3-) to perchlorate (ClO4


Hydrogen can be added to -2 or -3 ions to make a “new ion” {ex: H2PO4 – is dihydrogen

phosphate (note the – charge went up 1 for each H+ added)}

Strategy: Learn the bold ions below first. They are the most important. Then, learn the others.

Use the Rules above to help. Make flashcards and practice a few minutes daily until you get



ammonium, NH4+


acetate, C2H3O2-, or CH3COO -

chlorate, ClO3-

cyanide, CN-

hydrogen carbonate, HCO3- (also called bicarbonate)

hydroxide, OH-

hypochlorite, ClO-

nitrate, NO3-

nitrite, NO2-

permanganate, MnO4-

perchlorate, ClO4-


carbonate, CO3 -2

chromate, CrO4 -2

dichromate, Cr2O7 -2

peroxide, O2 -2

sulfate, SO4 -2

sulfite, SO3 -2


phosphate, PO4 -3

phosphite, PO3 -3


Periodic Table and Ionic Charges

You need to know:

1. Group 1A ions always have a +1 charge (i.e. Li+)

2. Group 2A ions have a +2 charge (i.e. Ca2+

3. Group 3A ions typical have a +3 charge (i.e. Al3+)

4. Group 4A ions vary

5. Group 5A ions typically have a -3 charge (i.e. N3-)

6. Group 6A ions typically have a -2 charge (i.e. O2-)

7. Group 7A ions typically have a -1 charge (i.e. Cl-)

8. Noble gases only form ions in extreme cases

9. Transitions elements typically have variable charge, however you need to know these

fixed transition element ion charges:

a. Silver ion Ag+

b. Zinc ion Zn2+

c. Cadmium ion Cd2+

Common Diatomic and Polyatomic Elements

These elements, when uncombined with other element, exist as diatomic or polyatomic elements:

Hydrogen H2 Nitrogen N2 Oxygen O2 Fluorine F2

Chlorine Cl2 Bromine Br2 Iodine I2 phosphorous P4

Common Names of Common Chemicals

1. H2O water

2. CH4 methane

3. NH3 ammonia


Water loosely attaches to many ionic compounds.

Example: CuSO4.5H2O copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate


Ionic Naming Practice 1

Name the following ionic compounds:

1) NH4Cl _____________________________________

2) Fe(NO3)3 _____________________________________

3) TiBr3 _____________________________________

4) Cu3P _____________________________________

5) SnSe2 _____________________________________

6) GaAs _____________________________________

7) Pb(SO4)2 _____________________________________

8) Be(HCO3)2 _____________________________________

9) Mn2(SO3)3 _____________________________________

10) Al(CN)3 _____________________________________

Write the formulas for the following compounds:

11) chromium (VI) phosphate _____________________________________

12) vanadium (IV) carbonate _____________________________________

13) tin (II) nitrite _____________________________________

14) cobalt (III) oxide _____________________________________

15) titanium (II) acetate _____________________________________

16) vanadium (V) sulfide _____________________________________

17) chromium (III) hydroxide _____________________________________

18) lithium iodide _____________________________________

19) lead (II) nitride _____________________________________

20 silver bromide _____________________________________


Answers: Ionic Naming Practice 1

1) ammonium chloride

2) iron (III) nitrate

3) titanium (III) bromide

4) copper (I) phosphide

5) tin (IV) selenide

6) gallium arsenide

7) lead (IV) sulfate

8) beryllium bicarbonate

9) manganese (III) sulfite

10) aluminum cyanide

11) Cr(PO4)2

12) V(CO3)2

13) Sn(NO2)2

14) Co2O3

15) Ti(CH3COO)2

16) V2S5

17) Cr(OH)3

18) LiI

19) Pb3N2

20) AgBr


Ionic Naming Practice 2

Name the following ionic compounds:

1) NaBr __________________________________

2) Sc(OH)3 __________________________________

3) V2(SO4)3 __________________________________

4) NH4F __________________________________

5) CaCO3 __________________________________

6) NiPO4 __________________________________

7) Li2SO3 __________________________________

8) Zn3P2 __________________________________

9) Sr(CH3COO)2 __________________________________

10) Cu2O __________________________________

11) Ag3PO4 __________________________________

12) YClO3 __________________________________

13) SnS2 __________________________________

14) Ti(CN)4 __________________________________

15) KMnO4 __________________________________

16) Pb3N2 __________________________________

17) CoCO3 __________________________________

18) CdSO3 __________________________________

19) Cu(NO2)2 __________________________________

20) Fe(HCO3)2 __________________________________


Write the formulas for the following ionic compounds:

21) lithium acetate __________________________________

22) iron (II) phosphate __________________________________

23) titanium (II) selenide __________________________________

24) calcium bromide __________________________________

25) gallium chloride __________________________________

26) sodium hydride __________________________________

27) beryllium hydroxide __________________________________

28) zinc carbonate __________________________________

29) manganese (VII) arsenide __________________________________

30) copper (II) chlorate __________________________________

31) cobalt (III) chromate __________________________________

32) ammonium oxide __________________________________

33) potassium hydroxide __________________________________

34) lead (IV) sulfate __________________________________

35) silver cyanide __________________________________

36) vanadium (V) nitride __________________________________

37) strontium acetate __________________________________

38) molybdenum (VI) sulfate __________________________________

39) platinum (II) sulfide __________________________________

40) ammonium sulfate __________________________________


Answers: Ionic Naming Practice 2

Name the following ionic compounds:

1) NaBr sodium bromide

2) Sc(OH)3 scandium (III) hydroxide

3) V2(SO4)3 vanadium (III) sulfate

4) NH4F ammonium fluoride

5) CaCO3 calcium carbonate

6) NiPO4 nickel (III) phosphate

7) Li2SO3 lithium sulfite

8) Zn3P2 zinc phosphide

9) Sr(CH3COO)2 strontium acetate

10) Cu2O copper (I) oxide

11) Ag3PO4 silver phosphate

12) YClO3 yttrium(I) chlorate

13) SnS2 tin (IV) sulfide

14) Ti(CN)4 titanium (IV) cyanide

15) KMnO4 potassium permanganate

16) Pb3N2 lead (II) nitride

17) CoCO3 cobalt (II) carbonate

18) CdSO3 cadmium sulfite

19) Cu(NO2)2 copper (II) nitrite

20) Fe(HCO3)2 iron (II) bicarbonate


Write the formulas for the following ionic compounds:

21) lithium acetate LiCH3COO

22) iron (II) phosphate Fe3(PO4)2

23) titanium (II) selenide TiSe

24) calcium bromide CaBr2

25) gallium chloride GaCl3

26) sodium hydride NaH

27) beryllium hydroxide Be(OH)2

28) zinc carbonate ZnCO3

29) manganese (VII) arsenide Mn3As7

30) copper (II) chlorate Cu(ClO3)2

31) cobalt (III) chromate Co2(CrO4)3

32) ammonium oxide (NH4)2O

33) potassium hydroxide KOH

34) lead (IV) sulfate Pb(SO4)2

35) silver cyanide AgCN

36) vanadium (V) nitride V3N5

37) strontium acetate Sr(CH3COO)2

38) molybdenum sulfate Mo(SO4)3

39) platinum (II) sulfide PtS

40) ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4


Ionic Naming Practice 3

Write the formulas of the following ionic compounds

1) iron (II) arsenide _____________________________________

2) lead (II) sulfate _____________________________________

3) lead (IV) hydroxide _____________________________________

4) copper (II) acetate _____________________________________

5) beryllium chloride _____________________________________

6) ammonium chromate _____________________________________

7) silver oxide _____________________________________

8) potassium sulfide _____________________________________

Write the names of the following ionic compounds

9) KI _____________________________________

10) Mn2(SO3)7 _____________________________________

11) SnBr4 _____________________________________

12) Mg3P2 _____________________________________

13) NaF _____________________________________

14) Sr(MnO4)2 _____________________________________

15) Cr(PO4)2 _____________________________________

16) Al2Se3 _____________________________________


Answers: Ionic Naming Practice 3

Write the formulas of the following ionic compounds:

1) iron (II) arsenide Fe3As2

2) lead (II) sulfate PbSO4

3) lead (IV) hydroxide Pb(OH)4

4) copper (II) acetate Cu(CH3COO)2

5) beryllium chloride BeCl2

6) ammonium chromate (NH4)2CrO4

7) silver oxide Ag2O

8) potassium sulfide K2S

Write the names of the following ionic compounds:

9) KI potassium iodide

10) Mn2(SO3)7 manganese (VII) sulfite

11) SnBr4 tin (IV) bromide

12) Mg3P2 magnesium phosphide

13) NaF sodium fluoride

14) Sr(MnO4)2 strontium permanganate

15) Cr(PO4)2 chromium (II) phosphate

16) Al2Se3 aluminum selenide


Naming Acids and Bases

Memorize the acids and bases in the table below first. If needed, see summer assignment web

page for more help on how to name acids and bases.

Formula Name

Acids H2SO4 sulfuric acid

HCl hydrochloric acid

HBr hydrobromic acid

HI hydroiodic acid

HClO3 chloric acid

HClO4 perchloric acid

HNO3 nitric acid

HF hydrofluoric acid

CH3COOH acetic acid

H2CO3 carbonic acid

Bases LiOH lithium hydroxide

NaOH sodium hydroxide

KOH potassium hydroxide

RbOH rubidium hydroxide

CsOH cesium hydroxide

Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide

Sr(OH)2 strontium hydroxide

Ba(OH)2 barium hydroxide

NH3 ammonia

Name the following acids and bases:

1) NaOH _______________________________________

2) H2SO4 _______________________________________

3) H2SO3 _______________________________________

4) H3PO4 _______________________________________

5) NH3 _______________________________________

6) HCN _______________________________________

7) Ca(OH)2 _______________________________________

8) Fe(OH)3 _______________________________________

9) H3P _______________________________________


10) CH3COOH ______________________________________

11) KOH ___________________________________

12) HNO3 ________________________________________

13) HNO2 ________________________________________

14) HClO3 _____________________________________

15) HClO4 ________________________________________

16) H2CO3 _______________________________________

Write the formulas of the following acids and bases:

17) hydrofluoric acid _______________________________________

18) hydroselenic acid _______________________________________

19) carbonic acid _______________________________________

20) lithium hydroxide _______________________________________

21) nitrous acid _______________________________________

22) cobalt (II) hydroxide _______________________________________

23) sulfuric acid _______________________________________

24) beryllium hydroxide _______________________________________

25) hydrobromic acid _______________________________________

26) nitric acid _________________________________________

27) ammonia ____________________________________

28) acetic acid ______________________________________


Answers: Naming Acids and Bases

Name the following acids and bases:

1) NaOH sodium hydroxide

2) H2SO4 sulfuric acid

3) H2SO3 sulfurous acid

4) H3PO4 phosphoric acid

5) NH3 ammonia

6) HCN hydrocyanic acid

7) Ca(OH)2 calcium hydroxide

8) Fe(OH)3 iron (III) hydroxide

9) H3P hydrophosphoric acid

10) CH3COOH acetic acid

11) KOH potassium hydroxide

12) HNO3 nitric acid

13) HNO2 nitrous acid

14) HClO3 chloric acid

15) HClO4 perchloric acid

16) H2CO3 carbonic acid

Write the formulas of the following acids and bases:

17) hydrofluoric acid HF

18) hydroselenic acid H2Se

19) carbonic acid H2CO3

20) lithium hydroxide LiOH

21) nitrous acid HNO2

22) cobalt (II) hydroxide Co(OH)2

23) sulfuric acid H2SO4

24) beryllium hydroxide Be(OH)2

25) hydrobromic acid HBr

26) nitric acid HNO3

27) ammonia NH3

28) acetic acid CH3COOH


Covalent Naming Practice

Write the names of the following covalent compounds:

1) SO3 ____________________________________

2) N2S ____________________________________

3) PH3 ____________________________________

4) BF3 ____________________________________

5) P2Br4 ____________________________________

6) CO ____________________________________

7) SiO2 ____________________________________

8) SF6 ____________________________________

9) NH3 ____________________________________

10) NO2 ____________________________________

Write the formulas of the following covalent compounds:

11) nitrogen trichloride __________________

12) carbon tetrachloride __________________

13) dinitrogen trioxide __________________

14) phosphorus pentafluoride __________________

15) methane __________________

16) sulfur dibromide __________________

17) diboron tetrahydride __________________

18) oxygen difluoride __________________

19) carbon disulfide __________________

20) nitrogen monoxide __________________


Answers: Covalent Naming Practice

Write the names of the following covalent compounds:

1) SO3 sulfur trioxide

2) N2S dinitrogen monosulfide

3) PH3 phosphorus trihydride

4) BF3 boron trifluoride

5) P2Br4 diphosphorus tetrabromide

6) CO carbon monoxide

7) SiO2 silicon dioxide

8) SF6 sulfur hexafluoride

9) NH3 ammonia

10) NO2 nitrogen dioxide

Write the formulas of the following covalent compounds:

11) nitrogen trichloride NCl3

12) carbon tetrachloride CCl4

13) dinitrogen trioxide N2O3

14) phosphorus pentafluoride PF5

15) methane CH4

16) sulfur dibromide SBr2

17) diboron tetrahydride B2H4

18) oxygen difluoride OF2

19) carbon disulfide CS2

20) nitrogen monoxide NO


Practice Quiz 1

Name each compound.

1) Na2CO3 _________________________________________

2) NH4OH _________________________________________

3) NH3 _________________________________________

4) FeSO4 _________________________________________

5) SiO2 _________________________________________

6) Ga(NO3)3 _________________________________________

7) H2SO4 _________________________________________

8) B2H4 _________________________________________

9) CO _________________________________________

10) HClO4 _________________________________________

Write the formulas of the following chemical compounds:

11) dinitrogen trioxide _________________________________________

12) nitrogen _________________________________________

13) methane _________________________________________

14) lithium acetate _________________________________________

15) phosphorus trifluoride _________________________________________

16) vanadium (V) oxide _________________________________________

17) aluminum hydroxide _________________________________________

18) zinc sulfide _________________________________________

19) carbonic acid _________________________________________

20) silver phosphate _________________________________________


Answers: Practice Quiz 1

Name each compound.

1) Na2CO3 sodium carbonate

2) NH4OH ammonium hydroxide

3) NH3 ammonia

4) FeSO4 iron (II) sulfate

5) SiO2 silicon dioxide

6) Ga(NO3)3 gallium nitrate

7) H2SO4 sulfuric acid

8) B2H4 diboron tetrahydride

9) CO carbon monoxide

10) HClO4 perchloric acid

Write the formulas of the following chemical compounds:

11) dinitrogen trioxide N2O3

12) nitrogen N2

13) methane CH4

14) lithium acetate LiCH3COO

15) phosphorus trifluoride PF3

16) vanadium (V) oxide V2O5

17) aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3

18) zinc sulfide ZnS

19) carbonic acid H2CO3

20) silver phosphate Ag3PO4


Practice Quiz 2

Name each compound.

1) HI ______________________________________

2) CaSO4 ______________________________________

3) C2Br6 ______________________________________

4) Cr(CO3)3 ______________________________________

5) Ag3P ______________________________________

6) IO2 ______________________________________

7) HCl ______________________________________

8) PbS ______________________________________

9) CH4 ______________________________________

10) N2O3 ______________________________________

Write the formulas of the following chemical compounds:

11) tetraphosphorus triselenide ____________________________________

12) potassium acetate ______________________________________

13) iron (II) phosphide ______________________________________

14) disilicon hexabromide ______________________________________

15) titanium (IV) nitrate ______________________________________

16) diselenium diiodide ______________________________________

17) copper (I) phosphate ______________________________________

18) ammonium oxide ______________________________________

19) nitric acid ______________________________________

20) phosphorus ______________________________________


Answers: Practice Quiz 2

Name each compound.

1) HI hydroiodic acid

2) CaSO4 calcium sulfate

3) C2Br6 dicarbon hexabromide

4) Cr(CO3)3 chromium (VI) carbonate

5) Ag3P silver phosphide

6) IO2 iodine dioxide

7) HCl hydrochloric acid

8) PbS lead (II) sulfide

9) CH4 methane

10) N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide

Write the formulas of the following chemical compounds:

11) tetraphosphorus triselenide P4Se3

12) potassium acetate KCH3COO

13) iron (II) phosphide Fe3P2

14) disilicon hexabromide Si2Br6

15) titanium (IV) nitrate Ti(NO3)4

16) diselenium diiodide Se2I2

17) copper (I) phosphate Cu3PO4

18) ammonium oxide (NH4)2O

19) nitric acid HNO3

20) phosphorus P4


Practice Quiz 3

Name each compound.

1) NaBr ______________________________________________

2) Ca(C2H3O2)2 ______________________________________________

3) P2O5 ______________________________________________

4) HBr ______________________________________________

5) FePO4 ______________________________________________

6) K3N ______________________________________________

7) SO2 _____________________________________________

8) CuOH ______________________________________________

9) Zn(NO2)2 ______________________________________________

10) V2S3 ______________________________________________

Write the formulas for the following chemical compounds:

11) silicon dioxide _________________________

12) nickel (III) sulfide _________________________

13) manganese (II) phosphate _________________________

14) silver acetate _________________________

15) diboron tetrabromide _________________________

16) magnesium sulfate heptahydrate _________________________

17) potassium carbonate _________________________

18) ammonium oxide _________________________

19) acetic acid _________________________

20) ammonia _________________________


Answers: Practice Quiz 3

Name the following chemical compounds:

1) NaBr sodium bromide

2) Ca(C2H3O2)2 calcium acetate

3) P2O5 diphosphorus pentoxide

4) HBr hydrobromic acid

5) FePO4 iron(III) phosphate

6) K3N potassium nitride

7) SO2 sulfur dioxide

8) CuOH copper(I) hydroxide

9) Zn(NO2)2 zinc nitrite

10) V2S3 vanadium(III) sulfide

Write the formulas for the following chemical compounds:

11) silicon dioxide SiO2

12) nickel (III) sulfide Ni2S3

13) manganese (II) phosphate Mn3(PO4)2

14) silver acetate AgC2H3O2

15) diboron tetrabromide B2Br4

16) magnesium sulfate heptahydrate MgSO4.7H2O

17) potassium carbonate K2CO3

18) ammonium oxide (NH4)2O

19) acetic acid CH3COOH

20) ammonia NH3