1 June 2015 Trinity Topics HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH www.sancarloshtlc.org “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious Landscape Study, giving us a picture of trends in religion in the United States. No one who studies religion in America was particularly surprised by the results. Things looks different than 50 years ago. Mainline Protestant churches, like the ELCA, are declining in numbers. Meanwhile, one of the groups that is gaining is the “nones,” those with no religious affiliation. This doesn’t mean they don’t believe in anything, it just means they don’t identify with any particular religious tradition. A third of people between 18-29 are “nones”. A fifth of people in my age bracket, 30-49, are “nones.” (Now, here’s an interesting comparison: about a fifth of all American adults have a tattoo. 40% of Americans between 18-29 have a tattoo. In other words, having no specific religious affiliation today is about as common as having a tattoo. Disclaimer: I do not have a tattoo. I pass out when I get shots, so a tattoo would probably put me over the edge.) A study like this can only give us broad statistics, not the individual stories behind every person who fits into the classification of “none.” And, honestly, I am more compelled to think about the individuals within the trend than the trend itself. The only way, after all, that I might turn that trend around is through my day to day interactions with real life people: I’m fairly certain I don’t have the influence and power to change the entire religious landscape (in fact, I’d say only Holy Spirit can pull off something like that.) One of the hallmarks of being a “none” is the sense that you can do whatever spiritual thing you need to do on your own. That theme comes up time and time again when I talk to people who fit the category. This study has me thinking about what it’s worth, then, to identify as something, and to have one’s spiritual practice happen in the context of community. Why is that so important? May ends and June begins this year with Trinity Sunday. It’s the Sunday after Pentecost, when we celebrate, as a church, the One God in Three Persons who we worship. Trinity is central to the Christian faith. It is one of those theological ideas that I’m not sure I ever grasp 100%, and I’m somewhat comforted by the fact that it took the early church a couple hundred years to fully formulate the idea. I see that less as a liability for the doctrine of the Trinity and more of a reality that it is really difficult for our human minds to grasp the majesty and mystery of God. But one thing I do understand about the Trinity is the metaphor of the Trinity as dance. The Trinity, it’s sometimes said, is like this beautiful dance between three people, continually moving together. And what’s more, we are invited to join. What a gracious thing, that God’s love always invites us to participate. How, I wonder could we possibly live out that reality if we were trying to do this spirituality thing on our own? The church congregation my parents attended when I was baptized was full of artists. One of them made a woodcut of a circle dance, and whenever someone joins that congregation, they were presented with a print of that woodcut. I have one of the prints hanging above my desk. It reminds me of the congregation and the Church (with a big “C”) that offers me a spot in the dance. It also reminds me who I am: I am not a none. I am not alone. Instead, I am always invited to take a hand and join the dance. And, in turn, I’m invited to reach out my hand, because God who calls us is a God whose very existence is community. How can we help but do this with some dancing partners, and invite others to join? Pr. Erica

“Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper · 2020-04-21 · “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious

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Page 1: “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper · 2020-04-21 · “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious


June 2015

Trinity TopicsH O L Y T R I N I T Y L U T H E R A N C H U R C H


“Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious Landscape Study, giving us a picture of trends in religion in the United States. No one who studies religion in America was particularly surprised by the results. Things looks different than 50 years ago. Mainline Protestant churches, like the ELCA, are declining in numbers. Meanwhile, one of the groups that is gaining is the “nones,” those with no religious affiliation. This doesn’t mean they don’t believe in anything, it just means they don’t identify with any particular religious tradition. A third of people between 18-29 are “nones”. A fifth of people in my age bracket, 30-49, are “nones.” (Now, here’s an interesting comparison: about a fifth of all American adults have a tattoo. 40% of Americans between 18-29 have a tattoo. In other words, having no specific religious affiliation today is about as common as having a tattoo. Disclaimer: I do not have a tattoo. I pass out when I get shots, so a tattoo would probably put me over the edge.)

A study like this can only give us broad statistics, not the individual stories behind every person who fits into the classification of “none.” And, honestly, I am more compelled to think about the individuals within the trend than the trend itself. The only way, after all, that I might turn that trend around is through my day to day interactions with real life people: I’m fairly certain I don’t have the influence and power to change the entire religious landscape (in fact, I’d say only Holy Spirit can pull off something like that.)

One of the hallmarks of being a “none” is the sense that you can do whatever spiritual thing you need to do on your own. That theme comes up time and time again when I talk to people who fit the category. This study has me thinking about what it’s worth, then, to identify as something, and to have one’s spiritual practice happen in the context of community. Why is that so important?

May ends and June begins this year with Trinity Sunday. It’s the Sunday after Pentecost, when we celebrate, as a church, the One God in Three Persons who we worship. Trinity is central to the Christian faith. It is one of those theological ideas that I’m not sure I ever grasp 100%, and I’m somewhat comforted by the fact that it took the early church a couple hundred years to fully formulate the idea. I see that less as a liability for the doctrine of the Trinity and more of a reality that it is really difficult for our human minds to grasp the majesty and mystery of God.

But one thing I do understand about the Trinity is the metaphor of the Trinity as dance. The Trinity, it’s sometimes said, is like this beautiful dance between three people, continually moving together. And what’s more, we are invited to join. What a gracious thing, that God’s love always invites us to participate. How, I wonder could we possibly live out that reality if we were trying to do this spirituality thing on our own?

The church congregation my parents attended when I was baptized was full of artists. One of them made a woodcut of a circle dance, and whenever someone joins that congregation, they were presented with a print of that woodcut. I have one of the prints hanging above my desk. It reminds me of the congregation and the Church (with a big “C”) that offers me a spot in the dance. It also reminds me who I am: I am not a none. I am not alone. Instead, I am always invited to take a hand and join the dance. And, in turn, I’m invited to reach out my hand, because God who calls us is a God whose very existence is community. How can we help but do this with some dancing partners, and invite others to join?

Pr. Erica

Page 2: “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper · 2020-04-21 · “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious



Adult Forum | June 7

Sunday @ 9:00 am | Conference Room

Report from the Sierra Pacific Synod

HTLC voting members will share their impressions and report on resolutions, budget updates, and bring greetings and stories from

our ministry partners across the synod and ELCA. Come and hear what’s happening on

in your church! This is going to be the last Adult Forum for the year.

Widening Our Welcome June 7, 2015 after worship

Light lunch - table discussions

Your button is waiting for

you . . .

“Conversations with Youth & Seniors”

Sunday, June 14 | Noon in Beilstein Hall

This is a terrific opportunity for getting acquainted across the generations. Pastor Paul Michaelson and Pastor Erica Schemper will facilitate the activity.

If you would like to participate, please contact the church office at [email protected].

Commuter Retreat at Mercy Center

Mercy Center is offering a Commuter Retreat for women and men who are seeking a deeper relationship with God, but whose obligations keep them from going away for a weekend retreat. It is offered from Tuesday June 16 to Friday, June 19 for $35. You live at home in your usual setting and go through your normal routine – working out an appropriate daily pattern for prayer and reflection and coming to Mercy Center for one hour each day for spiritual direction. The spiritual director helps you to listen to what God is saying in the experiences of your daily life.

Your director will call you during the week before the retreat to discuss your expectations, answer your questions, and set a time to meet. The only requirement is that you make a commitment to the retreat experience and to the four sessions.

To sign up for this low-cost retreat, go to http://www.mercy-center.org/Flyers_2015/0616CommuterSD/retreat.html. For more information contact Colleen at 650-340-7495 or [email protected]

May 19 Council Meeting:

Reports on:• Budget: April giving improved, but

continues below expenditures overall.

• WOW Team (formerly Building an Inclusive Church Core Team) activities and plans for June 7.

• Discussed potential liability issues and are seeking legal advice.

• Reviewed congregation officer/council job descriptions.

• Audit began on May 11 and report should be available from auditor soon.

Approved:• Signs for Glenwood Street and Beilstein Hall exterior as

part of landscaping improvements.• Decided not to meet in July due to vacations planned.

Page 3: “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper · 2020-04-21 · “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious




6/3 Hillary Wiessinger

6/6 Margit Hansen

6/8 Sven Knauth

6/9 Bob Young

6/12 Barbara Padilla

6/13 Kirk Henne

6/14 Jacob Rodgers

6/15 Maria Rodenberg

6/22 Lance Webb

6/24 Erik Kersten

6/27 Sue Davis

6/28 Eloiza Meier

6/29 Petra Gilmore


Pat & Fred Holle

6/1/1954 (61 years)

Francie & John Kuehner

6/6/1999 (16 years)

Rick & Petra Gilmore

6/9/1979 (36 years)

Doug & Vivian Southard6/26/2005 (10 years)

Chris & Kristin Fox6/29/2002 (13 years)

Brita Segerhammar shows her "Tinker Bell Award" which she received for being a finalist at the LLS Walkathon in Disneyland on Mother's Day 2015. Thanks for raising awareness and help fight blood cancers, Brita!

Congratulations to our newest confirmands! Maya, Grace and Ben

Page 4: “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper · 2020-04-21 · “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious




Yes, that is a "thank you many times over" to everyone who donated and helped make our “God's Work, Our Hands” service morning such a wonderful success!

Over 100 sandwiches were made, letters and notes were created for eleven of our members and friends, and 50 bags were filled with donated school supplies for our backpack project this summer!!  Beilstein Hall was really whirling with people happy to serve our local community, as well as signing Bibles for our Confirmand students.

Please see the photos, and know that several members have told us that the letters and notes made so pleased to be remembered. 

Bless you for sharing your faith in this way!~ Barbara Padilla and Hillary Wiessinger

Sandwiches being put into the car for the soup kitchen in So. San Francisco.

Making many sandwiches!

Page 5: “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper · 2020-04-21 · “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious



Summer Day Camp | August 3 - 7 This summer’s theme is “A Love That Never Ends.” We are excited to announce that this summer, we’ll be showing the world our Christian love by partnering with two of our sister congregations to make Day Camp even “bigger” and “better”. Trinity Presbyterian & Church of the Epiphany will be joining usmfor what we think we will be the best Day Camp yet!

• Trinity Presbyterian will host the 1st - 6th grade campers ($125 / child)

• Church of the Epiphany will host 3-5 year olds ($100/ child)

Register your kids by downloading the form at www.sancarloshtlc.org/summer_day_camp. Return the completed form and your check payable to HTLC to the HTLC office.

There are also opportunities to volunteer as well!. Please see Eloiza Meier or Pr. Erica for more info.

2015 ELCA Youth Gathering

July 15 – 19, Detroit, MI

The ELCA Youth Gathering for high school-age youth is an opportunity for youth to engage with peers from across the US and the world who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. We were meant to be together, and we are a church that believes God is calling us into the world — together.

The theme for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering, Rise Up Together, was discerned by a diverse group of people iand was particularly important that the theme intentionally reflect a diversity that mirrors the population of Detroit.

For more details: www.elca.org/YouthGathering

June 14Summer Recess begins for all

Holy Trinity Education Ministries.

Enjoy your summer!

Sunday School will resume on

Rally Day, September 20

Pastor Erica on the Road This Summer

Pastor Erica and family will be out of town from June

16-July 25, using up some of Erik's family leave time to visit family in the Midwest. But, especially with Day

Camp coming up in August, her intention is to stay in touch via email. She's planning to check email on Mondays and Thursdays each week.

Children & Youth Ministry in June

Sunday, May 31Sunday School Teacher Appreciation

Sunday, June 7Last Day of Sunday School

Sunday, June 14Youth Sunday

Sunday, June 14Conversations with Youth & Seniors | Noon

Page 6: “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper · 2020-04-21 · “Three Step Dancing” from Pr. Erica Schemper In mid-May, the Pew Research Center released its new Religious



Lydia Circle (of WELCA)

Tuesday, June 9| Beilstein Hall | Noon

Please note that this is the 2nd Tuesday not our usual 3rd Tuesday! We are beginning our 3 session Summer Bible Study on the faith practice of giving. The title of June's study is "Give in Secret" with verses in Matthew Ch 6 as our focus. Please bring your Bible, June issue of Gather and a sandwich. Tea & refreshments will be served. At our May meeting we voted to send out of our treasury, $100 to LWR for disaster relief in Nepal, and $100 to a local family in need. These dollars accumulate from our monthly offerings. In an effort to be good stewards we reserve only a minimum dollar amount in our treasury.

****************We are discontinuing collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell bar codes since there seems to be scant interest to do so. With that in mind, if you have saved any of the above, please bring them soon and put them in the box on the bulletin board in Beilstein Hall. We thank Ruby Phillips for the many years she has done the mailing to benefit the Lutheran Navajo Mission School in Rock Point, AZ. ****************

& Book StudySaturday, June 13

8 - 9:30 am Beilstein Hall

We are reading the book "God is Closer Than You Think" written by John Ortberg.

Thursday, June 4th | Senior Trip Luther Burbank Gardens in Santa Rosa with Lunch @ Dierk’s Parkside Café

The renowned horticulturist Luther Burbank called Santa Rosa home. Visit special garden areas focus on medicinal herbs, cutting flowers, roses, wildlife habitats, and ornamental grasses. Follow the story of Burbank’s career with a self-guided or docent-led tour.  Please sign up in the breezeway or call the church office to reserve your space!

Departure from HTLC Lot: 9:30 amGarden Entrance Fee: $7.00Lunch: $12 -15 (+ tip & tax)

Join us for some food, fellowship, and good conversation!

Soccer anyone? Join HTLC:San Jose Earthquakes

vs. LA Galaxy

Saturday, 6/27 at 7:30 pmStanford Stadium, Palo Alto

Contact Peter Meier at [email protected] for ticket info.

Open House San Francisco Night Ministry

Sunday, June 14, 2 - 3:30 p.m.

Night Ministry Open House

The volunteers and staff of the San Francisco Night Ministry invite you to attend their annual Open House on Sunday, June 14, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. at St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 1111 O'Farrell, between Gough and Franklin Streets. Our Open House provides a time to learn more about Night Ministry in general, and more about the specific programs that are offered. It is also a good time to explore opportunities to volunteer with us, either as a Crisis Line Counselor or a member of our Daytime Volunteer Corps. Meet members of the Night Ministry staff, Governing Board members, and current volunteers. Light refreshments will be served. This event will be followed immediately by a fundraising event (musical variety show) to benefit the Friendship Line, part of the Center for Elder Suicide Prevention and a valuable program of the Institute on Aging.

Visit our website for more of how Night Ministry serves.


San Francisco Night Ministry 1031 Franklin Street San Francisco, CA 94109

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Worship Leaders

If a conflict prevents you from serving as scheduled, arrange a trade and/or substitute and notify the office at 650.593.0325 or [email protected]

JUNE 2015

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

312015 Synod Assembly9:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

16:00 PMJazzercise

27:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

310:00 AM StaffMeeting7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

49:30 AM SeniorTrip6:00 PM Jazzercise

57:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

69:00 AM CouncilRetreat5:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

79:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice11:30 AM WOW Meeting5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

86:00 PMJazzercise

912:00 PM LydiaCircle7:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

1010:00 AM StaffMeeting7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

116:00 PM Jazzercise

127:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

138:00 AM Men'sBreakfast -Beilstein Hall5:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

149:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice12:00 PM Conversationswith Youth & Seniors --Beilstein Hall5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

156:00 PMJazzercise

167:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall7:00 PM CouncilMeeting

1710:00 AM StaffMeeting7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

186:00 PM Jazzercise

197:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

205:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

219:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

226:00 PMJazzercise

237:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

2410:00 AM StaffMeeting7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

256:00 PM Jazzercise

267:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

275:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room7:30 PM San JoseEarthquakes

289:00 AM Adult Forum10:15 AM Worship Service11:15 AM Coffee andFellowship11:30 AM Choir Practice5:00 PM AA Meeting--ConfRoom

296:00 PMJazzercise

307:00 PM AAMeeting--BeilsteinHall

110:00 AM StaffMeeting7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom

26:00 PM Jazzercise

3OFFICE CLOSED7:00 PM AAMeeting--ConfRoom7:30 PM RussianGospel Temple-Beilstein Hall

4INDEPENDENCEDAY5:00 PM AA Mtg(women's group)--Conf Room

Worship Leaders May ­ June 2015

6/7 6/14 Youth 6/21 6/28

Assisting Minister

Randy Friedman Brian Kersten Lori Friedman Gary


Lector Youth Peter Meier Doug Southard Elisa Baker

Acolyte TBD Anna Friedman Mackenzie Friedman TBD

Sound System Operator Greg Bohlmann Dave Pitts John McDowell Leroy Padilla

Altar Guild Karen Schornstein

Pamela Bohlmann Vivian Southard Barbara


Greeter(s) Anni Wunderlich Cathy Bready Peter Meier Hillary


UshersDave Pitts Richard

WunderlichLeroy Padilla

Greg Bohlmann John

SchornsteinDick Rescho

Nursery Assistant Parent to Stay Parent to Stay Parent to Stay Parent to Stay

Coffee Host Knauth Friedman Knauth

Counters Mary Webb Chris Kidwell

Leroy Padilla Mary Webb

Greg Bohlmann Andrea Reiser

Lisa Telfer Lisa Kersten

Sunday School

Lori, Hillary, Peter, Anna

Flowers Rodgers Brian & Lisa Kertsen

In Honor/ Memory Of

Jacob's Birthday Erik's Birthday

NOTE: If you are unable to fulfill this commitment, please find a replacement and contact the church office at [email protected] with changes.

Summer Break


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Holy Trinity Lutheran Church149 Manzanita AvenueSan Carlos, CA 94070www.sancarloshtlc.orgPhone: [email protected] Worship 10:15 am

Want to go green? Please contact Holy Trinity ([email protected]) to replace your printed copy with an electronic copy of our newsletter.

CHURCH STAFF......................................... ............................................Pastor The Rev. Christian Jennert Office Administrator Monica Cryan

[email protected] [email protected]....... ................................................................Dir, Child & Family Ministries The Rev. Erica Schemper Nursery Care Jo O’Brien

[email protected] obrien@sancarloshtlc.org...................................Organist/Pianist Shirley Zimmerman

[email protected]

2015 COUNCIL OFFICERS & MINISTRY TEAM CHAIRS................................................... ..........................................................President Dr. Lori Friedman Worship & Music Erik Vorhes

[email protected] ...................................Evangelism & Outreach Gary Wiessinger........................ .............................................................Vice President …………..Dr. Anita Reimann Stewardship Rick Gilmore

........................................................... ...............Secretary Bob Beuthel Social Concerns Barbara Padilla & Hillary Wiessinger.............. .......................................................................Buildings & Grounds Bob Beuthel & Leroy Padilla Youth Lori Friedman

................................................................. ..................................................Congregation Life Financial Secretary Mary Webb................... ................................................................Endowment. Cathy Bready & John McDowell Treasurer Petra Gilmore

..........................Education/Sunday School Anita Reimann [email protected]