“The Rotary Wheel” THE ROTARY CLUB OF KAMPALA - CLUB NO. 17287 Vol. 4 Issue 43, 21st May, 2015 Since May 20 th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A RCKLA Rotary Club of Kampala Web: www.rotarykampala.org Theme 2014- 2015 “Light Up Rotary” MAY President’s Message Dear Fellow Rotarians, Rotarac- tors and Guests, I welcome you all of you to our fellowship this afternoon. I also wish to welcome all those that represented the club at the just concluded District Conference in Dar el Salaam. We had one --------------------------------------------------------- Save the Date PE: Edward Kaddumukasa 2015-2016 23rd may, 2015 at sheraton kampala hotel, rwenzori ballroom at 6pm. fee: ugx. 80,000/= 23rd may, 2015 at sheraton kampala hotel, rwenzori ballroom at 6pm. fee: ugx. 80,000/= of the best conferences as some of the members will testify. It was full of the best global speakers and entertainment. Our club was elated to receive both the Presidential Citation and an award from the Dis- trict Governor for having championed the best proj- ect in the District for our Rotary Hospital in Mukono. Among the other speakers was Azim Jamal who talked about the Power of giving. I therefore wish to share a few of highlights that are so relevant to the Rotary movement: Continued on pg 3

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Vol. 4 Issue 43, 21st May, 2015

Since May 20th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A RCKLA Rotary Club of Kampala Web: www.rotarykampala.org

Theme 2014- 2015 “Light Up Rotary” MAY

President’s Message

Dear Fellow Rotarians, Rotarac-tors and Guests,

I welcome you all of you to our fellowship this afternoon. I also wish to welcome all those that represented the club at the just concluded District Conference in Dar el Salaam. We had one


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23rd may, 2015at sheraton kampala hotel,rwenzori ballroom at 6pm.

fee: ugx. 80,000/=

23rd may, 2015at sheraton kampala hotel,rwenzori ballroom at 6pm.

fee: ugx. 80,000/=

of the best conferences as some of the members will testify. It was full of the best global speakers and entertainment. Our club was elated to receive both the Presidential Citation and an award from the Dis-trict Governor for having championed the best proj-ect in the District for our Rotary Hospital in Mukono.

Among the other speakers was Azim Jamal who talked about the Power of giving. I therefore wish to share a few of highlights that are so relevant to the Rotary movement:

Continued on pg 3

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The 4 way test

1. Is it the truth?2. Is it fair to all concerned?3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship?4. Will it be benefitial to all concerned?

The Grace

For what we have recieved and are about to recieve, may God make us truly thankful and ever mindful of the needs of others.Amen.

The Object of Rotary

The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enter-prise and in particular to encourage and foster:

First:The development of acquaintance as an

opportunity for service

Second:High ethical standards in business and professions,

the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society.

Third:The application of the ideal of service in each

Rotarian’s personal, busines and community life.

Fourth:The advancement of international understanding,

goodwill and peace througha world fellowship of business and professional

persons united in the ideal of service

Call Fellowship to orderHosting of both National & RI flags: National Anthem

Grace: Rtn. Kamya Fredrick

Loyal toast: Rtn. Frank Nyanzi

4 Way Test: Rtn. Jackie Ayuya Mukasa

Object of Rotary: Rtn. Christine Magala Kimbowa


Ambassadorial Reports:

Speaker: Rtn David Twahirwa

Activity: Why i became a Rotarian

Vote of Thanks: Rtn. Flavia Nakayima

Sergeant at Arms: Rtn. Rugamba Henry

Club Song:

Final Toast: Rtn. Ronnie Kayongo

Welcoming Guests and Registration:

Rtn. Yahya Sharifa, Rtn. Christine Magala Kimbowa

Buddy Group in charge of Fellowship:PP BAKOJJA - Leader: Rtn. Rev. Ssekabira

Club President:David Kasingwire

Email: [email protected]: 0793 327 147

Secretary:Nakayima Flavia Miiro

Email: [email protected]: 0772 506 386

Club Treasurer:Rosemary Mutyabule

Email: [email protected]: 0757 515 290

Club AnthemWe the Rotary Club of KampalaLet us join our handsAnd raise one banner togetherWe shall all reach our goalsWe pay homage to our culturesThoughts,deeds, unite us alllet us ever toil in unityGracious Lord, We thank you

Composed byPP James Galabuzi Mukasa

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Where we are today with Our Hospital.



a) contributions from Club Members: 204,041,800/=b) ROTARIANS FROM OTHER CLUBS Cash Contribution PDG. Emmanuel Katongole - RC Muyenga 10,000,000PP Ken Mugisha - RC Muyenga 2,000,000PP Edward Kakembo Nsubuga 2,000,000PP Peter Kimbowa - RC Muyenga 1,000,000PDG. Steven Mwanje - RC Mukono 1,000,000Agnes Biribonwa - RC Ssesse 200,000PP Richard Were - RC Nansana 100,000Kateguka-RC Mengo 50,000SUB-TOTAL 16,350,000/= c) NON-ROTARIANS Cash ContributionUK C/O KADDU MUKASA 8,828,000James Garuga Musinguzi 5,000,000Alykhan Karmali - Mukwano Industries 5,000,000Bob Kabonero 5,000,000Ramesh Babu - Abacus Pharma 5,000,000Phillip Karugaba 1,000,000Paul C/O Rtn Phenny Birungi 1,487,500Mrs. Harish 1,038,400George W. Nyeko - BoU 1,000,000George 1,000,000Stephen Kaboyo 500,000Elliot Mwerya - BoU 500,000Peter Kahiigi 500,000Barry Kashambu - CAA 287,000Rama Krishna 270,000Bobby 150,000Pan Kaj 150,000Kantik Patel 100,000Beijukye William - BoU 50,000

President’s MessageContinued from pg 1

GIVING IS A JOY AND A BLESSINGGiving attracts wealth – the more you give, the more abundance you invite into your life. It invites independence and interdependence, not depen-dence; as your focus is on giving, not on taking.

Giving leads to family harmony because everyone likes to be around people who give. Also, you are able to forgive those who may have hurt you.

Giving improves your health as you feel positive and upbeat when you are a giver. It invites hap-piness, as the best way to find happiness, is to give happiness.

Giving turns negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Giving takes you away from being a vic-tim to someone who is grateful for what he or she has.

Richness is ultimately defined by how much you give, not how much you have. Giving is a joy and a blessing!

WHEN YOU GIVE, YOU GET!The moment you give – whether it is money, a gift, a prayer or even a positive thought – you create an instantaneous response.

Firstly, you feel good about your giving, creating a positive energy within you. Second, the good feel-ing you created within the receiver is reciprocated directly or indirectly.

Third, the universal law kicks in – when you give, you get! Once you give, subconsciously you know that it will be returned to you. This makes you confident, thus attracting more.Sometimes the response to your giving is tangible. In most cases the response is intangible. Either way, when you give, you get!

As true Rotarians giving should be second nature to us and if it has not yet become a part of you, make the effort today and see how much joy it will bring you.

Light Up Rotary,

About the Guest SpeakerRtn. David Twahirwa

EDUCATION:1. Harvard University- MPA2. Institute of Social Studies, The Hague Holland- Diploma in Statistics3. University of East Africa; Nairobi University College- B com

WORK EXPERIENCE:1. Economist- Ministry of Planning & Economic Development Uganda Government 1967-19722. African Development Bank 1972-19963. Economist raising through the ranks of Deputy Director to Head of country programs department covering Eastern and Southern Africa.

OTHERS:1. Former Board chairman, Post Bank and EcoBank

Married with 4 children, 3 girls and 1 girl with 4 grandchildren.


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Where we are today with Our Hospital.

90th DCA PictorialWhat it was at the 90th DCA

Trust Uganda Rotarians and Rotaractors to flock a DCA. A total of 900 Ro-tarians and Rotaractors from Uganda, out of a del-egate total of 1150 filled Kunduchi beach hotel, and several sorrouding ho-tels, lodges, and go-cools.Some of the Rotarians and Rotaractors drove their cars, others went by bus and a majority flew to Dar, and had a four-day bonanza of fun, fellowship and learning, and lazying around.

Credit must be given to the Dar Rotarians who or-ganized the District Con-ference and assembly. It was efficiently run. It was so interesting and I can break it down as follows:

The SPEAKERS. Some of the best you could get, anywhere. Chief guest Obasanjo spoke about Polio in Nigeria, and the african politics. The best was a one jamal who spoke about the beauty of giving. He said that when a cow stops giv-ing milk, it dies.There was an american young lady called Shanon Henn, who spoke about raising funds with or through fun and she calls Fun-raising. The most captivating was a rotarian from Rotary Club of Mwika in Kilimanjaro called Young Kimaro who showcased a rotary proj-ect that was amazing.The katikiro of buganda also, Dazzled with his speech on Leading volunteers. He was allso an item in

terms exciting Rotarians who were very happy to see him at close range and could shout a Toffali without fearing his usually tough askari.

The PROGRAM: Interesting but too congested.

The Meals.Generally good .The serving areas had a wonderfull ambience of the white sandy beach, but sometimes sweaty.

TRANSPORT. This was the most efficient committe. No one complained of being late or being left at a venue.

Entertainment: The most exciting entertainment was from Ugandan Rotar-ians, ie Kampala north, Bweyogerere-Nambole and Ssesse., Then there was the laser , or digi-tal stuff imported from Ukraine, but it was good.

The other thing you may want to know is that RTN Ken Mugisha was voted as DGN-designate.So, join me to welcome him as our next Rotary District leader. Also wedlcome DG Rob-ert Waggwa Nsibirwa and Rotary year 2015/16

By Jimmy Serugo

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I love to reflect on the theme of the month, these help us in our rotary journey, and they relay a message rotary is com-municating. Every month has a different theme unique to rotary and this month our centre of reflection is the MAGAZINE.

The official rotary magazine is THE ROTAR-IAN which was first published in 1911, and is currently a monthly publication and is subscribed to by all Rotarians. The maga-zine shows how Rotary is addressing issues in areas such as disease prevention, ma-ternal and child health, literacy, peace

and conflict resolution, economic devel-opment, and clean water. THE ROTARIAN challenges readers to become more in-volved in service to their neighbourhoods and to the global community. In 2012, THE ROTARIAN swept the Media Industry News-letter awards with 10 editorial and design honours – more than twice the number of any other publication.

Today there are many regional magazines under the Rotary World Magazine Press published in 25 different languages; how-ever the Rotarian remains the main publi-cation. This draws our attention also to our very own Namuziga, and the Wave of our dis-trict. These magazines play a very impor-tant role in the lives, activities and programs of Rotarians. We share the information and stories every Rotarian needs to read.

No wonder, there are awards aimed at rewarding the best magazines. In this magazine month you could think of how each one of could contribute to a stronger magazine.

Geoffrey AyebareKasedde Mukasa Buddy Group Leader


Remarks from the Buddy Group Leader

90th DCA Pictorial

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Name Attendance Agwaru Silvester 4/8 50.00% Ahimbisibwe Robert 4/8 50.00% Ayebare Geoffrey 7/8 87.50% Bakojja Edward 4/8 50.00%Barungi Phionah 8/8 100.00% Basaza Wasswa Patricia* 5/8 62.50% Birungi Phenny 4/8 50.00%Flavia Flat* 4/7 57.14%Galabuzi James 6/8 75.00%Gimara, Francis 2/8 25.00%Hatega Gabriel 8/8 100.00% Jjingo Micheal 4/8 50.00% Kaddumukasa, Edward 8/8 100.00% Kakembo Godfrey 7/8 87.50%Kakiiza Herbert* 5/8 62.50%Kakitahi John 3/8 37.50%Kalibbala Mariatte 3/8 37.50%Kamya Fredrick 7/8 87.50%Karuhanga Elly 2/8 25.00%Kasede Mukasa George 7/8 87.50%Kasiita Herbert* 4/7 57.14%Kasingwire David 8/8 100.00% Kasoma TINAH 6/8 75.00%Kayongo Ronnie 5/8 62.50%Khiddu Makubuya Edward 5/8 62.50%Kibuuka Diana 8/8 100.00% Kikomeko Jalia 4/8 50.00%Kimbowa Nalongo 6/8 75.00%Kirabo Jacent 6/8 75.00%Kwesiga May 5/8 62.50%Kwesigabo Johnson 0/8 0.00%Lwanga K Stephen 7/8 87.50%Mavumirizi Kinalwa Aidah* 2/7 28.57%Mitti Kimuli Doris 6/8 75.00%Mudoola Christopher 5/8 62.50%Muhwezi Katugugu Jim 0/8 0.00%Mukasa Jackie 5/8 62.50%Muramuzi Kagoro Lucy 7/8 87.50%Musinguzi Jotham 2/8 25.00%Musisi Stephen 7/8 87.50%

Musisi Rashid 1/8 12.50%Musolini Ethan 4/8 50.00%Mutaawe Matovu Robert 8/8 100.00%Mutyabule Rosemary 8/8 100.00% Muwanga Harriet Robinah 7/8 87.50% Mwesigye Samantha 6/8 75.00% Nambuya Enid 8/8 100.00%Namitala Ntege Sheena 7/8 87.50% Namuli Alice 2/8 25.00% Nantongo Wabwire Jane* 1/7 14.29% Nnaggenda Shem 4/8 50.00% Nsubuga Godfrey 3/8 37.50% Nsubuga Samuel Herbert 2/8 25.00% Ntegeka Andrew 7/8 87.50% Nyanzi Frank 3/8 37.50% Ogang Martin* 4/7 57.14% Okot-Okidi Ayole 4/8 50.00% Owor Esther 6/8 75.00% Owori Samuel F. 3/8 37.50% Owor-Okot Teddy 5/8 62.50% Rugamba Henry 6/8 75.00% Semuga Stephen 5/8 62.50% Serugo James 7/8 87.50% Ssebugenyi Mukasa James 2/8 25.00% Ssekabira David 4/8 50.00% Ssekimpi Sheila 5/8 62.50% Ssentoogo Henry 7/8 87.50% Sserwadda Rhona 2/8 25.00% Tinkamanyire Joseph 6/8 75.00% Tugume Rugasira James 5/8 62.50% Tumusiime Mutebile Emmanuel 6/8 75.00% Twahirwa David 5/8 62.50% Waira Hope * 5/7 71.43% Walugembe John 4/8 50.00% Wanyana, Daisy Sarah 7/8 87.50% Yahya Sharifa 7/8 87.50%

* Denotes a member who is currently exempted from meeting attendance.

ROTARY CLUB OF KAMPALA - CURRENT YEAR ATTENDANCE(07/2014 to 27-08-2014)M e e t t h e

I n d u c t e e s !Agnes Atim ApeaPhD | Development Consultant

Agnes is a development consul-tant, farmer and politician. She is a founder and MD of a Hope De-

velopment Initiative (HDI) which is a so-cial enterprise that uses a business model for rural transformation and poverty alle-viation in post-conflict situations. The or-ganization has over 5,000 women famers in Amolatar district engaged in farming as a business. It focuses on production, agro-processing, value addition and trade in rice and cassava products as well as research and development. Ag-nes believes that investing in agriculture does not only have economic, social and political benefit for a country but it unlocks leadership, citizenship and entre-preneurial potential of millions of the rural populations.

Agnes worked in policy, research and program development in national and international development agencies in Sub-Saharan Africa for over 15 years. She has done several gender and develop-

ment consultancies with United Nations, Commonwealth and international NGOs in Africa and Asia. She is a guest lecturer at Acadia University Canada. She holds a PhD in International Development from University of Reading UK and Masters in Development Studies from Uganda Mar-tyrs University in Uganda. She is a recipient of Uganda Women Entrepreneurs Honor-ary Award 2014, International Home Based Care Award 2012, Columbia University NY Human Rights Advocacy Award 2010 and the University of Reading UK Social Sci-ence Studentship Award. She is contest-ing for woman member of parliament of Amolatar district in 2016, she is married with 3 three children.

Solomon Osewe Oketcho

Solomon was born on June 3, 1962.in Katandi Village, West Budama County, Tororo District –Uganda.

He is Married.

WORKJanuary 2011 - Appointed -Director HR, with overall responsibility for formulating Human Resource Strategy, policy, proce-dures and systems, HR operations to sup-port the strategic objectives of the Bank.

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WHEN & WHERE CLUBS MEET!Mondays Venue Time Kampala North Nommo Gallery 6:00pmKampala South Hotel Africana 6:00pm Kasangati Kasangati Resort 7:00pmMengo Pope Paul Social Club 1:00pmMityana New Highway Hotel 6:00pmKampala Munyonyo Green Valley Hotel 7:00pmKampala Naguru Kati Kati 7:00pmRotaractMulago Galloway Hostel 6:00pmTuesdays Bukoto Kabira Country Club 7:00pmBweyogerere Hotel Mamerito 6:30pmIbanda M&B Executive Hall 6:30pmIganga Mwana Highland Hotel 6:00pmKampala-Impala Kati Kati 1:00pmKampala Nsambya Mukwaya Hospital-Nsambya 8:00pmKasese Margherita Hotel 6:30pmKololo Hotel Africana 6:00pmKyotera Colombo Hotel 7:00pmLubowa Grace’s Restaurant 7:oopmMakindye Shanghai Restaurant 6:00pmMasindi Masindi Hotel 6:00pmMbale Mt. Elgon Hotel 5:30pmMbarara West Pelican Hotel 5:30pmNkumba Araba Hotel 7:00pmRubaga Pope Paul Social Club 1:00pmSunrise Club Shanghai Restaurant 7:00amRotaractKampala City Chinese Rest. Cent. Park 6:00pm

Wednesday Arua Heritage Inn Hotel 6:00pmBushenyi Bushenyi Guest House 6:00pmEntebbe Windsor Lake Victoria 7:00pmJinja Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pmKabale White House Inn 5:00pmKabarole Tororo Guest House 5:30pmKajjansi Dreams Guest House 7:00pmKampala Central Hotel Africana 6:00pmKampala West Shanghai Restaurant 1:00pmKampala Naalya Ndere Centre, Kisasi 7:00pmKiwatule Kabira Country Club 7:00pmKyambogo Sports View Hotel 6:00pmLugazi Scouts Office Club 6:00pmMasaka Masaka Sports Club 6:00pmMubende The Club 6:00pmMuyenga International Hotel 6:30pmPort Bell Silver Springs Hotel 7:00pmTororo Crystal Hotel 7:00pmWobulenzi Networth Hotel 5:30pmNansana Ivory Hotel 7:00pmRotaractMakerere University Guild Canteen. 6:00pm

Thursday Bugolobi City Royal Hotel 7:00pmGaba Green Valley Hotel 7:00pmGulu Acholi Inn 5:30pmHoima Hoima Members’ Club 5:30pmKalisizo Tropical Gardens 6:00pmKampala Grand Imperial Hotel 12:45pmKampala Day Break Grand Imperial Hotel 7:00amKampala East Hotel Africana 7:00pmKampala Ssese Nommo Gallery 6:00pmKayunga Katikoomu Soc. Cen. 6:00pmLira Margarita Hotel 5:30pmMbarara Rotary Peace Chn.Cen 5:30pmNamugongo ABBA Hotel 7:00pm Rukungiri Rukungiri Inn 6:00pmSeeta Ridah Hotel 7:00pmSource of the Nile Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pmNateete Kampala Ivy’s Hotel Wakaliga 7:00pmFridays Kampala City - Makerere Makerere staff club canteen 6:30pmKampala Kibuli Hotel Africana 6:00pmKampala Muyenga Breeze Hotel Int. Muyenga 6.30 p.mNtinda NOB View Hotel 7:00pmKyengera Rose Gardens 7:00pmRwampara Zana Complex Hall 7:00pm

28th May, 2015Buddy Group name LEADER

PP MUDOOLA AIDAH KINALWARTN Enid NambuyaRTN Patricia Basaza WasswaRTN Jackie Ayuya MukasaRTN Robert Billy AhimbisibweRTN Harriet Robinah MuwangaRTN Marriate KalibalaRTN Sam Nsubuga


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Saturday 30th May, 2015 - Strategic Planning meeting for the board 2015-2016 at Rtn Tinka’s home in Kiwatule.

Wednesday 24th June, 2015 – Installation of President Flavia Serugo of the Rotary Club of Kampala Naalya at Ndere Centre. Fee: FREE.


A lawyer is standing in a long line at the box office. Suddenly, he feels a pair of hands knead-ing his shoulders, back, and neck.

The lawyer turns around and asks, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” “I’m a chi-ropractor and I’m just keeping in practice while I’m waiting in line.” “Well, I’m a lawyer, but you don’t see me screwing the guy in front of me, do you?”

PP Ken Mugisha was at the 90th District Conference & Assembly in Dar nominat-ed & Elected as the DGN Designate for D9211, thus will be the District Governor for the Rotary Year 2017/18.
