VOLUME 20 ISSUE 7 September 2015 September Newsletter The September newsletter is in honor of our grandson Ian Thomas’ birthday by Frank and Carole Nacci. “Serving and Ministering to the Community Since 1873” Rev. John A. Hart, Pastor Phone: 610-282-3336, Email: [email protected] “Trinity Tidings” is a monthly publication printed on the premises of Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church (Hospital Code: 244) Robin McCloud, Office Secretary, Email: [email protected] HOLY TRINITY MEMORIAL LUTHERAN CHURCH 604 Fourth Street Catasauqua, Pa 18032 Phone:610-264-2641 Fax:610-264-2661 Website: www.holytrinitymemoriallutheran.com Email: [email protected] IF HOSPITALIZED, BE SURE TO SIGN A RELEASE CARD AND USE OUR HOSPITAL CODE #244. WE ARE A HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE FACILITY. DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER NEWSLETTER IS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd.

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September 2015



The September newsletter is in honor of our grandson Ian Thomas’ birthday by Frank and Carole Nacci.

“Serving and Ministering to the Community Since 1873” Rev. John A. Hart, Pastor

Phone: 610-282-3336, Email: [email protected] “Trinity Tidings” is a monthly publication printed on the

premises of Holy Trinity Memorial Lutheran Church (Hospital Code: 244)

Robin McCloud, Office Secretary, Email: [email protected]



604 Fourth Street

Catasauqua, Pa 18032



Website: www.holytrinitymemoriallutheran.com

Email: [email protected]









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Can you believe it? Summer is not endless despite what the Beach Boys say.

Whether we like it or not the long, warm, sunny days and balmy nights are quickly ending. It will

soon be time to put away the beach towels, suntan lotion, and close up the pools if you are

fortunate enough to have one. We only have to turn ours over to empty it. Yes, summer is indeed

almost gone but there is a bright spot and it is the return of Thursday night Bible studies (BYOB).

In fact, in some circles its return is more exciting than Thursday night football. This fall we will

pick up where we left off in June, at the beginning of II Samuel. As we remember, the 1st Samuel

narrative as a whole reaches no conclusion but ends with a cliffhanger that makes the reader turn

the page into 2nd Samuel to find out what follows.

For those of you thinking of attending (I really don’t know what there is to consider-of

course you should attend a Bible study) here is a little background on 2nd Samuel. The opening

chapters relate how David becomes king, the central chapters tell of his great achievements and of

God’s commitment to him, but they too relate how things immediately begin to fall apart. The

latter part of the book tells of the conflicts within his family and it leaves us uncertain what will

happen next.

As part of the great narrative from Genesis to 2nd Kings these two books probably came into

existence after the fall of Jerusalem during the exile in Babylon in the 6th century BC. They took

the older traditions and were hardly written from scratch and the version we have now in our

Bibles may be a kind of second edition of one written decades earlier. We simply lack the evidence

to decide when the books were written but if you come out on Thursday nights, you can learn all of

this first hand. Remember BringYourOwnBible.

Yours in Christ, Pastor John

P.S- If you don’t have a Bible we will lend you one.

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Church Council Members Term Ending Dec. 2015 Term Ending Dec. 2016 Terms Ending December 2018

Barb Fister: 610-266-1160 Dale Greenzweig: 610-419-3843 Arden Strickland: 610-351-0341

Cheryl Kneiss: 610-262-0467 RuthAnn Reinsmith: 610-264-4346 Rick Martson: 484-661-5183

Sherry Creyer: 610-262-1811 Carol Cunningham: 610-264-2045 Joe Schwindenhammer: 610-573-1957

Carole Nacci: 610-264-8785 Mark Fried: 610-262-2645 Open

Youth Rep.:

OFFICERS President: Barbara Fister Vice President: Arden Strickland

Secretary: (Rotating) Treasurer: John Marakovits


At the end of July, we were (-$3,414.91) behind budget. At the end of July

of 2014 (last year), we were (-$549.00) behind budget - $2,865.11 less.

In order to make this year’s budget of $170,242, we need to average

$3,273.88 each Sunday in receipts. Through July, we are averaging $3,160.10

each Sunday -$113.78 per Sunday less than what is needed to make our 2015


At the present time (8/3/15) all our bills are current, including our

monthly benevolence commitment to the Synod, which is paid through August.

The monthly amount of $525.00 is next due for September the 1st.

During June and July, the following “special” gifts were received:

$700.00 - Pastor’s Discretionary Fund

$185.00 - Building Fund

$ 20.00 - Heating Fund

$ 30.00 - Wish List

$162.00 - “Morning Glories” Fund

$150.00 - Numan Orphanage Fund

$ 25.00 - Benevolence

Thank you for your contributions for these “special” causes.

The summer of 2015 is slowing beginning to fade away. It looks like we

survived another one thanks to everyone's help.

Let’s keep up the good work financially as we head toward the fall.

John Marakovits, Treasurer

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“Joyful Giving Circle” Help further the ministry of Holy Trinity…Don’t wait for a special occasion to make a contribution in honor or in memory of someone. Fill out the enclosed form or print it off our website, place it in the offering or mail it with your check in any amount. We will print your dedication in our next newsletter.

BYOB is back! Beginning September 10th at 7pm

BYOB - Bring Your Own Bible. It's more than just a clever name for Thursday Night Bible study - it's a diverse group of people gathering to learn more about the word - and the Word - of God. Our small group includes a scientific mind, a former Daisy leader, a grammar surgeon, a guy with a smart-phone answer for every question, an R.C. (reformed Catholic), a guy whose hip Bible that belies his chronological age, a snarky Jesus freak, and a pastor who does his homework before each study! There's room for so many more personalities - let us get to know yours while you're getting better acquainted with the Bible. Join us from 7-8 o'clock for Thursday night BS with Pastor John - Bible Study, that is! Come see what you've been missing!!

By now, you should have received your offering envelopes for September in the mail. If you have not received them, please contact Robin in the church office at 610-264-2641

Holy Trinity is a member of the Blood Bank

Program. If you give blood, you may designate

it as Holy Trinity. Also, if you ever need blood,

tell them you’re a church member.


ACCOMPLISHENT? Let us know. We are happy to publish it in our newsletter. Call 610-264-2641.

At any time, you can give donations to the “Pastor’s Discretionary Fund”. This fund is used to give temporary financial assistance to people of our

congregation and community when a sudden need arises. You may send contributions to the church

or place them in the offering plate on Sunday mornings. Please mark your checks or envelopes

“Pastor’s Discretionary Fund”.

Begins….Sunday, September 13th

8am Spoken Communion, 9am Sunday School,

9am Choir Rehearsal,

10:30am Holly Communion,

11:30am Fellowship and Refreshments


Thanks to all for the cards, prayers and support during the recent passing of my

mother. My family and I truly appreciate it. Sherry Creyer


Your annual pledge helps us forecast, with confidence, the level of

financial support our congregation will receive in the year ahead. It is

through the pledges and contributions of our members that we are able

to carry on our work here Holy Trinity.

As you consider your pledge, we remind you that we offer Electronic

Giving as a way to automate your offerings. It is convenient for you

and provides much-needed consistency for the church. Collection

basket offerings can fluctuate significantly from week to week but

when contributions are automated, the church receives funds on a

steady, uninterrupted basis. To learn more, call the church 610-264-

2641. “As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as

good stewards of God’s varied grace.” I Peter 4:10 – RSV

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Remember or Honor Loved Ones

Altar Flowers


Sept. 6 In loving memory of Henry Eberhart by Rita Medence.

Sept. 13 Open

Sept. 20 In honor of our grandson, Ian, to

celebrate his birthday by Mam Maw and Pop Pop Nacci.

Sept. 27 Open



Sept. 6 Open

Sept. 13 Open

Sept. 20 Open

Sept. 27 Open

“Trinity Tidings”

All dedications are taken for 2014. Thank you.

Please Note:To reserve a flower date, fill in the Flower Chart in the narthex and call Suzanne Webb 610

-264-4880 with your dedication. If you do not call Suzanne, the dedication will read “To the glory

of God by (your name)”. To dedicate a Sunday

bulletin, call the church secretary (610-264-2641). Bulletins are $10, altar flowers are $35. Please

pick up your flowers or have someone pick them up for you.

The 2015-2016 Sunday Church School Year will begin on September 13. Our returning staff includes Tia Hart, Becky Dragovits, Jack Wetzel, Diane Czar, Steph Chimics, Sasha Hart and Rick Minnich. There are currently 22 students on the roster. Sunday School begins at 9:00am and concludes with a closing program at 10:00am. Several activities and events are being planned for this year so stay tuned for future announcements. The SCS staff and students appreciate the support of our entire church family.

This year 19 children joined us at Holy Trinity for Camp Discovery. Our building was transformed into a campsite and forest by Steph Chimics’ great decorations. The children were led in classes on the theme that Jesus works through us by Rick Minnich, Tia Hart, Tanya Schock and Cheryl Kneiss. Ruthann Reinsmith and Susan Marakovits (with help from Steph Chimics) led the children to create some great crafts. Again, Pastor Hart allowed the children to run off some of their excess energy with his games. The children enjoyed the snacks provided by Barb Fister (with a thank you to Rita Medence for her special jello) especially the smores. Ben Becker and Barb Fister got us started everyday with some energetic singing. And a big thank you to our youth helpers—Noah Schock, Alfiya Hart, Meliya Hart, (who helped everyday) and Thomas Hart, Ainsley Hart, Messeret Hart, and Sam Wetzel (who came when they were available). They were invaluable to our program’s success. Also thanks to Diane Czar for registering the children. We also collected a basket of non perishable food for the Catty Foodbank.

We all had a wonderful time at Camp Discovery and look forward to next years’ VBS.

Cheryl Kneiss

Fall is on its way! That means time for raking leaves, pulling out comfy sweaters, and getting ready for fall worship. With all this in mind, I would like to let everyone know of the start of Holy Trinity’s choir season on September 13th with our first rehearsal at 9:00 am before service. To kick off Holy Trinity's Choir season, we will have a Music and Pizza night on Wednesday September 9th starting at 7:00pm. Here we will get a chance to see all the music for the fall and talk about all upcoming holidays and church events. Hope to see you there!

To the “Morning Glories”

Thank you so much for thinking of me

and all the wonderful cards you mailed to me.

My love to all of you.

Helen Reichl

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What I did on my summer vacation:

HT youth gathered after worship one Sunday in July to assemble school kits from the Social Ministry

team's 2014 collection. Fortified by bagels and cream cheese, it was Girls vs 2/3 Girls in a heated

game of dart baseball. Thank you to Brianna Walker and the Hart crew (Alfiya, Meseret, Meliya, and

Thomas) for spending a chunk of their Sunday helping with the kits. We missed those who were on


Alfiya, Meliya, and HT alum Rachel Held traveled to Maryland in July to deliver those school

kits. But what's a road trip without some foot golf at McDaniel College ...sleeping over at Grammy

Babylon's 'bed & breakfast' in Westminster...packing 4,290 pounds of soap - yup, that's over 2 tons -

at the Brethren Center warehouse in New Windsor for shipment to Lutheran World Relief distribution

points...slurpees at break time...shopping at the SERRV store at the Brethren Center... Looking

ahead to 2016: expanding our road trip to 3 days and 2 nights... volunteering one day in the

warehouse and 1 day in the SERRV store...a visit to Gettysburg on the way down...and round 2 of foot

golf! (Rachel had the winning score this year.) HT youth were conspicuous at VBS again this year. Those who attended or helped on Thursday night

(Noah and Ethan Schock, Alfiya and Meliya), scored a post-VBS trip to the Oasis for ice cream and 18

holes of minigolf. Congrats to Noah whose score (65) bested his opponents - Ethan was right behind

him with 66 strokes. But Alfiya stole the show with a hole in one!

Looking ahead in 2015:

November 22, 1-5pm - our second annual Shopping Event at Ten Thousand Villages. Once again,

100% of the proceeds will go into the Nohla section of our Youth account for continued monthly

sponsorship of our World Vision sponsored sister.

And...date to be announced...a new HT Youth fundraiser: an eating contest to raise funds for our

general activities fund! Details to be disclosed in the near future... Sale of beautiful 2016 calendars as a service to our church family. We know you love 'em, so if there's

enough interest, we'll make them available again later in the fall.


After a quiet summer, the Social Ministry team is back in business with the annual school kit collection. Please continue to take advantage of any last-minute back-to-school sales in September to add to our collection of BLUNT scissors, pencil sharpeners, pencils, spiral notebooks (70 to 210 pages, wide- or college-ruled), rulers (with 30 cm), and crayons (box of 24). Like to sew? Linda Wiland has been sewing bags for our school supplies for several years, and would probably enjoy sharing the task! What a great way to enter the world of Social Ministry. Interested in what we do, but all thumbs with fabric and thread? Join us for an evening of Social Ministry planning (and refreshments) at the annual Ingathering meeting on Tuesday, September 15th at 7PM. Social ministry at Holy Trinity is open to women, men, and youth. With no regular meetings, you can join our activities as needed. What do we have our hands in? The Food Table (promoting, decorating, organizing, or delivering the food to the Catty Food Bank); the school kit collection (promoting, counting supplies, sewing bags, volunteering at the Brethren Center warehouse); Christmas Ingathering of gifts for area institution residents (promote, organize, deliver the collection); $5 Blanket Sunday and Father's Day disaster relief collections (promote/set up display) are our annual projects. And we're open to new ideas, or to reviving past projects like "Buck-a-Chick". Interested? Talk to Diane Czar, Cheryl Kneiss, or Judy Spaits for mor nformation. If you offer your food to the hungry and satisfy the needs of the afflicted, then your light shall rise in the darkness and your gloom be like the noonday. - Isaiah 58:10 (NRSV)

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AND THE WINNER WAS...Judy Spaits! Judy won a

$10 Scrip card of her choice as we celebrated the

$3000 profit realized in just a little over a

year! Now we have our sights set on $4000. So buy,

spend, and bring back your $0 balance Scrip cards

for a chance at our next drawing for a $10 Scrip gift

card! When we move back into the sanctuary for

worship, the box for those cards will move back to

the narthex. Don't for get to put your name on your $0 balance cards!

The next order deadline is Sunday, September 13th. You can email orders to

Diane at [email protected], bring your order to church, or call/text an order

to Joe (610-573-1957) or Diane (610-739-6006). So even if you're away from

Holy Trinity, we're only a mobile device away!

Thank you to everyone who has been participating in the Scrip gift card program,

making it a huge success. If you haven't tried it, feel free to speak to Joe or

Diane to find out how doing your everyday shopping and eating out with Scrip

cards can support Holy Trinity's Christian Education program at no additional

cost to you! The "IMAGINE" poster in the Alice Storch Room gives a good

picture of what we're talking about.

Here are the cards that are available for immediate purchase:

Dunkin Starbucks Sheetz Chipotle Boston

Market Subway Wendy's Taco Bell

Burger King Arby's Panera Dick's Sporting Goods Cabela's Lowe's Pet


Kohl's Aeropostale Boscov's Old Navy American

Eagle Gap Giant Weis CVS

Bed Bath & Beyond Amazon.com iTunes Barnes & Noble ($5 & $25)

Q'doba Applebee's Carrabba's Bonefish Grille Longhorn Steakhouse

Olive Garden Red Lobster Cracker Barrel Outback TGIFriday's

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September Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 9th: 7pm Choir Kick off and Pizza Party

Sunday, September 13th: 8am Spoken Communion, 9am Sunday School,

9am Choir Rehearsal, 10:30 Holy Communion,

11:30am Fellowship and Refreshments

Saturday, September 19th: 5:30pm “Murder by Shoo Fly Pie”

Mystery Dinner Theater

2015/2016 Monthly Fellowship and Refreshments

We will be resuming the monthly Fellowship & Refreshments on Sunday, Sept. 13, 2015.

Future 2nd Sunday of the month Fellowship and Refreshments:

Sept 13, 2015 – Robin & John Wargo/Jay & Nancy Miller

October 11, 2015 – OPEN

Nov 8, 2015 – Intention to Give Sunday – Sherry Creyer/Vicki Chimics

Dec 13, 2015 – Janis Charvala/BJ Kunkel

January 10, 2016 – Tanya Schock/Tia Hart

April 10, 2016 – Diane Czar & Youth

Want to host a Fellowship & Refreshments in 2015/2016?

Call Janis Charvala, 610 440-0073.

See you after church on September 13, 2015!

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