World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 4 (4): 344-348, 2012 ISSN 2078-4589 © IDOSI Publications, 2012 DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjfms.2012.04.04.6353 Corresponding Author: D. Isaac Dhinakaran, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Rajakkamangalam, 629 502, Tamilnadu, India. 344 Antimicrobial Potential of the Marine Sponge Sigmadocia pumila from the South Eastern Region of India D. Isaac Dhinakaran and A.P. Lipton 1 2 Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 1 Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Rajakkamangalam, 629 502, Tamilnadu, India Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 2 Vizhinjam Research Centre of CMFRI,Vizhinjam, 695521, Kerala, India Abstract: The crude methanolic extracts of the sponge Sigmadocia pumila collected from kanyakumari region were tested for antibacterial activity using the agar well diffusion method. The extracts were tested against Gram positive and Gram negative organisms. The antifungal activity was examined using Sigmadocia pumila against various fungal strains such Trichoderma viride, Fuzarium spp, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans, Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus flavis. Hence it is assumed that the sponge exhibited high antimicrobial activity. Key words: Sigmadocia pumila % Antibacterial % Antifungal INTRODUCTION The methanolic extract of the mairne sponge Sponges are the most primitive of multicelled activity against Candida albicans, Cryptococcus animals that have existed for more than 800 million years. neofromans, Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida The sponges (Porifera), being evolutionarily ancient, parapsilolis. The marine sponges including multicellular, sessile organisms, inhabit every type of Amphimedon viridi and Neopetrosia sp. possess marine benthic environment [1]. Sponges are divided into antileishmanial activity [5]. The crude extracts from three classes mainly according to the composition of their Clathria gargonoids and callyspongia diffusa have skeletons i.e. Calcarea, Glass sponges and Demo sponges. larvicidal activity against culex and insecticidal properties. Among them demo sponges have the largest number of Sigmodosia carnosa has higher toxic effect on Aedes bioactive compounds. More than 8,000-10,000 species of egypti. Haliclona pigmentifera and Petrosia similies are sponges were described. Such as Aplysina archeri, considered as good source for exhibiting pesticidal Xestospongia muta, Acanthella pulchra, Helicona activity [6]. simulans, Axinella dissimilis, Discodermia dissolute, The major leading dreadful diseases such as Raspailia ramose [2]. tuberculosis, aids, malaria and cancers are controlled with Pharmaceutical studies on sponges have been started the new lead molecules discovered form marine organisms in the early 1950s by the discovery of the nucleosides especially sponges. The lead molecules are discovered spongothymidine and spongouridine in the marine from the Axinyssa sp. Halichondria sp. and Chondrosia sponge Cryptotethya crypta. The nucleosides were the reticulate. These sponge extracts has displayed potent basis for the synthesis of ara-C, the first marine-derived anti-M tuberculosis activity. Phakellia ventilabrum anticancer agent and the antiviral drug ara-A. Ara-C is extract exhibits antimalarial activity [7]. Marine sponges currently used in the routine treatment of patients with are known as chemical factories because they produce leukemia and lymphoma. More than 15,000 marine hundreds of unique chemical compounds that have been products have been described so far [3]. The bioactive isolated and their structures are determined. Ircinia felix, substances from sponges the terpenes, sterols, cyclic pandaros acanthifolium, Topsentia ophiraphidites and peptides, alkaloids, fatty acids, peroxides and amino Verongula rigida are the abundant source of chemical acid derivatives (which are frequently halogenated) have compounds. The compounds from Topsentia sp. have been described from their associated microorganisms [4]. strong hemolytic activity on fresh bovine erythrocytes. Haliclona exigua has showed promising antifungal

Antimicrobial Potential of the Marine Sponge …4)12/4.pdfCorresponding Author: D. Isaac Dhinakaran, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Rajakkamangalam,

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Page 1: Antimicrobial Potential of the Marine Sponge …4)12/4.pdfCorresponding Author: D. Isaac Dhinakaran, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Rajakkamangalam,

World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences 4 (4): 344-348, 2012ISSN 2078-4589© IDOSI Publications, 2012DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wjfms.2012.04.04.6353

Corresponding Author: D. Isaac Dhinakaran, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Centre for Marine Science and Technology,Rajakkamangalam, 629 502, Tamilnadu, India.


Antimicrobial Potential of the Marine Sponge Sigmadocia pumila from the South Eastern Region of India

D. Isaac Dhinakaran and A.P. Lipton1 2

Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 1

Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Rajakkamangalam, 629 502, Tamilnadu, IndiaCentral Marine Fisheries Research Institute, 2

Vizhinjam Research Centre of CMFRI,Vizhinjam, 695521, Kerala, India

Abstract: The crude methanolic extracts of the sponge Sigmadocia pumila collected from kanyakumari regionwere tested for antibacterial activity using the agar well diffusion method. The extracts were tested against Grampositive and Gram negative organisms. The antifungal activity was examined using Sigmadocia pumila againstvarious fungal strains such Trichoderma viride, Fuzarium spp, Aspergillus niger, Candida albicans,Penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus flavis. Hence it is assumed that the sponge exhibited highantimicrobial activity.

Key words: Sigmadocia pumila % Antibacterial % Antifungal

INTRODUCTION The methanolic extract of the mairne sponge

Sponges are the most primitive of multicelled activity against Candida albicans, Cryptococcusanimals that have existed for more than 800 million years. neofromans, Aspergillus fumigatus and CandidaThe sponges (Porifera), being evolutionarily ancient, parapsilolis. The marine sponges includingmulticellular, sessile organisms, inhabit every type of Amphimedon viridi and Neopetrosia sp. possessmarine benthic environment [1]. Sponges are divided into antileishmanial activity [5]. The crude extracts fromthree classes mainly according to the composition of their Clathria gargonoids and callyspongia diffusa haveskeletons i.e. Calcarea, Glass sponges and Demo sponges. larvicidal activity against culex and insecticidal properties.Among them demo sponges have the largest number of Sigmodosia carnosa has higher toxic effect on Aedesbioactive compounds. More than 8,000-10,000 species of egypti. Haliclona pigmentifera and Petrosia similies aresponges were described. Such as Aplysina archeri, considered as good source for exhibiting pesticidalXestospongia muta, Acanthella pulchra, Helicona activity [6].simulans, Axinella dissimilis, Discodermia dissolute, The major leading dreadful diseases such asRaspailia ramose [2]. tuberculosis, aids, malaria and cancers are controlled with

Pharmaceutical studies on sponges have been started the new lead molecules discovered form marine organismsin the early 1950s by the discovery of the nucleosides especially sponges. The lead molecules are discoveredspongothymidine and spongouridine in the marine from the Axinyssa sp. Halichondria sp. and Chondrosiasponge Cryptotethya crypta. The nucleosides were the reticulate. These sponge extracts has displayed potentbasis for the synthesis of ara-C, the first marine-derived anti-M tuberculosis activity. Phakellia ventilabrumanticancer agent and the antiviral drug ara-A. Ara-C is extract exhibits antimalarial activity [7]. Marine spongescurrently used in the routine treatment of patients with are known as chemical factories because they produceleukemia and lymphoma. More than 15,000 marine hundreds of unique chemical compounds that have beenproducts have been described so far [3]. The bioactive isolated and their structures are determined. Ircinia felix,substances from sponges the terpenes, sterols, cyclic pandaros acanthifolium, Topsentia ophiraphidites andpeptides, alkaloids, fatty acids, peroxides and amino Verongula rigida are the abundant source of chemicalacid derivatives (which are frequently halogenated) have compounds. The compounds from Topsentia sp. havebeen described from their associated microorganisms [4]. strong hemolytic activity on fresh bovine erythrocytes.

Haliclona exigua has showed promising antifungal

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World J. Fish & Marine Sci., 4 (4): 344-348, 2012


An aqueous extract of Myrmekioderma styx exhibits crude methanol extract. The concentrated crude extracthemagglutination activity. Spongia sp. and Spirastrellasp. release the spongistatins compound, which exhibitantiprolific activity [8]. From the marine spongeoceanapia sagittaria the pyridoacrydine alkaloidskuanoniamines A and C were isolated. The kuanoniaminesA and C were evaluated against the growth of five humantumor and non-tumor cell lines on the proliferation ofhuman lymphocytes. kuanoniamines A was shown to bea potent inhibitor of DNA synthesis and it was also foundto cause an extensive reduction of the MCF-7 cells in G-2phase [9].

The marine sponge Aplysina caissara an endemicbrazilian species of the order verongida, havebromotyrosine compounds such as Fistyralin-3 and11-hydroxyaerothionin which have displayed moderateantibiotic activity against E. coli, P. aeruginosaand S. aureus [10]. The biotechnological potentialof Cliona varians sponge based proteins firstshowed that lectins purified from Carliona variansdisplayed a cytotoxic effect on Gram positivebacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcusaureus and agglutinated Leishmania chagasipromastigotes [11].

Bioactive compounds from marine sponges haveextensive use in the treatment of many diseases and thesecompounds act as the templates for syntheticmodification. Several molecules isolated from varioussponges are currently involved in the advanced stage ofclinical trials. From the sponge Ircinia sp, the biologicallyactive molecules show strong antibiotic, analgesic andanti-inflammatory properties [12]. The present studydescribes the antimicrobial ability for the crude extracts ofSigmadocia pumila against the Gram positive and Gramnegative organisms.


Collection and Preparation of Extracts of Sponges:Specimens of the marine sponge Sigmadocia pumila werecollected from the coast of Kanyakumari, Tamilnadu,India“by-Catch method” during active fishing season.The sponges which were detached at a depth rangingfrom 10 to 25m and entangled in the fishing nets whilefishing and were segregated after completion of fishing inthe morning hours. Sponges were cut into small piecesand extracted thrice with distilled methanol and the pooledorganic solution was filtered through Whatmann No.1filter paper fitted in a Buchner funnel using suction.Solvents were removed by rotary vacuum evaporator(Buchi-type) under reduced pressure so as to get the

was collected in airtight plastic containers and kept in therefrigerator for further use.

Antibacterial Activity: The antibacterial activities of themethanol extracts of sponge Sigmadocia pumila weredetermined by the standard agar well diffusion assayPerez et al. [13]. using Muller Hinton agar (Hi Media).The bacterial cultures were obtained from the Microbialtype culture collection and gene bank (MTCC), Institutefor microbial technology, Chandigarh, India. The Grampositive bacterial strains included Bacillus thuringiensisMTCC 4714, Enterococci fecalis MTCC 439, Listeriamonocytogenes MTCC 1143, Staphylococcus aureusMTCC 737 and Proteus vulgaris MTCC 426. Gramnegative strains such as the E. coli MTCC 443, Klebsiellapneumonia MTCC 109, Pseudomonas putida MTCC 1688and Serratia liquefaciens MTCC 3039 were used in thetest. Wells of 6.0 mm diameter were punched usingsterilized cork borer. Culture of each microbial pathogenicstrain was swabbed with sterile cotton on the surface ofmedium. The crude extracts were suspended in methanolat concentrations (1, 5 and 10 %) of 1mg/ml forantimicrobial studies. Sponge Sigmadocia pumila extractswere tested with different aliquots 50, 100 and 150 µl ineach well. The plates were incubated for 24 hrs at 37°Cand solvent control was performed in each case. Areas ofinhibited microbial growth were observed as clear zonearound the well after 24 hours. Antimicrobial activity wasmeasured as diameter of zone of inhibition, excluding thewell diameter.

Antifungal Activity: Antifungal activity of the crudeextract of marine sponge Sigmadocia pumila wasdetermined by using the standard method [14]. Fungalisolates were obtained from the Microbial type culturecollection and gene bank (MTCC), Institute for microbialtechnology, Chandigarh, India. They includedTrichoderma viride MTCC 2047, Fuzarium spp MTCC284, Aspergillus niger MTCC 1344, Candida albicansMTCC 183, Penicillium chrysogenum MTCC 5108 andAspergillus flavis MTCC 873. The fungal cultures weremaintained in 0.2% dextrose medium at 5.6 pH and theoptical density 0.10 at 530 nm was adjusted usingspectrophotometer. Each fungal inoculum was applied onplate and evenly spread on potato dextrose agar using asterile swab. To each well, 100 µl of the samples wereadded and the solvent was used as the control. Agardiffusion assay was followed to evaluate the antimicrobialactivity. The Petri plates were incubated at 30°C for 2days. At the end of the 48 hrs, inhibition zones formed inthe medium were measured in millimeters.

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World J. Fish & Marine Sci., 4 (4): 344-348, 2012


Fig. 1: Antibacterial activity of the methanolic crudeextracts of the sponge Sigmadocia pumila by welldiffusion method.

Fig. 2: Antifungal activity of the methanolic crudeextracts of the marine sponge SigmadociaPumila


The trend of antibacterial activity for Sigmadociapumila is given in Fig. 1. In the agar well diffusionmethod, the methanol extracts of Sigmadocia pumilaexhibited high inhibitory activity towards humanpathogens of Gram negative organisms such as E. coli,Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas putida andSerratia liquefaciens. They were not active against theGram positive organisms except Staphylococcus aureus. In E. coli the zone formed at 50µl was 2mm and at150 µl it was 16mm diameter. Then Klebsiella Pneumoniaeformed 14mm zone at 100 µl concentration of extract,Pseudomonas putida formed the zone of 15mm at 100 µlof extract. In Serratia liquefaciens 16mm zone was formedat 50 µl concentration of the extract. Then inStaphylococcus aureus 2mm and 12mm diameter zoneswere formed at 50 and 100 µl of extract. In the rest of theconcentrations the extract was not effective.

Fig. 2 suggests the antifungal activity for themethanolic extracts of Sigmadocia pumila showingmoderate effects on some organisms such as Candidaalbicans and Penicillium chrysogenum and no activitywas seen on organisms such as Trichoderma viride,Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavis and Fusarium spp.In Candida albicans the diameter of the zone was 6mm at50 µl and 10mm at 100 µl. Then in Penicilliumchrysogenum the inhibitory zone measured was 3mm and6mm for 50 and 100 µl of the extract.


In the present study the extracts of the spongeSigmadocia pumila showed antimicrobial action againstthe Gram negative organisms effectively. Organisms suchas E. coli, pseudomonas putida and staphylococcusaureus were inhibited effectively by the extracts. Spongesare primitive marine invertebrates which contain morenatural products than any other marine phylum. Many oftheir products have strong bioactivities includinganticancer, antimicrobial, larvicidal, hemolytic and anti-inflammatory activities and are often applicable formedical use [15]. Marine sponge Aplysina cavernicolaproduces aeroplysinin and aerthionin and other dibromoand dichlorotyrosine derivatives, with some antibioticactivity against Bacillus subtilis and Proteus vulgaris[16].

Antimicrobial activities of marine bacteria associatedwith sponges at the south east coast of India haveshowed a variety of secondary metabolites. They are thecompounds such as amino acids, sugars, fatty acids,

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terpenes, etc. Recently it was reported that sponge 5. Lakshmi, V., S.K. Mishra, S. Srivastava,associated Streptomyces synthesizes various marinenatural products [17]. A 27 kDa lectin purified fromDemosponge Suberites domuncula displayedantibacterial activity against the Gram-positive bacteriaStaphylococcus aureus and the Gram-negative bacteriaEscherichia coli [18].

In the present study, it was confirmed that thesponge Sigmadocia pumila had the ability to inhibit thegrowth of E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus even at lowconcentrations of 50 µl and 100 µl of the extracts.Kanagasabhapathy et al. [19] studied the antimicrobialactivity of several marine sponges, which werecollected from the gulf of mannar, India. They showedthat they are very active against the humanpathogenic bacteria. They found that the spongepsammaplysilla purpurea has a remarkableantimicrobial activity against different humanpathogenic organisms. Jimenez et al. [20] reported the useof marine natural products as an alternative source fordetecting the larvicidal, hemolytic and anticanceractivities.

Marine organisms represent a valuable source of newcompounds. The Sigmadocia pumila crude extractsshowed the ability to induce various in vitro activitiesespecially significant antimicrobial activity. It may bedue to the presence of bioactive compounds.Hence Sigmadocia pumila can be considered as aneffective organism to develop drugs.


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