Burley Gardeners’ Association Annual Show & Displays MONDAY 26th August 2019 At the Queen’s Hall, Main Street, Burley-in-Wharfedale 2:15pm to 4:45pm Trophies and prizes will be presented at 4pm by: Niccola Swan Trustee, Burley Community Trust Auction of produce will take place after the show at 4.30 pm Admission: Adults £1 Under 16s 50p Members free

Annual Show & Displays - Burley in Wharfedale · 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!)

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Page 1: Annual Show & Displays - Burley in Wharfedale · 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!)

Burley Gardeners’ Association

Annual Show & Displays MONDAY 26th August 2019

At the Queen’s Hall, Main Street, Burley-in-Wharfedale

2:15pm to 4:45pm

Trophies and prizes will be presented at 4pm by:

Niccola Swan Trustee, Burley Community Trust

Auction of produce will take place after the show at 4.30 pm

Admission: Adults £1 Under 16s 50p Members free

Page 2: Annual Show & Displays - Burley in Wharfedale · 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!)

OPEN CLASSES (1-17) – OPEN TO ALL (not just Burley residents & BGA members)

1) A vase of cottage garden flowers* 2) A single Osteospermum 'SIROCCO' (given out at May meeting) grown to max 6” pot 3) Three stems of one perennial flower – e.g. Chrysanthemums, Delphiniums ,Dahlias, Roses, etc. 4) Burley Gardeners’ Association Tray – a collection of vegetables &/or fruit, a display of three different kinds, two of each kind # 5) Burley Gardeners’ Association Vase – a vase of mixed flowers, maximum 10 stems & not less than two kinds of flower, to be viewed all round # # See regulations on back of entry form 6) Flowers in an unusual container 7) One stem of one flower with one kind of vegetable 8) A single Pelargonium/Geranium or Fuchsia in a pot* 9) A lady's corsage or a gentleman's buttonhole


Wines should be exhibited in a clear 75cl.(26fl.oz) bottle with flanged cork or screw cap 10) One bottle of dry red or sweet red wine {For classes 10-11 labels must show type e.g. 11) One bottle of dry white or sweet white wine {'Sweet white','dry red' & base ingredient. 12) A home made fruit spirit e.g. Sloe Gin, Damson Gin, Raspberry Vodka, etc. {clear glass bottle no larger than 300ml


13) A photograph – 'Nature's Finest' {max. 20cm by 15cm (8in by 6in). 14) A photograph – 'My Favourite Walk' {max. 20cm by 15cm (8in by 6in). 15) A card for a special occasion {max. 25.5cm by 20.5cm (10in by 8in). 16) A hand knitted or crocheted item 17A) A patchwork or quilted item 17B) Any other handcrafted item {ma. 30Cm by 30cm (12in by 12in)

*************************************************************************** CLASSES 18 – 62


18) A dish of four apples – cooking variety 19) A dish of four apples – dessert variety 20) A dish of fruit of any variety 21) Six Dwarf/French beans 22) Six runner beans 23) Three tomatoes (not cherry) 24) A dish of six cherry tomatoes 25) One cabbage, cauliflower or calabrese. trimmed, any variety 26) Three onions – trimmed 27) Three red onions - trimmed 28) Six shallots – culinary OR pickling 29) One cucumber 30) One vegetable marrow – for quality, not weight 31) A jam jar of mixed herbs 32) One vegetable not specified in any other class, maximum six specimens 33) Three courgettes – not more than 15cm (6in) 34) Five potatoes – any, colour, shape or variety 35) Three Garlic bulbs – tops and roots trimmed 36) A disaster!

Page 3: Annual Show & Displays - Burley in Wharfedale · 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!)

FLOWER CLASSES 37) One Pelargonium ( Geranium) - Regal or Zonal – any size pot – flowers & foliage * 38) Six pansies or violas* *See Regulation 5 39) A vase of foliage Own container required 40) Three stems of flowers of one kind, not classified elsewhere 41) One stem specimen hybrid tea rose 42) A vase of three dahlias – of any variety or varieties 43) A vase of six annuals of one kind (sweet peas, marigolds, zinnia, antirrhinum, etc) 44) A container of mixed growing plants – flowering and/or foliage (pot, urn. basket, etc) 45) One flowering pot plant (excluding fuchsias and geraniums)* 46) One pot of fuchsia (flowers or foliage) * 47) One foliage pot plant (including grasses)* 48) One pot cactus or succulent*


49) A Victoria sandwich – raspberry jam filling, caster sugar topping (three egg mixture baked in two tins) 50) A savoury flan or quiche 51) Bread – A loaf of bread made in the traditional way 52) Bread – A loaf of bread, any flavour ( machine made) 53) A chocolate cake – your own recipe, presented with a copy of the recipe 54) A lemon drizzle cake – your own recipe, presented with a copy of the recipe 55) A fruit pie, maximum 23cm (9in) 56) Four fruit scones 57) Four squares of Yorkshire parkin (NOT ginger cake) 58) One jar of jam (any fruit)** { **presented with wax disc & cellophane cover

and label showing type of fruit & date made) 59) One jar of marmalade ** 60) One jar of fruit curd – e.g. Lemon, Orange, etc. ** 61) One jar of chutney – e.g. Tomato, Plum, etc. 62) One jar of pickle - e.g. Onions, Red Cabbage, Beetroot, Piccalilli, etc.


OPEN JUNIOR CLASSES (63 - 73) In each class, prizes will be awarded in three age groups – 7 years and under, 8 – 10 and 11 – 16 years. Age, not name, to be shown next to exhibit. Must be childs own work 63) A photograph – 'all things bright & beautiful' {taken by you, 'all creatures great & small' {max. 20cm by 15cm (8in by 6in. 64A) Colour in the picture provided {7 years and under 64B) A handwritten & illustrated poem – THE OWL AND THE PUSSY-CAT by Edward Lear {8-10 & 11-16 years 65) Flowers in an unusual container 66) A fruit and/or vegetable animal 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!) 70) A scene in a shoe box 71) A decorated stone 72) A LEGO creation of your own design {max: 20cm (8in) in any direction 73) A decorated mask

Page 4: Annual Show & Displays - Burley in Wharfedale · 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!)


BURLEY SHOW TROPHY-(competitor gaining the most points overall in Show) WINNER…..Katie Newman THE GARNETT MEMORIAL TROPHY-(competitor gaining the highest number of points in Produce classes) WINNER…..Ruth Ennis THE DENNIS ROBINSON SHIELD- (competitor gaining most points in the Flower classes) WINNER…..Dougie Ascough THE JILL KILNER MEMORIAL CUP-(competitor gaining most points in the Fruit & Vegetable classes) WINNER…..Scott Whitaker THE WHARFEDALE FUCHSIA CUP-(competitor with the best exhibit in the pot plant section, classes 11-17 WINNER…..Steve King THE SHEILA QUIN TROPHY-(competitor with the best exhibit in the Handicraft classes) WINNER…..Polly Newman THE ASCOUGH TROPHY-(competitor gaining the most points in the Junior classes) WINNER… Katie Newman BURLEY OLD PEOPLE’S WELFARE ASSOCIATION ROSE BOWL (awarded for best exhibit by a pensioner, not having won any other trophy) WINNER….Theresa Jerrett THE GWEN ASCOUGH MEMORIAL TROPHY-(awarded for the best exhibit in the open class) WINNER….Brian Parker THE DICK HARGRAVE SHIELD-(awarded to the shop, small business or pub chosen as the winner of the Burley in Bloom competition) WINNER…..Burley Hall THE FLORENCE LUPTON TROPHY-(competitor with best entry in Junior baking classes 65-67) WINNER….Katie Newman THE BRENDA SHEPHERD TROPHY –(awarde to the best photograph – adult) WINNER…Alyson Healey THE SECRETARY'S NOVICE CUP-(competitor with the most points, never having previously won a trophy) WINNER...Judith Waterworth

ROSETTES ...awarded at the judges’ discretion, to exhibits of a high standard to: P. Newman T. Jerrett S.King B.Parker S.Whittaker


Art Exhibition - Burley Art Club Fine Design – greetings cards and gifts created in Burley by Margrit Salter

Wharfedale Honey & Preserves created by Ginna Finlayson A prizewinning display of fruit and vegetables produced by David Allison

The Library - Burley in Wharfedale Waste Not Shop by Charlotte Hawkins

Plastic Free Burley & Refill Burley

INDEPENDENT JUDGES Flowers – Steve Ryan Produce – Val Leeming & Joanne Cartledge Fruit/Vegetables – David Elcock

Wine - Jill Thorley Handicrafts/Juniors - Glenys Lowe & Janet Schofield Photography – Ian Lamond

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS B.G.A. Committee thanks all of our Judges and anyone who has helped in any way.

Angus I. MacIntosh, Show Secretary,

telephone 01943 862750 / email:[email protected]

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Regulations 2019

1. Entries must be individual and are to be submitted, with completed entry forms at the Show Office, on MONDAY, 26th AUGUST, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon. All exhibits are to be staged before 12.15 p.m.

2. All exhibits are at the sole risk of the owner. 3. The Judges are empowered to withhold First, or any other Prize from any exhibit not deemed worthy of the

award, or from an entry submitted in the wrong class. 4. Exhibitors must be residents of Burley or Burley Woodhead, or are current BGA members, except for Open

classes and Junior classes which are open to ANYONE from ANYWHERE! (#) 5. Vases are provided for Flower Classes. All exhibits should be staged in these, except in the starred classes where own vases/pots can be used. (*) 6. No exhibit is to be removed before 4.15 p.m. 7. In the Flower and Vegetable Classes all exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor and must not have won a

prize previously at a Burley Show. 8. All entries must be submitted with ENTRY FEES:

Adults 40p. each entry; Junior classes (16 and under) 10p each entry.

Exhibitors may have up to two entries in each class.

9. In the Produce, Handicraft and Junior Classes all exhibits must have been made by the exhibitor and must not have won a prize previously at a Show.

10. Prize money is to be collected from 4.00p.m. from the Show Office. Money not collected by 5.00p.m. will be deemed to have been donated to Show Funds.

11. The Committee shall be empowered to settle any dispute which may arise and for which these regulations do not provide.


# except classes 4 and 5 #

FIRST - £5 SECOND - £3 THIRD - £2 ***

CLASS 64 B. (8-10yrs & 11-16yrs only)

A handwritten & illustrated poem


The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat:

They took some honey, and plenty of money Wrapped up in a five-pound note.

The Owl looked up to the stars above, and sang to a small guitar,

'O lovely Pussy, O Pussy, my love, What a beautiful Pussy you are,

You are, You are! What a beautiful Pussy you are!'

Page 6: Annual Show & Displays - Burley in Wharfedale · 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!)

Entry Form Please complete and bring with you to the Show Venue between 10am and 12 noon. One person’s entries only on each form. Additional entry forms can be obtained from the Show Office on the day.



Please tick if you have never won a trophy _____________ Please tick if you are a pensioner _____________ Please tick if you are a first time exhibitor in gardening classes at Burley Show _____________ Please enter me in the following class(es) Tick the box of the class you are entering and indicate if more than one entry in class.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17A 17B 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59

60 61 62 63 64A 64B 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Total number of entries ………………………..

Entry fees ……………………..

See regulation 8 for details of entry fees

For official use only: Exhibitor’s number Auction o o

Page 7: Annual Show & Displays - Burley in Wharfedale · 67) Six home made decorated biscuits (made by you!) 68) A chocolate cake (made by you!) 69) Three decorated cup cakes (made by you!)