ANNUAL REPORT END-OF-LIFE ISSUES THEME TEAM (EoLITT) JUNE 2011 – MAY 2012 National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly

ANNUAL REPORT END-OF-LIFE ISSUES THEME TEAM (EoLITT) JUNE 2011 – MAY 2012 National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly

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National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly



Knowledge Translation

Student Involvement


2012 Work Plan


Further distribution of the informational caregiver brochure entitled What to Expect when Someone Close to You is Dying also via the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) network and Canadian Virtual Hospice (CVH);

Final development of the easy to use Pain Assessment Tool (PAT);

Dissemination of the Capacity and Consent tool with regard to advance directives (Ontario version);

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day awareness via a co-sponsored Special Seminar at the University of Toronto’s Institute for Life Course and Aging;

Application for Full-Membership status with the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Ontario (QELCCC) – received January 2012;


Informational Brochure

The informational brochure What to Expect when Someone Close to You is Dying is available online on the NICE website (and via Canadian Virtual Hospice) for ready reference:


It has been translated into Cantonese, French and Spanish.

The Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) is the key distribution partner for the brochure with 58 branches across Canada offering palliative care.

Capacity and Consent Tool

The capacity and consent tool with regard to advance directives for the Province of Ontario is available online at:


Work toward the expansion to other provinces and territories is under way.

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day

The NICE End-of-Life Issues Theme Team partnered with the : University of Toronto’s Institute for Life Course and Aging, Toronto Central Palliative Care Network (TCPN), and Hospice Toronto.

To present a World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Lecture on hospice and palliative care service provision in resource poor settings, featuring John Mastrojohn, III of the Foundation for Hospices in Sub-Saharan Africa (FHSSA).

The lecture was webcast and is available as a podcast via the Institute for Life Course and Aging’s website at: http://www.aging.utoronto.ca.

QELCCC Membership

The Theme Team led NICE’s application for Full-Membership status with the Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada (QELCCC).

Following acceptance, a first meeting was attended in January 2012 in Ottawa, Ontario.

It is hoped that the membership status will boost the Theme Team’s visibility and help with grant applications as a knowledge user partner.

Knowledge Translation

Toronto Central Palliative Care Network (TCPN) State of the Union Address (June 2011);

NICE information table;

Pain Assessment Tool (PAT) prototyp launch to solicit practitioner feedback.

Knowledge Translation

Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference (CAG) in Ottawa, Ontario (October 2011):

NICE information booth,

Poster to launch the

Pain Assessment Tool (PAT).

Knowledge Translation

NICE participated at the 2011 Applied Research Day of the Ontario Long-Term Care Association (OLTCA) in Toronto, Ontario with an informational booth. It is hoped that the Theme Team’s brochures will find further distribution in the long-term care sector.  

The Co-Chairs also edited three editions of the Theme Team Newsletter as a communication tool. The newsletters are available online via the NICE website at http://www.nicenet.ca.



Theme Team Newsletter



2012 Workplan

Further collaboration within the new NICE network;

Continue to promote and distribute the EoL brochure, Capacity and Consent tool and the PAT;

Enter into a development phase with regard to end-of-life tool development for the non-cancer setting;

Continue outreach and knowledge transfer activities including World Hospice and Palliative Care Day Special Seminar;

? Your input, please!

Thank You to Our Members:

We wish to thank all Team Members for their commitment - and are looking forward to another challenging but, hopefully, very productive year.

Chris & Maryse
