2015 Annual Report of St. Alban's Parish Rector’s Report for 2015 Submitted by the Very Rev. Sara L. Potter We begin with worship… 2015 began with two important events relative to our worship leadership. The first, in mid-January, was the return of Rev. Fred Moore to serve as Deacon in worship. Second, in late January was the ordination of Nancy Streufert to the priesthood at Christ Church in Eureka. Many of you were able to join in that wonderful occasion. Shortly thereafter, in February 2015, Nancy became a Priest Associate of St. Alban’s. She is also an Associate of Christ Church. This year Nancy has spent learning the nuts and bolts of her role liturgically and pastorally. It is becoming clearer that she has gifts and interests in Adult Formation and this is an area where she will have increasing leadership and responsibility. She filled in on Sundays several times in my absence and of course, provided great service and leadership during my family leave at the end of the year. Please see her report on page 7. Other Worship matters On January 6 th we had our first of what I hope is an annual Epiphany celebration complete with a King Cake (thank you Diana Cooper!). Join us next year and you too can be crowned King for the evening and lead us to the Christ Child. The Missio Engage Team led us again in distributing Ashes on the Arcata plaza. We drew a larger crowd this year, in part due to better weather (no wind) and in part, because Ash Wednesday fell during Presidents’ Week allowing more participation by families. On Palm Sunday we used a setting of the Passion narrative by Walter Wangerin, The Cry of the Whole Congregation. The setting includes narrators but also soloists, the children’s choir and a dancer as well as increased congregational participation. It is my intention to use this setting again in 2016. In March and again in October 1

Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

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Page 1: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

2015 Annual Report of St. Alban's Parish

Rector’s Report for 2015Submitted by the Very Rev. Sara L. Potter

We begin with worship…2015 began with two important events relative to our worship leadership. The first, in mid-January, was the return of Rev. Fred Moore to serve as Deacon in worship.

Second, in late January was the ordination of Nancy Streufert to the priesthood at Christ Church in Eureka. Many of you were able to join in that wonderful occasion. Shortly thereafter, in February 2015, Nancy became a Priest Associate of St. Alban’s. She is also an Associate of Christ Church. This year Nancy has spent learning the nuts and bolts of her role liturgically and pastorally. It is becoming clearer that she has gifts and interests in Adult Formation and this is an area where she will have increasing leadership and responsibility. She filled in on Sundays several times in my absence and of course, provided great service and leadership during my family leave at the end of the year. Please see her report on page 7.

Other Worship mattersOn January 6th we had our first of what I hope is an annual Epiphany celebration complete with a King Cake (thank you Diana Cooper!). Join us next year and you too can be crowned King for the evening and lead us to the Christ Child. The Missio Engage Team led us again in distributing Ashes on the Arcata plaza. We drew a larger crowd this year, in part due to better weather (no wind) and in part, because Ash Wednesday fell during Presidents’ Week allowing more participation by families. On Palm Sunday we used a setting of the Passion narrative by Walter Wangerin, The Cry of the Whole Congregation. The setting includes narrators but also soloists, the children’s choir and a dancer as well as increased congregational participation. It is my intention to use this setting again in 2016. In March and again in October Tom Dewey led a training for ushers and other worship leaders in emergency evacuation procedures. Both times we did a drill the following morning during both Sunday services so that, in Tom’s words, we build muscle memory. This will likely be an annual event though our trainings will focus on different kinds of gatherings within the life of the congregation. In September the Missio:Engage Team launched a new service, Sanctuary, meeting the second Sunday of each month at 4 p.m. I refer you to Connie Webb’s report on page 14. In November the Tuesday evening healing service drew to an end after 14 years. My deep thanks to Emily Arents and Evaonne Hendricks for their faithful leadership


Page 2: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

over many years and also their sensitivity to recognize that this ministry had come to its conclusion. Worship for Advent and Christmas was under Nancy’s leadership. My hats off to Nancy and Susan Twomey, our organist, as they lead not only in my absence but with Nan Voss Herlihy, our Choir Director, also away at Christmas. In many respects the Altar Guild members were my heroes this year. They responded graciously to the changing demands with new and different services as well as served beautifully for the five funerals we had, at times operating on a slender crew.

Training ground—Field Education StudentSt. Alban’s continues to serve as a place of training and formation for those preparing ordination. All through the spring and summer months Pam Gossard, a candidate for Holy Orders as a Deacon, worshipped with us joined by her husband Paul at the 8 a.m. time of worship. In August Pam began to formally serve as our field education student. She serves in the regular rotation as Lector and Eucharistic Minister and as Preacher. Pam is in her third and final year at the School for Deacons. She will be with us through late May 2016. My thanks to Emily Arents, Casper Earle, Cathy Larripa and Bill Strider who are serving as her support team. Her ordination to the diaconate is scheduled for Saturday, August 13, 2016 at Trinity Cathedral in Sacramento.

Office MattersIn February a new computer for the office was purchased and installed. While this was a much needed upgrade it was anything but a smooth transition! My deep thanks to Carolyn Willis our parish secretary for her perseverance through this transition. Not only was she learning Windows 7 but there were upgrades to Outlook, Church Windows, and QuickBooks—basically every program she uses! In August of this year there were two break-ins to the Church offices in an attempt, first to steal my laptop (which was interrupted) and later removing our old CPU tower. While nothing of value was ultimately taken it was unsettling for those who are on the property at times alone. We discovered some vulnerabilities relative to our windows (which were addressed) and the Vestry elected to install a security system. See Senior Warden Dona Moxon’s report on page 8 for more details. Shirley Curtis subbed for Carolyn when she was sick or needed to take personal leave as when her dad died in November. George Inotowok is our office “Angel” who comes in as needed to help with special projects (like compiling the annual reports). My deep thanks to both of them.

CommunicationsA number of much hoped for pieces in our parish communications fell into place this year. In late 2014 Evaonne Hendricks assumed her previous role as editor of the parish newsletter, Tidings. In June 2015 she passed the baton to Diana Cooper. Diana has brought enthusiasm and joy to the task.


Page 3: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

In the fall Diana, Laura Miller and Shirley Curtis became the official administrators of our Face Book page. They are doing a fabulous job—be sure to check it out. If you have something to post or share they are the folks to contact. Dona Moxon submitted the weekly worship notice to the Times Standard. I continue to update announcements on our website. While Diana is not our official communications person she did a fair amount of publicity this year. She is a master of keeping track of the submission dates for various local media outlets.

The Bible & Prayer Book ChallengeIn late 2012 Bishop Beisner issued a challenge to the Diocese to read the entire Bible together in one year. A second challenge was issued for 2014 that we took up in 2015—reading together the New Testament, Psalms and portions of the Book of Common Prayer. Fourteen members of the congregation took up the Bible & Prayer Book Challenge in Lent concluding in mid-December. Participants rediscovered that to engage scripture is to enter a strange world and that to faithfully read scripture requires, as the Rev. Patrick Gahan notes that one must both know what you are reading and respect what you are reading.

Welcoming ChurchThe Welcoming Church Team and members of the congregation marched in the annual Pride Parade and tabled at the Pride Festival on September 12 at Halvorsen Park in Eureka. November 20 is the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance. This year, for the first time, transgender men and women who had been murdered in the previous year were remembered as part of the prayers of the people on Sunday, November 29. Cindy Woods made a beautiful display commemorating those who had been killed that remained in the parish hall throughout Advent and Christmas.

Deanery & DeanshipI continue to serve as the Dean of the Semper Virens Deanery of the Diocese of Northern California. For the record, I want to include what our diocesan canons say about the role of the Dean. For simplicity’s sake I have eliminated some of the canonical formatting.

“In each Deanery there shall be a Regional Dean. The Regional Dean is to be a priest in good standing in the diocese. The Regional Dean shall be appointed by the Bishop. The term of service shall be three years.

The Regional Dean shall preside at the meetings of the Convocation, at all meetings of the Deanery clergy, which shall meet regularly, and at other Deanery meetings. The Regional Dean shall report to the Bishop after each meeting concerning the Deanery.


Page 4: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

The Regional Dean shall make an annual report to the Convention, in writing, on Deanery activities of the preceding year.

The Regional Dean shall serve as an associate member of the Board of Trustees, having voice, but without vote.

The Regional Dean shall meet with the Bishop at stated intervals to consider the reports of missionary clergy and to make plans for the furtherance of the work of the Church.

It shall be the duty of each Deanery to ascertain and serve the needs of its own region as the primary communications and operations resource beyond individual Parishes and Missions, advise the Board of Trustees in regard to the claims of any spiritual, education or social work that would further the cause of the Church, ascertain the population and condition of the communities within its region, the results of missionary and other work carried on by the Church, and so far as is practicable by other religious bodies; and in general, promote the cause of religion.”

For all this I get to have “Very” in my title! In seriousness, I enjoy my ministry as the Dean of the Semper Virens Deanery. I am thankful for my clergy colleagues in the deanery and my fellow deans are extraordinary priests and leaders. Here is what our ministry together as a Deanery looked like this year.

Freedom Ride 2015: Youth PilgrimageTwo youth from St. Alban’s, Rachel Curtis and Chloe Robnett, were chosen to represent the deanery as part of the team from the Diocese on the Freedom Ride 2015 pilgrimage sponsored by the Diocese of North Carolina. The deanery raised $1,600 toward the trip which was matched by the Diocese. The two girls spoke to four of the congregations of the deanery in advance of the trip to raise funds and again after the trip to share their learning about racial reconciliation when they returned. Connie Webb organized a craft fair and bake sale with the Chloe and Rachel as part of St. Alban’s fundraising efforts. Many of you donated beautiful items to the fair and delicious treats. Funds were raised in excess of $1,600 and benefitted the pilgrimage and scholarships for Camp Living Waters.

Diaconal TrainingSeveral members of the deanery continued to work with the Rev. Deacon Phina Borgeson on formation for diaconal ministry. This group was established as a pilot project in January 2012 to provide training, resources and support for those who often undertake community ministry alone. The group includes those who are seeking ordination as deacons and those who will continue to provide lay leadership in diaconal ministries. The group meets four times over the spring and fall, either in person or by conference


Page 5: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

call. Thirty members of the deanery gathered together in mid-March for The Deacon in the Details: A Time for Action, Worship and Reflection. Mid-year the diaconal group began work on developing their own rule of life. Three individuals were made candidates and are completing their study at the School for Deacons in Berkeley, CA. We are looking forward to their ordinations in August 2016.

Conversations on being Church in the 21st centuryAt my invitation the Rev. Joe Duggan, vicar of St. Francis, Fair Oaks, visited the congregations of the deanery in mid-March and facilitated several conversations reviewing the most recent literature regarding being Church in the 21st century. The congregations have sensed a need to learn to be more attentive to God’s spirit in discernment and are working to identify resources to that end. The conversations took place via Skype, a reminder that there is much that can be shared and learned via technology—important to those of us living behind the Redwood Curtain.

Vine and BranchCindy Woods helped to coordinate the first ever Vine and Branch event for the deanery on behalf of the Episcopal Foundation of the Diocese of Northern California. The event was held at the home of Anne Pierson and was an opportunity for the Bishop to thank those who have remembered the Church in their will and other wise contributed significantly to the long term health and vitality of our congregations.

Camp Living WatersCamp Living Waters has another great year. See the Rev. Susan Armstrong’s report, page 16.

OutreachBill Strider continues to oversee our Street Meals ministry. Please see his report on page 14. We have for many years cooked for the Arcata Night Shelter and offered our facility to house people as part of the Extreme Weather Shelter during times of extended rain or below freezing temperatures. This year cooks from the congregation provided meals for 25 individuals on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays of each month through June. We opened our facility to serve as an Extreme Weather Shelter site twice in 2015. In June of 2015 Arcata House Partnership (AHP) who oversees both the Night Shelter and Extreme Weather Shelter (as well as transitional housing in Arcata) learned they were not going to receive a grant for fiscal year 2015-2016 that they had received in the past. They took this change to reimagine the work of the Night Shelter to serve a smaller client base over more time. As of this writing we are still waiting to hear when our cooks will need to go back into action. Additionally, Fox Olson, the Executive Director of AHP resigned to relocate closer to her elderly parents. As AHP


Page 6: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

moved through this transition the opening of the Extreme Weather Shelter was postponed until mid-December.

It has been my pleasure to share in the work of the regional community organizing effort True North, especially with the Elders’ Caucus made up of elders’ from the local tribes and leaders in faith communities. It has taken time to discern the concrete steps this group wants to undertake but some important relationships are beginning to emerge between Anglo & Native leaders.

Pastoral Care2015 was a year of heavy loss in the congregation. Seven members died—Chris Miller, Lydia Lindberg, Shirley Armstrong, Phyllis Broyles, Mac McClary and Marylee Bytheriver. In addition, several members of the congregation lost family members. There were a number of hospitalizations for serious conditions and in some cases people moving out of the area for care. I am deeply grateful that we have a strong pastoral care team. Fred Moore, Emily Arents, Cindy Woods, Nancy Streufert and I meet monthly to coordinate pastoral care for the congregation. Please note, in the late spring Fred took over the coordination of our Eucharistic Visitors from Parish Nurse Emily Arents. Cindy Woods has taken over coordinating our food Angels, those who bring food to members of the congregation following a hospitalization or at the time of death of a family member.

Continuing Education and RetreatMy letter of agreement specifies I am to take two weeks of continuing education and one week of retreat each year. In June I spent two weeks at Yale Divinity School taking a course on worship and another on preaching for Lectionary Year C. In September I was blessed to spend a week on retreat at Redwoods Monastery in Whitethorn, CA.

Some Fun!One of my commitments when I came back from sabbatical was just to have some plain ol’ fun together. In July a dozen or so of us gathered for a Crab’s baseball game on a Sunday after worship. Even Layla and James Richardson joined us on their one year anniversary! In mid-August five of us ventured out to hike the Lost Coast in southern Humboldt County. “Team work” was maybe a better descriptor than “fun”, but it was an incredible time nonetheless.

Family LeaveAfter all of the above it may come as no surprise that as we headed into October I realized I was in need of a leave of absence. I was still grieving my pregnancy loss of last summer, trying to hold the congregation’s grief and adjusting to having baby Michael with our family. The Vestry graciously approved a six week leave—Thanksgiving through Epiphany.


Page 7: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

Nancy Streufert agreed to lead worship and attend to pastoral needs and some administrative tasks during the leave. Our Bishop, Barry Beisner, approved a grant of $2,700 to St. Alban’s to provide Nancy with a base level of compensation. To the Vestry, Nancy, Barry and all of you I am deeply grateful.

***Rector’s Discretionary Fund

This fund is primarily intended to meet the needs of the poor. Traditionally, the loose offering the first Sunday of each month was given to this fund in addition to contributions from individuals. This changed in 2011 when the RDF was supported by contributions from individual members of the congregation alone. In 2015 the RDF was again supported contributions by individual members of the congregation. A total of $1550 was contributed to the RDF in 2015. As of the December 31, 2015, the Rector had disbursed the following:

$155 Assistance with Lodging/housing$ 309.05 Assistance with food $170.48 Assistance with gas/travel$330.63 Assistance with utilities$162 Assistance to parishioners$264.75 Assistance with funeral fees

Priest Associate’s report for 2015Submitted by the Rev. Nancy Streufert

On Saturday, January 31, 2015, I was ordained by Bishop Beisner to the Sacred Order of Priests at Christ Episcopal Church in Eureka. The next day I began my service to God and the Church as priest associate at both St. Alban’s in Arcata and at Christ Church in Eureka. My first year as priest has been eventful, joyful, and challenging all at the same time! Serving three congregations (including Christ Church’s parochial mission Sts. Martha & Mary in Trinidad) has given me the opportunity to experience priestly ministry in three very different but life-affirming settings. But doing so has its challenges too, and I am learning to “fine-tune” my listening skills to discern the needs of each congregation.

At St. Alban’s, my primary ministry has been supporting the Very Rev.  Sara Potter with Sunday worship, preaching and celebrating Eucharist. On Ash Wednesday, I joined the Missio-Engage team in “Ashes to Go” on the Arcata Plaza. I also had the unique opportunity to lead the congregation during Advent and Christmas while Mother Sara was on family leave. Together, Mother Sara and I are developing an adult formation ministry that we hope


Page 8: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

will reach more parishioners where they are in their Christian journeys and help them grow in discipleship.

As a new clergy member, I participated in the diocesan “Fresh Start” program with Canon Andrea McMillin for new clergy, began participating in the Deanery Working Group (our local clergy of Semper Virens deanery), and presided at Eucharist for one of the daily services at Camp Living Waters, another unique and challenging opportunity for a new priest! I attended the annual diocesan convention in Redding in November.

My continuing education included training in Sacramento by the Catechumenate Training Institute (preparing newcomers for baptism) and a symposium at my seminary Nashotah House in Wisconsin called “Sacramental Participation & Spiritual Formation as the Heartbeat of the Parish.”

Discretionary Fund Report: St. Alban’sBeginning Balance: $2480Distributions: $1475Jerusalem Fund (Good Friday): $100Arcata House Partnership: $1000 Butte and Valley Fires (Bishop’s Discretionary Fund): $250Episcopal Relief and Development for Syrian Refugees: $1252015 YE: $1005

Senior Warden’s report for 2015Submitted by Dona Moxon

The Vestry began the 2015 year with the establishment of three specialty Working Groups within the Vestry membership. The Administration group was charged with assisting the Rector to find and recommend solutions to select parish administrative programs and tasks; Building and Grounds worked with the Jr. Warden to identify problems and issues related to the property, and the Ministry group was charged with reviewing St. Alban’s current and proposed ministry programs. Discernment tools to aid in the work of the Vestry were researched and discussed. The detailed annual Parochial Report that is submitted to the Episcopal Church headquarters in New York and to the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California was reviewed and approved. The Vestry meeting day and times were established as the 4th Wednesday of each month at 6:00 pm and personnel evaluations with the Rector and staff were conducted.

Goals established by the Vestry in 2014 were reviewed prior to the establishment of Vestry Working Groups. The Administrative Working Group was initially charged with office computer oversight and coordination of the transition of Pledge Secretary and Inventory database duties from


Page 9: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

Marylee Bytheriver to Ellen Robnett and Mary Wheetley. Following a walk-through of the building and property, the Building and Grounds Working Group assessed maintenance and repair needs and began plans for a work day. The Ministry Working Group was charged with creating ministry protocols to help Vestry members review new and existing ministries and ensure they meet established goals and the mission of the parish.

Vestry Working Groups continued activities throughout the spring and summer months, working on the re-establishment of a Stewardship Committee, the purchase and installation of new accounting software, acquisition of a dehumidifier, repair of property fencing, maintenance of door locking mechanisms, and continued creation of a ministry protocol document.

In the fourth quarter of the year, following two break-ins, the Vestry investigated the installation of a security system, oversaw the completion of a computer backup system, heard a quarterly financial update from the Treasurer, and a status and planning report from the Stewardship Committee. A Memorandum of Understanding with Mother Nancy Streufert, to provide services during Mother Sara’s leave, was approved, and convention delegates attended a Deanery Convocation pre-convention meeting held at Christ Church in Eureka.

In November, the Vestry approved a motion to reduce their size from 9 to 7 members with a By-Law change regarding the change to be put forth at the annual meeting.

I extend my sincerest thanks to all members of the Vestry, to Mother Sara, Mother Nancy, former Sr. Warden Cindy Woods, and Parish Nurse Emily Arents for their support and guidance. Our parish staff, Carolyn, John, Nan, Layla and Susan are the absolute best with their exemplary skills and hearts firmly embedded in St. Alban’s. We would be very hard-pressed, indeed, without the commitment and dedication of you, our parish volunteers, who make up the life of our congregation. To you all, I send my sincerest love and thanks.

Junior Warden’s Report – Not available at press time.

2015 Sexton’s Annual ReportSubmitted by John Hendricks: Sexton

CAUTIONS AND ALERTS: We have a new thermostat in the Parish hall. Patricia Starr, who rents the Parish Hall on Friday mornings for her Yoga


Page 10: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

class, paid for it. She wanted the hall to warm up before she arrived. Unlike the old thermostat, every day of the week can be scheduled individually. If you adjust the new thermostat, please do not open its front flap. You only need to press the buttons on the surface to set it. For a few weeks, the thermostat has not turned on for the Yoga class, because someone else had earlier adjusted the new thermostat from inside its front flap, or had left the hold button engaged. On Sunday mornings, it should turn on the heat automatically at 7:30 A. M. On other days, to turn on the heat, just press the up or down arrows to set the desired temperature, then press the “hold” button. Upon the LCD display, a “hold” will appear and remain. When you leave, press the “hold” button once more, and watch that the “hold” display disappears. When the ‘hold” disappears from the display, the thermostat will return to its weekly program.

DONATIONS AND VOLUNTEERS: An anonymous church member produced dowels to prevent the windows from being broken into. Michelle Olsen donated a brand new dehumidifier for the largest bottom hall closet, which was previously damp, and so had a problem with black mold growth. Thank you to both those people.

PROJECTS COMPLETED: This year we had a major service repair for the kitchen plumbing. We paid Maples Plumbing $278.89 to 1) replace a faucet in the kitchen, which had been very slowly leaking for the last two years; 2) replace a faulty sprayer, the trigger of which was not working; and 3) serviced the dishwasher, which was also slowly leaking. The fence gate in front of the shed had settled so it would not close when wet. I sanded down the gate so it would close. A bathroom sink stopper broke, so I fixed it. The fan in the east bathroom broke and I replaced it. Three new paper towel dispensers were installed, without charge, by Mendes Supply Company. The old dispensers were too difficult for some of our senior parishioners to operate. Thank you to Jenny Simpson, our Junior Warden, who repeatedly reminded Mendes to correct an improper installation of the new paper towel dispenser in the Sacristy. We purchased little furniture slides for moving tables. We purchased supplies to help the Church in emergencies, such as major earthquakes. The emergency supplies are mostly in the shed, with a few in the office. We bought new timer tags, so we can add other events to the timer for our outside lights—specifically for early Sunday morning, when it is still dark during winter. The handrail for the walkway behind the kitchen came loose, and I fixed it. Two garbage cans cracked badly, and two wall clocks broke, so I replaced them.

FUTURE PROJECTS: The hand railing for the stairs to the choir loft needs to be replaced. The present railing is not strong enough. We will soon have a burglar alarm.


Page 11: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

Altar Guild Annual Report for 2015Submitted by Brenda Wood

Altar Guild members during 2015 were Marylee Bytheriver, Marlene Hover, Carolyn Hunt, Ann McClary, Michele Olsen, Bob Webb and Brenda Wood. Casper Earle re-joined Altar Guild in February after a 9-month hiatus.

Marylee was an active member until June, before her death at the end of November. She was responsible for starting the St. Alban’s Altar Guild Handbook with lists of what needs to be done for the set up and clean up for various services. In 2012, she oversaw the design of the beautiful green vestments and paraments we now use (designed to match the stained glass windows), and gifted them to St. Alban’s in memory of her parents. Altar Guild dearly misses Marylee – she was a font of knowledge and dedicated leader and member.

The function of Altar Guild is to prepare everything that is necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and all the other services conducted at St. Alban’s. This year, we set up and cleaned up for three regular weekly Eucharist services (two services each Sunday and a midweek service), plus additional services during Advent/Christmas and Lent/Holy Week/Easter. This year there were also five Celebration of Life services, two Committals, and one Baptism. From mid-September through mid-December, it was a huge challenge to cover all the duties - the loss of Marylee, sickness, and extended vacations left us with only four active members.

In October, Evaonne Hendricks and Linda Ruonavaara accepted invitations to join Altar Guild and started training. They are scheduled for their first duties in January 2016. Welcome Evaonne (10:30 a.m. and mid-week duties) and Linda (8 a.m. duties)!

Thank you to all who made donations for the Sanctuary Candle and/or the Altar Flowers this year. The weekly donations covered the costs for keeping the candle burning all year and enabled us to have flowers on the altar each week (except Lent when we do not have flowers) and extra vases at Christmas & Easter.

Altar Guild would welcome more members. If you are interested in exploring this possibility, please feel free to speak with Mother Sara or Brenda Wood. A note ♪ from your organist: 2015 Annual ReportSubmitted by Susan Twomey“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.” ~Victor Hugo


Page 12: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

It has been my privilege for a second year now to play organ and piano in support of St. Alban’s community worship...for Sundays and Holy Days, for funerals, for various prayer services, and as accompanist for the adult choir in collaboration with Nan Voss Herlihy, choir director (and Cindy Woods who directed the choir during this Advent and Christmas season). I also assist in planning with Worship committee members: Mother Sara, Nan Voss Herlihy, Evaonne Hendricks, and others as needed for the season. Thanks to you who worked with me to share your gift of instrumental music this year! Thanks Nan for playing the piano when I am not there, and to Doug Moorehead who is called in occasionally to sub as organist. Thanks to Evaonne Hendricks, Janet Finney-Krull, and Rev. Nancy Streufert for playing flute / thanks to Caitlin Wheetley and Liz Finney for playing violin / thanks to Jack Burger and Wyatt Wheetley for playing piano... for worship at times during this year."The most valuable thing the Psalms do for me is to express the same delight in God which made David dance."~ C.S. Lewis

Choir report for 2015Submitted by Nanette Voss-Herlihy

 This year, the choir took on some new challenges in the fall, rehearsing and performing more often. Although it took more commitment, the choir performances contributed positively to the Sunday worship experience. We gained some new choir members, and have broadened our repertoire to include more traditional Anglican hymns as well as more contemporary choir pieces. This Christmas season, the choir was delighted to welcome Cindy Woods as interim director. Cindy led the choir beautifully on Christmas Eve, aided by Jenni Simpson. We are truly blessed to have such committed and talented musicians and singers at St. Alban’s, and this year only showcased their individual talents even more.

Parish Nurse and Health Ministries Annual Report 2015Submitted by Emily Arents, RNThe year 2015 has proved to be one of change for this ministry. Early in the year, Mother Sara offered to make the responsibility for the Angels and their ministry of meals to the homebound separate from Health Ministries. The leadership of this wonderful group is now headed by Cindy Woods and I am grateful for her willingness to take this over. God blesses their work! A second change came in a decision to cease the weekly Healing Prayer Service. Because the service included weekly Eucharist, it involved the scheduling of the Altar Guild as well as Mtr. Sara and served only a few dedicated parishioners. We now need to find another way to include those on the weekly Prayer List. Yet another change is that now the Parish Nurse


Page 13: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

meets monthly with the Rector and the Senior Warden, and monthly with the Health Ministry team consisting of the Rector, the Associate Priest, the Deacon and the Head of the Angels. This facilitates the connectedness of our abilities to minister to the health needs of the parish, improves our communications and I am so grateful for their establishment.

As always, the Parish Nurse spent the greatest amount of time visiting and keeping in touch with those experiencing health crises personally or within their families whether in hospital or recovering in SNFs or back at home. All together an average of 25 hours a month are dedicated to these functions. Also included in those hours were a presentation provided to the Unitarian Church in Bayside about the functions of Parish Nurses and Health Ministry Teams, and also a presentation provided to the women of St. Alban’s by the Breast and GYN Health Project. An Episcopal church and Eucharistic Visitor team was successfully found for one of our members who moved to a Long Beach care home. Each month a health related newsletter article is written for The Tidings newsletter. Finally, this year we held another Blue Christmas service that provided an alternative Christmas worship for the many people who experienced significant losses in 2015.

Thank you to one and all for your encouragement and kindnesses. You surely show God’s work in action when you look after one another. Particular thanks are offered to Evaonne Hendricks for her years of dedication to the Healing Service, to Cindy Woods for her willingness and expertise in taking over and managing parish meal needs with the Angels, and as always to Mtr. Sara and our Health Ministry team at St. Alban’s. God’s work is being done here!

Eucharistic Visitation Team reportSubmitted by the Rev. Fred MooreOur team's mission is to take the sacramental elements of Bread and Wine to home-bound members of our parish.  Typically, our visits are made immediately after the 10:30 service and generally take about two hours; we have on occasion, made mid-week visits under special circumstances involving illness.  Sadly, a number of those we have seen regularly died in this past year.  The size of our team (Emily Arents, Julie Davy, Fred Moore, Jack Moore, Tina Rousselot, and Cindy Woods) allows us to serve only once a month or so, permitting each of us to be on sabbatical from obligations when necessary.  This ministry is quite special; we are blessed to bring Christ to those who cannot come to be with us on Sunday.  The joy, the sacred presence, the time spent with our brothers and sisters, is a blessing to each of us.  The intensely personal interaction is beyond description.  Please join us; contact any team member to learn more.


Page 14: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

St. Alban’s “Angels”Submitted by Cindy Woods

June was a month of transition as we began to share some of the work carried by our Parish Nurse, Emily Arents, through Health Ministries. For many years one of Emily’s responsibilities was to coordinate a group known as the “Angels.” Angels have provided meals for people in our parish during illness, family member death or other events of concern where assistance with meals would be helpful.

The Angel group continues to be busy with their ministry of food purchase, preparing and delivery. Since June 2015 we have delivered food to eight parish families and/or individual members accounting for twenty-seven people. With the help of this ministry families and individuals received food for a total of seventy-two meals. In addition to meals prepared there were also three grocery deliveries.

Many thanks to our Angels for answering their phones and emails when a request goes out to the group. Their help has been and will continue to be greatly appreciated by our St. Alban family. Thank you Emily Arents, Wally and Diana Cooper, Nancy Dye-Leer, Jane Foster, Alice Hackett, Aaron Hohl, Carolyn Hunt, Maureen Johannsen, Cathy Larripa, Tina Rousselot, Shawn Thompson and Brenda Wood. Recently returning Angels are Laura Miller and Bill Strider and we welcome our newest Angel, Betsy Neal. We also want to thank Betty Price for her many years of cooking and baking great food as she takes a rest from the Angel’s kitchen.

Please contact me if you would like to be an Angel volunteer in 2016.

Street Meals Annual Report for 2015Prepared by Bill Strider, Street Meals CoordinatorTwenty Fifteen included a spurt of growth for St. Alban’s Street Meals ministry. The catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative service at St. Alban’s one Sunday afternoon per month. While she was at it, Connie promoted our Street Meals ministry; and several people expressed interest. It was this unexpected support that allowed an expansion of bag lunch preparation and distribution to a second day per week, again in conjunction with the Food for People food pantry which in turn had recently expanded their Arcata distribution to two days per week.We are now distributing sixty lunches on Saturday mornings at the Campbell Creek Connexion Church at the foot of Redwood Park and forty-


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eight lunches on Wednesday afternoons at the Baptist Church on Alliance across from Murphy’s Market.Our Friday regular crew for lunch preparation consists of Alice Hackett, Marlene and Beth Hover, John and Evaonne Hendricks, Kroy Rubin (John and Evaonne’s housemate) and myself. Barbara Moore and Betty Price have helped out in a pinch when somebody is unable to make it.The HSU folks who helped get the Wednesday program up and running have moved on with their lives, but the slack has been picked up by Nancy Dye-Leer, Carroll Baker, Alice Hackett, and myself.The Street Meals ministry welcomes budgetary support from St. Alban’s but does not depend on it due to the support of an anonymous donor.

MISSIO: ENGAGE!Submitted by Connie WebbThroughout 2015 the mission team worked to plan our new afternoon supper service named “Sanctuary”, aiming to reach new people. After meeting regularly, planning, surveying people, and researching the topic, we began our new service in September. Sanctuary has been held once a month on Sunday afternoons at 4 p.m. Our target group has been those in the age range of 20 to 45 – although all have been welcome who are young at heart and ready for a contemporary form of worship. We have had new and returning people each week, totaling about 18 people each time. We have come to learn that this is a good service for people new to St. Alban’s. Our service is discussion oriented so we have had a chance to really become connected as Christians. We have learned to appreciate how discussions built around topics centered on God help us to build those relationships that are essential to a Christian community. And for new people to stay with us they need to develop relationships with us.We love this new service and are praying that more of St. Alban’s people will become involved by bringing someone new to Sanctuary.Team members – Diana Cooper, Laura Miller, Barbara Moore, Bob Webb, Connie Webb and Cindy Woods. The Rev. Tim Doty - advisor.

CHURCH SCHOOLSubmitted by Connie WebbChurch school was provided each Sunday throughout the year.  We had three classes.  One class was for students in pre-school through first grade, the second class was for students in grade 2 through grade 6, and the third class was for students in grades 7 through high school.  We continued using Living the Good News Curriculum which now comes to us on line and saves us a few dollars being


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digital.  We have five excellent regular teachers:  Jan Ramsey, Cindy Woods, Shirley Curtis, Rachel Curtis and myself.  Our attendance has remained stable.  We have five regularly attending the youngest class, about five regularly attending the middle class and six regularly attending the older class. Five others attend less regularly. We are grateful to God for each eager learner.

CHAPELSubmitted by Connie WebbChapel was provided for all interested children throughout the year during the 10:30 service's sermon.  We continue to use Living the Good News material which follows the Lectionary and insures that the children receive instruction regarding the same scripture as their parents in church. I have shared the instructional responsibilities with Mtr Sara and with Wally Cooper and Chloe Robnett when a substitute was needed.  We have about twelve children on our roll.

 NURSERYSubmitted by Connie WebbNursery service has been provided throughout the year from 9:15 to 12:00 each Sunday morning.  Our nursery attendant is Layla Richardson. She has her degree in early childhood education.  I am very pleased with her service and consistent attendance.  We have six attendees who have become regular in their attendance.

During the Christian formation time, Layla Richardson assists these young ones in their Sunday school classroom with their teacher when we have no infants. This is a great benefit to enabling our teachers to present instruction to these beginners.

Camp Living Waters 2015 ReportSubmitted by the Rev. Susan ArmstrongCamp this year was focused on journey. Our theme was “Journey into the World with God.” Camp was held the last week of July, and we served 22 campers, with the indispensable help of seven counselors and 17 staff members. Campers from Portland, Redding, and Ukiah joined us. Staff members changed roles a bit: Michael Scofield led the campfire for half a week, at the invitation of his sister Erin Scofield. He and Broderick Brown led the outdoor activities with enthusiasm. Ben Hart and Cindy Woods shone in the kitchen and cooked wonderful meals for us all week. Pam Gossard baked the tasty Eucharist bread. We enjoyed our usual schedule of daily worship, crafts, outdoor games, Bible study, swimming, free time and campfire. Beth Powell persuaded us to use milk cartons instead of the Styrofoam or wood scraps used in the past. The milk cartons worked well for the annual boat race. Visiting clergy led the worship with varying themes: Rev. Eric Duff (family) Rev. David Shewmaker (school), Rev. Jeri Gray-Reneberg (friends), Rev. Nancy Streufert (community), and Rev. Susan Armstrong (local environment). Canon Andrea joined us for a day and her friendliness was much appreciated. Sara Hines and Kathy Clague once more cleaned camp and kitchen with incredible effectiveness. As in past years, we


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look forward to doing more outreach and advertising to include more campers in our community. We also hope to get more cleanup volunteers and to have help with recruiting. We may be able to assist the Cookson Ranch in purchasing a storage enclosure for storage of equipment on site. Hauling it all to and from each year is onerous. Thank you to everyone involved with Camp, to the Diocese and our local parishes and organizations, and thank you to our incredible campers and counselors for allowing us to serve you and experience the love of Christ with you!

Music & Arts Camp 2015 Submitted by the Rev. Nancy StreufertThe Christ Church campus once again came alive with the sound of children’s singing and laughter during the 2015 music and arts camp held August 10 – 14. Our theme was "This Land Is Our Land," with a focus on all things Americana. Pam and Paul Gossard taught the children the theme song along with "America the Beautiful" and "When the Saints Go Marching In" (with kazoo chorus!) as the core songs for the opening and closing gatherings. Paul accompanied the group on the banjo and worked in a nature/environment theme with Pete Seeger and the Hudson River cleanup project he spearheaded. Also incorporated were some gospel songs like "Every Time I Feel the Spirit." The theme of Americana ran through the other classes too: Marita Musante’s art class, with painting and collage projects inspired by artists like Grant Wood and Ed Emberley; the singing class with Nan Voss Herlihy whose campers learned “Big Rock Candy Mountain” and a round on “America”; and the keyboard class co-led by Merry Phillips and Wally Cooper as violinist Caitlin Wheetley accompanied the children in singing “Holy Manna” from the Southern Harmony hymnbook. We are already planning next year’s camp with a working theme title “Great Adventures.” If you are feeling called to this joyful ministry, please talk to anyone on our leadership team: Peg Gardner, Pam Gossard, Paul Gossard, Marita Musante, Merry Phillips, or the Rev. Nancy Streufert.

This children’s outreach ministry, in its seventh year, offers a morning summer day camp for children in the community entering the first through sixth grades. Its mission is to facilitate the process of awakening the creative spirit in the children of our community in a safe and loving Christian environment. The children are divided into three groups and rotate daily through classes taught by professional, experienced children’s music and art teachers in keyboards and other instruments, drawing and painting, and group singing. On the final day of camp, families of the campers are invited to an open house to experience some of the children’s accomplishments, including a showing of their art work and a choral concert in the nave of the church, followed by a festive picnic lunch to


Page 18: Annual Report 2015 (file)€¦  · Web viewThe catalyst was Connie Webb’s presence on the HSU campus last summer to spread word of the alternative ... environment theme with Pete

celebrate the joy of the children’s creativity. Among the 30 campers enrolled this year, many were from Betty Chinn’s after-school program and from the foster care community. There is no fee for campers. Many generous people from the congregations of Christ Church and St. Alban’s gave of their time, talent and treasure! All funding this year came from the generous donations from both congregations. The leadership team at Christ Church wishes to thank all those from St. Alban’s who participated, namely: Activity Leaders/Teachers: Wally Cooper and Nanette Voss Herlihy Adult Shepherds: Shirley Curtis and Pam GossardTeen Shepherds: Ian Curtis, Chloe Robnett, Isabel Robnett, and Caitlin WheetleyParish Campers: Lily Bowman, Lotus Bowman, Timber Bowman, Lily Herlihy, Jonah Hohl, Miriam Hohl, Elizabeth Curtis, and Sarah Curtis.

Bible StudySubmitted by R. Levi WebbThis year we have been studying the Gospel of Matthew, the second earliest of the gospels. We use N.T. Wright’s discussion guide Matthew which consists of discussion questions (along with some commentary) relating to the Matthew text. There is no “teacher” and we rotate the duty of facilitator among the participants. Some of the participants read commentaries to provide further input. The discussions are lively, thoughtful, and respectful.

We are not in a hurry to get through a pre-selected number of verses or chapters. Our goal is to wrestle with the text to gain a better understanding about what Matthew has written. We believe the Spirit of God has been working in our midst. It has been the occasion for improved understanding, thoughtful introspection, and a call for action. This stuff is revolutionary!!

Spiritual ForumSubmitted by R. Levi WebbIn January and the first half of February we completed a study of I and II Thessalonians, the earliest of the written documents of the church. The discussions of these letters were enjoyable, insightful, and substantial.In February we began a wonderful Great Courses series on the History of Christianity Theology. The first half hour of the forum session we listened to a lecture by Philip Carey, professor of Christian Studies at Eastern University. Each of these lectures could stand alone. In the next half hour


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we engaged in discussing questions having to do with the lecture. All of the participants were challenged and all of us learned a great deal about our tradition and our faith.Interspersed with the Great Courses series were other topical issues. Three of the highlights were Mac McClary addressing Women in Journalism, Freedom Summer with Rachel Curtis and Chloe Robnett, and Marylee Bytheriver discussing her experience as her death was drawing near.Other topical issues included;

Palliative Care with Dr. Michael Fratkin, Euthanasia with Bob Webb, Reflection and review of worship changes in the past year and an

introduction to Enriching our Worship with the Very Rev. Sara Potter.

The Four Loves with professor John Brugaletta, Adult Christian Formation with the Rev. Nancy Streufert

Book Group – Not available at press time.

Craft Group 2015Submitted by Betty Price

This has been a year of changes, starts, stops and generally trying to find ourselves in a place that is good for all the members and allows us to do the things we have planned to do with energy and fresh eyes. Our main purpose has always been to furnish the parish with baby quilts for infant and toddler baptisms. Of late we have added lap quilts for warmth and coziness and friendship.We found we were canceling meetings if it was raining, particularly in the winter when it is harder get going after dinner. A few months ago we decided to try meeting from 3:00 P.M. To 5:00 P.M. This seems, as of now, to be working better for us.We have a wealth of wonderful fabric donated to us by members of the group, or parishioners.We spent one meeting looking at and sorting the fabrics into colors, and making plans and being inspired by such a great trove of material. So now we just need to get to work!STEWARDSHIPSubmitted by Shirley CurtisThe ministry of Stewardship focuses on encouraging generosity of time, talent, and treasure in gratitude for all that God has given. The Stewardship Committee formed this fall, consisting of Diana Cooper, Shirley Curtis, Betsy Neal, Tina Rousselot, and Shawn Thompson, explored many


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aspects of motivations for giving and how to foster a prayerful response to God’s abundance. To help the congregation appreciate all the ways God works through St. Alban’s, a number of parishioners were asked to speak at Sunday services on how St. Alban’s has been a part of their faith journey. The committee also conducted the annual pledge drive, asking parishioners to make a commitment to the financial support of St. Alban’s in the coming year. Stewardship is a deeply powerful component of our lives of faith; if you feel a call to participate in this ministry, please do not hesitate to speak to Mtr. Sara, Diana, or Betsy of your interest.

Treasurer’s Report Submitted by Dan ScofieldThe budget for 2016 includes a summary of the operating funds for 2015. Please refer to the other side of this report to this summary and budget. In 2015, our income was greater than we anticipated while our expenses were less. This combination gave us a surplus for the year. The amount of the surplus is somewhat misleading, however, because we caught up with some of our 2015 expenses in January of this year. Nevertheless, this surplus is in addition to the contributions we made to our savings accounts. In 2016, we anticipate higher income and expenses than we budgeted last year and we plan to continue contributing to our savings accounts. We anticipate a deficit of $2,659.

Accounts as of December 31, 2015

Account Name Type Balance

General Fund Checking $15,271.71

General Savings Savings $27,720.82

Memorial Savings Savings $3,155.17

Temporarily Restricted Funds Savings $11,690.00

Endowment Fund Endowment $38,427.68

Fund Balances Held in Temporarily Restricted Funds:

Fund Balance

Sabbatical Savings 2,639.62

ECS Grant 1,500.00

MISSIO: Engage 1,000.00

Red Cross Training (Arcata Foundation) 1,570.00

Worship Fund 500.00


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Capital Savings 4,000.00

Interest 30.38

Total $11,690.00

With special collections and designated offerings during 2015, St. Alban’s parishioners also gave more than $12,000 to help organizations outside the church. These causes included Wildland Fire Relief, Camp Living Waters, Food for the Poor, and Episcopal Community Services.

St Alban's 2016 Budget Inflows 2015 Budget 2015 Actual 2016 Budget

Plate and Givers of Record 11,000 6,665 10,000 Pledge Payments 149,465 155,812 151,376 Building Use 1,600 2,875 2,000 Other Income 4,000 3,858 4,000

#REF!Total Inflows: 166,065 169,210 167,376

Outflows Stipend and Housing 59,438 57,259 60,326 Clergy Ed. & Professional Exp. 750 1,783 900 Travel Expense 700 134 600 Rector's Hospitality Expense 200 - 200 Clergy Sabbatical Savings 1,500 1,500 1,500 Clergy Insurance 4,851 4,899 5,965 Clergy Pension 10,699 10,738 10,859


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Priest Associate Prof. Exp. 800 118 400 Clergy Supply 680 510 680 Secretary Salary 8,321 8,902 8,450 Sexton Salary 7,000 7,546 7,105 Organist Salary 5,861 6,830 7,105 Childcare 1,550 1,421 1,575 Choir Director 2,247 2,155 3,000 Church FICA & Medicare 1,911 3,930 2,000 Church Insurance 5,700 5,225 5,500 Worker's Comp. Insurance 850 - 850 Diocesan Assessment 21,523 22,472 21,485 Office Supplies 5,000 6,501 5,000 Utilities 4,370 4,172 4,500 Telephone 1,700 1,654 1,700 Web Site 300 - 300 Property Maintenance 1,200 1,187 1,200 Kitchen & Janitorial Supplies 800 541 800 Organ & Piano Maintenance 150 11 650 Music Supplies 620 145 470 Altar Supplies 600 292 700 Equipment and Improvement 3,000 1,749 1,500 Capital Savings Fund 1,500 1,500 1,500 Tax and License 390 381 390 Savings Contribution 2,700 2,925 3,600 General Outreach 4,750 2,584 4,750 MISSIO: Engage 1,000 218 1,300 Haiti Support 500 Youth Pilgrimage 300 Christian Formation: Ch.+Youth 423 426 324 Christian Formation: Adult 530 402 300 Background Checks 100 - 100 Congregational Life 1,500 559 1,000 Health Ministries 200 253 250 Vestry Expense 400 211 400

Total Outflows 165,814 161,133 170,035 Surplus / (Deficit) 251 8,077 (2,659)