Annotation English Esaay

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  • 7/29/2019 Annotation English Esaay


    Michael Shaffer

    English 10 Honors


    31 January 2013

    Quote #3

    Whoever fights monsters should see to it that he does not become a monster. And if you gaze

    long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you- Friedrich Nietzsche

    The meaning of this interesting quote by a famous existentialist, is that even if you are

    fighting something so evil that you would have to bring yourself to their level in order to defeat

    or overcome them, dont become the person you sought out in the first place. This situation tends

    to repeat itself in history often, with such things as dictator, generals, or even bullies. In another

    way it could be explained, is if a child is growing up in a country during a war and eventually the

    war ends he may be angry and grow up as a leader would destroy the other country and thus

    becoming the monster he had meant to destroy and possibly repeat the process. The abyss that

    was spoken of in the quote, that if you put yourself in a situation long enough or think long

    enough about something, it will stare back into you, or reflect your actions back to you. This is

    similar to daydreaming for people because they stare into nothing in full thought, or the abyss,

    and this abyss stares back at you and is actually your own opinion of whatever you are

    thinking about. It is sometimes difficult to come out of the abyss if you very deep inside so

    you never or cant find your way out of it.

  • 7/29/2019 Annotation English Esaay


    InAnthem, the leaders of the post-apocalyptic society could be a good example of

    becoming monsters themselves. When they formed their perfect society they got rid of the

    history books and anything else that held the ideas of anything bad that happened in the world

    before their civilization was formed. This action could be interpreted as a form of propaganda

    which dictators and other evil leaders use to rid history of their horrible deeds. The society

    become somewhat bad for the bad people that lived in it, but the leaders were still in fine living

    compared to everyone else like dictators of history. Like the quote states, the leaders had become

    monsters themselves in an attempt to rid the world of them.

    If you stare inside the abyss for far too long you may end up like the character Meursault,

    in The Stranger, because thinking too much about a situation may make you depressed or even

    almost emotionless if you think too much about life itself. Meursault stared into the abyss or was

    raised as a lonely child which gave him the opportunity to think to himself, and he thought about

    the sad facts of life which probably made him depressed so he doesnt really care for much in life

    anymore. An example of this is the first paragraph of the book, when he first acknowledges his

    mothers death, its almost like he cares more about figuring out what day he got the message of

    the death then the sadness that he should normally be feeling and fist shows his personality right

    off the bat. When Marie asked if he wanted to marry her, he said yes, but thought nothing of the

    emotional parts of it and he only cared for the physical aspects of the marriage. Marie asked what

    he would say if it was another woman and he said he would most likely answer yes, this shows

    his outlook on the emotional parts of life because he doesnt really care. The final example

    involving Marie is when she asked if Meursault loved her, he replied by saying that it didnt

    matter ifhe loved her. This is a prime example of Meursaults I Dont Care outlook on life and

    the effects staring into the abyss may have on someone.

  • 7/29/2019 Annotation English Esaay
