www.saintjohnstoorak.org St John’s Anglican Church Toorak with All Saints Kooyong Welcome to The Anglican parish of St John the Evangelist 86 Clendon Rd Toorak VIC 3142 PH 98261765 Locum Vicar Bishop Graeme Rutherford our mission statement What we have seen and heard we announce to you also, so that you will join us in the fellowship that we have with the Father and with his son Jesus Christ. 1 John 1.3 22nd February 2015 First Sunday in Lent 8am Holy Communion 10am Sung Eucharist St John’s Toorak 9.00am Holy Communion All Saints Kooyong

Anglican Church Toorak with All Saints Kooyongstorage.cloversites.com/stjohnstoorak/documents/15... · 22nd February 2015 First Sunday in Lent 8am Holy Communion 10am Sung Eucharist

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St John’s Anglican Church

Toorak with All Saints Kooyong

Welcome to The Anglican parish of St

John the Evangelist 86 Clendon Rd

Toorak VIC 3142 PH 98261765

Locum Vicar

Bishop Graeme Rutherford

our mission statement

What we have seen and heard we announce to you also, so that you will join us in the fellowship that we have with the Father and with his son Jesus Christ. 1 John 1.3

22nd February 2015

First Sunday in Lent

8am Holy Communion 10am Sung Eucharist

St John’s Toorak

9.00am Holy Communion All Saints Kooyong

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Brad & family farewell lunch Too all who contributed to making last Sunday’s lunch a great success. Those in the preparation and clean-up, thank you. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone and a good send-off to Brad and Karen. Brenda Mouritz, on behalf of the Catering Guild.

Prayers for Christian Unity At 10.00am Thursday 26 February, St John’s Church.

The Panoramic story of the Bible With Bishop Graeme Rutherford. Three Lenten presentations for Toorak Ecumenical Council, 7:00 – 9:00pm Wednesday, 4th March, at St John’s Anglican Church, Toorak Tuesday 10th March, at Toorak Uniting Church Tuesday 17th March, at St Peter’s Catholic Church, Toorak This presentation looks at the coherent narrative of the Bible through six dramatic acts – creation; de-creation; the story of Israel; the Messiah; the Church; new creation. Attendance is free and all are welcome.

Incumbency Committee Parish consultation Parishioners are advised that a parish consultation session has been organised for Sunday 22 March, after the 10.00am service, in the church. All members of the congregation, including All Saints Kooyong, are welcome to attend. The session will last an hour and an agenda will be provided. At the meeting the parish will be advised of the process for appointing the next incumbent, and parishioners will have an opportunity to respond to questions relevant for the guidance of our committee in selecting the next incumbent.

Showing of Jesus Film There will be a showing of the Jesus Film (in English) in the home of a parishioner on Monday evening 16th March. During the evening there will also be another opportunity to see Liz Hawthorne’s pictures of the 2014 Zambia mission. Expressions of interest please to Sally in the church office.

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Funeral for Bishop Barbara Darling People all around the Australian Church have been shocked and saddened by the sudden death of Bishop Barbara Darling as the result of a stroke last Sunday. Her funeral will be held in St Paul's Cathedral this afternoon at 5pm.

Evening Service From 2015, the Evening Service will take place first Sunday of the month (only) at 5pm in the Angel Chapel, and will include Holy Communion.

Breakfast & Morning tea All parishioners are welcome to attend breakfast, straight after the 8.00am service in the Guild Room. Morning tea is served also in the Guild Room, after the 10.00am service. If you are new to St John’s, please ask a parishioner for directions.

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WORSHIP at St John’s

This Sunday: 22 February First Sunday in Lent

(violet) 8.00am - Holy Communion

Hymns: 591, 386, 564 Genesis 9.8-17 (V Randall) Ps 25.1-10 1 Peter 3.18-22 (T Craddock) Mark 1.9-15

Celebrant: Revd Kirsty Ross Preacher: Bp Graeme Rutherford Intercessor: Vivienne Randall

10.00am - Sung Eucharist

Hymns: 684, 591, 386, 564 tune: TiS 25

Genesis 9.8-17 (B Brown) Ps 25.1-10 1 Peter 3.18-22 (A Mannering) Mark 1.9-15

Prelude: Herzliebster Jesu (Johannes Brahms) Anthem: Call to remembrance (Richard Farrant) Motet: Ave verum corpus ( Camille Saint-Saens) English translation: Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, who having truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross for mankind, whose pierced side flowed with water and blood: May it be for us a foretaste in the final judgment. Amen. Postlude: Fugue in F (BWV 534) (Sebastian Bach) Celebrant: Revd Kirsty Ross Preacher: Bp Graeme Rutherford Children’s Ministry: In recess Intercessor: Keith Beecher

Next Sunday: 1 March Second Sunday in Lent


8.00am - Holy Communion

Hymns: tbc Genesis 17. 1-7, 15-16 (V Randall) Ps 22.24-32 Romans 4.13-25 (C Papageorge) Mark 8.31-38

Celebrant: Bp Graeme Rutherford Preacher: Revd Kirsty Ross Intercessor: Ted Mouritz

10.00am - St Catherine’s Annual church service & All Age Service

Hymns: tbc

Genesis 17. 1-7, 15-16 (St Catherine’s reader) Ps 22.24-32 Romans 4.13-25 (St Catherine’s reader) Mark 8.31-38

Prelude: Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen (Helmut Walcha) Anthem: Purge me, O Lord (Thomas Tallis) Motet: Miserere mei, Deus (William Byrd) Postlude: Fugue in A (BWV 543) (Sebastian Bach)

Celebrant: Bp Graeme Rutherford Preacher: Revd Kirsty Ross Children’s Ministry: The Revd Hilary Roath Intercessor: St Catherine’s reader

5pm Evening service with Holy Communion

Director of Music – Mr Christopher Cook

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WORSHIP at All Saints Kooyong Organist – Margaret Orr

Next Sunday: 22 February First Sunday in Lent


9.00am - Holy Communion

Genesis 9.8-17 (Steve & Abi K) Ps 25.1-10 1 Peter 3.18-22 (Lawrence A) Mark 1.9-15

Celebrant: The Revd Hilary Roath Preacher: The Revd Hilary Roath Intercessor: Ian R Note new start time of 9.00am

Next Sunday: 1 March Second Sunday in Lent


9.00am - Holy Communion

Genesis 17. 1-7, 15-16 (Ian R) Ps 22.24-32 Romans 4.13-25 (Andrew P) Mark 8.31-38

Celebrant: The Very Revd Canon David Richardson Preacher: The Very Revd Canon David Richardson Intercessor: Andrew P Note new start time of 9.00am

Prayer At the time of choosing an incumbent

From A Prayer Book for Australia

Bountiful God, give to this parish a faithful pastor

who will faithfully speak your word and minister your sacraments;

an encourager who will equip your people for ministry and enable us to fulfil our calling.

Give to those who will choose, wisdom, discernment and patience,

and to us give warm and generous hearts, For Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

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PRAYER NOTES World & Nation: We pray for Anglican Christians working for peace in so many troubled parts of the world. The Diocese of Maseno North (Bp Simon Oketch) and Maseno South (Bp Francis Abiero); Ministry with the Aboriginal people of Australia (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Clergy & People); Archdeaconry of Kew (Greg Allinson); St Andrew’s Somerville (Alan Hughes); St Luke’s Sydenham - Eucharist with confirmations (Bp Philip Huggins); St Stephen’s Bayswater - confirmation service (Bp Paul White).

Those being baptised: Chloe Hessell; Oliver Walter.

Those being married: Xin Lai & Xiang Gao; Tom Ickeringill & Countney McLennan; Sam Beddison & Belinda Hatherly.

For schools in the community: Geelong Grammar School Toorak Campus (Glamorgan), Head of Campus Garry Pierson; St Catherine's School, Principal Michelle Carroll; SRI (Special Religious Instruction) program and teachers at Toorak Primary School.

The Toorak Ecumenical Movement: Pray for our partner churches: St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, Toorak Uniting Church, The Swedish Church.

For those who lead us in the Anglican Church: The Most Revd Philip Freier, Archbishop of Melbourne. The Right Revd Paul White, Bishop of the Southern Region.

For our CMS Link Missionaries: Andrew, Helen, Jacqueline and Alyssa.

For the sick and all in need: Matthew; John Saunders; Susan; Jenny Williams; Alan; Paul Dalton; Reverend Keith Pritchard; Samuel; Kim Charge; Matthew Cameron; Robert John; Peter Leeton; Noreen Clarke; Julia Hyde; Mark Lincoln; Kate; Michael Collins Persse; Geoffrey Clinton Philip Trealor.

For those in nursing homes and those who are house bound: Nan Milner; Randall Watt; Lorna Mirfield; Dorothy Hughes; Michael Moore; Don Sawers; Judith Williams; Thelma Freeman.

Give thanks for those whose Anniversary of death is this week:. Dordie Rouse; Pat Jackson; Peter Rayner; Elisabeth Spraggett; Peggy Thomson.

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February Sunday 22 February 12pm - Baptism of Chloe Hessell. 1.00pm - Baptism of Oliver Walter. Thursday 26 February 10.00am - Prayers for Christian Unity, St John’s. 11.00am - Holy Communion. Friday 27 February 2.00pm - Wedding of Xin Lai & Xiang Gao. Saturday 28 February 2.00pm - Wedding of Tom Ickeringill & Courtney McLennan. 4.00pm - Wedding of Sam Beddison & Belinda Hatherly.

Saint John’s Anglican Church, Toorak 86 Clendon Road Toorak 3142 Telephone: 9826 1765 Fax: 9826 4395 [email protected]

Locum Vicar Bishop Graeme Rutherford

Associate Priest Revd Hilary Roath [email protected]

Assistant Curate and Children's Minister The Revd Kirsty Ross [email protected]

Director of Music & Organist Mr Christopher Cook [email protected]

Administration Mrs Sally Robertson

Prayer Chain Co-ordinator Mrs Annette Wilson 9822 8968 St John’s on-line Website: www.saintjohnstoorak.org