MEETING ABSTRACT Open Access Analysis on the muscle activity of antebrachial area at the iron swing of male high school golf players Oh Cheong Hwan, Hong Soo Young * , Shin Eui Su, Bea Jae Hee From 4th Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics (i-FAB) Community Busan, Korea. 8-11 April 2014 Introduction The purpose of this study is to provide systematic as well as scientific foundational data through 3D image analysis and electromyography (EMG) on male high school golf players#7 iron swing. Methods The subjects selected for the experiment of this research were one player who had won in the male high school golf game and seven players whose golf career lasted for over five years. And their age (years) was 19.00±0.00, stature (m) was 1.73±3.29, body mass (Kg) was 79.00 ±13.25, and career (years) was 7.7±1.72. The equipment used for this research for photographing was nine infrared high-speed cameras (Motion Master 100, KOR), and the Kwon3d XP program was utilized for 3D motion ana- lysis. And electromyography (EMG) (Tellemyo 2400 GT, USA) was used to analyze their right and left armsradial extensor of wrist and radial flexor of wrist muscle activity. Also, SPSS 21.0 was employed to conduct independent T-test. Results and discussion Total time consumed for the male high school golf players #7 iron swing was 0.35±0.01 S. Advanced researches targeting professional golf players report that total time consumed at #7 iron swing is 0.33±0.01 S; thus, there is 0.02 S difference between amateur and professional golf players. This seems to be resulted from difference in the experimental environment, and the result is similar to that of advanced researches. The displacement of the center of the body was found to be 0.02m in the pre- and post-variable X-axis. And averagely, it was 0.01m in the left and right variable Y-axis and was 0.08m in the horizontal and vertical variable Z-axis. Therefore, according to the result of comparing them with professional golf players in advanced researches, the pre- and post-variable X-axis indicated 0.03m difference, and the left and right variable Y-axis showed 0.01m difference averagely, and next, the horizon- tal and vertical variable Z-axis had no difference as average 0. This implies that professional golf players tend to hit the ball more efficiently than amateur golf players. Kim Jae-sam (2009)s research reports that at the #7 iron swing of professional golf players, the club heads synthetic rate was found to be 25.73±0.33 m/s at the impact (E5). But in this research, it was calculated as 25.63±1.25 m/s at the impact (E5), so there was 0.1m/s or so difference. This means that professional golf players hit the ball slightly faster than amateur golf players. Kim Chang-uk and Pak Jong-jin (2001)s research com- pares five high school players with the club by analyzing the muscle activity of their arms at #7 iron golf swing. And according to the analysis on their left and right mus- cle groups, there was no statistically significant difference found; however, in this research, at the #7 iron golf swing of male high school golf players, the right arms radial extensor of wrist and radial flexor of wrist were higher than the left arms (p>.001). Conclusion Therefore, they tend to use their right arms radial extensor of wrist and radial flexor of wrist more at the golf swing. This means that they use their right arms antebrachial area for hitting so that they can hit the ball more power- fully. If further analysis is done in consideration of each * Correspondence: [email protected] Physical Education, Chungnam National Univ., Gung-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-764, Korea Hwan et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7(Suppl 1):A112 http://www.jfootankleres.com/content/7/S1/A112 JOURNAL OF FOOT AND ANKLE RESEARCH © 2014 Hwan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http:// creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

Analysis on the muscle activity of antebrachial area at the iron swing of male high school golf players

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Analysis on the muscle activity of antebrachialarea at the iron swing of male high school golfplayersOh Cheong Hwan, Hong Soo Young*, Shin Eui Su, Bea Jae Hee

From 4th Congress of the International Foot and Ankle Biomechanics (i-FAB) CommunityBusan, Korea. 8-11 April 2014

IntroductionThe purpose of this study is to provide systematic aswell as scientific foundational data through 3D imageanalysis and electromyography (EMG) on male highschool golf players’ #7 iron swing.

MethodsThe subjects selected for the experiment of this researchwere one player who had won in the male high schoolgolf game and seven players whose golf career lasted forover five years. And their age (years) was 19.00±0.00,stature (m) was 1.73±3.29, body mass (Kg) was 79.00±13.25, and career (years) was 7.7±1.72. The equipmentused for this research for photographing was nine infraredhigh-speed cameras (Motion Master 100, KOR), andthe Kwon3d XP program was utilized for 3D motion ana-lysis. And electromyography (EMG) (Tellemyo 2400 GT,USA) was used to analyze their right and left arms’ radialextensor of wrist and radial flexor of wrist muscle activity.Also, SPSS 21.0 was employed to conduct independentT-test.

Results and discussionTotal time consumed for the male high school golfplayers’ #7 iron swing was 0.35±0.01 S. Advancedresearches targeting professional golf players report thattotal time consumed at #7 iron swing is 0.33±0.01 S;thus, there is 0.02 S difference between amateur andprofessional golf players. This seems to be resulted fromdifference in the experimental environment, and theresult is similar to that of advanced researches.

The displacement of the center of the body was foundto be 0.02m in the pre- and post-variable X-axis. Andaveragely, it was 0.01m in the left and right variable Y-axisand was 0.08m in the horizontal and vertical variableZ-axis. Therefore, according to the result of comparingthem with professional golf players in advancedresearches, the pre- and post-variable X-axis indicated0.03m difference, and the left and right variable Y-axisshowed 0.01m difference averagely, and next, the horizon-tal and vertical variable Z-axis had no difference as average0. This implies that professional golf players tend to hitthe ball more efficiently than amateur golf players.Kim Jae-sam (2009)’s research reports that at the #7 iron

swing of professional golf players, the club head’s syntheticrate was found to be 25.73±0.33 m/s at the impact (E5).But in this research, it was calculated as 25.63±1.25 m/s atthe impact (E5), so there was 0.1m/s or so difference. Thismeans that professional golf players hit the ball slightlyfaster than amateur golf players.Kim Chang-uk and Pak Jong-jin (2001)’s research com-

pares five high school players with the club by analyzingthe muscle activity of their arms at #7 iron golf swing.And according to the analysis on their left and right mus-cle groups, there was no statistically significant differencefound; however, in this research, at the #7 iron golf swingof male high school golf players, the right arm’s radialextensor of wrist and radial flexor of wrist were higherthan the left arm’s (p>.001).

ConclusionTherefore, they tend to use their right arm’s radial extensorof wrist and radial flexor of wrist more at the golf swing.This means that they use their right arm’s antebrachialarea for hitting so that they can hit the ball more power-fully. If further analysis is done in consideration of each

* Correspondence: [email protected] Education, Chungnam National Univ., Gung-dong, Yuseong-gu,Daejeon, 305-764, Korea

Hwan et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7(Suppl 1):A112http://www.jfootankleres.com/content/7/S1/A112 JOURNAL OF FOOT


© 2014 Hwan et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.

individual’s characteristics, it will help improve theirperformance in the game.

Published: 8 April 2014

Reference1. Chang ook Kim, Jong Jin Park: Analysis of EMG distribution or loading of

arm muscle on golf swing. Journal of Sport Biomechanics 2001, 11(1):13-26.

doi:10.1186/1757-1146-7-S1-A112Cite this article as: Hwan et al.: Analysis on the muscle activity ofantebrachial area at the iron swing of male high school golf players.Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014 7(Suppl 1):A112.

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Hwan et al. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research 2014, 7(Suppl 1):A112http://www.jfootankleres.com/content/7/S1/A112

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