01/04/2011 - 1 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC Politecnico di Torino - ICT School Analog and Telecommunication Electronics B4 – Sine signal generators » oscillator taxonomy » feedback oscillators, gain control » NIC circuits, –gm oscillator » Tuning with Varicap

Analog and Telecommunication Electronics - areeweb.polito.it · 01/04/2011 - 3 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC Oscillators: where? Reference oscillator and VCO I/Q signal generators

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01/04/2011 - 1 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC

Politecnico di Torino - ICT School

Analog and Telecommunication Electronics

B4 – Sine signal generators

» oscillator taxonomy» feedback oscillators, gain control» NIC circuits, –gm oscillator» Tuning with Varicap

01/04/2011 - 2 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC

Lesson B4: sine signal generators

• Oscillator taxonomy• Sine oscillator parameters• Positive feedback circuits• Gain control• NIC circuits, –gm oscillator• Tuning with Varicap

• Text reference: sect. 1.2

01/04/2011 - 3 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC

Oscillators: where?

Referenceoscillatorand VCO

I/Q signalgenerators

01/04/2011 - 4 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC

Sine signal parameters

• v(t) = V sen (ωt + θ)– Amplitude V– Frequency/angular frequency ω = 2 f– Phase θ

• Spectral parameters– Spectral purity

» Components at other frequencies (harmonics, spurs, …)

– Phase noise» θ = θ(t)

01/04/2011 - 5 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC

Spectrum and phase noise

fo 2fo 3fo



v(t) = V sen (ωt + )

tPeak value V

Period T = 1/f = 2/Phase



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Oscillator block diagram

• Feedback loop– Positive feedback

• Barkhausen criterion– Conditions for

value and phase of loop gain:

|A | = 1phase(A ) = 0

– A signal traveling in the loop keeps constant amplitude and phase

– That corresponds to constant amplitude oscillations.




U+ D


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Loop gain condition

• Must be achieved through a gain control– Amplifier with gain compression (nonlinearity)

• Oscillation startup– At startup the loop gain muste be > 1

• Amplitude stabilization– Gain decreases as signal amplitude increases

• The |A| = 1 condition is met only for a well defined signal level

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Operating zone

Compression area

Steep gain changevs signal level x

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Phase control

• The only element which (explicitly) causes phase rotation is the LC resonant circuit.

– The arg(A) = 0 condition occurs only at the resonant frequency fo of the LC circuit

» For a more detailed analysis also other reactive elements must be taken into account


Arg (Zc)

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LRC resonant circuits

• Parameters– Resonance angular

frequency: ωo

– damping: ξ

• Amplitude peakand slope of phase rotation depends from Q

– Q = 5– Q = 10– Q = 100





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Effect of Q

• The frequency error Δω, for a given phase error, depends from Q.

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Single transistor oscillator

• Transistor amplifier + LC circuit– Load is a LC circuit– Positive feedback– Gain controlled

through the nonlinearity





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Example 1: Colpitts oscillator

• Feedback with capacitive voltage divider

• β network

• Ideal circuit– No loss– Phase rotation = 0

in the network




CCCvv or

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Colpitts oscillator: frequency error


• Ideal circuit– No loss– Phase rotation = 0

in the network

• Actual circuit:– Req in parallel

with LC– Capacive divider

loaded with 1/gm– Additional phase

rotation in

• Frequency error

A Req


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Example 2: Hartley oscillator

• Inductive feedback divider

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Example 3: Meissner oscillator

• Feedback through a transformer– Feedback voltage Vr towards Emitter or Base

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Test: oscillator design

• Specs– Sine output– Vi level: 104 mVpeak– Ic = 0,2 mA– Total Req on LC circuit = 10 kohm

• Compute– Required β network divider ratio– Output level Vo– Actual Q for ωo = 10 MHz– Output spectrum – Actual load on feedback divider (Req)

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RLC resonant circuit

• LC tuned circuit with loss resistance R1

• Signals decay due to dissipation on R1





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Negative transconductance oscillator

• LC tuned circuit with loss resistance R1

• Active circuit with -gm transconductance, connected in parallel to LC

• Gtot = 1/R1 - gm

– Ifgm = - 1/R1

Gtot = 0Rtot

– constant amplitude oscillations




Active network

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Negative transconductance (–gm)

• An active circuit (with gain) is required to get the negative transconductance –gm

– Subject to nonlinearity, distortion, saturation, …

• At startup:– Small signal,

» High gm, Rtot < 0» Signal is amplified

• Signal level regulation:– For increasing signal level

» gm, is reduced Rtot becomes positive» Signal is attenuated

– Only stable condition: Rtot = 0

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NIC: Negative Impedance Converter

• Positive feedback circuit

• Zi = Vi/Ii = - Z/K

– Allows to get Zi < 0 (L from C, …)

– The Zi value depends from actual gain

– Nonlinearity and saturation make |Zi| decrease as the signal level increases










Active network

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Impedance converter circuit

• Vo = (K + 1) Vi

• On the impedance Z: Vz = K Vi

• Ii = - K Vi/Z

• Vi/Ii = - Z/KKR








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Example of –gm circuit

• A negative Req appears between D1 and D2:

– Small signal:Req = - 2/gm

– Large signal:Req = - 2/Gm(x)

– Gm(x) decreases when the signal level (x) increases






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Differential circuits

• The –gm is symmetric (differential)

• Benefits– Costant sink from the power supply

» The current is deviated to either branch of the differential circuit» Less radiated noise and EMI

– no even harmonics(keeping differential signals)

– Reduced noise sensitivity» The useful signal is differential» Common mode signals are ignored

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Example of differential circuit

• Q2 transistor isolates the LC group from Q1 emitter(Q2 bias network not shown)


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Frequency control (VCO)

• Resonant frequency can be modified by changing L or C.

– Total C depends on a Varicap diode (see also VCO for PLL)– Need to isolate control voltage Vc from/to HF signal

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Real circuits and Q

• The resonant circuit Q depends on losses– Loss of L (series Rs) and C (parallel Rp)– The total resistive load on the LC group is the parallel of:

» Input resistance of the following stage» hOE or rD of transistor» Re referred to Vo

• To reduce losses (and raise Q)– Increase parallel Req

» Reactive network» Separation buffer between feedback and load » Use mechanical resonators (with high Q)» Use quartz oscillators

01/04/2011 - 28 ATLCE - B4 - © 2010 DDC

Quartz oscillators

• Quartz is a piezoelectric material– Under mechanical stress generates electrical signals– When receives electrical signals modifies size and shape – The electric-mechanic energy conversion is very efficient at the

(mechanical) resonant frequency

• Quartz crystal = resonator with very high Q– Can be used to build precise and stable oscillators

» By replacing the LC group» With specific circuits (mainly squarewave generators)

• Other resonators use the same techniques (mechanic resonance)

– Ceramic filters, SAW, …

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Quartz crystal

Quartzthin plate(mechanicalresonator)

Metal coating

Contact toexternal pins

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Lesson B4: final test

• Which parameters describe (completely) a sine signal?

• Draw the block diagram of a single-transistor sine generator.

• How does a NIC work?

• Describe the operation of a NIC-based sine generator.

• Is it possible to build a fixed-amplitude sine generator with fully linear devices?

• Discuss the benefits of differential configurations for signal generators.

• Which are the benefits of quartz oscillators?