An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin

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  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    Fi Aite|waer rath


    Fi O|fc Hapto|q `oidu`ted fid edated lq

    \ole|t D) M`@|f`jei

    Iqe @ouitq Tori Hapto|q ^|oke`t

    Iqe @ouitq# Iewfdf



  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    @O^Q\ABHT 611>

    Iqe @ouitq Tori Hapto|q ^|oke`t

    Iqe @ouitq @ommappaoie|p

    Toio~fh# Iewfdf


  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    Kfmep H) ,Pfm, @ocwai


  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin






    @HF^TE\ OIE

    Gfmacq lf`jb|ouid fid ef|cq dfqp ai @oco|fdo: mowaib to Iewfdf: ro|jaib ft the Bocd F`e

    maie: luacdaib f macc: @f||f|f ai 6100: maccaib ft Bocd ^oait)

    @HF^TE\ TRO

    Maiaib ai @fcago|iaf# thei Pacwe| ^efj: ro|j rath \fc~h Capce: f gcfph gcood ai the ^fifmaitp: phagt

    go|emfi ft Reccp @f|bo: rf|tame dutq ai the Pouth ^f`aga`: |etu|i to Lefttq: me`hfia` ro|j ai

    Lefttq# Hfrtho|ie fid Bfllp: lebaiiaib rhft ap ior U)P) E`ocobq: ro|j oi the Iewfdf "LeptPate: luacdaib f bf|fbe)

    @HF^TE\ TH\EE

    De~|eppaoi-f|ef Lefttq - |eptfu|fitp# mowaep# dfi`ep: ef|cq tou|apm: the @@@ ro|j ai Defth

    Wfcceq: lu||o |f`ep: mo|e memo|aep og the gcfph gcood)


  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin



    The Iqe @ouitq Tori Hapto|q ^|oke`t (I@TH^! eibfbep ai aite|waeraib ~eo~ce rho `fi

    ~|owade ga|pthfid dep`|a~taoip og the aidawadufcp# eweitp# fid ~cf`ep thft bawe hapto|q atp

    pulptfi`e) The ~|odu`tp og thap |epef|`h f|e the tf~ep og the aite|waerp fid thea|t|fip`|a~taoip)

    Ai thempecwep# o|fc hapto|q aite|waerp f|e iot hapto|q) Horewe|# theq ogtei `oitfai

    wfcuflce ~|amf|q pou|`e mfte|afc# fp upeguc ai the ~|o`epp og hapto|aob|f~hq fp the r|attei

    pou|`ep to rha`h hapto|afip hfwe `uptomf|acq tu|ied) We|agqaib the f``u|f`q og fcc og the

    ptftemeitp mfde ai the `ou|pe og fi aite|waer roucd |evua|e mo|e tame fid moieq thfi the

    I@TH^"p o~e|ftaib ludbet ~e|matp) The ~|ob|fm `fi wou`h thft the ptftemeitp re|e mfde#

    lut at `fiiot fttept thft theq f|e g|ee og e||o|) F``o|daibcq# o|fc hapto|aep phoucd le |efd rath

    the pfme ~|udei`e thft the |efde| exe|`apep rhei `oipuctaib bowe|imeit |e`o|dp# ierp~f~e|

    f``ouitp# daf|aep# fid othe| pou|`ep og hapto|a`fc aigo|mftaoi)

    At ap the ~oca`q og the I@TH^ to ~|odu`e t|fip`|a~tp thft f|e fp `cope to we|lftam fp~oppalce# lut pome fcte|ftaoi og the text ap beie|fccq loth uifwoadflce fid depa|flce) Rhei

    humfi p~ee`h ap `f~tu|ed ai ~|ait the |epuct `fi le f mo|fpp og tfibced pqitfx# gfcpe ptf|tp# fid

    ai`om~cete peitei`ep# pometamep we|baib oi ai`ohe|ei`q) The tq~e goit `oitfaip io pqmlocp

    go| the ~hqpa`fc beptu|ep fid the dawe|pe wo`fc moducftaoip thft f|e aiteb|fc ~f|tp og

    `ommuia`ftaoi th|oubh p~ee`h) Ex~e|aei`e phorp thft totfccq we|lftam t|fip`|a~tp f|e ogtei

    cf|becq ui|efdflce fid the|ego|e f rfpte og the |epou|`ep ex~eided ai thea| ~|odu`taoi) Rhace

    jee~aib fcte|ftaoip to f maiamum the I@TH^ racc# ai ~|e~f|aib f text

    f) beie|fccq decete gfcpe ptf|tp# |eduidfi`aep fid the uhp# fhp fid othe| ioapep rath rha`h

    p~ee`h ap ogtei p~|aijced:

    l) o``fpaoifccq om~|epp cfibufbe thft roucd le `oigupaib to the |efde| ai uifcte|ed


    `) |f|ecq phagt f ~o|taoi og f t|fip`|a~t to ~cf`e at ai atp ~|o~e| oitext:

    d) ei`cope ai Zl|f`jetp] ex~cfifto|q aigo|mftaoi o| ro|dp thft re|e iot utte|ed lut hfwe

    leei fdded to |eide| the text aiteccabalce: fid

    e) mfje ewe|q eggo|t to `o||e`tcq p~ecc the ifmep og fcc aidawadufcp fid ~cf`ep# |e`obia{aib

    thft fi o``fpaoifc ro|d mfq le mapp~ecced le`fupe io futho|atftawe pou|`e oi atp `o||e`t

    p~eccaib rfp gouid)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin



    Fp ~|oke`t da|e`to|# A roucd caje to ex~|epp mq dee~ f~~|e`aftaoi to thope rho

    ~f|ta`a~fted ai the Iqe @ouitq Tori Hapto|q ^|oke`t (I@TH^!) At rfp fi hoio| fid f ~|awacebe to

    hfwe the o~~o|tuiatq to oltfai o|fc hapto|aep g|om po mfiq roide|guc aidawadufcp) A rfprec`omed aito mfiq homep--ai mfiq `fpep fp f pt|fibe|--fid rfp fccored to phf|e ai the

    |e`occe`taoi og co`fc hapto|q) Ai f iumle| og `fpep A hfd the o~~o|tuiatq to aite|waer Iqe @ouitq

    |epadeitp rhfm A hfwe jiori fid fdma|ed pai`e A rfp f teeifbe|: thepe ex~e|aei`ep re|e

    ep~e`afccq b|ftagqaib) A thfij the |epadeitp th|oubhout Iqe @ouitq fid pouthe|i Iewfdf--too

    iume|oup to meitaoi lq ifme-rho ~|owaded fppaptfi`e# aigo|mftaoi# fid ~hotob|f~hp) Theq

    hec~ed mfje the pu``eppguc `om~cetaoi og thap ~|oke`t ~oppalce)

    F~~|e`aftaoi boep to @hfa|mfi Koe P) Bf|`af# K|)# \ole|t I) ,Lollq, \ewe|t# fid ^ft|a`af

    P) Mfijaip# the Iqe @ouitq `ommappaoie|p rho aiatafted thap ~|oke`t) M|) Bf|`af fid M|)

    \ewe|t# ai ~f|ta`ucf|# phored dee~ aite|ept fid uiqaecdaib pu~~o|t go| the ~|oke`t g|om atp

    ai`e~taoi) Thfijp fcpo bo to `u||eit `ommappaoie|p \a`hf|d C) @f|we| fid Lf|lf|f K) \f~e|# rhohfwe pai`e koaied M|) \ewe|t oi the lof|d fid rho hfwe `oitaiued the ~|oke`t rath

    eithupafpta` pu~~o|t) Pte~hei T) L|fdhu|pt# K|)# ~cfiiaib `oipuctfit go| Iqe @ouitq# bfwe

    uirfwe|aib pu~~o|t fid fdwo`f`q og the ~|oke`t rathai Iqe @ouitq fid lego|e the Ptfte og

    Iewfdf Iu`cef| Rfpte ^|oke`t Ogga`e fid the Uiated Ptftep De~f|tmeit og Eie|bq: loth

    eitataep ~|owaded guidp go| thap ~|oke`t) Thfijp f|e fcpo exteided to M|) L|fdhu|pt go| hap

    fdwa`e fid ai~ut |ebf|daib the `oidu`t og the |epef|`h fid go| `oiptfitcq pe|waib fp f pouidaib

    lof|d rhei methodocoba`fc ~|olcemp re|e ro|jed out) Thap ~|oke`t roucd iewe| hfwe le`ome

    f |efcatq rathout the eithupafpta` pu~~o|t og the Iqe @ouitq `ommappaoie|p fid M|) L|fdhu|pt)

    Kefi @hf|ieq pe|wed fp fdmaiapt|ftawe fppaptfit# edato|# aidexe|# fid tq~apt th|oubhout

    the ~|oke`t: he| pe|wa`ep hfwe leei aidap~eipflce) Couape Te||ecc ~|owaded `oipade|flce

    fppaptfi`e ai t|fip`|alaib mfiq og the o|fc hapto|aep: Lf|lf|f Doubcfpp fcpo t|fip`|aled f

    iumle| og aite|waerp) T|fip`|alaib# tq~aib# edataib# fid aidexaib re|e ~|owaded ft wf|aoup tamep

    lq Fca`e Cewaie# Kodae Hfipoi# Maje B|eei# fid @qithaf T|emlcfq) Kf|ed @hf|ieq `oit|aluted

    eppeitafc ro|d ~|o`eppaib pjaccp) Mfa|e Hfqep# Ma`hecce Ptf|ajf# Fiatf @o|qecc# Ma`hecce Recph#

    Caidpfq P`humf`he|# fid Kodae Hfipoi phoucde|ed the he|`ucefi tfpj og ~|oog|efdaib the o|fc

    hapto|aep) B|et`hei Coeggce| fid Lfmla M`@|f`jei fppapted ai iume|oup pe`|etf|afc fid `ce|a`fc

    dutaep) ^hacca~ Ef|c og the Iewfdf Hapto|a`fc Po`aetq `oit|aluted wfcuflce pu~~o|t fid `|ata`apm

    th|oubhout the ~|oke`t# fid Tom Jaib ft the O|fc Hapto|q ^|ob|fm og the Uiawe|patq og Iewfdf

    ft \eio pe|wed fp f `oipuctaib o|fc hapto|afi) Mu`h depe|wed thfijp f|e exteided to fcc thepe


    Fcc mfte|afc go| the I@TH^ rfp ~|e~f|ed rath the pu~~o|t og the U)P) De~f|tmeit ogEie|bq# B|fit Io) DE-GB>8-81IW6>8) Horewe|# fiq o~aiaoip# gaidaibp# `oi`cupaoip# o|

    |e`ommeidftaoip ex~|epped he|eai f|e thope og the futho| fid do iot ie`eppf|acq |egce`t the

    waerp og DOE)

    --\ole|t D) M`@|f`jei

    Toio~fh# Iewfdf

    Kuie 611>

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin



    Hapto|afip beie|fccq `oipade| the qef| 681> fp the eid og the Fme|a`fi g|oitae|) Lq thei#

    mopt og the repte|i Uiated Ptftep hfd leei pettced# |fi`hep fid gf|mp deweco~ed#

    `ommuiataep eptflcaphed# fid |ofdp fid |fac|ofdp `oipt|u`ted) The maiaib loomtorip# lfpedoi the cu|e og owe|iabht |a`hep g|om iercq deweco~ed codep# re|e lut f memo|q)

    Fcthoubh Iewfdf rfp b|fited ptftehood ai 6874# exfmaiftaoi og fiq mf~ og the ptfte

    g|om the cfte 68>>p phorp thft rhace mu`h og the ptfte rfp mf~~ed fid atp beob|f~ha`fc

    geftu|ep ifmed# f wfpt |ebaoi--pt|et`haib g|om Lecmoit pouth to the Cfp Webfp mefdorp#

    `om~|apaib mopt og Iqe @ouitq-- |emfaied cf|becq uipettced fid uimf~~ed) Ai 681> mopt og

    pouth`eit|fc Iewfdf |emfaied we|q-mu`h f g|oitae|# fid at `oitaiued to le go| ft cefpt fiothe|

    treitq qef|p)

    The b|eft maiaib loomp ft Toio~fh (61>>!# Bocdgaecd (61>4!

    |e~|epeit the cfpt mfko| gcore|aib og rhft mabht le `fcced the Ocd Rept ai the Uiated Ptftep)

    @oipevueitcq# pouth`eit|fc Iewfdf# iotflcq Iqe @ouitq# |emfaip `cope to the Fme|a`fig|oitae|: `cope|# ~e|hf~p# thfi fiq othe| |ebaoi og the Fme|a`fi Rept) Ai f |efc peipe# f

    pabiaga`fit ~f|t og the g|oitae| `fi ptacc le gouid ai pouth`eit|fc Iewfdf) At exaptp ai the

    fttatudep# wfcuep# cageptqcep# fid memo|aep og f|ef |epadeitp) The g|oitae|-caje `hf|f`te| og the

    f|ef fcpo ap wapalce ai the |ecftawecq uidaptu|led vufcatq og the iftu|fc eiwa|oimeit# mopt og at

    eppeitafccq uitou`hed lq humfi hfidp)

    F pu|weq og r|attei pou|`ep oi pouth`eit|fc Iewfdf"p hapto|q |ewefcp pome mfte|afc

    g|om the loomtori ~e|aod g|om 61>> to flout 6165# lut we|q cattce oi the f|ef fgte| f|ouid

    61) The wocume og fwfacflce pou|`ep wf|aep g|om tori to tori; F gfa| fmouit og cate|ftu|e# go|

    aiptfi`e# `fi le gouid `owe|aib Toio~fh"p ga|pt tro de`fdep og exaptei`e# fid the tori hfp hfd

    f ierp~f~e| `oitaiuoupcq pai`e atp ga|pt qef|) Ai `oit|fpt# |ecftawecq cattce ap jiori flout the

    ef|cq dfqp og Bfllp# \ouid Mouitfai# Mfihfttfi# Lefttq# Fmf|bopf Wfcceq# fid ^fh|um~)

    Bfllp"p oicq ierp~f~e| rfp ~ulcaphed aite|matteitcq letreei 6124 fid 6127) \ouid

    Mouitfai"p oicq ierp~f~e|# the \ouid Mouitfai Iubbet# rfp ~ulcaphed letreei 61>7 fid

    616>) Mfihfttfi hfd ierp~f~e| `owe|fbe go| mopt og the qef|p letreei 61>7 fid 61

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    @occe`taoip ai the Kfmep \) Da`jaipoi Cal|f|q ft the Uiawe|patq og Iewfdf# Cfp Webfp# fid ft

    othe| f|`hawfc patep co`fted th|oubhout Iewfdf) The aite|waerp wf|q ai ceibth fid detfac# lut

    tobethe| theq go|m f iewe|-lego|e-fwfacflce `om~opate ~a`tu|e og ef`h `ommuiatq"p cage fid

    deweco~meit) The `occe`taoi og aite|waerp go| ef`h `ommuiatq `fi le `om~f|ed to f louvuet;

    Ef`h gcore| ai the louvuet ap uiavue pome f|e cf|be# othe|p f|e pmfcc-- qet ef`h fddp to the

    totfc amfbe) Ai pum# the aite|waerp ~|owade f `om~opate waer og `ommuiatq fid `ouitq hapto|q#|ewefcaib the gcor og cage fid eweitp go| f ~f|t og Iewfdf thft hfp he|etogo|e leei cf|becq

    iebce`ted lq hapto|afip)

    @occe`taoi og the o|fc hapto|aep hfp leei f``om~fiaed lq the fppemlcaib og f pet og

    ~hotob|f~hp de~a`taib ef`h `ommuiatq"p hapto|q) Thepe ~a`tu|ep hfwe leei oltfaied g|om

    ~f|ta`a~fitp ai the o|fc hapto|q aite|waerp fid othe| ~|epeit fid ~fpt Iqe @ouitq |epadeitp) Ai

    fcc# mo|e thfi 2>> ~hotop hfwe leei `occe`ted fid `f|eguccq adeitagaed) @om~cete petp og the

    ~hotob|f~hp hfwe leei f|`hawed fcoib rath the o|fc hapto|aep)

    Oi the lfpap og the o|fc aite|waerp fp recc fp exaptaib r|attei pou|`ep# hapto|aep hfwe

    leei ~|e~f|ed go| the mfko| `ommuiataep ai Iqe @ouitq) Thepe hapto|aep fcpo hfwe leei


    The tori hapto|q ~|oke`t ap oie `om~oieit og f Iqe @ouitq ~|ob|fm to dete|maie the

    po`aoe`oioma` am~f`tp og f gede|fc ~|o~opfc to luacd fid o~e|fte f iu`cef| rfpte |e~opato|q ai

    pouth`eit|fc Iqe @ouitq) The |e~opato|q# rha`h roucd le co`fted aipade f mouitfai (Qu``f

    Mouitfai!# roucd le the iftaoi"p ga|pt# fid ~oppalcq oicq# ~e|mfieit dap~opfc pate go| habh-cewec

    |fdaof`tawe rfpte) The Iqe @ouitq Lof|d og @ouitq @ommappaoie|p aiatafted the I@TH^ ai 6182

    ai o|de| to `occe`t aigo|mftaoi oi the o|abai# hapto|q# t|fdataoip# fid vufcatq og cage og Iqe @ouitq

    `ommuiataep thft mfq le am~f`ted lq f |e~opato|q) Ag the |e~opato|q ap `oipt|u`ted# at racc

    |emfai f pou|`e og aite|ept go| huid|edp# ~oppalcq thoupfidp# og qef|p to `ome# fid gutu|e

    beie|ftaoip racc cajecq rfit to jior mo|e flout the ~eo~ce rho oi`e |epaded ief| the pate) Ai

    the eweit thft bowe|imeit ~oca`q `hfibep fid f habh-cewec iu`cef| rfpte |e~opato|q ap iot

    `oipt|u`ted ai Iqe @ouitq# mfte|afc `om~aced lq the I@TH^ racc |emfai go| the upe fideikoqmeit og fcc)


  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \ole|t D) M`@|f`jei aite|waeraib Pfm @ocwai ft hap home ai Lefttq# Iewfdf O`tole| 06# 6182)

    @HF^TE\ OIE

    \M; Pfm# `oucd qou tecc me qou| ifme fp at"p r|attei oi qou| la|th `e|taga`fte?

    P@; Kfmep Hf||q @ocwai)

    \M; Fid rhe|e re|e qou lo|i?

    P@; @odq# Iel|fpjf)

    \M; Fid rhft rfp qou| gfthe|"p gucc ifme?

    P@; Fcle|t @ocwai)

    \M; Fid rhe|e rfp he g|om?

    P@; @odq) He `fme out og Mappou|a aito @odq# fid mq mothe| fid he re|e mf||aed the|e ai

    flout 6166)

    \M; 6166) Fid rhei re|e qou lo|i?

    P@; Iowemle| 68# 6160)

    \M; Fid rhft rfp qou| mothe|"p mfadei ifme?

    P@; Cottae E) Hefth)

    \M; Fid phe rfp g|om @odq too?

    P@; Phe rfp lo|i the|e ft @odq)

    \M; Re|e theq gf|me|p# o| ) ) )?

    P@; \fi`he|p) Mq gfthe| fid mothe| pe~f|fted rhei A rfp 4-6/

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; Hfd coib dad qou cawe ai Tamifth?

    P@; Mq po~homo|e qef|# fid A gaiaphed out mq peiao| qef| ft Tamifth Habh) At lu|ied dori ai

    "00 - fp pooi fp A bot out) A rfp ai Iewfdf rhei at lu|ied dori)

    \M; Dad @hcoe bo to p`hooc the|e too?

    P@; Io# A cawed rath mq pte~-ui`ce) A ro|jed mq rfq th|oubh p`hooc)

    \M; Hor dad qou hf~~ei to `ome to Iewfdf?

    P@; A rfp f po~homo|e ai habh p`hooc ai Tamifth# fid Zmq mothe|] fid mq pte~gfthe| fid papte|

    fid f geccor ifmed Eame| Hedce| reit u~ to Pmath Wfcceq) Thft"p rept out og Qe|aibtoi#

    Iewfdf) Thei theq |eited fi ocd ~cf`e ai Lodae# @fcago|iaf# fid Mothe| reit u~ fid o~eied f

    |eptfu|fit the|e# phe fid mq papte|) Fid mq pte~gfthe| ro|jed ai the maiep)

    \M; Thft"p qou| papte| @hcoe? (@hcoe Capce# kupt go| the |e`o|d)! Phe cawep he|e ai tori)

    P@; Qep) Thei mq pte~gfthe| fid mothe| bot aito fi f|bumeit# po theq pe~f|fted fid Mothe|

    mowed aito Hfrtho|ie) Thft rfp flout "0> o| "06) Fid thei phe mf||aed f geccor ifmed Rfct

    Maccp - Rhateq Maccp) He rfp f bfmlce| fid cfte| he |fi the bfmep the|e) Fid thei theq mowed

    to Lefttq fid he |fi the bfmep ft the Ex`hfibe) Thap rfp du|aib ^|ohalataoi) At rfp |abht fgte|

    bfmlcaib le`fme cebfc) He |fi the bfmep go| Beo|be B|eeirood ft the Ex`hfibe)

    \M; Hor coib dad he do thft?

    P@; Uitac "05) Lut A `fme ai "00# fgte| A bot out og habh p`hooc ai Tamifth) A bot out the

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Mq ga|pt kol rfp hfucaib o|e g|om the Luccg|ob maie go| Tom Hf||ap) A hfuced the o|e g|om

    the Luccg|ob to the |fac|ofd padaib dori lecor he|e ft Bocd @eite|) Fid thei theq o~eied u~

    the Bocd F`e) A rfp the ga|pt mfi - rath Wa` \ette|e| fid hap poi - to bo to ro|j) He hfd the

    ~ore|houpe dori the|e - f lab daepec |ab - po re to|e the ~ore| caie dori g|om u~ ft the

    vuf||q# fid thei theq aiptfcced at g|om the macc ~ore|houpe out aito the maie)

    \M; Hor gf| ap the Bocd F`e g|om @f||f|f?

    P@; A"d pfq 0 macep) Qou `fi goccor the |ofd u~ to the Bocd F`e - Dodbe @oipt|u`taoi luact at ai

    6100 o| "04) Fid the|e rfp f bood fa|~o|t the|e ft @f||f|f) The gfmoup \op`oe Tfiie| gcer out

    og the|e) Ai 61

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; Rho oried the Bocd F`e ~|o~e|tq?

    P@; The Bocd F`e rfp oried lq Mt) Puttoi)

    \M; Rhei rfp the Bocd F`e o|abaifccq o~eied?

    P@; At boep lf`j aito flout 6166) Ocd Lacc @fcca`ut hfd the ~|o~e|tq the|e `fcced F|aptf) Hap gfthe|

    rfp he|e ai tori# fid f ~ae`e og tai ai f raidpto|m hat hap ceb# `ut at lfdcq# fid he daed g|om


    \M; Ap the Bocd F`e u~ oie og thope `fiqoip?

    P@; Io# at"p |abht out oi the ~oait: qou `fi pee at) Fid the Lucc Moope ap kupt flowe at)

    \M; Rhft rfp the o|e caje ai the Bocd F`e?

    P@; Frguccq habh b|fde ai p~otp) Mq papte| @hcoe `fi phor qou f ~a`tu|e og at) A thaij at rfp

    fcmopt pocad bocd flout 4 ai`hep rade) The ~a`tu|e Zap og f ~ae`e] theq hfd ft the Ex`hfibe @cul)

    F buq ptoce at# fid theq bot at lf`j# fid thei Zpomeoie] ptoce at fbfai) Theq bot frfq fid theq

    iewe| dad bet at lf`j) Lut qou `fi pee the bocd ai the ~a`tu|e) At"p fi ocd lcf`j fid rhate# lut

    qou `fi pee the bocd)

    \M; Rhft jaid og ro|jaibp dad theq hfwe ft the Bocd F`e? Rfp at exteipawe?

    P@; Vuate exteipawe)

    \M; Hor dee~ dad at bo?

    P@; (~her&! A doi"t |emeMle| - the phfgt ft the Bocd F`e ~|olflcq reit > to 4>> goot) The

    Lucc Moope# out oi the othe| pade# rfp mo|e lab pto~ep: core| b|fde)

    \M; Dad theq `hco|ade ft the Bocd F`e? Rfp thft hor theq maied at?

    P@; Io# theq maied lab) F gfuct `ut the habh-b|fde bocd ogg# fid theq copt at fid at"p iewe| leei

    gouid) At"p flpocutecq ~|e~opte|oup) The|e rfp cotp og at he|e rhei A rfp qouib)

    \M; Rhe|e rfp the macc?

    P@; The o|abaifc Bocd F`e rfp |abht u~ the|e ft the maie# fid Zat] reit l|oje rhei the pto`j

    mf|jet gecc) Fid the othe| oie rfp |abht ai the tori og @f||f|f)

    \M; Rhe|e rfp the oie thft qou hec~ed luacd?

    P@; Ai @f||f|f)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; Rhft rfp @f||f|f caje ai "00?

    P@; The|e re|e pewe|fc houpep the|e fid f lab fa|gaecd) Qou `fi bo dori the|e todfq fid qou

    `fi"t ewei pee rhe|e at rfp) Oi`e ai f rhace A bo dori the|e fid d|awe fcoib# fid at"p flpocutecq

    `owe|ed u~)

    \M; Rfp at f da|t fa|gaecd?

    P@; Qep# b|fwec) F we|q bood oie) At rfp letreei Hoccqrood fid @f||f|f)

    \M; Rhe|e rfp at co`fted?

    P@; At rfp 0/4-mace io|th og @f||f|f)

    \M; Fid rhft rfp hf~~eiaib ft Hoccqrood?

    P@; Thft"p rhe|e the maiaib `fm~ rfp go| the Bocd F`e)

    \M; Thei the ro|je|p dadi"t cawe ft @f||f|f?

    P@; F cot og them dad# lut fcc the paibce maie|p fid the `oojphf`j fid po go|th re|e ft


    \M; Hor mfiq luacdaibp re|e the|e ft Hoccqrood?

    P@; Oh# A doi"t jior - 6< o| 65) Fid qou `fi"t ewei gaid at ior ag qou doi"t jior rhe|e to bo)

    \M; Rfp at luact ep~e`afccq go| the Bocd F`e?

    P@; Qep) The o|abaifc Bocd F`e ai "

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; The vuf||q ft @f||f|f rfp iot o~e|ftaib# rfp at?

    P@; Io) Lut at rfp f lab ~cf`e) The tflcep re|e ptacc pet u~ rhe|e theq pfred Zmf|lce]) Fid theq

    uped pteec phot) Qou hfwe coib pteec |alloip rhftewe| ceibth qou rfit to `ut at) Fid the|e rfp

    f tflce oi to~ thft reit lf`j fid go|th fid `ut the mf|lce) Fid theq hfd the ~ocaphaib

    mf`haiep the|e fid ewe|qthaib)

    \M; Fid thei theq pha~~ed at out oi the |fac|ofd# dadi"t theq?

    P@; Theq pha~~ed at oi the |fac|ofd)

    \M; Lut at rfpi"t gui`taoiaib rhei qou bot the|e# rfp at?

    P@; At rfp gui`taoiflce) At rfp the pfme u~ ft the vuf||q) Ewe|qthaib rfp ai ~cf`e - ewei the lab

    d|accp) Theq uped ~cub fid gefthe|) Theq `ut hocep f|ouid ai f caie flout 4 ai`hep f~f|t# fid

    thei theq roucd uped rhft theq `fcc f ~cub fid gefthe|# fid theq roucd ~ut the ~cubp ai fid

    hfmme| oi the gefthe|p fid cagt thft rhoce huij og mf|lce out) Lut the |efpoi at `coped dori

    rfp oi f``ouit og the woc`fioep) Owe| ft 4>-Mace @fiqoi at"p fcc woc`fioep# po the mf|lce"p fcc


    \M; Fid thei |abht lego|e the rf|) Rfpi"t the|e rfp f buq rho `fme ai fid rfp boaib to luacd

    f `emeit ) )

    P@; M|) Eca{fcde) A iewe| ro|jed go| ham# lut A jier ham) The Eca{fcdep `fme ai he|e fid luact f

    `emeit ~cfit# fid re|e rathai 0 to 7 moithp og hfwaib at gaiaphed - the jaci rfp fcc pet u~ fid

    ewe|qthaib - fid thei the rf| pto~~ed at) Ai 6147 f buq ifmed P~f|jq rfp dori the|e fid he

    pocd ewe|qthaib ogg fid Ptfidf|d Pcfb loubht the jaci) At"p u~ ft Bfllp# Iewfdf# |abht ior) Adoi"t jior rhethe| theq"|e upaib at go| fiqthaib o| iot# lut Ptfidf|d Pcfb uped at fcc the tame

    oi thft mfbiepaum)

    \M; Rhft hf~~eied to @f||f|f du|aib the "0>"p?

    P@; The Bocd F`e `coped ai f|ouid "05) Fid thei ) )

    \M; Rhq dad at `cope? Le`fupe bocd rfp bood thei# rfpi"t at?

    P@; Recc# at rfpi"t thft bood) Theq re|e bettaib aito f cot og lfd o|e) M`Baiiap - the cfrqe| rhogu|iaphed the moieq - `coped at dori)

    \M; Fid thei Hoccqrood gfded too?

    P@; Thft"p rhei at gfded)

    \M; Do qou |ememle| the gouitfai ai the `eite| og @f||f|f?

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Qep) The|e rfp f core| |epe|woa| the|e re uped to pram ai) Fcc the rfte| reit to thap

    |epe|woa|) Re ~um~ed oi u~ the hacc rath f lab Lefi ~um~) Theq ~um~ed at u~ the hacc go|


    \M; Re|e ~eo~ce cawaib ai fcc the houpep rhei qou re|e the|e?

    P@; Io# iot fcc og them) ^hqccap Aphmfec `fi tecc qou flout thft) He| b|fidmf cawed the|e# fid

    the|e re|e pewe|fc ~eo~ce cawed the|e)

    \M; Re|e theq ro|jaib vuate f ger mei ft the Bocd F`e rhei qou re|e the|e?

    P@; Qep)

    \M; Rhft rfp f dfq"p ~fq thei?

    P@; $5 go| mu`je|p# fid $5)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    gcotftaoi) Theq reit aito `qfiade thei - wftp) The macc g|om Bocd ^oait ap the macc out he|e ft the

    Homeptfje maie og 61>8-616>) Theq mowed thft macc to Bocd ^oait)

    \M; Rhe|e rfp the Homeptfje?

    P@; The Homeptfje ap out rhe|e the Bocd Lf| ap ior) Theq `oiie`t oi padecaiep)

    \M; OJ# f cattce lat io|th fid rept og \hqocate)

    P@; \abht) Theq mowed thft Homeptfje macc aito Bocd ^oait fid at |fi fid `fubht oi ga|e fid

    lu|ied dori) Fid thei theq ~ut ai gcotftaoi) Qou"we peei thope lab `emeit thaibp - theq `fme

    out og ) ) ) thft macc ap ai Bocd ^oait ior) Theq `om~cetecq |eluact thft ai flout "08 fid thei theq

    mfde f `qfiade ~|o~opataoi ai the|e) Thei the rf| `coped at dori)

    \M; Ior# ap Bocd ^oait pouth og the habhrfq fp qou bo to Cadf"

    P@; Qep)

    \M; Rhft `oucd qou tecc flout the Luccg|ob maie# rhe|e qou re|e hfucaib o|e rhei qou ga|pt

    bot he|e?

    P@; A doi"t |ememle| rho rfp |uiiaib at ft the tame) Theq pfij f 5>>-goot phfgt the|e ai "07# A

    lecaewe at rfp# o| "05# fid theq iewe| hat f thaib)

    \M; Rhft re|e qou hfucaib# thei?

    P@; A rfp ro|jaib# ai "00# g|om the ro|jaibp oi to~) The o|e rfp we|q phfccor)

    \M; Rfp the o|e dee~ ft the Bocd F`e?

    P@; A doi"t thaij po)

    \M; Rfp at dee~ ft Bocd ^oait?

    P@; Recc# A |ememle| the Da`jcemfi phfgt rfp 55> o| 7>> o| 2Z>>] o| pomethaib caje thft# fid

    theq hfd o|e dori the|e)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    @HF^TE\ TRO

    \M; Hor coib dad qou ptfq u~ ft Bocd ^oait?

    P@; A lecaewe at rfp Mfq o| Kuie og "02) Thei A reit owe| to @fcago|iaf fid ro|jed ai the maiepf|ouid Bf|dei Wfcceq) Fid thei A `fme lf`j fid reit to ro|j ft Pacwe| ^efj) A ro|jed fcc og "08

    fid "01 ai the Mf|q Zfid] A ro|jed go| G|ed Woccme| ai the Lcf`j Mfmmoth) ZHe hfd at] g|om

    E)C) @o|d) Fid Ptfi @haftowa`h fid E|iae Pha|ceq re|e loppep)

    \M; Rfp at f bocd maie?

    P@; Qep# |uiiaib we|q pu``eppguc)

    \M; Re|e theq maccaib the o|e the|e?

    P@; Qep - dori ft Pacwe| ^efj) Theq hfuced at ogg the hacc# fid @o|d hfd hap macc u~ oi the hacc)

    \M; Dad qou cawe ai Pacwe| ^efj?

    P@; Qep)

    \M; Rhft jaid og f tori rfp thft?

    P@; Kupt f maiaib tori - loom tori)

    Othe| Woa`e; Qou hfwe to tecc ham flout mowaib the p`hooc luacdaib)

    P@; Qep) Ai "08 fcc og up bot tobethe| ) ) ) The p`hooc luacdaib rfp out letreei Iawco`j fid Pacwe|

    ^efj) Kammq Mo||ap gu|iaphed the t|u`jp# fid mopt og the buqp the|e hec~ed# fid re mowed the

    p`hooc aito tori fid ~ut at dori ai f mo|e ~|f`ta`fc co`ftaoi) Pome og the ocd-tame|p ) ) ) Doi

    Ph|ade| Zog Bocdgaecd] racc tecc qou flout at) He rfp f qouib loq rhei A rfp the|e)

    \M; Fid qou ro|jed the|e f `ou~ce og qef|p?

    P@; Qep# A ro|jed the|e flout < qef|p)

    \M; Fid thei rhft?

    P@; A `fme lf`j to Lefttq)

    \M; Rhft dad qou do ai Lefttq# thei?

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; A ro|jed go| \fc~h Capce go| frhace) He hfd f bfp ptftaoi fid f lucj ~cfit) A bot mf||aed ai

    6108 he|e ai Lefttq Zft f] \e~ulca`fi |fccq)

    \M; Dad qou mf||q f co`fc ba|c?

    P@; Io# oie g|om Pacwe| ^efj) Re dadi"t cawe tobethe| we|q coib: re re|e dawo|`ed) A reit dorito Te`o~f fid ro|jed ai the maiep ft Te`o~f) A |fi f hoapt dori the|e) Thei A vuat fid reit

    owe| rath \fc~h Capce ft ^fifmait @atq go| f pho|t tame ai the tuibptei maie u~ Pu|~|ape @fiqoi)

    Re hfd f te||alce 4>-goot rfcc og rfte| ) ) ) the|e re|e loucde|p fp lab fp f `f| `omaib dori the

    `fiqoi) \fc~h"p l|othe| fid mq iothe| fid A re|e ai thft `fiqoi - Zre hfd] kupt gaiaphed the

    |ofd) The b|fde| fid the `ft re|e pattaib dori the|e - A cegt the `ft dori the|e - fid thap rfte|

    fid mud `fme dori fid re pfr at fhefd) Re kupt bot ogg phagt boaib lf`j to ^fifmait fid re

    `oucd pee thft ) )

    \M; Re|e qou rfcjaib?

    P@; Io# re re|e d|awaib the t|u`j) Re coojed u~ the `fiqoi# fid the|e rfp the frguccept pmecc#

    fid he|e `fme the `coudlu|pt) At dadi"t t|fwec gfpte| thfi qou `oucd |ui) At rfp f rfcc og rfte|#

    A"d pfq 4>-geet habh# rath loucde|p# fid at pmecced caje gcait# qou jior - gcait) A bot owe| the to~

    fid re cagted mq mothe| fid < og up - \fc~h"p l|othe| rfp uide|iefth fid he ~uphed he|# fid

    re cagted he| u~ owe| f `cagg) Fid thft rfq re bot out og thft te||alce defc) Thei re ro|jed ou|

    rfq u~ to ^fifmait @atq# rfcjaib)

    \M; Rfp at |faiq thft dfq# o| ) ) ) ?

    P@; Oh# qep) Kupt f lab `coudlu|pt u~ oi the ^fifmait)

    \M; Fid at kupt d|faied f cot og `ouit|q u~ the|e?

    P@; Qep# at dad) At fcc `fme u~ flowe up) Rhei at eided# ewe|qthaib rfp boie - the b|fde|p fid

    the p`f|ga|ep fid ewe|qthaib) ZF p`f|ga|e ap ~ucced lehaid f `ft) At hfp teeth to coopei b|ouid fid

    dapcodbe cf|be |o`jp) At"p uped to luacd |ofdp# et`)] Fid the `ft rfp pattaib oi rhft coojed caje f

    mouitfai - kupt f lab huij og da|t Theq hfd to luacd f |ofd to bet at ogg: the t|f`jp og the `ft

    re|e hfibaib) Fid thft"p rhft rfp cegt)

    A cegt the|e fid A reit to ro|j go| Reccp @f|bo) A rfp phagt go|emfi go| Reccp @f|bo uitac A

    reit aito the pe|wa`e ai "4

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; Tecc me f cattce lat flout thft o~e|ftaoi)

    P@; Recc# theq hfuced at dori rhe|e theq mfde mfbiepaum)

    \M; Rfp at fi o~ei ~at ft Bfllp?

    P@; Qep# f t|emeidoup lab oie)

    \M; Fid rhft jaid og t|u`jp dad qou upe?

    P@; Jeiro|thp) Theq re|e fcc daepecp) Koe Reccp depabied the ho~~e|p hampecg - he fid Horf|d

    fid Lol) The Reccp loqp re|e 0 loqp rho bot ptf|ted ai \eio hfucaib t|fph) A jier them fcc)

    Theq bot the `oit|f`t go| hfucaib the |ebucf| o|e - the l|u`ate - to the |fachefd the|e ai Cuiaib)

    Fid thei rhei the lab defc hat ai Webfp - the EMA - theq bot the Z`oitaiuftaoi og the] `oit|f`t

    go| hfucaib the defd lu|i)

    \M; Rhft doep defd lu|i mefi?

    P@; Thft mefip at"p leei jaci-d|aed)

    \M; Po qou"d cofd u~ ai Bfllp# fid rhe|e roucd qou bo thei?

    P@; Re reit aito Toio~fh# fid g|om Toio~fh to Bocdgaecd fid Lefttq fid |abht pt|fabht

    th|oubh tori# |abht aito the Lfpa` \eg|f`to|aep)

    \M; Hor lab re|e qou| t|u`jp? Dad theq hfwe t|face|p?

    P@; Theq re|e pu~~oped to le 4>-toi# fid theq hfd f t|face|) Theq owe|cofded the ga|pt cofd fid

    at leit the g|fme# po fgte| thft theq |eaigo|`ed the g|fmep fid re hfuced flout 05- to 4>-toi ft

    f rhf`j)

    \M; Hor mfiq oi the t|u`j fid hor mfiq oi the ~u~?

    P@; Treitq fid treitq)

    \M; Do qou |ememle| rhft theq re|e? Jeiro|th o| Rhatep o| ) ) )?

    P@; Io# theq re|e kupt the Jeiro|th t|u`jp rath `emeit ho~~e|p qou hfwe ior) Koe Reccp ap the

    oie rho depabied them)

    \M; Hor coib dad at tfje qou to mfje the |ui?

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Re"d ptfq fcc iabht) Re"d bo dori fid `ome lf`j fid ptfq fcc iabht ft the Ec @o|te{) At

    rfpi"t o~ei# at rfp kupt o~eiaib u~) Lut the t|u`je|p fcc hfd |oomp the|e) Koe Reccp gu|iaphed

    up t|u`je|p g|ee |ofip) Thei re"d `ome lf`j the iext dfq)

    \M; Re|e the |ofdp ~fwed?

    P@; Qep# theq re|e fcc ~fwed) Theq ~fwed thepe |ofdp ai Lefttq ai "04) Rhei A `fme he|e ai "00 at

    rfp fcc b|fwec |ofdp g|om Cfp Webfp to he|e) Re goccored the |fac|ofd t|f`jp) Fid thei ai "04

    theq luact the |ofdp# fid the Dodbe @oipt|u`taoi# fp A tocd qou# luact thft cattce |ofd u~ to the

    maie rhei he rfp `omaib lf`j)

    \M; Rfp at f ~|ettq bood ~fwed |ofd rhei qou re|e hfucaib thft o|e?

    P@; Qep# re hfd bood |ofdp) If||or# lut bood)

    Rhft dad qou do ai lfd refthe|?

    P@; Kupt je~t mowaib)

    \M; Dad qou ewe| l|efj dori oi the |ofd?

    P@; We|q pecdom)

    \M; Rhft hf~~eied rhei qou dad l|efj dori?

    P@; Re"d peid go| Hf|weq Mefcmfi - he rfp fi frguccq bood daepec me`hfia`) Fid \a~ Wfi

    Raijce rfp f pu~e|aiteideit)

    \M Fid thei qou reit aito the pe|wa`e ai "4

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Recc# re hfd 68 ) ) ) at rfp f mo~-u~) Fid A reit ai the ga|pt rfwe rath the tfijp rath

    Mf`F|thu|# rhei he reit ai to Caibfqei Bucg) ^ucced out og the|e < reejp cfte| fid reit aito

    [fmlofibf# oi the core| eid og Maidfifo# fid tooj - goubht thea| rfq - dori aito Koco oi the

    Pucu F|`ha~ecfbo# mfde f lef`hhefd dori the|e oi the apcfid og Koco# `fme lf`j# fid reit oi

    aito ^eifib) Thei A bot hu|t fid pomethaib - mq cebp re|e to|i u~ - fid thei A reit aitohop~atfc# fid thei `fme lf`j fid the rf| rfp owe|)

    \M; Rhft jaid og tfijp dad theq upe?

    P@; A rfp ai `hf|be og `om~fiq mfaiteifi`e og F-267 Tfij Lfttfcaoi @om~fiq tfijp) Thft rfp

    hefwq |eaigo|`emeit) At rfp 68 medaum fid A lecaewe A hfd 1 o| 6> cabhtp# fid A hfd flout 4>

    t|u`jp fid po go|th) Qou pee# A `fme out og Reccp @f|bo g|om |uiiaib thft ptugg# fid thft rfp

    rhq ) ) ) A reit ai)

    \M; Rhft dad qou do fgte| the rf|?

    P@; A `fme lf`j fid \fc~h Capce fid A o~eied f bf|fbe ai Lefttq)

    \M; Rhe|e rfp the bf|fbe?

    P@; Phecc Bf|fbe# u~ oi the `o|ie|) At rfp f lab oie)

    \M; Rhe|e the Phecc ptftaoi ap ior?

    P@; Qep# lut at rfp f lab bf|fbe - at tooj the rhoce cot)

    \M; Rfp lupaiepp bood?

    P@; Qep# frguccq bood) Re hfd the ga|pt `|fijphfgt b|aide| letreei Cfp Webfp fid \eio) ^eo~ce

    roucd `ome out og Cop Fibecep fid thea| oac p`|eeip re|e fcc ~cubbed u~) A b|ouid huid|edp og


    \M; Rhq roucd theq le ~cubbed u~?

    P@; Recc# thea| caiep roucd ~cub u~ le`fupe the `f|p iewe| |fi mu`h du|aib the rf|)

    \M; Oh: fid theq"d lcor thea| eibaie)

    P@; Theq lcer thea| eibaie fid A b|ouid thea| phfgtp) A reit to Defth Wfcceq# A t|fweced fcc owe|

    b|aidaib `|fijphfgtp rath the mf`haie# fid thei A"d mfje mq ori lef|aibp - re hfd ou| ori

    mf`haiep - to do po) Re hfd f lab mf`haie pho~)

    \M; Hor coib dad qou do thft?

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; \fc~h fid A o~e|fted the pho~ go| < qef|p# A lecaewe) Fid thei re o~eied u~ f bf|fbe rhe|e

    hap ~|epeit hf|drf|e ap# Zfid] at cfte| lu|ied dori)

    \M; Rhei dad thft lu|i?

    P@; Ai 615> o| "56# A lecaewe at rfp)

    \M; Rhft dad qou do fgte| thft?

    P@; A reit to Hfrtho|ie fp f daepec co`omotawe me`hfia` go| 65 moithp# A lecaewe at rfp# fid

    thei A reit rath Ptfidf|d Pcfb fp hefd mfpte| me`hfia` go| them)

    \M; Ior# Ptfidf|d Pcfb roucd le rhe|e?

    P@; Ft Bfllp) The `om~fiq thft hfd @f||f|f)

    \M; Rhft re|e theq doaib u~ ft Bfllp? Dadi"t theq phut thft mfbif`ate dori fgte| the rf|?

    P@; Io# at |fi u~ uitac ) ) ) A go|bet rhei) Lfpa`# A thaij# loubht Ptfidf|d Pcfb out ai flout 6157

    o| "52)

    \M; Rhe|e dad theq ~|o`epp at? Le`fupe theq"d phut dori ) ) )

    P@; Theq ~|o`epped at |abht the|e ft Bfllp) Theq pha~~ed fcc og the ptugg lf`j efpt fid theq

    mfje l|a`jp out og at) Theq upe mfbif`ate l|a`jp ai `emeit jacip fid gu|if`ep)

    \M; Fid hor coib dad qou ptfq u~ the|e?

    P@; Recc# A reit to ro|j go| them fid thei A reit out fid ro|jed go| Bfllp Ex~co|ftaoi fp f

    me`hfia` go| them) A rfp the|e 4 qef|p fid thft"p rhei tuibptei reit lfd - ai 6152) Thei A

    reit to Qe|aibtoi go| f qef| - hfd f pho~ fid pe|wa`e ptftaoi owe| the|e - fid thei mowed lf`j

    to Lefttq ai "51)

    \M; Rhft dad qou do thei?

    P@; Recc# |abht ior qou"|e boaib to bet aito pomethaib) A hfd the ptftaoi owe| he|e fid A hfd mq`ftp fid `fip fid fcc# fid ai 617< A o~eied u~ Iu`cef| Eibaiee|aib# rha`h ap ior U)P) E`ocobq) A

    luact the |ofdp fid A dad fcc the ro|j dabbaib the hocep g|om 617< to 6175) Thei A vuat fid reit

    out to the Tept Pate) Fiothe| geccor rho hec~ed me rfp Oac`fi Hf||q -Hf||q B|aggai)

    \M; Dad qou `owe| at u~# thei? The rfpte?

    P@; Qep)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; Rhft re|e theq lu|qaib dori the|e ai thope ef|cq dfqp?

    P@; Cor-cewec rfpte)

    \M; Ior# f `fi ap the thaib thft qou tor# |abht? Lehaid the b|fde| - the p`|f~e|)

    P@; \abht) A"we ptacc bot at) A |fi the `ft fid mq poi hec~ed me) He rfp oicq 60# lut he |fi the `ft

    `fi# too) A |fi the t|u`jp fid hfuced the iu`cef| rfpte fcc out og @oi`o|d# @fcago|iaf) Iu`cef|

    hfd 0 t|u`jp)

    \M; Rhq rfp at `omaib out og @oi`o|d?

    P@; Le`fupe at rfp pto|ed the|e) Theq hfd tem~o|f|q pto|fbep the|e)

    \M; Rfp at go| fcc og @fcago|iaf# o| the rept# o| the U)P)# o| rhft?

    P@; Recc# vuate f lat og at) Re ptf|ted out ) ) ) re dad we|q recc out he|e)

    \M; Rhft dad the rfpte cooj caje?

    P@; Recc# at rfp ai lf||ecp)

    \M; Hor dee~ dad theq lu|q at?

    P@; Ai thope dfqp A thaij A |fi f|ouid 0> geet) Fid thei qou tfje the `ft fid `owe| at fcc u~: re

    fcrfqp je~t at `owe|ed)

    \M; Hor dee~ f|e theq lu|qaib at ior?

    P@; A thaij theq"|e boie dori flout 5> geet ior) A"we Zoicq] leei out the|e oi`e pai`e A rfp


    \M; Doep the b|ouid ptfid recc?

    P@; Qep)

    \M; At doep? Qou `oucd `f|e dori rath f pt|fabht rfcc?

    P@; Qep# qou `f|e dori frguccq-recc) Qou bawe at f cattce pcfit qou jior# f cattce ~at`h)

    Iu`cef| Eibaiee|aib rfp oie og the o|abaifcp) Theq re|e lu|qaib at ft pef ai lf||ecp# ag

    qou |ememle|) Theq `oucdi"t gaid fiq le`fupe the `u||eitp og the o`efi re|e mowaib at fcc

    owe|) Po theq pto~~ed thft# fid the Ptfte og Iewfdf bfwe Iu`cef| Eibaiee|aib thap b|ouid out

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    he|e# fid the ~eo~ce rho oried Iu`cef| Eibaiee|aib `fme aito tori fid ha|ed me to do fcc

    the ro|j) A hfd f `oit|f`to|"p ca`eipe)

    \M; Rhei dad U)P) E`ocobq `f|e aito the ~a`tu|e thei?

    P@; A doi"t |ememle| rhft qef| at rfp) Iu`cef| Eibaiee|aib pocd thea| g|fi`hape fid fcc to U)P)E`ocobq vuate frhace fgte| A cegt)

    \M; Po thft dum~ boep `cef| lf`j to "7

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; OJ# A racc)

    P@; Qep# A |fi the hoapt# fid A rfp pho~ go|emfi ft E-tuiiec)

    \M; Qep# he ro|jed ft E-tuiiec go| mfiq qef|p)

    P@; A rfp ai E-tuiiec fid A ro|jed ai B fid fcc the tuiiecp) Lut the|e"p iothaib thft A jior rhft

    reit oi out the|e)

    \M; Hor coib dad qou ro|j the|e?

    P@; Tei fid f hfcg qef|p: A |eta|ed ai "27)

    \M; Fid rhft hfwe qou leei doaib pai`e?

    P@; Lego|e A |eta|ed A luact f bf|fbe) Go| mfiq qef|p A hfwe hfd f cfthe thft `fme out og the ocd

    pho~ ft Defth Wfcceq Kui`taoi) A loubht at g|om ^hqccap Lecc"p huplfid# Da`j Lecc) Fid A kupt ~addce

    f|ouid) At rfp fi frguccq ocd oie - Zg|om the] ef|cq 61>>p)

    \M; Fid rhft do qou mfje rath qou| cfthe?

    P@; Oh# fiqthaib# tu|iaib metfcp) Fid A hfwe fcc jaidp og recde|p fid ewe|qthaib)

    \M; Po qou"|e |efccq f me`hfia`# maie|# Z`hu`jcep] fid metfc mf`haiapt? F kf`j og fcc t|fdep?

    P@; Qou ifme at: qou ifme at) Du|aib the De~|eppaoi qou hfd to le) \ememle|# A rfp the phagtgo|emfi go| Koe Reccp - Horf|d fid Lol - oi the t|u`jp) Thei A dap~ft`hed them fid A d|owe go|

    f coib tame to bet u~ to le go|emfi)

    \M; Po qou `fi lfpa`fccq gax fiqthaib# ~|olflcq)

    P@; Fiqthaib)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    @HF^TE\ TH\EE

    \M; Pfm# rhft rfp Lefttq caje rhei qou ga|pt `fme he|e ai "00?

    P@; Frguccq# frguccq bood) The|e rfp f cot og ro|j)

    \M; Ewei thoubh the|e rfp f De~|eppaoi?

    P@; Qep) Ag qou |ememle|# \oopewect |faped the ~|a`e og bocd g|om $)72 to $05) Po thft mfde

    fcc thepe maiep ai Lefttq dapt|a`t ~|ogatflce) Qou `oucd vuat oie kol oie dfq fid le ro|jaib

    fiothe| maie the iext dfq)

    \M; Rhft re|e pome og the maiep thft re|e o~e|ftaib?

    P@; The Luccg|ob# the Moitbome|q-Phophoie# the ^aoiee|# the Mfqgcore|


    \M; Fid thei og `ou|pe the Bocd F`e)

    P@; Qep)

    \M; Tecc me pome mo|e flout rhft the tori rfp caje)

    P@; At rfp f bood-pa{ed tori thei) F cot og the luacdaibp hfwe leei mowed) F`|opp g|om the

    Ex`hfibe rfp rhft theq `fcced the Bocd F`e lf|) At rfp f lab lf| thei) At rfp f cot rade fid f

    gucc cot coib) Recc# at lu|ied dori fid re hfd oie lab ga|e) Oie mfi rfp lu|ied u~ ai the lf`j

    |oom) Re hfd f ga|e de~f|tmeit thei# fid re hfd flout f 6165 o| "64 ga|e eibaie# ag A

    |ememle| |abht) A jior thft A |fi the ga|e eibaie - je~t at boaib) Cf||q Cee fid fcc the buqp re|e

    gabhtaib the ga|e fid Cf||q Cee rfp f lf|teide| ft the Bocd F`e fid he b|flled the `fph |ebapte|

    fid lf`jed |abht owe| the to~ og at bettaib hap `f| out# he rfp po ex`ated) Zcfubhte|]

    Og `ou|pe# the|e re|e luacdaibp oi u~ thft rfq) The Ex`hfibe hfd f |eptfu|fit fid mq

    papte| @hcoe ro|jed the|e) Fid thei Koe Fid|e `fme ai fid he ptf|ted oie f`|opp the pt|eet

    rhe|e the qeccor houpe ap u~ ai the|e) He ~ut f d|ubpto|e fid ewe|qthaib u~ the|e `fttq-`o|ie|

    f`|opp g|om the Ex`hfibe fid u~ kupt f cattce rfq) He mowed the houpe thft A cawed ai @f||f|f) A

    Zhfd] ptfqed the|e rath Wa`to| fid Home| \ette|e|)

    \M; Thft rfp lego|e the houpe rfp the|e)

    P@; Mapp Racpoi oried thft houpe)

    \M; Oh - at rfp |abht iext doo| to at)

    P@; Qep) Koe `fme ai he|e rath f cattce t|face| fid theq re|e boaib to |ui ham out og tori)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; Rhq?

    P@; A doi"t jior) Le`fupe theq dadi"t rfit `om~etataoi# A thaij) He |efccq ~ut out the good# fid

    mq papte| @hcoe ro|jed go| ham the|e ai thft cattce 2-pefted |eptfu|fit ) ) ) `fcced the Pacwe|


    \M; Fid dad he hfwe bood good the|e?

    P@; Frguccq bood good) Fid thei og `ou|pe theq hfd the B|eei G|oit dori the pt|eet f rfq -

    thft rfp f `fge) M|p) Ioape |ui thft - F|t Ioape"p b|fidmf) Fid og `ou|pe f`|opp the pt|eet#

    thei# cfte| oi# Fid|e luact the Pacwe| Daie| `fge dori lq the 27 Ptftaoi) Thei he mowed at u~

    iext to M|p) Hf|weq"p ~cf`e) Thft"p f lf| ior - Da`j Po|eipoi"p lf|) Fid ai cfte| qef|p mq rage"p

    gfthe| loubht at fid thft"p rhe|e phe fid A met) Phe rfp f rfat|epp go| he| ~f|eitp)

    \M; Rhft rfp he| gfthe|"p ifme?

    P@; \ole|t Cee Pt|oud) Re met ai the `fge) Phe rfp ) )

    Othe| Woa`e; ) ) ) rfp hfphaib go| ham)

    P@; Phe rfp hfphaib) Lut |abht dori the pt|eet f cattce rfqp oi thft pade the ocd Lefttq Hotec

    uped to le oried lq f cattce lattq geccor ifmed Kohiiq Padeq) Theq `fcced ham Kohiiq-lehaid-


    \M; Rhq dad theq `fcc ham thft?

    P@; Le`fupe pomelodq rfp t|qaib to bet hap `cfamp# fid he bot lehaid f |o`j fid |fi thfi ogg)The|e rfp pome phootaib)

    \M; Ior# rhe|e rfp hap ~cf`e - oi the efpt pade o| the rept pade og ) )

    P@; At"p oi the io|th pade og Mfai Pt|eet) Thei |abht f`|opp the pt|eet rfp the @fcago|iaf Hotec) At

    cfte| lu|ied) Fid Kohiiq Padeq iewe| hfd hap Lefttq Hotec gaiaphed) Pome ~eo~ce# qef|p cfte|#

    `fme fid luact at u~) Fid |abht iext to at the|e rfp f lcaid mfi# fid hap rage rfp the lf|le|)

    Phe |fi the lf|le| pho~ fid he ~cfqed the o|bfi) Thap boep lf`j vuate frhace - ai the mad-"0>p)

    Lacc rfp hap ifme - Lcaid Lacc) He ~cfqed the pvuee{e lox fid he ~cfqed go| fcc the dfi`ep)

    The ro|pt thaib thft ewe| hf~~eied to Lefttq ap rhei theq bot |ad og the ocd tori hfcc)Thft rfp# go| fcc the ocd-tame|p fid ~eo~ce# the ~cf`e rhe|e ewe|qlodq met)

    \M; Rhq dad theq tef| at dori? Rhft rfp thea| thaijaib?

    P@; A hfwe io adef) To ~ut the ga|ehoupe ai the|e# A buepp) Lut the|e rfp io ieed og thft: theq

    `oucd"we ~ut the ga|ehoupe the|e fp gf| fp A"m `oi`e|ied) Ai 6100 o| "4 A |fi the phorp the|e)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    \M; Recc# tecc me flout thft) A tfcjed to Le|t Cemoip# fid he |fi at fgte| the rf|)

    P@; Oh# qep) A |fi at go| Koe Fid|e: he hfd the mowae evua~meit# fid A roucd |ui the gacmp) Thft

    rfp the |efpoi A doi"t caje to bo to f phor) A hfd po mu`h gacm thft at kupt ) ) ) Ewe|q reej o| po

    re"d hfwe f gacm) At rfp f bood ~|oke`taoi |oom)

    \M; Dad vuate f ger ~eo~ce phor u~?

    P@; Oh# qep - the tori fcc phored u~)

    \M; Dad the gacmp `ome ai oi the t|fai# o| rhft?

    P@; Recc# cet"p pee# A thaij the cfpt t|fai vuat ai "01) A uped to bet oi the t|fai# kupt go| the gui og at#

    dori he|e ft the Q fid theq"d lf`j at f|ouid fid bet the cofdp fid fcc thft)

    \M; Hor coib dad qou |ui the ~|oke`to|?

    P@; Oh# pewe|fc moithp)

    \M; Dad qou |ui at oi`e f reej o| oi Pftu|dfq# o| pomethaib caje thft?

    P@; A thaij po) Fid the|e re|e dfi`ep: re hfd the gaiept - f bood ptfbe fid f bood o|`hept|f)

    \M; Rhe|e dad the o|`hept|f `ome g|om?

    P@; Ai "00 A|waib @|orecc hfd f `oupai ifmed Kf`j @|orecc rho ~cfqed the pfxo~hoie fid hap

    rage ~cfqed - ag A |ememle| |abht - the ~afio) He rfp f bood mupa`afi) Og `ou|pe Koe Fid|e# qoujior# rfp vuate gfmoup go| hap mupa`: he rfp f lfid cefde|)

    \M; Dad he ewe| ~cfq ft the dfi`ep?

    P@; Io# A doi"t |ememle|)

    \M; Dad theq ewe| l|aib lfidp ai g|om Cfp Webfp?

    P@; Re dadi"t |efccq ieed to) Re hfd the mupa`afip he|e# fid theq re|e bood oiep) Fid fcc qou

    ieeded to do rfp gax the gcoo| f cattce lat - pmooth at ogg o| jee~ at `owe|ed)

    \M; At rfp the ocd Maie|p" Uiaoi luacdaib out og \hqocate# rfpi"t at?

    P@; Qep# at rfp lefutaguc - f bood oie)

    \M; Thft"p rhft A hef|) Qep# at rfp f phfme theq to|e at dori) Fid rhei theq to|e at dori theq

    dadi"t ewei hfwe f `ommuiatq `eite|# dad theq?

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Io# theq luact at u~ oi the hacc mfiq qef|p cfte|)

    \M; Qep) Po qou reit go| f coib tame rathout f meetaib ~cf`e)

    P@; A doi"t lcfme fiqlodq go| at) The oicq thaib ap# A doi"t pee rhq theq to|e at dori) A tfje io~e|poifc b|udbep fbfaipt fiqlodq)

    \M; At pouidp caje du|aib the "0>p the mfaiptfq og Lefttq e`oiomq rfp the maiaib)

    P@; Fcc maiaib) Re hfd pome bood `hf|f`te|p ai tori) Qfwf~fa ^ete rfp vuate f oie) He `fme

    out og F|a{oif# fid he rfp f `hf|f`te|) Re hfd fcc tq~ep og `hf|f`te|p he|e)

    \M; Rhei theq phut maiaib dori rath the rf|# rhft hf~~eied to the tori?

    P@; At kupt rfpi"t po bood) Lut the Tept Pate `fme ai fid the|e hfwe fcrfqp leei f cot og mei

    g|om he|e# caje mqpecg# rho fcc ro|jed the|e)

    \M; Lut at rfp 6> qef|p lego|e the Tept Pate `fme ai)

    P@; Qep# at rfp) Lut at"p f bood tou|apt tori) F we|q# we|q bood co`ftaoi) The @@p luact fcc the

    |ofdp ai Defth Wfcceq) The `ft pattaib out he|e lehaid mq houpe ap f @@ `ft) A bot at oi f lad out

    og the iftaoifc pate ai 6148 o| "41) At"p the cattce ocd Aite|iftaoifc thft A buepp fcc the @@ loqp |fi

    lf`j rhei theq re|e luacdaib thope |ofdp) A bfwe at to mq poi fid he"p |eluacdaib at go| f


    \M; Fid at rfp the @@p rho dad f cot og ro|j ai the ~f|j fid ewe|qthaib?

    P@; Theq dad fcc the ro|j - ~e|aod) The @@p uped to `ome to Lefttq flout ewe|q Pftu|dfq iabht)

    Re hfd f lf| u~ flowe tori# |abht the|e# `fcced the Depe|t Aii) Eabht og them `fme ai the|e fid

    bot |ordq oie iabht fid thap ocd bfc tooj ogg he| phoe) Phe kupt tooj the heec og he| phoe fid

    tf~~ed them oi the hefd fid theq ) ) ) thei theq hfuced them out fid hfuced them dori to

    Defth Wfcceq) Lut theq luact fcc the |ofdp ai Defth Wfcceq)

    \M; Fid thft rfp rhft |efccq hec~ed tou|apm?

    P@; At hec~ed ewe|qthaib ai Lefttq) \fc~h Capce racc tecc qou# le`fupe he ro|jed ai the 0 @p)

    \M; Oh# he ro|jed the|e?

    P@; Qep) Fid Lodae Cqoip fid Cf||q Cee re|e the|e# fid ) )

    \M; Po thft at rfp f |epuct og the ro|j thft theq dad ai the "0>p thft hec~ed tou|apm ~a`j u~?

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Oh# qep) Thft luact Lefttq) At rfp kupt f cattce pcee~q maiaib tori)

    \M; Rhft flout the e`oiomq og Lefttq du|aib the "4>p?

    P@; \abht fgte| the rf|# ewe|qlodq `fme ai he|e to bo to the 41e| Dfqp) Thepe re|e the ga|pt

    oiep# qou jior) Thei re hfd frguccq bood Lu||o Dfqp) Thft luact Lefttq f cot: gacced fcc themotecp fid ewe|qthaib)

    \M; Fid thei ai the "5>p qou bet the Tept Pate# doi"t qou?

    P@; Qep# qou bet qou| Tept Pate fid thei fcc oi u~)

    \M; Hor am~o|tfit hfp the Tept Pate leei to Lefttq"p e`oiomq? Hfwe the|e |efccq leei thft

    mfiq Lefttq ~eo~ce ro|jaib the|e?

    P@; Qep# the|e hfwe) At hfp the Tept Pate# fid thei at hfp Go|d# fid fcc the maiep ro|jaib - A buepp

    Bocd Lf|"p ro|jaib ior# fid Pfbf hfp bot f cot og mei) Re hfwe vuate f ger mei ro|jaib he|e)

    \M; Hor roucd qou dep`|ale po`afc cage lf`j ai the "0>p?

    P@; We|q bood) Re re|e vuate f `cope-jiat gfmacq)

    \M; Qep) Lefttq hfp f ia`e p~a|at)

    P@; Qep# f habh `ommuiatq p~a|at) At rfp rhei A rfp qouib)

    \M; Ewei thei)

    P@; Qep) Todfq at"p the pfme) Qou hfwe the lept wocuitee| ga|emei ai the `ouit|q) Fid re hfwe

    lefutaguc lfcc~f|jp fid prammaib ~oocp fid ) ) re"we bot ewe|qthaib)

    \M; Rhft flout the lu||o |f`ep# Pfm?

    P@; The ga|pt lu||o |f`ep ptf|ted ai "47 o| "42) Mq cattce `oupai g|om @oco|fdo ) ) ) re hfd fi ocd

    lu||o# f mfmf lu||o# fid f lflq) Re d|er thft mfmf lu||o fid cattce lflq) The rfq re |fi

    the |f`ep# theq ptf|ted ogg# fid the cattce lu||o tooj ogg dori the pt|eet# the iothe| |abht fgte|

    at) Zcfubhte|] Fid Zcfubhp] at out-|fi ewe|qthaib) The mothe| lu||o tooj out to ~|ote`t he| lflq)

    \M; Thft rfp f coib tame lego|e theq hfd the lu||op ai "7># rfpi"t at?

    P@; Oh# qep)

    \M; The lu||o |f`e adef boep rfq lf`j# thei# doepi"t at?

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Oh# qep) \fc~h fid A hfd rhft re `fcced the @eit|fc Bf|fbe fid re hfd ou| ori lu||op ai

    the |f`e# fid ewe|qlodq f|ouid he|e hfd f lu||o ai the |f`e)

    \M; Fid the @eit|fc Bf|fbe rfp rhe|e the Phecc ptftaoi ap?

    P@; Thft"p |abht) At rfp f lab oie) Theq to|e dori thft luacdaib)

    \M; A roide| rhq theq dad thft)

    P@; A doi"t jior)

    \M; Tecc up pome mo|e flout thft gcood ai the ^fifmait# Pfm)

    P@; Oh# re kupt gaiaphed the |ofd) At reit u~ the|e# fid qou `oucd d|awe u~ rath f `f|) Fid at

    `om~cetecq tooj out the |ofd g|om u~ ft the maie `cef| dori to Pu|~|ape @fiqoi)

    \M; A"we iewe| leei u~ the|e) Ap ^fifmait ft the hefd og Pu|~|ape @fiqoi?

    P@; @cef| u~ oi to~: qep)

    Othe| Woa`e; He|e"p hor theq tooj the o|e out)

    \M; Rhft rfp the ga|pt aida`ftaoi qou hfd og f rfcc og rfte| `omaib dori?

    P@; Re re|e d|awaib u~ the |ofd boaib home fid re coojed u~ the|e# fid the|e rfp thft lab

    4>-goot o| mo|e goot rfcc og rfte| rath |o`jp `omaib dori fid qou `oucd pmecc at: oh& Fid at

    rfp f te||alce ioape) F |of| - kupt f te||alce |of|) Re ~f|jed the t|u`j fbfaipt the rfcc# fidlehaid f tu|i) Fid fcc at dad rfp gacc at gucc og rfte| fid ewe|qthaib: at dadi"t |uai at) At rfp kupt

    hfibaib the|e)

    \M; Dad qou hfwe to bet out og the|e ai f hu||q?

    P@; Oh# re dad) The rfte| rfp `omaib |abht u~ oi up)

    \M; Dad qou bet ret?

    P@; Kupt oi f``ouit og the te||alce |fai) A ~uphed mq mothe| fid ^hacca~ Capce cagted he| u~ owe|fid ~uphed he| oi owe|)

    \M; Hor coib dad at tfje the rfte| to bet lq?

    P@; A"d pfq fi hou|)

    \M; Fi hou|)

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    P@; Thft"p fcc) Thft"p hor gfpt at boep) Loucde|p fp lab fp `f|p) Mq mothe|"p ~fpped frfq lut

    ^hacca~ Capce ap ptacc fcawe - he fid A re|e |abht ai at# rath mq mothe|) At"p f bood thaib at doi"t `ome

    gfpt) He rfp d|awaib# Mothe| rfp pattaib ai the maddce# fid he p~ui thft t|u`j ai |ewe|pe u~

    fbfaipt f rfcc) Lut at rfp lehaid the tu|i to the lab cedbe out ai g|oit og at) Re tooj ogg fid

    reit |abht u~ owe| the `cagg)

    \M; Fid thei qou kupt pft u~ the|e fid rft`hed at?

    P@; Oh# at rfp lcf`j: flpocutecq lcf`j) Qou `oucdi"t pee fiqthaib lut the mud)

    \M; Do qou mefi the rfte|?

    P@; Io# A mefi the rhoce `ouit|q rfp lcf`j g|om mud gcqaib ewe|qrhe|e) Qou `oucd iot pee)

    \M; Qou `oucdi"t cooj dori fid pee the rfte|?

    P@; Oh# io rfq)

    \M; Hor gf| flowe the rfte| re|e qou?

    P@; Oh# 6>> geet o| mo|e - ># mfqle)

    \M; Thei at rfp kupt mud gcqaib?

    P@; Kupt mud) At |occp) The|e"p kupt po mu`h go|`e lehaid at# fid at |occp fid |occp fid tumlcep) Qou

    `oucd pee p~f|jp gcqaib# lut qou `oucdi"t pee ) )

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin



    Fid|e# Koe

    F~ex cfrp#

    F|aptf maie

    LMAlf|le| pho~#

    Lfpa` \eg|f`to|aep

    Lefi ~um~#

    Lefttq# IW#

    Lefttq ommuiatq p~a|at

    Lefttq ga|e de~t)#

    Lefttq Hotec

    Lefttq tori hfcc#

    Lecc# Da`j#

    Lecc# ^hqccap Aphmfec#Lcf`j Mfmmoth Maie#

    Lcaid Lacc#

    Lodae (@F


    Lucc Moope Maie#

    Luccg|ob Maie

    Luif# Ier Buaief

    Lu||o Dfqp#

    Lutte# MT#


    @fcago|iaf Hotec

    @fcca`ut# Lacc

    @f||f|f# IW

    `emeit ~cfit

    @eit|fc Bf|fbe#

    @haftowa`h# Ptfi#

    @odq# IE


    @oco|fdo ^o|tcfid @emeit @o)#

    @ocwai# Fcle|t

    @ocwai (poi@oi`o|d# @F#

    `oit|f`to|"p ca`eipe#

    @o|d# E) C

    `|fijphfgt b|aide|#

    @|orecc# A|waib#

    @|orecc# Kf`j


  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin



    defd lu|i#

    Defth Wfcceq

    Defth Wfcceq Kui`taoi# @F#

    Deiwe|# @O#

    De~|eppaoiDepe|t Aii lf|#

    Da`jcemfi @o|~

    Dodbe @oipt|u`taoi#



    ef|th-mowaib evua~meit

    Ele|t# Hf|ocd# |fi`h

    Ec @o|te{

    Eca{fcde gfmacq

    Ex`hfibe @cul#

    Gaiieq# @hf|cae


    gcfph gcood#

    gcotftaoi ~|o`epp#

    Go|d Fe|op~f`e#

    Go|t @occaip# @O#

    Go|t Mo|bfi# @O

    Go|tq-Iaie| Dfqp

    Go|tq-Mace @fiqoi#

    Gou|teeith Fmo|fc Dawapaoi#

    B-tuiiec#Bfllp# IW#

    Bfllp Ex~co|ftaoi @o




    Bf|dei Wfcceq# @F

    bfp ptftaoi#

    Bal|fcte| Maie

    Bocd F`e lf|#

    Bocd F`e MaieBocd Lf|

    Bocd @eite|# IW#

    Bocd ^oait# IW

    Bocdgaecd# IW


    B|eei G|oit @fg

    B|eeirood# Beo|be

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    B|aggai# ,Oac`fi, Hf||q#

    B|oup`h# M|

    Hf||ap# Tom

    Hf|weq# M|p)#

    hfucaib iu`cef| rfpte#

    hfucaib o|eHfrtho|ie# IW

    Hefth# Cottae E) @ocwai Maccp#

    Hedce|# Ecme|

    Heai{ae# M|)#

    Heide|poi# IW#

    hoaptaib eibaiee|#


    Hoccqrood# IW#

    Homeptfje macc#

    Homeptfje Maie#

    Hootei# @hf|cae#

    Ho|i Pacwe| maie


    J|fut# D|

    J|fut gcotftaoi

    Cf^o|te# @O

    Cfp Webfp# IW

    Cee# Cf||q#

    Cadf# IW

    Caibfqei Bucg#

    Capce# @hcoe @ocwaiCapce# ^hacca~#

    Capce# \fc~h#

    Capce hf|drf|e pto|e#

    Cop Fibecep# @F#

    Cuiaib# IW#

    Cqoip# Lodae#

    Mf`F|thu|# Bei) Doubcfp#

    mf`haie pho~



    Mf|q Maie

    Mfqgcore| Maie#

    M@@|f`jei# \ole|t# P|)#

    M`Baiiap# Maiapte|#

    Mefcmfi# Hf|weq#


  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin



    Maccp# Rfct "Rhateq,#


    Maie|p" Uiaoi Luacdaib#


    Moitbome|q-Phophoie maie#Mo||ap# Kammq



    Iewfdf Tept Pate#

    Ier Buaief#

    Iawco`j# IW#

    Ioape# M|) ' M|p) F|t

    Iu`cef| Eibaiee|aib @o)#

    iu`cef| rfpte# cor-cewec#

    O~e|ftaib Eibaiee|"p Uiaoi#

    o|e# de~th og#

    ^fifmait @atq# @F#

    ^fifmait Mouitfaip#

    ^fucb|owe# Kf`j#



    ^aoiee| maie#

    ~|a`e og bocd



    \eio# IW\e~ulca`fi |fccq

    \ette|e|# Home|#

    \ette|e|# Wa`

    \hqocate# IW


    \oopewect# ^|epadeit G) D)#

    Pfbf @o|~

    Pfidle|b# Ed#


    p`hooc luacdaib267th Tfij Lfttfcaoi#

    Pha|ceq# E|iae#

    Ph|ade|# Doi#

    Padeq# Kohiiq

    Pacwe| Daie|#

    Pacwe| ^efj#

    Pmath Wfcceq

  • 7/31/2019 An Interview with James H. "Sam" Colvin


    Po|eipoi# Da`j

    Pouth f`aga`

    P~f|jq# M|

    Ptfidf|d Pcfb#

    pto`j mf|jet `|fph og

    Pt|oud# \ole|t Cee#Pucu F|`ha~ecfbo# ^haca~~aiep#

    Pu|~|ape @fiqoi#

    Puttoi# M|)#

    Tfiie|# \op`oe#

    Te`o~f# @F

    Tamifth# @O

    Toio~fh# IW#



    U)P) E`ocobq#

    Wfi Raijce# \a~#

    Woccme|# G|ed#

    rfbep# maiaib o``u~ftaoip#


    Reccp# Lol#

    Reccp# Horf|d#

    Reccp# Koe#

    Reccp @f|bo

    Racpoi# Mapp

    Ro|cd Rf| AA#

    Qfwf~fa eteQe|aibtoi# IW#
