An inter-agency documentary policy on water and aquatic habitats EURASLIC, Lyon, May 17th 2011 Florence Louis, Agence de l’Eau RMC – Rhône Méditerranée & Corse water agency Françoise Bunch, ONEMA – National water agency on water and aquatic environments

An inter-agency documentary policy on water and aquatic habitats EURASLIC, Lyon, May 17th 2011 Florence Louis, Agence de l’Eau RMC – Rhône Méditerranée

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An inter-agency documentary policy on water and aquatic habitats

EURASLIC, Lyon, May 17th 2011

Florence Louis, Agence de l’Eau RMC – Rhône Méditerranée & Corse water agency

Françoise Bunch, ONEMA – National water agency on water and aquatic environments


1- National framework of water management in France

Onema and its missions :

Research & Development and information system : work in conjunction

2- The documentation & information center network

Origins : the documentation & information center network “Fontaine”

The documentation & information center network “RFCD”

3- The national portal

Origins of the portal

A larger project

The portal : creation, evolution, documents, contributors

Technical structure and adaptation : Open Archive Initiative (OAI), Dublin Core, geographical fields

Improvements : search engine “Polyspot”, geographical search, saved searches


1- National framework of water management in France

2- The documentation & information center network

3- The national portal

Organisational overview

The main public institutional bodies for public water policy in France:

The Ministry in charge of Ecology (MEDDTL)


Water Agencies in France (6)

Water management in France

The 1964 Water Law set out 6 large catchment areas for water resources management. 6 water agencies are responsible for the implementation of water policies in their basin.

The 1992 Water Law strengthened this approach with the elaboration of water planning tools for each large catchment area

The 2006 Water Law set out objectives and means to achieve good ecological and quality status : ONEMA is created

General information on ONEMA

Governmental agency overseen by the Ministry in charge of Ecology (MEDDTL)

Created by the French Water and Aquatic Environments Law, adopted on 30 December 2006 and the related Decree of 25 March 2007

All types of water systems (fresh/marine ; ground/surface)

Acting on the whole French territory, including overseas territories

Staff : 900, including 600 field technician

ONEMA is the reference technical agency for knowledge

and management of aquatic ecosystems

Two of its missions are to :

1 - Stimulate research and development Water framework Directive = Results oriented policy & evidence-based policy (good

ecological and quality status of water bodies by 2015)

The ONEMA and its French partners have pooled their research and development efforts to work together to preserve water quality and promote ecological well-being.

This effort generates a great number of reports which have to be made accessible (available to the public)

2 - Manage the French water information system and produce some data

Onema is in charge of finding ways of sharing and pooling the information

from each aquatic management institution. The documentation & information center network The National portal


1- National framework of water management in France

2- The documentation & information center network

3- The national portal

Origins : The documentation and information center network « Fontaine »

A common bibliographic database:

1993 : Creation of the database “Fontaine”- contributors : water agencies + Ministry of Environment.1994 5000 bibliographic records of the reports produced by the Agences de l’Eau (Water Agencies)

and the Water Department of the Ministry of Environment 1996 Database appears on the OIEau website1997 Database appears on the Eaufrance website and water agency website

( bibliographic records in the pdf format )

Common rules to all contributors:

1995 All contributors must use the “water” thesaurus to index documents This thesaurus, created by the water agencies and the OIEAU contains 3200 keywords and was published in 1998

1995 Indexing guide to fill in the fields in a standardized way 1996 A catalogue of magazines is published, listing the reviews, issue numbers,

and dates available from each contributor2003 A Water Framework guide  is created and published in 2004

Copyright contract is signed2005 A working group examines the rules concerning the public access to information.

A guide is realized from legal texts .

The documentation and information center network « RFCD »

The new, expanded information center network is a direct continuation of the old. It works toward the same goals and includes a larger number of contributors.

Contributors: 6 water agencies, office international de l’eau, Ministry of Ecology, research establishments and Onema

Documentary agencies work in conjunction with each other to share useful services such as :

- the distribution of laws and legislation gathered by the Water Legislation Watch (AE AP since 2004)

- the sharing of selected press articles

All of the water agency documentation and information centers have decided to pool their resources and work together in order to better promote their technical and scientific publications.

- through their inclusion in The national portal

- and also through our documentary policy which makes provision for the selective promotion of inter-agency publications by theme starting in 2011


1- National framework of water management in France

2- The documentation & information center network

3- The national portal

The portal

Origins of the portal2003 : Directive 2003/4 guarantees easy access to environmental information.2006 : The Ministry of ecology observes that public technical reports about water are

unknown and inaccessible to the public. It is decided to implement Directive 2003/4.2008 : The Onema combines its own documents and those of Fontaine into one

database.The project increasesThe working group now includes : technical librarians working in research establishments

who contribute to the collaborative aquatic ecosystems database.Main goals- Look for other contributors, reference not only reports but different kinds of documents

(articles, books…)- Improve document management (identification and referencing of technical reports)- Afford efficient access to pdf files, including geographical research

This portal, “Les documents techniques sur l’eau”, now comprises all aforementioned public-institution databases and is managed by the Onema with technical help from Office International de l’Eau.

The portal

- Online since 19 June 2009, comprises 20 300 references

- Today includes 40,000 references and 18,000 technical and scientific pdf documents.  

Evolution du nombre de notices indexées par le portail "Les documents techniques sur l'eau"










sept-09 janv-10 mai-10 sept-10

Numbers of references indexed from Sept 2009 to Sept 2010

The portal

Kinds of documents :

Reports, studies, articles, books, published in French or English (the title and the abstract has to be in French) technical or scientific documents about knowledge management and aquatic ecosystems.

Current contributors :

6 water agencies, office international de l’eau, Ministry of Ecology (SIDE), office de l’eau de la Martinique, office de l’eau de la Réunion, Onema, Ifremer, Cemagref, BRGM, Gest’eau, Sandre, INRA, Ineris…


The portal: www.documentation.eaufrance.fr

Technical structure and adaptation of the contributors

Each contributor: is a data providercollects its on documents (pdf or paper version)makes its studies available on internetprovides metadata

National portal (OIEau): is a service providercollects the metadata from the data providorsindexes the metadata indexes full text in distant sitesprovides a unique research interface




URL links to the



Water Agency

Documents (pdf)


Only on Water

Agency website

Métadata URL links to the document

Central Index


Documents (pdf)


Only on SIDE website


Documents (pdf)


Only on IFREMER website


Documents (pdf)


Only on ONEMA website

National portal- collects the references - indexes the documents

in distant sites- distributes

PDF files remains on the institutions’website

Progressive adaptation of the contributors :

Each contributor must:

- Create and organize its own OAI repository.

- Be able to manage and export metadata documents using Dublin Core format.

- Create an http web server which is able to respond to simple requests by generating XML data streams.

- Make documents PDF files available on contributor’s own web site.

Technical structureDublin Core metadata is used to describe resources held, owned or produced by companies,

governments and international organisations to supporting portal services or internal knowledge management. There are also implementations where Dublin Core metadata is used as a common exchange format supporting the aggregation of collections of metadata, such as the case of the Open Archive Initiative (OAI).

The Dublin Core metadata standard is a simple yet effective element set for describing a wide range of networked resources. The Dublin Core standard includes two levels: Simple and Qualified.

Métadonnée Balise Oblig. Métadonnée Balise xsi:type Oblig.Titre dc:title Oui Titre dc:title Oui

Auteur dc:creator Oui Titre alternatif dct:alternative

Date de publication dc:date Oui Créateur de la ressource dc:creator

Diffuseur document dc:publisher Oui Producteur dc:creator pse:producteur

Diffuseur métadonnées dc:publisher Oui Contributeur dc:contributor

Langue dc:language Oui Date de création dct:creation

URL dc:identifier Date de modification dct:modified

Résumé dc:description Date de publication dct:issued

Mots clés dc:subject Date d'acceptation dct:dateAccepted

Droits dc:rights Date du copyright dct:dateCopyrighted

Couverture géographique dc:coverage Diffuseur des métadonnées dc:publisher pse:MetaDiffuseur Oui

Editeur / Diffuseur de la ressource dc:publisher Oui

Point de contact sur la ressource dc:publisher pse:PointContact

Langue dc:language [namespace langue] Oui

Identifiant dc:identifier [espace de nommage]

Adresse URL des métadonnées en HTML dc:identifier pse:MetaHTML

Adresse URL de la ressource dc:identifier URI

Résumé dc:description pse:resume

Description dc:description

Mots clés dc:subject

Droits d'accès et d'utilisation dc:rights

Relation dc:relation

Thème dc:subject

Fréquence de mise à jour dct:accrualPeriodicity

Couverture géographique dct:spatial [espace de nommage]

Niveau géographique dc:subject

Niveau de lecture dc:audience

Nature de la ressource dct:type pse:TypeRessource

Oui, au moins pour une des


Dublin Core simple Dublin Core qualifié

Progressive adaptation of the contributors:

Contributors must :- Register references- Obey the rules in describing documents (fields : metadata provider, document provider,

URL, geographical description)

Geographical fields: 4 kinds of information :- codes to describe the area

- Town, county, region (administrative codes INSEE) - 3 codes to describe water

- River (codes BD Carthage) - Underground water (codes BFRHF)- Lake, ponds (codes SANDRE)

Finding a document :- The traditional method (words) search engine Polyspot- The geographical method (rectangle on the map or region code)- Combining both methods

Tools to help the librarians fill the geographic fields

Geographic search


- July 2010 : a new search engine Polyspot was configured

- December 2010 : geographical research method was developed

- 2011 :

- geographical research method will be on line,

- new contributors will participate,

- saved searches will be available with e-mail alert

Saved searches


Sur le portail, chaque internaute qui le souhaite peut : Se créer un compte personnel Créer des requêtes et les mémoriser Relancer ces requêtes quand il le souhaite Paramétrer des alertes mail sur ces

requêtes (exécution périodique et envoi automatique par mail des nouveaux documents).

Création d'un compte personnel

Saved searches

Créer une requêteet la mémoriser



• 1 Faire une recherche en la filtrant si besoin• 2 Dans le pavé "Mes requêtes", cliquer sur le lien "Mémoriser ma recherche" ce qui affiche la fenêtre "Requête / alerte"• 3 Dans la fenêtre "Requête / alerte", donner un nom, et définir la fréquence d'alerte et le mail auquel envoyer les nouveaux documents• La requête ainsi mémorisée se retrouve dans le pavé "Mes requêtes"

Mes requêtesMémoriser ma recherche

Requête / alerte

Pas de requête

Infobulle affichée lors du passagede la souris sur le nom de la requête

Exécution des requêtes mémorisées à la demande

Dans le pavé "Mes requêtes", il suffit de cliquer sur le nom de la requête pour l'exécuter immédiatement

Lorsque la requête mémorisée a étérelancée, l'ensemble de ses critères sont affichés à droite comme àl'accoutumée

Mes requêtes

Mémoriser ma recherche

Relancer la requête

Saved searches

Infobulle affichée lors du passage de la souris sur la fréquence de la requête

Modification / suppression des requêtes mémorisées

Dans le pavé "Mes requêtes", il suffit de cliquer sur la fréquence de la requête pour ouvrir la fenêtre de modification / suppression

Mes requêtes

Mémoriser ma recherche

Modifier (le nom ou la fréquence) ou supprimer la requête

Exécution automatique et mail d'alerte

Exemple de mail reçu automatiquement dans la boîte de l'utilisateur, en fonction descritères de sa requête mémorisée.

Alerte du portail "Les documents techniques sur l'eau"

Nouveaux documents correspondants à :

Votre requête : brochet

Nom de la requête.Pour connaître les critères de la requête, la relancer dans son espace personnel

Thank you