PertanikaJ. Trop. Agric. Sci. 20(2/3): 115-119(1997) ISSN: 0126-6128 © Universiti Putra Malaysia Press An Evaluation of Cation Exchange Capacity Methods for Acid Tropical Soils C.I. FAUZIAH, I. JAMILAH and S.R. SYED OMAR Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture Universiti Putra Malaysia 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia Keywords: CEC, acid tropical soils, variable-charge soils, correlation study ABSTRAK Keupayaan pertukaran kation (KPK) adalah kriteria penting bagi menilaikan kesuburan tanah selain daripada digunakan untuk pengelasan tanah. Tujuh kaedah telah dikaji untuk penentuan dan perbandingan nilai KPK tanah berasid tropika, iaitu, (1) BaCl 2 - triethanolamine atau BaCl 2 -TEA (pH 8.2), (2) NHftAc (pH 7.0) - larutlesap, (3) NH 4 0Ac (pH 7.0) -digoncang, (4) kaedah pertukaran mendadak oleh Gillman y 1979 (KPK pM ), (5) kaedah pertukaran mendadak diubahsuaikan oleh Gillman, 1986 (KPKJ, (6) kaedah pencampuran Ca dari kaedah 5 dengan At tukarganti menggunakan larutan 1MNH 4 NO 3 (KPK ^J, dan, (7) kaedah pencampuran bes tukarganti dari NH 4 OAc (pH 7.0) dengan Al tukarganti dari 1M KCl (KPK f J. Semua kaedah memberikan nilai KPK yang berbeta, iaitu, BaCl 2 - TEA > NHftAc digoncang - NHftAc dilarutlesap > KPK cam r - KPK. umJak > KPK pM = KPK B . Kaedah yang hampir serupa dengan keadaan pH di ladang memberikan nilai KPKyang lebih rendah dari kaedah menggunakan larutan penampan. Ini adalah disebabkan oleh pertambahan cas pada koloid cas berubah oleh larutan penampan. Oleh itu f kaedah larutan penampan memberikan nilai KPK yang tidak benar. Korelasi yang tinggi diperolehi di antara kaedah BaCl ? - TEA dan NHftAc larutlesap; KPK pM dan KPK cam j dan, KPK B dan KPK. umtah . Daripada kaedah-kaedah yang dinilai, kaedah NHftAc (pH 7.0) ialah kaedah yang disyorkan sebagai kaedah rutin untuk tujuan pengelasan tanah manakala KPK f r disyorkan untuk penilaian agronomi. ABSTRACT The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil is an important criteria for assessing soil fertility beside its use in soil classification. Seven methods, namely, (1) BaCl 2 - triethanolamine of BaCl 2 - TEA (pH 8.2), (2) NHftAc (pH 7.0) - leaching, (3) NHftAc (pH 7.0) - shaking, (4) compulsive exchange method of Gillman (1979) (CEC C J, (5) modified compulsive exchange method of Gillman (1986) (CECJ, (6) Summation of Ca from method 5 with 1 M NHJNO 3 exchangeable Al (CEC MaP and (7) summation of NHftAc (pH 7.0) exchangeable bases with 1 M KCl exchangeable Al (CEC sum ), were used to determine and compare the CEC values of five acid tropical soils. All methods gave different CEC values which followed the order BaCl 2 - TEA > NHftAc shaking = NHftAc leaching > CEC ium = CEC (oial > CEC = CEC g . Methods with pH conditions close to field situations gave much lower CECvalues than the buffered methods. The buffered methods generate charge on the variable-charge colloids, thus resulting in inflated CEC values, while the unbuffered methods do not. There is a high correlation between BaCl 2 - TEA and NHftAc (pH 7.0) leaching method; CEC a and CEC^j and, CEC B and CEC Mal . Amongst the methods evaluated, the NHftAc (pH 7.0) leaching is recommended in routine soil analyses for classification purposes while CEC is recommended for agronomic evaluation. INTRODUCTION d u r e s h a v e b e e n established, modified and offi- Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is used in char- daily accepted as standard methods for CEC acterizing soils for soil classification as well as in determination. Some methods determine CEC assessing their fertility status. Several proce- under conditions of pH and ionic strength close

An Evaluation of Cation Exchange Capacity Methods for Acid ... PAPERS/JTAS Vol. 20 (2&3) Aug... · An Evaluation of Cation Exchange Capacity Methods for Acid Tropical Soils C.I. FAUZIAH,

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PertanikaJ. Trop. Agric. Sci. 20(2/3): 115-119(1997) ISSN: 0126-6128© Universiti Putra Malaysia Press

An Evaluation of Cation Exchange Capacity Methods for AcidTropical Soils

C.I. FAUZIAH, I. JAMILAH and S.R. SYED OMARDepartment of Soil Science

Faculty of AgricultureUniversiti Putra Malaysia

43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

Keywords: CEC, acid tropical soils, variable-charge soils, correlation study

ABSTRAKKeupayaan pertukaran kation (KPK) adalah kriteria penting bagi menilaikan kesuburan tanah selain daripadadigunakan untuk pengelasan tanah. Tujuh kaedah telah dikaji untuk penentuan dan perbandingan nilai KPKtanah berasid tropika, iaitu, (1) BaCl2 - triethanolamine atau BaCl2 -TEA (pH 8.2), (2) NHftAc (pH 7.0) -larutlesap, (3) NH40Ac (pH 7.0) -digoncang, (4) kaedah pertukaran mendadak oleh Gillmany 1979 (KPKpM),(5) kaedah pertukaran mendadak diubahsuaikan oleh Gillman, 1986 (KPKJ, (6) kaedah pencampuran Ca darikaedah 5 dengan At tukarganti menggunakan larutan 1MNH4NO3 (KPK ^J, dan, (7) kaedah pencampuranbes tukarganti dari NH4OAc (pH 7.0) dengan Al tukarganti dari 1M KCl (KPKf J. Semua kaedahmemberikan nilai KPK yang berbeta, iaitu, BaCl2 - TEA > NHftAc digoncang - NHftAc dilarutlesap >KPKcam r - KPK.umJak > KPKpM = KPKB. Kaedah yang hampir serupa dengan keadaan pH di ladangmemberikan nilai KPK yang lebih rendah dari kaedah menggunakan larutan penampan. Ini adalah disebabkanoleh pertambahan cas pada koloid cas berubah oleh larutan penampan. Oleh ituf kaedah larutan penampanmemberikan nilai KPK yang tidak benar. Korelasi yang tinggi diperolehi di antara kaedah BaCl? - TEA danNHftAc larutlesap; KPKpM dan KPKcam j dan, KPKB dan KPK.umtah. Daripada kaedah-kaedah yang dinilai,kaedah NHftAc (pH 7.0) ialah kaedah yang disyorkan sebagai kaedah rutin untuk tujuan pengelasan tanahmanakala KPKf r disyorkan untuk penilaian agronomi.

ABSTRACTThe cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soil is an important criteria for assessing soil fertility beside its use in soilclassification. Seven methods, namely, (1) BaCl2 - triethanolamine of BaCl2 - TEA (pH 8.2), (2) NHftAc (pH7.0) - leaching, (3) NHftAc (pH 7.0) - shaking, (4) compulsive exchange method of Gillman (1979) (CECCJ,(5) modified compulsive exchange method of Gillman (1986) (CECJ, (6) Summation of Ca from method 5 with1 M NHJNO3 exchangeable Al (CECMaP and (7) summation of NHftAc (pH 7.0) exchangeable bases with 1 MKCl exchangeable Al (CECsum), were used to determine and compare the CEC values of five acid tropical soils.All methods gave different CEC values which followed the order BaCl2 - TEA > NHftAc shaking = NHftAcleaching > CECium = CEC(oial > CECC£ = CECg. Methods with pH conditions close to field situations gave muchlower CEC values than the buffered methods. The buffered methods generate charge on the variable-charge colloids,thus resulting in inflated CEC values, while the unbuffered methods do not. There is a high correlation betweenBaCl2 - TEA and NHftAc (pH 7.0) leaching method; CECa and CEC^j and, CECB and CECMal. Amongstthe methods evaluated, the NHftAc (pH 7.0) leaching is recommended in routine soil analyses for classificationpurposes while CEC is recommended for agronomic evaluation.

INTRODUCTION d u r e s h a v e b e e n established, modified and offi-Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is used in char- daily accepted as standard methods for CECacterizing soils for soil classification as well as in determination. Some methods determine CECassessing their fertility status. Several proce- under conditions of pH and ionic strength close


to the natural state of the soil while others donot (Bache 1976). The CEC values obtained arehighly dependent on methods used and there-fore it is essential to evaluate these methods. Itis also desirable that the methods selected shouldmeasure exchangeable bases as well as the anionexchange capacity (AEC) in the complete char-acterization of the charge properties of soils.

The humid tropical climate with high rain-fall and temperatures favours rapid dissolutionand leaching of weatherable minerals. As such,resultant soils are rich in kaolinitic clays andsesquioxides, which possess pH-dependentcharges. Therefore, CEC of most Malaysian soilsdepends largely on the pH at which CEC of thesoil is determined, the ionic strength, dielectricconstant and the counter ion valency of thesolutions used (Tessens and Shamshuddin 1982).If the objective of the CEC determination is toassess the ability of the soil to retain cationnutrients for plant use or to study other reac-tions that may be affected by CEC, then themeasurement should be made on the soil at itsnatural acidity. If, on the other hand, the objec-tive is to use CEC as an aid to soil classification,then there are strong grounds to determine it ata standard pH. An example of such a methodis NH4OAc method buffered at pH 7.0. Thismethod has some very definite advantages: (i)the method is used worldwide, thus the CECvalues obtained can be compared with thosemeasured elsewhere, and (ii) in soil survey andclassification work, soils of the same series, whichhave different pH values as a result of liming orfertilizer application, will have the same CEC ina buffered system (Bache 1976).

The objective of this study was to comparethe CEC values determined by various methodsand to suggest a suitable method for use in soilclassification and fertility status evaluation. Forsoil classification purposes, a method which iswidely practised as well as easy to perform anddoes not require sophisticated instrumentationwill be recommended, whereas a method whichclosely reflect CEC at field condition will berecommended for fertility evaluation.

MATERIALS AND METHODSSix soils commonly found in Peninsular Malay-sia, that is, Bungor, Holyrood, Munchong,Rengam and Serdang, were used in this study.The soils were air-dried, ground and sievedthrough a 2.0-mm sieve before use. Seven meth-

ods of CEC determination were studied. Thefirst three determinations (methods 1-3) wereat the buffered soil pH, whereas the last four(methods 4 - 7 ) were determined close to thesoil natural pH. The summary of procedures forall the methods is given in Table 1.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe classification and relevant characteristics ofthe soils used are shown in Table 2. The CECdepends not only on clay content but also onclay types, that is, on specific surface and chargedensity. All the soils, except Munchong, havekaolinite as the dominant clay type. The domi-nant clay type for Munchong series soil is oxidesof Fe and Al. Both these type of clays arevariable charge colloids. Therefore, the chargesof these clays will be affected by pH changes.This is exhibited in the increase in CEC valueswhere the pH of determination has been in-creased, that is, using BaClt> - TEA (pH 8.2) andNH}OAc (pH 7.0) methods (Table 3). Also,soils with a high percentage of clay, such as theBungor, Munchong and Rengam series soils havehigher CEC values than the Holyrood andSerdang series soils. Besides clay type and con-tent, the pH dependence of soil CEC is also afunction of organic matter. However, in thiscase, the amounts of organic C among these 5soils are low and relatively similar; thus, thecharge contribution from organic matter can beconsidered minimal.

The average values of CEC obtained by thedifferent methods are given in Table 3. Gener-ally, the CEC values of all five soils are ratherlow. This can be expected of soils dominant inkaolinitic clay (Birrell and Gradwell 1956). TheCEC values determined under conditions closeto natural soil pH, that is, CEC(:F, CECB, CEClo(al

and CECsum are much lower than those obtainedby the BaCl2 - TEA (pH 8.2) and NH4OAc (pH7.0) methods.

The BaCl2 - TEA (pH 8.2) method gave thehighest CEC values for all the soils. The buffer-ing of the BaCl2 - triethanolamine solution topH 8.2 causes further dissociation of weaklyacidic groups comprising the pH-dependentcharges in soils (Peech 1965). Therefore, thisprocedure results in inflated CEC values for acidsoils. The inflated CEC values can also beexplained in terms of the valency of the displac-ing cation. Tan (1970) showed that CEC valuesdetermined by leaching with monovalent cati-

114 PERTANIKAJ. TROP. AGRIC SCI. VOL. 20 NO. 2/3, 1997

TABLE 1CEC methods used in the evaluation study

Method Solution used forsaturated

Method ofdisplacement

Solution used fordisplacement











BaCI2-TEA (pH 8.2)NH4OAc (pH 7.0)NH4OAc (pH7.0)shaking for 10minutes





Compulsive exchangeof Gillman (1979)(CECCF)Modified compulsiveexch. of Gillman(1986) (CECB)Summation method ofGillman (1986)<CEC , O JSummation ofNH4OAc exch. basesand KCI exch. Al

0.5 M BaCI2 (pH 7.0) 'T1M NH4OAc (PH 7.0) •1M NH.OAc (pH 7.0) i

:F, / •

0.1M BaCI2 and 0.1MNH4CI

0.1M CaCI2

0.1M CaCl2 for basesand 1M NH4NO^ for Al

1M NH4OAc (pH 7.0)for bases and 1M KCIfor Al

Compulsive exchangeDirect displacementDirect displacement

Compulsive exchange

Compulsive exchange

'i ."•• •


• • • . • • ; ;

0.025M MgSO4

0.05M K^SO4

: 0.05M K2SO4

0.005M MgSO4

\ 1M NH4NO3

i -

^ . • • • ' .


:"• r • • * •


Bascomb (1964)Soil Survey Staff (1972)

Gillman (1979)

Gillman and Sumpter (1986)

Gillman and Sumpter (1986)

Coleman and Thomas (1967)Kamprath (1970)




TABLE 2Some characteristics of the soils studied

Soil Depth(cm)

Classification* PHH20(1:2.5)


Org. C (%) Exch Al Clay (%)(cmol(+)kgpl)










Fine clayey, kaolinitic,isohyperthermic, Typic PaleudultFine loamy, kaolinitic,isohyperthermic, Typic DystropeptClayey, oxidic, isohyperthermic,Tropeptic, HapludoxClayey, kaolinitic, isohyperthermicTypic PaleudultFine loamy, kaolinitic,isohyperthermic, Typic Paleudult



















*Soil Taxonomy USA (Soil Survey Staff 1975)

TABLE 3CEC values of soils determined by the seven methods (cmol (+)kg ')


BungorHolyroodMunchongRengam- top soil- subsoilSerdang







(PH 7.0)*Shaking












*CEC values are average of 6 replicates#CEC values are average of 3 replicates**No replicates


ons such as NH4+, is lower than that obtained

with divalent cations such as Ba2+. According tothe lyotropic series, the higher the valency ofthe cations, the more difficult it is for thesecations to be replaced from the exchange sitescolloids by cations of lower valency (Bohn et al.1985).

The NH4OAc (pH 7.0) leaching methodhas been widely accepted for the determina-tion of CEC for soil classification purposes.The shaking procedure as compared with leach-ing will help to minimize the analysis time andhence large numbers of samples can be deter-mined. From Table 3, it can be seen that theCEC values for the shaking are greater than forthe leaching method. The shaking methodresults in the rupturing of some clay surfacesand hence produces greater CEC values. Acorrelation study between these two techniquesshowed quite a significant correlation, r = 0.83(Table 4).

The CEC values obtained by the CECCE

method are on the average about 27% of theNH4OAc (leaching) CEC values and this dem-onstrates the need for caution in CEC determi-nation at a pH value higher than the soil pH,using solutions of relatively high ionic strength.The BaCl2 - TEA (pH 8.2) and NH4OAc (pH7.0) methods produce higher CEC values dueto an increase in the adsorption of Ba2+ andNH4

+ as a result of the increase in the negativecharge on variable charge colloids. Soils ex-tracted with unbuffered soil solutions as inCECCF, depict the true CEC values (Bache 1976;Gillman 1979). Since the solutions have littleeffect on soil pH values, the pH-dependent

charge will remain unchanged. However, theCECCF method is laborious and unsuitable forlarge-scale routine work, where only 64 samplesper week can be determined (Gillman 1979).

The CECB and CECtoia] is a modification ofthe CECCE method. CECB measures only theCa2+ adsorbed after saturating the soil with CaCl2.Below pH 5.0, Al3+ is measured in the 1MNH4NO3 solution which was used to extract theCa2+. CECt(ial is a measure of the amount of Ca2+

and AF+ adsorbed. This modified technique isless tedious than the CECCF method. The CECB

is not significantly correlated to CEC(T andCECm;([ with r = 0.77 and 0.60, respectively (Ta-ble 4). According to Gillman and Sumpter,1986, CECB will give the true CEC value of soilsunder natural condition even if free lime ispresent. This method could also be used forcalcareous and saline soils.

CEC is an easy way to obtain CEC values.sum ' '

With this method, it is assumed that all thecations extracted with NH4OAc are exchange-able, and this might not always be so. Appar-ently, the size of NH4

+ allows more completedisplacement of K+ from the micaceous claymineral wedge zone (Rich and Black 1964).The K+ released from highly specific sites bythe NH4

+ ions are generally considered as fixedor unavailable to plants (Donahue et al, 1983;Mengel 1985; Sawhney 1972). Therefore, it isincorrect to include this K+ as part of theexchangeable cations at the colloidal surfaces.In general, this will not be a problem to themineral soils of the tropics since micaceousclay is not abundant in these soils. In theCECsum method, it is further assumed that all of

TABLE 4Correlation study between different CEC methods

BaCI2-TEA NH4OAc NH4OAc(Leaching) (Shaking)


1) BaCl/TEA2) NH4OAc

(Leaching)3) NH4OAc'

(Shaking)4) CEC(T



).96** 0.85*0.83*






0.1 l n s












The r values labelled*,**, are significant at the 5% and 1% levels, respectively, ns • non-significant

PERTANIKAJ. TROP. AGRIC. SCL VOL. 20 NO. 2/3, 1997 117


the acidic cations extracted with 1M KC1 areexchangeable. However, Amedee and Peech(1976) showed that this is not true for somehighly weathered tropical soils. An increase insolution electrolyte concentration induces agreater negative charge on variable charge sur-faces by the release of surface protons, whichthen cause dissolution of amorphous oxide coat-ings. Hence, not all of the aluminium ex-tracted is truly exchangeable (Gillman andSumpter 1985). The values of CEC(.E and CECsum

differ (Table 3), that is, CEC(F < CECsUm al-though it can be predicted well from the CECCE,r e 0.95 (Table 4). The difference in CECvalue could be because CECmtal also measuresaluminium that are not truly exchangeable.Thus CECsum and CECto(al slightly overestimatethe true CEC values of the soils. However, thelimitation of CECsiim is that it does not measurethe AEC of the soil and might not be accurateif used for freshly fertilized or limed soils,unless the non-exchangeable cations can beseparated from the basic exchangeable cations.


The nature of the soil and the purpose ofdetermination are two main factors to considerwhen selecting a method for CEC determina-tion. The BaCl2 - TEA (pH 8.2) and NH4AOc(pH 7.0) methods overestimate the ability ofvariable charge soils to retain cations underfield conditions. It is recommended that meth-ods which represent the maximum amount ofbasic cations that the soil can retain, such asCECCF and CECsum may be used for agronomicevaluation. However, the CECrF method istedious and therefore not feasible for routineadvisory purposes where speed and simplicityof operations are important. The CECsun

method appears to be a suitable choice forfertility evaluation because it is easier to performand can be carried out on a routine basis.However, for soil classification purposes, theNH4OAc (pH 7.0) leaching is still the methodof preference.


The authors would like to record their grati-tude and appreciation to Universiti Putra Ma-laysia for the financial and technical support ofthis study.


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