An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for SysML using SystemC and Uppaal Abbas Abdulhameed, Ahmed Hammad, Hassan Mountassir, Bruno Tatibou¨ et To cite this version: Abbas Abdulhameed, Ahmed Hammad, Hassan Mountassir, Bruno Tatibou¨ et. An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for SysML using SystemC and Uppaal. CAL 2014, 8` eme conf´ erence francophone sur les architectures logicielles, 2014, Paris, France. 9 p., 2014. <hal-01234020> HAL Id: hal-01234020 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01234020 Submitted on 26 Nov 2015 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci- entific research documents, whether they are pub- lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destin´ ee au d´ epˆ ot et ` a la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publi´ es ou non, ´ emanant des ´ etablissements d’enseignement et de recherche fran¸cais ou ´ etrangers, des laboratoires publics ou priv´ es.

An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for ... · i cation of SystemC designs is important, to reveal errors in early stages of the development ow. In [9], an approach

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Page 1: An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for ... · i cation of SystemC designs is important, to reveal errors in early stages of the development ow. In [9], an approach

An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for

SysML using SystemC and Uppaal

Abbas Abdulhameed, Ahmed Hammad, Hassan Mountassir, Bruno Tatibouet

To cite this version:

Abbas Abdulhameed, Ahmed Hammad, Hassan Mountassir, Bruno Tatibouet. An ApproachCombining Simulation and Verification for SysML using SystemC and Uppaal. CAL 2014,8eme conference francophone sur les architectures logicielles, 2014, Paris, France. 9 p., 2014.<hal-01234020>

HAL Id: hal-01234020


Submitted on 26 Nov 2015

HAL is a multi-disciplinary open accessarchive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come fromteaching and research institutions in France orabroad, or from public or private research centers.

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Page 2: An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for ... · i cation of SystemC designs is important, to reveal errors in early stages of the development ow. In [9], an approach

An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification forSysML using SystemC and Uppaal

Abbas AbdulhameedUniversité de Franche-Comté

FEMTO-ST/DISC UFR [email protected]

Ahmed HammadUniversité de Franche-Comté

FEMTO-ST/DISC UFR [email protected]

Hassan MountassirUniversité de Franche-Comté

FEMTO-ST/DISC UFR [email protected]

Bruno TatibouetUniversité de Franche-Comté

FEMTO-ST/DISC UFR [email protected]

ABSTRACTEnsuring the correction of heterogeneous and complex sys-tems is an essential stage in the process of engineering sys-tems. In this paper we propose a methodology to verify andvalidate complex systems specified with SysML language us-ing a combination of the two techniques of simulation andverification. We translate SysML specifications into Sys-temC models to validate the designed systems by simulation,then we propose to verify the derived SystemC models byusing the Uppaal model checker. A case study is presentedto demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

KeywordsSysML, SystemC, Simulation, Model checking, Acceleo, ATL,Uppaal.

1. INTRODUCTIONOver the last decade, the complexity of systems has con-siderably grown since these systems integrate an increasingnumber of components and a variety of technologies. At thesame time, system engineers always have to reach the fol-lowing main objectives; building the right systems, correctlyand on time, while reducing costs.

The correct design of complex systems continues to chal-lenge engineers. Bugs in a design that are not uncoveredin early design stages can be extremely expensive. Simula-tion is a predominantly used techniques supported by tool tovalidate a design in the industry. Formal verification over-comes the weakness of exhaustive simulation by applyingmathematical methodologies to validate a design. The workdescribed here focuses upon a technique that integrates thebest characteristics of both simulation and formal verifica-tion methods to provide an effective design, building themcorrectly and on time, while reducing costs. One purpose

of modeling is to enable the analyst to predict the effect ofchanges to the system. Models may describe requirements,the behavior and/or the structure of the designed system, itmay be used to validate the characteristics of some part orof the whole of the designed system, e.g. Its functionality orits performance. Thus, the model-based systems engineer-ing approach using SysML[24] can be used to specify graph-ically all aspects of complex systems consisting of compo-nents from heterogeneous domains, in particular hardwareand software. SysML is a modeling language that permits toeasily obtain a specification of a complex system includingstructural and behavioural aspects.

An important issue in modeling is model validity. Modelvalidation techniques include simulating the model underknown input conditions and comparing model output withsystem output. Generally, a model intended for a simulationstudy is a mathematical model developed with the help ofsimulation software. SysML lacks formality for the requiredvalidation. Translating SysML-based specification into Sys-temC [9] environments allows to enable rigorous static, anddynamic system analysis. The joint use of languages SysMLand SystemC is a good way sees to satisfy the requirementsof the specification and simulation. SystemC is a languagewith C++ - like syntax that enables the description of con-current systems in an event-based way. It is able to describesystems from the executable specification level.

Interestingly the question of how simulation and verifica-tion can be combined to validate the characteristics of somepart or of the whole of the designed system, e.g. Its func-tionality or its performance. We think that performancerequirements can be validated by simulation, but validationof system functionalities requires the use of the formal meth-ods of check. To combine SysML and SystemC is not enoughfor validating these systems, Sometimes, it is necessary tovalidate functional requirements by using techniques of theformal methods checking, yet SysML and SystemC do notsupply tools for the check. The integration of the modelchecker Uppaal[5] in this approach would allow to completethe process of validation. Uppaal is an integrated tool en-vironment for modeling, validation and verification of real-time systems modeled as networks of timed automata.

The main objective of this paper is to describe a methodol-

Page 3: An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for ... · i cation of SystemC designs is important, to reveal errors in early stages of the development ow. In [9], an approach

ogy of modelling, simulation and validation of complex sys-tems. This one uses the techniques of MDE(Model DrivenEngineering) for the transformation of models (SysML andSystemC). We use the works presented in [3] for the extrac-tion of Uppaal timed automata from SystemC. The secondsection of this paper addresses the state of the art of the com-bination of language (eg SysML) and a code environmentsimulation same as SystemC. The third section, describingthe example of controls of traffic lights, is used to illustrateour approach and serves as an experience feed-back. Theprocess of validation as well as thus the proposed approachare presented in the section 4, two requirements(functionaland performance) are taken into account to validate them.Finally, in Section 5, we conclude and we outline some ideasfor future works.

2. RELATED WORKSWe present works related to combining SysML with Sys-temC for validating and verifying systems. In [8] and [29],the authors defined a design methodology and a develop-ment flow for the hardware, based on a UML4SystemC pro-file and encompassing different levels of abstraction. BothSystemC and C profiles are consistent groups of modellingconstructs designed to lift the programming features includestructural and behavioral of the two coding languages to theUML modeling level. In [19], the paper describes a SystemCprofile which is a consistent set of modeling constructs de-signed to lift both structural and behavioral attributes, ofthe SystemC language to SysML level. It provides meansfor software and hardware engineers to improve the currentindustrial(SoC), design methodology joining the capabilitiesof SysML and SystemC to operate at system-level by includeevents and time attributes. In [27], the integration is basedon a mapping from the SysML to the SystemC for the struc-tural and behavioral aspects. The refined co-design flowingstarts from a SysML description at a high abstraction level.Then, it proceeds through a series of refined SystemC mod-els, to lower abstraction levels of design. The more complexlast-level SystemC coding is left to automation. An imple-mentation allows to efficiently simulate the behaviors of thesystem. Before synthesizing hardware description, the ver-ification of SystemC designs is important, to reveal errorsin early stages of the development flow. In [9], an approachwas developed to introduce SysML as UML profile for theco-modeling of SystemC and C with code generation sup-port. It was implemented in the context of Artisan Studio[18]. Many implementations that consider the transforma-tion of SysML designs into SystemC code generation, suchas the Altova UModel [28], that designs application mod-els and generate code and project documentation, then re-fines designs and completes the round trip by regeneratingcode, that makes visual software design practical for anyproject. The Enterprise Architect software [23]. Supportsadvanced MDA transformations using easy to edit trans-form templates, with generation and reverse engineering ofsource code for SystemC language, this can quickly developdetailed solutions from abstract models.

Formal verification of SystemC has recently gained signifi-cant interests [16]. Compared to simulations, formal verifi-cation provides full coverage, and then may improve the re-liability and the robustness of the design. In[30],[15] the for-mal verification of SystemC designs was including assertion-

based dynamic validation, symbolic simulation, explicit-statemodel checking, and symbolic model checking. There aremore than software tools are presented that encapsulate thescope of SystemC design to formal verification approaches,such as the KRATOS [12],[13] verifies safety properties, inthe form of program assertions, by allowing users to exploretwo directions in the verification. First, by relying on thetranslation from SystemC designs to sequential C programs,is capable of model checking the resulting C programs usingthe symbolic lazy predicate abstraction technique. Second,are implements a novel algorithms, called ESST (Explicit-Scheduler/Symbolic-Threads) and S3ST that combines ex-plicit state techniques to deal with the SystemC scheduler,with symbolic techniques to deal with the threads, which areis built on top of NUSMV and MATHSAT, and uses state-of-the-art SMT-based techniques for program abstractionsand refinements. In [11],[21] the authors proposed Promelaencoding of SystemC to analysis, the kinds of property andsearch behaviors during the verification. The technique iseffective and efficient in finding bugs, describe the encodingof the SystemC scheduler into an asynchronous formalism,the input language for (”SPIN”). In [20] IVL (”IntermediateVerification Language”) combine and adapt POR (PartialOrder Reduction) and symbolic execution techniques to al-low the verification and the simulation of SystemC designs.IVL presents some limitations. It does not implement loopdetection in the proposed symbolic simulator. In our paper,a methodology that combines SysML with SystemC and Up-paal is proposed to validate requirements of complex system.A first translation from SysML to SystemC is done to vali-date non functional properties by simulation. Then, a sec-ond translation from SystemC models to Uppaal is achievedto provide a formal verification of functional properties.

3. BACKGROUND3.1 SysMLSysML is a language of modelling specified by the OMG.It is a language of graphic modelling with semi-formal se-mantics, availability scopes are to improve UML-based [17],complex systems development processes with the successfulexperiences from the system engineering discipline.

3.1.1 BDD and IBDThe Block Definition Diagram”BDD”, is specified by its parts,and its flow ports. The physical components of the blockis referred to Parts and the interfaces of block is referredto Flow ports [27]. Internal Block Diagram ”IBD” includesproperties so that its values, parts, and references to otherblocks can be specified. However, created for a block (asan inner element) will only display the inner elements of aclassifier (parts, ports, and connectors).

3.1.2 SMDThe State Machine Diagram ”SMD” facilitates the specifi-cation of a state-based behaviour of any component whosebehaviour can be thus expressed; some components will ad-ditionally require other mechanisms to define their nonstate-based behaviour [31]. The SMD defines a set of conceptsthat can be used for modeling discrete behaviour through fi-nite state transition systems. The state machine representsbehaviour as the state history of an object in terms of itstransitions and states.

Page 4: An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for ... · i cation of SystemC designs is important, to reveal errors in early stages of the development ow. In [9], an approach

A block includes operations so that its values, parts, and ref-erences execution blocks can be specified. However, whereasan SMD created from a block will display the inner ele-ments of a classifier, through the transition, entry, and exit,the states are specified along with the associated event andguard conditions. The state can be active or inactive, statehas incoming transitions and outgoing transition; when anoutgoing transition is fired, the state is exited and becomesinactive. When an incoming transition is fired, the state isentered and it becomes active. Activities that are invokedwhile in the state are specified asdo Activities, and can beeither continuous or discrete. A composite state has nestedstates that can be sequential or concurrent[24].

3.2 SystemCSystemC[2], is an open-source system-level design languagebased on C++ that has its own simulation kernel. The Sys-temC is a run-time scheduler that handles both the syn-chronization and scheduling of concurrent processes. Thedesigners can apply object-oriented capabilities to hardwaredesign. SystemC allows to work at a higher level of ab-straction, enabling extremely faster, more productive ar-chitectural trade-off analysis, design functional level mod-eling describes modeling done at levels above TransactionLevel Modeling (TLM) and encompasses System Architec-tural Models(SAM)with System Performance Models[10].

Modeling at this level is algorithmic in nature and may betimed or untimed. Models may represent software, hard-ware or both the typical behavior is described as generatorsand consumers of data. Processes may be assigned timefor performance analysis purposes, this timing does not cy-cle accurate but rather describes the time to generate orconsume data or to model buffering or data access. Thebehavior of the interfaces between modules is described us-ing communication protocols. These types of models areused to explore architectures, for proof of algorithms andfor performance modeling and analysis. SystemC processesexecute concurrently and may suspend on “wait()” state-ments. Such processes require their own independent exe-cution stack which called “SC THREADs”, when the onlysignal triggering a process is the clock signal “clk” we obtainwhat we call“SC CTHREADs” (clocked thread process) cer-tain processes do not actually require an independent exe-cution stack and cannot suspended on “wait()” statement,such processes are termed “SC METHODs”. Processes areexecuting in zero simulation time and returns control backto the simulation kernel.

Simulation Semantics of SystemCA high-level executable design allows to efficiently simulatethe behaviours of the complex system before synthesizingthe RTL hardware description. The verification of SystemCdesigns is of fundamental importance, to detect errors inearly stages of the development flow, and prevent expensivepropagation down to the hardware.

Formal verification of SystemC is lately winning significantinterests. Compared to simulations, formal verification pro-vides full coverage, and thus may enhance the reliability andthe robustness of the design.

The controller of SystemC design is scheduled when exe-

cution. It controls the simulation time, the execution ofprocesses, manages event notifications and updates primi-tive channels. SystemC supports the notion of delta-cycles,the delta cycle is not clock cycle and no time having ad-vanced. Delta-cycles are used to simulate new updates andevent triggered processes to be simulated from the currentexecution phase of current time. A brief simulation stepsare as follows:

1. Initialization phase: each process is executed once,

2. Evaluation phase: execute all schedule processes incurrent run queue.

3. Update phase: update value and add new triggeredrunnable processes to waiting queue or queue of t + n.

4. If the queue (t+0) is not empty, move queue (t+0) torun queue and go to step 2.

5. If waiting queue (t+0) is empty, advance time to clos-est time step, and move queue (t+x) to run queue andgo to step 2.

6. If queue is empty, it means no event needs to be sim-ulated, then simulation ends.

Which is using delta notification, the event and its triggeredprocesses are scheduled to be run immediately after currentexecution and update phase.

3.3 Uppaal Timed AutomataTimed Automata[7] is a Finite-State Machine extended withclock variables. The concept of model time-dependent be-havior of clock variables, which are used as clock constraints.Systems comprising multiple concurrent processes are mod-eled by networks of timed automata, which are executedwith interleaving semantics and synchronize on channels.Uppaal [5],[6] is a toolset for the modeling, simulation, ani-mation and verification of networks of timed automata. TheUppaal model checker enables the verification of temporalproperties. The simulator can be used to visualize feed-backproduced by the model checker.

Uppaal Model Checking ToolThe Uppaal modeling language extends timed automata byintroducing parameterized timed automata templates, boundedinteger variables, binary and broadcast channels, and urgentand committed location. Timed automata templates pro-vide the possibility to model similar timed automata onlyonce and to instantiate them arbitrary often with differentparameters.

A Uppaal model comprises three parts: “global declarations”,“parameterized timed automata” and a “system declaration”.In the global declarations section, global variables, constants,channels and clocks are declared. The timed automata tem-plates describe timed automata that can be instantiatedwith different parameters to model similar process. In thesystem declaration, the templates are instantiated and thesystem to be composed is given as a list of timed automata.To enable the implementation of formal verification tech-niques, the dynamic requirements are formalized into TCTL

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properties “Time Computation Tree Logic” [25], TCTL is anextension of CTL “Computation Tree Logic” which allowsconsidering several possible future from a state of system.The model checker Uppaal has four TCTL quantifiers [14]

3.4 MetamodelsMDE recommends the use of models at different levels ofabstraction. The model is an abstract view of reality andconforms to a metamodel that precisely defines the conceptspresent at this level of abstraction and the relationships be-tween the concepts, therefore the metamodel allows of rep-resenting complex mechanisms involving multiple concepts,a written report in a given metamodel will be said accordingto the metamodel. The metamodeling approach means that“a metamodel is used to specify the model that comprises(SysML, SystemC)”.

Model transformationModel transformation represents the heart which becomesan MDE predominant activity in the development process.To the principle of model transformations has attracted muchattention by becoming a subject of research for the academyand industry. The transformation term models remain quitebroad as a consequence of studies have been done order todefine categories and criteria for model transformation byallowing developers to choose an approach as needed.

Several conditions were adopted order to define the trans-formation process that generally describes by the conversionof a certain level of model abstraction complies to a meta-model to a target at a certain level of abstraction compli-ance with its metamodel whose passage is described by ofthe rules of transformation,

4. OVERALL APPROACHThis section introduces the set of activities related to thespecification and the verification approach used to assess thecorrection of complex systems designed with SysML, simu-lated by SystemC, and verified using Uppaal. Figure 1 sum-marises the main steps of the proposed approach. First, wehave to create the SysML diagrams “BDD, IBD, SMD”, forspecifying the system structure and behaviour. Then, theSysML diagrams are mapped into SystemC modules. Then,the derived SystemC specification is mapped into Uppaalautomata. Properties to verify by uppaal are derived fromSysML Requirements Diagram “RD”.

5. THE MAPPING TECHNIQUE5.1 Mapping SysML to SystemCIn this section, we will focus on how to implement (and whatare the parameters used to affect the implementation), andlearn the structure and behaviour modeling and generate aSystemC specification. The mapping methodology is used tocreate SystemC code from SysML diagrams will focus overthe next subsections.

5.1.1 Design SysML DiagramsThe SysML diagrams are modeled using the TOPCASEDtool. Topcased is a graphical tool that capture SysML dia-grams, with our combination the SysML and SystemC pro-files start from a system description given as the input con-ditions of

Figure 1: Methodology of the global approach

1. structural view by a SysML BDD and an IBD of thetop-level block used to encapsulate the overall hier-archical design. In addition, the IBDs for the designof each compound block with the associated BDDs forthe block types definition. The basic mapping betweenSysML and SystemC isA. SysML Blocks → SystemC ModulesB. SysML Flow Ports → SystemC ports

2. behavioral view by a SysML SMD of the overall sys-tem functionality associated with the top-level blockto model input, output, sequences, and conditions, forcoordinating the inner blocks behaviors.A.SysML Operations → SystemC Processes

5.1.2 From SMD to SystemCThe aim of extending the model with state machine diagramis to introduce and translate behavioral information aboutthe system to the target language, in this case SystemC.There are different possible translations of the consideredsemantics with the behavioral concepts of SystemC[4]. Thefollowing translation rules were chosen

1. A SMD is mapped into SystemC process.

2. A SystemCThreads are used to allow parallel statesactivation semantics.

3. The activation of each state is represented by a booleansignal, more than one state can be active at the sametime.

4. A SystemCThreads are sensitive each one to anotherby notification to represent every event trigger whichcan possibly fire transition from the associated state.

5. In SystemCThreads, condition statements are used torepresent the guards used in SMD.

By applying this rules, the basic mappings of SMD elementsinto SystemC Processes are as follows:A. State → State of the process(case statement)

Page 6: An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for ... · i cation of SystemC designs is important, to reveal errors in early stages of the development ow. In [9], an approach

B. Peudostate → State of the process(condition statement)C. Transition → Action of the process(event statement )D. Do activity → Action of the process(action statement)

5.1.3 Description of the implementation approachThe general process of our approach consists of several stages,in the first place the modeling with SysML diagrams whichwill be the source models for the transformation. Our pur-pose in this work is the transformation of three diagrams:BDD, IBD and SMD diagrams. With model transformation“Model2Model”, was chosen ATL language, such as languageand the transformation method allowing passing a SysMLmodel to a model SystemC. The application of the method-ology with ATL is based primarily on

1. The definition of the source and target metamodel.

2. The definition of the style of transformation.

3. The definition of the source model that conforms tosource metamodel.

The source metamode represent the SysML metamodel andthe metamodel target will SystemC. Both are carried outunder the metamodel formalizes of Eclipse EMF Ecore, thedifferent stages of implementation are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Approach Transformations

5.1.4 Transformation with ATLAfter the definition the metamodel of SysML, SystemC andmodels sources of SysML diagrams, we use ATL as trans-formation language models. With the aim of achieving thepreviously defined rules ATL declarative “rule” is used. ATLrule is characterized by two mandatory elements:

1. A pattern on the source model “from” with a possibleconstraint.

2. One or more grounds of the target model “to” thatexplain how target elements are initialized from thecorresponding source element.

When creating a target item from a source element, ATLretains a traceability link between the two elements. Thislink is used to initialize a target item in the “to” match asseen in Listing 1.

The ATL following code shows an example of the rules usedin the ATL model transformation

Listing 1: rule model to model

r u l e Model2SCModel{from sysml : MMUML!Model (

sysml . oclIsTypeOf (MMUML!Model ))to scModel : MMSystemC! SCModel (

name <− sysml . name)

}r u l e Package BDD2SystemC Main {

fromBDD :MMUML! Package (

BDD. oclIsTypeOf (MMUML! Package ))

toTop : MMSystemC! SC object (name <− BDD. name ,ownerScModel <− BDD. getModel ( ))


5.1.5 Code GenerationAcceleo is a language code generator which allows generatingstructured file from an Eclipse Modeling Framework(EMF)[22] model, the output is a text that can be a programminglanguage or other formalism. Acceleo requires defining anEMF metamodel and a model conforming to metamodel thatwill result into text.

Once this definition is done, then we can execute the codegenerator, in this example, have the metamodel and modelof SystemC for code generation, we need to create an Ac-celeo project and configure the workflow necessary to codegeneration specifying the link between the generator, themetamodel and model.

After it is needed to define the Template code using thekeywords of SystemC language and attributing informationfrom the SystemC model of transformation. In the first lineof Acceleo code we are importing the metamodel so that thegenerator knows the structure of our model. The impor-tant concept to define Acceleo is also called Template, it isthe smallest unit identified in a template file, and allows todefine the main reference for the workflow order to collectinformation from the necessary to model code generation.Figure 3,4 illustrates the SysML2SystemC code.

5.2 Mapping SytemC to UppaalTo provide a formal verification of SystemC designs, we useexisting tools to transform, by sequence of refinement steps,a systemC design into an Uppaal automata. Our objectiveis to analyse a SystemC design with model-checking tech-niques. As shown in Figure 5, the tool STATE (SystemCto Timed Automata Transformation Engine)[26] is used totranslate an abstract SystemC design into a Uppaal modeland the Uppaal model-checker is used to check properties

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Figure 3: Code generation BDD, IBD To SystemC

Figure 4: Code generation SMD To SystemC

expressed as temporal logic formulas. Verification results ex-press satisfaction or no satisfaction of properties. If a prop-erty is not satisfied, the Uppaal model checker additionallygenerates a feed-back, which can be used for debugging pur-poses. The feed-back can also be visualized and animatedin the Uppaal tool to understand where the problem appearfrom.

Figure 5: Methodology Model Transformation


This section discusses a case study with the aim to presentthe effectiveness of our approach to specify, validate andverify the behavior of road intersection signals. The statesequence of the car flow in the crossroad is the base of thetraffic behavior. Some additional features have been addedto make this workbench complex enough to measure mean-ingful evaluations of development system properties. Theyare managed by a system that synchronizes the color changesof the different junction lights. The traffic-light colors aremanaged by a controller which depends on the number ofcars waiting to cross the junction. The methodology andcode generator presented were used, for example, to show it,BDD with six blocks. The first block is the most abstractlevel of the modeling Crossroads block named CrossRoadrepresents the system as a whole, it is composed of threesub-blocks(“Controller System, NorthandSouthLights, Eas-tandWestLights”)and sub-sub blocks (“Timer, Road Sensor, Camera”). Figure 6 illustrates the crossroads top levelmodeling.

To represent the internal structure of the Crossroads blockby IBD. The diagram shows the flow ports, the port man-agement allow continuous moving the direction of ControllerSystem and the port of other parts (i.e. “NorthandSouth-Lights, EastandWestLights”). Figure 7 shows the IBD di-

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Figure 6: Top level modeling

agram. To represent the behavior of the“Controller Sys-

Figure 7: IBD of Crossroads

tem” block by SMD. The diagram shows the state of opera-tion“TrafficLightController”. Default state is made the nextstate if no transition line condition is satisfied as shown instate “Initialize”. If the state has any unconditional Transi-tion Line, then assigning default state to next state is omit-ted as shown in case “State0”, we see that the next stateconditions appear in the generated SystemC code accordingto the assigned priority. Consider the following situationwhere,“NS” and“WE” are two inputs for a state machine.“if (NS==1) and (WE==0) NextState = State1”“else if (NS==1) NextState = STate2”If both “NS and EW are 0”, then NextState is dependenton the order of the appearance of the conditions in thecode. Figure 8 shows the SMD diagram. The timer forthe crossfires is managed by a controller system which ateach start up, initializes a clock that measures the durationfor each crossfire color: red (38 Sec.), yellow (5 Sec.), andgreen (33 Sec.), then it sends the value to NorthandSouth-Lights and EastandWestLights, based on the given entries“NorthRed, North Yellow,...WestGreen”. Figure 10show the results of validation of the Crossroades system.

Figure 8: SMD of Controller System block

6.1 SimulationWhen SystemC code is successfully generated from the SysMLrepresentation of the Crossroades system (Figure 6, 7 and8), the subsequent step is to simulate the generated Sys-temC design. In Figure 9, we show the simulation results.The simulator shows the state of each light as true and falsevalues through the time. There we can verify that no greenlight on North and South lights is turned on when there isalso a green light on the East and West lights.

Figure 9: Graph from code simulation

6.2 VerificationTo verify requirements of the Crossroades system, the Sys-temC design is translated into Uppaal automata. Require-ments are expressed as temporal logic properties expressedin TCTL. First, we verify that the system is deadlock free.we express this property in TCTL by the formula: “AG notdeadlock” . Then, we verify time properties. As example,we verify that both NorthandSouth Lights and EastandWestLights can not stay in yellow color more than 5 second, whichis expressed in TCTL as:A. AG(NorthSouth.NY imply NorthSouth.cn<5).B. AG(EastWest.SY imply EastWest.cs<5)).Then, we verify that both NorthandSouth Lights and Ea-standWest Lights can not stay in red color more than 38,which we express in TCTL as:A. EG(NorthSouth.cn>38).B. EG(EastWest.cs>38).In Figure 10, we present Uppaal environment, where Up-paal automata, properties and their verification results areshown.

7. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKIn this paper we proposed a methodology for verifying andvalidating complex systems designed with SysML. We have

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Figure 10: Uppaal environment

proposed a model transformation from BBD, IBD and SMDSysML diagrams to SystemC. SystemC code is generatedas text files and can be used for simulation to validate thedesigned systems. Then, based on STATE tools, the de-rived SystemC specifications were translated into Uppaalautomata for verifying SysMl requirements by using Up-paal model checking. We illustrated the practicability ofour approach by a case study where the transformation fromBBD, IBD and SMD SysML diagrams to SystemC was im-plemented on Topcased platform using ATL and Acceleotools and the transformation form SystemC to Uppaal au-tomata was achieved by STATE tools. Obtained results ofexperimentations and simulations are encouraging. In fu-ture, we plan to investigate SystemC code generation fromother SysML diagrams like Activity and Sequence behaviourdiagrams allowing the translation of more aspects of a sys-tem.

8. REFERENCES[1] Optimized Transformation and Verification of

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