An American Coup D’état First World Nation Style This article was originally posted on www.zerohedge.com  on 11/09/2010. The reader may wish to visit the site in order to read some of the comme nts left under this article for some alternative thoughts and additional information. The actual link is below. Cognitive Dissonance 11/10/2010 http://www.zerohedge.com/article/ameri can-coup-d%E2%80%99%C3%A9tat- %E2%80%93-first-world-nation-style  Some say all this insanity is just greed and corruption run amuck. Others claim the political, financial and judicial process has been co-opted in some type of modern day Coup D’ état. Might it be both and could it have taken place much earlier in the decade under the cover of some other triggering event? Please leave your bias and preconceived notions behind as we take a leisurely stroll down memory lane. As usual this is another long one folks so buckle up and enjoy. Usually it’s pretty obvious when a Coup D'état has occurred. I mean, considering how these things generally go down, it should be pretty clear something just happened. Political earthquakes are normally detectible around the world. In fact, tell tale signs such as blood on the Palace floor, weeping family and/or Cabinet members, sounds of distant explosions or automatic weapons fire and a suspiciously large number of uniformed men carrying AK- 47’s (or thanks to some friends in the right places bearing foreign “aid” , M-16’s) while walking the streets are dead giveaways that the ruling elite have rotated under less than optimal conditions. Or at least that might be the perspective of the recently deposed and disposed of leadership. After all, most former “democratic” dictators don’t get to play hide and seek with the opposition by going to ground in a dusty old spider hole. Got fleas? But all this is just banana republic stuff and merely how the third world rolls, right? I’ve been repeatedly assured by all my social and cultural indoctrina tion that one of the many hallmarks of civilization in first world countries are the orderly transition of power from one faction to the next. This is almost always done under the auspices of “free and open elections”  and the “consent” of the governed. There are simply no shots fired or screams heard in the executive mansion at 3 AM, followed

An American Coup D'Etat - First World Nation Style

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An American Coup D’état – First World Nation Style

This article was originally posted on www.zerohedge.com on 11/09/2010. The

reader may wish to visit the site in order to read some of the comments left underthis article for some alternative thoughts and additional information. The actual link

is below.

Cognitive Dissonance 11/10/2010



Some say all this insanity is just greed and corruption run amuck. Others claim the

political, financial and judicial process has been co-opted in some type of modern

day Coup D’ état. Might it be both and could it have taken place much earlier in the

decade under the cover of some other triggering event? Please leave your bias and

preconceived notions behind as we take a leisurely stroll down memory lane. As

usual this is another long one folks so buckle up and enjoy.

Usually it’s pretty obvious when a Coup D'état has occurred. I mean, considering

how these things generally go down, it should be pretty clear something just

happened. Political earthquakes are normally detectible around the world. In fact,tell tale signs such as blood on the Palace floor, weeping family and/or Cabinet

members, sounds of distant explosions or automatic weapons fire and a

suspiciously large number of uniformed men carrying AK-47’s (or thanks to some

friends in the right places bearing foreign “aid” , M-16’s) while walking the streets

are dead giveaways that the ruling elite have rotated under less than optimal

conditions. Or at least that might be the perspective of the recently deposed and

disposed of leadership. After all, most former “democratic” dictators don’t get to

play hide and seek with the opposition by going to ground in a dusty old spider

hole. Got fleas?

But all this is just banana republic stuff and merely how the third world rolls, right?

I’ve been repeatedly assured by all my social and cultural indoctrination that one of 

the many hallmarks of civilization in first world countries are the orderly transition

of power from one faction to the next. This is almost always done under the

auspices of “free and open elections”  and the “consent” of the governed. There are

simply no shots fired or screams heard in the executive mansion at 3 AM, followed

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closely by troops in the streets and a media blackout, here in America. It just

doesn’ t happen.

Or does this in fact happen here? Or more to the point, has this actually happened

here in the UBRSA and someone just sort of......well you know, forgot to tell us? If 

you think about it for a while, it’ s plausible the announcement could have beenoverlooked in the rush to restore order to the ranks of the elite. So the question

needs to be asked. Is it possible that a Coup D'état has transpired here in America

and “they” decided we didn’t need (or want) to be informed? Clearly if this is the

case there would be some kind of sign, wouldn’t there? Maybe not something quite

as obvious as a declaration nailed to the door of the Senate a la Caesar, but

possibly some blood soaked rags, a glass of poisoned wine or a few stray hairs we

could send off to CSI for fingerprints and DNA.

I can hear the reader’s ego screaming now. “Preposterous, I’d know about it if the

government was overthrown.” Or maybe “You just couldn’t keep this large aconspiracy under wraps without someone speaking out.” Or the classic “The

American people would never tolerate something this outrageous.” As if a group of 

conspirators with the guts to pull this off would be so worried about what Joe six

pack thought that they wouldn’t even try. Of course, this presumes that the Coup

D'état took place out in the open for the entire world to witness and comment

upon. “I say old chaps, not very sporting of you to engage in such rude behavior.

Let’s put our weapons down, rustle up some tea and crumpets, and discuss this like

the gentlemen we are.”  Yeah I guess you’re right, it’s simply impossible.

So now that we’ ve established that a Coup D'état could never happen in the UBRSA

and our egos have been calmed and sensibilities restored, we’re free to suspend

disbelief and explore this idea without emotional discomfort. Come on, you know

how to suspend disbelief, don’t you? Every time you open a newspaper or book,

switch on the radio or flip to any of your 500 TV channels, this is precisely what

you’re doing. Particularly if you’re listening to or watching mainstream media

(MSM) “news”, which long ago crossed the black hole event horizon and entered

The Twilight Zone. So, unless you truly think you’re still safely on the ground with

Toto in Kansas and wish to opt out, let’ s all hop on the express train to crazy and

see where it goes.

Hidden In Plain Sight

The real question is the following. Where does one begin when exploring the idea

that America has undergone a Coup D'état of the first world kind? I’ve found from

long personal experience that most things are hidden out in the open and in plain

sight. And that those doing the hiding rely heavily upon our social conditioning,

biases and belief systems to either ignore or misinterpret whatever it is we’ re

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 “seeing” . Mix in huge helpings of MSM, governmental and (more than ever)

corporate propaganda, which is strategically used to obscure and obstruct our view

of what’ s really going on, and you have the official story. Nothing to see here, move


Combine all this with individual and group herd behavior, along with the sad factthat so many normally involved and proactive people have completely abandoned

all hope of ever making a difference or seeing change they can believe in, and you

have the recipe for modern day American passivity and acceptance. “I don’t know  

what’s going on anymore and I don’t really care.”  The social control system, of 

which we are all a part, is extremely efficient in snuffing out all hope by isolating

and demoralizing. 

On a daily, even hourly basis, we’re fed (programmed may be a more accurate

term) a running meme or narrative of what’s going on in the world, including who,

what, when, where and, most importantly, why. Once our (sub) conscious mind hasbeen imprinted with the narrative, particularly if we’ve been subjected to “shock

and awe” initial imprinting (think 9/11), it’s quickly followed by repetitive

recitations of the “official story” to cement the meme in place. This is the same

tried and true mind control (sorry, the politically correct term is “advertising” )

techniques that Edward Bernays pioneered back in more innocent days that are

used to build long term “brand” loyalty by corporations. Viola, we’ ve created a

plausible worldview that doesn’t need to withstand much scrutiny if no one cares to

look very closely. And why would I since CSI comes on at eight?

Rarely does this narrative come close to the truth, though intentionally woven

within is often enough plausibility to make it believable. Frequently, what we’ re told

is spun to fit not only short term needs of cover or deflected attention, but also to

fit within and support prior disinformation releases. Or just as important, to seed

future chapters of the mythical public meme. Not only does this accomplish the task

of telling you what to (and what not to) think, but it also tells you what to do with

the little bits of stray data or information that doesn’t fit the consensus reality. Of 

course, the correct path to follow when finding these nonconforming gems is to

throw them out as outliers or “bad” data that’s  “wrong” or “unpatriotic” or

 “conspiratorial” . The official narrative tells you not to stray from the proper thought

path or you’ ll be socially shunned and/or reprimanded. Or worse!

Better yet, often the running narrative applies a different interpretation to the data

that leads you back into the warm embrace of the carefully woven illusion we’ re all

assured is the real reality. This is the primary purpose of the official public lie, to

provide a false but official interpretation that’ s always pointed to by sober minded

authorities as the one and only “truth” regardless of how patently false or illogical it

may be. When the Wizard of OZ speaks, we all listen. (By the way, don’t you just

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love that “author” [fictional of course] is the root of “authorities”.) When the

conditioned or ideologically captured mind is looking for confirmation that it is

correct, logic doesn’t stand a chance next to confirmation bias, selective

hearing/seeing and the safety and emotional comfort of sleeping within the

consensus herd.

Even a Zero Hedge (ZH) newbie will quickly determine after just a few days of 

reading the articles and comment section that the consensus opinion here is that

Uncle Sam has a lip lock on the banker’s……well, you get the picture. In other

words, the vast majority of ZH critters believe that the “official authorities” ,

however you wish to describe them, have been subverted, co-opted, corrupted or

overthrown by “The Bankers”  or “The Banking Cabal” in what could, and maybe

should, be described as a Coup D’état. Let’s look closer at this belief starting with a


 A coup d'état (English:  / ̩kuːdeɪˈt ɑ ː/  , French: [ku deta]; plural: coups d'état  )—also known as a coup , putsch , and overthrow —is the sudden, extra-legal 

deposition of a government  ,[1][2] usually by a small group of the existing state

establishment —typically the military —to replace the deposed government with

another body; either civil or military.


Who says the French never gave us anything? The above definition is typical of 

what I found in four dictionaries. Notice that nowhere does it says that the actual

occurrence of the coup is common knowledge and known to anyone other than the

interested parties. It’s just sort of understood that the coup will occur in plain sightand be self evident. Go back and reread my first paragraph because it describes the

typical mythical Coup D'état, one that’s faithfully reported in the MSM and history

books as fact and the standard of excellence. What’s not widely discussed and thus

hidden from public perception is the stealthy or silent Coup D'état, such as the CIA

sponsored “color” revolutions of various former Iron Curtain countries over the past

two decades. You can go back further for more examples if you wish.

Just because power changed hands under (or before) the cover of elections doesn’t

mean it wasn’t “extra-legal”. Some basic research by the reader will uncover

several examples of overthrown leaders who were allowed to maintain their positionand title until the next “election cycle” in order to produce the illusion that all is well

and the coup (if a “coup” was ever publically acknowledged to begin with) was not

successful. Or the leader(s) may quickly change allegiance before it starts in order

to live another day. This strategy has the added benefit of keeping it hidden from

public view. If it’s not admitted publicly, we can all be assured it never happened.

If I Can’t See It From My House.... 

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My point (yes Dear Reader, I’m slowly getting there) is that in some cases, if the

way forward is flexible and fluid, the ideal way to pull off, or cover up, a Coup

D'état is for it to be silent and unacknowledged. I would hazard a guess that when

dealing with a population that’ s been thoroughly indoctrinated and conditioned to

believe they’ re free and empowered (subtle hint: America) it would be best if the

takeover’ s done out of sight and out of mind.

Better yet, just imagine if they could do the ugly deed under the cover of a

dramatic (and triggering) event. After all, we don’t wish for the natives to become

alarmed or to feel they’ ve been subverted if it can be avoided. Perfection would be

a situation where there appears to have been (or even was) an attack against “we

the people” that endears the now corrupted, subverted, captured or already on

board leadership to “we the people”. Bullhorn Bush on top of a rubble pile comes to


While opinions vary, for those who believe there was a takeover of some sort, manysuspect this Coup D’état took place on or around September of 08. We all

remember that month, right? Paulson proposed to Pelosi on bended knee and

begged with teary eyes (or so the public myth tells us) for the blank TARP check to

be signed, sealed and blessed. Who could forget the Congressional drama queens

 “failing” to pass the needed enabling legislation, which (ostensibly) led to a severe

and dramatic stock market plunge?

This engineered market crash flashed frightening signs of Armageddon, striking fear

into the hearts of men. This was all that was needed to soften the minds of  “we the

people” and their dually elected Congressional Creatures. With the red fear dial now

set on maximum DEFCON 1, just enough minds and votes were altered to push

through passage of the “TRAP” . With America now saved and the bankers sleeping

tight, this naturally led to.......wait for it......wait for it...... another good old

fashioned stock market plunge. You just can’t make this stuff up because it would

be unbelievable. That sentiment alone is a testament to the divergence between

reality and the public’s mindset and beliefs. 

The orchestra was finely tuned and magnificently conducted to serenade us with

some high quality C-Span Shakespearian theater. The rest as they tend to say is

history. Ah the good old days, when men were men and the control system’s

shadow government didn’t need to work so hard to get what they wanted while

maintaining the illusion that we control our own destiny. But was this really when

the banking cabal’s Coup D’état occurred and was it the bankers alone who

asserted authority? Perhaps the dirty deed was a collaborative affair implemented

earlier in the decade with parties as yet unidentified?

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What follows is just one of many possible interpretations of some, though by no

means all, events that have played out over the past 10 or more years. As I said

previously it would be helpful to suspend disbelief and open your mind to

alternative explanations if you wish to see beyond, or through, the illusion. I also

wish to stress that if there was an American coup, it didn’t happen overnight. Only

after years, even decades, of careful ground work, collaboration and predictive

programming by the MSM and other “interests” could the battle field be properly

prepared for the Coup D’état. It would also be hopelessly naive to believe that the

suspected coup was executed perfectly and that there were no loose ends or

hanging chads.

While I’ve been thinking along these lines for the past 6 years or so and have

conducted research on my own, I’ d like to give credit to author and researcher

Peter Dale Scott. Not only has he conducted much more extensive and wider

ranging original research, but he has been publicizing his views in speeches,

interviews, videos and several books, all centered around what he calls “DeepPolitics”  or “Deep Events”, terms better known as Para Politics. In fact, in a recent

interview posted on www.TheRealNews.com (which can be found at the end of this

article) Peter Dale Scott and The Real News do an excellent job laying out much of 

what I’ll discuss here.

I offer a simple summary of a complex and still very much undefined picture of 

what may have gone down, some of which is based upon my own supposition and

guesstimates. We may never know what really happened because no one is

seriously asking the tough questions. Or if they are, they’re either being ignored or

facetious answers and derogatory back handed insults are offered in response.

A History of Deep Events

Many readers could make a substantial and viable argument that the subversion of 

the American constitution and the overthrow of its government may have occurred

many decades, quite possibly more than a century, ago. Often it comes down to

definitions and interpretations of what’s happened because there’s no “official” 

shadow or alternative history to refer to. Simply put, if it isn’t in the official history

books, it didn’t happen. Always remember that history is better known as lies

widely agreed upon. In a wonderful Clintonian riff on what “is” is, many alternative

views revolve around what “legal” is, something I engage in as well later in this

essay. After all, according to Dick Cheney, the President can never do anything

illegal under the cover of war.

In fact, a careful reading of the time of Lincoln leaves many unanswered questions

pertaining to what a President can and cannot legally do during “war” . Consider for

a moment that the Civil War was initially about states’ rights and only later was the

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 “objective” changed to a more politically palatable “free the slaves” meme by

Lincoln. In spite of the continuous and ongoing public glorification of Lincoln, many

experts continue to claim he repeatedly overstepped his constitutional authority.

Fast forward 50 years and others will claim that the American Coup D’état took

place when the Federal Reserve Act was passed 2 day before Christmas in the year1913. Still others might point to 1933 when the American people were robbed at

gun point by their own government. Private ownership of Gold was essentially

outlawed, after which the fiat dollars exchanged for all that confiscated Gold were

promptly devalued. Or how about when the Fed…….ops……sorry, my Freudian slip is

showing…….Nixon took America off the international Gold Standard?

Quite a few readers may point to the Kennedy/King/Kennedy assassinations as the

period in American history when government was effectively usurped by a shadow

 “authority” , possibly by the so called military-industrial complex Ike warned us

about or even one or more of the intelligence arms of the US government. Therewas so much going on in America under the cover of the Cold War, much of which

still remains hidden (illegally in my opinion), that we might never know for certain

what went on.

This is an area Peter Dale Scott and other respected authors have researched

extensively. Unfortunately, much of what’ s been unearthed to date is so contrary to

the public meme that even if it were widely revealed, the average Joe would reject

it as unbelievable. A conditioned mind is a terribly difficult thing to wake and will

fight to remain comfortably asleep.

Why Steal With a Gun When You Can Own a Bank?

"When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the

leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above

the hand that takes... Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism

and without decency; their sole object is gain."  

- Napoleon Bonaparte, 1815

I’ve included the above quote because it perfectly exemplifies how something can

be hidden in plain sight. Extremely knowledgeable people in very high places who

are or were “in the know” have been pointing to the “bankers” for hundreds of 

years as the root cause of our social problems. And yet somehow they persist

despite repeated exterminations and hangings. Why is this? How can a class of 

professionals (some would say cockroaches) consistently rise from the ashes to rule

again and again? I thought there’ s only one chance to become a Phoenix?

Taking a page from office cubical mythology, the secret to professional longevity

may be invisibility. Or maybe the art is to become indispensible to a wide variety of 

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(equally) greedy sociopath bipeds. Use the useful idiots that surround you first as

tools, then as shields or cannon fodder. Hmm, we might be on to something here.

One of the flaws in our thinking is assuming that others will act and think as we do.

While this helps explain why your spouse is always unfairly assuming you’re

cheating (often this is because s/he has or is cheating on you, thus your spousebelieves you’re doing the same) it’s an enormous blind spot for those who just wish

to lead a simple life free from oppression and war. Like a metastasized cancer, the

bankers are the ultimate chameleons who never really need to change their color

because they’ ve ingratiated themselves into every corner of society, becoming all

things to everyone. By conflating their survival with ours, we’ re conditioned to

believe that killing the deeply rooted cancer will kill the patient. So let’s just deal

with it. Buck up old boy, it could be worse.

We often talk about bankers or the banking cabal as if they stand alone and

isolated. For example, we don’t say “The Banking Cabal and (-fill in the blank-)” except maybe Wall Street, which in my opinion they’re one and the same. We know

that the bankers have forged extensive and deep political, social and financial ties

within every facet of society. And yet we don’t really talk about this since to do so

would in effect implicate ourselves in our own destruction and enslavement. While

showing the bankers out the back door of our minds, we readily invite them back in

through the front. Since we seem to be so obviously flawed and transparent in this

regard, are we really that surprised to find we’re afflicted with a cancerous infection

that exploits our own weaknesses?

Conditioned Blindness

Remember when Ike warned us that the dreaded military-industrial complex was

evil incarnate? Why didn’t he mention the banks? Think about that for a minute. Do

we really believe Ike wasn’t aware that the central bankers funded both sides

during WW2? Or that the banking cabal created the conditions that caused both the

run up to and then the crash of 1929? That the bankers weren’t behind the terrible

suffering for the next 10 years during the Great Depression? I could go on, but to

assume that Ike was this ignorant of how the world actually worked would

be……well….ignorant. Yes, I understand that the world was different back then. Are

you saying the bankers didn’t have control of enough purse strings for it to matter,

that they had little influence?

What’s not said is often of equal or greater importance than what is said. The fact

that Ike didn’t use the phrase “Financial Military Industrial Complex” (today we

should add “Energy” to the list) is a stunning omission that can’t be swept aside as

simply a mental lapse or poor judgment. I suspect even Ike knew that taking on

the banking cabal meant taking on the world. And as brave as he most certainly

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was, he wasn’t suicidal. Or would I be crossing the line if I said Ike was blowing

smoke? A favored technique used to deflect attention is to point fingers at other evil

doers. “It’s those guys over there that you need to worry about. These guys have

nothing to do with it.”  

Maybe Ike was so indoctrinated and conditioned that he saw the bankers as anatural part of a “healthy” social/financial system and thus not a danger. No self 

respecting parasite seriously endangers its host since to kill or severely weaken the

host has the same effect on the parasite. Ideally, the host shouldn’t even be aware

that the parasite is harmful or a danger, but rather a welcome benefit to the host.

Any of the above explanations regarding Ike are plausible and all of them are

disturbing. A theme I always return to is the seamless and thus invisible social

systems that determine much of who we “are” and often what and how we think.

Language is a major contributor to this process simply because it’s so completely

integrated into our very beings. Our thought process is controlled by the languageand words we use. Control the words and the language and you control thought to

a great degree. This is why politicians and by extension the public hold

accomplished orators in such high regard. When thinking about this, consider that

the highest quality speakers can cast a “spell” or “trance” over their audience,

which interestingly is also the word we use to describe the function used to create

the basic building block of language, to “spell” words.

This subject alone would merit a book or two to describe the process. Luckily there

are many already published. Just remember that many words and phrases have

double or triple meanings along with hidden symbolic references. Language has

always been used to control populations and precisely why ideas, as represented by

words, are so powerful. There are some very fascinating discussions going on out

there with regard to how early man thought and acted very differently before

spoken and written language became widely used. There are some who contend

that language was specifically created and manipulated in order to not only control

but to direct from afar.

The Deep Politics Event

While any stretch of time you wish to measure (months, years, decades, even

centuries) has its own ebb and flow, something happened at the turn of thedecade/century that was obscured by the popping of the last (Internet) stock

market bubble, followed closely by 9/11. You remember the good old days, when all

we could talk about was technology, the Internet, dot-com e-commerce and its

benefits to human and machine alike? When anything e-commerce was

immediately bid up to 300 times sales (if there were actual sales) and 500 times

projected sales when there were none?

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I distinctly remember feeling that the country had gone rouge after a very long

period of trending in that direction. It really began to feel like an Outer Limits rerun

when the stolen election of 2000 was blessed by the unbiased and non political

Supremes. I would argue that this stolen election, brought to you by your friendly

Diebold election ATM, was the beginning of the coming coup. As the deflating

bubble worked its way through the economy, we edged closer and closer to “The

Event” that will someday be recognized for what it was, the all-in-push of every

single chip to the center of the table in order to gestate the American Coup

D’état we naively call 9/11. 

Instead of devolving into an argument regarding who, what, when and where

concerning September 11th, 2001 let’s instead consider a possible WHY. Regardless

of whether you think the (shadow) government was totally and completely

incompetent with regard to 9/11 or the government knew about the coming

 “attack” and let it happen anyway to further specific goals or they simply made the

 “attacks” happen, the political, legal and military steps taken during and after 9/11were earthshaking and a subject of much discussion and rhetoric. Might 9/11

possibly have been used as just another magician’s trick to divert attention from a

long planned “Deep Event” ?

Much of what has happened since 9/11, particularly militarily and economically,

could simply be ancillary side benefits to keep the profiteers fully engaged as

covering fire. I tend to think that one of the more public “benefits” <sarcasm> of 

9/11 (there are easily a dozen I could discuss) was that it provided political cover to

recharge the Ponzi, allowing for the “end game” to be kicked down the road several

more years. One doesn’t need to think long to recognize who might have benefited from that can kicking. Naturally the “Deep Event” I’m talking about is “the sudden

extra-legal deposition of a government usually by a small group of the existing

state establishment —typically the military- (but not always) to replace the deposed 

government with another body; either civil or military.”  In other words, for all

intents and purposes, I’m suggesting that an American Coup D’état occurred on

9/11. Let’s get into some detail. 

Continuity of Government

Has anyone ever wondered why "Continuity of Government" (COG) was

implemented the day of 9/11 and why there doesn't seem to be any actual records

of it ever being rescinded? Do you even know what COG entails? What’s that you

say; everyone knows about this? You might be thinking about the succession of 

power laid out in the constitution, from President to Vice President and so on. What

I’m talking about are secret plans that lay out the process by which in the event of 

a declared emergency of any type some or all of the constitution is suspended. No

one on the outside knows what this plan entails because the information is being

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withheld even from Congress in what should be recognized as a constitutional


We know “Continuity of Government” was enacted on 9/11 because it’ s briefly

mentioned as having been implemented in the 9/11 Commission Report, the so

called “official story” of the “official conspiracy” about 19 Muslim hi jackers and theirwacky cave dwelling leader. Oh sure, we've had a few White House press releases

saying everything's back to normal. But have you ever wondered why Congress

acts like a captive and subverted legislative body that is essentially powerless over

everything except handing out pork? In an overt act of total repudiation of 

Congressional oversight, The Homeland Security Oversight Committee, including its

Chairman, has been denied access to this COG plan. In a speech on the House

floor, Representative Peter Defazio publicly declared this to be so.

REP. PETER DEFAZIO (D-OR): “Most Americans would agree that it would be

 prudent to have a plan to provide for the continuity of government and the rule of law in case of a devastating terrorist attack or natural disaster, a plan that provides

for the cooperation, coordination, and continued functioning of all three branches of 

the government. The Bush administration tells us they have such a plan. They 

introduced a little sketchy public version that's clearly inadequate and doesn't really 

tell us what they have in mind, but they said, don't worry, there's a detailed 

classified version. But now they've denied the entire Homeland Security Committee

of the United States House of Representatives access to their so-called detailed 

 plan to provide for continuity of government.”  

So it appears that Big Brother had/has a plan to suspend some or all of the

Constitution (among other things) but its secret even to the Chairman of the

Homeland Security Committee, the Congressional body of oversight for the NSA,

CIA, FBI etc. How can this be viewed as anything other than a suspension of at

least a portion of the Constitution? Leaked stories have indicated that the plan calls

for suspension of habeas corpus by way of warrantless detention, military

government, warrantless wiretapping. Sound familiar? There is simply no way of 

knowing what’s included in this plan because it isn’t even known to those the public

has elected to oversee the public’s interest.

And it appears past and present Congressional leadership are complicit in this

subversion, either willingly or because they’re prevented by “law” or COG policies

from pushing back. While there’s been very little difference between Republican and

Democrat policies when implemented over the past 20 years, who really knows

what’s going on unless we can figure out what was implemented on 9/11 and if all

or some of Continuity of Government is still in effect. When you think it through, it’s

extremely plausible to consider that a lot of what’ s happened over the past 8 or 9

years can be explained by a COG plan that suspended, and continues to suspend,

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some or all of the Constitution with only the façade remaining as evidence that

nothing’s changed.

Legal Cover

We can be certain of one thing after just a brief review of world history. Those who

wish to exercise political and social control will often attempt to do so under the

cover of legal authority. Every political or military regime, oppressive or otherwise,

wishes to appear to be “legal” in the eyes of the International Community and vice

versa. As long as the International Community can claim the leadership of a

country or regime is “legal” , this allows business and formal political recognition to

be maintained or re-implemented.

It’s a transparent political game that’s played out on a daily basis in order to satisfy

the internal legal requirements of each nation state as well as international law.

Look at some of the outright blood thirsty regimes and dictatorships that are

considered “legitimate” in the eyes of international law based solely upon

supposedly fair and open elections. I won’t look too hard at the legitimacy of your

country if you won’t do so in return, thus we can all continue to conduct business,

especially if you have resources I wish to acquire. So what’ s the internal legal

legitimacy for the American Coup D’état since on the surface the rule of 

constitutional law still appears to be in force?

How many people know that every year since 9/11, including once again this past

September by Obama, the President has declared a "State of Emergency"? What

exactly, meaning legally, does it mean when the President does this?



September 10, 2010

Notice from the President on the Continuation of the National Emergency 

with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks




Consistent with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act, 50 U.S.C. 1622(d),

I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency previously declared on

September 14, 2001, in Proclamation 7463, with respect to the terrorist attacks of 

September 11, 2001, and the continuing and immediate threat of further attacks on

the United States.

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Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared on

September 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that 

emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2010. Therefore, I am

continuing in effect for an additional year the national emergency that was declared 

on September 14, 2001, with respect to the terrorist threat.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the




September 10, 2010.

In particular, I wish to point to a portion of the language in this declaration.

“Because the terrorist threat continues, the national emergency declared onSeptember 14, 2001, and the powers and authorities adopted to deal with that 

emergency must continue in effect beyond September 14, 2010.” What exactly are

these “powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency” (meaning

9/11) that Obama is claiming must be continued? This is an entirely reasonable

question to ask of our government and yet it’ s rebuffed.

People can explain this away for as long as they want and it still won’t meet the

constitutional imperative of separation of powers if the executive won’t reveal to

Congress or the American people what’ s going on. If Congressional power has been

severely restricted by way of COG, then Congress might not even be able to fulfillits legal requirement to review within 6 months each Presidential declaration of 

emergency. In fact, Congress has never reviewed any of the prior 8 emergency

declarations. Why not? We simple can not apply any legal or constitutional logic to

why this or that is or isn’t done until we understand what COG is and if it’ s currently

in effect.

Nor can anyone declare my train of thought as silly or nonsensical if you can’t prove

one way or another exactly what Continuity of Government is or isn’t. Remember,

COG was officially declared to be in effect on 9/11, yet we don’t know what COG

entails. Once in effect, we don’t know what portions of the Constitution were or

were not suspended, what other legal, social, economic or military processes were

put in place nor do we know what conditions are (or even who is) required to

revoke COG. Consider that Continuity of Government could give the executive or

the military or even private citizens or corporations the right to lie with impunity.

They could even lie about revoking COG and we wouldn’t know about it. 

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For example, what right do the President’s men have to allow or order public

corporations to lie to the public about their finances, to essentially subvert public

law? Below is Exhibit A, something I’ve repeatedly placed in the comment section of 

Zero Hedge for six months now. I’ve been stunned how many times I’ve posted this

yet it often receives zero, nada, zilch, zip replies or follow up comments. How is

this possible? Are we so numb that this just goes unnoticed or without comment

time after time. We talk about the passive public yet we aren’t much better.



Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules

Now, the White House's top spymaster can cite national security to exempt 

businesses from reporting requirements.

President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte,broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded 

companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice

of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5,

2006, that was opaque to the untrained eye.

We’ ve been told things are pretty much back to normal. Or at least as normal as

one can expect considering two wars and an economic crisis of epic proportions. If 

everything is back to normal, why do we see a continuing emergency declaration

made each year based upon a so-called “terrorist” attack from 9 years ago? The

emergency declaration specifically refers to 9/11, not some recent “events”. Is thisPresidential emergency declaration the one “legal” requirement to continue

Continuity of Government, thus continuing the enforcement of the unknown

 “powers and authorities adopted to deal with that emergency?”  Doesn’t this alone 

compel a reexamination of not only the events of 9/11, but everything the led up to

 “The Event” itself? 

How could Congress fund two wars for 7 years by emergency appropriation,

meaning off budget, until the 2010 budget? How can they not even pass a budget

for 2011? Why is it that the FED seems to have unlimited power and Congress

appears to be led around by the scrotum? While nearly every President since

Lincoln has attached a few “signing statements” to some bills, a constitutionally

suspect “Presidential prerogative” at best, the number of these signing statements

exploded under Bush and now Obama. Are these signing statements, which often

essentially proclaim that the President doesn’t agree with, need to follow or even

enforce the Bill he’s signing, considered fair game under COG and a sign of ultimate

imperial power? And by imperial I don’t mean Presidential. 

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The (Un) Patriot Act

Let’s look at something else that’s hidden in plain sight. What’ s often discussed as

an abuse of power, but then passed off as simply the opening salvo of an escalating

tyranny, is the original Patriot Act legislation. The official story tells us that once

galvanized by 9/11, the Bush administration quickly staggered to its feet and rolledout the Patriot Act within two weeks for Congress to unofficially consider and then

comment upon. History informs us that the original legislation was then added to

and heavily modified during Congressional deliberations, thus leading the average

reader to believe that The Patriot Act was a rough draft and imperfect. But this is a

false impression.

Many stories quickly appeared (and then just as quickly died) that quoted aides and

staff of various Congressmen, staff who normally do the actual writing of many bills

and thus would know what they’re talking about, as saying The Patriot Act was

delivered as a complete and very accurate document. Your average Joe Six Pack aswell as many here on Zero Hedge simply doesn’t understand how complex the

original Patriot Act was and how very unlikely (impossible) this extremely complex

1,000 plus page document was crafted in less than two weeks. The Patriot Act

changed hundreds of (cross referenced) existing laws, right down to tiny changes to

words, phrases and sentences in page after page, section after section, of existing

law. And it created complex new law as well. Here is how Wikipedia describes the

final product.

“The Act dramatically reduced restrictions on law enforcement agencies' ability to

search telephone, e-mail communications, medical, financial, and other records;

eased restrictions on foreign intelligence gathering within the United States;

expanded the Secretary of t he Treasury’s authority to regulate financial 

transactions, particularly those involving foreign individuals and entities; and 

broadened the discretion of law enforcement and immigration authorities in

detaining and deporting immigrants suspected of terrorism-related acts. The act 

also expanded the definition of terrorism to include domestic terrorism , thus

enlarging the number of activities to which the USA PATRIOT Act’s expanded law 

enforcement powers could be applied.”  It continues further down. “The PATRIOT 

 Ac t [3] has made a number of changes to U.S. law . Key acts changed were the

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA), the Electronic CommunicationsPrivacy Act of 1986 (ECPA), the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986 and  Bank 

Secrecy Act  (BSA), as well as the Immigration and Nationality Act . 


In my opinion, it is hopelessly naive to think that this huge and complex document

in its original form was hammered out in less than 14 days by supposedly

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traumatized members of the Justice department along with substantial help from

the FBI, CIA, DIA, SEC, AG and the Federal Reserve before it’s unofficial

introduction to Congress. You couldn’t get these agencies and regulatory authorities

to do all this legal work in less than two weeks even if they had a gun to their


It consistently amazes me how 9/11 apologists can endlessly declare that the

government was criminally negligent and grossly incompetent when it came to

preparing for and reacting to “the attacks”, yet within two weeks stabilized the ship

of state and rolled out the Patriot Act before the ink was dry. An honest

examination of the original Patriot Act alone should compel one to take a fresh look

at 9/11 because it’s clear The Patriot Act was prepared before 9/11. That

understanding alone raises hundreds of questions.

In fact, the Peter Dale Scott interview below details how Dick Cheney and Donald

Rumsfeld began working on the “Continuity of Government” process andprocedures as early as 1981 during the Reagan Administration. Even more

amazing, they continued their apparent labor of love while private citizens,

meeting with other conspirators during the Clinton Administration to continue the

COG planning. There’ s even a connection to Oliver North that came to light during

the 1987 Iran-Contra hearings where North is asked by a Congressman about his

involvement in COG planning, only to be quickly stifled by the committee chairman.

I suspect that the Patriot Act was just one of many documents and procedures that

were prepared well in advance (as much as they could be) and which were

implemented on or after 9/11. Combine this with recent revelations that the Bush

Administration came into office in 2000 already planning to attack both Iraq and

Afghanistan and you have even more questions raised.

Fort Detrick Anthrax

And what about those mailed anthrax “attacks” , beginning October 4th, 2001? Why

were certain Congressmen who opposed the Patriot Act recipients of the so-called

anthrax laced letters? I suspect they were the intended recipients to send a

message not to oppose the Patriot Act and everyone else who received them was

simply used as cover to deflect attention. Regardless of the intent, this “Deep

Event” was and still is a huge red flag and an obvious and glaring outlier. The factthat the anthrax originated in a strain developed at Fort Detrick, MD was a huge

embarrassment to the Army and FBI, not to mention the White House, CIA, DIA


The FBI wasted years attempting to divert attention from the simple fact that it

wasn’t some basement dwelling terrorist with a mortar and pestle who created this

highly engineered anthrax, but rather the product of an inside job. When the

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obvious could no longer be ignored, the FBI, no doubt with plenty of help from

some friends, eventually concocted a cover story about a disgruntled Army

researcher (Dr. Bruce Ivins aka “The Fourth Fall Guy” ) who (luckily) committed

suicide just before the FBI was going to arrest him. This entire investigatory

charade is so far out in left field as to be dismissed as nothing more than another

example of the FBI enabling the criminal elite and protecting political ass while

burying inquiry into the American Coup D’ état.

I could go on with dozens of other seemingly random events that are in fact

connected, but it's clear that something's terribly wrong here in America. Way too

many things don't add up. I submit that this country has experienced a Coup

D’état under the cover of 9/11 and we've been operating under a form of 

martial law called Continuity of Government since then. And while the

Banking Cabal may or may not have instigated this coup, they most certainly didn’t

act alone and unsupported. If we are living under COG, then wouldn't it make

perfect sense for the perpetrators not to tell the citizens and most of the so called"leaders" that they’ re operating under a modified martial law if they didn't need to

do so?

Why upset the natives if one can keep the illusion of normalcy going without troops

in the city streets and checkpoints at the state borders? I have no doubt that telling

the US population they’ re presently living under Continuity of Government (aka

martial law) at any point other than when it was first implemented would bring

with it some very ugly social consequences. And I suspect this fact alone has

convinced the few political leaders who found out later to keep their mouths shut if  

the implied physical threat wasn’t enough of a deterrent.

Once The Big Lie ages a bit and is accepted by the majority of the population, how

do you tell the truth without everyone suffering severe consequences? In the eyes

of many citizens who are fed up with the insanity, but still respect the institutions

and law, an illegitimate US government would free them from their self imposed

legal requirement to conduct only lawful rebellion. The longer this goes without

being exposed, the more explosive it becomes when it is exposed. Thus we are

treated to near daily national security justifications to surrender more and more of 

our inalienable rights.

This realization alone is justification in the minds of many to go with the flow,

particularly if they’re well paid to cooperate. We all have a price so it’s just a matter

of negotiation. Thus the feeding frenzy accelerates and rapidly spreads to those

who are simply greedy; especially when the word is out that no one will be

prosecuted regarding anything declared national security. This helps explain the

complete lack of prosecutions for 9/11, the illegal wars and war crimes, the wire

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tapping, the MBS securitizations, the flagrant and undeserved banker bonuses and

on and on and on. Just pay and pay for the problems to go away.

Even the 9/11 victims and victim’s families received substantial payments if, and

only if, they agreed not to bring suit against any party. This practice was

unprecedented in domestic terrorism cases until 9/11 and very convenientlyassured the powers-that-be that any disturbing questions regarding 9/11 wouldn’t

be uncovered during discovery and trial and thus exposed to the public in the court

system. The small lawsuits that did make it to court are easily deterred, bogged

down and/or dismissed. Victims and families who are underfunded are no match for

the national security state in a court of law tilted towards protecting the state 

whenever it says the magic words “national security”. 

Look Back To Move Forward

Quite frankly I’m tired of hearing the 9/11 apologists tell me that I cling to my

conspiracy theories because I’m emotionally insecure or that it feels better to point

fingers at an imaginary boogie man rather than accept reality. Yet these very same

people speak of banking and corporate conspiracies as if they are common place

and widely known. Sorry folks, but it’s time to drop the excuses and begin to take a

real hard look at ourselves, our country and our government, including its military,

corporate and banker enablers. We must do this because there’s overwhelming

evidence that something’s seriously wrong here and everything needs to be

reexamined, starting with our own deep seated cultural denial and selective


Forget all the tired excuses you always use to avoid looking at 9/11 with fresh eyes.What I’ ve laid out here is a plausible argument that has nothing to do with planes

and buildings and box cutters. If your immediate reaction is still to defend the

official story in the face of this information (there is much more where this came

from) then you’re only kidding yourself. I’m not saying this is an open and shut

case. By no means am I even implying this. But I am saying that it deserves to be

looked at with an open and inquisitive mind, not one that is looking for any reason

whatsoever to reject any or all parts of this thesis.

We cannot begin to resist if we still hold the naive and simplistic belief that certain

people inside and out of government were not involved in 9/11 or that people wouldnot allow it to happen or would expose it if discovered. First of all, this view is

simply emotional cover to avoid looking closely at areas that are extremely painful

to view, let alone accept. Second of all, it completely ignores the fact that private

corporations, the banking cabal and the military are extremely powerful and are in

De facto control of many facets of this country.

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I don’t know exactly what happened leading up to and during September 11, 2001.

What I do know is that the official story is full of holes wide enough to drive an

American Coup D’état through. It’s time for Americans to wake up from our self 

imposed denial and begin the process of taking back our country. The buck stops

here, with you and I. Let’s begin to act like responsible citizens instead of 

frightened children waiting for the adults to come in and fix things. We are the

adults. Let’s get to work. 

Cognitive Dissonance - 11/09/2010

Below are Parts One and Two of Peter Dale Scott’s www.TheRealNews.com 

interview I mentioned above. Spend the twenty five minutes needed to watch both

parts because there is much more disclosed in the interview that I didn’t cover inthis essay. Please keep in mind that Peter Dales Scott is a through and careful

researcher and author and he won’t speculate or state as fact things he simply can’t

prove. Despite these self imposed restrictions, the trail of crumbs he lays out is eye


His three most recent books, “American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global 

Drug Connections, and the Road to Afghanistan” and “The Road to 9/11: Wealth,

Empire, and the Future of America” and “The War Conspiracy” JFK, 9/11, and the

Deep Politics of War” are extremely revealing because they travel well beyond

9/11 and touch on the bigger picture of “Deep Politics” and “Deep Events”.

Part 1 of Peter Dale Scott – Continuity of Government – TheRealNews.com



Part 2 of Peter Dale Scott – Continuity of Government – TheRealNews.com



Below are the last three books written by Peter Dale Scott.

 “American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connections, and the

Road to Afghanistan”  

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 “The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America”  



 “The War Conspiracy” JFK, 9/11, and the Deep Politics of War”  

