19 March 2011 Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 1 AMMOLAND.COM SHOOTING SPORTS NEWS WeaponLights and Switches: SureFire Sets the Record Straight MAR 18, 2011 05:03P.M. WeaponLights and Switches: SureFire Sets the Record Straight The gist of the article and Lewinski is that grip-activated pistol-light switches are unsafe. SureFire Fountain Valley, CA --(Ammoland.com)- SureFire Customers and Supporters: Recently an article appeared in an email newsletter distributed by the Force Science News of the Force Science Institute, quoting its own Dr. Lewinski. The article and Dr. Lewinski make several troubling assertions that must be rebutted in the (long-term) interest of officer safety. The gist of the article and Lewinski is that grip-activated pistol-light switches are unsafe. I paraphrase (to clarify), quote, and respond to some of the more disturbing assertions below. 1) You cannot train officers to keep their finger off the trigger under stress. According to the article, “…despite training to the contrary, officers in high-stress situations tend to move the finger onto the trigger…” Response: If true, this has nothing to do with grip-switches, but it would support a ban on the use of firearms in general. But obviously, it is not true; officers can be trained to keep their fingers off the trigger in high-stress situations. If the fact were otherwise there would be thousands of unintended discharges each day. 2) The device is unsafe. The article states, “At least twice in recent months the device has been associated with shootings in which officers reportedly said they thought they were turning on the flashlight…” Response: In 1986 SureFire introduced the first light designed specifically for mounting on handguns. This light (equipped with remote switching) was quickly adopted by SWAT teams, including LAPD’s D- Platoon. In 2004 SureFire introduced the current X-Series WeaponLights, intended primarily for attachment to handguns. There are well over 100,000 SureFire X-Series lights and tens of thousands of optional grip-activated “DG” and “SL” switches in use today, and our competitors have sold hundreds of thousands of other pistol-mountable lights themselves. During this 24-year period the only reported safety- related incidents involving such lights are the two incidents mentioned above. These figures alone prove that SureFire WeaponLights, and weapon-mounted lights in general, are safe. 3) According to the article, Lewinski asserts that, “…an officer pressing his middle finger against the flashlight switch pad will produce a sympathetic reaction in the index finger. If that finger happens to be inside the trigger guard and on the pistol’s trigger, the reaction may be forceful enough to cause an unintentional discharge.” Response: Sympathetic Response is a real phenomenon, but it’s not the boogeyman and it can be addressed with training. Think about it: our trigger finger doesn’t magically pull the trigger when we use our thumb to manipulate the safety or the magazine release. Nor does the trigger finger unconsciously jump into action when we use our opposite hand to activate our radio, handheld flashlight, or pepper spray. The answer to Sympathetic Response is training and adherence to Rule #2 of The Four Basic Rules of Firearms Safety: Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on target and you are ready to fire. And please note, if an officer experiences Sympathetic Response while his or her finger is on the trigger when it shouldn’t be there, it would not matter which light switch the officer is using, or whether the officer has a weapon-mounted light at all. The point is, the officer’s finger is on the trigger when it shouldn’t be there. 4) The article quotes Lewinski as saying, “When you think

AmmoLand Gun News March 19th 2011

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Contents 1. WeaponLights and Switches: SureFire Sets the Record Straight 2. Guns Save Lives Truck – Volunteers Needed 3. Missouri Department Of Conservation Contributes $5 Million To Waterfowl Conservation

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19 March 2011

Today’s TabbloidPERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected]



WeaponLights and Switches:SureFire Sets the RecordStraightMAR 18, 2011 05:03P.M.

WeaponLights and Switches: SureFire Sets the Record


The gist of the article and Lewinski is that grip-activated pistol-light

switches are unsafe.


Fountain Valley, CA --(Ammoland.com)- SureFire Customers and


Recently an article appeared in an email newsletter distributed by the

Force Science News of the Force Science Institute, quoting its own Dr.

Lewinski. The article and Dr. Lewinski make several troubling assertions

that must be rebutted in the (long-term) interest of officer safety.

The gist of the article and Lewinski is that grip-activated pistol-light

switches are unsafe. I paraphrase (to clarify), quote, and respond to

some of the more disturbing assertions below.

1) You cannot train officers to keep their finger off the trigger

under stress. According to the article, “…despite training to

the contrary, officers in high-stress situations tend to move

the finger onto the trigger…”

Response: If true, this has nothing to do with grip-switches, but it

would support a ban on the use of firearms in general. But obviously, it is

not true; officers can be trained to keep their fingers off the trigger in

high-stress situations. If the fact were otherwise there would be

thousands of unintended discharges each day.

2) The device is unsafe. The article states, “At least twice in

recent months the device has been associated with shootings

in which officers reportedly said they thought they were

turning on the flashlight…”

Response: In 1986 SureFire introduced the first light designed

specifically for mounting on handguns. This light (equipped with remote

switching) was quickly adopted by SWAT teams, including LAPD’s D-

Platoon. In 2004 SureFire introduced the current X-Series

WeaponLights, intended primarily for attachment to handguns. There

are well over 100,000 SureFire X-Series lights and tens of thousands of

optional grip-activated “DG” and “SL” switches in use today, and our

competitors have sold hundreds of thousands of other pistol-mountable

lights themselves. During this 24-year period the only reported safety-

related incidents involving such lights are the two incidents mentioned

above. These figures alone prove that SureFire WeaponLights, and

weapon-mounted lights in general, are safe.

3) According to the article, Lewinski asserts that, “…an officer

pressing his middle finger against the flashlight switch pad

will produce a sympathetic reaction in the index finger. If

that finger happens to be inside the trigger guard and on the

pistol’s trigger, the reaction may be forceful enough to cause

an unintentional discharge.”

Response: Sympathetic Response is a real phenomenon, but it’s not the

boogeyman and it can be addressed with training. Think about it: our

trigger finger doesn’t magically pull the trigger when we use our thumb

to manipulate the safety or the magazine release. Nor does the trigger

finger unconsciously jump into action when we use our opposite hand to

activate our radio, handheld flashlight, or pepper spray. The answer to

Sympathetic Response is training and adherence to Rule #2 of The Four

Basic Rules of Firearms Safety: Keep your finger off the trigger until your

sights are on target and you are ready to fire.

And please note, if an officer experiences Sympathetic Response while

his or her finger is on the trigger when it shouldn’t be there, it would not

matter which light switch the officer is using, or whether the officer has a

weapon-mounted light at all. The point is, the officer’s finger is on the

trigger when it shouldn’t be there.

4) The article quotes Lewinski as saying, “When you think

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you’re doing one thing but are actually doing another, the

result often is directly opposite of what you intended.”

Response: I believe he is referring to the phenomenon of reverting

(under stress) from an intended action (activating the grip switch) to

another action (pulling the trigger).

Let’s borrow Lewinski’s own analogy of drivers stepping on the gas pedal

when they meant to step on the brake pedal. Can this happen? Of course,

it’s called a mistake. Does every driver do it? No, in fact, most do not. Do

trained drivers—such as highway patrolmen, or professional racecar

drivers—make this mistake? No, not in any number that is statistically

significant. Again, the issue here is training. You cannot make officers

safer by taking away their equipment—you must provide them with

adequate training.

Dr. Lewinski lists research as one of the services he provides. Yet—with

the newsletter in question—he has published what most would assume to

be a professional opinion—based on just two isolated incidents (out of 24

years of safe use) that he read about in news reports, incidents that are

still under investigation and that he is not privy to at this time. While he

may have conducted legitimate research regarding human dynamics

during deadly force encounters, he does not appear to have done any

research particular to SureFire products or the use of weapon-mounted

lights. For that reason alone I find the article to be unprofessional and

certainly not qualified to stand as an expert opinion.

I assume Lewinski is acting out of a real concern for officer safety—and

not to generate future engagements as an expert witness. But I fear the

article may actually have the opposite effect by frightening some

administrations into depriving their officers of crucial safety tools.

Regardless, Lewinski’s opinion is just that.

The greater issue is whether officers are provided adequate training to

ensure they can safely use the tools they have. To address that issue I

have attached a separate document, unconcerned with Dr. Lewinski’s

opinions, entitled, Officer Training for Low-Light Conditions: A Matter

of Life and Death.

It should be noted that Force Science News is a communications vehicle

for the Force Science Research Center, of which Lewinski is the executive

director. Quoting yourself in your own publication and referencing your

own studies is questionable at best. And finally, the article ends with this

statement: “Lawsuits have been filed in both shootings.” For

clarification, SureFire has not been named in those lawsuits.


Derek McDonald

Vice President of Marketing, SureFire

Relevant experience includes but is not limited to:

• U.S. Navy Gunners Mate “A” and “C” schools

• U.S. Navy Small Arms Instructor / Range Master

• P.O.S.T. certified instructor of Officer Survival in Low-Light


• SureFire Institute founding instructor cadre member

• NRA Law Enforcement Tactical Handgun Instructor

• Simunition Scenario & Safety Instructor

• Hundreds of hours providing training to, and conducting informal

interviews of, law enforcement officers with regard to lethal-force

encounters, specifically as it relates to the use of low-light tactics

and lighting tools.

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at Ammo Land.com

WeaponLights and Switches: SureFire Sets the Record Straight

Tags: Gun Gear, Gun-Mounted Lights, Police Gear, SureFire, Tactical

Gear, Tactical Lights, Weapons Lights


Guns Save Lives Truck –Volunteers NeededMAR 18, 2011 03:29P.M.

Guns Save Lives Truck – Volunteers Needed

Attn Propaganda Corps.

Guns Save Lives Truck - Volunteers Needed

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Today’s Tabbloid PERSONAL NEWS FOR [email protected] 19 March 2011


Arizona Citizens Defense League

Catalina, AZ --(Ammoland.com)- To counter Mayor Bloomberg’s

Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) roving billboard that spews out

anti-rights propaganda, the Second Amendment Foundation

(www.saf.org/) has a “GUNS SAVE LIVES” truck touring the country to

reveal the truth – that guns save lives.

The Guns Save Lives truck will be in Phoenix on March 24, and they are

asking for volunteers to help them spread the word.

They intend on securing space in front of The Arizona Republic.

To volunteer, contact Thomas McKiddie

[email protected] .

Or call SAF at 425-454-7012.

AzCDL – Protecting Your Freedom

http://www.azcdl.org/html/accomplishments.html .

Guns Save Lives Truck Brochure


AzCDL believes that the emphasis of gun laws should be on criminal

misuse and that law-abiding citizens should be able to own and carry

firearms unaffected by unnecessary laws or regulations. AzCDL was

founded by a group of local activists who recognized that a sustained,

coordinated, statewide effort was critical to protecting and expanding the

rights of law-abiding gun owners. As a like-minded coalition of activists,

the AzCDL founders were instrumental in the successful passage of the

first major improvement to Arizona’s CCW (concealed carry) laws since

they were instituted in 1994. Visit: www.azcdl.org

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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News

at Ammo Land.com

Guns Save Lives Truck – Volunteers Needed

Tags: Arizona, Arizona Citizens Defense League, AzCDL, Guns Save

Lives, Propaganda Corps, SAF, Second Amendment Foundation,



Missouri Department OfConservation Contributes $5Million To WaterfowlConservationMAR 18, 2011 03:06P.M.

Missouri Department Of Conservation Contributes $5 Million

To Waterfowl Conservation

Ducks Unlimited recognizes MDC for commitment to prairie


(l-r) DU CEO Dale Hall, MDC Dir. Bob Ziehmer, DU Canada Senior

Conservation Advisor Mike Anderson, DU Chief Biologist Dale

Humburg, MDC Wildlife Division Chief DeeCee Darrow Page 2

Ducks Unlimited

KANSAS CITY, Mo --(Ammoland.com)- With this year’s state grant

program contribution of $250,000, the Missouri Department of

Conservation reached the $5 million mark for donations to waterfowl

breeding grounds in Canada.

With the support of MDC during the past five years, Ducks Unlimited

conserved, enhanced and restored 235,059 acres of prime breeding

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habitat and positively influenced an additional 1.2 million acres.

“The MDC partnership with Ducks Unlimited is one of the

strongest and most effective in the nation,” Mark Flaspohler,

DU manager of conservation programs for Missouri, said.

“Their commitment to the state grants program is just one

manifestation of that partnership.”

The state grants program represents a unique international funding

partnership that preserves critical waterfowl habitat in the Prairie

Pothole Region of Canada, while working toward achieving the goals of

the North American Waterfowl Management Plan. Contributions from

the states are matched by DU Inc. and DU Canada, as well as the North

American Wetlands Conservation Act.

“It is the committed support of partners like the Missouri

Department of Conservation that makes waterfowl

conservation and the North American Waterfowl

Management Plan a success,” DU CEO Dale Hall, said.

DU Canada uses a combination of strategically targeted direct programs,

agricultural extension and public policy efforts to advance its

conservation goals. Direct habitat programs such as land acquisition and

conservation easements help secure the remaining habitat base and

provide restoration opportunities. Agricultural extension programs focus

on adding nesting cover and/or improving wetland conditions, while the

promotion of waterfowl-friendly agricultural practices provides positive

economic benefits to producers.

“MDC’s investment in Canadian waterfowl habitat yields

direct, tangible returns for Missourians,” said MDC Director

Bob Ziehmer. “Leveraging our contribution and money from

other states four-to-one lets us put $2 million into protecting

critical nesting habitat that sends millions of ducks winging

down the Mississippi Flyway to Missouri and beyond each


Waterfowl band recovery data has established a clear link between

waterfowl produced and banded in Canada’s PPR and subsequently

harvested in the Mississippi Flyway. Priority habitats in Manitoba stand

out as a primary Canadian source of ducks harvested in Missouri.

“The conservation of this vital habitat will ensure Missouri

hunters experience strong waterfowl flights from Manitoba

for many years to come,” Tom Shryock, DU Missouri state

chairman, said.

Ducks Unlimited is the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated

to conserving North America’s continually disappearing waterfowl

habitats. Established in 1937, Ducks Unlimited has conserved more than

12 million acres thanks to contributions from more than a million

supporters across the continent.

Guided by science and dedicated to program efficiency, DU

works toward the vision of wetlands sufficient to fill the

skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever.


Ducks Unlimited is the world’s largest non-profit organization dedicated

to conserving North America’s continually disappearing waterfowl

habitats. Established in 1937, Ducks Unlimited has conserved more than

12 million acres thanks to contributions from more than a million

supporters across the continent. Guided by science and dedicated to

program efficiency, DU works toward the vision of wetlands sufficient to

fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever. Visit


Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News

at Ammo Land.com

Missouri Department Of Conservation Contributes $5 Million To

Waterfowl Conservation

Tags: Conservation Projects, DU, Ducks Unlimited, Game Birds,

Missouri, Waterfowling


Professional Outdoor MediaAssociation Communications &Marketing WebinarsMAR 18, 2011 01:17P.M.

Professional Outdoor Media Association Communications &

Marketing Webinars

Professional Outdoor Media Association

Johnstown, Pa. –-(Ammoland.com)- The Professional Outdoor Media

Association (POMA, www.professionaloutdoormedia.org) announced a

new webinar service focused on journalists and communications and

marketing professionals.

The service kicks off with the webinar “News Flash – You Need an

Online Newsroom” slated for March 23, 2011 from 3-4 p.m. EST. The

first webinar is available at no charge, but space is limited.

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Register now for the “News Flash – You Need an Online Newsroom”.

Go to: www.professionaloutdoormedia.org/node/2068

Beginning with the April webinar, POMA members may enjoy the

sessions at no cost. Non-members may attend for a minimal fee of $20

per 30-45 minute webinar or may choose the option of signing up for a

subscription bundle, six or more webinars, and pay just $10 per event.

POMA unveiled a schedule of monthly webinars for the remainder of

2011 but also explained webinars will be added if/when issues,

legislation or other factors call for immediate attention.

To be alerted of additional webinars, sign up for the POMA News &

Releases e-mail service at:


2011 Webinar Schedule

• March: Online Press Rooms. Communication guru and POMA

Board Member Tammy Sapp reveals recent media survey data

related to what makes a great online newsroom. She’ll reveal how

some businesses are failing and how others are succeeding with

their online newsrooms.

• April: Getting the Most out of Your POMA Membership. Posting

news, updating profiles, directory searches and downloads. Plus 10

tips from veterans on how they use POMA to make more money.

• May: Do You Have an App(etitie) for Business? Hear from 2011

POMA Annual Business Conference presenter Jim Goldstein. Jim

will discuss mobile apps and why you need one, as a preview to his

conference sessions.

• June: Posting News to the POMA Website. (Members Only) Sure,

you send press releases to everyone in the outdoor industry, but if

recipients aren’t e-mail focused that day or are in the field, your

message may be missed. Back up your marketing efforts by posting

news and releases through the POMA website. News and uploaded

is immediately posted to the website and accessible to members

and the public. In addition, each News item or release is included

in the next weekly issue of POMA Briefs. News and release also are

highlighted on POMA’s social media sites. And guess what – it’s a

free service to members.

• July: Vocus Keyword Searches. Want to know what bloggers are

talking about? Want to search social media for mentions of your

company or a list of specific keywords? Wonder what bloggers are

saying about hunting, fishing or the shooting sports? Then learn

more about POMA’s new Social Media & Blog Search Service.

• August: So You Want to Become an Outdoor Broadcaster,

Videographer or Writer? Veteran industry journalists tell you how

to get started and what it takes to become successful.

• September: Monetize Your Blog. Three panelists will each share

five tips on how to monetize a blog. They’ll touch on everything

from honing blog focus to entice advertisers, to growing

readership, selling products to readers and much more.

• October: Connecting with the Media. If you expect membership in

an organization like POMA, or exhibiting at a major tradeshow or

an online newsroom to be the magic potions that generate ink for

your company, forget it. Here hard-core journalists tell you what it

takes to get their attention, work with them on projects and see

resulting coverage.

• November: Working Trade Shows Effectively. Along with the New

Year, comes the blistering outdoor-industry trade-show season.

During this webinar, veteran journalists will share their work plans

for success. They’ll discuss advance planning, time management,

splitting up the load, working with interns/apprentices, finding

stories others won’t and more.

• December: Damn Finances. What freelancers/independent

contractors can do now to make tax time more manageable, and

less, well, taxing.

POMA Mission

The Professional Outdoor Media Association is a group of individual

communicators and Corporate Partners who believe in, defend, support

and promote the heritage of hunting, fishing, shooting and traditional

outdoor sports through writing, photography and other means. By doing

so, members hope to educate the general public about these sports and

encourage more participation in them. The organization serves the

membership by helping members grow professionally, improve their

skills, better their working environments and enhance their businesses.


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News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News

at Ammo Land.com

Professional Outdoor Media Association Communications & Marketing


Tags: Firearms Marketing, POMA, Professional Outdoor Media

Association, Shooting Media News, Social Firearms Marketing, Social

Media, Social Networking, Webinair

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Wildlife Law EnforcementOfficers Receive LifetimeAchievement AwardMAR 18, 2011 01:09P.M.

Wildlife Law Enforcement Officers Receive Lifetime

Achievement Award

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Washington, DC --(Ammoland.com)- Retired Chief Benito Perez of

the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Office of Law Enforcement and Senior

Trooper Mark Prodzinski of the Fish and Wildlife Division of the Oregon

State Police have been selected to receive the National Fish and Wildlife

Foundation’s 2010 Guy Bradley Award for wildlife law enforcement.

Both recipients were honored during the 76th North American Wildlife

and Natural Resources Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, on March

17, 2011. The Guy Bradley Award is named after the first wildlife law

enforcement officer killed in the line of duty in 1905 and is presented

each year by the Foundation to recognize individuals for outstanding

lifetime contributions to wildlife law enforcement.

“We’re honored to present the Guy Bradley Award to Chief

Perez and Senior Trooper Prodzinski for their outstanding

service in protecting and conserving wildlife resources. Their

dedication and accomplishments provide a model for all

those charged with safeguarding wildlife and wildlife

habitat,” said Foundation Director Jeff Trandahl.

“We join the Foundation in applauding the accomplishments

of these men, who together have spent more than 60 years on

the frontlines of wildlife conservation,” said Service Acting

Director Rowan Gould. “Their work and the work of all

wildlife enforcement officers are truly making a difference for


Perez, a native Texan who joined the Service as a special agent in 1988

after 10 years as a game warden with the Texas Parks and Wildlife

Department, is being honored for his contributions as a criminal

investigator and for his leadership of the Service’s law enforcement

operations at both the national and regional level.

As Chief of the Office of Law Enforcement from fall 2006 through

January 2011, Perez guided Service enforcement related to the

Endangered Species Act, Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the nation’s

many other wildlife protection laws. Under his direction, Service special

agents, wildlife inspectors, and forensic scientists pursued some 13,000-

plus investigations a year involving the numerous threats to wildlife

resources including illegal commercialization and habitat destruction.

He also served two stints as deputy chief, during which he played a major

role in shaping and implementing strategic and workforce plans for

Service Law Enforcement.

From 2001 to 2003, Perez successfully managed Service law

enforcement operations in an area that encompassed the States of

Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, Nevada and Hawaii and the

Nation’s Pacific island territories. Investigations completed under his

direction secured prosecutions or settlements in cases involving the

destruction of endangered species habitat; the trafficking of eagles,

endangered ocelots, and State-protected leopard sharks; and the killings

of a California condor and other endangered or threatened wildlife.

Perez was also recognized for his personal accomplishments and

expertise as a criminal investigator. In 1999, for example, he helped

break up a highly sophisticated elephant ivory smuggling operation in

Kenya in cooperation with the Kenyan Wildlife Service. As a field agent

for the Service in Dallas and Los Angeles, he completed numerous high-

profile cases that exposed illegal trafficking in eagles, sea otter skins, and

endangered fish and documented the illegal take of wildlife by

defendants that ranged from big game hunters to a California fish farm.

Senior Trooper Prodzinski, a well-respected officer over the course of his

30-plus year career with Oregon’s Fish and Wildlife Division, is being

recognized for his enforcement skills and sustained success in making

cases that contributed to the conservation of state resources. Stationed

since 1993 at the Division’s Madras Work Site in central Oregon, he has

helped protect natural resources in an area prized for its many outdoor

recreation opportunities. His enforcement “beat” encompasses the

eastern foothills of the Cascade Mountains as well as some 100 miles the

Deschutes River, an officially designated “wild and scenic” river.

Prodzinski’s accomplishments include significant contributions to

safeguarding and restoring fishery resources. He developed and

implemented a bull trout protection plan that reduced the illegal harvest

of these fish from Lake Billy Chinook and the Metolius River (the State’s

only active fishery for this species). His patrol and surveillance work

over the years have helped protect that lake’s kokanee population from

illegal fishing. He has also served as the Division’s cadet coordinator for

the Lower Deschutes River, training and coordinating the work of

seasonal officers assigned to policing this popular recreational area — an

area visited by thousands of anglers and whitewater rafting enthusiasts

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each year.

Prodzinski is also being recognized for his accomplishments while

assigned to the Division’s Portland office from 1985 to 1993. During this

period, he played a major role in efforts to protect critical salmon and

steelhead stocks in the Columbia River Basin. He worked to address

conservation issues that included water pollution and habitat protection

and excelled in enforcing laws and regulations governing big game and

waterfowl hunting.

Prodzinski demonstrated his dedication to wildlife conservation early in

this career when he worked for over four years as a seasonal cadet for the

Wildlife Division. Hired by the Oregon State Police as a patrol officer in

1985, he quickly secured a divisional transfer so that he could pursue his

“passion” for protecting wildlife.

A nonprofit organization established by Congress in 1984, the National

Fish and Wildlife Foundation sustains, restores and enhances the

Nation’s fish and wildlife. By teaming leadership conservation

investments with those of public and private partners, the Foundation

maximizes measurable conservation benefits. Since its establishment,

the Foundation has awarded 10,800 grants to more than 3,700

organizations in the United States and abroad, while leveraging more

than $635 million in federal funds into $1.5 billion for conservation. For

more information, visit www.nfwf.org.


The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others

to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats

for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader

and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our

scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources,

dedicated professionals and commitment to public service. For more

information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit


Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News

at Ammo Land.com

Wildlife Law Enforcement Officers Receive Lifetime Achievement Award

Tags: Awards, Conservation News, Conservation Officers, U.S. Fish and

Wildlife Service, USFWS, Wildlife Officers


Texas Trophy HuntersAssociation Teams up with EHPfor 2011MAR 18, 2011 12:57P.M.

Texas Trophy Hunters Association Teams up with EHP for


Electronic Hearing Protection

Indianapolis, IN --(Ammoland.com)- Electronic Hearing Protection

(EHP) founder, Denny Snyder, has announced that members of Texas

Trophy Hunters Association (TTHA) will start to enjoy special savings on

all EHP products for 2011.

Every time you shoot a gun without using proper hearing protection,

permanent hearing loss occurs.

EHP offers both hearing enhancement and protection. For the remainder

of 2011, EHP will give all active members of TTHA a 15% discount off of

the MSRP for the new EHD-1 BTE(Behind The Ear) hearing

enhancement/protection device(regular price $289- MEMBERS PAY

ONLY $245).

EHP will also extend a 10% discount on all electronic muffs for the first

50 TTHA members as a way of saying thanks for your membership. For

complete information, TTHA members can go to http://bit.ly/EHP-

TTHA for complete details.

Snyder states “I have seen the growth of TTHA with their

successful mission to unite all segments of the hunting

community for the dissemination of information and joining

of energies to promote and protect our hunting heritage. Our

goal is to promote hearing protection for the twenty million

hunters and all those folks that participate in the shooting

sports.“ Snyder adds, “By helping promote TTHA, not only do

we help promote hearing protection awareness to TTHA’s

members, we show our support for the TTHA message of

education, outreach and advocacy.”

“TTHA is pleased to work with EHP for 2011 to offer our

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members additional benefits of membership. More

importantly, we recognize the need to help promote

awareness about the importance of preventing temporary or

permanent hearing loss for those participating in shooting

and hunting,” states Joe Betar, President, TTHA.

TTHA strives to unite all segments of the hunting community for the

dissemination of information and joining of energies to promote and

protect our hunting heritage. Founded in 1975, TTHA, a membership-

based organization, publishes a bimonthly magazine, The Journal of the

Texas Trophy Hunters, and produces the award-winning outdoor

television program, Trophy Hunters TV™. In addition, TTHA hosts the

Hunters Extravaganza® outdoor expositions, renowned as the largest

whitetail hunting shows in the South. For membership information,

please join online at www.ttha.com or contact TTHA Membership

Services at (877) 261-2541.

For more information about the new line of EHP electronic hearing

protection, visit them on the web at www.ehphearing.com. Contact-

Denny Snyder (317)502-7942 or [email protected].

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at Ammo Land.com

Texas Trophy Hunters Association Teams up with EHP for 2011

Tags: EHP, Hearing Protection, Texas Trophy Hunters Association,



U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceAnnounces Endangered SpeciesRecovery Champion AwardsMAR 18, 2011 12:49P.M.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Endangered Species

Recovery Champion Awards

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Washington, DC --(Ammoland.com)- The U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Service today announced 29 recipients of the 2010 Recovery Champion

award honoring Service staff members and their partners-in-mission for

conserving endangered and threatened species.

“Recovery Champions are leaders in the conservation of endangered and

threatened species of plants and animals across the United States and

beyond its borders,” said Acting Director Rowan Gould. “It is a true

measure of a steadfast commitment to protecting our nation’s biological

heritage for future generations by helping to recover our imperiled

species of fish and wildlife and plants and the ecosystems on which they


From the Mauna Loa silversword in Hawaii and Railroad Valley

springfish in Nevada to the Canada lynx in Maine and rabbitsfoot mussel

in the rivers of Alabama, Recovery Champions are taking action to

protect these species. It is the Service employees and partners, including

tribes, state conservation agencies, universities and private

organizations, as well as zoos and land trusts, who are the extraordinary

individuals making a difference.

This year, for the first time, an international organization, Japan’s

Yamashina Institute for Ornithology, has been selected as a Recovery

Champion for achievements on behalf of the short-tailed albatross, a

seabird that spends time in Alaska and migrates in the North Pacific.

Restoring streams, breeding species in captivity and releasing them into

their historic ranges, conducting field surveys and monitoring programs,

and negotiating the complex world of Federal financial standards to

administer a land acquisition grant for the Lake Erie watersnake in Ohio

are just a few examples from the wide diversity of initiatives receiving

this year’s Recovery Champion awards.

For information about the 2010 recovery champions, please visit the U.S.

Fish and Wildlife Service’s Recovery Champion website at



America’s fish, wildlife and plant resources belong to all of us, and

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ensuring the health of imperiled species is a shared responsibility. To

learn more about the Service’s Endangered Species program, go to


The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others

to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats

for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader

and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our

scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources,

dedicated professionals and commitment to public service. For more

information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit


2010 Recovery Champions

Region 1

Special Agent Keith Swindle

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Honolulu, Hawaii

Newell’s shearwater

Robert Robichaux, Ph.D.

Hawaiian Silversword Foundation

Volcano, Hawaii

Mauna Loa silversword

Region 2

Bill Radke

San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge

Douglas, Arizona

Yaqui chub

Patrick Valentino

The Mexican Wolf Fund

San Francisco, California

Mexican wolf

Region 3

Marian Smith, Ph.D.

Southern Illinois University, Retired

Edwardsville, Illinois

Decurrent false aster

Linda Nichols

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Ft. Snelling, Minnesota

Lake Erie watersnake

Lucinda Ochoada

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Ft. Snelling, Minnesota

Lake Erie watersnake

Region 4

Bob Butler

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Asheville, North Carolina

Freshwater mussels

Misty Buchanan

North Carolina Natural Heritage Program

Raleigh, North Carolina

Rough-leaf loosestrife

Region 4 and Region 5

Steve Ahlstedt

U. S. Geological Survey, Retired

Norris, Tennessee

Freshwater mussels

Region 5

Mark McCollough, Ph.D.

U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Orono, Maine

Canada lynx

Lindsay Webb

New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

Concord, New Hampshire

Karner blue butterfly

Heidi Holman

New Hampshire Fish and Game Department

Concord, New Hampshire

Karner blue butterfly

Steven Fuller, Ph.D.

Wildlife Management Institute

Weare, New Hampshire

Karner blue butterfly

Region 6

Group Award

Connie Mueller

Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge

Kenmare, North Dakota

Piping plover

Kirsten Brennan

Lostwood National Wildlife Refuge

Kenmare, North Dakota

Piping plover

Michael Rabenberg

Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Moffit, North Dakota

Piping plover

Craig Hultberg

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Audubon National Wildlife Refuge

Coleharbor, North Dakota

Piping plover

Brent Jamison

Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Medicine Lake, Montana

Piping plover

Eric Rosenquist

The Nature Conservancy

Center, North Dakota

Piping plover

Partner-in Mission

Dan Carney

Blackfeet Fish and Wildlife

Browning, Montana

Grizzly bear

Region 7

Yamashina Institute for Ornithology

Chiba, Japan

Short-tailed albatross

Neesha Stellrecht

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Fairbanks, Alaska

Steller’s eider, spectacled eider

Region 8

Sandy Vissman

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Carlsbad, California

San Clemente loggerhead shrike

Group Award, Partner-in-Mission

Virginia Sanchez

Duckwater Shoshone Tribe

Duckwater, Nevada

Railroad Valley springfish

Group Award, Partner-in-Mission

Jerry Millett

Duckwater Shoshone Tribe

Duckwater, Nevada

Railroad Valley springfish

Lisa George-Millet

Duckwater Shoshone Tribe

Duckwater, Nevada

Railroad Valley springfish

Annette George

Duckwater Shoshone Tribe

Duckwater, Nevada

Railroad Valley springfish

Michael Mace

San Diego Zoo Safari Park

Escondido, California

California condor and light-footed clapper rail


USPSA is a non-profit membership association. Most of the more than

19,000 individual members belong to and regularly compete at one of

the nearly 375 affiliated clubs and sections (groups of clubs banded

together for mutual benefit) located across the United States. USPSA is

affiliated with the International Practical Shooting Confederation

(I.P.S.C.), which is comprised of approximately 67 nations. USPSA is the

American region of IPSC. Visit: www.uspsa.org

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at Ammo Land.com

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Endangered Species Recovery

Champion Awards

Tags: Awards, Conservation News, Endangered Species, U.S. Fish and

Wildlife Service, USFWS


Constitutional Carry BillAdvancing in the ColoradoLegislature but Faces an UphillBattleMAR 18, 2011 11:18A.M.

Constitutional Carry Bill Advancing in the Colorado

Legislature but Faces an Uphill Battle

Your Urgent Action Is Needed.

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National Rifle Association

FAIRFAX, Va. --(Ammoland.com)- On March 2, House Bill 1205

passed in the Colorado House by a 20 to 15 vote. House Bill 1205,

introduced by state Representative Chris Holbert (R-44), would allow

residents to carry a concealed handgun without a permit as long as they

are legally eligible to purchase and possess a firearm.

The NRA strongly supports the constitutional right of Coloradans to

carry for self-defense.

Despite NRA support for this bill, HB 1205 faces an uphill battle as the

Democratic leadership in the state Senate has consistently assigned pro-

gun bills to the Senate State, Military & Veterans Affairs Committee.

Their designated “kill committee” has predictably defeated pro-Second

Amendment bills by 3 to 2 partisan votes during the last several years. In

addition, Colorado Governor and former Denver Mayor John

Hickenlooper (D) has been a member of New York City Mayor Michael

Bloomberg’s Mayor’s Against Illegal Guns and he would almost certainly

veto such legislation.

Despite this, the NRA will continue to urge lawmakers and the Governor

to support this pro-gun legislation. HB 1205 is scheduled for a hearing

this Tuesday, March 22, in the Senate State, Military & Veterans Affairs

Committee. Please contact the three dissenting members of this

committee and respectfully urge them to end partisan politics and

support HB 1205. Contact information for these committee members can

be found below.

Senator Rollie Heath (D-18), Chairman


[email protected]

Senator Bob Bacon (D-14), Vice Chairman


[email protected]

Senator Betty Boyd (D-21)


[email protected]


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest

civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA

continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to

advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce

crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education

and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the

military. Visit: www.nra.org

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at Ammo Land.com

Constitutional Carry Bill Advancing in the Colorado Legislature but

Faces an Uphill Battle

Tags: Constitutional Carry, Gun Bills, MAIG, NRA, Vermont Carry


How The United NationsEndangers Your FirearmFreedomMAR 18, 2011 11:11A.M.

How The United Nations Endangers Your Firearm Freedom

How The United Nations Endangers Your Firearm Freedom

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National Rifle Association

FAIRFAX, Va. --(Ammoland.com)- At the end of this month, United

Nations delegates will descend upon New York City to continue working

out the details of their Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), which is expected to

be released for ratification this summer.

Although the supposed purposes of that treaty might sound good, the

reality behind the rhetoric is that it’s likely to contain a wide variety of

schemes–from microstamping and gun registration to outright bans

and confiscation--that could devastate your Second Amendment rights.

Worse yet, the whole notion of “global gun control” through

international agreements appears to have the full support of the Obama

White House.

This is a new and dangerous development.

When planning on the Arms Trade Treaty began in 2006, U.S.

Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton unequivocally opposed

the treaty.

But in 2009, the Obama administration, through Secretary of State

Hillary Clinton, formally reversed that position, signaling that they

would rather have firearm freedom defined by foreign gun-banners than

by our U.S. Constitution!

For a glimpse of what these international interlopers want for America,

just look at their standard-bearer, the International Action Network for

Small Arms (IANSA), an enormous group encompassing virtually all the

world’s anti-gun organizations.

Among IANSA’s many financiers is Hungarian billionaire George Soros,

who uses his staggering wealth to promote his vision of a world where

national sovereignty is cast aside in favor of “global norms.”

You and I know our nation was founded for the precise purpose of

escaping “global norms” and establishing a republic in which “life,

liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were reserved as the God-given

birthrights of every citizen.

Today, the White House is evidently less interested in protecting the

rights of the American people than in pandering to the likes of Mexican

President Felipe Calderùn.

In a speech to the U.S. Congress last year, Calderùn dishonestly

suggested that the 2004 sunset of the “assault weapon” ban and the

legal trade in conventional firearms here in the U.S. are somehow to

blame for the horrific drug gang violence in Mexico.

So don’t be surprised when the gun haters try to force “global gun

control” down our throats on the pretext of protecting Mexico from


And while the Arms Trade Treaty is the most imminent international

threat to the Second Amendment, it’s hardly the only one.

In 2001, the United Nations initiated its “Programme of Action” for gun

control, which pressures governments to tighten firearm restrictions.

Unlike the ATT, this is a non-legally binding document–for now. Next

year, that status could change with a vote.

And the Organization of American States (OAS) small arms treaty, or

CIFTA, as it’s also known, is still smoldering in the background, waiting

to be ratified when the time is right.

Any one of these broad international agreements could foster the growth

of a global gun-ban bureaucracy, with all the restrictions, taxes,

inefficiencies, waste and corruption that have characterized

bureaucracies since the beginning–yet with no effect on crime.

That’s what we’ve seen in countries around the globe–from Australia and

South Africa to England and Canada–that have adopted the kinds of gun

bans that the U.N. now wants to impose upon the U.S.

What’s especially outrageous is that while they talk about “openness,

transparency and consensus,” they also try to keep the American people

in the dark about what they want to do.

Last summer, the United Nations shut out NRA, all non-governmental

organizations and even ordinary citizens–in other words, everyone

except member governments–from even listening to most of their

discussions on the Arms Trade Treaty.

But these barricades shouldn’t come as any surprise.

After all, the United Nations represents the interests of

governments–not citizens. And it’s no mystery why many of the world’s

repressive regimes would want to keep firearms out of the hands of their


Thomas Paine once said, “It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect

his country from its government.”

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NRA will heed his warning even if no one else will.

I’ll be in New York to monitor the Arms Trade Treaty discussions, and

we will do all in our power to ensure the concerns of the American people

are heard–whether the U.N. likes it or not.

We must never allow the ideals that make America the last, best hope for

freedom in the world to be destroyed, damaged or diminished in the


If foreign powers insist upon pushing their idea of “global norms” across

our borders, NRA will be the first to alert and mobilize the American

people to stop them.

For ongoing coverage of these events as they unfold, and analysis and

commentary on what it all means, please visit www.NRANews.com.

And while the Arms Trade Treaty is the most imminent international

threat to the Second Amendment, it’s hardly the only one.


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest

civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA

continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to

advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce

crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education

and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the

military. Visit: www.nra.org

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at Ammo Land.com

How The United Nations Endangers Your Firearm Freedom

Tags: George Soros, Gun Bans, IANSA, International Action Network on

Small Arms, Obama Hates Guns, United Nations, United Nations Arms

Trade Treaty


U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance OnTarget Live News Minute 3-18-11MAR 18, 2011 11:01A.M.

U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance On Target Live News Minute 3-18-11

U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance

Columbus, OH --(Ammoland.com)–(Ammoland.com)- U.S.

Sportsmens Alliance recently debuted a new and improved format for

the “On Target Live News” video!

To view the current video in its new format, please click above:

Families Afield bill continue to pass. Mentored hunting grows more and

more. Anti Hunter at PETA shift tactics and Louisiana wants you to

bring your guns with you when you buy ammo.

Read More on these topics:

• Take Me Hunting, Take Me Shooting Campaign Launched

• Is PETA Killing Pets for the Donation Money?

• Families Afield Legislation on The Move Across The Country

• Louisiana Bill Would Make You Show Your Guns Before Buying



The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and

sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers

and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and

through public education programs. Visit www.ussportsmen.org.

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at Ammo Land.com

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U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance On Target Live News Minute 3-18-11

Tags: Gun News, Hunting News, U.S. Sportsmens Alliance, USSA


Missouri Bills Makes SportsmenLiable For Wildlife Damage &Allows Unlimited Elk HarvestMAR 18, 2011 10:48A.M.

Missouri Bills Makes Sportsmen Liable For Wildlife Damage &

Allows Unlimited Elk Harvest

Sportsmen Need to Contact Their Legislators Today in Opposition to

These Measures.

U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance

Columbus, OH --(Ammoland.com)- House Bill 115, introduced by Rep.

Rodney Schad (R- Versailles), and Senate Bill 299, introduced by Sen.

Brian Munzlinger (D- Williamstown), would make Missouri hunters pay

for any damage caused by wild elk in the state by holding the Missouri

Department of Conservation financially liable.

The bills would also allow property owners to kill an unlimited number

of elk without any proof that the elk are actually causing damage.

Specifically, the bills hold sportsmen financially responsible for any

damage caused by elk to a person’s property or for damage caused to

vehicles. Additionally, the bill takes away the state’s management

authority of wild elk by allowing anyone to kill an elk that has caused

damage to their property, even if the damage is minimal.

“It is outrageous to hold sportsmen financially responsible for

damage caused by wildlife which is owned by all people of the

state of Missouri,” said Evan Heusinkveld, U.S. Sportsmen’s

Alliance director of state service.

“The bill only gets worse by stripping the Conservation

Department of its authority to manage the states wildlife.

Allowing an unlimited number of elk to be killed without any

oversight of the Department, or confirmation of damage, is

unconscionable. Sportsmen need to call their legislators

today and tell them to oppose this bill.”

Take Action! Missouri sportsmen should contact their state

representatives and senators TODAY and ask them to oppose HB 115 and

SB 299. Tell them it is outrageous for the state to pay for damage caused

by wildlife and that authority of wildlife management should be left in

the hands of wildlife professionals. To find your state legislators’ contact

information, visit the USSA Legislative Action Center at



The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and

sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers

and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and

through public education programs. Visit www.ussportsmen.org.

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

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at Ammo Land.com

Missouri Bills Makes Sportsmen Liable For Wildlife Damage & Allows

Unlimited Elk Harvest

Tags: Anti-Hunting Groups, Elk Hunting, Elk Management, Fish and



Massachusetts Bill SetsUnreasonable No HuntingAreasMAR 18, 2011 10:43A.M.

Massachusetts Bill Sets Unreasonable No Hunting Areas

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Massachusetts Bill Sets Unreasonable No Hunting Areas

U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance

Columbus, OH --(Ammoland.com)- A bill in Massachusetts could

drastically decrease land open for hunting.

House Bill 657, introduced by Representative Kathi-Anne Reinstein (D-

Suffolk), would double the size of the state’s no hunting zones near

occupied dwellings.

Currently, state law prohibits possessing a loaded firearm or hunting on

someone else’s land within 500 feet of an occupied dwelling without the

dwelling owner’s permission. This bill would arbitrarily double that

distance to 1,000 feet.

If passed, the bill would force sportsmen to get permission to hunt from

adjacent land owners even on many of the lands they currently hunt. In

effect the bill could shut down vast tracks of land that are currently open

to hunting.

“This bill could prohibit sportsmen from hunting on lands

they have enjoyed for years simply because the person living

next door doesn’t like hunting,” said Jeremy Rine, U.S.

Sportsmen’s Alliance associate director of state services. “The

current 500 foot no hunting restriction is already excessive,

there is no justifiable reason for further limiting the amount

of private land available to hunters.”

Take Action! Massachusetts sportsmen should contact their state

representative ask them to oppose HB 657. Tell them there is no

justification for limiting hunting land access and for infringing on private

property rights. To find your state representative’s contact information,

please visit www.ussportsmen.org/LAC.


The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance is a national association of sportsmen and

sportsmen’s organizations that protects the rights of hunters, anglers

and trappers in the courts, legislatures, at the ballot, in Congress and

through public education programs. Visit www.ussportsmen.org.

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at Ammo Land.com

Massachusetts Bill Sets Unreasonable No Hunting Areas

Tags: Anti-Hunting Groups, Hunting Bans, Massachusetts, U.S.

Sportsmens Alliance, USSA


Montana Shooting RangeDevelopment Grant DeadlineMAR 18, 2011 10:38A.M.

Montana Shooting Range Development Grant Deadline

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks

MALTA, Mont. --(Ammoland.com)- Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

reminds shooting range enthusiasts that the deadline to apply for range

development grant proposals is May 1.

Montana’s Shooting Range Grant Program, administered by FWP,

provides funding to private shooting clubs, organizations, local

governments and school districts to build and improve public shooting

ranges throughout the state.

To learn more about the Shooting Range Grant Program, and for a grant

application, go to the FWP website at fwp.mt.gov , click on the

Recreation page and look under Grants. Or, call FWP at: 406-444-9939;

or email: [email protected] .

Shooting Range Grant applications may be mailed to: Montana Fish,

Wildlife & Parks, PO Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620.

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Montana Shooting Range Development Grant Deadline

Tags: Grants, Gun Ranges, MFWP, Montana, Montana Department of

Fish And Game, Shooting Ranges


Texas Concealed Carry OnCampus Bill in Committee – Bill354MAR 18, 2011 10:34A.M.

Texas Concealed Carry On Campus Bill in Committee – Bill


SB 354 by Wentworth to be heard in Senate Committee.

Texas State Rifle Association

Houston, Tx --(Ammoland.com)- On Tuesday, March 22, SB 354 by

Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) will be heard in Senate

Criminal Justice Committee.

SB 354 will stop colleges and universities from expelling student-CHLs

for having their handgun on the property of their college or in their cars.

It will also stop colleges and universities from terminating their faculty

and staff for the same activity.

SB 354 goes on to remove the criminal penalty and allow CHL students,

faculty and staff to have this option of self-defense with them in the

buildings. Colleges can regulate storage for resident students and

sporting events will still be off-limits.

A similar House companion, HB 750 by Rep. Joe Driver (R-Garland) was

heard in House Homeland Security and Public Safety Committee on

Wednesday, March 16th, and passed 5-3 along party lines after nearly six

hours of testimony.

Other good bills dealing with this issue were laid out and left pending in

committee include: HB 86 by Rep. David Simpson(R-Longview), HB

1167 by Rep. Van Taylor (R-Plano), HB 1356 by Rep. Lance Gooden (R-

Terrell), another and final variation HB 2178 filed by Rep. Joe Driver (R-

Garland). All were bills supported by TSRA.

HB 750 by Driver pushes ahead in the process to allow adult students,

faculty, and staff the option of having their licensed, concealed handgun

with them in college buildings and with them on the commute between

school and home.

Senator Wentworth’s bill, SB 354, is likely to be close behind.

Contact Senate Committee Members

Senate Contact Information Link

Please contact all the State Senator on the list. Thank the members of the

committee who are co-authors and urge them all to support Senator

Wentworth’s SB 354, Concealed Carry on Campus.

Please be very polite and keep your message short and to the point “I

support Senator Wentworth’s SB 354 and concealed carry on campus. I

hope you’ll support it in committee and later on the Senate floor. Thank


Criminal Justice Committee Members:

• Senator John Whitmire (D) Chairman

• Senator Joan Huffman (R) Vice Chair

• Senator John Carona (R) Co-Author

• Senator Rodney Ellis (D)

• Senator Glenn Hegar, Jr. (R) Co-Author

• Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa (D)

• Senator Dan Patrick (Co-Author)

TSRA and Members

The TSRA is nearly 100 years old, a non-profit, single-issue, non-

partisan association. We are the NRA state affiliate but wholly funded by

Texans for Texans. We need your membership and continued support.

We are your representation in the Capitol of Texas.

Join, renew, or upgrade your membership today at www.tsra.com or call


Our Legislature meets only during odd years. We need to get this done.

Keep the Faith,

Sincerely, Alice Tripp

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Texas State Rifle Association


The Mission of the Texas State Rifle Association is to protect and defend

the inalienable rights of the individual Texan to acquire, possess,

transport, carry, transfer ownership and enjoy the right to lawful use of

firearms for self preservation, for the defense of family and property and

the common defense of the Republic and the individual liberties of the

people. Visit: www.TSRA.com

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at Ammo Land.com

Texas Concealed Carry On Campus Bill in Committee – Bill 354

Tags: CHL, Concealed Carry on Campus, Concealed Handgun Licenses,

Gun Bills, Self Defense, Texas, Texas State Rifle Association, TSRA


Concealed Handgun LicensePrivacy Bill Passes House ButSenate Democrats Conspire ToKill ItMAR 18, 2011 10:26A.M.

Concealed Handgun License Privacy Bill Passes House But

Senate Democrats Conspire To Kill It

Oregon Firearms Federation

Salem, Oregon --(Ammoland.com)- House Bill 2787, a bill that will

protect the private information of concealed handgun license holders,

passed the Oregon House today with a 42 to 18 vote.

The single Republican who voted to keep this sensitive information

available to any and all was Vicki Berger. While not unexpected, it was

still inexplicable. Why anyone would insist that this info be made

available to any criminal, newspaper, or junk mail firm defies reason.

But that’s politics.

Berger’s comment after the vote… “I had to do it.” It remains to be seen

why she “had to do it.” But the bill has now passed another hurdle and

moves on to the Senate where things promise to be more interesting.

An identical bill * was due to be voted on in the Senate Judiciary

Committee today. (*This link does not show the proposed amendments

that would have mirrored the House amendments, but they had been


The bill had had already received a hearing and today’s “work session ”

was being held to include the same amendments the House bill had and

vote the bill out of committee. But the bill was yanked off the schedule by

the Committee Chair, who, while supportive or the bill himself, had been

pressured by the Senate Democratic Caucus to spike the bill.

This means that when HB 2787 is assigned to that same committee, the

Chairman will be strong- armed by the Senate Democrats to kill it.

So clearly, we have our work cut out . This bill is so commonsense that it

is hard to imagine what excuse the Senate Democrats have to try to kill

it, except for pure vindictiveness. But things are, by no means, over.

The bill has passed the House. It will now be assigned to the Senate

Judiciary Committee where, without a strong demand by gun owners, it

will never get a hearing and it will die. So let’s get to work.

Every Oregon Sheriff we know is behind this bill. Eleven House

Democrats (including co-speaker Arnie Roblan) voted in favor. Clearly

the idea of protecting CHL holder’s private data is something most

people understand. We now have to turn our attention to the Senate.

If your state Senator is a Democrat, you need to inform them in the most

urgent terms that you want HB 2787 to get a hearing in the Senate

Judiciary Committee. If you don’t know who your Senator is, it’s easy to

find out. Use this link. Your STATE Senator will be the second to last

person listed.

The message is simple and to-the-point.

Dear Senator, House Bill 2787 is very important to me. I urge you to do

all you can to assure it gets a hearing and passes the Senate.

You can find easy contact info for ALL Senate Dems here.

Senator Peter Courtney is the Senate President and a Democrat. In the

end, it is his responsibility to move this bill. The threatened hold-up

could not take place without his approval. He needs to hear from you as


We are as committed as ever to see this bill pass. Please make sure your

voice is heard.


The Oregon Firearms Federation has proven itself to be Oregon’s only no

compromise lobbying group, OFF takes the same tough stands and

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serves as a vehicle for educating gun owners, promoting their rights and

when necessary, fighting the freedom haters in court. Visit:


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at Ammo Land.com

Concealed Handgun License Privacy Bill Passes House But Senate

Democrats Conspire To Kill It

Tags: Anti Gun Politicians, Concealed Carry Laws, Gun Bills, Gun Owner

Privacy, OFF, Oregon, Oregon Firearms Federation


Gun Rights Supporter TomStark for Durham County NCRepublican Party ChairMAR 18, 2011 10:16A.M.

Gun Rights Supporter Tom Stark for Durham County NC

Republican Party Chair

Grass Roots North Carolina for Firearms Education

North Carolina --(Ammoland.com)- Pro-gunner and competitive

shooter TOM STARK is running for Chairman of the Republican Party of

Durham County.

Here is your chance to help put someone supportive of your rights in

charge of the Republican Party in the most anti-gun county in the state.

Among this avid hunter’s solid credentials is a law degree from Duke

University, not to mention being an Eagle Scout.

The Convention is Saturday March 19, 2011, registration at 8:30.

Precinct meetings are at 9:00 and the Convention will follow. The

convention fee is $15.00 in advance, and $20.00 at the door. Pre-

registration can be done at DurhamGOP.com.

We need all the pro-gun people possible to turn out to support Tom

Stark for this important post.

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED: Pre-register for the Convention

at: DurhamGOP.com






Saturday March 19, 2011

Registration – 8:30 am.

Precinct Meetings – 9:00am.

County Convention – Upon conclusion of Precinct meetings

Location – Hillandale Learning Center, 2107 Hillandale Road, Durham,

NC 27705

The business of the convention includes election of a Chairman, and

other officers.

Voting Members must have been a Registered Republican on January 31,

2011 to vote in Precinct Meetings, January 1, 2011 to vote in the


Delegates to the County Convention can be elected to the State


Refreshments for sale by Triangle Republican Women

Legal Info: This election alert was authorized and paid for

solely by the Grass Roots North Carolina Political Victory



Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a non-

profit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about

trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and

engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in

1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment,

GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A

Gun Owner’s Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North

Carolina. Visit:www.grnc.org

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at Ammo Land.com

Gun Rights Supporter Tom Stark for Durham County NC Republican

Party Chair

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Obama Aims in the WrongDirection on Gun ControlMAR 18, 2011 10:11A.M.

Obama Aims in the Wrong Direction on Gun Control

Fairfax, VA --(Ammoland.com)- NRA-News is a valued partner that

continues to cover breaking gun rights news with a new and improved

short video format in the “NRA News Minute” videos.

To view the current firearms or gun rights news video, please click above:

Cam Edwards talks to Katie Pavlich, a writer for Townhall.com on the

recent move by President Obama to make a move on your gun rights.

Read More on these topics:

• Is Obama Ready to Take On the Grass Roots Gun Lobby

• Obama’s New Gun Control Campaign – A ‘Slippery Slope’

• NRA Letter to President Obama


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest

civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA

continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to

advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce

crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education

and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the

military. Visit: www.nra.org

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

News Ammo Land.comSubmit Gun, Ammo and Shooting Related News

at Ammo Land.com

Obama Aims in the Wrong Direction on Gun Control

Tags: Cam Edwards, Gun Control, Gun Politics, NRA News, Obama

Hates Guns


Asheville, NC Gun Show NeedsMore GRNC VolunteersMAR 18, 2011 10:05A.M.

Asheville, NC Gun Show Needs More GRNC Volunteers

Grass Roots North Carolina for Firearms Education

North Carolina --(Ammoland.com)- Asheville Gun Show – GRNC is

still in need of volunteers to host the tables at the next gun show in

Asheville to be held the weekend of March 26th & 27th.

It will be held at the Western NC Ag Center at I-26 @ Exit 40 (across

from the Airport), 1301 Fanning Bridge Road, Fletcher, NC:



Let’s make an impressive showing as we break into this fertile ground.

Volunteer some time, it is a rewarding experience.

Please set aside a couple of hours that weekend to help. If you have an

articulate friend whom you would like to introduce to gun rights activism

please invite her or him to work with us show weekend whether or not

that person is a current member.


Volunteers please contact John Hammond at [email protected]

or at phone number 828-699-3117.

Please respond directly to John Hammond by clicking on the email link.

This will assure that your note will not be delayed or lost in the shuffle.


Grass Roots North Carolina/Forum for Firearms Education is a non-

profit, all volunteer organization devoted to educating the public about

trends which abridge the freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, and

engaging in grass roots activism to preserve those freedoms. Formed in

1994 to conduct a highly successful rally for the Second Amendment,

GRNC has gone on to conduct projects like “Remember in November: A

Gun Owner’s Guide to Voting,” bringing concealed carry to North

Carolina. Visit:www.grnc.org

Brought to you by - AMMOLAND.COM - Firearms & Shooting Sports

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at Ammo Land.com

Asheville, NC Gun Show Needs More GRNC Volunteers

Tags: Grass Roots North Carolina, GRNC, Gun Activists, Gun Shows,

North Carolina, Volunteers


McIntosh Estate & 25th AnnualGun Rights Conference – ThisWeek on Gun TalkMAR 18, 2011 09:59A.M.

McIntosh Estate, 25th Annual Gun Rights Conference – This

Week on Gun Talk

McIntosh Estate – This Week on Gun Talk

Gun Talk Radio

MANDEVILLE, LA --(Ammoland.com)- It’s “Dr. Shotgun”, and a

major power-player in the gun rights world, this week on Tom Gresham’s

Gun Talk, the nationally-syndicated radio show about firearms, the

shooting sports and more.

Bryan Bilinski of Fieldsport LTD comes to Gun Talk on Sunday with

news of a major estate sale, and an upcoming game fair.

At Fieldsport, Bilinski worked closely with the late, great Michael

McIntosh. Soon, Fieldsport will have the Michael McIntosh Sporting

Estate available for viewing, and this summer, will be auctioning off

Michael’s “collection of fine guns, his sporting library, wildlife art

collection, magazines, hunting clothes, gunning equipment and many of

his personal treasures, inclusive of his famous smoking pipes” to the

sportshooting world.

Also coming up for Fieldsport, the Traverse City Wingshooter’s Game

Fair, an English style game fair and classic doubles shooting event, on

August 25th thru August 28th. More information is available at


Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation, is a

familiar voice on Gun Talk. Having guest hosted for Tom just a few

weeks ago, Gottlieb is back to discuss the current and upcoming court

cases that the Second Amendment Foundation is pursuing. Also coming

up for the SAF is the 25th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. This

year, the GRPC is being held in Chicago, IL, on September 23rd thru

September 25th. The conference is a place where gun rights advocates

come together to network and plan strategies for the upcoming year. The

conference is open to the public, and registration is available at



Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk Radio is in its 16th year of national

syndication, Gun Talk Radio airs live on Sundays from 2PM-5PM

Eastern, and runs on 101 stations, plus SIRIUS XM Satellite Radio. All

Gun Talk shows can be downloaded as podcasts through Apple iTunes,

the Gun Talk iPhone App, the Blackberry Podcast App, or at

www.guntalk.libsyn.com. More information is available at


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at Ammo Land.com

McIntosh Estate & 25th Annual Gun Rights Conference – This Week on

Gun Talk

Tags: Alan Gottlieb, Fieldsport LTD, GRPC, Gun Rights Policy

Conference, Gun Talk Radio, SAF, Second Amendment Foundation, Tom


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Obama & Gun Rights On ThisWeeks American Trigger SportsNetworkMAR 18, 2011 09:47A.M.

Obama & Gun Rights On This Weeks American Trigger Sports


Cartridge Comparison Guide

American Trigger Sports Network

Ventura, CA - -(Ammoland.com)- This week on the Trigger Sports

Network, Obama comes out with his first statement on his stand on our

gun rights and NRA’s Rachel Parsons fires back!

What is your response to being asked if you own a gun by Law

Enforcement? David Codrea reports.

Why are there no riots or looting in the aftermath of the disaster in

Japan? Mark Walters reports.

Special Guest Andrew Chamberlain, author of “Cartridge Comparison

Guide” tells you why this is the ultimate book for every shooter!

The Lewis and Clark air gun changed the history of the USA and you

have to see this.

Click here to see recent video: www.atsn.tv

James B. Towle


American Trigger Sports Network



ATSN was born from the already popular Radio series, “Trigger Sports

Radio” which was broadcast nationwide, and hosted by James B. Towle.

James wanted to bring the world of Trigger Sports to a whole new level

by introducing video clips and LIVE coverage from shooting events on

the Trigger Sports LIVE! weekly show. ATSN is set to be the leader in

your trigger sports news, and now we are broadcasting around the world!

Visit: www.atsn.tv

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at Ammo Land.com

Obama & Gun Rights On This Weeks American Trigger Sports Network

Tags: American Trigger Sports Network, ATSN, Jame B Towle, Obama

Hates Guns, Podcasts, Shooting Media News

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