¯ ,._~ :’. . : . ...-. . ~"." ¯ -.. ¯ :-.. : ...--.. ~":." ~= ,, DEVOTED TO THE INTEBESTS: ,’ 2 ......... ¯ .tT& s Repabli¢,,_tho=b!~nth!x_~|aga= denee of etther extraordioary ability or due devote d-t~)"the dissemioation of p~ superior patrtouam. lit,eel information, the Juan number el ’l~.be country has learned to look_to the lowing oontcnts,.all of which amot great The 8tare of b6uisiana; Newspa- and Abase;~ The. Inde2~ Seward, Weed, and.Gree- ley; l~a~the W.ar/or the Uaiaa Wrong?, of the OenSus--What Our People ate Do. ]h~astrueted; £be Seminole War; :...=:pap.er~:..oL..the_Unitod States ;----Ohio on .MA~Jo~n__d. t_he R:ailroa_ds; ’ ~-men oflhe tirt ,n~are..thdso ....................................... _:_ welt ordered. tho Republican ~ varty, and It. i8;’ therefore, to thia organizatiou-that- the " & " " NEW. F M~ " people wi!l an,rust theguidande el pub’,io ng Machine rem ,a o0d o., to ,he Sew i dictates .el the pol~ular judgment..Re.- Lyi,tg-in h0spi’al, ir,;m whioh d,s~ovcr~d :in Waabi~ a bus, eels." The th~ matter as-the and flied. attention given to rtpairbig e. 49-tt’. ~llaneoua; Prees Photographs of our action. has been elected Regent of the Mount r--iU-- The old beads of the Democracy and Mount Vernon en- =~ the~dmsa tiefied:an~di~ppoiated~Ke ..... lioaus, who led the Opposiuon ibrees and the ifiterest alone used to uetray the ~:ah ihglortoaade|eat in the~to?pohtioal ~ssoelatioo’e expenae~. ¢oateat, are lar out at sen, without chart oreompasa, without piiol~0r rudder, witL- Alexandra Palace, in the north o! Lon- e u~ a.uycommon purpose,.leaderehip or don, whioh was recently opened with a TOWN OP HAMMONTON, ~ntzdtioa or disei- industrial exbibl- nursing oai~ tltc tibn~ was destroyo) by to tee prugresetvo tend, _-Loss-~,q~00,O00: may be re,flakes lor relormers, ,or the The ~/ew York ~rae& last summer in- . o tad, that they o@~aSl.uaLty a.eert tee prt- a series ot excursions’for ti~e poor chit- el quarreP.ag amongthem~eives., dren of the city, bywhich they.were en- are to get ~ once to le to o! "no purty, new mocracy.. Interest g hl~tt ~ol the Democratic people may :l~ave ia ~) arent; but the ~teres~ ot the emoeratio’.and’ sO oalh:d . i.depcadc~ t~rna]~ , in the determination of’ the qties- ca, ts clearly-diseernable. It’ slraight. ...... ~--Situa~ear .... AT ~; I O 2~__1~ T.&.TI-O-:N’;=: In the ...... Hammo=ton ~Cranl Improvement Allen/at,on. Best in the State. h~ving all facJitiee for :~’~ are sully and cheaply cleared and ~)on:ributi0~ s wcre-made ~ by the and there is a goodly fuud ot $3,4 for COI~tPAN3(cr !NDIVI_DUA~ "PURPOSE S ons.this summer. Time.~ p~,,jeetors ot thi~ b~autiful work Of tion "given by " " ’ - - ’ ~. r..MILLI~i~;7 - cnurity, whidh gives s/~dn i~aRi~fal plca- BELLEVUE AVE., HAMMONTON, N. J sure to the almost G~d and men forgotten pa:ty shall be determine u up~u,:_the:~o- 0uruah -Come to-thoqrunt, its co-workers without u constilue~my. If uu’-par~y idea tdumph~,-tltcn theop- pooittou tahs iuto disorganized tragmCltlS, either politl~, statcsman~htp, or morals. - -~o tllai_aitera’lr, hi~-is-a: mere newspu- por quarrel, in wilieh ea0h ie craving tbr tho useeedansy--lor th6 lea.,ership ol tht di~nrgauizdd and purposeless ma~es de- iueiv’ely cluimcd by diem h8 lellowers. - Under-the uaked and insiacuro ory of- re- torm, these di~eordunt leaders apparently ¯ hop- for. politleal auo~ss.__. We sayi’6siu. the combination aeeidentaqy Iriumphod ia tho-lat,~, election, it ha~ dt ycleped uu~y. --corruvtion arid ineompetovcy-iaboth the hgislative and cxeeutive doi)artments el tho &ate governmuat, to thv dlssatislac- tion, not to 8ay~ disgust, of the people oi’ tie ~tate. - -- \ What is the Doliey these meo and lout- ., nail desire to develop? Ou the quell,on ....... of Irce"lradothayare dividod;-on-pioi?a. |ioo et Ameriea, lubor, dtvided; Otl pos,al t~k, graph, divided; on internal iluprovu- m0nts, divid~:,i; ou paytnen~ ol thu public debt, divided, ou custou:a avd i,ttetnal taxation, divtdud; ou treatment ot Iadian tribes, divided; eli tor:ign policy, divld- ed’ on opposition to tie ]te~pubhcan par- ty, united. What a eple,,dld tuturo aueh .a combination must have ! ~qt) prinoiple, te co,:tmou, no pohey tsar ia aatb/hctory -eveo t0-t b-c-w~Id = bb-le-fl~let~,-h 0-cGalm-0 n bead of uoioo, ezceptopposition to all operative measures and’all ute ~ iu uuthb- ricy..~nd, not oven uble ¢o assert u eom- moo ground of’ aotatmnistn or maiatain .................................. L ........ ,t .... hrmouy umong leaders or tb]lowt.re. Lhc negativo morit-of th~so men ia ~Lext Io ]lmitleas, the positive vet to be develuped. 8ueh ate the elements oppused to, at,d |~.~utaing tO arraisn the Bepublioan put- ly, quasi,on ila i: tegrity, and dt, ti:at ils muasures and policy. And whv’l /’or us, ether or botler’ reason than that a tcw l moo, no b~lter tl~vn thentaeJvea, have Crept into the Republican ranks, only te be expelled as ia~t aa their t uiuiater put’- Pales are discovered, ¯ R,,publioana will’not tutti aaide from the greut work th"y have in hand to bus- Ier words or pffrasea with these chronic |raalb;ere,-whet her oi Democratic-or Rt.- iJul,liunn a,tleceduule. The Repubtleau larly is Palrioti~ ea,)Ugll, und slrong enough, to ~eek out a.d uueish lie ¯ OWn unworthy mouthers, a.d it will do ~o wi*hout tl.o gld el th.a~ ~ho have ieh ila runk~ or eoutJnuul’.y h:vblc I old wh,eh the dh~tisficd. ~’l~ubl:t~tn aud D¢lnm~raLio Jua,ler~’huvt. MIh., the ht,ntal rhd pat.j.tio mm*~cs , t’ e!tlwr parly, hu~ bct, n lgl oheo e,ld di.- uuefly doulOUelrutt:d, lu IhO =~t d,’~d~,. , a~ t,, rc,d,.r oil dangerlrum llly o~)nl|,,- ~.’! .... Ibt.y niay attempt, ~im|,ly i,,,ig- ¯ u~tnk ¯ ’let,. luuh-fltJdh,/4 and PlX~l~;On~ hay-. work over which humaaitariana ought to mites to b61p so sent as subscriptions :o the ~. Y. ~/me~ will b~ aekoow!edged m that paper, and mentioned. Wlio sail tell the good :M:aster’s ~ale. ¯ - In Chancer~ of New Jersey. Be’tween the’Farmers’ Loan & ..... Trust Company, ..... ,o . 6’omplto, Th. vi~o,a,~. C.,m~a",. ,.On foro, loenre. ~~- nero. j " . CH E.~p ’I llU/’l¢~IIA§tt ET~..t- . -----~e "to E "TILe ClIEA PR~’/" a~,,l ov.:r ,lI~re, i, "Ibis -aarket. Thuy at,: .f onl- ,,rm"iflze nnd wei.al~l. ,’In:t: strcegth and ,lur, bdily end eanlm old fit tlm,t one-fld.l-dm-prie,~ or=.r;ti- aaty troe:: I,a~k,.[~. I:,,r sale in largo ~llhl stn.ll quantitb.s by -- " WOODRUFF & IIRO, ~o.,4 Ar,’hSt.. P~flla. TruckBa,kets, at low pri0es. 17,3~ , ’} " 4 Philo.., - IP I 1, EI~:~ lie. :|t’lF $1~ ii it lit O1 D&It :--T-~lIO~/,t~. ~:--.: -~-- ...... ~[|TA KTrI~ !~ I% We will xlvH-nt~e t ¥ .L:k.i.~l ,JL J~,IL~ .._.mcuand.wnmca. rer samplos that wi)l n"ableyou.tn goto.work ~t t_-wm~e,- -Address -’ I--3<LATHAM=& C.O;,: -:~ "~a 292 W~hiugton :Its, Boston, M/t~s.’:~ tlaving reverendthe r|ght to manufacture and Atlautio and Mhy,I hereby give nolicc that Into t0 fill ordersct fullowin~" rotes : " - NO. 1 MAt’)lINE, IVarr,,nted to ~ethe BE,.~7 ~Fbr partlculars send G. W," PRESSEY d. o.0.t f BOOK pUBLZSIIE.qa, Hartford, 0onn, Undor and by virtu0 of ¯ wtig Of ft. f~. of ........ " theCourt of Chan,~ry-ofthe State of New-J6r- say issued ta u eertaih chase in said court wherein the Farmers’ Loan nnd Trust thHapsny " MI LLVILL li; are complements and the Vineland ItMlway Cempauy ann the New Jersey I]outhera Rail- Mutual FireInsl]ran0e way Oem,Lan.y are dolbndants, I will eapoee to UO,| sale at public v~l!dueon ...... ¯ We~tnesd~,Jlaly 2nd, at two ~’oloek ia the afttrueon, et the Vineland MILLVILLE, N, J Ira, lores Incidont~ Itr,,I Act.[dents beyond lhe Zluuse, in the town ot’ Vinela,,d, lu the Oounly A N(’ltl~ ~lllSy I¢ 18t~St tLtt Follows. Light ,,f Day ; 8tart}tag AdvotHnr,s in all of Cumberland ned Staleof Now Jersey, the PItEM]UM N0’l’l’.’g~ fiI)2~.960 I,art~ ofth. World; 311ues end ]~lode of Work folluwlug described rMlrond, its real estate, 1,1~.*~2~t |ng tncm; Umler,,urr,t~l~ nfSLmloly, (lamiEing personnl prepare, ahd all It, fracohleee and CASI! A/~E’J’J~ . avpurtena.cos of every uaturu whatsoever, The D,,rk Ways ef. WIohednest; Prl.nne and that iete say : ~’0TAI,, ’f~l.OT,l.iH~ a.,i its Iwrror/,t {~ltt’t,i’n~ ned their ]Hysterical All and singclur ti~e ruilroad of the Vine]and :It, ir Lqtmro[s ; l.h,wniu I[|a Depths of the Sea ;’ ~t’~tT,go fltorlos of" the Detection of Crime. ltailwuy Company, nr which the said Viaeland ~ lu~aran-.e effeeted for Ihu ¯ Tin, b,,, k treats of exp.rlur, ee wht~ brlgunds ; Railway la by law authorlsed te oonstruct~ bLo lag’the liqo ~f railroad heretofore known or ,Igi~t. la el,into dens and gnmbllng hell! life hereafter to be kuown ue thnViuelnud ltaiiWuy, !!! i,rJ~,,n i .~!,~rlt~ O[ .e,~ll0~ ; .a Ir~nture~ among ae the same¯In and hereafter shall be construe- : q’~rm¯ or;i’~YN ~l’t~/dt I.-Pl lndl,.n, ; ~,Uri, eya "t ~rongh Sewerp, and Oa~a- ,:,L,,Lh~ ; acoi,lent~ Jn ulnas; pirates und pireny i ted trom the town of All,on ia the County of A(tAINS’I’ LOSS ]tY t,,rtl*re~ of Lha luqulehto. ; wonderful bttrgla. BuLlingInn and 8tare ~f New Jersey lo the town of Vh,el/mdIn said 8tats, und thence to low Li,,, ; underworld ,d’ Iho grnl, t cities, oat., etc, ~t t~ WIl(t I I tg hi. f’.r this wnrk on which we _m,t~r.mark_’ln ttt_~._Dd~wate Rlvor, acnordiag I~i 0 ~ncJ~ Li<di thing ; ~,.. ,,,,i,, vo i,r,,.,y. Agent, ran make to Ihe liua el survey of snLd railrond~ ineludlng all the railway branohes, ways, rlg"ts of way, atnl I ,r o,mnm| Ihroo $,,ar h IILi ~ hml dt,~Lr,.d" ~ln0 :. week~/n ~a,,lllng this book. Sendfor nti Irnoks, bridge,, viudunta,eulverts, iv/Ices, The I’Toullont No|o, laqclrcd.,V tad. C,,UL ~,~ ci,vulars und~p¢ lal termsIn ntfonts. depotv,utatkn-itou~es, engiuo.hou~ea~ear.itous ny, ore but un,,.’hsll as i I’gt~ o~ ,,tl.,r MUlU.I J. II, ]|UItR & ilYDI L e., freight-houses, wood.hou, es, w,qer itathml. Cen|l,.ui s u, tbt Di,,trieb wh;le |hu Cc~h Pay I[AItT:’OIID0 CONN., t,~ CIIICA00, lI,L. maohlne.lhops, and nil otiLer balldinga’ and meriti, tbo ~aLue. - ...... = ........ struolures~ with tile lands, appurtenant to the Aytst. It’..ted ~’or Ths ..me, a.d .,i lcee".,,..,,,ond,r,,.rs, and re.,..,.,,,,,,,....,, ,’,,-,,,at,. FUNNY SIDE O[ PH¥SI0 ’other rolling atooa or equipment,and all ms- will b.* I~,.urvd Lit the ve D Io,,,,t r.|ee. ohluery, and Ill other personoi property of 800 P(J[ItS. 250.~flf/l’~lt’lvl[/S. every t, ature, kind, and doseriptlun what actor ¯ All I,,~o. or*, pr,m L ! ?, b.d,l. . now held or aequired, or h,~realter to hn held , r .N .LTII A ~lP.t, .~rlIA’ll, ~, I*tt~ |’t’lll. A8tarlllng ezl,O~o of ~.todloal ihimbu&a of a~quirod by the ,aid eompaoy far u,e Jn con. FLu, ann J,, 51tFl r,,l:*,, ;’,, ~,,., ¥, the pe~t at~,~ Im,,e,,L. It vanlllstol Qua,,ks, uem[ou with Iho rallroa,h or bran0he~ef tile }."lithe;ItS Itr.av~.s, "l ,, ,,,,,,, ~, hnp..ters, Trawlling Deetor~, I’.tunt Medicine said Vinelund Railway Company, or with any Vtn,ler*, Nol-,I Ig.mLie Ch,’,ll|, Forluno Tell- part thoruuf, or with the buelue,e uf |ha came. .... ~ ]: . g And she all fra~,nhhos ee,,ueetud with ur re. .~ qa ~’,,~ [ . ,. ’u s alul Mo,llulrL~ o.,t giv*,4 intvr.,tin no. ,~,,llllT~ (,~N.t,’d l’l, vsh.,.n, ,Led Nsrr.livea of luting ~-U.I’,IIt,-M.- -- ,hPIrl!rr:~. It Ibn u*,ullruol[on, I~alhlanancn, or role ot Ihe i.-., ,~l,,.¥’P | pll,|ll~. ,1 : ,|1,,,), l.sl Jl,,I ~lrotslaslJllowlu.v,.I,I Ihollls w ieh fl~h II enid railroad orbrn eh~wand allthe franchi~, t,.rt :,~ ; | ,+rL( I’,,, ~,, I,,,, ~,* ...... ,,, Ih.,p hvl ,,. Wag t’u x’lilr[Vc lfrr l.,ry .I Jibe e,, rights, aud’ tiliogs el whatlonrer name ur E. 31, ,’1,.. : ,. ,,, I , ,.,, I* , , I. ,~, t I¯,,k r~t e,,umd~.bm.. F,,r eh’eulara end lar,ns, a~o utl~aturenow heidorherealter to be aequirad m,,,,, I,,rL h ,L,,,," ,~,,,: ’I, ’.,,,.~,. :,,,,~.;. ,I,,,s |h,,I,,d,~. J.II. lllUl[lldlt |lYe. ~.] lay lho said Vlnelalld It,,ilway Coral,any evils I,,ii . l,r¯ l,,:.IV IL, t.,,, t,, idle (’llS : ~,,llr,l ll.,,,If,,Id, .*u,,., ,,,’ f’/~ie,,r I , I;/, suetelzurs, legether with all and singular the t.’h re, n:, h~qd, ulh t,,. I’. hr, ,h watz.Wh,it,,w . ...... : ...................... ttaemsuta, hated,tam.at,, end. ¯ purceuanee~ II. E. II t) %$’ I. t:~, .~1. I~., Q. l)~vls db pr~misal, or oithor thoreof baluuglag or In an}’ !’ ’~’" wi,u al, pert~lnlul~ , and the rever,ion and re v,Jr,iens, r~matnder and remulutiur., taile, in i oom,~, rerenuu, routs, Ilprudp. a,,d profits Ihe,e uf, and also all the salarY,r|gbt, lhle, tn0~l~s|, ptuimrty, pas,eM.oc, ~la.m autt darned what ¯ ouver~ ts well in lawus lu oquily, e! the eah ViuolandHailw,,y C,,tnpa,,y ul In aud to |h~ ¯ ame and arly ar d or, ry p~rt there~ff with tbr apI,t~rttnancee. Cpn,l,lt,.,,~ mill J,o I~ede ~||bWh W. Oor. L~F~rd & , ¢,.~,...~ t ~1~.~" ~ :i perfe0t :] " . brought,out; an eutiR]y L -a. . : ¢’New . ..,~/:- _: , ¯ . .- >,, .¯} o .., ia Cb ’It ~*|res Labo,. It ffa~s~t;a Olnth*t It 8ae~ Ti~s. " - "It ~ill-~dbe it, O~fEFe~Yiag G~* t’S AWA Y, It wringsFnster-tham-bYillmdg- - We consider the ProvidencesuporJor Io all .. . We send cn ]]l~.~ant Chrom,,, ra.nnted aud others for the lellewmgreasoner ready f*r framing, free to ~Very agent, let, The "ROLLER~, of large else and beat ........ A 0 ENTS-WANTEL~-YUIt ~- .............. qualitye f Wh It e Rubber,’~f~--ail-e-6ei@6ffto- "the .......................... -4 UNDE ,,a.’....t,.m,.tpe.mo.en, a.nerbyth. RGROUND Moutton l’recc,s, making the beet relic, in th. World, OR ’2d. The P.i2’A’,V2’ JIETA~ JOUIINA~ / OA,~I~V(J~ i)revenl n.y wonr upon lheJournala. Lit’e IIt, l(Iw tJt¢~ ~urlute./ [The wooden jonrnals In which the Jrun shlt~ --- ¯ ]iY TIIOS. W. KNOX. of olher maohinos, run SOOt| WOer, find thee Ilt ............ 9.12 Pages O~.t,*vo. 130 l’lne Eugravlal~e. clo:~oy ofihoWrin~oriathurobygrentlyrednee. ~" 3d. The DOUIII, I: A’I’IR,iL OOGA’usedol~ this wr]n:er A lye the ut|oost vase and steadies ilk working, while tlmdonhle atop-proven’athem- from bott,,mhLg or being thrown out of gear.. Wu furnish oilher sl~ g.lo or double geared Pro~ dunes us deslrod. 4th. The ADs UR~’AIILg CUR V~D CLAMP ruadlly aL|Juete thhl ma,~htne ~o tube of a:ly ibm or tbtckeos b making & perl’eet f~stoning, ~a wecden peg~ or rubber alrups on tble Clamp. Lh, SIMPLICI’tY, 8TRENOTll tn|l bEA~ ¯ TYar, r~.mhlnedlntMKtd~-dilKe.--~ih-~il"{h-4 ": requisites st’¯ grot, :h’m ~r.!nger, ’ . . ," Pro.videnco T0ol Co., ....... . IVovi, t~le~, R. I. Agonoy.ll WarrcnStreot, N YClIty " -.-..,r- .~_ f:r,A’rCllLIW~ [M I’ItO%’ED [!~[ ¯ ~.: woo,~ ,’t,.nP. ~] ~ ¯ l’a, t *1,.:, t,/*,’, t,.,,, h thq’~om ~ ~| ,,,.,Lt’~o I" lbe bo.t lurmp eld,.;~a~L~]n,~, ~ , ¯ I. e.l,’vlMI )’ h,,I,m! t,, [,q~ ~..~/ fl,,|; hi,) ’, i%t,nt juq,ro,oJ $/~’.~ ~’~ It,~,t,k,,| ,.LJ Nt.w I)r,I,C,h~¢b :~:t~M ~ v,.,,.,. ,t,h,;| ~.,, be wltU ~,a ~~4~4,J~r~ r.: "X ,h,, I’fim. ur di#Ltrblllg , ~ , I t.l,t VS ,,,~tl.,t a’~t ,d..., .’,, ,, ql 17-. U I,.r~.. ",’,,,I I,, .~:~’.,’,i~U~. ¢+,1l,r~,’e ’!at, (’tt~i i| 9’~’r~*, ,,*, ,%l’fr, .... ~.|L ~ . ,,,’.. ’.~, ,,% t’hil,,I ~, 803 A Trect. Phlladolplii’h [nL’,,*,l~*, ~, ~’,! It/*C~|’~KIt OF aN. J[Jaa ~lt al~’a, 1’1 b L; I;t, LD AND :.II,VRR wATCIIMI&, ¯ ’~, , AI ’. 4 " ¯l~o~talt,jrLm~let ~. . . ¯¯ ......... FIN II L; ,,t I, JE’; F. [,IIY AND dl l,~’i]It.WA]UI HI- E 1 (I il ’l’l’:l", N K a It ]{T at" K[| LLIN ti ltl~J " WIIL’I,E,’4A L TM AND Ill{TAlL.. . ~. ~ll "]’t*,t ~l, f@ tlr,~rlwlare :-" Va~$.l~l .-" OOMPANY. ttta~m, t~4d Iltnl~etmm d lmt~D ash squaltle Agraffe Plano-ForteL IIIo. ~1 #0 mind .64 d sl*~met L~r ),

ammmsm aom. - Atlantic County Library...Soelhat 0 ~ry Bag 0’*’ L.j 2’:~de Mark. ’ N o 1Pcrnvian (;none B~e~Lved dlT0et from the ttoverhmunt. ’ "Prairie Ground Bone.. £1X~.---Mta

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Page 1: ammmsm aom. - Atlantic County Library...Soelhat 0 ~ry Bag 0’*’ L.j 2’:~de Mark. ’ N o 1Pcrnvian (;none B~e~Lved dlT0et from the ttoverhmunt. ’ "Prairie Ground Bone.. £1X~.---Mta

._ .~..

"i: " Y

deleterious ¯ substances which make~ome preparutions dangerous and injn-rloua to the hair, the Vigor can only

-- benefit-but .fio~ harm it.---If wantedmerely for a HAII~ DRESSIh’G,~othing else can be fonnd so tle.qirable.

xmt soil white "cambric, and .vc~ lan~a.~_ag on the hair|as,re, and a grateful perfume:..

-~l.a¢tl~tL~n d - A nalyt.loa.l~homlat~ ....



r:8¯0, i3 a 1

th-o rfii$steffectual remediesever discovered !br

andthe blood. It has

._.the . teat -of:_years, with a con-

__lntrln~le~vh~tt~,~nd s6~tained ]~__iD re-: mai’[/~blo cures, So mild as to Lo satb aud

-betmfl,.IA to ehltdrcti, and y~’t soAear~]fifigas to.effectually lmrge out tlm grcat cm’-rupthms st tlm blood,snch ~u~ the scrol’u]cussad syphllitiecontamln:ttlon. Impuritl~.~,.@r tllsea~ca tltatltavo lurked in tho.syate:n.

2~- ......... for years: soon yield-to-this powerful anti- " dot~:tud’disapfinar. Henna its wond&’tkl

.... of "whlch ai~a;" of

- "Ulcer.~i--Eruptions;’ aud eruptive dl~-order~ of tlm’ sldu, qhamor,,i, l~lot(.he.%

-..Bolls, Pit upl~s, Pu~tulc,%Soreg, St¯Anthony ,~ I~ ire, l~so or l,’ryslpe-In.s, ’t’etter, Salt Rheum;:,, Scald]fl[elttl, Rln|av0rm, and lntertrti UI-oaral;ion,t of the Uterus, Stolaacb,and Liver¯ It also curds ether t:onl-

.... plahtt% to vllle!~ IV.would not seSnt e~l~¢[:_ally adapted; buch:~tsDrop~y,-DysDel~-ida,Fl t~,Neuralgla, Hkmr t l)iseaso,I~/~l|t:t]O Wcaknes.q.Deblllty. antiL~tteorrhtlolt, when they are maulf~,eta-t/on* af thu acrohllonu pol~nLe.

It is all excellent restorer of health Imdstrength iu the fil~rlng: l~y ronmvlng theappatlt~ and vigor of file digestive orga,~,It dlssll~ates the deprnsslan aud listless lan-guor of the season. Ewm xvltett no disorderappears, people feel b.thw, and lieu Iofiger,.fdr~el~//alag.thablood~---The aye t0t a-tnoVea

with renewed vigor and a new lease of~re,’ ’ " ....

........... P/~ .’{ P-A-.R ~ A~. l! Y ........

Dr; J, C, AYER & C0,, Lowell, Mass,,I’m.(nqq~i ~,nd .dt*~lffti~l Chcmleta~


7which we will nell on favorable terms.

..... ~loieture .................... ..’...,.A3.o’,"bMts of .Ammonia .............. ......,X0o.Or. ante

sate ......... .. .....2~.08


Dmmc~oss.~-Uae one bag tb tb~ acte; spreadbroadcast or with. drill ten days beforeplant-

: "l’lalg£OW iLin. 32 ly

Keystone Mill OompanT’s -

fo~ the 2~[ameos~Worth Its WellIlt|; In Gold ! l

~. Nothlnl~ ILlte It In the WorId! ! !;-reader m MO,~t ~r.x To vr~rz tl~es Its cost.

shown or seen R ta auto to rake a firm hold oaIls’irttrf~’ value as ¯

~s~s ~k3 ’~-’,.A.-~--r’r.-~" :~’~_A.~::,-~,~=~¯ Ir Ie’A BzAI~IVUI. l~P.iee~ 64-COLUMX, ILLUSYRACgD W£ERLY,

IT GIVES¯ YOU ALL YOUR LEGAL-ADVICE FREE,Ortgine| ~M~IS ~,r ~oIPraon8, DW~l~tl~O.~ flunultnA.’r aod CoU.~TRY Rzsl~l~erA, anda-vaet

flied of |nforlliatlen on niattera or special and general httSreat rot n I l ~-no other Jo :rung in t~e Cott~’#.

~.~E, =.- ....., ¯ emly to fmroe, In pre~nte~| to ~’~er)" ytmrly sltb~rlber " ¯

Sul’scrll,rt"ntprlee~,O0 Imr.yoat;htadva:4eo. Slneloeople~te~eenM.

PERMANENT AGERTS WAHTED~O¢ lll~eecpted IK" tt|O Ulilled Staten and 0aumla, n~ cup ~qgw PL&N at.~nta can have a con-.l|nnone anllnal

Addre~ all l~t~’s m.......... CROlrr & PIIILLIPS,’ Publishers, Plrres0~nu, P&,


AND INFANTS.By the peculiar pro,’e~ iu ~hioh this prepar-

ation Ie made, all the flush formLug cou~tlteente--l~kttTUY and .al*lNm ~lemente of the grainare- retained with none of tile SvAnetl, all.of.~leh ~ela8 ¢onYal:lndAutaDax~,,.tun,--lt een--talus all the LIUg,-~ULPaKll, ~IIOSPaOROUU#IuoS aud .Mzaua~asg lot the aai.al juices,and GeM sad k’ttl.uo4 let respiration aaa laitytissues, with the protoiun cumpeuoda (U}LSlt~N#Al,nuMt~8, &e.) t’lom whiola nurvo aed muuoleti~suda are termed. "

It is believed by the meet inleRIgent menthat much of tht ~uffeL4.~. ~l~.kn¢,, uud nLurt.li.Q/ol’ maukiud.|s traoeaele t,,d.Jl¢ient er jaul~ynutrition. ’1’0’ thultame cause may aiao be us-slguud the i’tequeul ~taappoiatmuatnlsiena ia the re,uit f thn aouou ot the~protale Will lupp|3 the dclieienoy.

Sugar :0fMflk.[~,C~ZN.].

Is n eryltallleed auger, oblalned from the wheYof cnw’a milk by evaporation. It is mauulao-tared largely in Switeerland and the tlavarlaa

u au article of feed and Ibr medical purIt has been used tuatldsrably In ,ring-

uad aea uou.uitroKenan~ artleJu ot allot InCOeaUMYTlUN and other ~tULMu~lAng D|sm&eas.~d ~tith eva, client nnoot iu extreme IU~LtTAUtl,-ITr OT s’uz ~TOa4OU, (ssa IVood .t. lluch~’r Dis.psa,otor$.)

Wa manufaotai~ two grede~ :-~No, i, ,~ yel.low wrapper, &ruu~d eo~reo, to be eaten aeele~ked whuab with’ nleat~, lqo, ‘7, wbitu~rapl, er, is ground Into F~.eea fer PuaDLaue,~Jtatn¢ ~4~uS, und Bau41~,


CtARt.’12--.M!x rcu- *ab:.s,~cnslut ot theWheat with a glll of’e01d’watcri l’~b" Intn asmooth ~aste | Jt late 6

eaLMlt Wlta r&ea U~aqt,¥Olt PUDDllSlttS, L=., USle ~o, 2, OIt~OUND

Philadelpi|ia, A. D.: 1873.

Dear Madam:

In tlm selec’ion of a Sewing Machine, it is

iml]ort~nt, ~r~t| to ~otll~i~lcr|l|U~ ugEs to w]]~ich i~ ’~vi|l be

put. If heavy work ONLY is to be don~, a slow and ponderous

BESTm~ohine may, ’perhaps,. answerthe purpose; but

if it is-°designed for gcneral.latnily service, the strength

......... SEWlN +and ELASTICITY of the should con/brm rtot

the flexible character of the materials which usually

predominate; whil,: thc Mt ]tlN . itsdfshould b~ SIMPLE

in ita construction~rapid, quiet, and casy of movcme t~

aud not liable to disorder. IN all theso r e s 1’ c c t s, the


i|t advance of a". ~)thurS. THE’ u P~-~rio |’it YO~ ~hi8 It|l-tr~h ittc

for all light sewing is obvious; end its p:,?a=:.tdty is.............. ~a,.-~- -~-’ ................................ _ .....: ......rapidly extending, the W0~ID over. A th~l’,a~a,’x-

MiLlvlqo~s Gape ~J.uv, tt~O., all J~u~ezn an~..~oaUtern .~ow Jnr~e)~.

Leave ~lew York. Irom .Pier 25~ foot Murray St.

:luUt.S tttvor~tl~t~ ,VIL:¢Ia/I*I ~...t~. Arrtvmg a~

,J uacuuu u~ Z ;50 P..~.

--~--~rAaLLttJLtVt*tOU, ~2~ ll.arbur Gtly, Ab-b©~ea attu. ~’~LiauLIU t~Jt~’.

~g Traialoa~ca lJ.a.amonton,_ - .-M.."j:~,;:a~g ]~u*l%..&u,~; 2a,:(~u~u,.Red _ :’


Yumb~xtun d uaction aud

¯ no/.Ri It."

Leave Wmelow Junction,

J~’~r u~uar J~u~,, Vinoland, Bridge-

r :tee ", ~a tti, h ~4.49 l’ur .~-tat’J~, ~tt,iUlut~t~ u.U~t Wood~

AlL trains stop. ttt_zN ur th JAam~0nton.V,’. ;a. ~2~.l:,l~Dn,*N,’~t,

ew J0r 0y (3h0mi al 0o,MO_N 1A ’I’ED


Super P hosphatoThe New Jersey Chemical C.ml)a.y havaig

uroilasod ti,o GnemLcnl t’¢orlh~ lille t,J Putt~aew. thaaulttt:Lurmg AmmoniaIcd _~hatc el Lime, lUliJ uqUltl .t.O qualllv

Lo Lhu lthmJua ~Ul,ur Pacosph~t~iormorly made by l~t, tt~ ,~ Klutt, ~hilt h~aereLulure give.. Ucll i~t:ll¢lUI blttlalauliua,

We aro nOW l)rui,arcd to lurniah taocuumersund dealers wtta tile ah,JvU ~o)~er- L’hosphat%

our old customornand others.

We alec bog to call your attcotian to theea Orehlila Guano."

This Unaaa wu rc~ulvu dL,’,auL tr~m the Orchlllelaud. |i’|lerevol it’l.t~ huoa lelrly Ivied Jtrououneed can Ot tho bust arid O.Ou},uet iortill*

~e~s in the market.1’ ,t.t~NA 1, h & "t’R t I~IBL~,

(~’o/e ||’,,ole~.’le AUe.t,.)147 ~oula l~out ~u, PhlD.dL



LOND-0RII U 8TI TED.BY D. J. ]~lnw^s, the well,strewn Journa~lt

£11’E VERY LAIr,lEST C0.~I .~I ISalONS PAIDq’hls Buok Is a btantllul ent~ u el tl6ft pugetbu,nbotli~hed nith 2~0 c,~r, .,.,j~, a,d a fine0oatoo~ltod mal, el l.ondola, u~.~Iguod and nxeo~l.

tod exprepsly t,,,’ I|fl~ w.rk b). oadnont artlala,it out,tat’Is a I,,t, ~rlL[ihlo OOd rutidu| IIIt~,luout el Lhe ,’:,¢ ,* ,~,~,’r¢t. an ,~en~utiuna of t~Ut~reat Melrop. ,,, the world,

Addrc~.’, 1~’ vIKl,l~ A~I.IMEAI#, Pub., " ttLtnOn| ~LI’vul, I iilia¢ielmhl~

l~rled ~la;t O ound ,

ANO, .....A R:l:alde Manllr¢ ~,r a/[ (¢r~.~&

Soelhat 0 ~ry Bag 0’*’ L.j 2’:~de Mark. ’

N o 1Pcrnvian (;noneB~e~Lved dlT0et from the ttoverhmunt.

’ "Prairie Ground Bone..£1X~.---Mta a tabllelmoului ,~e ,’h~ k’ ,tq Wt’l.¯ Ilmal. qaaat,ty t.! ¢o.’~1 wataT~ Tab to a sm~’~Lhpasle I a&~:O ,,an-be:! piul#. @~,t.I. b ~.;.¯,e~lta~t~f aUrr.n I, ~ boil abuat n In[antesnvar a moder~ta alu. AJQ mill ~d navnr toMJt~. J/t~r t, Tt.6 # L ~,te br3tlua.ry Uour.

IPIgll¢lg 50 i’/&q,T~ Jh a-t II.qD.

¯ t. ¢~a ~"t’¢~tWlreo t."" l~htladelpma6, l’a

Rich Ja Aram,,ala .ud l’b.,pb,*taa.

am,nation of it, is resIitcltttll ) ,elicited. .~l,,,, .=.~a~a..., .i r. It. ~,.y’.

i Super Phosphate of Lime~1). S. g’,VIN(;, ~

, . . : J,J, ALLV.N,J ~, , I ft% L


¯ ,._~ :’. . : . ...-. . ~"."¯ -.. ¯ :-.. : ...--.. ~":." ~= ,,


2 .........

¯ .tT&s Repabli¢,,_tho=b!~nth!x_~|aga= denee of etther extraordioary ability ordue devote d-t~)"the dissemioation of p~ superior patrtouam.lit,eel information, the Juan number el ’l~.be country has learned to look_to the

lowing oontcnts,.all of which am ot great

The 8tare of b6uisiana; Newspa-and Abase;~ The. Inde2~

Seward, Weed, and.Gree-ley; l~a~the W.ar/or the Uaiaa Wrong?,

of the OenSus--What Our People ate Do.

]h~astrueted; £be Seminole War;:...=:pap.er~:..oL..the_Unitod States ;----Ohio on

.MA~Jo~n__d. t_he R:ailroa_ds;

’ ~-men oflhe tirt

,n~are..thdso ....................................... _:_welt ordered.

tho Republican~ varty, and It. i8;’therefore, to thia organizatiou-that- the " ’ & " "NEW. F M~ "people wi!l an,rust the guidande el pub’,io

ng Machinerem ,a o 0d o., to ,he Sewidictates .el the pol~ular judgment..Re.-

Lyi,tg-in h0spi’al, ir,;m whioh

d,s~ovcr~d :in Waabi~

a bus, eels." The

th~ matter as-the and

flied.attention given to rtpairbig

e. 49-tt’.

~llaneoua; Prees Photographs of our action.

has been elected Regent of the Mountr--iU--

The old beads of the Democracy and Mount Vernon en-=~ the~dmsa tiefied:an~di~ppoiated~Ke

..... lioaus, who led the Opposiuon ibrees and the ifiterest alone used to uetray the~:ah ihglortoaade|eat in the~to?pohtioal ~ssoelatioo’e expenae~.

¢oateat, are lar out at sen, without chartoreompasa, without piiol~0r rudder, witL- Alexandra Palace, in the north o! Lon-e u~ a.uy common purpose,.leaderehip or don, whioh was recently opened with a TOWN OP HAMMONTON,~ntzdtioa or disei- industrial exbibl-

nursing oai~ tltc tibn~ was destroyo) byto tee prugresetvo tend, _-Loss-~,q~00,O00:

may be re,flakes lor relormers, ,or the The ~/ew York ~rae& last summer in-. o

tad, that they o@~aSl.uaLty a.eert tee prt- a series ot excursions’for ti~e poor chit-

el quarreP.ag among them~eives., dren of the city, bywhich they.were en-are to get ~ once to

le too! "no purty, newmocracy.. Interest g hl~tt

~ol the Democratic people may :l~ave ia

~)arent; but the ~teres~ ot theemoeratio’.and’ sO oalh:d . i.depcadc~t~rna]~ , in the determination of’ the qties-ca, ts clearly-diseernable. It’ slraight.

...... ~--Situa~ear ....

AT ~; I O 2~__1~ T.&.TI-O-:N’;=:In the ......

Hammo=ton ~Cranl

Improvement Allen/at,on.

Best in the State.h~ving all facJitiee for :~’~

are sully and cheaply cleared and

~)on:ributi0~ s wcre-made~ by theand there is a goodly fuud ot $3,4 for COI~tPAN3( cr !NDIVI_DUA~"PURPOSE

Sons.this summer.

Time.~ p~,,jeetors ot thi~ b~autiful work Of tion "given by " " ’- - ’ ~. r..MILLI~i~;7 -cnurity, whidh gives s/~dn i~aRi~fal plca-

BELLEVUE AVE., HAMMONTON, N. Jsure to the almost G~d and men forgotten

pa:ty shall be determine u up~u,:_the:~o-0uruah

-Come to-thoqrunt,its co-workers without u constilue~my. If

uu’-par~y idea tdumph~,-tltcn the op-pooittou tahs iuto disorganized tragmCltlS,

either politl~, statcsman~htp, or morals.- -~o tllai_aitera’lr, hi~-is-a: mere newspu-

por quarrel, in wilieh ea0h ie craving tbrtho useeedansy--lor th6 lea.,ership ol thtdi~nrgauizdd and purposeless ma~es de-iueiv’ely cluimcd by diem h8 lellowers.

- Under-the uaked and insiacuro ory of- re-torm, these di~eordunt leaders apparently¯ hop- for. politleal auo~ss.__. We sayi’6siu.

the combination aeeidentaqy Iriumphodia tho-lat,~, election, it ha~ dt ycleped uu~y.

--corruvtion arid ineompetovcy-iaboth thehgislative and cxeeutive doi)artments eltho &ate governmuat, to thv dlssatislac-tion, not to 8ay~ disgust, of the people oi’tie ~tate. - -- \

What is the Doliey these meo and lout-., nail desire to develop? Ou the quell,on

......... of Irce"lradothayare dividod;-on-pioi?a.|ioo et Ameriea, lubor, dtvided; Otl pos,alt~k, graph, divided; on internal iluprovu-m0nts, divid~:,i; ou paytnen~ ol thu publicdebt, divided, ou custou:a avd i,ttetnaltaxation, divtdud; ou treatment ot Iadiantribes, divided; eli tor:ign policy, divld-ed’ on opposition to tie ]te~pubhcan par-ty, united. What a eple,,dld tuturo aueh.a combination must have ! ~qt) prinoiple,te co,:tmou, no pohey tsar ia aatb/hctory

-eveo t 0-t b-c-w~Id = bb-le-fl~let~,-h 0-cGalm-0 nbead of uoioo, ezceptopposition to alloperative measures and’all ute ~ iu uuthb-ricy..~nd, not oven uble ¢o assert u eom-moo ground of’ aotatmnistn or maiatain

.................................. L ........ ,t ....hrmouy umong leaders or tb]lowt.re. Lhcnegativo morit-of th~so men ia ~Lext Io]lmitleas, the positive vet to be develuped.

8ueh ate the elements oppused to, at,d|~.~utaing tO arraisn the Bepublioan put-ly, quasi,on ila i: tegrity, and dt, ti:at ilsmuasures and policy. And whv’l /’or us,ether or botler’ reason than that a tcw lmoo, no b~lter tl~vn thentaeJvea, haveCrept into the Republican ranks, only tebe expelled as ia~t aa their t uiuiater put’-Pales are discovered,¯ R,,publioana will’not tutti aaide fromthe greut work th"y have in hand to bus-Ier words or pffrasea with these chronic|raalb;ere,-whet her oi Democratic-or Rt.-iJul,liunn a,tleceduule.

The Repubtleau larly is Palrioti~ea,)Ugll, und slrong enough, to ~eek outa.d uueish lie ¯ OWn unworthy mouthers,a.d it will do ~o wi*hout tl.o gld el th.a~~ho have ieh ila runk~ or eoutJnuul’.y

h:vblc I old wh,eh the dh~tisficd.~’l~ubl:t~tn aud D¢lnm~raLio Jua,ler~’huvt.

MIh., the ht,ntal rhd pat.j.tio mm*~cs , t’e!tlwr parly, hu~ bct, n lgl oheo e,ld di.-uuefly doulOUelrutt:d, lu IhO =~t d,’~d~,.

, a~ t,, rc,d,.r oil danger lrum llly o~)nl|,,-

~.’! .... Ibt.y niay attempt, ~im|,ly i,,,ig-¯ u~tnk

’let,. luuh-fltJdh,/4 and PlX~l~;On~ hay-.

work over which humaaitariana ought tomites to b61p so

sent as subscriptions :o the ~. Y. ~/me~will b~ aekoow!edged m that paper, and

mentioned. Wlio sail tell the good

:M:aster’s ~ale.¯ - In Chancer~ of New Jersey.Be’tween the’Farmers’ Loan &..... Trust Company, .....

,o . 6’omplto,Th. vi~o,a,~. C.,m~a",. ,.On foro, loenre.

~~-nero. j "

. CH E.~p ’I llU/’l¢~IIA§tt ET~..t- .

-----~e "to


"TILe ClIEA PR~’/" a~,,lov.:r ,lI~re, i, "Ibis

-aarket. Thuy at,: .f onl-,,rm"iflze nnd wei.al~l. ,’In:t:

strcegth and ,lur, bdilyend eanlm old fit tlm,tone-fld.l-dm-prie,~ or=.r;ti-aaty troe:: I,a~k,.[~. I:,,rsale in largo ~llhl stn.llquantitb.s by -- "WOODRUFF & IIRO,

~o.,4 Ar,’h St.. P~flla.

Truck Ba,kets, at low pri0es.17,3~

, ’} " 4

Philo.., -

IP I 1, EI~:~ lie. :|t’lF $1 ~ ii it lit O1 D&It:--T-~lIO~/,t~. ~:--.: -~-- ......

~[|TA KTrI~ !~ I% We will xlvH-nt~et ¥ .L:k.i.~l ,JL J~,IL~ .._.mcuand.wnmca.

rer samplos that wi)l n"ableyou.tn goto.work~t t_-wm~e,--Address -’ I--3<LATHAM=& C.O;,: -:~"~a 292 W~hiugton :Its, Boston, M/t~s.’:~

tlaving reverend the r|ght to manufacture and

Atlautio andMhy, I hereby give nolicc that Intot0 fill orders ct fullowin~" rotes : " -

NO. 1 MAt’)lINE,

IVarr,,nted to ~e the BE,.~7

~Fbr partlculars sendG. W," PRESSEY

d.o.0.t f



Hartford, 0onn,

Undor and by virtu0 of ¯ wtig Of ft. f~. of ........ "theCourt of Chan,~ry-of the State of New-J6r-say issued ta u eertaih chase in said courtwherein the Farmers’ Loan nnd Trust thHapsny " MI LLVILL li;are complements and the Vineland ItMlwayCempauy ann the New Jersey I]outhera Rail- MutualFireInsl]ran0eway Oem,Lan.y are dolbndants, I will eapoee to UO,|sale at public v~l!due on...... ¯ We~tnesd~,Jlaly 2nd,at two ~’oloek ia the afttrueon, et the Vineland MILLVILLE, N, J

Ira, lores Incidont~ Itr,,I Act.[dents beyond lheZluuse, in the town ot’ Vinela,,d, lu the Oounly A N(’ltl~ ~lllSy I¢ 18t~St tLtt Follows. Light ,,f Day ; 8tart}tag AdvotHnr,s in allof Cumberland ned Staleof Now Jersey, the PItEM]UM N0’l’l’.’g~ fiI)2~.960 I,art~ ofth. World; 311ues end ]~lode of Workfolluwlug described rMlrond, its real estate,

1,1~.*~2~t |ng tncm; Umler,,urr,t~l~ nfSLmloly, (lamiEingpersonnl prepare, ahd all It, fracohleee and CASI! A/~E’J’J~ .avpurtena.cos of every uaturu whatsoever,

The D,,rk Ways ef. WIohednest; Prl.nne andthat iete say : ~’0TAI,, ’f~l.OT,l.iH~a.,i its Iwrror/,t {~ltt’t,i’n~ ned their ]Hysterical

All and singclur ti~e ruilroad of the Vine]and :It, ir Lqtmro[s ; l.h,wn iu I[|a Depths of the Sea ;’~t’~tT,go fltorlos of" the Detection of Crime.ltailwuy Company, nr which the said Viaeland

~ lu~aran-.e effeeted for Ihu ¯ Tin, b,,, k treats of exp.rlur, ee wht~ brlgunds ;Railway la by law authorlsed te oonstruct~ bLolag’the liqo ~f railroad heretofore known or ,Igi~t. la el,into dens and gnmbllng hell! lifehereafter to be kuown ue thnViuelnud ltaiiWuy, !!! i,rJ~,,n i .~!,~rlt~ O[ .e,~ll0~ ; .a Ir~nture~ amongae the same¯In and hereafter shall be construe- : q’~rm¯ or;i’~YN ~l’t~/dt I.-Pl lndl,.n, ; ~,Uri, eya "t ~rongh Sewerp, and Oa~a-

,:,L,,Lh~ ; acoi,lent~ Jn ulnas ; pirates und pirenyited trom the town of All,on ia the County ofA(tAINS’I’ LOSS ]tY t,,rtl*re~ of Lha luqulehto. ; wonderful bttrgla.BuLlingInn and 8tare ~f New Jersey lo the town

of Vh,el/md In said 8tats, und thence to low L i,,, ; underworld ,d’ Iho grnl, t cities, oat., etc,~t t~ WIl(t I ’ I tg hi. f’.r this wnrk on which we_m,t~r.mark_’ln ttt_~._Dd~wate Rlvor, acnordiag I~i 0 ~ncJ~ Li<di thing ; ~,.. ,,,,i,, vo i,r,,.,y. Agent, ran make

to Ihe liua el survey of snLd railrond~ ineludlngall the railway branohes, ways, rlg"ts of way, atnl I ,r o,m nm| Ihroo $,,ar h IILi ~ hml dt,~Lr,.d" ~ln0 :. week~/n ~a,,lllng this book. Send fornti Irnoks, bridge,, viudunta, eulverts, iv/Ices, The I’Toullont No|o, laqclrcd .,V tad. C,,UL ~,~ ci,vulars und ~p¢ lal terms In ntfonts.depotv, utatkn-itou~es, engiuo.hou~ea~ear.itousny, ore but un,,.’hsll as i I’gt~ o~ ,,tl.,r MUlU.I ’ J. II, ]|UItR & ilYDILe., freight-houses, wood.hou, es, w,qer itathml. Cen|l,.ui s u, tbt Di,,trieb wh;le |hu Cc~h Pay I[AItT:’OIID0 CONN., t,~ CIIICA00, lI,L.maohlne.lhops, and nil otiLer balldinga’ and merit i, tbo ~aLue. - ...... = ........struolures~ with tile lands, appurtenant to the Aytst. It’..ted ~’or Ths..me, a.d .,i lcee".,,..,,,ond,r,,.rs, andre.,..,.,,,,,,,....,, ,’,,-,,,at,.

FUNNY SIDE O[ PH¥SI0’other rolling atooa or equipment, and all ms- will b.* I~,.urvd Lit the veD Io,,,,t r.|ee.ohluery, and Ill other personoi property of 800 P(J[ItS. 250 .~flf/l’~lt’lvl[/S.every t, ature, kind, and doseriptlun what actor ¯ All I,,~o. or*, pr,m L ! ?, b.d,l. .now held or aequired, or h,~realter to hn held , r .N .LTII A ~lP.t, .~rlIA’ll, ~, I*tt ~ |’t’lll. A 8tarlllng ezl,O~o of ~.todloal ihimbu&a ofa~quirod by the ,aid eompaoy far u,e Jn con. FLu, ann J,, 51tFl r,,l:*,, ;’,, ~,,., ¥, the pe~t at~,~ Im,,e,,L. It vanlllstol Qua,,ks,uem[ou with Iho rallroa,h or bran0he~ ef tile }."lithe;ItS Itr.av~.s, "l ,, ,,,,,,, ~, hnp..ters, Trawlling Deetor~, I’.tunt Medicinesaid Vinelund Railway Company, or with any Vtn,ler*, Nol-,I Ig.m Lie Ch,’,ll|, Forluno Tell-part thoruuf, or with the buelue,e uf |ha came. ’ .... ~ ]: . gAnd she all fra~,nhhos ee,,ueetud with ur re.

.~ qa ~’,,~ [ . ,. ’u s alul Mo,llulrL~ o.,t giv*,4 intvr.,tin no.,~,,llllT~ (,~ N.t,’d l’l, vsh.,.n, ,Led Nsrr.livea of

luting ~-U.I’,IIt,-M.--- ,hPIrl!rr:~. ItIbn u*,ullruol[on, I~alhlanancn, or role ot Ihe i.-., ,~l,,.¥’P | pll,|ll~. ,1 : ,|1,,,), l.sl Jl,,I ~lrotslaslJllowlu.v,.I,I Ihollls w ieh fl~h IIenid railroad orbrn eh~wand allthe franchi~, t,.rt :,~ ; | ,+rL( I’,,, ~,, I,,,, ~,* ...... ,,, Ih.,p hvl ,,. Wag t’u x’lilr[Vc lfrr l.,ry .I Jibee,, rights, aud’ tiliogs el whatlonrer name ur E. 31, ,’1,.. : ,. ,,, I , ,.,, I* , , I. ,~, t I¯,,k r~t e,,umd~.bm.. F,,r eh’eulara end lar,ns, a~outl~aturenow heidorherealter to be aequirad m,,,,, I,,rL h ,L,,,," ,~,,,: ’I, ’.,,,.~,. :,,,,~.;. ,I,,,s |h,,I,,d,~. J.II. lllUl[lldlt |lYe.~.]lay lho said Vlnelalld It,,ilway Coral,any evils I,,ii . l,r¯ l,,:.IV IL, t.,,, t,, idle (’llS : ~,,llr,l ll.,,,If,,Id, .*u,,., ,,,’ f’/~ie,,r I , I;/,suetelzurs, legether with all and singular the t.’h re, n:, h~qd, ulh t,,. I’. hr, ,h watz. Wh,it,,w ’ . ...... : ......................ttaemsuta, hated,tam.at,, end. purceuanee~ II. E. II t) %$’ I. t:~, .~1. I~.,

Q. l)~vls db

pr~misal, or oithor thoreof baluuglag or In an}’ !’ ’~’"wi,u al, pert~lnlul~, and the rever,ion and rev,Jr,iens, r~matnder and remulutiur., taile, in ioom,~, rerenuu, routs, Ilprudp. a,,d profits Ihe,euf, and also all the salarY, r|gbt, lhle, tn0~l~s|,ptuimrty, pas,eM.oc, ~la.m autt darned what¯ ouver~ ts well in law us lu oquily, e! the eahViuoland Hailw,,y C,,tnpa,,y ul In aud to |h~¯ ame and arly ar d or, ry p~rt there~ff with tbrapI,t~rttnancee. Cpn,l,lt,.,,~ mill J,o I~ede ~||bWh

W. Oor. L~F~rd &

, ¢,.~,...~ t ~1~.~" ~ :i

perfe0t :] " .brought,out; an eutiR]y

L-a. . :

¢’New. ..,~/:- _: , ¯ .

.- >,, .¯} o ..,

ia Cb

’It ~*|res Labo,. It ffa~s~ t;a Olnth*tIt 8ae~ Ti~s.

" - "It ~ill-~dbe it, O~fEFe~YiagG~* t’S AWAY,

It wringsFnster-tham-bYillmdg- -

We consider the Providence suporJor Io all .. .We send cn ]]l~.~ant Chrom,,, ra.nnted aud others for the lellewmg reasoner

ready f*r framing, free to ~Very agent, let, The "ROLLER~, of large else and beat........ A 0 ENTS-WANTEL~-YUIt~- .............. quality e f Wh It e Rubber,’~f~--ail-e-6ei@6ffto- "the .......................... -4

UNDE,,a.’....t,.m,.tpe.mo.en, a.nerbyth.

RGROUNDMoutton l’recc,s, making the beet relic, in th.World,

OR ’2d. The P.i2’A’,V2’ JIETA~ JOUIINA~ /OA,~I~V(J~ i)revenl n.y wonr upon lheJournala.Lit’e IIt, l(Iw tJt¢~ ~urlute./ [The wooden jonrnals In which the Jrun shlt~ --- ¯

]iY TIIOS. W. KNOX. of olher maohinos, run SOOt| WOer, find theeIlt ............9.12 Pages O~.t,*vo. 130 l’lne Eugravlal~e. clo:~oy ofihoWrin~oriathurobygrentlyrednee.~"

3d. The DOUIII, I: A’I’IR,iL OOGA’usedol~this wr]n:er A lye the ut|oost vase and steadiesilk working, while tlmdonhle atop-proven’athem-from bott,,mhLg or being thrown out of gear..Wu furnish oilher sl~ g.lo or double geared Pro~dunes us deslrod.4th. The ADs UR~’AIILg CUR V~D CLAMP

ruadlly aL|Juete thhl ma,~htne ~o tube of a:ly ibmor tbtckeosb making & perl’eet f~stoning, ~awecden peg~ or rubber alrups on tble Clamp.Lh, SIMPLICI’tY, 8TRENOTll tn|l bEA~

TYar, r~.mhlnedlntMKtd~-dilKe.--~ih-~il"{h-4 ":requisites st’¯ grot, :h’m ~r.!nger, ’ . . ,"

Pro.videnco T0ol Co., ........ IVovi, t~le~, R. I.

Agonoy.ll WarrcnStreot, N YClIty "

-.-..,r-.~_ f:r,A’rCllLIW~ [MI’ItO%’ED

[!~[ ¯ ~.: woo,~ ,’t,.nP.~] ~ ¯ l’a, t *1,.:, t,/*,’, t,.,,, h thq’~om ~

~| ,,,.,Lt’~o I" lbe bo.t lurmp ’

eld,.;~a~L~]n,~,~ , ¯ I. e.l,’vlMI)’ h,,I,m! t,,[,q~ ~..~/ fl,,|; hi,) ’, i%t,nt juq,ro,oJ$/~’.~ ~’~ It,~,t,k,,| ,.LJ Nt.w I)r,I,C,h~¢b:~:t~M ~ v,.,,.,. ,t,h,;| ~.,, be wltU ~,a~~4~4,J~r~r.: "X ,h,, I’fim. ur di#Ltrblllg

, ~ , I t.l,t VS,,,~tl.,t a’~t ,d..., .’,, ,, ’ ql 17-.

U I,.r~.. ",’,,,I I,, .~:~’.,’,i~U~. ¢+,1 l,r~,’e ’!at,(’tt~i i| 9’~’r~*, ,,*, ,%l’fr, ....

~.|L ~ . ,,,’.. ’.~, ,,% t’hil,,I ~,

803 A Trect. Phlladolplii’h[nL’,,*,l~*, ~, ~’,! It/*C~|’~KIt OF aN. J[Jaa ~lt al~’a,

1’1 b L; I;t, LD AND :.II,VRR wATCIIMI&, ¯ ’~,

, AI ’. 4 " ¯l~o~talt,jrLm~let ~. . . ¯¯ .........FIN II L; ,,t I, JE’; F. [,IIY AND dl l,~’i]It.WA]UIHI- E 1 (I il ’l’l’:l", N K a It ]{T at" K[| LLIN ti ltl~J

" WIIL’I,E,’4A LTM AND Ill{TAlL.. .~. ~ll "]’t*,t ~l, f@ tlr,~rlwlare

:-" Va~$.l~l .-"

OOMPANY.ttta~m, t~4d

Iltnl~etmm dlmt~D ash squaltle

Agraffe Plano-ForteLIIIo. ~1 #0 mind .64 d sl*~met L~r


Page 2: ammmsm aom. - Atlantic County Library...Soelhat 0 ~ry Bag 0’*’ L.j 2’:~de Mark. ’ N o 1Pcrnvian (;none B~e~Lved dlT0et from the ttoverhmunt. ’ "Prairie Ground Bone.. £1X~.---Mta

.... ) ...... ¯ _ ..w~ ¯ . - o .... ¯

,~ . .:


,. ~ paying a morton).:’~ ~. ~ld :~M.’~~ Aml~rosc, our vlcar’a

%¯ ~hen: the ¯vicar himself n~lehe

:;i(?::. .. : . . . ....;, .. ,

.......... t

I wlsh I hadn’t asked

out of

¯ " -.. . -.

is it ?

front of us. "Whatthe

’o ___ ;_ :

............................. . .... . ..... .. ........ : =., ..;. ..... ..

_ =.

(attended EpiseopM"gafller. the school : "out a class.rSom over


comer o kept them(that’@idle the vicar talkedon for thre0 :Ri~uutes abonl~, al~eIatlonsof which I had never ¯before heard" a

his primai~ word nor ha~e I since.. :.’it was to be jield in "Abe"replied the bls~ho1~.in, a.eom~

-posed-vote%-~-’ iX-you-wan~ more aecon~-’s-was one among the m0datibn-, it @ill be best gained there.

-siw= :mettlie requirements=of "hasn’t-he bishop’might finffiteonvenienttoalee. :.:ribs o~ion by ~ld~esaing mc ...... / ~,"Qh; do tell Us i....... abSt:Bridget’s for aniglit either before? ’f~fl’s.’Aetion, heine’s a botherr’ ea lurs. Ambrose, wringing her little or after the vesitati0n, - ....-i .... L~Vlmtl we exclaimed hm~ri.~dly~ white fingers~ "Do tell Us what she is." He was asked, and accepted by returnforwosa~ " she is said- the He would be glad¯ "- say wcmust mistress,’.’ atus, and.welookedat~m. " which was the date of the_. the vicar he imt For a few moments we were.too much -

"astonlsbed-to sp~.~: " ifi solemn silenee~fol "A lhdylwhatshali we do with¯ ¯ : & eert/fied mistress . at St gasped Mrs. Ambros~ presently, as allTha~ iaeant turning .out the dear .the social complications of the positionwoman who had kept the school for.the rose before her, , "last five:and-twentYto hemYearS’and stitchand hadand ai;s~l~ ~h~bu~er of it ;I

¯ t~hem someand: the -’first


ths respon-¯ andWe had many eonsulta-

p s eomforL andthe proper mode of entertaining him,and were very nervous lest somethinghad been omitted or forgotten at tke

who had stayedschool

wonder ]~r. called the in-

~- --not"pe2ted.

as the full meanin

kins will break her heart."he_~a_~__~olittle

o£" thv ira-

bro~e to his wife.-Aud-=h

find it out them." anxiety; he was so pleasant and"How is she dressed ?" Iasked eager- and took everything


-"~0," ...........’ wbn’t find her out/’ I said

and does not

class.""How can you know ?" said the vicar,

do know; andif-we andi%Irs. Henry are wise enoughto keep our own counsel and our ownplaces, it will be alEHg-~-t:’~- -" "But won’t she expec~ to be treated


if she does we can’t help it. IX she is alady, she w/I1 recognize her

the tion; hut I was

of disobedience.

--w---5o seemedopl7Of hisoffice. ¯ ......... -

was charming ;the bishop affable; thefull attendance. Onl

~sh6~Wbuld f -’tli-ey werenllughty, but the punishment cameswiftlyon the commission of the offence,and iti less than a month she had estab-lished such discipline/is had uever been


so kind ?" +to-¢i6 what she :


at the shiibby dress and): whieh~ I_ at:enid_, never_ see_ - ___

home, and the next day -e was gone.

Page 3: ammmsm aom. - Atlantic County Library...Soelhat 0 ~ry Bag 0’*’ L.j 2’:~de Mark. ’ N o 1Pcrnvian (;none B~e~Lved dlT0et from the ttoverhmunt. ’ "Prairie Ground Bone.. £1X~.---Mta

ol--qti~J;ds.rtd-h,td-tako th,. lead-el- ,er,tqan t’,,r-teo?ust-two yenr~_Thl.-ou~=+]’it~(’oO~ ael l)t’ t41111tt*hing the lqboe| bo,,ks f iteknowl, davd belt-u esther ate1|..’.ktl, t... ch,hlr ......

f the ~tate I+ its +~r,,eg et,l,lralt :-. ~ .... i,li~i ;.gr"t’,’Itlli’~¯ox’~r O lhe +itle el lhu l|egt~- +vith lhu lander Oml,.lhy lhet+o h’gl. ator~ . L+........ ~ilez::_.’TLu piuluro.is.Dot ~it el;COtlrag- 11£1x’u’fur the c¯t thr,,ate," rul~.ns nnd r’6i+bi’r++ -~-fIn.l~ (,he. iii’ i icw o| lho InDllllel.il rulro- altlon~ lham, who ]all I It) pri+*oe~ as £qhOWl] in ~"~l’.t£tl llt ll’tll.V hb~l’al ISelSliUle[it uhie,~ i~ lhu "ael that rlght idt, r Ibey had al.Jli~hed the

, ilht,~ ,’xhd,itttl. ]hu ~cll~htlnt (Pa¯) +ultoolayslela the~, paBaod,s lawpuaish ngany.~¢][l(l[or. in rul’errin tg~_L0_311~L~UI~CCL.~.huriff wh. shot: tail Io provhle his pri,eners " "" ~’?:’" .c’-.’:-’-+.’-~- - ":"-We t i f~ht r;qlll ro~ h a~r~ .........

....... " , - - " Thb p’ui,lli~ e ri,,~.|ly i. greatly ta.ta lsed by e-l l,t, J,,nr.al lound+:d_by_]iorace_Grt,0., th,rpreso.coarf,the-Frr+It0-+,T-,-/ar+-N~-+~.y~ff[~+--’-=---~ ...... LI 1 =-"" "" [ "|Oy--Y~"~U~:OI-~ a I.iI---tlO~"o| lls t’dltorial eo on l.,urd af wltleh Caplat. "Pyson in parl ofp ¯lute,b,+ ia~+t J l’Iday IO n covert e~orl IO th. erew nf the Polaris. /seal3 leecued from eu .. -=+:’._-=:...-:-I+I " .’~ . " " " : -- p ~ -" " " ; I - " +

¯ +j+ + ~f.~+% -~i~£~tily the altt.’Utpt to ast+nP..inaLo (J0V. iee-fiou, flit, JSOW seoluded Iron all contaol withthcl,uhlle. Newe]m~crmv. ut0eSl~oejully an-

kI~nll,,/.,g, t,l’ 1.0Ul+iaua. ’ I[ow ale the nuyed at the i,lea ot toformatlon ,,f a et,ee ai

v.hn, t,, ’h*’np~+Ive, I’, the way of a pub Io sell* . ]~|’l,l,t¢ MARl I’YI"PA ZA N l.’l{l+Tr’l’A.8atioll, )e IIg ros0rredf+lrafuwo~l lal personsIhsP:opberll~ormbodh,lelit of u,rtall~rnlh., ~llt,~,,,.x,t, i.ih ~ Tit:liT Ittsl’l’: l+:xcr~,le,.~lhavenPver b,,~.o~Bible Society. a(.e.- all tt ia doubtless the air of mystery easl spl,nuiched 1. excellence by t.e t’l|u|’Lt~ ,,f at+), ,,* ll~to uB tl.J cot Is t,.u It,. wb,, b~a y,,~ el,l,~++tod Inover the whole thing by the way lu whi0h It Is Al*;c,rlcn,We have received tbc following report olllolally treated that given it each ohanoe in

from the Athmlio Comt|y Bible 8ueiety. the ey.s nfnow~meu.Itoports ns the DeDarl+_~mjl I ~f Aerlcultutmwhieh gives a menu1 raxy_~LLho_workdo,o -;h,~;%-~’r~, rlJ’~’l’-ho tru’L+t it~-"p,’.n~’-lo-

In [,0 ~Lutc O| ~quw Jt:r~ey : eslltles. ’1hare Is on en.rmoua deatruetmn ofr]’ho for*hoenllng repert of the Ameri- pc~,,b trees, very seriously r+duolng the perma.

4Piin Bibh, 8.el tV rt’mc~en a I ,s tr,,~+b ; ¯ mot pro.p~Cls of th,!t crop fnr malty y©,,ra to¯ " "’ - ...... "" ’" (ilrapa vlnee h.va tluffuled tzlet~lvuly,]~Tt’W Jt.l’N,y aP+ In B [[)1+O Iterous l~olldllinn.Coneotds and Cllnlons ,hOWlltg Ibelt+l,’Iven~]’ht~ ftl~ell~LiOlll+ t,|’ lho tWt.llt}’.nino SOUl y

lht+ most hardy and vhlorouo tt, rt,~iel exl,enle.uDd ]es~er a.snciati,,ns ate .~a.d to have of tem,,erature. AI)]d*a atoll pear. have elm,~Otl~ etl I|iu v,’he]o snccosshl, Lho ohJeet ~nll’ored ver~’ ex~en~lvely. Fruit do~troyit,gbeing Io d fl’ttse the 8aen, d ~criltlnreP+ h~ceta are abe oatenoh’cty reports, st.

8,,me ,If lhe woa+d he.rafted h,)’al I nl’ers nronlllO’Ig slleh <,| ant Imlttliation as are we:-grulnbli,: K i,ee.au+e lho rebel gtav*a ~t.ro llut +,. .’.,L" ring Io rccl!iVo Iheltt ’,vii]tout leggld Odeooruted on Pdeulorlal day. Thu feeli,g of the "., ";’"creed, llaliOblt111y, t)r +tleial eetditit1., hl ono.arlu*d, ol,e l*’gged sohliero, and of the


that the plaee to buy HARDWARE, suoh U -


about !¯ the HARDWARE LINE, is. at tkeHARDWARE STORE ofM~. D. ~ J. ~..

cor. EGO HARB~--ROA’IyrA .....BELLEVUE AVB.; (second door from statio~

_We are off~ring . _


evidoiiee 6f’it at our Slore. We ke0p.af~ilvariety of SlIOE TOOLS, BRUSHES

0F +

fine-u~sortluent of FURNITURE--]]ureaus

os ses,&e., &c. Wo’cannotbe I’euten inth’l"’~narket.an-d’it’ 6~cls cinsult their beltinterests (]serf¯ will bear in


A-]iffg~ -’d+~++~|~YeffCV;Ti/;~tanlly on hand [¯tprice, tb,lt defy eemp.dthm..

Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware,of our own m.k "in great vnrb,~y.

..... of-all-size.+i.vetist,,t,~1_on_hnnd"

TIN 11OOF [NG,and all

J’obbingie ~ur hao i)roml)tly v+ttetJded to.


ItlJT’I’S ANI) SCIIEWS, NAIIAl~HAMMERS. II A’rCII l,Yl’,q....... AX I+,~8, ]~’II.I~SL_O~BItIA~I]L~O[,T$,.&¢, I,L A. (;l,+4klllil.

The CheapestA N It

The ]3est !Life Insuranoo at Aotual Oost

- -- o .....’PIIE NATIONAl. l,ll,’l,: l.’,,’,qlIItANtH,: P~OM.PANY O1,’ i’ll ICAtl+1, i, ~It+~ th,, all. lhm oflhoPie e(nlhm, l,lallllg ll~,~,it’lllg ’ H+,r flee+ tu Ill

Mutual or Reciprocal

SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1673.. ~/

¯ . + ...

/ --_~.--~-.... .. - .

..... - ¯ -.

LOCAL +MlSCELLANV+ .........leaves Csmd*,n

$.d5, arrives at .Hammonton ¯ atCIIy 5.35. l~eturnln~, leavos Al]¯ntlo City.~/.28, ~Hommonton, 8.|t, arriving at Camdent.15;-_~Phe Saturdsy. Ezpress: commences to-dry.

Van Amburgh’e ]l~bibition of H mmonton Businesp Cards. -. Local Advertisements. ¯

L,,nding on Mouday, the23d inst., aud in . D_" O.+ BTO(YJ~. O. ............ Look-Out- .... ......first Menagerie we visited when ............... : =+ ¯ ........ +

Viu-:Af~b~ig-5!:.i-fi+di~+-~ill-i-em+-fnbe.r .... t.¯zS.+y ...... +~---.HAMa[OS~ON;. n. Jr; ..... - " -

the wond r add admiration that we te]t ........................... ...... :%~.--~(~R0~’-’--: ................. :-=-

oago, and perform his wonderful .feats.Nearly torty years_ haveand in the -meilntime we ha~e

nsvei" been&sa6i~oiated.. ’His re~utati0nas a showman stands high, and ii in the

R~a~y- m ad edofliifi~Tiltofi’s.-

That Root + p=esent eollectien it is ~ustai,ed,

Those beautiful printa at Ander- ferenee+t0- advertisement on |ourih page,

’beautiful flowers are to the bee. They

attrnct then,--_ ..- ~ Is it the duty *f property owners,

) th-. walks¯ andllrcuud a]ong their frenetiC’neat and good

urderT If-so.Jet +the "a0thoritica send


l~’--B~xefe~6~to the advertisement.-on first page, ’"Master’s Sal~ in Chan-cery, o..New Jersey. It WLI bs seen (hatthe Yine]an3 l~Iailroad is ’o be sp}d atauction oq.!h.~ 2d day o~ July next. The

in Vies|and, at 2 o’~loek, P. ,’,1.. ou tore-

.good...m anagemen~.., ough t-.lo--~be;..- andcan b~ made a good pa-ieg road, and ,, ill

the DelaWaze B,,y is e0mPhted. Ha4 itrough-Has,mantes

first intended, and ~s it would have beenbat for-eli6 petty meanness cf ihe Lord of

e been better for

~ets hold of the road, we hope they wilisee that it is fnr the interest-of the roadto hrin~+jt llere now. " ......

Local Advertisements

or compel tllcm to attend to the- -- -mstter~vR’iih-’6"6Cde-lgY=y.

............... I~"K.K.-Thomas o,h Gallery inAtlantic City ne-t week.

¯ ~ The Annual Statements of the- Banks--and-Savings-tnstitulions-- of-the

received ir6m the Comptroller, A. S.

leaves us to-day. He has. done our Job-bing sieee we took the <,I~co. and has dunegood s+ork, and leaves to-- take a positionin his father’s store, at Atlantic City, tarthe seamer.

iI~T The notice of our reade:s is calledh~-sdvertisement-tor-sealed-pr~

~-attentict~_ ~ at once. o,ee ,.o...¯ ~onsor~Z.--Jo Coast ha8 nowgtu he wild spare no palns t5 accommodate

ni0dy fixed i. his newqaarters, aud t~. with everything perialnlng to his line of busi-

you.0ught to haw k-n0~hefore, that he Sloeomb for the sale ,.f hi, Ice Cream in Ham-



.House, at Ilum~ont~n, N" J. and farnishe-d itin-the best order, is prepared to give excellentacoommodatio¯s to





S66dfa:ffd_ eed + ++ +:P

- +21.if ....... :OF BRIDOETON, N-J

HAMMONTON:HOUSE. 0R0¯0gERT+- +=AND J ~I ____W00D~~ ’

Thesubscrib~r ,av|ngloased the llammonton Orders promptly attended to,and delivered free0f charge-~

......... J .+R.= CA ROTIL’-R.q.~-



near hie dwelling in HAMMONTON, N. J.ring bee, ,appointed COMMISSIONER OF

VEYANCING. writing +CONTRACTS. &c., &e.AND

REN’I’I~G OF LA.NDq and the payment ,fTAXES. Prompt attention paid to.COLLECTION8 .... 14.tf

Barber Shop!The u~,dcrsigned hits ol.ened’a Barber 8he p o.

Bellevue Ave

&c., in the best manner.



ammmsm aom. ....

ANDERSON BROS. would respect£u]]y inyJte_the_atte~ntio~their Stock of ............

- ,

-+ BOOTSANDSHO[S/++m.nton, he isroady tosupp]y it tn ordez in

~_your~ ahd does all those thinbersge, nerally d o~ and, if he His Wrt[TE CREAM BEER, a 1Splendid I<h’n°tpr"l’°se t’+l’uffmyownGoo,,s. The ._. Call-and,examine ourGoods before pnrehasing-eh~vhere

m,,r-Dr nk--.eoe sta~zt]y-on-hand;-i~.eoold; -QUAI~[TY-of flie well-kr/i,WW-vafi6(y+’]’-k’~;C-~more. we h-i~p-+-he-iniiy-i~fi~-p~i+-" ....... -.- hy the gl~sa or ’ott]e. Must >ELh TIIE.~I. The Goqds are OPENt a k en-a-patq =

" MERITS.. Par.tieular ~ttcnlJon given toCUS ....~| thd trout r, nnn at blr. RUthertord’.~. A.Oeeerat Assortment’of TOM woRK. 43-tf ....

"ID T rt fl_ L~ VgTATdr -- ~=~ re’r1". _mr~’l~-r~,NUTR. AN~ CONFECTIONS.G, "~^,an, B,, nd o.ry d,,y , raham .... --( ...........9 eta. ned"White Bread, 8 ett+. ~ loaf. ...... = " -- ¢

+ +of -~oois and :h ,~s-hasbeen moved intuit. Here hi~ numerous triends and pa-trol18ehady ;,d(. t)t Bellevue. Now il ynu wa.teon]c,.hi,g t,iee for feet dressing, R010Vs,, and if he doesu’t suit you. no tt.c

IZ~~ ~1,’.0. P. ilill itas laken tbnrt,o,,

Ya.devcmar, a.t,~ fitted it up hi,., ’ tIce Cr~a,t at,d otl~er rcfre~llmcalsWthis ~al,sun attdur us, attd one on t. t lill


vide,I h,r. l.,’s~t night he culh!d in lt,s)g.’,it

I~" At.laurie CJttat:il, No, 44, will et,-ebt;,h’.lht {~lllll~nl~. [?ourth by u gr,l.d ,],-moa~tra~t,,,, ~r t11,~ l.ttke.__T_Ite_ex,’"ci,.e.wi’l otn-i~l t,| Sl~enking, Dancine, Mt)+ie(Jr. tl,tUt, n.d B.aling on the Lake. who ,u,ended thu l.st eelebrt, lion el lhiCou.etl wilt certainly be nresent on lhi.uc~a~u..~.__L)Jl~tic!.fl!~rs_w.Lll_allp~)_r L~ ouLnext I.~ qlO.

~V to,,’d-’hv& G. C+ark. ,,I hi,itot,,~,St)O() ~1.:., W, ntten, and (]hildren.tO llqlO’l,t~,, ’ ht~ largo wld eglull~,l~,’o .Q, leC~

Ol (~ t,,d., utl goi.g cheap.

E (){I Thur-day evenimz, Mr. J. C.Ahb,,,’ul ht~va, met a few Ires.de a

¯ Un.., flail ,,~ ,:xpltin the pri.0il,lea t,i’u..... e011i]i wii-I/~’,~I ~, It~w% r~lltlizit T ii) fl-~- iii1 ilierolld

in t:,,. W,,-~. c,tlled I’atr..s e! ll,t.ha-d-ry. ]|~u h,w wertt Ihoro..rtd a~ Iht~ ttta,-tel’ t. o ,n¯i,h,r. i] (1| wts’t ttlilV,rta-,-i~+~;-hl|.’tlla,,r. ovt~1’3 whol’O, tllllll ||.r Itlt,,Cl Iii~ ~.VIII~

alq1.,~,,,,+ 1.r S.t let,hey eve.i.~, .t 7,~o’el ,cl;.,’it+ IJnio. l[’l]l A+ tlle t~r’eat ob-ject l’ ’h - tlr/l~, IZillirln i+ iIto itrftl,.,jii,.i,

Ot’l,.e t,tl,,t,,.I,, ,,I ,lie r, lrnt,,r, il I., ’,, p,,,thor,, ~sul I,t¢’. l’nll attl.ll,hlt,i;t,% I1~ ili’.

Prol.t’,,.d h, .~g..iz,t a (~ram.e I.,,dvtl InJhtmt.+,t.(,,~.

lhY X’+’, l,,,,k,,d our slrol+gl’~l the o|h,,rd.~ .... ~: ++h,,t had hc tl d,l.u it, t l,,tWay ,,I lltlll~ll,~ O,(tP+t, itllZS lln our islr4ml~.

llu, ,,,,+., .I,,,,o or l|htok"--!t,11y a l,il,’, I

land +It It,’ +;lld Ir, mt lhe idn w,ttk tit l,i.oflie,, ,h,,,t, wh +’It Wa,~ Ioid ks allt+Xatttple.aod to k..,.p I,~tth-fittdur~ Iio111 carr’il,~Is, ad , n II.t,ir ~l,,t)t~l Iu i~ttil hit1 oarp,,t, lint|

it,. Or, a.t,,~, the .iruot, wading through

the di.qlilqllihn ~vhi(’h is, fft, elcd 11 th hy h,yal peel,lo agaln~l lho rebelh.n Is the strongvnlut,’eer ant] p,,id helper~, 22 150 l.nli- to admlt of ~ueh halor,,iaatl... Th.3 eannullied have bcolt viPited’aed 1,50.’I’ ~nl)pliet;. yet et hlf~ theresa]yen by l,.,klnl~ at I* vlo.

¯ to~cther.wllh 288 ~lim~io,,urv and (tthutT titan of reeelli,,n, dyla~ for tim porl+etu.llon~uuduy Sclto~,]s uud lhoUaalldS ef Irun~. af slavery end tyranl+y, al rqnal]y w,,tthy ,,t’

honor an the heys In blue, whesa llves ware ¯ lelll perstlll~ I apprerfti0o.% laboreis, andcostly sacrlflca to olvlllsatlLlu, pr.,l~resaand hu.

umteervsnts’s A. ui+ual, large nuatbers o| v+l- msnhy. If tha I’+bala wish to decor¯re let them~. 3 SF.PARATE STIOWS ]N 3 SEPARA’rE TENTS,

PhAN0 which .... t61 ........ +A, ! ........ r. a.. ’ have been. placed in_ hotels, llnm- ..... do so, ont let that uttaetmly eonlclll i,f la,.lh,g

~I[EN&Q E II 11%~ ~]r]IN.] I’~ lIT]If A NrD (’O~I,O~EIDM[V-=- provhlc fur Is lamlly h* t..m, ,~f dealh, wlthoul...... "~. ,t~. ,’~. al"ltnb~e;-rePormatnry-Ii’fi+t*el’lll~ }re.e.eo of ~ur,lv, rs In............... +depPlvh*g-lO~t.++.f- lhu 1~*+erm,.rl. ~-|’ llfe, II~I I|Olell IIil.l, illllineH~ all well as lurnidted IO the flreo ef eoodlet aro rmt ~o+ ]h’iliLantlr.lllumlnated with GAS, KIDD’t$ I’AT]~qT, fur Oito l’rle, ut Admhulltl nsa Jy wit,, en lenv,,r I. I’"Y ’he Id ’h i,renduml

.I ,,Id li.e OoIIl|ll~llle~, Win rl /,r~e Ior As’HIM-bOotnlorl on Iho eanalsand ee,,mcl~ a.ili.g Imulher*d. LIFE. . N() CIRCU~J .... ~t) 31USEU)Llln-DR-t+YtI-TTo’l~14+~+~’nt4’lt"Xl~Vt:l* Ol:ili,n~ Ind"Ir, m our pulte. . i ...... ’. ........................ ~0 ~at. i Chfl,l-r*n uad~ fi yamm *,t *a,’ ............. I00mla

The circulation his ex~eded 14,000 l)tesident Grant -nd tkmily are at J+,tng llr~a’~hoa~ ilJiJ.tlll, thet~ add ,, ~,.,,y I,,,di,,+l /,,,. ,.rl,+,,,.,,,/,,,, I t~.s-’..*., O,s thl, l,lat~ y,,,, ,+,,ly t,.v l,,r I/,e , .at&/o,+e~ .ctoall~ ,.rp~,.i~¢¢d, .a,l u. t~.d ucear~volumea, while Iha net reoal Branch.. WILl, EXlIIBIT ATtaillllt .atal[anacr:t,u,,/.rr.rI ....... Calloalhoo~udiuA fpelgl!t, depo~itonv or

,left. Davis il ~ld to be wrilin~ a hi~. ~ ....

, .%.~nL fnr .=+r~¯h.r tt:l*+t-.*a*.lals, it,g,hie .ystem.

M .......’ .....L ........d" ..............N+J.-t-~-~ril/e-’~a~+ldern’ rebellion, y g The I’raelical ltcsults !O1’OI" thn pre~’ioua )ear.a s an In , .The enm in Asian|to eounty is well A GrandJury in New Yt,rk City,found ~ Pul,el,Z ,,i dnt a.d ~.a.d, and a e:1)utl ,,tFI nea lls orltall I* lh*l. ’, IST0 lh+" N&TI ’N&~

has pa|,l in ,h..th I ....... $.’.T.7d,, ’.,. ’s e,,.tl’ulha dll,, ;*h+,,tq .,tll’.,oatiog. flying io llwl ¯imataincd. The ¢0mi,,g annual meetiagaa i,,diemmnt a~ti,,., y,,t,p~ Wolworlh"=’--".a.=g.~g.~.~:av V "~g~r01"~ "~ ~’~"~ t~un(~~-~li~a~g..~t~r~’m ¯ 7: . I, ’ ’, . l,l l.lnadeceased , I $ I tt hl r, nlh *U" t*411 Ih0 20th int., will be held at ~lllly’a Inr murder in the Gr.t do~,rt, e. ¯ Companlea w,,ahl h’,vv I,.I,I ..r I1,,+ S.leO pra.

41nh.Wh’ (,. ,1 h,e ,atlvrth"Y c.uldt, uttmno: eant°uch [k.lhes’blhcdUl ,1P]s,o

mluma I131,’J31, eh,,wln~- ,t gstn by InsurlnI 11, ’ ’ "Th. o.,,,..., doo.keo0o,, .+ ..,.. Ham ntou .,s: May’a L.uding and Alamo+.. Thl oi. HOnse of ltepre+ett,alive, at Wa+hingt,,n me ~ ¯ ¯th* IV.vtoa.~. of near $:|&,,0,.Tb, Oapltal and 8,,eurlth., ,,r ,hi, P.mp¯ny ut tl tliflipl( o~pOln,+, and ~h.uld Ue wilh-

lo,ra of tho~,imq~ Bild, 8oah~ am :-- hay* purokam~l tke ehaiz el p~i~tul of an* oumcb.t In +o,nt,lv wlch ta. A h.w load~ of" ’-- nt,nJu I I ’ ’

~I~, TIWIMWII~, A.rnllUre,

el, It h~ :,,,d Ior the¯drawinl, would aoaw~r..... ,.. I dl. ATeHINOW.

/MS l,UtlOae,. I ¯ rlllJvr .4tll.lie (uml~l~t 6~’tl~ Jaet~,

ynriety of PIESand CAKS~ cheap forF’umilies and Partlcs. +o, ++tn o+a, C S H S :T.O REFamilies ur Partit~, and Co,,ked to Or,ler.

ITo ha..]so fitted.up a R.,nm (,n. the s.e~md I~.’EAI{OI.D ]]AMIM0NTO.~

m,,t,’t~. ~ O011--1/l~’E’/.7~I~(/I’+’-d~’E(HT+II~ ffBO-l~-A-l~b~.~. UE~, +x

r, ast, a e,)otinuud ,hart is roel,eethtlly e.heited01 DEAh}m Is" HANII~ONTON, N, J.

W/II. !~. P£1’l{i"lL

T~O-O-+~H_~ ....... ; ~ ..... +- ................A LARGE AND COMPI,E’I’I.~ ASS01{T3[ENT OF

(3real EmporiumG.

ll/~l,airi,g of all kin,Is, ia his llna. at,,.,e" wl’hC L A R K’S B U I L D I N ne,,t.~s, awl dispatch, Satisfnetion gh’on and

- - t +Opp.Mtt, I|1o l’rieting fifth.,, what. you willprlee, aa rcas..able as at any o her Itla~e.

~peelnl .tte.t;,,. ,I/e,’. t. rep,tirlp9 Fineliad st iar~ .~+s,.rlmczst ef Demur.rio .ntlIPanoy ....

IV.~ T(,’/r ~’.~’~ .- Also. defiler i. I

B()()K,~ <f? STATION~’RY"

Notions, Dress-Trimmings,To s, l,A e Aimcm,:s,IIO~[F+ItY, OLOVES. ,re., at iris

0loves, Hosiery, &0,, OLD ~TAND.~Ire. Clerk wlll ha hl att.nd.tu.e t. show Ibe 8o,tr, h,l.t~l ~i,h r,t q ,rl t¢ I~ ~V,t~,ll"dS and IIiiiiiii prlcea. T]lllBkfll] .for |laSt |~........ till ,,,u,,, ~,lt, r. ,,, tt,c p,,h.o ],,, Wheelwrights & _ _., _ ,.Trnaer*a~-erorotl£1ge, ].:verytlflng w.rru.ted as rel)resentoqliememburth,tl il i+~ zlo tree*his to I, how guod~, (t. Valcntlnu has taken Salntml Draper, all

........ HATS+AND +CAPS---p.rtoer In the

o ++ + - ,..++.I’,, llt-++c. ~Y|’,~ .w.l.~h |o__httyu thrlr (~,+r idletl It+ ANDkt,,,l~ th,,ut ’.w*ral nt,+l ,11’3’ ~tlll I h’a~,’ fall .,,d

BOO A[:+D S ht1.~il~o~..rid wlll earry it .n in nil its brallahae,SHOE_, nndor U,e.r., on.,. ofI’I *l.~,,l,a to ~,u[t evvrybmh’.

F L 0 U R & F E E D W,,rk,,,, ho,i+,,e ,,t ,,,o ,,,wa., ,’as,, ,,r,+,of ll,t gradoll ItS b llolU l)rle~s, nnd warrlll~Io,l to give enllru vtsllsfncllath

Choice C,.y¢ccrios Ti ,,v ,.it, alten,l t,, all ,,,,1~, for

CrocKory, G ]asswaro i,, ,,,~..,,d ,h,, ,,,,J,,h,,,,g ,,,+,,,.and Earthe.nwsro c+ O If LPII%I I~1

ofevnry style fnrnlslm ii qhort notice+ at lho’~o ~Plte~e 4n.a hnll ret. " ],,wo~l ,utah pri,w% 1~ ,In {:,u eheal,oSt to the.......... Inoel t’o,lly atltl lllllOlnlJl)tll[.

MRS. I. S, POTTER,Oysters! l)ystersMILLI_N £R ..... ....

-..% 31)-- A T

P A C K E R’S]larlnl~ ¯+ado arra,.gvmeatz for I.u~[ng than

A fail itoek er In larger qoanlhles than uver helure, an-d euo-sequeulJy cheaper+ I am wtlltoll t.Ladle’ Hats and

P ILl the ehea

Trimmings, l~’lowors, dke. ..uk.d ~ n,d., .. th..at., to.fa’eurs, a Ub~ral eoatl~e~toa InJTKAW tOIDi, i.~CilII ~]¢D KIDJtNI lei~d. W, D.



. +~P._A.DYMADP. CLOTHING, ............ ........-~-.A=T 8=O:A.-’l,~ 8 .-’:13 O O T S’: 2k: ~T-D- S~J.-OJ:!I S- " +’


of the late~t ~tylos, nlwoye on hand.is.

The Grocery Departmentt


r oceLves a[,eelal nttentloa, and |S at all times wall stookod with every rtlelo rer fnml~ a

All the dlff,,rent varlelie~ and grades by the ponnd, huadredwelght nr barrel.

~llO(’lil,:ilY AND E£11TIli~NWAIli~’-’

Persons can uhlaln ev,,r)lhh~g It, thh line from a eomldete act to e olngle arllehh

Dolng a FVi"RI+CTI,Y CA,|II ll]t~I NI".,~I~ I am .i,h, Io ~ell my g,,oda all a .mull profit, ¯who w[.]l tu hey’ f.r t~llah al*d gut li~o hotloln iiguro4, are illvlrod |o call at Ihl

LARGE 8TONE BTORE, next th0 Railroad Station, 1


C.A.~,-I .~af, d for ~2ggs and Chioke~Olz ~ qlo. rum, to 6dp,,r~ of th,, town Tuo~al~ &3~klql


Page 4: ammmsm aom. - Atlantic County Library...Soelhat 0 ~ry Bag 0’*’ L.j 2’:~de Mark. ’ N o 1Pcrnvian (;none B~e~Lved dlT0et from the ttoverhmunt. ’ "Prairie Ground Bone.. £1X~.---Mta

’.; .-. :. :.

: - ;d~,~tion ~ order to ..p~idher wire her role-better, conduct in out alone. While I...... I~iprevlsaUo"s.

_ Heart in mY bomo.m belting

~ader, o~a ~ .~?t~.tin;. " ~ ;:"-~.Who ~ ~.hy beingeway ?Over my will and .un.d~,. , .

_ Sometimes I hoar thee thunaor,blander

h) the ’waiting grave

........ Oft~ fi/~4e b~utifal se~o~, " . ,

Turneet and doest moSro~0u, . _Treating the maa¯M a:&ild! ’ :

__ :___._=A_ Cold~_w_.hen~on-l~¯ Quick, when I sigh for rent. ,Kindler of

¯ " --- - Thou-~-loi’d of the breast !~JBayard TayD?’.’"

.’: . A:RAC~E IgOR LIFE,

"sir, ~ou’re an a~s I" . ’" "Szr, ~’m. not~ I came here to sue

~or,your daughter’s ’hand,~ and--" :

" I" Bessie’slove-his daugh- fright and beco~ae unmanageable ; aR

at once it "tore

"moment-I herad thed;stant boomof the

’ well sup- ~t aSOid~ t~ .... . "of the situation now

earning one’s broad--and wal~-f0re, "~thex ignora#, of ,.some efprificipal duties of life than unmindfulof~ them¯ The’bluff comme:n~senso of

consider matters from a

angry with myself thanelse. ’ I walked on,to-return to the

father’s charger, ’and had been left

’Pitartimdare wfis:a splendid horse,of jet-olor~nd enormons strength. Dy

the had been al-


almost blind,’ with two i~rlittle urchins on his

in the worl( with !" 3essie Clavering.

"I knoff’I have no money at present, As I re-e~ the pleasant gardenI- strove-in-vainI~lr ;

in wered/o l£ve or. die butthe-old gardener,to-morrow, .....

, Sir, of course l".:el course? To live you want

food: want food, you want_

........ you ; and -nomeans starvation! Do you see that,Sir T’

." "Yes, Sir ; bug---" ’ ¯" Bull Th’ere’s-~no: but in the ease.

Now take a bit of advice from me, 3Ior-timer, as one. of your father’s oldestfriends. Go~ and earh a living; and

support my daughter if I~--I shalltalk to you.

with double the


the sea,’an~l lost before !A cold chill b’ut.ifand for a forwarded

onward. ~’Nowor never double _the

~e not .pro,- ,the (h)air.third:elate

i, not

for I~e,impafiently t) fraction’thereof net prepaid.’ tiS fore-feeL Tl~.next thing .°S°far as:is known to the Department

0get-upon-the~ands.-_"~The no law was passed by Congress ,corn-h, the, gorge!" I .~uehe.d 15fephyment on newSpa~e~nd-it dn-a. few seconds ~vo "lind ..... was a~taehed

act, ap-,: : It Was a frightfifl declivity, proved ~arch which e//actsand the descent seemedlmpossible ; yet ,, that all laws and.pa2te of:laws permit=ehan~e, and I deter- the transmission ’ mail of any

few ---,ense gained the sands. I knew June 30, 1873." Under title act news-

one course - before era and will be mailedas

the tide¯ "Sforo !" 17 shoaled;ride_._to_sa~o_m

, the. side-of -More; who gave ~’ a tremendous_etfort_w~ts__demanded stdelight as I entered...-It did and set to his work. By

rake me los te. put on his.

old groom that.Miss Claverir~ h’ad rid-.don out alone’about a quarter of an hourbefore me. Iwas certainly much cha-grined at-this,¯aftd made several mental¯ esolvesto be fully revenged as soon as[-could get a con,~enient oppor~tmity.

lane th~at led to the-of the cliffs,

rieek, abandoned myself to buildingcastles in the air, in the erection of


¯ . h and: were caugh t

that¯ it Sand~’ould be right if I sea, owing ....matter ~efore him¯ distance of nearly four miles ;

Of inbut the

manner m which thi

4hat~ did-notbat otherwise

over the whole a gloriousacross which thea few while scudding clouds.

.-Ke-,fi-gt]/~6-g-gfi~f miles from the

vering had . a the course ofour conversatiom - "

At the door I met Bessie, with an ex-pression of.mingled anxiety and’euriosi-

low sand-bank, which was at

the inhabitants and the fishermem When

the sea. Would I

bank for Some time, till atanurv roar, it surmounted th6and e~ame tearing down the incline like

Many accidents re,

WaS nn ass,

"Oh, I hope you did not quarrel. Iwas afraid fix-ere was something-wrong,as I heard himordering deviled kidneysfor lundl, and he never does that will,-out he’s iu a_passion2U

.......... i~Bessie, the old gentlemm~ asked molt0w we were goittg to live."

of tourists and bthers, who, lulled intoa state of faucicd security .by the. dis-lance of the sea, and unarm:are of tilepceuliaritio’~ ef the pl:tce, wouhl wander.about on the sauds till ovt, rbd~en li

beand were lost. ])anger sig-nals and notices

wllo were aeellStOll/e~

the turning of the tide to fire a signal-gun ! but, with all that, the ~mul.~ wereso ttlnl)ting, uld the very breeze, thatwafted across them so delicious, that aday seldom pasq(:d withunt smac 1),,rtyor other gouerally mounted, venturing

mn them ...........

¯ "Certainly; but your father wanted but a solitary speck iu ill(, distance,to know how." which I soon after made cut, throngh. ,t

How ? Well, youwould~thers now, little pocket-glass I ahvays carrie,I,to~rOll (ingltt to kaow best, surely. Don’t be It person ou hor~nlntel~ canteringyell?" almlg. I lndd .no particuhtr a.ttention

" No, I don’t, Bessie, and I think we at the time. and e,mtinued sly way,mtght to have tlIougllt of tlns hef, m. [zathering up thn "reivs as More broils

°’Jack, I don’t wonder,papa got into mh) ,t gentle tr, lt. I was now ca tilea passion with you, you re so stupid, very edge of the cliffs, where a singleI have a great miud to get angry with false step wouhl at ones have precipi-_yoaaax~aol f "¯ "But, awo/~theart, don’t you really although More was won-

think we ought to have e(msidered hou, d and well ac,lnainledwe we regoin tg_~_buy_what we ~Yalttcd P". mtl~.I mowd along with con-

"Tlilififiis ymi-rqulsiho~, m)t mine ; caution. The heauty of ’the¯ and, Ja0k, if you look at me like that |cone and the exercise soon disp,,llod

I’ll box your ears." Ioominess that had el)pressed me,"N% you wou’tl I think you’re all and as m~" blood llegaat to circulate

in a very bad tmnper this un)rning." more quic:ltly my spirits rose, and I"Do you ?. Now I toll you what it !s, conluleneed t,) sing r~ght murrily.’

.Mr. Jack. ’]?ill you find tall how we re path now took a sudden turn I)y ,,ing to gct the n,on,,y t,, .re .,n’.,,r+,, a,.1 + ldi,1 ,,,:t.,sh t, M:’won’t h’ave anyhing nmre to mly or do it, a distaneo of m,rly a ~" ,with you at all. Don’Leonm near nm s, dved to i)ut Moro across it ; m,;jmttingnow. I don’t love you e. bit ; I nev,~r him gently on the neck, for 1 neverslnJl and I nnw~r didl And, Ja,&, touched him ~’ith ~iulror whip, I called

¯ when" you’ve found out how you’ll.,, c,nnc t,i him ; the nobh, old horse umhu¯shaldaud tell me first, won,t you ? And nm at nl,ee, and iner,.am,d Ilis ,line(l.away dashed ]3essie, leavhtg lae at tim t)n we went, the piles getting faster antl

I{ardon" ga~, to which ’,vc lntd walked lash, r, tiff, al. tile gorge. More nmu withdnrinlg our. conversation, at ~pMidid lmund, a,ul elight,,d safely

- " it urns a lovely eprtug morning. All ou the oth~,r ,ide. 1 now got a fallnature atmtaed ’~lt eeMasy at tht, .IS’on- view of the munl, ngaint ahd fonnd thatlmet of alq)romdling sunlnler. 1 alone [ was eousiderably nearei’flm Ix, rson onwas mul. I ~mhl not hdp feeling that horseback bolow--ln fact~ that ~:e hadI had made a mi.tako, and tlmt I must been moving tow~rd,-o//e an’other. Athave lowen~l myself oonsiaerably in that monmnt. More suddenly al~plled,the vstim,di.a of ohl Mr, Clavering by and tossing hla head in the air, gave a

-eppearing-.o-thoughtlem)-mld-iaooti- loud neigh.--Som~haL-aaLoalalieat-atm’dcrate. True, 1 Wml but,nineteen, thisprooeeding, Ih)okedmorocaaqully,and having lo.t my father earl)’, had and porootved by tho.flutter of the

¯ bt~m Im)ught !) al,,I e ducated by my dress that the person on horsolmek wanmother alone, attd st) p,,rhaps had rath- It lady, I became more interested, ander less knowledg~ of the world than I taking ,,at my glass, disoavere,1 tllat itshould have at’q,,ired had I been sent wu no other tlnm Bessi% who had be~uito ’a school ,,r to the university, along on the sands on a mare~1 no amass a bad ~ne. had

........ fliycottage arden in frout, andgai’den, anda piggery,, , afowl-lmuse, "and a little dairy, and--’

~es,.yos ; .but that s not what hemeant. He wanted to know where themoney was to come fromto 1)ay for allthis, ’"

"Why, you wore to l)rovide the.monoy,.-of-courso. You were to earnik2L-----

to Ills 1 should retuzth a~d, byI might be ~aid a short-cut, mcct her on.the

; ~ ’1)’

dttriug hcx lift, Lime.


f pogtagK - --Letters lmndcd to a

weight, £ threw away my overcoat, myhat, coat, and’waistcoat ; I called uponMore ;_..he seemed to fly. We were

"gaining upon the mare evidently, butstill the awful qffestion rose tom’y lips,Would ~tbo in time? I could alreadyhear the roar and surge of the waters,and the risin wind warned me that the

morning:eedits usual height, blood was

love or )erir~h ~ith her.=A~[e_

livery at points on thermare no postoffices, may be received anddclivdred. - - = " "

’C0ngre.ss passed no act requiring .thepostage to be paid at ~he.mailiug officeupori newspapers and periodicaIs sentfrom a known office of publication toregular, subscribers.

mrs to regular sub-)ere ]S ref

no effect, for the wind wasfaces. 3Iozo~seemed to not neeessmT_~Jm~J_made at the .commencementmy excitement, and strained every after.

Ttiq.usethe sand-hank,

the waves were dashing with unwonted scions, bulbs and samples sent

in~g them by dee


look, but opened them again1.% aaMor.b gays a whinny of pleasure."~Ah ! what iS-that?". ’1!he mare hadstumbled andthrown Bessie, and then

waves. In an instant I wasalongside m~ love, had dismounted,mid was kneeling by her. " ]3essie!

Oh, speak to me ! speak to me !" After

ago of torture, slw opened her eyes,and said, faintly, "-~itek., my best’be-loved, save ynnrself;, th0 tide will beov~r the bnnl~ in a secm/d or two. Give

love tO dear ~a." Then, exhanst-

my ]mir in.despair; Ir~tved liko a-ruad-mau. What could .I do ? At hint I.be-

had taken possessim~ of inc. More’shonhl have a dtmlde burden, and wcwould try and outstrip the tide: w¢~would i’aee’with thutth I I soon phteedsly darling across the saddle, aud leapedUl) btfllind her just as tim iirst sl)raycame dashing ever the bank. Iknownot an instant" was to Im if)st. We

is the only exception to the rulingof theuse of Writ-

i~g ®ther than the a&

letter isle be consideredas a reqnest toreturn if not delNered. A request toreturn on printed shatter cannot, be re-

transiefit rates. ¯ rIron screws or bolts .may be mailed

under the rifles gbverning merchnndiso.to

ed,-and-un accon~rmxeaing other than the address, postag0 twoserifs for cash two ounces or fractionthereof.

The samt~ rate of postage shonld bccharged and collected on religious pa-

weekly newspapers, as per htble con-tallied in section 18 of the PartialRcgu-

How Many Plums.

Jolmun August Musaeu% one of themost 1) indar Gernmu story-writers ofthe last c.entury, imhis stere’of 1Ahus~a,makes the Lady of Bohel~fia put forththe f,dlowing pr,,bl~m to her three lov-ers, offering her hand and fllronc as theu’izo for the 6orrect sohttion :

I said to him," "l~[oro, you here my fa-ther thrnugl~ the ranks of death at Bit- Lady Lil)ussa,¯ "a gift 6£ plums forlaldava. Oh, save bin son I" To add oacl[ of yo.u, picked frnn~ my garden.to myagony, I now p,.u’eeived that a One of )’oat shall have half alld onestnrm was ’impendin/;. ’£he sky was nloro,.and tile’ second ~llall Imvo halfov,,reast; heavy drops of rain lwgan to audon~ more, slid the third shall againfall; a’nd ~w,l’y now and then a lurid hay. h:df and three more. Tills willflash lit np lira darkling air. Wc were (nmty nly btskct. Now tell me hownOW hilt two nlilcs frohi the shot0, end many pbnns there al’C In the bask(t.

if I c(mhl oaly reach in tinm, The first knightnntdo It random gn(’ssat t,hree:morc.

on ]Ht)ro. The nellie horse fortinle uttur,,d signs of distress, th(,re WOl’{l as Inally, half as llnuly, nnd

A new torrqr now seized nm--wouhl tl rd as ninny’ as there are m)w ill the2~Ioro’s+ Strimgtli" hint? --I--tnrncd--nnd bask~t, with’ties niorh added to that,loolted, and through the blimling rain the nnn~Ner wcnhl by so mm’h excemlmtw, to sly horror, that the sea was ’al- tlm~eseort~ as it falls s’hol¯t of it.!’ready brc;ddng ov(w the l)ank. It wouhl lh. ~ecoud kmght, getting awfnllybe Ul),m ns ahnest directly, I urged Imwihhu’ed, specul,,ted wildly on theh[oro on afresh, 1)ut the poor snimal nn~ll)er fnrty-tlvo..iiIal)peared neahh~ to il|(!rcqtst+ his aimed. ~OL s,b s,dd thin royal,ready reek-

II I 1lhmml Im,aal tAll, what ~s flint? olmr ; "buL it there w,.re half es m~ny,Thank Cod, we have be(u| el)served, tllird,ls many, and a ,ixth it~ l,lluly itsand riley arc hastouing to (,ur h,dl) thor,: al’,~ at/w, Ihero wmthl be iu anyThe Mgnal-gun I +’ ~[Ol’O, my ]~[,n’o I,auket ,|h Inat:y nlore tlml, fol’ty-tb,’o asbut It lOW s,,ocqlds long’erda few seeonth~ t,h(,re lU’O IIOW llndor that nUllllH,r.

longl’rl ’~ We tore ahmg. l|esMe Mill" l’rim:t~ x, Vhldmier th~,n dechled the"lay i lee iMblo-;n nlv ar,a,. The clifl’~ ntlnlb,a" of plutn~ to be thirty; and bynow rose fl’oWolt’lg I’mfore us. AImther SO d,,illg ,fiffainod Ihis iaYa[tnibh+hollSt~-

lnu dred )’a "ds antl woaro sav(’d. "{.)It ]ioelu, r fcr his wife.lfforii, Oll’l | ht’ar the roar of the de- Tim ]’mdy Li|)llStqt tllertmpoa counted’scelnlhlg if,h,." O11{30 ]|lore I turned, hiln ,Hlt llftecn l)hlms slid el|o la,)re,Slid ss the ~ightnhlg flllslaul, saw tim and there r0mahl0d fourte011 plums_waters raghlg and surging almost at th0 lo the second knight she gave m.Vel~hbrse’s lleeb~. ¯ At that luolnont ~fol’o and cno luoro arid six relnailled. ’Po tile

staggered. ’l’lm sea was hi}on ns and tlltrd knight sho gave half of thorn, andover as. I heard a ringing itl Sly ears. thrt e nlorrs and tho basket was empty.I gavo nne last, o|le aR’oaizthl shriek, The discarded lov,,r~) wentt)ffwith thtdrIMad romelnbert,d no more. heads exceedingly g ly and their-- ~, +. " . .... . . ....... , " . ’ tlllnin’dsfllll [~t~Ia:

I awokc and f<mnd myself in a warmbed, snrrounded by conllmasionato Tim g,,ltl ~’iehl of Calif,,rnia in 1853fiwes. Mr. Chtvering came forward, wtm tBR),861;753, that being the ltighest"Yell laurel n¢,t excite y,mr~clf, Ill)" itnlol|ntever attahn,tl. For the sameboy," hc aald. "lle~nit, ifl wtdl¯’’ ear the M¯inc l,rodltet v.am nothing, and

"And M(m,?" 1 linked, llel A ,"r,,l~ I)y no llleallS large. La,t, -ql’)"i, well lot,." he ~aid. ear the g,,l,l yield wmt ~ ,

~’l, ilo th, i~’inoHod Bessie to

you’U see an


o..¯, ,. -. .... . ._ ........ .

,. . J

.. "I. Faets and Fancies."2-

his -_~.0.. his. -

:.. ,r ~+?:C ;

"’ "’"A F~li’er Shof I)y His Son. , ¯ . : .= ~m~..t .~ " - ¯ The .following. affeefing -ntm’nfiVo, per aura. o_r yam(~ "a¯ -./~_ _0._~0~ OOtlle~Y" (JL~Glq~kl¢. " - ," :- " ’which we find. in an exohan oetva.reI -on ,,~,

alehed- ~- ........_____..

The finan, ciat editor ¯ of a wdsterm was marredbyeontinUalldif-’legislators easy and in~ .- ~ereneeff till three ye~s ego, when, a~100."" " .-: " " seuarati0n became neees s,ary, and Mrs.

-Chase Was -th6-finest=acholaz- who--has "----XS~,k.gud--~-mq--divoreed-a-yoar&aftex~

: ~alworth was an imp_etuou s, violentand hea~T,-:witk a erds t in ouflin% - ...... :-man.= ...... : ....is-now declared to be’the proper thing. . . .IIis wife, secured by legal i)r0cee~diu~as__~rom~1867_tb~87J_~EngliSh=railroad~:+ - ...___~ a~.~co~afortablo income, lint ’:Zh’. Wal-paid $8~000,000, gold, for liberties taken: " -- ....... ffo~.th--~-tff-h~Wx:esolved=mo~xt

¯ le~ lier live’in peace, and alternated en-.wi~h tho lives add limbs.of passengers- " .... L~.~;.,£-¢nr _a_re~oncil;aHon..~vi.~h._ont-:5Ieteor0io~rol~eatsitseif. The-~-’: ......... ". ..............b~irsts of pasmon’ and ....recrimmat." t~io’.ns.

1816 was kn9wu as the year without a. -.. - _i:~h/ngs ’ grew from bad to worse, aa-dsummer,-and4873islikely~o-follmv suit~=_ .-- " _--the-hnsbaiid was.iu the h~dfit whe~li~

¯ " hair from head for and "

with. ¯ . cruel description, upbraiding her in the.... ’"Mam~ .... :._=.eo~r~.t..~e.rms and threatening herin

"~’5’~;gf/ff’St"thg’l~t terer

ful and not want anything you can’t.

hisCal;,acres of wheatown land.

New York and Boston have their cigars-manufactured expx.’essly.for .them, a~dornament0d with their monograr~s in ....gold¯ . ¯ -" - - .

The Vies :Regents of the Mount Ver- .non Association have sleeted Mane.Berghmans, of Philadelphia, Regent, ifiplace of ~iss Cumaingham, who has

Mansfield Traey Walworth the-nov ......

of N

in room

~X0rk city. ".t’ne m,__~a~Ta. desire 6n~the part of. the son to. ~venge real or

.,he made .use of expressionsthat contemplated


~rank W.alworth, the Son,

to ca’sago famil) arrivedin the

Honse. Before engaging a room he- , sat, down i~ th0-parlor and :penned- the ¯

following note to his father, who board-ed en Fourth avenue¯ - -

.... ~iSv-ant to ti~tS-Settle. some family ......matters. Call at the Sturtev.mt Houseafter an hoar or two. If I am not there

at theoffice¯"

"I’m not in mourning," said a young

in the suggestion of the farmer, "Lfyour at home,

The father went to the hotel and was

stood on his

/ -

his back against the doeth, drew a five-revolver

- -- hea~.-y ball,C~II~I o-0~hi~ e-~ly promore to molest ~r threaten him or his

son, as a warning

a mother’s love and coun-sel; 1t to us, thou~

- be-to--all--oar read ere--;--but

blioation and perusal :

er’s face when she saw that all seems to b0

and suffered failed to movd me I She of the

till she reached her own door..".It is school time now,"_said she.

once .more let me

- The d+mand, h~=_beea ~i0: me, reS may

in a mea~ILre,

down to the’.< :.+


at which-g00ds are ~may .!a ~ inorease ’con- "-- !

for thefall trade, - .... --:""i. ’ ’ " " " .......

but then rco~Aq fr e~,( 7: ~_-d~) ~nfn and- off-and-confine-their

.mcdiate,whnts. " ;

with-a- tonsof--has :-boor

moro"l~ "this sea_son,~so far,.defiance: "+. ’ One or two things you must .do, than for many years actors. ’~’no m~r-

AlfredL-either go. to sqhool this me- ket opeued.flrm in Jauuary, and wfl~h"

menh xn your- room, prospec~ of a but;’e has been a

¯’ " "" I . DININGR.

13 X/6.

COIl- ~ :~

eel.Tl~e ...........


~-.~_~Principal Flnor.--Fig. $3.

. :t , _. ¯ _ " .....

to an extravaga]At expense. Asthe desi shows, the rever-end

" I dare you to do it," saidcan’t get me up stairs¯" )bars.

..... ~:_Alfrex!,._eho0so said my o£

arm. Slm trembled violently,


knew not what I said I Dress Goods the low g~a~ffdless firm-~lso

"Will yon go, Alfred ?"¯ "No!"-1 re lied, but uailed beueath Fussy colored silks a~o

her eye. p . q considerably lower. -ATpacas are still _ .in fair demaud. Linens and White¯ " Then follow me," said she, as she sods are with0tit g~h’alt~vitr_grasped_my.arm firm]y~ I raised my G m .......... .~. . :.

foot--oh, my son, hear me ~ ! rained --Tli0-W0oleii~6ods m~k& ha~ sho:~mmy foot and kicked hcr--m~ ~aiate~ 110 Vdi’y matenal change dnring:themofllbr-.f . HeW my heatl t~e~s, g@theweek in-its general features¯ . .torment of memory ruatms over me ! " The Cotton Goods market isquiet for

mother--a feeble.woman-- all same

steps and leaned ag, tinst the wall. She and johblrs.did not lo0k "at me. [ saw her heart The Print Clofh-market is very mu~’h

settled.con~lition of ex-

just then passed the door,

herself; he stol)ped. B]mw~ .Bn-ERTINGS AND~SIIEETINGSo-

but the soles-him in his owu room," said she, and tions extend ab~Veq~~ .turned from me, Looking l)aek as she ferent grades.

.!¯ !,’, +4;


-parents searched- .... -aud theson, apparently t the had not seen. It is adapted to use of others bes/des, clergymen,rover forhini, ~nder theimpres=: ..... 7~ : .... :---.-:=his pi,tolrand,2eani~g agains e ~here is growing mp -a descr~edlyi~--coJnmdndabIs-taste in architecture, we are such a look !--it will forever follow me. --The.mat~ket 4uring the past week-e-e-kh-~

" :i

he was lost. --- ~f the bed, began to tal.k of the old.. pleased to present our- readers with tim p!!m.-- ~~w~ ~ 1~ ~t-~ as~a-t uk-0f-agonyvmi n ~ied-witt~ 2~ee_u_~athn~ ~q Liiet ~i ~h ageRts an¯ atiolrs to & Son, 15 Astor Pl’~ce, Near.Yetis, who havejustpublishedtheintensest lovd-:it was the last un: hers. ’For prices see corrected price

counfies,=and~at-least one.railroad in The conversation was not tIe-il~C~i~.~id~ces~’-mad-whieh-eontains-ah -! pang from a heart that_was currents ...... " :

.~ ~-fiVat: and-groumt~.~Iessrs..Wiley & Soft,+ have dono2a broken.. " " ’ :

will.penetrate these. -¯ There is.a young girl in

"be dying of love, but a "council .of en~i-nent physicians called yesterday pro-nounce it to be dyspepsia.

Ex-Governor Jewell,’of Connecticut,nnd

at enc~ make arrallgements for Iliaieparture. H.~ expects to-lcavo Ne3r~ork the latter-part of Juno. .

~dney Smith once commenced a .by saying: "Benevo-eat common to humali

- n atu r e.--~At-;o. ¯

, . °~ . . " o ;+o,of clothes ~ll covernl .fenceS- and ......walls with a p which reads :".Buy .,veer Xod. l?hish, & Kaul,hy atBilsons.’ - ’

The I)rol~rietor of a gun-afore, which° -- - Swas gutted by a mob m New- Orlean ,

sued. the city, ehdnling ,.~0,000 danm-Jndge ’Darrell decided that the

rol at,time, and was, thereforc, not re-

sponsible.’’ "Get outof mywayl Whst arc youg,md for ?" said a ero.qs old nnm tea.bright-eyed little boy that hai)pone(t stand in his ~ay. " Well," said tllolittle fellow, as he st(Tped one sitle, "Ihelices they make men ,)ut of suchthlngtt It8 Wt~ tie,’)

A father recentl found his little.,tit-M-the .................

of a i)eautifal rose tree, Oilwllieh ho had I)estowed great care."My dear," stdd he, " did I n,)t tellyou not to pln0k one 0f’tlle~/e treeswithout leave ?" " Yes, llapa," said thoc]lihl, " but all these lind leaves."

The ~Va’shiagtcn Ntar says wilh r(ffcr-ence to the accnunt of the ~retie a(lven=tnre: "The m~l)(mLed 1)oisonil~g.ofCal)t. ]hdl recalls a predicl,ion nla(h, I)e-f(,r,s tllo sailing of t.hc exhibiti,m I)y I)f, rson ill thi,~ city well ae(luain|cd with{ts 1)~rm)nuel, that (hll)t. Hall wcuhllwver r,,hn’n alive, I)at wonhl fall vicLim to the envy of S,)lll,.) (,f tim 1)arty.

An incident in the life efa 1)anlmryfs,.mcr is tllns reeordcd. 1fie wifc wastaken v&’y ill, end lie V,’aa sidled awayca ul’ge~’~t I,nsin,~s. 1)living his absenceehc (lied and~-a,-I,uried,-and tho news ¯was delieately conveyed to him by a boywho m,,t hiiu at tile gate. ’1he boysaid: "]fir. ,your ole w0mml isdead and buried i,and wo have gut iutho i)prnlg" oats. °’Great Godl" said,,the shocked nmn ; "and the bats in ?---Tli-e m-~-mtwof ~wed m-or~-than-five cents, and that only enco, has justdied iu a,’irgiuia at the ago of seventy-nine years. ,It was in his esrlv msn-lu)od’t],at hc ultwillingly c,)ntraett,tlthe debt of five ctmts, it I,,,ing the bal-ant!e (,11 I1 bill ef goollS Tmr011ased, nndIn; was ~’out to l)ua.t all his lifu after-ward that he eonld n(lt sh, 1) t hat night

not be recall-e~ were uttered and repeatetl .... time to our

¯ther rose in his anger and the son stood formed hion l~is guard, nnd as Mr. Walworth put exterior

volnme and onc so much needed at-thifiwas

most artistically.tan ~f the Cottagc, speaks for itself:in ~g green.

-- ~ in us~ocxe~ nSBOI1,

the actiofi as an i~di’eation that aweapou fail to appreciate. - - ’Was abont to.be drawn, fired. Mr. Wal- The design for the first floor is well and’conveniently arranged, as the secondworfl~ advanced on his son, who fircil p1]~te shows: - " . " " "two shots durin the attem_pt to reach The second floor contains five handsome bedr0oms, with a closetto each. The

father seized eleven feet in the clear, the posts for the frame of the cottagehim Mthman, a fourth shot sent of mmhi~ building would b0 $2,800to 83,000.

yself aprison- . Curo.-of-S~merlng.

aud dash mI’. brains out, ng the ~o.mus habit of

tent. At timed my heart was to , the working st ~r. Cher-but my_ stubborn pride ross" in an in vin s system, p’ut undei~his treatmentslant, ~do me not yiehl. The eightpatients, varying[nags from ~enpale face of my mother haunted me. I to twenty-nine years, all of whom stem-thing my self on the bed, an&fell asleep, mercd-in their s mech to a most


stmnmerers from early"What may I tell mother~froln you?" others owed the habit to nervous shock,......... ing into his ~ight temple and: he fell¯

lifeiess-on the floor. Frahk seized his A Year Wlth~ilt a Smnmer. I stated flint it would b~.remembered by she,,NothingaSked. "I replied, underIn teu thedaySearoafterof’M, theXChervinwer° firsttheyplaeed:were’coat and’hat and Walked out into the ------* ........ e llaa] .... A lhilXf .I-],,~ ]the present generation- that the year ,,corridor, where h~ met a number of do- AI ........... a ........................ , .......... Oil, Alfred l for my sake, Por all our at! abl0 to sp0ak without i~tammoring,-

terrible dark )’ear ill the earlier part of l le+1° was a year ,~it~i~m:;~llmro :;:~t ~3 sakes, say that yqit are snrry--let mesnmmer + ry e p

atteml/ted to stop- him, Itswalked ~res~fit---cm(fifi’.~-w-~l~li~(ffff-Nmf-~ .C:’-( ~. : . ./ ..,-¯~,~ .’..,. -teli:mother-tha’t-~ou-arc-sorry-.- t~lle- --The mode ..... ~’farmers rder to as "eir,htcen l~ew 1511g£antt an(t tee lUl(ttllo Stal:es. longs to forgive you.?’ , of treatment : Thedown~tairs andin passing the Office a ° ’ ~armt.rs supplied themsdves from the I would not answer. I ..:card" her .......

" - for a policeman. The murderer tributor’ givcs the following informa- l~l~w~f" listinet-no one, walked out on Brohdway, and lion: .- . ,.

the springer1817, It sold at from ~.t flung m, the bed to i)ass ne:svow~a~

entering a tclegrsph office dispatched a While every one is speaMng ot the to $5 psr bualml. .... wretelle(1 and ful I igllt.

message to his uncle anuouneing what present’season as I)eiag remarkable in Soptolnbcr furnishedubout two’weeks Another.footstep, slower, and feebler a~ee~:~"ai’t~e~od~-

hc ha,l done. . its characteristics, I have gathered for of: the mildest weatllb~: of the soaso~ than niy sister s, disturbed me. A voice ed by an even, continuous and loud ex-Walking out again.- he accosted., a your readers som(~ reliable facts of tim Soon after the middle it became very called me byname; It was my mother’s,

effected. Twenty days’ are devoted topolicennul,, who informed hinl of the year 1816, known as tlm " year without cold and frosty, and ieeformoda quarter ~ :"Alfred, m.~ Son, shall I come in,?pirntiou, during which pronunciation is

location of the. Twenty-ninth Precinct a smmner.’~ Few persons now living of an iachthiok. " Are you sorry’for whatyou have dune?’ th#freatment, the time bohlg dividedStation-liouse, wlfither’lm repair(:d, and eaa recollect it ; bat it was the coldest October produced more than its B]lare she asked. . into throe one of silence, to -

.evi~F-:known=-.throughmtt--Euro frost aud ice..I?~ta-cu-_ I canuot tell what influenceformed Sergeant l~[uller thathe I ulj America. Tile folh)wing i, a brief al)- is tanght to speak slowly:shot his father, and had come to give stract of th, weather dnring thn year: altar was cold and bltmter-

at that moment, nlade’ to my feelings. The w)ice of’my h~lil)erately; and a third, wherein .,.

himself up, at the smac. ti,nc handing January was mihl, so mneh s(i as to ing. Enough mmw fell to make good mother, that thrilh, l through m(,, he ae(luires tlm practice of speaking .!

over his revolver. The sergeant couhl render fires ahnost ne,,ll(ms in parlors, sleighing, melted the ice from m~" ~lcart, and I thmntly, and without clipping l~hardly determine whether he was mine Decemlmr l)rcvions was very cohl. ---l)eeembor was quite mild and corn- longe,l to tln’ow mys(,l[ oa her no.ok w,)rds. . , !or erszv, and asked him wlnlt had in- Felu’nary was not very eohl ; with fcrtal)10. " ,, lint I did n,)t My words gave the lie .....

-. ¯ , , - ’ ¯ The above isa hrief snmmary of the to my heart, wlmu’I said I was not s,,r- The 01flum Appetite,dueed hlln to comnut t.]le ernne. 1 ranl¢ the cXCel)tlonsof a few days R wasml d, (;old slimlner of 1816,’.’ as, it was called ry. ’I heard her withdraw. I heardcoollvrol)lied, " Family troul)les," and like its l)redecessor. When Keying, ~ays a writer iu Oldleanieg- up" agaiust the railinlz answered: Mareh was cohl and boistermm dur- in order to (listinguish it from the cohl her groan. I longed to call her ba(:k, amt New, was sent down. almost witk +

. the usnal questions nonchalantly, aml lug the tirst 1)art of it ; tlm rmuainderseason. The winter ,was mild.. Free! but 1(lid rod. Pekin to Can--was inLhl -A are ~Lf L’CS at (~ ~lm_£}hioItll{l ice Wore eolnmon in’every montn el J_ ~yas aw tke ed from my nneasy shlla-" wlm--tnk’mr-drrwn-n~airs-andqoelted-~tp.- " ~ "-. " ......... ;----c/~ .... ’ ...............and Kentuoltv rtvers caused re’eat, l,,~s tim. y-va!, . ~ try htfle vegeta-~mn ms- G~ri3~;-ii~iiiTg ifi~;i~uii~- e{dl;i]l-l(ft~d]~;7.Captain Burden was ab(mt starting for he "~,f ...... ,,,rtv -

~ tared in the Eastern aud Middle States. and my sister stood I)v my hedsldt~.the Sturtovant lhmse, whe.n a elcrk ar- ~(,)rd I)emm warln, but Izrew colder lira .qun s rays seemed to b0 destitute "Get up, Alfred. ~)ll, ih)n’t wait a the Chil t is said tha~....... ~ived_ an,l__ coi’robon~tcd _ th~ pri~o)~0r’~_ ~" , of heat throuh tho slammer, aU naturestatenlent. Mr. Walworth was found lis tfm month g(lvaliei;fl,-i~il~-~-iide~ ill " . . g , . . ." , ’ , miaute l (let rip, and eomo with inc..holnvih~d all--t]lo-importera-~o-a mug- ...... 7

.... ow or iec with a temneraturc more seemed m co om,t ill a sal,m sue, anu Motlmr is ,lying 1 uiflcent dinner, aml they attended withperfectly dead, and a physiohul lmving ;’:;:~(~viuWr than s,)ri,l,. inca exhilnh,d no htflc anxtety_ concern. I thought I was yet dreamiug, but I joy, greatly honored by the invitation .....eertifiedto tlmt(,ffect, anundertalwr’s i;:’!~, ~imi~!cl

el, rice of flo,,rwag,,,, tookawaytho body. a~,,w;:,usm°~, t’b1#o~:r:r(:~::~ In’~l:it:Ifv~’::gt:, ;;~ ~:~e~ I~got up inm, ediately’ and followed n,y lhlt, when it came time to go homo,. ’:

¯ ’ , , sister. On the be,f, pale and cohl as they wore politely notified that they :

frozen, ice formed half an inch thick, during tlmt y, car In .the 1 hfladell)h~a marl)Is, lay my motlmr. Sho had not were to slmnd the night with their ho~L I¯ Anecdote of Empress E’ngenle. ¯

cor i win Mlled, and the’ fields were nlarkct was thlrteeu (iolntre p(~r i)arrel, undressed, l~lte had thrown herself off This wan his civil way of flndin~ oul; i

A writer, ~I)eaMng of thn Imperial ,." .... 1 ..... i ....1.,,t,,,1 ,,,,t.;I .1 ......’,,1 Tho av,mme In’ice ,)f wheat in En’gland tho bed to rest; and arising to go sgain how many of thcm could li,o w~thont .i

family, says: "T]le])uke (.f Canlhridgo t,~,’,, ~.,,., "’ WaS niuety-seven Sllllllngs per quarter, to’ nlo SIlO was seized with a palpitation smoking opium. Tho ncxt morning -.~t) liter. , , ) , ’ ,, F, 0- " ) , 1,umt~n (abh, t, Amh~)~t Actwas m Paris. TlloSe were the early ,Ill m was the ,;oldest (v(.r known m ..... . ’ . . , . ,)f the heart, and borne senseless to lmr they found flint they were still kept in ,

daysof Empire. Aballwas tobegivun, fills lltih,dc Frost,,ice t ~ll slmw were llampMlire, reran. ’. .. . . . ¯ his palace for another festival. NorThe Empress was to give a’ball on the oonuncn. AIm,,st ew~ry grcml thing "., " . ., .. ’-_~ ..... 1 cann,,t tell of my agony aa I looked when the zox~ night came wore they

followi)~g ]~fon,lay. Tlmra was some was ldlled. Frnit w,m nearly all de- n arrJot s rambler, upon her--nly remort)ewastonfohl more rdeased.’ Boforo long, one after a~aoth-. ’

diflleultyaboutgivingit atthoTnileries, sLr<iv,sl. Snow fell to the d(qlth nf ten . Of theMticldbelongingtoaComanchc I),tter from the thought that she would cr snlrsndered. Though evs~ man of

’Tho worka at the Elysee xverc in au ill-’ inelies ill Vcrmoat, seveu ia Maiue, and ehit, f lately shd,i i,I Texes, on Mountainnever know it. I bolieved myself to I)e ’them knew that to eonfcss ho wan an .,;

ehoat0 state, At seven o’eloek nn tim three in Ctaltral .N¯e.w York luld Mas. Crook, .the Dallas il;~.rahl says: ."It her mttrderer. I fell on tho bed bosido opilmt.oator-or-lm optum.uaokor wae to . , %tussling o[ Cloud IPrida~y Like ]~ml,eror sltehns,~tts. (~ocsldervbh~ dallnt~e was wits it 1)h~(’(~ of I)ltl’barlan nioehanlsm, her. .[ eouhl t~ot ,weep. My heart d~gn his own death.warrant; still, one .

athl"Enil)r6ss met tlai arehR&~t at the dohe at N,~w Orleans in e,,nsc(lU(mi’,~of both il,gmiious pnd grotcsque, and bnrned ill lay bOSOln-=my biaia ffhii-a]l bY-°ne)--tho-I~etv~Kt "k)-Ktve .......Elyseo, and tohl hiln ho must get ro,uly the rapid riso ill the river ; tho sub- a devieo lli~l)layl~tg tho etn|ning ill- oa flro. My sister throw her arms in. Thgy begged tllo viceroy, to gi,etho Ell’see/or tim I)all. ’llut,’ rel)lied urb~ were covered with water, and the titinet of the SltVagO in his efforts at ItrOlind nlo, aud wept in silonoo. Sud- thorn tli61r ol)imn, evon if it were fdr.

..... ]lo, etlt/~(~iii’-0 3,00Oeul)ic yitr(ls B~elle rotuls wero Oil]y_ ptmsable ill boats, self-preservation.’ A broastq)lato of :dtmly wo ,aw a slight motion of mother’t~the :last tinge. Alld so, - before imtny ¯ -,

in the court, there is no ntaircase~tho July was aeeonll)anied l,y frost and strut|fled bolll’, held together by htmin, hand--ln!r eyes unclosed. She had re- days, h0 had’proved to his own satin- "+,

"walls aro wet stone aml mortar ;noth- iee. On the 5th leo wan fornled of tho atcd straps of 1)u0kskin, formed a l)or- covered eonsoiousness, but not Sl)OedL faction, that most of hin own 0ountry" ..

ing, in flml, is finished exeept tim roof ; thickll(ma of eonlmon, window gllleS tion of this I)alwark, and could bc re- Sho looked at me, aud movod her lips. men who.wero engaged iu thb foreign............ itis-imliff~,ibld.’ ’~c#t un cal)Hee de tiiF0-S/’glibilt Ne-~--g//k-lh/~a~-l~t~--Y,;rk~-moved at l,lii-asuii~ a-F,l-l~-ffedqi~0u tlio I--ESiila-not um-lgl~islAn-d-h~f---~Srtq/~74rad°-w°e°-them"°lvea’ad°tim~-°f-th°" £

|, ’ tfemale--it is a woman’s whinl’--said and sonm parts of Pcnn,ylvanili. llnii- breast, by dep,uMing, apron-like, from Mother, motherl’° I shrieked, "say appetite which his Government w~a ,~

tho ]~nll)eror.. ’I am snre,’ mild tho an corn was nearly all dt’,troyed ;’ s(,me the neck. Oi1 theshidl| was awoman’s,)nly tlnlt you forgiva me." ~llo eould trying tosupprcss. " ~.Eml)rees, ’that not]ling is inq)oesibh) favorably.situatedfiehls escaped. This scull) , wla)sa hair had not yet h)st its not say it with her lip~, but her haul1yell.’ Tile work was done. Bat four was trim of sonic of the hill farms i,f I,eauty, aud tim nmterial fornting the l,re~,,,d mine. Bho smiled Ul,OU ,n,,, In~rp~r to exoludee negroes from theirhundred workmen had to I,o kept per- M,tssaelmsetts. M,i,,hlwas of ~ueh streogth at|d com- and lifting her thin, white hand% she exh’llt ns, tlteahowmen of Vicksburgpetually at work nndt, r the inflll|)nee of Angust was nn)ro ehecrles,, if l)O,Sl- l)actness im to |)o invahlerabh~ to it I)ul. cla,l)ed n,y own within them, and (nl,t havo hit upontht~ ezpedient ofIssuing :stimulants, aml the arehiLect tlgcd ten than tile ltllallner IllOllths already let di,,,harged at twenty traces. This her eye, s nliward. 8he moved her lips cards ef i-vltotltm soliciting the oom-years in the four days." h’c was f,)rlaed half nn inch intere,tin~ was oi)tained b’ W, ’ yer, and thus she died. I re- of the holder thereof to tile©afar- ,,.

l, inlmdf ,)ll~a certain tree, tim for fodder. Ahnost every greetFthiag scnt the paln!ed intlammability to a ’l’l,,+joy of youth had left me forever, to meet the necessary expellees lie isbloeeonls have bees an red an fire and w~ destroyed both in this country lind land whom he 11 nov,,r want any more Boys, who slmrn a motiler’s control, expected to pay whatever the llrieo el aeach plum a~ ~hito aa a .hoot. Be ? Enrol)O. l’al)Orn r~coived from England.uuh aplnirkmanecs." who are ashamed to own that they ~o ticket wouhl u.uMly be.


Page 5: ammmsm aom. - Atlantic County Library...Soelhat 0 ~ry Bag 0’*’ L.j 2’:~de Mark. ’ N o 1Pcrnvian (;none B~e~Lved dlT0et from the ttoverhmunt. ’ "Prairie Ground Bone.. £1X~.---Mta

eP . .

Philadelphia Adicrtisements ¯ ’ - Steam Mill mid’ Lamber Advertisement./ - ............... Osmden_JMAtls~le LR.0

¯ . . . _ . . .- .. . ;. _ .~


.. . * .¯. A dressing


"" the

.- . - ¯ color, u;/:~and Thin

hair Checked,and’ baldne~! often, though not always,en~t by.its use. Nothing can restorethe hair where the follicles arc. do-.


by using the

41: l?~pme £or the 2~Ames IWoi~th 1ti:8 Wolliht-lii~id-! l ............


hm ~ i~d II mall~ll for it a clreuhlt4oa and repelatloD uapandteled hi the hllitm7 el; Jourllt~.. " II’ Is/a i sau1111~ IS-sAil, ei-~l.¢Ull, II~nltatilm,Wiillx; . i "

, iT-411VES-YOU-A YOUR1;EGAL AOViCE FREE,¯ -~ T..(~,. 1- .Z~ for (~Anm, ’ll,li.i~osw S~e~isAJq-tlui-~eow~r-iimel~er~,-and a’vlet

lunu el imormiueu co matters of epecl and genenll Interest lurid in no ~ loarnli in ~ cmal/12r.

¯ A ’ lit. " ’ f

t# lattd into aetlvi~y, so that aof hair.is produced. Instead

! taunt, i~ ann vigorous.-l’tg occasional nsc will prevent the hair

unoccupied tertiary id the Uolte4 Ilhika and (~inl&L By our I~lw Pr~x e~entl cau halo aIkneoee annual,Income, w4th but Iltnelibor. Oar ageuti ~ making $5 to lit0 ~ daj. "litlie~e~ce, stating tlrrttor~ d,s,k’ed.

-s. . . _ -_ =-eAlOIT & IIHILLII,~, Pul41111a~ Prtlelnl.l~ Pt.

great Chemic4! Ag-

Ioalp arrests anti’prevents-the-forms ~- -of-Guano-ie-equal-to-33Tons-ti~-~had~it~-~h~ ~ .~.

- cleanly and offensive. Free from those We have on hand a small lot of Dear Madam:deleterious substances which make

.... i~m~_proparations_.dangerous-~ind inju- ’ ......iious to the hair, the Vigor can onlybene£t "out not harts it.. If wanted

-~lnerely for~:~AIR DRESSIXG,mothin else’can be found sodeslrable.

not soil white cambric, an]long on tim hair ’ "ag i~ a



......... In-the selec’ion 0iF a S~wing-Machiue/if/is

important, flint;to ionsidei’illl!. =oput. If heavy work’ O~L£ is to be deny, a slow And ponderous

.... . , . ...... ,,,- ....


JL.M A.lmi2Xi -li~9St S!

- P~’~, -8-I,Aablud..;... ............. 10 il 8 tWllto Here .................. 10 11 8 1Berl!n,....,.;"..;. ............. lObl 9"1 ~%-161Also ............ ~..~...;..;=.;.=E II P, 9-] 01S 2Sl

............ 11 31 7 5 401WJuilew .............. £ .... 11 6( 9 ;4 g 4~"Hsmamont0. .............. ;. li II 9 ~ lls 51DaCoeta ......... ;.; ..........~ .IZ31-9-~ 8.’-t-0."-Blwoo~.:.~.~...;;.., 1254 :!0 t 018-1~

12l 10-1Srg 21"-l~ll flit*

............. 22i 10 4,~la 5~.... r-I-~l it-( ~iT-ll

UP- : ,’ ecru Ao~ 1~ mlhUl

lillAYll. I£. u. L,M. loon ~’i Ift Z0 ’12 e0G has lie

Pomeni ,,,,~,,,,;G,,, ,~,,,,,,, i ’41J/arb0r ................... i l’b~

~W7DaOosta ....... I I 19

Waterford ..... 1~211 r 4~Also ......... i ................ fi ~z f bbBarliTl..’ ......... 649 I 0b

Alhlind ......... II lid: t lo

I211b ebb.lllo fli1 26

2 00;

2~b Ililel il’ 1 3L-’tII’~4’ lilt

420: 152"4 a~

lt-~l:i I~/J-~i01 ’illAeoommodaliou..Le&vei Vtne

,-2 O0, 6 40hn--d--lfl~nnd 141ddonneld 5 ~0 and li Oe a

lIJiW IIOMT/ lllITWtlllbi ......

NE1W l~ OAi.ix el ¢lll~ili£hi.Lll~ksill1 the obiy ttlleot rttlitu Ilit~twieU i’%el IOl~

Long .Urau011, ILu,I llaltk, l~’urml~lgl;lallb", l~araegal,

~4.1UVlile,i U.’tipe lliay~ IUU all .g, aet~l’/A lU4~~Oiltlleill .New ~erel:#,

ugemoot Adopted March 24, 18711.i.ullve .New 3."urn iruta i’ier

~ o .

.................. L.

.. . . -

f P .

.¯ . . f .

_ ; ................................................................................. -. -- . - _=;-=-_ _ ....... - _ -

..... T0 THE INTERESTS OF IM II|OPtTON AND I IAKING:III0111E¥ "..... - .... DEVOTED: .... u

; ’ .= -- =L: VOL II .--NO; 21 =HAMMONTON, N; J,, S TUi DAY, J UNE 21 1L873 $2.0(I PER YEAR

......In ulett@tron, Wasl~ingio,,. too late ’Our Washington Lett~~~- ~t uppe,r, f,om,,tar’m~]~llsc~ll|mcou<, ........_ <Deparlment to t tlil~ntilt~l~ lif i ............................ ] ............

...... @aper, ogepr two WAS-L~iOTOZI, D._C.. June 15,_115"73, _ .cornmeal to the ILl,:ifia It:dl. -- .......................nora 1873. mid

press our sehtiments so exactly in regard ing.busincss. This beifig a city the comp,i~ ~.,< ;lln,,hiHs io

we transfer them toOureolumns:. eomphlled teengagea o~.~rtage to,’ha-ff~ the-total-am.unL,~ill hc61ii., t -- - 0 H O+ICE-: ..... ’......... . . i . _ -.

: -~-:--D-~NED TO ~N’i): i~iULT.: --tli-em;. ---()n.:theoxltsklr/s-of:tbe-oity: are-the in-’dtre’d261’21"li~)"Oa~Cougr.;ssThO’ebjeet:°f t’h!: I~ri:teti¢nlitl regard.tlsl’ ihi, tv coral,aldes°r~l: : ....

S-an d L-A]eI h~e~.fih-e:C 0-u n iy P iior/I mi.~ a a o d W o r k -17cl~il{y~lirih oi r .-e ~iiill-~~~~.l~ dl.k le l~"-~--~ 7it will’~be rem-embored: th~-d~ H0~e, ti~e Deaf and Dumb As~iiim, tlo.ard and also ti,’vuoate the prior m,Jr~g]l~e I,ond.~ as 1%~I (I, iI It)iSi I

time of-the disturbances, in Louisiana, University, Loldlers’ Home, City nn,I Govern- limited by fraud, aud bring.lh~ir road.hod .’nd ~ iv..... iih-eil-tl~-citiz~nrof that=State-were _menLClfnieter.ies, pnd__the_F01~ts, stock ,iireetty-w;thi/l t.i+e-pawer-vf-the Situatonc~,r -

Potomac there a-reg the war, ~onsands swindle on f~h.¢ .art uf the~e ~’-,,,:ralit, lis. thus I .i~ ~t~ .~ I O ~ ~ ~;i~L

0pP.3siuc -soldiers, "=

lys, aod tides withlu the frdghted with malignant pe~..:.m-.

~~ ---’--- and adjoining the land of the.~lte of traveler, who has net travehd Demegogubs are i,, a d~.moc,’~cy, whatm-aeh-/ii~i/a-d-the--¢ltyfence-~aid that-Washing-eo~rtiek-s itE’in a molllirui/y i both ehlsscs . lltimlnonto

ilisi~t, held ton wai made up of hotels, boarding houses, .....

liote. )rated about his indifferenc~ The people are demanding of the Board of their respective sovereig,zs.Health to.take precautionary steps.immediately_ gAhe ....

- -. ¯ - ~.

nuvifig r~Ivnd ihe right to mauuf~ieturo an~this t’avl~rltc Maehf~e in the eolinlles of

Atlentic ilnd.Cll opo __~_May, I h~r,%y_gh’u helical that [ am prepared --t ~llll~r~at~s._’-~.

lio 1 ~ ,viir~, ttl~.---~=b~.NO 2 ~15.00.

i~ lhe.laar#iet,end. rcr_~ironlll ..... - .......

o:v ez Ss y : ..... _2O-tf _~ . . ...........

made to suffer-the loss-of their

came po!mible fur the,President to act.As, soon as the State authorities called on

-.liim- fo~-ssis t a~c0~ h e ~ait6d--n-o-t~miff-ute, but sent forth his, proelama;ion to the,inmlrg~nts;--the- men who had been ecru-mitring the deeds of-blood,t~mto di~ peacefully

mk was scin.at aaend. I:liso~mmand, as the law[ul¯ executive of the

-- -~same effect ten thou-

of a long and cold ckward spring,haveas_usual. Alleys, until quite itly~ havebe~n in a most filthy nondition.

’during the week, and to thepoorer classes. It i8 a remarkable fact that,with-tho hundred~affeet~dlLt~l-time with-tbisdisease here, there has not been a ease reported

¯ from an~, of the hoteln and first-class bo~-dinghouses. --

There stilt remain-in the elty a great,oung ladles, nod older cues, of the three hun-

ed examined for $900 positiooa in the 1tea-

out of tho three ~undred. Rveryd of. influence i~ heinF~.brought tO_bear upon

th’e Secretary by abe ~-iende of the fair’com-petitors. The Secretary has caused to be writ-

su perstr ticture m u ~t. be s h n k y. h ~vlvK all fee.lilies for

New Advertisements.

¯ 1V~aster:s ~ale. ADMIRABLY J, uua’A’llu,for C(JMi~A,N-i~-IND-13~YDUA L PURPOSES

lii Chi~neery e ,Between the Farmors’ Loan ,i~ ]

. Trust Company,

awl ~ O~i foreclosure.The Vineland R. R. Cunpany, L.

I--~i¢.. J-Under and by virta0 o’f n wlit.nf_

,the Court of Chancery el th~ Slatt~ of ~ew J~r-issued iu a eertail, c.> u.-e i, s:tid o.urt

Have had unusual oppnttunitiel~o£aseertalnini - -what is wan-tTdT~-of produe- -

Machine. They have’xV~I~.IV__

theLands shown free ca’expense and all informs,iou gi,-oo b, "PROVIDENCE,"

, G.F. ]~HLLER ...... ;-BELL~.VUEAVE., HAMM()NTON, N.J New 18ii Pe;cltect

Sent free ureceipt of A OREAT IMPROVEMENT



¯ Ayer’s....... s.,,e

it widely lmown-=+ _

ever discovered for_cleansing tll

,iced tho test ofwith a con-

: . gro~ nl ~ rep-, , " - utatton, basedouits

rl to-vh-4a ~ I i,d’bL~llsre--- --~tnt tlslo-vh’4aes~Ld~b-L~Y-- --_~-m-~ll~b~ nt ~s =o :o sath~i~lieneficial to children, and yet so searching"

"-- as to effectually purgo Out the greatcm~¯s of thi~ blood, such as the scrofulous

Col l~trlinatloll. Iulpurll I¢:~,trtbr years, soon )’leid to this Imwcrful anti-

--4[oland disappear. --]]ene~ its WOlutcrftl -mt:es, maay of. whlch aro

"Ulcer.% ll, ruptlons, and eruptive.. _ llzdersof Iho skin, Tlimoi’8, i~lotches,

.... ]BolLs,-Plmptcs, P tttttulcs, 8ores~St....Alithony’~ Fire. Itoso or_EryMliC,

Ill.% ’L’t~tter, Stilt llllellnl, Seilhl~l(eiid, tlillL.RvoPm, ,and Internal ]UTI-<il~Plttitllit of the Uterus, Stonitiell,!gllll! LIver. It also mires other coll-

~ll~cli-:lt 41ouhl

¯ Idle,l~em Debllliy. lind"LOllt;lll’rh0011, when they ill miilllfe~ta-ldoli~ llr l.hll scro~tilon~ policies,

It It au ~xcellont p0st~rer el" health anll811’,Hllt|l |11 tim Bprhlg, I1~ rQlll)’,vhig theiq~p.ltRe null vlllllr of the Ill ~estlv. orgnlls,it Ilhslpab.s the ihHIrosMoil ali,i Ilsilo~sJali-liUrlr of t|mseasou, F.vou wheu lie dlsonler

,In 5~el bcth;r, slid live h, llgcr,

oil with r~uowed vigor and a llew, lea~e eflifo.

..................... I~R I~-Ii ,4.21-~-I

Or, J, O. ~¥EII & CO,, Lowell, Mass,,t’r,lotleal -ti,I AanlMlll~ll (~liellltste.





the : flexible character of the materials which usualb

SahsofAmmonia ....................... ~0. ~ its construction--rapid, quiet, and easy of mover~e t~Or-a~io Matler ........................... 22.05

uate of,Lime ............... 23.08

and n_ot liable td_d!sorder, all these r e s p e c ts, the...... " ........... " I00.00 -,~- ......... .............

IGOX &. GIBBS Silent, Familj~ Machine stands farbrnadoest or with drill ton da.le belor, plant-

THEing. Harrow it In. " 32iy in advince of all others, superiority of this machine

S,oi>t.~i.~so.uo~=edlci.c;e.t~e.,./oo<l~: for-all light sewing is obvious; and its

~’0-~.S~-I]]- ~ ’r’a~;---;xtencii,,g the ~i’URLD-over. A thorou=h ex-

amiliat]on 0fit, is rcsp~cliully solicited.

.................... D.S. EWING,AN ,i

Patente i July 33,.1ti12,A rllIRINA~IRqUS FOOD ~’OII. [~IVALIDS.... Am~n~I~A~TS. .......... DR.CR00K’S WINE OF TAR IJ

By the peculiar pro,’ess in ~hieh this proper- ~ ~relrmoflIDubllo [aii,m Ill mad% ale the flash tormmg eonsthueuts Imtt haa proved Dr.U~’ook~l~E~Tnr and ,ALIen elemeutt ot: tho grain ~l’|lleori’aitohavemoroare retainsd with non. ot ule STAllt~II, all el lneilt

hilo-DaalrlltU,---talus all the LIMa, lliULl’llKa I Pllonl.aeuoun,[lloll and M4aoaitasit tur thu ant, uJ Juteos,lad GUM and Fahuca fer rcspiratloo ailu laitylisslies, with the proteins compounds [Gl.u’ll~lt,ALUUIIHH, &o.) Itom which aorve and muselatiseuus are Jormud,

It ie believed by the most Intelligent menihut much of th, sl~eri.9~ si~kue*s atni ,iorlali.t$ ol maaklnd is Iraeoablll l,i deflcleut or ]aul¢$nutfhlun. ~.’u thu eamu souse may also be as.,Igued tho flequent disappointment ol ]clans in the result t’ the nation ol the mc

wLLL lupply the dotloleaoy.


[I a eryatldllsed sugar, obtalued from the wheyof eow’# milk by evaporation. It le manulu-tured larg01y in Swiisorllnd and tho Bavarian

au artiele of food asd Ior medical Iilurit his h~u nsed eonliderably in Eug.

and ai n nun.nitrogenous artlola of diet InColllllOllrrlOM and othar Pul.llo~alll DislAins,and with eaoeileat eeeol in eatrcme XnelTAillL-ITY OF rUM SrnMAonll (#¢4 Wood i/Juc)IS’S ~)il.i.asalorl.)

We manufacture two grades :--No. !, in yel-low wrapper~ hroUud euarse, io bo eaton aa011~ked wheatI with cream, ~o. l, white.wlilpperl II groaad intv ¥1,~l;a ior Pllil~os,

,,,,.,,,:....., .n, ,...,r,: kDIRECTIONS.

FOR MAKING lIUgll wlva ~0, l, OIt0UND;C~.l’,’~h’--.~t’i~ q’n" ’ab~,p,,o’,elul ul .haWheli with a ell! of cold watlrl sub lnlnainioolh piSll I lilrl liolr II Inlo a pine el boll-lull wiilr, iiilllUK hiishll : bed lot l0 minltaa.

-i i 4~4~MI~- ill ill "@Mill US~aMM .t’OK l’UUDliiol~, 41., USE Bo. 3, GROUNDt 1X t..--~li~ a tahle,peualnl nt ’~ 5",1 ¢ wl’a

720 Chestnu~ Street.

tieentheuo coal-

]M Ii idle II lupeltlor TonJl!r _........................ B~t~ Apl~tltt

llulllllilewll Ule llyalmm,~ Welk lind Debllltll|l~t.

Cllueee lha ~ to DJal~19

rw@w(qlillivll icily -o vl~ell-l~yllilll

’KEEP ’l’ltE algLOOD Ie ~. :~IF.,A.d the hnultll of tho ~3’ ,ll,mwlii lol.f~w, ’lil,qa |!tit I’, ii i ~i.Illlil tel t |5-lilt ell I li’ll~il. ItoolIllllrli c~l v,liill Iliiill li 4’ illlllqtIvi’l ,"1%’l,l I-In +lV,l |,trill .viiilii*-¯ ill, l~llltll~llli~,| t It~II,,, ,I ll’ . ’1 t,lttt,tt.N¢l I i~,ll . ii ’

¯ ,.,. I i, ll~| bi r*,llbll li |l ,st.l v-I, i Io iI.lll.~, if %’ill I,,i..,,

~" ’/i, llt¢,rlltnilllrl-4, li¢14|lall.".’o,1 }’yi’rl 4Lair S:lli"l. 4it"

..... --:rl |is nil3~-II’lrl|i. ’l~es*.%, rill’title ll,t ’, Oldt’4’~ ~te ,ill" NIPr4p ; 1|14,~t4

, i~ll,iillitllll.%)’lili I’ll I el’Iv¯~ t’Ul’l’14 Wltli I1i4, I’Y ¯1 ~7i ~ii~t.ll’~ li~i Isr. I’i-ii1

,I, ’ ", 1 ~l)’l’lip sil’ S , t. ,~,,lll,lll I i~l, ll I"

, , ; llr iilllil’41, l’~ll , t-:¯ 4 o.*-I’kid(IM~ll Jl l’ ." ¯

’ I /IV tL IOI ~’3 Iitl|l .. ,ll¯ ,lille all lille,. , Ii

,l tO it. A Sir i I, .i)



i Sell, qalUlllly 01 CU’Ii walerl lib to a aleoth i i i I.raet¢i e.~’o ~e-ha.1 ipllllo, o.l.i.~ ~.*,,,, pOll.l,.," ’It ~Ol~LIl~llioxi,’".-cnialeUti.v illrtit, ll, aid boil about II mlnahiq Uol~ct u.¯, l" .¯, l,Owder, hl|t i,,,I ,liil.iill r~ ~ ilover o moderate Ire. Adn mtik arid llivor Ou lI~’ ’ : . /’ I liriill|ill ~ H, lUi, Sle. t~r brtl , l la II brlluary Muir. Till.~ I,r~’; " , ~ ,if I]r]lnl n’ll.I illl " . , iI

mtllil~lil~ ’ ,..i,,’lh,’.Li.~’lllllll~tl~ll~i~lFMI¢i. lie i’tL~iTll A a’t’|itD, oiialigl.e I t ~ i!ll.V t~ltinllhlalla I li ’I~Mlllllll’l l, ", I l, , , i, llntll%qUllV,llili

liul l. i . . .tl.ltll ~.’l~lia~tl’ llli llu. tlt’el~l~,..~q.~,l i -~l&ht.


hew doraoy iDhemiog] i o.

)er PhosphateThe ,\~w Jere,.t Chemical ~liilli,U .y baVll~

puruuilu~tl the t~Ucu~icai Wurkl~ lain ui P lte&

l~upcr i.,~pl.;,i.,d Lime, lull) eqii, I ill qualitysnd eondlthni Ii, the! 41h.lll:s l~Op~; l’,,t,,,ltphSlllloritl¢ii) Ili.alt~ L,V l%,t[i, li ~leii I i~ hill hi~[OL~*i,.r~ &lVv , i,Cli ~oel’Ul 8agiei,,~li~,l,.

l~ft .ll ,,~iv Jl!~J~llf~ tl I0 Iuruilil -, ol,vumeri

,ttltl .u t 1,¢,1 ..,li’u ~,.,, i,<. tu still J/our aLleUlhlil ’i, all@

curates.’ We have seen many a~lst that kind oi temper, but some-:difficult to think il becoming in

man, e#pecially the editor ot

Hydrophobia;.: . . -

TAe folh)wing~tracte touching hydro-&hebia, ~:.al:e t~ol~ .t~e Brit~A ~lledical

.... It.in und,.’rstoo4 4Lc madness of dogshas.a mri~ Id ~rem0fiitory

ly k,owui tlle dogscould be put out c]the wt~y berg ,ro they.become dangerous.

A short tel lie, liomelimea two daya aiier" madliese¯bas, ieized a dog,- ii creates syrup.

toms,in the a liimld w h,eh it is indispel!sa-¯ blo to.reeogil,’i~c.~:

L ,R’here is~ agilation and resilessness,and tho,dog’r’ur.s hlutself continually inlie.kennel, h: he be at iib~rly, he goesahd .-~o m ~---~-~--~-d--seem n -t0 be seekingsoa,elhing whall lie remains melee.less,as if waiting; tllen starts, bitlt, the air asif-he,would caleb a Ity,,and daetlcs him-sslf, ~mwli0g slid baddng, Itgainst ihuwall. !l’hovoieo ef hia~mas,tor di~sinatesthese halhiohl~iocs: the. dog el, eye, butelowi~, with,41-, ,~i~aticn,.and ae if with re-gret,

2." ~ does ~lot try to. bye; ,he is genl]e,even Idf~etiolmte, and he~ats and dri,ks,

,f curtains;el cushions, the ¢ vvc’rlida of

Icda, .the GI.rpelsI eto.-. 3. By Aho molement of his p nws aboutthe aides ~i his.open mouth, ,)no migiltthink helae,t.ryi.g to Iree~his lhroat ofa bone.

4,¯ Hie ;Ioice undorgoes mieh .a, ehanllethat it i.impoe~ible nee te t~atru ck by it,

s, /~he dlg,begins to tight~wil h otherdogs; thin ie ii decided eharaoterietiesiltn,it the d~g be itcuorally peacchlL

The three e)’ulpioms last meulion~d i.-

die, to an mdvllleod period el di~-~,e, midthat lile dogiaay blcomo dailp~rotts atany momeai.if/mmediate nlclulures ilemot laken. It ia ¯best to chain him up. at~)nee, or betler ltlill, kill,him.

The lioslon ,Medical andJournal anllgeita tiiat ,bll advice i/AL_~_o r t_~_aJ~lt~Lonee_utLar_ia, tin 1I~era It would aMo ~eem parllou rdllhible and prtotielble thl~, ~he,, .mini’I .b~lld be printed on the’hick of noisesaid i’eeeiple lot dog taxe~. The~ exoel-I~et lmel~lr~l ought to be gvnera~yldopltd.

In lhll 8pimhh Cortes, o,I Wednclda%Ule Miuigterot lli~anee prelenled a billIlVlntinl the itovernmeut speeiul pnwerefor the eolleetlo.u ot laxee, and I revidlngfur eeoeomleal re#arm in Ill departmentsel the admtMbiratk n.

tainmtnte, with a view, it is supposedi to carry way Com.,any are -defendants, i wil4 expoSe too practice his ideal’system. None who did salea_t_public ven dno on

18~II, astwo 6’clock in tho afttrnolm~ I,the Government this month outside of that for Uouee, in the town ot Vilie]a..d. PREMIUM NOTES, $92S.9(IO

month nf the fisea’ year: aud tha apprupria- deucdbed railroad, its roal osltite, " "tigris Going nearly exhausted. Several of the property, ahd :ill it~ franehisos and TOTAL, . ~1Departmou~ are eompeUed to . "ees--Ot’- evor)~iiEt%l-r.~’Ufv hfi ts//~,-~//on the 5rst of July. Mr. C)app, Superintendent.that is to eay : - " _L.._.....--- .....of the Govertiment printing efl}ee, has be-e/~- All and singu|tir fl~e r~il,o~t]_!Lt~nelimd .~enran~.e_effected~lr~.the

-compelled to furlough-nearly half big force-for . ¯Company, or which the enid Vinohisdwant of money to pay them, noOilithsttindiug" ’ il.by law aulherizod to oonstru~t,.bt.the otlce is overcrowded with work which railroad heretofore known Term of~X’EN Years

--_Th-v:-~u,iita-$#-lTh#of abuse aguinst tho Daily Chronlele and its

~rietors, espeeD, Ily Mr. ]larhm, whom it

-came is and hereafter shall be vonstted from the town of Aleibe in iho County


II 8noes l;Ibn.. R Sacls tAe Olotll~,

Ill, ill ~ane /to’Coil £very Year.

’We e0nslder ihe.Previdenee superior to ali ’olhers for the fell.ov.mA reasnns:

DaGy (Jkronlele has fur several mouths iesugd-a Suuda~ editilli, which greatly affects the in.terost of,~’erney’s ~unday 6’Arouiole. T.hismikes D~. 0 t’orney mud, for, na he" claims,there was e when J. W. Forney s01d out

Ghrouielc should :eeeivealso the iufluenea Ot the Daily lu fur~heiHnhusines, interests. It is not at ad !mprobablethat the present dlf~eulty muy, roeult m a law.suit.

Sonalor Sumner etil| remains Jn Washington,and will dontinue to remai.t ulitil the extremehot weather drives kim to his home in Mass

boon in six before. He has been trou-tdoda great deal with palo iu the head, but

greatly improycd, lle takesdaily out~door ex-uroiee, re,i(le and wriles a great deal, and re-o~jvee but few visitors.¯ Jltr. tlialnnoe -B. Young, nf the SmithsoalauInstitute, (non of Dr. Young, Chief of the Bu-reall uf Statistics,) left ~Ie~ York on Sitturday,abe 14th, in the "Vilio du Havre," vu route tothn Exllueilion at Viennu. }Is will visit Lon-don and the prloeipal places of interest io Bel-glumI Franco,.aad Germany, making considerable Itay lu .Vienna, ,rid returulng throughNolthern Ital$, Switzerland aod France, visit.tag the va’ious.agene[es el tho lnltituilon.

lien. Juhn A. Bingnam is iu town. |is io0kemore nhcerfu] than ever, and appears to gut fatover his allpehltlaollt to Japan. Mr. Blnghemie will ug io aeellpt it as a first-class miss ~.ll,There wa~ raaoii allpesltiuu to Mr. B.’l appuiut-mona, and it was,a eurl~rlse tu every cue excepthi~ |uu~t Volta.ate £rleode.

TLe ~aportu ot the examination of the Polariscrew.at our .,avy ~’ard ie not yet given to thepublic. It Is gi~sn out in & ~emi-utnelel way,’

ti’om-l:loere~rF-liobesen.-4hat-when it Is pub~-llshall the publia,wla lind livery agreeablelauding, though lot developing anything re-llarkab~y ilew,

The award of the Geneva tribunal In the ea.,eo,f Iha oelabrated Alabama elalm~, amonntlngto ~lblb001000, will nut be Iransfsrrad bodily iullleela to.the U. S, Treasury at Washiuglon,aooordilig te the lettor~of the treaty; hut it willhnpaid ln~Unlled Slates bonds wur’hased luLoidoil. el’hie relleveeihs anxiety of tha Bankill’ ll~lglaulll ,whkh hol llltely raised its rite ofidJl0LUin,l t0 ll*tidllt tho lleavy draftu upon leaat,aik of gahl lands hy t~e payment ef theFrench war.hldemuity. ~’he ool:l lieeeslary topa~ Ohis award, It il oalenialedl would be equalto a 41uble bloel: three and II half feet In dlmeu-ll,llil IsJtCh wa~. lnlload ~if lreusporllug Ibisamouu,t to b~,re,trausported.to Eegland in pay-nilmt ill the hoarI balanoo lid trade agalait US,the propeu.d s:rtmgom~ni h4o merely deductthe am *,,at frdm lhe usuil ~ulflow ef specierrcm tho cannery._.T.ll, l.lililar.of uf.Taaas_hilisexi proper to’net Ju aee~r’lance wllh tho retluldl of the I~loore.tary of tho Ioterlar, ~,r thepertkm of Slillluli ’and illg Trtl, the uidifa of thil .Kiawll audComaueholl who were eonfleed hi ltll~ penllentllry of that Slate. This ,n4orpllthj.e of Iho Illtithorilila here was ba~ld upon lilhlrmatioliseolJved from r©spelilibie and lnleihglui ar’llyt~lmlra Stationed upan thll frunller,.io tllt~i-,lltii I;hat sueh aelleu would probably prllel, t I ivur Io,f ellermlullllu hllweei lilt Gavlruleulil,d Ith~eir Iribei. The lndla.a bet lhtit ipprlolalt’ I

ihl dietribullen of althnrlly belwvin ltlilenal Ilid klillail ollleers, anli hold iha lieiirai lice. iarnm,h%t rllpenlib~e for the loll Of Tl&ll. |Iiov. Dll’vil thews laeellllt liell in Idl~w,og |public In.recital to orslbell tile ¢laltel of thl /peepie ef .his Slale, l

in sa,~l State, and lkot~’e~e to low ¯:water mark in the Lll~aWaro iLiver, ~lceording ~nd for one and three year term when desired quality of White Rubber~ am all leoure~d te thelhafte in the m.lat permaneht manner by th6to Iha line of survey ,~f eat,1 railr,ad, i,eluding The Promlllm Notes roquired oy this Comps.Muu4ton Process/rooking the hcst=roile~ In thoall the railway brn],cho~, ways, rignls of wayI ny. are but one-halflis I. rge aa other Mutual World,all tracks, bridges, via,lucia, ealveris, !ences, Compani=s in thl~ Di~trict~ whilo the Cash Pay- 2d. The PATtEr MP.~’A~, JOUlilV/Ar.

,tatit n-h~u~e~[The wooden journals In which the iron shaftsmaohiue-silope, alld el! other-=buildi.gs ~od Farm BUildings and Contentsof other maebioes, runso0n wear~ and theo~--struclures, with tht, lands, i{ppuvienuut to {lie " " " ~ - -

same, .ami-n)l h~c,Jmohves, t~lidors~ car~, ii-nd will bo insured at_the ~ery__lowest rates, elel©y oflheWrlnferlstherehygreatlyreducti.

other rolling st,e~ or O,lUil,nlqnt and all tlla~ All Losses are pron:l~tly paid. 8d. The DOU~#,E ~PI/tAI. "~OG,~’nsedoli¯ this wrlnzer give;Ihe utmost eose nnd ste.jidilm .ohinery, and nil other pors.nel properly ef Na~na.lz~ SVRATTON, Prestdoiit. iu wcrking, whliethednuhleetoppreven,sthemevery veture, kip,I, aiid dcscriptioo whet never Fnnuail L. bluLronD, Secretary. from honomlog or being thrown out of gear..naw held or or heroaftor to he held , r .~A~Aii~,~l.~_q,l£11~uxe~l~___ Wa furnlsh_eithei’sluglc ordouble-geared-Prov

deneo as dosirod.nection with lho rullrnil:d~ or I)rhi~lV~ 0f tli~" ~tl (]IENTI!il. 4th. Tbe ’ADJU3’P.4#ILI~. CU~ V]~D 6~AMPsaid Vlcel:uid lleihvay Compuny, ur with nay

il4#o all I rnilchl~e~i connected with or re- hew, ~lluy’a Landingor thickness, making a perfect fastening. N|,

latins to the :llid rtiilroad or branches, or Io bor CRy ; Capt, Da|ii woodoa pegs or rubber itrape ou this Cli.mp.

the constructor,, ln.ihteneneo, ilr use el- the E..Morril’, Somers’ Point; lion. D, S. 5,h. SIMPLICI’I’Y~STB’ENOTI! en~l bEAU-said railroud or I,ra oh, s, an4 jdL tho franchls, mau,A’ort ltepublln l-Allen-T,- Leede,--Tueller. -~Y are_~omhlned In thlc machise, with nil thee~ rigiiisl ,Tad thugs ~Ji ~vh~itsoevor name er tun ; Dr. Lewis Reed, ’ tiimtie City ; Alfred WI

requisites af a grst eh~s wrleger.or nature now :,Ad ,,r hereafter to ho neqellod Clement, l[addonfleld, H. M. Jewell. Winslow. Providence ToM Co.,by the said Vili!~lulid ltldlivay Ceoipi~uy or lie . ¯ ]I. E. ]liOlllrLElils ]11[. D.esuooesaorsl to.,t.,her ~’iili all and ei,gular the .,A~ii.! )~.u~, .q, J. . l:lf0Ul’dcnee, "~" "["tenements, hl~r¢llihllnclllS, lind appurlenances It-ly x, ¯ "’~’t"to the mild r;~ilr-iil4i, hranelies, lands, and Ageno~-11Warren~treet N YOttypr~mlsel, lir eiih~,r hi:roe)4 belonwins Uplversions, roiniilildor and remalnllers, tolls, In- JILATCJILEY8 IMPR0VlIi~oome,, ,eve,,,le,. ,’e,,,,, ,s,,,,.,s, a.,d,,,o,,,,ha-e. Spoke CUOUMBI~3Rof, und elso all Ihe etilat~h right, title, Int.ercstl !

WOOD PUMP.property, llOe~c,~ioil, clii;lU Slid ihunand wlist ~. W. Cor, I, eop~rd & 0tier Sts. ill Tastelessl Durablel EIWel~lilisoever, aa wuli In hiw as in ellnlly, of tho said PIIILADELPHIA. and 0hoop. ~b0 best PumpVInelaud R,di~,ly Cenlpaey of in und to ths ~far the least moneT. Attell-sums and ,lly al d ovl, ry Inirt flioreof with the 8end for Prioe.L|lt, ~ letlll[Ill]ti.u Is u~pe0hllly tnvlt~L toapllortenniie~, tll,llililllili~ wile he nlade hn6wn i~i~Blat~hley’a Pat0nt Impr0vu4at Iha sale, WILLIA.M L. DAYTON, ¯ ~ Brasket sod Now DropCkoekDatod Alkali .ida, i<~;~. Muster iu Chancery. 1)ref. H. ~. ~Oll~eti M.D.

Ml ~ Valvel whi0h sin bu with Gilt¯ ~ be wlthdruwn without femev-

LDI.qRASES-OR--T~E-L U~[~ 8 ~__~__. ing_.the._Pump-,0r-dist~atbhql~f[.Ll[J.Ia][-][.~-’~all CIIItONIC AFItEOTIONS. ~ r.- theJ01alt. Als0,"the Copper

A(iEN T FOlt EhEOTRICITY leleaflflcally applied. Chamber wish mayer eraeka or aeale~, an~ will

OFf’ICEs 1203 Green St,, Phlla,outlast any oth~,r. Ft’- ~ 15y Dealers epoxy"

. whole. 5end |or catalogue t.ad pries-list. . ele," Wllson’s .............. -PILEII Olli iIF.]lllOlllllltlOIDA]h Caas. (]1. BrArCU,.! 11", M’fr,

NI’~II/ i~ A.~ilLY " , Tl[JllllOiliii, i~t,§ 0oi~mcroe t~treet, Phihlda,, Pn.

¯ g’ M ¯ AIIklndsp°sili°elylperfectl~#andpl~’a°ns"t ................Sewln achme ,. on,., , A,,.O,,--,O=, wit,on< .at.,

danger, eanstles or Inslrumonte, by ~W YORK PIANO FORTE

HaTnmonton, N.J. W~i. A. McCANDLISS, M. D,, CI O M P AN Y.-- No. S001 Arch fltreet,lial odphia ~ lance, lieli

~eedJc. un,1 a’,l ullaehments tur Maehlnes ll.lofRefersucegiveute:perlenl eeredo Ifqn~llliliM ifsou.paled, lY

L~rOllipt tlil,,nilon f~iven Io repelling Ma.-eh[nei ill Ill- el’alive, Inii~%, 41-11". lit A ]li~l~ I~i We will glreeaergetle

-],, fia./iTTi .... iV m.n.ud .omen Agraffe Plano-FortelI
