American teflie Aciation AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions ' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry during the Maryland Kite Society ' s annual Kite Festival . See related pictures on page 20. June 1982 In this Issue Bedsheet Kitemal�ing Bermuda on a String Kite Evenʦ AKA convention Maryland Kite Festival What's Up Kite Plans . . ,

American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

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Page 1: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

American KItefliers Association

AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3

Robert Sessions ' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry during the Maryland Kite Society ' s annual Kite Festival . See related pictures on page 20.

June 1982

In this Issue

Bedsheet Kitemal�ing

Bermuda on a String

Kite Events

AKA c.onvention

Maryland Kite Festival

What's Up

Kite Art


. . ,

Page 2: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

4�lf;� OffIcers I and Board


Pmldent John F. (Jack) Van Gilder 1925 Walnut S.W. Seattle, WA 98t 16 (206) 938-0550

Flnt Vice PrHlden' David M. Checkley 676 West Pro.pect Street Seattle, WA 98119 (206) 284-5350

Second Vice PrHldent Carl M. Brewer 5549 33rd Avenue, N.E. Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 525-1149

Third Vice P_ldent John W. Du.enberry 216 NW. 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 784-4279

CorrHpondlng Secrotary Robert D. McCort 6706 162nd Place, SW. Lynnwood, WA 98036 (206) 743-7081

Recording Secretary Milly Mullarky 206 North.ide Ro.d Bellevue, WA 98004 (206) 453-9698

Treuur.r Bill Lee 3420 37th Avenue, South Seattle, WA 96144 1206) 722-2564


Welc. D. (Red) Braswell Wood Ellis George T. Moran H. J. (Hod) Taylor Nicholas Van Sant


Carl Brewer 5549 33rd Avenue, N.E. Seattle, WA 98105 (206) 525-1149

Kenneth L. Conrad 1516 1.t Avenue, South Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 623-7095

John W. Dusenberry 216 NW. 62nd Street Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 784-4279

Robert D. McCort 6706 162nd Place, S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036 (206) 743-7081

Br<loks G. Leffler 41� H.mllton Avenue Silver Spring., MD 20901 (301) 565-0445

Milly Mullarky 206 Northside Road Bellevue, WA 98004 (206) 453-9698


W.O. Red Bra.well 10000 Lomond Drive Mana •••• , VA 22110 (703) 361-2671


Bevan Brown 6636 Kirkley Avenue McLean, VA 22101 (703) 893-3886

Robert Ingraham 315 No. Bayard Street Silver City, NM 8B061

Llallon ·Theodore L. (Ted) Manekin 8 Charles Plaza, #1807 Baltimore: MC 21201 (301) 332-1619


REGION 1: N_ England CT, NH, MA, ME, RI, VT Kitty Corti Route 1, Box 64 Oakland, ME 04963

REGION 2: N_ York State Or. Fred Stevenson 301 Ea.t 73rd St., 60 New York, NY 10021

REGION 3: Penn-Jeroay N_ Jerley, PennlylYenl. Frank Hoke 616 Countess Orive Yardley, PA 19067

REGION 4: MId-AII.nllc DC, DE, MD, VA, WY Ted Manekin 8 Charles Plaza, Suite 1807 Baltimore, MD 21201

REGION 5: I<luth Alo Flo GA, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN John Parker 6109 Aosecrest Drive Charlotte, NC 2d210

REGION e: Northe .. , Centr.1 IN, KY, MI, OH Judy Neuger 4500 Chagrin River Road Chagrin Fall., OH 44022

REGION 7: NorthwHt Centr.1 lA, IL, MN, WI Toby Schlick R.A. 1, Box 205 Fish Creek, WI 54212

REGION 8: Mount.ln Al, CO, ID, MT, ND, NE, NM, NV, SD, UT, WY Brian Volkman The Kite Store 1415 Larimer Square Denver, CO 80202

REGION 9: Soulhw .. , AR, KS, MO, OK, TX Michael Freeman 3804 West 2nd Street Wichita, KS 67203

REGION 10: P.clffc NW AK, HI, OR, WA Dave Check ley 678 W. Pro.pect Street Seattle, WA 98119

REGION 11: N. C.llfornl. Monterey County North Leland Toy 1863 Grand View Drive Oakland, CA 94618

REGION 12: S. Celliornl. South 01 Monteroy County Gloria Lugo 13763 Fiji Way Marina Del Ray, CA 90291

REGION 13: Intern.llon.1 Garry Woodcock 1055 Shawnmarr Road, No. 88 Mississaugs, Ontario Canada, L5H 3V2

I the preSident's corner

As reported last issue , we sent letters to every known kfte club in the U . S . inviting them to affiliate with AKA. So far we have received four applications for chapter status , two large and t.wo small.

MARYLAND KITE SOCIETY , P. O. Box 10467, Baltimore , MD 21209 , is number one. We had reserved this spot for them because they are the oldest kite club I happen to know of and they voted at their annual meeting in January , 1982 , to affiliate with AKA--with no special urging on our pa rt.

Jon Burkhardt is their Executive Secretary this year and mailed their papers in with a nice note_ They had 146 members at time of affiliation. The history of this club is remarkable and I am going to ask Jon if he and his fellow MKS members would kindly write a feature article about the club's history fo� publication in a future AKA NEWS.

WASHINGTON KITEFLIERS ASSOCIATION , got their papers in for Number Two spot . Addres s : Pacific Science Center , 200 2nd Avenue No . , Seattle WA 98109. Membership: 189 . Tom Sisson , president; Carl Krafft , secretary/treasurer,

WKA got started in 1972 with two things going for them: (a) a list of contestants to a very succes s­ful kite contest ("Seafair" ) , and (b ) an interested Community Rela­tions Director at the Pacific Science Center_ PSC sent letters to all contestants , held a meeting and organized , with David Checkley as president and me as secreta ry/ treasurer . We had to let members know what was going on , so I sent out notices . Don't dignify them with the term "newsletter , " but communication is imperative. As the years went on , it grew , added pictures and became decent as people made improvement sugges - s. tions .

ATCHAFALAYA BREEZE TEASERS , P . O. Box 1260 , Patterson , LA 70392, is our third registrant. They are sponsored by the Wedell Williams Memorial Aviation Museum of Morgan City , LA, and number 13 members. Linda Clark and Andrea Burke head it up and sound like they lead active lives , teaching and organi­zing fly-ups.

THE WINDANCE SOCIETY, 410 32nd So. , Nashville , TN 37212 , was No. 4 . Jerry Harris , pres ident , sent a fascinating history of their first yea r . It's hard to believe they claim only 12 members. High points include a Night Flight demonstration with a large sled at 2 , 500 feet and green chemical lights every 200 feet on the line , and "Art On A String, Mus ic On the Wing , " an exhibit at the Parthenon , one of Nashville's art museums.

Being a mus ic capital , isn' t it natural that Jack Tamul produced music for this extravaganza fea­turing the actual amplified sound of kites in flight? 13 , 853 vis itors viewed the kites and even more attended the outdoor activi­ties with more than 400 attending workshops during the month.

They are putting out their second newsletter now_ It looks like they have everything going for them_

I know I speak for all AKA when I say we hope every kite club will affiliate with our growing organi­zation soon_ The requirements for affiliation are minimal and the benefits to your group and to AKA are s ignificant. Please write to AKA Headquarters for the Chapter Affiliation Package if you have not received one .

If you are attempting to launch a new club or instill new spirit in an existing group , maybe we can help. Write us and let us know what ' s up. We'll be happy to put you in touch with kitefliers who have had a successful club experi­ence .

So , you struggling clubs , don't give up--the big ones went through the same things you are going through now_ It was a struggle . But I would suggest two "musts": (1) a newsletter , and (2) a perma­nent mailing address , preferably a prestigious organization like a museum.'

Page 3: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry


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Kites Above All! "There ' s more to kites than meets the sky!" So said the Laguna

Gloria Art Museum about its recent exhibition featuring the extensive kite collection of AKA member Pat Wilcox Hammond of San Antonio , TX .

The exhibition which ran from February 27 through April 10 focused on kites as kinetic s culptures that exemplify elements of a rt such as line , shape and colo r , and explored the history of kites , kites as a scientific tool , and kites as a universal symbol of man ' s irrep res sible longing to soar and fly .

·Included in the exhibition were kites from Korea that are used in religious ceremonies linking man with heaven, a Guatemalan kite from Santiago de Sacatepequez that is flown from graveyards on the Dia de los Muertos to free the souls of the dead , and Indian fighting kites used in popular kite fighting contests . Also included were a number of kites made by Pat Hammond .

A special feature of the exhibit were the works of the late Takizo Hayashi of Japan , an artist and kitemaker who was honored as one of Japan ' s Living National Treasures during his lifetime .

Over 10,000 people viewed and participated in the exhibition which included kite making and flying workshops . Other activi­ties ranged from continuous film presentations to kite literature displays.

In connection with the exhibition sponsored by the Laguna Gloria Art Museum and partially funded by the Texas Committee for the Humanities , the Museum p roduced a beautiful brochure to help children appre­ciate the kites they were seeing . Evidence this introduction:

liThe best time to look at a kite is when it ' s flying . And the best place to look at it is in the sky while you a re on the ground with the string pulling in your hand as the wind lifts and moves the kite . A kite is as wonderful as the way it looks and feels and sounds on the day it flies the very best for you . To look at this exhibition and really enjoy it , you need to I M AG I N E flying the kites."

Our congratulations and thanks to Pat Hammond and the Laguna Gloria Museum for their help in spreading the good news!

Pat Hammond with Laguna Gloria Museum kites .


Page 4: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

1 1M" !

bedsheet kitemakery

As this diagram indicates , from one king-size flat sheet (l08" x 108") you can make : 1 - 18' delta or

2 - 12' deltas or 4 - 8' deltas or 8 - 6' deltas or

16 - 4' deltas or various comb inations of the above , providing you make the keels from separate fabric.

Our thanks to Len Conover of the Greater Delaware Valley Kite Society for this article from Tightlines , its newsletter . For more of this good stuff , join G*D'i<V*K*S by sending $6.00 to Greater Delaware Valley Kite Society , P . O. Box 426, Newfield , NJ 08344.

Tired of tattered tyvek? Riled by ripping rip- stop? Sick of singing the same old song on your Singer? Whether you choose muslin or percale , cotton or polyester­hlend , you can make a b ig kite without a b ig investment. From twin size (66" x 96") to king s ize (108" x 108"), bedsheets provide considerable variation in dimen­sions , materials , colors and patterns . You can even get them in old fashioned white to bring out the a rtist in you . Inexpen­s ive . . . �vailable at your corner department store . . . easy to handle , cut , sew and iron . . . throw it into the washing machine when it gets dirty . Make a delta , diamond , dragon or 0' dako- -you will be surprised at how little wind it takes to get your bedsheet flapping in the breeze.

o rainbow striped flyers sewn from deltas , each eight feet wide , were

once a pillowcase. Keels are clea r vinyl.

"Ultracale" by Wamsutta (50% combed cotton and 50% polyester) . The tWI made from one , repeat one , twin size bedsheet. The smaller ki t.e was Dowels used are 1/4" and 3/8" diameter . Photo by Len Conover .


Page 5: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Len Conover's IS-foot bedsheet delta in brown " Country Patch" by Sears , Roebuck & Co . The sticks are 3/4" outside diameter aluminum tubing. The spreader contains two sections of 5/S" wood dowel , glued in place , inside the aluminum. The kite weighs about five pounds and will fly in a five mph breeze. Area is 81 square feet .

The keel is made of two thicknesses of canvas , stitched on the wrong side then folded right side out and stitched again. The spreader hooks are made of metal shower curtain rings , bent to shape with pliers and inserted in holes drilled in the ends of wooden dowels. A l ittle fiberglass strapping tape holds them in place . A large metal grommet provides the towing point.

Another kite courtesy of Sears, .l{oebuck & Company. ]'his easy-to -make· and-fly four foot model is in the pink "Strawberry Patch" pattern, with a keel made from .scraps. A kite made from subtle colors 'like this one is best flown at ' 'Iltitudes where it can be appreciated . It looks equally well hanging c;:. :Iall at home or from the ceiling of the local library.


Kite Contest

Spectra Star Kites has announced its Kite-A-Maran Photo Contest with over $1,000 in cash and prizes.

Contest categories include color and black and white photos of the Kite-A-Maran flying and sailing . Anyone can enter and the deadline for entries is July 30, 19S2. For an entry blank write Kite-A-Maran Photo Contest , 3519 Caribeth Drive , Encino , CA 91436, or check with your local kite store .

High Flying Search-A-Word

As promised , here are the answers to last month's puzzle.

Page 6: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

American PI Kitefliers

, f Association 1982 Rational Convention

�� Oct.7,8,9,IO '���·t Host Club:

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Page 7: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Detroit Awaits Kitefliers Plans Looking Up

Fifth Annual AKA Convention

October 7-10

Ocean City, MDj Manassas, VAj Seattle, WAj Houston, TXj and , coming soon, Detroit, MI . Each year AKA's convention gets bigger and better . The 1982 kitefliers' gathering already looks like a winner . Hank and Nancy Szerlag, convention co-chairmen, have announced several exciting features·.

Donor Contributor Patron Minimum $75 Silver Patron Minimum $200 Gold Patron Minimum $500 Platinum Patron- Minimum $1 000

Early auction contributions in order of their arrival:

Domina Jalbert- J15 Para-foil (Patron)

Helen Bushell- Signed copy of Make Mine Fly (Donor)

Mariah Kite Co . - Model 8 Sutton Flow Form, Model 16 Sutton Flow Form, Model 60 Sutton Flow Form, New Giant Model Sutton Flow Form (Platinum Patron)

Spectra Star Kites- 14 Catamaran Kites (Silver Patron)

Wind Mill Kite Co.- Sweep Wing Delta (Donor)

All donations received by June 30th will be listed in next news­letter. What kinds of things are we looking for? Anything that is kite related . Kites, clothing such as t-shirts, j ackets, hats, and gloves, reels, kite line,

Local Detroit columnist, Bob Talbert, anchors the award winning* 18' "Navaho" built by Hank (left) and Nancy (right) Szerlag. Although not competing, it was constructed j ust for the Convention. This traditional design was first seen in the early 1900 ' s and was known as the "Seven Sisters." With its multi-tails dancing in the wind (20-24' in length, one main extending to 75' plus) , it will make a bold, festive statement in the sky for all participants to enjoy. *Awards-Toronto Kitefliers 1982 Humber Bay Annual Festival, 1st-Most Spectacular Kite, 1st-Best of Show.

building materials, books, kite cases, etc. I f it looks like a kite, or can be made into a kite, or can be used with a kite, we'll take it .

Remember, AKA has acquired tax exempt status . Personal, as well as business, contributions are tax-deductible. All donations will be acknowledged with a "donor value" receipt.

Those of you who make kites can send us one or more of your original works (preferably signed) . Manufac­turers can make selections from


your product line. Those ot you who collect might take a few minutes to look over your co).­lection and see if you have any duplicates or models you find rarely used.

Your donation today will insure a strong AKA tomorrow!

Please send all material to Auction Co-Chairman, John Hegg:

Service Staple Company 206 W. 6th Street Royal Oak, MI 48067

Page 8: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Patron Bonus--Donors contributing item or items valued at $75.00 or more wil l receive a regulation size, high quality aluminum license plate , beautifully depicting our 1982 Convention logo in red and white , compliments of Pat Gilgallon of The Unique Place/World of Kites . A real collectors' item, this beauty will help promote AKA and let others know of your generous donation.

Kite Clubs Hey all you Kite Clubbers . Don't forget to take advantage of the Kite Club display boards , which will cover one Convention room wall . Send us pix of your activi­ties , kites , etc . Also include information as to location , size of club , etc . Don't forget member­ship applications or contact person .

Checl�ley Session Dave Checkley , having j ust returned from Japan and China , promises an exciting slide show and lecture on Oriental Kites . This is not to be missed.

Sites to See All you conventioneers wil l want to be sure and bring lots of colored film. Not only will there be loads of unusual kites entered in the competition , but many are planning to bring their big beauties j ust to dazzle your eyes . Bil l Tyrrel l promises to wow the crowds with a kite sporting a 1/2 mile tail . Hank and Nancy Szerlag wil l send u p their award winning "Navaho" compound hexagon . John Hegg will fill a good part of the sky with his 50' Delta , and Adrian Conn will prove for once and for all that his 16' flexifoil wil l not fly him . (We hope!!)

Field Events A point scale system will be utilized for the Comprehensive �nd


Line categories. To foster the competitive spirit , award w1nn1ng kites from past conventions will be handicapped 25 points .

1. COMPREHENSIVE (kite constructed 1. 1 Delta/Delta derivative 1. 2 Canopy 1. 3 Cellular 1 . 4 Air inflated

by entrant) 1 . 5 Compound 1. 6 Flat 1. 7 Bowed

2. PEOPLE'S CHOICE 2. 1 Self-made kite 2. 2 Manufactured kite 2. 3 Self-made kite accessory 2. 4 Manufactued kite accessory

3. ALTITUDE SPRINTS ( 60 seconds subject to conditions) 3. 1 Under 1500 sq. in. 3. 2 Over 1500 sq . in.

4. DUAL LINE ·CONTROL ( Single kite) 4. 1 Compulsories

In sequence , non-stop- -Vertical Figure 8, Square Box , Horizontal Figure 8 , About Face/Impulse , Circl e , Power Dive .

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4. 2 "Thread the Needle"

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For bonus points--low horizontal pass through an opening 12 inches wider than kite width . Lower gate positioned 6" off the ground .

5. 5/20 INVITATIONAL (Just for fun . )

5. 1 Great Strohs Can Lift- -A weight-lifting event , an extension of the comprehensive category for each of the seven generic types.

5. 2 The IFR Challenge Blindfolded flyer/directional caller team event . A timed event with- the object being to hit a helium filled balloon tethered 36" above ground level . Striking ground at any time disqualifies entrant .


Page 9: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Exhibitors Sought

Anyone interested in exhibiting at the Convention Trade Show should contact Trade Show Chairman Pat Gilgallon, c/o The Unique Placet World of Kites, 525 S. Washington, Royal Oak, MI 48067 (313) 398-5900 Pat will send you out a trade packet with all the necessary informa tion.

AKA Nominations

A.t the 5th Annual Meeting in October, 1982, we will be electing a President and members of the Board of Directors from Regions 10 through 13, in accordance with the AKA By-Laws.

The President is elected annually, and may be nominated by any member.

The elected Board Members will serve for 3 years (1983, 1984 and 1985). A Director must reside in the region he or she represents.

The following are the regions concerned, each of which shall elect one Director:

Region 10-Pacific Northwest, AK, HI, OR, WA

Region II-Northern California, Monterey County North

Region 12-Southern California, ,South of Monterey County

Region 13-International

Send your nominations, along with the address of your nominee and a brief biographical description to:

Association Headquarters 1104 Fidelity Building 210 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201

We will pass them on to the members of the Nominating Committee elected at the Houston Convention.

In addition, two changes in the By-Laws proposed in Houston will be acted upon at the Annual Meeting

"in Detroit. Look for the full text of the proposed changes in the August issue of AKA NEWS along with notice of other convention businp .



October 7, 8, 9, 10 - 1982

Send registration form to: Hank Szerlag 1961 Hunt Club Drive Grosse Pointe Woods, MIT 48236

Registration fee per person: $50 until August 15th $55 after August 15th

This fee includes dinner on Friday, lunch and dinner on Saturday.






CITY STATE _____ ZIP _____ _



CITY ___________ STATE ______ ZIP _____ _

Enclose check or money order for total below, note price break for early registration. Make check payable to: AKA/DETROIT

No. registrations


at $ ____ _ Total enclosed _______ _

Please add my name and send "Roomie List".

My phone number (

RETURN TO : Holiday Inn of Southfield 26555 Te le graph Southfie ld, MI 48034

lL�dlal\ �� Group Reservation , � of Southfield

GROUP NAME: --=-:A::.:M=E�R:.-=I-=C�A::.:N�K:..::I�T-=E :--=.F-=L:..::I:..::E:.::.R=-=S =---::.A.::..:S:..:S:....:O:....:C:....:- I:..:..A-,-,T=-:-::



N:::-:-:-=:::::= (CHECK·OUT TIME

CHECK-IN DATE: ________ CHECK-OUT: ___ ----- 12 NOON)

NO. ROOMS: ROOM TYPE:_--:-:o-=-

_ 1 BED




SINGLE DOUBLE TRIPLE QUAD 1 $ 36 • 00 I 1$ 4 0 • 00 I 1 $4 3 0 00 I 1$ 4 5 • 00 I ROLLAWAY BED:" DYES 0 NO CRIB: NO CHARGE 0 YES 0 NO

NAME:� __________________________ ____ ___

ADDRESS: __________________ ______________ _

CITY/STATE/ZIP: _ ______________ _

PHONE: _________________ � __

SHARING WITH: � _ ____________ _ _

GUARANTEED RESERVATION All reservations must be Slccompanied by one night's stay.

Cash deposit $ (Include this card il') envelope with remittance)


Page 10: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

ifitevents· July 4, 1982. SKY SCULPTURE AND SYMPHONY . 5:00 p . m . on the beach at the end of Rehobeth Avenue, Rehobeth Beach, DE. CONTACT: Barbara Jerrell or Eileen Talley (302) 227-1616.

July 10, 1982. 1st ANNUAL CAMP SHUREFOOT KITE FESTIVAL AND FUND RAISER . To benefit a day care camp for handi­capped children . 10:00 a. m . , Johnsville Naval Air Station, Street Road at Jacksonville Rd . , Warminster, PA . CONTACT: Bill Tyrrell, (215) 348-1744.

July 17, 1982. 4TH ANNUAL WRIGHT KITE FESTIVAL. Sponsored by Kite Kingdom, Sea Holly Square, Kill Devil Hills, NC . CONTACT: John Stubbings, (919) 441-6235, or write P. 0 Box 1036, Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948.

how to be up·onldtes How to know a drogue from a dihedral? a fighter from a Flexi­foil? a Waldof from a salad? Only one way: read Kite Lines, the

international quarterly journal of kiting. Each colorful issue brings

you news, designs, profiles, reviews, in-depth feature artltCleS-lmd unusual advertisements, too. Kiting's standard of reference since 1 9 7 7 and noted as well for its role in founding AKA, Kite Lines shares the same purposes: "To promote kiting, its joys and its values, in all nations." We wrote that. We live it. Join the family in Kite Lines.

I I wonder if there is another single human-made object quite so spe­cial as the kite. Kite Lines brings us the hum, the music of the line. It's our magazine.-Tal Streeter, American sculptor and kite authority

$2.50/copy; $9.00/year US; $10.00 Canada/Mexico; $11.50 elsewhere. Charges to VISA and MasterCard accepted. Send for subscription today to Kite Lines, 7106 Campfield Road, Baltimore, MD 21207, USA.


July 24, 1982. THE VENICE PIER' KITE FESTIVAL. Noon . On the beach immediately north of the Venice Pier, Venice, CA. As always, no rules, no fees, no judging . All the famous show stoppers will be there: giant dragons, centipedes, and trains, fighters, stunters, aerial ballet . CONTACT: Gloria Lugo, Let ' s Fly A Kite, (213) 822-2561.

August 15, 1982. BAY AREA KITE FLY . Marina Green, San Francisco, CA .

August 20-22, 1982. MARYLAND KITE SOCIETY KITE RETREAT . Hilltop House, Harper's Ferry, WV. Three days, two nights and six meals for $80.00 per person, double occupancy . CONTACT: Carolyn Staples (301) 37 7-5081 (home) or (301) 962-3794 (work) .

September 18-19, 1982. DIEPPE INTERNATIONAL KITE FESTIVAL, France . Another Biggie .

September 25, 1982. CHILDREN'S ART FESTIVAL . 11:00 a . m . - 5:00 p . m. , Fonthill Park, Court Street and Rt . 313, Doylestown, PA. Sponsored by the Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation with a little help from the G*D*V*K*S . Workshops, demonstrations and a peaceful shady picnic area (bring your own lunch) . CON­TACT: Jill Unger (215) 757-0571 or Olan Turner (215) 493-2153.

September 26, 1982. IF-AT-FIRST-YOU-DON'T-SUCCEED . 12:00 noon, Historic Towne of Smithville, Rte . 9 and Moss Mill Rd . , Smithville, NJ. CONTACT: Ray Williams (609) 652-1435.

October 2, 1982. HARVEST MOON KITE FLY . 7:00 p . m . , Evans School Atfiletic Field, Route 73, below Marlton Circle, Marlton, NJ. Bring your glow-in-the-dark kites . CONTACT: Ed Spencer (609) 983-7656.


order by phone (301) 268-6065

I�I'I�I�S A\\'I�lt;H 6 Fleet Street, Annapolis

Page 11: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

October 3, 1982. FAMILY DAY KITE Green, San Francisco, CA. CONTACT: Grand View Drive, Oakland, CA 94618.

FESTIVAL. Marina Leland Toy, 1883

October 7-10, 1982. AKA NATIONAL CONVENTION, Detroit, MI. CONTACT: Hank or Nancy Szerlag, 1961 Hunt Club Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. (313) 886-6009

March 19, 1983. 16th ANNUAL OAHU KITE FLYING CONTEST. The Hawaii Chapter AKA welcomes all members to join them in this annual kite contest. CONTACT: Benny Escobido, Parks and Recreation, 650 South King Street, Honolulu, HI 96813 (808) 841-0437

March 19, 1983. Rockford Park, Wilmington, DE.

May 1, 1983. BUCKS COUNTY KITE FLY. Core Creek Park, off Route 413, between Langhorne and Newton, PA.

May 8, 1983. Savich Field, Marlton, NJ.

May 15, 1983. Rosetree Park, Media, PA.

May 1983. THIRD ANNUAL MEMORIAL DAY FLY FOR PEACE, Noon-4:00 p. m. , Gasworks Park, Seattle, WA. Join with members of the WKA to loft flags borrowed from local consulates and fly flag-kite trains. CONTACT: Great Winds (206) 624-6886 or City Kites (206) 622-5349.

KITE SOCIETY OF WISCONSIN-MILWAUKEE has scheduled flies at the lakefront immediately south of the McKinley Marina on the following dates: July 18, August 8, August 29, and September 12. Rain dates the following week. We urge you to join them if you're in town.

CHICAGOLAND SKYLINERS will have regular flies on the 2nd Saturday of the month at Schiller Woods on the northwest corner of Cumberland Avenue and Irving Park Road, Groves 1113 and 14 and on the 4th Saturday of the month on Cricket Hill at Montrose Beach on the lake.



�$' REGULAR NO-NOTICE KITE FLYING, every even calendar num­bered Saturday, at Highbanks Metro Park, Columbus, Ohio. Kite tourists, bide a while in Columbus and socialize on the field.

GONE WITH THE WIND KITE CLUB of Atlanta flies every 3rd Sunday of month. Various sites. CONTACT: Ron Witt (404) 352-3368.


Every 3rd Sunday of Month,


Buy the recommended test line

for your kite.

CAREY I, designed for smaller kites and Ii pulling winds. Holds 2 miles of 30 lb. test line. Red, white, blue, yellow, orange, black. $6.50

• Plus $2.00 UPS in the U.S.A. (Airmailed Overseas & Canada for $3.60)

CAREY II, SUPER STRENGTH designed for Snowflakes, Flow

Carey's Kite Winder Form Parifoils, and Deltas of

7671 North Ave. comparable pull. Line stretch will

lemon Grove, Ca. 92045 not crush winder. Yellow. $8.50

JiL� Fgd�1 (God of the Winds!

1870 Kensington Avenue, Burnaby, B.C., Canada V5B 4E1

ROKKAKU MAKI-lKA (Roll-Up Kites) Toranosuke WATANABE's finest art work. Family's tr.adition. 36"hX28"w $42·40\}�


NAGASAKI HATA FIGHTER Kohei MORIMOTO's world renowned Nagasaki HATA. 28" high $24.00US + $4.50 Handling

'Add$��ing i

Other traditional Japanese kites available. Certified check only accepted.

Page 12: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry



The British Columbia Kitefliers Association celebrated St. Patrick' Day this year! (Didn' t you know St. Patrick used kites to drive the snakes out of Ireland?) AKA President Jack Van Gilder visited to show pictures and share news of AKA. BCKA also launched an eight­session course on kite making. Featured in the first session was Piney Mountain Air Force' s "bullet" as taught by kite master Dan Kurahashi. Later sessions will feature a Hokkai Dako, a Rokkaku Dako, and other kites of increasing complexity, requiring more advanced skills.

AKA member E. L. Pavey reports that the Indianapolis Boys' Club Association held its 2nd Annual Kite-Fly on Saturday, April 10. This year 253 boys entered with a total of 223 kites actually reachin the required altitude for competi­tion. Pavey reports that he entered a "poor-man's Marshall-Conyne" which flew long enough and high

enough to win first place for largest kite at 12' x 24'. A local radio station personality acted as chief judge and the station helped with publicity. The event, a kick-off to Boys' Club Week, was so succesful that next year they hope to make it a statewide affair. Pavey hopes that perhaps the National Boys'

Clubs with develop a fly-off with state winners competing on a grand scale. We think this is a great idea and an opportunity for indi­vidual AKAers and clubs to volun­teer their assistance and provide a real public service.

In a short story, "The Kite," Somerset Maugham told of a man who went to prison because he refused to pay alimony to his ex-wife. When asked why he refused, he replied, "She broke my kite. " Maugham went on to ask what there is about kite flying that "makes the damn fool so mad about it?" His answer: "Perhaps it gives him a sense of power as he watches it soaring towards the clouds, and of mastery over the elements as he seems to bend the winds of heaven to his will. It may be that in some queer way he identifies himself with the kite, flying so free and high above him, and it's as if it were an escape from the

letters It was Sunday and my son was on the roof of the kite store flying a stunt kite to stimulate sales. A Sunday like so many other days at the. Krazy Kites Store. I sat there saying to myself, "What am I doing spending all this time and money trying to sell people on kites?" Only two people had visited the store that morning. One just wanted change for the game room next door and the other browsed around for a while and then asked me if any of these kites really flew.

Suddenly my attention was focused on a woman pushing a man in a wheelchair into the kite shop. They purchased a kite and left to fly it nearby. In a little while she returned to buy another kite. About an hour passed before she returned, this time very excited. She explained that the young man had been paralyzed from the neck down for ten years. His right hand was. locked in a position that held the kite line perfectly and the pull of the kite was exer­cising his arm. Her enthusiasm made me give her a kite and a streamer that I had made. I felt even more personally involved when I saw it flying a little later; the kite that I had made with my hands was the kite that exercised his arm. We shared a simple pleasure. Meanwhile, my own son, still on the roof, flew the stunt kite with ease.

When the day ended, she came back into the store with him to thank


monotony of life. It may be that in some dim confused way it repre­sents an ideal of freedom and adventure. "

Ex-National Security Adviser, Richard Allen, was featured in the "People" section of Time magazine, April 26, 1982, demonstrating his "string pulling talent. " It seems Allen was asked to judge a kite flying contest on Sanibel Island in Florida and tried his hand at flying. Says Allen, "Kites can relax you, can adjust you. " He thought his own kite looked like the Pentagon with one more angle. Allen quipped, "It represents the Administration' s six-sided strate­gic defense modernization program. You could call it the Caspar Weinberger Special. " And we thought we' d heard everything!

Quotable quotes--from AKA Presi­dent Jack Van Gilder. "Kite flying isn't a fad; it's a groundswell. "

me for the kite. I said, "My pleasure and thank you for the experience that will feed my spirit on all those da�s when


say 'Why am I in the k1te bus1-ness?'"

Fran Law Virginia Beach, VA

The Jean Renoir Cultural Centre ot Dieppe cordially invites indi vi­dual kitefliers and clubs to participate in the Second Interna­tional Reunion for Kitefliers, to be held Saturday and Sunday, September 18-19, 1982.

The Reunion will feature a compe­tition, exhibitions and free flying. Awards will be given for "Most Impressive Kite in Flight, " "Most Comical Kite in Flight, " and "Most Original Kite in Flight, " as well as high angle, fighter kites and kite trains. Exhibitions will feature message-carrying kites and steerable kites.

The organizers will assist with arrangements for camping and shared accomodations, if desired.

Please write or call AKA Headquar­ters for additional information and fo!" the regis�ration form.

From Brooks Leffler--Best bet for hand protection: sailing gloves, which have heavy leather palms, lightweight backs, Velcro fas­teners, and open finger tips. With these, you can avoid string burns but still operate snap swivels, tie knots, thread needles or eat lunch. Available from marine stores for $12-$15.

Page 13: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

"" _\Toronto e W �Bostone dNeWYOrke .


Although a day rarely passes in Bermuda when one does not spot a few kites flying high over the island, it is Easter weekend, in general, and Good Friday, in particular, that serve as the focus of the island's kite designing, construction and flying.

Good Friday festivals are based on a legend that dates back to the early 19th century . An unknown Sunday school teacher, so it goes, stood atop Bermuda's highest hill with his students, and in a meta­phorical attempt to explain the story of Christ's ascension, lofted a standard three-stick kite painted with Christ's image . When his ball of string played out, the teacher released the string and the kite soared higher and higher until it disappeared from view . Over the years, this single flight has evolved into a day-long cele­bration .

The beautiful pink-sand crescent beach of Horseshoe Bay on the island ' s south shore has become the scene of the day's most active kite flying. Backed by the sounds of steel bands, people fan out along the beach to fly their kites, swim, snorkel and eat fish cakes and hot cross buns . The sky is dominated by brilliantly colored variations of the classic Bermuda kite: head-stick kites in the shape of stars, round kites, the classic shapes with double head­sticks .

In addition to the Horseshoe Bay celebration, several of Bermuda's leading Sport Clubs have intramural competitions at their own clubhouse grounds, and they cap their efforts by attempts to launch massive kites measuring up to and in excess of 40 feet. Although a successful giant kite flight is the exception, heady anticipation

and excitement are experienced year after year .

One of the most spectacular efforts took place in 1979 . A 42-foot purple Bermuda kite emblazoned with a gold cross and tended by a 14-member flying team, was formal­ly blessed by the Bishop of Bermuda Over 2, 000 spectators turned out . The local police were called in to handle traffic which jammed narrow lanes and stretched back for over a mile .

Everyone watched a kite designed for 20-mph winds challenge gusts that sporadically surged to 35 mph. The crowd was not disap­pointed . The first flight--15 seconds to an estimated altitude of 3 feet--ended, due to a lull in the winds, in a soft landing on the manicured lawn. A few moments

later, the kite responded to a second launch effort, tugging fiercely at the end of its 3/8 inch rope line and lumbering into the gusty winds to an altitude of 45 feet . It held there, poised like the floating front of a rowhouse. Then, caught by a back gust, it flew directly down onto a sparkling white tiled rooftop, splitting in two and flattening an oleander hedge. The onlookers applauded enthusiastically. The flight team and their leader laughingly agreed that giant kites can be temperamental. And the good-natured crowd dispersed to fly other kites.

Each year some great kites do manage to hold their places in the sky, but the remarkable j oy of the day lies in the beauty of hundreds and sometimes thousands of kites flying above the horizon.

The AKA office has been in touch with the Bermuda Department of Tourism regarding a possible charter excursion to take part in this fabulous kite festival on Good Friday, 1983 . Charter rates to Bermuda are most favorable and inexpensive accomodations abound. If you would be interested in participating in a group charter, please contact the AKA office. We will keep a list of interested members and advise you of develop­ments.

Large round kites such as this one at the Maryland Kite Society festival are typically seen in the Bermuda sky on Good Friday.

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Page 14: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry


Our business is getting up softly, of course!

. . ....

Joe Valenti President

Carole Johnston Sales

Toll Free (800) 523·2572 In Pennsylvania (215) 441·0266 490 Easton Road. Horsham, PA 19044

RAINBOW STUNT KITES First, Second, Third Prizes


Members' Choice Best �anufacturer's Kite




��II�, member "II'merchants

The following merchants have agreed to allow a 10% discount to AKA members. This is a costly and serious step by these merchants. They deserve the support and patronage of AKA members. The AKA membership card is valuable.

Beauty In The Breeze 7901 E. Th""$ Rd. Scottsdale t AZ 85257 602-994-9906

High A. A Kite 34 Princess St. Saus,dito I CA 94965 415-332-8944

Carey's Kite Winder 7671 Horth Avenue Leaon Grove, CA 92045

Rainbow Kite Coarpao.y 221 Hopton Venice, CA 90291 213-396-8096

Seaport Kite Shop 867 W. Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 714-232-2268

Kites, Kites, Kites S5 Alice Street. Oakland, CA 94607

Kite City 1201 FroDt Street Old Sacraaento, CA 95814 916-443-3478

Kite &: Gift, Inc. 333 Jefferson Street San Francisco, CA 94133 415-885-5785

Beauty In The Wind 1945 Quivera Road San Diego, CA 92109 714-222-KlTE

Let I s Fly A Kite 13755 Hj i Way &rina del Rey, CA 90291 213-822-2561

liteaail:ers of San Francisco Pier 39, Space A-13 San Francisco, CA 94133 415-421-6222

The Kite Coa.o.ectioa. 415 W. Foothill Blvd. Clareaont, CA 91711 714-624-6287

Hypercites 280 Surf View Court Del Mar, CA 92014 (714) 231-4977

Sky Scrapers 2563 15th Street Denver, CO 80211 (303) 433-9518

Into The Wind/Kites 1738 Pearl Street Boulder, CO 80302 303-449-5356

The Kite Store 1415 Lari.er Square Denver, CO 80202 303-623-2353

The Kite Site 3101 M Street, H.W. Wasbington, D.C. 20007 202-965-4230

The ICi te Shop 49 Rehobeth Avenue Rehobeth Beach, DE 19971

Heavenly Body Kites 409 Greene Street Key West, FL 33040 305-296-2535

Stant.on Hobby Shop r Inc. 4734 North Hilwaukee Ave. Chicago, It 60630 312-283-6446

Kites Aweigh 6 Fleet Street Annapolis, MIl 21401 301-268-6065

Kite Kraft 245 S. !lsin FrankeQllluth, !lI 48734 517-652-2961 or 781-3029

Unique Place World of Kites 525 S. Washington Royal Oak, HI 48067 313-398-5900

The Rocil:ia.g Horse Toy Co. 125 E. Bay Street Harbor Sprinls, MI 49740 (616) 526-7236

Ride the Wind Ki te Shop 524 S. Main St. St. Cb.arl.',!10 63301

Iitty Hawk lites P.O. Box 386 Nagl Head, NC 27959

� Kite � Tips

Go Fly A Kite, Inc. 1434 Third Avenue New York, NY 10028 212-472-2623

Go Fly � Xite, Inc. 153 East 53rd New York. NY 10022 (212) 308-1666

The Xi te KOlI'pany 33 W. Orange Chagrin Falls, 08 44022 216-247-.223

Once Upon A Breeze Kites 253 North He.loci: Cannon Beach, OR 97110 503-436-1112

Kites & Other i)eligbts 99 West 10th Street Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 345-4856

K.ites & Other Delights Fifth Street Market Eugene, OR 97401 (503) 344-KITE

The Rainbow Store Harket Place Bethleheta, PA 18018 215-865-9424

Mariah Kite C08Ipany 490 E •• ton Road Horsh .. , PA 19044 800-523-25 72

The R. inbow S to re 952 Raailton Mall AllentoWll, PA 18102 215-770-1080

Krazy Kites On the Pier Virginia Be.ch� VA 23451 804-428-0753

Great Winds Kite Shop 166 S. Jackson Street Seattle, WA 98104 (206) 623-7095

Fish Creek Kite Coapany R.R. 1 Box 205 Fish Creek. WI 54212 414-868-3769

�. . . I . . ,

From Carroll Yeargin--Nearly extinct: fiberglass tube arrow shafts make elegant, excellent, lightweight, rugged kite sticks. They come in 12 diameters, some telescopable for splicing, up to 32" long. Try tlg with tl3 , or tl7 with til. A few may still be found �t your local sporting goods or archery supply, and s�nce they're obsolete for arrows, may be a bargain.

Send us your tips so we can share them!

Page 15: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry


WON'T FLY? (a) they tangle horribly; (b) they create terrific drag; and (c) they are heavy. Use a streamer. Every kite kit should have a roll of surveyor tape or crepe paper streamer. 01' Jim Carnwath drummed into me: "Weight is everything. "

Last issue we dealt with bridling; how to force a kite spine into a very slight bow; how to adjust flying angle so that the kite will skim the air much like a speedboat skimming over water.

This issue, we will discuss Eddy ("two-sticker") kites--how to adjust them if they fly off-center to one side.

Eddy kites should fly with no tail. To do this, they need a slightly baggy, slightly loose covering. This usually will happen naturally when the cross­spar is bowed with a bow-string. This causes a deep V, toward the tail:

--rather like the vertical stabi­lizer on an airplane.





Make sure the covering is not taut.

Bow cross-spar about 10%; if spar is 36 inches, force a 3-4 inch bow with bow-string;

Center cross-spar. Measure it exactly. If it is cente�ed and the kite tips or circles left, move the cross-spar slightly to the left also, giving that side a bit more wing area. Be sure to tie cross-spar tightly so it won't return. Mark it for easy re-assembly next time.

4. "Flatten the down-side": give the lower flying side more lift by using a "bandage" on that side of the spar.

small If the tail fails, you have two more options:

loop � strin� 6.

spinS"', spar The Brute Force Method: Tie the tail off center; and last but not least,


This "bandage" is a small loop of string tied around both cross-spar and bow­string. It should be small enough to be slipped along the spar, creating a flat­tening effect as it is moved toward the center spine.

When shifting the cross-spar or using the bandage, remember: "A little goes a long way." If you overdo the adjustments, it might have the oppos i te effect.

Try a tail. Now, some of us artsy types LIKE tails. They ripple nicely in the bree�e. But take my advice and DON' T tie globs of newspapers to a string and hang the batch on the kite as a tail bacause:

7. The trash can.

Thanks to Harold Writer, of Seattle for most of this information on Eddy kites. Any comments, write Jack Van Gilder, 1925 Walnut, S. W. , Seattle, WA , 98116.

Next issue: "Crooked Deltas. "

.Af�II�� Come Fly with Us! .. I I u� I .. Join the American

Kitefliers Association and � I II • r enjoy kite friends around the world. Your membership , , includes a bimonthly

newsletter, a membership card, a 10% discount at participating kite stores and a chance to attend the annual

national meeting and kite festival - all for $10 a year. Write to:

AKA, 1104 Fidelity Building 210 N. Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. 21201


Page 16: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Full Size Plans ! C o n s t r u c t i o n

1 . F i r s t", w ax t h e p l an s w i t h a b i t o f c a n d l e w a x . T h e n , t a p e o r g l u e t h e p l an s t o a f l at s u r fa c e .

2 • . C u t 4 " l o n g , 1 /3 2 s q . s t r i p s f r o m q u a r t e r - g r­a i n , 1 /.3 2 " s h e e t b a l s a . S t r u t u r e i s 1 /32 s q . t h ­r o u g h o u t .

3 . C u t f u s e l a g e l o n g e r o n s ( 4 ) e x a c t l y t h e s a m e l e n g t h . C u t f u s e l ag e c r o s s m e m b e r s ( 1 6 ) e x a c t l y t h e s a m e l e n g t h . B u i l d e a c h s i d e b y t a c k i n g t i n y a m o u n t s o f a i r p l a n e g l u e t o th e p l a n s an d f itt,i f1.j c o r r e s p o n d i n g p i e c e s i n p l a c e " T a c k e d s t r u c t u r e c a n e a s i l y b e s e p a r at e d w i t h a r a z o r b l a d e .

4 . L i g h t l y t a p e o n e c o m p l e t e d s i d e u p r i g h t a g a i n s t t o e v e r t i c a l e d g e o f a 1 /2 11 t h i ck b o a r d . M o v e t h i s u p r i g h t s e c t i o n i n t o p o s i t i o n o v e r t h e p l a n s a n d g l u e b o t h t h e o t h e r c o m p l e t e d s i d e a n d t h e c r o s s m e m b e r s i n p l ac e a t c o r r e s p o n d i n g p o i n t s s t a r t i n g w i t h t h e b o t t o m c r o s s m e m b e r s s o t h at b o t h s i d e s a r e c o r r e c t l y j o i n e d , f o r m i n g a 1 " x 1 " x 3 " s t r u c t u r e .

5 . C o v e r e a c h f u s e l ag e p a n e l ( 8 ) s e p a r at e l y . U s e c i g a r e t t e p ap e r o r c o n d e n s e r p ap e r ( p r e - s h r u n k i s b e s t ) . U s e t h i n n e d m o d e l d o p e a s an ad h e s i v e . M i c r o l i t e c o v e r i n g w o u l d b e v e r y s u i t ab l e a l s o . ' A f t e r c o v e r i n g f u s e l ag e , g l u e u n c o v e r e d w i ng fr­ames in p o s i t i o n . Use 1 /3 2 " e x c e s s c o v e r i n g m a t­e r i a l w h e n c o v e r i n g w i n g p a n e l s a l o n g t h e e d g e b e t w e e n t h e w i n g a n d t h e f u s e l ag e . T r i m c o v e r i n g w i t h a f r e s h , s h a r p r a z o r b l ad e .

F l y i n g . I f a s i l k t h r e a d l i n e i s u s e d , t h e k i t e c an e a s i l y f l y t o a h e i g h t w h e r e i t i s n o l om g e r v i s i,b l e . I f y o u b u i l d f l at-- w a r p f r e e-- t h e k i t e w i l l n o t n e e d a t a i l . I f t h e k i t e " d a r t s " , c h e c k f o r s t r u c t u r a l a s s y m e t r y .


T h r e e - i n c h , S t u b�W i n g e d B o x K i t e

make two

Des i g n ed by e . B rewer




make two

Page 17: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry


, , ",









" THE BIRD" by Hod Taylor 2 dowe l s 2 6 " x 1/4" for wing spars ( s t r ing t i e d o n one end) 2 dowe l s 46" x 1/4" for longe rons (drap e ry hooks both ends ) 1 dowe l 48" x 3/8" for wing spreade

"r (drap e ry hooks b oth ends )

1 dowe l 13" x 1/4" for t a i l spreader ( drap e ry hooks both ends ) 1 piece TYVEK 44" x 88" MYSTIK c l o th tape

" Eye lets


====== o\ ______ --��--���--4--4--4--+--+--+--+--+--r_�--r_�


Fo ld TYVEK in ha l f and cut out body of kite leaving 1" extra f l ap on e dge o f wing . Cut ke e l from le ftove r TYVEK and tape on centerl ine , 7 " f rom top and 7 " from bo ttom . Fold I " flap and tape ent i re length . Seal top with tap e ; l e ave bottom open . Reinfo rce a l l po ints with tape and ins t a l l eye lets . S l ip wing spar into bo ttom opening of s l eeve and tie with s t r ing to eye let a t end o f wing . Ins tall remaining dowe l s , decorate and fly .

NOTES : App ly b i r d d e s i gn us ing water based p a int , o r use your imagination . In thi s part i cul a r examp l e , Hod uses lots o f drap e ry hooks and eye lets . Howeve r , you · can ins tall the dowe l s with tape , s t r ing , p o cke ts o r wha tever . Imp rovi s e .

Used with p e rmi s s ion f rom T ightline s .


Page 18: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Missed Opportunities AKA offers lots of opportunties . We don't want you to miss any­thing.

o We still have a few AKA "Share the Air" T-shirts available. They come in Small , Medium , Large and Extra-large. Roomy , cotton/ poly blend , in light blue with red , white and blue decal , they're yours for $5. 00 plus $ 1. 50 shipping charge. Maryland residents please add $ . 25 sales tax.






And we still have AKA patches ! Manas sas and Seattle Conven­tion patches , plus the ever­popular AKA logo patch. A mere $3.50 each or a package of all three for $ 1 0 . 00. Maryland residents please add 5% sales tax.

Join the prestigious Washing­ton Kitefliers , the 5/20 Kite Group and the fabulous fliers of Ocean City , MD , Manas sas , VA , and Houston , TX . Host an AKA convention in your town! Anyone interested in hosting the AKA convention in 1983 should send immediately for the sponsorship application . Write Jack Van Gilder today.

Back issues of AKA NEWS are getting real scarce reports archivist Robert Price. Some issues are still available in original form . Others are available only in photocopy form . Fill in your collec­tion now , before its too late. $3 . 00 per copy. Write Association Headquarters listing the issues you need .

Commercial members --You may be missing out . AKA NEWS is getting better each issue. Our membership list is growing I sn ' t it time you advertised? Contact As sociation Headquar­ters for more information . Big news ! We no longer charge for listing of 10% discount stores . If you are a kite retailer and you will honor AKA membership for a 10% discount , be sure to let us know so we can give you some free publicity !

Budding Pulitzer Prize winners Before you tackle the great American novel , why not write a feature story for AKA NEWS .


We still have newsletter contributor patches for those of you who send in a photo or text feature. 0

Manufacturers and distribu­tors--We ' d like to start a column featuring new products. Send us your promotional material or , better yet , the product itself and we will get our test pilots to try it out. Also, we ur�e you to

advertise new products in AKA NEWS .

In March , 198 1 , the Executive Board approved a motion which provided that any person making a donation of $50 . 00 or more would be classified as a "Sustaining Member" and that Sustaining Members would be listed in the newsletter . Become a Sustaining Member now !

Create-A-Kite fakeshi Nishibayashi ' s new Create-A-Kite Book Number 2 , features 64 pages , 8 in full color , with 35 new kite designs including his new lifelike pigeon , swallow and seagull kites . Published in Tokyo in late 198 1 , the text is in Japanese with explanatory English subtitles. The dimensions are metric and designs are laid out on grids , easy to follow.

Nishi , as he is known in the U . S. , has traveled widely in North America , Korea and Taiwan , demonstrating his kitemaking and kite flying skills , teaching school children and conducting kite workshops. He is the founder and leader of Tokyo ' s Create-A-Kite Club , and is a familiar figure on Japanese television.

Create-A-Kite Book , Number 2 , is $6 plus $1 postage/ handling and is available through The Kite Factory , Box 9 08 1 , Seattle , lolA 98109 .

Consider Sewing For those of you who are venturing into the world of sewing your own

- kites , there are two new resources available j ust in time for Summer!

One is an almost bursting at the seams (no pun intended) article in the latest issue of Kite Lines magazine. Gung ho author Bill Tyrrell has j am-packed j ust about every imaginable technical tip into a very readable eight pages.

The second is WKA member/expert Margaret Greger's latest book , Simple Fabric Kites , which incidentally holds a few bonus plans for non­fabric kites. Simple Fabric Kites conta,ins , in addition to basic tips , patterns for several sure-flyers , written for anyone who knows how to use a sewing machine and follow precisely-worded directions. Included are the "Hornbeam Mark I , " a sled (i. e . Alliflex) ; the stickless "Sutton Flow Form" ; and Francis Rogallo ' s intriguing "Corner Kite . "

These and other designs in the book range to cover varying degrees of sewing experience as well as various wind speeds , all explained with the author's generous guidance.

- 1 8-,

Page 19: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Kite r P rof i l e

Larry .Moel ler If kite store owners could design kitefliers, they ' d probably be a lot like Larry Moeller . Larry buys all his kites and thoroughly enj oys sharing them, handing out kite lines to everyone around in order to fill the sky .

Larry's serious collecting started about eight years ago when he and his wife Cyndy moved from Wiconsin to Massachusetts and found their first kite store . His j ob takes him throughout New England and his car automatically turns in to each kite store . His hobby has taken him as far as Seattle (for the AKA ' 80 convention) and Canada- -he keeps in touch with far away kite stores by telephone .

Larry ' s Apple II computer holds an inventory of his kite (upwards of 125) indexed and cross filed by type or design, name or manufacturer, material, year pur­chased, location purchased and price (the last cate­gory being protected · by code word so that revelation is not aut.omatic! ) . Please contact Larry if you want more information on his program . You can write him at 71 Nourse Road, Westboro, MA 01581 , or phone 617-366-5923 . His collection ranges from Prof . Waldof's kite ' s to deltas (from 7 ' to 20 ' ") and includes dragons (up to 5 7 ' ) and parafoils (from 7 . 5 to 25 sq . ft . )


Larry is seldom without a kite . He not only carries them in his suitcase and the trunk of his car, but on his motorcycle . Occasionally he and his customers skip lunch to go fly kites, in their business suits of course . Larry Moeller has the feeling of a "Johnny Appleseed" of kiting--displaying throughout New · England, by example, the j oy of kite flying and kite sharing .

DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE Reasons why the trlby stunt kite is unique . .

The precision drawn fiberglass rods, tensioned onto the tear­resistant high densrry polyethyl­ene sail w;rh injection molded fittings, give trlby uncompro­mised strength to weight characteristics . . . Weigldng kess than 3 0zs, trlby, a proven dual line stunt kite, can also be flown as a single lil'le classical fighter . .

Sold in single and multi-k;re packs, complete w;rh nothing else to buy. at a price that is competitively less . .


Connecticut 06870 p"'ents pend'"g CtJPYI'ghl '''hy PfOd�Jr:ls Inc 191\1 �

Your .At! Here? The cream o f kiting reads this spa c e . F i l l it with your me s s age a t ba rga in rate s . This s ize only : 3 1 / 4" H x 3 3/4" W .

1 i s sue 3 i s sue s 6 i s sues

$35 . 00 $ 9 0 . 00

$ 15 0 . 00

I Send s i zed , camera- ready copy che ck to :

with your


AKA 1 1 04 Fide l i ty Bal timo re , MD

Bui l d ing 2 1 2 0 1

membership application SHARE . . .



, . . YO U R I NTER EST in Kites with the American Kitefliers Association. Your membershi p i ncludes:

MAI LING ADDR ESS ___ __________ _ ______ _

• Bi-monthly newsletter

• 1 0% member discount*

• Membership card

• Latest listing of kite events

• Chance to meet thousands of kitef l iers

Plus a chance to attend the Annual Convention, and to compete in the National Kite Festival !

• at participating stores

__________ ------------------- Z I P ____________ __

PHONE i�---------------------------------------We occasionally share our- mail ing list for uses we consider beneficial to the membership. If you do not wish to have your name made available to others, please indicate below.

_____ Please don't include my name. I ndicate category of membership desired: S I N G LE MEMBERS H I P, $1 0.00 . . , _ . . , . , , • , . . . . $ _____ _

(OR) FAMI LY MEMBERSH I P, $1 0.00 for first member, $1 .00 for each $ __________ �

additional member in the same household. (first member)

Names of other family members :

For USA 1 st class mai l add $4.00 .

$ ---,---­($1 .00 x no.)

$ -----

For Canada or Mexico add $4.00, other foreign address $5.00 " . • $ _________ _

Mail this application with check or money order, payable to AKA, to: American Kitefliers Association 1 1 04 Fidelity Building 21 0 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 2 1 201 TOTAL R E M ITTANCE $ _________ _

- 19-

Page 20: American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS · American KItefliers Association AKA NEWS Vol. IV I No. 3 Robert Sessions' parafoil with dragon design fills the sky over Ft. McHenry

Maryland . 1 982 When the members of the Maryland Kite Society decided to make thei r Kite Festival an annual event , they 'researched weather records to pick the most promising weekend . Their s cientific approach paid off . Around the Baltimore area , the last weekend in April was warm and sunny with gentle breezes resulting in a big crowd at the MKS event held on the . grounds of

AKA NEWS Published in even-numbered months by

American Kitefliers Association 1 104 �idelity Building 21Q.··N . Charles Street Baltimore , MD 2 1201 (30 1 ) 752-3320

Distributed free of charge to AKA members .

Bob Ingraham-Founder AKA Jack Van Gilder-President Milly Mullarky-Editor Kite Cuts by Kitty Corti

Anything not visibly copyrighted may be stolen--but please credit AKA NEWS .

historic Ft . McHenry . AKA ' s Tom Shaner was on hand to capture the festivities in pnotos . (Left) The old and the new : a space shuttle kite soars over the old fort , where American troops held off the British in 1814 while Francis Scott Key watched the bombardment , inspiring him to write the "Star Spangled Banner . " (Below) Mel Govig helpe<l get some promotion for the event by building and flying a kite advertis ing a local TV show . (Below right) Two ways to ride the wind are seen frequent­ly at the MKS fly , as sailors bring the ir boats in and out of Baltimore ' s Inner Harbor a rea . (Right) Great crowd , great day , great setting for a family p icnic and kite flying .

Amer ican Kitefl iers Associ ation 1 1 04 Fide l i ty Building 2 1 0 N . Charles S t reet Balt imore , MD 2 1 201



P A I D PERMIT #7824 Baltimore. Md.
