PRESENTS An All Your Freedoms Inc. Production AMERICA: FROM FREEDOM TO FASCISM Volume One A Film by Aaron Russo U.S. Theatrical Premiere: July 28, 2006 PUBLICITY CONTACTS: DISTRIBUTOR CONTACT: Beth Portello & Mary Keeler Rich Castro Cinema Libre Studio Cinema Libre Distribution 8328 De Soto Avenue 8328 De Soto Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91304 Canoga Park, CA 91304 PH: 818-349-8822 PH: 818-349-8822 x111 Beth: x108; Mary: x122 FX: 818-349-9922 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

AMERICA: FROM FREEDOM TO FASCISM - FILM PRESS … ·  · 2011-08-22America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 3 of 20 STATEMENT FROM THE DIRECTOR: For many years, I had heard that there

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An All Your Freedoms Inc. Production


Volume One

A Film by Aaron Russo

U.S. Theatrical Premiere: July 28, 2006

PUBLICITY CONTACTS: DISTRIBUTOR CONTACT: Beth Portello & Mary Keeler Rich Castro Cinema Libre Studio Cinema Libre Distribution 8328 De Soto Avenue 8328 De Soto Avenue Canoga Park, CA 91304 Canoga Park, CA 91304 PH: 818-349-8822 PH: 818-349-8822 x111 Beth: x108; Mary: x122 FX: 818-349-9922 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 2 of 20

Cinema Libre Studio presents an All Your Freedoms, Inc. Production of Aaron Russo’s “America: From Freedom to Fascism”


Directed, Produced and

Written By Aaron Russo

Associate Producer Sam Russo Director of Photography James Salisbury

Music David Benoit 2nd Unit Director Richard Whitley

Editors Aaron Russo Gabe Miller

Determined to find the law that requires American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo ("The Rose," "Trading Places") set out on a journey to find the evidence. Neither left nor right-wing, this startling examination of government exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America. Through interviews with U.S. Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner and former IRS and FBI agents, tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, voter fraud, the national identity card (which becomes law in May 2008) and the implementation of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to track citizens. Filmmaker makes a striking case about the evolving police state in America.

Featuring interviews with:

Sheldon S. Cohen, Former IRS Commissioner under the Johnson administration Congressman Ron Paul, M.D. (R-TX) State Representative Phil Hart (R-ID), Author, Constitutional Income Katherine Albrecht, Author, Spychips Catherine Austin Fitts, Former Assistant Secretary of Housing G. Edward Griffin, Author, Creature from Jekyll Island Michael Ruppert, Former LAPD, Author & Founder of www.fromthewilderness.com Irwin Schiff, Activist & Author of The Federal Mafia Joe Banister, Former Special Investigator, IRS-CID Bob Schulz, Founder, We the People Foundation Dave Champion, America Radio Talk Show Host Peter Gibbons, Tax Attorney Edwin Vieira, Jr., Tax Attorney, Author & Professor of Constitutional Law James Bovard, Author, Lost Rights

USA, 2006 In English

105 minutes, color

Visit: www.freedomtofascism.com www.cinemalibrestudio.com

Images are available for download at: www.freedomtofascism.com/press

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 3 of 20

STATEMENT FROM THE DIRECTOR: For many years, I had heard that there was no law requiring American citizens to pay taxes on their labor. After participating in political campaigns on the state and national level, I felt it was my obligation to find out more about the issue and understand why so many American people were willing to risk their freedom by challenging the federal government. So I set out on a quest to find the truth. What I discovered is that the IRS is only a symptom of a much bigger problem: America is heading relentlessly towards becoming a totalitarian nation. Over the years America has changed from being a country by the people, for the people into a country where government and its corporate institutions are in charge. As Mussolini said so well, “A fascist nation is one in which big government and big corporations work together to stifle the people,” and I believe, as many others do, that this is exactly what has happened to America. America has lost its way. I want to see America get back to what it is supposed to be. I want to be part of helping restore government to its proper function, where our government is limited in its power by our Constitution and is a servant to the people. I made this movie because I want to live in a free country and I want my kids and grandkids to live in a free country. The American people must abandon the myth that America is still the land of liberty that it once was. I made this movie to awaken the American people. It is time for the charade to end.

-- Aaron Russo, Director Los Angeles, CA April 2006

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 4 of 20 SYNOPSIS: In his film, America: From Freedom to Fascism, director Aaron Russo sets out to investigate claims that personal income tax has no basis in law. With a camera crew in tow, Russo hits the streets on a quest for answers to this question. He interviews everyday citizens, congressmen, IRS officials, authors and other experts in law and finance.

Through these interviews, he gathers overwhelming evidence that there is no statute written by Congress requiring Americans to pay a direct, unapportioned tax on their labor. He then goes on to discover that the IRS is only part of a much broader scheme in the quest for globalization and world government.

Russo’s search begins by looking at the much-debated “ratification” of the 16th Amendment in 1913 and the influence of powerful banking interests in the passage of the Federal Reserve System Act. This allowed a private bank, incorporated in Delaware, to create and issue money instead of the American government. The government now had to borrow money from these bankers, and pay interest on it, to fund the running of our country. This gave the bankers enormous influence over our Congress and President in determining how this country is run. Russo says that the creation of the Federal Reserve System without the necessary constitutional amendment was illegal and established a system where “the bankers won and the American people lost.”

He interviews three former IRS agents who felt morally obligated to quit their jobs when they discovered that they were enforcing a law that does not exist. To further understand the IRS, Russo speaks with tax experts including Bob Schulz of We The People Foundation, Constitutional Law Professor Edward Vieria, Jr., Congressman Ron Paul, M.D. (R-TX), tax attorney Peter Gibbons, and G. Edward Griffin, author of “Creature From Jekyll Island.”

Russo also discovered that the IRS refuses to show the law that makes people liable to pay taxes on their income. Rather than engaging in a dialogue, the agency steadfastly refuses to answer the American peoples’ direct questions or to demonstrate to them in writing where the law is that requires Americans to file a 1040.

Russo heads to Washington D.C. to speak with the IRS. He meets with former IRS commissioner, Sheldon S. Cohen, who was one of the primary framers of the 1954 Tax Code. Cohen states on camera that filing a tax return is not mandatory but voluntary. Cohen then goes on to say that U.S. Supreme Court decisions are inapplicable to the IRS. Russo is horrified to learn that the IRS considers themselves above the Supreme Court and was not bound by their decisions. Russo concludes that the IRS uses fear and intimidation to impose this tax rather than abide by the law itself. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled on numerous occasions that the IRS has no legal authority to tax the labor of the American people.

To further examine this idea, Russo investigates the tax evasion cases of Irwin Schiff (now jailed for tax evasion) and Whitey Harrell (who won in court), as well as the maltreatment of the former heavyweight boxing champion Joe Louis, and the owners of a Virginia Beach, VA restaurant. These cases demonstrate some of the tactics used by the federal government, which includes stonewalling, character attacks, railroading of defendants by judges, false allegations and violent raids. Russo shows many cases where defendants have won in court because the IRS could not produce the law when juries asked for it.

Turning to the Federal Reserve System, Russo asks, “Who owns the Federal Reserve?” Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) answers, “It’s secret and we can’t find out what’s happening.” Although it is called the “Federal” Reserve, it is a private corporation, owned and operated by a group of unidentified private bankers, not by the U.S. government. As author Michael Ruppert says in the film, “The Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express.” Catherine Austin Fitts, a Former Assistant Secretary of Housing reminds the viewer, “The government works for a private bank and the private bank works for its owners.”

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 5 of 20 SYNOPSIS (CONT’D):

Russo then goes on to question Congressman Ron Paul as to why these unelected Federal Reserve bankers have such control over the government and questions whether that is one of the reasons why America is becoming more of a police state. Paul answers, “I think we are moving in that direction because there’s not much we can do without permission, the absence of a police state is that people are free and if you don’t commit crimes, you can do what you want. But today, you can’t open a business. You can’t develop land. You can’t go to the bank…you can’t go to the doctor without the government knowing what you are doing. You can hardly do anything. You have to get permission from the government for almost anything. And if that’s the definition of a police state…we’re well on our way.”

An examination of some recent White House Executive Orders, laws and military activities, implemented under the guise of protecting Americans from terrorism is ominous:










Other issues addressed in the film include episodes of police brutality towards American citizens, the Patriot Act, and the national identity card known as the REAL ID Act, which will take effect in May 2008. The act, which was approved by Congress in 2005, would require a federally approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or to obtain any other government service.

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 6 of 20 SYNOPSIS (CONT’D): Russo explains Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). RFID is an automatic identification method that can retrieve data from a small object or chip that can be incorporated into a product, animal, or person. RFID chips receive and respond to radio-frequency queries from an RFID transceiver (i.e. Global Positioning (GPS)), allowing for the tracking of the person or item, even through clothing, backpacks or through the walls of buildings. The implantation of these chips into human beings has already begun. Russo states that eventually everyone will have one implanted in them like a homing device. Russo shows Senator Joe Biden telling Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts that this is already happening and he will have to rule on it. The Federal Reserve also plans to insert these chips into U.S. currency whereby our guarantee of privacy will be completely destroyed. All forms of payment, including checks, direct deposits, or “cash” will be recorded electronically with every serial number logged next to our name.

The film then probes the concept of computer voting and shows there is no way to verify the honesty or integrity of any election that uses computers to tally the votes. Computer programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis testifies on camera before a public forum conducted by members of the U.S. House of Representatives about how easy it is to put together a simple and virtually undetectable computer code to rig an election to either candidate with a 51/49 split. Curtis knows this because, as he states in the film, “In 2000, I wrote a prototype for present Congressman Tom Feeney at the company I work for.”

Russo’s powerful film convincingly connects the dots between the IRS, the Federal Reserve System, Congress, and the fast approaching police state. He paints a portrait of America that is absolutely chilling. And he asks the viewer -- point blank -- to stand up and do something about it.

Russo challenges us to see the growing menace to our freedoms and to take action before it’s too late. He warns that we are slowly being indoctrinated to believe that all of these intrusions on our freedoms are in response to America’s “War on Terror” and that they are being done for our own protection. As he states: “The war on terrorism is the war on your freedoms.”

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 7 of 20 QUOTES FROM THE FILM: “Approximately 67 million people don’t file an income tax return.”

- Sherry Jackson, Former IRS Agent, in the film 2004

“COHEN: You’re making silly arguments here…

RUSSO: Why is The Supreme Court .

COHEN: Well, because [the Supreme Court decision is] inapplicable.”

- Sheldon S. Cohen, former IRS Commissioner, in 2004 interview with Russo saying that the U.S. Supreme Court decision of 1920 stating that only corporate gains & profits can be taxed, not personal earnings, was “silly” and “inapplicable” to the IRS

“The definition of income in the Constitution was given in the Eisner v. Macomber case and it turns on gains or profits that are made from some activity. ”

- Constitutional Law Professor Edwin Vieira, Jr., in film referring to 1920 U.S. Supreme Court decision that defined taxable income as that arising from corporate activity, not wages or income

“Doyle versus Mitchell, 247 U.S. 179, 1918. Here's what it said. The idea of gain or increase arising from corporate activities. In other words, it (income tax) doesn't mean wages. It doesn't mean dividends. It doesn't mean alimony. It means a gain or a profit arising from corporate activity.”

- Irwin Schiff, Tax expert, in interview with Russo in 2004, referring to the U.S. Supreme Court decision that defined taxable income as that arising from corporate activity, not from wages or income

“Chief among such contracts is that of personal employment by which labor and other services are EXCHANGED for money or other terms of property.” (emphasis added)

- Coppage v. Kansas, 236 U.S. 1.14 (1914) Decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, 1914

“If Americans just learned that the IRS was actually knowingly deceiving them, then that would be enough for them to rise up and put a stop to it.”

-Joe Banister, Former IRS-CID, Criminal Investigator

“The court says if it (labor) wasn’t taxable before the 16th Amendment then it isn’t taxable after the 16th Amendment.”

- Larken Rose, Tax Honesty Quoting the Supreme Court decision Peck vs. Lowe

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 8 of 20 QUOTES FROM THE FILM (CONT’D): “We The People Foundation…put a full-page ad in USA Today on July 7, 2000…[with a] $50,000 challenge for anyone that could show the law [authorizing the IRS to collect income tax]...And, you know, based on the research that I did throughout the year 2000, and that I'm still doing, I have not found that law. I've asked Congress. We've asked a lot of people, in the IRS, the IRS commissioner's helpers. They can't answer, because if they answer, the American people are gonna know that this whole thing is a fraud.”

- Sherry Jackson, Former IRS Agent, in the film 2004

“I will not allow the law in my courtroom”

- U.S. District Court Judge Kent J. Dawson, Ninth Circuit, to Irwinn Schiff during court proceedings in U.S. v. Schiff, ~2004-2005

“You must follow the law as I give it to you.”

- U.S. District Court Judge Kent J. Dawson, Ninth Circuit, addressing the jury in the U.S. v. Schiff, ~2004-2005

“It’s secret and we can’t find out what’s happening. But the Congress created it…and it’s not authorized in the Constitution.”

- Congressman Ron Paul in answer to Russo’s question about who owns the Federal Reserve

“Not explicitly, but it’s certainly implied…by force. I can’t cite a law, but…if they think it’s the law and they have all the guns…it’s an authoritarian approach.”

- Congressman Ron Paul in answer to Russo’s question about whether there’s a law that requires people to file a 1040

“I think we’re moving in the direction [of a police state] because there’s not much we can do without permission. The absence of a police state is that people are free and if you don’t commit crimes, you can do what you want. But today, you can’t open a business. You can’t develop land. You can’t go to the bank…you can’t go to the doctor without the government knowing what you are doing…You can hardly do anything…you have to get permission from the government for almost everything. And if that’s the definition of a police state, we’re well on our way.”

- Congressman Ron Paul in answer to Russo’s question about whether America is becoming a police state

“Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person’s body to track his every movement? There’s actual discussion about that. You will rule on that, mark my words, before your tenure is over.”

- Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), speaking to Chief Justice John Roberts during Roberts’ confirmation hearings before the Senate

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 9 of 20 QUOTES FROM THE FILM (CONT’D): “Because in October of 2000 I wrote a prototype for present Congressman Tom Feeney, at the company I work for in Oviedo, Florida, that did just that…It would flip the vote fifty-one forty-nine to whoever you wanted it to go to, and whichever race you wanted it to win.”

- Clinton Eugene Curtis, computer programmer, testifying before a public forum conducted by Congress with regards to how the 2004 U.S. General Election in Ohio could have been manipulated by computer

“2004 Ohio Precinct exist poll data shows virtually irrefutable evidence of vote miscount.”

- National Election Data Archive

“Integrity of 2006 elections cannot be ensured.”

- Government Accountability Office

“The new world order will be built…an end run on national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece it will accomplish much more than the old fashioned frontal assault.”

- Council on Foreign Relations Journal, 1974, p. 558

“We shall have World Government, whether we like it or not. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or by consent.”

- Paul Warburg, Council on Foreign Relations and architect of the Federal Reserve System, in an address to the U.S. Senate

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching aim: nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”

- Dr. Carroll Quigley, History Professor at the Foreign Service School of Georgetown University and mentor of former President Bill Clinton, in his book Tragedy & Hope (1986)

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 10 of 20 WHO’S IN THE FILM: Sheldon S. Cohen: Sheldon Cohen worked for the Internal Revenue Service during the 1950’s and is widely considered one of the authors the IRS Tax Code. He progressed through the ranks at the IRS to serve as chief counsel and finally Commissioner of the IRS during the Johnson administration. At the time of the making of this film, Mr. Cohen was a partner in the Washington, D.C. law firm of Morgan, Lewis, and Bockius, LLP. He is currently a senior partner of Cohen & Goldstein, Esqs., LLP.

Congressman Ron Paul, M.D. (R-TX): Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has established a national reputation as one of the leading advocates for personal liberty in politics today. He is also one of the most outspoken leaders of Congress when it comes to the limits of constitutional government, lowering taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. Colleagues and constituents can be confident of his consistent voting record in the House of Representatives since Dr. Paul makes it a rule not to vote for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the "one exception to the Gang of 535" on Capitol Hill.

Katherine Albrecht: Founder of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN), Katherine Albrecht is recognized worldwide as an expert on consumer privacy. As director of the organization she founded in 1999, she advocates free-market, consumer-based solutions to the problem of retail privacy invasion. Ms. Albrecht regularly speaks on the impact of new technologies on consumer privacy and civil liberties, with an emphasis on radio frequency identification (RFID) and retail issues. She has testified on RFID technology before the Federal Trade Commission, the California state legislature, the European Commission, and the Federal Reserve Bank.

Catherine Austin Fitts: Ms. Fitts served as Managing Director and Member of the Board of Directors of the Wall Street investment bank, Dillon, Read & Co., Inc. and she served as Assistant Secretary of Housing/Federal Housing Commissioner at HUD in the first Bush Administration. During her tenure as President and Founder of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc., the broker-dealer/investment bank and software developer successfully completed $12 billion of transactions and $500 billion of portfolio strategy prototyping the Solari model. Ms. Fitts earned a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and an MBA from The Wharton School and she studied Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She serves on the board of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA).

G. Edward Griffin: G. Edward Griffin is a writer and documentary film producer with many successful titles to his credit. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known for his ability to research complex topics and present them in clear terms that all can understand. His book “Creature from Jekyll Island” examines the Federal Reserve system, international banking and the history of taxation. Mr. Griffin is a graduate of the University of Michigan.

Michael Ruppert: Michael Ruppert is the author of "Crossing The Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil.” Published in September 2004 and having sold over 100,000 copies, it is the second-largest selling book about the attacks of 9/11 after the Keane Commission report. Mr. Ruppert is also the founder, publisher and editor of the online newsletter, www.fromthewilderness.com, which counts as subscribers 45 members of the US Congress, professors at more than 40 universities around the world, and major business and economic leaders. Since 9/11, Mr. Ruppert has been in demand as a university lecturer and has spoken on Peak Oil and 9/11 in ten countries. A former LAPD narcotics investigator, Mr. Ruppert is a whistleblower and a 1973 Honors Graduate of UCLA in Political Science.

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 11 of 20 WHO’S IN THE FILM (CONT’D): Irwin Schiff: Irwin Schiff is considered by many to be one of the nation's leading authorities on income tax and claims the government illegally collects it since the 16th Amendment was never ratified. He has written more books on the subject than any other American, selling over 500,000 copies. On March 19, 2003, Federal Judge Lloyd George ordered Mr. Schiff to stop selling his book "The Federal Mafia," which has been in print for over 13 years. According to Mr. Schiff, the Federal Government is using the American people's preoccupation with the war in Iraq as an opportunity to squelch freedom here at home. Over the past three decades, the IRS and the federal government have prosecuted Mr. Schiff three times on a range of criminal charges, including failure to file tax returns and tax evasion. After filming “America: From Freedom to Fascism,” Mr. Schiff was sentenced to more than 13 years in prison for tax evasion.

Joe Banister, C.P.A.: In 1986, Joseph R. Banister graduated from San Jose State University with a degree in accounting, then worked in private practice for several years as a certified public accountant. In 1993, Mr. Banister joined the Department of the Treasury, IRS Criminal Investigation Division (IRS-CID) as a Special Agent (criminal investigator). Unable to resolve conflicts between the way the IRS administered the Federal Income Tax and Mr. Banister's oath of office, he resigned from IRS-CID on February 25, 1999.

Bob Schulz, M.B.A.: Bob Schulz earned an engineering degree from the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy and a masters in Business from Xavier. Mr. Schulz served in the U.S. Air Force and volunteered as a ship's engineer during the sealift to Vietnam in 1966. He has worked for GE and Prudential-Bache, as well as the States of Connecticut and New York as well as the EPA. For the past 22 years, Mr. Schulz has devoted himself to evaluating governmental practices and comparing these actions with the requirements set out in state and federal Constitutions. As founder of We the People Foundation, Mr. Schulz has researched, prepared briefs and argued cases in the highest state and federal courts in more than one hundred cases where he and other citizen-plaintiffs have sued to redress what they consider to be unconstitutional and illegal government actions.

Dave Champion: A former US Army Airborne Ranger with a law enforcement background, Dave Champion is the host of America Radio, a weekly 2-hour online talk show that exposes the disturbing and legally questionable actions of the state and federal governments. Mr. Champion began investigating federal and state tax laws in 1993 after a run-in with the IRS. Mr. Champion used his legal skills and acumen to begin investigating the labyrinth of federal and state tax laws and quickly discovered that the government is not being forthright with the American people concerning about what does or does not give rise to tax liability. Mr. Champion found that the common wisdom, "If you earn money, you owe some to the government" is legally inaccurate and set about challenging that so-called wisdom. Mr. Champion is also the Executive Director of Original Intent, a political association of American citizens dedicated to restoring the country to its republican roots.

Peter Gibbons, J.D.: Mr. Gibbons is a practicing attorney and mediator in the state of California. He has been a certified mediator for the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles and served for four years as an arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau on California lemon law cases. Mr. Gibbons has also been a featured legal columnist for the Business Journal. His current legal practice focuses on tax litigation, business and estate planning, asset protection and international business practice.

Edwin Vieira, Jr., Ph.D. J.D.,: Edwin Vieira, Jr. earned four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School). For nearly thirty years, he has been a practicing attorney with an emphasis in constitutional law. He is a member of the bars of Virginia, the District of Columbia, and Maryland, numerous federal Circuit Courts of Appeal and the US Supreme Court. He has been widely published in monographs and articles in scholarly journals and he has lectured throughout the county. His latest work is the two-volume Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution (2002), a view of the American monetary system from the constitutional perspective.

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 12 of 20 WHO’S IN THE FILM (CONT’D): State Representative Phil Hart, M.B.A. (R-ID): Phil Hart received a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Utah and a master’s degree in Business Administration from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He makes his living as a licensed structural engineer. As an athlete, Mr. Hart was the winner of two World Cup races on the masters FIS alpine ski racing series.

John Turner: Mr. Turner is a former IRS Revenue Officer (1987-1997). In 1997, Mr. Turner was issued a friendly challenge to disprove the claim that there is no requirement to file income tax returns and pay income tax. Mr. Turner accepted the challenge, thinking he’d easily be able to show his acquaintance where he was wrong about the tax code. To his surprise, Mr. Turner was not able to disprove the claim. In fact, during the course of his investigation, he discovered that the IRS is misapplying the law with respect to the income tax. A few months later, Mr. Turner resigned from the IRS. Mr. Turner says this is not about a selfish desire to get out of paying taxes; rather, this is about the IRS deceiving the American public for decades and instituting fraudulent practices to pull it off. He lives in Northern California and is a tax consultant. James Bovard: One of Washington's most controversial journalists, James Bovard is a frequent contributor to the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, Playboy, and the American Spectator and he’s written for the New York Times, New Republic, Washington Post, and Newsweek. Mr. Bovard is an Adjunct Analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a Washington, D.C.-based public interest group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government. During the 1990s, his writings were publicly denounced by FBI Director Freeh, HUD Secretary Cisneros, Commerce Secretary Brown, Agriculture Secretary Glickman, U.S. International Trade Commission Chairman Newquist, EEOC Chairman Cassellas, and the Chief of the DEA. He is the author of several books; Lost Rights: The Destruction of American Liberty (1995) received the Mencken Award as Book of the Year from the Free Press Association and his Terrorism and Tyranny (2003) won the Lysander Spooner Award for the Best Book on Liberty in 2003.

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 13 of 20 ABOUT FILMMAKER AARON RUSSO:

Born in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island, Aaron Russo began promoting rock ‘n roll shows at local theaters while still a high school student. In 1963, while working for his family’s undergarment business, he designed the first ladies’ bikini underwear. Five years later, the 24-year-old entrepreneur opened the Kinetic Playground in Chicago and quickly established himself as a driving force in the music business. Aaron helped launch the careers of many legendary performers and was responsible for bringing Led Zeppelin to America for the first time. He also promoted some of the ‘60s most successful rock acts such as The Who, Janis Joplin, The Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane.

In 1972, Russo began his seven-year partnership with Bette Midler, who became a superstar during his management of her career. In 1975, he produced the Tony award-winning "Clams on the Half-Shell Revue" starring Bette Midler and Lionel Hampton. It was the most successful ten-week Broadway revue in history, grossing more than $1.8M. While serving as Midler's manager, Russo also created and managed The Manhattan Transfer and later he managed such luminaries as Susan Sarandon, David Keith and Frederic Forest.

When Russo turned to producing, he chose a subject near and dear to his heart with what many consider to be the classic rock n’ roll film “The Rose,” introducing Bette Midler to motion picture audiences and earning Ms. Midler an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Russo followed that success with the fish-out-of-water comedy "Trading Places," starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, which has gone on to become a treasured Christmas classic. He followed up with "Teachers," starring Nick Nolte, Morgan Freeman, and Ralph Macchio.

Russo has received numerous awards for his achievements over the years, including an Emmy for producing the best TV special for "Ol' Red Hair Is Back," starring Bette Midler and Dustin Hoffman. He has garnered a Grammy, a Tony, and many gold and platinum records and to date, his films have been nominated for six Academy Awards and seven Golden Globes and they have won three Golden Globes and an NAACP Image Award.

In 1996 Russo made a political video entitled "Aaron Russo's Mad as Hell,” which was a hit throughout America. When asked by the people of Nevada to run for governor, he accepted their invitation and while the powers that be in the state scoffed at his candidacy, they were quite surprised when came in second, pulling nearly 30% and beating the sitting lieutenant governor quite handily. In January of 2004, Russo then declared his candidacy for the Libertarian Party's nomination for President of the United States. At the party convention in May, Russo won the first two ballots but not a majority of the votes and he was eventually eliminated from contention on the third and final ballot. At that point, he decided to channel his energy into another topic that had piqued his interest: the notion that the federal government really has no Constitutional authority to impose and collect personal income taxes on the labor of the American people.

He is now writing and developing the next feature documentary in the “America: From Freedom To Fascism” series.

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 14 of 20 CREDITS:

Writer/Director/Producer/Editor Aaron Russo Editor Gabe Miller

Film Archivist/Additional Narration/2nd Unit Director Richard Whitley Composer David Benoit

Camera James Salisbury Sound Recording Pam Hudgens

Sound Editor Suren Animator Matt Mary

Consultant Robert Prechter Additional Interviews Jan Helfeld

Transcribers Derek Willis KC Reischer Nick Martin Spencer Averick Melissa Dobbs

Post-Production Assistants Melissa Dobbs Erin Coleman

Thanks to the ACLU for the Pizza Delivery Section

This film would not have been possible without the groundbreaking and courageous work of these individuals (people in the movie unless noted with an *):

Michael Ruppert Bob Schulz Irwin Schiff Charlie Beall Dave Champion

Edwin Vieira, Jr. Cong. Ron Paul Franklin Sanders G. Edward Griffin Catherine Austin Fitts

James Bovard Cong. Paul DeFazio Joe Banister John Turner Jennifer Long

Katherine Albrecht Rep. Phil Hart Marcella Brooks Bill Murphy* Peter Gibbons

John Colaprete Sherry Jackson Vernice Kuglin Tom Selgas Whitey Harrell

Edy Miller Scotty Miller Larken Rose Tessa Rose Jan Lindsey

Thanks to the millions of patriotic Americans who support and fight to preserve the constitution every day.

A sincere thanks to Anthony Burke of the Internal Revenue Service for his kindness and cooperation.

Thanks to Sheldon S. Cohen. Without your interview, this film would not have been made.

In Memory of all my closest friends who have passed away, with all my love, Aaron.

(C) Copyright 2005, 2006, All Your Freedoms, Inc.

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 15 of 20 SOURCES: U.S. Supreme Court Decisions Regarding Taxes

• In 1916, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the16th Amendment gave the government no new powers of taxation, that it did not impose any new taxes and did not change any of the taxing restrictions of the Constitution. Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103 (1916)

• “Chief among such contracts is that of personal employment by which labor and other services are EXCHANGED for money or other terms of property.” (emphasis added) Coppage v. State of Kansas, 236 U.S. 1 (1915), U.S. Supreme Court decision that upholds the argument that personal income is not taxable.

• “The definition of income in the Constitution was given in the Eisner case and it turns on gains or profits that are made from some activity,” according to Constitutional Law Professor Edwin J. Vieira, Jr., citing the U.S. Supreme Court decision Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189 (1920) in the film.

• In 1918, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the 16th Amendment didn’t extend Congress’ taxing power to any new or accepted subjects. As Irwin Schiff states in the film, “The idea of gain or increase arising from corporate activities. In other words, it doesn't mean wages. It doesn't mean dividends. It doesn't mean alimony. It means a gain or a profit arising from corporate activity.” Doyle v. Mitchell, 247 U.S. 179, 1918 and William E. Peck & Co. v. Lowe, 247 U.S. 165 (1918)

• Legal research for the above citations was conducted at the following websites: - FindLaw: http://www.findlaw.com/casecode/supreme.html - Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute: http://www.law.cornell.edu/ - Washburn University School of Law in Topeka, Kansas at http://www.washlaw.edu/

• In their book, The Law That Never Was: The Fraud of the 16th Amendment and Personal Income Tax (Constitutional Research Associates, 1985), authors Bill Benson and M.J. Beckman proved conclusively that the 16th Amendment was never legally ratified by the states. The authors traveled to the forty-eight states that existed in 1913 and viewed the notarized court records. Interestingly, we tried to obtain a copy of this book from the Los Angeles Public Library and although it is listed in their database, it is not available to be checked out by patrons, but may only be viewed at the reference desk at the Central Library in downtown Los Angeles.

• In 1984, President Reagan appointed the Grace Commission to identify waste and abuse in the Federal Government. In their report, which included suggestions for streamlining the government and eliminating inefficiencies, the Commission stated that all personal income tax collected is absorbed by the interest on the federal debt. (Source: http://www.taxeducation.cc/grace.cfm)

Federal Reserve System

• President Abraham Lincoln believed that government should create, issue and circulate all the currency. This would save the taxpayers immense sums of interest and money would cease to be the master and become the servant of humanity. Yet in 1913, Congress turned this power over to the privately held Federal Reserve System.

• The Federal Reserve System is incorporated in the State of Delaware as a not-for-profit entity. Government institutions have no need to be incorporated.

• Congress, the President and the Federal Reserve, 2000, University of Michigan, is a well-researched, scholarly look at the politics of the Fed by Irwin Morris, associate professor of government and politics at the University of Maryland

• The Fed : The Inside Story of How the World's Most Powerful Financial Institution Drives the Market, by Martin Mayer, 2001, Free Press is another well-written probe of the Fed

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 16 of 20 National ID Card

• In 2005, Congress passed the “Real ID Act of 2005,” which mandates federal requirements for drivers’ licenses and will in essence establish a national ID to be implemented by 2008. The bill was passed into law as Public Law 109-13. For a brief summary of the bill, refer to the press release on the federal government’s Social Security news website at: http://www.ssa.gov/legislation/legis_bulletin_051305.html

• For an analysis of the invasion of privacy that is posed by the national ID card, check out the Electronic Frontier Foundation at: http://www.eff.org/ or the Electronic Privacy Information Center at: http://www.epic.org/privacy/id_cards/

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

• On February 5, 2006, electronics manufacturing leader Texas Instruments announced that its RFID technology has been approved by MasterCard International for its PayPass® contactless payment program in North America. The program allows consumers to just wave their credit/debit card, key fob or other payment device past a terminal coded to read the transaction without even having to sign or use a PIN number to complete the transaction. A month earlier, TI announced that it was the first consumer goods supplier to ship RFID-tagged cases and pallets to Wal-Mart to conform to the world’s largest retailers’ new specifications for inventory tracking based on the technology. http://www.ti.com/rfid/docs/news/news_releases/2006

• IBM has a business unit dedicated to RFID technology called VUE, which provides item-level RFID inventory solutions. www.vuetechnology.com

• There are two journals in the RFID world: www.rfidgazette.org, www.rfidjournal.com and a trade organization that sets standards for technology compatibility: Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility (AIM): http://aimglobal.org

• In a 2005 article on C|Net News, VeriChip says about 1,000 people had been implanted with RFID technology. The Delray Beach, FL-based VeriChip Corp. has already received federal approval to implant over 2,500 employees with tiny microchips in their forearms. The company is marketing the technology to the medical marketplace for patient identification and to parents as infant/child identifiers. http://news.com.com/Implanted+ID+chip+finds+way+into+ERs,+bars/2100-1041_3-5545802.html Other more current web sources claim the number of human implants has grown to double that number or 2000.

• Wisconsin Rep. Marlin Schneider is so concerned that U.S. companies will implant these microchips in their employees unless this practice is stopped right now, so the state legislator has proposed a bill which will ensure no one can forcibly implant another resident with a microchip. Violators would face a fine of up to $10,000. http://www.legis.state.wi.us

• The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has written a report on the dangers of RFID entitled Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society, which is available on their Web site at www.aclu.org/privacy

• Although it’s been reported that the European Central Bank would begin putting RFID chips into Euro notes in 2005, it cannot be confirmed that it has actually happened. RFID tags also have the ability of recording information such as details of the transactions the paper note has been involved in. (Source: http://news.zdnet.co.uk/business/0,39020645,2135074,00.htm)

• The Electronic Frontier Foundation is leading a campaign to keep RFID’s and other intrusive technologies out of our lives. http://www.eff.org/Privacy/Surveillance/RFID/

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 17 of 20 USA Patriot Act

• The USA Patriot Act is being challenged by both conservatives and liberals for granting sweeping search and surveillance authority to domestic law enforcement and foreign intelligence agencies and eliminating checks and balances that previously gave courts the opportunity to ensure that those powers were not abused. PATRIOT and follow-up legislation now in development threaten the basic rights of millions of Americans.

• In an unusual bipartisan effort, the ACLU recently worked with Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances, chaired by former Congressman Bob Barr (R-GA), a coalition including such conservative organizations as the American Conservative Union and Americans for Tax Reform, to call for meaningful changes to this invasive law.

• For the text of the USA Patriot Act, go to: http://www.lifeandliberty.gov Computer Voting Systems Easily Compromised

• In How E-Voting Threatens Democracy, by Kim Zetter, hi-tech magazine Wired shows how easy it is to hack a voting system, 4/2/2004: http://www.wired.com/news/evote/0,2645,62790,00.html

• In Diebold Hack Hints at Wider Flaws, by Kim Zetter, Wired exposes more flaws in one particular voting system vendor’s product, 12/21/2005: http://www.wired.com/news/evote/0,2645,69893,00.html

• Representative Henry Waxman (D-CA) led twelve members of Congress in releasing a new GAO report that found security and reliability flaws in the electronic voting process. 10/22/05 http://www.democrats.reform.house.gov/Documents/20051021122225-53143.pdf

• Flaws seen in voting machines being tested in Central Florida, 12/15/2005 http://www.wesh.com/news/5542983/detail.html

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 18 of 20 CALL TO ACTION:

Civil Disobedience

Be willing to take part in nationwide boycotts, marches, and strikes.

Force Congress to use their legal authority to shut down the Federal Reserve and stop the theft of the American people’s labor and wealth.

DO NOT support any political candidate

unless they sign an affidavit agreeing to close down the Federal Reserve and stop world government.

If you’re in the military or law enforcement, remember, you swore an oath

to defend the American constitution, not to promote world government. Honor your oath.

Do not accept the National ID card, even if it’s your driver’s license.

Because the next step will be to implant you.

Abolish computer voting in the state where you live. Computer voting systems can be hacked.

Only manual, paper ballots can be accurately counted.

Stop being good Democrats. Stop being good Republicans. Start being good Americans.

And when the media starts telling you the country will fall apart if this is done,

Don’t be fooled. This is just the Federal Reserve System trying to save itself.

Squash it.

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 19 of 20 WEBSITES & READING: Topic Organization Website Reading All Freedom to Fascism www.freedomtofascism.com

Taxes We the People http://givemeliberty.org Irwin Schiff, Tax advocate www.paynoincometax.com The Federal Mafia, by

Irwin Schiff Americans for Fair Tax http://www.fairtax.org/ The Fair Tax Book, by

Neal Boortz Americans for Tax Reform http://www.atr.org/ Patriot Act Patriots to Restore

Checks & Balances http://www.checksbalances.org/

Consumer Privacy &

Spychips www.spychips.com

Spychips, by Katherine Albrecht

Federal ID Cards

CASPIAN www.nocards.org

Electronic Privacy Information Center


Electronic Frontier Foundation


American Civil Liberties Union


Bigger Monster, Weaker Chains: The Growth of an American Surveillance Society

Federal Reserve System

Freedom Force International

http://www.freedom-force.org/ Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee


Catherine Austin Fitts http://www.solari.com/ Peak Oil & 9/11

Michael Ruppert www.fromthewilderness.com Crossing The Rubicon, by Michael Ruppert

Edwin Vieira, Jr.

Attorney & Professor of Constitutional Law


Pieces of Eight (2002)

Rep. Ron Paul Congressman (R-TX)


Rep. Phil Hart State Rep. (R-ID) http://www.constitutionalincome.com/

Constitutional Income, by Phil Hart

Rep. Peter DeFazio

Congressman (D-OR) http://www.house.gov/defazio/

Dave Champion

America Radio talk show host


James Bovard Author

www.jimbovard.com Lost Rights (1995)

Fair elections Electronic Privacy Information Center


League of Women Voters http://www.lwv.org Andrew Gumbel Steal This Vote (2005) Election Reform

Information Project www.electiononline.org

Voters Unite www.votersunite.org

America: From Freedom To Fascism Page 20 of 20 DISTRIBUTION COMPANY: Cinema Libre Studio is an international entertainment company dedicated to creating quality films with global appeal. We have created a haven for filmmakers with a point of view, offering one-stop shopping for production, co-production, distribution, marketing and post-production services. With headquarters in Los Angeles, CLS also has representation offices in Paris, London, Munich, Rome, Madrid and Tokyo.

The partners formed the company in 2003 with a consortium of filmmakers, producers, distributors, engineers and marketers backed by European investors. Cinema Libre Studio was a natural evolution for the partners based on their success in producing more than 15 award-winning international films and distributing over 50 films worldwide over the past twenty years.

The group’s production resume includes feature films, documentaries and animation projects with budgets ranging from $200,000 to $15 million. The group orchestrated the independent financing for most of these projects internationally through co-productions, pre-sales, and tax credits or domestically with individual investors, including the participation of major studios.

All distribution activity is now consolidated under Cinema Libre Distribution. Expanded activity includes theatrical and home video distribution on three labels: LIBERATION PICTURES (American Independent), THE FILM CAFÉ (Foreign Film) and DOC WORKERS (Documentaries). The group’s core competency is in identifying and acquiring quality international and independent films for the US market. The use of its own foreign sales representation in Paris, London, Munich, Rome, Madrid and Tokyo guarantees significant coverage at international markets and festivals as well as an established infrastructure to capitalize on this growing market.

The Cinema Libre Studio worldwide headquarters are located in a 6,500 square foot facility containing digital and film post-production services and an 18-seat screening room.