FIELD WEBINAR PPT SLIDES Slide 1/Title Slide: Protect Working Families: Stop Tax Cuts for the Rich & Corporations Slide 2: Thanks to Our Partners Heather Booth: Thanks to all our partners, especially the Coalition on Human Needs who provided us with the webinar hosting system. Slide 3-4: Heather Booth & Agenda (3 – 5 minutes) Heather Booth: Welcome, I’m Heather Booth, Field Director for Americans for Tax Fairness. This is a Moment of Peril and Inspiration—threat and opportunity: YOU (on the phone) can make the difference. The battle on Taxes is battle for priorities in country, are we country for millionaires and billionaires or a country for all of us. Battle to Stop Republican Leadership Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Education and to Protect Working Families. This one hour call will explain the framework of this battle, reviewing what is at stake, what it will take to win, what we are up against, focusing our message, and explaining the legislative framework and sequence, and who are our targets—both political and corporate, who are our heroes and sheroes, AND most importantly, how you will help us win, with experience from two leaders from the field from Indivisible AND Health Care for America Now! , and our action plan—and the call to action we can take now. Throughout the presentation please write any questions you have and we will respond to them after the webinar via email. Slide 5: Introduce Keith Ellison

ame Web viewThey’ve used a variety of strategies to pressure Senator Rob Portman to ... featured on The Rachel Maddow show twice and ... the world. Slide 42

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Slide 1/Title Slide: Protect Working Families: Stop Tax Cuts for the Rich & Corporations

Slide 2: Thanks to Our Partners

Heather Booth: Thanks to all our partners, especially the Coalition on Human Needs who provided us with the webinar hosting system.

Slide 3-4: Heather Booth & Agenda (3 – 5 minutes)

Heather Booth: Welcome, I’m Heather Booth, Field Director for Americans for Tax Fairness. This is a Moment of Peril and Inspiration—threat and opportunity: YOU (on the phone) can make the difference. The battle on Taxes is battle for priorities in country, are we country for millionaires and billionaires or a country for all of us. Battle to Stop Republican Leadership Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Education and to Protect Working Families.

This one hour call will explain the framework of this battle, reviewing what is at stake, what it will take to win, what we are up against, focusing our message, and explaining the legislative framework and sequence, and who are our targets—both political and corporate, who are our heroes and sheroes, AND most importantly, how you will help us win, with experience from two leaders from the field from Indivisible AND Health Care for America Now! , and our action plan—and the call to action we can take now.

Throughout the presentation please write any questions you have and we will respond to them after the webinar via email.

Slide 5: Introduce Keith Ellison

To Begin this conversation, we have one of the great heroes and leaders of our movement for justice, the Congressman from the 5th District of Minnesota, an organizer who remembers where he came from and is helping us where we need to go—a leader on human priorities over political and corporate greed, Congressman Keith Ellison.

Slide 6: What’s at stake?

I’m so glad to be with you, because you are the people who can stop the assault on working families. We need you to stop Trump’s tax cuts for millionaires and big corporations that would be paid for with cuts to our health care, education and more.

This is going to be a very tough fight. But the fight to protect the Affordable Care Act showed us that if we organize, and if we stay united, we can win.

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Make no mistake the tax fight is a continuation of the healthcare fight. And a continuation of the fight for public education and more. Trump and the Republican Leadership's plan to gut Medicaid, Medicare, education and other priorities for working people so that millionaires and corporations can get a giant tax cut. We can't let them do it.

Slide 7: Trump’s Tax and Spending Priorities

It's also a civil rights fight, a racial justice fight, and a fight against inequality. Why? Because they're coming after our families. They are coming after our kids' education. They are coming after food stamps. They are coming after Social Security. They are coming after housing and transportation and job training and after-school programs and all of the services that turn cities and neighborhoods into real communities. And there is discriminatory impact by race and gender.

Trump’s budget and tax plans show whose side he’s on. He wants to hand out about $4 trillion in tax breaks mostly to the rich and corporations while slashing $4 trillion from Social Security, Medicaid, education and a lot more. Trump wants to give corporations a $2 trillion tax cut, while cutting services for working families by the same amount. Trump wants hedge fund managers and real estate developers like himself to get a $2 trillion tax cut, paid for by slashing Medicaid and other healthcare services by $2 trillion. All of the priorities that our communities rely on, they're cutting. Why? So that rich people and corporations can get a massive tax cut. It's not right.

Slide 8: What it costs: Rebuilding Texas v. Taxes these Companies owe

It's not right that people like Donald Trump and his kids will get a massive tax break on the backs of working people. It's not right that giant corporations like Apple, Microsoft, GE, and Pfizer aren’t paying any taxes on their massive offshore profits will get a huge tax cut while we have a country that needs investment, from Texas and Florida with their flooding to infrastructure to schools and child care.

That's why we need to stand up, stand together, and fight back. United. We need to tell Donald Trump and the Republicans in Congress - we won't let you do this. We won't let you cut taxes for millionaires and corporations that will harm our families. Not One Penny in tax cuts for the rich.

What we learned from the healthcare fight is that our voices matter. When we tell our stories, when we call our members of Congress, when we go to protests and rallies and town halls and sit-ins, our voices matter. We need to keep doing that. We can't afford to rest.

The same folks who were going to lose their Medicaid coverage - seniors, kids, disabled folks, low-income folks, moderate-income folks - they could still lose that coverage. We need their voices again now. We need the voices of teachers whose classroom budgets

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will get cut, of social workers whose clients will be harmed, of folks who can't survive on their Social Security disability benefits, of small business owners and workers who will pick up the tab for corporations that don’t pay their fair share.

So please, tell your story, speak out, come to a rally or organize one, call your member of Congress, show up to a town hall meeting. If enough people do, we will win. You are what inspires us in these challenging times.

Heather Booth: Thank you wonderful Keith Ellison, for your leadership and your support for organizing to build a better world.

Slide 9: Frank Clemente

Heather Booth: Now to explain the what it will take to win and why the opposition will lose, and the legislative fight ahead, the Director of Americans for Tax Fairness, and a lifelong fighter for justice-- Frank Clemente.

Slide 10: What’s It Take to Win (8 - 10 minutes)We are up against a huge opposition. There’s Trump and the entire Republican party arrayed against us. Low taxes and small government are the cornerstone of their ideology. All of corporate America is against us. They have an army of at least 1,500 lobbyists in Washington. Then there is the Koch Brothers and their heavily funded network, including Americans for Prosperity, active in the states. The list goes on.

Not to scare you or anything. I paint this picture so you understand how critically important it is for you to be involved in this fight. Without you, we will lose.

Our side has a lot of assets.

To start, the public is totally on our side. Shortly, I will discuss some of that polling.

It is critical that we connect the demand for massive tax cuts to how that will jeopardize Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and other critical services and priorities you fight for every day. Our polling shows that this is the winning formula. It’s the health care fight all over again, as Congressman Ellison said – when Republicans tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act costing 20 million people their health care to give a $600 billion tax break to the rich and health care corporations.

That’s the core narrative or story to tell. We can win this fight if we win the narrative with a focused message that all of use and repeat. We need a constant drumbeat of the refrain that Republicans plan to give massive tax cuts to the wealthy and big corporations paid for by cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education and more.

Mass mobilization at the state and local level. That is what won the health care fight. And it is what will win the tax fight. We will discuss this in more detail later.

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Keep allies in Congress close. Cutting taxes is popular with politicians of all stripes. Especially corporate taxes. It is crucial that we hold our allies close and help them understand how much we oppose tax cuts that jeopardize all that we hold dear.

Define what side opponents are on. This is relatively easy – the lines are clearly drawn for Republicans. We just have to help the public understand whose side our elected officials are on. The public will get the rest.

Name the Battle: Tax Cuts for the Rich and Wealthy Corporations – Not “Tax Reform.”

Slide 11: Opponents’ Big Challenges

As I mentioned, our own polls and public polls show that Americans strongly oppose Trump’s tax-cutting agenda. Our opponents know that. That’s why one of their leading talking points is now: “they want to unrig the tax system.” I kid you not, that’s straight from the Koch Brothers press releases. One of Paul Ryan’s leading talking points is that their tax plan will “get rid of special interest loopholes.” They are using our talking points. Let’s not let them get away with using our message. At the end of this slideshow we’ll show you how to get our full talking points . Visit: https://americansfortaxfairness.org/webinar/ for all materials discussed on this webinar!

Some Republicans feel a lot of pressure to pay for tax cuts, so that they do not increase the deficit. They have a strong deficit hawk chorus. The media will put a lot of pressure on them. So will many Democrats. It is a potential unraveling point as their tax breaks are very costly.

Other divisions among Republicans: hard-line tax cutters who don’t care about deficits, and moderates concerned about cuts to public services. We saw their concerns with repealing the Affordable Care Act.

Wild card of Donald Trump. Who knows what Trump will do and whether he will help their cause or hurt it.

Divisions among corporations: tax loopholes to close: domestic vs. multinational; big vs. small. Corporate America is not a monolith. Different industries and corporations all have their special-interest loopholes. Many loopholes are very costly. When Congress legislates there will be winners and losers – and therefore supporters and opponents.

We can also make life difficult for opponents if our side stays united: as we did during the health care debate.

Slide 12: Core Messages

As I mentioned earlier, based on our polling, we recommend as the topline message: Trump/Republican leaders want to give huge tax breaks to millionaires

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and wealthy corporations paid for by cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and education. Of course, feel free to add the public services that matter most to your constituency. But know that of the ten public services we tested these four came out on top by large margins.

The Trump and Republican tax plans will give massive tax cuts for the rich and wealthy corporations. They are not tax “reform.” This is a winning one liner. Republicans tout tax reform. That’s because most of the public SUPPORTS tax reform – whether from the right, left or center. It’s critical we not let them define tax cuts as tax reform, but as massive tax cuts for the rich and wealthy corporations.

Tax reform must require the wealthy and corporations to pay fair share. This tests off the charts – it is a core demand no matter what your political persuasion.

Corporations and the wealthy must not get ONE PENNY in new tax cuts. This language is a way to draw a clear line in the sand. It paints a picture. And there’s the Not One Penny Campaign which is running a media and grassroots effort around this demand.

Slide 13: Don’t Cut Medicaid and give tax breaks to the rich

That’s a good slogan. So is Medicaid not Millionaires. Connecting threats to health care to the tax fight is critical. After all, Medicaid and Medicare are on the chopping block in big ways in the House Republican budget. And Medicaid is targeted in Trump’s budget.

These and other messages about Social Security and Medicare and education are available on bright yellow and black signs ATF has printed. If you do not yet have any of them, there will be instructions at the end of the PPT about how to order them.

Slides 14 - 16: Polling Slides

Frank Clemente: Next is a series of three slides from a poll we did in June of 1,000 voters. I’ll highlight a couple of things quickly. On slide 14, you will notice there are two top concerns voters have with the Trump tax plan that stand out above any other concerns. First is that most of the tax cuts go to the wealthy and big corporations. Second, these tax cuts will be paid for by cuts to healthcare and education. That’s why the topline message we recommend you use focus on these two related issues.

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Frank Clemente: The top part of slide 15 shows that by a more than two to one margin voters want corporations to pay their fair share, not get a tax cut even if it makes them more competitive in the global economy, which is what our opponents typically demand. The bottom half of this slide shows that by a huge margin of 84% to 16% voters want revenue gained from closing corporate tax loopholes to go for investments in infrastructure, healthcare and education – not to reduce corporate tax rates.

Frank Clemente: Slide 16 shows some sample language we tested to get at the best one-liner messages. We tested about 8 messages and this accumulates the top three reasons to oppose Trump’s tax plan. Again, the tax tradeoff message came way out on top – tying cuts to critical services to pay for tax breaks for the rich and corporations.

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Slide 17: Top Tax Rate—Political Cartoon

Frank Clemente: Just so you understand, the tax rate on the richest Americans is far below what it has been historically. It was around 70% just forty years ago under Nixon. Reagan forced it down to 28%. Democrats and our movement were able to bring the top rate up a bit to 40% from the George W. Bush years when we got rid of the Bush tax cuts for the top 1% in 2013.

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Slide 18: Rich laughing (“And then I said the wealth would trickle down”)

Frank Clemente: This picture shows Reagan and his wealthy cabinet members celebrating the passage of the last major tax system overhaul -- 31 years ago in 1986. One of the top talking points used by our opponents is that cutting taxes will grow the economy and create jobs. You hear it all the time. Our best answer is to remind people that massive tax cuts are nothing but trickle-down economics that has been tried numerous times and failed.

Slide 19: Arguments Against Trickle Down

The good news is our polling shows only about one third of the public believes in the miracle of trickle-down economics. That’s the Republican base. The rest think it’s bunk. Here are a few of the arguments we use against their claims.

First, corporate profits are near record highs; and corporate taxes are at record lows. Corporations have never been so flush with profits. And they are paying an all-time low amount in federal taxes due to all the loopholes.

Second, tax cuts for the rich and corporations create few jobs compared with investing in education, healthcare and infrastructure. That’s because the wealthy save most of what they make. But a low, or middle-income worker spends most of what they make because they have little income to spare. It goes to keep a roof over your head, keep our families fed, pay for college. You know what I mean.

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U.S. corporations are not overtaxed. Many don’t pay their fair share now. Some pay nothing. The official corporate tax rate is 35% but most don’t pay that because of all the tax loopholes. The nonpartisan Government Accountability Office found the actual tax rate paid by profitable corporations is just 14% -- far below 35%.

Corporate taxes are not discouraging investments and job creation: corporations are awash in profits but demand is slack.

Slide 20: Ellen Nissenbaum, Congressional Stages & Targets

Heather Booth: Thank you Frank and thanks for arming us with arguments and message—Now to explain the legislative side of the battle, one of the great experts on how a bill really becomes a law—and how we can stop a bad one, the remarkable Ellen Nissenbaum from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.

Slide 21: Stage 1 of Congressional Tax Debate (Ellen: 8 – 10 minutes)

Ellen Nissenbaum: Thank you Heather, and thanks to you all for joining. Timeline: September to October Senate & House each pass combined budget resolutions & reconciliation instructions

Sets broad spending and revenue targets; not detailed tax policy Each chamber passes bill and then is conferenced Goal: prevent passage of conference agreement – both chambers must pass

it. If a joint budget resolution passes:

Goal: Revenue-neutral tax instructions – pay for tax cuts by closing loopholes Goal: No required (“reconciled”) cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP (food

stamps), SSDI disability insurance, SSI

Slide 22: Tax Instruction Options for the Budget

To use the reconciliation process, the budget must include a “reconciliation instruction”

Revenue Neutral: tax cuts can’t increase the deficit and can only be offset by closing tax loopholes/other revenue-raisers

Deficit Neutral: tax cuts cant increase the deficit but can be offset in part with certain entitlement cuts

Revenue Losing: this would allow tax cuts to LOSE revenue over the next decade – forcing deep spending cuts down the road

We must ensure that any tax cuts included in the budget resolution are required to be fully offset but only with revenue-raisers.

Slide 23: Stage 2 of Congressional Tax Debate

Timeline: October to 2018?

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Tax committees: hold hearings and approve legislation Both chambers: hold floor votes on respective bills Merge House & Senate bills into one; both chambers must pass again Signed by the President

Slide 24: Legislative Targets

5 Priority States: Stop budget reconciliation in Senate with persuasion -- AK, AZ, ME, NV, WV

Protest hard-line opponents: to make taxes “Which Side Are You On” issue Persuade/Protest: more moderate opponents Support allies: Key senators in priority states and Senate Finance Committee


Slide 25: Heather Booth, Our Action Plan

Heather Booth: Thank you Ellen, for your leadership and expertise on the legislative side of this battle. Now I will run through our action plan and how to plug-in to the tax campaign with the field effort.

Slide 26: Our Action Plan Ladder of escalation based on targets and congressional timeline Persuasion: Meetings; town halls; phone calls; letters; social media; op-eds Protest: Town halls; earned media events; social media; ads Webinar: Take this presentation to your organization StopTrumpTaxCuts.org : for the latest

Slide 27: Pictures of actionHeather Booth: The battle is on and here’s what you can do right now.  Slide 28: Take Action Now

Petition Congress (through Oct. 1): Petition to Congress national groups are using is at http://bit.ly/2xQs1Q7

Heather Booth: We are coordinating an email petition that launched September 8th and will run throughout the month of September. The petition which has garnered over 50,000 signatures this past weekend alone, demands that members of Congress reject a budget that cuts Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, public education and much more while giving massive tax breaks to the rich and powerful. Over 30 organizations are leading this petition and we hope your organization will join in. At the beginning of October we can organize several petition delivery events to Congress.

Sept. 12-15: Call Congress Week – 1-888-516-5820 Deliver this message: Protect Medicare, Medicaid, education; Not one penny

in tax cuts to millionaires and wealthy corporations

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Go here for details: http://bit.ly/2eNcfOfHeather Booth: Our next level of engagement is through national call congress days, which start today and run through the end of the week! With our various partners we are urging folks to call their representative and tell them to Vote NO on the House budget that cuts funding for Medicare, Medicaid, and education. Not one penny in tax cuts should be given to the wealthy and corporations.

Oct. 4: National Day of Local Actions Details to come

Heather Booth: Following our petition, and call-in days, we are organizing a National Day of Action for October 4. We envision lobby visits, press conferences, banner drops, petition deliveries, and other visibility events, but defer to your judgment and expertise in terms of what makes the most sense to target your Member of Congress. If your group can participate in some way in the day of action please be in touch with our Field Coordinator, Nick Guthman, whose contact information will be circulated following the webinar. Public events that drive our message will make the difference in this fight.

Slides 29-33: Action Pictures

We are in it to win it. You are mobilizing! Women, labor, youth, communities of color, disability community, and our larger progressive movement.

Slide 34: Local Perspectives from the State

Heather Booth: Next we will turn to organizers on the ground who led the fight to save health care and are now gearing up for the tax battle. They will provide some key tips and strategies they’ve used for winning in the field and we can learn from them!

Slide 35: Marcia Dinkins, Valley Voices United for Change, Ohio, Telling Our Story(3 – 5 minutes)

Heather Booth: First we will hear from Marcia Dinkins an organizer with Health Care for America Now! Marcia, is a dynamic leader from the Ohio Valley Voices United for Change and part of the Ohio Organizing Collective. They’ve used a variety of strategies to pressure Senator Rob Portman to mobilize and organize to win. Marcia, take it away!

Slide 36: HCAN action photo

Marcia Dinkins: My name is Marcia Dinkins. I'm an organizer with Valley Voices United For Change in Ohio. Our organization was part of HCAN back in 2007 to help pass the Affordable Care Act and expand Medicaid. We’ve re-joined HCAN this year to healthcare for hundreds of thousands of people in our state.

Valley Voices works with congregations that serve low income people, people of color,

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immigrants, women as well as white rural communities on a variety of issues including mass incarceration, racial and economic justice, immigrant rights and education. Health care has been a key focus of our work this year because the attacks on the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid are a direct attack on our communities and our families. The federal proposals to cut healthcare to pay for tax breaks for the rich and corporations would devastate our state and deepen already entrenched racial, economic, gender and geographic inequality in Ohio.

We focus on Medicaid because it’s especially important to the poorest and often sickest people including single moms like myself, people with disabilities like my son, and people struggling with mental illness and addiction. Our work has focused a lot pushing Governor Kasich and Senator Rob Portman to oppose federal proposals that cut health care and Medicaid for Ohioans.

We used a variety of strategies including public education to help impacted people understand what was at stake and get them engaged in the fight, finding people to tell their stories and lifting up those stories in the media and at events to shape a narrative about real people experiencing real problems, and demonstrating public opposition to the proposals by taking our objections directly to Portman and applying pressure--sometimes soft and sometimes a lot harder--to prevent him from supporting repeal.

We generated calls, went to the Members' offices, held press conferences, direct actions, vigils, die-ins, mock-funerals and demonstrations that were both intended to help Ohioans understand the impact of the bills and also to directly challenge Senator Portman to reject these proposals. We made sure that Sen. Portman knew his constituents were paying attention and urging him to reject these proposals. We also leveraged the voices of our clergy leaders to make a moral case against cuts to Medicaid and ACA to pay for tax breaks for the rich and insurance companies in the repeal bills.

We are relieved that we stopped repeal, but we know this fight's not over because Medicaid and Medicare are still under attack in the federal budget. We also know that there are still many Republicans who want to repeal the ACA, despite public opposition.

That's why we are continuing our work to lift up the voices of the most impacted people, and to make the moral case about why we must save healthcare and stop the big tax giveaways to the rich and corporations that will hurt people in every state. We're glad to be partners with HCAN and look forward to keeping up the fight with all of you. And I turn this back over to Heather, thank you!

Slide 37: Suzy Zander, Indivisible, NJ-03, Town Hall Tips (3 – 5 minutes)

Heather Booth: Thank you for all your work on the health care battle, Marcia. Thanks for all the array of examples of what you’ve been doing in the field. Next we have Suzy Zander who founded the Indivisible group in New Jersey’s 3rd Congressional District in

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January 2017, which currently has 1,200 members in that district alone. Their resistance efforts against Congressman Tom MacArthur were featured on The Rachel Maddow show twice and several of their members have had Town Hall viral moments with over 40 million views. Suzy is going to dive into town hall strategies, take it away!

Slide 38: Indivisible action photos

Suzy Zander: Town Hall Tactics: How to go from TAME to FAME

My Congressperson, Tom MacArthur, threw himself front and center with his proposal to repeal and replace the ACA. Having the spotlight on him provided my resistance group with the opportunity to magnify our messages through visits to his office that were broadcast by Rachel Maddow and an epic 5-hour smackdown Town Hall that was covered by national and international media that still gets mentions in the press four months later. We seized the opportunity presented to us with gusto and I urge you to be prepared to do the same.

Now, I’ll take you through some Town Hall tactics that we used in the healthcare fight that can be applied to the upcoming battle on taxes:

Do your pre-work Get the rules for the event in advance and find creative solutions around them.

The rules will often be specified on the invitation issued by your Rep or when you RSVP to attend. (example: cloth bandanas instead of red and green signs)

Get the physical layout of the venue. Watch and film side doors to make sure your Rep doesn’t load the event with their supporters. And, let your Rep know in advance that you will be doing this to discourage attempts to stack the deck. (We failed at this during our first TH)

Provide sample questions to your members. Prep them on how to ask questions and how to follow up to Rep responses. Don’t give the microphone back until you are satisfied with the response.

Provide fact sheets to your members on hot issues. There is no substitute for being well informed.

Plan to get your group to the venue VERY early. Comb the web for any advance “chatter” about the Town Hall. We discovered

that a group of 2nd Amendment activists were planning to confront us at our Rep’s invitation. We confronted our Rep about it and he called them off.

Get press – this is critical Work through your national group to get press committed to attend. Send out a press release via conventional means and via Twitter, social media Go after all media types: print, TV, radio, online… Partner with other large groups Designate a contact person/spokesperson to handle press

Leverage the crowd that can’t get inside

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Unless the venue is very large, there will be people (maybe many) who will not get inside for the Town Hall. For example, we had 300 people inside and 1500 people outside. Use that to your advantage!

Plan events for outside the Town Hall that will be visually interesting to the press. (Trump Chicken, airplane, musicians, die-in, posters, chants)

Consult with the police in advance to find out if there will be any restricted areas. Share information with the police – they can be a tremendous asset. (They provided us with 8 porta-potties.)

Set up a Hospitality Table – we provided water bottles, snacks, band-aids, hand sanitizer, a shady spot with chairs, and menus to local restaurants PLUS voter registration forms, contact info for our resistance group, fact sheets about our Reps health care proposal and how his voting record aligns with Trump.

Once inside Leave your momma’s manners at the door! Shout out if you have to – interrupt

– don’t stop until your point has been made. You may need to be aggressive, but don’t become hostile.

Your Rep will try to set ground rules and control the event. Don’t let them. Remember: THEY work for YOU.

Your Rep will try to razzle dazzle you with misinformation and partial facts. Don’t fall for it. Stay focused and fact-based. Hold them accountable for providing direct answers to direct questions. Chant “Answer the question” if your BS meter goes off.

Final thoughts Be ready to seize all opportunities. You never know when your Rep will do or say

something that is newsworthy. Think BIG, then bring it up a few notches!

Slide 39: If we organize… we can win! (3 minutes)

Heather Booth: That’s terrific, Suzy. Thanks for all your work. This campaign brings together over 400 organizations and millions of people from the AFL-CIO to People’s Action and Center for Popular Democracy, Healthcare for America Now, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, AFSCME, Indivisible, MoveOn.Org, Not One Penny, Unidos US, and many more.

If we stay united, we will win.


Heather Booth: NOW we need to make those phone calls to Congress—When this call is over, CALL THIS NUMBER—1(888) 516-5820. Your own organization may have provided a number for you to call to get through to the Congressional switch board and to your

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Congressional Member local offices, but this number was provided by the Communications Workers of America and we thank them for that.

Their office won’t be open tonight, but they will be open tomorrow and will receive the messages you leave tonight. We are continuing these calls from tonight through Friday (September 12 to September 15). The operator will explain what you need to do and will connect you: When connected just say: Vote NO on the House budget that cuts funding for Medicare, Medicaid, and education. Not one penny in tax cuts should be given to the wealthy and corporations.

This will let them know, the fight is on. And we are determined not to let them destroy our lives and destroy this country.

Slide 41: ATF Staff and Contact Information

Heather Booth: We are here to help you in the future.Email us or call us for help—or call through to your own organizations who are part of this campaign.

Our staff will respond to the questions you submitted and send you this Powerpoint with the script, along with other materials and resources we referenced and answers to the most asked questions.

And you can find all of this plus talking points on our website at www.americansfortaxfairness.org/webinar.

We hope you will take this power point and use it for local meetings to spread the message. If you need help with this contact our Field Coordinator, Nick Guthman at [email protected] .

Heather Booth: Together we will win!! When we organized, we have changed the world.

Slide 42: Questions fielded by Heather Booth (if time)

Close: IF we organize, we will change the world!! THANK YOU ALL we look forward to strategizing together, and celebrating our victories together. Thank you all and goodnight.