1 Amateur Trapshooting Association Minutes of the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Executive Committee Meeting Commencing Edit: 09/23/08 I 1252 August 04, 2008 On August 04, 2008, at 07:56 Hrs., Central Daylight T ime (CDT ), President Neil M. Winston of the Amateur 1 Trapshooting Association, subsequent to Roll Call and confirmation of a quorum, called this Regularly Scheduled 2 and Continuing Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Amateur Trapshooting Association to order. 3 4 Answering the Roll Call were: 5 6 President, Central Zone Vice President & Minnesota Delegate Neil M. Winston; 7 Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed; 8 Southwestern Zone Vice President & Texas Delegate Gary L. Sherrod; 9 Southern Zone Vice President & Georgia Delegate John D. Hiter; 10 Eastern Zone Vice President & Massachusetts Delegate Wm. M. Anzaldi, Jr.; 11 Ex-Officio, Past President & Maryland Delegate D. Ray Greb; 12 Treasurer Thomas G. Burkey, from Pennsylvania, 13 Secretary G. Mike Seitz , from Indiana. 14 15 It was noted for the Record that proper Notice was given for this Regularly Scheduled and Continuing 16 Meeting, and that all meeting(s) were scheduled to be held in the ATA Executive Committee Meeting Room at the 17 Event Center of the World Shooting and Recreational Complex (WSRC), One Main Event Lane, Sparta, Illinois 18 62286-3035, unless otherwise necessitated and/or determined to be at the convenience of the Executive Committee 19 and in the furtherance of the business of the Amateur Trapshooting Association and its Directors and members. 20 21 President Neil M. Winston noted that the Minutes of the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting held 22 in San Antonio, Texas, on April 14, 2008 through April 20, 2008, and subsequent Executive Committee Minutes 23 and/or Memoranda including other Committee Meeting(s) (if any) held, have previously been distributed to the 24 Executive Committee Members for review, comment and approval. 25 Subsequent to review and discussion and upon the motion of Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed 26 with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod , and following the President’s call of the 27 question, with no response, it was unanimously 28 RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Continuing Executive Committee Meeting held in San 29 Antonio, Texas, on April 14, 2008 through April 20, 2008, are hereby ratified, adopted and/or 30 approved this date and time. 31 FURTHER RESOLVED That the Minutes of all Regular and/or Special Teleconference Meetings 32 and other Official Meeting Memoranda, whenever and wherever held, pursuant to Notice, are 33 hereby ratified, adopted and/or approved this date and time. 34 35 President Neil M. Winston reviewed the proposed Meeting Agenda and advised, with the concurrence of 36 the Executive Committee Members, that changes will be made (to the Agenda) as the various meeting(s) progress 37 only if they are determined to be more expedient and in furtherance of the interests of the ATA. All Executive 38 Committee Members were in agreement with the President's General Orders of Business, as previously distributed 39 and reviewed hereby. 40 41 42 AGENDA 43 AS PROPOSED 44 45 Call Meeting to Order 46 Roll Call and Housekeeping (Administrative) Issues: 47 Minutes - Executive Committee (April 2008); 48 Minutes - Revisions (If Any); 49 2009 and 2010 Grand American Tournament Dates; 50 Shooting Days and Times; and 51 Meetings/Policy & Procedures/Activities. 52 Activity & Meeting Schedule 53 Special Activities; 54 Satellite Grands; 55 Zones; 56 CHC Chairman Dick Marascola; and 57

Amateur Trapshooting Association...1 Amateur Trapshooting Association Minutes of the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Executive Committee Meet ing Com m enc i ng Edit: 09/23/08 I

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Page 1: Amateur Trapshooting Association...1 Amateur Trapshooting Association Minutes of the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Executive Committee Meet ing Com m enc i ng Edit: 09/23/08 I


Amateur Trapshooting AssociationMinutes of the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing

Executive Committee MeetingCommencing

Edit: 09/23/08 I 1252 August 04, 2008

On August 04, 2008, at 07:56 Hrs., Central Daylight T ime (CDT), President Neil M. Winston of the Amateur 1

Trapshooting Association, subsequent to Roll Call and confirmation of a quorum , called this Regularly Scheduled 2

and Continuing Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Amateur Trapshooting Association to order. 3


Answering the Roll Call were: 5


� President, Central Zone Vice President & Minnesota Delegate Neil M. Winston; 7

� Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed; 8

� Southwestern Zone Vice President & Texas Delegate Gary L. Sherrod; 9

� Southern Zone Vice President & Georgia Delegate John D. Hiter; 10

� Eastern Zone Vice President & Massachusetts Delegate Wm. M. Anzaldi, Jr.; 11

� Ex-Officio, Past President & Maryland Delegate D. Ray Greb; 12

� Treasurer Thomas G. Burkey, from Pennsylvania, 13

� Secretary G. Mike Seitz, from Indiana. 14


It was noted for the Record that proper Notice was given for this Regularly Scheduled and Continuing 16

Meeting, and that all meeting(s) were scheduled to be held in the ATA Executive Committee Meeting Room at the 17

Event Center of the World Shooting and Recreational Complex (WSRC), One Main Event Lane, Sparta, Illinois 18

62286-3035, unless otherwise necessitated and/or determined to be at the convenience of the Executive Committee 19

and in the furtherance of the business of the Amateur Trapshooting Association and its Directors and members. 20


President Neil M. W inston noted that the Minutes of the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting held 22

in San Antonio, Texas, on April 14, 2008 through April 20, 2008, and subsequent Executive Committee Minutes 23

and/or Memoranda including other Committee Meeting(s) (if any) held, have previously been distributed to the 24

Executive Committee Members for review, comment and approval. 25

Subsequent to review and discussion and upon the motion of Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed 26

with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod, and following the President’s call of the 27

question, with no response, it was unanimously 28

RESOLVED That the Minutes of the Continuing Executive Committee Meeting held in San 29

Antonio, Texas, on April 14, 2008 through April 20, 2008, are hereby ratified, adopted and/or 30

approved this date and time. 31

FURTHER RESOLVED That the Minutes of all Regular and/or Special Teleconference Meetings 32

and other Official Meeting Memoranda, whenever and wherever held, pursuant to Notice, are 33

hereby ratified, adopted and/or approved this date and time. 34


President Neil M. Winston reviewed the proposed Meeting Agenda and advised, with the concurrence of 36

the Executive Committee Members, that changes will be made (to the Agenda) as the various meeting(s) progress 37

only if they are determined to be more expedient and in furtherance of the interests of the ATA. All Executive 38

Committee Members were in agreement with the President's General Orders of Business, as previously distributed 39

and reviewed hereby. 40





� Call Meeting to Order 46

� Roll Call and Housekeeping (Administrative) Issues: 47

� Minutes - Executive Committee (April 2008); 48

� Minutes - Revisions (If Any); 49

� 2009 and 2010 Grand American Tournament Dates; 50

� Shooting Days and Times; and 51

� Meetings/Policy & Procedures/Activities. 52

� Activity & Meeting Schedule 53

� Special Activities; 54

� Satellite Grands; 55

� Zones; 56

� CHC Chairman Dick Marascola; and 57

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� VIP’s as Scheduled. 58

� Treasurer's Report 59

� Financial Reports; 60

� Investment Summary; and 61

� Expense Analysis. 62

� Secretary's Report 63

� Pending Correspondence; 64

� By-Law Revisions; 65

� Suspension/Disciplinary Actions; and 66

� Miscellaneous Legal Issues. 67

� Administrative Report 68

� Administration, and 69

� Grand American. 70

� Sparta - World Shooting and Recreational Complex 71

� Shooting Dates (and Events). 72

� Vandalia Lead Reclamation Efforts 73

� Update. 74

� Committee Reports 75

� Marketing & Industry Committee - Chair D. Ray Greb; 76

� W eb Site Advisory Committee - Chair Neil M. W inston; 77

� All American Team Committee - Chair Gary L. Sherrod; 78

� Grand and Satellite Grand Committee - Chair Gary L. Sherrod; 79

� Foreign Shooting Development - Chair W m. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr.; 80

� Human Resource Committee - Chair D. Ray Greb; 81

� 501(c)(3) Advisory Committee Report - Chair Dr. Thomas P. Arvas; and 82

� Rules Committee - Chair Neil M. W inston. 83

� New Business 84

� Zone Meeting Reports, and 85

� Board of Directors Agenda. 86

� Reorganization Meeting 87

� Appointed Officials; 88

� Central Handicap Committee; 89

� Committee Structure and Members; 90

� Legal Counsel; 91

� Independent Accounting and Auditing Firm; and 92

� Executive Director. 93

� Adjournment. 94




[Secretary's Note: Due to scheduling and the extensive amount of information presented during these Meetings, the 99

Secretary has elected to compile the information and present the Agenda item(s) together, wherever possible or 100

expedient. The date and timing of the information will be inserted in the Record Heading for the purposes of easier 101

comprehension and clarity to the reader hereof. As per the Secretary’s past practice, this approach is utilized in an 102

attempt to make the Minute Record more manageable and reader friendly.] 103


PRESIDENT’S CALL TO ORDER (Executive Committee Meeting Room) . . . . . . . August 04, 2008, at 07:56 Hrs. 105


� Roll Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . as previously recorded and noted. 107

� Various Orders of Business and Administrative Issues were reviewed, discussed and resolved: 108



At 08:13 Hrs., IN RE: Executive Session 111

President Neil M. W inston called for an Executive Session, with no objections noted from the members, in 112

order to meet with Grand American Tournament Director Mike Hampton. 113

� 114

At 08:44 Hrs., IN RE: Regular Meeting Reconvened 115



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 118

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 08:45 HRS. 119

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 08:51 HRS. 120

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 121

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President Neil M. W inston introduced the next Order of Business: 122


� 2009 and 2010 Grand American Tournament Dates 124

Subsequent to review and discussion and upon the motion of Southern Zone Vice President John 125

D. Hiter with second of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. Anzaldi, Jr., and following the President's call 126

of the question with no further response or discussion, it was unanimously 127

RESOLVED That the 2009 Grand American World Trapshooting 128

Championships, at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex (WSRC), 129

Sparta, Illinois, shall be scheduled and held on August 05, 2009 through 130

August 15, 2009. 131

RESOLVED That the 2010 Grand American World Trapshooting 132

Championships, at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex (WSRC), 133

Sparta, Illinois, shall be scheduled and held on August 04, 2010 through 134

August 14, 2010. 135

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier is hereby instructed 136

to post and/or publish written Notices of the dates for the 2009 Grand American World 137

Trapshooting Championships, at such places and in such manner that said Notices 138

have customarily been posted in previous years. 139

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That Secretary G. Mike Seitz was directed to send notice of 140

Grand American reservation dates to IDNR as follows, which includes membership arrivals 141

three (3) days prior to the scheduled Tournament and two (2) days exit privileges at the 142

conclusion of the last day of shooting: 143

� 2009 Grand American - August 02, 2009 through August 17, 2009, and 144

� 2010 Grand American - August 01, 2010 through August 16, 2010. 145


� Executive Committee Shooting Schedules and Times 147

President Neil M. W inston encouraged all of the Executive Committee Members to review their respective 148

shooting schedules so that any conflicts could be discovered and corrected prior to the various scheduled meetings 149

(as previously provided). The President noted that a spreadsheet (listing all of the meetings and shoot schedules) has 150

been included in the respective binders, of the Executive Committee Members, to assist them with the coordination 151

of their individual shooting activities and schedules. 152

� Special Activities - Grand American Calendar of Events 153

President Neil M. W inston reviewed the Grand American Calendar of Events with the Executive Committee 154

Members ... no adjustments were noted. 155

� ATA Zone Meetings (of the Delegates/Directors) 156

The ATA Zone Vice Presidents reviewed, and advised, of their respective meeting times and schedules. 157



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 160

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 10:15 HRS. 161

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 10:21 HRS. 162

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 163



At 10:21 Hrs., IN RE: Treasurer's Report 166

President Neil M. W inston requested that Treasurer Thomas G. Burkey present his Treasurer’s report. 167

Treasurer Burkey advised that he had several Schedules and Handouts to present and then proceeded with his 168

presentations. He further commented that no material or substantive changes have occurred that warranted any 169

specific mention either by himself or the independent auditors. 170


Treasurer Burkey reviewed the following Summary Data with the members of the Executive Committee: 172



Date 175






08/01/02 6.28% 7.12% $ 4,605,416. 41 177

08/01/03 5.70% 6.76% $ 4,578,333. 39 178

08/01/04 5.37% 6.11% $ 4,899,124. 39 179

08/01/05 5.20% 6.03% $ 5,306,328. 45 180

08/01/06 5.28% 5.79% $ 6,330,942. 55 181

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08/01/07 5.27% 5.78% $ 6,327,228. 56 182

08/01/08 5.55% 6.18% $ 6,606,491. 59 183


Treasurer Burkey reviewed a schedule of investment activity indicating that the average maturity on the 59 185

units (08/01/2008) is 8.14 years. He further indicated that a total amount of $386,075., was received from investment 186

activities for the year ending 09/01/2007. 187


Treasurer Burkey advised that the PERCENTAGE OF PARTICIPATION was as follows: 189

66.0% Commercial Notes 190

07.6% Government Securities 191

00.0% Non-Taxable Municipals 192

05.9% Certificates of Dep. and Cash equivalents 193

08.6% Mortgage Backed Securities 194

11.9% Preferred Stock Holdings 195

100.0% 196



No unanticipated expenses have been encountered [by the ATA]. W e have paid 200

all bills presented - on time and discounted when appropriate. 201

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /S/ Thomas G. Burkey, Treasurer 202



� Investment Schedule to Date; 205

� Comparison of Fees and Membership Dollars; 206

� 2008 Grand Budget; 207

� 2008 ATA Budget & Projected Expenditures; and 208

� Fixed Income Analysis Prepared by Smith Barney and Reviewed by Treasurer 209

Burkey. 210


Treasurer Burkey continued with the balance of the Treasurer’s Report by presenting the following specific 212

items for review and discussion: 213


� Budget Analysis; 215

� Cash Disbursement Journal (through July 31, 2008); 216

� 2008 Budget vs. 2007 Actuals; 217

� 3rd Quarter 2008 Budget vs. Actual; 218

� Fees and Annual Dues (FY 2008 vs. 2007); 219

� 2009 G&A Budget (with analysis and reasoning); and 220

� Bond Portfolio Detailed Spreadsheet. 221


During and subsequent to the close of the foregoing presentations, Treasurer Thomas G. Burkey responded 223

to numerous questions from the Executive Committee members in a responsive and professional manner and he was 224

thanked for his efforts on behalf of the Amateur Trapshooting Association. 225


Treasurer Burkey confirmed that the Amateur Trapshooting Association’s established Investment Policy has 227

been adhered to, at all times, for the period(s) as reported and presented herein. 228

Subsequent to further discussion and review and upon the motion of Southwestern Zone Vice President 229

Gary L. Sherrod with second of Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed, and following the President’s call of 230

the question with no further response or discussion, it was unanimously 231

RESOLVED That the Treasurer's Report(s) and the Official Act(s) of Treasurer Thomas G. 232

Burkey are hereby ratified, adopted and/or approved this date and time. 233


At 10:41 Hrs., IN RE: Secretary's Report 235

President Neil M. W inston requested that Secretary G. Mike Seitz present his Report(s). Secretary Seitz 236

reviewed the following Correspondence, Disciplinary/Suspension Actions and other Administrative and/or Legal Issues 237

to properly come before the Executive Committee: 238

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� Miscellaneous Legal and Administrative Issues 239

Secretary G. Mike Seitz briefly reviewed the following By-Law Amendment that is pending Resolute action by 240

the Board of Directors. Secretary Seitz advised that the By-Law Amendment was proposed, and noticed, by Illinois 241

Delegate Jim Matteson according to ATA By-Law provisions. The formal notice was dated and mailed July 18, 2008, 242

and is imprinted as follows: 243


� “Amendment of ATA By-Law Article XVI - Averages 245


Dear Fellow Delegate: 247


This is being sent to you according to By-Law Article XIX - Amendments. It is my intention to make 249

a motion at the scheduled Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors on or about August 14, 2008, to change 250

the ATA Target Year back to Sept. 1 to Aug. 31. 251

When I returned home from last year's Grand, I realized we had made a mistake by changing the target 252

year. I received many complaints from shooters as well as gun club owners and managers. 253

Their main concern was that they had no reason to shoot registered targets in Sept and Oct (here in 254

Illinois, two of our best months for shooting). The change effectively reduced the target year to ten months, 255

five of which can be bad weather. That left four months to meet target requirements for the Grand. This leaves 256

little time to meet family obligations (graduations, weddings, reunions, etc.). 257

The reason given for the change was the need to reduce the work load in the office. It was reported 258

that approximately $10,000 was spent on temporary help. Many feel the ATA would lose more than that with 259

the reduced target income if the By-Law provision remained as presently passed at last year’s annual meeting. 260


I see no reason we can't leave the membership year Nov 1 to Oct 31 or even the calendar year Jan 1 262

to Dec 31. I welcome further debate from the floor with regard to the membership year. This way we can 263

reduce the workload at the end of the Grand (for the ATA office) and still accommodate the shooters (changing 264

the Target Year back to September 1). I feel, that in these tough economic times, we should be doing 265

everything we can to make it easy and attractive to shoot registered targets. 266

Thank you for your consideration and service to our sport and Association.” 267


/S/ Jim Matteson, Illinois Delegate 269



Secretary Seitz advised that the proposed By-Law Amendment essentially moots the action approved by 272

majority vote of the Board of Directors during the 2007 Annual Meeting. The By-Law Amendment directly affects the 273

following By-Law and/or Official Rule provisions: 274


“The shooting averages for each member of this corporation shall be based on the registered targets 276

shot during the twelve (12) month period ending October 31, of each year; however, scores shot at 277

any tournament that ends after October 31, regardless of starting date, will be included in the 278

following year’s averages.” 279


“(a) Annual Memberships may be secured for each year, with the membership year beginning on 281

September 1 (November 1, beginning 2008) ....” 282


“the 2008 target year runs from September 1, 2007 thru October 31, 2008; after that the target year 284

shall be November 1 thru October 31. Scores shot at any tournament ending after October 31, 285

regardless of starting date, will be included in the following year’s averages. 286


As consistent with past practice and to harmonize the By-Laws and/or Official Rules, the Secretary 288

of the Corporation is hereby directed to make whatever changes that further the intent and tenor of 289

any By-Law and/or Official Rules Resolutions that are passed by either the Board of Directors or the 290

Executive Committee, as may be authorized. 291


� The Executive Committee engaged in a heated debate as to their official stance on whether they 293

desired to support the proposed Amendment of Illinois Delegate Matteson. Subsequent to much discussion, it was 294

the general consensus that the decision would be left to the majority opinion of the Zone members. The issue was 295

tabled pending the Zone reports. 296


[Secretary’s Note: SUBSEQUENT ACTION OF ZONE DELIBERATIONS (which appeared to be neutral) 298


reader(s), the Secretary has included a summary of the Board of Director Resolute Findings with respect 300

to the following By-Law Amendments - Refer to August 14, 2008, Board of Director, Annual Meeting 301

Minutes. 302

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Subsequent to the President’s presentations and a brief question and answer (Q&A) period, upon the 303

motion of Illinois Delegate Jim Matteson, with second of Pennsylvania Delegate Frank Pascoe, 304

and following the President’s call of the question, with no further response, it was by majority voice 305

vote 306

RESOLVED That By-Law Amendment, Article XVI, Averages (and Miscellaneous Provisions) 307

shall be amended as follows: 308

The shooting averages for each member of this corporation shall be based on the registered targets 309

shot during the 2008 Target Year for the fourteen (14) month period ending October 31, 2008; 310

however, scores shot at any tournament that ends after October 31, 2008, regardless of starting date, 311

will be included in the following year’s averages. 312

The shooting averages for each member of this corporation shall be based on the registered targets 313

shot during the 2009 Target Year for the ten (10) month period ending August 31, 2009; however, 314

scores shot at any tournament that ends after August 31, 2009, regardless of starting date, will be 315

included in the following year’s averages. 316

The shooting averages for each member of this corporation shall be based on the registered targets 317

shot during the 2010 Target Year, for the twelve (12) month period ending August 31, 2010, and 318

thereafter; however, scores shot at any tournament that ends after August 31, 2010, regardless of 319

starting date, will be included in the following year’s averages. 320

FURTHER RESOLVED That Secretary G. Mike Seitz is hereby directed to edit and/or change, 321

substantive or otherwise, the existing By-Laws of the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and 322

the Amateur Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA) and the ATA Official Rules to make certain 323

that all related or tangent provisions, whether enumerated in this Resolution or not, are likewise 324

amended in full accord with the intent and tenor of this Resolution. 325

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Directors voted (31/23) to return the Target Year to 326

September 1 through August 31, beginning with the 2010 Target Year. Effectively, this leaves the 327

2008 Target Year, fourteen (14) months in length (September 01, 2007 through October 31, 2008) 328

and the 2009 Target Year, ten (10) months in length (November 01, 2008 through August 31, 2009, 329

thereafter twelve (12) month Target Years will be the Order. 330


� Secretary G. Mike Seitz presented a compilation of all Executive Director applicants that were invited 332

to interview with the Executive Committee. The compilations contained all relevant data that had been received from 333

the various candidates and any additional information that was developed on an individual basis. 334

All discussions were held in Executive Session to protect the privacy rights of the individuals being interviewed. 335


� Pending Correspondence 337

Secretary G. Mike Seitz advised, and noted for the Record, that there is no Pending Correspondence to 338

report or disclose to the Executive Committee, other than that which has already been disclosed and/or scheduled 339

on the Agenda. 340


� Disciplinary Actions, Suspensions and/or Pending Issues 342

Secretary G. Mike Seitz, with the (prior and ongoing) assistance of Office Manager Connie J. Collier, reviewed 343

the following Complaint(s), Correspondence, Issues and/or Other Inquiries: 344


COMPLAINT . . . . . . . . # 08-01 346

(Respondent) 347


Robert WoodATA # 06-18417 Tehachapi, CA 93561

COMPLAINANT (Petitioner) 349


Kevin ErwinATA # 92-00530Santa Maria, CA 93454


By letter, addressed to the ATA Corporate Office and dated June 05, 2008, ATA Member Kevin Erwin (ATA 352

# 92-00530), made complaint against Robert Wood (ATA # 06-18417). The complaint was received at the ATA Office 353

on June 10, 2008. ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier reviewed the complaint and determined that it substantially 354

complied with the requirements as set forth in the published ATA Official Rules. The complaint was forwarded to 355

ATA/California Delegate Eileen W illiamson, on July 03, 2008, for investigation and recommendation, as appropriate 356

in the circumstance. 357

[Secretary’s Note: The official notification to the California Delegate was delayed, pending the results 358

of a brokered agreement between the parties to settle their differences. These efforts were unsuccessful 359

and the complaint has been scheduled and processed accordingly.] 360

The complaint alleges that the Respondent, Robert W ood, violated ATA Official Rules by exhibiting disruptive 361

and unsportsmanlike behavior (ATA Official Rules, Section XII, B (Disqualification), 1., 2, f., & g). 362


STATUS: Pending - completed investigation and findings of fact. 364

Extension of Time - Due to her required attendance at the 2008 Grand American 365

Tournament, ATA/California Delegate Eileen W illiamson asked for, and received, an 366

extension of time from President Neil M. W inston, in which to conduct her investigation. 367

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Subsequent to her findings of fact and investigation, ATA California Delegate Eileen W illiamson forwarded 369

her investigative file including her written recommendations dated August 27, 2008 to W estern Zone Vice President 370

Bruce F. Reed. The California Delegate’s written report and recommendations concluded as follows: 371

“... In regards to Mr. Erwin’s complaint about Mr. W ood ... ‘interfering with the shoot and threatening 372

him with arrest ...’, while Mr. Erwin was trying to run a large shoot is valid. Although Mr. W ood’s need 373

for information and clarification of the decision was justified, he, in my opinion, was upset by the clubs’ 374

decision and overreacted to the situation. It appears that Mr. Erwin tried his best, three times, to tell 375

Mr. W ood why the gun club management came to the decision, but Mr. W ood was upset about how 376

the decision affected his daughter. 377

Mr. Erwin stated that all he wanted was ‘for Mr. W ood to know how much time, preparation and 378

expense went into running a large shoot and how his continued actions and disruptions interfered with 379

running the shoot.’ I believe Mr. W ood’s actions warrant a letter from the ATA stating just that ....” 380


Subsequent to receipt of the complaint summary of ATA/California Delegate Eileen W illiamson, W estern Zone 382

Vice President Bruce F. Reed [now President Reed], during the regularly scheduled teleconference meeting of the 383

Executive Committee held on September 22, 2008, advised that he concurred with the California Delegate’s 384

recommendation in this regard. 385



Subsequent to presentment and consideration, and upon the motion of President & Western Zone Vice 388

President Bruce F. Reed with second of Eastern Zone Vice President William M. Anzaldi, Jr., and following the 389

President’s call of the question with no further response, it was unanimously 390

RESOLVED That ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier is hereby directed to send an Official 391

Letter to respondent, Robert Wood (ATA # 06-18417) advising him that his actions, from an 392

objective standard, were found to be disruptive to the conduct of the referenced, registered 393

trapshooting event. It is recognized by the Executive Committee that Mr. Wood was concerned 394

about fair treatment to his daughter, but he is to be admonished for his repeated actions in 395

attempting to influence gun club management’s decision of the shoot-off scenarios that were 396

chosen to be implemented. 397

BE IT FURTHER NOTED FOR THE RECORD That no further action is contemplated hereby and 398

the Executive Committee considers this matter to be closed. 399

[Record Note: ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier notified all interested parties of record of the 400

findings and determinations made by the Executive Committee, on September 24, 2008, by certified mail 401

with return receipt required, all in accordance with the intent and tenor of this Resolution and directive. 402


COMPLAINT . . . . . . . . . . . # 08-02 404

(Respondent) 405


Kevin Erwin, et alATA # 92-00530Santa Maria, CA 93454

COMPLAINANT (Petitioner) 407


Robert WoodATA # 06-18417 Tehachapi, CA 93561




By letter, addressed to the ATA Corporate Office and dated June 17, 2008, ATA Member Robert W ood (ATA 412

# 06-18417), made complaint against Kevin Erwin (ATA # 92-00530). The complaint was received at the ATA Office 413

on June 24, 2008. ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier reviewed the complaint and determined that it substantially 414

complied with the requirements as set forth in the published ATA Official Rules. The complaint was forwarded to 415

ATA/California Delegate Eileen W illiamson, on July 03, 2008, for investigation and recommendation, as appropriate 416

in the circumstance. 417

The complaint alleges that the Respondent, Kevin Erwin, et al, violated various ATA Official Rules concerning 418

shooter declarations and classifications. Petitioner W ood further alleges unsportsmanlike behavior including physical 419

abuse by Respondent Erwin, all of which, if proven, are in contravention of ATA Official Rules. 420


STATUS: Pending - completed investigation and findings of fact. 422

Extension of Time - Due to her required attendance at the 2008 Grand American 423

Tournament, ATA/California Delegate Eileen W illiamson asked for, and received, an 424

extension of time from President Neil M. W inston, in which to conduct her investigation. 425



Subsequent to her findings of fact and investigation, ATA California Delegate Eileen W illiamson forwarded 428

her investigative file including her written recommendations dated August 27, 2008 to W estern Zone Vice President 429

Bruce F. Reed. The California Delegate’s written report and recommendations concluded as follows: 430

“... The incident started when Mr. W ood felt his daughter [most probably] lost her spot on a California 431

Junior Zone Team when positions tied for the team were decided by long run instead of a shoot-off. 432

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Mr. W ood went to talk to Mr. Erwin, the President of the Santa Maria Gun Club, and Mr. Erwin 433

suggested they go outside of the crowded clubhouse to discuss the situation. W alking through the 434

clubhouse to go outside is when Mr. W ood alleges that Mr. Erwin inappropriately touched him. After 435

they talked the two men shook hands and went their separate ways. Mr. W ood went back to Mr. 436

Erwin two additional times to discuss this situation ... Both parties agree that there were a lot of 437

people in the clubhouse but Mr. W ood assumes that the contact, if it happened with Mr. Erwin, was 438

intentional. Mr. W ood, at that time, was upset that his daughter was not on the Zone team and I 439

believe he was frustrated when he confronted Mr. Erwin. His statement of the incident started with 440

a ‘shove’ then was changed to ‘contact with his arm.’ That he threatened to call the police because 441

of ‘contact with my arm twice’ sounds like he was frustrated because the decision was not favorable 442

to his daughter ... All these accounts of Mr. W ood and Mr. Erwin varied depending on the witnesses. 443

I can’t conclude without a doubt that there was contact by Mr. Erwin. There is not one consistent 444

version of events that took place between the witnesses. The accounts are contradictory and even 445

different from the complaint filed by Mr. W ood. I don’t believe that the evidence presented by the 446

witnesses is consistent enough to prove that Mr. Erwin did anything that violated ATA Rules. I 447

recommend that the complaint against him be dismissed ... All ties for club trophies were shot-off 448

according to ATA Rules. There is no ATA Rule that governs how clubs decide tiebreakers for trophies 449

other than ATA trophies. Therefore, Mr. Erwin and the Santa Maria Gun Club management didn’t 450

violate any ATA Rules concerning shoot-offs when they decided to pull the long-runs of the shooters 451

who were tied for trophies that weren’t ATA awards ... The allegation by Mr. W ood that a shooter’s 452

category was changed during the shoot is partially correct ... categories were changed after the event 453

started and were changed back to the correct category before the completion of the 1st 100 or a 200- 454

bird event, I don’t believe an ATA Rule was violated ... 455

In closing, I would like to say that the events at the Santa Maria Gun Club were unfortunate in that 456

this father felt that his daughter should have been on the team. I believe that he overreacted to the 457

decision of the gun club and that the situation escalated beyond where it should have because of the 458

disappointment and hurt feelings of a proud father,” concluded Delegate W illiamson. 459


Subsequent to receipt of the complaint summary of ATA/California Delegate Eileen W illiamson, W estern Zone 461

Vice President Bruce F. Reed [now President Reed], during the regularly scheduled teleconference meeting of the 462

Executive Committee held on September 22, 2008, advised that he concurred with the California Delegate’s 463

recommendation in this regard. 464



Subsequent to presentment and consideration, and upon the motion of [now] President & Western Zone Vice 467

President Bruce F. Reed with second of [now] Central Zone Vice President Jeff L. Wagner, and following the 468

President’s call of the question with no further response, it was unanimously 469

RESOLVED That ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier is hereby directed to send a Notice of 470

Dismissal to petitioner, Robert Wood (ATA # 06-18417) advising him that his complaint has 471

been reviewed and dismissed, with prejudice, and it shall be considered null and void. 472

FURTHER RESOLVED That based on the evidence presented by ATA/California Delegate 473

Eileen Williamson that the physical abuse claim was found to be nothing more than a socially 474

permitted touching that is common for such crowded conditions. 475

BE IT FURTHER NOTED FOR THE RECORD That no further action is contemplated hereby and 476

the Executive Committee considers this matter to be closed. 477

[Record Note: ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier notified all interested parties of record of the 478

findings and determinations made by the Executive Committee, on September 24, 2008, by certified mail 479

with return receipt required, all in accordance with the intent and tenor of this Resolution and directive. 480


COMPLAINT . . . . . . . . # 08-03 482

(Respondent) 483


Redlands Shooting Park as responsible party for theClassification Committee at the ATA Western Zone2125 N. Orange St., Redlands, CA 92373

COMPLAINANT (Petitioner) 485


Fred BersonATA # 02-11271Valencia, CA 91354


By letter, addressed to the ATA Corporate Office and dated July 20, 2008, ATA Member Fred Berson (ATA 488

# 02-11271), made complaint against Redlands Shooting Park, Redlands, CA, as responsible party for the 489

Classification Committee at the ATA W estern Zone. The complaint was received at the ATA Office on July 31, 2008. 490

ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier reviewed the complaint and, subsequent to consultation with President Neil M. 491

W inston and Secretary G. Mike Seitz, determined that it substantially complied with the requirements as set forth in 492

the published ATA Official Rules. The complaint was forwarded (via personal delivery by Secretary Seitz) to 493

ATA/California Delegate Eileen W illiamson, on August 04, 2008, for investigation and recommendation, as appropriate 494

in the circumstance. Delegate W illiamson respectfully recused herself from this investigation due to her earlier 495

involvement with this situation. Secretary Seitz acknowledged the personal recusal and was also notified by email on 496

August 05, 2008. Thereafter, ATA/California 1st Alternate Vickie Larkin was contacted by Secretary Seitz and she 497

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was requested to complete a fact finding investigation (informally) so that the Executive Committee could properly 498

adjudicate this matter. 499

The complaint alleges that the Respondent, Redlands Shooting Park [by and through Jessica Anderson, 500

CGSTA Director, et al, performing classification duties for Redlands in a vicarious capacity) committed certain 501

irregularities that are the bases for the complaint, herein. 502

ATA Member Berson stated as follows: 503

“This has been a tough year for me with very low scores due to arthritic hands. My singles scores 504

have dropped down to 92.21 and I have trouble shooting more than two hundred targets in a day, so 505

I only shot singles [1400 singles vs. 600 handicap] this 2008 target year. In years past, I was ATA 506

classified as an “A” or “AA” shooter and in 2004 was a CA. State AA Singles Runner Up. That was 507

four years ago! 508

This week, Friday, July 18, 2008, I entered the W estern Zone shoot at Redlands Gun Club. During 509

the classification process, I showed the handicapper my card and she told me I was a ‘C’ shooter. 510

I disagreed and stated I had been classified in class B and A and sometimes AA this year, but I was 511

not a class C shooter. She insisted I was in class C due to the AAA [six classifications] being used 512

at this particular registered shoot. I gave up arguing with her and had to unwillingly accept a C 513

classification. This discussion was witnessed by a fellow competitor and he volunteered to verify this 514

discussion. 515

During Friday’s singles event, I shot a 98 and was tied with two other C shooters. The shoot off was 516

carried over to the Saturday, July 19, singles event ... I won the shoot off with a 100 straight and the 517

runner up had a score of 98.” 518


Thereafter certain members of the classification committee called Mr. Berson into a special meeting which 520

resulted in him being placed in class B, retroactively, and his trophy win from Friday was reversed and thus forfeited 521

to the second place finisher. 522

During the recently concluded Grand American Tournament, President Neil M. W inston and W estern Zone 523

Vice President Bruce F. Reed reviewed all the pertinent facts and evidence that was available, at the time, and 524

presented their preliminary findings and opinions to the remaining Executive Committee members. Formal action was 525

deferred until 1st Alternate Delegate Vickie Larkin could complete her findings of fact for the Executive Committee. 526



ATA/California 1st Alternate Delegate Vickie Larkin concluded her fact finding and submitted her file to 529

Secretary G. Mike Seitz, as per the direction of W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed. Alternate Delegate 530

Larkin, as instructed, did not offer a recommendation - she was charged with corroborating the facts as presented to, 531

and understood by, the Executive Committee during the 2008 Grand American Tournament. 532


STATUS (FINAL) - September 22, 2008: 534

Subsequent to administrative review of the Executive Committee members and upon the motion of Central 535

Zone Vice President Jeff L. Wagner with second of President & Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed and 536

following the President’s call of the question, it was unanimously 537

RESOLVED That the Executive Committee finds no mal-intent exhibited by either the Petitioner 538

or Respondent, herein, but certain errors of judgment did, in fact, occur on the part of the 539

classification committee at the ATA Western Zone held at the Redlands Shooting Park with 540

respect to the subject matter of this protest/complaint as filed. 541

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier is hereby directed to send 542

written notification (certified mail w/return receipt) to management of the Redlands Shooting 543

Park, Redlands, California, advising them as follows: 544

� Redlands Shooting Park is hereby advised that they are to declare co-winners of 545

Friday’s singles event in Class C, and that Fred Berson is to be awarded an identical 546

trophy or prize (at no cost to Mr. Berson) as was presented to the present Class C 547

winner of that same event. 548

� Redlands Shooting Park is to send a letter to Fred Berson (ATA # 02-11271) 549

apologizing for any and all inconvenience or humiliation that was caused to him by 550

this incident. 551

� Redlands Shooting Park is advised that they shall notify the ATA Office Manager when 552

actions mandated, hereby, have been completed. 553

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That [then] President Neil M. Winston, Western Zone Vice 554

President Bruce F. Reed, and the Executive Committee body, believe that it is common 555

knowledge - if not accepted fact - that the vast majority of classifiers are, or should be, aware 556

that ATA members may request to be “classified up” from a lower designated (or indicated) 557

singles or doubles classification if the shooting participant declares an infirmity, or other 558

illness, that was temporary in nature and tended to skew the participant’s averages such that 559

it would not be fair to the other Class Participants for this, or a particular shooter, to shoot in 560

a lesser - although indicated - class. After all, it is the ATA member’s responsibility to make 561

certain that he/she is properly classified and to make those fact(s) known. The Executive 562

Committee is of the belief that Mr. Berson articulated sufficient reasoning to the classifier 563

which should have been taken into consideration for classification purposes. 564

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BE IT FURTHER NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Executive Committee considers this 565

matter to be closed and no further action is contemplated hereby. 566

[Record Note: ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier responded to all parties by written notification 567

dated September 9, 2008 and as amended September 23, 2008, according to the intent and tenor of this 568

directive and Resolution.] 569


COMPLAINT . . . . . . . . . . . # 08-04 571

(Respondent) 572


Michael F. CooperATA # 02-11696 Ridgecrest, CA 93556

COMPLAINANT (Petitioner) 574





ATA Executive Committee by and through Doug Elson,Assistant Grand American Tournament Directorpresenting an inquiry from David W. NelsonATA # 04-10281. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vandalia, OH 45377


By letter, presented to Assistant Tournament Director Doug Elson and dated August 09, 2008, ATA Member 580

David W . Nelson (ATA # 04-10281), presented official notice of inquiry to the ATA Executive Committee alleging that 581

a person - other than the rightfully squadded participant - shot on his squad in contravention of ATA Official Rules. 582



This notice and subsequent investigation resulted in the filing of an official complaint against Michael F. 585

Cooper (ATA # 02-11696) and which (complaint) was subsequently referred to ATA/Illinois Delegate James Matteson 586

for expedited investigation and review. 587

ATA/Illinois Delegate Matteson conducted an investigation and concluded as follows: 588

“It is my opinion that Mr. Mike Cooper violated ATA Official Rule Section II, C., 5., in that he caused 589

false scores to be recorded. I don’t feel that there was an intent to cheat or defraud by doing so. I 590

believe that after being denied a refund, he felt that he should shoot the targets he paid for. It is my 591

opinion that along with disqualification of the score, he should receive a strong letter of reprimand 592

from the ATA.” 593

Upon completion of his investigation, ATA/Illinois Delegate Matteson presented his findings of fact, and 594

recommendations, to W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed. The file, as presented to Vice President Reed, 595

contained a handwritten statement from Michael F. Cooper in which he admitted that the basic allegations made 596

against him were accurate, but that he did not have any malicious intent. 597



W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed presented the report and related documents to the Executive 600

Committee members and advised that he appreciated the brief, yet thorough, report of ATA/Illinois Delegate Jim 601

Matteson but he respectfully disagreed with the penalty portion of the recommendation. Vice President Reed stated 602

that there might not have been an attempt to defraud the ATA and its membership - by this substitution of shooters - 603

but the message must be impressed upon all shooters that such actions will not be condoned by the Executive 604

Committee and that violators will be treated harshly. 605

Subsequent to administrative review of the Executive Committee members and upon the motion of Western 606

Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod and 607

following the President’s call of the question, it was unanimously 608

RESOLVED That M ichael F. Cooper (ATA # 02-11696) be, and is hereby, suspended from 609

membership in the Amateur Trapshooting Association for a period of three (3) months. 610

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier is hereby directed to send 611

written notification (certified mail w/return receipt) to Michael F. Cooper, with courtesy copies 612

to all other interested parties advising them of the Executive Committee’s action in this regard. 613

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Executive Committee considers this matter to be 614

closed and no further action is contemplated hereby. 615

[Record Note: ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier responded to all parties by written notification 616

dated August 27, 2008, according to the intent and tenor of this directive and Resolution.] 617

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[Secretary’s note: This complaint has been included in the Official Record (at this time for informational 618

purposes, only.] 619

COMPLAINT . . . . . . . . . . . # 08-05 620

(Respondent) 621


Mike MannATA # 07-34685 Ridgecrest, CA 93556

COMPLAINANT (Petitioner) 623



Rhonda LaurentATA # 99-01008Donnellson, IL 62019


By letter, addressed to ATA Corporate Headquarters, dated August 25, 2008, ATA Member Rhonda Laurent 627

(ATA # 99-01008, Donnellson, Illinois, made complaint against Mike Mann (ATA # 07-34685). The complaint was 628

received at the ATA Office on September 02, 2008. ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier reviewed the complaint and 629

determined that it substantially complied with the requirements set forth in the published ATA Official Rules. 630

The complaint was forwarded to ATA/Illinois Delegate Jim Matteson, on September 03, 2008, for investigation 631

and recommendation, as appropriate in the circumstance. 632

The complaint alleges that the Respondent, Mike Mann, violated ATA Official Rules by allegedly making 633

inappropriate remarks, to the Petitioner, when she contacted the shoot-off office to inquire about the results of a prior 634

shoot-off. 635


STATUS: Pending - completed investigation and findings of fact. 637


[Secretary’s note: This complaint has been included in the Official Record (at this time for informational 639

purposes, only.] 640

COMPLAINT . . . . . . . . . . . # 08-06 641

(Respondent) 642


Pennsylvania State Sportsmen’s Association (PSSA)Elysburg, PA 17824

COMPLAINANT (Petitioner) 644



John W. Kulesa, Jr.ATA # 07-62949Eagleville, PA 19403


By letter, addressed to ATA Corporate Headquarters, dated September 10, 2008, ATA Member John W . 648

Kulesa, Jr. (ATA # 07-62949), Eagleville, Pennsylvania, made complaint against Pennsylvania State Sportsmen’s 649

Association (PSSA). The complaint was received at the ATA Office on September 16, 2008. ATA Office Manager 650

Connie J. Collier reviewed the complaint and determined that it substantially complied with the requirements set forth 651

in the published ATA Official Rules. 652

The complaint was forwarded to ATA/Pennsylvania Delegate Frank Pascoe, on September 17, 2008, for 653

investigation and recommendation, as appropriate in the circumstance. 654

The complaint alleges that the Respondent, Pennsylvania State Sportsmen’s Association (PSSA), violated 655

ATA Official Rules Section IV (ATA Tournaments), I., (Safety), 1, 3 & 6. 656


STATUS: Pending - completed investigation and findings of fact. 658


[Secretary’s note: This complaint has been included in the Official Record (at this time for informational 660

purposes, only.] 661

COMPLAINT . . . . . . . . . . . # 08-07 662

(Respondent) 663


Spear X. ProukouATA # 44-35032Russell, PA 16345

COMPLAINANT (Petitioner) 665



John W. Kulesa, Jr.ATA # 07-62949Eagleville, PA 19403


By letter, addressed to ATA Corporate Headquarters, dated September 10, 2008, ATA Member John W . 669

Kulesa, Jr. (ATA # 07-62949), Eagleville, Pennsylvania, made complaint against Spear X. Proukou (ATA # 44-35032). 670

The complaint was received at the ATA Office on September 16, 2008. ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier 671

reviewed the complaint and determined that it substantially complied with the requirements set forth in the published 672

ATA Official Rules. 673

The complaint was forwarded to ATA/Pennsylvania Delegate Frank Pascoe, on September 17, 2008, for 674

investigation and recommendation, as appropriate in the circumstance. 675

The complaint alleges that the Respondent, Spear X. Proukou violated ATA Official Rules, Section XII 676

(Disciplinary Action ...), B. (Disqualification), a., and other applicable sections consistent therewith. 677


STATUS: Pending - completed investigation and findings of fact. 679

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At 11:24 Hrs., IN RE: Executive Session 680

President Neil M. W inston called for an Executive Session, with no objections noted from the members, in 681

order to discuss certain ongoing issues with IDNR that need to be resolved. 682

� 683

At 11:29 Hrs., IN RE: Regular Meeting Reconvened 684


Subsequent to the Secretary’s presentations, review and discussion and upon the motion of Western Zone 686

Vice President Bruce F. Reed with second of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. Anzaldi, Jr., and following the 687

President’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 688

RESOLVED That the Secretary's Report(s) and the Official Act(s) of Secretary & In-House 689

Counsel G. Mike Seitz are hereby ratified, adopted and/or approved this date and time. 690


At 11:30 Hrs., IN RE: General and Administrative Report 692

President Neil M. W inston advised that the next scheduled Agenda item was a teleconference call with ATA 693

Office Manager Connie J. Collier. President W inston placed the call and connected Office Manager Collier and 694

welcomed her to the meeting. Subsequent to introductions, Office Manager Collier thanked the Executive Committee 695

for the opportunity to meet with them and to present the latest activity report from the Vandalia office. She reminded 696

the Executive Committee members that her bi-monthly written, email reports contain more detail than the summary 697

she is about to deliver. 698


Administrative Office 700


“Office operations continue to run smoothly with no areas of concern to report. W e are up to date in data entry as it 702

pertains to shoot reports and will continue to key shoots during the Grand American as sufficient staff is available for 703

the office to function as usual. W e were able to stay up to date with day to day activities and also process pre- 704

squadding in a timely fashion. All should be commended for their effort. 705


The general administrative office staff remaining in Vandalia during the Grand American will work normal business 707

hours at least at this point. That may change as circumstances warrant, although I do not anticipate that happening.” 708


Marketing Department Realignment 710

“W ith the recent departures of Marketing & Communications Director Stacey M. Hodkey and employees A.J. W ilson 711

and Leslie Klenke, we have re-employed Mindy Greer to help Nick with some of the daily tasks in Marketing and to 712

help with keying shoots. Mindy is a perfect fit as she is a prior part-time employee of the ATA and comes with good 713

experience and skill sets and at an opportune time. At this time Nick has been keeping up with the website until more 714

permanent arrangements can be made after the Grand American.” 715

[Secretary’s note: Later, during these scheduled meetings, President Neil M. Winston proposed that 716

Nick Aycock, Marketing Coordinator, be promoted to Marketing Manager of the ATA. Subsequent to 717

motion and second, this proposal was approved by majority vote of the Executive Committee. 718

Congratulations to Nick and we all wish him well in his new position with the ATA.] 719


Office Manager Collier continued by stating, “In my opinion, we need to hire an IT person that has a background in 721

Access and has the ability to run queries and coordinate with TechPro and UCR on changes made in the ATA 722

computer system and website. I understand that this consideration has been placed on the Executive Committee’s 723

Agenda for discussions during the Grand American Tournament. Nick and I have preliminarily interviewed this 724

individual and Nick will be able to share more pertinent details, later, in these scheduled meetings. I encourage you 725

to speak with Nick about this person's skill sets. Nick and I are reasonably certain that this individual will make a good 726

fit and be a competent employee for the ATA. The wage expectations are in line with the marketing territory of the ATA 727

and within the research parameters that President W inston conducted some eighteen (18) months ago.“ 728


Renewals 730

“Recently Nick, Vickie Hagerty and I met with the printing company to order our 2009 renewals. This is later than 731

normal due to the Target Year ending October 31, 2008. However, with the recent stirring amongst the Board of 732

Directors it looks like the Target Year will be changed back to Sept. 1 through Aug. 31, at least at some point in the 733

future. Membership renewals are scheduled to be sent out by September 08, 2008. I will check with Secretary Seitz 734

after the Board of Director Annual Meeting to see if there are any changes that we have to adjust for at the ATA office.” 735


Update on Lead Reclamation 737

“Since April of this year, there has been much dialogue between the ATA and Dayton International Airport with regard 738

to certain projects being completed at DIA’s request. W e started late May, early June due to the rain. That has been 739

the situation all season – too much rain. This has been the frustration to both Garland Sears and ATA. 740

To date the R/W 36 RSA job has been completed and Miller Brothers is currently working on the R/W 6R project. 741

Secretary Seitz and I discuss these developing situations at least weekly and we will continue to keep the Executive 742

Committee advised. Conventional field reclamations were started on July 31, 2008, and will continue until the weather 743

adversely affects the process. W e are working on alternative approaches to keep the reclamation processes on their 744

current schedule and we will attempt to push forward even when we receive inclement weather.” 745

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[Secretary’s note: The remaining discussions pertaining to the lead reclamation discussions were 746

conducted in Executive Session.] 747


Problems with Processing Disk Shoots 749

Office Manager Collier advised that she has received several calls with respect to processing disk reports from 750

member gun clubs. After consulting with Shawna Johnson (ATA office), it was discovered that the shoot software 751

vendor had an error in their program that has been rectified and future reports should be received error free. The “fix” 752

has been placed on the software vendor’s website and can be downloaded. Office Manager Collier further advised 753

the Executive Committee that the disk error had nothing to do with the Citrix system, itself. 754


Subsequent to ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier’s presentations, review and discussion and upon the 756

motion of Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed with second of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. 757

Anzaldi, Jr., and following the President’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 758

RESOLVED That the Administrative Report(s) of ATA Office Manager are hereby ratified, 759

adopted and/or approved this date and time. 760



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 763

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 12:15 HRS. 764

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 13:21 HRS. 765

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 766






I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair, President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston 772

Committee Members Attending: Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod and Eastern Zone Vice 773

President Wm. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr. 774

The Rules Committee met in numerous sessions throughout the Tournament (Preliminary and Grand weeks). 775

The following By-Law and/or Official Rules provisions were reviewed by the Executive Committee and debated and 776

reviewed by the Governing Zone Bodies, in their regularly scheduled preparatory meetings, prior to being submitted 777

to the Board of Directors for final review and approval. 778

[Secretary’s note: As consistent with the Secretary’s past practice, all By-Law and Official Rules 779

provisions are being presented in compilation form (as follows) as a single set. Further detail can be 780

found in the Board of Director Minutes and/or elsewhere in this Minute Record. Due to the numerous 781

substantive and editorial changes and/or amendments, the Secretary believed that this format would 782

cause less confusion and make the changes more understandable to those affected thereby.] 783


SUMMARY 785786

2009 Revisions to the Official ATA Rules, By-laws, Policies & Other Shooter Information 787

Effective: November 01, 2008 (2009 Target Year) 788

Page and Citation References are to the Official Rulebook printed 09/01/2007 789

(All changes or amendments are in italic font style) 790

Section I, B., (MEMBERSHIP) 791

Pg. 4 - The 2009 target year runs from November 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009. 792

Section II, B., (TARGET YEAR) 793

Pg. 8 - The 2009 target year runs from November 1, 2008 through August 31, 2009; after that 794

the target year shall be September 1, through August 31. Scores shot at any 795

tournament ending after October 31, 2008 regardless of starting date, will be included 796

in the following year’s averages. 797

Section III, C., 5., (CHECKLIST FOR THE SHOOT) 798

Pg. 10 - Add at the end: except as permitted in Section VII. Par., A., 8. 799

Section III, D., 5., (FOLLOW UP DUTIES) 800

Pg. 12 - Add new instruction between b. & c., and re-index: A trophy list and shoot-off results 801

for all ATA registered events that qualify for All American points. 802


Pg. 14 - Add ending sentence: When squadding 18 yard shooters, there shall be no more 804

than one (1) yard difference between adjacent shooters in the squad and no more 805

than a total difference of two (2) yards in a squad. 806

Section IV,, H., 6., (SHOOT-OFFS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOUSEKEEPING - editorial correction 807

Pg. 16 - Change “notifiedand” to notified and .... 808

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Pg. 22 - Change the second sentence to: The minimum handicap is 18.0 yards and the 810

maximum is 27.0 yards. 811

Section VI, B., (HANDICAP EVENTS) 812

Pg. 22 - Change first sentence to reflect: 18 to 27 yards. 813


Pg. 22 - Change first sentence to reflect: 18 to 27 yards. 815


Pg. 23 - Add at the end of Section: (Note: If a male sub-junior has been reduced to the 18.0 817

yard line by the review process, upon reaching his 15th birthday he will remain at the 818

18.0 yard line until punched to a higher yardage). 819

Section VI, G., 1., a(1), (1000 TARGET REVIEW) 820

Pg. 26 - Change 2 yards to three (3) yards: No shooter will be reduced more than three (3) 821

yards in any Target Year. 822

Section VI, G., 1., a(2), (3), (1000 TARGET REVIEW) 823

Pg. 26 - Delete: (2) and re-index - (3) becomes (2) 824

Section VII, A, (PROCEDURE) 825

Pg. 28 - Add new provision between 7. & 8., and re-index: A contestant that inadvertently 826

shoots ONE (1) post, only, at the incorrect yardage shall be allowed to move to the 827

correct yardage and re-shoot only those targets scored “DEAD” on that post. Targets 828

shot at the incorrect yardage and scored “LOST” shall remain “LOST.” Targets shot 829

at the incorrect yardage on more than ONE (1) post shall be disqualified. 830

Section VII, E, 10., (NO TARGET) 831

Pg. 32 - Delete the following: For example, targets shot at and hit from the wrong yardage 832

marker and broken must be shot over, targets shot from the wrong yardage-marker 833

and missed will be scored “LOST.” 834

Section X, D., 2., (ATA TROPHIES) 835

Pg. 36 - Changed verbiage: A contestant whose score qualifies them for more than one (1) 836

ATA trophy must notify shoot management as to which trophy he/she desires to 837

accept or shoot for. The shooter must make his/her declaration no less than 15 838

minutes, and no more than 45 minutes, after the last scores for that day’s events are 839

posted and before entering into any shoot-off/carry-over. The exact time for such 840

declaration shall be made by shoot management and published in the shoot 841

program. If not published in the program, the time shall be 15 minutes. This 842

declaration should be made at a place specified by shoot management. 843

Section X, D., 3., (ATA TROPHIES) 844

Pg. 37 - Replace paragraph with the following: Any category shooter who is tied for event 845

champion may shoot-off/carry-over for champion only. Shooters failing in the 846

champion shoot-off/carry-over or may elect only one (1) of the options listed in 847

Paragraph D., 5., (a) or (b). 848

Section X, D., 4., (ATA TROPHIES) 849

Pg. 37 - Add new paragraph: Any category shooter who is high or tied for place, class or 850

yardage group and also high or tied for his/her category, may elect only one (1) of the 851

options listed in Paragraph D., 5., a., or b. 852

Section X, D., 5., a., & b., (ATA TROPHIES) 853

Pg. 37 - Add new paragraph: Options available to category shooters: 854

a. Take outright or shoot-off/carry-over for his/her category forfeiting any place, 855

class or yardage group trophy. 856

b. Take outright or shoot-off/carry-over for place, class or yardage group 857

trophy, forfeiting any category trophy. 858

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Section X, D., 5., a., & b., (ATA TROPHIES) 859

Pg. 37 - Concluding paragraphs: New paragraph(s) immediately following Sec. X., D., 5., a., 860

& b.: 861

If the shooter fails to make a declaration within the specified time, shoot 862

management shall declare for the shooter and place the shooter as mandated by 863

Paragraph D., 5., a. 864

If a shooter is placed in more than one (1) category, shoot management shall place 865

and declare, if required: 866

� Sub-junior or Junior over Lady; 867

� Lady over Veteran or Senior Veteran; 868

� Chair (shooter) over All Other Categories. 869

Once any declarations have been made either by a shooter or shoot management, 870

the declaration is final and cannot be changed. There shall be no exceptions to this 871

rule. 872

Concluding paragraph at the end of the present (09/01/2007) Section X, D., 3., (“When 873

there are both Junior and Sub-Junior trophies ....”) shall remain the same and be appended 874

at the end of this amended paragraph, immediately referenced above. 875


Pg. 37 - The first three (3) paragraphs in the present Section (09/01/2007) shall be replaced with the 877

following three (3) paragraphs: 878

No participant shall be classified to shoot Handicap events at less than 25.0 yards 879

unless he/she has a minimum of 1000 registered Handicap targets in the current year. The 880

1000 handicap targets must have been registered beginning the first day after the last day 881

of the previous Grand American World Trapshooting Championships through the last day 882

of preliminary week of the current Grand American World Trapshooting Championships. 883

However, participants who fail to meet Grand American Handicap qualification as described 884

above shall have the choice of shooting targets only from their assigned yardage provided 885

they waive and forfeit all rights to trophies, options, purses, and added money. Handicap 886

target requirements are waived for Senior Veterans, making them eligible for trophies and 887

monies. 888

Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 16 yard targets registered beginning the 889

first day after the last day of the previous Grand American World Trapshooting 890

Championships through the last day of preliminary week of the current Grand American 891

World Trapshooting Championships will be advanced (1) class or more at the discretion of 892

the Handicap Committee. Shooters with less than 300 registered singles targets will be 893

placed in class B or higher at the discretion of the Handicap Committee. 894

Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 double targets registered beginning the 895

first day after the last day of the previous Grand American World Trapshooting 896

Championships through the last day of preliminary week of the current Grand American 897

World Trapshooting Championships will be advanced (1) class, or more, at the discretion of 898

the Handicap Committee. Shooters with less than 300 registered doubles targets will be 899

placed in class B or higher at the discretion of the Handicap Committee. 900

Concluding paragraph at the end of the present (09/01/2007) Section XI, A., (“It shall 901

be the shooter’s responsibility ....”) shall remain the same and be appended at the end of this 902

amended paragraph, immediately referenced above. 903

Section XII, B., 1., d., (DISQUALIFICATION) 904

Pg. 41 - Replace the current provision with the following: If a shooter fails to shoot at his/her 905

correct yardage in any sub-event, except as permitted in Section VII, A., 8. 906

Section XII, B., 8., (DISQUALIFICATION) 907

Pg. 42 - Add new provision as follows: When a shooter’s Handicap score is disqualified and 908

that score would have earned yardage under the earned yardage table, the shooter’s 909

average card must be punched to the earned yardage. Those targets that are 910

disqualified will not become part of the shooter’s target history. 911


Pg. 49 - In doubles shooting ... paragraph shall be amended in accordance with the following: 913

Targets shall be between 8 feet and 10 feet high when 10 yards from point B 914


Pg. 50 - Delete all reference to the ending verbiage, last sentence in the concluding 916

paragraph, as follows: Note: target speed may be set by distance as above or by speed as 917

determined by radar gun or chronograph. Target(s) must be set by measured speed or 918

distance but not both. 919

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Pg. 66 - Delete Item No. 11 (at top of page - no longer applicable). 921


Pg. 67 - Change paragraph 3 as follows: No shooter will be reduced more than three yards 923

in any one Target Year. 924

Original Copy, herein, provided Southern Zone Vice President & Rules Committee Chair John D. 925

Hiter ... the Secretary, in particular, thanks him for his diligent and thoughtful efforts. 926


[The preceding By-Law and/or Official Rule Amendments were approved by the Board of Directors or 928

the Executive Committee members during the Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting during the 929

2008 Grand American or subsequent Teleconference meetings, in which a quorum of the voting 930

members were present throughout.] 931


Subsequent to the numerous and comprehensive presentations by President & Rules Committee Chair Neil 933

M. W inston and Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter and following the reviews, changes and/or amendments 934

that have occurred during these Executive Committee meetings, including the various Zone meetings and with the 935

enabling concurrence of the Board of Directors (from the August 14, 2008, Annual Meeting) and upon the motion of 936

Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter with second of President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. 937

Winston, and following the President’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 938

RESOLVED That the Amateur Trapshooting Association Official Rules, as the same are shown 939

and designated in the Amateur Trapshooting Association Official Rules (Booklet) Reprinted 940

September 01, 2007, and as such ATA Official Rules (Rule Book) shall be amended, revised 941

and/or reprinted, with an effective date of September 01, 2008, are hereby adopted and shall 942

be effective throughout the Term, ending August 31, 2009, for the conduct of Registered 943

Trapshoots including the promotion and governance of the sport of trapshooting throughout 944

the world. 945



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair & Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod 948

Committee Members Attending: President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston; Western Zone Vice 949

President Bruce F. Reed and Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter. 950

Committee Chair & Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod commented that the Grand Program 951

was a general improvement over prior years and he was pleased at the printing and postage savings that were realized 952

by cutting back the distribution. 953



I . . . . . . . . . . . Marketing & Industry Committee Chair, President & Eastern Zone Vice President D. Ray Greb 956

Committee Members Attending: Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed; Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. 957

M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr.; and ATA Marketing Manager Nick Aycock. 958

Committee Chair, President & Eastern Zone Vice President D. Ray Greb advised that the many new initiatives 959

that were instituted by Director of Marketing & Communications Stacey M. Hodkey will be maintained by the Marketing 960

Department. He noted that the initiatives were well received by the ATA membership and the valued vendors and 961

sponsors that participated. Further marketing reports were presented throughout the scheduled meetings by Marketing 962

Coordinator Nick Aycock [now Marketing Manager - see further herein]. 963

President Neil M. W inston noted that he wanted to personally thank former Marketing & Communications 964

Director Stacey M. Hodkey for her many years of valuable service to the ATA and commented that she will be missed 965

and that the entire Executive Committee wishes her well in her new pursuits. 966

[Secretary’s note: The Marketing & Industry Committee met in several sessions during the Regularly 967

Scheduled Meetings of the Executive Committee. The gist of those meetings has been included in the 968

above summary for the ease of the reader.] 969



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 972

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 14:30 HRS. 973

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 14:44 HRS. 974

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 975




I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair & Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod 979

Committee Members Attending: Ex-Officio & Immediate Past President D. Ray Greb. 980


[Secretary’s note: As consistent with the Secretary’s past practice, the All American Executive 982

Committee discussions and the All American Committee meeting discussions as related by All American 983

Committee Chair Gary L. Sherrod are being presented in compilation form (as follows) as a single set.] 984

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Committee Chair Gary L. Sherrod commented that he is generally pleased with the functioning of the All 985

American website and the team calculations. Committee Chair Sherrod wanted to remind the Executive Committee 986

members - and the ATA membership of the following: 987

( The Grand American, Satellite Grand Americans and State shoots will continue to qualify as presently 988

depicted in the ATA Official Rules. 989

( “Other Shoots” individual preliminary events still earn All American Points when their respective 990

entries total more than 600 participants ... not all preliminary events will earn points, only those that meet or 991

exceed the 600 participant number. 992

Committee Chair Sherrod noted that he still received numerous calls regarding the applicability of the two (2) 993

emphasized listings above. 994


Committee Chair Sherrod commented that the All American Committee and/or the Executive Committee have 996

discussed the following matters that are still pending at this time. 997


� W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed (revisiting a prior comment of his) stated that “long term” 999

he would like to see a more uniform - if not identical - package of AA points as to what events will qualify for 1000

such calculations. Committee Chair Sherrod stated that he will put that on his Committee’s agenda for future 1001

discussions and report back to the Executive Committee. 1002


� All American Team Qualification and Points - Consideration was given to publishing a qualifying 1004

statement drafted - to the effect - that All American Points will not be awarded to a position and/or place unless 1005

stated in the official program (i.e., All American points will not be awarded to any shooter unless the official 1006

program specifies a trophy for that position/title). 1007

[Secretary’s note: This provision is still under consideration and advisement of the All American and 1008

Executive Committees.] 1009


� All American Team Qualification and Points - In tournaments where resident, open and non-resident 1011

trophies are offered in the same event, only two (2) of the classification(s) will be eligible to receive All 1012

American points. 1013

[Secretary’s note: This provision is still under consideration and advisement of the All American and 1014

Executive Committees.] 1015


� Beginning with the 2010 Target year, all Satellite Grand American Tournaments will generate All 1017

American points on attendance numbers, only, subject to the minimums as apply in the Official Rulebook. The 1018

Satellite hosts will have the 2008 and 2009 Target Years to build their shoot attendance to satisfactory levels. 1019


[Secretary’s note: This provision is still being debated and under consideration and advisement of the 1021

All American and Executive Committees, only. All American Chair Gary L. Sherrod is still analyzing the 1022

attendance numbers and will consult with the All American Selection Team Committee members and 1023

offer a definitive recommendation to the Executive Committee for further evaluation and review.] 1024


President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. W inston mentioned that the All American website is about 1026

six (6) weeks behind in posting scores and calculations. Committee Chair Sherrod advised that he was not aware of 1027

any particular difficulties and requested permission to have Kathy Key (AA W ebsite Coordinator) step into the meeting 1028

to respond to the President’s statement. 1029

There were no objections and Kathy Key joined the meeting to respond to several questions from the 1030

Executive Committee. Kathy stated that there are a few shoot (AA qualifying) that could be as dated as advised by 1031

President W inston but they (host sites) bear the responsibility. “W e can only enter scores and proceed with 1032

calculations when we receive the shoot report,” commented Kathy Key. “As a general rule, when we receive a shoot 1033

report - and everything is in order - the results and calculations are posted within three (3) days, unless there is other 1034

pressing business that prevents the update,” advised Ms. Key. 1035

President W inston and All American Committee Chair Sherrod thanked Ms. Key for taking the time to clarify 1036

the concerns of the Executive Committee and for responding to their other questions. 1037


Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter initiated a renewed discussion pertaining to minimum qualifying 1039

criteria that host clubs or organizations have to meet in order to be eligible for a Satellite Grand franchise. After a brief 1040

discussion, the issue was tabled pending further research and recommendations from Southern Zone Vice President 1041

Hiter. 1042


The foregoing discussions prompted Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed to move that the ATA 1044

shall limit the present number of Satellites to those that are presently of record. President & Central Zone Vice 1045

President Neil M. Winston seconded the motion. The motion was withdrawn after the discussions indicated that a 1046

majority of the Executive Committee members wanted to address the Satellite Grand issues as a single subject 1047

according to the prior introductions of Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter. 1048

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I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair, ATA President & Eastern Zone Vice President D. Ray Greb 1050

Committee Members Attending: Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter; Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. 1051

M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr.; and Treasurer Thomas G. Burkey. 1052

Committee Chair & President D. Ray Greb advised that the Human Resource Committee has evaluated 1053

numerous employment - or hiring situations- with the Executive Committee. Due to the sensitive and confidential 1054

nature of the discussions and recommendations, all pertinent developments and findings - except for the summaries 1055

herein - were conducted in Executive Session. 1056

� Eight (8) finalists for the vacant Executive Director position were interviewed in person beginning on 1057

August 8 and concluded on August 10, 2008. All candidates were judged to be of exceptional quality and 1058

possessed skill sets that would, otherwise, serve the ATA in a most competent manner. At the conclusion of 1059

the final interview on Sunday (August 10th), the Executive Committee met throughout the remainder of the 1060

day and early evening and decided on the candidate that seemed to be the most qualified for the ATA, at this 1061

juncture. 1062

Secretary G. Mike Seitz was authorized and directed to extend an offer-sheet to Mr. James L. Thompson, 1063

Dayton, Ohio, which contained competitive market terms and conditions. Secretary Seitz reported that Mr. 1064

Thompson accepted the offer sheet and agreed to travel back to Sparta on August 12 to attend the remainder 1065

of the Executive Committee meetings and to better acclimate himself to his new position. The entire Executive 1066

Committee and ATA staff welcome Mr. Thompson to his new duties and employment with the ATA. 1067

� The Executive Committee considered ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier’s recommendation that 1068

Nick Aycock, Marketing Coordinator, be promoted to ATA Marketing Manager due to the recent departure of 1069

Stacey M. Hodkey, Director of Marketing & Communications. The Executive Committee and Human Resource 1070

Committee was generally inclined to agree with the recommendation of Office Manager Collier but after 1071

discussion, it was determined that it would be more appropriate to wait for the results of the Executive Director 1072

interviews to see if a consensus agreement is reached on filling the position with one of the candidates 1073

(interviews pending). 1074

Subsequent to the hiring of Jim L. Thompson as Executive Director, the recommendation of ATA 1075

Office Manager Collier was broached with the new Executive Director. Mr. Thompson gladly responded by 1076

informing the Executive Committee that he has known Stacey M. Hodkey (former Director of Marketing & 1077

Communications) and thought she did a “fantastic job at ATA marketing.” He admitted that he “did not know 1078

Nick Aycock, as well, but had observed him working at the Grand and knew that he was for the most part 1079

Stacey’s trusted understudy and that he obviously must be competent to serve in that position.” Continuing, 1080

Executive Director advised that he “supports the promotion of Nick to Marketing Manager and defers further 1081

consideration to the wisdom of the Executive Committee.” 1082


Subsequent to further review and discussion and upon the motion of President & Central Zone Vice 1084

President Neil M. Winston with second of Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed, and following the 1085

President’s call of the question, with no response, it was by majority voice vote 1086

RESOLVED That effective August 18, 2008, Marketing Coordinator Nick Aycock shall be 1087

promoted to the new position of ATA Marketing Manager. 1088


[Secretary’s note: As previously mentioned James L. Thompson was hired as Executive Director of the 1090

ATA with an effective date of August 10, 2008, and attended all of the Executive Committee meetings 1091

starting August 12, 2008. Executive Director Thompson participated fully and the synergies with the 1092

Executive Committee were excellent - as expected. 1093

A short (informative) biographical follows - more detail can be obtained on the ATA website.] 1094


Jim L. Thompson brings to the ATA more than 30 years of working and managerial experience. Executive 1096

Director Thompson spent a lot of time at the W SRC grounds taking it all in and taking notes about everything. ED 1097

Thompson wants to attract more members and will oversee subsequent Grand American Tournaments. ED Thompson 1098

has been a long time member of the ATA and states that it is a healthy, thriving organization with room to grow and 1099

improve its membership services. 1100

ED Thompson began his working life with General Motors in 1974 and steadily progressed through a 1101

successful career. In 1984 he was a general supervisor and in 1986 he became the youngest to be named 1102

maintenance supervisor, with responsibility for an 800+ employee work force. During this time he attended St. Clair 1103

Community College and W right State University in Dayton (Ohio) studying business and finance. He also attended 1104

and completed the training schedule at General Motors Institute (GMI). 1105

In 1999 General Motors separated its part manufacturing and Thompson went with the newly formed company, 1106

Delphi, Kettering, Ohio. W hile there, he held positions of increasing responsibility and advanced in several 1107

management appointments. Thompson said his last two years at Delphi were most challenging and rewarding ... 1108

Delphi felt the pressures of globalization and found that its products were no longer unique and competitive in the 1109

marketplace. The parent company slid into bankruptcy but the Kettering plant continued to thrive in the 1110

turnaround/workout plan. Thompson participated in the turnaround team. Thompson and other members of the team 1111

had the opportunity to go to Toyota and learn the famed Toyota Production System. “W e all went to ‘lean school’ 1112

which specialized in lean management technologies. W e became fanatics. W e reduced our overhead costs and made 1113

the plant sellable and was ultimately was sold to Tenneco on June 1 of this year.” 1114

ED Thompson will oversee office operations and be in charge of strategic planning. Connie Collier will remain 1115

office manager and he thinks that she has done a tremendous job in the interim with no Executive Director. ED 1116

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Thompson is a communicator and wants to hear from the staff members and the membership. In addition to 1117

communication, ED Thompson’s business style includes integrity, safety, customers (members), employees and 1118

relationships. He will be visible and will be out in the field. “I want to hear from members, the good and bad ... you 1119

can’t improve something if you don’t know what the problems are,” concluded Executive Director Thompson. 1120


� IT Position - W ith the recent departure of Leslie Klenke and A.J. W ilson (graphic arts and Internet 1122

Technology personnel), the ATA accepted applications for an IT position. ATA Office Manager Connie J. 1123

Collier and Marketing Manager Nick Aycock conducted preliminary interviews and chose a single applicant 1124

to propose to the Human Resource and Executive Committees. Subsequent to the review of both 1125

Committees, it was decided that this position shall remain unfilled pending the hiring of an Executive Director. 1126

[Secretary’s note: See also, General and Administrative Report (ATA Office Manager Connie J. Collier) 1127

and Miscellaneous Meetings (at the end of the Minute Record, herein - for further information with this 1128

subject item. 1129

Subsequent action: Executive Director Jim L. Thompson, ATA Office Manager and Marketing Manager 1130

met with Shawn Seippel (original recommendation) and conducted a second interview. All three (3) 1131

officers of the ATA agreed that Mr. Seippel would make a competent employee and his skill sets were 1132

a good match for the ATA; therefore, he was hired (as per prior authority granted) with an effective 1133

starting date of September 08, 2008.] 1134



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston 1137

Committee Members Attending: Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter; Barry Bourdage (TechPro); and 1138

Bob Butterworth (TechPro). 1139

President & Committee Chair Neil M. W inston commented that TechPro has delivered on all substantive parts 1140

of their prior presentations. At this time he introduced TechPro & W ebsite Committee members Barry Bourdage and 1141

Bob Butterworth to the meeting. The TechPro representatives thanked President W inston for the introductions and 1142

the opportunity to present their Information Technology Update to the Executive Committee. Barry and Bob presented 1143

the following report (which will also be presented to the Board of Directors): 1144


� Brief Statistics ... 1146

� 1,800 visitors per day; 1147

� Almost 7,000 Buddies/Quicklists (up from 3,000 last year); 1148

� Club pages are the second most popular way to enter the website; and 1149

� 89,000 SIC visits, up from 59,000 last year. 1150

� All-American Team Management ... 1151

� Points are calculated days after a shoot comes into the office - not months; 1152

� All points that are calculable have been included; 1153

� Team Standings have been updated to load even more quickly; 1154

� Event Information has been expanded and updated; and 1155

� Shooter Information Center has also been expanded and updated. 1156

� Shoot Programs & Results ... 1157

� New Home Page component to see relevant programs and results; 1158

� Updated club page to see names, programs and results for each shoot; and 1159

� Updated state/month search. 1160

� Future Plans ... 1161

� Faster results to the website; 1162

� Password resets; 1163

� Location/date based shoot search; 1164

� Live updating PC Masters. 1165


Subsequent to their presentations, Barry Bourdage and Bob Butterworth responded to numerous questions 1167

from the Executive Committee in a competent and professional manner. President W inston, on behalf of himself and 1168

the Executive Committee, thanked the TechPro representatives for their time and effort on behalf of the ATA and its 1169

membership. 1170



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair & Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr. 1173

Committee Chair & Eastern Zone Vice President W m. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., commented that he had no formal 1174

report to present at this time. 1175



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair & Past President D. Ray Greb 1178

Committee Members Attending: Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr. 1179

Committee Chair & Past President D. Ray Greb commented that he felt that “there has been an improvement 1180

to the Grand trophy selection but there is much work yet to be done in order to keep the trophies fresh and interesting.” 1181

He further stated that once the new Executive Director is hired that he/she should be placed in charge of keeping track 1182

of the (trophy) market and offering suggestions to the Committee. 1183

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I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair, President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston 1185

Committee Members Attending: Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed; Southwestern Zone Vice President 1186

Gary L. Sherrod; and Robert J. Stuart. 1187

Committee Chair & President Neil M. W inston commented that the Grand Options Committee has no further 1188

suggestions or comments to offer at this time to the Executive Committee. “The changes implemented over the prior 1189

meetings of the Committee and Executive Committee have served their purpose and appear to be sufficient for the 1190

time being,” concluded Committee Chair W inston. 1191


1 501(c)(3) ADVISORY COMMITTEE 1193

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Committee Chair & Past President Dr. Thomas P. Arvas 1194

Committee Chair & Past President Dr. Thomas P. Arvas was unavailable to meet with the Executive 1195

Committee to review any updates at this time. President Neil M. W inston did advise that Chairman Arvas has kept 1196

him advised on all pertinent details from the 501(c)(3) Advisory Committee. ATA Youth Development Director Edie 1197

P. Fleeman did offer numerous comments on her related activities that impact the 501(c)(3) Committee including the 1198

Funds Celebration (yet to be held). Development Director Fleeman’s detailed report is contained in this Minute Record 1199

(immediately following). 1200



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 1203

(August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 17:15 HRS. 1204

(August 05, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 08:00 HRS. 1205

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 1206



At 08:00 Hrs., IN RE: ATA Youth Development Director Report 1209

President Neil M. W inston called for the next Order of Business and introduced Youth Development Director 1210

Edie P. Fleeman. Youth Development Director Fleeman thanked President W inston for the introduction and the 1211

invitation to present her ATA Youth Development Director Report, as follows: 1212



At this time last year, two NRA/ATA Trap Coach Schools had been conducted, one in Texas and one in 1215

Michigan, producing 24 ATA Shooting Coaches. Since then, 15 Coach Schools have been held for a total of 287 1216

Coach School graduates. The exciting news out of Missouri is two-fold: the requirement that every team have a 1217

credentialed coach resulted in five Coach Schools with another on the horizon, and the news from the University of 1218

Central Missouri that Coach School graduates may earn one credit hour in Agriculture, graduate or undergraduate. 1219

There are now 96 ATA Shooting Coaches in Missouri including Missouri ATA Delegate Karrol Hillebrand! Canada has 1220

11 ATA Shooting Coaches. Gary DeSmidt in W isconsin, a graduate of the very first Coach School, is responsible for 1221

hosting two Coach Schools at his club, producing 53 ATA Shooting Coaches. 1222



Through the generosity of the National Rifle Association doing a mailing to all NRA/USAS Shotgun Coaches, 1225

we have an additional 188 ATA Shooting Coaches through this ‘reciprocity’ program. This mailing, which included the 1226

expanded Trap Fundamentals chapter of the Coach School curriculum, not previously a part of the pre-existing 1227

Shotgun Coach School, allowed these NRA Shotgun Coaches who are ATA members to become ATA Shooting 1228

Coaches by sending in a $10 credentialing fee. This has resulted in over 40 new ATA members. 475 is the current 1229

total number of ATA Shooting Coaches (from Coach Schools plus from ‘reciprocity’). It has been very rewarding to 1230

have ATA Shooting Coaches introduce themselves to me during my time at the Grand. Five ‘reciprocity’ coaches 1231

signed up at the Grand and there were many patches seen on shooting vests. The second place SCTP Varsity Team 1232

was coached by a graduate of the Alabama Coach School and he is in the planning process for another coach school 1233

there soon. 1234


New on the ATA web site are Coach shirts, shooting bags, and the logo patch and rocker sets! 1236



Our instructor cadre has grown by two with Rod Zeller (Missouri) and Gino Bortone (Local Organizer of the 1239

Alabama Coach School who recently moved to Texas) joining ATA Lead Coach Instructor Jim McDiffett. Rod earns 1240

the marathon award for teaching two Coach Schools back-to-back. That’s four days straight! 1241



New is a brochure describing the W hy’s and How’s of becoming an ATA Shooting Coach. 1244



Fourteen remarkable youth shooters applied for our first ATA Youth Recognition Award and then it was up 1247

to our judges to pick the cream of the crop from the cream of the crop! The seven judges, scattered across North 1248

America and all actively involved in youth shooting programs, found their jobs extremely difficult yet oh so rewarding. 1249

First Place is Katelynne Baier of Ohio, with Second Place to Garrett W alters of Michigan, and Third Place to Cole 1250

Mitchell of W ashington. Our appreciation to the Trapshooting Hall of Fame and the Friends of NRA for supplying the 1251

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scholarship monies. Bios of the three award winners have been posted on the ATA web site and longer bios will 1252

appear in the September issue of Trap & Field. Next year, the scholarship monies will be donated by Frank Brownell 1253

of Brownells Inc. 1254

Thank Mr. Brownell by patronizing his fine company - he is well deserving! 1255



It was a tie! Jim Sable and Mark Stevens, both of Minnesota and both ATA Shooting Coaches (Jim from the 1258

MN Coach School and Mark from “reciprocity”), are the ATA Coaches of the Year. Jim and his crew of volunteers 1259

worked for seven years to get trapshooting into the local school system. Mark runs unique programs at the 2007 ATA 1260

Club of the Year including one to train youth shooters in how to shoot in a trap tournament. 1261



The efforts over many months last Fall by Stacey and our IT people at TechPro culminated in January with 1264

a new section on the ATA web site entitled “Youth Trapshooting and Coach Schools”. Listed here is information of 1265

interest to coaches and youth shooters alike, giving them links to the Trapshooting Hall of Fame Scholarship, the ATA 1266

Youth Recognition Award, collegiate shooting programs, as well as links to information on the NRA/ATA Trap Camp 1267

and the Marksmanship Qualification Program, and SCTP. 1268

This is also the place where industry can advertise products made especially for youth and special offers. 1269

ATA Shooting Coaches who have given us permission to place their contact information on the web site are also listed 1270

here. I have a list of ALL the ATA Shooting Coaches and will be glad to e-mail it to ATA Delegates as it is lengthy. 1271

Coaches listed on this master list as “Do Not Contact” have asked that their contact information not be posted on the 1272

web site. Many of these coaches are associated with school teams and are not available to coach youth who are not 1273

in their school. 1274


The third issue of the Newsletter for ATA Shooting Coaches will come out after the Grand. The Newsletter 1276

is posted in our Youth section of the ATA web site and an e-mail is sent to coaches and delegates to tell them when 1277

a new issue is posted. It is mailed to those coaches and delegates who do not have e-mail addresses. 1278



OCTOBER and APRIL: A new SCTP program was starting at a long-dormant club in North Carolina so my 1281

husband and I have been visiting, coaching and encouraging this group which started in October with three kids and 1282

has grown to over 20 with great support from their club which is owned by the city. Their Rookie team finished 5 in 1283th

the 2008 SCTP Nationals in trap! 1284

NOVEMBER and JUNE: Trips to the North Carolina Home Grounds for these shoots allowed time to promote 1285

the Coach Schools. See June below. 1286

JANUARY: I didn’t travel far for this one – I acted as Local Contact and attended the Coach School in North 1287

Carolina. I graduated too! 1288

FEBRUARY took me to the SHOT Show. I had the advantageous opportunity to have Stacey introduce me 1289

to her industry contacts, to look at their products and discuss our youth programs with them. 1290

In MAY I made my second visit to the Nebraska Cornhusker Shoot where close to 1700 kids competed over 1291

three days. NRA’s Manager of Collegiate Programs, Tori Croft, and I shared a table where we displayed materials 1292

on NRA programs, NRA/ATA programs, and ATA membership. This is not a registered trapshoot but ATA presence 1293

was appreciated. May also saw the annual meeting of the NRA Collegiate Programs Committee, which I chair. This 1294

committee covers collegiate rifle, pistol and shotgun, awarding, among other duties, NRA Collegiate All American in 1295

the three disciplines. Scheduling problems prevented this committee from meeting at the ACUI Collegiate Shotgun 1296

Championships in 2008, but the committee hopes its next meeting will be at the 2009 ACUI Collegiate Shotgun 1297

Championships. I attended the NRA Annual Meeting in May and spent time at the ATA booth with Stacey and Nick 1298

talking with our members and signing up new members. Stacey and I visited vendors and received donations for the 1299

Funds Celebration. 1300

I attended and participated in the North Carolina State Shoot in JUNE which was also the SCTP State 1301

Championship. I appreciate the recognition afforded me by Terry Roush, Ken Duncan, and ATA Shooting Coach Greg 1302

High. Under the direction of ATA Shooting Coaches and SCTP State Directors Kim and Doug McKinney, the number 1303

of participants in the SCTP State Championship grew from 15 last year to 66. At the end of June, I attended and 1304

participated in the Canadian National Trapshooting Championships. I was honored to be squadded by the Match 1305

Director and ATA Shooting Coach, Barbara Sheldon, on her personal squad, even though she ended up not competing 1306

in favor of spending the time to run a high-quality tournament. Remaining on that squad was ATA Shooting Coach 1307

Bill Malcolm and we were joined one day by one of ATA Shooting Coach Florin Marinache’s juniors. 1308

JULY saw the Trap Camp conducted at my local club by Venture Crew 111. Venture youth and leaders had 1309

attended the NRA/ATA Trap Coach School in January to prepare for this event. Other graduates from that School 1310

worked this camp, one with the idea to replicate the experience at his home club. This two-day event included 1311

classroom work as well as a lot of shooting. I happened to mention to now ATA Coach of the Year Jim Sable the two 1312

mother-son duos on the squad I was instructing – and how the mothers came on strong in the end. He is now planning 1313

on holding a mother-son (and mother-daughter!) shoot at his home club and it is generating a lot of interest! 1314

AUGUST travel is to the Grand for SCTP days and the Funds Celebration, then back for the Board meeting. 1315

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The Funds Celebration moved to a larger facility this year and our speaker, W ayne LaPierre, was a hit! At 1317

this writing, it is too early to tell the final dollar amount. W e certainly appreciate the support of our silent auction donors 1318

and everyone who attended. 1319

MONEY 1320

Income (Cash): Last year’s inaugural Funds Celebration brought in around $10,000 to the ATA Funds. The 1321

Coach School program has made over $6,000 over expenses, plus we have Coach merchandise in the ATA Store with 1322

the profits going to the Funds. A sizeable donation has been received from Hodgdon Powder for the Youth and 1323

Education Fund. Frank Brownell will be funding his donation in the next few months to provide the scholarship monies 1324

for the 2009 ATA Youth Recognition Award. 1325

Once again, please be aware of and acknowledge these two fine companies for their significant support of 1326

our Youth Recognition efforts. Their generosity to the ATA can be directly related to our support of their business 1327

efforts. 1328

Income (In Kind): NRA did not charge us last fall for the cost of the curriculum copies for four Coach Schools. 1329

NRA paid all expenses for the first two Coach Schools in 2007. 1330

Expenses: Expenses to date have been for my travel and office expenses, plus this August, our ATA Lead 1331

Coach Instructor and ATA Ambassador were funded to attend the SCTP days of the Grand. 1332



More Coach Schools!!! Many are already in the works. 1335

More Trap Camps!!! Encouraging clubs to conduct Trap Camps to train beginning shooters and/or 1336

SportsFests to attract new shooters, particularly youth, to their clubs. 1337

Fundraising: Continue our fundraising efforts to get our Funds to a level where they can support grant 1338

requests. 1339

Outreach: Continue contacting organizations with trap programs such as the National High School Rodeo 1340

Association, the Royal Rangers, and Venturing, concerning training.” 1341


Subsequent to Youth Development Director Edie P. Fleeman’s report, she responded to numerous questions 1343

from the Executive Committee in a responsive and professional manner. President Neil M. W inston, on behalf of 1344

himself and the entire Executive Committee, thanked Youth Development Director Fleeman for her fine performance 1345

on behalf of the ATA and its membership. 1346


At 08:34 Hrs., IN RE: Executive Session 1348

President Neil M. W inston called for an Executive Session, with no objections noted from the members, in 1349

order to discuss more sensitive issues with Youth Development Director Edie P. Fleeman. 1350

� 1351

At 09:35 Hrs., IN RE: Regular Meeting Reconvened 1352



At 09:36 Hrs., IN RE: Meeting with Phil Kiner 1355

President Neil M. W inston called for the next Order of Business and introduced Phil Kiner and requested that 1356

he review his professional observations and recommendations that were sent to the ATA Delegates for their review 1357

and consideration. 1358

Phil thanked the Executive Committee for the opportunity to review his letter, “Let’s Talk Membership 1359

Retention” with them and to respond to any of their questions. Phil read his opening paragraph to the Executive 1360

Committee for introductory purposes. 1361

“It seems to me that there are two opposite approaches to making rules/laws. The first is to make 1362

them so stringent that the number of those who will take advantage of the system is reduced to the 1363

absolute minimum - regardless of how many non-cheaters it impacts negatively. The other approach 1364

is to make the rules liberal enough, so that, while it is assumed that some cheaters will be able to play 1365

the system, the majority of the general population will remain relatively unhindered/unpunished in their 1366

pursuits within the system. I also think that politicians will often embrace the status quo rather than 1367

advocate change because people (members) might not like the change, and doing nothing is “safer” 1368

(when it comes to re-election time) than doing something. This is true when doing nothing is not 1369

actually in the long-term best interests of the majority of the population (members).” 1370

Phil presented persuasive arguments for the following topics: 1371

� Reconsider adding back the 18 and 19 yard line for handicap purposes and to start all new members 1372

on the 18 yard line - ladies, juniors and sub-juniors on the 17 yard line. 1373

� Change the maximum yardage from the 27 yard line to the 29 and make anyone that gets a punch 1374

to the 28/29 subject to a mandatory reduction (Phil credited Steve Carmichael for his review and 1375

input). 1376

� Go back to the old 1,200 fps rule for ammunition with an effective date of December 31, 2010. Phil 1377

argues that “this would strengthen/lengthen the effect of shooters’ 27 or 28 yard handicap and would 1378

simplify a lot of ammo production and buying decisions.” 1379


Phil concluded his presentations by stating, “I have outlined some concepts that I feel have merit and instead 1381

of summarily saying it will not work, why not give something new a try? I did not go into specifics or details of 1382

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implementation which could be figured out once the decision to make some changes was actually made.” 1383

President W inston, on behalf of himself and the Executive Committee, thanked Phil for his recommendations 1384

and professional opinions. President W inston further acknowledged the long-time contributions that Phil has made 1385

to the sport of trapshooting and thanked him for his devotion to the sport of registered trapshooting. “The suggestions 1386

will be presented to the Delegates during the Zone meetings for their input and reaction,” commented President 1387

W inston. 1388



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 1391

(August 05, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 09:55 HRS. 1392

(August 05, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 10:15 HRS. 1393

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 1394



At 10:18 Hrs., IN RE: Executive Session 1397

President Neil M. W inston called for Executive Sessions on the foregoing dates to review meeting procedures 1398

and review the personnel documents of the various Executive Director candidates. There were no objections 1399

noted from the members, in order to review these confidential employment matters. 1400

� 1401

At 18:00 Hrs., IN RE: Regular Meeting Reconvened 1402

[Secretary’s Note: The Executive Committee met throughout both day(s), as referenced, to conduct regular 1403

business and to retire to Executive Session as the discussions warranted for purposes of confidentiality.] 1404



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 1407

(August 05, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 17:01 HRS. 1408

(August 06 & 07, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 09:00 HRS. 1409

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 1410



At 10:15 Hrs., IN RE: Central Handicap Committee Report 1413

I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHC Chair Richard Marascola 1414

President Neil M. W inston welcomed CHC Chair Richard Marascola to the Executive Committee meeting to 1415

present the Central Handicap Committee Report. Chair Marascola advised that the Central Handicap Committee met 1416

on August 04, 2008 and compiled the following Reports for Executive Committee review. 1417


CHC Chair Marascola, of the Central Handicap Committee, presented the following Reports: 1419

REVIEW ANALYSIS 14202002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008- YTD

Total Reviews 142116,732 16,777 17,247 16,342 16,534 15,930 11,440

Total Reductions for the 1422

Target Year 14239,758 9,558 10,254 9,586 8,319 6,903 5,798

Total Reduction Refusals 14244,010 4,047 4,358 4,209 3,796 2,437 5,798

Shooters Refusing 2 or more 1425

Reductions for the Year 1426699 773 873 829 709 354 288

Not refused by Shooter 1427

(by ATA Office or Delegate) 1428500 144 160

“K” Coded Shooters 14290 346 526 716 829 924 874



Central Western Southwestern Eastern Southern 1432

2006 53 31 27 19 24 1433

2007 22 13 08 09 21 1434

2008 25 12 06 11 11 1435



Central Western Southwestern Eastern Southern 1438

2006 06 12 04 00 00 1439

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2007 05 07 10 04 01 1440

2008 12 13 01 09 01 1441


2006 1443


1,396 Big 50's. . . . . . . . . . '

Held or Scheduled Prior toAugust 31, 2006

56 Leagues. . . . . . . . . . '

Held or Scheduled Prior toAugust 31, 2006

2007 1445


1,422 Big 50's. . . . . . . . . . '

Held or Scheduled Prior toAugust 31, 2007

52 Leagues. . . . . . . . . . '

Held or Scheduled Prior toAugust 31, 2007

2008 1447


1,195 Big 50's. . . . . . . . . . '

Held or Scheduled Prior toAugust 31, 2008

49 Leagues. . . . . . . . . . '

Held or Scheduled Prior toAugust 31, 2008


CHC Chair Dick Marascola also presented detailed reports on the following: 1450

' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Active (shooting) Members by Individual ATA Zone. 1451

' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Active (shooting) Members in Each Canadian Province (including in Zone numbers). 1452

' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Member Summary from 1992 through 2007. 1453

' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State and Province - Total (shooting) Member Summary. 1454


ATA/PITA Cross Registration Report for Target Year(s) As Indicated 1457

CHC Analysis revealed the following: 1458

2008 - A total of five hundred thirty three (533) shooters cross registered targets (YTD). 1459

2007 - A total of five hundred seventh two (572) shooters cross registered targets. 1460

2006 - A total of five hundred thirty six (536) shooters cross registered targets. 1461

2005 - A total of four hundred seventy two (472) shooters cross registered targets. 1462

2004 - A total of four hundred seventy (470) shooters cross registered targets. 1463


CHC Chair Richard Marascola concluded his Reports by noting that all other activities are normal and within 1465

the rules that are on-going with no other CHC unfinished business. CHC Chair Marascola noted that the CHC 1466

Committee recommends the following considerations: 1467

' The CHC Committee desired to present information that could be a vital asset in supporting and assuring a 1468

long lasting future for Canadian and USA ATA shooters. 1469

Chairman Marascola advised that “according to the ATA records there are 58 clubs [in Canada] that throw 1470

ATA targets. Most clubs only operate during ‘whether permitting’ months. The total number of registered 1471

targets for the year 2007 was 2,691,000. The number of shooters for the year 2008 was 5,221 with only 964 1472

active. The way the ATA is set up, it provides the same across the board returns for money and trophies. The 1473

Canadian shooters are also rewarded at the Grand American with special trophies. Canada is also recognized 1474

daily at the Grand American with the display of its flag and the playing of its national anthem ... the ATA 1475

Marketing Department should include Canada in their search for sponsorship and other revenue generating 1476

initiatives ... A separate meeting between the Canadian Delegates and the Executive Committee might open 1477

new doors of opportunity for the ATA.” 1478

[Secretary’s note: The Executive Committee agrees with CHC Chair Dick Marascola and will pass this 1479

information to the ATA Marketing Department for further planning and implementation.] 1480


' CHC Chair Marascola recommended the following Official Rule revision: 14821483

Section VI, G., 1., a(1), (1000 TARGET REVIEW) 1484

Pg. 26 - Change 2 yards to 3 yards: No shooter will be reduced more than 3 yards in any 1485

target year. 1486

Chairman Dick Marascola’s reasoning for this change was that this change would 1487

encourage shooters to shoot at least 3,000 handicap targets to qualify for 3 1488

reductions (in any target year) and thus have a much better chance of becoming 1489

more competitive in our target game. CHC Chair Marascola admitted that the 1490

approval of this recommendation will enable some of the shooters to “game” the 1491

system but it is felt that the vast majority of the shooters will appreciate this 1492

additional opportunity to become, or remain, more competitive in our sport. 1493


' CHC Chair Marascola recommended the following Official Rule revision: 14951496

Section XII, B., 1., d., (DISQUALIFICATION) 1497

Pg. 41 - Replace the current provision with the following: If a shooter fails to shoot at his/her 1498

correct yardage, except as permitted in Section VII, A., 8. 1499

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Section XII, B., 8., (DISQUALIFICATION) 1500

Pg. 42 - Add new provision as follows: When a shooter’s Handicap score is disqualified and 1501

that score would have earned yardage under the earned yardage table, the shooter’s 1502

average card must be punched to the earned yardage. Those targets that are 1503

disqualified will not become part of the shooter’s target history. 1504

Chairman Dick Marascola stated that this change is more “housekeeping” in nature 1505

since this is the current practice that is followed in such instances. 1506


' CHC Chair Marascola recommended the following Official Rule revision: 15081509


Pg. 37 - The first three (3) paragraphs in the present Section (09/01/2007) shall be replaced with the 1511

following three (3) paragraphs: 1512

Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 16 yard targets registered beginning the 1513

first day after the last day of the previous Grand American World Trapshooting 1514

Championships through the last day of preliminary week of the current Grand American 1515

World Trapshooting Championships will be advanced (1) class or more at the discretion of 1516

the Handicap Committee. Shooters with less than 300 registered single targets will be placed 1517

in class B or higher at the discretion of the Handicap Committee. 1518

Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 doubles targets registered beginning the 1519

first day after the last day of the previous Grand American World Trapshooting 1520

Championships through the last day of preliminary week of the current Grand American 1521

World Trapshooting Championships will be advanced (1) class, or more, at the discretion of 1522

the Handicap Committee. Shooters with less than 300 registered singles targets will be 1523

placed in class B or higher at the discretion of the Handicap Committee. 1524

Concluding paragraph at the end of the present (09/01/2007) Section XI, A., (“It shall 1525

be the shooter’s responsibility ....”) shall remain the same and be appended at the end of this 1526

amended paragraph, immediately referenced above. 1527

President Neil M. W inston has advocated a less stringent approach to “class 1528

advancement” for several years due to his extensive research on the subject. CHC 1529

Chair Dick Marascola and Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter 1530

collaborated on this particular amendment and offered their joint opinions, thereon. 1531


[Secretary’s note: The foregoing CHC recommendations were approved and adopted effective 1533

September 01, 2008, by the ATA Board of Directors and/or the Executive Committee. Further detail 1534

might apply or be helpful to the reader - please refer to the Annual Board of Directors’ minutes or the 1535

All American and Rules Committee minutes in this Meeting Record.] 1536


' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Concept of 27+ (Authored by Steve Carmichael) 1538

Chair Dick Marascola presented a concept that was proposed by Steve Carmichael from the Las Vegas Gun 1539

Club pertaining to the extension of the 27 yard line (to a max of 29 yards) on a club/event case by case basis ... that 1540

would be totally voluntary on the part of the clubs. The practical application of the concept would be that “a 27+ gun 1541

club should have 29 yard walkways (or at least a few traps equipped with such). All 27 yard shooters start at that 1542

yardage, but could earn yardage back to the 29 yard line just for that tournament.” 1543

The Executive Committee briefly discussed this concept with Chairman Marascola and decided to table the 1544

discussions and deferred further considerations to the ATA ad hoc Steering Committee. 1545

[Secretary’s note: The 27+ discussions were held on August 16, 2008. This reference is to the 1546

Miscellaneous Meetings near the end of this Minute Record.] 1547


President Neil M. W inston strongly believed that the CHC Committee has “hit some real winners” (the 1549

foregoing recommendations) and on behalf of himself and the entire Executive Committee thanked CHC Chair Dick 1550

Marascola (and the CHC Committee) for their comments and professional efforts on behalf of the ATA, its membership 1551

and the Central Handicap Committee. 1552



� August 08, 2008 1555

� August 09, 2008 1556

� August 10, 2008 1557


At 08:00 Hrs., IN RE: Executive Session 1559

President Neil M. W inston called for Executive Sessions on the foregoing dates to conduct early morning and 1560

late afternoon meetings with the executive director candidates that were chosen to interview personally with 1561

the Executive Committee. There were no objections noted from the members, in order to meet with regard 1562

to these confidential employee issues. 1563

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� 1564

At 18:00 Hrs., IN RE: Regular Meeting Reconvened 1565

[Secretary’s Note: The Executive Committee met throughout all three day(s), as referenced, to conduct 1566

regular business and to retire to Executive Session as the discussions warranted for purposes of 1567

confidentiality.] 1568



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 1571

(August 13, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 17:01 HRS. 1572

(August 14, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 09:00 HRS. 1573

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 1574



At 09:10 Hrs., IN RE: Summary Report of the Zone Meetings 1577

Attending Zone Officials: 1578

Central Zone: President & Vice President Neil M. W inston 1579

W estern Zone: Vice President Bruce F. Reed 1580

Southwestern Zone: Vice President Gary L. Sherrod 1581

Southern Zone: Vice President John D. Hiter 1582

Eastern Zone: Vice President W m. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr. 1583


Zone Agenda 1585

ITEM # 01: Target Year and Membership Year 1586

ATA By-Law Amendment, Article XVI (Averages) 1587

ATA By-Law Amendment, Article III (Membership) 1588


Illinois Delegate Jim Matteson provided Notice under ATA By-Law Article XIX Amendments to change 1590

the Target and Membership Years back to September 01 to August 31, year to year. Effectively 1591

changing the Target and Membership Years from November 1 to October 31, year to year (as was 1592

approved by the BOD during last year’s Annual Meeting. 1593


[Secretary’s notes: G. Mike Seitz advises that the Central Zone was strongly supportive of Illinois 1595

Delegate Matteson’s proposal. The remaining Zones were mixed but the general sentiment appeared 1596

to be with the status quo and thus leave the By-Law Amendment unchanged. But, subsequent dialog 1597

obviously created more interest in changing the Target Year. The following Board of Director Resolution 1598

(as reported under the Secretary’s Reports) is included here for clarification purposes, only.] 1599

“[Secretary’s Note: SUBSEQUENT ACTION OF ZONE DELIBERATIONS (which appeared to be neutral) 1600


reader(s), the Secretary has included a summary of the Board of Director Resolute Findings with respect 1602

to the following By-Law Amendments - Refer to August 14, 2008, Board of Director Annual Meeting 1603

Minutes.”] 1604


RESOLVED That By-Law Amendment, Article XVI, Averages (and Miscellaneous Provisions) 1606

shall be amended as follows: 1607

The shooting averages for each member of this Corporation shall be based on the registered targets 1608

shot during the 2008 Target Year for the fourteen (14) month period ending October 31, 2008; 1609

however, scores shot at any tournament that ends after October 31, 2008, regardless of starting date, 1610

will be included in the following year’s averages. 1611

The shooting averages for each member of this Corporation shall be based on the registered targets 1612

shot during the 2009 Target Year for the ten (10) month period ending August 31, 2009; however, 1613

scores shot at any tournament that ends after August 31, 2009 , regardless of starting date, will be 1614

included in the following year’s averages. 1615

The shooting averages for each member of this Corporation shall be based on the registered targets 1616

shot during the 2010 Target Year, for the twelve (12) month period ending August 31, 2010, and 1617

thereafter; however, scores shot at any tournament that ends after August 31, 2010, regardless of 1618

starting date, will be included in the following year’s averages. 1619

FURTHER RESOLVED That Secretary G. Mike Seitz is hereby directed to edit and/or change, 1620

substantive or otherwise, the existing By-Laws of the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and 1621

the Amateur Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA) and the ATA Official Rules to make certain 1622

that all related or tangent provisions, whether enumerated in this Resolution or not, are likewise 1623

amended in full accord with the intent and tenor of this Resolution. 1624

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Directors voted (31/23) to return the Target Year to 1625

September 1 through August 31, beginning with the 2010 Target Year. Effectively, this leaves the 1626

2008 Target Year, fourteen (14) months in length (September 01, 2007 through October 31, 2008) 1627

and the 2009 Target Year, ten (10) months in length (November 01, 2008 through August 31, 2009, 1628

thereafter twelve (12) month Target Years will be the Order.” 1629

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Zone Agenda 1630

ITEM # 01A: Target Year and Membership Year 1631


ATA Official Rules, Section XI, A 1633


ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL ... from the Executive Committee 1635

[This Rule Amendment shall be effective on August 18, 2008, and continue in effect, thereafter, 1636

if approved by majority vote of the Board of Directors at the 2008 Annual Meeting.] 1637


No participant shall be classified to shoot Handicap events at less than 25.0 yards unless he/she has 1639

a minimum of 1000 registered ATA Handicap targets in the current year period beginning on the day 1640

after the last shooting day of Grand W eek and ending on the first day of Grand W eek, year to year.... 1641


Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 16 yard targets in the current year period beginning on the 1643

day after the last shooting day of Grand W eek and ending on the first day of Grand W eek, year to 1644

year, will be advanced at least two (2) classes or more at the discretion of the Handicap Committee.... 1645


Shooters who do not have a total of 1000 doubles targets in the current year period beginning on the 1647

day after the last shooting day of Grand W eek and ending on the first day of Grand W eek, year to 1648

year, will be advanced at least two (2) classes or more at the discretion of the Handicap Committee. 1649


[Secretary’s note: This Alternative Proposal was intended to moot and/or supplement the foregoing By- 1651

Law Amendment. This provision was approved by the Board of Directors, to make reaching or attaining 1652

Grand Target Requirements easier, and is reported in more detail under the Rules Committee 1653

presentations.] 1654


Zone Agenda 1656

ITEM # 02: Phil Kiner’s Letter and Recommendations 1657


� Reinstate the 18 & 19 yard lines; 1659

� Maximum Handicap Yardage increase to 29 yards; and 1660

� 1200 fps for maximum velocity by 12/31/2010. 1661


[Secretary’s note: The suggestion to reinstate the 18 and 19 yard lines received generally 1663

positive support from the Zones and was subsequently adopted by the Board of Directors as 1664

reported under the Rules Committee presentations, herein. Increasing the maximum handicap 1665

yardage to 29 and adopting the 1200 fps (shell) velocity by 12/31/2010 received little to no 1666

support Zone-wide, and were not adopted.] 1667


Zone Agenda 1669

ITEM # 03: Recommendations of CHC Committee presented by CHC Chair Dick Marascola 1670

ATA Official Rule Changes: 1671

� Section XII Score Disqualification 1672

W hen a shooter’s Handicap score is disqualified and that score would have earned 1673

yardage under the earned yardage table, the shooter’s card must be punched to the 1674

earned yardage. Those targets that are disqualified will not become part of the 1675

shooter’s target history. 1676


� Add to Section XII; Pg. 4, D. b (Line J) 1678

Handicap System VI: Change to: 1679

Increase the reductions to 3 yards per Target Year ... “this change would encourage 1680

shooters to shoot at least 3,000 handicap targets to qualify for 3 reductions and 1681

hopefully become more competitive.” QUOTE attributed to CHC Chair Marascola. 1682


� Section XI, Pg. 39 1684

Grand American Qualifications 1685

Paragraph 2 & 3 1686

“Shooters who do not have 1,000 16 yards and 1,000 doubles in the current year will 1687

be advanced 1 class or more at the discretion of the CHC.“ QUOTE attributed to CHC 1688

Chair Marascola. 1689


[Secretary’s note: All three (3) CHC recommendations were adopted either by the Executive 1691

Committee and/or the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee expressed their sincere 1692

appreciation to the thoughtfulness and diligence that is continually exhibited by the CHC for 1693

the betterment of the ATA and its membership. Further details to these changes may be viewed 1694

in this Minute Record under the Rules Committee presentations.] 1695

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At 10:00 Hrs., IN RE: Executive Session 1696

President Neil M. W inston, Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and Secretary G. Mike Seitz met throughout 1697

the day to review and amend the proposed Agenda for the Board of Directors’ Annual Meeting. 1698

� 1699

At 17:40 Hrs., IN RE: Regular Meeting Reconvened 1700

[Secretary’s Note: The Executive Committee met in final preparation for the Board of Directors’ Annual Meeting.] 1701



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 1704

(August 14, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 21:50 HRS. 1705

(August 15, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 08:30 HRS. 1706

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 1707



� At 08:30 Hrs., IN RE: 2009 REORGANIZATION MEETING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 15, 2008 1710

President Neil M. W inston welcomed newly elected Central Zone Vice President Jeff L. W agner to the meeting 1711

and requested that he participate in all the remaining meetings with the Executive Committee, as presently scheduled. 1712

Central Zone Vice President Elect W agner stated that he appreciated the invitation and would gladly participate in the 1713

meetings. 1714

President W inston then requested President Elect and W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed to assume 1715

chairmanship of the meeting and conduct the Reorganization portion of the Executive Committee meeting. President 1716

Elect Reed stated that he was prepared to proceed and introduce his recommendations, appointments, and/or special 1717

assignments for the various Corporate offices and/or positions for the 2009 Target Year beginning September 01, 1718

2008 (exceptions or subsequent appointments, if any, are as noted herein). 1719

Edit: September 16, 2008 - 1200 Hrs./JDH 17201721


President & Vice President Bruce F. Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1723Western Zone Douglas, WY

Vice President Gary L. Sherrod . . . . . . . . 1724Southwestern Zone Lubbock, TX

Vice President John D. Hiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1725Southern Zone Snellville, GA

Vice President William M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr. . . . . 1726Eastern Zone Mattapoisett, MA

Vice President Jeff L. Wagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1727Central Zone Williston, ND

1728Ex-Officio & Immediate Past P. Neil M. Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1729St. Paul, MN

Treasurer Thomas G. Burkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1730Chambersburg, PA

Secretary & In-House Counsel G. Mike Seitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1731Lawrenceburg, IN

Executive Director Jim L. Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1732Dayton, OH

Office Manager Connie J. Collier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1733Vandalia, OH

Director of Finance & Controller Judy Harden, CPA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1734Vandalia, OH

Marketing Manager Nick Aycock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1735Vandalia, OH

1736Central Handicap Committee Richard (Dick) Marascola, CHC Chair . . . . . . . 1737West Covina, CA

Central Handicap Committee Danny McKenzie . . . . . . . . 1738CHC Western Zone Troy, ID

Central Handicap Committee Tom E. Hunter, Jr. . . 1739CHC Southwestern Zone Milam, TX

Central Handicap Committee Terry L. Roush . . . . . . . . . 1740CHC Southern Zone Greensboro, NC

Central Handicap Committee Wayne D. Morris . . . . . . . . . 1741CHC Eastern Zone Charlestown, RI

Central Handicap Committee Dean Townsend . . . . . . . . . 1742CHC Central Zone Thornville, OH

Central Handicap Committee 1743

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helper/Assistant 1744

Robert (Bob) Felber, Jr. CHC Helper/Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHC Central Zone

Sioux Falls, SD

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Central Handicap Committee 1745

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helper/Assistant 1746

Philip R. Vasquez . . . . . CHC Helper/Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHC Southwestern Zone

Mead, CO

1747Rules Committee John D. Hiter, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1748Snellville, GA

Rules Committee Neil M. Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1749St. Paul, MN

Rules Committee Gary L. Sherrod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1750Lubbock, TX

Rules Committee Dean Townsend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1751Thornville, OH

Rules Committee Terry Roush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1752Greensboro, NC

Rules Committee Betty A. Sackett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1753Mesa, AZ

Rules Committee Jim L. Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1754Dayton, OH

1755Grand Program(s) Committee Gary L. Sherrod, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1756Lubbock, TX

Grand Program(s) Committee Neil M. Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1757St. Paul, MN

Grand Program(s) Committee Bruce F. Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1758Douglas, WY

Grand Program(s) Committee John D. Hiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1759Snellville, GA

Grand Program(s) Committee Dean Townsend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1760Thornville, OH

Grand Program(s) Committee Robert J. Stuart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1761Port Charlotte, FL

1762Marketing & Industry Comm. William M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., Chair . . . . . . . . . . 1763Mattapoisett, MA

Marketing & Industry Comm. Nick Aycock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1764Vandalia, OH

Marketing & Industry Comm. Bruce F. Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1765Douglas, WY

Marketing & Industry Comm. Richard (Dick) Marascola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1766West Covina, CA

Marketing & Industry Comm. D. Ray Greb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1767Baltimore, MD

Marketing & Industry Comm. Dave J. Sickmeyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1768Hiram, GA

Marketing & Industry Comm. Dale Stockdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1769Ackley, IA

Marketing & Industry Comm. Terry L. Heeg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1770Ingalls, IN

Marketing & Industry Comm. Jim L. Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1771Dayton, OH

1772All American Team 1773

Selection Committee Gary L. Sherrod, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1774Lubbock, TX

All American Team 1775

Selection Committee Bruce F. Reed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1776Douglas, WY

All American Team 1777

Selection Committee Phil C. Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1778Hudson, NH

All American Team 1779

Selection Committee Lucky Nightingale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1780White Hall, MD

All American Team 1781

Selection Committee D. Ray Greb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1782Baltimore, MD

All American Team 1783

Selection Committee Sandy Tidwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1784Indianapolis, IN


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Human Resource Committee Jim L. Thompson, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1786Dayton, OH

Human Resource Committee Thomas G. Burkey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1787Chambersburg, PA

Human Resource Committee John D. Hiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1788Snellville, GA

Human Resource Committee William M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1789Mattapoisett, MA

Human Resource Committee D. Ray Greb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1790Baltimore, MD

1791Web Site & Communications 1792

Committee Jim L. Thompson, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1793Dayton, OH

Web Site & Communications 1794

Committee Neil M. Winston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1795St. Paul, MN

Web Site & Communications 1796

Committee John D. Hiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1797Snellville, GA

Web Site & Communications 1798

Committee Phil C. Wright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1799Hudson, NH

Web Site & Communications 1800

Committee 1801

TechProBarry Bourdage and Bob Butterworth . . . . . . . Saint Charles, IL

1802Foreign Shooting Development Neil M. Winston, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1803St. Paul, MN

Foreign Shooting Development Jeff L. Wagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1804Williston, ND

1805Grand & Satellite Grand Trophy 1806

Committee Jim L. Thompson, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1807Dayton, OH

Grand & Satellite Grand Trophy 1808

Committee William M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1809Mattapoisett, MA

Grand & Satellite Grand Trophy 1810

Committee Jeff L. Wagner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1811Williston, ND

Grand & Satellite Grand Trophy 1812

Committee Connie J. Collier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1813Vandalia, OH

Grand & Satellite Grand Trophy 1814

Committee D. Ray Greb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1815Baltimore, MD

1816501(c)(3) Advisory Committee Jim L. Thompson, Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1817Dayton, OH

501(c)(3) Advisory Committee Dr. Tom P. Arvas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1818Albuquerque, NM

1819Independent Auditing Firm Brady Ware (CPA’s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1820 Dayton, OH

1821Outside Legal Counsel 1822


Farris Law OfficeAlan R. Farris, Independent Counsel . . . . . . . . Sparta, IL


President Elect & W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed thanked the Executive Committee members 1825

for their support of the ATA and himself and stated that he is going to make certain that all of the Executive Committee 1826

members are kept up to date with his efforts on behalf of the ATA. President Elect Reed also advised that he is going 1827

to continue the monthly teleconference calls amongst all of the Executive Committee members and invited guests or 1828

participants. He advised the Executive Committee that it is his desire that all members keep current with their reading 1829

of business matters that are passed before them. It is his style and desire to operate the ATA as a business and in 1830

that pursuit, “when we meet - whether by teleconference or in person - I want to be able to analyze the facts and make 1831

good business decisions and move on to other business,” emphasized President Elect Reed. 1832

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� Appointment of Corporate Treasurer 1833

Subsequent to his remarks, President Elect & Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed called the 1834

question pertaining to the Executive Committee appointment of Thomas G. Burkey as ATA & ATAA Corporate 1835

Treasurer, with no response, and upon the motion of Southern Zone Vice President John D. Hiter with second of 1836

Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod, it was unanimously 1837

RESOLVED That Thomas G. Burkey is hereby approved and confirmed as ATA Corporate 1838

Treasurer for the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and Amateur Trapshooting 1839

Association of America (ATAA) for the Annual Term, beginning September 01, 2008. 1840


� Confirmation and Approval of Corporate Secretary and In-House Counsel 1842

President Elect and Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed called the question pertaining to the 1843

confirmation and continuing appointment of G. Mike Seitz as ATA & ATAA Corporate Secretary & In-House 1844

Counsel, with no response, and upon the motion of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., with 1845

second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod, it was unanimously 1846

RESOLVED That the continuing appointment of G. Mike Seitz as ATA Corporate Secretary & 1847

In-House Counsel for the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and Amateur Trapshooting 1848

Association of America (ATAA) is hereby ratified and confirmed. 1849


� Recognition and Approval of Committee Assignments 1851

President Elect & W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed noted that the preceding recommendations, 1852

appointments, and/or special assignments are hereby established and the appointed Offices are filled and the 1853

Committees designated for the Annual Term, beginning September 01, 2008. 1854

Subsequent to further review and discussion, President Elect Reed called the question, with no additional 1855

response, and upon the motion of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. Anzaldi, Jr., with second of Southwestern 1856

Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod, it was unanimously 1857

RESOLVED That all recommendations, appointments and/or special assignments to the 1858

Offices and/or Committees of the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and Amateur 1859

Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA), made by President Elect Bruce F. Reed, 1860

including the confirmations of Zone Vice Presidents (as/if applicable), are hereby ratified, 1861

adopted and/or confirmed, as required, for the Annual Term beginning September 01, 2008, 1862

and until their successors are duly qualified. 1863


� Approval of Independent Accountants & Auditors 1865

President Elect & Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed called the question pertaining to the 1866

continuing retainer of Brady W are as the independent auditing firm of the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) 1867

and the Amateur Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA) for fiscal year of October 01, 2008 through 1868

September 30, 2009. 1869

Subsequent to discussion, and on the motion of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod with 1870

second of President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston and following the President Elect’s call of the 1871

question, with no response, it was unanimously 1872

RESOLVED That Brady Ware, Dayton, Ohio, shall be retained as the Accountants and Auditors 1873

of the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and Amateur Trapshooting Association of 1874

America (ATAA) through and including fiscal year 2009, on terms and conditions to be agreed 1875

upon in a commercially reasonable manner and as consistent with custom and past practice. 1876


� Adoption of ATA Official Rules 1878

Following the reviews, changes and/or amendments that have occurred during these, and prior, Continuing 1879

Meeting(s) and pursuant to Article XIII of the By-Laws of the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and the 1880

Amateur Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA) and upon the motion of Southern Zone Vice President 1881

John D. Hiter with second of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., and following the President 1882

Elect’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 1883

RESOLVED That the Amateur Trapshooting Association Official Rules, as the same are shown 1884

and designated in the Amateur Trapshooting Association Official Rules (Booklet) Reprinted 1885

September 01, 2007, and as such ATA Official Rules (Rule Book) may be currently amended, 1886

revised and/or reprinted, are hereby adopted and shall be effective throughout the Term, 1887

ending August 31, 2009, for the conduct of Registered Trapshoots including the promotion and 1888

governance of the sport of trapshooting throughout the world. 1889


� Corporate Meeting Confirmation 1891

Secretary G. Mike Seitz advised President Elect Bruce F. Reed that this is the customary time to confirm the 1892

next scheduled meeting date of the Executive Committee. President Elect Reed agreed and subsequent to review 1893

and discussion, it was unanimously 1894

AGREED That the next regularly scheduled meeting (Winter meeting) of the ATA Executive 1895

Committee shall be held at a convenient meeting location (TBD) during the Autumn Satellite 1896

Grand American Tournament, Tucson, Arizona. The specific dates and time will be published 1897

when finalized by President Elect Bruce F. Reed. 1898

FURTHER AGREED That according to dictates of By-Law Article V, Executive Committee, 1899

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Section 6, the Executive Committee by unanimous acclamation hereby serves notice of its 1900

waiver of the requirement to meet, at least once, annually at the Corporate Headquarters of the 1901

ATA in Vandalia, Ohio. 1902


� Secretary G. Mike Seitz advised that the existing Banking Resolution needed to be revised and updated so 1904

that the ATA Corporate Officers can continue to properly, and efficiently, complete their duties on behalf of the 1905

Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) and/or the Amateur Trapshooting Association of America (ATAA). 1906

The Resolution, by title, is captioned Corporate Resolution and Authority and has been amended and reproduced by 1907

the Secretary, as follows: 1908

Subsequent to this advice and presentment and upon the motion of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm.M. 1909

(Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod and following the President 1910

Elect's call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 1911

RESOLVED That the following Resolution(s) are hereby adopted and/or approved this date and 1912

time with an effective date of September 01, 2008, without further amendment or modification: 1913

BE IT RESOLVED That the following designated officers and/or agents of the Corporation, or 1914

any of them, are hereby authorized and directed to open an Account or Accounts with any 1915

Federal or state bank, providing such bank provides protection for Account(s) with Federal 1916

Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or other Federal agency for protection of Accounts, for 1917

the purpose of engaging in transactions to purchase, sell, assign, transfer or otherwise enter 1918

into Agreements, Contracts, Commitments, or similar Agreements, for cash or forward 1919

settlement or future contracts, either mandatory or optional or both, for the following types 1920

of Instruments: 1921

U.S. Government and Federal Agency Securities; Money Market Instruments, including but not 1922

limited to, Certificates of Deposit, Bankers Acceptances, Deposit Checking Accounts, Savings 1923

Accounts and Commercial paper; Mortgage Backed Securities; Federal Home Loan Mortgage 1924

Association and Federal National Association Securities; Finance Agreements, including but 1925

not limited to, Resale, Repurchase, Borrowing and Lending Agreements for U.S. Government 1926

and Federal Agency Securities, Money Market Instruments and Mortgage Backed Securities; 1927

Tax-Free obligations including, but not limited to, Municipal Notes and Tax Exempt private 1928

placements. 1929




Bruce F. Reed President 1933By: /BFR


Thomas G. Burkey Treasurer 1935By: /TGB


James L. Thompson Executive Director 1937By: /JLT


Connie J. Collier Office Manager 1939By: /CJC

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That for all Account(s) authorized above, the designated officers 1940

and/or agents are authorized to commit, bind, and obligate the Corporation to execute 1941

transactions, and in connection therewith to deliver securities and monies, to sign and deliver 1942

agreements, contracts, commitments and confirmations and other necessary and desirable 1943

or customary documents, and that the banking institution(s) in which any Account(s) is 1944

opened by designated officers and/or agents is authorized to act upon any verbal or written 1945

orders and instructions from the designated officers in connection with such Accounts and 1946

transactions. 1947

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the banking institution in which any Account is opened by 1948

designated officers and/or agents may rely upon this Resolution in its entirety until notified 1949

in writing of the modification, replacement or revocation hereof by action of the Executive 1950

Committee of the Amateur Trapshooting Association and/or Amateur Trapshooting 1951

Association of America. 1952

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That Secretary G. Mike Seitz prepared original and 1953

conforming copies of independent, Authorizing Agreements for both the Amateur 1954

Trapshooting Association (ATA) and the Amateur Trapshooting Association of America 1955

(ATAA) which were executed in the original by all individuals party thereto. 1956


President Elect Bruce F. Reed called for any other business to properly come before the Executive Committee 1958

pertaining to Reorganization issues; there being no response, President Elect Reed concluded the Reorganization 1959

Meeting and thanked all of the Executive Committee Members and other Committee Appointees for their contributions 1960

and support. The Executive Committee Members, likewise, thanked President Elect Reed and thanked him for his 1961

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selections and assignments and offered their continuing support to the ATA and himself during his term of Office. 1962

These actions and reports conclude the official presentations of the 2009 ATA Executive Committee (for the 1963

Annual Term expiring August 31, 2009, at this Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting held during the 2008 1964

Grand American W orld Trapshooting Championships Tournament. 1965

President Neil M. W inston resumed as Chair of the meeting. All of the Executive Committee members 1966

extended their best wishes to the ATA staff and membership. President W inston thanked the Executive Committee 1967

for their support and diligent work, during his Presidential term, and that which was devoted to the ATA, its membership 1968

and staff members. 1969

President W inston reiterated a prior statement by expressing his pleasure at the election of W estern Zone Vice 1970

President Bruce F. Reed, as President, and Jeff L. W agner, as the newly elected Central Zone Vice President. 1971

President W inston concluded that he will continue to make himself available to the Executive Committee and the ATA 1972

staff members should his assistance be needed or desired. 1973



I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Neil M. Winston called a Recess as indicated 1976

(August 05, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RECESS AT 09:55 HRS. 1977

(August 05, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEETING RESUMED AT 10:15 HRS. 1978

All Executive Committee Members answered the Call at the resumption of the Meeting. 1979





k 22nd Great Lakes Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 16, 2008 [IN ABSENTIA] 1985

As previously authorized by the Executive Committee (and for the convenience of the Satellite Zone 1986

Representatives), the enabling review for the 22nd Great Lakes Grand was held in absentia. 1987

Subsequent to this review and discussion and on the motion of President & Central Zone Vice President 1988

Neil M. Winston with second of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M . (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., and following the 1989

President’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 1990

RESOLVED that the Michigan Trapshooting Association (MTA) is hereby granted permission 1991

to host a registered trapshooting tournament to be known as the Great Lakes Satellite Grand 1992

American Tournament on the (proposed) dates of May 19, 2009, through May 25, 2009. The 1993

Tournament shall be held at the Michigan Trapshooting Association (MTA) homegrounds 1994

located in Mason, Michigan. The Michigan Trapshooting Association (MTA) is granted license 1995

to utilize the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) Logo and Tradename for promotion and 1996

conduct of this Tournament. Said license is exclusive to this Tournament and no other 1997

authority or permission is granted, hereby. 1998

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 1999

Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2000

Tournament Contract and submit same to the Michigan Trapshooting Association for proper 2001

execution. 2002

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2003

fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2004

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2005

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2006

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2007

viability of the Satellite venues. 2008

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director and/or Office Manager Connie J. Collier will 2009

not execute the Satellite Contract until he/she receives the required Letter, from the Michigan 2010

Trapshooting Association (MTA), approving the Tournament at Michigan Trapshooting 2011

Association homegrounds in Mason, Michigan, on the (proposed) dates of May 19, 2009, 2012

through May 25, 2009, has been received and recorded at the ATA headquarters. 2013


k 33rd Spring Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 16, 2008 [IN ABSENTIA] 2015

As previously authorized by the Executive Committee (and for the convenience of the Satellite Zone 2016

Representatives), the enabling review for the 33rd Spring Grand was held in absentia. 2017

Subsequent to this review and discussion and on the motion of W estern Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed 2018

with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod, and following the President’s call of the question, 2019

with no response, it was unanimously 2020

RESOLVED that the Tucson Trap & Skeet Gun Club is hereby granted permission to host a 2021

registered trapshooting tournament to be known as the Spring Satellite Grand American 2022

Tournament on the dates of February 16, 2009, through February 22, 2009. The Tournament 2023

shall be held at the Tucson Trap & Skeet Gun Club at Tucson, Arizona. Tucson Trap & Skeet 2024

Gun Club and/or the Arizona State Trapshooting Association are granted license to utilize the 2025

Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) Logo and Tradename for promotion and conduct of 2026

this Tournament. Said license is exclusive to this Tournament and no other authority or 2027

permission is granted, hereby. 2028

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2029

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Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2030

Tournament Contract and submit same to the Tucson Trap & Skeet Gun Club for proper 2031

execution. 2032

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2033

fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2034

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2035

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2036

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2037

viability of the Satellite venues. 2038

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2039

Connie J. Collier will not execute the Satellite Contract until he/she receives the required 2040

Letter, from the Arizona State Trapshooting Association, approving the Tournament at Tucson 2041

Trap & Skeet Gun Club in Tucson, Arizona, on the (proposed) dates of February 16, 2009, 2042

through February 22, 2009, has been received and recorded at the ATA headquarters. 2043



k 6th Autumn Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 16, 2008 [IN ABSENTIA] 2046

Subsequent to this additional review and discussion and on the motion of Western Zone Vice President 2047

Bruce F. Reed with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod, and following the President’s 2048

call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 2049

RESOLVED that the Tucson Trap & Skeet Gun Club is hereby granted permission to host a 2050

registered trapshooting Tournament to be known as the Autumn Satellite Grand American 2051

Tournament on the dates of TBD - 2009, through TBD - 2009. The Tournament shall be held 2052

at the Tucson Trap & Skeet Gun Club at Tucson, Arizona. Tucson Trap & Skeet Gun Club 2053

and/or the Arizona State Trapshooting Association are granted license to utilize the Amateur 2054

Trapshooting Association (ATA) Logo and Tradename for promotion and conduct of this 2055

Tournament. Said license is exclusive to this Tournament and no other authority or 2056

permission is granted, hereby. 2057

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2058

Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2059

Tournament Contract and submit same to the Tucson Trap & Skeet Gun Club for proper 2060

execution. 2061

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2062

fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2063

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2064

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2065

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2066

viability of the Satellite venues. 2067

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2068

Connie J. Collier will not execute the Satellite Contract until he/she receives the required 2069

Letter, from the Arizona State Trapshooting Association, approving the Tournament at Tucson 2070

Trap & Skeet Gun Club in Tucson, Arizona, on the (proposed) dates of TBD - 2009, through 2071

TBD - 2009, has been received and recorded at the ATA headquarters. 2072


k 5th Empire Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 11, 2008, 08:49 Hrs. 2074

President Neil M. W inston welcomed Dave Kelly to the meeting to present NYSATA requests for the 2075

Northeastern Satellite Grand American and the Empire Satellite Grand American Tournaments. Representative Kelly 2076

stated that both Grand American Satellite Tournaments remain quite popular - and “with a bit of cooperation with the 2077

weather, they should both increase in popularity and attendance.” Representative Kelly advised that the officers of 2078

the NYSATA would like to seek Executive Committee approval to hold and conduct the Empire Satellite Grand 2079

American Tournament on May 27 through May 31, 2009. 2080

Subsequent to further review and discussion and on the motion of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. 2081

(Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., with second of President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston, and following the 2082

President’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 2083

RESOLVED that the New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association (NYSATA) is hereby 2084

granted permission to host a registered trapshooting tournament to be known as the Empire 2085

Satellite Grand American Tournament on the dates of May 27, 2009, through May 31, 2009 . The 2086

Tournament shall be held at the NYSATA Homegrounds in Cicero, New York. The New York 2087

State Amateur Trapshooting Association (NYSATA) is granted license to utilize the Amateur 2088

Trapshooting Association (ATA) Logo and Tradename for promotion and conduct of this 2089

Tournament. Said license is exclusive to this Tournament and no other authority or 2090

permission is granted hereby. 2091

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2092

Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2093

Tournament Contract and submit same to the New York State Amateur Trapshooting 2094

Association (NYSATA) for proper execution. 2095

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2096

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fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2097

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2098

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2099

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2100

viability of the Satellite venues. 2101

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2102

Connie J. Collier will not execute the Contract until the required Letter from the New York State 2103

Amateur Trapshooting Association approving the Tournament to be held at the NYSATA 2104

homegrounds in Cicero, New York, on the dates of May 27, 2009, through May 31, 2009, has 2105

been received and recorded at the ATA headquarters. 2106



k 24th Northeastern Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 13, 2007, 08:42 Hrs. 2109

Subsequent to further review and discussion and on the motion of Eastern Zone Vice President Wm. M. 2110

(Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., with second of President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston, and following the 2111

President’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 2112

RESOLVED that the New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association (NYSATA) is hereby 2113

granted permission to host a registered trapshooting tournament to be known as the 2114

Northeastern Satellite Grand American Tournament on the dates of September 15, 2009, 2115

through September 20, 2009 . The Tournament shall be held at the NYSATA Homegrounds in 2116

Cicero, New York. The New York State Amateur Trapshooting Association (NYSATA) is 2117

granted license to utilize the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) Logo and Tradename 2118

for promotion and conduct of this Tournament. Said license is exclusive to this Tournament 2119

and no other authority or permission is granted hereby. 2120

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2121

Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2122

Tournament Contract and submit same to the New York State Amateur Trapshooting 2123

Association (NYSATA) for proper execution. 2124

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2125

fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2126

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2127

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2128

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2129

viability of the Satellite venues. 2130

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2131

Connie J. Collier will not execute the Contract until the required Letter from the New York State 2132

Amateur Trapshooting Association approving the Tournament to be held at the NYSATA 2133

homegrounds in Cicero, New York, on the dates of September 15, 2009, through September 2134

20, 2009, has been received and recorded at the ATA headquarters. 2135


k 30th Southwestern Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 05, 2008, 08:04 Hrs. 2137

President Neil M. W inston welcomed Mr. Mike Hampton, Jr., Manager of the National Shooting Complex, to 2138

the Executive Committee meeting to review the proposal for the hosting of the 30th Southwestern Satellite Grand 2139

American Tournament. Manager Mike Hampton, Jr., advised that the modified - International trap - fields remain quite 2140

popular and successful. Manager Hampton advised that unless there are objections from the Executive Committee 2141

that for the 2009 Tournament, the National Gun Club is going to consider post card announcements of the Tournament 2142

and restrict the printing of programs and mailing. “The costs of printing and mailing are still escalating and we - all gun 2143

clubs - need to take advantage of the ever increasing popularity of the Internet for such notifications,” advised Manager 2144

Hampton. 2145

[Secretary’s note: The Executive Committee did not raise any objections to this particular approach and 2146

asked that they be kept advised if there were complaints lodged and to the overall impact of the 2147

distribution method.] 2148


Manager Hampton reviewed a few other changes that he would like the Executive Committee to consider (i.e., 2150

attendance pin and logo productions). Subsequent to a brief discussion, the Executive Committee took those requests 2151

under advisement and advised Manager Hampton that further consideration would be given to them at subsequent 2152

meetings. Manager Hampton also advised that twenty (20) Pat-Traps have been installed on the shooting line with 2153

six (6) more planned for the Fall (2008). The Executive Committee was unanimous in their praise for Manager 2154

Hampton and their progressive attitude in preserving and promoting the trap venues at the National Shooting Complex. 2155

Subsequent to this review and discussion and on the motion of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary 2156

L. Sherrod with second of Western Zone Vice President Bruce F. Reed, and following the President’s call of the 2157

question, with no response, it was unanimously 2158

RESOLVED that the National Shooting Complex is hereby granted permission to host a 2159

registered trapshooting tournament to be known as the Southwestern Satellite Grand 2160

American Tournament on the dates of April 11, 2009, through April 19, 2009. The Tournament 2161

shall be held at the National Shooting Complex, San Antonio, Texas. The National Shooting 2162

Complex and the Texas Trapshooting Association are granted license to utilize the Amateur 2163

Trapshooting Association (ATA) Logo and Tradename for promotion and conduct of this 2164

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Tournament. Said license is exclusive to this Tournament and no other authority or 2165

permission is granted hereby. 2166

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2167

Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2168

Tournament Contract and submit same to the National Shooting Complex for proper 2169

execution. 2170

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the National Shooting Complex is hereby granted special 2171

privilege for the 2009 Southwestern Satellite Grand to use the following name (if scheduled): 2172


benevolent, and charitable, efforts on behalf of this fine organization. 2174

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2175

fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2176

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2177

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2178

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2179

viability of the Satellite venues. 2180

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2181

Connie J. Collier will not execute the Contract until the required Letter from the Texas 2182

Trapshooting Association approving the Tournament to be held at the National Shooting 2183

Complex, San Antonio, Texas, and the requested dates of April 11, 2009, through April 19, 2184

2009, has been received and recorded at the ATA headquarters. 2185


k 29th Southern Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 16, 2008 [IN ABSENTIA] 2187

Subsequent to further review and discussion and on the motion of Southern Zone Vice President John D. 2188

Hiter with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod and following the President’s call of the 2189

question, with no response, it was unanimously 2190

RESOLVED that the Silver Dollar Shooting Club is granted permission to host a registered 2191

trapshooting tournament to be known as the Southern Satellite Grand American Tournament 2192

on the dates of March 09, 2009, through March 15, 2009. The Tournament shall be held at the 2193

Silver Dollar Shooting Club in Odessa, Florida. Silver Dollar Shooters Club and/or Silver Dollar 2194

Properties is granted license to utilize the Amateur Trapshooting Association (ATA) Logo and 2195

Tradename for the promotion and conduct of this Tournament. Said license is exclusive to 2196

this Tournament and no other authority or permission is granted hereby. 2197

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2198

Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2199

Tournament Contract and submit same to the Silver Dollar Shooters Club for proper execution. 2200

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2201

fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2202

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2203

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2204

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2205

viability of the Satellite venues. 2206

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2207

Connie J. Collier will not execute the Contract until the required letter from the Florida State 2208

Trapshooting Association approving the Tournament to be held in Odessa, Florida, and the 2209

requested dates of March 09, 2009, through March 15, 2009, has been received and recorded 2210

at the ATA headquarters. 2211

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k 10th Dixie Grand (Odessa, Florida) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 16, 2008 [IN ABSENTIA] 2213

Subsequent to further review and discussion and on the motion of Southern Zone Vice President John D. 2214

Hiter with second of Southwestern Zone Vice President Gary L. Sherrod and following the President’s call of the 2215

question, with no response, it was unanimously 2216

RESOLVED that the Silver Dollar Shooting Club is hereby granted conditional permission to 2217

host a registered trapshooting tournament to be known as the Dixie Satellite Grand American 2218

Tournament on the dates of January 12, 2009, through January 18, 2009. The Tournament 2219

shall be held at the Silver Dollar Shooters Club in Odessa, Florida. Silver Dollar Shooters Club 2220

and/or Silver Dollar Properties is granted license to utilize the Amateur Trapshooting 2221

Association (ATA) Logo and Tradename for the promotion and conduct of this Tournament. 2222

Said license is exclusive to this Tournament and no other authority or permission is granted 2223

hereby. 2224

FURTHER RESOLVED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2225

Connie J. Collier are hereby directed to prepare an appropriate Satellite Grand American 2226

Tournament Contract and submit same to the Silver Dollar Shooters Club for proper execution. 2227

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Target and Shooter Service fees (exclusive of daily 2228

fees) remain, and shall be limited to, a maximum charge of Twenty Nine ($29.00) Dollars per 2229

hundred in all sanctioned Satellite Grand American Tournaments, subject to further review and 2230

adjustment, at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee, due to the current exigent 2231

circumstances pertaining to fuel and pitch costs and their respective impact on the financial 2232

viability of the Satellite venues. 2233

FURTHER NOTED That ATA Executive Director Jim L. Thompson and/or Office Manager 2234

Connie J. Collier will not execute the Contract until the required letter from the Florida State 2235

Trapshooting Association approving the Tournament to be held in Odessa, Florida, and the 2236

requested dates of January 12, 2009, through January 18, 2009, has been received and 2237

recorded at the ATA headquarters. 2238


k 22nd Western Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 15, 2008 2240

2009 considerations were deferred at the request of President Elect & W estern Zone Vice President Bruce 2241

F. Reed. Scheduled location and shoot dates are tentative at this time. W estern Zone Vice President Reed noted that 2242

he will confirm at the earliest possible opportunity and advise the Executive Committee of his decision in this regard. 2243


k 2nd Heartland Grand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 15, 2008 2245

2009 considerations were deferred to the collective decision of the Executive Committee during subsequent 2246

meetings. Central Zone Vice President Elect Jeff L. W agner was charged with the responsibility to analyze the 2247

Heartland Grand Tournament and offer his preliminary opinion and recommendation to the Executive Committee at 2248

his earliest opportunity. 2249





August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:30 Hrs. 2255

( ATA Employment Issues 2256

President Neil M. W inston introduced ATA Marketing Coordinator [now Marketing Manager] Nick Aycock to the 2257

meeting so that he could review the results from the preliminary interview that he and ATA Office Manager Connie J. 2258

Collier conducted in regard to filling the IT position for the ATA. Subsequent to the discussions, President W inston 2259

thanked Marketing Coordinator Aycock for his presentations and recommendations. The Executive Committee was 2260

favorably inclined to offer the position to the individual (as presented) but wanted to defer the final decision - pending 2261

the outcome of the Executive Director interviews. Mr. Aycock readily agreed with the EC’s judgment and noted that 2262

he will save the notes and recommendations that he and Office Manager Collier developed and share them with the 2263

Executive Director, as or when hired. 2264

[Secretary’s note: Confidential discussions were conducted in Executive Session as per standard 2265

protocol.] 2266


August 04, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15:05 Hrs. 2268

( NRA/ATA MOU - Coaches’ Training Clinics 2269

President Neil M. W inston called for an Executive Session to discuss the recently (NRA) proposed amendment 2270

to the current Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) operating agreement between the NRA and ATA. ATA Youth 2271

Development Director Edie P. Fleeman was invited to the meeting to present the gist of the present MOU and a 2272

summary prepared by herself and Secretary G. Mike Seitz with regard to the ramifications, and import, of the NRA 2273

proposed amendment. 2274

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August 08, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08:51 Hrs. 2275

( Executive Session meeting with Tournament Director Mike Hampton, Sr., to discuss certain 2276

issues with the Locker Room at the WSRC and future office arrangements. 2277


August 08, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:30 Hrs. 2279

( NRA/ATA - Meeting Between NRA and ATA Representatives 2280

Don Sipes, David Coy and Past President Dr. Thomas P. Arvas (as Chair of the NRA Shotgun Committee) 2281

were welcomed to the Executive Committee meeting by President Neil M. W inston. This meeting was scheduled 2282

between the two (2) organizations so they could properly review and debate the proposed amendment to the current 2283

MOU that governs material aspects of the NRA/ATA Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) pertaining to the (Trap) 2284

Coaches’ Training Schools that are being conducted by the ATA. 2285

[Secretary’s note: All ensuing discussions were conducted in Executive Session pending the 2286

completion of the review and negotiations.] 2287


August 10, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08:00 Hrs. 2289

( Budweiser Shoot-Out at the Grand American 2290

There was much discussion with Tournament Director Mike Hampton with reference to the eligibility of 2291

Budweiser Shoot-Out participants. To gain a better perspective of Budweiser’s intent, President Neil M. W inston called 2292

for Dick Marascola (Marketing Committee Member and liaison with Anheuser-Bush) to meet with the Executive 2293

Committee. Marketing Committee Member Marascola (and CHC Chair) visited with the Executive Committee and 2294

directly confirmed that ALL participants in the Budweiser sponsored event should be eligible for selection to the 2295

Budweiser Shoot-Out. 2296


August 10, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08:15 Hrs. 2298

( “Shoot-Up” Rule as Applied to the NRA Singles 2299

Bob Stuart, Owner, of R.J. Stuart Computer Services confirmed that many shooters were disgruntled with the 2300

fact that they could not shoot the second hundred of the NRA singles that were conducted over Saturday and Sunday. 2301

The Executive Committee was already made aware that, literally, dozens of entries were refused for the second 2302

hundred of the NRA singles and the Executive Committee was determined not to have this happen again. Bob Stuart 2303

advised the Executive Committee members that he could rewrite his current software - “on the fly” - but it might cause 2304

a crash of the entire shoot program without proper testing ... testing that he did not have time to conduct during the 2305

Grand American, itself. After much discussion, it was decided to disregard the “fix” this year but next year - by 2306

unanimous consensus of the Executive Committee - “no event programs will be split, such as the NRA Singles event 2307

was this year.” Mr. Stuart further advised his program was written to conform with the ATA’s no “Shoot-Up” rule which 2308

is why the lock-out existed in the first place. 2309

[Refer: Section IV, ATA Tournaments, D, Firing Position and Shooting Order.] 2310


August 10, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13:00 Hrs. 2312

( Dieter Krieghoff 2313

The Executive Committee was pleased to meet with Dieter Krieghoff and to openly address some of his 2314

concerns with the Krieghoff sponsorship. Subsequent to these discussions, it was the unanimous consensus that 2315

Marketing Coordinator Nick Aycock [now manager] will keep Mr. Krieghoff advised of the on-going planning and results 2316

of the meeting concluded this date. Dieter Krieghoff noted that he was pleased to find the Executive Committee 2317

receptive to his concerns and ideas and looks forward to a continuing dialog in the best interest of the ATA and its 2318

numerous sponsors. 2319


August 11, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08:00 Hrs. 2321

( Tourism Bureau Southwestern Illinois 2322

W ith the acquiescence of President Neil M. W inston, Eastern Zone Vice President W m. M. (Bill) Anzaldi, Jr., 2323

introduced Pat W hite, Marketing Director, and Scott W inter, Sports Marketing Manager of the Tourism Bureau Illinois 2324

Tourism. These two (2) representatives were appearing before the Executive Committee to propose their Lodging 2325

Services Proposal. 2326

Subsequent to the presentation and Q&A period, it was by consensus agreement of the Executive Committee 2327

RESOLVED That ATA Marketing Manager Nick Aycock shall be, and is hereby, authorized to 2328

effect the Plan and Agreement as presented this date and time. 2329

BE IT NOTED FOR THE RECORD That the Executive Committee was in unanimous agreement 2330

that such a program could prove to be of valuable benefit to the ATA membership and Grand 2331

American attendees. 2332


August 12, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09:03 Hrs. 2334

( Meeting with IDNR Representatives 2335

Chris Hespen, Facilities Manager/W SRC, and Nicky Christian, Vendor Coordinator, met with the Executive 2336

Committee to explore future W SRC opportunities that would hopefully benefit both the ATA and IDNR. Manager 2337

Hespen explained that IDNR Acting Director Sam Flood was unable to attend the meeting due to a scheduling conflict 2338

that was unavoidable; therefore, the planned discussions regarding the Memorandum of Understanding and included 2339

Lease Amendments will be deferred to a later date. 2340

Subsequent to an interactive dialog, it was determined that Facilities Manager Hespen will reduce his thoughts 2341

and anticipations to a writing and submit them to Secretary G. Mike Seitz for distribution to the Executive Committee 2342

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members. President Neil M. W inston thanked Mr. Hespen and Ms. Christian for taking the time to visit with the 2343

Executive Committee to explore mutually beneficial ideas and President W inston also extended his thanks and that 2344

of the ATA membership for all the preparations that were made by IDNR for this year’s Grand American Tournament. 2345


August 13, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08:30 Hrs. 2347

( Past President & Alaska Delegate Dave R. Kaiser and Executive Committee Summaries 2348

Past President & Alaska Delegate David R. Kaiser met with the Executive Committee to present his views of 2349

the newly formed Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation, Inc. (a/k/a SSSF and 3SF) organization and what he 2350

believed to be their intentions with respect to registered shooting and membership in the three (3) National Governing 2351

Bodies (NGB) consisting of ATA, NSSA and NSCA. Past President Kaiser advised that he has been approached to 2352

serve as an advisor of this newly formed shooting organization that was formed to assume the lead - and exclusive 2353

role - in handling the former SCTP program that is currently managed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation 2354

(NSSF). Past President Kaiser emphasized that he can offer no guarantees as to the ultimate approach that SSSF 2355

will take as to the conduct of their tournaments and the registered aspects of the program, but he “is 90% confident 2356

that SCTP will have its national championships in 2009 at Sparta (W SRC) in conjunction with the Grand American.” 2357

Past President Kaiser also reminded the Executive Committee that President Neil M. W inston has received 2358

a letter of assurance (“twice”) from Bill Christy, President of SSSF, in which it is stated that the 2009 SSSF 2359

championships will be conducted at the W SRC and that the program targets will be registered. President W inston 2360

added that he did, in fact, receivethe referenced letter and two (2) emails from SSSF President W illiam Christy. 2361

President Christy wrote: “To be clear, the SSSF will take over operation of SCTP in January 2009 and will require 2362

registered targets for each discipline at the 2009 SCTP State Qualification Championships and the 2009 SCTP 2363

National Championships.” 2364

Executive Committee Summaries 2365

President W inston advised that he has spoken, by phone, to President Christy and noted that the critical 2366

requirement for the ATA, that the trap national championship be held at Sparta in conjunction with the Grand American 2367

- both in 2009 and in the future - was not covered by the email. President Christy said “if I were a betting man, I’d say 2368

that is what is going to happen” (presumably in 2009, since President Christy’s email was limited to that time-frame). 2369

President W inston recounted this exchange to the Executive Committee and, again, advised that not only the 2370

tim ing of the youth national championship but also the location and permanence of the commitment were, in his 2371

opinion, too important to be trusted to emails and phone calls and what the ATA requires - to meet its fiduciary 2372

obligations to the Corporate Body and its membership - are definitives to protect the ATA’s vital interests in preserving 2373

the youth aspects of the registered trapshooting sport. President W inston also emphasized that the Executive 2374

Committee has a responsibility to encourage participating at the W SRC for other interested parties and entities (i.e., 2375

IDNR, ATA sponsors and vendors). He also reminded the members of the Executive Committee that they all traveled 2376

to the 2008 SHOT Show to attend a specially called meeting to secure such assurances and/or guarantees from 2377

SCTP, Bill Christy or anyone in a position to give them, and received none and have subsequently pressed for same 2378

from any interested and/or responsible party without success. 2379

Upon conclusion of President W inston’s and Past President Kaiser’s comments, the Executive Committee 2380

members thanked Past President Kaiser for taking the time to speak with the Executive Committee and assured him 2381

that they would make a decision that operates to the continuing - and best - interests of the ATA and its membership. 2382


August 14, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:04 Hrs. 2384

( Trapshooting Hall of Fame, Inc. - Treasurer’s Position 2385

ATA Treasurer, Thomas G. Burkey, announced that the Trapshooting Hall of Fame, Inc., has requested that 2386

he consider serving as its treasurer due to the recent resignation of Phil C. W right as its Secretary & Treasurer. Past 2387

President W right voluntarily stepped down as the HOF Secretary & Treasurer in order to avoid any appearance of 2388

impropriety or a conflict of interest due to other pending and personal interactions with the HOF. 2389

Treasurer Burkey advised that “if there are no objections from the voting members of the ATA Executive 2390

Committee” that he will most probably accept the appointment. President Neil M. W inston canvassed the members 2391

present and there were no objections raised. Secretary G. Mike Seitz, responding to a direct question, stated that 2392

“there is no inherent legal conflict of interest between the ATA and the HOF with Treasurer Burkey serving in both 2393

capacities.” 2394


August 14, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18:15 Hrs. 2396

( Meeting with Ben, Alan & Betty Loveless 2397

President Neil M. W inston invited Ben, Alan & Betty Loveless to meet with the Executive Committee prior to 2398

the Annual Board Meeting to review their thoughts on the current state of affairs with the various - and seemingly 2399

competing - youth shooting groups. All three (3) individuals presented great insight into the factions that have 2400

developed and offered good advice - in the best interests of the shooting sports and, in particular, the ATA. 2401


August 16, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:03 Hrs. 2403

( ATA Youth Trapshooting 2404

President Neil M. W inston and President Elect Bruce F. Reed led a proactive discussion and debate over the 2405

future of ATA Youth Trapshooting. Many of the details discussed - and plans made - were conducted in Executive 2406

Session, but both Officers wanted it official recognized in the Record as follows: 2407

Subsequent to exhaustive review and debate and on the motion of President Elect & Western Zone Vice 2408

President Bruce F. Reed with second of President & Central Zone Vice President Neil M. Winston and following 2409

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the President’s call of the question, with no response, it was unanimously 2410

RESOLVED That the ATA Executive Committee, as enabled by the Board of Directors during 2411

the 2007 Annual Meeting and confirmed during the 2008 Annual Meeting, will do all things 2412

necessary and/or expedient to continue with - or create - a fully functioning ATA registered 2413

Youth Trapshooting program that supports, and fosters, the corporate purpose and ideals 2414

established over these many years with, and for, the ATA’s registering youth. 2415


August 16, 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14:03 Hrs. 2417

( Creation of an ad hoc ATA Steering Committee 2418

President Elect Bruce F. Reed advised the Executive Committee that it was his desire to appoint an ad hoc 2419

ATA Steering Committee to interact with - and offer suggestions to - the Executive Committee for the betterment of 2420

the ATA. President Elect Reed will make his final decisions in this regard and contact those individuals that he wants 2421

to consider for the Steering Committee. His preliminary thoughts are that those individuals and/or groups of individuals 2422

that are chosen will meet on an informal basis with him at the various Satellite Grand American Tournaments or other 2423

major shoots throughout the Country during his Presidential term. The President Elect wants this Steering Committee 2424

to be a “free thinking - out-of-the-box” kind of Committee to consider the future of registered trapshooting and how we 2425

need to be positioning ourselves (ATA) at this time to make certain that the ATA continues to provide competitive and 2426

entertainment service to its members that, yet, enables the ATA to function as viable business entity in this increasingly 2427

competitive marketplace. 2428

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FOR THE GOOD OF THE AMATEUR TRAPSHOOTING ASSOCIATION, President Neil M. Winston called for the 2432

presentation of further business, with no response, and subsequent to reviewing the Meeting Agenda and polling the 2433

Executive Committee members, it was determined that there was no further business to properly come before the 2434

Executive Committee at this Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting, and on unanimous concurrence of all 2435

Executive Committee members present, this Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting was recessed at 14:30 2436

Hrs., Central Daylight Time (CDT) on August 16, 2008, and will stand adjourned at the conclusion of the 2008 2437

Grand American World Trapshooting Championships Tournament. 2438



Respectfully submitted: 24412442

Certification: 2443

I, G. Mike Seitz, Corporate Secretary, of the Amateur Trapshooting Association and recording for the Executive 2444

Committee, hereby certify that the foregoing Minute Record is substantially accurate and complete, subject to 2445

edification of the Executive Committee as a whole. 2446

The undersigned, duly appointed Secretary of the Amateur Trapshooting Association, further certifies: 2447

� Notice of this Regularly Scheduled and Continuing Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Amateur 2448

Trapshooting Association, commencing August 04, 2008, at Sparta, Illinois, was properly given. 2449

� At this Regular Scheduled and Continuing Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Amateur 2450

Trapshooting Association, a quorum was constituted in accordance with said Notice. 2451



By: Secretary 2454

G. Mike Seitz 2455

Amateur Trapshooting Association 2456