AMA Events March — July 2012

AMA events brochure spring 2012

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Training events for arts professionals working in arts marketing, audience development, press etc run by the Arts Marketing Association (AMA)

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March —July 2012

3Events diary

March — July 2012


Press and PR summitA collaborative future for arts and the media?

Video marketingHands-on master class on creating video for the web

Audience developmentA fresh approach to reaching and engaging young people

AMA mentoring schemeMentoring training day

Social media marketingUsing social media to engage audiences online

AMA briefing Best practice in m-commerce and f-commerce

Design for marketersCreative campaign planning and execution

AMA conference 2012Connect, engage, inspire













8 March

29 March

17 April19 April24 April

26 April

1 May2 May3 May

14 June

20 June21 June

10-12 July













What is it about? The press and PR summit will provide an opportunity to hear from visionary keynote speakers about likely future directions for press and media and how the arts could benefit from emerging opportunities, trends and predictions. This year’s event will also provide a rare opportunity to meet in small groups to review how the changes identified by our keynote speakers could impact on the arts. Joining you in these group discussions will be journalists and other practitioners from across a range of media – newspapers, radio, TV, online etc. What will I learn?• Insights from leading thinkers about the future of press and PR for the arts,• ideas and inspiration to fuel your future press and PR campaigns,• a chance for you to work with media experts to explore new ways of working together. Who is it for?Those working in press and PR in the arts and cultural sectors – marketers, heads of PR, media officers, press and PR freelancers etc.

More informationFor more information and details on the programme, speakers and a timetable, go to www.a-m-a.co.uk/summit

Press and PR summit

A collaborative future for arts and the media?

Museum of London8 March 2012


Time10:00am — 5:00pm

Cost£147 +VAT (AMA members)£207 +VAT (non-members)

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk

8 March 2012

‘Good to see AMA do a press event. More please! The panel discussion was insightful and pertinent.’(After PR summit 2011)

Sponsored by

Media partner


What is it about? Writing great copy that does justice to the artistic experience can be challenging. Video can help solve this – whether that’s by doing show clips, exhibition previews, interviews, behind-the-scenes content or short clips from artists, audiences and visitors. And it can be done on limited time and money. This highly practical master class includes hands-on filming and will show you how to create engaging video content in-house, and importantly, how to get it online and seen by your target market. What will I learn?• An overview of the different styles of video production and examples of best practice,• insights into the creative process: story-boarding, scripting, briefing and filming, • how to edit and upload to different platforms plus an introduction to live streaming,• how to optimise video for maximum reach and return on investment.

Who is it for?This event is aimed at anyone wanting to create engaging video for the web.

A note from AMA Executive Director Julie Aldridge:‘For those who know Christian from previous AMA events, you’ll be aware that he packs lots of incredibly valuable tips and ideas into his sessions. I’ve worked with Christian on specially adapting this course for the arts and it costs 1/3 of the price it would elsewhere.’

Video marketing

Hands-on master class on creating video for the web

TrainerChristian Payne aka Documentally

PlaceLondon, Bishopsgate Institute, 29 March

Time10:00am — 5:00pm

Cost£175 +VAT (AMA members)£250 +VAT (non-members)

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk T +44 (0)1223 578078

29 March 2012

‘Inspired! It was brilliantly delivered but very accessible and felt in touch with needs of the audience.’Clare Sydney, Head of Marketing and Communications, Cornerhouse(After Christian’s seminar at AMA conference 2010)


What is it about? If one of your key marketing objectives involves reaching and engaging young people then this workshop is for you. The day will provide you with a strategic toolkit for auditing your current approach and help you consider a range of participatory approaches. You will look at planning short-term areas for improvement, and considering longer-term marketing and organisational change required to effectively build on-going relationships with young people. What will I learn?• An overview of the characteristics of organisations successful at developing and engaging young people,• insight into how to audit your own organisation’s ability to develop young audiences, visitors, and participants,• a diverse mix of examples and ideas to inform your approach to developing young audiences and visitors.

Who is it for?This event is for those responsible for planning and implementing initiatives to reach and engage young people. This may include those in marketing, audience development, digital, general management or learning roles. It will have relevance to all art forms from museums, galleries, heritage to theatre, touring companies and festivals.

Audience development

A fresh approach to reaching and engaging young people

TrainerEmma Parsons Arts marketing and management consultant

PlaceBelfast* Arts Council NI 17 April

London, NCVO 19 April

Manchester Cornerhouse, 24 April

Time10:00am — 5:00pm

Cost£133 +VAT (members)£193 +VAT (non-members)*In partnership with and free to Audiences NI members

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk

17 – 24 April 2012

‘Thoroughly enjoyed the workshop – to do list got very much longer but worth it!’Hannah Wynn Jones, Marketing Officer, Wales Millennium Centre (After Developing priority audiences workshop in London, October 2011)


What is it about? Do you want advice and guidance about your work and career? Do you have the potential to help another to grow and learn? The AMA mentoring scheme will give you the skills you need to further your professional development, either as a mentor or as a mentee. After an initial training session, a mentor and mentee usually meet up once every two months. The average length of a productive mentoring relationship is two years with on-going AMA support. Who is it for?AMA members who would like to continue their professional development and strengthen their skills base. Mentees: gain new skills, build self-confidence and increase motivation through sharing experiences and one-to-one feedback. Mentors: build coaching and counselling skills that are transferable to your personal and professional life.

More informationFor details on the scheme, training day and matching process please download the mentoring information pack from www.a-m-a.co.uk/mentoring

AMA mentoring scheme

Mentoring training day

TrainerKate Whitlock Freelance Coach-Mentor

PlaceLondon, NCVO 26 April

Time11:00am — 4:00pm

CostTraining day: £90 +VAT (AMA members only)

Administration fee on matching: £50 +VAT (charged to mentees only)

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk T +44 (0)1223 578078

26 April 2012

‘I genuinely feel that I’ve gained a lot more confidence in doing my job as a result of this mentoring relationship.’Jodi Bennett, Assistant Marketing Manager, BBC National Orchestra of Wales


What is it about? Social media has rapidly become a key tool in the arts marketing toolkit. This practical workshop will provide an overview of good practice and tried-and-tested techniques from someone who has been managing online conversations on a daily basis within the arts. Hugh will help you to consider your approach to social media and how it might support your wider marketing strategies and campaigns to improve your ability to reach and engage people with the arts. What will I gain?• A sensible framework and overview of good practice processes in social media marketing,• an insight into the key tools to focus on and lots of ideas of how to use them to reach and engage people online,• some key benchmarks to measure your results and return on your investment.

Who is it for?This event is aimed at those who are relatively new to social media, those familiar with social media but only on a personal level, as well as those who have been using social media at work for a while but feel they could benefit from a more strategic approach.

Social media marketing

Using social media to engage audiences online

TrainerHugh Wallace Head of Digital Media National Museums Scotland

PlaceLeeds, West Yorkshire Playhouse, 1 May

London, NCVO 2 May

Edinburgh, Festival Theatre, 3 May

Time10:00am — 5:00pm

Cost£133 +VAT (AMA members)£193 +VAT (non-members)

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk T +44 (0)1223 578078

1 – 3 May 2012

‘It was a fantastic day. I learned such a lot and can’t wait to introduce some of the new ideas and use the older ones more effectively!’Gemma Nethersole, Press Officer, Worthing Theatres (After Social media for press and PR workshop in London, September 2011)


What is it about? If your website is not mobile-friendly and your social media use does not include opportunities for people to invite ‘friends’ and book a ticket direct from their phone / Facebook / Twitter account you could be missing a massive number of potential attenders and participants. In just a couple of hours, this AMA briefing will bring you up to date with the latest advice, insight and best practice in creating mobile-friendly websites and offering m-commerce (mobile ticketing) and f-commerce (ticketing via Twitter links and Facebook). What will I gain?• Insight into the key things to consider when developing a mobile-friendly website,• advice on what to check with your ticketing supplier when considering launching mobile and Facebook ticketing,• the latest insights, ideas and case studies of what works and what doesn’t when establishing a mobile ticketing presence.

Who is it for?This event is relevant to anyone wanting to gain up-to-date information on how mobile may help reach and engage audiences. This includes marketers, directors, CEOs, digital directors, web and app designers, and ticketing suppliers.

AMA briefing

Best practice in m-commerce and f-commerce

TrainerRoger Tomlinson Consultant

PlaceLondon, NCVO14 June

Time2.00pm — 5.15pm

Cost£45 +VAT (AMA members)£100 +VAT (non-members)

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk T +44 (0)1223 578078

14 June 2012

‘Roger really hit home what needs to be done to ensure change! Very inspired!’(After Roger’s Brand in your hand workshop)


What is it about? This workshop provides a rare opportunity to learn the secrets of successful design from an award-winning creative director. Mark has worked on some of the most memorable advertising campaigns in recent years with clients from both the arts and commercial sectors. In this practical workshop he will be sharing some of the secrets of his success. Join him to explore how to develop creative ideas and gain the skills required to execute them effectively to significantly improve the impact ofyour marketing campaigns. What will I gain?• A template for creating an effective design brief (whether for an external designer or for yourself),• advice on how to turn your design synopsis into great creative ideas,• an overview of some of the key design skills – including insights into typography, layout, and overviews of key design software, • an inspirational boost to your creative campaign planning.

Who is it for?This event is for those tasked with briefing and /or devising the creative content for marketing campaigns. It will have relevance for a diverse range of media including print, web, email, apps, film, photography etc.

Design for marketers

Creative campaign planning and execution

TrainerMark ElwoodFounding Partner 101

PlaceLondon, NCVO20 June

Cardiff, St David’s Hall21 June

Time10:00am — 5:00pm

Cost£133 +VAT (AMA members)£193 +VAT (non-members)

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk T +44 (0)1223 578078

20 – 21 June 2012

Mark is an award-winning creative director who has worked with clients from both the arts and commercial sectors


What different experiences are people seeking when they engage with the arts today?This conference will explore whether there is a disconnect between arts organisations and the everyday lives of our audiences and visitors. It will give insight into latest thinking on how best to connect, engage and inspire the public through thearts including how we can take inspiration from them.

It will provide evidence about what really works, moving far beyond just interesting rhetoric, addressing a range of questions we’re all asking ourselves such as:

• How do we get audiences and visitors to genuinely connect and work with us?• How do we effectively combine digital and traditional communications to engage people with our work?• How do we present, communicate and share the arts in a time where people are increasingly becoming curators of their own cultural experiences?• And how do we motivate and inspire ourselves and our organisations to re-imagine and re-shape the future of our arts organisations?

Join us in July 2012 to get the latest thinking on arts marketing, audience development, media and public engagement.

Brighton Dome10 - 12 July 2012

CostAMA members book and pay by31 March £349 +VAT25 May £409 +VAT1 June £435 +VATNon AMA members £507 +VAT

For discounted group rates, accommodation details, up-to-date programme information and terms and conditions of booking, go to www.a-m-a.co.uk/conference2012

Book nowE [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.uk

10 – 12 July 2012 / Brighton Dome

‘I found the conference extremely inspiring. People were so generous with their advice. I really enjoyed the positive attitude.’Felicity Cowie, Marketing, Sales and Box Office Manager, Wiltshire Music Centre(After AMA Conference 2011 in Glasgow)

AMA conference 2012

Connect, engage, inspire

Supported by

Media partner


Really useful, relevant and inspiring (plus friendly) thank you!Leicester

I really enjoyed the meeting - it was my first one as an AMA member. Thank you.Belfast

Very enjoyable – a useful way of making contacts.London

Wonderful, very interesting, thank you.Oxford

A great way to put names to faces and to make new contacts – AMA network meetings give you the chance to exchange ideas, share news, views and experiences and to learn something new.

Hosted by your local regional member rep our network meetings are open to AMA members and non-members alike, so why not bring an arts friend and introduce them to the AMA?

To find out who your local member rep is visit www.a-m-a.co.uk or if you wish to suggest a location or topic for a future meeting e-mail [email protected]. Look out for your nearest network meeting at www.a-m-a.co.uk/events and book a place online or by e-mailing [email protected].

Network meetings

AMA – the community of knowledge for arts professionals passionate about bringing arts and audiences together. Join today and discover how to achieve your goals, grow your confidence, support your career aspirations and strengthen your organisation. Explore your potential:• gain ideas and insights to enhance your day-to-day work from a website full of resources, the AMA blog; AMA COMMONS, and JAM – the arts marketing journal,• develop skills relevant to your role with workshops, AMA retreats, conferences, master classes and mentoring,• build your profile and help influence the sector with discussion forums, contribution at events and in JAM,

• save money on training and resources with the AMA member’s rate,• refer to the Arts Marketing Standards online and gain access to interactive resources to create your own personal development plan,• be part of a shared professional community for support and solutions via the AMA website, AMA blog; AMA COMMONS and face to face with your peers at events and network meetings.

Join now E [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.ukT +44 (0)1223 578078

Not yet a member?

The AMA has adapted the marketing National Occupational Standards (NOS) to contextualise them for the arts and cultural sector.

For the first time the industry has a set of standards which explain what skills and knowledge marketers should have at each stage of their arts marketing career.

You can download the full standards from www.a-m-a.co.uk/tna

The AMA has also created interactive resources to help those working in arts marketing (or related roles) to establish their key strengths and skills, and to plan and think about their training and development needs now and in the future.

AMA members can start exploring the training needs questionnaires online at www.a-m-a.co.uk/tna to gain access to a personal development plan.

• Delegateswillreceivea100% refund of monies paid or a credit note (as applicable) if the AMA office receives written notification of cancellation at least 14 days before the event takes place.• Delegateswillreceivea50% refund or credit note (as applicable) if the AMA office receives written notification of cancellation at least 7 days before the event takes place, or the value of the booking can be transferred to another person at the relevant rate for the same event.

• Delegateswillnotreceivearefund or credit note (as applicable) for cancellations within 6 days before the event takes place. However, the value of the booking can be transferred to another person at the relevant rate for the same event.• TheAMAwillmakeeveryeffort to deliver the programme as described but reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the programme.• PleaserefertotheAMAwebsite for AMA conference 2012 booking terms and conditions.

AMA event booking terms and conditionsArts marketing standards

This brochure information is

available in large print, electronic format and on the AMA website


Please contact Anne Freitag on

01223 578078 or e-mail

[email protected]

24Join us on twitter at @amadigital

AMA, 7a Clifton Court Clifton Road, Cambridge, CB1 7BN

E [email protected] www.a-m-a.co.ukT 00 44 (0)1223 578078

Registered in England 2814725

AMA event images by www.leocinicolo.com