Alzheimer’s disease and treatment

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Page 1: Alzheimer’s disease and treatment
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Alzheimer’s disease and treatment

Eman youssif

Medical research institute2013

Page 3: Alzheimer’s disease and treatment

The content:*structure of the brain

*risk factors

*mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease



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Hearing Words Speaking Words Seeing Words Thinking

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Hippocampus: where short-term memories are converted to long-term memories

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Continue introduction

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Proteins present normally in the brain

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Risk factors

1-genetic factor

2 -environmental factor

3 -age

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4-life style



Sleep deprivation

Depression and stress

Nutritional deficiency

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Mechanism of Alzheimer’s disease


?Inside the Brain Unraveling the Mystery of Alzheimer's Disease [HQ]?þ.webm

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Accumulation of beta amyloid

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TAU protein

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Change of the brain

Affected regions begin to shrink as nerve cells die .

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Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

Stage 1 (Mild) 2 to 4 years


Less energetic Getting lostRepetitive

questions and conversations

Losing things or misplacing them in

odd places

Noticeable changes in

personality or mood

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Stage 2

Stage 2 (Moderate): 2 to 10 years

Forget recent events and their personal history

More disoriented and disconnected

from reality

Speech problems arise and


Reading and writing are more


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Stage 3

Stage 3 (Severe) : 1 to 3 years during final stage

lose the ability to feed themselves, speak,

recognize people and control bodily


Their memory worsens and may become

almost non-existent. They will sleep often.

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Stage 3 =memory loss

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Treatment for stage 1Stay calm and be understanding.

Be patient and flexible. Don’t argue or try to convince.

Acknowledge requests and respond to them

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Treatment for stage 1

Music therapy

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In Alzheimer disruption of wavesso music can alter this disruption

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So the result change the moodtreatment the first stage of Alzheimer

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Treatment for stage 2Color therapy

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Donepezil ,rivastigmine and galantamine

Increase communication between the nerve cells

Temporarily improve or stabilize the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

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Finally advise to you

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Advise to you

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1-Strategies for creating better care environmentBib Alex2-the encyclopedia of ALZ.. Disease –bib Alex3-designing for Alzheimer’s disease-bib Alex

web site:http://www.alz.org/aaic/overview.asp?gclid=CLyHlciwir0CFeFZ2wodAxUASAhttp://www.alzheimers.org.uk/site/scripts/documents_info.php?documentID=147http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/alzheimers-disease/basics/causes/con-20023871http://www.nia.nih.gov/alzheimers/publication/alzheimers-disease-genetics-fact-sheethttp://www.nature.com/nrn/posters/ad/index.htmlhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10653281http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0013812http://med.stanford.edu/news_releases/2007/july/music.htmlhttp://www.health.harvard.edu/newsweek/Preventing_memory_loss.htm


Neurology lec. By prof .dr .Mohamed B. Abou – Donia –December 2013Apoptosis course –medical research institute

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