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  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


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    First appeared in slightly different form in Cruising World magazine, September 1997,

    entitled "To Thine On Chines !e True"

    Aluminum For Boats

    Co"right,. - /00 Michael 1asten


    is a sheetmaterial

    )ith 2irtues

    a"lent* To

    honor thembest3 I




    an4 es3e2en single

    chine hull


    Why Build An Aluminum Boat?

    'or things that go bum" in the night* 'or ease o5 construction* 'or longe2it* 'or goo4

    resale 2alue* 'or the bene5it o5 being able to create a custom 4esign an4 buil4 iteconomicall3 )ithout the huge "enalt o5 ha2ing to buil4 a mol4 5irst3 as )ith 5iberglass*

    'or 5ree4om 5rom the stench o5 5iberglass3 an4 5rom the 4rea4 5iberglass boat "o6* 'or

    re"air-abilit* 'or lightness an4 strength* 'or the com"etiti2e e4ge in "er5ormance* An4most im"ortantl3 5or the securit o5 sa5e cruising*[email protected]?subject=KMDi%20Yacht%20Design%20Inquirymailto:[email protected]?subject=KMDi%20Yacht%20Design%20Inquiry[email protected]?subject=KMDi%20Yacht%20Design%20Inquiry
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    It takes o2er 703000 "oun4s "er s8uare inch 9"si: to tear a"art a chunk o5 mil4 steel3 an4

    ;03000 "si to 4e5orm the same "iece< to make it iel4* With aluminum3 aroun4 =>3000 "si)ill tear it a"art3 an4 aroun4 ;>3000 "si )ill 4e5orm it* Yes3 ou rea4 that correctl? si@e 5or

    si@e3 aluminum has a higher iel4 strength* In these 5acts lie the e6treme bene5its o5 metal

    5or hull construction? The "lastic range o5 either metal is 8uite high3 so the material can

    take a terri5ic beating )ithout 5ailure*

    Aluminum is light3 strong3 corrosion-resistant3 non-s"arking an4 )el4able* Because

    aluminum is not abrasion-resistant3 it can be cut )ith carbi4e tools* Aluminum is subect to

    electrolsis3 "itting an4 cre2ice corrosion3 but these liabilities can be manage4 as long as

    the installation o5 4issimilar metals an4 electrical items are correctl 4one* A5ter that3 it is amatter o5 atten4ing to these matters 4uring the li5e o5 the boat*

    In terms o5 seakin4liness3 some boat sha"es ma be better i5 built in steel* Aluminums

    e6treme lightness can intro4uce a 5aster "itching an4 rolling motion in some hulls* 'ore6am"le3 2er beam boats )ill e6hibit a gentler roll i5 built in steel* 'airl narro) or light-

    4is"lacement boats3 )hich ten4 to ha2e a narro)er )ater"lane an4 less inherent 5ormstabilit3 )ill bene5it most 5rom aluminum construction* These are o5 course

    generali@ations* Gi2en a blank sheet to begin a 4esign3 the roll beha2ior )ill be consi4ere4along )ith the choice o5 materials*

    In terms o5 si@e3 one can success5ull buil4 a steel boat 5or coast)ise cruising an4 serious

    blue-)ater sailing 4o)n to aroun4 ;0 5eet #OD* Belo) that3 the steel 2essel )ill either

    ha2e to be built )ith e6cessi2e 4is"lacement or )ith 8uite thin "late that )ill be more4i55icult to buil4 4ue to 4istortion )hile )el4ing*

    An aluminum bare hull3 built to the same strength stan4ar43 )ill )eigh roughl =>E less

    than the same hull in steel* As a result3 i5 high strength is o5 the highest "riorit3 thealuminum boat can be built to the same structural )eight as the steel 2essel3 an4 then be

    consi4erabl stronger*

    We can there5ore create aluminum cruising boats 4o)n to3 sa3 // 5eet* One coul4 still

    buil4 a sa5e aluminum boat in a si@e smaller than that3 but )ho4 )ant to go to sea in itF

    On Cost

    The aluminum to buil4 a bare hull costs ust un4er t)ice as much as the mil4 steel to buil4the same 4esign* But aluminum is 5aster to )ork )ith3 so the sa2ings in labor hel"s e2en thescore* The labor sa2e4 can be substantial since aluminum can be cut )ith common

    car"entr tools an4 is )el4e4 much 5aster than steel*

    Another signi5icant a42antage )ith aluminum is that there is no nee4 to san4blast or "aintthe interior* You 4o ha2e to insulate an aluminum hull3 but that )ont or4inaril re8uire

  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    san4blasting* !ainting the e6terior o5 an aluminum boat is unnecessar3 re"resenting

    another big sa2ings*

    A5ter ou2e 5actore4 in the a44e4 costs o5 "ainting steel3 the margin 5or buil4ing analuminum hull 4ro"s to being a 2er minor amount )hen com"are4 to buil4ing in steel* As

    a "ercentage o5 the entire construction "roect3 the a44itional cost o5 the aluminum becomes2er slight in4ee4* Once built3 maintenance on an aluminum boat is less e6"ensi2e3 an4resale 2alue higher* These 5actors more or less e2en the score bet)een the t)o materials*

    (e) construction metho4s ha2e trimme4 metal hull buil4ing costs substantiall* The most

    4ramatic sa2ings can be e55ecte4 b com"uter lo5ting3 an4 then com"uter cutting the actual

    "arts 5or the hull* ssentiall3 the buil4er recei2es a boat kit rea4 5or assembl*

    A "arallel metho43 also i4eall 4one b com"uter3 in2ol2es cutting an4 5itting the "lateonl3 b itsel53 )ithout a "rior su""ort structure*

    One last note about cost? When com"aring like 5or like3 boat costs ten4s to 2ar more orless 4irectl )ith 4is"lacement 9not length:3 assuming a gi2en le2el o5 com"le6it in the4esign* Dis"lacement3 an4 there5ore cost3 2aries as the cube o5 the o2erall 4imensions*

    On Hull Shape

    Aesthetics are a "ersonal thing* 'or m o)n "art3 I am attracte4 to the single-chine sha"e5or metal boats because metal is a 5lat-sheet material* When buil4ing a boat using sheet

    material3 it makes the most sense to think in terms o5 that materials characteristics an4 ho)

    one ma o"timi@e a hull 4esign )ithout incurring e6tra labor*

    In metal3 a single-chine hull is easier an4 less costl to buil4 than one )ith ra4ius ormulti"le chines or one that is 5ull roun4e4* 'urther3 )ith a goo4 4esign there is no

    "er5ormance "enalt )ith a single-chine hull* The slight gain in )ette4 sur5ace3 i5 an3 can

    be o55set b slightl greater sail area3 ma4e "ossible b slightl greater abilit to carr sail4ue to the 5orm stabilit "ro2i4e4 b the chine*

    This line 4ra)ing

    an4 the ones that

    5ollo) 4emonstrate

    4egrees o5 4esigncom"le6it 5or sheet

    materials3 5romsingle chine to a

    5ull roun4e4 hull* I

    "re5er the sim"licitan4 econom o5 a

    single-chine metal
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    hull3 as sho)n here*

    In m 2ie)3 it is amore honest sha"e

    5or a metal boat*

    'urther3 the re"ute4 seakin4liness o5 a ra4ius-chine or roun4-bottom hull can be a""roache4in a single-chine hull b gi2ing it a slightl more slack sha"e* A big a42antage o5 thesingle-chine sha"e is econom< the cost to buil4 a roun4e4 or ra4ius-chine hull is

    consi4erabl higher 4ue to the )ork in2ol2e4 )ith the a44e4 sha"ing an4 )el4ing*

    A single chine can look 8uite a""ealing3 es"eciall )hen use4 )ith a more tra4itional

    stle* In m 2ie)3 it makes the most sense to take an e6tra mone a2ailable an4 use thisto make a grace5ul single-chine boat longer rather than ra4ius chine or multi"le chine3

    thereb netting some reals"ee4 an4 com5ort bene5its in other )or4s3 a bigger boat 5or

    the same mone3 )ith inherentl greater s"ee4 "otential 4ue to the increase4 length*

    Multi-chine4esigns allo)

    buil4ing )ith

    5lat "late3)ithout

    re8uiring that

    an "lates be



    more timeconsuming

    than a sim"le

    single chine3these sha"es

    remain )ithin


    realm o5 the

    amateur or

  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    &a4ius-chine hulls

    em"lo 5lat "anelse2er)here e6ce"t

    5or a narro)

    roun4e4 "late that

    oins to"si4e tobottom3 ren4ering a

    8uasi-roun4e4 hull

    )ithout re8uiringthat e2er metal

    sheet be rolle4< onl

    those at the ra4ius*Ho)e2er*** it )ill

    al)as be

    recogni@e4 as a

    ra4ius chine 2essel3an4 not a true

    roun4e4 hull sha"e*

    There5ore i5 a ra4iuschine is being

    consi4ere43 there is

    2er little reason notto sim"l take the

    ne6t ste" an4 go to a

    true roundedsha"e3as 5ollo)s***

    A 5ull-roun4e4

    metal hull is beauti5ul

    to behol4* The nee4not be e6"ensi2e to

    buil4 i5 correctl

    4esigne43 )here onlthe minimum amount

    o5 "lating nee4s to be

    rolle4* These are notra4ius chine boats*

    The are instea4 ust

    easil "late43

    roundedhulls )ithno re2erse cur2ature3

    so these hulls can be

    built economicall*
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    &a4ius-chine an4 multi-chine boats cost about the same amount to buil43 an4 a true

    roundedhull - "ro2i4e4 its 4esigne4 correctl - nee4 not be an more time consuming noran more e6"ensi2e to buil4 than a multi-chine or ra4ius-chine sha"e* An4 as a 2er big

    bonus*** it )ill look 2astl better+

    It is generall our 5irst choice to make use o5 a single chine hull sha"e 5or metal boats* I55or some reason a chine sha"e is not 4esire43 )e nearl al)as 5in4 that a )ell-4esigne4

    roundedhull is the ne6t best choice* It )ill share the same ease o5 construction as a multi-

    chine or ra4ius chine 2essel3 but )ith a little bit o5 trans2erse cur2ature in the to"si4es an4


    Designing true roun4e4 metal hulls 5or ease o5 "lating is not at all 4i55icult* Our goal )ith aroun4e4 metal hull is that the to"si4es an4 bottom )ill not re8uire an "re-5orming at all3

    there being ust enough cur2ature to s)eeten the a""earance3 but not so much as to re8uire

    rolling* In other )or4s3 0E or more o5 the 2essel is still able to be "late4 using 5lat sheets3an4 )ithout an 5uss at all*

    One e6cellent techni8ue )hen buil4ing a com"letel roun4e4 metal hull in2ol2es using

    oggle4 "late seams3 akin to la" strake "lanking in )oo4* Accor4ing to this metho43 an

    o55set is "resse4 in along one e4ge o5 the "late* The o55set is ust enough to take thethickness o5 the "late belo) it* ach "late is a stri" about ,/ to , inches )i4e* Bernar4

    Moitessiers steel boat Joshua )as built that )a3 an4 it certainl )ithstoo4 the ultimate


    Alternatel3 the "lating can be la""e4 b instea4 ogging the 5rames to match the "latecontour* Just abo2e the la"3 the 5rame ogs out to meet the "late abo2e3 etc* These la""e4

    "late metho4s "ro2i4e a much easier 5it-u"3 an4 a much more easil achie2e4 )el4 seam* I5

    line4 o55 nicel3 as one )oul4 4o )ith )oo4en "lanking3 the can also look 2er goo4*The "late o2erla" creates its o)n longitu4inal stringer an4 rein5orcement*

    With an o5 these t"es inclu4ing the 5ull roun4e4 metal hull3 as can be seen in each o5 the

    e6am"les abo2e3 it is most economical in terms o5 labor i5 the keel is attache4 as an

    a""en4age* In other )or4s gi2en the strength o5 metal3 there is no "articular nee4 to createa large re2erse-cur2e4 garboar4 area merel 5or the sake o5 strength3 as )oul4 in4ee4 be the

    case )ith a glass or )oo4en hull* This sa2es an enormous amount o5 construction time3 an4

    is there5ore the most "ractical a""roach*

    On "Frameless" Construction

    With the notion o5 metals e6treme strength3 )e ha2e come to a "oint o5 5aith )hich has at

    times create4 a misconce"tion? There is "otentiall mislea4ing an4 incorrect in5ormation"an4ere4 b some in the im"lie4 "romise o5 5rameless metal boats* The conce"t o5

    5rameless metal boats is attracti2e3 but 5la)e4*

  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    The 4e5inition o5 5rameless must be clari5ie4

    Achie2ing the re8uire4 strength in a metal 2essel )ithout using 5raming im"oses an

    enormous )eight "enalt 4ue to the re8uire4 increase in "late thickness* I5 one a""lies)ell-"ro2en engineering "rinci"les to the "roblem3 one 8uickl 4isco2ers that 5rames are

    sim"l a re8uirement* Designers ma em"lo 4e2ious strategies3 such as using bulkhea4s3interior 5urniture or other 5eatures to achie2e the re8uire4 rein5orcement3 but res"onsibl4esigne4 an4 built metal boats3 )hether o5 steel or aluminum3 definitely douse 5raming*


    recent talk



    res"onsibl4esigne4 an4

    built metalboats 4o use

    5raming* Thea44e4 "late


    re8uire4 to5orego


    com"letel)oul4 ren4er

    ahea2 hull

    in4ee4* Here3

    ust three outo5 a total o5

    ,. trans2erse

    5rames 5orthis 4esign

    are illustrate4*

    Without the ai4 o5 metal internal 5raming3 man metal boats are success5ull "late43 an4 the

    "lating then is )el4e4 together "rior to the a44ition o5 the 5rames* This constructiontechni8ue ren4ers a high 4egree o5 5airness*

    Other metho4s use a 5ol4e4 "late strateg3 )ith "erha"s one large "late "er si4e3 to make

    the "lating much 5aster to erect* To gi2e the 2essel a4e8uate strength in the 5inal "ro4uct3

    though3 5rames must be a44e4 be5ore the hull can be consi4ere4 5inishe4*

    Man so-calle4 5rameless boats make e6tensi2e use o5 longitu4inals3 )hich3 in 5ol4e4-

    "late construction3 are o5ten "re-)el4e4 to the "late* Bulkhea4s or other internal trans2erse

    structures are use4 to re4uce the s"an o5 these longitu4inals* Strictl s"eaking3 then3 theseboats 4o ha2e 5raming3 an4 )ith goo4 4esign3 the 5raming )ill be a4e8uate to the task*
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    Classi5ication societies3 such as the American Bureau o5 Shi""ing3 #lo4s3 an4 Det (orske

    Keritas are some)hat conser2ati2e in their a""roach3 but )orking through their 5ormulae4emonstrates the bene5it o5 5raming3 "rimaril to bring the )eight o5 the 2essel )ithin a

    reasonable range )hile maintaining the re8uire4 hull rigi4it*

    Stu4ies o5 5ailures in aluminum cre) boats an4 o55shore su""l 2essels sho) the nee4 5orbeing 2er conser2ati2e in terms o5 the allo)able areas o5 unsu""orte4 "lating3 in terms o5scantlings 5or 5raming3 an4 in terms o5 the )el4ing bet)een 5rames an4 "lating*

    Most o5ten3 the best 5raming stle makes use o5 a series o5 strong trans2erse 5rames

    combine4 )ith longitu4inals )hich "ro2i4e the "rimar su""ort 5or the "lating* The longs3

    then3 are hel4 b the 5rames*

    In m 2ie)3 the 5rames in a metal boat shoul4 al)as be locate4 )here re8uire4 b theinterior bulkhea4s* Bulkhea4s can then be bolte4 4irectl to these )eb 5rames3 an4 all is as

    it shoul4 be3 sim"le an4 strong*

    With a 5e) tricks o5 the tra4e u" our slee2e3 an absolutel 5air hull is the result*

    Some boats are built 'rames 'irst )hile others are built b a""ling the !lating 'irst as4escribe4 abo2e* 'or 5urther rea4ing about the 2arious a42antages o5 each3 "lease see our

    online article? Metal Boat Buil4ing Metho4s.

    On Protection And Coatings

    Aluminum allos 5or use on boats are generall limite4 to the >000 an4 7000 series* Theset)o allo grou"s are both corrosion resistant in the marine en2ironment 4ue to the

    5ormation o5 a tough aluminum o6i4e*

    Aluminum allos are subect to cre2ice corrosion3 since the 4e"en4 on the "resence o5

    o6gen to re"air themsel2es* What this means is that )here2er aluminum is in contact )ith

    anthing3 e2en another "iece o5 aluminum or @inc3 it must be "ainte4 )ith an a4hesi2e

    )ater"roo5 "aint such as e"o63 or it must be "rotecte4 )ith a )ater"roo5 a4hesi2e be44ing3or both* A "lastic )a5er alone as an isolator is not enough* Salt )ater must be "re2ente4

    5rom entering the cre2ice< other)ise corrosion )ill result*

    Ano4i@ing3 a "rocess o5 electricall causing the 5ormation o5 a tough o6i4e 5ilm on thesur5ace o5 aluminum3 slo)s "itting3 but ano4i@ing )ill not "re2ent "itting or cre2ice


    Aluminum is 2er acti2e gal2anicall an4 )ill sacri5ice itsel5 to an other metal it contacts

    either 4irectl or in4irectl* Aluminum is ano4ic to e2erthing e6ce"t @inc an4 magnesium3an4 must be electricall isolate4 5rom other metals* In this case3 "aint3 be44ing3 an4 a non-
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    con4ucti2e "lastic or rubber isolator shoul4 all be use4 together* %nlike tankers3 small

    metal boats are not 4esigne4 )ith an a""reciable corrosion allo)ance*

    In terms o5 the "aint sstem3 aluminum boats are 4ealt )ith more easil than steel boats*Aluminum must be "ainte4 )here2er things are mounte4 to the aluminum sur5ace3 an4

    belo) the )aterline i5 le5t in the )ater ear-roun4* Other)ise3 marine aluminum allos 4onot re8uire "ainting at all*

    !resent technolog 5or "rotecting metal boats is "lain an4 sim"le? e"o6 "aint* Once themetal is "rotecte4 )ith a ,/- to ,7-mil 4r-5ilm thickness o5 e"o63 it can then be to"

    coate4 )ith )hate2er is a""ro"riate to the situation*

    The to" coats can be3 5or e6am"le3 5oam3 enamel3 linear "olurethane3 or bottom "aint*

    More 4urable to"-coats better "rotect the in2estment in e"o6* To assure that thissecon4ar sstem sticks to the e"o6 barrier3 use a stan4ar4 e6ten4e4-recoat-time e"o6

    "rimer3 )hich makes an e6cellent tie-coat*

    'or anti-5ouling "aint3 the e6cellent o55erings 5rom the -!aint Com"anshoul4 be o5interest to metal-boat o)ners* Calle4 (o-'oul3 these "aints release h4rogen "ero6i4e to

    "re2ent marine gro)th3 eliminating the inherent "roblems that accom"an co""er-base4

    "aints on aluminum hulls*

    Whether on steel or on aluminum sur5aces3 "aint "re"aration is critical* Thorough cleaningan4 san4blasting "ro2i4e the best sur5ace 5or a4hesion o5 "aint or be44ing* Alternatel 5or

    aluminum3 cleaning an4 then grin4ing )ith a coarse ,7-grit 4isk )ill "ro2i4e enough tooth

    5or the "aint to sta "ut* I5 the sur5ace 5inish must be e6tra 5ine3 as on an aluminum s"ar3

    then a thorough san4ing3 cleaning an4 etching )ith a "ro4uct like Alo4ine be5ore "ainting)ill gi2e goo4 results*

    The interior o5 an aluminum boat 4oes not re8uire "ainting* It )oul4 be the ultimate3

    though3 to e"o6 "rime the interior i5 a blo)n-in urethane 5oam )ill be use4* A chromate42inl-aci4 )ash "rimer )oul4 be a 2er acce"table secon4 choice insi4e3 in or4er to

    "ro2i4e the best sur5ace 5or a4hesion 5or the 5oam*

    &egar4less o5 the bottom "aint use43 @incs must be use4 to control stra-current corrosion3

    to )hich )e can become 2ictim )ith a metal boat3 e2en )ithout an electrical sstem+ Witha scratch at the bo)3 an4 another at the stern3 the boat itsel5 becomes the "re5erre4 "ath 5or

    an ambient currents in the )ater* In the best o5 all "ossible )orl4s3 there )oul4 be no stra

    currents in our harbors3 but that is not realit*

    Linc ano4es shoul4 al)as be use4 on an aluminum boat3 an4 generall in the same8uantities as )ith a steel boat3 in or4er to "re2ent stra-current corrosion* The 8uantit an4

    "lacement o5 @incs are 4isco2ere4 b e6"eriment o2er time3 an4 )ill 4i55er 5rom one marina

    to the ne6t*
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    !o)er Boats Galler* We ha2e also create4 8uite a number o5 !rotot"e Designs3 most o5

    )hich are also inten4e4 5or metal structure* Sail or "o)er - mono or multi-hull - i5 thestructure is )ell-4esigne4 an4 )ell built3 the resulting boat )ill be e6cellent*

    We are o5ten aske4 about one metal 2s* another - most commonl steel 2s* aluminum*

    Des"ite the e6cellent case )e ha2e ma4e 5or aluminum abo2e3 )e 4o not ha2e a 4istinct"re5erence* There are so man 2aring 5actors that )ill contribute to making that 4ecision5or each boat3 an4 5or each o)ner* Some boats are 4esigne4 5or one material onl3 other

    boats can make use o5 either*

    In general3 an o5 our 4esigns that ha2e been 4e2elo"e4 5or steel can 2er 8uickl be re-

    s"eci5ie4 5or construction in aluminum* The 4esign con2ersion 5rom steel to aluminum is4one 5or a minimal e6tra cost* Where (C cutting 5iles e6ist 5or a steel boat3 the )ill nee4

    to be re-4one in or4er to )ork 5or aluminum structure3 an4 there )ill be a cost incurre4 5or

    that con2ersion*

    Designs originall 4e2elo"e4 5or aluminum structure are not as rea4il con2erte43 sincethe )ill ha2e been 4esigne4 s"eci5icall to sa2e )eight* To con2ert an aluminum 4esign

    to steel )ill or4inaril re8uire a re-)ork o5 the hull sha"e in or4er to su""ort the e6tra

    )eight o5 steel*

    I5 a con2ersion o5 one o5 our 4esigns 5rom steel to aluminum or 2ice 2ersa is o5 interest3"lease in8uire*

    'or more in5ormation on the 8uestion o5 hull materials3 "lease see our )eb articles on the


    Metal Boats 5or Blue Water | Aluminum 5or Boats | Aluminum 2s* Steel | Steel Boats |Com"osites 5or Boats | The 2olution o5 a Woo4en Sailing T"e

    Co"right,. - /00 Michael 1asten

    irect #uote5rom an aluminum boat o)ner***

    As an o)ner since > ears o5 an aluminum boat I coul4 not agree more )ith our

    "re5erence 5or this material* She is a great sailboat an4 re8uires 2er little in the )a o5

    maintenance* I 4o a lot more ree5 snorkeling than the "aint3 "olish3 2arnish an4 )a6 gus+

    --!eter 1minek

    !lease see the !lans #ist"age to re2ie) our a2ailable Boat !lans*

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    Frames First... or Plates First...?

    A iscussion of $etal Boat Building $ethods

    There are a number o5 a""roaches one can take )hen 5abricating a ne) metal boat* Amongthem are metho4s that erect the 5raming 5irst an4 a""l the "lating to that structure

    a5ter)ar43 an4 others that 5a2or "re-"lanning the "late sha"es in or4er to create the hull

    sha"e be5ore the 5rames are intro4uce4 insi4e* The 5ollo)ing is a 4iscussion o5 the 2arious

    a""roaches taken3 their rationale an4 the "ros an4 cons o5 each*

    With e6treme luck3 the 5ollo)ing )ill be taken as inten4e4 - "urel 5or in5ormations sake*

    I ho"e also it )ill she4 light on )hat has in the amateur metal boat buil4ing )orl4 become

    at times a heate4 4ebate*

    You can re2ie) our a""roach to the 2arious metal boat buil4ing metho4s in our article onAluminum 5or Boats)here the are 4iscusse4 in 4etail3 inclu4ing the 2arious "ros an4 cons

    o5 each a""roach to)ar4 5abricating* In that article an4 among the links "ro2i4e4 there

    oull also 5in4 our thoughts on boat sha"e itsel5? single 2s* multi-chine 2s* ra4ius chine 2s*roun4e4 hull3 etc*

    &ather than to 4iscuss the merits o5 4i55erent hull sha"es here3 )e )ill limit oursel2es to the

    8uestion o5 Build $ethods*

    In this article I )ill 4i2i4e the 2arious metal boat buil4ing a""roaches into t)o broa4categories o5 B%I#D MTHODS3 an4 then I )ill a44ress a 5e) basic notions regar4ing

    ST&%CT%&*,+irst.htm[email protected]?subject=KMDi%20Yacht%20Design%20Inquirymailto:[email protected]?subject=KMDi%20Yacht%20Design%20Inquiry[email protected]?subject=KMDi%20Yacht%20Design%20Inquiry
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    This latter metho4 is o5ten incorrectl re5erre4 to as being 5rameless because the "lating

    occurs "rior to the 5rames being intro4uce4* This is most un5ortunate terminolog3 isinaccurate an4 there5ore mislea4ing3 an4 is all too o5ten cause 5or misun4erstan4ing an4

    unnecessar argument*

    The "Frame First" Method

    With the Frame%Firstmetho43 the hull sha"e is controlle4 b 5irst ha2ing a rigi4

    armature o2er )hich the "lating is a""lie43 in other )or4s? the 5rames* The "rimara42antage o5 this metho4 is that it allo)s e6act control o2er the sha"e* As a result it is b

    5ar the most common a""roach to metal boat buil4ing3 )hether being use4 5or shi"s 9nearl

    ,00E use4: or 5or achts 9"ossibl 0E use4 i5 uro"e is inclu4e4:*

    Well limit our 4iscussion to small achts here 9boats un4er aroun4 70 5eet:3 so )e nee4 not

    in2ol2e metho4s use4 5or larger 2essels such as modularconstruction*

    In or4er to achie2e a 5air e6terior hull sur5ace3 the 5rame-5irst metho4 re8uires that the

    &uilderbe skille4 in the lo5ting3 the set-u" o5 the 5rames3 the "atterning o5 the "late3 an4 the

    5inal )el4-u" o5 the hull* It is o5 course e6acting )ork to achie2e this le2el o5 "recision an45airness in the com"lete4 hull3 but the attention to 4etail is )ell )orth it in the en4**

    The 8uestion then becomes3 "Ho' shall 'e sa(e the &uilder time...?"

    With the 5rame-5irst metho43 8uite a lot o5 the buil4ers 5abricating time can be sa2e4 b

    ha2ing all the 5rames an4 "lating "re-"lanne4 b CAD an4 "re-cut b )C Cutting2ia

    "lasma or )ater et* What is (C***F It literall means (umericall Controlle4*

    The high le2el o5 "recision o55ere4 b (C Cutting takes the tra4itional 5rame-5irst metho4

    to the ne6t le2el*** When using "re-cut metal "arts3 there is no lo5ting nee4e43 an4 there is

    no cutting re8uire4 5or the 5rames or "lates or other ke structures* (C Cutting there5ore"ro2i4es substantial e55iciencies to the buil4er3 thus consi4erable time sa2ings3 in a44ition

    to o55ering a 4egree o5 accurac that is sim"l unachie2able b manual lo5ting an4 cutting*

    While (C Cutting can e55ect substantial labor sa2ings in the han4s o5 a "ro5essional

    buil4er3 it has the "otential to sa2e e(en moretime in the han4s o5 an amateur buil4er*WhF Mainl this is 4ue to the elimination o5 8uite number o5 What 4o I 4o no)F

    8uestions3 an4 the relati2el huge amount o5 time e6"en4e4 on them - ine2itable 5or a 5irsttime buil4er )hen ha2ing to lo5t3 "lan3 s"ile3 an4 cut e2er "art o5 the structure*

    (ee4less to sa3 the (C a""roach re8uires a high 4egree o5 skill an4 actual buil4inge6"erience on the "art o5 the 2essels designer in or4er to be able to "attern all the 5rames3

    "lates3 an4 other "arts correctl* It also re8uires a high 4egree o5 accurac on the "art o5

    the &uilder)ho must then "lace e2erthing as inten4e43 i*e* e6actl )here it belongs*

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    Or4inaril )hen using (C Cutting3 asi4e 5rom ust the 5rame sha"es being "re-4e5ine43 the

    5rames )ill also ha2e mouse holes 5or )el4-throughs3 an4 )ill ha2e notches "re-cut torecei2e the longitu4inal stringers* A44itionall3 there )ill be all the other "arts such as the

    engine gir4ers3 tank 5aces an4 li4s3 stem an4 horn "iece sha"es3 mast ste"s3 4eck beams3

    bulkhea4s3 an4 o5 course all the e6terior "lating - all o5 it "re-cut to an accurate 5it-u"*

    The result o5 these e55orts is that since all "arts are machine-cut to an e6acting sha"e3 an4the hull can be erecte4 )ith "recision3 the buil4er - amateur or other)ise - can a2oi4 the

    4istortion "roblems associate4 )ith "oor 5it-u" o5 "lates*

    'or 5urther in5ormation about the (C Cutting "rocess an4 ho) (C Cut 'iles are 4e2elo"e43

    )e ha2e "oste4 a number o5(C cuttingarticles online*

    The "Plate First" Method

    With the Plating%First metho43 the "late outlines are "recisel 4e5ine4* The are either4e2elo"e4 manuall3 or 5rom a ;D "hsical scale mo4el3 or the are 4e5ine4 using a ;D

    CAD mo4el* Then the "lates are cut to their "erimeter outline3 an4 arrange4 so the can be

    "ulle4 into "lace one b one an4 tacke4 together3 an4 5inall the "lates are )el4e4 u"* Thismuch can sometimes be 4one )ithout using internal or e6ternal moul4s as a gui4e3 but

    more commonl moul4s o5 some sort )ill be use4* The moul4s can be 5rame segments or

    the can be other t"es o5 tem"orar gui4es to the sha"e*

    A5ter the hull plateseams are )el4e4 u"3 the framesare "atterne4 to the interior o5 the hull"lating3 then the 5rames are installe4 an4 )el4e4 in "lace*

    The "rimar a42antage o5 "lacing the 5rames after'ard is to allo) the "lating to be )el4e4

    u" 5irst )ithout there being an "otential 4istortion intro4uce4 b the "resence o5 a

    relati2el un-iel4ing 5rame insi4e* This can "ro4uce an e6tremel 5air hull3 an4 can 4o soe2en )ithout there being much skill in2ol2e4 on the "art o5 the buil4er3 thus although it has

    enormous a""eal to amateur or back-ar4 buil4ers3 it also has substantial a""eal to man

    "ro5essional boat buil4ers* It is 5or e6am"le the most common metho4 in use throughoutthe (etherlan4s3 )here there is a 2er highl 4e2elo"e4 metal boat buil4ing in4ustr*

    The main 4isa42antages o5 the "late 5irst a""roach are?

    *hat unless the plating is patterne0 4ery accurately there can e unpre0icte04ariations in the shape o+ the hull1 there eing no internal +rame to control theo4erall shape1 nor to pro4i0e an in0ication that the hull shape may e turning out0i++erently than inten0e05 an0

    *hat the actual shape o+ the hull must con+orm to what is a rea0ily 0e4elopale

    plate shape1 limiting the 0esign somewhat.

    This hull sha"e restriction is the onl signi5icant 4ra)back to the "late-5irst metho4* It

    ust means that the 4esigner must use 5ull 4e2elo"able hull 5orms* Though this limits
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    )hat is "ossible aestheticall an4 in terms o5 being able to o"timi@e the un4er)ater hull

    5orm3 it is 5ortunatel not a cri""ling limitation***+

    When )e are 4iscussing an o5 the 2arious plate%first metho4s3 it shoul4 be recogni@e4that this a""roach is reall onl a""licable to the hull bottom an4 si4e "lating3 "ossibl

    inclu4ing the transom* This metho4 ho)e2er is generall nota""licable to a""en4agessuch as the keel or ru44er3 nor or4inaril to the 4eck an4 house structures* There5ore3 reallonl about ;>E to >0E o5 the 2essels total "lating sur5ace is e2en un4er consi4eration

    )hen re5erring to an o5 the plate first metho4s*

    Just as )ith the 5rame 5irst metho43 in or4er to a44ress the issue o5 accurac3 the "lating

    5irst metho4 can take e6cellent a42antage o5 CAD 5or "atterning an4 (C cutting* Thisa""roach )ill iel4 an e6tremel "recise "late 4e5inition an4 conse8uent cutout3 an4

    there5ore )ill "ro2i4e a much more accurate as-)el4e4 hull sha"e*

    B using (C cutting3 the 5rames too can be "re-"lanne4 an4 "re-cut3 making allo)ances at

    their oins 5or the ine2itable small 2ariations intro4uce4 b the )el4 shrinkage 4uring the)el4-u" o5 the "lating "rior to the 5rames being "ut in "lace*

    It shoul4 be mentione4 that e2en )hen using the "late-5irst a""roach3 it ma be

    a42antageous to attach a number o5 internal 5rame members to the "lating "rior to it being

    o55ere4 u" to the boat3 in "articular this )ill o5ten a""l to the longitu4inal stringers*

    This kin4 o5 plate%first a""roach is rather common among "ro5essional buil4ers in the

    (etherlan4s* O5ten3 5rames are "lace4 as there are o""ortunities to 4o so in or4er to retain

    the o2erall sha"e* 'or e6am"le3 once the bottom "lating an4 longitu4inal stringers are in

    "lace an4 )el4e4 to the keel si4es3 internal bottom 5rames can be intro4uce4 )hile thestructure is easil accesse43 then the to"si4e "lating attache4 an4 )el4e4 u" "rior to

    intro4uction o5 the si4e 5rames* This results in an e6tremel 5air hull3 as )ell as a highl

    accurate sha"e*

    In m 2ie)3 this hy&rid strategyhas the most to o55er3 es"eciall )hen use4 )ith(C

    cutting* In or4er 5or the designerto "lan the sha"e an4 the (C cutting so that construction

    can "rocee4 smoothl3 it must be 4etermine4 in a42ance ust )hat se8uence the &uilder

    )ill use to assemble the "lates an4 5rames*

    Variations on a Theme...

    Within the "late-5irst a""roach3 there are t)o main 4i2isions?

    -. *he Pre-Cut-Plate metho0 as 0escrie0 ao4e1 an02. *he Folded-Plate or so3calle0 Origamimetho0.
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    With the Pre%Cut%Plate a""roach3 the "lating is all "lanne4 5or 4e2elo"abilit 9cur2ature

    in one 4irection onl3 i*e* not sa44le sha"e4 or 4ome sha"e4:* Here3 the "lating is all "re-cut3 "ulle4 into "lace - or4inaril o2er a moul4 or tem"orar su""orts - then stitche4

    together along the seams* This is essentiall the "late-5irst metho4 4escribe4 abo2e*

    Taking this "re-cut-"late a""roach one ste" 5arther3 )e ha2e the Folded Plate orOrigami metho43 )hereb as man o5 the hull "late )el4 seams as "ossible are eliminate42ia an ingenious laout o5 the seams an4 a sha"e that allo)s there to be a number o5 "re-

    oine4 areas*

    The a42antage o5 the 'ol4e4 !late metho4 is that )ith an accuratel "re-"lanne4 outline

    thats cut out o5 "late3 the entire hull "lating can 5irst be lai4 out 5lat - "ort an4 starboar4 -)el4e4 )here necessar to create the si@es an4 sha"es re8uire43 then its all "ulle4 together

    an4 stitche4 into "lace* %sing this metho43 once the "late sha"es ha2e been 4etermine43 the

    hull "lating can be erecte4 in a 2er short time - o5ten in a matter o5 4as*

    O5 course this looks im"ressi2e***+ It actuall is im"ressi2e+ (aturall this conce"t hasca"ture4 the imagination o5 the amateur metal boat buil4ing communit3 thus a "ossibl

    signi5icant contingent among "otential o)ner-buil4ers*

    With the Folded Plate* Origami metho4 ho)e2er3 one must reali@e that the 4esigner is

    un5ortunatel e6tremel limite4 in terms o5 the "ossible hull sha"es that )ill actuall 4othis trick* Tr it )ith "a"er cutouts an4 ou )ill be imme4iatel con2ince4* You can

    achie2e a 5e) minor 2ariations an4 still get sha"es that )ill 5ol4 together3 but regional

    subtleties o5 hull 5orm are ust not "ossible* I5 a 4i55erent t"e o5 hull 5orm is 4esire43 then8uite a lot o5 trial an4 error time must be s"ent - usuall b making actual trial cutouts an4

    seeing i5 the )ill 5it together in an attem"t to 4isco2er a totall 5lat "late laout that )ill

    "ro2i4e the inten4e4 sha"e )hen 5ol4e4 together*

    This is not onl a se2ere limitation on the designer - it also restricts the &uilder )ho maas a result ha2e onl one basic mo4el to o55er* In other )or4s3 2ariations to the hull sha"e

    are 4i55icult an4 time consuming to create3 so the 2essels are limite4 to being either larger

    or smaller3 5atter or more slen4er3 taller or shorter3 ha2ing more or less sheer3 et essentiallthe same in their general sha"e an4 a""earance*

    'urther3 it must be ke"t in min4 that ust as )ith the "re-cut-"late metho43 the 'ol4e4-

    !late or Origami metho4 is generall onl a""licable to the hull "lating itsel53 an4 not to

    the keel3 ru44er3 4eck3 or su"erstructure*

    We obser2e then the 5ollo)ing 4isa42antages o5 the Origami metho4?

    -. #nly a limite0 portion o+ the total plate sur+ace will e a00resse0 y the #rigamimetho05

    2. *he 4ariety o+ hull shapes that are possile oth aesthetically an0 +unctionally are6uite limite05

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    7. *here will e 6uite a lot o+ +ussing aroun0 with trial shapes prior to achie4ing the0esire0 result.

    As a result o5 these 5actors3 I ha2e not so-5ar been tem"te4 to "ursue the Origami a""roachin m 4esign )ork*

    6ce"t 5or the initial )o) 5actor3 )hich hol4s a certain )ell 4eser2e4 a""eal among

    amateur boat buil4ers3 I 4ont see much a42antage to it3 es"eciall in a "ro5essional boat

    buil4ing conte6t* In "articular3 this is so 4ue to the e6treme restriction on the 2ariet o5"ossible hull sha"es that can be o55ere4* The hull sha"es become e6tremel alike3 there5ore

    or4inar an4 uninteresting*

    Ask an o5 the "ro"onents o5 the Origami metho4 ho) man trul 4i55erent hull sha"es

    the ha2e been able to 4esign or buil4 using that a""roach 9hulls )hich are not sim"lstretche4 or s8uishe4 2ersions o5 the same thing:3 an4 I belie2e oull imme4iatel see )hat

    I mean*

    One can ust as easil make use o5 the pre%cut%plate a""roach3 an4 ha2e consi4erabl

    more 5ree4om )ith subtleties o5 hull 5orm*


    I5 one is able to begin )ith a blank sheet3 in other )or4s i5 one is able to create a ne)

    custom acht 4esign3 it becomes "ossible to choose bet)een a 5rame-5irst 2s* a "late-5irst

    buil4ing metho4* In this case3 the 5irst task in the 4esign ccle belongs to the o)ner3 an4

    that is to 5in4 a 4esigner )ho can bring about the o)ners 2ision an4 "ur"ose 5or the 2esselthe ha2e in min4*

    The 4esigners role is to act as the o)ners a42ocate throughout the )hole "rocess3

    attem"ting to mel4 their re8uirements P re8uests )ith )hat is "ractical P achie2able P sa5e P

    etc*3 at the same time as attem"ting to achie2e the aesthetic3 the laout3 an4 the "er5ormancebeing sought* Then once the 2essel has been 4esigne43 to 5ollo) through 4uring the

    construction o5 the 2essel3 5irst to connect the o)ner )ith a buil4er )ho is suite4 to the

    task3 an4 then to 5ollo) through 4uring construction to assure that )hat has been 4esigne4gets built as "lanne4*

    Occasionall this or4er o5 e2ents gets turne4 aroun43 an4 the o)ner 5irst 5in4s a suitablebuil4er3 then together the 5orage 5or a 4esign that the o)ner likes an4 that the buil4er

    )ants to buil4* While this can o5ten result in great success3 it can also result in greatcom"romise* Ho)e2er i5 the com"romise is not too great3 an4 the cost is attracti2e3 then a

    4eal ma be struck that is satis5ing to all in2ol2e4*

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    More o5ten than not though the buil4er or the o)ner )ill )ant to intro4uce changes to the

    4esign* Subtle 2ariations to the interior3 usuall intro4uce4 b the o)ner3 are to bee6"ecte4 an4 are usuall not o5 an conse8uence*

    Maor changes to the laout that in2ol2e changes to the structure3 or that in2ol2e relocating

    tanks3 bulkhea4s3 engines3 maor machiner3 masts3 etc* are 2er o5ten sought* Ho)e2er3an o5 these kin4s o5 changes must necessaril in2ol2e the 4esigner*

    What is not o5ten reali@e4 is that collecti2el3 these changes can 8uickl eliminate an"ossible a42antage to ha2ing selecte4 a stock 4esign* At this "oint3 it can become

    a42antageous to begin 5rom a blank sheet - e2en i5 it is largel base4 on a "rior 4esign*

    Thus3 our nearl ,00E 5ocus on ne) custom acht 4esign*

    I5 a stock 4esign is entirel suitable as is3 or i5 minor changes are all thats nee4e43 thencertainl the 4esigner )ill be able to customi@e that 4esign to suit - it is all "art o5 a

    4esigners usual routine*

    The Question of Pedigree...

    All the buil4ing metho4s mentione4 abo2e can be ma4e to satis5 the structural

    re8uirements o5 the ABS or other rules - )ith the e6ce"tion o5 the so-calle4 5ramelessbuil4ing metho43 )hich cannot* In consi4ering an e6isting 4esign3 one shoul4 in8uire as

    to )hether the structure has been 4esigne4 accor4ing to the stan4ar4s o5 one or more o5 the

    acht classi5ication societies*

    'or motor 2essels3 )e calculate structure"er the re8uirements o5 the ABS &ule 5or Motor!leasure Yachts3 or 5or sail boats3 the ABS &ule 5or Ocean &acing Yachts3 or both3 taking

    the most conser2ati2e result 5rom each3 then a44ing our o)n 5actor o5 sa5et* We also

    consult a""licable "ortions o5 the German #lo4s rule an4 other classi5ication societ rulessuch as #lo4s &egister )here2er the ma be a""ro"riate3 such as 5or s"ars an4 rigging or

    5or )oo4en structures3 etc*

    Asi4e 5rom the structure3 )hen in8uiring about an stock 4esign or ne) custom 4esign it

    )ill be "ru4ent to in8uire about the sta&ilitycom"liance o5 the 2essel being consi4ere4*'or e6am"le3 )e im"ose the % &ecreational Cra5t Directi2e stabilit re8uirements on our

    4esigns - both sail an4 "o)er* 2en though there are legall no stabilit stan4ar4s im"ose4

    on "leasure cra5t built an4 registere4 in the %S3 )e 5eel this is 8uite im"ortant3 there5ore the%-&CD is our base-line stan4ar4*

    You can rea4 about our rationale 5or use o5 these stan4ar4s3 )hat the mean3 an4 ho) the

    a""l b re2ie)ing our 2arious articles relate4 to Boat Design on the Articles)eb "age*

    In terms o5 sa5et e8ui"ment3 )hile )e 2er much a42ocate the use o5 the ABYCgui4elines 5or sa5et an4 sstems3 there are a 5e) s"eci5ic areas )here )e 4isagree )ith the
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    making that 4ecision 5or each boat3 an4 5or each o)ner* Some boats are 4esigne4 5or one

    material onl3 other boats can make use o5 either*

    In general3 an o5 our 4esigns that ha2e been 4e2elo"e4 5or steel can 2er 8uickl be re-s"eci5ie4 5or construction in aluminum* The 4esign con2ersion 5rom steel to aluminum is

    4one at no e6tra cost* Where (C cutting 5iles e6ist 5or a steel boat3 the )ill nee4 to be re-4one in or4er to )ork 5or aluminum structure3 an4 there )ill be a cost incurre4 5or thatcon2ersion* I5 thats o5 interest3 "lease in8uire*

    Designs that )ere originall 4e2elo"e4 5or aluminum structure are not as rea4il con2erte43

    since the )ill ha2e been 4esigne4 s"eci5icall to sa2e )eight* To con2ert one o5 them to

    steel structure )ill or4inaril re8uire a re-)ork o5 the hull sha"e in or4er to su""ort thee6tra )eight o5 steel* 'or some boats3 that is not much trouble* 'or other boats3 in

    "articular small ones3 steel ma not e2en be an o"tion* I5 a con2ersion to steel is o5 interest

    5or one o5 our aluminum 4esigns3 "lease in8uire* 5or more in5ormation*

    You )ill 5in4 more in5ormation about costs an4 other consi4erations bet)een these metalsamong the essas linke4 5rom our Articles)eb "age3 an4 es"eciall in the t)o articles

    liste4 belo)*

    'or more in5ormation about an o5 the abo2e3 "lease 5eel 5ree to contact me*

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    Boat Materials

    Aluminum. We use only the finest materials available. The 5000 series marine gradealuminum alloy is specifically made for full-time saltwater applications. A!"A#

    Aluminum !ompany of America# put a plate of this aluminum in $arragansett Bay# %& forthirty years and too' it out because nothing was happening. We have chosen the 50()alloy for the whole hull. This aluminum alloy is the absolute best available and thic' toboot. With either *+,)or ,+construction# these boats are -* times as thic' asmost aluminum boats you may be familiar with. &f youve ever seen a /.. !oast1uard 2 footer than youve seen 5000 series aluminum alloy at wor' afloat.
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    1unwale. This *+oval in cross-section e3trusion gives the edge of your boatincredible durability. Weve had demo rides where a prospective customerinadvertently slammed the boat into cement pilings with 4ust a slight rub to show for it.The only reason to own fenders is to protect the other guys boat.

    !hine. Along the length of the chine is an e3trusion that both the side and the bottomplates fit into. This high impact area is then double welded the length of the boat. Thislevel of uality is unheard of even in custom aluminum boats.

    $on-'id. This material is applied to the self bailing dec' and consists of a polyurethanebase and topcoat surrounding an aggressive non-s'id abrasive. $ot for the faint ofheart# nor the bare of foot# this material is similar to the new bedliner material you maybe familiar with as an aftermar'et application in pic'-up truc's. &t gives you tough#durable# surefooted-ness in all weather conditions.

    6oam. We in4ect closed cell foam beneath the self-bailing dec' into all voids belowdec's 7e3cept around the fuel tan'8. This high-end system assures you of bothunsin'ability and upright flotation should you ever swamp the boat.

    &n short# no e3pense is spared in ma'ing for you the finest boat available anywhere.These materials# used for the first time in a production model boat# truly represent thefirst in a whole new category of boats.

    Blac' ab Marine 9artners# !


  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    Aluminium Alloys Used in the Marine Industry

    "luminium alloyscommonly use0 in the marine in0ustryinclu0e:

    Aluminium-magnesium allos- >000 series3 use4 "rimaril 5or rolle4 materials

    9sheetP"late:* Most common are >0; Q >;;*

    Aluminium-magnesium-silicon allos- 7000 series3 use4 "rimaril 5or e6tru4e4

    sections* Most common are 70/3 707,3 700>A Q 7070*

    Source? Ca"ral Aluminium

    'or more in5ormation on this source "lease 2isit Ca"ral Aluminium*

    Aluminum Distributing Inc

    >07-H,,,3 >07-H,,73 >0;-H,,7 aluminum 5or marine useP sheet


    Marine rade

    Alloy Aluminum

    5083 5086


    Marine rade

    Alloy Aluminum

  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    Sheet and Plate ,-/0%H110 or -/2%H110

    or ual3Check up to five results to perform an action.

    larger image Se2eral si@es 4ual certi5ie4

    he follo'ing specifications co(er Aluminum -/2


    Aluminum -/2

    Chemistry ata4

    Aluminum? Balance

    Chromium? 0*0>R0*/>

    Co""er? 0*, ma6*

    Iron? 0*= ma6*

    Magnesium? =R=*

    Manganese? 0*=R,

    &emain4er ach? 0*0> ma6*

    &emain4er Total? 0*,> ma6*

    Silicon? 0*= ma6*Titanium? 0*,> ma6*

    Linc? 0*/> ma6*

    Aluminum -/0

    Chemistry ata4Aluminum? Balance

    Chromium? 0*0>R0*/>

    Co""er? 0*, ma6*

    Iron? 0*= ma6*

    Magnesium? =R=*

    Manganese? 0*=R,

    &emain4er ach? 0*0> ma6*

    &emain4er Total? 0*,> ma6*

    Silicon? 0*= ma6*

    Titanium? 0*,> ma6*

    Linc? 0*/> ma6*

    Aluminum 001

    Chemistry Data :"luminum : ?alance

    Chromium : =.=@ 3 =.7A

    Copper : =.-A 3 =.@

    Iron : = 3 =.B

    Magnesium : =.< 3 -.2

    Manganese : =.-A ma

    #ther : =.-A ma

    &emain0er ach : =.=A ma

    Silicon : =.@ 3 =.0P.

    Aluminum -/0

    'orm ? Sheet

    Con4ition ? H,,7

    Tem"erature ? 7

    Tensile Strength ? =/

    Yiel4 Strength ? ;0

    longation ? ,/

    Aluminum 001%0

    %ltimate Tensile Strength3 "si ? =>3000

    Yiel4 Strength3 "si ? =03000

    Brinell Har4ness ? >

    &ock)ell Har4ness ? B70

  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    -/0 $arine 5rade Aluminum Alloy

    Click on a Product to view details.
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    Sheet and Plate ,-/0%H110 or -/2%H110

    or ual3

    Angles ! "# Ft $#%&'!



    Pi+e $#%&'!(,"* -ran



    Sheet and Plate $#%&'!

    ())' or #%&,!())'

    or -ual*


    Flat Bar $#%&'!()))*


  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    Check up to five results to perform an action.

    larger image Se2eral si@es 4ual certi5ie4

    he follo'ing specifications co(er Aluminum -/2


    Chemistry ata4

    Aluminum? Balance

    Chromium? 0*0>R0*/>

    Co""er? 0*, ma6*

    Iron? 0*= ma6*

    Magnesium? =R=*Manganese? 0*=R,

    &emain4er ach? 0*0> ma6*

    &emain4er Total? 0*,> ma6*

    Silicon? 0*= ma6*

    Titanium? 0*,> ma6*

    Linc? 0*/> ma6*

    $echanical ata 4

    'orm ? Sheet

    Con4ition ? H,,7Tem"erature ? 7

    Tensile Strength ? =/

    Yiel4 Strength ? ;0

    longation ? ,/

    Principal esign Features
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    This is a non-heat treatable allo 5or strengthening* It has 2er goo4 corrosion resistance3 is

    easil )el4e4 an4 4oes ha2e goo4 strength*


    Commonl use4 in the manu5acture o5 un5ire43 )el4e4 "ressure 2essels3 marine3 auto

    aircra5t crogenics3 4rilling rigs3 TK to)ers3 trans"ortation e8ui"ment3 an4 in missile


    Aluminum $ill Product Specifications

    A(aila&le Forms4

    Sheet an4 !late ASTM-B/ 3 'D&A#--A-/>0P.

  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    001 Structural $arine

    5rade Alloy Aluminum

    Click on a Product to

    view details.
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    Flat Sheet ,001%03Check up to five results to perform an action.

    larger image he follo'ing specifications co(er Aluminum 001

    707, Aluminum is3 b most an measure3 the most commonl use4 aluminum allo* It is

    s"eci5ie4 in most an a""lication 4ue to its strength3 heat treatabilit3 com"arati2el eas

    machining3 an4 )el4abilit* I5 that )ere not enough3 it is also ca"able o5 being ano4i@e43

    a44ing a laer o5 "rotection 5or 5inishe4 "arts*

    The main allo ingre4ients o5 707, aluminum are magnesium an4 silicon*

    Physical and $echanical Properties

    %ltimate Tensile Strength3 "si ? =>3000

    Yiel4 Strength3 "si ? =03000

    Brinell Har4ness ? >

    &ock)ell Har4ness ? B70

    ASTM B/03 A-/>0P,,

    Chemistry ata 4

    Aluminum ? BalanceChromium ? 0*0= - 0*;>

    Co""er ? 0*,> - 0*=

    Iron ? 0 - 0*.

    Magnesium ? 0* - ,*/

    Manganese ? 0*,> ma6

    Other ? 0*,> ma6
  • 8/12/2019 Aluminio Naval Aplicaciones


    &emain4er ach ? 0*0> ma6

    Silicon ? 0*= - 0*

    Titanium ? 0*,> ma6

    Linc ? 0*/> ma6

    Principal esign Features

    !robabl the most commonl a2ailable3 heat treatable aluminum allo*


    Commonl use4 in the manu5acture o5 hea2-4ut structures re8uiring goo4 corrosion

    resistance3 truck an4 marine com"onents3 railroa4 cars3 5urniture3 tank 5ittings3 general

    structural an4 high "ressure a""lications3 )ire "ro4ucts3 an4 in "i"elines*