BIO- FUEL Polanga oil R.Mahendran 1 S.Karthikeyan 2 B.E. Mechanical(Third year), M. Kumarasamy College Of Engineering, Karur. Contact No:8220122328, Email ID: [email protected] 1 Contact No: 8973717178, Email ID: [email protected] 2 ABSTRACT The emphasis in this paper is on experimentally evaluating the possibilities of using bio-diesel developed from one of the number of non-edible oil seeds available in India. Non edible oilseeds tress such as neem, Sal, seemarounba, cotton, rubber, and polanga (undi) have an estimated annual production potential of more than 20 mega tons, of which polanga contributes 70 thousand metric tons. These oils have a great potential to produce bio-diesel for diesel engine application without any major hardware modification & no blending is needed. The use of straight vegetable oil is restricted by some physical properties, particularly their viscosity. Due to higher viscosity oil causes poor fuel atomization, incomplete combustion and carbon deposition on the injector and valve seats resulting serious engine fouling, we in this paper find solution for the better efficiency of engine by means of polanga oil as a bio-diesel equal to that of petro-diesel fuel. Transesterification has been reported to be one of the most reliable and commonly used technique to produce bio-diesel from oil seeds .this paper also highlights a part of the experimental activities carried out on production of bio-

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BIO- FUELPolanga oilR.Mahendran1 S.Karthikeyan2B.E. Mechanical(Third year), M. Kumarasamy Collee !"Enineerin, Karur.Contact #o$%22&122'2%, Email ()$ mmmaheaero1'*+mail.com1Contact #o$ %,*'*1*1*%, Email ()$ karthikaims&'+mail.com2ABSTRACT The em-hasis in this -a-er is on e.-erimentally e/aluatin the -ossi0ilities o" usin 0io1diesel de/elo-ed "rom one o" the num0er o" non1edi0le oil seeds a/aila0le in(ndia. #on edi0le oilseeds tress such as neem, Sal, seemaroun0a, cotton,ru00er, and -olana (undi) ha/e an estimated annual -roduction -otential o" more than 2& mea tons, o" 2hich -olanacontri0utes 70 thousand metric tons. These oils ha/e a reat -otential to -roduce 0io1diesel"or diesel enine a--lication without any major harwar! moi"i#ation $ no %l!ning i& n!!!' The use o" straiht /eeta0le oil is restricted 0y some -hysical -ro-erties, -articularly their (io&ity. )ue to hiher /iscosity oil causes -oor "uel atomi3ation, incom-lete com0ustion and car0on de-osition on the in4ector and /al/e seats resultin serious enine "oulin, 2e in this -a-er "ind solution "or the 0etter e""iciency o" enine 0y means o" -olana oil as a 0io1diesel !)ual to that o" *!tro-i!&!l "u!l. Tran&!&t!ri"i#ation has 0een re-orted to 0e one o" the most relia0le and commonly used techni5ue to -roduce 0io1diesel "rom oil seeds .this -a-er also hihlihts a -art o" the e.-erimental acti/ities carried out on -roduction o" 0io1diesel "rom -olana oil ha/in hih acid /al/e in a -ilot -lant and its su0se5uent utili3ation in a sinle cylinder diesel enine 2idely used rural6aricultural sector o" the country. 0ased on the a/aila0ilityand -roduction -otential in the country,oilderi/ed "rom -olanaseeds 2as chosen to e/aluatethe -er"ormance and e.haust emissions characteristics o" a sinlecylinder diesel enine. I+TRO,UCTIO+- The emerin 2orld is runnin out o" "uel, since e/ery human is concentratin reatly on the 7need o" hour8 in this systematic en/ironment 2e hadto sho2 a reat care to the en/ironment to 0e "riendly,thouh the li5uid "uel may 0e in lack it9s the as 2hich has 0een re-laced,it istoo in the corner o" these scarcity 0y the sur/ey, the as -roduction as increased in 2&&: "rom *& to 11: mmt 0ut 0y the yearits ettin decreased to ;< mmt "rom the -roduction no2. The need can only 0e satis"ied 0y the /eeta0le and its oil, this -a-er is also one o" the "indins 0ut a reater domination than the other .The con/entional "uels 2hich 2e use no2adays create a lot o" -ollution so there is a search "or the eco "riendly "uel .=inally the ans2er "or the -ro0lem is the usae o" the 0io1"uel. the 0io"uel reduces the -ollution to a lare e.tent. T.E POTE+TIAL A+, C.ARACTER OF POLA+/A SEE, OIL- The s-ecies has 0een -lanted 2idely throuh the tro-ics >it is uncertain "rom 2hereit oriinates .it is 0elie/ed to 0e indienous to (ndia. Malaysia, (ndonesia and the -hili-hines.it ro2s in areas 2ith 1&&&1