Religious Education Office 201.447.1776 Email: [email protected] Rectory 201.444.6362 FAX 201.444.5056 Email: [email protected] Parish Website www.churchofthenativitynj.com November 1, 2015 315 Prospect Street Midland Park, NJ 07432 All the Souls of the Faithful Departed Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord Christopher Scandone Richard Steurwald Ralph Robert LiButti Robert Joseph Wetzel Margaret Paul William A. Finnerty RoseMarie Frapaul Charles Donnelly Maria I. Veliz Erika M. Holsman Rose Mastrangelo Dorothy Gifuni Gary Borchers Lee R. Jacobs Thomas C. Mras Louise M. Leggiere August B. Juliano Helen DiGiammatteo Vera Reilly John J. Oates Angelo Acampora Josephine Chiara Bridget Ann Park Elizabeth Coco Marilyn Brechbiel Veronica Paolillo Mary Jane Noonan Albert W. Turchick Peter K. Funesti Bob Bazzini Frances McGee Catherine McGarry Julia Elardi Manuel ‘Manny’ Alvarez Jr Audrey Zangara Maurice Denequolo Leonard Melley Rachael Liccardi Elaine Sullivan Louis C. Silvestri

All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

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Page 1: All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

Religious Education Office 201.447.1776

Email: [email protected]

Rectory 201.444.6362 FAX 201.444.5056 Email: [email protected]

Parish Website www.churchofthenativitynj.com

November 1, 2015

315 Prospect Street Midland Park, NJ 07432

All the Souls of the Faithful Departed

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O Lord

Christopher Scandone Richard Steurwald

Ralph Robert LiButti Robert Joseph Wetzel

Margaret Paul William A. Finnerty RoseMarie Frapaul Charles Donnelly

Maria I. Veliz Erika M. Holsman Rose Mastrangelo Dorothy Gifuni Gary Borchers

Lee R. Jacobs Thomas C. Mras

Louise M. Leggiere August B. Juliano

Helen DiGiammatteo Vera Reilly

John J. Oates Angelo Acampora Josephine Chiara Bridget Ann Park Elizabeth Coco

Marilyn Brechbiel Veronica Paolillo

Mary Jane Noonan

Albert W. Turchick Peter K. Funesti

Bob Bazzini Frances McGee

Catherine McGarry Julia Elardi

Manuel ‘Manny’ Alvarez Jr Audrey Zangara

Maurice Denequolo Leonard Melley Rachael Liccardi Elaine Sullivan

Louis C. Silvestri

Page 2: All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

November 1, 2015 All Saints

Please remember in your prayers the sick who have asked for our prayers…

Ann Brenkert , Geraldina Lama, Kathleen Tuohey Joe Kearney, Joan Workstus, Veronica Genito

▪▪▪▪▪ Please remember in your prayers the recently deceased…

Rev. Peter Funesti, Catherine McGarry, Audrey Zangara, Maurice Dennequolo, Albert Kooreman ,

Leonard Malley, Rachael Liccardi, Elaine Sullivan, Louis Silvestri, Susan Bardzell

Thank you for your continued support of your Parish.

*Amount needed each week to pay our parish expenses

Weekly Church Offering On-Line Giving Weekly Average Energy Assessment Total Budgeted Revenue* Surplus/(Deficit)

$ 7,868 $ 1,886 $ 1,560 $11,314 $11,332 ($ 18)

Oct. 24 & 25

Mass Please Remember Mass Requested By

Saturday Oct 31st 5:00 Mass

Sr. Eleanor Dobson, SM Claire & Stan Laikowski

Sunday November 1st

8:00 Mass Sick & Deceased Members of the Rosary Society

Rosary Society

10:15 Mass Catherine McGarry Judy & Amanda McGarry

12:00 Mass Catherine McGarry Nancy & Dennis Schuck

Monday Nov 2nd 12:10 Mass

John J. Oates Bettie Maes Ryan

Tuesday Nov 3rd 12:10 Mass

Marisa Walsh

For all the souls in Purgatory especially deceased members of FOSS

Julie Walsh

Victor & Judy Bastis

Wednesday Nov 4th 12:10 Mass

Catherine McGarry

Mario Sinatra

Nativity Knits

Donna & Richie Andrychewitz

Thursday Nov 5th 12:10 Mass

Pasquale DiFinizio 6th Anniversary

Anna & Joseph Caldiero

Friday Nov 6th 12:10 Mass

Margaret Schiermeister 11th Anniversary

Robert Whiteley

Saturday Nov 7th 5:00 Mass

Ester & Al Vierheilig 54th Wedding Anniversary

Special Intention

Sunday November 8th

8:00 Mass Ann Williams Mary Lou & Bob Balog

10:15 Mass Ann Williams DeMarco Family

12:00 Mass Shirley Marsden 3rd Anniversary

Marsden Family

9:00 Mass Katie Mann Special Intention

Monday November 2

Tuesday November 3

11:00 CHA - Legion of Mary 1:00PM MG - Scripture Study 7:30PM C - Choir Practice

Wednesday November 4

10:00AM OH - Shepherds on the Move 1:00PM OH - Nativity Knits

Thursday November 5

9:30AM Wortendyke Park, MP - Silver Steppers 10:00AM MG - Rosary Society Meeting NO Thursday CCD Classes

Friday November 6

Women's Cornerstone

Saturday November 7

Women's Cornerstone

Sunday November 8

NO Sunday CCD Classes 9:00AM C - Mass for differently-abled People 10:15AM C - Baptism 12:00PM C - 60th Anniversary Mass Reception to follow in the back of the Church 5:00PM Tides Estates - 60th Anniversary Gala


C-Church OH-O’Connell Hall MG-McGrath Room CHA-Chapel

S-School KH-Kennedy Hall UR-Upper Room R-Rectory

November 2nd WEEK OF

Pope Francis @Pontifex

Parents, can you “waste time” with your children? It is one of the most important things you can do each day.


Page 3: All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

Week One…. I didn’t break anything yet!

Hello my dear friends, This week we find ourselves with quite a few things on the horizon here at Church of the Nativity. Just looking at the calendar, let me share with you a bit of what has been going on. We have had a wedding this past week and a funeral; a baptism and a Mass of appreciation. There is certainly a lot of things going on in the life of our parishioners. It’s great to be able to share it. The liturgical life definitely shows that business. Our life, in a sense, is a liturgy. We are a people, beautiful and caring, loving and responsible. Full of energy and joy; and we want to share all we are with those around us. I really do think that is true. At it’s heart, the Eucharist is a sacrament of communion, bringing us closer to God, but also, it brings us closer to our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ. Our brothers and sisters in the body of Christ? Who are they? Well, look beside you in the pew….on this side, that grey haired man or woman…..that small child fidgeting in their seat….. on the other side, the teenager (texting) waiting for Mass to start. Together we are that body of Christ. Each different, each important, and each necessary to the other! The other person we meet is so necessary to us. Have we noticed that when take our seat at church, or at a meeting….or, dare I say even on the bleachers to watch that (high school) football game? We are so important to one another and each other. I know that sometimes, it seems we may forget. But, let us remember today that we exist for one another. Each of us has our call from God and our important part to play in his Love. A love which reaches out …which is real and which gives us hope. That is exactly the love of Jesus demonstrated last Sunday in the Gospel. A blind beggar, crying out! How often we miss that? How often we ignore it, how often we did not respond to that cry? Not to worry, Jesus is ready to respond for us. His heart, so full of love. Jesus responds and gives the blind man his request in its fullness. He gives him his sight back. Eye sight is an instrument for the Christian to focus on Jesus and heaven. Limited sight, the blind man was only able to know things in his grasp….within his reach. Faith gives us a greater, deeper and full sight. We can see things differently, know things differently, as they are without judgment. Let us ask the Lord for a full view with faith. Faithful eyesight is living life in light of eternity. Other things on our calendar that we hope to see you at: Nov. 8 – 60th Anniversary Mass at 12noon. Nov. 8 – 60th Anniversary Gala Dinner Dance. 5pm-9pm at The Tides. Nov. 15th – Installation Mass at 12noon.

Fr. George

Thoughts on Scripture: It is no accident that the Gospel of Matthew has Jesus go “up the mountain,” traditionally a place associated with divine encounter, to teach the Beatitudes to his disciples. The Beatitudes reveal the very Being of God (“Blessed,” holy), God’s care for God’s beloved people (“poor in spirit,” “those who mourn,” etc.), God’s intent for faithful ones (“theirs is the kingdom of heaven”). The Beatitudes reveal the mind and heart of God. Those who have encountered God and lived the Beatitudes have the same mind and heart. We call them “saints.” While the news media is filled with the actions of those who seem godless, in fact we all know many people who live with the mind and heart of God. We all know “saints.” [Taken from Living Liturgy]

Catechesis…about Liturgy Origin of the festival of All Saints: The earliest cult of the saints focused on the martyrs, those who courageously gave their life out of commitment to Christ. From at least the fourth century the Eastern church had a festival honoring all the saints who have departed; in Rome in the fifth century the pagan Pantheon was consecrated as a church honoring Mary and the martyrs. By the eighth century the cult of the saints is extended beyond the martyrs to honor others who lived selfless, faithful Christian lives. At this time there is the first indication that the festival was fixed on November 1 in the West. This festival is not primarily about remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful disciples of Jesus, those who model for us Gospel living, those who inspire us to be likewise faithful. The communion of saints: There are numerous references in the New Testament of addressing the early Christians as “saints.” Most of Paul’s salutations at the beginning of his letters address “God’s beloved . . . who are called to be saints” (Rom 1:7; NRSV). In the Apostles’ Creed we profess belief in “the communion of saints.” This article of our faith comes immediately after our profession of belief in the Holy Spirit, and before our profession of belief in the resurrection of the body and everlasting life. The communion of saints cannot be doctrinally separated from the Holy Spirit’s work of binding us into a church, whereby we are members of the Body of Christ, nor from Christ’s promise and our hope that we will receive a share in his risen Life. Our union with one another in Christ through the Spirit is one of intimacy with our triune God and with one another—one another both living and dead. We saints on earth are united with the saints in heaven in Christ’s one Body, forever giving God glory and praise.

A Word on the Scriptures

Rev. George Klybus

Page 4: All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

Hundreds gathered last Sunday to come together and pray for Suzanne Bardzell and her family. Clergymen from several faiths led prayers for healing and peace as the crowed gathered around with candles.

“We are many houses of faith and we are many creeds,” said the Rev. George Klybus, Pastor of Church of the Nativity. “May God help us stand against the tide of hate, and may he shine as a beam of light for all of us.” Let us all keep Suzanne and her family in our prayers.

Parish Cateche cal Program: Gr. K-8: Just a reminder… There will be NO SESSIONS on Thursday Nov 5th and Sunday Nov 8th due to the NJEA Conven on.

FIRST PENANCE PROGRAM: The presenta on of the second theme “We Remember God’s Law and Forgiveness” in the First Penance Program begins this week. Parents will help the children preparing for the Sacrament understand that God loves each of us very much. He wants us to stay as close to him as possible, but this is not always easy to do.

CONFIRMATION 2016 Missed the mee ng and want to par cipate? You can call the office @ 201-447-1776

ALL SAINTS DAY CELEBRATION We are celebra ng the Feast of All Saints today November 1st, 2015 at the 10:15 AM Mass. Hope you’ve joined us, as the sixth grade CCD students honored them with a “Parade of Saints”.

November 1, 2015 All Saints

Living the Paschal Mystery

We often think of the saints as out-of-this-world holy people who are far beyond our own experience or sense of our own goodness. When we pray the Litany of All Saints (for example, before the baptisms during the Easter Vigil) we ask the intercession of very many saints who lived centuries ago in a very different time and culture. They seem far away. This solemnity reminds us that at one time they were ordinary people just like us, living ordinary lives in faithfulness to Gospel values. This festival is one of encouragement—God doesn’t judge us only on our weaknesses but on our persevering in a willingness to live as God’s blessed children. The simple, everyday things we do well wash us in the blood of the Lamb (see first reading). Our smile is a saintly one. Our gesture of kindness is an expression of blessedness. Our humility is Godlike. Others’ holy gestures toward us are reminders that there is glory awaiting us. To each of us who embraces our blessedness: ours “is the kingdom of heaven.”

With gratitude to Almighty God, our Faith Community joyfully announces the

Installation Mass of Reverend George Klybus

As the Eighth Pastor of Church of the Nativity

Sunday, November 15, 2015 12:00 Noon Mass

The Most Reverend John W. Flesey, S.T.D., D.D.

Auxiliary Bishop of Newark, Presiding

Refreshments to follow in Kennedy Hall

Page 5: All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

Local Catholic High Schools

Open Houses

Don Bosco Prep 492 N. Franklin Turnpike, Ramsey, NJ 07446. Sunday, November 1 from 1:00 to 3:00pm Families may register at www.donboscoprep.org under “Admissions.” For info contact the Don Bosco at 201-327-8003 or [email protected]

November 1, 2015 All Saints

Wedding Anniversary Celebration Form

Nativity will be having their annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on Saturday, November 21st at 6:30pm. If you are celebrating a significant anniversary such as your 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th, or 50th+ please join Nativity’s many other couples celebrating this special occasion. You’ll be glad you did! Please complete the form below and return to the rectory OR drop it in the offering basket. Questions? 201 444-6362 or [email protected] Couples First Names_________________________ Last Name__________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City _______________________________________ Date of Marriage ____________________________ Phone Number______________________________ Email Address ______________________________ Wedding Anniversary Song ___________________________________________

Have you ordered your leaf for Nativity’s Living Tree yet?

You too can now be part of Nativity’s Living Tree. Originally planted in 1997, we are bringing the tree back to life during this, our 60th anniversary of sharing faith.

For more information you can contact the rectory 201 444-6362 or [email protected]

Rev. James Martin, SJ to speak at Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Tuesday November 10th at 7:30 p.m. Our Lady of Mount Carmel

1 Passaic St Ridgewood Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in conjunction with The Well Read Bookstore in Hawthorne, is excited to bring you a book talk and signing with Rev. James Martin. At this event, Rev. James Martin will be speaking about his books, including his debut novel "The Abbey". In the tradition of the spiritual classics The Shack and The Screwtape Letters, Rev. James Martin, SJ a Jesuit priest, is editor at large at America magazine, and the New York Times bestselling author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage, The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything, and Between Heaven and Mirth. Father Martin has written for many publications, including the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, and he is a regular commentator in the national and international media. He has appeared on all the major radio and television networks, as well as in venues ranging from NPR's Fresh Air, FOX's The O'Reilly Factor, and PBS's NewsHour to Comedy Central's The Colbert Report. “The Abbey” and other selected titles will be available for sale that night by Well Read, we will be accepting cash, personal checks and all major credit cards. Titles may also be pre-ordered at Well Read by calling 973-949-3440 or by stopping in the store on 425 Lafayette Avenue in Hawthorne. A portion of the proceeds will go to Mount Carmel.

I’ve recently lost a loved one ... how will I get through the holidays?

Join us for a workshop on ‘Getting Through the Holidays’ on Sunday, Nov. 8 from 2-3:30pm in the Ministry Center at St. Catharine Church (905 So. Maple Avenue). This workshop is open to individuals and families of all ages and includes prayer, reflection, and sharing groups. Refreshments will be served. Please Contact Monica Seibert to register at 201-652-3388 or [email protected]

Rise and Shine Rosarians!

We are having another morning meeting. It will be held Thursday, Nov 5th at 10:00 AM in the McGrath room. A Continental breakfast will greet you. New members are always welcome.

Rosary Society News

Page 6: All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

November 1, 2015 All Saints

Today we celebrate the triumph of all the saints. One of the attractions of honoring saints is that they offer a great deal of variety and richness of life for us to emulate. No matter what situation in life we face, some Saint offers us a model for perseverance. This Holy Day reminds us that our eternal life rests on us having an intimate relationship with God and each other. Jesus provides the instruction sheets for our path to sainthood so it is always within our reach. We should not only recognize the saints officially canonized by the church but be sure to include the “saints” in our everyday lives. I’m sure we all encounter people whose actions are saintly; people who have a adapted to a Godlike way of living. Living a life of stewardship or self-giving is a path for each of us to sainthood. I have seen the generosity of the Nativity Parishioners throughout the year in our food drives, baby supply drives, school supplies drives, Giving Tree and our St. Francis Closet Ministry. You all are so willing and ready to give to others in need. The impact of your kindness might not always be evident because of the distance between you and the recipients. But rest assured, you could be someone’s “saint” and not even know it.

Seniors...come to Wordendyke Park in Midland Park for a walk around the park, weather permitting. Info call Phyllis Veli

201-560-0470 or email [email protected].

Next Sunday, November 8th Our 60th Anniversary Mass

will be celebrated at 12:00 noon followed by a reception in

the back of the Church. For more information you can contact the

rectory [email protected] Gala at 5:00PM at the Tides Estates

Calling all drivers! Nativity’s CARE Ministries is looking for a few more week-day drivers to deliver donations to the York Street Project in Jersey City. The commitment is about two deliveries a year...and times and days are flexible to fit your schedule. Please call Mary Allyn for more info 551-206-1916. Thank You!

Mini Clothing Drive for November 7 & 8

General Winter Clothing

Please drop off clothing in the McGrath Room.

We are looking for a few volunteers to complete the team for this ministry. The commitment is 4 or 5 times a year!

Children’s Liturgy of the Word is geared toward children in grades one through five and takes place during the 10:15 am Mass several Sundays each month. Children sit with their fami-lies when they first arrive. Prior to the first reading, they are led out of the church to the McGrath Room by adult leaders after receiving a special blessing. There, they will hear the Word of God proclaimed from the Lectionary for Children and hear a reflection on the reading. Children return to the Church following the Universal Prayer. If your are interested in joining this wonderful ministry or you want to hear more...contact Beth Anne DeMarco at 201 670-1497 or [email protected].

Friday, November 13th

after the 12:10 Mass (Mass is in the Church) Lunch is in the McGrath Room

The Luncheon is $6.00. All are asked to reply Phyllis to [email protected] or

201-560-0470 by November 11th. Don’t forget your cleaning supplies for the Love Fund.

Next Meeting

Wednesdays 10:00AM McGrath Room

Call Phyllis for info 201-560-0470

Page 7: All the Souls of the Faithful Departed · of the Rosary Society ... remembering the faithful departed (we do that on November 2). It is about honoring those who have been faithful

Special Instructions…. Hi Production Team, Please be advised that we are requesting a color cover for our All Souls Mass this Sunday. Also we will be requesting a color cover on November 8th for our 60th Anniversary and on November 15th for the Installation of our new Pastor. As part of our contract, we are entitled to some color covers during the year. Thanks for your continued support! Janet Nemec