1 APRIL 2012 £1.00 All Saints Parish Paper MARGARET STREET, LONDON W.1 VICAR’S LETTER The Actor Kevin Spacey, who is artistic director of the Old Vic, has warned that London theatres risk losing a whole generation of future audiences because of spiralling ticket prices. He is trying to attract commercial sponsorship to fund cheaper seats for young people. This is not just about ensuring the survival of an institution, but because he believes that the theatre can impart to us a greater understanding of the world and other people. It can improve our ability to communicate with others. Christianity can be seen as the drama of God’s relationship with his creation; the liturgy that celebrates that drama in word and sacrament, action and music, as theatre; the church building is the stage on which this drama takes place. Unless we stand through a performance at the Globe, as people would have done in Shakespeare’s time, or sit in the front rows at one of those shows at which members of the audience find themselves involved in the action, theatre-going is a largely sedentary experience. This does not mean that there is no audience participation, but it is primarily silent and internal; although even that communicates something through body language, even in a darkened theatre. You will be reading this as we celebrate Holy Week: the central drama of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. In the worship of Holy Week, we are enabled to be not just a passive audience but active participants, actors on stage. There are those who have particular rôles, presiding at the liturgy, preaching, reading, singing or serving. But all of us are given a part. We have a clear reminder of this at the beginning on Palm Sunday with its street theatre. The Liturgy of Palms in which we re-enact Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, sing and carry our palm branches, out in Market Place, and then to church for the Liturgy of the Passion in which we stand, like a Globe audience, through the dramatic choral setting of the Passion Gospel. Not everything is activity. One thing we learn at All Saints is to listen attentively and receptively. This is best experienced at Tenebrae of Wednesday in Holy Week, as we listen together in the gathering darkness while choir sings psalms and lessons, canticles and responsories. Then on Maundy Thursday, there is the Washing of the Feet at Mass, the Procession to the Altar of Repose, the Stripping of the Altar; followed by the long hours of watching through the night as we struggle not to fall asleep with the disciples. On Good Friday, we stand again as we hear the St John Passion sung. As the cross is carried through the church, we go down on our knees each time the deacon sings: “Behold, the wood of the cross on which

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APRIL 2012 £1.00

All Saints Parish Papermargaret street, london w.1

VICAR’S LETTERThe Actor Kevin Spacey, who is artistic director of the Old Vic, has warned that London theatres risk losing a whole generation of future audiences because of spiralling ticket prices. He is trying to attract commercial sponsorship to fund cheaper seats for young people. This is not just about ensuring the survival of an institution, but because he believes that the theatre can impart to us a greater understanding of the world and other people. It can improve our ability to communicate with others.

Christianity can be seen as the drama of God’s relationship with his creation; the liturgy that celebrates that drama in word and sacrament, action and music, as theatre; the church building is the stage on which this drama takes place.

Unless we stand through a performance at the Globe, as people would have done in Shakespeare’s time, or sit in the front rows at one of those shows at which members of the audience find themselves involved in the action, theatre-going is a largely sedentary experience. This does not mean that there is no audience participation, but it is primarily silent and internal; although even that communicates something through body language, even in a darkened theatre.

You will be reading this as we celebrate Holy Week: the central drama of the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. In

the worship of Holy Week, we are enabled to be not just a passive audience but active participants, actors on stage. There are those who have particular rôles, presiding at the liturgy, preaching, reading, singing or serving. But all of us are given a part. We have a clear reminder of this at the beginning on Palm Sunday with its street theatre. The Liturgy of Palms in which we re-enact Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, sing and carry our palm branches, out in Market Place, and then to church for the Liturgy of the Passion in which we stand, like a Globe audience, through the dramatic choral setting of the Passion Gospel.

Not everything is activity. One thing we learn at All Saints is to listen attentively and receptively. This is best experienced at Tenebrae of Wednesday in Holy Week, as we listen together in the gathering darkness while choir sings psalms and lessons, canticles and responsories.

Then on Maundy Thursday, there is the Washing of the Feet at Mass, the Procession to the Altar of Repose, the Stripping of the Altar; followed by the long hours of watching through the night as we struggle not to fall asleep with the disciples.

On Good Friday, we stand again as we hear the St John Passion sung. As the cross is carried through the church, we go down on our knees each time the deacon sings: “Behold, the wood of the cross on which

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was hung the world’s salvation”. Then we leave our places and join the procession of people coming forward to venerate the cross with the intimate physical act of a kiss. Christianity is about acts, not just ideas.

On Easter Eve, we gather in the darkness of the courtyard. A bonfire is lit and as the flames of the new fire leap heavenwards, the Easter Candle is prepared and kindled. Like the children of Israel following the pillar of fire, we set off on our pilgrimage to the promised land of Easter. Holding our candles which shine with light taken from that of the risen Christ, we hear again the rehearsal of the story of salvation. We respond with alternating silence and song, darkness and light, stillness and movement.

Fr Kevin Scully of St Matthew’s, Bethnal Green, one of the stream of ordinands called from All Saints to serve the wider Church, has sent me his new book. It is called “Imperfect Mirrors” and it is the product of a sabbatical in which this former actor returned to the drama school in Sydney where he had trained. He set out to explore ways in which clergy and others who take part in the celebration of the liturgy might improve their performance skills for the benefit of other participants. He passes on some useful lessons about the use of sound and space and movement, about preparation and understanding. As those who know him would expect, he has some trenchant comments about some popular but superficial trends in contemporary worship.

He stresses the importance of preparation. Here at All Saints, where he used to be a server, there is a lot to get ready both ‘on stage’ and ‘behind the scenes’. Books, vessels and vestments have to be in place. Music and movement has to be rehearsed. All that done, in good time, silence falls and

clergy, servers and singers pray together.

In church too, there is an expectant calm. I sometimes say to clergy that one of the most important gifts we can bring to our people, before ever they or we open lips in worship, is quiet recollection, so that heart and mind are focused on God and we become a praying presence at the heart of the liturgy which enables others to pray. Too many clergy are afflicted with hyper-activity and seem compelled to behave like the compere of a television game show, whipping the audience into a frenzy. Too many congregations seem equally compelled to talk to each other before services, rather than listening to God. We have held on to a precious gift at All Saints, one which benefits not just us, but those who come to worship with us.

One practical way in which we can help those unfamiliar with our ways, would be to reduce the confusing and distracting array of books and paper we put into their hands. At special times like Holy Week, we already have a single service booklet with the hymnal. This will now be our practice every Sunday. It will mean some extra cost but will be worth it.

Theatre is expensive to mount and Kevin Spacey is looking to business for help with the cost. Good liturgy does not come cheap either. We have to find the costs of running God’s theatres without ticket sales, public or private subsidies. We have to rely on the generosity of those who worship here, whose lives have been so changed for the better by their sharing in the drama of faith, the mystery play of salvation, that they see their part in the drama of God’s mission as being to make this available to others. There are significant stages in our spiritual life when, in the language of the theatre, we are moved from being in the audience to being

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members of the cast and the “angels” who make the play possible.

Some of us have been reading and studying together the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book, “Love Unknown”, by Sr Ruth Burrows. It is the distillation of her long life of discipleship as a Carmelite nun. I found again on my shelves an earlier book of hers on the Carmelite tradition. Carmelite life combines work and recreation together (we have lots of both at All Saints), a serious commitment to both private prayer (at least two hours each day) and the common prayer of the liturgy: the “Work of God”.

“Work”, she says, “is often laborious, and calls for great sacrifice and we must be prepared for this in our ‘work’.” Therese of Lisieux, a Carmelite saint, grasped the spiritual value of the daily round and its importance to the Church. Even when sick and dying, she would strive to be, as she said

“at my post”. The problem for a monastery (and by implication a parish), says Sr Ruth, is that the consequences of people not being at their post are not immediately obvious but are very real. “Nothing is more helpful and stimulating for a community than general fervour — each one aware of their obligations and determined to fulfil them… whereas frequent absence…affect the morale of the whole.”

She goes on to say that the liturgy “is bigger than ourselves. Our own participation may seem poverty-stricken to us, but provided we are doing our best, our little curl of incense is caught up in the great column of prayer rising continually from Jesus and his Church.”

With my best wishes for Holy Week and Easter,

Yours in Christ, Alan Moses


Wednesday April 18th 7.30 p.m. at the Church of the Annunciation, Bryanston Street

Following from previous successful events on ‘community’, The Church of Annunciation will be hosting a Question Time format debate about the mechanics, prospects and importance of inner city communities. The event will be hosted by Adam Boulton of Sky News, and will feature:l Ed Vaizey, MP Minister for the Arts l Karen Buck, MP for Westminster Northl Simon Hughes, MP for Southwark and Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats.

There will be drinks before, and a buffet dinner afterwards. Tickets will be £20 per person. Please email [email protected] for details or to reserve a place, or call William Murray on 020 7549 6611.

We hope to fill the Annunciation for the exciting venture, so please come and invite your friends.

Bible StudyPlease note that to avoid a a clash with the London Calling Community Question Time, the April Bible Study will now be on Thursday April 19th.

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Monday 26 March — Annunciation of Our Lord to the Blessed Virgin Mary 8.00 a.m. and 1.10 p.m. only, Low Masses at All Saints 7.00 p.m. High Mass at The Annunciation, Bryanston Street Celebrant and Preacher: Bishop Michael Colclough

Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter 1 - 8 April Please see separate notice.

Saturday 14 April 4.00 p.m. Choral Evensong sung by former choristers from the Choir School

with Harry Bramma, organ. Music includes: Canticles by C.S. Lang and Exsultate Jubilate by Louis Halsey.

Saturday 21 April 3.00 p.m. Poetry Tea at Pamela Botsford’s. All welcome. Please bring poems or prose on the subject of ‘Illusions’. If you would like to come please tell Pamela or Sandra Wheen, or ring Sandra on 020 7637 8456 leaving your name and phone number. Please book early as space is limited. Cost £6 towards the All Saints Restoration Appeal.

Thursday 3 May 7.05 p.m. HOLY HOUR led by Fr John Pritchard

Friday 11 - Sunday 13 May Parish Retreat at Bishop Woodford House, Ely.Led by Bishop Graeme Knowles. Please contact Martin Woolley for further details 020 7436 2858 or 07976 275383 or by email [email protected]

Thursday 17 May ASCENSION DAY 6.30 p.m. High Mass Preacher: Bishop Martin Shaw

Sunday 24 June 7.45 p.m. A Diamond Jubilee Summer Concert by The Choir of All Saints “coronAtIon MusIc froM fIve centurIes”. Please see separate advertisement in this issue.


FR GREGORY SEACH — OUR HOLY WEEK PREACHERGregory Seach was born and raised in Sydney, Australia, and is a cradle Anglican (though he is sufficiently ancient to have been baptized and confirmed in “the Church of England in Australia”, as it was then called!). After studies at the University of Sydney, where (for a time) he considered being a lawyer, he taught English, history and drama in an Anglican boarding school

for 10 years. These ten years included one year’s exchange teaching in Hertfordshire, and it was during that year that he first worshipped in All Saints — on Ash Wednesday 1994.

On his return to Australia, and following long conversations with Frs Austin Day and Michael Bowie (successive rectors of

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Monday 2 April 12.00 - 1.00 p.m. Fr John Barrie 5.00 - 6.00 p.m. Fr John Pritchard

Tuesday 3 April 12.00 - 1.00 p.m. The Vicar 5.00 - 6.00 p.m. Fr Gerald Beauchamp Wednesday 4 April 12.00 - 1.00 p.m. Fr John Pritchard 5.00 - 6.00 p.m. Fr Julian Browning

Maundy Thursday 5 April 12.00 - 1.00 p.m. Fr John Gaskell 4.45 - 5.45 p.m. The Vicar

Good Friday 6 April 11.00 a.m. - 12.00 noon The Vicar

Holy Saturday 7 April 5.00 - 6.00 p.m. Fr John Pritchard


Christ Church St Lawrence, Sydney), he moved to Melbourne, where his theological studies occured at Trinity College in the University of Melbourne. He was ordained in St Paul’s Cathedral in the Diocese of Melbourne. After a curacy in suburban Melbourne (in the parish church where Barry Humphries was baptized!), he came

to Cambridge and completed a PhD at Clare College. He has been Dean and Fellow of Clare since 2008, where he is also Director of Studies in Theology and Religious Studies. He teaches courses in Christian Theology and Theology and Literature in the faculty of Divinity.

The Fourth Sunday of Easter (April 29th) is called ‘Good shepherd sunday’ because the Gospel at the Eucharist is part of the Good Shepherd passage in St John’s Gospel. It is a day on which we pray for vocations to the priesthood so that the Church might have pastors.

We welcome two preachers who are involved in the promotion and discernment of vocations.

At High Mass: Fr Stephen Ferns who is

Senior Selection Secretary at the Ministry Division of the Archbishops’ Council.

At Evensong: Fr Nicholas Papadopoulos, the Vicar of St Peter’s, Eaton Square, who is now Director of Ordinands for the Two Cities Episcopal Area.

Fr Stephen has two reasons for being here. The other being the baptism of Emilia Gralka. Emilia’s father Nick and Stephen were schoolboys together in their home town of Stamford.

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ALL SAINTS, MARGARET STREET, WI www.allsaintsmargaretstreet.org.uk


PALM SUNDAY, 1 APRIL l0.45 a.m. Liturgy of Palms in Market Place, Procession to Church and High Mass Preacher: The Revd Dr Gregory Seach, Dean of Clare College, Cambridge (our preacher throughout Holy Week this year). 6.00 p.m. Solemn Evensong and Solemn Benediction Preacher: Fr Gregory Seach

Monday - Wednesday in Holy Week, 2, 3 and 4 April 6.30 p.m. Low Mass with Homily by Fr Gregory Seach Low Masses also at 8.00 a.m. and 1.10 p.m.

WEDNESDAY 4 APRIL 7.30 p.m. Tenebrae for Maundy Thursday sung by the choir of All saints

MAUNDY THURSDAY, 5 APRIL 6.30 p.m. Concelebrated High Mass of the Lord’s Supper Preacher: Fr Gregory Seach

GOOD FRIDAY, 6 APRIL 12.00 noon The Preaching of the Passion Preacher: Fr Gregory Seach 1.00 p.m. The Solemn Liturgy Preacher: Fr Gregory Seach 6.30 p.m. Stations of the Cross

HOLY SATURDAY, 7 APRIL 12.00 noon Liturgy of the Day 9.00 p.m. High Mass of the Easter Vigil Preacher: Fr Gregory Seach

EASTER DAY, SUNDAY 8 APRIL 11.00 a.m. Procession, Blessing of the Easter Garden, Baptism and High Mass Preacher: The Vicar 6.00 p.m. Solemn Evensong, Te Deum and Solemn Benediction Preacher: Fr John Pritchard

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Administrative Information The Parish Church of All Saints St Marylebone is situated in Margaret Street, in the West End of London, in the City of Westminster. It is part of the Diocese of London within the Church of England.

The correspondence address is: All Saints’ Parish Office, 7 Margaret Street, London W1W 8JG.

Bankers:National Westminster Bank plc, Great Portland Street Branch, PO Box 2027, 125 Great Portland Street, London W1W 6AX

Auditor: Civvals, Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors, 5th Floor, Marble Arch House, 66 - 68 Seymour Street, London W1H 5AF.

Inspecting Architect: Colin Kerr Esq BA, B. Arch, Dip Cons (ICCROM) Molyneux Kerr Architects, Unit 14, 112 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4LE The Parochial Church Council (PCC) The Parochial Church Council is a corporate body established by the Church of England under the Parochial Church Councils Powers Measure 1956. The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. Public Benefit The primary object of the PCC is the promotion of the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to the doctrines and practices of the Church of England. Induction and trainingThere is no formal induction process for new members of the PCC. However literature is made available to new members explaining the responsibilities and duties of Trustees. Members of the PCC also attend training courses arranged by the Diocese. responsibilities of members of the Pcc as trustees Charity Law requires the PCC to prepare financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the PCC, and of the incoming resources and application of the resources of the PCC for that period. These financial statements are set out in a separate document.

There are two charities which are connected with the All Saints’ PCC.

The All Saints’ Church Marylebone Choir and Music Trust (Reg. Charity No, 802994), which has as its object to maintain and promote the performance and appreciation of church music in Marylebone, and in particular at All Saints.

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The All Saints Foundation (Reg. Charity No. 273390), which includes among its objects the maintenance and repair of the Parish Church of All Saints. Both charities can be contacted at the correspondence address.

Incumbent: Prebendary L.A. Moses Assistant Priest: The Revd J. Pritchard (from July 1st 2011) Honorary Assistant Priests:The Revd G. Beauchamp The Revd J. Browning Prebendary J. Gaskell Parish Administrator: Mr D. Davis Churchwardens: Mr J. Forde Mr C. Self

Parochial Church Council 2011 Prebendary A. Moses*** Vicar (Chairman) The Revd J. Pritchard Assistant Priest (from (1/7/11) Mr J. Forde Churchwarden (Vice Chairman) Mr C Self Churchwarden Dr D. Thomas* Hon Secretary Mr P. Hartley Hon Treasurer (elected until 10/4/11, co-opted member from 17/4/11)

Mr D. Brash Mr R. Oram (from 10/4/11) Mr R. Buchanan* Mr K. PostanceMr R. Clutterham (until 10/4/11) Mr G. Prince (from 10/4/11) Miss G. Dare (from 10/4/11) Mr C. Stephens* (from 1/6/11) Mr D. Fielden (from 10/4/11) Mr C. Swift**Mr A. Hargreaves-Smith*** Miss P. Thompson* (until 31/5/11) Dr N. Hartman Mr S. VoyMiss C. Hodgetts (from 10/4/11) Mr Q. Williams Mrs M. Leggett Mrs J. WindhamMr I. Marsh Mr G. WoodcockMiss F. O’Neil Mr M. Woolley* Mr J. McWhinney

*** Member of General Synod *Member of Deanery Synod ** Member of Diocesan Synod

Standing Committee Preb A. Moses (Chairman) Mr J. Forde Dr D. ThomasMr C. Self Mr K. PostanceMr P. Hartley Miss F. O’Neil (from 17/4/11) Mr Q. Williams (until 17/4/11) Mrs J. Windham (until 17/4/11) Mr G. Woodcock (from 17/4/11)

Electoral Roll Officer Miss C. T. BurlingChildren’s Advocate Mrs J. Drake

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Director of Music Mr P. BroughSenior Sidesman Mr K. PostanceHead Server Mr C. Stephens

Mission Committee Preb A. Moses Mrs J. Drake (Chairman) Mrs C. Brown Miss F. O’Neil Mr G. McKee (resigned Nov 2011) Mr C. Self

Health and Safety Committee Preb A. Moses Mr C. Self (Chairman) Mr S. VoyMr C. Williams Mr Q. Williams

Buildings Committee Preb A. Moses Mr M. Fleming Mr J. Forde Mr K. Postance (Chairman) Mr C. Self Mr P. Weston

Events and Catering Committee Preb A. Moses Mrs J. Drake Miss M. Ellis Miss C. HodgettsMrs D. Prior, Mr C. Self (Chairman) Mr P. Weston

Restoration Appeal Committee Preb A. Moses (Chairman) Revd G. Beauchamp Dr H. Bramma Mr J. Forde Mr J. McWhinney Miss F. O’Neil Mr C. Self Mr G. Woodcock

Publicity Committee The responsibilities of the Publicity Committee have been taken over by the Restoration Appeal Committee.

All Saints Club Management Committee Preb A. Moses (Chairman) Mrs E. Cardoso Mr S. Cardoso Miss C. Hodgetts Mr G. Prince Mr C. Self Mr M. Woolley

Cell of our Lady of Walsingham and All Saints Mrs J. Windham (Chairman) Revd G. Beauchamp (until November 23rd) Revd J. Pritchard (from November 23rd) Mr R. Buchanan Mr J. FordeMrs R. Postance Mr C. Self Mr C. Swift


The Electoral Roll The Electoral Roll numbered 255 on December 31st 2011. This is a net increase of four since December 2010. Membership of the Electoral Roll of any parish should indicate a commitment to that parish and comes with some responsibilities, not least financial. For a parish like All Saints with its scattered and constantly changing congregation, the Roll is an essential working document, and the Council is very grateful to Miss Burling, the Electoral Roll Officer for her continued diligence in

keeping the Roll up to date.

Risk Assessment The various aspects of Risk Assessment are being reviewed. Two areas of risk continue to be well monitored, namely Child Protection and Health and Safety.

Child Protection The Council carried out the annual review of its Child Protection Policy, and on the advice of Mrs Drake, the Children’s Advocate, decided that there was no need for any changes to be made. We can report

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LITURGY OF PALMS, PROCESSION AND HIGH MASS AT 10.45 a.m. At the start of the Liturgy of Palms:

Pueri Hebræorum — PalestrinaPalm Gospel: Mark 11: 1 - 11Blessing of Palms: Hosanna Filio David!

— ValeProcessional Hymns: 509, 511, Lift high the CrossIntroit: Domine, ne longeMass: Mass in B flat — RachmaninovLessons: Isaiah 50: 4 - 9a Psalm 31 Philippians 2: 5 - 11Hymn: 425Gospel: The Passion according to MarkPreacher: The Revd Dr Gregory Seach, Dean, Clare College, CambridgeAnthem: God so loved the world

— StainerHymns: 273 (T 302), 465, 86

SOLEMN EVENSONG at 6.00 p.m.Psalm: 69: 1 - 20Lessons: Isaiah 5: 1 - 7 Mark 12: 1 - 12Office Hymn: 79Canticles: Service in B flat

— RachmaninovAnthem: O Saviour of the world

— OuseleyPreacher: Fr Gregory SeachHymn: 90




Maundy ThursdayAt 8.30 p.m. the Revd T.W. Roberts of St Augustine’s, Kilburn, will preach the Stations of the Cross. The Stations will be shown in large limelight pictures at the entrance of the chancel. On this occasion, owing to the darkness of the Church the outer gates will be closed when the Service begins and no further admissions will be permitted.

A hundred years later, we began using our new set of stations by Susanna Rust last year. The first fourteen were the traditional subjects. They were the focus of a Sunday evening service at the beginning of Passiontide with the images projected on a large screen at the chancel, just as 100 years ago. We now have seven more stations by Susanna which are on events in the biblical passion story. These were the focus of a Service of Readings and Music for Passiontide on March 25th. Once again the images were projected onto a screen at the chancel so that all could see.

that no matters have been brought to the attention of the Children’s Advocate during the last year. Health and Safety The Health and Safety Committee, chaired by Mr Self continue to monitor all aspects of Health and Safety on the Council’s behalf, and bring to its attention any matters which they consider necessary. Towards the end of the year the Committee decided that a review of the Fire Risk Assessment, and Health and Safety Policy should be undertaken. The Council is grateful to the members of the Committee for their vigilance on its behalf.

to be continued

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SOLEMN BENEDICTION O Salutaris: RachmaninovHymn: 91Tantum Ergo: Rachmaninov



TENEBRAE AT 7.30 p.m.The offices of Mattins and Lauds for Maundy Thursday.


HIGH MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER at 6.30 p.m.Introit: Nos autemMass: Kyrie/Gloria: Communion

Service in F — Darke Sanctus/Benedictus/Agnus Dei

— Mass XLessons: Exodus 12: 1 - 4, 11 - 14 Psalm 116 1 Corinthians 11: 23 - 26Hymn: 279 (T 182)Gospel: John 13: 1- 17, 31b - 35Preacher: Fr Gregory SeachAt the washing of feet: Mandatum novum; Postquam surrexit (plainsong); Ubi caritas — DurufléAnthem: Christus factus est

— BrucknerHymns: 302, 513At the Procession to the Altar of Repose: 268 (R)Stripping of the Altar: Psalm 22 (NEH 515)Gospel of the Watch: Matthew 26: 30 - end


THE SOLEMN LITURGY OF THE PASSION AT 1.00 p.m.Lessons: Isaiah 52: 13 - 53: end Psalm 22: 1- 11 Hebrews 10: 16 - 25Hymn: 379Gospel: The Passion according to St JohnPreacher: Fr Gregory SeachAt the Veneration: The Reproaches, 95 Liturgy of the Sacrament: 79 (Choir)Hymns: 97, 98Communion Motet: Crucifixus — Lotti


HIGH MASS OF THE EASTER VIGIL AT 9.00 p.m.Mass: Messe Solennelle — Vierne The Liturgy of the Word: Genesis 1: 1 – 2: 4a Psalm 136 Genesis 22: 1 - 18; Psalm 16 Exodus 14: 10 - 31, 15: 20 - 21 Canticle of Moses (Exodus 15: 1 - 13) Isaiah 55: 1 - 11 Canticle, Isaiah 12 Ezekiel 36: 24 - 28; Psalm 42 Romans 6: 3 - 11Hymn: 119Gospel: Mark 16: 1 - 8Preacher: Fr Gregory SeachThe Litany: Litany of Thanksgiving for

the Resurrection (arr Kitchen)Offertory Hymn: 296 (i)Hymns: 102, 113, 124Voluntary: Fanfare and Gothic March


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HIGH MASS at 11.00 a.m.Entrance Hymn: 106 (T 219; v 4 Descant

— Caplin)Introit: Quasi modoMass: Missa Choralis — BrucknerLessons: Acts 4: 32 - 35 Psalm 133 1 John 1: 1 - 2: 2Hymn: 125 (omit *)Gospel: John 20: 19 - endPreacher: Fr Julian BrowningCreed: Credo IIIAnthem: Surrexit pastor bonus

— LheritierHymns: 389, 121, 173Voluntary: Toccata in F BWV 540

— Bach

SOLEMN EVENSONG at 6.00 p.m.Psalm: 143: 1 - 11Lessons: Isaiah 26: 1 - 9, 19 Luke 24: 1 - 12Office Hymn: 101 (omit *)Canticles: Service in G — StanfordAnthem: Surgens Jesus — PhilipsPreacher: Fr Gerald BeauchampHymn: 112

BENEDICTION O Salutaris: Bach (No 1)Hymn: 255Tantum Ergo: Bach (No 1)Voluntary: Toccata and Fugue in

D minor (Dorian) — Bach


HIGH MASS AND HOLY BAPTISM at 11.00 a.m.Processional: Hail! Festal Day; 119Introit: ResurrexiMass: Mass in D — MozartLessons: Acts 10: 34 - 43 Psalm 118: 14 - 23 1 Corinthians 15: 1 - 11Hymn: 110 (v 3 Descant — Benson)Gospel: John 20: 1 - 18Preacher: The Vicar Prebendary Alan MosesAt the Procession to the Font: Litany of Thanksgiving for the Resurrection (arr Kitchen)Anthem: Regina cœli — MascagniHymns: 115, 123, 120Voluntary: Toccata (Symphonie V)

— Widor

SOLEMN EVENSONG at 6.00 p.m.Psalm: 105Lessons: Ezekiel 37: 1 - 14 Luke 24: 13 - 35Office Hymn: 101 (omit *)Canticles: Collegium Regale — WoodAnthem: Christus resurgens

— RichauffortPreacher: Fr John PritchardHymn: 117

SOLEMN BENEDICTION O Salutaris: French ChantTe Deum: Solemn ToneTantum Ergo: HenschelVoluntary: Paean — Harwood

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HIGH MASS at 11.00 a.m.Entrance Hymn: 103 (v 4 Descant

— Caplin)Introit: Misericordia DominiMass: Spatzenmesse — MozartLessons: Acts 3: 12 - 19 Psalm 4 1 John 3: 1 - 7Hymn: 114Gospel: Luke 24: 36b - 48Preacher: The Vicar, Prebendary Alan MosesCreed: Credo IIAnthem: Haec dies — ByrdHymns: 118, 279, 119Voluntary: Hymne au Soleil — Vierne

SOLEMN EVENSONG at 6.00 p.m.Psalm: 142Lessons: Deuteronomy 7: 7 - 13 Revelation 2: 1 - 11Office Hymn: 101 (omit *)Canticles: Service in E flat (No 1)

— Wood Anthem: Ye choirs of new Jerusalem

— StanfordPreacher: Fr Julian BrowningHymn: 430

BENEDICTIONO Salutaris: Elgar (No 3)Hymn: 102Tantum Ergo: de SéveracVoluntary: Magnificat Primi Toni

BuxWV 204 — Buxtehude


HIGH MASS AND BAPTISM at 11.00 a.m.Entrance Hymn: 205Introit: Jubilate DeoMass: Missa ‘Che fa oggi il mio sole’

— AllegriLessons: Acts 4: 5 - 12 Psalm 23 1 John 3: 16 - endHymn: 107Gospel: John 10: 11 - 18Preacher: Fr Stephen Ferns, Ministry Division, Church HouseAnthem: Alleluia — ThomsonHymns: 282, 463 (ii), 436

(v 4 Descant — Blake)Voluntary: Christ ist erstanden BWV 627

— Bach

SOLEMN EVENSONG at 6.00 p.m.Psalm: 81: 8 - 16Lessons: Exodus 16: 4 - 15 Revelation 2: 12 - 17Office Hymn: 101 (omit *)Canticles: Collegium Magdalenæ

— LeightonAnthem: My beloved spake — HadleyPreacher: Fr Nicholas Papadopoulos Vicar of St Peter’s, Eaton Square and Area Director of OrdinandsHymn: 104

BENEDICTIONO Salutaris: Paul BroughHymn: 487 (T 447)Tantum Ergo: Paul BroughVoluntary: Flourish for an occasion

— Harris

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STEWARDSHIP ATALL SAINTSAll matters relating to Stewardship should be addressed to the Stewardship Administrator, Mr Dennis Davis, c/o All Saints Vicarage, 7, Margaret Street, London W1W 8JG


The Friends support the work of this centre of Christian witness and worship, teaching and spiritual counsel, through their prayers, their financial help and their concern. Please write for further information to The Friends’ Secretary at the address below.

PARISH ORGANISATIONSPlease write c/o The Vicarage, 7, Margaret Street, London W1W 8JGwww.allsaintsmargaretstreet.org.uke-mail: [email protected]

All Saints Church Marylebone Choir and Music Trust FundAdministrator: Mr Geoffrey Woodcock

All Saints FoundationAdministrator: Mr Damon Brash

Friends of All Saints secretary: Mrs Juliet Windham

Parish Paper Subscriptionsc/o The Parish Office

Vicar:Prebendary Alan Moses 020 7636 1788 / 9961Assistant Priest:The Revd John Pritchard 020 7636 1788Honorary Assistant Priests:The Revd Gerald Beauchamp 020 7258 0724The Revd Julian Browning 020 7286 6034Prebendary John Gaskell 020 8858 9589Parish Administrator:Mr Dennis Davis 020 7636 1788 / 9961 e-mail: [email protected]

Sundays Low Mass at 6.30 p.m. (Sat), 8.00 a.m. and 5.15 p.m. Morning Prayer 10.20 a.m. HIGH MASS and SERMON at 11.00 a.m. SOLEMN EVENSONG, SERMON and BENEDICTION at 6.00 p.m.

Monday to Friday Morning Prayer at 7.30 a.m. Low Mass at 8.00 a.m., 1.10 p.m. and 6.30 p.m. Confessions from 12.30 - 1.00 p.m. and 5.30 p.m Evening Prayer at 6.00 p.m.

Saturday Morning Prayer at 7.30 a.m. Low Mass at 8.00 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.* (* First Mass of Sunday) Confessions 5.30 p.m., Evening Prayer 6.00 p.m. Confessions are also heard by appointment 020 7636 1788Instruction in the catholic faith as taught by the Church of England can be obtained on application to any of the priests, who will also give help in preparing for the sacraments.

PARISH OFFICIALSChurchwardens:Mr John Forde 020 7592 9855Mr Christopher Self 020 8858 6370PCC Secretary:Dr Dilys Thomas 020 7794 3626 Hon Treasurer:Mr Patrick Hartley 020 7607 0060Director of Music:Mr Paul Brough 020 8655 3361Associate Director of Music: Mr Charles Andrews 01580 240575Electoral Roll Officer:Miss Catherine Burling c/o 020 7636 1788

Page 16: All Saints Parish Paper

Set and Printed byS Alban’s Church Litho UnitBirmingham B12 0XB

CALENDAR AND INTENTIONS FOR APRIL 2012 1 XPALM SUNDAY OUR PARISH AND PEOPLE 2 Monday of Holy Week Church Army Hostels 3 Tuesday of Holy Week Persecuted Christians 4 Wednesday of Holy Week Renewal in witness 5 MAUNDY THURSDAY Thanksgiving for the Eucharist 6 GOOD FRIDAY The needs of the World 7 HOLY SATURDAY Preparations for Easter 8 XEASTER DAY OUR PARISH AND PEOPLE 9 Monday of Easter Week Thanksgiving for the Resurrection 10 Tuesday of Easter Week Thanksgiving for the Resurrection 11 Wednesday of Easter Week Friends of All Saints 12 Thursday of Easter Week Unity 13 Friday of Easter Week Those in need 14 Saturday of Easter Week Thanksgiving for the Resurrection 15 X2nd SUNDAY OF EASTER OUR PARISH AND PEOPLE 16 Isabelle Gilmore Parochial Church Council 17 The homeless 18 The Emergency Services 19 St Alphege Unity 20 Those in need 21 St Anselm Teachers of the Faith 22 X3rd SUNDAY OF EASTER OUR PARISH AND PEOPLE 23 St George, martyr, patron of England The people of England 24 Mellitus, bishop; Seven Martyrs of the Melanesian Brotherhood The unemployed 25 St Mark the Evangelist Our witness to the Faith 26 Unity 27 Christina Rossetti, poet Those in need 28 Peter Chanel, missionary, martyr USPG 29 X4th SUNDAY OF EASTER OUR PARISH AND PEOPLE 30 Pandita Mary Ramabai, translator Translators of the Scriptures

Please note: All Friday Masses are ‘for those in need’ — intercessions from the board inside church are used on these days.