1 All Saints’ Episcopal Parish Disciples Glorifying Christ and Lovingly Serving Others 2014 Annual Report Sunday, January 25, 2015 All Saints’ Episcopal Church Dolores & Ninth, Carmel-by-the-Sea California 831-624-3883 www.allsaintscarmel.org

All Saints’ Episcopal Parish Annual Report for 2014

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Our collective faith might best be described as an adventure. We had quite an adventure in faith last year! Like all adventures, there were moments of joy, victory, celebration, rest, hard work, evaluating, planning, overcoming adversity, and responding to new opportunities.

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Page 1: All Saints’ Episcopal Parish Annual Report for 2014


All Saints’ Episcopal Parish

Disciples Glorifying Christ and Lovingly Serving Others

2014 Annual Report

Sunday, January 25, 2015

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

Dolores & Ninth, Carmel-by-the-Sea California



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Agenda: 2015 Annual Parish Meeting

11:45 Prayer

11:45 Lunch

12:15 Call meeting to order—Fr. Rick

Approve minutes from 2014 Annual Meeting

Rector’s message

12:30 Review reports by title—Nancy Jones

12:50 Thank outgoing vestry members—Sameera Sharif

Wanda Green, Dave McClendon, and Susan Britton

12:55 Overview of rector transition process—Claudia Ward

Announce March 8 Sunday forum for discussing rector transition and discernment plan

1:00 Present draft of follow-through on discernment plan—Susan Stanton

Present Time, Talent, and Interest cards—Susan Sonnthal

1:20 Finances—Dave McClendon

2014 summary

2015 summary

Announce February 8 Sunday forum for discussing the 2015 budget

1:45 Elections and Commissioning

Vestry: Candace DiLello, Michael Sizemore, Gwyn Romano

Commissioning Prayer

Diocesan Convention Delegates: Susan Stanton, Grace Swearingen, Jennifer Suttie,

Lorrie Sizemore

Commissioning Prayer

TBA Open microphone for comments or questions, as time permits

2:00 Closing Hymn, blessing, dismissal

Minutes for the 2014 Annual Parish Meeting

January 26, 2014

The meeting was called to order by Fr. Rick shortly after noon. After opening comments of gratitude by the rector,

Ed Fincke led the membership in holding table conversations about life-giving moments in 2013. Afterward, we

shared the tables’ comments with the whole.

The written reports were reported by title, with comments, questions, and expressions of gratitude interspersed.

Jackie Graham presented the 2013 financials, reporting that we ended the year with a debt. The causes of the debt

were 1) Music at All Saints’ losing money on its concert series, 2) unexpected costs in the music director’s

departure, and 3) unrealized growth (trajectory of growth did not continue in 2013, based in part on people who left

when music director left). Jackie presented a chart giving an overview of parish finances from 2003 (debt of

$179,000) to 2014. The long-standing pervious debt had been retired in 2012.

Outgoing vestry members were honored and thanked. The following people were elected to serve on the vestry:

Mitzi Daly (two-year term) Frank Graham (two-year term), Sameera Sharif (three-year term), Susan Sonnthal

(three-year term), Susan Stanton (three-year term), and Elaine Stanton (one-year term). The following members

were elected to serve as delegates to diocesan convention for 2014: Grace Swearingen, Elizabeth McInnis, Susan

Stanton, Lorrie Sizemore, and Louis Powell.

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Treasurer Jackie Graham then presented the 2014 operating budget, with cuts in staff in order to keep the budget

balanced. Discussion followed.

We thanked our staff, clergy, and members of the Santa Lucia council for their service during the year. The rector

announced that Wanda Green would be serving as the senior warden in 2014. Members were invited to make

comments or asked questions, and we adjourned the meeting with a blessing and dismissal.

Respectfully submitted by

The Rev. Rick Matters

Rector’s 2014 Annual Report

Reported by the Rev. Richard B. Matters

Our collective faith might best be described as an adventure. We had quite an adventure in faith last year! Like all

adventures, there were moments of joy, victory, celebration, rest, hard work, evaluating, planning, overcoming

adversity, and responding to new opportunities.

The adventure of this past year involved a great deal of transition. We said goodbye to staff members Greg Troxell,

Robin Denney, and Rev. Gwen Buehrens. Mother Cynthia retired as Vicar of Santa Lucia. We also lost a few

members who were unhappy, as well as several for whom the tension emanating from the vestry exceeded their

tolerance. We also welcomed to our staff Duane Gomes, Ray Krise, and Jennifer Suttie. We received with joy many

new members.

My own adventure in faith included six weeks of sabbatical at Lake Tahoe. I came back refreshed and equipped to

work with the vestry to correct our out-of-order dynamics. We worked with an outside consultant, and incorporated

the congregation in discerning who we are and where God is leading us. By October, we were back in order, and re-

formed into a team. Our November celebration of All Saints’ with the bishop, and our December Advent dinner

demonstrated that a sweet spirit had been established at All Saints’.

Our adventure in faith this past year shows that God always faithfully offers new beginnings and invites

reconciliation. By following in the footsteps of Jesus, we received that reconciliation and experienced the joy of a

new beginning. Even the weariness that the vestry and I felt has been lifted. Without realizing it, All Saints’ became

a living example of the Gospel.

We undertake the next adventure of faith. This year will involve the adventure called retirement for Andrea and me.

My joy and love for All Saints’ and our missions is as strong as ever. In fact, they are even stronger after last year’s

adventure. So it is with God’s grace. Many times I’ve wanted to reverse my decision, and serve with you longer, but

I must be faithful to God’s calling. Joy and love still overflow, but my energy has diminished. I’m weary, and I must

entrust you to God’s grace and inspiration, which I am honored to do.

Your adventure in faith in 2015 will involve saying goodbye to Andrea and me, following the leadership of your

vestry, trusting God, listening to each other, being surprised by joy, welcoming new members, and following the

priest who will serve in the transition. You will be tempted to be fearful and anxious, but you can resist that

temptation. Like all adventures, there will be moments of joy, victory, celebration, rest, hard work, evaluating,

planning, overcoming adversity, and responding to new opportunities.

Let us enjoy the sweet spirit in our last months together.

In Christ’s love, Rick+

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Parish Clergy Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

We are blessed with retired priests who volunteer their time and gifts to All Saints’. In addition, we are

enriched by the presence of our associate priest and chaplain at our mission of All Saints’ Day School. These fine

priests have given me much support, and have enriched this community of faith. Join me in thanking them:

The Rev. John Burk

The Rev. Holly Hudson-Louis

The Rev. Cynthia M. Spencer

This past year we offered a heart-felt goodbye to The Rev. Gwen Buehrens, who relocated to San Francisco.

Reported by the Rev. John Burk

I perceive my role in the life of All Saints’ as participant observer. I am part of the congregation, however, as a

retired clergyman also stand outside the congregation. I am not a lay person and my role, while overlapping that of

any member of the congregation is different. We are a church made up of three orders of clergy and lay

people. Each group has distinct roles and rules. I attend All Saints both because I am more comfortable here than in

any of the other local parishes and because All Saints’ seems to need gifts that I can offer.

My primary role is to support the rector and as far as possible to strive to strengthen the Episcopal understanding of

the Faith within this congregation. I have attempted to make myself available to assist the rector in whatever way

my services can best fit within the program he wishes to promote. To date my contributions have been chiefly

liturgical, conducting services and being present at fund raisers and community outreach activities. My strengths are

not pastoral although in emergencies - I can rise to the occasion. I studiously avoid both parish and diocesan

politics. I have no desire to promote any agenda other than my own personal perception of the directions necessary

for Christian continuation in our time and place.

I do not desire any personal remuneration for my services as a clergyman. I agree that supply clergy should be paid

and thus I donate any stole fees which I receive to church related charities.


Reported by the Rev. Holly Hudson-Louis

I am now in my ninth year serving as the chaplain at All Saints' Day School. As an associate priest at the church,

and as the chaplain of the school, I am a bridge person, or ambassador, of both places. As such, I welcome this

opportunity to write a report for our annual meeting so as to not just give our church community a picture of my

work as a chaplain, but to highlight our school’s religious education program.

My responsibilities include planning and leading our chapel program that begins our school mornings, four days

a week. Chapels include an opening sentence, collect of the day ("gathering prayer"), a song or songs (depending on

the day), birthday prayers, announcements and either a presentation (student or teacher led) or a Bible based

reflection given by me or Fr. Rick. The full community, grades 1st - 8th, plus teachers and some parents, attend

Chapel. On Thursday, the ECU (Early Childhood Unit) joins us in our weekly school Songfest. Once a month we

have Holy Communion.

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As the chaplain, I'm also a teacher. My work involves developing and planning curriculum, as well as teaching

Religious Studies, grades ECU through 5th. In first grade our theme is "The Family of God.” In second grade it’s

the "Heroes and Heroine of the Bible.” In third we focus on "The Life of Jesus and the Stories He Told." In fourth

grade we delve into "The Saints of God" and in fifth we return to Jesus using a more mature version of the Bible.

As Department Chair I also oversee Religious Studies in the Upper Grades, which includes "Archeology of the

Bible" (sixth), "Comparative Religions" (seventh) and "Practical Ethics" (eighth).

I work with a team that plans our biggest school services that take place at the church. These include Lessons and

Carols and Graduation. Pastoral care of our school community is also my responsibility, as well as special liturgical

services, as needed. In December, we jointly held the St. Nicholas Party at the church. Both church and school

leaders were involved in the planning and execution of this wonderful program, and families from the school and the

parish attended.

The 2014 year was particularly memorable as Michele Rench, Head of School, and I flew to Cambridge University,

England, to participate in a collaborative program called, “Teaching our Own and Other Faiths in

Schools: International Issues in Religious Education.” We went at the invitation of Laurie Boone (former ASDS

Head of School, 1977-1995) to be among those representatives from Christian, Muslim, and Jewish schools both in

the U.S. and England. Our three days in Cambridge were spent visiting local schools (Religious Education is taught

through high school in public and private schools) working collaboratively on creating a new toolkit of best

practices, and listening to the best minds in Britain present the newest ideas in religious education.

Michele and I affirmed from this experience that our approach to Religious Studies, as well as the inter-faith

conversations in class and in Chapel, gives our children a strong foundation of understanding of people of all

faiths. This developing collaboration will continue to bring our school new insights and teaching tools, more

friendship and discussions across religions.

Last November, our Character Education teacher, Deanna Cleary, and I traveled to Anaheim to participate and

present at the National Association of Episcopal Schools Biennial Conference. Along with David Streight, the

director of The Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education, we led a workshop entitled, “Character Education and

Educating the Spirit: It’s Not the 1990’s Anymore.” David Streight wrote this description for our presentation: “It

will show how chapel integrates well with new (character education) trends, and will offer examples from one of the

most comprehensive programs in North American of how the work of chaplains, character educators, and classroom

teachers are as complementary as they are beneficial to the school’s mission.” Deanna and I felt honored that our

program was described as such!

I’m looking forward to seeing how the 2015 year will develop.

In Peace,

Chaplain Holly Hudson-Louis+

Reported by the Rev. Cynthia M. Spencer

Through March of last year, I served as Vicar of Santa Lucia, but needed to return to being retired. To ease the

transition, I continued to be in charge of camping through June. I was happy to serve as a non-stipendiary retired

associate priest of All Saints’. You are my spiritual family. I was happy to provide pastoral care, especially when Fr.

Rick was away. I served in the liturgy, both here and at Santa Lucia. Other activities and ministry highlights include

leading Heathy Saints Hikes, participating in Le Salon des Artistes, leading the calling for a pictorial directory, and

organizing the Christmas caroling. CMS+

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The Staff Team Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Our staff served you well this past year. In the midst of transition, we were served well by former and

current staff. This past year we said thank you and goodbye to Robin Denney (youth), Mother Cynthia M. Spencer

(Santa Lucia), Greg Troxell (administration). We welcomed Stephanie Rosenbaum as a temporary administrator.

We were also privileged to welcome Duane Gomes and his wife Pat as Camp caretakers and hosts, Ray Krise as

part-time administrator, and Jennifer Suttie as youth leader.

All of our staff proved themselves to be dedicated and faithful, and we owe them a debt of gratitude:

Current Staff and Employees:

Pedro Cavrera

Raul Garcia

Duane Gomes (and Pat Gomes)

Kathy Kirkwood

Ray Krise

Pam Lawrence

Maria Medina

Lin Sponsler

Jennifer Suttie

Richard Wilson

Reported by Maria Medina, Child Care Provider

In 2014, I continued to provide nursery for the children at All Saints’. In the beginning of the year I also organized

and provided Godly play lessons. I also organized and coordinated the Easter Egg Hunt, art activities, nursery

supplies, and snacks.

Reported by Administrative Coordinator: Ray Krise

It has been my very great pleasure and blessing to be with you these last six months of 2014. I have met many

wonderful people here at All Saints’, which has made my “newness” at the job seem “old hat” in no time. Thanks

for including me into the community so warmly and with understanding. I will continue to learn about the affairs of

Church as we traverse the calendar year together in 2015. My goal from the beginning has been to do everything I

can on the administrative side to advance the mission of All Saints’ Episcopal Church. That is my continuing




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Worship Commission Reported by Susan Britton

The Worship Commission entered the New Year with a series of new ideas and challenges which included changes

in membership, welcoming new members to the commission, a new head for the ushers, and exploring ways to

attract more families to the parish while offering innovative "classes"--improving parenting skills--and projects.

The Commission went "green" during the summer by eliminating the all-inclusive bulletins--using less paper and

saving money--and printing brief outlines instead.

Also during the summer we sent out an invitation to parents (both new and regular) to explore the idea of a

children's church to augment the morning services. This culminated in a series of lunches and meetings, coordinated

by our Youth Minster, for parents and their children to explore the feasibility of this idea. It is an exciting work in


Meanwhile, Liturgical Arts spent time spiffing up materials used during the year for celebrations--candlesticks and

holders and other special projects.

Many thanks to commission members, who have served us so well: Fr. Rick (rector), Seth Eury (ushers), Nancy

Bernhard (drama), Kathy Kirkwood (music), Gillian Byrd (8:00 LEMs, lectors, and ushers), Andrea Matters (altar

guild), Jennifer Suttie (acolytes and youth), Elizabeth McInnis (LEMs and lectors), Richard Wilson (music), Susan

Britton (design). Thanks also to all the volunteers who give of time, ideas and energy to make our services more

meaningful--Epiphany, Lent and Palm Sunday, Easter Vigil and Services, Advent and the Christmas season. Each

and all offer members and visitors alike a new and meaningful experience at All Saints’.

St. Anne’s Altar Guild

Reported by Valerie Warren

St. Anne's Altar Guild members prepare all the things necessary for the celebration of the Eucharist and any other

sacraments and offices of All Saints' Church.

In 2014 our members were Andrea Matters, Mila Murphy (also Flower Chairman), Elizabeth Sebring, Rosemary

Smith, and Valerie Warren; in addition, we were very happy to add two new members: Candace DiLello and Ashley

Eury. Special thanks to Sameera Sharif and Gillian Byrd for helping with special events. Gillian also helped with

the 8:00 am services.

We are most grateful for the support and donations of weekly altar flowers, the flowers and greens at Easter and

Christmas, and for monetary donations to the Altar Guild throughout the year.

The ministry of the Altar Guild is sometimes forgotten because of the dedication of its members, but guild work is a

true service and loving labor offered to God. If you would like to join the Altar Guild, please contact Father Rick.

Altar Flowers

|Reported by Mila Murphy

Fresh flowers or greens are placed adjacent to the high altar every Sunday except during Lent. Parishioners and

others are encouraged to make contributions for the purchase of these flowers, a loving and lovely way to honor

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someone, to commemorate a special occasion or to give thanks. Gifts are acknowledged in the Sunday bulletins, or

may be made anonymously.

During 2014 donations were received for about one-fourth of the Sundays, and we very much appreciate these

contributions from the generous donors. Please consider making a donation for that special occasion during 2015.

A calendar for signing up to make contributions is on the bulletin board in the back of the church. The minimum

contribution is $70.

Acolyte Ministry

Reported by Jennifer Suttie

Our youth contribute to and deepen the worship experience of the congregation. Thank you to all our acolytes and

youth lectors for their service! Thank you to Claudia Ward for her continued support and training.

Ministry Team members included: Jennifer Suttie, Claudia Ward, Jordan Willeford, Andi Jo Suttie, Sophia Davies,

Rachel Sizemore, and Madeleine Fontenay.


Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

We are blessed with many lectors. Mike Raggett, Gillian Bird, Bill Reed, and Sameera Sharif read at 8:00 this past

year. The following people read at 10:30: Alison Craig, Nancy Bernhard, Elizabeth McInnis, Bob Nielsen, Gwyn

Romano Izzi Shillinglaw, Michael Sizemore, Rachel Sizemore, Grace Sizemore, Susan Sonnthal, Jennifer Suttie,

Grace Swearingen, Claudia Ward, Rodney Warren, and Richard Wilson. At the 5:30 Eucharist Dick Barrett read,

with Elizabeth Barratt substituting when Dick was away. Several of the 10:00 a.m. lectors have read at Evensong.

We thank you all, and we thank Mike Raggett and Elizabeth McInnis for managing the rotas.

Eucharistic Ministers

Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

The Eucharistic Ministers at the 8:00 a.m. Sunday service were again organized by Mike Raggett. Gillian Byrd and

Bill Reed joined him in serving at the altar and reading the lessons. Frank Graham began to serve, but soon left the


The Eucharistic Ministers at 10:30 a.m. Sundays served faithfully throughout 2014. This team welcomed Candace

DiLello and Jennifer Suttie. Two of their members left, Louis Powell changed church because of employment, and

Robin Denney left for seminary. We are well served by: Candace DiLello, Elizabeth McInnis, Jim Shillinglaw,

Lorrie Sizemore, Susan Stanton, and Jennifer Suttie.

A special thank-you goes to Elizabeth McInnis, who schedules both the Eucharistic Ministers and the lectors. Thank

you, Elizabeth!

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Music at All Saints’

Reported by Kathy Kirkwood

Make a joyful noise, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Psalm 100

Music is a vital part of the liturgy and ministry. The Chancel Choir has risen to the challenge of fewer singers by

becoming a versatile, musical ensemble, offering more than 36 new anthems this past year. Our heartfelt thanks goes

to Lynette Culbert, Pam Lawrence, Grace Swearingen, Claudia Ward, sopranos; Andrea Matters, alto; Elizabeth

McInnis, Nancy Jones, Dave Keaton, tenors; and Rodney Warren, bass, for their talent, commitment

and enthusiasm. Recorders (Grace and Andrea), harp (Claudia) plus conga drum, violin, flute and handbells added

beauty and special sounds (joyful, not noisy!)

We are fortunate to have the musical leadership of Richard Wilson. His extensive repertoire, inspiring playing and

ability to adapt "on the spot" are much appreciated. Choral Evensong has been offered each month all year with the

Choir joined by singers from other parishes and choral groups. Lessons and Carols in December filled the choir loft

with 17 singers. Pam Lawrence provides beautiful music for the other 5:30 services and fills in when needed

on Sunday mornings. The new First Sunday Singers, comprised of Savannah Allen, Jeanette Felmice-Gartner, Grace

Sizemore, Rachel Sizemore and Andi Jo Suttie, delighted the congregation with anthems on the first Sunday

of October through December. On Christmas Eve, Rachel and Grace stayed late after helping at the Pageant to

sing with the Choir. We are very appreciative of the talent of these young singers and look forward to their

participation in services this year.

2014 was a year of transitions. Peter Tuff, baritone extraordinaire, relocated to wintry MN, Anne Sibley, children's

choir director, is pursuing her promising singing career and Harrison Shields, with his fine tenor voice and good

humor, is livening up the "company of heaven" with his presence. Other choir members and musicians have moved

from our area or made a decision to share their “joyful noise” elsewhere. They are greatly missed and

we appreciated all their musical gifts during their time with us.

The musicians at All Saints' serve with gladness! Interested singers are welcome to meet with me to sing through a

favorite hymn for vocal range, pitch recognition and section placement. You also may find your place in the choir to

sing Alleluias throughout the year (except in Lent) and nourish your spiritual journey by humming Sunday's

anthem throughout the week -- quite often until the following Sunday.


Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Mike Raggett organized the ushers Sundays, at 8:00. The team included Gillian Bird, Matthew Cornachio and

Chelsea Brestwer, Don and Judy Kirk, Hans Lehmann, Mike Raggett, and Sameera Sharif. Seth Eury coordinated

the 10:30 ushers. That team included Don Britton, Amy Carroll, Travis Chambers, Josh Green, Dave McClendon,

and Jenny Nobis. Elizabeth Barratt is our usher at the 5:30 p.m. Eucharistic services. Various people ushered at

Evensong, including Amy Carroll and Travis Chambers. We thank you for your service.

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Community Commission Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Building a greater sense of community was identified by the vestry, through conversations in the parish, as a top

priority both in 2013 and 2014. Last year the vestry started quarterly Welcoming Dinners to bring together new and

current members. Through the inspiration of Sherry Shollenbarger we started a tradition of an Advent Dinner.

Unfortunately, the greeting ministry petered out in 2014. At the end of the year, we changed the system for

volunteering to host after the 10:30 service, which proved successful. Thank you to all of the people who have

coordinated, helped, promoted, or attended the many occasions at which members have enjoyed each other’s

company. Among many, special recognition goes to Susan Britton, Sameera Sharif, and Gwyn Romano.

Traditions and Special Events in 2014

Jan. 2 to Feb. 9: Pancake breakfast Sunday mornings

Jan. 26 Potluck lunch with Annual Meeting

March 4: Shrove Tuesday pancake supper

March 12 to April 9: Lenten soup suppers

March 30: Goodbye potluck lunch for Greg Troxell

April 19: Easter Feast

April 20: Easter Egg hunt

May 5: Picnic at Santa Lucia

May 18: Goodbye reception and commissioning of Robin Denney

June 29: Barbecue for families

July 8 to August 1: Hospitality to Carmel Bach Festival

July 13: Goodbye reception for Rev. Gwen

August 2: Picnic at Santa Lucia

August 17: Parish Discernment potluck and meeting

Sept. 14: Parish Discernment meeting

Oct. 25 to Nov. 4: Ministry Fair

Nov. 4: All Saints’ Celebration dinner with Bishop Mary

Dec. 7: Reception following Advent Lessons & Carols

Dec. 10: Advent dinner

December 20: Greening party

December 20: Christmas caroling

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Year Around Events in 2014

Le Salon des Artistes

Coffee Hour after services

Supper after Evensong

Healthy Saints Hikes

Book club monthly dinners

Welcoming Dinners

Memorial Receptions

All Saints’ Pastoral Care Ministry

Reported by Susan Stanton

The Pastoral Care Ministry at All Saints’ Church offers care for every member of the Congregation in crisis or

circumstances of great stress including physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, or relational dimensions of

living. During the past year members of the Pastoral Care Ministry met to evaluate the effectiveness of our outreach

effort and identify prospective members of the congregation that might feel called to participate in this ministry.

Pastoral care lies with every member of our All Saints’ congregation and not just with Father Rick or the ordained

ministry of the church. Creating and nurturing a congregational culture of deep respect and compassionate concern

for every life is at the heart of being a people who proclaim Christ’s love. During the past year, the All Saints’

Pastoral Care Ministry provided Holy Communion to those members who were unable to come to church;

conducted hundreds of home or hospital visits; sent cards with expressions of care; made numerous referrals to

professional care or community agencies and provided transportation to obtain needed resources.

Our Ministerial Care team is always looking for new people who are willing and able to devote a few hours each

month providing outreach service to any member of All Saints’ in need of assistance or just needing a friendly face

during a time of crisis. If you are interested in joining this Ministry,

contact Susan Stanton at [email protected] or give me a call at 602-622-0682.

Discipleship Commission

Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Many people taught classes and led groups in our ministry of education and Christian formation: Ed Fincke, Frank

Graham, Donald Williamson, Josfina Camacho, Rachel Dexter, Bill Reed, Kathy Nielsen, Al Alvarez, Sofia Osborn,

Claudia Ward, Wanda Green, Candace DiLello. We also welcomed Bp. Mary, Canon Reyes, and Canon Nordwick,

who each taught one of our Lenten classes. In addition, staff members Maria Medina, Greg Troxell, Jennifer Suttie,

and Fr. Rick taught classes and led seminars.

Baptismal preparation

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Bible study on Wednesdays

Bible study on Sundays

Bonhoeffer’s Life Together, series one

Bonhoeffer’s Life Together, series two

Book Club


Friends of St. Benedict

Instructed Eucharist

The Gospel According to St. Matthew series one

The Gospel According to St. Matthew series two

Lenten series

Spirituality covenant group

St. Nicholas Celebration

Young Mother’s covenant group

Youth group meetings

Prayerful Yoga

Reported by Beth Lefebvre

In this modern world of constant demands and stimulation, the practice of yoga offers a reset on life. This gentle

self-care practice connects breath with conscious movement, allowing the connection of body, mind and spirit. This

union ultimately brings one to a stillness, where God consciousness is achieved; where the inner light of the

individual reflects the light of Christ. This offers a deeply healing experience to be enjoyed by all.

Our group consists of both parish and non-parish participants and requires no prior yoga experience. Please join us

on Monday nights at 5:30 pm for gentle vinyasa yoga led by Beth Lefebvre, ERYT200 Yoga instructor.

Book Club

Reported by Kathy Nielsen

The All Saints’ Book Club has been in operation for thirteen years. The group, which currently includes about 20

members, meets in the church library the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 to share a potluck meal and to

discuss the current book selection. The Book Club provides an enriching, educational and inspiring opportunity to

read and grow. The members look forward to discovering news ways of thinking and to opening themselves to the

possibilities of change. The Book Club chooses a variety of books: spiritual, fiction, and non-fiction. Please contact

Kathy Nielsen ([email protected]) to learn more about this group.

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Children/Youth Ministry

Reported by Jennifer Suttie

Ministry Leader: Jennifer Suttie

The youth ministry has had good participation for up to six team members during the year, and is currently at a low

of two members. We had several new members attend this year.

· Youth group meets weekly after the 10:30am service

· First Diocesan committee meeting to bring sharing and new ideas across the diocese

· Diocesan camping trip

· Week-long summer mission trip to El Salvador

· Week-long summer mission trip to SSP

· Nativity Play directed by Alex Davies

· Fund raising included selling candy, crayon artwork to sell and making wreaths

· New biblical study program - Echo the Story

· Confirmation classes begin in February

· New Mind, Body, Soul program began in January

· Youth helped with children’s worship

· Children’s worship program began in September

Thank you to Alex Davies, Rachel Mundell, Sheila Camacho, Andi Jo Suttie, Josefina and Vincent Camacho, Lori

and Michael Sizemore, Grace and Rachel Sizemore, Merlinda Medina, Maia Medina, Melissa Kotelec, Lilly Green,

Judie Moore, and Holly Hudson-Louis for your help, participation and support! I would especially like to thank the

All Saints’ congregation for their support of the mission.

Bach to the Future

Reported by Grace Swearingen

Carteena Robohm is the Founder and Director of Bach to the Future. This musical program for children, ages 5

through 13 year olds took place at All Saints’ in Seccombe Hall for two weeks in the summer during the Bach

Festival, 9 AM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday, July 21-26 and July 28-August 1. The number was approximately

25 students each week participating. The emphasis was on voice work for the children, but they had many

opportunities to learn and practice the details of musical development, e.g. singing and memorizing songs from the

early music styles, rhythm games, creative movement, oral presentations by musicians and singers from the Bach

Festival. A number of members from All Saints’ assisted in numerous ways. The children offered choral music for

the Sunday services, July 27 and August 3.

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Lenten Program

Reported by Ed Fincke

Our Lenten Program began the day after our Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. The supper featured crepes (they’re

pancakes too) with savory fillings, organized by Claudia Ward, Susan Sonnthal and others. The high-note of the

evening was the talent show, starring our own gifted parishioners.

The Lenten Program provided fellowship and spiritual growth, and consisted of Wednesday evening soup suppers

followed by presentations. Folks signed up to cook their tastiest soups, and mix their best salads.

The theme of the presentations was “Learning,” and included the following: Learning Through Contemplative

Prayer, by Bishop Mary; Learning to Be Partners In Community at All Saints’, by Fr. Jesus Reyes; Learning

Through Three Generations of Family Experience, by Donald Williamson; Learning Through Mistakes and Failures,

by Fr. Brian Nordwick; and, Learning Through Listening, by Ed Fincke.

Wednesday evenings during Lent were a time of togetherness, and personal growth.

Friends of St. Benedict

Reported by Bill Reed

The Friends of St Benedict meets once monthly for common prayer, study and discussion, usually on the third

Wednesday of each month. We celebrate Evening Prayer together. including silent Lectio Divina after hearing the

Gospel. We read classic historical and contemporary Christian spiritual literature together. We support each other

in our endeavor to incorporate monastic and Benedictine wisdom into our practice of the Christian life.

Stewardship Commission Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Started in 2014, the commission serves to provide teaching on the spiritual basis of giving. It will lead us in year-

round conversations on stewardship and our mission. The commission oversees our annual giving appeal, as well as

our planned giving. Current members are: Jane Gifford, Wanda Green, Peter Jessie, and Fr. Rick. In the coming

months, the vestry will be recruiting additional members to this important ministry.

Outreach Commission Reported by Nancy Jones

The Outreach Commission continues to meet monthly to review and coordinate upcoming outreach events as well as

prayerfully consider the needs of our community. In 2014, our major accomplishments included:

Held third annual Small Bites for Big Hunger, raising significant funds for Outreach. This event featured

celebrity chefs providing food, wineries pouring wine, a silent auction and a live auction. Cash donations

were provided to a number of local charities from these funds.

Approximately 30 food bags per month are given from the church office. Donations were received from

Congregation Beth Israel and members of our parish.

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Provided 200 food boxes for Easter and Christmas.

26 men from the Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program (I-HELP) were fed and housed in

Seccombe Hall, the fourth Friday every month (moving to the second Monday in 2015).

Collected Christmas children’s gifts, all to Epiphany this year. In addition to a large and generous

contribution of toys and clothing, we were able to purchase gift cards this year.

Continued with California Friends of St. Patrick’s School, Lacorbe, Haiti. CFSP is a joint effort of All

Saints’ Church, All Saints’ Day School, St. Edwards’ San Jose, and St. Jude the Apostle in Cupertino).

Our funds this year supported teachers’ salaries. Fr. Lazard from St. Patrick’s preached at All Saints’ on 26

January and attended the annual parish meeting. Lenten boxes were collected for Haiti.

Provide lunches at the All Saints’ Arts and Crafts Faire, using these proceeds to support outreach efforts.

Through service on the Board of Directors of Interfaith Outreach of Carmel (IOC) and volunteering at their

Joining Hands Benefit Shops, helped develop this organization that promotes interfaith activity in the

community and earns funds to prevent homelessness.

Fine Arts & Crafts Faire

Reported by Jim Shillinglaw

The 18th presentation of the Fine Arts and Crafts Faire was held on Saturday, November 22 this year. We had 30

vendors assigned to spaces in Seccombe Hall and the patio outside for an event time of 9am to 3pm. Light rain

continued most of the day, but shoppers were undeterred, and we enjoyed a spinoff of customers from the City of

Carmel’s similar event at Sunset Center the same day. Our vendors, who offered only handmade items, were very

enthusiastic, and did quite well as we reviewed their comments after the Faire.

Funds raised for the church are derived from the fees we ask vendors to donate to All Saints’ for selling space for

the day. The vendors keep whatever sales they make. This year’s collection of fees was designated for the Outreach

Commission, which they will use for the various ministries they perform. Outreach Commission provided light

lunches for $5.00 each, and a bake sale table had only a few items left at sale end.

Thank you Elaine Stanton, Elizabeth Barrett, Izzi Shillinglaw, Raul Garcia, Dave McClendon and all the members

of the Outreach Commission for the loving work done to pull off another successful Faire. May the Lord bless us

with a few new and eager volunteers to help next year.

St. Patrick’s Haiti

Reported by Rosemary Smith

The school year ended in June with 80% of the students passing to the next level. The fall enrollment was 180

children with a staff of 12 plus a “medical helper”. California Friends of St. Patrick’s, of which All Saints’ is a

member, managed to pay the teachers’ salaries, provide books and school materials and fund an enrichment trip to

the History Museum in Port-au-Prince for the 6th grade students and their teachers. All Saint’s Outreach

Commission and donations from parish members provided for two and a quarter months salaries and helped with the

field trip expenses. St. Jude’s Church provided $1,200. to Junior Derose who is in a four year program in agronomy.

His parents were able to provide only one half of the monies needed and he was packing to come home when Fr.

Lazard bought news of his scholarship. Fr. Lazard said he was “unable to find words.” $250.00 was awarded to

Mona Fleurine who has two more years of study in order to become a teacher.

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The Vestry Reported by Wanda Green

It has been an honor to serve as Senior Warden this year. Assisting All Saints’ in preparing for the future has been a

main theme in the vestry. We started this year with the Annual Vestry Retreat held at the Day School the first

weekend in February. As we got to know each other better, we also set some priorities and goals for the year. Soon

after the retreat was Father Rick’s sabbatical, where we were privileged to assist with hosting the Lenten Suppers as

well as hearing many of our associate priests bring wonderful messages from the pulpit. During that time as well,

we made some staff changes. These were necessary due to reductions in the budget. Budget discussions and cost

cutting were paramount in vestry discussions this year and led us to ending the year financially positively.

In the middle part of the year, the vestry entered a Discernment period. We hired a consultant, Dennis Romley, who

led us through a series of workshops regarding change and moving forward in a positive manner. We held two

discernment conversations to listen to the congregation and have them assist us in planning for the future. In

October we held another discussion regarding the outcomes and our plans for how to use the information that was

obtained. That report is published in this booklet, so I won’t repeat it. It’s exciting stuff and I hope the congregation

will assist in helping the vestry to follow through with those plans. During this period we also transitioned our

treasurer from Jackie Graham to David McClendon.

The last part of the year has found us launching the Stewardship campaign for 2015, having discussions related to

the Investments of the parish, and the legal responsibilities of needing vestry members on the Investment committee,

and discussing ways to increase attendance. I would like to thank my fellow vestry members for their commitment

and dedication during this past year. Though some of them were not able to serve with us for the entire year, each of

them contributed something to the process of making All Saints what it is today. Those members included: David

McClendon, Mitzi Daly, Frank Graham, Bill Mattmiller, Elaine Stanton, Susan Stanton, Susan Britton, Susan

Sonnthal, Sameera Sharif, Nancy Jones, and Claudia Ward.

Wanda Green

Sr. Warden

Discernment Meeting Vestry Follow-Up Report

Reported by Wanda Green

Two discernment meetings were held in August and September of 2014. At these two meetings, the congregation

was invited to offer feedback to the vestry. Three questions were presented in a small table discussion format with

the accumulation of answers being offered to the group at large. The vestry listened intently to the answers of those

questions. After the meetings, each response was placed into a category. The categories were not pre-determined

but rather formed as groups of responses emerged. The results are as follows:

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After the data had been correlated and the biggest groups of responses identified, the vestry took the four biggest

groups (with the exception of “Other” which was a compilation of all the single responses) and looked at the

individual responses in each section. As we read through these columns of data, themes began to emerge in each

category. From these themes, the vestry began to establish objectives for the coming year. After the objectives had

been written, we established a priority list and a time line. The objectives in priority order are as follows:

Instill a greater sense of community within our membership

Ensure all members feel their pastoral needs are met

Establish an organized welcoming community

Form a parish/school relations committee

Grow youth and education opportunities

Increase web and social media presence

Develop a plan for the church organ

Define and publicize our core values

The following timeline is our guide for initiating our priories:

SPRING 2015:

• Increase the sense of community within our membership by establishing Covenant and Affinity

groups, exploring Sunday Forums, and inviting members to plan social events for the Parish

• Organize a Welcoming Ministry

• Explore options and create a plan for replacing the organ










Out Reach3%



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• Increase ASA to 130

SUMMER 2015:

• Meet all Pastoral Care needs of the Congregation including increasing Pastoral care team, and create a

Celebrations ministry

• Increase Youth and Family Programming by working with the current youth leader to increase current

programming, and explore initiating a Family Eucharist between ASDS and ASEC

• Initiate a Parish/School Relation Committee

• Increase our interaction with the local community by increasing our web presence and increasing our


WINTER 2015/2016:

• Define and publicize our core values to assist with building healthy relationships between the

congregation and the leadership team

• Increase ASA to 160

This has been a labor of love on the part of the vestry and we are now ready to ask for the assistance of the

congregation to make it all happen. The following three items are ways the congregation can be involved in making

this a successful venture.

1) Complete a TIME/TALENT/INTEREST sheet and return it to the church. This is the best way to get

involved with All Saints and for us to prioritize new opportunities for the membership and outside


2) PLEDGE. New programs and initiatives sound great, but if we can’t pay for them, they can’t happen.

Knowing how much money we will have in the coming year will greatly help us with starting new

programs or continuing old ones.

3) PARTICIPATE. We hope all of you will find activities and groups at All Saint’s that speak to you

spiritually and socially. Come and bring your friends to something you haven’t tried before- you never

know when God will speak to you.

On behalf of the vestry, I thank all of you for your participation in this process and I hope you will find increasing

ways to participate in our amazing community.

Wanda Green, Sr. Warden

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Treasurer’s Report Year-End 2014

Reported by Dave McClendon

Having taken the reins from Jackie Graham, our former Treasurer, on Oct. 1, 2014, I had to pretty much hit the

ground running to get us to the finish line at year’s end. With the help of an outstanding crew of team members and

also being able to dust off some long dormant life skills that I do have, we navigated the final three months of the

year successfully as mentioned in my Finance Report. This was only possible because of Church wide participation

by everyone who lent their support when it was needed most in December. It would never be possible to thank all of

them too many times, so I will continue to do so. As for the aforementioned crew, they are bookkeeper Lin Sponsler,

fellow Finance member Nan Walker, who is also a counter of funds, and the other fund counters, Warren Bartle and

Mike Raggett. I deeply appreciate the opportunity to be entrusted by the Vestry to serve in this capacity and look

forward to a challenging and rewarding 2015. Bless you all.


INCOME: Actual YTD Budget

2014 Pledges $176,053.59 $200,000.00

Other Operating Income $78,797.19 $93,100.00

Total Operating Income $254,850.78 $293,100.00

Revenue Other $63,101.64 $66,045.00

Trust Revenues $155,048.35 $155,150.00

Total Income $473,000.77 $514,295.00


Areas of Ministry $101,988.77 $130,438.00

Committees $47,292.63 $53,720.00


Payroll $270,504.39 $274,896.32

Administrative $47,023.59 $53,880.00

Total Operations $317,527.98 $328,776.32

Operations - Other (loan interest) $2,578.09 $1,000.00

Total Expense $469,387.47 $513,934.32

Net $3,613.30 $360.68

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Finance Year End Report 2014

Reported by Dave McClendon, Finance Chairman

It has been a challenging year here at All Saints’ from a financial perspective, as our original budget

projections at the start of 2014 were affected by various events that transpired through the course of the year. With

the tremendous support, discipline and much sacrifice on the part of ALL of our Church members, we were able to

close the year in the black with a modest surplus of $3,613.30, an extraordinary result, all things considered. Having

thanked everyone as a group, I want to specifically identify the outstanding members of our Committee, whose

tireless and diverse contributions have shaped our journey through the year. They are Al Alvarez, Fr. Rick Matters,

Larry Osborne, Susan Stanton and Nan Walker. These individuals made a great team and it was my honor and

privilege to be their Chairman as I will now be rotating off the Vestry after completing my third year as a member of

that body. However, I will be continuing to serve on the Committee as Church Treasurer. For the next chapter of my

ongoing service, see the Treasurer’s Report herein. Bless you all and let’s have a good year in 2015.


INCOME: Actual YTD Budget

2015 Pledges $154,500.00

Other Operating Income $63,750.00

Total Operating Income $218,250.00

Revenue Other $73,036.00

Trust Revenues $148,800.00

Total Income $440,086.00


Areas of Ministry $76,277.20

Committees $58,186.00


Payroll $253,515.73

Administrative $49,350.00

Total Operations $302,865.73

Operations - Other (loan interest) $1,505.00

Total Expense $438,833.93

Net $1,252.07

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Building and Grounds Committee

Reported by Jim Shillinglaw

Committee Members: Michael Carter (chair), Donald Kirk, Elaine Stanton, Grace Nola, Raul Garcia, Nan Walker,

and Jim Shillinglaw. Advisor: Fr. Rick Matters.

Activity was lively during the year with several needed upgrades and repairs completed. Most of the labor was

provided by Raul Garcia, our sexton, and Pedro Cabrera, who tends to the gardens and landscaping; some was

provided by outside contractors. Many other projects were deferred due to a lack of funding, but none of these was

considered critical, with the possible exception of the upgrade to the Lincoln Street sidewalk, railing and lighting, all

necessary improvements which will contribute to nighttime safety.

Accomplishments during 2014:

1. Outside lighting on corner of Lincoln and 9th improved.

2. Wooden Cross above entryway to church refinished.

3. External office entry floor mat purchased by Committee member.

4. Repaving of driveway completed.

5. New and safer tall ladder purchased.

6. Garden patio light repaired.

7. Repair of Lincoln Street sidewalk railing with more ambitious upgrade deferred.

8. Rectory drip system repaired.

9. Permit for renovation of Chalet granted by city of Carmel and construction begun.

10. Emergency lights and lighted exit signs installed in church and Seccombe Hall.

11. Design of architectural rendering of columbarium being drafted by contractor.

The Committee lost four members this year due to resignations: Don Kirk, Elaine Stanton, Mike Carter and Grace

Nola. If the Lord is moving you to contribute by serving on this committee, we would be glad to have you join us.

The Chalet

Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Through the generous dedication of Elizabeth and Dick Barratt, the chalet is being remodeled and repaired. The

progress has been thorough, with the city permit process slowing us down, and costing us money. This included

confirming that the chalet was not an historic property. The vestry also investigated the tax issues of renting the

property to non-staff members. But the permits are in place, and construction is underway. The results will be a safer

and more comfortable apartment. The Barratts will resume serving as landlords on behalf of the vestry, and already

have a tenant chosen. Join the vestry in thanking Elizabeth and Dick Barratt for the many hours, and thousands of

dollars they are donating to this project.

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Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Guided by the inspiration and dedication of Jana Gill, we are returning to a dream that began many years ago. The

courtyard outside of Grant Hall is being designed as a columbarium area of prayer and beauty. By using the existing

walls, and expanding the garden area, we will avoid permit requirements. We are envisioning niches for containers

of ashes to be placed under tiles in the courtyard, as well as garden space for stirring ashes in the ground. A plaque

for names is being planned. Concept drawings will soon be available. Bylaws will be developed for care in

perpetuity, with a designated endowment fund generated by money from those who purchase space and from


Governance Committee of the Vestry

Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Last year’s vestry chose not to have the Governance Committee serve.

Human Resource Committee

Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Even though the vestry did not call the Human Resources Committee together, we did hold several successful

searches. We thank the following people for their service: Al Alvarez, Julie Aulenta, Bill Mattmiller, Wanda Green,

Ed Fincke, Jim Shillinglaw, Josh Green, Reed Cripe, and Fr. Rick.

Strategic Planning Committee

Reported by the Rev. Rick Matters

Last year’s vestry chose not to have the Strategic Planning Committee serve.

Investment Committee

Reported by Wanda Green

As was done in previous years, the FTF board served as the Investment Committee for the vestry until November

2014. At that time, it was brought to the attention of the FTF board that there were some legality issues regarding

having an outside group manage the funds of a board where members of the board are not included in the group

managing the funds. At this discovery, the FTF board returned responsibility of the four church investment funds to

the vestry. The vestry has now become the Investment committee and is seeking legal counsel on several options

for future management of the funds. As with the FTF, the four church investments have changed investment

managers this year to High Mark through Union Bank. The new investment profile looks positive for growth into

the future.

Wanda Green

Sr. Warden

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Foundation Trust Fund Board

Reported by Al Alvarez, Chair and President

The Foundation Trust Fund Board/Parish Investment Committee served a dual role managing the funds of the FTF

as well as overseeing the investments the Parish holds in its own name. In November, the FTF resigned its role as

Investment Committee pending a decision by the Vestry regarding how best to organize for this important function

moving forward. In the meantime, the Vestry has assumed the responsibility of acting as the Parish Investment


I am pleased to report a favorable year for the FTF and the Parish Investments as both entities experienced good

results. The FTF continues to help meet operational expenses for the Parish and the Parish Investments hold

endowment funds, the earnings of which are used to support their purposes (grounds, Grant Hall, etc.) Joining me

on the FTF Board in 2014 were Nan Borreson, Nancy Collins, Dave Keaton, Julie Larimer, Mila Murphy and Rusty

Ward. I am grateful for their dedication to this important ministry. Thank you.


Albert J. Alvarez,


Our Missions

Santa Lucia Commission

Reported by Josh Green

With the retirement of Mother Cynthia in March, the former Santa Lucia Commission was reinstated with its

primary responsibilities for camping and caring for the grounds. Its first act was to oversee the hiring of Duane and

Pat Gomes to fill the Santa Lucia caretaker position, which they did so in July. Since then, Duane and Pat have taken

over both maintaining the campsite and the camp's reservation system, and have done a fantastic job in keeping

Santa Lucia a truly special place for the parish to enjoy. Please join us in thanking Reed Cripe, Remy Ryan, Jim

Shillinglaw, Joshua Green, and Susan Sonnthal for their faithful work to support our presence in Big Sur.

Santa Lucia Camp Caretaker and Host

Reported by Duane Gomes

In 2014 Santa Lucia Campground and Chapel was booked for approximately 145 days. The groups that came here

ranged from 2 to 100 people. The groups of visitors included families, youth groups, church groups and more. Santa

Lucia Campground and Chapel allows its visitors to experience the nature and beauty of Big Sur. It also allows for

the various groups of people who visit to build new relationships and memories with a positive influence. During the

summer months there were also church services available on Sundays for any who wanted to attend. Many thanks to

the Chaplains that volunteered.

We had many volunteers who helped build a shed next to the caretaker’s house which is 95% complete. (Just needs

stairs and the front doors mounted) We also have a working washer and dryer on the premises for the caretaker.

On a personal note I want to thank the committee and Father Rick for hiring me to be the new camp host for the

campground and chapel. I also want to thank Josh for all the help he has provided with transitioning me into this

position. It has been a challenging and rewarding experience. I have made some minor improvements to the

grounds, i.e. lights, pathways, painting shed and deck. I hope to continue with the improvements yet maintaining the

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natural beauty of the grounds - along with increasing the number of visitors taking advantage of the experience of

coming here.

Duane Gomes

All Saints’ Episcopal Day School

Reported by Michele Rench, Head of School

It is the mission of All Saints’ Episcopal Day School, in keeping with the Judeo-Christian tradition of love of God,

neighbor, and self, to provide each child the opportunity to develop his or her highest potential to learn, in a

nurturing environment of spiritual growth and service to others.

Core Values

All Saints’ Core Values are the bedrock of our parish school and reflect the sacred trust and responsibility we share

for the growth and development of our young people.

All Saints’ Episcopal Day School:

Nurtures the growth of the whole child

Inspires lives of gratitude and grade

Pursues academic excellence

Fosters freedom of inquiry and ethical expression

Encourages independent thinkers

Challenges students to live courageously

Respects the importance of family and community

Builds a community of service

Honors the sacred dignity of all life

Ignites a life of learning

All Saints’ Episcopal Day School is a pre-K-8 independent day school, a deeply valued educational asset within our

community, and an inclusive expression of Christian outreach. The school accepts academically qualified students

regardless of religious, ethnic, or economic background. All Saints’ values its close relationship with All Saints’

Church. All Saints’ Day School is a member of:

• The National Association of Episcopal Schools

• The National Association of Independent Schools

• The California Association of Independent Schools

• The Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education.

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The Program

The academic program at All Saints’ offers students a course of study that is intellectually challenging and inspires a

love of learning. The School seeks, develops and refines a curriculum that is designed to promote the education of

students who are knowledgeable, questioning, thoughtful and integrated. The curriculum reflects a variety of

approaches to teaching and learning and is continually reviewed in light of educational research and ongoing


Daily Chapel

All Saints’ begins each day (Monday-Thursday) with a morning Chapel to join the community together in song,

work and prayer. Chaplain Holly leads the service and Fr. Rick is a frequent officiate and visitor. Chapel is

designed to:

• Enhance our expression for God’s love and care;

• Deepen our sense of our rich Judeo-Christian heritage and the Episcopal worship tradition;

• Bind us more closely in common concern for each other as school family;

• Help us personally to meet the challenges of daily life and find inner joy and peace.


The All Saints’ Outreach Program provides students the opportunity to serve others. Outreach introduces students to

a variety of service learning experiences including weekly bean bagging, homeless outreach, aid to migrant farm

workers’ families, fellowship with the senior community, supporting a sister school in Haiti and aiding in a number

of projects in Guatemala. Outreach projects take place throughout the school year and involve faculty, students,

staff, and parent volunteers.

Beyond the Classroom

Performing arts, photography, ceramics, music, and dance classes are offered as part of an extracurricular after

school program. Performing arts productions include a fall Shakespeare performance, this year it was The Tempest

as well as our upcoming spring musical, The Wizard of Oz. After school sports include: soccer, basketball, tennis

and golf.

In Closing and in Gratitude…

As a school community, All Saints’ Day School is most grateful for the continuing support of---and our relationship

with--All Saints’ Church, and we look forward to enjoying many opportunities to partner and with the Church in the

New Year.